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BUGabundowgrant: what ever happened to https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/62109 ?00:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 62109 in launchpad-foundations "ubuntu.com email address creation" [Low,Triaged]00:17
wgrantBUGabundo: I changed my primary email address to something else.00:20
* Nafallo tries to mail <something else>00:21
Nafallowgrant: it can't find the remote server it says :-(00:22
BUGabundoNafallo: that's what my @ubuntu mail says too00:22
BUGabundowgrant: can that bug be closed?00:22
BUGabundoso a question: is it possible to set an email as prefered that is not is not the one where bugmail is sent?00:28
wgrantBUGabundo: My specific case is irrelevant, but I think the bug still exists.00:31
wgrantBut I don't understand your last question.00:31
wgrantNafallo: Haha.00:33
BUGabundowgrant: I want to set my prefered email as foo@mydomain.tld but have another for the bugs I am subscribe, like I do with teams MLs00:36
wgrantBUGabundo: You can't do that.00:37
BUGabundothough so00:37
BUGabundomay I file a wishbug and let it rest there for eternity?00:37
Nafallofilters on the target server that sends stuff to the other address? :-)00:37
wgrantBUGabundo: I estimate about three eternities, actually.00:38
wgrantBut Nafallo's solution is a good one.00:38
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batomsmy PPA build failed on a dependency wait error for python-gdata (>= 1.1.1)03:00
batomsbut python-gdata 1.2.4 is in intrepid03:00
batomswhat gives?03:01
batomsoops maybe i was wrong...its seems like intrepid has 1.0.903:16
Viper550oka, I got some questions on how something should be organized on here03:26
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rippsWhy does the amd64 build of gmpc have to take 2 days before it builds?03:58
Viper550I've got a project that has several big components, should the seperate stuff have different projects?04:09
Viper550specifically https://launchpad.net/kba04:12
wgrantripps: It's because it was retried after it failed.04:17
wgrantripps: That sets the build score to 0.04:17
wgrantripps: That's normally OK... but there's a bug at the moment.04:17
wgrantripps: Basically, there is a test build of Ubuntu Karmic going on, and all of those builds have a score of 4, so they take priority over retries. This is a bug, which should be fixed soon.04:18
wgrantripps: You should be able to find somebody to rescore it tomorrow, or you could upload again.04:19
wgrantViper550: How integrated are the projects?04:21
wgrantWould you ever want to run one but not the others?04:21
Viper550they kinda all depend on eachother, but have their own unique ideals04:21
wgrantWill different people be maintaining them? Will they have different release cycles?04:21
Viper550I'm not sure actually04:23
Viper550they have pretty tight links04:24
Viper550you'll need flash for it, but http://www.qubicaamf.com/Files/sts08/index.html will be a competitor to this04:24
wgrantViper550: I think multiple projects might work well.04:26
wgrantGiven that there's hopefully a reusable library in there, and a GUI built on top of that, and other stuff.04:26
wgrantBut it's hard to say.04:26
eadmundare those responsible aware that staging.launchpad.net is down?04:41
wgranteadmund: Probably, but I doubt staging is important enough for a sysadmin to work to fix it during a weekend.04:53
eadmundrighto. just figured i'd report it04:54
eadmundin my day job, i would be in at night to fix it...but our customer is pretty demanding:-)04:54
eadmund(and they pay for the privilege, of course...not quite the same thing as a free service)04:55
wgranteadmund: For the production service, sure, but staging is just a testing server.04:56
wgrantThose are meant to break sometimes.04:56
eadmundunderstood--just having a laugh. l8r05:02
mwhudsonyay, 50x error on edge06:17
wgrantmwhudson: Where?06:20
mwhudsonan +edit-import page, of all things06:20
wgrantWell, there was a Git-related change to that recently, so it's not terribly surprising, is it?06:21
mwhudsonno, i mean a "please try again" page06:23
mwhudsonnot an oops06:23
wgrantAh, 502.06:26
wgrantThose are also not terribly surprising, although that bug seems to be less common now...06:26
leoquant:( again an intimidating CTCP Version....not funny anymore...08:58
hyperairleoquant: who?09:13
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mdkeis there any way to remove a link between a branch and a bug report. there seems to be an erroneous one on bug 371751 (a typo on my part when using bzr commit --fixes)09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371751 in openoffice.org "Open office 3.0 characters on main menu disappeared" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37175109:38
