
BUGabundohggdh: bug id ?00:00
BUGabundoor the package is not listed on LP00:00
hggdhbug 35233800:01
ubot4hggdh: Bug 352338 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/352338 is private00:01
hggdhah, found it. One has to click on the down-arrow of the upstream task to change it00:03
tdiok filed two bugs, i hope with time I will file better quality reports, but ubuntu-bug is nice00:11
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BUGabundo1I give up.. time for bed.03:29
nelleryWhy do people subscribe to bugs in Ubuntu directly from LP rather than from ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com?04:44
nelleryShouldn't people be restricted to doing this so we don't need to see a long list on every bug report?04:44
HellowCould someone please set this as wishlist: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fast-user-switch-applet/+bug/37715705:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 377157 in fast-user-switch-applet "support changing status in Skype" [Undecided,New]05:42
Elbrusanybody know on which channel I can find Build Demaemon Maintainers?08:30
Elbrusbug 2253 and bug 6754408:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 2253 in fpc "fpc needs bootstrapping on buildds" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/225308:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 67544 in fpc "PPC build of fpc fails" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6754408:31
caamasI'm writing concerning the bug #37723914:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 377239 in ubuntu "lua 5.1 package installs libraries with wrong name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37723914:51
caamasthe subscriber says that the liblua package is "malformated" on ubuntu/debian because the liblua.so contains the name version14:53
caamaswhat should I answer him ?14:57
caamasand by the way do with the bug ?14:58
BUGabundocan any one check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/+bug/37726915:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 377269 in transmission "CRC mismatch (computed 19d8e52c wanted b6e98258)" [Undecided,New]15:02
BUGabundoit has nice attachment of a few erros15:03
BUGabundoor it will once LP refresh15:03
BUGabundohey YoBoY15:03
BUGabundohey charlie-tca15:05
charlie-tcaGood Morning, BUGabundo15:06
BUGabundoguud afternoon to you too15:06
charlie-tcaare raising bugs again?15:06
BUGabundohave a list of 5 to send in15:07
BUGabundofirst one is in15:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 377269 in transmission "CRC mismatch (computed 19d8e52c wanted b6e98258)" [Undecided,New]15:07
BUGabundonow I have 2 for kernel15:07
BUGabundoone for pidgin, nautilus and gvm15:08
charlie-tcayay for BUGabundo15:08
BUGabundocare to take a look at them?15:08
charlie-tcaI will look15:09
BUGabundouploading now linux logs for new bug15:09
charlie-tcaDoesn't CRC mismatch make things break?15:10
BUGabundonext: ogasawara: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/377270/15:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 377270 in linux "Call Trace:  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff8025086b>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0xcb/0x120" [Undecided,New]15:13
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I don't know. that's why I'm filing bugs... I don't think it's a good idea to have that there15:13
BUGabundotwo down... next one15:16
BUGabundoany one seeing this : May 16 03:13:25 blubug kernel: [30563.537619] gvfs-gdu-volume[31437]: segfault at 18 ip 00007fe735c312f1 sp 00007fffb2b0d220 error 4 in libgdu.so.0.0.0[7fe735c26000+22000]15:17
BUGabundoone more https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/37727615:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 377276 in gvfs "gvfs-gdu-volume[30181]: segfault at 18" [Undecided,New]15:28
BUGabundoapw: can you take a look ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/377270/15:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 377270 in linux "Call Trace:  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff8025086b>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0xcb/0x120" [Undecided,New]15:28
BUGabundocharlie-tca: seeing anything that popsup?15:32
charlie-tcaNot really.15:33
BUGabundome neither15:33
BUGabundocharlie-tca: np... ill just keep spamming the poor devs inbox15:36
charlie-tcayeah, that usually does something.15:36
BUGabundoI've learned that IRC is faster to give inicial good state bugs15:37
BUGabundobut I don't know each package mantainer15:37
charlie-tcaI know very few, myself15:42
BUGabundoguess I could go and spam #-devel... LOL15:43
BUGabundobut they already look at me in strange way15:43
BUGabundobetter stay where I'm better known15:44
charlie-tcaYeah, the karmic bugs should get looked at pretty fast. I would add the karmic tag to them.15:52
BUGabundoU-B should do it for me15:53
BUGabundobut  always desliked tags on description15:53
BUGabundomakes me keep busy updating them15:53
