
reidah thanks00:02
reidI was actually just missing a header file >.<00:02
benc1where are python packages installed on ubuntu Jaunty?01:09
tonyyarussobenc1: are you looking for a specific piece or package?01:10
benc1tonyyarusso: yes. I've installed a package with pip and don't know how to remove it01:11
tonyyarussoBecause "packages" install all over the place.01:11
benc1tonyyarusso: I've did pyp install01:11
benc1sorry: pip install01:11
tonyyarussomaybe 'pip remove' or 'pip uninstall'?01:12
tonyyarussoI'm not familiar with pip at all - only dpkg.01:12
benc1tonyyarusso: there is pip-uninstall separate package but it is expermintal and I don't want to do dmamage01:12
benc1tonyyarusso: can I just delete the package folder to remove it manually?01:12
tonyyarussoNo idea.  What does this tool even do?01:13
tonyyarussoWhat package provides 'pip'?01:13
benc1it's included in some python package. looking for it01:14
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uvirtbotNew bug: #306002 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "/etc/mysql/my.cnf cannot be read" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30600201:45
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r00tintheb0xWho wants to see something SUPER sexy?!03:11
r00tintheb0xwoooooot!!! http://pastebin.ca/raw/142506603:12
r00tintheb0xThank GOD I got it working, its been out of sync since Ike.03:12
r00tintheb0xAnd its customer Oracle database data.03:12
* r00tintheb0x wipes brow.03:12
r00tintheb0x1.81 terabytes of data.03:13
r00tintheb0xAnd, im getting these messages too.03:13
r00tintheb0xMay 16 20:37:36 nas-node1 smartd[3687]: Device: /dev/hda, 2 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors03:13
r00tintheb0xMay 16 21:07:36 nas-node1 smartd[3687]: Device: /dev/hda, 2 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors03:13
r00tintheb0xAnyone know what those are about... drive just going bad?03:14
PhotoJimDwight D. Eisenhower, I assume.03:17
PhotoJimSomewhat better known than if he'd said "Dief".03:17
r00tintheb0xYeah, Ike.03:19
r00tintheb0xHurricane Ike...03:19
r00tintheb0xIm from Houston. I had to move 15 servers from one location to another.03:19
r00tintheb0xNever got HA/DRBD reconfigured... until tolday.03:19
r00tintheb0xour two NAS boxes are syncing again, nas-node1 to nas-node2 right now.03:20
r00tintheb0x /dev/drbd0            1.8T  972G  769G  56% /data03:22
r00tintheb0xThat would have been a lot of data to lose.03:22
PhotoJimahh.  see, we haven't had a hurricane since the dinosaur era.  so I thought of Eisenhower.03:28
twbI only know about monsoons.03:34
twbI thought Ike was a foreign abbreviation for a month or day name, like "Lun" for Monday.03:34
r00tintheb0xBut like I was saying, its nice to have DRBD syncing.03:48
r00tintheb0xNext is an Oracle 10G DB HA.03:48
r00tintheb0xNot too sure now im going to keep the databases in sync.03:49
r00tintheb0xI guess with a dump and restore.03:49
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TimReichhartcould anybody tell me what how passwords are encrypt in ubuntu/mysql04:25
tonyyarussoTimReichhart: well, Ubuntu as an OS uses /etc/shadow, and I think they're either MD5 or SHA-1 hashes.  Not sure about MySQL.04:27
TimReichhartwell I know MD5 passwords is not working on mysql with roundcube04:28
TimReichhartso im trying to figure out what type of MD5 its using04:28
TimReichhartlets say this is regluar MD5 password of 7b9f9e7f9eb41cbea2d1 and that password doesnt work but if I use this: tJhggTSs3Dotw  it works just fine04:29
TimReichhartso any ideas?04:33
jmarsdenTimReichhart: Why do you care exactly how MySQL encodes its passwords?  Are you hoping to crack them???  as long as whatever it encodes them into is in a form that fits in the mysql database field for that password hash, you shouldn't need to care exactly how it was encoded...04:41
TimReichhartwell is because I am trying to make a page so I can add users to my database04:42
jmarsdenUsers do not care that md5 is being used...04:42
jmarsdenThey type in a userbname and pw, you let the app encode it however it wants and store it...04:43
TimReichhartlisten I tried it with MD5 it doesnt work04:43
TimReichharttrust me04:43
jmarsdenOK.  If you say so.  I run Roundcube on a server with about 1000 users, and it does work... :)04:44
TimReichhartok but are you using mysql to handle roundcube?04:44
