
joe-maci'm revisiting preseeding software raid, has anybody successfully done this? this guy http://blog.bitpusher.com/2009/04/27/preseeding-ubuntu-8042-lts-with-software-raid/ claims he has, but his preseed fails to parse because of one obvious error, and the other i can't quite figure out why it's failing. it actually fails in the same place mine does that looks like it should be right.00:19
Andre_Gondim-afkhi everyone, I am trying to install ubuntu 8.04.2 at virtual box, but always I recive the message about a problem with the kernel..01:23
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
LHCwhat would u pay for a dedi server, 100mbit unlimited traffic?01:30
slideHow do I get my network card to auto get an ip address? right now each time I boot i have to manually called dhclient eth001:45
foxbuntuslide, sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces01:47
slideauto eth0 ?01:47
foxbuntuslide, yup01:48
mixedrinkis there a console software package that will allow me to manage backup routines using a list, xml document, csv file, etc? i find plenty of gui apps, but none for console.03:56
twbmixedrink: a list couldn't contain adequate information, unless it was a list of tuples.04:21
mixedrinktwb: define tuples please04:22
twbrsnapshot is lightweight backup infrastructure; heavyweight stuff is amanda/bacula.04:22
mixedrinktwb: awesome, thank you04:23
tonyyarussobacula appears awesome, but I still can't configure it quite right.06:16
teapotHey guys. I'm using Unix Authentication on my pure-ftpd server and would like to chroot to a directory outside of the user's home directory. Do you guys know if that can be done?07:32
al_paunHello everybody08:14
al_pauni have a question ...08:14
al_pauni have two internet connections on broad band 1 is master and 2 is backup ... i've configured the ip route but when I unplug one of the modem the connection doesn't automaticaly switch to the second connection08:16
al_paunCan anyone help?08:16
sorenal_paun: I still think you should figure out how your old system does it and replicate that.08:17
al_paunI found out and i've added the rules from previous configuration but ... there is something missing and I don't know what08:19
al_paunthere are some differences ... for example the output of old server for routes -n doesn't have any line with flag GU08:24
sorenCan you paste the two route outputs?08:29
sorenOn pastebin.08:29
al_pauncan you please tell me how to pastebin?08:34
al_paundon't know how08:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:35
al_paunubottu: thanks08:40
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:43
al_pauntwb: thanks :)08:43
=== fr500_ is now known as fr500_away
evil_pyr0does ubuntu-server 9.0 install with a gui, or do we have to apply it manually?09:30
evil_pyr0i mean 9.409:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #377204 in samba (main) "The application Plasma Workspace (plasma) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37720409:51
al_paunwhat do you recommend instead of webmin?10:49
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.10:53
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox11:05
sluimersHi, can anyone help me set up my e-mail server? I'm clueless on how to set it all up. I succeeded sending and receiving mail with the mail program, but I would like to reach it with thunderbird. I use courier, postfix, procmail and sendmail.11:58
sluimersrecieving with mail and sending with mutt11:58
sluimerscorrection, I now recieve it in Maildir :)11:59
=== MohammadBoozary is now known as Mohammad[B]
uvirtbotNew bug: #377268 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso post-installation script devolvi? el c?digo de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37726815:05
gourgivlan problem, anyone can help ?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115928315:19
storrgievmware server bridged networking doesnt work in jaunty?15:31
storrgieanyone running vmware server 2 in jaunty?15:48
NativeAngelsive setup openvz a ubuntu server with vsftp but when i use wincp i get an error message Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server? can anyone help15:51
Nafallosftp = ssh15:52
NativeAngelsbut its running15:52
Nafallosorry. what is running?15:53
NativeAngelsssh server15:53
Nafalloare you connecting to the right port?15:53
NativeAngelsi can ftp normally15:54
Nafallosince you mentioned vsftpd, which is out of the equation.15:54
NativeAngelsbut not sftp15:54
Nafallosftp isn't ftp.15:54
NativeAngelsi can put putty15:54
Nafallodifferent daemons, different ports.15:54
NativeAngelsssh servers set up for port 51215:55
Nafalloso sftp should be on that port then15:55
NativeAngelsbut all i get is Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?15:55
Nafallotry with another client and see if you get the same thing?15:56
Nafalloalso, check your sshd_config ?15:56
NativeAngelscan i paste it to you15:57
NativeAngelsin pastbin15:57
NativeAngelsto see if ive configured it correctly15:57
Nafallonafallo@lumberjack:~$ grep sftp /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:58
NafalloSubsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server15:58
Nafallothat's what you want either way15:58
