
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
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AfCWow. Running `bzr viz` results in Bazaar crashing with a DBus error. That's great.03:26
AfCI didn't know bzr-gtk needed DBus to operate. {shrug}03:36
AfCDBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 003:37
AfCfrom bzrlib.plugins.gtk import seahorse03:38
AfCcrypto = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(BUS_NAME, CRYPTO_PATH), ...03:38
* AfC wonders what to do about it.03:38
AfCIf I had to guess, I'd speculate it's ongoing wreckage from the Python 2.5 to 2.6 upgrade.03:38
AfCbut we'll see03:38
AfCBug filed03:46
luke-jrAfC: dbus is considered a standard component of any desktop system03:50
luke-jrI don't think you'll get much progress trying to break that dependency unless you do it yourself03:50
AfCluke-jr: I wasn't implying I don't have DBus present03:54
AfC(I'm a GNOME hacker)03:54
AfCluke-jr: I was merely expressing a bit of surprise that bzr-gtk was doing something that goes down that particular rabbit hole.03:55
luke-jras far as I'm concerned, GTK sucks and has no place on my systems, so I can't say I'm surprised03:56
luke-jrKDE 4 sucks too, so here's hoping GNOME 3 is Qt403:56
* luke-jr ponders trying to make C bindings for Qt to encourage such a road.03:57
jelmerAfC: bzr-gtk doesn't need DBus, it will use it if it's available though (to communicate with seahorse)04:04
AfCjelmer: sure04:04
AfCjelmer: that's what I'm inferring04:04
AfCjelmer: the stack trace is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/377476 if you're interested04:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 377476 in bzr "bzr visualize crashed with DBus error" [Undecided,New]04:05
AfCwhat puzzles me a bit is that after (fake) merging that branch to another the crash doesn't happen04:05
AfCso I'm really at a loss to say what's up. I also largely expect that it's something inconsistent and transient on my system, but again, no idea what04:06
jelmerAfC: fwiw I can't reproduce it with either but I'm on Debian (still python2.5)04:07
AfCjelmer: ok04:10
AfCjelmer: that's useful to know. I'll assume it's something local for now04:10
AfCjelmer: thanks04:10
* AfC goes to find a coffee04:11
* jelmer goes to find more beer04:12
mwhudsonPeng_: you have quite a few loggerhead branches on the go07:07
mwhudsonPeng_: how many of them are aimed at being merged into trunk in the end?07:08
Peng_mwhudson: Yeah, I know. The "cheezum" ones are the branch I run on my website, which isn't intended to be merged.07:09
Peng_mwhudson: The others, ehh.07:09
Peng_mwhudson: Want me to make a list? :D07:09
mwhudsonwell, just curious really07:10
Peng_mwhudson: FWIW, here's a list explaining them: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/7dCXpn7r0mCOoKejNiRM/07:24
Peng_And I'll land that branch in a second.07:24
mwhudsonPeng_: thanks07:25
mwhudsonPeng_: i'd say, just fix the pep8 stuff as you go07:25
Peng_I feel bad about spamming "bzr log -n 1" with it.07:30
GPHemsleyBazaar is good with branches and tags, right, (allegedly) unlike Mercurial?08:25
Peng_I wouldn't say one is better than the other, just different.08:26
Peng_Mercurial versions the tags (just dumping them in a ".hgtags" file in the working tree), while Bazaar doesn't. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.08:27
GPHemsleyPeng_: Well, I've heard a lot that Mercurial is bad at branches and tags, and that they shouldn't be used.08:27
GPHemsleyPerhaps moreso with branches than tags.08:27
Peng_Regarding branches, with both bzr and hg, people usually make a new clone for a new branch, instead of supporting git's multiple-branches-per-directory thingy. Hg has some support for that, but it's not perfect; bzr doesn't at all.08:28
GPHemsleywhat about with regard to CVS/SVN?08:29
Peng_Who cares about cvs and svn? :D08:29
GPHemsleywell, I want to replicate CVS's method... minus the politics ;)08:30
GPHemsleymethod of branching and tagging, that is08:30
GPHemsleyI should probably elaborate08:30
Peng_Ah. I have just about zero experience with CVS.08:30
GPHemsleyI can explain what I want, and you can tell me if Bazaar does that08:31
Peng_OK, probably.08:31
GPHemsleyFIrst off, I'll be using the centralized repository method08:32
GPHemsleyI want to be able to branch at a point of release (0.1.0) to continue the latest development on the main branch, while still being able to make maintenance releases on the side branch (0.1.1, etc.)08:33
GPHemsleyI'd also like to be able to tag each release as it happens08:35
GPHemsleyon whatever branch it happens on08:35