TimReichhartis your postfix on mysql? and is ur dovecot on mysql?04:44
TimReichhartwell jmarsden im asking u a question are you going to answer back?04:46
TimReichhartjmarsden im still waiting on your answer04:49
jmarsdenTimReichhart: Yes and Yes.  I am marked as being away for a reason... I'm about to have to drive 140+ miles round trip... (supposed to leave 2 minutes ago) ... I can't really deal with this in detail now!05:02
TimReichhartwell then dont say its going to work with out giving your answer05:03
giovani3TimReichhart: this is community support, no need to demand things05:09
TimReichhartwell I dont except somebody to tell me its going to work when I just said it doesnt05:09
giovani3well you may have different situations05:10
giovani3roundcube is opensource, so look at its code to see how its encoding the passwords05:10
giovani3it might be using a salt05:10
giovani3or a double-md505:10
giovani3this channel also isn't #roundcube so ...05:11
TimReichhartsee anytime I try to put anything to this script i get this Warning: hash() [function.hash]: Unknown hashing algorithm: double-md5 in /var/www/index.php on line 2805:11
giovani3that channel does exist, you might want to ask about that there05:12
giovani3TimReichhart: hahahaha05:12
TimReichhartonly thing that works is md505:12
shyamhi trying to do localnet boot reading help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet and as guided by CarlFK... am trying with dhcp3-server and tftp the package tftp failed as i got error that tftp-server can08:26
shyamcan't have tsize option..08:27
shyamnow so i changed to tftp-hpa. but it  isn't working:(08:27
shyamhave configued /etc/default/tftp-hpa as per that doc and added  "tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd /tftpboot" to /etc/inetd.conf .. no idea whats going wrong..08:28
shyamand tried restarting /etc/init.d/xinetd and /etc/init.d/tftp-hda but all results in "tftp open time out"(on net boot client) "transfer timed out"(on doing "tftp localhost")08:29
shyamanyone free?08:32
* shyam going for a restart..08:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #377518 in samba (main) "Samba exits when client connects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37751809:21
shyamnow tftp problem is solved.. it boot to busybox ash shell with (initramfs) prompt09:23
shyamwhat next?09:23
shyamam trying it a bit twisted way.. i am trying to use a live cd with casper directory having filesystem.squashfs and things .. would that be a problem that its a live cd not an alternate cd?09:25
shyamas i try to net boot its stuck at (initramfs) and as i type exit there, it says cp:unable to open /root/var/log/ no such file or dicretory and /root/dev but i donno how did that /root/ got in additionally..10:38
shyami.e it should be looking at /var/log instead of /root right?10:38
shyamnow it says "target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init"11:06
shyamas i exit from initramfs prompt11:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #377571 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.5.5-1.1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37757113:22
w8tah-LTcan someone please point me to the instructions for setting up a software RAID on ubuntu?13:43
w8tah-LT(technically a mirror)13:43
giovani3w8tah-LT: during install, or post-install?13:46
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W8TAHduring install13:47
giovani2well the options are there in the installer13:47
giovani2let me see if I can find a little guide or some screenshots13:47
giovani2you just create the raid devices on the physical drive13:48
giovani2and then create the partitions on the raid device13:48
TuxistI have problem with libnss-ldap I have overide the default ccache location in ldap.conf but nothing is happen they search the ticket in /tmp/krb5cc_o I use ubuntu 9.0414:04
Tuxistunder debian 5.0 I have no problems14:06
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VSpikeHiya. Can i directly upgrade 8.04 LTS to 9.04?17:26
W8TAHive got a server with a possibly corrupted disk as part of a LVM group -- i have been trying to check it - -and not having much success -- can someone please help me?17:29
giovani2W8TAH: what specifically have you not been having success with?17:30
W8TAHim currently booted from a live cd -- trying to use fsck but its complaing17:30