charlie-tcaWhen you file them, click advanced, it gives you the tags box to add a tag to15:54
BUGabundohow do you call the nautilus pop windows?? those small for stuff like about, and file transfer?16:07
Kangarooohello I think I found bug in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto#Server%20Autostart%20at%20login%20screen,%20GDM16:12
KangaroooI followed that manual and it didn't work16:12
nium-_Noob Q: Using the "Partition Editor", I am deleting every partition on my USB disk. Then, the "Make USB Startup Disk" tool shows me a "Format" button, which I click. Finally, I click on "Make Startup Disk". The processes finishes, and the USB disk is STILL not bootable. Any clues? Bug? :D16:13
KangaroooI have quick synergy installed and then I folowed that link - Server Autostart at login screen, GDM    I have ubuntu as server and xubuntu as client so what else could be wrong then tutorial if at start it mentions quicksynergy and I need the end- autostarting16:13
Kangaroooso is it good to put my experience and put that by what I was affected - wrong manual so doc team and programm a little different so programm project?16:14
ubot4Factoid 'usbcreator' not found16:15
BUGabundonium-_: what version of ubuntu do you have?16:15
nium-_BUGabundo, 9.0416:15
nium-_BUGabundo, 9.04, 32 bits.16:15
BUGabundosome older versions of usb-creator had a few bugs16:15
BUGabundoand only newer syslinux or a full dd to the usbdisk would fix it16:16
BUGabundocharlie-tca: guess we need to write a factoid?16:16
Nafallonium-_: not all usb sticks handles being bootable16:16
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: might be too much for one16:17
nium-_Nafallo, this is a standard Kingston flash disk. I've booted other OS'es from it before. Should work.16:17
BUGabundo!learn usbcreator is Utility designed to make bootable USB desktop images from Ubuntu CDs.16:17
ubot4BUGabundo: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:17
BUGabundodropped the learn16:20
BUGabundoNafallo: AFAIK *all* usb sticks can do it!16:21
ubot4Factoid 'usbcreator' not found16:21
BUGabundoit just may require to use a newer syslinux16:21
BUGabundoOTOH not all boards support it16:21
charlie-tcaOh, gotta wait for approval now...16:21
BUGabundocharlie-tca: still need OPs to approve it16:21
nium-_BUGabundo, I recall running into a similar issue a few months ago, while using 8.10 -- there was a workaround that involved presetting the partitions in a certain way before running the usb creator tool.. Can't seem to locate it.16:24
BUGabundonium-_: I just download the lastest syslinux and run it on safe mode16:25
BUGabundohaven't got a single one that doesn't work like that16:25
BUGabundobut a simple dd seems to fix most probs too16:25
nium-_BUGabundo, hmm, interesting.. care to show a noob how to 'dd' his usb disk from a live ubuntu desktop?16:26
BUGabundonium-_: open a terminal16:26
BUGabundolearn which device is your usb stick16:26
BUGabundothen $ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/INSERTHEREDEVICE16:27
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo - those CRC mismatch errors you see in valgrind are not really anything to worry about. I see them every time I run valgrind, and they certainly aren't application errors16:28
chrisccoulsonare you actually seeing any issues with transmission?16:28
chrisccoulsonthere are no memory errors in your log that would cause a crash16:29
chrisccoulsonif you're seeing a crash, you should probably try and get a backtrace16:29
BUGabundohey chrisccoulson16:29
BUGabundowas about to ping you16:29
BUGabundochrisccoulson: no, transmition was fine16:29
BUGabundobut when I quited it, it backtrace a few lines16:30
BUGabundoI stupidlly didn't copy it16:30
BUGabundobut run valgrind on it just to be sure16:30
chrisccoulsonthe valgrind log shows some possible small leaks, but those aren't likely to make it crash16:30
BUGabundoand saw all those CRCs errors16:30
chrisccoulsonif it's crashing on exit, it would be good to get a backtrace. it might just be aborting for some reason16:30
BUGabundolet me try to reproduce it16:31
BUGabundoif I can, ill try to install dbg symbs and gdb it16:31
BUGabundonow I only got16:32
BUGabundo(transmission:9250): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: instance with invalid (NULL) class pointer16:32
BUGabundo(transmission:9250): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_handler_disconnect: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed16:32
BUGabundoguess it was something I did while using it16:32
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo - the g_critical message would be good to debug16:33
BUGabundowould it?16:33
BUGabundosure... let me get dbg symb for it16:33
chrisccoulsonto work out where a g_critical message comes from, you can run "G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals transmission"16:33
BUGabundoany idea of what package do I need?16:33
chrisccoulsonthis will make it abort when the g_critical occurs and the backtrace will indicate exactly where the messagfe is printed16:33
