
ign0ramuscjae, you should be able to click the swirl on the far right and then slide icons along the panel00:06
OceanwatcherA real newbie question: How do you check how much RAM there is in a computer when you are running Kubuntu? Also, is there a good application for doing the "inventory" of a system? Something that can collect data about all hardware?00:09
OceanwatcherI know about a couple of applications like that for Windows, but have not got that far in Kubuntu yet.00:10
ign0ramusOceanwatcher, the "top" command will show you RAM, as well as the command "free -m It"00:13
cjaeok what the widget called that does the mounting of removable media00:13
Oceanwatcherign0ramus: Thank you. Trying now.00:13
solifuguswtf is ubuntu 9.04 code named as?00:14
cjaeit looks like a cd usb combo00:14
ign0ramussolifugus, jaunty jackalope00:14
solifugus(so i can figure which panda3d .dev file i need to download for it)00:14
solifugusah.. ok00:14
ign0ramuscjae, device notifier?00:14
cjaeI think so thanks00:14
ign0ramuscjae, that's the one that notifies when you plug in a flash drive, etc00:15
cjaeok and the one that has workspace 1 2 3 400:17
cjaeI would call it workspace switcher00:17
ign0ramuscjae, is it 'pager'?00:17
cjaeoh that makes sense00:17
cjae thanks00:17
ign0ramuscjae, i think its a counterintuitive name, but that's what it is :/00:18
cjaeign0ramus, thanks for your help, I agree these are some not so easy to relate names00:19
ign0ramuscjae, np. i still wish we could agree to call them 'plasmoids' instead of 'widgets', but oh well.00:20
cjaewish there was a simple command that let you put this all back, without erasing most of .kde00:20
ign0ramuscjae, well now that you know what they're all called, it shouldn't take more than a minute or two ;)00:21
SerpardumAnyone alive in having some problems installing programs in kubuntu in VMWare00:27
cjaeyeah, should be able to00:27
SerpardumI don't remember the comand to see running processes. thought it was pu but not00:28
cjaeign0ramus, thanks again, would have taken me long time the other way : -)00:28
ign0ramuscjae, happy to help :)00:28
mandingoceodoes any1 know what kernel i can upgrade to under 710 to get a xfx geforce 8200 mobo chipset recognized00:29
cjaeoh wait  I almost forgot lock the damn widgets again ... unreal00:29
SerpardumI told it to install "Beneight a steel sky" then went off to work on someone elses computer.  came back it said there was problems.  I clicked on see details and nothing showed.  I click the game in programs and nothign happens00:29
* cjae hangs head00:29
LaeborgI just brought a server from OVH with the 500GB USB Drive, but how can I see if the USB drive is plugged in ?00:30
phhLaeborg: lsusub ?00:30
phhmandingoceo: maybe just update the whole thing ...00:31
mandingoceothats the problem i cant00:31
mandingoceoim running linuxmce on it00:31
phhbuild the kernel by hand would be the easier way.00:31
SerpardumHmm..... changes ays Beneith-a-steel-sky  BROKEN (installed)00:32
mandingoceobut the kernel that comes with 710 install doesnt support my chipset00:32
mandingoceoim a noob so forgive me here but is there a patch i could just patch the kernel00:32
Serpardum"Could  not commit changes - Adept Intaller"  There was an error commiting changes.  Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.00:33
ign0ramusSerpardum, most likely dependency issues... what happens if you do a "sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename>" ?00:34
SerpardumI"m unsintalling them right now.  It seems that one used an engine that wouldn't download.00:35
Serpardumalthough it never gave me a message about that00:35
phhmandingoceo: try the 0810 beta00:35
ign0ramusSerpardum, that's why terminal is the best!00:36
mandingoceoman i have been fighting that for the longest its just not solid enough yet00:36
Serpardumignoramus, I would tend to agree.00:36
phhmandingoceo: then install it from a working and update the kernel by hand and then move the hard drive.00:37
mandingoceostill pnp problems etc and the journal writes to the drives kills playback under 81000:37
SerpardumOkahy, scumVM is broken00:37
SerpardumI unintalled, tried to install the scumVM, get teh could not apply changes.  Hmm..00:37
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Serpardumso, what, I shoudl try to find out where scumVM comes from and reprot it?00:37
mandingoceophh u running lmce00:37
ign0ramusSerpardum, it's most likely an issue on your side... best bet is to ask in their forums/chatroom etc00:38
SerpardumHmm.. seems it might be midi problems00:40
lessgov2007blogsHi everyone I have a question. I'm experiencing total freezes with Kubuntu Jaunty. I am thinking it could be from the way I was automounting my secondary hard disk, and having Amarok read this drive for my music collection. I added this to my fstab "/dev/sdb1 /home/haunted/40GB ext4 defaults 0 0" It did seem to read the hard disk very slow, can anyone tell me if this is wrong?00:40
=== _Whipper_ is now known as Whipper_
ign0ramuslessgov2007blogs, have you tried running the 'top' command to see what is taking up resources?00:43
phhand/or iotop00:43
lessgov2007blogsYes, actually I have it running now. But, it hasm't froze up yet since I started lol.00:43
ign0ramuslessgov2007blogs, well try reading/writing from the secondary HDD, and see if any processes go haywire00:44
ign0ramuslessgov2007blogs, rebuild your collection or something00:44
lessgov2007blogsI removed my automount, and it does read the hard disc a lot faster now. If it does not freeze, I'll add it again the same way and try to reproduce the lock up. My main question was what I added to the fstab, it was reading the drive very slowly, and I was thinking what I added was likely incorrect way of doing it?00:45
Serpardumapt-get --help and man apt-get did not show me how to list hte application names (sudo apt-get build-dep ScummVM responded ScummVM wasn't in list )  How can I see applicaiton names?00:45
ign0ramusSerpardum, 'sudo apt-get scummvm' then press tab key twice00:46
ign0ramus* 'apt-get install'00:46
Serpardumit was scummvm, nto ScummVM.  thx00:47
ign0ramusSerpardum, case is important!00:47
SerpardumHmm.. build-dependencies for scummvm could not be satisfied.00:48
Serpardumyes, but it was listed as ScummVM in Adept Installer00:48
SerpardumOkahy, it keeps trying to install libflluidsynth1.   gotta find out what's wrong with that.  time to google I guess.00:49
ign0ramusSerpardum, these are the dependencies i have listed for jaunty: http://rafb.net/p/4pNIDR21.html00:49
ign0ramusSerpardum, http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/libfluidsynth100:50
SerpardumOkay, it's tryign to install libfluidsynthl, libfreebob0, libjack0, libjack0.100.0-0.  I cant' see why it won't in Adept Installer.  How do I find the problem?00:50
SerpardumI"ll try apt-get one at a time I guess *shrug*00:51
SerpardumI forgot the fun of linux :/00:51
ign0ramusSerpardum, use 'build-dep' in terminal... see where there's an issue00:51
SerpardumNothing is EVER easy00:51
Whipper_lol, its easy if u want it to be :)00:51
ign0ramusSerpardum, at least in Linux you can see why a program won't install00:52
Serpardumreally?  Adept Installer isn't showing me.00:52
ign0ramusSerpardum, use terminal!00:52
SerpardumAdept Installer is working worst than Windows Installer in this case ^^00:52
Daskreech_Serpardum: Some stuff must be easy00:52
lessgov2007blogsAnyone else had total freeze ups trying to install hplip? I had to install from console with kdm stopped, otherwise it would lock the system up?00:52
SerpardumOkay, lets see.  Libfluidsynthl: depends: libjack0.100.0-0 (>= 0.101.1) but it is not going to be installed00:53
lessgov2007blogsNo worries, it's working good for me. Just wondering if it was just my system or anyone elses.00:54
Whipper_<ign0ramus> Serpardum, use terminal!00:54
Whipper_isnt this "ubuntu" thing suppose to be GUI ?-)00:54
ign0ramusWhipper_, it can be if you don't care what's happening and why00:54
Whipper_hm.. or thats what they say on theur web-site :)00:54
Serpardumwhipper, that's what it says in terminal.  I guess the apt-get is wrong in that it tries to install 0.100.0-0 instaead of 0.101..000:54
ign0ramusSerpardum, "sudo apt-get install libjack0.100.0-0    libjack0.100.0-dev" doesn't work00:55
Whipper_ign0ramus, i know, but if someone is newbie, then terminal is hard00:55
ign0ramusSerpardum, oh no - that won't work00:55
lessgov2007blogsOh I do have another question... kpackagekit, it gives me an error, I can't remember exactly what it says, something along the lines of a time out, need to fork!, something like that. Anyone know what's with this?00:55
ign0ramusWhipper_, in most cases, something a newbie wants can be done via gui00:56
Serpardumign0ramues.  It doesn't work, doesn't exist, yet libfluidsynth1 requires it00:56
Whipper_ign0ramus, well.. not totally true with Kub904..00:56
Serpardumso, scummvm is a bust.00:56
Serpardumnow gotta find out who to tell that it's borked00:58
ign0ramusSerpardum, libfluidsynth1 requires "libjack-dev" & "libjack0.100.0-dev"00:58
SerpardumNot according to my apt-get00:58
lessgov2007blogsOkay, here's the error kpackagekit gives me. The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!00:58
Serpardumand I did apt-get update00:59
ign0ramusSerpardum, so what does "sudo apt-get build-dep libfluidsynth1" tell you?00:59
Serpardumyeah, just did that and thinking about tryign that right now, although I did try to sudo apt-get install libfluidsynth1 and it told me it needed 0.10101:00
Serpardumthis one doens't give me version numbers.01:00
Serpardumthe following NEW packages will be installed:01:00
Serpardumand it lists 3 lines worth01:00
ign0ramusSerpardum, so if they install, you can install libfluidsynth101:01
SerpardumI think I have a dependancy of a dependancy inssue01:01
ign0ramushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/packagekit/+bug/272410 | lessgov2007blogs01:01
ign0ramusSerpardum, aka "Dependency Hell"01:01
Serpardumoh **** ""Media change: please insertr the disc labeled 'Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release amd64 (20071016.2)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter.01:02
Serpardumsince I downloaded a virtual desktop now I am in install hell01:02
ign0ramusSerpardum, "kdesudo kate /apt/etc/sources.list" ... comment out the CD (probably the first entry) and do a "sudo apt-get update"01:03
Daskreech_Serpardum: Ok lets fix your problem01:04
Daskreech_what's up?01:04
ign0ramusSerpardum, that should be "kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list" ... my mistake01:04
Serpardumgetting errors in console about wrong uids and sources.list is coming up blanke.. oh01:05
Serpardumbetter :D01:05
ign0ramusSerpardum, the uid error always shows up... not sure why they never fixed that...01:05
ign0ramusSerpardum, yup, now comment out the cd-rom entry01:05
ign0ramusSerpardum, then "sudo apt-get update"01:05
ign0ramusSerpardum, now try again.. it won't ask for the CD now01:06
Daskreech_hi ign0ramus wha'ts the problem ?01:06
ign0ramusDaskreech_, he's trying to install some package (a game, i think), but is having dependency issues01:06
Serpardumokay, installing01:07
Serpardumdang.  unable to fetch some archives01:07
ign0ramusDaskreech_, he's trying to install via Adept, but Adept doesn't tell you very much01:07
Serpardumlet me try --fix-missing???01:07
Daskreech_Serpardum: Ibex I assume?01:07
Serpardumno clue what ibex is.01:07
ign0ramusGutsy, he's on.01:07
lessgov2007blogsDoes dpkg fetch packges?01:07
Daskreech_Oh wow01:07
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.01:07
ign0ramusyeah O_o01:07
SerpardumI'm using 7.1001:08
Daskreech_The repos for that have been shut off01:08
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=== me is now known as JontheEchidna
ign0ramusDaskreech_, well, they've been moved to 'archive'01:08
Serpardumlots of 404 errors :(01:09
ign0ramusSerpardum, is there a reason to stay on 7.10? it's reached it's EOL and you'll probably have better luck installing packages on a supported version with working repos01:09
Serpardumhopefully --fix-missing will fix it01:09
SerpardumI looked at the directory and that was the most current?  I'm running virtual machine01:09
Serpardumis there one > 7.10 vm?01:09
Serpardumoooh, it might have finsihed01:10
Serpardumokay, seems to be working  now01:10
ign0ramusSerpardum, :)01:11
Serpardumworked. ^^01:12
ign0ramusSerpardum, and so you now see how terminal rules.01:12
Serpardumyes, but in windows I wouldn't have to do this.  I'm not saying windows is better01:12
Serpardumbut it would be better if a l inux installer actualy worked without the user having to edit files, etc..01:12
WalzmynThis is freaking ridiculous01:12
ign0ramusSerpardum, no, you'd get a cryptic "not a valid win32 application", with no clues as to where to begin :)01:13
lessgov2007blogsYou can do the sources list through the package manager if I'm not mistaken.01:13
Daskreech_Serpardum: you are on a distro where the servers have been shut off. :)01:13
Walzmynno matter what flavor of 9.04 I use, i get file system errors and have to fsck my drive. but I can't go back to 8.1001:13
ign0ramuslessgov2007blogs, Serpardum: you can edit repos with package manager, yes.01:13
lessgov2007blogs"The mouse has moved, please restart Windoze for the changed to take effect!"01:13
lessgov2007blogsI'd rather deal with linux bugs, than help fund Bill Gates the Eugenicist.01:14
SerpardumThere's still the most famous one of all.  Keyboard unplugged.  Press F1 to continue.01:14
Daskreech_Walzmyn: you can't?01:14
WalzmynDaskreech_, reinstalled 8.10 twice and each time, after login i get a white screen01:15
ign0ramusWalzmyn, even trying to log in Failsafe X?01:16
lessgov2007blogsBesides, this computer was originally a Windoze 2000 machine, but with Jaunty I out perform my mothers brand new Vista, with my old 900MHz AMD, and 384MB of ram. So there! lol01:16
WalzmynDaskreech_, i'd like to know why 9.04 is giving these filesystem errors01:16
Daskreech_Walzmyn: When?01:16
Daskreech_Walzmyn: Did you run a safemontools test on the drive ?01:16
WalzmynDaskreech_, my 1yr old has climbed in my lap. I'll be back in a few01:17
* Daskreech_ waves at lil Walzmyn01:17
SerpardumI know that it was possible in suse to upgrade linux live downloading01:17
Serpardumcan yu with kubunuu?01:17
ign0ramusSerpardum, what do you want to do?01:18
verminwhy doesent kubuntu have opera web browser ?01:18
lessgov2007blogsOkay folks, I'll return if I can get this booger to freeze up again. http://lessgov2007.blogspot.com/01:18
Serpardumget kubuntu ugraded in my virtual machine01:18
ign0ramusvermin, you can install opera... i don't think it's in the repos, though01:18
Walzmynvermin are you running 64 bit?01:19
WalzmynDaskreech_, I did not run safemontools on the drive01:20
Daskreech_Serpardum: Hmm ? You mean upgrade to a new Kubunt ?01:20
cjaevermin, they have distro specific at their site01:20
SerpardumI'm actually running kubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.vmx inside of vista01:20
Daskreech_!opera | vermin01:20
ubottuvermin: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser01:20
Serpardumvista is horrible btw01:20
WalzmynDaskreech_, i did a mem test and i've done the e2fsck or whatever that command is (have to look it up) on the drive01:20
Daskreech_!upgrade  | Serpardum01:20
ubottuSerpardum: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:20
ign0ramusSerpardum, you should be able to "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ... beware of breakage when upgrading!01:20
Daskreech_Serpardum: Do you particularly want KDE3 ?01:21
Serpardumsince it's new install  dont' care01:21
SerpardumI jsut want linux to be honest01:21
* Daskreech_ hits ign0ramus with a broom01:21
Daskreech_Serpardum: Where did you get the install from?01:21
Serpardumsudo apt-get dist-upgrade didnt' come back with anythign01:22
Walzmynlinux to be honest? what's that mean?01:22
ign0ramusSerpardum, try what Daskreech_ said.01:22
ign0ramusand watch out for his broom!01:22
Serpardumdskreeck: I downloaded a .zip file, exstracted the .vmx to a directorym, ran that in VMWare player.  that was my total install01:23
SerpardumI look at the directory I downloaed teh .vmx to and I see new files there.01:23
Serpardumit's a virtual linux I guess.  virtual machine01:23
* Walzmyn shudders at linux being in an exe01:24
Serpardumwell, I have to support window users for things01:24
Serpardumand the one thing linux can't do is games01:24
ign0ramuswoot! xorg-edgers PPA just updated!01:24
SerpardumI mean there just ain't that many for linux01:24
Daskreech_Serpardum: oh wow.. ok01:24
Serpardumunless you run virtual machine for windows in linux01:24
Walzmynactually linux can do games quite well. The drivers we're left with can't01:24
Serpardumthis is actually runnign rather well01:24
Serpardumactually wurm works in linux01:24
Daskreech_Serpardum: There are hundreds of games for linux. There are not a lot of commercial games01:24
ign0ramustux racer is surprisingly addictive01:25
Serpardumyeah, I've played most of those games01:25
Walzmynlinux uses much less resources whan winders so it'll run better virtual than winders01:25
WalzmynSerpardum, does have a point. I miss Civ 4 and Diablo II01:25
SerpardumI acutaly had another box I was goign to install linux to but gave it to a friend, but it died01:25
Daskreech_Diablo II works in Linux01:26
* Serpardum glances over at his Diablo I disk and whistles tunelessly01:26
Daskreech_Most blizzard games do01:26
WalzmynHere's a secret though - blizzard writes their games in linux01:26
ign0ramusWalzmyn, SHHH!!!01:26
Daskreech_Serpardum: type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:26
SerpardumI've heard that MacOS runs on linux/unix01:26
Walzmynor, rather on linux boxes, they're still written for winders01:26
Daskreech_Walzmyn: Yeah that helps us how? :-)01:27
ign0ramusSerpardum, Macs run on a version of BSD which is Unix-based01:27
Walzmynthe core of OSX is from BSD Unix, with their GUI on top01:27
ign0ramusSerpardum, different than "Linux", though01:27
Serpardumnothign Daskreech_01:27
WalzmynDaskreech_, well, it dosen't relaly help. but it does give hope01:27
Daskreech_Serpardum: When that's done try sudo do-release-upgrade01:27
SerpardumDaskreech_: : no files ther eto find.  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded01:28
WalzmynSerpardum, does the virtual machine have 'net access?01:28
Serpardumtryign that01:28
SerpardumI"m on the virtual machine here so I hope so ^^01:28
Serpardumit's reading stuff01:28
Serpardumlets find out what happens ^^01:29
WalzmynSerpardum, ok. t'was just checking01:29
Serpardumthjis would be cool if it works without tryign to overwrite my MBR01:29
WalzmynDaskreech_, you have any idea what I can do about my filesystem errors?01:29
ign0ramusWalzmyn, get your drive checked would be a good start01:29
WalzmynDaskreech_, there's a bug on launchpad where a couple other people are having hte same trouble01:29
ign0ramusWalzmyn, does it matter if you try ext3 or ext4?01:29
Walzmynign0ramus, i've done the fsck check, what else?01:30
SerpardumHmm.. installing linux-headers-2.6.24-16 as dep of linux headers-2.6.24-16-generic.  looking good01:30
Walzmynign0ramus, when i upgraded it was ext3, i've used ext4 on all the reinstalls01:30
Walzmynign0ramus, same results01:30
Daskreech_Walzmyn: what is the error?01:30
Walzmynslowly apps stop working, then when i restart i'm told the FS is currpted and i need to fsck.01:31
WalzmynWhen I fsck I will get a thousand errors01:31
WalzmynSometimes it's a thousand in / and a few in /home, sometimes reversed01:31
Daskreech_Walzmyn: do you have that log?01:31
WalzmynDaskreech_, of the fsck results?01:31
SerpardumHas there been any more talk about writing the linux core in c++?01:31
Daskreech_Serpardum: always01:32
Daskreech_Answer is always the same01:32
tekteenSerpardum, you shouldn't :-P01:32
Serpardumnew is a pain01:32
Daskreech_Go and do it and stop bothering us01:32
Serpardumit's all because of c++'s memory managment that makes it hard, I know01:32
WalzmynDaskreech_, i've still got the terminal window open (i'm on live cd) I guess i can copy paste it01:32
SerpardumWait, is that the answer now?  Go ahead and write it in c++ and quit bugging us?  that has changed01:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:33
Daskreech_Serpardum: :-)01:34
SerpardumIf that's the official answer now I might start working on it ^^01:34
WalzmynDaskreech_, yeah, i'm working on it.01:34
Sevenhillhow can i change my 9.04 to 9.10 without reinstalling ?01:35
WalzmynDaskreech_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/173335/      That wasn't all of it. It didn't go all the way back to the beginning01:36
Daskreech_!upgrade | Sevenhill01:37
ubottuSevenhill: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:37
ign0ramusWalzmyn, well the good news is your "Y" key works well :P01:37
Daskreech_Walzmyn: you have a live CD ?01:37
Walzmynign0ramus, it's been getting a lot of work this week. i've been though this a dozen times now01:37
ign0ramusWalzmyn, O_o01:37
WalzmynDaskreech_, i'm on an Xubuntu one right now01:37
WalzmynDaskreech_, i was tring different flavors to see if the problem was KDE01:38
Daskreech_Walzmyn: install smartmontools01:38
SevenhillDaskreech_: but there isn't any info for 9.04 -> 9.10 in those pages01:38
WalzmynDaskreech_, how?01:39
SerpardumI wonder if your hard drive is flakey Walzmyn01:39
WalzmynSerpardum, that e2fsck (is that the right command?) said everyting was fine01:39
Daskreech_Sevenhill: Duh. 9.10 :-) Why do you want to run 9.10 ?01:39
Daskreech_!info smartmontools01:39
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.38-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 322 kB, installed size 804 kB01:39
WalzmynSerpardum, everything was working fine before i tried to upgrade, and winders is running just fine (damnit)01:39
WalzmynDaskreech_, how do i install that while i'm running a live cd?01:40
Daskreech_Walzmyn: fsck doesn't check the drive it checks the filesystem.01:40
Daskreech_Walzmyn: same way you install when you are not using the liv Cd01:40
SevenhillDaskreech_: because of intel video driver problems in 2.6.28 and i'm a newbei kde developer and i need some newer versions of libraries ( such as  boost 1.3.5 )01:41
WalzmynWhere's it installing them?01:41
Daskreech_Sevenhill: can I assume this is a spare machine that can be screwed up ?01:41
SevenhillDaskreech_: i got my /home directory in a diffrent partition if you ask that01:42
ign0ramusWalzmyn, into memory, i would assume.01:42
wereamiHEllo everyone01:43
SevenhillDaskreech_:  so reinstalling new verion (9.10) won't delete any of my files including my kde-trunk but i'm a bit lazy to reinstall it :) thats the why i'm asking if there is a way to just upgrade it via apt-get or someother things01:43
WalzmynDaskreech_, it's installed01:44
