[00:33] Mamarok: ping [00:33] kb9vqf: ping [00:33] daskreech: pong [00:34] how are you? [00:34] Doing OK [00:34] * kb9vqf is sorta on vacation.... [00:35] Sorta? [00:35] Well, on vacation from work, but still doing work-related things. Yuck. [00:35] astromme: Ping [00:35] Wonderful isn't it? [00:35] :) [00:35] dasKreech: pong [00:36] astromme: How much Mem does nepomuk normally consume for you? [00:36] kb9vqf: Hows your server been holding up? [00:36] Pretty good now; the downloads have trailed off a bit [00:36] 4000+ downloads of the final version! [00:37] Ugh Ok never mind that's bad astromme [00:37] dasKreech: Right now I'm at 300 MB for it [00:37] ? [00:37] My friend just came back in from work and messaged me. Nepomuk is using up 430 MB of RAM [00:37] I should say... NepomukServicesStub is using 300 [00:37] And iirc that is strigi [00:38] not nepomuk [00:38] He's indexing two folders with 550 MB of data [00:38] That's pretty horrible [00:38] I'm indexing thousands with 100GB of data [00:38] including the entire kde source tree [00:38] and many films/photos [00:38] Yeah which is why I said it's horrible [00:39] Hmm, I don't consider it to be that horrible [00:39] and I think it's in the strigi component honestly [00:40] copying the things that you need to index into the RAM kinda sucks :) [00:41] dasKreech: I don't know/think it's doing it. /shrug I'm not an expert by any means, so maybe I shouldn't be speculating. Ask around in #nepomuk-kde [00:41] Man that place is so cold and dark :-( [00:43] why oh why does kdelibs-experimental have a low build score [00:43] It's newness, perhaps? [00:43] Didn't study? [00:43] rgreening: oh you fixed the kshisen icons? [00:44] :) [00:44] lovely, uploading [00:45] did you remove the ~ppa1 from it i don't remember if I did that in bzr [00:45] doesn't seem to be it in bzr [00:48] ok, I must have done that one. however kdegraphics is showing ~ppa1 [00:48] :) [00:48] I was waiting for the build to complete in PPA and then update bzr. [00:49] you'll have to update the one promoted to main [00:49] Riddell: ^ [00:51] Riddell: did you upload kdebase as well? bzr would still be ~ppa1 for it as well. [00:51] didn't you say that needed kdebase-workspace? [00:52] which is still waiting on qzion/qedje [00:53] ~twitter status [00:53] Make WebKit default in Konqueror: keditfiletype text/html - select embedded tab - move webkit part to the top - only works on trunk (35 seconds ago via choqoK) [00:53] nice [00:53] Riddell: actually it failed due to the lack of libknotificationitem-dev [00:53] (workspace) [00:53] JontheEchidna: that too [00:53] nixternal: ? what's that from? [00:53] ok, just making sure you were aware :) [00:54] Riddell: I just updated bzr for kdegraphics. TO remove the ~ppa1. [00:55] kb9vqf: Did you try the Ibex -> Jackalope upgrade ? [00:55] I've started on jaunty backports btw [00:55] JontheEchidna: excellent [00:55] Riddell: that is my last tweet [00:56] ~twitter status [00:56] you should specify the username of the twitter touse, or identify using 'twitter identify [username] [password]' [00:56] there's 450 items in new queue! [00:56] Riddell: I just updated bzr for kdebase. To remove the ~ppa1. [00:56] ~identica [00:56] :-P [00:58] time to sleep, keep packaging hard dudes! [00:58] oh-kay! [00:58] is 4.3 b1 going into a jaunty ppa? it is the #1 question on the intertubes I am seeing [00:59] can I be of some assistance? [01:00] nixternal: yeah. grab something from the cave.. toys, plasma addons, etc [01:00] yeah, we're going to backport it [01:00] * astromme chuckles [01:01] * astromme goes back to fixing a huge bug in his rtm plasmoid. Whoops, dates do not change magically. [01:01] * rgreening attempts to finish kdenetwork. [01:01] I hate this damn cave [01:01] astromme: Actaully I find they do over time [01:02] lol! [01:02] well, at least not when I set them to be "today" as a hard date [01:02] :-) [01:03] it used to be so much easier to contribute to Kubuntu before this silly bat cave, batty scripts, and hidden communications...it is actually very irritating [01:04] Holy protocol batman! [01:05] nixternal: you don't need to use the scripts. Riddell doesn't. He's strickly all by hand :) [01:05] right, but everything is hidden [01:06] well, I guess for others they are, not for me, I keep forgetting I have access to the kde stuff [01:06] nixternal: only becuse we have advance access... otherwise it wouldn't be :) [01:06] lol [01:07] well... [01:11] * astromme thinks that