
ftadtchen, i can no longer play openarena more than 2 minutes with sound. it becomes silent and forces me to kill it as it refuses to exit (and sucks all the cpu) :(00:17
dtchenmore details, please.00:17
dtcheni think i'm going to walk around at uds with a "no, i require more details to triage your bug" tee00:18
BUGabundodtchen: eheh00:19
ftawell, what do you want to know? openarena looses sound during the game, on exit, it doesn't exit but jumps to 100% cpu. that's with plain karmic00:19
* Nafallo read that as "plastic karmic"00:21
dtchenfta: i need to know what audio hardware you're using.00:21
BUGabundotime to run alsa.sh or ubuntu-bug alsa-base fta00:21
dtchenalso, since i've never used openarena (i guess that's my clue to go read the fine source), i need to know what backend it's using00:21
Nafallodtchen: it's only 300MB binaries... :-)00:22
Nafallodtchen: have fun! ;-)00:22
dtcheni also need to know any differences in config between stock karmic and what you're using in terms of conffiles for the entire audio stack00:22
ftait's a quake like game using sdl00:22
dtchennamely: linux, alsa-lib, alsa-plugins, pulseaudio00:22
ftapulseaudio 1:0.9.15-1ubuntu300:23
ftanot sure about alsa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/173306/00:24
ftadtchen, ^^00:26
dtchenfta: really, i need /proc/asound/card*/codec*00:28
dtchenand ~/.pulse/*.conf00:29
dtchen(normally i'd ask for http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh to be executed, but BUGabundo already asked above)00:29
dtcheni just want to add that Realtek is a PITA. That is all.00:30
dtchenfta: just leave a url for me; i'll check it this weekend. things to try: disable resampling in ~/.pulse/daemon.conf, then killall pulseaudio and allow it to respawn automatically00:41
ftaseems it's either mplayer or openarena, can't seems to have good sound for both :p00:51
ftadtchen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/173321/00:56
dtchenyep, just as i thought. realtek.01:09
dtchenlennart says that openarena must be requesting extremely low latencies, which pa is happy to honour and thus pegs the cpu.01:10
ftayeahh! "Estimated repository size: 23.0 GiB (100.00%) of 20.0 GiB"01:22
dtchensigh, i may as well blog about this mess.01:22
BUGabundoasac: fta: want to make an extra 1000US$ ? http://blog.dreamhost.com/2009/05/13/broken-browsers-part-one/01:25
ftanot the 1st time i read something about the back button01:30
ftai'm not interested ;)01:30
BUGabundo1I give up.. time for bed.03:29
stefanlsdHey guys. I got a google gears deb i've made that installs the extension to /usr/share/gears (similair to ubufox). I don't get gears in my existing firefox profile though, only in new ones... anyone have any ideas?08:58
stefanlsdasac: i've put gears into revu!  -  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gears13:02
LaPingvinoasac, ping13:03
* LaPingvino sees silence here...13:12
stefanlsdim around kinda13:13
LaPingvinoasac = gone?13:14
LaPingvinohe told me to nudge him about updating the firefox language packages...13:14
LaPingvinoif he's not here it doesn't have much sence of course13:14
stefanlsdi guess he's not around13:18
LaPingvinoyeah, well okay :)13:18
LaPingvinoping asac14:58
ftaLaPingvino, he's not there. and btw, he hates contentless pings ;)15:21
BUGabundohi everyone15:21
BUGabundoasac: ping15:21
BUGabundoasac: is this one yours or kernel? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/37727015:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 377270 in linux "Call Trace: <IRQ> [<ffffffff8025086b>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0xcb/0x120" [Undecided,New]15:22
LaPingvinofta: ah okay :)15:22
* BUGabundo fta makes a joke with pings and LaPingvino nick. everyone laugh 15:22
* LaPingvino laughs... forced...15:22
asacBUGabundo1: ?18:07
BUGabundo1asac: ?18:08
BUGabundo1ohh the bug18:08
* BUGabundo1 is slow18:08
asacBUGabundo1: oh. just saw the ping18:08
Nafalloasac: ASAC18:08
asacnot the real content18:08
asacNafallo: howdy?18:08
BUGabundo1ASAC = As Soon As Critical18:08
Nafalloasac: hi :-)18:08
BUGabundo1always make me laught!!!18:08
asacBUGabundo1: thats kernel ;)18:09
BUGabundo1ok asac. I though so18:09
BUGabundo1that's why I reported is as linux18:09
asacyeah. its a trace in the kernel18:09
asacwell done18:09
BUGabundo1_sometimes_ I learn...18:09
asacBUGabundo1: you could add driver to summary18:09
asactbug title i mean18:09
Nafalloasac: left yet?18:10
asacNafallo: no my time starts on wed ... so tue18:10
Nafalloasac: your time whatnow?!18:10
asacNafallo: allhands ;)18:11
asacLaPingvino: hi. whats up?18:11
Nafalloasac: sure. except there was something Tuesday evening :-)18:11
asachmm. right18:11
asacbut then there is always somthing in the evening ;)18:12
* Nafallo shrugs18:13
Nafallowill be my first one :-P18:13
Nafalloasac: if I ask you about my bag, can you please answer rsync?18:15
Nafalloasac: and yeah, it's not supposed to make sense right now :-)18:15
asacabsolutely ;)18:15
