
ondiskevent horizon was a great movie00:02
DanaGhmm, how do I fix it, then?00:03
ienorandDanaG: I have no idea, chown it?00:05
Sarvattsudo rm /dev/null && sudo mknod -m 0666 /dev/null c 1 300:05
ienorandondisk: It got a bit out of hand towards the end though...00:05
DanaGah, dpkg --configure -a was it, actually.00:06
DanaGIt was inhibiting udevtrigger.00:06
ondiskienorand: yeah, but scary though! I couldn't sleep after I watched it :)00:10
wirechiefSarvatt have you seen/heard of this ? http://virtuousgeek.org/blog/index.php/jbarnes/2009/05/07/pageflipping_blocking_etc00:17
* wirechief hopeing for a breakthrough on uxa in karmic00:20
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arch02:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about puppy02:29
calcany using karmic yet?04:02
calcer anyone04:02
* calc is considering reinstalling to karmic tonight for his trip to allhands/uds04:03
calcienorand: does it work well for you?04:03
ienorandVery well actually, I've managed not to fall into any of the pits04:03
Volkodavanybody using claws-mail ?04:03
calcienorand: is gnome 2.27 in it yet?04:03
ienorandI do have a solid nvidia card though, gnome 2.26 currently04:04
* calc is downloading the current desktop disc to reinstall with04:05
ienorandwell, actually, i did end up with a broken resolution just recently, but a quick reinstall of nvidia drivers worked out just perfect....04:05
calci am using intel drivers for my system04:06
ienorandAs always, I'd recommend installing it and running off a usb stick... been doin that all through jaunty 'til now04:06
* calc is a developer so probably should be using it as his main system, wasn't sure if it was stable enough to do that yet04:08
akioI'm not sure if I am using tinyirc correctly, can someone acknowledge I am here?04:10
DanaGI won't switch from Jaunty until I get either KMS or 3D with radeon.  =รพ04:10
akioDanaG, can you see my text?04:10
akioi switched and I paying the Alpha price04:11
akioi am forced back to a cli irc client, but I like this one so far04:11
akiostarts up fine, but after 90 seconds or so after full desktop the backlight goes banana wacky and it seems like ACPI or something is the problem but my machine becomes very difficult to use after that04:13
akioright now i am in recovery mode04:13
akiowait no I'm not04:14
ienorandakio: uugh, pain. although cli can be cozy at times...04:14
akioi switched to the vesa driver in recovery, but the problem remains after reboot - so I went to the tty04:14
akioit's nice to be reminded of my roots04:15
akiobut I'm not too savvy as to where to look in the logs to see what is going on, iirc i thought there was an acpi log or something04:16
akioit doesn't help I'm on vacation in Bogota Columbia with my only machine (and decided to dist-upgrade)04:16
calci'm having weird issues even with jaunty on my new laptop, seems to probably just be intel video driver issues though04:17
akioi don't think it is the issue because i force loaded vesa and the problem remains04:17
* calc sees a new bios for his laptop so will load it before installing karmic04:19
ienorandcalc: have you gone for the -proposed intel stuff?04:19
calcienorand: not sure04:19
akiohow do you do that?04:19
calchmm looks like i haven't04:19
akioyeah that helped a lot04:20
calcakio: for jaunty only, but you just add proposed in /etc/apt/sources.list04:20
akiohe was from my hometown04:20
calcman this rsync is running really slow :\ i guess my net connection is crap04:20
akioholy crap alpha is changing by the minute04:21
ienorandyea, the xserver-video-intel version on karmic is an even newer one than the one in jaunty-proposed04:21
ienorandakio: Yea, mustve been at least ~100 updates coming through today...04:22
akioi want the KMS so badly I switched without checking to see if it was addded yet04:22
akiorunning a safe-upgrade now04:23
DanaGAny idea when we'll see radeon KMS?04:26
ienorandcalc: There hasn't been any answers in #ubuntu-devel in 5 hours...04:27
AmaranthDanaG: 2.6.31 or 2.6.3204:28
AmaranthDanaG: (not karmic)04:28
DanaGoh yeah, so I am awaiting to see what'll come down the pipe, so to speak.04:29
calcienorand: the canonical managers are probably all flying out in the morning to barcelona, i don't leave until monday04:29
DanaGI have a spare drive that has a 32-bit Karmic.04:29
* calc will be in barcelona may 18-3004:30
ienorandAh, keep forgetting that uds is coming up... would be fun to be able to go at some point, but I don't think that'll be in yet a while... need to actually do some developing first :)04:32
calcthe fall one will likely be somewhere in the US04:32
