
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
=== SEJeff_home is now known as SEJeff
billisnice9.04 trying to set up a network printer on window xp machine.  When I get to browse on samba the print routine just disappears...02:13
billisniceIt worked fine with 8.04 same puters02:14
billisnicei am in devel02:14
billisnicei will go to ubuntu02:14
calcdo the current karmic desktop disks work ok?04:05
calcas in todays?04:05
calcbryce: ping04:49
calcbryce: is there a problem with the jaunty intel driver having mild video corruption issues like with drawing fonts... having trash on them, etc04:50
* calc is going to see how karmic does04:53
ScottKcalc: Did you try UXA or "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"?04:57
calcScottK: no, it did seem to work for a long time without issues but now its starting to look weird04:59
calcits not slow but actual graphical corruption04:59
calcand i'm not doing 3d04:59
ScottKI had that (particularly bad in Qt apps, which sucks for me) and both those solutions helped it.04:59
ScottKUXA was unstable for me, so I settled on "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"05:00
* calc wonders why it used to work fine but now seems to be happening all the time05:01
calcScottK: you'll be at UDS right?05:04
ScottKDunno.  Computers are weird.  I've got one bug that never used to happen to me that started happening several times a day once someone told me about it.05:04
ScottKcalc: yes.05:04
calcgreat :)05:05
mdl-unitNow this is snazzy/funny.  I'm running Karmic in virtualbox, with the guest using compiz while the host is unable to due to the i965 bug05:08
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cjwatsoncalc: don't bother with desktop CDs yet - there's no union filesystem available in karmic so they aren't going to work even a little bit. Use the alternates if you need to install08:54
Unggnuhi all08:58
UnggnuDo you have any influence on the partner repository? The Flash player for Hardy has still the old version with the security problems while Jaunty and Intrepid not08:59
cjwatsonUnggnu: the only difference between the version of Flash in hardy and jaunty in the partner repository seems to be a dependency change ...09:09
cjwatsonadobe-flashplugin | | hardy/partner | source, i386, lpia09:10
cjwatsonadobe-flashplugin | | intrepid/partner | source, i386, lpia09:10
Unggnucjwatson: hm, I was looking under http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/09:11
cjwatsonactually there's no obvious difference in those packages at all09:11
cjwatsonI ran debdiff and the only difference is the changelog09:12
UnggnuThe problem is that Hardy ships with Flash 9 which has problems with Pulse. But if you upgrade it manually you miss the security updates09:12
cjwatsonUnggnu: I don't think that pool is properly garbage-collected09:12
Unggnucjwatson: Great I thought only was for hardy09:12
cjwatsonso there are still old versions lying around - but if you use apt you'll get
UnggnuThis should fix the security problem09:13
cjwatsonUnggnu: in general, people on this channel don't have influence over the contents of partner, though (I can inspect it, but that's all)09:13
cjwatsonUnggnu: the person listed at the top of the changelog (Brian Thomason) is probably the best contact09:13
UnggnuSure but it would be great if Flash for Hardy could be upgraded between the desktop support time of three years.09:13
cjwatsonbut it has been09:14
OuZoHi, I am trying to compile mpi-ruby. Apparently ubuntu re-names libruby to somthing else. here is my build error paste: http://rafb.net/p/dTptn847.html09:40
OuZoin scr/Makefile the LDFLAGS look like this:09:43
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Keybukall my maintainer scripts in /var/lib/dpkg/info vanished14:13
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
hyperaircould someone look at bug #361372?16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361372 in pidgin "With Pidgin 2.5.5, when logging in to MSN it always pops up multiple windows that say "Friendly name changes too rapidly"." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36137216:13
hyperairdebdiff attached.16:13
hyperairneeds sponsoring.16:13
=== williamd is now known as TuRtl3
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=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
calchow do i erase a gpt label from a disk?19:52
calci erased the first 100MB+ and it still shows up19:52
calcah there is a backup copy at the end of the disk20:17
* calc is now running karmic and restoring his data :)23:38

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