while it's currently the best we have out there, the debian .deb model is just so yucky and tangled an unneeded [01:11] daskreech: I did my usual apt-get dist-upgrade on several systems with no problems... [01:11] But I haven't tried the GUI method yet [01:11] ok [01:12] astromme: ? it is the same "yucky and tangled and unneeded" model that we use...scripts and hidden stuff doesn't change that [01:12] * astromme is also someone who doesn't do packagaing on a regular basis, so take my word with a grain of salt [01:12] to late :p [01:13] I don't know... I've done a small amount of gentoo packaging, a small amount of archlinux packaing, a small amount of debian packaging [01:13] I was never able to wrap my mind around the debian packagaing. Maybe it was because of all the scripts that did stuff 'for me' [01:14] maybe it was because of all of the little files that seemed to be needed [01:14] maybe it was because of all of the little magic incantations and buildscripts needed to just build a package. [01:14] I dunno [01:14] Maybe it was me exhibiting a major fail [01:17] * rgreening thinks nixternal needs a hug [01:17] haha [01:20] astromme: Another anity check how big is the $KDEHOME nepomuk directory ? [01:21] dasKreech: iirc 1GB. lemmy check [01:21] Ok his is 4GB to index 550 MBs [01:21] and associated metadata I suspect [01:21] and I gues some overhead [01:21] yeah, looks to be 1% [01:21] which is reasonable I think [01:22] considering that a heck of a lot is indexed [01:23] nixternal: ping, help.kubuntu.org , did you rerun your script? [01:35] * JontheEchidna realized that kdewebdev was in universe and uploaded [01:37] lol [01:39] once kdelibs and kdelibs-experimental is done, we should be free to backport the first layer of the stack [01:40] Im close to finishing kdenetwork. Lot's of new files added... lots of chnages to integrate. [01:41] are you going to go for the record of longest debian/changelog entry with this one? :P [01:48] JontheEchidna: check out kdegraphics and kdegames :) [01:48] Maybe I should shorten them up. [01:48] lol [01:48] I usually just stick with: -Updated various .install files [01:49] lol [01:49] I put everything in so I don't miss something if I have to start over for some reason [01:49] mayhap I'll shorten network [01:49] heh [02:05] * astromme hugs nixternal. There, now he has his hug :) [02:14] * JontheEchidna testbuilds accessibility for a list-missing run [02:30] ryanakca: I was just supposed to add that header stuff right? [02:30] nixternal: and a blob at the bottom of [02:30] nixternal: http://pastebin.ca/1412859 [02:31] right...ya, I still need to do that, though I will probably just do a manual copy/paste on it, with what I have in the repos already [02:31] nixternal: Woah, how long would that take you, half an hour? [02:32] probably not even that long [02:32] well ya, probably that long [02:32] it would take just as long to write up a script to do the same thing [02:33] *nod*, but writing a script is way more fun :) Anyways, no rush anymore I guess, it'll probably take half a year to get it reviewed by the sysadmins once we get it done anyways [02:33] lol [03:31] * ScottK wields photorec (again) to save his wife's photos. [03:34] Ha ha What she have? [03:45] In this case an SD Card that an app promised to move the pics off of. [03:46] Said app did the remove pics from the SD Card part fine. The make them appear on her hard drive part, not so much [03:55] Ow [04:08] In any case recphoto gets my cold dead fingers award. [04:09] Seems like a specific kinda tool [04:18] It is and if you have that particular problem it's a very easy, very good tool to get it done. [04:19] This is the third time in the last two months (that SD Card is now headed for the trash). [04:22] Ha ha ha [04:22] but didn't it remove correctly? [04:22] Sounds like the Hard drive is the culprit framingi t [04:22] framing it [04:24] This was the only time it was during a move. The other times they just 'vanished' without even being in the computer. [04:26] ugh [04:31] Yep. Thus the trash can plan. [04:32] Yeah === k4v is now known as m4v === ejat is now known as e-jat === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === k4v is now known as m4v [07:42] dasKreech: pong [07:53] Hi Mamarok how are you? [07:55] hi dasKreech [07:55] fine, and you? [07:55] Not bad I'm sneezing like crazy [07:55] hay fever? [07:59] Don't know [07:59] It's been raining so I guess it's triggering something [08:00] I was asking