akioare those things public admittance?04:33
akioi have a free round trip ticket and I would love to go04:34
calcfall uds is nov 16-2004:34
calcakio: yea you just have to sign up on the wiki (iirc)04:34
calcbut the location hasn't been determined yet, afaik04:34
calcakio: the 9.10 uds is week after next in barcelona may 25-2904:35
akioportland oregon, linus will check it out04:35
akioi want to move to the SF bay area04:36
calctoo expensive for me :\04:37
calci can get housing here for ~ $40-100 sqft instead of $300+04:37
akioyou only need about 10 for a computer ;)04:38
akioif you like the area you will be out more04:38
akiowhen i was there i was always walking around checking stuff out and riding the public transit04:39
calcmy ~ 1700 sqft home only cost me $72K04:39
akiohousing leans towards the buyer but I don't want to stay stuck in florida04:40
calci'm in houston which is fairly nice except for the heat and humidiity04:41
calcalmost done downloading the cd :)04:44
* calc hopes his laptop isn't dying and that it is just a video driver issue04:49
akioi wish i knew how to classify this bug, it is really annoying - a good idea would be to take a video of what is happening04:50
akiowhat is happening?04:50
akiodoes it look like the backlight is going nuts and the system becomes less responsive?04:51
akioi rebooted into vesa and so far the issue hasn't come up04:53
DanaGhmm, try blacklisting "video" module.04:53
calcfor me its drawing trash on fonts and various other graphical glitches04:55
akioim not sure what that entails but it sounds drastic04:55
calcyea this could be either a driver issue i am seeing or possibly failing hardware, not sure which yet04:57
calcbut the intel driver is known to be shit in jaunty04:57
akioi can't wait for KMS04:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kms04:58
thiebaudewhat is KMS?04:59
akiokernel mode switching04:59
akioI want it because I have a non-standard screen size and it will allow proper console font sizing04:59
akiowithout X04:59
thiebaudeoh ok05:00
akioit means alot on a 1024x600 screen05:00
akioi have the MSI Wind05:00
calcvesa doesn't work for any modern screen05:02
calcit as defined before widescreens05:02
akiovesa works for my screen it just stretches05:07
ienorandakio: ah, how is the wind in general? I've been considering netbooks for future purchases...05:07
calci have a netbook to use but i like my thinkpad x200 much better05:07
calcat 12" its not much bigger physically than 10" netbook but much more usable (of course also more expensive)05:08
akioi want a thinkpad but the price is killer05:08
calcakio: you can get discount through www.lenovo.com/cpp (familyandfriends) but they are still more than a netbook05:08
akioi am going to get my dad the S10 with the 6 cell05:08
* calc might get a W 15" for his next system since they have nice 1920x1200 screen05:09
calcok i gotta run for a while, going to upgrade my bios and see about upgrading to karmic05:10
calci'll be logged into irc but won't be at the console05:10
ienorandcalc: good luck05:11
ienorandI was thinking of doing a netbook/desktop combo next round, since I use my current laptop as a stationary thingy so often anyways...05:12
* DanaG has an EliteBook 8530w. Has nice UEFI firmware to mess around with.05:23
calcso karmic desktop cd is still broken05:26
calcnow i get to download the alt disc05:26
calcat least with using rsync it shouldn't take forever to redownload05:29
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|ns|nR8not much to talk about yet11:26
|ns|nR8is it possible to download an iso of koala yet ?11:26
dazjorzcurrent status of kde in karmic:11:53
dazjorzon my system, still 56 kde 4.2.2 packages remaining, 75 4.3beta1 packages installed11:53
dazjorzthere's still a lot of merging TODO11:54
=== twilight_ is now known as twilight
geirhahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule  ; June 11th Translations exported from LP. Does that mean one can start translating karmic packages on launchpad?12:36
blueyedI'm having cryptsetup problems with karmic: booting with the .30 kernel, it halts at "Waiting for encrypted devices..." (no password prompt), using an older kernel halts at "Loading hardware drivers...". Anything known about this?13:39
dazjorzblueyed: loading hardware drivers sounds like you need to re-run mkinitrd or so13:51
* dazjorz himself is having problems with horrendeously slow Qt or SDL stuff, not sure which of the two13:51
blueyeddazjorz: maybe, but I fear that this results in cryptsetup / the password prompt not working/appearing in the first place, too (like in the new image).14:04