W8TAHand not giving me any results17:30
W8TAHsays it cant find fsck.lvm2pv17:31
W8TAHive got e2fstools installed17:31
giovani2e2fs is for ext partitions17:32
giovani2lvm is defintiely not ext17:32
W8TAHwhat should i be using to work on it then?17:32
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giovani2well it depends on what's corrupted17:32
giovani2is it the LVM partition that's corrupted or the extX partition on top of LVM that's corrupted?17:33
giovani2and what commands did you execute that failed?17:33
W8TAHits a samba file server - we cant get get to the data on thats on the lvm17:34
W8TAHbut - the /partition boots with no problems17:34
W8TAHso i know that disk (sda) is ok17:34
W8TAHwhen its running the console has all kinds of disk errors scrolling across it17:34
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giovani2that sounds like the disk is not ok17:35
giovani2just because some areas of the disk are fine, doesn't mean others are bad17:35
giovani2err, doesn't mean others aren't bad*17:35
giovani2are your drives SMART-compatible?17:35
giovani2have you run SMART checks on them?17:36
W8TAHi ran the long check -- it took 160 minutes and hasnt told me anything -- i let it run overnight - and no data was on the screen when i came back17:36
giovani2long checks can take a while17:36
giovani2how about the short tests?17:37
W8TAHagain -- i ran one - -took 2 minutes -- and no data output -- i think maybe i dont know how to make it tell me what it finds17:37
W8TAHok -- i found how to get the output --17:40
W8TAHits says in both tests -- read failure17:40
giovani2can you paste the command you ran, and the output to a pastebin?17:41
giovani2that'd be clearer for me to understand17:41
W8TAHunfortunatly no -- the machine is across the room running on a live cd, so i cannot ssh in etc17:42
giovani2you can't ssh out from it?17:42
giovani2or scp it out17:42
giovani2a read error is not a good sign17:43
giovani2but I'd need to see the context17:43
W8TAHi tried to ssh in and it wants a password17:43
W8TAHwhich doesnt exist17:43
W8TAHbecause its live cd17:43
W8TAHunless i shouldnt be using live cd17:43
giovani2I just meant from the livecd box17:43
giovani2output the smartctl command and output to a file17:43
W8TAHoh - -let me see17:43
giovani2and then scp that file to another box on the network17:44
W8TAHok -- one min17:44
giovani2where you can then pastebin from17:44
giovani2or access the internet directly from the livecd17:44
W8TAHmight be able to do that - -hang on a sec17:44
W8TAHthe command is sudo smartctl -t short /dev/hdb17:49
giovani2well read failures during self tests are signs that the drive has bad sectors and/or is failing17:49
giovani2or that you stopped the test somehow17:49
W8TAHi didnt stop the test17:49
giovani2then it sounds like the drive may be going bad17:49
W8TAHok - is there any way to grab whatever data off it that i can17:49
giovani2is the filesystem unmountable?17:50
giovani2if the data is critical, I'd recommend using dd to make a perfect bit-for-bit copy of the drive as it is -- which you can then work on repairing, etc for the data later17:50
W8TAHits not critical17:50
W8TAHits student projects for my 4-8th grade classes17:51
W8TAHid LIKE to recover it if feasible17:51
W8TAHi had a faliure in my backup chain17:51
W8TAHso i dont have recent backups17:51
giovani2well if the filesystem is unmountable, you can continue to try to fsck it17:51
giovani2but, if possible, it's best to use dd to make a bit-for-bit copy of the drive17:51
W8TAHok - how do i do that?17:52
giovani2then if you do something bad to the filesystem, or the drive fails further, you have a copy of it17:52
giovani2how big is the drive?17:52
W8TAH250 gb17:52
giovani2how much of it has data on it?17:52
W8TAHnot much -- maybe 20gb at the very outside17:52
giovani2do you have another drive somewhere that you can plug into the system?17:53
giovani2external, or internal -- or a fast network connection and a fileserver?17:53
W8TAHive got a 150gb drive in an enclosure17:53
W8TAHthat i can plug in via usb17:53
giovani2ok, plug that in and mount it17:53
giovani2I presume it has a good amount of free space on it?17:53
W8TAHcompltely empty17:53
W8TAHboot into server or keep working from the live cd?17:54
giovani2stay on the livecd17:54
W8TAHok -17:54