Daskreech_Walzmyn: open a konsole and run it on the hard drive01:44
wereamiI am new to linux (ubuntu) Running Kubuntu 9.0.4, I have found some stuff on the net like tutorials and it seems they all expect you have some knowledge of linux. is there a site with more newbie type info.01:44
WalzmynDaskreech_, smartmontools /dev/sda3  ???01:45
ign0ramuswereami, the (k)ubuntuforums, and here!01:45
Daskreech_Sevenhill: Honestly asking that question disqualifies you from running 9.10 currently I wouldn't suggest you run it on your main machine01:45
wereamisorry for the lame question but thank ignor01:45
Walzmynwereami, not a lame questoin, we all had to learn01:45
Daskreech_wereami: And here. We can answer newb questions awell01:46
Daskreech_Sevenhill: No offence01:46
wereamijust a bit rough from running windows my whole life01:46
Daskreech_wereami: IT is hard we understand01:46
WalzmynDaskreech_, $smartmontools is not a valid command, how do you call this thing?01:46
ign0ramuswereami, i feel for you.  i migrated 2 years ago01:46
Serpardumwereami: You'll find in all linux places a lot of people seem contemptuos of people who don't know linux.  They're really not, they may seem that way, and you just have to deal with it :D01:46
Daskreech_Walzmyn: type smart and press tab twice01:46
SevenhillDaskreech_: i have to install it :) otherwise i all need to compile some of libraries by manual and that makes all things mess01:46
wereamiyah thats not a big issue. I am the same way with things I am fluent with also01:47
* Serpardum shudders at tyring to compile libraries manually01:47
Daskreech_Sevenhill: ok You do understand that it's broken right?01:47
SerpardumI tried compling debian one time.  I still have nightmares about that.01:47
SevenhillDaskreech_: sure i'm using linux to live with bugs :)01:48
ign0ramusSerpardum, even gentoo now has a cute little installer... times have changed01:48
Daskreech_Sevenhill: can you survive without X ?01:48
Daskreech_for say two weeks?01:48
SerpardumI started on redhat years ago01:48
Serpardumbefore that I learned unix in a school01:48
ign0ramusDaskreech_, trying to develop for kde would be a little tough without X, wouldn't you say?01:49
Serpardumbefore that was DOS 2.001:49
Daskreech_ign0ramus: not always01:49
Serpardumbefore that IBMOS01:49
Serpardumbefore that wang basic ^^01:49
ign0ramusSerpardum, you been around :)01:49
SevenhillDaskreech_: i can survive but i couldn't test my code without X :)01:49
SerpardumI got lucky, lived a block from a community college that let a 10 year old kid in their computer room01:49
Daskreech_Sevenhill: then run sudo do-release-upgrade -d and note that you were warned01:50
* ign0ramus plays ominous music01:50
WalzmynDaskreech_, this thing is spitting out a lot of info, but there's nothing marked in the fail column01:50
Sevenhillby the way what is the problem about X in 9.10 ?01:50
Daskreech_Walzmyn: that's good so far01:51
Daskreech_Sevenhill: I don't know but history says there will be one in about 3 weeks01:51
wereamisomeone here help with a newb issue I am assuming01:52
nightdreverok, I have a SIS graphics card installed on my pc how do i know which model it is?01:52
wereamiTrash won't let me put stuff in it. says the trash is to full01:52
wereamithere a quick fix for this01:52
Sevenhillnightdrever: try lspci01:53
nightdreverseven hill how do i do that?01:53
Serpardumdownload complete.  hope the upgrade works ^^01:53
Sevenhillpress alt+f2 and type konsole01:53
Sevenhillin konsole type lspci01:53
nightdreverno such file or directory01:54
nightdreveri have a SIS mirage graphics card....worked fine in windows01:55
nightdreverwhat to know if i can get it to work in lkinux01:55
Daskreech_wereami: I assume you have space on the drive?01:56
wereamiplenty of space01:56
wereamiI am running kubuntu 9.0.4 if that matters01:56
Daskreech_nightdrever: sudo lshw -C video01:56
Sevenhillwereami:  in dolphin find configure dolphin  under settings menu01:56
Sevenhillwereami: in configure part of dolphin there is trash part01:57
Daskreech_wereami: its 9.04 :)01:57
nightdrever  *-display UNCLAIMED01:57
nightdrever       description: VGA compatible controller01:57
nightdrever       product: 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter01:57
nightdrever       vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]01:57
nightdrever       physical id: 001:57
nightdrever       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.001:57
Sevenhillwereami:  in that part the default space for trash is %1001:57
wereamiI am very new to linux01:57
nightdrever       version: 0001:57
Daskreech_wereami: The first number is the year the second is the month it came out01:57
nightdrever       width: 32 bits01:57
nightdrever       clock: 66MHz01:57
nightdrever       capabilities: pm agp agp-3.0 cap_list01:57
nightdrever       configuration: latency=001:57
Daskreech_nightdrever: Stop01:57
nightdreverdunno how to get it to work?01:57
Daskreech_!paste | nightdrever01:57
ubottunightdrever: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sis01:58
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=== Guest51657 is now known as shyrjiin
Daskreech_wereami: that's fine :)01:58
Sevenhillwereami: in there ( in configure of dolphin) the trash size is %10 of freesize01:58
Sevenhillmake it bigger01:58
Daskreech_Ah that might be it01:58
Sevenhillwereami:  or unclick the "Limit to maximum size" option01:59
wereamisorry again for the newb question02:00
Sevenhillby the way i hate to use trash, i prefer to use "shift delete" :D02:00
wereamiOne more thing if I can bother you02:00
ign0ramuswereami, don't feel bad for learning :)02:00
wereaminewb site for new linux users02:00
Daskreech_nightdrever: laptop?02:00
Sevenhillwereami:  if you order a beer to us sure you can ask :)02:00
wereamiI would rather read than bug people for answers02:00
wereamiAppreciate it guys02:01
Serpardumwereami: linux is an OS, there is just so much02:01
wereamiI have been to many windows channles foir help in the past and never got such a quick response without being call a lamer or some trash02:01
ign0ramuswereami, many 'ubuntu' blogs either don't tell you what any of the commands mean, or many times have bad info.02:01
=== rouva is now known as abalone
wereamithats myt whole thing02:02
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.02:02
ign0ramuswereami, i think it's best to ask here, where at least Daskreech_ can hit me with a broom when he has a better alternative :)02:02
Serpardumwhat you may want to do sometime is ls /bin02:02
wereamiit is all for people with some knowledge of linux02:02
Serpardumthen man all those files02:02
Serpardumthen ls /usr/bin02:02
Serpardumand man those02:02
Serpardumthose are the commands02:02
* Daskreech_ brandishes his broom and kakkles02:02
Serpardumman stands for "MANual" although they're usually out of date and hard to read02:02
Daskreech_!commands | wereami02:02
ubottuwereami: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:02
ign0ramuswereami, here's a handy reference guide (.pdf) http://files.fosswire.com/2008/04/ubunturef.pdf02:03
wereamiyah, I have been using it for apt-get02:03
Zxcvbany quick tips for someone used to slackware?02:03
Walzmynor hit alt-F2 and type konsole02:03
wereamisome small things02:03
wereamistill trying to get this installation from tar ball stuff down02:03
WalzmynZxcvb if you've been running slack, this should all be a cake walk02:03
Daskreech_Zxcvb: the commands are mostly the same apt pretty much rules. Sorry we aren't hardcore enough02:03
Sevenhillwereami: in Linux you will get responses most of times like " RTFM "02:03
Daskreech_wereami: What are you installing from source ?02:04
Sevenhillwereami:  do you know that it means "RTFM" ?02:04
Walzmynwereami, why are you installing something from a tarball?02:04
wereamiNo, not sure what it means02:04
ign0ramusSevenhill, i've never seen anyone here ever say that (without getting kicked)02:04
Walzmynread the Fin' manual02:04
wereamiwell I have installed second life for my wife02:04
Daskreech_read the fine manual02:04
wereamifrom open source02:04
wereamitar ball02:04
Daskreech_Ah right :-)02:04
Daskreech_I don't know if that's in the ubuntu repos :)02:04
Serpardumahh, wtf?  :(  quote: Sorry, the all-new Yahoo! Mail does not support your browser.02:05
Sevenhillign0ramus: i'm saying just linux facts :D02:05
WalzmynSerpardum, what you get for using yahoo mail02:05
wereamijust alot to un learn02:05
ign0ramusSevenhill, those are debian/slack responses ;)02:05
SerpardumI use yahoo mail, I use google mail, I use exhange02:05
SerpardumI've used many mail readers.02:05
Daskreech_nightdrever: Still here?02:06
Sevenhillign0ramus: :) for me debian = (k,x)ubuntu02:06
ign0ramusSerpardum, you can always try old Yahoo, or change browser id02:06
=== abalone is now known as rouva
=== rouva is now known as abalone
ign0ramusSevenhill, in some respects yes, but in attitude towards n00bs, not even close02:06
Daskreech_Serpardum: If you have firefox you can pretty much ignore that and use it anyway of course02:06
Serpardumupgraded iddn't work.02:06
Daskreech_Serpardum: What did it do?02:06
WalzmynI still find it rather amazing the things i'm able to do with a live CD02:06
Serpardum"Down downloaded.   A fatal error occured.  Please report..."02:06
ubuntu_sou portunal02:07
Daskreech_Serpardum: What was the error?02:07
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:07
Serpardumlets see..02:07
ubuntu_me desculpa02:07
ubuntu_eu sou novo02:07
Serpardumfile "/tmp/yada yada/DistUpgradeController.py02:08
Serpardumline 1585 in ...02:08
Serpardumwait, most recent last.  .... hmm02:08
Serpardumokay, top of list is the first error then02:08
Serpardumso hardy line 60 app.run()02:09
Serpardumself.fullUpgrade() in DistUpgradeController.py line 158502:09
Daskreech_!br | ubuntu_02:09
ubottuubuntu_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:09
Serpardummaybe I"ll just post the logs in pasteing bin02:09
Daskreech_thanks :)02:09
Serpardumlet me type here so I remember them.  /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log  /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log02:10
nightdreverdarkreech im here02:12
nightdreveri dont know how to set up my graphics card02:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:13
Serpardumapt.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/173347/02:14
ubuntu_eu nao estou vendo esta comunidade amigo poderia me dar um help?02:15
Daskreech_nightdrever: You have no video ?02:15
Serpardumthe main.log seems to give the error best02:16
nightdreveri have video card02:16
nightdrevera sis one02:16
nightdreverdunno how to get it working02:16
Daskreech_ubuntu_: escrever /join #ubunt-br02:16
Daskreech_ubuntu_: escrever /join #ubuntu-br02:16
Daskreech_nightdrever: I'm asking why are you saying it's not working? You get no video at all ?02:16
Serpardumremember I"m running in vm so that might be why02:17
ncfi1013__does anybody here own an ipod?02:17
nightdreveri get video.....bit i cant evan use compiz fusion02:17
nightdreverin appearence....visual effect have to be none02:18
SerpardumOh ****02:18
Serpardumfairly obvious from last line in file.02:18
SerpardumOSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory02:18
nightdreverproduct: 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter....any ideas?02:20
Daskreech_nightdrever: You probably won't be able to with a Sis video card Sis removed all 3D from their linux drivers a few years ago02:20
nightdreverdisplay UNCLAIMED02:20
Daskreech_nightdrever: There is a project ongoing to write FOSS ones but it's not quite there yet02:20
mimiloonhi everybody, i'm new to linux and have a problem and that is: there are multiple desktops (workspace), the aplications that are running on desktop 1 and are visible on other desktops; how can i resolve this?02:21
Walzmynmimiloon, what do you mean th4ey are visiable on the other desktops?02:21
SevenhillDaskreech_: http://ncc-1701a.homelinux.net/~linux-sis/index.php?page=Downloads02:22
Serpardumquote: exits due to an out of memory error when trying to spawn a thread. This low memory condition is caused by an infinite loop in the "doUpdate()" method in the DistUpgradeControler class02:22
Serpardumwhich was in fact in the call list02:22
Daskreech_Serpardum: hmm ok so how much memory does the VM have?02:22
Serpardumno, that's not the problem02:23
Serpardumthere is an infinate loop in the upgrade02:23
Serpardumthat keeps tryign to run a process in a thread02:23
Serpardumruns out of memory evnetuall02:23
Daskreech_Serpardum: ok try sudo apt-get -f install02:23
Serpardumreading about it02:23
WalzmynSerpardum, why don't you just DL a new CD and install it in the virtual machine?02:23
Sevenhillnightdrever: http://ncc-1701a.homelinux.net/~linux-sis/index.php?page=Downloads02:23
Serpardumbecause I have vmplayer02:23
Serpardumnto vmserver02:23
Serpardumvmplayuer runs already ... compiled? .. vm machines02:24
hagabakayou can download the CD and upgrade from CD02:24
Serpardumahh, I see al ink to a gutsy.gar.gz that's the patch02:24
Serpardumthen I can run dist-upgrade.py02:24
Serpardumlet me give the patch a try02:25
Serpardumdreak.  404 error02:25
Daskreech_where is it trying to contact?02:27
mimiloonWalzmyn: i mean: i have tried gnome and the aplications that are visible in one workspace aren't visible in other workspace but in kubuntu 9.04, when i switch the workspace, the applications are minimized but i can still see the applications that are opened in the bottom on the system tray in other workspace02:27
ign0ramusSerpardum, check the very last post02:27
Daskreech_mimiloon: You can turn that off02:27
ign0ramusSerpardum, nvm... they just attached logs in a tar.gz file02:28
Serpardum(I also just realized I misspelled the patch name. Oh well.)02:29
Serpardumduh.  he misspelled the dl name, no wonder 404 ^^02:29
mimiloonDaskreech_: can you please tell me how because i'm new to linux02:29
Serpardumnope, still 40402:29
Walzmynmimiloon, you mean on the taskbar, not in the actuall workspace?02:31
ign0ramusSerpardum, it's probably been removed because 7.10 is no longer supported :(  see: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/02:31
Walzmynmimiloon, there was a setting in KDE3 - it was not tehre the last time i looked in KDE4, but it may have been added.02:31
Serpardumhow do I apply a .patch file?02:32
Serpardumn/m patch command02:33
mimiloonWalzmyn: the programs that are shown in the taskbar appear in all workspace02:34
MaineTimmimiloon: right-click on the task bar in the blank spot next to or between the program icons, and select "Task Manager Settings".02:34
SevenhillDaskreech_: 746 upgraded, 93 newly installed, 6 to remove , Need to get 610MB of archives. :) with my connection it is impossible to download02:35
Daskreech_Sevenhill: honestly a clean install is in almost all ways a better bet than an upgrade02:36
Daskreech_Esp if you have bandwidth issues02:36
nazgulbuenas noches, saludos a todos02:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:37
SevenhillDaskreech_: you are right, i need to visit my university to download new iso and make some updates02:37
Daskreech_Sevenhill: Get a daily CD02:38
mimiloonMaineTim, and everybody: thanks alot, it given me a headache; maybe this is a bug because it was setup like that by default when i installed kubuntu02:39
SerpardumThe original tmp file is gone02:39
Serpardumso I have the patch, but no file to patch it to.  let me read. *sigh*02:39
Daskreech_Serpardum: http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/vmware/02:39
SerpardumAnnnnnd gutsy disto doesn't exist anymore02:41
Serpardumremember what I said?  In linux nothing is EVER easy ^^02:41
SevenhillSerpardum: except broking your own system :)02:42
Serpardumlol  found the tmp dir anyway02:43
Serpardumokay, misght still be ablet o do this02:43
astromme_laptopIs there a ppa with Amarok 2.1b2 hiding around anywhere that folks know of?02:44
epimethsooooooo.... who else is as impressed by 9.04 as I am? :-)02:44
* astromme_laptop is happy with it. Much happier than he was with 8.1002:45
epimethastromme_laptop: I think neon has it....02:45
SevenhillDaskreech_: at least i can download iso image via ssh with 16.03 MB/s on my university account :D02:45
Daskreech_astromme_laptop: yesssssish02:46
epimethastromme_laptop: http://amarok.kde.org/en/node/482 it is the amarok nightlies, actually02:48
CoJaBo-AztecIs it possible to connect to a Cisco VPN in Kubuntu?02:49
epimethCoJaBo-Aztec: yes but for me it was buggy... I had to download the gnome packages, too.  This was back in gutsy tho so it might be improved?02:50
SerpardumOkay, well, the patch file is broken, stupid things like missspelling controller with one l02:50
Serpardumother things I can't figure out since the patch is rejecting it02:51
Serpardummaybe I can download kubunto .iso and upgrade from that?02:51
CoJaBo-Aztecepimeth: I guess not. The text entry fields in Jaunty are not even functional!?02:51
Serpardumlet me try "rebooting" and see what happens02:51
epimethCoJaBo-Aztec: let me see...02:51
astromme_laptopepimeth: hmm, I guess neon works. One issue is that it is completely separate from my normal kde02:52
astromme_laptopi.e. doesn't follow the theme, etc..02:52
CoJaBo-AztecTheres an option right in networkmanager, why put it there if it does nothing?02:52
Serpardumoh wtf, it changed my password I set?02:52
Daskreech_Serpardum: you can02:52
astromme_laptopCoJaBo-Aztec: The NM widget in Jaunty was pulled from the kde playground code repository02:52
epimethastromme_laptop: oh?  what do you mean?02:52
astromme_laptopIt is totally feasable that it might contain completely unfinished features, unfortunately02:53
SerpardumOkay, I"ll have ot wipe this one, copy the virtual machine again, reboot, download the iso, upgrade02:53
Serpardumsee you on teh flipside02:53
epimethSerpardum: adios02:53
astromme_laptopepimeth: I was just curious if there was one that replaced the current amarok package, all that. But it's right, this will do. Thanks :)02:53
* astromme_laptop wishes him good luck02:53
epimethahh... kay :-)02:53
CoJaBo-Aztecastromme_laptop: Any chance this trend will end in future versions?02:53
epimethCoJaBo-Aztec: did you install the cisco package?02:53
astromme_laptopCoJaBo-Aztec: yes. I hear murmurs of kubuntu pushing an updated version in jaunty-updates or something like that02:54
epimethThey are brining back KNetworkManager?  I thought we were sticking with the new plasmid?02:54
astromme_laptopCoJaBo-Aztec: And the widget itself will move out of playground in the future (not sure of a timeframe) in which case it will be held to higher quality standards02:54
CoJaBo-Aztecepimeth: No, just saw the option right in network manager, just assumed it would work. Guess thats yet another thing I need to put in a Windows VM?02:55
astromme_laptopepimeth: no, iirc we're sticking with the plasmoid (widget). It's just called the Network Management (NM) plasmoid02:55
astromme_laptopCoJaBo-Aztec: There is an experimental package that might have support02:55
epimethCoJaBo-Aztec: ??? cisco isn't installed by default tho... at least not for me!  Did you upgrade or fresh install?02:55
astromme_laptopCoJaBo-Aztec: actually, it's the cisco vpn? I should try that, I'm running it from sources02:55
astromme_laptopCoJaBo-Aztec: VPNC or OpenVPN?02:56
epimethoh...lol... vpnc.... my bad :-)02:56
CoJaBo-Aztecastromme_laptop: VPNC, the one that lists a "Cisco VPN" option in its non-functional config screen.02:57
epimethCoJaBo-Aztec: do you want to give me the login info so I can test?02:57
epimethI can enter info just fine02:57
astromme_laptopdon't give your info02:57
CoJaBo-Aztecepimeth: Does it save it?02:57
astromme_laptopCoJaBo-Aztec: do you mean in the "Optional Information" tab? Some fields are always greyed out for me02:58
CoJaBo-Aztecastromme_laptop: Required info does not save, and optional info cannot be entered.02:59
epimethof course I'll *understand* if you don't give me the info, I just don't know of any VPN I can test with!02:59
CoJaBo-Aztecepimeth: Put in fake info, and see if it is still there when you click edit again. Also see if the optional info can be entered.03:00
astromme_laptopCoJaBo-Aztec: not saved here. Looks like an unimplemented feature, sorry :(03:01
CoJaBo-AztecSo why leave it there for release?03:02
astromme_laptopCoJaBo-Aztec: Well, the applet hasn't been released by its developer, so it's fine that it's in from his perspective I'm sure03:02
astromme_laptopAnd Kubuntu didn't remove it03:02
astromme_laptopso I guess in a way the kubuntu devs could have edited the applet to remove that screen03:03
SerpardumDo I want the Desktop CD or the Live CD?03:03
astromme_laptopwhich might have been the right idea, but it didn't happen. dunno03:03
epimethCoJaBo-Aztec: yea, it looks like VPNC is still not supported in kubuntu... however, if it works like it did in prior versions then you just have to install the gnome network manager and when you save the info there you will be able to connect through the kubuntu one03:03
SerpardumI need to upgrade inside of kubuntu itself03:03
astromme_laptopSerpardum: either works? Live CD is probably what you want if you don't have lvm, raid03:03
astromme_laptopthat might be alternate cd03:03
epimethSerpardum: if you are already installed why don't you just upgrade straight from the repos?  you don't need to download the disk again.....03:04
epimethalso, I prefer the alternate cd myself03:04
Serpardumepimeth: the repos are broken, tried that03:05
Serpardumits becasue of the version I'm upgrading from03:05
CoJaBo-AztecLots of things are broken :/03:05
Serpardumthe scripts are fuxored03:05
astromme_laptopHow are the repos broken?03:05
astromme_laptopWhat are you upgrading from?03:05
Serpardumhang on03:05
Serpardum7.10 virtual machine03:06
epimethwhat scripts are fubared?03:06
Daskreech_Serpardum: The desktop CD is the live CD you want the Server CD03:06
Serpardum.. um03:06
Daskreech_Serpardum: or the alternate CD03:07
Serpardumkay, cause the alternative is what I"m dling03:07
Serpardumso that's right?03:07
Daskreech_Which version ?03:07
Serpardumthat's latest and greatest, right?03:07
Daskreech_That's going to break some stuf03:07
Serpardumother than alpha03:07
Serpardumwhat does it break?03:07
Daskreech_Ubuntu in general doesn't support random upgrades03:08
astromme_laptop7.10? 7.10->8.04 isn't a supported upgrade path03:08
Daskreech_it's either from a release to a release+1 or from a LTS to a LTS +103:08
epimethspeaking of breaking stuff... anybody have experience with bcm4328?03:08
Serpardumrepeate after me.  NEVER easy ^^03:08
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:08
Daskreech_Serpardum: You can get it working :) but lets just say it's not supported :)03:09
Daskreech_Serpardum: You try upgrade Windows 3.1 to Vista and see what happens :)03:09