you what the size of your $KDEHOME nepomuk directory was [08:00] hm, not hay fever then, that calms down when it's raining [08:01] the store size is 8 Gb now [08:01] but still indexing [08:01] ok that's 500 GB of data right? [08:02] roughly, yes [08:02] I excluded the / folders ecept for /etc and /var [08:03] I have years of mail in kmail, that for sure is a lot of stuff to index [08:03] all my university stuff, ptofessionnal school teacher stuff of 18 years and my music collection [08:03] but it runs nicely in the background [08:03] ok [08:03] Hmm [08:04] my firend was indexing 550 MB and eneded up with about a 4GB database [08:04] friend [08:04] I think it depends on the amont of files [08:04] if it's 500 Gb with mostly movies, that will not make a big index necessarily [08:05] and the amount of tags, where my music collection brings a lot of data too [08:05] mostly classical, fully tagged [08:05] With composers? [08:06] of course :) [08:06] Least used slot on music metadata [08:06] oh, I use it extensively [08:06] my main search criteria in the collection, besides the artist [08:23] I miss my hard drive :( [08:24] you lost your HDD? [08:27] * a|wen misses having a larger hard drive ... the last 20Gb did make a difference [08:28] * Mamarok has an external HDD for storing, very useful [08:32] heh, my 160 gig external drive is also very important for making the space calculation come out positive [08:45] Yep [08:45] 230 GB of data gone [08:45] like 100 GB of MUsic [08:47] that is pretty sad ... and the backup was not as good as you could wish...? [08:50] morning [08:50] The backup died two days after [08:50] morning Riddell [08:51] dasKreech: urgh ... no fun [08:51] Tell me about it [08:51] I'm on a 4 GB drive now running GNome [08:52] oh my, then it is indeed bad [08:53] Yep [08:54] i have been jumping back to dapper on an old lappy ~ a year ago ... but still not as bad as that :P [09:05] bother, kdelibs-experiminetal still hasn't compiled [09:07] taking long or there are problems? [09:08] just taking ages [09:08] How fast is the computer? [09:08] it's the buildds, just means they're building other stuff [09:09] new queue hsa exploded from 450 items to 1200 items so they've been busy overnight [09:09] You would think with all the back and forth between Canonical and Amazon they would have a cloud build machine [09:09] Where are you in the Queue? [09:11] no idea [09:14] Riddell: What would you include on the Cd for a better first time boot experience if you could ? [09:16] dunno, we have most of what I want [09:17] I usually install krita at some point [09:29] my update-notifier-kde is using 45% CPU and 73MB memory and is not notifying me of new updates (while there are updates)! === dpm_ is now known as dpm [10:08] users are starting to ask for amarok 2.1 beta 2 packages for kubuntu :/ [10:08] any news on that? [10:30] a|wen: how's n-m-plasmoid doing? I havn't looked at it recently I'm afraid but we should get it into backports at least [10:30] which was the command that built a package in a chroot installing all needed build-depends there and not on my system? [10:30] Nightrose: was someone tasked to do it? did I see JontheEchidna was looking at it? [10:30] freinhard: pbuilder ? [10:31] freinhard: pbuilder for a non interactive chroot (sudo pbuilder create; sudo pbuilder build foo.dsc) [10:31] debootstrap for a chroot you can use yourself (debootstrap karmic my-karmic-chroot; chroot my-karmic-chroot; do whatever you like) [10:31] Riddell: tried that yesterda, but can't remember why it didn't work. i gues it was just to late ;) [10:32] or maybe i missed some errors. (no idea how to scroll back on a virtualbox commandline) [10:36] Riddell: yes he tried to package it but it crashed on startup due to a mysql problem [10:36] Riddell: nw-applet worked ok for me on two wired connections and one wireless unencrypted one [10:36] only problem: you can't disconnect [10:36] it automatically reconnects [10:37] known bug [10:38] firephoto: you may try mk-sbuild-lv [11:54] Riddell: seems mor than good; not muvh feedback, but what i got was very positive [11:55] Riddell: both wpa2 as well as hidden networks was fixed ... dunno how many have tested it, but nobody has complayned [11:56] ola [11:57] hey somewhere her [11:57] mhhhh ok so i look in a other one [12:06] a|wen: that shoulds good [12:06] ? [12:06] a|wen: that sounds good [12:07] Riddell: indeed it does ... i'm inclined to go for -proposed, but don't know if anyone else