W8TAHgimme a min -- i need to install the drive etc17:54
giovani2now you said you had LVM on this drive, are you using LVM to span filesystems across multiple drives?17:56
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W8TAHok --  ive got the external drive mounted --18:03
W8TAHnever used dd before18:03
W8TAHthe manpage doesnt quite seem to indicate what to do18:03
giovani2ok, well this is much more complex since you're using lvm, particularly with multiple drives18:05
giovani2because the data is disparate, potentially18:05
W8TAHi was kinda afraid of that18:05
W8TAHwhen it gets rebuilt it will be raid18:05
giovani2how many drives are in the LVM Volume Group?18:05
W8TAH2 physical18:05
giovani2ok, well I'd image both of them to be safe, I suppose18:05
W8TAHmakes sense to me18:05
giovani2dd if=/dev/sdX | gzip -9 > /your/usb/volume/here/drive1.dd18:06
giovani2that'll copy every bit dd can off of the drive, and then compress it all18:06
W8TAHok - -cool18:06
W8TAHdo that to both?18:06
giovani2yes, but hold on one sec while I look something up18:07
giovani2let's do a `dd if=/dev/sdX conv=noerror,sync | gzip -9 > /your/usb/volume/here/drive1.dd18:10
giovani2there will be -some- data loss, obviously, where the drive has bad sectors18:10
giovani2so we're trying to maximize what can be saved18:10
W8TAHinclude the accent mark b4 dd?18:10
giovani2no, no accent mark, sorry18:10
wizardslovakanyone with email server?18:11
giovani2wizardslovak: plenty of us, yes18:11
wizardslovakok is there way i can check if i got imap installed?18:12
giovani2wizardslovak: imap being a protocol, and not a specific server/daemon/application, no18:12
wizardslovaki am trying to figure out why i cant loggin on squirrelmail18:12
giovani2did you install an imap server?18:12
W8TAHgiovani2: ok -- its running18:13
giovani2W8TAH: ok18:13
wizardslovakyes i installed it18:14
giovani2wizardslovak: WHICH one?18:14
W8TAHgiovani2: its running -- its showing progress (200mb copied so far) but also showing a bunch of I/O errors18:17
giovani2W8TAH: yep ... that'll happen18:17
giovani2your drive is dying -- we're saving what we can18:17
thewrathjrhey all18:18
thewrathjrwhich one is better 8.04 or 9.04 server?18:18
giovani2thewrathjr: "better" is all relative -- 9.04 is recently released18:19
thewrathjrare most users still using hte lts release18:19
giovani2honestly, I don't know what percentage of people use which18:19
giovani2I run the latest, when possible18:19
thewrathjrwhat do you use giovani218:19
thewrathjroh ok18:20
thewrathjrgiovani2, sorry i didnt see that18:20
giovani2which means a few of my servers run 8.1018:20
giovani2and a few run 9.0418:20
giovani2depending on when I installed them18:20
W8TAHthewrathjr: id go for the LTS18:20
W8TAHi try to keep my servers on the LTS release18:20
wizardslovaki upgraded from 8.10 to 9.0418:21
wizardslovaki am newbie in it anyways18:21
giovani2wizardslovak: ok, you still haven't told me what imap server you installed18:21
wizardslovaki cant find it18:22
wizardslovaki think courier18:22
giovani2ok, is courier running?18:22
giovani2ps aux | grep -i courier18:22
thewrathjrwhat do you guys runon ur servers?18:24
wizardslovakthewrathjr: os lol you?18:25
giovani2thewrathjr: you'd have to be more specific than that18:25
thewrathjrlike what services?18:25
giovani2thewrathjr: too many to count18:25
thewrathjrcan you say some?18:25
wizardslovakgiovani2: check pastebin18:26
giovani2lighttpd, postfix, dovecot, opensshd, apache, openradius18:26
giovani2wizardslovak: ok, so, some part of courier is running, not sure if that's just the auth setup18:26
thewrathjrwahts the difference btween lighthttpd and apache18:26
thewrathjrand what is openradious18:26
W8TAHthewrathjr: LAMP and samba here18:27
wizardslovakgiovani2: what are you using for checking mail on postfix?18:27
giovani2thewrathjr: too numerous to count -- lighttpd is tons smaller, and faster for certain jobs18:27
giovani2wizardslovak: what do you mean "checking mail"?18:27
giovani2thewrathjr: openradius is a RADIUS server -- a large topic -- google it18:27
thewrathjrwahts no numerous?18:27
thewrathjroh nvm18:27
thewrathjrwhat is Openradius?18:27
giovani2<giovani2> thewrathjr: openradius is a RADIUS server -- a large topic -- google it18:28
giovani2wizardslovak: sudo /etc/init.d/courier-imap start18:28