astromme_laptopSerpardum: You would either have to upgrade from 7.10 -> 8.04 -> 9.04 or install clean03:09
Serpardumwell, if I can get it working I can recompile if I have to03:09
Serpardumcan't install clean, this is a virtual machine03:09
Serpardumwhich is why it has to be an upgrade03:09
Daskreech_Serpardum: did You see the link I threw at you?03:10
Serpardum7.10 was the latest virtual machine I found03:10
MaineTimSerpardum: Why not install on new VM?03:10
Serpardumthe upgrade one?03:10
Serpardumbecaue I have vmplayer, not vmserver03:10
astromme_laptopSerpardum: you can't just install fresh?03:10
SerpardumI can't install a new one, only run one that already created.03:10
* astromme_laptop uses VirtualBox03:10
Daskreech_Serpardum: No http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/vmware/03:10
epimethDaskreech_: yea, the 28 isn't in the bc43 driver yet... I modprobe -r all the wireless network then add wl and b44 and restart the networking daemon and it works.  However, it doesn't stick after a reboot... I guess I'll suffer till it gets fixed :-)03:11
astromme_laptopSerpardum: http://www.virtualbox.org/03:11
MaineTimYou can create new VMs elsewhere.03:11
astromme_laptopSerpardum: lets you create your own virtual machines03:11
astromme_laptopAnd run them nicely :)03:11
Daskreech_epimeth: You can force it to be there I remember having to do that03:11
Serpardumahh, hmm.. lots there, no kubuntu though  oh well, will have to go with. hmm..03:11
epimethDaskreech_: I saw nothing about that in my hour long search last night... :-)  so I posted in ubuntuforums but nobody has gotten back to me yet03:12
SerpardumI guess I could go with ubuntu03:12
astromme_laptopSerpardum: I strongly suggest installing VirtualBox and using the LiveCd/Alternative install disk for 9.0403:13
epimethSerpardum: wait what?  why don't you "format" the virtual hard drive?03:13
Serpardumbecause I'm running a .vmx file03:13
astromme_laptopSerpardum: you can create a virtual machine (it's super super easy) using virtualbox03:13
Daskreech_Serpardum: you can make Ubuntu into Kubuntu pretty easily03:14
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »03:14
Serpardumwait, astromme_laptop: got a link?03:14
Serpardumlet me find virtualbox I guess03:14
Daskreech_epimeth: You have to blacklist the drivers that supplant it03:14
astromme_laptopSerpardum: http://virtualbox.org03:14
Daskreech_Serpardum: is anything tying you to vmware ?03:16
Daskreech_!info virtualbox03:16
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in jaunty03:16
SerpardumVirtualBox != VMWare?03:16
Daskreech_Oh right Of course >_< installing it on windows03:16
Serpardumthat is what I create in virtual box won't work in VMWare?03:16
astromme_laptopSerpardum: no, it is not the same but it serves the same purpose03:17
Daskreech_You can get a converter I think03:17
astromme_laptopSerpardum: no, it will not work in vmware. But virtualbox will run its own images03:17
SerpardumOkay, as long as it works in vista I"ll switch to it03:17
Serpardumis there a kubuntu virtual machine out there?03:17
Serpardumfor virtualbox?03:17
Daskreech_Serpardum: mebbe03:17
astromme_laptopSerpardum: you can create one, it's drop dead easy03:17
Daskreech_Serpardum: You don't need one. That's what we are trying to tell you03:17
astromme_laptopSerpardum: just download the cd03:17
Serpardumdownloading it now03:18
Serpardum56% down03:18
Serpardumokay, let me install vitual box03:18
Serpardumhmm.. let me switch to mirc03:18
epimethspeaking of virtual machines.... I'm gonna go see if my processor will work with kvm.  bbl03:21
Daskreech_Stepping out to get some Chicken03:21
ubuntu_eu quero a versao portugues vc pode medar help?03:21
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:22
Serpardum[DM]Hopefully vitualbox will be more friendly than vmware ^^03:22
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: I find it quite easy to use03:23
Serpardum[DM]so, what, I install vmware, create a new vitual machine, run the iso?>03:23
Daskreech_Serpardum: You mena vbox03:23
Daskreech_!info vbox03:24
ubottuPackage vbox does not exist in jaunty03:24
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: replace vmware with virtualbox and yes03:24
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:24
Serpardum[DM]umm. yeah ^^03:24
Daskreech_!info virtualbox-ose03:25
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.4-dfsg-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 8576 kB, installed size 31164 kB03:25
Daskreech_There we go :)03:25
Daskreech_So you can install virtual Box on Vista then install virtualbox-ose in Kubuntu then install Windows 7 inside there :)03:25
astromme_laptopA third name? lol Serpardum[] :)03:28
Serpardum[]mirc reconnected after virtualbox installed the network whatever03:29
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Serpardum[]wow, this server doesn't time out nicks very well does it ?03:29
astromme_laptopguess not03:29
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Serpardum[]I was going to mount the .iso image in windows with a driver, but thinking about it, dont' think ubuntu could see it ^^03:34
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ahmoshi there is a package i wanna uninstall but it asks me to uninstall amarok as well, how to uninstall it only03:35
astromme_laptopahmos: amarok might depend on the package, what is it?03:36
astromme_laptopSerpardum[]: nah, VirtualBox will do that for you03:37
astromme_laptopSerpardum[]: Just run the create virtual machine wizard03:37
astromme_laptopthen when you first turn it on it asks for an iso03:37
astromme_laptopahmos: dunno03:39
ahmos:) ok thank's any way03:39
Serpardum[]when it asks for OS, kubuntu is not listed but ubuntu is, do I just select ubuntu, or other?03:40
astromme_laptopSerpardum[]: ubuntu03:41
astromme_laptopSerpardum[]: it asks because it sets up some custom stuff. The base of ubuntu is the same as the base of Kubuntu03:41
epimethaaaand back03:44
Serpardum[]Hmm.. for a 3gb machine whats a good base memory size?03:44
epimethso I guess I don't have hardware virtualization :-(03:44
epimeththat is really sucky03:44
Gamarok__good morning guys03:45
Serpardum[]good evening03:45
galvanizewhere are most of the applications stored?03:45
Serpardum[]it's suggesting 384MB but that seems kinda small for me, but is it okay for kubuntu?03:45
Gamarok__well its morning from where i am talking03:46
astromme_laptopSerpardum[]: I would do more if you can spare it03:47
astromme_laptopSerpardum[]: how much do you have in the host machine? I would suggest 768-1024MB of ram if you have greater than 2GB in the host03:47
Serpardum[]I have 3gb in the host03:47
Serpardum[]getting confused now by the hard drive thing03:47
astromme_laptopoh, reading backlog... yes, 1GB should be great03:47
Serpardum[]dont' understand the question03:47
astromme_laptopSerpardum[]: VirtualBox has a "virtual hd manager"03:48
astromme_laptopwhat's the question?03:48
Serpardum[]"Virtual Hard Drive"03:48
=== Serpardum[] is now known as Serpardum
Serpardum"Select a hard drive image to be used as the boot hard disk..."03:49
astromme_laptopSerpardum: hit new and follow the prompts03:49
Serpardumboot Hard Disk (Primary master)03:49
astromme_laptopI suggest 8-16GB image, depending on your freespace03:49
SerpardumIs that my C drive?  I would prefer to use my E drive03:49
SerpardumMy E drive has like 500 gb free03:49
Daskreech_Serpardum: so use that then03:50
epimethSerpardum: so go right ahead and use that then.... heck, give it 20GB!03:51
SerpardumOkay, giving it 100gb03:51
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Serpardumthat's max size, it's dynamic03:52
epimethSerpardum: do you have any experience with KVM?03:52
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM03:52
SerpardumKVM switches, but your'e probably talking about somethign else03:52
epimethDaskreech_: I'm reading that, but I'm hoping that maybe I can use it without hardware virtualization?  or maybe I have it but can't figure out how to turn it on?03:53
Daskreech_what cpu do you have?03:53
epimethintel core2 duo t640003:54
astromme_laptopHow nice of you all to return :)03:54
epimethjust for you astrom :-p03:55
astromme_laptopepimeth: :). I was one of 5 in the channel... one of 28 in #ubuntu where there are now 1372 people03:55
astromme_laptopepimeth: that should have hardware virtualization03:56
astromme_laptopMine does (it's a core 2 duo)03:56
Serpardumworking good, installing now03:56
epimethmaybe dell disabled it somehow?  I poured through the BIOS settings and didn't see anything about hardware virutalization....03:57
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:57
epimethI love the scrolling list of disconnect/reconnects after a netsplit... its the highlight of my life03:58
Daskreech_astromme_laptop: not true It's a crap shoot with intel03:58
Daskreech_you can buy a CPU way more expensive and it won't have VT03:58
astromme_laptophmm, interesting03:59
astromme_laptopepimeth: lol :)03:59
epimethsoooo... I'm confused now... should I have it or not?  and if so, why isn't it in /proc/cpuinfo?03:59
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Serpardumastromme: LVM or not?04:00
astromme_laptopSerpardum: I suggest not04:01
galvanizehi all, my keyboard shortcuts do not seem to work. Using 9.04. Anyone else have the same issue?04:01
astromme_laptopYou're on a vm, keep it simple04:01
Daskreech_epimeth: http://communities.intel.com/message/1345204:01
epimethSerpardum: yea, definitely not LVM...04:02
Daskreech_galvanize: does the keyboard work?04:02
epimethDaskreech_: ummmm... there is no response there, but thanks for the attempted help :-)04:03
Daskreech_epimeth: no response?04:03
epimethto the guy's question04:03
Daskreech_yes but he did some research :)04:04
galvanizeDaskreech_: :) yes.04:04
galvanizeDaskreech_: Fresh install, shortcuts never worked.04:05
SerpardumYou talking about the loadable kernal module kvm.ko epimeth?04:05
Serpardumfor kvm?  Perhaps you have to tell it to load the module04:05
Serpardumdid you read the HOWTO for how to get kvm to run on your machine?04:06
epimethSerpardum: it telling me my cpu doesnt support it04:07
Clown_Knifehey all when ever I go to watch a dvd created on my samsung pvr unit I get access denied i can access as root and watch dvd, this does not happen with other dvd movies any help please04:07
SerpardumWell, the page does say you need an Intel with VT or an AMD04:07
Daskreech_which it doesn't04:07
epimethooohhhhhh.... Daskreech_ I'm looking at the link he posted... is it the VT-x?04:08
SerpardumA VT capable Intel processor, or an SVM capable AMD processor04:08
epimethgrrr.... wtf04:09
SerpardumThe T6400 does not support VT-x04:09
Serpardumaccording to the link Daskreech_ gave04:09
epimethyou guys talking about virtualization made me suddenly realize that I have a brand new laptop with a dual core, so I assumed I could finally check out kvm.  Now I'm sad again04:09
Serpardumactually, no, it's embedded?04:09
Daskreech_Clown_Knife: it only happens with one movie?04:10
Serpardumer, no, doesngt have04:10
Serpardumsoftware emulation epimeth ^^04:10
Clown_Knifeit only happens with any movies from my samsung pvr unit all other movies work fine04:10
Daskreech_Clown_Knife: streaming them?04:10
epimeth<whine>but I want harware emulatiooooooooooon</whine>04:11
astromme_laptopepimeth: Hmm, I have a L7700 and it has VT-x04:11
astromme_laptopoh well04:11
Serpardum7700 > 640004:12
Clown_KnifeDaskreech_, no just trying to watch with xine mplayer dragon player or just trying to look at files on dvd thru dolphin or konqueror it shows nothing but if i open kdesudo konqueror and then access dvd i can see video folder and files etc04:12
Daskreech_Serpardum: Doesn't mean anything04:13
astromme_laptopugh, slow slow slow I hate slow laptop hard drives04:13
Daskreech_the 8200 doesn't have VT-x04:13
astromme_laptopmy system grinds to a halt when I do anything disk intensive04:13
astromme_laptopOthers have the same issue with Linux? Any tips on how to alleviate it?04:14
Serpardumastromme: I think it's an issue with your slow ass hd04:15
astromme_laptopSerpardum: true, and I expect the program needing the hd to be slow04:15
Daskreech_Serpardum: Hows your install?04:15
SerpardumYou might try a bigger hd cache04:15
astromme_laptopbut like my desktop completely freezes up04:15
Serpardum35% of software install04:15
JabberWokkyastromme: Is it a normal hard drive, or is it some other kind of media?04:16
Daskreech_Serpardum: How fast is your net?04:16
JabberWokkyastromme_laptop: Is it a normal hard drive, or is it some other kind of media?04:16
SerpardumHe said it was laptop hd I thought04:17
astromme_laptopJabberWokky: it's just my normal 5400rpm laptop hd04:18
Serpardumewww, 5400rpm?04:18
Serparduma normal hd is 7200 rmp04:18
astromme_laptopit's a laptop, that's normal04:18
Serpardum8600 is soem faster ones04:18
SerpardumYou might want to change the interleave on it04:18
Serpardumbut that would require new format04:18
astromme_laptopbut anyways, the same thing happens on my desktop (7200 rpM) when I have high disk io04:18
JabberWokkyAh, yes.  I see it in the scroll back now (missed it, sorry).  Nope, I've run into that in fuse reconnects and SD media, and know how to tweak those two.04:18
Serpardumhwo do you tweak them JabberWokky?04:19
JabberWokkyIf it's just a normal HD, I've only seen it get really slow when the app itself is doing something intensive.04:19
CoJaBo-AztecDoes anyone know what the command is to install a .deb file?04:19
SerpardumI just googled for "install .deb file" and a how to popped up04:20
Serpardumgoogle is your friend ^^04:20
astromme_laptopJabberWokky: you don't ever experience super slowdown of the entire gui? All windows, the desktop effects, window redraw, etc04:20
JabberWokkySerpardum: No, actually, the fail and retry settings are, by default, fairly high.  However, fuse can actually functionally lock the entire mounted fs system as apps wait on the mountpoint to time out.04:20
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: Ah, dkpg, I was mispelling it... Thanks.04:21
CoJaBo-AztecEr, *dpkg04:21
JabberWokkyastromme_laptop: Not really.  It's slow when I'm doing something like encoding video over an sshfs connection, but that's a pretty hefty system load.04:21
* astromme_laptop frowns04:21
* astromme_laptop has it on any linux computer he has used. oh well. 04:22
* astromme_laptop is fine during high cpu loads04:22
* astromme_laptop just isn't fine during high io loads04:22
Serpardumthat is strange astromme, I've never expereinced that problem in linux04:22
JabberWokkySerpardum: If you use fuse and are having issues (especially with KDE apps trying to see if there's a .directory file pausing as they wait to time out), I can kick you my opts.04:23
CoJaBo-AztecOk, dpkg failed but at least it gave an error better than "A problem we were not expe"!04:23
Serparduminstall complete, rebooting vm04:23
JabberWokkyastromme_laptop: Yeah, that is an odd problem... you might want to check your system log to make sure that drive isn't kicking errors akin to "I'm about to horribly fail on you".04:23
CoJaBo-AztecAnyone know when KPackageKit is going to be fixed?04:24
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epimeth!ping | RixAeris04:27
ubottuRixAeris: ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore04:27
epimethoh lol04:27
Serpardum[]wee, install done04:28
JabberWokkyHeh.  I'd never seen what happens when you | nonexistant.04:28
Serpardum[]Oooh, I hate Quassel IRC04:28
epimethI'm liking it so far04:28
Serpardum[]it lines all the nicks up04:28
Serpardum[]too much space on left04:28
Serpardum[]wasted space04:28
epimethI noticed and thought "finally!"04:28
JabberWokkyI'm okay with it... I basically use it because it beats most other redirectors04:28
Serpardum[]kommunicator or whatever was nice04:29
epimethkonversation was great04:29
* astromme_laptop is very happy with Quassel04:29
epimethmuuuuch better than the others04:29
JabberWokkySerpardum: Yes, but it doesn't run the core on my server and allow me to connect from various laptops.04:29
Serpardum[]yeah.  I don't see the install app thing on this hmm04:29
astromme_laptopI love the core -> client model04:29
Serpardum[]JabberWokky: we are talking irc clients here right?04:30
JabberWokkySerpardum: Yes.  One of the nice things about Quassel is that it is split into a core -> client.04:30
Serpardum[]I might be impressed if I knew what that meant04:31
JabberWokkySerpardum: You run the core on any computer, and then the client on any other computer.  My core runs on my home server, the client on any computer I happen to be on.  It allows me to look back when I reconnect.04:31
astromme_laptop^^ what he said :(04:31
epimethoooooohhhhh. the new vbox is prettty04:31
astromme_laptopepimeth: 2.2? as opposed to what?04:32
epimethwhatever was in the 8.10 repo04:33
astrobearapt-get install privoxy gives me this error:04:33
astrobearThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:33
astrobear  koffice-libs-kde4: Depends: koffice-data-kde4 (>= 1: but it is not going to beinstalled04:33
Serpardum[]Hmm.. astromme: I can't seem to get my system display > 800x600  Is there a trick to it?04:34
astrobearapt-get -f doesn't resolve the issue:04:34
astrobear trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions/object-order-back.png', which is also in packagekde-icons-oxygen04:34
astrobeari've had this several times in the past :04:34
phrozenare there any known issues with doing a 'apt-get update' atm?04:39
epimethphrozen: I literally *just* ran an update and an install... worked fine for m04:39
phrozenhmm... im getting stuck at 99%. before that i was getting signature errors. this is all on a brand new 9.04 install04:40
epimethphrozen: does KPackageKit work?04:41
phrozenno idea - i only have ssh access to the box atm04:42
epimethoh... hrm04:42
phrozenits my work computer and i convinced my boss to let me run linux and now i cant install anything lol :D04:42
astromme_laptopoh noes!04:42
ubottuSearch factoids for term: !search <term>04:43
epimethsorry to hear that04:43
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)04:43
epimethanyway folks... midnight is late enough for me, tonight04:43
epimethsee you all laters04:43
astrobearhey astromme_laptop... you should really consider removing 'astro' from your username ;)04:43
MushroomKingdomCan someone help me with my Vbox? #vbox doesn't seem to be able to help04:44
josh___g'night yall.04:44
astromme_laptopastrobear: oh noes! I've awoken the beast again!04:44
astrobearbuenos noches amigo04:44
astrobearno actually dependency hell got to me first04:44
astromme_laptopSerpardum: Hmm... resoution issues? no idea04:44
cjaeOK, I have 4.2.3 now, and is the search finally fully functional?04:44
astromme_laptopastrobear: ahh, I see ;)04:45
astromme_laptopastrobear: well, it's kind of hard. My first name starts with an a and the last with stromme. /shrug04:45
astromme_laptopcjae: For strigi: You access strigi through Nepomuk in 4.2.x04:45
astromme_laptopcjae: and in Kubuntu you want the sesame2 nepomuk backend04:46
astromme_laptopBut there is a bug.... with a java symlink04:46
astromme_laptopI had to google for help on how to fix it04:46
astrobearstromme is cool, sounds like pastromi04:46
cjaeastromme_laptop, so would you recommend strigi04:50
astromme_laptopcjae: well, that is what Kubuntu will be centered around04:51
astromme_laptopbut you would need to manually do the java symlink fix04:51
cjaeshouldn't be too hard04:51
astromme_laptopcjae: not too hard04:53
astrobearapt-get build-dep kde-icons-oxygen was the solution04:53
astromme_laptopiirc it was symlinking /usr/lib/javaimplementation/something/libjvm.so /usr/lib/libjvm.so04:53
astrobearit's a kubuntu bug that has been alive the entire life of intrepid04:53
astromme_laptopastrobear: the strigi?04:53
solidus-riverum, gcc is broken04:54
astrobearastromme_laptop: dunno04:54
solidus-riveri did an apt-get install build-essential and apt-get install gcc04:54
ichudovI find that I like a lot of KDE programs and, for the kicks, I want to04:54
ichudovtry KDE. However, I want to continue to use the familiar GDM, keep04:54
ichudovGnome as the default option for all users, etc. Anyone knows what04:54
ichudovpackage should I install?04:54
solidus-riveri have a program that is #include <iostream> using namespace std;  int main () {   cout << "Hello World!";   return 0; }04:55
astromme_laptopichudov: I think you should be able to install kubuntu-desktop and things shouldkeep their defaults04:55
solidus-riverthat program returns a ton of errors concerning iostream04:55
ichudovastromme, awesome, thanks, I will try.04:55
astromme_laptopat most you might have to do an apt-get reconfigure gdm04:55
ichudovOK, I will write it down just in case.04:56
astromme_laptopichudov: hold up a sec04:57
astromme_laptopwasn't quite the right command, I need to look it up04:58
ichudovinstall asked what should be the default display manager, to which I answered gdm. Very encouraging04:58
astromme_laptopyes, that's good04:58
astromme_laptopichudov: you might get the kubuntu branding during boot... there is a package to remove if you don't want it but I don't remember it off the top of my head04:58
ichudovI love especially krusader, konversation etc04:58
ichudovI would like to remove it to avoid confusion, I have a whole family04:58
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astromme_laptopichudov: ok, so it looks like if something goes wrong with kdm/gdm, the command is "dpkg-reconfigure gdm"04:59
ichudovOK, I wrote that down.05:00
astromme_laptopichudov: and it also looks like the usplash (booting screens) are called "kubuntu-artwork-usplash"05:00
ichudovI am rebooting that box and will soon walk to it to see05:00
astromme_laptopichudov: so you might want to remove that05:00
astromme_laptopand then do the dpkg-reconfigure usplash-theme-ubuntu05:01
astromme_laptopthat's if you see kubuntu branding at boot05:01
ichudovaptitude remove kubuntu-artwork-usplash prompts to remove kubuntu-desktop. That's OK, right?05:02
ichudovI think that I can set usplash theme from StartUp-Manager.05:02
ichudovI am not too worried about it.05:02
astromme_laptopichudov: sure, it is fine to remove the desktop metapackage05:03
ichudovOK, I will hold off on that yet05:03
ichudovI will go away for a few to try that desktop, it is upstairs05:03
bacon000I can't figure out how change the IP address from dynamic to static in Kubuntu 9.04.  Any ideas?05:09
Serpardum[DM]How do I get kubuntu to accept a screen size other than 800x600 and 640x480?05:09
Daskreech1Spank it05:10
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: I think you need to install the vbox guest additions05:10
Serpardum[DM]virtualbox guess additions?  hmnm05:10
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: when the vm is running, go to Devices -> guest additions05:10