BUGabundochrisccoulson:  $ gdb --args G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals transmission   ?16:34
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo - transmission-dbgsym, libglib2.0-0-dbgsym and libgtk2.0-0-dbgsym would be the ones you'd most likely need16:34
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo - possibly. i sometimes run "G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals gdb" and then run "exec /usr/bin/transmission" in gdb16:35
BUGabundoE: Couldn't find package transmission-dbgsym16:35
BUGabundoisn't it on ddeb.u.c ?16:35
chrisccoulsonyou got the ddebs repository in your sources.list?16:35
chrisccoulsonit should be there16:35
BUGabundolet me confirm it16:35
BUGabundodeb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs/ karmic main restricted universe multiverse16:36
BUGabundoI have it16:36
chrisccoulsonmy bad16:36
BUGabundochrisccoulson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/173720/16:37
BUGabundodepencies hell16:37
BUGabundogotta love karmic16:37
chrisccoulsonyou've already got libglib2.0-0-dbg and libgtk2.0-0-dbg installed it seems16:38
BUGabundolet me over ride it16:38
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure what the other issues are16:38
BUGabundohey dtchen16:38
BUGabundochrisccoulson: its KDE depencies16:39
nium-_BUGabundo, wondering, how long does it usually take you to DD a 2gb flash disk? 'DD' isn't showing progress, but the lights on the disk flicker.. I suppose it's working..16:39
BUGabundostuff is still being built for a new lib16:39
BUGabundonium-_: may take a while16:39
nium-_...define 'a while'?16:39
BUGabundobut not more then a few minutes16:39
BUGabundo5/8 min16:39
nium-_BUGabundo, no way to have it display a % progress, eh?16:40
BUGabundonium-_: $ man dd16:41
BUGabundoI never manage to get the dpkg overrides working16:43
BUGabundochrisccoulson: may take me a bit more to get those dbg libs16:43
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo - no hurry16:43
chrisccoulsonif you can get transmission to abort on that error, then just open a new bug report with the backtrace16:44
chrisccoulsoni'll be around here at various points this afternoon (not all the time though)16:44
BUGabundokubuntu ninjas not being very helpful...16:49
BUGabundostill going around with this16:49
* BUGabundo tries aptitude to see if it saves the day16:52
BUGabundo1chrisccoulson: Use the "file" or "exec-file" command.17:10
BUGabundo1never mind17:11
BUGabundo1I exected it17:11
LocokenHi. I just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04. Now my MP3's play verry fast most of the time. It does not matter what app I use to play them or what size or bitrate they were made at..Any help would be apreciated.18:11
BUGabundo1Locoken: please refer to #ubuntu channel for support18:12
BUGabundo1this channel is for bug triage.18:13
Locokeni did the dont help18:13
BUGabundo1something tells me English is not even his 3rt language18:14
BUGabundohi wantey20:50
BUGabundohow can we help20:50
wanteyI have big truble. I have pulseaudio 0.9.15 and wine 1.1.2120:51
wanteywhen I try listen sound in wine I have error:"err:wave:wodPlayer_WriteMaxFrags Error in writing wavehdr. Reason: Resource temporarily unavailable20:51
wanteyubuntu 9.0420:51
wanteyAnd application became unavailable20:53
BUGabundowantey: support for jaunty is on #ubuntu, not here20:53
chrisccoulsonhey BUGabundo - you manage to debug that g_critical message in transmission?20:53
BUGabundoalso you are better filing a bug and let the audio team (namely dtchen) look it up20:54
BUGabundowantey: for that open a terminal and run: ubuntu-bug alsa-base20:54
BUGabundoa page from Launchpad will open, and please describe your problem, ok wantey?20:54
BUGabundochrisccoulson: nothing there!20:54
BUGabundohad it running 2 h20:54
BUGabundono crashes, no error messages AFAICS20:55
chrisccoulsonhmmmmm. never mind then. i hate bugs that are not reproducible ;)20:55
BUGabundome too20:56
BUGabundofeel free to close it20:56
BUGabundoI'll open up again if I get more logs20:56
BUGabundosorry for the noise20:56
chrisccoulsonthere is a RFC that talks about valid formats of URL's I think - does anyone know off the top of their head what the number of it is?22:02
BUGabundogoogle isn't helping?22:02
BUGabundoor the *new* search engine?22:02
chrisccoulsoni found a RFC index but it's just a text file and it's not easy finding it22:04
chrisccoulsonthere seem to be multiple RFC's with URL in the title22:04
chrisccoulsoni only asked because of bug 37736722:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 377367 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal doesn't handle colons in URLs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37736722:04
chrisccoulsonhggdh - thanks22:04
hggdh(not that it will be easier -- but all RFCs will be there) ;-)22:05
chrisccoulsoni'm fairly sure that a colon is not really a valid character in a URL (other than the one after the protocol)22:05
chrisccoulsoni just wanted to check22:06
hggdhRFC 2396 has the syntax22:06
chrisccoulsonhggdh - that's the one i was after22:07
