
Sarvattoh what am i talking about, thats a kernel patch :D00:01
tjaaltonbryce: great, thanks. yeah that patch can be purged now12:44
tjaaltonbryce: intel; debian-experimental has, I'm willing to test that next week12:53
Sarvattmight be better off with 2.7.1, snapshot in debian doesnt have any of the updates from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 that fixed alot of crashes13:07
* albert23 thinks will break systems where dri is disabled, i.e. because they have width>2048 (it breaks on my 945 in that case)13:38
brycedo we have in a ppa?  that probably ought to be sufficient for testing purposes for now19:18
hyperairbryce: if you're around, i'd like to bring your attention to the fact that dropping dh_installchangelogs completely in debian/rules ends up forgetting to install debian/changelog to /usr/share/doc/<pkg>/changelog.Debian.gz as well.19:57
brycehyperair: I can't imagine many people care about that??20:02
brycehyperair: anyway, file a bug, we'll look into it when there's time20:03
hyperairbryce: i do. i like to keep track of intel's driver progress, but really, i could just drop by launchpad and see20:03
hyperairit helps to... erm... increase my despair after having my hopes of a release without the memory leak + performance regression + stability issues thrashed.20:04
bryceI'll keep it in mind next time I merge.  upstream didn't put in the ChangeLog with the tarball20:05
hyperairyeah i noticed from debian/changelog.20:05
brycesometimes I take the time to generate it myself, but this time was just copying another packager's work who had simply disabled installing it20:05
brycehmm, I have a patch that supposedly should fix all that20:06
hyperairwell yes, but the point here is that instead of # dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog, it should be just dh_installchangelogs20:06
bryceah good point20:07
hyperairbryce: when you mentioend you have a patch that supposedly fixes all that, by all that, did you mean memory leak + performance regression + stability issues by any chance?21:00
* hyperair has a hopeful look21:00
* hyperair looks forward to seeing it in the ppa =)21:04
bryceI might post it to a ppa21:08
bryceto be honest the behavior of certain people on some of the freeze bug reports has really turned me off from working on it.21:08
hyperairi can understand.21:10
hyperairbut this bug is one hell of a frustrating bug, as i'm sure you know21:10
hyperairi'm pretty sure most of the intel gpu users around are facing the memory leak problem at the very least21:10
hyperairi don't really mind the hangs. i'm used to them, and they're infrequent enough. but the memory leaks really get on my nerves.21:11
hyperairbecause i end up staring at my unblinking hard disk light for ~5 minutes at a time21:11
hyperairand eventually my swap reaches 100%21:12
brycewell, this patch probably doesn't fix that21:12
hyperairah. =(21:12
hyperairwhat does it fix then?21:12
bryceinadvertent use of unallocated memory21:13
brycewhich they think may help solve hang problems21:13
hyperairthat would be a segfault, wouldn't it21:13
hyperairi see21:13
hyperairthat would be a help (but i'd really love to see a fix to the memory leak)21:14
bryceI'm going to be tied up at conferences the next 2 weeks, so won't really be working on any bugs myself21:15
hyperairi'd love to work on them, but i don't think i'd understand the code.21:16
brycealso I need to focus exclusively on DRI2/UXA/KMS stuff going forward21:16
hyperairthis is UXA stuff.21:16
brycewell, understanding code isn't really necessary21:16
hyperairthe memory leak happens on UXA. and pretty badly too.21:16
bryceit's mostly just patching and testing21:16
hyperairyou need to understand the code to write patches, don't you?21:17
hyperairunless you're saying that this patch is already upstream.21:17
brycesure, but for the most part the trick is to analyze it from different angles, communicate what you find to upstream, and let them write the patches21:17
hyperairwhat angles can i analyze it from?21:18
brycewell, there's an established collection of tools for analyzing memory leaks21:18
bryceso you'd run those, capture their output during leak behavior, and show anything interesting to jbarnes21:19
bryceof course, it is also useful to build and test against upstream's git tree21:19
brycejust in case there is already a fix.21:19
bryceif that works, then it is a matter of doing a git-bisect search to find the patch21:20
hyperairhmm, right.21:20
hyperairi doubt i could keep X running in valgrind anyway.21:21