astromme_laptopit'll mount a cd in the client05:11
astromme_laptopclick that05:11
Serpardum[DM]yeah, it did that05:11
Serpardum[DM]it mounted a CD05:11
astromme_laptopthen open a terminal (press f4 if you're in dolphin) and run 'sudo sh ./VBoxLinux-something-x86-something.sh05:11
Serpardum[DM]you know where that VBoxLinux thingie is found?05:14
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: in /media/cdrom ?05:14
Serpardum[DM]I installed from iso05:14
astromme_laptopor /media/VBOXADDITIONS ?05:14
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: I understand05:15
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: but this is a different iso05:15
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: It mounted a virtual cd for the guest05:15
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: just run in the guest "sudo sh /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run"05:16
Serpardum[DM]hmm.. ls /cdrom and ls /cdrom0 and showing nothing05:16
astromme_laptop/media/cdrom not /cdrom :P05:16
Serpardum[DM]yeah, I know, I'm in media direcotry05:17
ichudovastromme, I am back in the basement. I configured boot to boot with ubuntu theme. Logged into KDE. I was totally astonished. This KDE stuff is so incredible, the eye candy is mind boggling and things look very attractive. So far I use FVWM (for the last 13 years), Gnome desktop (for the last 2 years) and now KDE. I have to say that for real high productivity programming, FVWM still cannot be beat, but where eye candy05:17
ichudovmatters, KDE rules!!! I will play with it to see how stable it is. If it is, I may switch my laptop to KDE.05:17
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: ok, then it is ./cdrom (note the .)05:17
Serpardum[DM]okay, getting there.05:17
nightdrever /msg c0ntract0r  hello05:18
Serpardum[DM]naw, was a window after I told it to insgtall additions had to click on05:18
astromme_laptopichudov: great :) I'm glad you like it05:18
Serpardum[DM]it's browsing now.  no freaking idea why05:18
astromme_laptopgo figure05:18
ichudovI saw a Mac once, and I got to say that KDE is better.05:18
Serpardum[DM]and now it's mounted05:18
astromme_laptopichudov: lol05:18
ichudovthanks, I will leave now so as not to clog this channel, thanks a lot!05:18
astromme_laptopichudov: glad it's working for you. If you need help, come back and ask around here05:19
* Serpardum[DM] loks over at the 200+ users in this channels05:19
astromme_laptopichudov: KDE has made huge striides since 4.0 a year ago. I agree, it's quite nice now :)05:19
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: compare that with 1300 for #ubuntu05:19
Daskreech14.3 Is a little nicer than 4.205:21
Daskreech1Sort of how 4.1 was a little nicer than 4.005:21
Serpardum[DM]much much better.05:22
Daskreech1sudo man are you asking for it05:22
* astromme_laptop is happy with 4.3. Lots of polish and some new exciting tidbits05:23
Daskreech1astromme: Ha ha That's where the deja vu is from05:23
Daskreech1You know something is done right when someone says "Logged into KDE. I was totally astonished. This KDE stuff is so incredible"05:23
astromme_laptopDaskreech1: yep :)05:24
Daskreech1I kept thinking I know this astromme from somewhere05:24
astromme_laptopyou're speaking to him!05:24
sudoDaskreech1 : i am sorry what did you say05:24
Daskreech1You do realise anytime anyone gives out a command in here well over 60% of the time the word sudo is in it right? Which means you get pinged05:25
Serpardum[DM]man I'm stupid.  I typed what you said without thinking.  I'm on AMD.  I better reinstall and hope it overrights.05:26
sudooh good point man i guess i will have to change my nick thanks Daskreech105:26
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: on amd64 or on x86?05:27
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: becuase if you installed the i386 the x86 command works05:28
froguyhey what the hell05:28
froguyi have the volume blasted05:28
* astromme_laptop chuckles05:28
froguyand youtube is not even loud05:28
Serpardum[DM]I'm on an AMD64 with Vista 3205:28
astromme_laptopSerpardum[DM]: ok, so x86 is what you want05:28
Serpardum[DM]but I just tried the AMD64 and it said that yeah05:28
froguyyea me is think of putting vista back on this05:28
Serpardum[DM]why do I want x86 on an amd?05:29
froguythis linux crap sucks.05:29
Serpardum[DM]even though its working I want to know why05:29
Serpardum[DM]froguy, not really05:29
froguyyeah really05:29
=== Serpardum[DM] is now known as Serpardum
froguyfirefox fails05:29
Serpardumyou'll get a chance to learn something05:29
froguywhen i closes it.  i still have to kill the pid05:29
froguyand then youtube get skippy after firefox has been running for a few hours05:29
froguyit never did that before05:29
SerpardumI gues syou haven't run vista lately05:30
froguyi thought software is supposed to get better with each successive version ?05:30
Serpardumall kinds of shit wrong with it05:30
froguyvista is fine.  i regret wiping it off.05:30
Serpardumfroguy: the problem is, new software = new features = new bugs05:30
froguylinux crap.05:30
SerpardumAnd it takes 90% of the time to do the last 10% of the work05:30
froguywell is there a way to roll back to an older version of firefox ?05:30
froguycan apt do that ?05:31
SerpardumMeaning in 50 yars from now, there'll be bugs05:31
froguyhow do i get the last working version of firefox.05:31
astromme_laptopSerpardum: It's working because x86 is the platform that both amd and intel have05:31
froguyhow do i get the last working version of firefox.05:31
Serpardumbecause I'm running in vista?05:31
astromme_laptopSerpardum: and while the amd chips can support amd64 (i.e. x86_64) you're running vista 32 which is 32 bit (i.e. plain old x86)05:32
Serpardumfroguy: you try downloading it?05:32
Serpardumthen uninstall your current, install the other one05:32
Daskreech1froguy: Yes it can05:32
astromme_laptopSerpardum: you could also run a 32 bit linux distro, same deal05:32
froguywell what do i have to type to make it work.05:32
* Serpardum blinks05:32
Daskreech1sudo apt-get install firefox=version05:32
SerpardumYou're right, you do need windows05:32
SerpardumBetter yet, go mac05:32
astromme_laptopsomebody is unhappy05:32
* astromme_laptop sighs05:32
astromme_laptopfroguy: Youtube also works in Konqueror05:33
astromme_laptopSerpardum: did that make some kind of sense?05:33
SerpardumOkay, my kubutu doesn't have that install program thingie the 7.10 had.  even though apt-get is better, apt-get doesn't let me see the list.  So how do I get that install program?  what's it's name so I can apt-get it?05:34
Serpardumastrobear: yes05:34
robin0800astromme_laptop: to be realy unhappy karmic alpha1 with kde is out05:34
froguyno it doesent05:34
froguyi have to refresh it serveral times to load it05:34
froguyand konqueror sucks anyway. i hate konqueror05:35
Daskreech1Try opera?05:35
robin0800froguy: try gnome05:35
froguyopera is not in apt like how it is in debian and gentoo05:35
Daskreech1or that05:35
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser05:35
froguygnome sucks.  i prefer kde05:35
astrobearastromme_laptop: Serpardum is referring to you :)05:36
froguythere is not applications05:36
froguyKmenu > applications ?05:36
froguyim on 9.405:36
astromme_laptopSerpardum: type in kpackagekit05:36
froguyit aint there05:36
SerpardumI dn't have applications-> add/remove.  how do I get it?05:36
Serpardumgot it, thankes05:36
astromme_laptopastrobear: rawr05:37
astromme_laptopfroguy: Opera has ubuntu/kubuntu packages on its site05:37
Serpardumthis is kinda funny: enumFromString ( Group ) : converted "unknown" to "Unknown" , enum value -105:37
astromme_laptopfroguy: iirc they have a license that restricts redistrobution05:38
antman_what is this?05:38
* Serpardum tries to see what antman_ is holding05:38
robin0800Serpardum: dont touch it!05:39
kalorin_anyone else having issues with video drivers (gut feeling) on laptops in 9.04?05:41
kalorin_specifically the centrino chipset intel drivers/05:41
astromme_laptopkalorin_: yes, the situation in 9.04 is not pretty05:41
kalorin_lots of artifacts and flashing parts of the screen popping then lockups05:41
kalorin_yeah I'm in no hurry to upgrade at this point05:42
Serpardumwhat desktop am I using? (default)05:42
kalorin_maybe 9.1005:42
kalorin_we'll see05:42
astromme_laptopkalorin_: It was bad enough where I upgraded further to experimental 2.6.30 kernel packages and karmic 9.10 drivers05:42
kalorin_it just seems liek the video drivers aren't stable all the sudden, I'm surprised they changed honestly05:42
Daskreech1Serpardum: 9.04 ?05:42
astromme_laptopkalorin_: After I did that things work really well, better than in Intrepid, which bodes well for 9.1005:42
Daskreech1hi nightdrever05:42
kalorin_and it's a guess that it's video drivers, but it seems to locka dn hang a lot on video stuff05:43
nightdrever /msg c0ntract0r  hello05:43
kalorin_I upgraded my laptop from 8.10 to 9.04 and it's just been really unstable05:43
astromme_laptopkalorin_: yeah, they got stuck in a really bad transition stage (kms, dri2, etc)05:43
* kalorin_ nods05:43
kalorin_k well i'm glad I'm not alone in seeing that05:43
Daskreech1nightdrever: Might want to join #ubuntu :)05:44
kalorin_perhaps I'll try the higher kernel level and see where that gets me05:44
astromme_laptopkalorin_: if you are keeping your laptop on 9.04 and can't stand it, there is a thread that helps you install the experimental stuff which helped massively in my case05:44
astromme_laptopgoogle for it, ubuntuforums05:44
kalorin_yeah that'd be good05:44
kalorin_k thanks a ton05:44
kalorin_that and knetworkmanager doesn't start on boot for some reason on that machine05:44
kalorin_runs fine if I pop a command prompt and fire it off05:45
kalorin_but just doesn't start on it's own05:45
kalorin_otherwise it appears to be good, from what I can tell between locks and whatnot05:45
astromme_laptopkalorin_: the plasmoid widget or the actual kde3 program?05:45
kalorin_if I don't start it in a command shell, it doesn't start, I get no netowrk05:45
kalorin_so i'm guessing the widget05:46
astromme_laptopthe kde3 program isn't installed in a normal jaunty install, that's probably why. You could put a symlink in ~/.kde/Autostart05:46
kalorin_I'll give that a shot05:46
astromme_laptopkalorin_: if you run it with knetworkmanager then no, it's the kde3 widget from 8.10 iirc05:46
kalorin_haven't spent too much time running with it05:46
astromme_laptopkalorin_: you could try adding the plasmoid (it's like adding any other desktop widget, search for network manager)05:46
astromme_laptopbut the widget is kind of flaky05:47
kalorin_seldom used laptop just for upstairs when I'm watching tv05:47
astromme_laptopso if knetworkmanager works for you I would keep it05:47
* kalorin_ nods05:47
astromme_laptopespecially if you use a WPA2 enterprise network05:47
* astromme_laptop found that out the hard way and currently uses gnome nm-applet05:47
kalorin_that'd be my preference, but anyone that comes over with their lame windowz machines can't use it then seems like05:47
kalorin_oh noes, sekurity!!!05:48
kalorin_fun for a good wasted afternoon05:48
kalorin_ok not really05:48
Daskreech1hi kalorin_05:49
Daskreech1or kalorin-05:49
Daskreech1one of the two05:49
Daskreech1(Note for some reason I refuse to say hello to both)05:49
kalorin_no worries05:49
kalorin_one is at work and the other is at home05:49
nightdrever /msg c0ntract0r  hello05:54
Daskreech1nightdrever: You know that works a lot better if you dont precede it with a space05:54
nightdreverlol sorry05:55
kalorin_ /msg Daskreech1 are you sure :)05:55
* kalorin_ chuckles05:55
nightdreverbut im getting errors now05:55
Daskreech1when you don't use a space?05:55
nightdrever[05:54] [Error] c0ntract0r: No such nick/channel05:56
Daskreech1nightdrever: Cause he logged off05:57
Daskreech1!seen c0ntract0r05:57
ubottuI have no seen command05:57
* astromme_laptop is off for now. bye all05:57
kalorin_night astromme05:57
kalorin_thanks again05:58
kalorin_time for me to hit it as well05:58
* kalorin_ awves05:58
* kalorin_ waves even05:58
=== d is now known as Guest69991
=== Guest69991 is now known as justyup
froguyi had to reboot to make youtube loud again.06:19
Daskreech1Maybe your master was set low?06:19
froguythere is no master.  just PCI.06:19
froguyerr no.  just master06:19
froguybut that was all the way up06:19
froguyand why didnt my /etc/network/interfaces work ?06:20
astrobearastromme_laptop: you're speaking my language :')06:21
froguyand yes it;s eth106:21
froguyi had to dhclient.  i dont want to dhclient06:21
froguyi want eth1 to be assigned
Daskreech1set it in networkmanager I would guess06:22
froguyscrew linux06:23
* froguy puts the xp cd back in06:23
Daskreech1did you try the NM plasmoid?06:23
froguyyeah that sucks too becuase it doesent provide for my wireless interface06:24
froguymy wifi interface worked on a fresh installation of intrepid.  then these software updates screwed it all up.06:24
Daskreech1That doesn't have much to do with that06:27
Daskreech1Do your wireless drivers work?06:27
SevenhillDaskreech1: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/173425/ what can i do to overcome this ?06:28
froguyfuck linux.06:28
Daskreech1Sevenhill: try sudo apt-get install libplasma-dev06:30
Daskreech1No wait try remove it06:30
=== ben is now known as Guest10187
Guest10187i think i have done something very bad. my /home/ was on a sperate partition and now it's with the root partition. can someone please help me get it back?06:36
=== Guest10187 is now known as ben__
=== ben__ is now known as ben
=== ben is now known as Guest76055
Daskreech1ben: What did you do?06:38
Daskreech1Guest76055: What did You do?06:38
=== Guest76055 is now known as ben__
Sevenhill:) i think it was his nickserv passwd06:39
ben__nickname thing is confusing06:39
Daskreech1:-) Ok Well we can sort that in out a little bit what's going on with your home ?06:40
Daskreech1You had a different parition ?06:40
Daskreech1or a different drive ?06:40
ben__i was having trouble with amarok and after completely uninstalling it i restarted my computer06:40
ben__diferent partition06:40
ben__same drive06:40
Sevenhillben__: what says your /etc/fstab06:40
Daskreech1and you used to boot up and it would mount the paritition as ~06:41
Daskreech1And now it doesn't?06:41
ben__i closed dolphin after i saw it like that and now when i reopen it it's back to normal but i get 'Unable to save bookmarks in /home/ben/.kde/share/apps/kfileplaces/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Insufficient permissions in target directory.. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive."06:43
ben__the same message i got when rebooted06:43
ben__and my hard drive is not full06:44
ben__according to dolphin06:44
Daskreech1ok can you open a konsole and type df -h and Mount06:44
Daskreech1not a caps06:45
Daskreech1then pastebin the output06:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:46
ben__Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on06:46
ben__/dev/sda3              74G  5.7G   64G   9% /06:46
ben__tmpfs                 1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /lib/init/rw06:46
ben__varrun                1.9G  308K  1.9G   1% /var/run06:46
ben__varlock               1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /var/lock06:46
ben__udev                  1.9G  140K  1.9G   1% /dev06:46
ben__tmpfs                 1.9G   24K  1.9G   1% /dev/shm06:46
ben__lrm                   1.9G  2.4M  1.9G   1% /lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/volatile06:46
ben__/dev/sda2              92M   32M   55M  37% /boot06:46
ben__/dev/sda6              94G   87G  2.9G  97% /home06:46
Daskreech1ben: pastebin06:46
Daskreech1!paste | ben06:46
ubottuben: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:46
ben__ok i'll use that next time06:47
ben__i'm very new to irc06:47
marcox25hi, anyone know where it's kde 4.3 beta 1 for kubuntu?06:47
Daskreech1put both of them there then give us back the URL it gives you06:47
Daskreech1marcox25: It's currently having some issues being packaged when it's up the topic will change in minutes06:47
marcox25it will be packages today?06:48
Daskreech1if at all possible I wouldn't count on it. you lived this long without KDE 4.3 another weekend won't kill you06:49
marcox25xD, it will kill me, i have applied a-get update too many times :(06:50
Daskreech1marcox25: It won't be a normal apt-get update It has to get into Koala first then it will get into Jackalope06:51
Daskreech1as I said when it's up the topic will change06:51
Daskreech1ben: well you have 3 GB free06:51
marcox25so i will try meanwhile OpenSuSE06:52
Daskreech1ben: What happened before the error?06:53
xp-killerhow to copie protected dvd on kubuntu?06:54
ben__i used synaptic to completly uninstall amarok06:54
Daskreech1That shouldn't do anything to the permissions06:55
ben__i don't recall doing anything else out of the ordinary06:56
Daskreech1ben: can you run touch ~/testlogfile06:56
ben__wait i did start and use dolphin through sudo06:56
marcox25will ext4  be default FS in karmic?06:57
Sevenhillmarcox25: there is a problem about ext4 in kubuntu06:57
Serpardum[]night all06:57
Daskreech1ben: ha ha that would be it06:57
Daskreech1ben: use kdesudo when running a GUI app06:57
ben__well see that would be another in the long line of dumb mistakes of mine06:58
Sevenhillsudo rm ~/.kde       <---- but this will delete all of your kde settings06:58
ben__like what settings06:59
Daskreech1ben: don't run that06:59
Sevenhillor just change all file ownerships to you06:59
Daskreech1that will delete all your KDE settings including all your mail and all your passwords in KDE wallet06:59
Sevenhillsudo chown Youruser:Youruser *  -R   <--- put your username to Youruser07:00
Daskreech1ben: try it with a normal dolphin07:00
SevenhillDaskreech1:  won't it be fix by using chown ben__:ben__ ~/.kde/* -R07:01
ben__ok i'm a bit confuesd here07:01
Daskreech1ben: Ok Just open a dolphin session normally and lets see what it does07:02
ben__it gives me that error07:02
ben__but them i hit ok and it runs fine07:02
Daskreech1Unable to save bookmarks in /home/ben/.kde/share/apps/kfileplaces/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Insufficient permissions in target directory.. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive.07:02
Daskreech1That error?07:02
Daskreech1ok what does ls -l /home/ben/.kde/share/apps say?07:03
Daskreech1pastebin it07:03
ben__if i recall i've done something like this in that past and i had to redo all my settings, i'm worred what sit effects thier would be all file ownerships are min07:03
paul_Is there anyone here that can help direct me on how to install Ubuntizilla ?07:04
Daskreech1What is ubuntuzilla ?07:05
paul_Is the Ubuntu build of mozilla firefox and thunderbird07:05
ben__i think it just installs them07:06
Daskreech1What's your username?07:06
paul_I'm using kubuntu on a x64 machine and having some real issues07:06
Daskreech1paul_: The Ubuntu builds of Firefox and thunderbird are simply called firefox and thunderbird07:07
Daskreech1Just install them as normal07:07
ben__my username?07:07
Daskreech1on the computer07:08
paul_Don't you need a x64 version?07:08
Daskreech1ok then sudo chown ben:ben  -R ~/.kde07:08
ben__so that would make me have permissons to everything07:09
Daskreech1paul_: If you are on the 64bit ubuntu it will automatically install any opensource application as the 64bit version07:09
Daskreech1ben: In the ~/.kde directory07:09
Sevenhillben__:  ~/ means your home directory07:09
ben__ok this is just weird. now my home is back in the root. that is if i'm interpriting this correctly07:11
Daskreech1How are you figuring that?07:12
ben__in dolphin the home is empty but the home in root is no longer a shortcut just a folder07:13
Daskreech1so your home directory is empty?07:14
ben__well the home shortcut in the sidebar just puts me in /root07:16
ben__i think the partition is fine it's just dolphin is confused07:17
ben__if i right click and hit properties in the / folder dolphin crashes into signal 607:18
=== bdgraue_ is now known as bdgraue
Sevenhillben__:  i suggest you logout and relogin for to see effects of what you did before ( i mean chown )07:20
=== ben is now known as ben__
ben__well i did that but i had to restart instead because it locked up07:26
Daskreech1Somethgn sounds funny :)07:27
ben__good news amarok works with out running it from bash bad news dolphin still displays some odd stuff07:27
Daskreech1What odd stuff?07:28
Viking667Hey there. I'm having a major issue trying to run the software updater - symptoms are - the software updater has its icon in the system tray, and says in a tooltip (for example) 22 packages updated.07:28
ben__like right click properties works fine in the home but it crashes dolphin in the / directory07:28
Viking667Problem is, when I bring up the window and try to click either "Apply" or "OK",or "Apply all available updates", I get a windoow popping up sayinc "Trying to start service", then it immediately brings up a second window in front saying "An internal error that we were not expecting has occurred ...." and in the details, it says: The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork.07:30
Viking667Now, what kind of an error message is that for John Doe User?07:30
Viking667I'm well versed with Linux in general, and even _I_ don't know what this message is referring to.07:30
Viking667It's only started occurring since I updated a machine up to 9.04.07:31
ben__wait i know why it didn't logout07:32
ben__it was my falt (again) amarok and firefox were the only thing that didn't close during the logout and i kinda started them with a sudo instead of a kdesudo07:33
Sevenhillif you started firefox with su you also have to type this  ->  sudo chown -R ben:ben ~/.mozilla07:35
ben__the number of things i can screw up never seases to amaze me07:36
Viking667lol. Never be amazed about the capacity to screw up.07:37
Gamarok__you are not alone on that one ben__07:37
=== ben is now known as ben__
Viking667so, anyone has a single clue about this "Software Update" problem?07:38
Gamarok__guys i cant get my bluetooth to run on kubuntu 8.10 can anybody help me with that07:39
ben__it never ends. i can now log out fine and firefox works (yes you just fixed a problem you didn't even know existed) but all my basket notepads are gone07:41
ben__and dolphin still crashes07:42
dmbkiwiViking667: why don't you update from a terminal?  See if there are any errors from there?07:42
Viking667no errors. That's the stupid thing.07:43
Viking667for what it's worth, it's "KDE Control Module" that throws its bathtoys out.07:43
Viking667i.e I can manually apt-get upgrade fine.07:43
dmbkiwiViking667: maybe stick with that for now then - don't think I've ever used the graphical tool.07:44