BUGabundochrisccoulson: AFAIK comma is not valid22:07
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo - yeah, comma's are not valid. but i was wondering if colon's were not valid too22:08
hggdhchrisccoulson, better get to RFC3986 -- (Obsoletes RFC2732, RFC2396, RFC1808, Updates RFC1738, plus Errata)22:08
hggdhI do not think a colon is valid, but...22:08
chrisccoulsonthanks hggdh. i'll check. i'm fairly certain that it's not valid, but it would be nice to reference the RFC in the bug report when i close it22:08
hggdhthere's RFCs, and there's Microsoft22:08
hggdhOK. Time for me to go back offline... all y'all, good evening22:09
chrisccoulsonsee ya hggdh22:09
hggdhsee ya, chrisccoulson , BUGabundo22:09
chrisccoulsonhey BUGabundo - i notice you're an ubuntu member now22:11
BUGabundoyep I am...22:11
BUGabundoits good to finally manage to make it into a meeting22:11
BUGabundoI kept having bad scheduled dates22:12
chrisccoulsonwhat time did you manage to make it in to a meeting?22:14
BUGabundoat 9pm GMT22:14
chrisccoulsonthat's not too bad22:15
BUGabundoit started one hour before22:15
BUGabundobefore that I didn't even manage to attend22:15
chrisccoulsoni think i'm going to apply for motu this weekend, and i hope i can get a time similar to that22:15
BUGabundobefore that, it lasted so long it didn't get to my turn22:15
BUGabundogood luck with the application22:15
BUGabundoI'm thinking of applying to bug control22:16
chrisccoulsonyeah, you should22:16
BUGabundobut I'm not as good as hggdh eheh22:16
chrisccoulsonlol. noone is;)22:16
BUGabundonor I have all those many bugs triaged22:16
chrisccoulsoni have to admit, i haven't done much bug triaging recently22:16
BUGabundobut I have far more external BTS accounts then hggdh ehehe22:16
chrisccoulsoni seem to spend all my time trying to fix tracker problems22:16
BUGabundoso what catch your attention for transmission?22:17
chrisccoulsoni'm subscribed to the transmission bugs automatically;)22:17
chrisccoulsontransmission is a good example of how packages should be maintained22:18
chrisccoulsonupstream are very responsive, and the package doesn't really have any delta from upstream22:19
chrisccoulsonand bugs are fixed very quickly22:19
BUGabundobut its tooooo simple22:19
BUGabundoI need an advanced BT client22:19
BUGabundotried deluge for a long time22:19
chrisccoulsonbut it doesn't get many bug reports for a package that is installed by default22:19
BUGabundobut it sucks22:19
BUGabundofull of bugs lots of deltas, even PPA isn't in sync22:20
chrisccoulsoni used to use deluge, but i don't need all the features really22:20
BUGabundofails to build on 64bits from time to time22:20
BUGabundoand doesn't finishes downloads, even after it says its 100%22:20
chrisccoulsoni always thought transmission was too simple too - but then i realised that i don't actually use any of the extra features that other clients provide22:20
BUGabundoso last week I got back to azureus22:20
chrisccoulsoni don't think i've used azureus before22:21
BUGabundoI started back when I was on Wind22:21
BUGabundowith version 1.x22:21
BUGabundoits now on 4.x22:21
chrisccoulsoni think i used to use uTorrent on windows22:21
chrisccoulsonthat was some time ago though;)22:21
BUGabundobut ubuntu packs vuze/azureus very slowlly22:21
BUGabundochrisccoulson: I could file some wishbugs on transmission but that would change how simple it is22:22
BUGabundoI need at least one: to let me choose where to put complete files, per torrent22:22
BUGabundooh and move data while incomplete22:23
BUGabundoand of course QUEUE....22:23
chrisccoulsoni wouldn't worry too much about that. charles (the upstream developer) is very active on LP and will quickly close any he doesn't agree with22:23
chrisccoulsonit probably wouldn't harm to open reports for things that you think transmission should have22:23
BUGabundocome on the QUEUE is a basic22:25
chrisccoulsonyeah, that would be quite nice. although i don't think i download enough torrents to use a feature like that22:26
jcastrosimple default ftw!22:26
chrisccoulsoni find the transmission code somewhat confusing though :-/22:27
chrisccoulsoni helped fix a small bug a little while ago where it wouldn't use the correct download directory by default, and it was really difficult to find22:27
BUGabundojcastro: I like it simple too.... but not having a basic feature doesn't make it not simpler22:32
chrisccoulsonhey andersk. i noticed you sent bug 377367 upstream22:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 377367 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal doesn't handle colons in URLs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37736722:34
chrisccoulsonupstream will close that bug report as it is invalid22:34
chrisccoulsonthe colon is a reserved character according to RFC 3986, and the reporters URL in invalid22:34
=== paul__ is now known as Elbrus
YoBoYBUGabundo: hey :) sorry for the lag i was busy :p23:43
BUGabundono problemo my friend23:44

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