NativeAngelsthats my sshd_config Nafallo http://pastebin.com/m52bb856a16:09
NafalloNativeAngels: looks like it should work16:11
NativeAngelsive this running on a openvz container16:11
NativeAngelsits strange16:11
storrgie1I have vmware server 2 on ubuntu 8.04 and I cant get bridged networking to work!!!18:14
NativeAngelshello can someone here help me with Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?19:24
NativeAngelsi have ssh server runing19:24
Hanchein need of some kinde of EQ form mu ubuntu, any suggestions?19:27
phaidroshow to find out, which process is doing most IO ?20:11
phaidrosis there somthing like iotop ?20:12
phaidrosheh, there is :)20:13
gourgiphaidros apt-cache show iotop ;)20:13
bullishi have a minimal install running here, and alsa is denying access to my user. while sudoing everything works. the user is on group audio and plugdev. the card uses the snd-hda-intel module. i'm running 8.10.20:20
bullishany ideas?20:20
ScottKIt's a server?20:25
W8TAHhi folks -- i have a 8.04 server running that has apparently got a corrupted disk as part of its Logical Volume Group.  Folks yesterday told me to boot to live CD (which i finally have done ) to run fsck - -how do i tell fsck to check the hdd's rather than the virtual systems from the live disk?20:27
phaidrosok, iotop doesn't help .. how can I determine if and what is swapped?20:31
Lord_DeviW8TAH: fsck automatically calls a program 'badblocks' it uses to test the HD for badblocks while fscking. Also there is a package smartmontools, in which is a tool smartctl or something like that. That lets you perform a SMART long-test on the drive.20:31
W8TAHLord_Devi: cool -  how do i use it (never had to use fsck before -- esp on a LVM GROUP)20:32
Lord_DeviW8TAH: Also, if that isn't enough... the most thorough way to test in linux is to use badblocks itself, in a write/read capacity, but that can cause data loss and is generally best used on a hard drive that's not in use. However you CAN do a read/write non-destructive with it. It just takes forever..20:32
Lord_DeviW8TAH: I'm sorry man, I have no experience with LVM groups. I haven't used them before =/20:32
Lord_DeviI just had the 'how do I test hard drives in linux?!" fight a few times =)20:33
bullishScottK: it's a minimal install used as file server. i plan on using it to serve mpd as well.20:33
W8TAHok - -no sweat -- not real critical files on this box -- just would prefer not to loose them - -20:33
W8TAHLord_Devi: ya -- new one to me - compound problem too - had a unnoticed failure in the backup chain and dont have recent backups of the files (our students home directories)20:34
ScottKbullish: Looking at my desktop (which has working alsa) I don't see any other groups that seem likely.  I'd look around and make sure permissions on the alsa related files haven't got messed up, but no great ideas.  Sorry.20:35
Lord_DeviBlah sorry for revolving door. Client probs20:35
Lord_Devibadblocks -b 4096 -c 98304 -p 0 -s /dev/hda20:35
W8TAHi'll give it a whirl20:36
Lord_DeviAn example of badblocks with non-destructive params. Google first tho to be safe20:36
bullishScottK: yeah, i thought the same. just wanted to know if someone knew where to prod. thanks man.20:36
phaidrosargh .. how come since I ve put usb stick into the machine and started a 500mb file transfer it is just not respoding anwhere near useable ..20:37
phaidrosload = 2020:37
Lord_DeviW8TAH: Also, smartctl: turn on smart first: smartctl -s on /dev/hda, then test, smartctl -c /dev/hda, and Longer test: smartctl -t long /dev/hda20:37
bullishScottK: any chance you know what alsa uses beyond the modules?20:37
ScottKNo, sorry.20:38
bullishScottK: that's ok. it's an odd setup here, really. thanks anyway.20:40
W8TAHLord_Devi: ok -- cool20:40
bullishnevermind. i was being dumb. i forgot to newgrp after vigr and vigr -s20:44
NativeAngelscan someone here help me with sftp20:47
bullishNativeAngels: setting up to serve or connecting to?20:47
NativeAngelsim getting this bullish Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?20:48
bullishNativeAngels: i never set it up to serve. in what step are you and what's wrong?20:49
bullishNativeAngels: to connect i recommend yafc20:49
NativeAngelsfrom a windows pc ?20:51
NativeAngelsim using winscp20:51
bullishNativeAngels: not familiar with it.20:51
NativeAngelsnormal ftp works as does putty20:51
ScottKIs the remote end an Ubuntu server?20:51
NativeAngelsso i can use ssh20:51
NativeAngelsubuntu 8.0420:51
NativeAngelsits on a openvz container20:52
ScottKDid you install openssh-server?20:52
NativeAngelsand changed the subnet20:52
bullishNativeAngels: dumb question: are you accessing the right ports?20:52
NativeAngelsi set ssh to 51220:53
bullishNativeAngels: and is the port forwarded (if on a LAN)20:53
bullishNativeAngels: wait. do you need it to be ftp instead of ssh when accessing from the windows box? if yes, why don't you set up a ftpd instead of ssh as server.20:59
bullishalso, just curious... how do you authenticate with a pass-phrase on ssh as ftp using a ftp client? (since youre not supposed to leave a ssh server with just a passkey as security)21:01