Viking667not a great deal of use to my "granny" user. She's only used to using the terminal to start her spreadsheet program. She uses the KDE desktop for pretty much everything else.07:45
Daskreech1ben: Why are you starting things with Sudo and kdesudo ?07:46
ben__i was starting firefox because it wouldn't start properly any other way (buttons and things didn't work)07:47
ben__i knew it was a permission problem but i didn't know how to fix it07:47
Daskreech1ben: try changing the permissions :)07:48
ben__hey wait /home/ben/.kde/apps is gone07:49
ben__which would explain the basket poblem07:50
Mamarokben__: that would be .kde/share/apps/07:50
Mamarokthere never was a .kde/apps/ folder07:50
ben__*feels dumb*07:50
ben__so /home/ben/.kde/share/apps/basket is empty07:52
Daskreech1ben: probably because you started it with sudo which makes it a root app07:54
Daskreech1so it's in /root/.kde/share/apps07:54
ben__i never started basket with sudo07:54
Daskreech1ok then I'm not sure then07:55
ben__i have it backup anyway07:55
Viking667hm. How do I find a jaunty key for security repo? (more to the point, how do I import the key too?)07:55
Daskreech1You should have the key already07:56
Viking667I _should_ have...07:56
Viking667I just tried to do a "apt-get update" and got this message (after a list of files that downloaded successfully): W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com jaunty-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>07:57
Daskreech1it will be on launchpad with the instructions on how to import it07:57
Viking667W: You may want to run aptsget update to fix these errors.07:57
* Viking667 is blank. What's launchpad?07:58
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/07:58
Viking667how's that related to kubuntu and updating to Jaunty from Intrepid?07:59
Viking667I mean, if it does, I'm fine with that, I just hadn't heard of it, ever.07:59
Daskreech1It's how Ubuntu keeps a track of packages08:00
Viking667used to be adept and apt that handled that, wasn't it? At least from the client side08:01
HanHi, I want to try kde4.3 beta so I added "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/experimental/ubuntu jaunty main" to my sources.list. I just can't find the key.  Does anyone know the whereabouts?08:01
Daskreech1Viking667: yes think of launchpad as the server side08:03
Daskreech1 hence where the keys are08:03
Daskreech1Han: 4.3 isn't packaged yet08:04
HanVersion: 4:4.2.85-0ubuntu2~jaunty2~ppa108:05
Hantimestamp: 16 may08:06
Viking667hrm. Didn't see anything related to official Ubuntu keys for the security "source" there...08:08
Hangot it :-) https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive/ppa08:09
Viking667I saw that too, but I'm not AFTER Personal Packaged Archive.08:10
Viking667I'm after the _official_ key to the Official Security source from Ubuntu.08:10
ben__i'm going to try to fix any remaining problems later. but now thier is only problem that i've spent way way way to long on. flash player in firefox. i've tried every adept flash plugin and like 20 other methods of installing flash player. and they all end up in thier respective folders just fine but firefox never recognises them.08:11
Gamarok__guys i cant get my bluetooth working on kubuntu 8.10 i already have the necessary bluez packages installed but nothing happens when i click on the kdebluetooth408:18
AustLaw_how do I set network connection settings?08:18
AustLaw_is the network manager broken or something?08:22
AustLaw_shit don't work -,-08:23
jussi01!language | AustLaw_08:23
ubottuAustLaw_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:23
AustLaw_* crap don't work08:26
=== hunter is now known as Guest7658
Guest7658somebody has problems to install the 9 upgrade?09:18
Guest7658i did it yesterday and the pc didnt restart it again. so i had to setup the whole linux new09:18
|eagles0513875|Guest7658: i installed the upgrades yesterday no issues after a reboot cuz of kernel update09:19
|eagles0513875|Guest7658: you doing this through the package manager or command line09:19
Guest7658no, did it thrue shell09:20
Guest7658yes. of course09:20
|eagles0513875|what command did you use09:20
|eagles0513875|and also did you have any beta packages or anything out of the ppa's09:20
Guest7658ok, tryingsudo apt-get upgrade09:21
Guest7658not sure09:21
Guest7658update setting wrong? maybe? its not upgrading now09:22
Guest7658i have a old cd with ubuntu 7, upgrade to 8 now but i can not upgrade to 9.09:23
Daskreech1!upgrade | Guest765809:26
ubottuGuest7658: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:26
Guest7658its not working..09:32
Daskreech1what's going wrong?09:33
Guest7658i have no idea09:34
Guest7658its not upgrading09:34
Daskreech1what is it doing?09:36
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Guest7658i dont know. i think i dont know how to upgrade in the lynx09:37
Daskreech1lynx or linux ?09:38
Daskreech1Lynx is a web browser09:38
Guest7658just opened it09:38
Daskreech1Guest7658: You are on 8.10 and want to upgrade to 9.04 ?09:39
Guest7658or another question, where can i see what i have=?09:40
Guest7658like, ubuntu 8.0409:40
Guest7658or what ever09:40
Daskreech1sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get do-release-upgrade09:40
Daskreech1to see what version you have type lsb_release -a09:41
Guest7658and anotehr problem, if i start sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get do-release-upgrade then i get this:09:41
Guest7658ary-i386/Packages.gz nicht holen  404 Not Found [09:42
Guest7658just an example for all the other errors09:42
Daskreech1run sudo apt-get update again09:43
Daskreech1it's not getting the file from the servers09:43
Guest7658which server i have to tae 4 upgrade & update09:45
Daskreech1can you do sudo apt-get upgrade ?09:45
Guest7658yes, but i get 404 page not found09:46
Daskreech1where are you getting your repos from ?09:51
Guest7658software packet quellen... ?09:51
Guest7658Konnte http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz nicht holen  404 Not Found [IP: 80]09:52
Daskreech1wait gutsy?09:53
Daskreech1Guest7658: just do sudo do-release-upgrade09:54
Guest7658Checking for a new ubuntu release09:56
Guest7658No new release found09:56
Daskreech1want to try the dangerous update? :)09:57
Guest7658that means?09:57
Guest7658after yesterday i will be more on the secure side09:58
Daskreech1ok fine :) want to do the safe upgrade? :)09:59
Daskreech1Download the hardy alternate cd10:00
Guest7658oh.. well. then the danger way..10:00
Daskreech1No it's pretty safe10:01
Daskreech1oh ok I see10:01
Daskreech1open the file /etc/apt/sources.list and change where it says gutsy to hardy10:02
Guest7658dont see it10:04
Daskreech1the file?10:05
Guest7658do you have a link so i can put it in manuelly10:06
Daskreech1You can't find the file or the reference to gutsy ?10:07
Guest7658the reference10:07
Daskreech1can you pastebin the file?10:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:08
Guest7658the same when i try update10:09
Guest7658same oicture10:09
Daskreech1you have the file /etc/apt/sources.list10:10
Guest7658bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied10:11
Daskreech1sudo apt-get install pastebinit10:12
albert_bjr peut ton m'aider svp pour inst carte atheros AR42110:12
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:13
Daskreech1pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list10:13
albert_is not fonction sur wiki ubuntu10:13
Guest7658what the hell is Sabayon user???10:15
Guest7658i didnt install another user10:16
Guest7658that means==??10:19
Daskreech1save that as a /etc/apt/sources.list10:19
Guest7658ok, how10:20
Gamarok__man type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list and replace its content with the ones in daskreech1 's pastebin file and save it10:21
Guest7658how replace, hoqw to use ti10:22
Daskreech1Guest7658: can you copy it to an editor ?10:22
Guest7658the source list?10:23
Daskreech1The link I just gave you10:23
Gamarok__or you can simply replace the instances of gutsy with hardy10:24
Guest7658replace everything?10:25
Guest7658the old text?10:25
Daskreech1Guest7658: yes10:25
Daskreech1Guest7658: Might want to make a copy of the old one10:25
Guest7658yeah.. but i have to copy it WITHOUT the number in front10:26
Daskreech1the number ?10:27
Daskreech1which number ?10:27
Gamarok__yeah man what number10:27
Guest7658e.g. he copy not only the text..10:27
Guest7658 12.10:27
Guest7658      # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:10:27
Guest7658there are no in front10:28
Guest7658i copy the text from the hp10:28
Daskreech1ooh I see10:28
Guest7658its in ever line10:28
Guest7658from 1 to 7810:28
Daskreech1Hmm doesn't copy the line numbers when Ido it10:29
Guest7658yes, i have it yesterday as well. copy and paste and it was without no10:30
Daskreech1Guest7658: ok sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.orig && sudo sed -e ’s/\gutsy/hardyy/g’ -i /etc/apt/sources.list10:32
Daskreech1That should make a backup and change all the lines10:32
Guest7658i delete the no and its working. update is working10:33
Daskreech1Guest7658: Great :-)10:33
Gamarok__thats was clever Daskreech110:33
Guest7658thanks a lot guys!!!10:34
Gamarok__i too learned something out of this whole ordeal thanks Daskreech110:34
Guest7658yeah, thats so nice, you are learning every day something new on linux.10:35
Daskreech1Every day10:35
Guest7658but something else, how can i make a backup right? like restore point on win10:35
Guest7658so, if i losse the data or i can not boot anymore like yesterday, how can i make a restore point. can i do it= is it possible=?10:36
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:37
Daskreech1more orless you need to back up /etc10:38
swattoHello all, please could someone tell me where I can locate the software sources dialog box in Jaunty10:38
Guest7658is there someone where you can say that this programm is good? or bad?10:38
Gamarok__bye guys take care Daskreech110:41
swattoPlease can anyone help?10:42
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Daskreech1swatto: It's in kpackagekit10:49
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Guest7658<Daskreech1> upgarde is not working10:55
chris_does anybody run amarok 2.1 beta in jaunty?10:59
Paleehi, im looking for help to make extended desktop, somebody can help me?11:09
Paleehi, im looking for help to make extended desktop, somebody can help me? ( ATI driver write this: Error: Options, e.g. --dtop and --desktop-setup, are not supported when RandR 1.2 is enabled!, after the xRandR write this:xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1680x1680 (desired size 3360x1050))11:15
xerox1_Palee, in former times you had to change the "virtual" entry in xorg.conf; now the content of xorg.conf has changed; don't know where to do it now11:19
jazmanlooking to to goto juanty from intrepid any probs with ext 4 format from ext 3 with out data loss11:37
Unksijazman: you can mount ext3 as ext4 but it wont give you all the speed benefits unless you reformat it as ext411:38
jazmanthats fine then as im not reddy to reformat as i need a new usb drive as vista is playing games with my other drives on this pc so i dont wast my time with that crap11:39
jazmangoo will upgrade then11:40
kayessJust wondering about the network manager plasmoid. How do you get it to connect to a network that is already in your network list without it wanting to add the configuration all over again?11:53
kayessThis is on wifi11:53
ahmedeverytime i start my kubuntu Pc i try to view shared folder from xp pc i got not accessible error and permission error to solve this i have to run "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart11:53
ahmed" how i could solve this11:54
AustLawwhats the typical way of sharing files over a network wit kubuntu?11:56
ahmedeverytime i start my kubuntu Pc i try to view shared folder from xp pc i got not accessible error and permission error to solve this i have to run "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart11:57
ahmed" how i could solve this11:57
ahmedhow i could know if samba share work at start up or no?12:01
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icqnumber_how to install gnome on kubuntu12:20
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.12:20
cumulus007wtf is going on here:12:38
cumulus007okular: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtDBus.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv12:38
ikoniacumulus007: we know what "wtf" means and don't need to see it, could yoi please moderate your language a little please.12:39
cumulus007sure, I'm sorry12:39
cumulus007all my programs don't start anymore12:40
ikoniawhat did you change?12:40
ikoniayou must have applied some updates ?12:41
cumulus007I recently installed software to manage the Belgium eID12:41
ikoniabelgium eid ?12:41
cumulus007that worked via a install.sh script which installed some packages12:42
cumulus007eID is a way to access online governement services12:42
ikoniaI'm guessing it's updated some core component like qt that has broke everything (looking at your error)12:43
cumulus007yep, it did I think... it overwrote my Qt libraries...12:43
sharkpcan I automount a removable device?12:47
Gamarok__ yea man i too had this question for sometime sharkp12:48
sharkpand the asnwer is...12:48
ikoniait should automount when you plug it in with hal12:48
ikoniaplug it in and hal should automount it12:49
sharkpyes, but how should I configure hal?12:49
ikoniait should be done already12:49
sharkpmmm...in my computer no12:50
Gamarok__well no what happens when you plug the device is the new device notifier shows up atleast on my kde12:50
sharkpGamarok__: but I want that when I plug my device it will be mounted12:51
sharkpI don't know if I'm enough clear12:51
Gamarok__well i too don't know how that can be done i thought someone here might know when you asked this question12:52
Gamarok__sorry sharkp12:53
ikoniasharkp: what happens when you plug it in?12:53
sharkpGamarok__: nevermind Gamarok__ :)12:53
sharkpikonia: mmm...kde shows a pop up from the bar12:54
hansi have problem with my graphics after an upgrade to kubuntu 9.04. I use an ati mobility radeon 9700. Sometimes the system hangs up and sometimes i get black screens. .. help!12:54
ikoniasharkp: which is ?12:54
sharkpin which there is my hard disk, and then I can mount it by clicking on and by opening it with Dolphin12:54
sharkpthat's it12:54
sharkpwell, nevermind, Ill'go to lunch12:55
sharkpgood lunch to everyone12:55
hanscan anyone help me?12:58
hansis there a way to get an ati mobility radeon to work with kubuntu 9.04?????13:07
hansis it right, that the new 9.4 driver of ati doesnt support this card?13:07
hansand thr ati 9.3 one doesnt work with xorg-xserver 1.6?13:08
oisi2004algum BR que possa me ajudar com o novo KUBUNTU 9 ?13:24
BluesKaj!pt | oisi200413:26
ubottuoisi2004: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:26
ba2boyhi all :)13:40
Gamarok__ hey man13:40
ArmageddonMy volume knob changes the PCM volume not the Master one, how do i change that ?13:41
ArmageddonMy volume knob changes the PCM volume not the Master one, how do i change that ?13:44
spinikeris there anyway i could install ubuntu desktop on kubuntu13:50
sharkpIs there a tool like katapult?13:52
Armageddonyou mean gnome ?13:52
spinikerim still waiting for my upgrade to finish,maybe ill do it afterwards13:52
spinikeryup gnome13:53
sharkpI've heard some time ago of a tool called krunner13:53
phhsharkp: it's the one you get while doing alt-f213:53
sharkpis it available?13:53
sharkpI'm asking because if I press alt+f2 nothing appens13:54
Armageddonsharkp: something should happen :/13:54
sharkpme too I supposed... XD13:54
sharkpbut it's so, nothing happens13:55
Armageddonspiniker: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:55
Armageddoni mean13:55
Armageddonspiniker: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:55
Armageddonsorry !13:55
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.13:56
ArmageddonMy volume knob changes the PCM volume not the Master one, how do i change that ?  anyone any idea ?13:56
sharkpcould you know why, Armageddon?13:56
Armageddonsharkp: know what ? :/13:56
Armageddonsharkp: im sorry no, im new here :(13:56
sharkpehm...why nothing happens13:57
sharkpok, now I''ll help you13:57
sharkpyou have to change the principal channel, by right-clicking on kmix13:57
Armageddonomg your a genius :/13:58
Armageddoni just turned to KDE i was using gnome :/13:58
Armageddonsharkp: i might be able to help you13:58
sharkpnevermind Armageddon, it's always so... some stupid things seems to ask NASa operation13:58
Armageddoncan you open system settings ?13:59
sharkpArmageddon: hey, if you can't, don't worry ^^13:59
sharkpyes, yes13:59
Armageddonkeyboard and mouse13:59
Armageddondamn i had an idea :/14:00
Armageddoni cant find the shortcut alt+F214:00
sharkpI've discovered that krunner is present14:00
sharkpmaybe I have to change some shortcuts by the program14:00
laurent_bonjour à tous14:00
sharkplaurent_: salam14:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Alt+F214:01
spinikeris there any way i could upgrade directly to 9.04 from 7.10?14:01
laurent_c'est sympat cette application14:01
sharkpplease laurent_, speak in english to respect everyone14:02
Armageddonspiniker: no idea14:02
Armageddonlaurent_: qu'elle application ?14:02
sharkpspiniker: no way14:02
sharkpspiniker: you have to do both passages14:02
spinikeri see..i guess im just gonna have to do 8.04 then 9.04..hehe14:03
Armageddonah oui, faut essaye Pidgin14:03
spinikeri was kinda hoping to speed things up a lil bit14:03
Matissehow do I get my 3.1 sound working? With Windoze I would have to use the board sound chip an the sound card14:04
laurent_j'ai aussi pidgin mais c'est ma 1er en Chat je suis un solitaire14:04
Armageddonspiniker: i have to warn you, 9.04 didnt work perfectly for me !!!14:04
Armageddonspiniker: i tried interpid it worked pretty well when i installed the jaunty i had a little bit of problems14:04
spinikerreally so its not yet stable?14:04
Armageddonlaurent_: dac14:04
Armageddonspiniker: that's not what i said14:04
spinikermaybe ill upgrade to hardy but use the gnome settings instead..14:05
Armageddonspiniker: it is VERY stable as stable as the others but it didnt work quite well on my platform as interpid did, i need to tuneup my kernel14:05
Armageddonspiniker: i am using the gnome :P14:05
Armageddontrust me its not a gnome or kde problem14:05
Armageddonspiniker: desktop or laptop ?14:05
spinikeri see,im hoping that i wouldnt have some difficulty since im using an old laptop..14:05
Armageddonwhat kind of laptop ?14:06
Armageddonbranch mark ?14:06
Armageddonand what kind of bios ?14:06
spinikerits an old hpzt117014:06
Armageddonwhat kind of bios spiniker ?14:06
spinikeri upgraded yesterday to ubuntu 9.04,but after i shut it down my network settings were not working anymore14:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about run14:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about application14:07
spinikerplus my wireless card d-link airplus g is also not working,14:08
spinikerthats why i ended up reinstalling the entire os14:08
Armageddonoh :/14:08
spinikerlucky for me i had cd's form shipit of old copies that i kept..:)14:09
Armageddonspiniker: one more try14:10
Armageddongo to system options14:10
ArmageddonDesktop theme details14:10
ArmageddonRun command dialog, what do you have there ?14:10
spinikerim already downloading the ubuntu-desktop14:11
Armageddonspiniker: im talking in KDE14:12
spinikeroh sorry what is it that you want me to do again?14:12
Armageddonsystem settings -> advanced14:12
ArmageddonDesktop theme details14:13
spinikerdont have it desktop theme details..14:13
spinikersystem settings advanced, i only see a couple but no desktop theme details14:15
Armageddoni have it under there :/14:15
Armageddoncalled um14:15
spinikeri do see desktop but its in general tab14:15
ArmageddonRun Command Dialog14:16
spinikerwhat now?14:20
Armageddonwell i have it called oxygen14:20
Armageddonoxygen Runc Command Dialog14:20
Armageddoni think it has something to do with the theme !14:20
spinikermaybe after i finished downloading all the packages for ubuntu desktop then ill look into it14:21
marcox25_whre is kde 4.3 beta 1 for kubuntu? any news?14:24
gorgonizerdoes anyone know if Amarok 2.1 Beta 2 is available yet, or progress with it?  Will iPod connectivity be enabled?14:26
Phibeshiya, quick question, is there something like daemon tools for ubuntu?14:30
zzAMzzDoes anybody know how to change the 30sec delay default value on the shutdown/logout dialog window?14:31
BluesKajyeah, just click on shutdown , it'll shutdown immediately14:33
robinPhobes: linux has a native mount command which you can use for iso's14:37
zzAMzzBluesKaj: Strangely when i set it in Systemsettings to no confirmation, it will always shutdown regardless what i select (Jaunty)14:37
Phibesrobin, que and bin iso's too?14:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cue14:38
jussi01theres a converter iirc14:39
Phibes #?14:39
BluesKajzzAMzz, I don't use the delay feature , so sorry i can't help14:39
jussi01to convert cue/bins to .iso's14:39
zzAMzzBluesKaj: np14:40
phhPhibes: google cue2iso or bin2iso will answer :)14:41
robinAlso, does anyone has problems with MPlayer in 9.04, It won't play any media =(14:42
phhrobin: any error message ?14:42
robinIn the MPlayer GUI, it just does nothing, in SMplayer it says Mplayer crashed14:44
phhmplayer in console ...14:44
robinLet me check14:44
AustLawhow can I start smbd?14:45
phh/etc/init.d/samba start ?14:46
phhor /etc/init.d/smb start14:46
phhdon't remember14:46
AustLawk, thanks14:46
robinphh: It doesn't give a real error message but maybe this is something: "mplayer: could not connect to socket"14:46
desafinadohello folks, just wanna ask what's better PulseAudio or Intel ICH7 ? and when i use PulseAudio it says " Audio Device PulseAudio Does Not Work, Falling Back To Intel ICH7 " what i'm missing here ? thanks in advance14:46
phhrobin: it's not, paste the whole thing14:47
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phhrobin: and it doesn't play ?14:48
robinit just freezes at the first frame14:49
phhtry with -ao null14:49
robincool, it works14:50
robinthanks man, I've been annoyed by this for a while14:50
phhyou won't have any sound.14:50
phhrobin: then do killall -9 pulseaudio and use -ao alsa14:51
robindoesn't work, freezes again14:52
BluesKajphh, is that  a mkv file ?14:54
BluesKajor robin rather14:54
phhBlueEagle: according to its log yes14:55
robinthat one was a mkv, yes but I also tried mp4,avi,mov14:55
tzangergood morning14:57
tzangerDoes anyone know what replaced the "archive web page" option that used to be in Konqueror's tools menu?14:57
robintzanger: there is a save page option, not sure if that's what you're looking for14:58
phhtzanger: archive web page, but you have to install konq-plugins14:58