persiamdke, Do you happen to have a pencil icon next to the branch representation?09:39
mdkepersia: no09:41
persiapity then.  I thought I remembered seeing one from one of my branches.09:41
mdkeI have a dropdown whiteboard, but no edit09:42
persiaAnd that's in both the bug and branch views of the link?09:43
wgrantmdke: There's a Delete button once you drop down the whiteboard09:44
wgrant(at least on the bug end of the link)09:44
persiawgrant, That does more than just delete the whiteboard?09:44
wgrantThat is rather unobvious, though.09:44
wgrantpersia: I presume so...09:45
wgrantI don't see how one can delete a whiteboard.09:45
persiamdke, try it.  If it works, file a bug about it being unobvious :)09:46
mdkewgrant: doh, it works :) thanks09:49
leoquanthyperair i'am on +C09:51
hyperairleoquant: what does that mean?09:51
leoquantblock ctcp requests09:52
leoquant(i think) ツ09:52
leoquantits in the freenode bible: Block CTCP.09:53
leoquant /mode <yournickname> +C09:53
rippsDoes anybody here know how to pull a bzr branch on a remote computer using ssh? It won't let me enter a password because it's show a pinentry  on the remote computer's gnome, but not the local computer09:53
geserdoes somebody know why https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/ulex/+builds lists the i386 and amd64 builds as pending while https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/ shows empty queues for i386 and amd64?10:27
wgrantgeser: Bug bug bug.10:31
wgrantgeser: For some reason which I cannot fathom, the COPY ArchivePurpose is included as well as PRIMARY and PARTNER in SP builds pages... they build on virtual builders, so won't show up in the official distro stats.10:33
wgrant(you can tell they're part of the COPY archive by the URL, and the build score of 4)10:33
geserdidn't notice that10:35
geserI'll try another give-back and open an bug if it happens again10:35
wgrantgeser: A give-back of what?10:36
wgrantYou can't give those back.10:36
gesera package from karmic10:36
geserthe pending builds from above is a give-back for karmic10:37
wgrantgeser: No, they're from the rebuild of karmic. There are failed builds for i386 and amd64 in the PRIMARY archive on that page.10:39
geserI'm pretty sure that I've clicked on "retry" for ulex on i386 and amd64 to check if it builds now that dh-ocaml is in main and ocaml build too10:41
wgrantIt built a couple of days ago.10:42
wgrant(failed to build, that is)10:42
wgrantI just retried it, and it changed the right build record.10:42
geserah, so got tricked by the rebuild records which are also mentioned on this page10:43
* geser wonders if it's intented that they appear there10:43
wgrantI hope not.10:44
wgrantTheir rendering certainly needs to be changed.10:44
wgrantI'm filing a bug now.10:44
alienbrainIs keyserver.ubuntu.com working for anyone?10:55
geseryes, http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/ works here10:55
alienbraingeser, thanks10:58
alienbrainWeird, I'm getting: gpg: requesting key BF810CD5 from keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371; Then: gpgkeys: no keyserver host provided11:05
alienbrainCommand: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 B0BE17C2A0C914F086B7B8327D2C7A23BF810CD511:06
wgrantalienbrain: Drop the :1137111:07
alienbrainwgrant, now getting: gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host11:08
gesertry hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com11:08
wgrantalienbrain: Your firewall is broken.11:08
alienbrainSame :(11:09
alienbrainwgrant, that's what I'm guessing11:09
alienbrainFirst day in the office :)11:09
geserso you can't also visit the keyserver url in a browser?11:10
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alienbraingeser, no, I can't11:21
geserso it's probably your firewall11:23
gnomefreakanyone here give me an idea on why i am unable to retry build or even why the build isnt happening? It says that it nereds building, the links that might hekp follows11:24
wgrantgnomefreak: Because it's in a build queue, maybe!?11:25
gnomefreakhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive/ppa  and https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive/ppa/+build/102737411:25
gnomefreakwgrant: its been link this for a few days and its only amd6411:25
wgrantYou retried that build.11:26
gnomefreaki did?11:26
wgrantSo it's prioritised below the rest.11:26
wgrantYou did.11:26
gnomefreaki retried lpia(i think that is the name)11:26
wgrantYou also retried amd64.11:26
gnomefreaki dont remember retying amd64 since i couldnt find it11:26
wgrantWell, somebody has retried it.11:27