blueyedAnybody using Karmic with RAID on root? (I have raid+cryptsetup+lvm) It seems like the raid setup does not get picked up anymore. I'm about to file a bug, would like to have some ACK/NACK/workaround.21:01
bullishNativeAngels: maybe you want to look that up: vsftpd.beasts.org21:02
NativeAngelsi can login via scp21:03
NativeAngelsbut cannot open the files21:03
NativeAngelsthen it say makesure scp is installed21:04
NativeAngelsi have vsftpd installed21:04
ScottKFor SFTP all you need is openssh-server.21:06
NativeAngelsits installed21:08
bullishcan you login with sftp instead of scp21:09
ScottKNativeAngels: So what is vsftpd for?21:09
NativeAngelsuploading web pages etc21:10
NativeAngelsthat works fine21:10
bullishYou want to open the files ON the server using scp?21:11
bullishi'm having a hard time understanding your problem21:11
NativeAngelsthis is what i get if i use winscp Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?21:11
bullishwhen you connect to the ssh or the vsftpd process?21:12
NativeAngelswhen ive look up i keeps seeing about chroot21:12
NativeAngelsthe ssh21:12
NativeAngelsputty works21:12
bullishwhat do you want to do that you can't right now, since some things are working.21:14
bullishwe can't help if we don't understand what you want to achieve.21:14
NativeAngelsim just curios as to why im gettin the above message when i know the ssh sever is installed21:15
bullishno clue21:16
OxDeadC0dehey, i'm running ubuntu server 8.10 in a vmware session, I can ping google from it, and the sources.list for apt seem fine, but aptitude search php returns nothing, and I can't even "sudo apt-get install nmap"21:20
OxDeadC0deanyone have any ideas why this might be the case?21:20
HecateOxDeadC0de, error message?21:21
HecateNativeAngels, is there any SubSystem directive for sftp set in your sshd_Config?21:21
OxDeadC0dejust "couldn't find package XX"21:21
Hecatedid you aptitude/apt-get update?21:21
OxDeadC0dedoh ! thanks Hecate21:23
Hecateyou're welcome21:23
Hecatesome things are just too frikking obvious to fix them, however hard you try.21:24
Hecateshit like that happens even with 200 quadrilion years of experience.21:24
NativeAngelsyes Hecate21:25
Hecatewe have a saying in german: "man sieht den wald for lauter bäumen nicht". would be sth like "you don't see the forest, because of all the trees in your sight" in english.21:26
NativeAngelsthis is what its set to Hanche Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server21:26
HecateNativeAngels, ls: cannot access /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server: No such file or directory21:27
Hecateyou got jaunty? cauz that file does not seem to exit on jaunty server.21:27
NativeAngelsim using 8.04 Hecate21:28
pmatulisNativeAngels: and you can connect to the SSH server fine?21:28
Hecatesure the file does exist?21:28
NativeAngelsthrough putty21:28
pmatulisNativeAngels: does it spit out any messages?21:29
pmatulisNativeAngels: when you do so?21:29
NativeAngelsno it logs on fine21:29
pmatulisNativeAngels: should spit out something21:29
HecateNativeAngels, even on intrepid, this file does not exist. just checked one of the servers i admin for so else.21:30
pmatulisNativeAngels: winscp and putty tested from same host?21:31
HecateNativeAngels, this is what it's got to be: Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server21:31
Hecate(unless you have modified your server to some extent)21:32
NativeAngelsyes pmatulis21:32
NativeAngelsit works fine for root21:33
pmatulisNativeAngels: you're using the root user?21:33
NativeAngelsbut when a user signs on as another user which ive set an account for21:34
NativeAngelsis it anything to do with the chroot settings ?21:34
pmatulisNativeAngels: SSH and SFTP are working for root but both are not working for a non-root user?21:35
HecateNativeAngels, hell yeah.21:35
NativeAngelsssh and sftp for root but only ssh for user21:35
NativeAngelsits arranged as there folder /user/public_html/21:36
NativeAngelsor /home/user/public_html21:36
pmatulisNativeAngels: so it's a permissions issue21:36
HecateNativeAngels, in case you got a chroot setup, you have to setup the directory structure of the system including some libs, a few block devices, etc. for that user.21:36
NativeAngelssorry to be a pain, but your time is appreciated21:37
HecateNativeAngels, do you have a chroot set up?21:38
NativeAngelsi enabled it in vsftpd21:38
NativeAngelsbut other than that i dont know21:39
Hecateok, just gimme like 20 minutes and i'll help you.21:39
Hecategot some stuff to take care of first.21:40
pmatulisNativeAngels: try to connect again and then go check your logs21:46
pmatulisNativeAngels: use this command to easily see which log files were changed last: '$ ls -ltr /var/log'21:47
pmatulisNativeAngels: then tail a few files: '$ tail /var/log/messages' for instance21:48
* Hecate has returned.21:59
Hecatemade any progress, NativeAngels?22:00
NativeAngelswas aft for a few22:00
Hecatewell, then i'recommend checking your log, just as pmatulis suggested.22:01
NativeAngelsthis is the result of the ls -ltr/var/log command http://pastebin.com/ma503c7122:16
GullyFoyleheh my first problem with screen-profiles22:39
reidwhat is the name of the kernel source package?  =/23:43
ScottKIIRC linux-source23:55

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