tzangerphh: aha! a missing package is the source for my sad konq :-)14:59
tzangerrobin: close, but archive web page would save all images etc into a ".war" file (web archive)14:59
Matisse_which sound daemon am I using? (kubuntu 9.04914:59
phhMatisse_: most likely is pulseaudio14:59
BluesKajrobin, do you have all the codecs installed like the ones in kubuntu-restricted-extras , w32codecs , even libdvdcss2 which is not a codec but a DRM stripper , ffmpeg , libxine1-ffmpeg14:59
tzangerphh: I had to ditch pulseaudio when I installed wicd it seemed.14:59
tzanger(I went from ubuntu to kubuntu, there was a lot of stuff that changed)15:00
phhtzanger: ?!? it's networkmanager not pulseaudio15:00
tzangernetworkmanager stopped working outright, which is why I ended u with wicd15:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about phonon15:00
tzangerphh: yes I realize that15:00
tzangerI know the two should be completely unrelated15:00
robinI have, I used to be play all media proberbly but since 9.04 only dragon player works, and I don't like dragon player15:00
tzangerphh this is awesome, I have my page archival tool back. thank you so much!15:01
phhrobin: try either -ao sdl, -ao oss15:02
tzangeris there a similar trick to getting my context menus working for the tab buttons on konsole? :-)15:02
phhtzanger: the what ?15:02
tzangerphh: in KDE 3.5 you could right-click on the konsole tabs at the bottom and get a context menu (particularly the "clse tab" for killing off unresponsive ssh sessions) -- I can do it through the file menu, so it's not a big deal15:03
phhtzanger: well, just click any where else than tab, and you will get it :-)15:04
tzangerphh: well shit, I didn't try that... hahaha you're right, thanks again15:05
tzangerdoes KDE have a graphical front-end to the Gnome ssh/gpg passphrase popup?15:06
ign0ramustzanger, ctrl+shift+w will also close the current tab15:06
tzangerwhen I was briefly using gnome, I would ssh over and since I have a DSA key that is accepted by the remote, a GUI popup asked me for my passphrase instead of the normal CLI "enter passphrase:" prompt15:07
phhtzanger: pinentry-qt ?15:07
phhbut afaik it's only for gpg not ssh15:07
tzangeractually I found ksshaskpass15:09
carpiitzanger, why dont you use public/private key for ssh ?15:11
carpiimeans you dont have to enter a password at all15:11
hydrogenyou still do15:12
hydrogen(which is what ksshaskpass is for)15:12
hydrogenunless you use a passwordless private key15:12
hydrogenbut thats just stupid15:12
carpiiyes, thats what i mean15:12
carpiiuh, no it isnt15:12
hydrogenyea it is15:12
carpiii mean its not what i mean :)15:12
tzangercarpii: I do, that's what DSA keys are15:14
tzangercarpii: and yes, if you use empty passphrases you don't have to enter one. I do that for backups and stuff but not for my general logins15:14
carpiiok, i think i do use an empty passphrase, but my servers are firewalled to my ip15:15
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=== leif is now known as llele
llelehello. I have ubuntu here on machine and I try to run apt-get install but I get error. How do I do to upgradera to this 9.04??15:38
phhllele: if you give the error, it would be somehow easier to answer15:40
llelephh: ok. I try apt-get update and I get Fel http://se.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main Packages 404 Not Found15:41
phhsudo sed -ie "s/gutsy/jaunty/g" /etc/apt/source.list15:41
Gamarok__guys why is it that nothing happens when i click on the kdebluetooth4 tab15:41
llelephh: and it will work with no break?15:42
Eismanngutsy is not maintained any more15:42
phhGamarok__: yeah only right click does anything15:42
phhllele: well upgrading from gutsy to jaunty won't be an easy task i guess ...15:42
llelethat is too bad. Then I must stay with this one. thank15:42
swattoAnyone know any good books to learn about linux administration15:43
Gamarok__no when i click on it from the kmenu to laucnch it nothing happens is it just me or has anyone else encountered this15:43
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=== Gunnar is now known as Gunnar_Eismann
phhGamarok__: it just launch something in the systray15:45
phhand if it's already started it won't do anything else15:45
Gamarok__no thats what i am saying nothing shows in my system tray15:46
Gamarok__nothing happens15:46
Gamarok__thats the strange part phh15:46
phhoh and by the way15:46
Gamarok__and its a lil annyoing15:46
phhyou must have a recognized bluetooth dongle15:46
phhto get more information on why it won't start, execute kbluetooth4 from a console15:47
Gamarok__well my bluetooth works fine in ubuntu and in previous versions of ubuntu15:47
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phhweird then yes, but start it in console15:48
phhmaybe the bluetooth service is stopped ?15:48
Gamarok__i restarted my bluetooth15:48
Gamarok__still nothing happens15:49
Gamarok__this the output from the terminal phh KBluetooth4 is already running! but the thing is there is no icon in my system tray15:50
phhkillall kbluetooth4 and relaunch it from console15:50
independenteeh minha primeira vez no irc,como que procuro por salas15:51
Gamarok__heres the output phh15:52
Gamarok__Solid::Control::ManagerBasePrivate::loadBackend: Backend loaded:  "BlueZ"15:52
Gamarok__kbluetooth4(7904) KBlueTray::offlineMode: offline Mode15:52
phhdoes hciconfig says the device is up ?15:52
Dragnslcr!br | independente15:52
ubottuindependente: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:52
Gamarok__yup it says its up and running15:53
Gamarok__you want to see its output15:53
phhGamarok__: well i just don't know then15:54
phhGamarok__: check /var/log/daemon.log for any bluetooth related error maybe15:55
Gamarok__btw heres the hci config output http://paste.ubuntu.com/173695/ till i check for the logs15:56
Gamarok__yes there are some errors regarding bluetooth phh should i pastebin my log15:59
enzihi, i have aquestion, i want to backup files from a NTFS partition... but wenn i choose the partition, then the PC hangs a bit an there happens nothing16:00
Gamarok__phh you there16:02
kaddi!hi | oko16:06
ubottuoko: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:06
AdolaHi!  Is there FGLRX for 9.04 yet?16:07
AdolaI couldn't upgrade because of it's missing.16:08
AdolaAnd I'm on dial-up16:08
UnksiAdola: yes, xorg-driver-fglrx in restricted16:09
humehi..this feels like an odd question, but I just cannot figure it out: how do I play an audio cd with the new amarok?16:09
ign0ramushume, i don't think that feature has been implemented into Amarok 2 yet16:10
AdolaUnksi: So, Just to make sure, these are the video drivers for ATi cards right?  And about 2 weeks ago, they weren't there?  But now are?16:10
UnksiAdola: all i know about that is that packages.ubuntu.com states that there is a package with that name^16:11
ign0ramushume, i would recommend using a different music player - Amarok 2 is quite ready yet :(16:11
silentstri16is there a program similar to windows wamp for linux?16:11
Unksii have only nvidia and intel cards with my machines so cant test16:11
enzihi, i have aquestion, i want to backup files from a NTFS partition... but wenn i choose the partition, then the PC hangs a bit an there happens nothing16:11
ign0ramusenzi, what are you using to access your NTFS partition?16:12
humeign0ramus, thx... just for a while felt like it was me going crazy.....:)16:14
enzii just use the konqueror16:14
ign0ramushume, Amarok 2 should not have been included in 9.04, as it's nowhere near ready... there's a PPA to use v1.4 in the meantime if you'd like16:14
ign0ramusenzi, is the partition mounted?16:15
enzii am totaly new at linux. i dont know how to mount16:15
eagles0513875anyone having any random stuttering with 64bit flash cuz its happening to me when playing flash based games in firefox16:15
silentstri16can anyone tell me of a program to host a web @ ip? i.e. windows has wamp and xampp16:16
ign0ramusenzi, if you right click the NTFS partition icon > Properties, does it say if it is mounted?16:16
ign0ramussilentstri16, lamp?16:16
enzino, there is nothing notet16:17
ign0ramusenzi, i don't understand you... Is your partition mounted?16:18
windowsguywhy doesent setting a static ip address work ?16:18
enzii dont know, how do i mount it?16:18
ign0ramusenzi, you don't if it's already mounted.  is it mounted?16:18
humeign0ramus, a PPA? how do I use the 1.4?16:19
enzii can see it at the konqueror but i dont get acces16:19
enziearlyer it was a Windows Root Partiotion16:19
Gamarok__guys can anyone tell me why nothing happens when i launch kbluetooth4 from kmenu16:19
ign0ramushume, http://nomad.ca/blog/2009/apr/3/amarok-14-jaunty-ubuntu-904/16:19
Gamarok__i mean i dont get a systemtray icon or a window16:20
ign0ramusenzi, ok, you're not following directions... please right click the partition's icon and select properties.  it will tell you if it's already mounted16:20
ign0ramusenzi, also, what is the NTFS partition's name (ie, /dev/sda1)?16:21
Gamarok__guys can anyone tell me why nothing happens when i launch kbluetooth4 from kmenu16:21
windowsguyi set it in /etc/network/interfaces for eth1.  it doesent work when i boot. why.  http://rafb.net/p/BYl2sn81.html16:22
eagles0513875windowsguy: it does but your wired device is normally eth016:23
enziit is calles "Volume(NTFS)" and when i rightclick it, then there comes just the note, to Hide it, nothing else, i cant find/get propertys16:23
windowsguyeagles0513875: well it's not16:23
windowsguyifconfig says eth116:23
windowsguyand thats what dhclient assigns to16:23
ign0ramusenzi: please pastebin the output of command "mount"16:23
windowsguyagain,  i set it in /etc/network/interfaces for eth1.  it doesent work when i boot. why.  http://rafb.net/p/BYl2sn81.html16:23
eagles0513875windowsguy: im assuming your running /etc/init.d/networking restart right16:23
windowsguyeagles0513875: that doesnet work either16:23
windowsguydamn thing sucks16:24
eagles0513875windowsguy: ifconfig eth1 down did that do anything16:24
windowsguyi have to put it down, before i restart it ?16:24
eagles0513875windowsguy: no just down then up16:24
windowsguyyou mean the reastart script couldn't do that.16:24
windowsguyi'll be back16:24
windowsguyit'll probobly fail anyway.16:24
eagles0513875windowsguy: i had a similar issue ended up bypassing the entire widget16:24
enzi/dev/sda6 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)16:25
enzitmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)16:25
enziproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)16:25
enzisysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)16:25
enzivarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)16:25
enzivarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)16:25
enziudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)16:25
enzitmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)16:25
eagles0513875windowsguy: if  i remember correctly i had to reboot16:25
enzidevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)16:25
enzifusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)16:25
enzilrm on /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw,mode=755)16:25
eagles0513875!paste | enzi16:25
ubottuenzi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)16:25
enzisecurityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)16:25
enzibinfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)16:25
enzi/dev/sda2 on /media/disk type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)16:25
windowsguyreboot ?16:25
eagles0513875enzi: dont do that16:25
ign0ramus!paste | http://nomad.ca/blog/2009/apr/3/amarok-14-jaunty-ubuntu-904/16:25
windowsguyive been rebooting16:25
ubottuhttp://nomad.ca/blog/2009/apr/3/amarok-14-jaunty-ubuntu-904/: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)16:25
windowsguyi sense this is going to be typical linux crap that wont work16:25
eagles0513875windowsguy: clean install or upgrade16:25
ign0ramusenzi ^ please use pastebin16:25
eagles0513875windowsguy: are you also trying to use the network manager widget16:25
windowsg1ythat failed16:27
windowsg1yi had to dhclient to get an ip address16:27
windowsg1ydamn thing sucks16:27
windowsg1yi ran  ifconfig eth1 down; ifconfig eth1 up16:27
eagles0513875windowsg1y: you trying to use both the network manager and the interfaces file?16:27
windowsg1ynetworkmanager is not running inthe tray16:28
windowsg1yif thats what you're asking16:28
quassel208I have installed a Windows program, mounted the iso, and now the program barks that it needs the cd16:28
eagles0513875me im bypassing the new network manager all together and useing the file i mentioned16:28
eagles0513875windowsg1y: can you pastebin whats in the interfaces file please16:29
swattoAnyone know a good tutorial or program I can use that enables me to have a mac-like dashboard?16:29
eagles0513875does your machine have 2 network cards windowsg1y16:31
ign0ramusswatto, don't know why you'd want to, but did you see this? --> http://mihirknows.blogspot.com/2009/05/turn-ubuntu-jaunty-into-mac-osx.html16:31
windowsg1yeagles0513875: not just one16:32
windowsg1yon ethernet16:32
BluesKajwindowsg1y, right click on network manager/manage connections, set it up from the dialog16:32
swattoahh yes thats what I want to do :)16:32
windowsg1ybut kubuntu is too dumb to not see an eth0 and calls it eth116:32
eagles0513875windowsg1y: crazy thought could you tell the file to try eth016:33
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i tried with default jaunty one and it wouldnt even get me dhcp bypassed and using /etc/network/interfaces16:33
windowsg1ynetwork mangager?!?!?!! THAT THING SUCKS !!!16:33
BluesKajthe widget one, windowsg1y ?16:34
eagles0513875windowsg1y: the plasma-widget-network-manager16:34
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windowsg1yit sucks ass16:34
Gunnar_Eismannwindowsg1y: what shows ifconfig -a?16:34
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:34
windowsg1yifconfig -a says ---> eth1 , lo, pan0 hat ever that is, and pan0:avahi16:35
windowsg1yand it's missing wlan016:35
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swattoYou know the K menu taskbar at the bottom is it possible to move it at the top and fade it out a little bit?16:36
Gunnar_Eismannsometimes eth1 is the wireless intreface16:36
windowsg1ywell it's not. it's my ethernet interface16:36
windowsg1yin this case16:36
Sir_Brizzdoes anyone know how to make network manager connect to my non broadcasting wifi router?16:37
tzangerI gave up on networkmanager and installed wicd16:37
ign0ramusswatto, not sure if you can move the default panel, but you can create a new one at the top and add whatever widgets you want... also transparency will depend on your style/theme16:37
windowsg1ynetwork manager is not letting me type the ip address16:38
windowsg1yi clicked manual under the drop box16:38
eagles0513875windowsg1y: then hit add16:38
windowsg1yi did16:38
Gunnar_Eismannwindowsg1y: did you try to connect manually with ifconfig?16:38
Sir_Brizzit's ironic because if I login to my gnome session the wireless will connct. If I then log out and back in to KDE it will also connect16:38
windowsg1yyea i can manually assing with ifconfig16:38
Sir_Brizzif my computer goes to sleep it breaks again16:38
windowsg1ybut im not gonna type those lines everytime i reboot16:38
phhswatto: left click on it, "configure panel", click and drop screen border & height for what you want16:39
Gunnar_Eismanni know16:39
ign0ramusSir_Brizz, have you tried using wicd instead of network manager?16:39
swattolast time i messed with that I screwed it up and had to delete some kde files to reset back to default16:39
ign0ramusswatto, was that in kde 4.0?16:39
swattoyep I think thats what is installed here16:40
ign0ramusswatto, o_O .... well i'd fix that issue first.  kde 4.0 is very... uh... not so great16:40
phhign0ramus: you mean the worst thing we can ever imagine after amarok2 ? :)16:41
Gunnar_Eismannwindowsg1y: btw, you will need an "auto eth1" in the interfaces file if you want it to work when you restart16:41
ign0ramusphh, lol. yeah :)16:41
ign0ramusswatto, you want at least kde 4.2.2 before messing with any settings16:41
swattohow can I find out what kde i am running16:41
ign0ramusswatto, an easy way to check is to go to Help > About KDE in any kde app16:42
windowsguyGunnar_Eismann: thanx that worked16:42
Gunnar_Eismannwindowsg1y: If you use /etc/network/interfaces instead network-manager, you need to add that line16:42
windowsguyi dont know why no one coulda just told me that.  ive been asking every day for like 50 times.16:42
swattohmm cant see it16:43
nightdrevercould someone guide me in setting up thunderbird so i can check hotmail and yahoo emails?16:43
phhnightdrever: you just can't for hotmail16:44
ign0ramusswatto, can you open konqueror?16:44
swattoahh im using KDE 4.2.216:44
nightdreverphh i thought you could after downloading an addon?16:44
ign0ramusswatto, ok there you go :)16:44
phhnightdrever: oh well maybe then16:45
nightdreveri just dont know how todo it16:45
phhswatto: so just do what i said, it should just works unless you're way too bad :)16:45
swattoTrying to get this AWN thing installed, well ive installed AWN but trying to get the dock thing now, I have compiz up and running16:45
ign0ramusswatto, now, if you right click your desktop, and add new panel, you can add all your regular stuff back to that panel16:45
pasQuallehey guys, I hope someone can help me with my klauncher prob16:45
ign0ramusswatto, if you're satisfied with how everything is working, you can remove the bottom panel safely16:45
phhnightdrever: go on http://webmail.mozdev.org/installation.html and install the hotmail thing16:46
swattoI tried but cannot get the system tray thing to display correctly, it streches across the whole bar16:46
phhand the webmail thing too.16:46
pasQuallein nearly every program, i.e. k3b, where I need to open files or folders, I get a _cannot talk to klauncher_ message16:48
ign0ramusswatto, i've seen this happen before.. if you create a new panel, and add the system tray on the new one, is it still huge?16:49
swattoAhh I have managed to but the original taskbar at the top now16:49
ign0ramusswatto, that's what you asked for, right?16:49
swattobut yes create new panel still makes the widget strech across whole panel16:50
ign0ramusswatto, :/  looking for a fix16:50
nate_i recently upgraded to 9.04 and when i do an update it says the backend took to long and i need to fork....16:53
nate_what is this fork16:53
ign0ramusswatto, one workaround is to create a separate panel just for system tray and you can resize that panel for your needs... still looking though16:53
ign0ramusswatto, what if you add the Task Manager widget to the panel... does it properly resize the system tray?16:54
swattoill try16:54
nate_anybody know what 'need to fork' means16:55
ign0ramusswatto, try sliding it to different locations along the panel... it should resize the system tray widget16:55
swattoyep the task manager widget is resized properly when adding it16:56
ign0ramusswatto, does that solve your problem satisfactorily?16:56
swattoyep well its fine because I have moved the original bottom bar to the top now, thankyou for your help :)16:56
swattonow just trying to get Awn to work but it isnt displaying16:57
ign0ramusswatto, np16:57
ign0ramusswatto, that i know nothing about.16:57
mofuxhi, is there the kde4.3 beta1 release available from somewhere for intrepid?16:58
swattogonna restart, bye all :)16:58
nate_is there anybody out there?17:00
nate_are my updates taking, if i get an error message about needing to fork?17:01
dimbassтут по руске кто не буть пишет17:01
Unksi!ru | dimbass17:02
ubottudimbass: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:02
Unksinate_: what is the exact error?17:03
nate_the backend took too long you need to fork!17:03
Unksihmm, what happens if you try to run the update again?17:04
ign0ramusnate_, this is a known issue, that's allegedly being worked on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/+bug/27241017:05
nate_sweet so its ok17:05
swattowoo seems to work, I have the dock at the bottom however it only adds icons when I open the program17:08
nate_do you think it could be because my comp is 9 yrs old17:08
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swattoohh yes works :)17:09
ign0ramusnate_, no, it happens on all kinds of hardware.  if it's preventing you from installing hardware, you can always still use adept, synaptic, or (recommended) terminal17:10
ign0ramus*installing software17:10
swattoAnyone know how I stop Awn Dock from showing Icons for open applications17:16
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ign0ramusswatto, if no one here can help, check the wiki: http://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=Main_Page17:17
=== AppleStore_FTW is now known as AppleStore
lenahello there.. i had a problem with with a printer.. it's the hp psc 1350, which is connected on a windows xp.. the printer is also shared..17:30
lenain the same network is a computer which running kubuntu jaunty17:30
lenai tried to configure cups the right way, so over the samba-protocoll (because it's a windows-share)17:31
lenathe strange thing is, it's on the xp-machine in the spooler17:32
lenaand the printer does something (you could hear it)17:32
lenabut it never print  something out..17:32
lenaand i also couldn't delete the job on the windows xp-machine, but i must wait until he is finished17:33
lenabut he never does finishing.. so i must restart the spooler on windows xp to print something from windows.. this is not so fine, i just want to print from jaunty..17:33
lenacould someone help me?17:33
user____i hae a problem17:42
user____i have the riva tnt2 model 64 from nvidia, but i have all done whats stands in wiki17:42
user____but when i put in devices in the cnf file xserver dont start after restart.17:42
user____i mean rename nv with nvidia17:42
user____can u help me?17:43
robert__hello, ive got a few17:44
robert__damn, pressed enter insead of ", anyway...17:44
robert__ive got a few "places" or compartements with stuff on it, not everytime i want to load music from the music player or start a game, i have to go to that partition to mount it before i can start the application or data17:45
robert__is there a roundabout to this?17:45
user____can anyone help me with my problems17:46
ign0ramusrobert__, you want to automatically mount a partition?17:52
user____can noone help me17:52
ign0ramususer___, if someone can help they will answer you.  if you don't find a suitable answer, you can always ask a little later when others are on17:52
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marcioalguem br ai?18:02
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Guest68555minha pasta desktop foi deletada e agora tudo que eu coloco no home folder aparece na area de trabalho18:03