GPHemsleyPeng_: It seems fairly straightforward, and it's easy on CVS, because there's no distributed part to worry about. Can it work with Bazaar?08:38
Peng_GPHemsley: Sure, or hg. That's pretty basic stff.08:53
GPHemsleyPeng_: Well, I'm not considering Hg for this. I'm just trying to make sure switching to Bazaar is a safe thing to do for what I want.08:54
GPHemsleyI'd much prefer to use Bazaar. I just want to make sure it does what I want.08:54
Peng_Okay. It does.08:54
GPHemsleyOh, and, if it matters, I'll be stuck with 1.10.08:54
Peng_One thing to note is that cherrypciking between branches isn't very easy to do.08:55
GPHemsleyMeaning what?08:55
Peng_Well, I mean, you *can* do it, but it won't reflect the history.08:55
Peng_GPHemsley: Branch A has revisions 1, 2, and 3. Then you branch off branch B, and commit revisions 4 and 5. Then you want to merge revision 5 back into branch A.08:55
GPHemsleyso branch A would lose 4 and 5 history?08:56
Peng_GPHemsley: Err, revisions 4 and 5 were supposed to be on branch B, but I guess it works either way.08:57
GPHemsleyright, that's what you said. I'm just trying to figure out what gets lost.08:57
Peng_GPHemsley: Nothing is /lost/ on the original branch, but the branch you cherrypick into won't automatically get the commit message and whatnot.08:57
Peng_Ehh, I suck at explaining things.08:57
Peng_Anyway! What you want is possible in bzr.08:57
GPHemsleyheh, no problem08:57
GPHemsleySo, can you merge in just a single changeset?08:58
GPHemsleyor revision? or whatever they're called here?08:58
Peng_GPHemsley: Yes, but it won't be as smooth as merging in everything. It's basically equivalent to doing a diff, patch and making a new commit.08:59
GPHemsleyso no worse than CVS09:00
GPHemsleybut better in the sense that you *don't* have to do three commands ;)09:00
fullermdTo say nothing of actually using CVS  ;)09:02
GPHemsleyfullermd: Heh. Well, I switched from CVS to SVN, but I really don't like SVN. And I've been finding myself yearning for Bazaar commands.09:04
GPHemsleySo who would like to volunteer to walk me through the conversion process? :)09:05
GPHemsleyOh, and I'm doing all of this on Sourceforge, BTW09:07
GPHemsleyfullermd: You up for the challenge? I know you've been helpful to me in the past. :)09:09
Peng_cvs to bzr or svn to bzr?09:16
GPHemsleyI already did CVS to SVN a while back09:17
Peng_GPHemsley: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion09:18
GPHemsleyk, thanks09:18
GPHemsleySo, will I have to use the version specifically for 1.10, or can I use the latest version?09:19
Peng_GPHemsley: You'll have to use an older release of bzr-svn.09:22
Peng_Upgrading bzr would really be better.09:22
GPHemsleyDo you know why that is? It seems silly.09:22
GPHemsleyAnd I can't upgrade. Like I said, I'm using SourceForge.09:22
mwhudsonGPHemsley: you can use a newer bzr to do the conversion09:23
mwhudsonthen push it to sf just fine09:23
GPHemsleymwhudson: Oh, OK, so it's for the version that I have on my computer?09:23
GPHemsleyoh, then that's easy09:23
Peng_FYI (since I don't want my grepping to go to waste!), the last version compatible with bzr 1.10 is 0.5rc1.09:24
GPHemsleyheh, thanks09:25
GPHemsleyit's on the page, though ;)09:25
Peng_Oooh. I skipped that section of the page. I'd put my foot in my mouth, but it isn't very clean.09:26
GPHemsleyheh, I wouldn't recommend that then09:26
Peng_Oh well, it was still fun to figure out. :)09:26
GPHemsleywas that in the source code or something?09:27
lifelessPeng_: you should try washing your mouth sometime; then it will be clean09:34
* fullermd has never done svn -> bzr.09:35
fullermdFacing up to the time to move to svn was what made me choose bzr in the first place   :p09:35
Peng_lifeless: I know. My dentist is going to murder me. Or she'll charge me a lot of money and be happy, I guess.09:37
fullermdTo say nothing of your podiatrist.09:38
GPHemsleyAlright, so I need subvertpy for this09:53
GPHemsleyI try to install with via MacPorts and it tells me it doesn't know where my svn development files are09:53
GPHemsleyAnd, well, neither do I09:53
Peng_They might not be installed.09:53
GPHemsleywhere do I get them?09:54
lifelesspresumably via macports09:56
lifelessI believe we have .dmg installers for bzr which include bzr-svn though09:56
GPHemsleylifeless: Kindly point09:57
GPHemsleymwhudson: What format will bzr-svn use? Will it be compatible with the server's 1.10?10:06
Peng_GPHemsley: Yes.10:07
GPHemsleyOK... but I'm still having trouble with subvertpy10:09
GPHemsleywhere would the SVN development files be?10:09
GPHemsleycould the problem have to do with what I used to install SVN?10:10