wizardslovakok well something like squirrelmail ,so i can check email true web browser18:28
giovani2wizardslovak: I don't use webmail, it's horrible18:28
giovani2but when I did -- I used roundcube, and horde/imp18:28
wizardslovakhow to check email then?18:29
giovani2uh ... using a mail application18:29
giovani2like kmail, or outlook, or thunderbird, or mutt, or pine18:29
wizardslovakgiovani2: "no such file or directory"18:30
giovani2wizardslovak: sounds like you don't have courier installed then18:31
wizardslovakok so i need imap18:31
giovani2sudo apt-get install courier-imap18:31
giovani2imap is a protocol18:31
giovani2you don't "have/get/need" it18:31
giovani2you need an -imap server-18:31
wizardslovakyes i need it for squirelmail18:31
wizardslovakgiovani2: i am newbie18:33
wizardslovakso i might sometimes ask too many question18:33
giovani2you're just not listening to me18:33
giovani2imap is a protocol, you need an IMAP SERVER18:33
wizardslovakok i installed courier imap18:33
giovani2courier-imap is an imap server18:33
thewrathjrwhat is Openradius?18:33
wizardslovakok thank you18:33
giovani2thewrathjr: I've answered that question TWICE now18:33
wizardslovaki got it installed18:33
W8TAH<giovani2> <giovani2> thewrathjr: openradius is a RADIUS server -- a large topic -- google it18:34
W8TAHgiovani2: is this data copy likely to be a lengthy process?18:34
giovani2W8TAH: yes18:34
W8TAHok -- i'll come back later and start it on the other disk -- will you be around tomorrow during the workday (eastern time?)18:35
giovani2W8TAH: not for extended periods of time -- when I'm at work I'm usually pretty busy for IRC18:35
giovani2but I'll try and log in18:35
yann2anyone knows what it means in htop when it displays "nan" for the usage of a core? can't be good18:35
W8TAHok -- not much sense in me sitting here at work watching things scroll up the screen18:36
giovani2yann2: that typically stands for "not a number"18:36
giovani2yann2: could be a programming bug, or a problem with your setup18:36
giovani2does top display things properly?18:36
yann2the server is behaving extremely weirdly18:36
W8TAHbut i'll let it run and come back and start the sda copy running18:36
yann2I got "cpu stuck for 10 secs" in logs18:36
RedDragonsi'm trying to intall sinit but it can't find it18:36
giovani2yann2: sounds like either a defective mb/cpu/powersupply, or a bad kernel/driver18:36
thewrathjrwhat mail server do u guys urn?18:37
giovani2thewrathjr: postfix and dovecot18:37
W8TAHgooglemail for small business18:37
thewrathjranyon ever used or tested horde18:37
giovani2thewrathjr: yes18:37
giovani2and what?18:38
W8TAHi'll try to hook up with u tomorrow giovani218:38
thewrathjrwhy didnt u like it18:38
thewrathjrasumming u didnt since u dont run it18:38
giovani2thewrathjr: it's written in PHP, it's ugly, and is just poorly designed18:38
giovani2I hate webmail in general18:38
thewrathjryou like using outlook'thunderbird?18:38
giovani2I like using real mail clients18:39
giovani2I prefer kmail18:39
giovani2I hate thunderbird18:39
giovani2but at work we support outlook/thunderbird/pine/mutt18:39
wizardslovaki like to use them too , but sometimes i want to check mail from other PC18:40
wizardslovakso its good to have webmail18:41
giovani2yeah, I wouldn't check my mail from someone else's computer18:41
wizardslovakwell i dont think my friend is capable to use info in emails to harm me in any way  lol18:42
giovani2that wasn't the reason18:42
giovani2but ok18:42
wizardslovakgiovani2:  if you have time can you help me with setting kmail ?18:43
giovani2wizardslovak: nope, that's completely out of the scope of #ubuntu-server18:43
giovani2kmail is desktop software18:43
wizardslovaklol ok18:43
wizardslovakso just imap-sourier setttings18:43
giovani2yeah, and not even those -- I don't know how to configure courier-imap18:44
wizardslovakbut dovecot you can?18:45
wizardslovakso to install it how does package called?, tried dovecot  "package dovecot is not available"18:46
giovani2heh, what mail server are you using?18:48
giovani2what release of ubuntu?18:48
giovani2dovecot-postfix is supposed to be the all-in-one package18:49
giovani2but I have no idea if it's functional18:49
giovani2never used it18:49
giovani2it's new in 9.0418:49
wizardslovakwell i know i didnt install dovecot18:50
wizardslovakso i gotta get it first18:50