NemesisUKhi all18:03
=== Guest68555 is now known as kuruminng
kuruminngsomeone pt here?18:03
NemesisUKdoes anyone know what command i need to type to see how ubuntu names my soundcard?18:03
kuruminngview in system dude18:04
NemesisUKneed to have it for config teamspeak18:04
kuruminnginformation center18:04
NemesisUKlike sdp18:04
kuruminngwhat game are you playing?18:04
NemesisUKcant seem to get any voice from mic18:04
kuruminngtest the microfone18:05
NemesisUKgot a audigt2 zs pro18:05
NemesisUKuseing line in/mic18:05
NemesisUKwhen i select that i cant hear my own voice18:05
Feldegastrevery time i start kde, it starts 640x480 and when i open system settings > Display, the resolution imidiatly switches to 1280x1024 (which was previously set) without me changing anything, is there any way i can get kde to start with the 1280x1024 resolution without having to open the display settings?18:12
nightdreverdoes anyone know hoew to get yahoo working on thunderbird?18:14
nightdreverive got hotmailk working but cant seem to get yahoo working18:14
airbusbonne nuit18:16
swattoCan Anyone recommend a good programming text editor18:19
fabio_hi swatto, kate is the best18:19
Feldegastrvi? ;-)18:19
goshawk_swatto: kate, code_blocks18:19
swattook cheers :)18:19
goshawk_swatto: maybe eclipse18:19
Feldegastri like mc for the command line18:19
fabio_whick languace swatto?18:19
goshawk_swatto: eclipse + pydev has code-completition for it18:20
fabio_ok, go with kate, it has an embedded konsole18:20
user____so noone can help me?18:20
fabio_eclipse is the best but ssoooo huge18:20
goshawk_user___: it depends from your question18:20
fabio_warning: i am a real wannabee....someone is working on KDE4.3 packaging?18:21
user____i have the glx 71 driver, but when i use as driver nvidia, xserver not start up18:21
fabio_user....have you edited xorg.conf file'18:21
user____as driver as nvidia18:22
fabio_what's the error?18:22
user____but then xserver ot start, says no screen found18:22
fabio_has configuration run depmod?18:23
user____i dont know18:23
user____i have used the package from reposerity with software install of kubuntu18:24
Feldegastri probably need to do a fresh install, i have been using upgraded kubuntu sinse 2006 but the video worked back then!18:24
robert__ign0ramus I think thats the solution, iinstamounting :P18:24
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fabio_ok. if you use "driver nv" in xorg.conf gives you problems?18:24
ign0ramusrobert__, is it an ntfs partition?18:24
robert__yes, all18:24
robert__3 of em18:24
robert__ooh, one is not18:24
robert__its nt3 (or something?)18:25
ign0ramusrobert__, what does the "df" command tell you?  (pastebin results)18:25
reficyeah, this has probably been asked a few thousand times but what's the status of kde 4.3 in karmic?18:25
goshawk_fabio_: KDE4.3 should be here via kde nightly builds18:25
fabio_thanks goshawk...does it mean neon project?18:26
goshawk_fabio_: yes neon project18:26
fabio_sorry refic...i'm a wannbee18:26
goshawk_fabio_: but be aware18:26
fabio_yes...goshawk... i won't use it.18:26
ign0ramusrobert__, ok which partition(s) do you want mounted?18:27
fabio_bec<ause i had more problems than pleasures18:27
goshawk_fabio_: kde stable relases are unstable for now, so trunk or alpha should be nightmares :)18:27
robert__ooh, 146!, games and another one, that doesnt show because it isnt mounted yet18:27
goshawk_fabio_: are you italian?18:27
ign0ramusrobert__, do you have "ntfs-3g" and "ntfs-config" installed?18:28
robert__i think thats all you need to know from the command df18:28
fabio_mi hai beccato!18:28
goshawk_perchè provi a tradurre l'italiano in inglese? :) "more problems than pleasures"18:28
robert__how do i check that? (i dunno)18:28
goshawk_robert__: check what?18:28
fabio_perchè mi piace!18:28
ign0ramusrobert__, just try installing them, and either they will install or tell you that they're already installed18:29
=== admrla is now known as admrl
robert__robert__, do you have "ntfs-3g" and "ntfs-config" installed?18:29
fabio_fom where goshawk18:29
ign0ramusrobert__, they make mounting ntfs very easy18:29
robert__ive got them mounted, but I have to click on them every time in Places when i want data from them18:29
robert__like then they will be active18:30
ign0ramusrobert__, i'm not sure i follow; what are you trying to accomplish?18:30
robert__well, wait for the picture :P18:30
goshawk_fabio_: from Milan :P18:31
corigoKPackageKit is failing to install Sun Java because: "sun-dlj-v1-1 license could not be presented" ... any solutions?18:31
goshawk_corigo install from apt-get18:31
goshawk_or aptitude18:31
robert__damnit, prt scr doenst work :P18:32
goshawk_fabio_: but i'm here just for Politecnico, i'm from Sicily18:32
fabio_another question: does Packagekit support proxy?18:32
ign0ramusrobert__, you can alt+f2 and then run ksnapshot to take a screen18:32
goshawk_well, packagekit is an API, it's not a program, kpackagekit is a program that uses packagekit API18:32
ign0ramuscorigo, if you install java via terminal, it will bring up the licensing screen18:32
fabio_yes. do API support proxing?18:33
swattoI installed kubuntu via wubi (the windows installer) is there any way I can access my NTFS partition from ubuntu?18:33
fabio_don't tell me to "dig into APIs".18:34
corigogoshawk_: 9.04 there is no "aptitude" interface available other than KPackage18:34
fabio_because I will do it only if noone knows18:34
goshawk_corigo: apt-get install aptitude18:35
goshawk_corigo: sudo aptitude18:35
goshawk_corigo: it's kinda apt-get, but with a curses gui18:35
goshawk_fabio_: i don't think that the API take care of the proxy, it's a application matter18:35
fabio_goshawk. I don't think so.18:36
goshawk_fabio_: packagekit is an api to build a package manager that works with all the package management which support packagekit api (deb, rpm, and so on)18:36
corigogoshawk_: exactly... response is: Invalid operation aptitude18:36
ign0ramusswatto, do they show up under /media ?18:36
goshawk_corigo: be sure that you write exactly "sudo apt-get install aptitude"18:37
ign0ramusrobert__, ok, so you're not using kubuntu, then?18:37
fabio_mmm...so I have to dig into two codes.18:37
robert__uhm... i think not?18:37
ign0ramusrobert__, no... but you're in the kubuntu channel18:37
swattono it just has cdrom, cdrom0, floppy, floppy018:37
ign0ramusrobert__, either way, this is fixable18:38
robert__i downloaded kubuntu for irc18:38
ign0ramusswatto, what about /host ?18:38
fabio_bye all.18:38
goshawk_bye fabio_18:38
fabio_bye goshawk. buoni studi!18:38
ign0ramusrobert__, are these partitions mounted on startup?18:38
robert__yeah, i think they are, only thing i have to do is click them as in the picture18:39
gigasofthow to copy copy-protected dvd, any help?!18:40
ign0ramusrobert__, well, yes, you would have to click them to access them via gui... I'm still not understanding what your question is... :/18:40
corigogoshawk_: skipping the whole aptitude stuff... from the command line I do get to see the lovely license, but can't seem to approve it?!?18:40
corigo(for Java)18:40
swattoah yes i can see them in host18:40
goshawk_corigo: probably you have to scroll it all down, and then click ok18:40
ign0ramuscorigo, use the right arrow key18:40
swattodoes that mean I can copy from there too18:40
ign0ramusswatto, should be able to... i never used wubi before18:41
robert__can they be auto accessed on start up so i dont have to do that so i can load programs from them without having to click to access them?18:41
swattoI dont understand, does linux mount on its own volume even though it was installed via windows installer18:41
ign0ramusswatto, because it uses a different filesystem that it must create to run18:42
ign0ramusrobert__, what programs would you like to run on startup?18:42
robert__Steam via wine and i have all my music on one of those partitions, and the rhytmbox gets stuck if dont give it access18:43
eagles0513875im having a weird issue sometimes firefox just closes itself same with a game running in wine any ideas as to the cause18:44
ign0ramusrobert__, ok for rhythmbox... you're saying it can't access the partition with the music on it until you click on it in Places ... right?18:44
ign0ramusrobert__, ok, did you install ntfs-3g and ntfs-config?18:44
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robert__not yet ^^18:45
swattoHow do I see what running processes I have open so that I can kill them18:45
ign0ramusrobert__, ok get those 2, they make things much easier ;)18:45
ign0ramusswatto, "top"18:45
robert__i only found ntfs-config 0.5.518:46
robert__and it only "Enable write support for external device"18:47
corigosorry missed any responses... connection dropped18:47
robert__ill try google :P18:47
ign0ramuswoops... accidentally killed Konversation :/18:47
goshawk_corigo: probably you have to scroll it all down, and then click ok18:47
swattothanks :) think I can run steam from the NTFS volume using wine18:47
corigoI can see it, I can click it, nothing happens18:47
goshawk_corigo: it's keyboard based18:48
ign0ramusanyone else have an issue where ctrl+alt+esc kill icon doesn't disappear after killing a window?  I have to restart X...18:48
corigoah so18:48
goshawk_corigo: use tab to move into ok and then push return (OK)18:48
corigoYes, I think Keyboard based came just after I figured that out. thanks18:48
robert__ i only found ntfs-config 0.5.518:49
robert__and it only "Enable write support for external device"18:49
robert__ ill try google :P18:49
corigoI've several people complaining about KPackageKit... I'm going to have to add my voice18:49
ign0ramusrobert__, just type it in terminal "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g ntfs-config"18:49
ign0ramuscorigo, it is very buggy and crashy18:50
robert__ntfs-3g is already the newest version.18:50
robert__ntfs-config is already the newest version.18:50
ign0ramusrobert__, ok good.18:50
ign0ramusrobert__, now "gksu ntfs-config"18:50
ign0ramusrobert__, I'm assuming you don't have kde installed18:50
robert__dunno, prolly not18:51
ign0ramusrobert__, enable read/write for all partitions18:51
robert__0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:51
corigoWhat I really want to know is if anyone can confirm having issues with plugging and unplugging speakers/headphones into their system. I've lost video and had to press the system restart button 4 times today due to plugging in my headphones18:51
kuruminalguem pode me dizer o q e isso?18:51
ign0ramusrobert__, huh?  you should get a window pop up when you run "gksu ntfs-config" ... do you see it?18:51
robert__already had that window18:52
ign0ramusrobert__, ok, so you enabled both, yes?18:52
robert__and it only says (button) "Enable write support for external device"18:52
ign0ramusrobert__, ok, good.  now for ntfs-3g... give me a minute18:52
kaddihi, my pc just froze (yet again -.-), the image is stuck, but the sound keeps playing... how can i get it unstuck?18:52
robert__done that now, so rhythmbox should be ok, and wine too right?18:53
ign0ramusrobert__, maybe not yet... we havent set auto mount yet18:54
robert__ah :)18:54
ign0ramusrobert__, what is the name of the partition with the music (ie, "/dev/sdb1")?18:54
robert__lemme df first18:55
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:55
nightdreverare there any email programs for linux that you can read both yahoo and hotmail mails?18:55
robert__  /dev/sdb6             93241228  89071008   4170220  96% /media/Muziek18:55
davidjheinrichhi all18:56
ign0ramusrobert__, OK.  please pastebin your fstab "gksu gedit /etc/fstab"18:56
robert__or wait :) thats the 146! one, anyway18:56
davidjheinrichdoes anyone know how to restart the mysql daemon?18:56
kuruminalguem pode me dizer o q e isto?18:56
nightdreverare there any email programs for linux that you can read both yahoo and hotmail mails????18:56
nightdrevernoone know?18:56
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart" ?18:57
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:57
corigonightdrever: which have you tried? As long as Yahoo and Hotmail support POP3 any application can, if enabled in your account18:57
davidjheinrichign04amus, when I dod that, it says "sudo: /etc/init.d/mysql: command not found"18:57
nightdreverwell i tried to get thunderbird but i dint suceed18:58
nightdreveranyones that do it automatically?18:58
corigoTry Zimbra from Yahoo18:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zimbra18:59
eagles0513875!info zimbra18:59
ubottuPackage zimbra does not exist in jaunty18:59
ign0ramusrobert__, do this "sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs"18:59
corigonightdrever: zimbra.com18:59
robert__ign0ramus done19:00
ign0ramusrobert__, ok, now we will make a backup of your fstab: "sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak"19:00
ign0ramusrobert__, ok now clear your current fstab, and paste this one inside: http://pastebin.com/m79aedacb19:02
ign0ramusrobert__, the line I added "/dev/sdb6    /mnt/ntfs    ntfs-3g    defaults    0 0" should now auto-mount this partition automatically when you start up19:02
ign0ramusrobert__, save and exit gedit.19:03
ign0ramusrobert__, if you want to test, reboot, and see if this partition is mounted on startup19:03
robert__yeah, can I self do it for other partitions?19:03
ign0ramusrobert__, yes, but I would check to make sure this works before adding all kinds of other stuff :)19:04
robert__haha, okay :D19:04
ign0ramusrobert__, again, if you want to use your old fstab, just take off the ".bak" file and let it overwrite the one we just created19:04
robert__gonna restart now, see you in a minute and check it...19:05
ign0ramusrobert__, k i'll be here19:05
swattoIs there any way I can make the Hardware Info widget longer so it doesn'thave a scrollbar?19:05
Phibesand im back19:07
Phibesim robert__19:07
dsmith_well linux recongnize 4gb memory?19:08
ign0ramusPhibes, now is that partiton automatically mounted and read for rhythmbox?19:08
Phibeshah, ill check19:08
corigodsmith_: yes19:08
dsmith_corigo: thx19:08
Phibesit disapeared completely!19:09
ign0ramusPhibes, huh?19:09
Phibeswell, its not in my places list anymore19:09
ign0ramusPhibes, do "sudo fdisk -l"19:09
ign0ramusPhibes, do you see it there?19:09
swattoAnyone know if there is a network info widget available?19:10
Phibesokay, it hasnt all but disapeared :p19:10
ign0ramusPhibes, phew! editing your fstab shouldn't delete partitions!19:10
ign0ramusPhibes, okay, but does it work how it should now?19:10
Phibes /sdb6 is still there but it doesnt show in places19:10
corigodsmith: and if you have 64bit system (and 64bit Linus) then much more as well19:11
ign0ramusPhibes, you should be able to add it back to the menu later if you want19:11
Phibesill just try on another partition (ext3) first19:11
ign0ramusPhibes, your ext3 partition (if you only have one), is the linux partition you're using now19:11
ign0ramusPhibes, it has to be mounted! (unless you're running on a livecd)19:11
Phibesyou sir, are incorrect, i have 2 (i think?)19:12
ign0ramusPhibes, that's why i said "if you only have one"... ;)19:12
Phibesaaah... I see, its now become a folder instead of a partition and is not in between 146! and the games partition19:13
ign0ramusPhibes, ext3/4 partitions will show as "linux" in the fdisk command19:13
Walzmynhow can you move widgets on your taskbar?19:13
ign0ramusPhibes, but does it work how it should?  that's why we went through all this!19:13
Phibes/dev/sdb6             93241228  89071008   4170220  96% /mnt/ntfs19:13
Phibes/dev/sdb5             51472228  35588716  15883512  70% /media/Games19:13
Phibes/dev/sda1            153834852 100535584  45484852  69% /media/146!19:13
Phibesit does :D19:13
Phibessee at the end, mnt/ntfs means its mounted like i want to :D19:14
ign0ramusPhibes, so you are happy with the results?19:14
Phibesyes :D19:14
Phibesthx allot :D19:14
Phibesim gonna do the same to the others :)19:14
ign0ramusPhibes, np.... you had me sweating there for a minute!19:14
ign0ramusPhibes, do you know what you're doing?19:14
Phibeshaha :) well... lucky for you its not iraq :D19:14
Phibesill copy the line, change the number for sdb519:15
ign0ramusPhibes, very true :)19:15
ign0ramusPhibes, okay, you got it19:15
Phibesand for sda1...19:15
Phibesi dunno, its ext3 so...19:15
ign0ramusPhibes, keep in mind, the setting i gave it "default 0 0" are not very secure - they are globally readable/writable19:15
ign0ramusPhibes, leave the ext3 alone... it's already mounted when you start up linux19:16
corigoWalzmyn: click on the cashew at the end then select the widget and drag and drop19:16
Phibesokay... so that means 146! is ntfs...19:16
ign0ramusPhibes, anything windows would be ntfs (as long as its win2k or newer)19:16
Phibesyeah, but its just a folder with music (146!)19:17
Phibesill check it after the restart in a moment19:17
ign0ramusPhibes, well it is an entire partition (that is ntfs)19:17
Phibesi think ive got it now :)19:19
ign0ramusPhibes, if you run "sudo fdisk -l" what is it's entry under "system"?19:19
ign0ramusPhibes, yeah, that should work :)19:20
ign0ramusPhibes, keep in mind what i said about permissions - that will make these partitions globally readable and writable...19:20
Phibes   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System19:20
Phibes/dev/sda1               1       19457   156288321   83  Linux19:20
Phibes /dev/sdb7               1        1913    15366078   83  Linux19:21
Phibessdb7 is the linux where linux is running on19:21
ign0ramusPhibes, so are you ok with the settings you have now?19:21
Phibesi think so, ill restart now19:22
ign0ramusPhibes, k... see you in  a few19:22
thehardmanI am running kubuntu 9.04 on a machine with 2 video outs. when it boots up it sees both monitors but I can figure out how to extended my desktop over to the other monitor instead of mirroring one monitor on another.19:23
thehardmancant figure out that is.19:23
thehardmando I have to edit the xorg.conf or is there a way to do it in the gui?19:24
ign0ramusdwidmann, you there?19:24
Phibesim sorry ign0ramus... but it doesnt work19:25
ign0ramusPhibes, they are not automatically mounted?19:25
Phibeswell, as said before, they are not in the places list anymore, and rhythmbox doesnt play the songs so no... i dont think so19:25
ign0ramusPhibes, you can change your mount point to /media where you have /mnt... that may put them back in Places (i don't use gnome...)19:27
ign0ramusPhibes, do you want to try that?19:27
Phibesyeah... ill try :()19:27
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ign0ramusPhibes, oh, did you "sudo mkdir /media/ntfs" first?19:31
Phibesim back! and we are in iraq! with "You are not privileged to mount the volume 'Muziek'"19:31
ign0ramusPhibes, my fault for forgetting!19:32
kaddihi, my pc just froze (yet again -.-), the image is stuck, but the sound keeps playing... how can i get it unstuck?19:32
Phibeswell, i changed it under /media/Muziek now19:32
ign0ramusPhibes, you have to create a directory before you can mount to it... do all your mountpoints exist?  If not, you must create them with "mkdir"19:34
Phibesi ahev created mountpoits now /media/Muziek (/146! and /Games too)19:34
Dragnslcrkaddi- if KDE is completely frozen, ctrl-alt-backspace will force X to restart (you'll lose anything you haven't saved)19:34
ign0ramusPhibes, ok, can i see your fstab now?19:34
ign0ramusPhibes, ok, provided you created the mountpoints correctly as you said, this should be good19:36
Phibesokay, then its of to another restart :)19:36
ezu5twhat is the kubuntu recommended program to use instead of "xnetcardconfig" ?19:37
ezu5tfor setting the IP address  of an eth019:38
ezu5tit seems xnetcardconfig doesn't work19:38
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ezu5tmy hostname is lost, and and I have to ifdown ifup eth0 each time I reboot19:38
ign0ramusPhibes, if you run the command "mount", it will list all currently mounted devices ... your partitions should now be listed in there.19:39
Phibesyeah, 146! is the only one missing19:39
ign0ramusPhibes, cool! i was gonna mention that particular one...19:40
ign0ramusPhibes, i'm not sure if the system correctly parses the "!" in the device name... not sure, but that may be why19:40
Phibesso i should call it 146 :P  and be done with it19:40
ign0ramusPhibes, sounds good.  but yeah, your other partitions are successfully mounted at startup now19:41
amorphous_nice kde4.  thanks :) --- anyone know what the best way to remove gnome from my system is? it wont allow me to remove gnome-desktop-environment... is there another?19:41
ign0ramusPhibes, if you still have issues with rhythmbox, it's not because the partition isn't mounted ;)19:41
Phibeswell, rhythmbox doesnt pick up 146! NOW19:41
Phibesoops, capslock19:41
ign0ramusPhibes, do your partitions show up in Places again?19:41
PhibesYou are not privileged to mount the volume '146!'.19:42
ign0ramusPhibes, try getting rid of that "!" first, and see if that helps19:42
Phibeshm, okay19:42
Phibes146! is ext219:43
ign0ramusPhibes, yeah, ntfs-3g isn't going to help you mount an ext FS partition! :)19:43
* Phibes is ashamed19:43
ign0ramusPhibes, it's cool... i made quite a few mistakes along the way, too19:44
Phibeswell... can ext2 be mounted like the ntfs?19:44
Phibeswith a quick line in fstab?19:44
ign0ramusPhibes, i'm checking that now... (i've never actually had to do that with only one ext partition...)19:45
ign0ramusPhibes, "/dev/hda5 /media ext3 defaults 0 0" seems to be the proper syntax (of course, modify it for your setup)19:47
corigohow do I tell if I'm on 4.2.2. or 4.3?19:47
ign0ramuscorigo, go to Help > About KDE in any kde app19:47
ign0ramuscorigo, i think you would have to have added some separate repos to be running 4.3 (is that even out yet?)19:48
corigobeta 119:48
Phibesokay :)19:48
ign0ramuscorigo, ok, cool.. didn't know that.  I'm using 4.2.3, and it is pretty solid (compared to earlier iterations)19:48
Phibesso instead of ntfs-3g its ext3?19:49
ign0ramusPhibes, here's a good one for reference: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux19:49
Phibesnot ext2?19:49
ign0ramusPhibes, wait, are you sure it's ext2?  that's fairly old...19:49
Phibesi am really really sure :D19:49
ign0ramusPhibes, you can tell for sure if you run 'gparted'19:49
Phibesi ran gparted19:49
ign0ramusPhibes, ok, then yes, use 'ext2'19:49
ign0ramusPhibes, i was just giving syntax - you make it work for your setup ;)19:50
Phibesjep :)19:50
Phibesrestarting in...19:50
nightdreverhow do i get zimbra to start up automatically?19:51
ign0ramusnightdrever, if it's an executable file, just put a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart and it will run on startup19:52
Phibesign0ramus thx allot! it all works now perfectly :)19:53
ign0ramusPhibes, sweet!19:53
Phibesrhythmbox started playing right away :)19:53
Phibesand the partitions show on my desktop aswell19:54