GPHemsleyugh... I can't set the environmental variable for some reason...10:20
GPHemsley(I found the files)10:20
AfCWhy does it say "bzr+ssh" but "<bzrlib"? (ie, what's with the extra '<' ?)10:20
AfC[actually, I'd like to know why it bothers to say this at all, but whatever]10:20
* GPHemsley wonders what AfC is talking about10:20
AfCGPHemsley: bzr's current iteration of text presented while network operations are underway10:21
* fullermd doesn't recall any bzrlib in the output.10:23
Peng_AfC: It displays < and > to show if it's currently reading from or writing to the network.10:27
GPHemsleyAny idea why the subvertpy script is not picking up my environmental variables?10:32
GPHemsleythe install script, that is10:32
GPHemsley(via MacPorts' port command)10:32
GPHemsleyPeng_: Any idea?10:38
lifelessGPHemsley: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download10:47
GPHemsleythat's what I use10:47
GPHemsleybzr-svn is not included10:47
lifelessoh, ok10:48
AfCPeng_: no, that '<' and '>' are separate, also appearing on the line10:48
AfCWhich is why I'm asking10:48
lifelessAfC: pastebin :P10:49
davidstraussThe date in NEWS.html for 1.15rc1 is wrong.10:53
davidstraussSimple copy/paste error.10:53
* davidstrauss goes to bed now.10:54
AfClifeless: I'll try.10:57
AfC[/                  ] <bzrlib <      1KB     0KB/s |10:58
GPHemsleyugh.... I can't even compile subvertpy by hand because it fails with a different error...11:15
GPHemsleycollect2: ld returned 1 exit status11:15
GPHemsleylipo: can't open input file: /var/tmp//ccJpbdpb.out (No such file or directory)11:15
GPHemsleyerror: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 111:15
GPHemsleyoh, hmm...11:16
GPHemsleylooks like there's a bigger problem11:16
GPHemsleyugh, I don't know what to do11:24
GPHemsleyeverything I try errors out one way or another11:24
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
crisbany loggerheads around?11:30
Peng_crisb: At least 0.2. Sometimes. Why?11:45
crisbjust trying to do serve --http on the trunk - it blows up because BranchesFromTransportRoot has an arg missing, added that arg in and now it just says no such option --http!11:48
Peng_crisb: What's the missing arg?11:49
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Peng_crisb: Oh, I see. Hmm.11:50
crisbpeng_: a config object.  used the serve-branches code as a copy11:50
Peng_crisb: Right.11:50
Peng_Darn. Now not only do I have to test start-loggerhead, but plugin mode as well.11:51
crisbpeng_: dont think LoggerheadConfig() works in this situation which is what I did11:52
Peng_crisb: The problem is that the config object parses the command line arguments, but it doesn't know what to do with "serve --http".11:52
Peng_So now I've accidentally broken both start-loggerhead and "serve --http". Nice! :D11:53
crisbshall I file it?11:56
Peng_crisb: Sure.11:57
crisbpeng_: number 377551 is born12:00
Peng_crisb: Thanks.12:02
pmezardwhat's the best way to detect lightweight checkouts programmatically, with maximum compatibility across bzrlib versions? is it what bzr info does?12:07
Peng_crisb: I have a fix up in a branch at http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/bzr/loggerhead/serve-http-config -- does it work for you?12:17
crisbPeng_: sorted, yep looking great.12:22
Peng_crisb: It works? Really? Awesome. :)12:22
crisb;) handy now I can package it for mandriva as a plugin12:26
max_rhi all. I have a question: I saw that you are developing new serialization format to replace XML called RIO. Why aren't you using something already implemented/stable/fast like google protocol buffers?15:21
jelmermax_r: Extra dependency in Bazaar, extra build complexity (need to compile .proto files)15:34
jelmermax_r: Also, RIO is already used in other places in Bazaar15:35
jelmermax_r: It just wasn't fast enough yet15:35
Laneyis there a way to "merge" a commit with the current one without doing uncommit/commit?15:36
amanicaLaney: you can't change a commit15:37
max_rjelmer: I see thanks15:38
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=== krisfree is now known as krisfremen
alefterishi all! lets say I want to create a new branch but bring only a single file, together with its history, is it possible? Or I have to branch the usual way and then delete the files I don't need?18:41
davidstraussalefteris: Are you on bzr 1.14?18:45
davidstraussalefteris: make a new directory, move the file there, and then bzr split that directory18:45
davidstraussalefteris: This new directory should be in your existing tree18:45
davidstraussalefteris: (and added)18:45
davidstraussalefteris: That will turn the new directory into a distinct bzr tree that keeps all history for that file.18:46