wizardslovakok i got dovecto installed18:54
wizardslovakhow to test it? how to configure it?18:55
RedDragonsI'm trying to intall sinit but it can't find it19:11
RedDragonsI'm trying to intall sinit but it can't find it?19:12
wizardslovakhow can i find in which group my user is in?19:22
RedDragonsI'm useing the server ver. I'm trying to intall sinit but it can't find it.19:30
wizardslovak"telnet localhost imap2" unable to connect" what should i do ?19:40
wizardslovakwhy it doexnt want to connect?19:40
wizardslovaki cannot connect to myself19:46
phaidroswizardslovak: please read here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1969726 and follow the links in there, after reading that we can try to help you19:50
wizardslovakok i got it work19:50
wizardslovakthank you19:50
RedDragonsi'm hing troble geting xinit to run19:50
wizardslovak"telnet localhost imap2" unable to connect19:51
phaidroswizardslovak: is that a question?19:51
wizardslovakwell kinda19:51
phaidroshehe, u just said: < wizardslovak> ok i got it work19:52
RedDragonsit say "something" is missing19:52
phaidrosplease to be a litle more precise, what you are traing to approach and what the problem is ;)19:52
wizardslovakok sorry19:53
wizardslovakwell i installed dovecot and its running, when i want to test it with "telnet localhost imap2" it says that connection refused19:53
RedDragonsyou talking to me?19:53
phaidrosRedDragons: I never used xinit, sry19:54
RedDragonsits just i'm new to udundu and i'm not uesd to commin lines19:54
phaidrosRedDragons: at least not directly, I believe gdm is handling that usually19:54
RedDragonsis there a graphical inerface?19:55
phaidroswizardslovak: did you configure dovecot? if yes, to listen on which port(s)? did you enable ssl? ssl-only? see: sudo netstat -tupan and look for the docevot process on which port is listens ..19:55
phaidroswizardslovak: 'grep imap /etc/services' should give you a hint what usual imap ports are. I never tried using telnet with a protocol name, so I dunno why it's not working, I assume wrong port ..19:57
phaidrosRedDragons: hat did you install or have in front of you? ubuntu-server? and what do you wnat to approach? getting gui?19:57
phaidrosRedDragons: there is on any any ubuntu system a gui, but for servers, just no installed. if you need gui try: aptitude install gnome19:58
BaversjoHi! Im trying to setup simple traffic shaping on my server. The only thing I need is to reserve a bit bandwidth to Ssh (443). Anyone who could give me a hand? :)19:59
BaversjoWhat tool should I use and what should I add in the config file? :)20:00
RedDragonsi had to install xinit and when i type startx it say /usr/bin/x11/x: not found xinit: server error20:02
phaidrosRedDragons: which version of ubuntu-server are you running?20:09
RedDragonsthe newest20:09
RedDragons9.4 i think20:09
slideAre there any torrent daemon clients becides transmission-daemon?20:24
phaidrosslide: torrent gui client? oder tracker?20:26
slideno-gui client20:26
phaidrosslide: deluge-torrent, I like it pretty much20:27
phaidrosRedDragons: sry, was afk :/20:27
slidephaidros, do you use it without the gui?20:27
phaidrosslide: oh, sry. I just misread .. rtorrent for cli :)20:28
rockeeIm non technical person but still have some knowledge to about web designing and all. Today only I installed Ubuntu 9.04 server in my machine (2 GB RAM, Intel centrino Duo, Sony Vaio Laptop) after deleting win-vista. I was trying to learn about Linux n Ubuntu since last week.. The purpose was to create a mail server After installation I stuck up with non-GUI interface of ubuntu server 9.04, while I was having only one computer system so I installed G20:28
slidephaidros, actually daemon, something that runs constantly in the background20:28
phaidrosRedDragons: I just had a quicklook in my /usr/bin/startx script, and there is no path to /usr/bin/x11/x, either you are not on 9.04, or something strange is there20:29
phaidrosRedDragons: did you try do install gnome? this gnome display manager just should require all needed dependencies for a complete X20:29
phaidrosslide: hm, ever tried screen?20:30
phaidrosslide: I always use screen for things like irssi and rtorrent ..20:30
rockeecan anybody help me also20:31
phaidrosrockee: your question ended with "so I installed G"20:32
phaidrosrockee: actually this was no question ;)20:32
