
=== fta_ is now known as fta
luca_ihi all, i'm chasing a bug that I assume lurks in GNOME somewhere09:39
luca_iGNOME won't automount (most) USB devices anymore09:40
luca_ithe problem is, I don't quite know how to go about finding the cause of this, it must be somewhere in HAL09:40
luca_iit would be great if someone could give me some pointers on where to look or what to read to learn more09:41
luca_ifor reference, the bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36895909:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 368959 in ubuntu "USB devices is not being automounted after connect it" [Undecided,New]09:41
mpontilloluca_i: hm. first I would stop HAL and run "sudo hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes" to see if any useful trace messages appear... then maybe try to figure out how to get dbus-monitor to show me what messages HAL is emitting. not sure what component is supposed to listen to the messages and automount, though. I've always clicked on the drives in "Places" to mount them.09:53
luca_iit used to be that usb devices would automount on plugging them in09:54
luca_inow, not only does taht not work anymore, but if i try to manually mount tehm in "places", i get an error message09:54
luca_imounting from the command line works, though09:54
luca_ianyway, i'll try your suggestions, thanks09:55
luca_ithis was exactly the kind of reply i was hoping for09:55
mpontilloyeah I saw that note about gnome-mount in the bug. (that was going to be my next question.) I worked with a guy a couple days ago whose drives weren't mounting even with gnome-mount because of some stale gconf keys09:55
mpontillogood luck09:55
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
* asac runs dist-upgrade to karmic on main desktop16:03
* artir thinks asac's computer may just blow up!16:06
Hobbseeasac: do tell how that goes.  I'd like to try it, but i kinda need a working computer16:09
asaci will ... at least it didnt suggest to remove important packages ;)16:15
Nafalloasac: sl!16:19
asacso karmic works ;) ... not yet seen any hickups18:39
asacHobbsee: ^^18:39
artirasac: faster thgan jaunty?18:46
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter

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