wgrantAnd only you or a buildd admin could have.11:27
gnomefreakwgrant: well that would mean i retried it on the same day i uploaded it and i swear i dont remember doing that since retry was never an option for amd64. However it seems it will be retired tomorrow11:29
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tansell-laptopis there way to cancel a build?11:52
wgranttansell-laptop: No.11:58
wgrantNot without direct access to the database, at least.11:59
gesergnomefreak: when you currently retry builds, you have to be patient: bug 37668112:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376681 in soyuz "Retried builds get prioritized below distro rebuild" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37668112:33
gnomefreakgeser: thanks,12:38
batomsive got a package in my PPA that's been in the rebuild queue for 11 hours..is this normal?13:04
batomsi just saw the past few comments and it addresses exactly this....so nevermind13:05
sayakbhai! can somebody help with ML spam trouble?13:52
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persiasayakb, Generally the mailing list admins help with ML spam trouble.13:55
sayakbpersia: its a LP ml..13:55
sayakbso I should be asking barry?13:55
persiasayakb, Right, which means that the registrant (or a delegate) should be the admin.13:56
persiaOh, you mean something like lp-users :)  No, here is fine :)13:56
sayakbah-a.. https://edge.launchpad.net/~64-bit/+mailinglist-moderate is what is bothering me.. I get a lot of spam since the last month.13:56
persiaFor that, you'd want to get in touch with the ~64-bit team leads.13:58
persiaOr do you mean that you get a lot of spam sent to the list?13:58
sayakbyes, and I am one of the 64-bit leads13:59
persiaI think I've heard of another couple people complain about that: it seems that the spam filtering is left to the moderators.13:59
sayakbsince only admins can see +ml-approval, its not much of an issue, but the volume of spam is irritating14:00
persiaSomething about wanting to avoid false-positives, I believe.14:00
sayakbbut this does not happen to the other teams I own/administrate..14:00
sayakbplus, there is no way to ban s specific user as the spammers seemingly use the LP mailing system (the "contact this team" link?)14:01
persiaHmm.  That gets beyond what I know.14:01
sayakbokay, np. I have the spam messages on hold if an lp-admin would like to checkout.14:02
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Viper550okay, as I was discussing last night14:40
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rippsis there any launchpad sysadmin here? A package in the gmpc-trunk ppa has been stalled since yesterday, just wanted to know what's up21:13
ebroderI just added a new key to my LP account that I had just pushed to keyserver.ubuntu.com, and the e-mail I just received wasn't encrypted21:28
ebroderOh wait - maybe that was intentional. I've never seen a prompt for me to sign something with the key before21:30
intellectronicaebroder: emails you receive from launchpad are not encrypted (what for? they almost always contain publicly available information). you can use the key you've added to, for example, sign the emails and packages you send to launchpad. it's required for some things (filing new bugs using the email interface, for example).21:30
ebroderBefore when I've added a new key, I've gotten an e-mail from LP encrypted to that key with a confirmation token21:31
ebroderOh - I know what's going on. This particular key is for signing only, so you can't encrypt to it :)21:32
ebroderPoints to LP for being more clever than me :)21:32
d1bhi there i'm a member of the edge launchpad group and i was trying to request an invite to ubuntu one ... i can't seem to get past the openid login -> i'm not sure i'm meant to tho22:44
HellowHow would I go about deleting a PPA?23:01
Kangarooowho is able to make polls? I can't make poll in https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-users/+polls maybe only creator of that team can put who knows?23:16
wgrantKangarooo: Any team administrator can, as you would expect.23:49
Kangarooobut if I have joined team I can't make poll.. :(23:49
wgrantKangarooo: No, you can't. That's quite deliberate.23:52
wgrantWhy would you want to?23:53
Kangarooomaybe then I could suggest poll and then creator revievs is that poll god and then accepts or people randomly selected 30% of group revievs and accepts or rejects poll and if 51% is agreeng its usefull poll then its public.. ? ;)23:54
Kangaroooto make faster better updates... to make people more helpful on what they want to see in next programm updates23:55
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