* BUGabundo1 gets ready to read all about rsync jokes on planet.u.c18:17
LaPingvinohi asac, how about the language packaging stuff18:17
LaPingvinoand I understand the nicknameproblem now... irc.ubuntu.com is just freenode, so I was colliding with my own presence out here...18:18
asacLaPingvino: heh. yeah. its a redirect18:20
LaPingvinogoing to get a drink... brb18:20
LaPingvinoah nice... :P18:20
asacLaPingvino: what in particular is your question wrt language packaging stuff - sorry if i forgot18:20
LaPingvinoit was about the esperanto language pack not being present there... and that firefox language packs are still at 7 while the release used is at 1018:21
LaPingvinoso you told me to nudge you about it18:21
asacLaPingvino: ;) ... thanks18:23
asaci remember ;)18:23
LaPingvinothen I had an 1 added to my name18:23
LaPingvinofor that redirect issue I was not aware of18:23
asacyeah. sorry. i will remember you nick name better at some point ;)18:23
LaPingvinonever mind :)18:24
* BUGabundo1 wonders how much asac remembers about BUGabundo18:24
asacquite a lot ;)18:24
LaPingvinoI could name myself "ThatWeirdEsperantoSpeakingGuy..." ;)18:24
asacconstant present pays off18:24
LaPingvinohehe :P18:25
BUGabundo1asac: constant nagging pays even more18:26
* Nafallo wonders how much asac remembers about that guy Nafallo ;-)18:26
BUGabundo1all this strain on asac memory will endup on stupid bugs from now on18:27
Nafallohe was actually quite drunk when we had our night together...18:27
=== LaPingvino is now known as LaPingvino_for
Nafallo(and yes, I'm lieing ;-))18:28
ftaPPA exceeded its size limit (21554.00 of 20480.00 MiB).19:05
ftaUnable to find chromium-browser_2.0.181.0~svn20090516r16237.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution.19:11
ftaFiles specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.19:11
ftaPPA exceeded its size limit (21224.00 of 20480.00 MiB).19:11
ftai'm sick of this19:12
BUGabundo1get another PPA19:12
BUGabundo1I must be the person I know that manages more PPAs19:13
Nafallofta: you have a chance to join the club in #lugradio now ;-)19:13
NafalloI fail19:13
ftaoh my! https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa19:15
ftai'd better frag some aliens, it's better for my brain ;)19:16
Nafalloehrm. is that full?19:17
BUGabundo1hey reed19:19
BUGabundo1glad im not a bull19:19
BUGabundo1other wise I would be hitting the screen now19:19
BUGabundo1its ALL RED19:19
asacfta: yeah ... go fragging ;)19:25
ftapulseaudio dies when i frag too much, alsa is too jerky to let me frag enough :P19:32
BUGabundo1fta: cron it to be killed every 15 min19:38
nhandlerI was looking at updating mozilla-stumbleupon. However, it ftbfs. It has http://paste.ubuntu.com/173835/ in debian/rules, and uncommenting that allows it to build. Could someone help me understand what exactly chrome/stumbleupon.jar file is being used for and if it is needed?20:17
gnomefreakthis is new and weird20:20
BUGabundohey gnomefreak. welcome back20:21
BUGabundowhere have you bean?20:21
gnomefreakBUGabundo: thanks20:21
BUGabundowhat happened to your cloak jonh?20:21
gnomefreakBUGabundo: taking care of things for my surgery20:22
gnomefreakBUGabundo: im on icechat and i havent figured it out yet20:22
gnomefreakBUGabundo: cateract surgery20:22
BUGabundowhat's wrong with you ?20:22
BUGabundoaren't you young to have that?20:22
gnomefreakBUGabundogoing on 3320:23
BUGabundoas I said... to young20:24
BUGabundois it that advanced?20:24
gnomefreakBUGabundo: yep i am but after talking with one of my doctors i found out diabetes makes you age faster (sometimes) that explqains going bald at 15 and growing a full brreard at ~1320:25
BUGabundoyou are filled of probs...20:25
gnomefreakBUGabundo: in nov 2007 my7 eyes were fine. about 3 weeks ago i had a eye exam and now i have really bad cateracts20:26
BUGabundoI had laser lasik to stop using glasses and now 2 y latter I may need glasses again :(20:26
gnomefreakthere now my cloak should be up20:30
gnomefreakBUGabundo: welcome back20:30
nhandlergnomefreak: Yep, you have the cloak now20:30
BUGabundopidgin exec fail20:30
BUGabundorunning on gdb now20:30
gnomefreaki cant op up :(20:30
BUGabundoso expect me to disapera again20:30
BUGabundowhy do crashes only happens when we are not logging?20:31
gnomefreaki dont know enough about pidgin20:31
BUGabundognomefreak: I'm a member now!20:31
gnomefreakBUGabundo: congrates20:31
BUGabundothanks for your support, for my application20:32
gnomefreakBUGabundo: np20:32
gnomefreakill be back i need to get some work done20:33
ftahmm, i like the Samsung ML-1630W21:29
BUGabundolink ?21:30
BUGabundoI need to get a PIM21:30
BUGabundoeitehr android g221:30
BUGabundoor the new samsung coming late this year21:30
BUGabundoahh it's a printer21:32
BUGabundoI was talking about PIMs21:32
BUGabundoor MIDs21:33
ftalol, i'm looking for a scanner, eventually printer21:33
ftathis one is ethernet and wifi21:33

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