
rufongheya duanedesign00:17
nhandlerThanks for uploading the patch mdke13:25
Kangarooohello I think I found bug in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto#Server%20Autostart%20at%20login%20screen,%20GDM15:46
KangaroooI followed that and it didn't work15:47
KangaroooI have quick synergy installed and then I folowed that link - Server Autostart at login screen, GDM    I have ubuntu as server and xubuntu as client so what else could be wrong then tutorial if at start it mentions quicksynergy and I need the end- autostarting15:50
Kangaroooas im not sure what kind of bug it is and where to report I haven't reported it yet15:51

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