dazjorzpossibly, yeah14:07
dazjorz"waiting for encrypted devices", doesn't that mean something like uuid / device name / device node is incorrect so it can't find the device?14:08
dazjorzthat's the case with "waiting for root device", anyway14:08
blueyedGood hint, but that would be odd: I've not changed the setup.14:10
dazjorzthat would be completely normal under these circumstances ;-)14:10
* dazjorz builds kdebase-workspace and kdebase from the source packages on launchpad14:29
blueyeduh.. I've just regenerated the initrd in a chroot, and it's missing /conf/conf.d/cryptroot - which is in older initrds. however I've not checked if it has been there before the update-initramfs in the chroot.. :/14:32
blueyedwell, it's not in my old 2.6.28-8 initrd either, only in 2.6.24-x.14:35
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dazjorzblueyed: check apt-file search cryptroot or so? :)14:54
dazjorzsee if a package is missing or broken?14:54
BUGabundohi guys14:59
BUGabundolots of new bugs for me to file15:00
BUGabundoany one interessed in checking them ?15:00
dazjorzhi BUGabundo :)15:00
dazjorzif they are KDE related:15:00
BUGabundohey dazjorz15:00
dazjorz- the new source packages for kdebase-workspace and kdebase and such are online, I'd advise you to build them from source then install them, like I'm doing now15:00
dazjorzthey probably fix a lot of issues15:00
BUGabundoI'll just wait for the kubuntu-ningas to fix it15:01
BUGabundo1st bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/+bug/37726915:02
dazjorzI didn't see the packages scheduled for building on the Launchpad servers yet :(15:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 377269 in transmission "CRC mismatch (computed 19d8e52c wanted b6e98258)" [Undecided,New]15:02
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dazjorzkdebase-workspace installed correctly, even though the official build failed15:15
dazjorzbuilt and installed correctly15:15
BUGabundonext bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/37727015:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 377270 in linux "Call Trace: <IRQ> [<ffffffff8025086b>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0xcb/0x120" [Undecided,New]15:16
BUGabundoany one seeing this : May 16 03:13:25 blubug kernel: [30563.537619] gvfs-gdu-volume[31437]: segfault at 18 ip 00007fe735c312f1 sp 00007fffb2b0d220 error 4 in libgdu.so.0.0.0[7fe735c26000+22000]15:17
charlie-tcaI have to install karmic today. I don't have it yet15:17
BUGabundocome on join us charlie-tca15:18
BUGabundoKK for the brave15:18
charlie-tcaGoing to. Have to do my backups, then wipe this out and install karmic15:18
BUGabundo$ ubuntu-bug gvfs-backends15:19
BUGabundoI love the new look of LP bugs page15:20
BUGabundolet me tell them that15:20
blueyedApparently my RAID, cryptsetup, LVM setup does not get detected as LVM anymore?!15:24
blueyedit fails in get_lvm_deps in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptroot - dmsetup does not know anything about the root node.15:24
BUGabundoone more https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/37727615:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 377276 in gvfs "gvfs-gdu-volume[30181]: segfault at 18" [Undecided,New]15:27
dazjorzaaaand installed, logged in again, it's working flawlessly, great15:42
dazjorzapart from that I had to move one file which wasn't installed by the packages, to get konsole to work, it's great15:42
BUGabundohow do you call the nautilus pop windows?? those small for stuff like about, and file transfer?16:07
TwigathyDialgoue boxes?16:07
TwigathyAlthough...not really c_c16:07
BUGabundoI don't know16:08
BUGabundowant to describe it on a bug16:08
BUGabundobut I fail to know its name16:08
charlie-tcaI don't. I use thunar16:11
charlie-tcapop-up window?16:11
BUGabundocharlie-tca: twilight: see if this sound correct: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/37729116:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 377291 in nautilus "OnTop mode for Dialog box is sent to background by gnome-terminal" [Undecided,New]16:15
charlie-tcaMakes sense to me. You couldn't get the nautilus dialog to stay visible16:16
dazjorzBUGabundo: "notifications"16:32
dazjorzKNotify notifications :)16:32
dazjorzor, hm, nautilus? that's how dolphin does it16:32
* dazjorz was confused, maybe nautilus does it differently16:32
charlie-tcakubuntu will not be the same16:37
charlie-tcaxubuntu will not be the same, either16:37
BUGabundodazjorz: you seem be able to shift around the depencies16:49