wants to give it a test as well (or already have, just without telling) [12:08] a|wen: also i haven't been able to recreate that problem I had the first time I tried it [12:08] the multiple repeated access points one [12:09] okay, hard to know if it was the applet, or n-m itselv playing a game with us; but at least it doesn't look to be a common problem [12:10] networkmanager is still in a very rough state - resizing problems, sometimes connections are added more than once to the kcm, hidden is only fixed to sometimes work but not reliably... [12:11] fregl: anything that has become worse compared to the version released with jaunty [12:12] a|wen: no, since then it should have improved :) [12:13] fregl: we have a version op for test in the experimental PPA, and we are talking about improvements in that version ... go test, if you have time :) [12:13] a few minor bugs have been fixed, and having hidden work sometimes is better than not at all ;) [12:14] a|wen: I'm running the trunk version, but I'd be interested in nm-plasma feedback [12:15] fregl: ahh :) ... yeah; especially wpa2 + hidden is interesting [12:15] so it's good to hear that it has improved in your opinion :) [12:15] I'll have to set up a wpa2 here, just got a router that can handle it a few days ago... wish I had more time [12:16] heh, personally my only computer with the plasmoid on is working as a stationary ... so can't test it much [12:16] but vpn doesn't seem to work, which is my sole use-case atm. [12:17] I have no clue about vpn at all - my goal is to first get wifi into an acceptable state [12:17] but Will probably could tell you more about vpn [12:17] I don't even know if it should work [12:18] fregl: all fields on the option page is disabled ... and there is no way of enabling them; so i guess not ;) [12:18] hehe [12:19] Riddell: but what do you think; should we give it a try? ... have you tested the newest version yourself, btw? [12:20] a|wen: have you tried in the kcm? manage connections would let me add a vpn and fill out the details [12:20] * sebas would be surprised if a current snapshot is worse than the one in jaunty [12:20] We've focused exclusively on making it work, and quite some nasty important cases have been fixed [12:21] moin sebas [12:21] fregl: also under "optional information"? [12:21] hey fregl [12:21] hi sebas ... it does indeed look good, according to those that i've heard from [12:22] yes, but it's still a moving target, I would not want to rely on the applet at this point [12:22] * sebas agrees with fregl there, it's clearly not done [12:22] a|wen: oh, some combo boxes and lineedits are disabled [12:22] fregl: well, tha case i investigates is "do you want to rely on the applet as of a week ago, or as it was in march" [12:23] fregl: exactly ;) ... and they seem utterly important to those that want to use vpn, he [12:24] a|wen: I agree with both ;) [12:24] :) [12:24] fregl: openvpn works, vpnc needs more work [12:25] that is 50% :) [12:26] * a|wen ponders making everything ready for uploading current snapshot to proposed tonight ... and then having off [12:26] 2½ weeks of holidays coming up :) [12:26] ~twitter update COFFEE [12:26] status updated [12:28] seele: thanks ... i suppose it was for us :) [12:29] ~order coffee a|wen [12:29] * kubotu slides coffee a|wen down the bar to seele [12:29] ack [12:29] ~order help [12:29] * kubotu slides help down the bar to seele [12:30] * seele sighs [12:30] thx ... i'm still on my first cup for today; way behind [12:30] ~help order [12:30] You may also have a look at 'help order goods/machines/replies' ... Placing an order is actually easy as hell. 'order GOOD' => GOOD gets slid down the bar. 'order GOOD for NICK' => GOOD get slid down the bar to NICK. 'order GOOD for everyone' => everyone gets GOOD (in case the good is finite it will end as you place this order). 