ign0ramusPhibes, so now everything is as you wanted it?19:54
* ign0ramus goes to take a nap now :)19:54
Phibeshah, look out for the taliban!19:54
ign0ramusPhibes, we're out of there now!19:55
Phibesooh, good :)19:55
Phibeswell, im gonna do the dishes :) bye!19:55
ign0ramusPhibes, cheers!19:55
desuI recently upgraded to KDE 4.2.3 in Jaunty, and all the plasma icons have been replaced by the "?" icon. Also, plasma seems to get weirded up after a while... ie. loses all icons and text... Any idea why this may be happening?19:56
desuall icons and text includes the taskbar and system tray text19:56
ign0ramusdesu, could it be your icons?  try changing them and see if it makes a difference19:56
desuI haven't set any custom icons... Even the icon theme is the default one...19:57
desui'm talking about http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/6746/plasma2.png versus http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/9662/plasma1.png20:04
OmnipotentEntityhello, I'm having a peck of difficulty connecting an Atheros card to a secured wireless network using both the ath_pci driver and the free ath5k driver, any suggestions?  Using 9.0420:06
OmnipotentEntityforgot to mention, 64-bit OS20:08
nikolas_hi guys, after installing windows i had to reinstall grub.did it according to the instructions in ubuntu forum (through live cd) but now i cannot enter windows can anybody help?20:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sceen20:10
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen20:10
ign0ramusnikolas_, is windows listed in your grub menu?20:14
nikolas_yes, but doesnlt work20:14
ign0ramusnikolas_, what doesn't work?  it just goes to a black screen or what?20:14
nikolas_i have tried several things in menu.lst, now gives me error 1320:15
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ign0ramusnikolas_, so you select windows, press enter, and it gives you grub error 13?  is that correct?20:15
ign0ramusnikolas_, ok... lemme look around20:16
edgeI want a specific version of Rails installed on my system, how do i first determine what version of a package is installed, and if it is wrong how do I go about selecting a exact version package?20:18
ign0ramusnikolas_, can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst ?20:18
nikolas_ign0ramus: gimme a sec20:19
nikolas_ign0ramus: pastebin.com/m108dade420:21
ign0ramusnikolas_, are you using the computer with the problem right now?20:22
nikolas_i m writing from a different computer20:22
ign0ramusnikolas_, ok good20:22
ign0ramusnikolas_, go back into the grub menu, and highlight the windows entry20:22
ign0ramusnikolas_, then press "e"20:22
nikolas_u mean reboot?20:23
ign0ramusnikolas_, yes20:23
nikolas_ign0ramus: ok,1sec!20:23
nikolas_ok did it!20:24
ign0ramusnikolas_, ok, do you see where it says "(hd0,0)"?20:24
ign0ramusnikolas_, change that to say "(hd0,1)"20:24
ign0ramusnikolas_, and then press "b"20:24
nikolas_ok!it says "starting up...."20:25
nikolas_but takes long....20:25
ign0ramusnikolas_, so that works?20:26
nikolas_seams to be stuck there!20:26
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ign0ramusnikolas_, hmm... give it a little bit.. shouldn't be taking too long20:26
nikolas_it still says starting uo......20:26
nikolas_it's stuck there20:27
ign0ramusnikolas_, ok, restart, and try it again.  it shouldn't get stuck there.20:27
kaddihi, my pc froze (yet again -.-), the image is stuck, but the sound keeps playing...any idea what could be causing this? I think it might be heat problem...20:27
nikolas_getting error 13 again20:28
mark___kaddi...seems like a memory problem to me20:28
nikolas_but wait!i pressed 'e' again to edit the selection and it is still on hd0,0 and not hd0,120:29
ign0ramusnikolas_, yes, the "e" edit you made won't stick until you change your grub.conf20:29
kaddimark___ defectif Memory or not enough (I have 4 Gb)20:29
ign0ramusnikolas_, but we're not there yet20:29
nikolas_so i edit it again and put "(hd0,1)" again right?20:30
ign0ramusnikolas_, yup20:30
mark___kaddi.... could be a problem with your graphics card then20:30
nikolas_nothing happens, still stuck there20:30
ign0ramusnikolas_, i just noticed what you titled windows - hilarious!20:31
ign0ramusnikolas_, ok you wanna give the livecd grub fix another shot?20:31
kaddimark___ the same pc runs fine with vista, so I think it's probably either a compability or a software problem20:31
nikolas_...but i was right!after installing it it doesnt work20:31
nikolas_i have reinstalled grub countless times!20:31
ign0ramusnikolas_, this shouldn't be right, but what if you changed it to (hd0,2) ?20:32
nikolas_let me try20:32
nikolas_it is booting now...20:33
ign0ramusnikolas_, windows is starting?20:33
nikolas_wtf?? yes it starts!20:33
ign0ramusnikolas_, excellent!20:33
mark___kaddi.... what distro are you using and what were you doing just before the freeze?20:33
ign0ramusnikolas_, now we have to change your grub entry20:33
nikolas_so i must replace hd(0,0) with hd(0,2) in the menu.lst right?20:33
ign0ramusnikolas_, when you can, boot back into kubuntu20:33
ign0ramusnikolas_, yup, that's it!20:34
nikolas_but why that happened?!?!?20:34
ign0ramusnikolas_, also, you may want to get rid of one junk line in there too... "title root"... that's not a valid entry20:34
kaddimark___ its jaunty with kde 4.2.3 ... It's been freezing a couple of days since yesterday afternoon... the only "special" thing I recall doing before was actually a reboot20:34
ign0ramusnikolas_, could be your fstab is incorrect (has happened to me before)20:34
kaddimark___ programs that would be running where a combinatino of konversation, kopete, firefox, thunderbird, vlc and/or amarok20:35
nikolas_shouldn't i correct fstab instead??20:35
ign0ramusnikolas_, well, when you can, pastebin it and i'll take a look20:35
nikolas_ok, i m booting on my desktop, gimme a sec!20:35
kaddimark___ the update on kde 4.2.3 is about 2 weeks old, the upgrade on jaunty 3-4 weeks. so that is nothing recent20:36
ign0ramusnikolas_, actually leave the "root" entry in your grub file.20:37
mark___kaddi...so you are running Amarok2 i assume?20:37
kaddimark___ yes, no choice there...20:38
Assurbanipalign0ramus: where is fstab to pastebin it?? it is nikolas_again20:38
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, /etc/fstab20:38
mark___i have also ran into some problems with Amarok 2 freezing up20:38
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mark___hmm. ok20:39
Assurbanipalign0ramus:  http://pastebin.com/m745ce63520:39
kaddii'm running a memtest right now, just to be safe... looks good so far20:40
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, ok, it is not listed in fstab, which isn't bad, but then that's not the culprit20:40
kaddibut freezing also occurred while amarok wasn't running. IIRC20:40
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, do "sudo grub"20:40
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, then "find /boot/grub/stage120:40
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, what does it say?20:41
Assurbanipalgrub> find /boot/grub/stage120:42
Assurbanipal (hd0,1)20:42
Assurbanipal (hd1,0)20:42
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, hmm... not sure why it gives you that.20:42
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, just type 'quit' to get out of there, and fix your grub file20:43
Eismann2 linux installations?20:43
Assurbanipalit must be finding an old installation on my other drive20:43
Assurbanipalbut i donnot boot from that hardrive20:43
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, right, but it's weird that (hd0,2) is what actually works20:43
Assurbanipalso what should i do to permenently fix that:?20:44
Assurbanipalshouldn't i fix fstub first?20:44
desuI upgraded to KDE 4.2.3 in Jaunty. Is there any way I can roll back to the default version of KDE in Jaunty?20:44
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, give me a minute20:44
kaddimarc___ I'll give it a shot without amarok.. if it really works that would be a great thing. :)20:45
mark___kaddi...does the same freezing occur when you run the same applications when running the gnome desktop?20:46
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, i'm not entirely sure how that happened20:47
kaddi_debugging would be so much easier if I actually had 1 machine that was working AND had a reliable internetconnection -.-20:47
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, i can tell you fixing your grub file will allow you to boot without problems, though20:47
Assurbanipaland what about fstab?20:48
kaddi_I haven't installed the gnome desktop, marc___, but I'll have a look :) the package is called ubuntu-desktop, isn't it?20:48
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, your windows partition isn't listed in your fstab20:48
mark___yes it is20:48
Assurbanipalshouldn't it be added?20:48
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, you can add it if you want it to be automatically mounted at startup20:48
Assurbanipali don;t know, i just want it to be right!!to be working without causing any problems in the future!20:49
mark___kaddi...you should have a choice of which seesion you want to use at the login screen is gnome not there?20:49
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, i had a similar issue that gave me incorrect info when reinstalling grub, but after I edited the grub20:50
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, ... i didn't have any other problems.  although i never did find out why it spit out the wrong (hdx,x)20:50
kaddi_mark___ i haven't installed the gnome-desktop manager, just downloading it now. I don't think both are installed by default, or are they?20:50
Assurbanipalso what should i do?20:50
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, "kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst"20:51
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, change line 110 to " root (hd0,2) "20:52
mark___kaddi...i suggest you try and see if the freezing occurs in gnome once you get it up and running and go from there20:52
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, then save and exit.  restart and try to start windows.  i am confident that this will work fine20:52
Assurbanipalok, i did it it should work now.hope won;t have aby problems in the future...tnx mate!20:53
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, i still cannot say for sure why the "find stage1" command gives something different, but with this, you will be fine20:53
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, np20:53
Assurbanipali think because it finds the file on my secondary hard drive that had an old kubuntu installation20:53
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, that could be... i didn't know you had 2 HDDs20:54
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, not at first, anyway20:54
sheytan_Hi everyone. Does anybody know if strigi indexing will work in Kubuntu with kde 4.3? now i have the better sesame backend installed, but even when i change in the config file redland to sesame2 it's still getting back to redland :/20:54
ign0ramusAssurbanipal, the wiki should address that situation, which is very common :/20:54
Assurbanipalok will reboot now to see what happens20:54
Assurbanipaltnx mate20:54
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kaddi_ok, i'll switch to gnome and see what happens now :)20:58
robin0800!ask |jeremy21:05
ubottujeremy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:05
jeremy__i'm bored anyone wanna chat ?21:07
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:07
buster__good evening to all21:09
robin0800!ask |buster__:21:11
ubottubuster__:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:11
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kaddi__mark___ gnome indeed seems to be running stable for now, i'll test it a bit longer, if it doesn't crash, I'll at least know on who to blame it :D thanks :)21:23
shock_day13hey everyone21:23
kaddi__i don't know if it's going to crash and how long this might take..;)21:23
ubottushock_day13: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:24
shock_day13hey kaddi21:24
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CoJaBo-AztecIs connecting to a wireless network with a static IP supported yet?21:32
desuCan I somehow force APT to download and install a previous version of a package, which still exists as the latest in another repository?21:34
dROgdesu: yes but remove the existing package21:35
Kuarkwhats the best c++ compiler?21:35
desudROg: any way i can do it _without_ removign the current package?21:35
desulike, how an upgrade is done?21:35
desujust, downgrade?21:36
desuKuark: depends... though g++ should suffice for most purposes21:36
dROgdunno if that's possible21:36
CoJaBo-AztecIs connecting to a wireless network with a static IP supported yet?21:45
CoJaBo-Aztec...guess not.21:48
GAZRACan someone please tell me how to save all instlled packages of an ubuntu system and then installed them in another computer authomatically?21:50
Eismannthe list of packages?21:51
rafa_algún usario que hable español?21:52
Eismannexiste #kubuntu-es y  #ubuntu-es21:52
CoJaBo-AztecDoes anyone know what version of Kubuntu will finnally support static IPs?21:52
GAZRACoJaBo-Aztec: What do you mean? All linux distros support static IPs!21:53
Eismannmaybe it means networkmanager21:53
CoJaBo-AztecGAZRA: The network manager has not supported it in any versions 8.04 to 9.04.21:54
CoJaBo-AztecThe functionality is visually there, but the GUI controls do not actually work.21:54
EismannCoJaBo-Aztec: well, but you can use other ways to set static IP21:54
CoJaBo-AztecI feel like I'm in one of those cartoons where the tunnel is just painted on!!!21:55
Eismannnetworkmanager does not support static IP. kubuntu does21:55
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CoJaBo-AztecAnd why show controls that do nothing?21:56
Eismannyou can configure it manually with ifconfig, or edit /etc/network/interfaces21:56
EismannCoJaBo-Aztec: I dont know, I dont use it21:57
CoJaBo-AztecHow do I do wifi with that tho?21:57
diego_mmmm nose21:57
CoJaBo-AztecAm I the only one whos ever used static IPs or something?21:57
EismannCoJaBo-Aztec: you can try wicd, its similar to networkmanager21:58
robin0800_CoJaBo-Aztec: or downgrade to knetworkmanager22:00
EismannGAZRA: do you need to get the list of packages to install them in another computer?22:01
CoJaBo-Aztecrobin0800_: knetworkmanager didn't support it any better.22:05
CoJaBo-AztecEismann: What is wicd, and is it actually any better?22:06
diego_hay algun gestor de descargas para mega o rapid??22:07
EismannCoJaBo-Aztec: its similar to networkmanager22:07
EismannCoJaBo-Aztec: it has more options and its supposed to work better, but I dont use it22:07
Eismanncant say mor22:08
diego_hay algun gestor de descargas para mega o rapid??22:08
CoJaBo-AztecNetwork manager has tons of options, the problem is there "just painted on".22:08
Eismannjust try it22:08
CoJaBo-AztecDoes it support WPA?22:08
Eismann"Many encryption schemes, some of which include WEP/WPA/WPA2"22:10
Eismannthe only thing I miss is that doesnt support if-up and ip-up scripts22:11
Eismannat least when I tried it22:11
r3c0nanyone know how to revert to an older version of libgtkspell-dev? I recently updated through the package manager but it seems like its causing me problem as can be seen from the following error22:13
r3c0nsymbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/gyachi/plugins/libgyachigtkspell.so: undefined symbol: gtkspell_get_from_text_view22:13
diego_al usar wine en un programa me dice que necesita java 1.5 como ago para que funcione este programa?22:13
CoJaBo-AztecEismann: Ok, I'll try it...22:13
diego_al usar wine en un programa me dice que necesita java 1.5 como ago para que funcione este programa?22:16
diego_al usar wine en un programa me dice que necesita java 1.5 como ago para que funcione este programa?22:16
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justin1234how do i change video drivers? the one that came in jaunty isnt working as well as the old one22:39
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olskolircsomeone say my name please22:46
_Whipperolskolirc: why?22:47
olskolircchecking my colors22:47
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Weedyany reason why plasma is using 100% cpu22:53
sakiriousHrm...KDE 4.2 seems to keep freezing. I can still do thing inside Windows and manipulate them but the kicker bar and desktop do not respond.22:56
andrea2030i'm looking for an http proxy program, something like proxyway, get around the firewalls used at the university, library, coffee shop, etc..23:02
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:03
GAZRABut flash is very unstable on 64 bit23:05
epimethhmmm... who has an x64?  should I use gnash maybe?23:05
epimethoh lol...23:05
epimethGAZRA: should I try gnash or swfdec?23:05
GAZRAepimeth: I really don't know what to tell you, I'm going to install a 32 bit kubuntu, because I'm sick and tired of having problems with the 64 bit version23:07
epimethspeaking of which... I don't even know what I have installed!23:07
GAZRAepimeth: hahaha23:07
epimethwhats the command?  rname or something?23:07
GAZRAepimeth: then why are yu asking?23:07
GAZRAepimeth: a lot of thing still dont work on 64 bit23:08
epimethbecause I have a 64 bit processor and kind of assumed I installed the 64bit OS23:08
GAZRAepimeth: no23:08
epimethso how do I find out which I am using?23:08
epimethand what other problems are there with 64bit?23:08
GAZRAepimeth: hahaha, well, did you installed it from a CD? Did you download it or how did you get ir?23:08
GAZRAepimeth: there are no real problems, is just that some applications don't work, like google gears, for example, adobe flash 64 is in alfa version and it crashes constantly, etc23:09
epimeth_stupid wireless23:11
epimeth_you were saying, GAZRA?23:11
GAZRAepimeth: to check try: uname -a23:11
epimeth_uname! lol23:11
olskolirccan someone say my name again please?23:11
epimeth_I was like, wtf is it???23:12
GAZRAolskolirc: ??23:12
epimeth_x86_64 .... grrrrrr23:12
epimeth_so hows this gnash plugin then?23:12
epimeth_worth a shot?23:12
GAZRAepimeth: then you have the 64 bit version installed23:12
epimeth_or should I try the beta?  maybe send some bug reprts?23:12
GAZRAepimeth: which beta?23:13
epimeth_sorry, alpha23:13
epimeth_You can install the beta of the native 64-bit version, it is available at the Adobe Labs site. You need to extract the file provided, and place it in the folder ~/.mozilla/plugins folder for each user who wants to use flash. Be aware that this is pre-release software and there could be bugs.23:13
GAZRAepimeth: do you mean the flash alfa? you can't since it is not open source, that's adobes alfa23:13
epimeth_whaddaya mean, "Can't" ?  "Shouldn't" maybe23:14
epimeth_damn the GPL to heck23:15
epimeth_I hope Phil and his pitchspork cause them much pain23:15
GAZRAepimeth: well you could sent it somewhere to adobe, but I don't think they are gathering the feedback23:16
GAZRAI'm going to install Kubuntu 32 bit now! I'm just tired of the 64 bit23:17
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darkenigma2652I'm gonna install install Kubuntu on my (older) family desktop, can someone tell me minimum RAM needed for Kubuntu? (since it's KDE)23:30
darkenigma2652k, I should be fine then23:31
darkenigma2652So now I'm only worried about my sound card, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem23:32
andrea2030i would go with ubuntu with an older pc23:34
BluesKaj512 would more comfy for kde , darkenigma265223:35
darkenigma2652Yeah, is has 51223:35
darkenigma2652andrea2030, I was thinking Xubuntu23:35
darkenigma2652But my dad and bro are very used to Windows, which is why I wanted KDE23:36
Weedy< andrea2030> i would go with ubuntu with an older pc <-- your kidding right?23:37
carpiiid say gnome is more similar to windows than kde personally23:37
Weedyi can't get a desktop on ubuntu with less then 375mb of ram23:37
Weedyi can have 4.2 and a bunch of widgets for 25023:37
darkenigma2652Can you believe I tried to install it on an old laptop with 280 MB of RAM? lol23:38
Weedyas long as you had swap it might work23:38
darkenigma2652Not sure what it had, but I'm on it atm with de-branded Mint 6 XFCE CE23:39
andrea2030i would of thought ubuntu would be less memory hungry then kde, i would just throw the old pc out.23:39
Weedygnome is bloat city23:39
darkenigma2652I LOVE old tech, I would never throw a PC out23:40
darkenigma2652Unless I dropped it down stairs...23:40
Weedyand as much as i hate how kdelibs/qt are huge23:40
andrea2030pcs arent expensive these days, there not $3000 anymore23:40
Weedyat least they got to the point where they can do EVERYTHING23:40
Weedyand you don't need anything else23:40
Weedyso you only need 2 libs to get a desktop23:40
darkenigma2652Does anyone here know if a SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio sound card works fine with alsa? Or will it be a pain?23:41
darkenigma2652... Do I hear a cricket?23:43
andrea2030have you tried google23:43
darkenigma2652Only get results for problems with no replies lol23:44
nightdreverhow do i join a ubuntu room?23:45
darkenigma2652Well, how did you join this room? lol23:45
darkenigma2652... I think I just confused myself23:46
andrea2030./join ubuntu  << in status window without period at the front23:46
andrea2030status window is the first window23:46
darkenigma2652grrr... Looks like there's three different modules alsa uses for SoundMAX23:49
darkenigma2652I HATE it when there are multiple modules for sound cards -_-23:50
andrea2030which one is the most stable23:51
andrea2030why not search for your "motherboard model ubuntu" in google23:51
darkenigma2652The default module is the Intel one, which is the most common and is the most likely to work23:52
darkenigma2652But there's also an ALi one and some other module I should look up just in case23:52
darkenigma2652I have no idea what motherboard I have XD23:53
andrea2030why not try all 323:53
andrea2030test which one works the best23:53
andrea2030have you ever opened up a computer?23:53
andrea2030model number is on the motherboard23:53
darkenigma2652I never needed to, I've only opened my old laptop to replace a CMOS battery23:54
darkenigma2652Though I will need to when I get my grandma's (LOL) computer which is running Vista on only 503 MB of RAM23:55
darkenigma2652LOL to the second part aswell23:55
serecan someone tell me how to test and see if my tvout is working as a seperate screen...nvidia-settings sees it and it turns black when i start x so i think its working just not sure how to test it23:56
darkenigma2652Ok, maybe only two modules for it. All I can find are intel8x0 and via82xx23:59

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