BUGabundoother them local install what can I do?16:49
* BUGabundo tries aptitude to see if it saves the day16:52
dazjorzBUGabundo: what? :)17:03
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ktebitI added the /home/carl/Videos line to my fstab http://dpaste.com/44779/ rebooted, and fsck errored with something like "Cant find device with UUID=87888e41.." - A) did that message get logged somewhere? B) what did I do wrong?18:49
ktebitcarl@gw42:~$ blkid /dev/sdb1; /dev/sdb1: UUID="5e9644f2-f31b-48ac-92a7-c4b7048d0d2f" TYPE="ext4"18:49
dazjorzthe UUID seems different18:50
dazjorzalso: the message was probably logged in dmesg, /var/log/boot or /var/log/syslog18:50
ktebitwhat should I do?18:51
ktebitwhat do you use?18:52
aciculahmm i have trouble updating some kde-runtime packages(apt-get fails with it meddling with files belonging to other packages), known issue/fix commited yet?19:44
wirechiefkarmic remix boots to initramfs   error SQUASHFS error: Major/Minor mismatch, older Squashfs 3.1 filesystems are unsupported19:54
wirechiefexit suggested  to give init= someplace19:54
joetheoddIs there a schedule for how often things get released to the repos?20:13
BUGabundothere is a schedule20:14
BUGabundo !schedule20:14
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule20:14
BUGabundobut regular packages come as soon as some dev or auto sync gets them20:14
rskithat's now what he wanted20:14
dazjorzBUGabundo: what did you mean earlier today? :)20:14
BUGabundodazjorz: no idea20:15
BUGabundowhat was it ?20:15
BUGabundoahh the kde depends20:15
dazjorz17:49:16 < BUGabundo> dazjorz: you seem be able to shift around the depencies20:15
dazjorz17:49:30 < BUGabundo> other them local install what can I do?20:15
dazjorzooh right20:15
BUGabundoI guess apitute gained a new lover20:15
dazjorzI compiled kdebase-workspace and kdebase myself20:15
dazjorzfor the other dependencies20:15
dazjorzI just used dpkg --force-depends and in other places, dpkg --force-overwrite :p20:15
BUGabundoaptitude sufices for me20:17
joetheoddAnyone know when 2.6.30 will get restricted modules? I'm stuck on 2.6.28 so that I can use my wireless.20:25
BUGabundojoetheodd: luckly my intel works!20:26
joetheoddBUGabundo, on the new kernel?20:26
BUGabundoLinux blubug 2.6.30-5-generic #6-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 20:46:57 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:27
ienorandYea, does not the old restricted work with the new kernel? (I am woefully ignorant of these things)20:28
DanaGWhat module?20:29
yoasifhey guys -- where should i file a bug report if i want a new filtype to be recognized?20:30
BUGabundolets see if this now works20:31
BUGabundoLinux blubug 2.6.30-5-generic #6-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 20:46:57 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:31
yoasifis it shared-mime-info?20:31
DanaGugh, quodlibet doesn't play well with notify-osd.20:39
DanaGIt creates new notifications... so you can end up with like a 15-minute backlog of song-change notifications if you're skipping around a lot.20:40
DanaGokay, more like 5... but it's still damn annoying.20:40
blueyedanybody using Karmic with RAID on root? (I have raid+cryptsetup+lvm) It seems like the raid setup does not get picked up anymore.20:50
BUGabundoblueyed: better ask on #ubuntu-server20:50
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blueyedBUGabundo: thanks, no response there though. File bug 377395 about it now.21:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 377395 in udev "Karmic: encrypted root device (RAID+cryptsetup+LVM) gets not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37739521:23
blueyedOff for another round to get the debuglog.21:23
joetheoddCan things like "bluetooth support packages shouldn't be installed on systems that aren't bluetooth enabled" be submitted as bugs?21:36
BUGabundojoetheodd: nope21:38
BUGabundothey will be closed with invalid or won't fix21:38
BUGabundosince Ubuntu aims to work with any system21:38
BUGabundoBT support should be present so that if you connect a dongle or card it works21:38
BUGabundoif user doesn't wish them they can remove the packages21:39
BUGabundobut the desktop seed will install it again on upgrades, and currently is builted into the kernel21:39
joetheoddIdeally, there should be a hardware detection thingy, so when you plug it in it'll be like "o hai der dongle, want me to get these packages?"21:47
joetheoddThe same goes with cups, in my opinion. I don't have a printer, and don't ever plan on using one. ubuntu-desktop even requires cups.21:48