'order birthday package' => in case you want to make a special birthday present ;-) [12:30] ah hah [12:30] ~order extra coffee for seele [12:30] * kubotu slides extra coffee down the bar to seele [12:31] :) [12:31] a|wen: is there a bug we're using to track plasmoid-n-m brokenness? [12:32] Riddell: no bug yet ... we could grab one about hidden networks or wpa2 and hijack that one; or make a new [12:33] mm, I'm not sure what's best, I'll ask pitti anyway [12:33] Riddell: the tracking was supposed to be done here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/PlasmaWidgetNetworkManager/0.0+svn966653-0ubuntu1~ppa1 ... Lure gave positive results, but haven't reported yet, i can see [12:35] Riddell: i'll remove the temporary modifications (making a -dbg package for useful stacktraces) from that one and upload a clean source for someone to take over [12:42] interesting page :) I'd suggest changing the "Broken" column to "Works" - confused me quite a bit [12:44] fregl: it is a test if people are awake while testing :P ... and in any case i'll just blame (eh, credit) everything on apachelogger ;) [12:44] hehe [12:44] seems like Nightrose didn't spot that either... [12:45] ? [12:45] * fregl give Nightrose a cookie [12:45] broken -> No = works fine [12:45] ;-) [12:45] * Nightrose munches the cookie [12:45] yeah, but quite a bit of math to do there ;) too hard for my simple mind [12:45] how am i supposed to read it? [12:45] haha [12:45] ok [12:45] Nightrose: you are completely right :) [12:45] * Nightrose pats fregl [12:46] * a|wen gives fregl a cookie [12:46] :D [12:46] food :) [12:47] * a|wen is leaving for dinner in 5 minutes :) [12:48] fregl: yay! going to see star trek on tuesday with Frank and Bati \o/ [12:48] hehe [12:48] Nightrose: good! in English? [12:49] don't think so [12:56] a|wen: are you using openvpn or vpnc? [13:01] hiho [13:07] a|wen: pitti seems ok to getting p-w-n-m into -proposed so let me know when you have something that's good to upload [13:25] Hobbsee's awake! [13:25] Nightrose: you should go see it in english [13:26] Nightrose: it's being shown in the Schauburg [13:26] Hobbsee: could you up the build priority of kdelibs-experimental on amd64, it hasn't compiled overnight and it's blocking everything KDEish [13:26] Riddell: indeed! [13:26] Riddell: it being 10.26pm my time, this is quite likely [13:26] Riddell: jaunty, i assume? [13:27] hrm, not jaunty [13:27] karmic [13:27] i'm a release behind - this is terrible! [13:28] Riddell: estimated start: 1 minute === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [13:30] New plan .... [13:30] We're going to upload KDE 4.2.3 to jaunty-backports for now. [13:31] JontheEchidna: Did we ever get the RSS plasma thing regression sorted out? [13:34] Not that I'm aware of. [13:35] Well that makes 4.2.3 unsuitable for -updates in any case. [13:37] One user said downgrading to Qt 4.5.0 fixed it, but it was originally reported by a Qt 4.5.0 user [13:46] Then we'd need to get that sort for sure before we could do -updates. === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde === k4v is now known as m4v [15:57] hi, I try to profile an application requiring root access with valgrind [15:58] I open a root shell with sudo su, then run my app with: valgrind --tool=callgrind [15:59] when the app terminates, I get the error that profiling data could not be writen to the file. The file is then empty. [15:59] any idea? [15:59] is it possible to profile app's with root rights this way? [16:08] how is status on kde4.3 beta for kubuntu ? [16:11] "In progress" === ejat is now known as e-jat === fjlacoste is now known as flacoste [16:58] Could somebody bump the build score of kdelibs-experimental in: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental please? [16:58] Hobbsee, NCommander^? === dpm is now known as dpm-afk === nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot === nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot === firephoto is now known as firephoto1234567 === firephoto1234567 is now known as firephoto [18:57] sebas: we're roomies! === rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk [19:35] Riddell: ping [19:36] hmm.. anyone else have time remaining reported twice in the PM widget? [19:38] ahh, he is not there ... one should complete backlog reading before speaking [19:38] hi a|wen [19:39] Riddell: :) [19:39] quick quick I'm about to go [19:39] we want the new snapshot in karmic first; or it should be good? [19:39] snapshot of what? in karmic first before what? [19:40] n-m plasma [19:40] Riddell: jaunty-proposed [19:40] both really [19:40] a|wen: I can sponsor it to Karmic [19:41] ScottK: cool ... and getting it into jaunty-proposed? [19:42] First things first. [19:42] For Jaunty proposed we need to make sure you have a good bug with a proper test case. [19:43] Really off to schlep kids now ... [19:53] we have "make any wpa2 network work", and "connect to network with hidden SSID" [19:56] was anybody in the process of packaging amarok 2.1 beta2 ? [19:56] JontheEchidna: ? ^^ [19:56] never got it to work [19:56] what I have is in my ppa if