bryceit's not really hard.  It's a bit technical to learn the first time through.  Mostly it's just kind of time consuming21:21
hyperairtechnical how?21:23
hyperairthe compiling bit, the git bit, or something else?21:23
bryceif you've not done it before21:24
hyperairi run enough compilations a day to feel the pinch when my system screws up my i/o.21:25
hyperairi.e. swapping like crazy21:25
hyperairi'd probably just script the copying of the packaging bits to the upstream bits and then run debuild -b or something similar.21:26
bryceyeah that should work21:26
bryceprobably you'd want to disable most of the patches in the package in that case (comment out the lines in debian/patches/series)21:27
hyperairhowever, considering that the memory being consumed doesn't seem to appear to origin from any processes in particular, and that around 1G of RAM is said to be free (according to free -m, +/- buffer/cache line) when it begins shoving everything into swap and filling it up..21:27
hyperairi'd actually reckon a guess taht the memory leaking bits are actually kernel-space.21:27
hyperairstuff leaking memory that's actually in xserver-xorg-video-intel would show up as Xorg's memory, yes?21:27
brycedefinitely a possibility.  -intel has moved a lot of memory management code into the kernel21:28
* hyperair groans21:28
hyperairthere have been two particular pieces of software i've avoided touching the source code of in the past: X, its drivers, and the kernel (and its drivers). 21:29
hyperairfrankly speaking, they terrify me, simply because they work on a level i don't understand.21:29
brycethere's an easy way to solve that ;-)21:30
bryceX is not deep magic that people think it is21:31
bryceneither is the kernel really21:31
brycethere's advanced algorithms and stuff in there, but that's nothing unique21:31
brycea lot of the code is just register poking in hardware21:32
hyperairyeah, and that's probably the deep magic part =p21:32
bryceif you have the docs that explain what the various registers are, it isn't that deep of magic ;-)21:33
bryceanyway, most of the bits I usually have to fuss with to fix bugs is not that complicated of code21:34
* bryce shrugs21:34
hyperairhahah i see.21:34
hyperairwell the PM parts of the kernel certainly look like deep magic to me =p21:35
hyperairi've been messing around with uswsusp recently21:35
hyperairthe usplash patch that got removed.21:35
hyperairjust when i thought i fixed it, the 2.6.30rc5 kernel blew it up with a stacktrace.21:35
hyperairand i gave up.21:35
bryceoh, I didn't notice, the patch I mentioned before is a kernel patch21:44
bryceso I couldn't ppa it even if I wanted to ;-)21:45
crevettehey good evening (or day)21:45
bryceheya crevette21:45
hyperairbryce: you could talk to the kernel-team to dump it in the kernel-ppa21:45
hyperairwell it's not really a ppa, it's a folder on kernel.ubuntu.com21:45
crevetteI've a small question is UXA activated as the default for karmic now, I owuld like to know if I can remove my xorg.conf 21:46
brycehyperair: nah, not without getting someone to verify it does indeed solve it21:46
hyperaircrevette: Try It And Seeā„¢21:47
crevette(I prefer to remove xorg.conf to stick with default behavior)21:47
crevettehyperair: :)21:47
brycecrevette: not yet, maybe after UDS21:47
hyperairbryce: i could, if you're willing to compile. i'd like to think that my kernel compiling days are over.21:47
crevettehyperair: I don't even know how to check if UXA is on or not :)21:47
hyperaircrevette: grep UXA /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:48
brycehyperair: sorry I have my hands full just building X packages for people ;-)21:48
hyperairbryce: i can understand ;)21:48
brycehyperair: also technically I'm supposed to be taking the weekend off ;-)21:48
hyperairbryce: do you have a link to that patch anyway?21:48
bryceyeah https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=2580621:48
hyperairah right, it's weekend. i forgot people don't work on weekends =p21:48
hyperairnormal people, thati s21:48
Sarvattbryce: that patch is already upstream and in 2.6.30-rc621:50
* hyperair wonders when it'll enter the kernel-pap21:52
Sarvattwhy bother putting it in a ppa when the full kernel will probably be out in the next day or two? 2.6.30-6-7 that is :D21:52
bryceSarvatt: sounds good21:53
bryceSarvatt: scary how many of these "X" bugs are fixed by kernel changes...21:54
Sarvattyeah not a good thing for jaunty..21:54
=== albert232 is now known as albert23

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