BUGabundoactually on karmic for some reason synaptics is telling me it can remove CUPS!21:49
BUGabundoI found that very strange21:49
lamalexthat hardware detection jawn would be sweet :)21:54
lamalexjoetheodd: sounds like a good project for you21:54
BUGabundothis is FLOSS. feel free to implement it21:54
lamalexdevicekit + packagekit integration thing21:55
lamalexBUGabundo: even if it wasn't FOSS you'd still be free to implement it21:55
BUGabundolamalex: not as easy, would it?21:55
lamalexi dont see how it would be any less easy21:56
lamalexwindows for example sure the source code isn't available, but the apis are still there, otherwise no one could write software for it21:56
lamalexyou dont need the source code to every piece of software to write software that talks to it21:57
lamalexfrankly you shouldnt look at a projects code when writing another app that interacts with it, only the api docs21:57
ikoniagents, "/topic" please ?21:57
lamalexthis is not off topic enough to warrant telling us to get back on topic21:58
BUGabundolamalex: don't go there...21:58
lamalexwe're talking about programming, with respect to a daemon that watches for new hardware then offers to install packages you need for it to run21:59
lamalexmaybe if we were talking about our favourite stir fry techniques you could gives us a nudge about topic22:00
joaopintolamalex, despite you having a printer or not, other software depends on printing functions provide by cups for it's printing, your suggestion with require, print-less software22:01
joaopintothat could be done, but make things much more complex22:02
BUGabundojoaopinto: and what about BT?22:03
lamalexjoaopinto: CUPS doesn't really fall into scope with this at all22:03
ikoniaPLEASE this is 9,10 discussion22:04
joaopintoikonia, were discussing about to remove cups or not from 9.1022:04
lamalexikonia: relax22:04
joaopintoto make it on topic22:04
lamalexjoaopinto: :)22:05
lamalexim sure the technical board will approve that no question22:05
joetheoddjoaopinto, i think the problem with that is, CUPS is the common unix printing server. Nothing should depend on it that doesn't have to do with printing.22:06
joetheoddI always envision GNU as a spiderweb. Some packages are connected, and some aren't, with the core in the middle. CUPS is tied to things that have nothing to do with printing, which is a bad thing.22:07
ktebitim tryin to get my logitech quick cam messenger plus working in ubuntu 9.04 i got the drive thing qc-usb-0.6.6 and it says run a $ make all command where do i do this at?22:40
rskiktebit: ask in #ubuntu22:41
BUGabundoktebit: this # is meant for 9.10 karmic discussion22:42
BUGabundonot that many of it happens here....22:42
BUGabundobut that's another storie22:42
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robin0800_can you install gnome in kde?22:48
ikoniarobin0800_: on ubuntu 9.10 ?22:48
BUGabundorobin0800_: yep22:48
BUGabundosudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop22:48
BUGabundoI'm just recomending aptitude due to depencies being broken on KDE22:49
robin0800_BUGabundo: thanks yes dependencie problems in kde22:50
BUGabundorobin0800_: so apitude seems to help a lot, right now22:50
yoasifanyone want to check out my patch here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsnes/+bug/37740922:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 377409 in zsnes "zsnes does not identify itself as opening snes roms" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:50
aciculahmm i have trouble updating some kde-runtime packages(apt-get fails with it meddling with files belonging to other packages), known issue/fix commited yet?22:51
ienorand[slightly ot] How can I send a command to be executed from another tty to the gdm tty , it happens every so often (on Karmic) that both metacity and compiz fails, and I get stuck with an operational, but useless tty7 (no interaction), is there any way to pass a "metacity --replace" command to it, from tty1, or otherwise, not having to restart x completely?23:42
BUGabundoienorand: it's a nice question23:43
BUGabundoI just kill compiz on a TTY23:43
BUGabundoget back to TTY7 and reload it with fusion icon23:43
crd1bDISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace &23:45
ienorandHmm, yea, but i seem to get stuck with neither compiz nor metacity crd1b: will test that :)23:45
Twigathywhee, updates time...23:46
BUGabundothanks crd1b23:49
BUGabundomaking and alias for easy access23:49
ienorandcrd1b: that worked nicely, cheers :)23:59

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