rockeeoh Iḿ sorry... Now question is ... ubuntu server 9.04 is also in my HDD ... and and this GUI also... can I work on this OS for developing mail server? or I have to work on that non-GUI OS for setting up mail server? is there any tutorial for setting uo mail server on Ubuntu 9.04? any tutorial that can be useful for beginer ? I also downloaded and installed webmin, is this useful? or required?20:36
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rockeeany help?20:43
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rockeebekar log... koi bhartiya hai yaha?20:45
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uvirtbotNew bug: #377724 in libnss-ldap (universe) "cannot overide ccache location" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37772421:31
NativeAngelshello can anyone tell me what this means http://pastebin.com/m6bc76bb221:36
sommerNativeAngels: it means that your ssh client deosn't have the servers key... if you're sure of the IP it's usually safe to confirm21:43
NativeAngelsso why do i get this http://pastebin.com/m472715d2 sommer21:45
NativeAngelsany ideas sommer21:46
sommerNativeAngels: not sure never seen that before.  What realease are you running?  and is that on your client or the server?21:47
NativeAngelsim using ubuntu 8.0421:47
sommerNativeAngels: are there any other errors in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/auth.log that may be from ssh?21:49
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NativeAngelssommer i fixed it22:21
LMJIs there a way to find but for Hardy (LTS) http://packages.ubuntu.com/fr/intrepid/web/php-apc22:22
W8TAHgiovani2: im back -- its still going -- so i'll let it run over night -- when it finishes, and ive copied the other drive as well, replace the failed drive, reformat / reinstall server and then expand the files back onto the drives?23:16
thewrathjrhi all23:21
frojndI've just installed the packages ampache and phpmyadmin. But when I go to mydomain.net/phpmyadmin nothing happens... why is that. During the installation of phpmyadmin it asked what web sertver to configure... I've set eapache2. Why I can't access mydomain.net/phpmyadmin ?23:22
W8TAHfrojnd: try going to and see what you get23:22
W8TAHfrojnd: ????23:25
frojndW8TAH: erm but this is my local IP23:26
W8TAHi know this23:26
W8TAHusually if apache2 is working correctly23:26
W8TAHand you browse to that ip23:26
W8TAHyou will get a screen telling you apache is working --23:27
frojndW8TAH: I Can see the web configuration of myip.net/ampache the startup page..23:27
W8TAHok --23:27
W8TAHthats good23:27
W8TAHthat means apache is working23:27
frojndW8TAH: ok23:27
W8TAHnow try http://ipofserver/phpmyadmin23:27
frojndW8TAH: now that when I get: Not Found23:28
W8TAHhummm - might try the phpmyadmin chan23:28
W8TAHim not real sure23:28
frojnddo I even need this package?23:29
W8TAHdepends on what you are trying to do23:29
frojndconfigure the ampache23:29
frojndand as I see here on the wiki, I need root of my mysql23:30
frojndthe user name of mysql23:30
frojndthan I need database user for new database23:30
W8TAHphpmydamin is for mysql23:30
W8TAHit has nothing to do with apache23:30
W8TAHwhat is ampache?23:31
frojndis a web php tool that gatgeres all the music you have on the server and you can stream it or have flash for it or even in amarok..23:31
W8TAHthen i truly have NO clue --23:32
frojndthe music gathered on one place accessable via nice web gui23:32
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frojndmaybe it didn't install correctly23:35
frojndis there a command to reinstall23:35
frojndor I have to remove and than install23:35
frojndor --purge remove and than install?23:35
thewrathjrW8TAH: did you do sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin23:35
frojndthewrathjr: yes23:35
thewrathjrand u can not view the phpmyadmin page?23:36
frojndthewrathjr: trie23:36
W8TAHthewrathjr: i didnt do any of the sort - -im not installing it23:36
W8TAHi was trying to help frojnd23:36
frojndthewrathjr: this is really my problem23:36
thewrathjri see23:36
frojndWhen I try to install phpmyadmin I get this menu: > ok23:37
frojndhpMyAdmin supports any web server that PHP does, but this automatic configuration process only supports Apache.23:37
frojndand I can select which server to reconfigure automatically: apache2, apache, apache-ssl, apache-perl, lighttpd23:37