anyone want to take a shot at it [19:57] okay ... leaving for 3 weeks in a matter of hours, so no volunteering here [19:57] but https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=184714 has been fixed ... might be worth getting into jaunty as well [19:58] KDE bug 184714 in Playlist "Playlist turns invisible sometimes with Qt 4 5" [Major,Resolved: fixed] [19:58] JontheEchidna: :) [20:07] Riddell: ah, very cool :) [20:07] cuddling and stuff! [20:09] <_Sime> yeek! [20:11] * sebas is afk again [20:55] JontheEchidna: hi [20:55] JontheEchidna: kümmerst du dich um die das repo-paket "qt-creator" unter jaunty? [20:56] lukefeil: In English please. [20:56] sorry, I don't speak German :( [20:56] JontheEchidna: ok [20:57] JontheEchidna: do you manage the package "qt-creator" for jaunty? [20:57] I don't think I've done any work with that package, but you may be thinking of Jonathan Riddell [20:58] Who is offline for the next week. [20:58] oh [20:59] the dependencies are defect [20:59] from the package qt-creator [21:01] in what way? [21:01] lukefeil: Where did you get this package? From a PPA? [21:01] * a|wen raises his hand and looks at ScottK [21:02] a|wen: Yes? [21:02] offline for the next week [21:03] OK [21:03] ScottK: i don't know the source but i have no PP in my sources.list [21:03] *PPA [21:03] lukefeil: OK. What is the problem? [21:03] a|wen: What do you need uploaded? [21:03] ScottK: http://awen.dk/packages/pwnm/ <-- package for karmic; and an equivalent for jaunty-proposed [21:03] * ScottK looks [21:04] ScottK: in the dependencies for the qt-creator are'nt the libqt4-cor libqt4-dev qt4-designer,... [21:05] ScottK: after the installation he said that i've no qmake [21:05] ScottK: i installed these packages bye myself [21:05] JontheEchidna: Do you know anything about qt-creator? [21:05] lukefeil: Then it worked? [21:06] ScottK: after i installed qt4 yes [21:07] The dependencies look ok for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/173223/ [21:07] a|wen: Minor point: That's backports versioning for SRU ubuntu1.1 would be preferred. I'll fix it. [21:07] ScottK: if you change it to ubuntu0.1 then okay [21:08] hi... today i've installed karmic into my desktop and after apt-get update & upgrade, my kde is broken. the taskbar, wallpaper, menus... what happened? sorry for my poor english. [21:08] Right 0.1 [21:08] xisde: you installed alpha software is what happened [21:08] in the middle of a KDE upgrade [21:08] ScottK: i would call alpha 0.0.1 :) [21:08] ScottK: i know ... after our backport-versioning in -proposed for kde it's not always easy to be sure [21:08] xisde: We are currently in the middle of updating from KDE 4.2 to 4.3beta. It being broken is no suprised. [21:09] a|wen: It's not a hard rule. [21:09] i thought so ;) ... you just choose the one you like the most [21:09] uhh... ok... thanks ^^ i'm trying to contribute to ubuntu/kubuntu. [21:10] xisde: Karmic is likely to be broken off and on several times before release. It isn't essential to be running the development release to contribute. [21:10] * ScottK isn't. [21:10] * JontheEchidna isn't running karmic yet either [21:10] a|wen: 330811 needs a test case. [21:12] in the jaunty alpha 5, 6 and beta, i've reported bugs in ubuntu, now i try to report bugs... i think so it's a way to contribute to developers. [21:12] * a|wen looks at test-casing [21:13] a|wen: 334052 too (one test case in one of the bugs for both bugs and a cross reference is preferred) [21:13] ScottK: haven't gotten to that yet ... i'm desperately trying to get my packing done in time as well :) [21:13] OK. [21:19] ScottK: 330811 updated [21:32] a|wen: Karmic uploaded. Looking at Jaunty now. [21:33] thx a lot [22:01] a|wen: NM widget heaved at Jaunty too. [22:01] I also installed it and it works here. [22:01] great :) [22:01] I kind of count on the rest of you looking into testing it ;) [22:02] One of those days I'm glad I'm at home and not on hotel internet. I just uploaded something with -sa by accident and the tarball is 8Mb. Faster to just let it go than stop it and retry [22:06] he ... looking forward to getting back to some decent internet as well [22:10] in brazil i have a 300kbps network link... so slow... =/ [22:11] xisde: 256kbps here... [22:12] a|wen: o.o [22:13] a|wen: brazilian? [22:13] xisde: danish ... but currently located in thailand [22:22] * a|wen waves to everyone ... see you all in ~3 weeks [22:31] jeesh, waiting for Linux.com to fix my articles link already