davidstraussalefteris: You may want to branch before doing the moving and splitting, just to avoid messing up your current branch.18:47
alefterisso make a new dir, add it, move the file in there, then bzr split this dir, correct?18:48
davidstraussalefteris: Yes.18:48
alefterisdavidstrauss, move the file manualy or through bzr?18:49
davidstraussalefteris: And the split dir will be its own tree/branch with all history for that file pulled in.18:49
davidstraussalefteris: through bzr18:49
alefterisok thanks a lot18:49
alefterisall those different branch formats are meant to provide different options for different needs or newer ones are supposed to replace the previous ones?19:07
alefterisdavidstrauss, I get a branch format error when doing the split, whats the required format that i should upgrade to?19:11
davidstraussalefteris: you need a rich root format19:11
davidstraussalefteris: any rich root format will work19:11
davidstraussalefteris: bzr upgrade --1.9-rich-root19:12
davidstraussalefteris: I'm still wary of 1.14's format19:13
davidstraussalefteris: There are issues with it being fixed in 1.15+19:13
alefterisdavidstrauss, can you tell me anything about the previous question or there is any doc, explaning the various bzr formats?19:13
davidstraussalefteris: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#upgrade19:13
davidstraussalefteris: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#split19:14
davidstrauss"This command will produce a target tree in a format that supports rich roots, like 'rich-root' or 'rich-root-pack'."19:14
alefterisdavidstrauss, I mean this one: all those different branch formats are meant to provide different options for different needs or newer ones are supposed to replace the previous ones?19:14
davidstraussalefteris: The newer ones replace the older ones19:14
davidstraussalefteris: Eventually old ones are obsoleted19:15
davidstraussalefteris: The current default format is 0.9219:15
davidstraussalefteris: Details are all here: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/developers/development-repo.html19:16
alefterisdavidstrauss, how come then that the default format is still so old? the newer ones are not so stable/tryed yet?19:16
davidstraussalefteris: 0.92 is compatible with bzr >=0.92. Other versions require newer releases.19:17
davidstraussalefteris: We're waiting for newer releases to become more widespread before upping the default version. It's not a question of stability.19:18
alefterisso it's basicaly in order to have branches compatible with older version of bzr in servers etc?19:19
davidstraussalefteris: yes19:19
alefteriscool thanks a lot david for your answers :)19:19
davidstraussalefteris: sure19:22
dleeI do net admin for a small office of Windows users, but since I write a number of utilities in Perl/Python that use Unix-like tools, I have set up a central way of running such tools under Cygwin without having to install Cygwin on each workstation.23:06
dleeQuestion:  Is there anything different in the Windows (stand-alone I suppose) Bazaar build, versus building from the tar, that would make it better than running the source Bazaar under Cygwin Python 2.5?23:07
dleeI'm mostly thinking of filename casing and EOL...23:07
lifelessI'm not aware of any patches in the code23:09
lifelesswe do check platform forsome stuff, and IIRC cygwin shows up as a unix platform in python23:09
dleeI had problems in older Bazaar versions when, say, trying to version file sets on Windows machines when people saved with inconsistent name casing, but I think that even happened under Windows bzr stand-alone back then.23:09
dleesys.platform == 'cygwin'23:10
cr3bzr is returning an assertion error for a file which was removed and later added again: bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: name u'system_manager.py' already in parent23:11
cr3this is kinda preventing me from committing or doing anything else with my branch :(23:13
cr3meh, I just killed my other branch and rebranched23:14
lifelessdlee: yes, we should handle that better now23:14
dleelifeless:  Wonderful!  Now just deciding whether to jump to 1.14.1 or wait for 1.15.23:15
Peng_beuno: ping23:33
Peng_cr3: fwiw, worst case, you probably just have to kill .bzr/checkout and run "bzr checkout" again. You don't even have to lose the files in the working tree.23:35
cr3Peng_: cheers23:35
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=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
Peng_beuno: unping. I sent an email instead.23:50
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