thewrathjrok hold on23:37
frojndok so I did this ok23:38
thewrathjrim trying to catch up to you lol23:38
thewrathjrim on desktop atm so yea23:38
frojnderm this is the guide: http://ampache.org/wiki/install:ubuntu23:38
thewrathjru trying to install ampache or apache23:39
frojndthewrathjr: ampache23:39
thewrathjrwhat is that23:39
frojndthewrathjr: ampache is installed23:39
thewrathjrnever heard of it23:39
frojndI just have to configure it23:39
frojndit's a nice web php tool that gatheres all the music on one place (server) and i can access to it and listen to it locally or via web... like in flash, playlist, or in amarok..23:40
thewrathjrlet me catch up to u23:40
thewrathjrwell that will be a while23:40
thewrathjrso u can not get to phpmyadmin right?23:41
frojndI can go to myip.net/ampache23:41
frojndbut to configure it I need to set mysql23:41
frojndand phpmyadmin does that in a simple way23:41
thewrathjrrecondigure (sudo dpkg --reconfigure phpmyadmin)23:42
frojndand I can not go to mydoman.net/phpmyadmin23:42
thewrathjrcould just use sockso23:42
frojndit isn't the right command23:42
RafaelAnybody can tell me what a segmentation fault is?23:43
thewrathjrfoxbuntu: Just in case you haven’t installed phpMyAdmin yet, type the following line in the Terminal:23:44
thewrathjrapt-get install phpmyadmin To set up under Apache all you need to do is include the following line in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, first type the following command to open up this file:23:44
thewrathjrgksudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf23:44
thewrathjrRafael: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_fault23:44
frojndthewrathjr: I use vim23:45
frojndI'm looking to what?23:45
ajmitchno editing of apache2.conf should be necessary23:46
thewrathjrfrojnd: did not get all of it23:46
thewrathjrgo here: http://www.blog.highub.com/linux/install-and-configure-phpmyadmin-on-ubuntu-lamp/23:46
thewrathjrajmitch: yes i agree maybe phpmyadmin just did not install completely properly due to permission erros23:47
ajmitchthe phpmyadmin package should place a file in /etc/apache2/conf.d23:47
thewrathjrkey would is **should**23:47
thewrathjrbe back have to go and deliver something quick23:47
Rafaelthewranthjr: thanks i saw it, but what should i do if i got that after: sudo mdadm --assemble /dev/md023:47
ajmitchfrojnd: check if that file is there, and check if you have any virtual host definitions that wouldn't be using that phpmyadmin alias23:48
frojndajmitch: which file?23:48
ajmitch /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf23:48
thewrathjrRafael: that i am not sure23:48
ajmitchand are you using a virtualhost?23:49
thewrathjrajmitch: might know do you ? never gotten one before23:49
frojndajmitch: no23:49
thewrathjrvirutalhost is what it uses by default right ajmitch?23:49
frojndajmitch: what am I looking at?23:50
frojndajmitch: I mean what option is the one that is keeping apache2 from showing phpmyadmin=23:50
ajmitchfrojnd: have you reloaded apache2?23:50
ajmitchby that, I mean sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload23:51
frojndajmitch: no I didn't23:51
ajmitchtry it, the phpmyadmin package may not have triggered a reload of the configuration after it was installed23:51
frojndajmitch: I did now and there is no difference23:51
ajmitchwhat url are you trying?23:52
frojndI think it did reload at the end of phpmyadimin installation23:52
frojndgo hack me23:52
ajmitchthat is doing some funny things with port redirects & all23:53
frojndajmitch: yep23:53
ajmitchsince it ends up on port 108023:53
frojndit is the correct port :)23:53
ajmitchwhere is that configured from?23:53
frojndisp blocks everything below 100023:53
ajmitchhow irritating23:53
frojndajmitch: slovenia23:53
frojndajmitch: mhm23:53
ajmitchI meant which package is it configured from23:54
ajmitchsorry, I just got called upstairs at work23:54
frojndso you must go now23:54
ajmitchI have to go for a bit, sorry I can't help more23:54
frojndno biggy23:54
frojndI'm going to sleep anyway23:54
frojndthanx for you trying to helo me23:54
FFForeveri have a vps with 256mb of ram how do i upgrade to 9.04?23:57
FFForeverdo-release-upgrade gives me OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory23:57

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