
bryceguess it doesn't hurt to keep it for now00:00
bryce I've updated this page to latest http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/symptoms_intel.html01:29
jbarnesbryce: wow you've put a lot of work into that01:45
brycewell, at least my scripts put in a lot of work ;-)01:46
jbarnesI see we won't have any shortage of topics at uds01:46
bryceactually Geir and mnemo and others have been working hard getting the appropriate tags added01:46
bryceI did run a script that looks for obvious things like "freeze" or "corrupt" in the subject and add those tags01:47
brycejbarnes: one thing we need to get figured out is whether to target -intel 1.7, 1.8, or 1.9 for karmic01:48
jbarnesright, we can talk about that01:48
jbarnesto kms or not to kms01:48
jbarnesok back to the bbq01:49
tjaaltonbryce: it needs vmmouse_detect from mdetect06:56
brycetjaalton: debian has a hal tool for this now it seems06:57
brycebut I think it hurts nothing to retain mdetect, if we think it's still necessary07:01
bryceI suggested the person attempting the merge doublecheck with you07:02
tjaaltonoh right, the driver includes vmmouse_detect now07:02
tjaaltonso the dep can be dropped07:02
tjaaltonthe hal callout script uses that, but the version in jaunty didn't include vmmouse_detect.c, so the dependency was added07:03
tseliotbryce: are you still there?10:05
tseliotmaybe it's a bit late there10:06
tseliottjaalton: ping10:07
tjaaltontseliot: yo10:07
tseliotcan you sponsor this fix, please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxi/+bug/37371110:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 373711 in libxi "_XiGetDevicePresenceNotifyEvent can't be used from C++" [Medium,In progress]10:07
tseliotthe last debdiff is the right one10:08
tjaaltonthe version is wrong, SRU's should use -xubuntux.110:08
tjaaltonotherwise, sure10:09
tseliotaah, -1ubuntu1.1 ?10:09
tseliotok, let me correct the debdiff10:09
tseliottjaalton: done. Thanks again :-)10:14
tseliotpitti is going to review the SRU today10:14
tseliottjaalton: BTW are you going to the UDS?10:23
tjaaltontseliot: unfortunately not, didn't fit the schedule10:24
tseliotso there will be only 2 X guys at the UDS...10:24
tjaaltonand I think I'll miss the next one too, since I'll be in South Korea the first two weeks of November, so even if they don't overlap it's unlikely I'll get to go to the next UDS :P10:25
tjaaltonyou'll manage ;)10:25
tseliotSouth Korea? On a vacation, I hope ;)10:26
tjaaltonkind of, a choir competition in Busan10:26
* tseliot can't sing...10:28
tjaaltonheh :)10:30
tjaaltonlibxi uploaded10:32
tseliottjaalton: you rock ;)10:32
tjaaltonI know ;)10:34
tseliottjaalton: can you upload the fix to karmic, please?11:25
tseliotpitti thinks it's better this way11:25
Sarvatti think it might be more complicated than just being fast user switch applet now tjaalton, slowdown started up again every time i use sudo and hal-acl-tool runs11:29
tjaaltonSarvatt: it doesn't do that anymore after I removed FUSA from my panel, logged out and back in and added FUSA back11:35
Sarvatti did the same but it popped back up about 12 hours later11:35
Sarvattwell I left it removed since I dont need it11:36
Sarvattso weird, i just did a sudo apt-get install acct so i can track down what its doing and after it lagged through installing that it completely stopped doing it again11:38
Sarvattahh it swapped out a big 400mb chunk at the same time, here comes the intel font corruption :D11:40
tseliottjaalton: did you see my request?11:49
* tseliot is sorry about being a pain11:49
tjaaltontseliot: ah, right11:53
* tjaalton doesn't multitask too well ;)11:53
tjaaltonzsh should tab-complete 'debsign -k...'11:56
james_wyou can set DEBSIGN_KEYID11:57
james_wobviously doesn't help if you have multiple keys though11:57
tjaaltonhmm, fails12:01
tjaaltondoing something wrong12:01
james_wDEBSIGN_KEYID fails?12:04
james_wit's a devscripts option, not an env var12:04
james_wtook me ages to work that one out12:05
james_w% cat ~/.devscripts 12:05
james_wsorry :-)12:05
tjaaltondon't be, this is useful :)12:06
tjaaltonI had that file already with stuff on it12:06
tjaaltonbut didn't remember it12:06
tjaaltontseliot: uploaded12:13
tseliottjaalton: thanks again12:13
tjaaltonoh hmm, forgot the freeze12:14
tjaaltonSarvatt: btw, I don't have hal-acl-tools installed, nor can I find it13:03
Sarvatti was hoping it would be something like this bug since its strange every time its happened has been when i was using sudo or gksudo for something, but it isnt  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/36122313:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 361223 in hal "hal-acl-tool crashed with SIGSEGV in polkit_authorization_db_is_session_authorized()" [Medium,New]13:17
Sarvattdont have time to try to narrow it down anymore today, at least it goes long enough without happening rebooting isnt that much of a hassle :D13:19
tjaaltonright, there it is13:20
tjaaltonwas looking for hal-acl-toolS13:20
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mnemobryce: fyi.. I changed the description for the intel freeze test so it recommends .30-rc5 instead of .30-rc222:43
brycemnemo: alright, thanks22:43
mnemobryce: to facilitate LTS -> LTS upgrades, will it be necessary to fix and SRU all bugs that make X unbootable for intrepid and jaunty? I mean even for stuff like openchrome etc ? I guess so right?23:15
mnemoor does it skip right to the new LTS packages?23:16

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