
tvakahhow come nothing depends on kde-icons-oxygen in karmic00:28
JontheEchidnaprobably because it's not part of kdebase-runtime anymore00:43
JontheEchidnait's a valid bug, though00:44
ScottKJontheEchidna: Why?  Is Oxgyen required as a theme?04:38
* ScottK takes a shot at fixing qt4-x11 on armel ....07:03
InitMasswhen i preview a raw file in digikam i get a nice looking image. when i choose to develop it into a jpeg using digikam the image turns out a lot less nice. any idea why?09:51
InitMassi'm using version 0.10 but this was present in the previous version as well09:52
eagles0513875InitMass: please ask in kubuntu09:53
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seelergreening: besides the specs, do you have a list of topics you wanted to discuss tomorrow?14:30
JontheEchidnaSo, is anybody going to announce KDE 4.3 beta packages?14:37
* ScottK prods at ryanakca.14:38
jussi01JontheEchidna: they are here?14:42
JontheEchidnajussi01: yeah14:43
* jussi01 upgrades14:47
jussi01JontheEchidna: I should now remove the 4.2.3 ppa, no?14:48
JontheEchidnadoesn't matter, I don't think14:48
JontheEchidnait wouldn't hurt anything14:49
ScottKWiat even14:49
ScottKWait even14:49
ScottKWhy are we removing 4.2.3?14:49
ScottKWe ought to get it into jaunty-backports first.14:49
jussi01ScottK: Im updating to the 4,3 beta, was wondering if I should remove the 4.2.3 ppa from my sources14:49
ScottKjussi01: OK.14:50
* jussi01 giggles at ScottK getting paranoid :D14:50
ScottKSorry, I jumped in the middle are read that as deleting 4.2.3 packages FROM the PPA.14:50
jussi01JontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/174935/14:51
JontheEchidnameh, where do these keep coming from?14:52
jussi01JontheEchidna: good thing I tested it :D - could it be from the fact I had 4.2.3 installed?14:54
JontheEchidnacould be14:54
JontheEchidnabut I tested from 4.2.3 too14:54
jussi01JontheEchidna: I can just --force-all install them for now, right?14:56
JontheEchidnaas long as I have the log I can fix 'em14:56
jussi01well that paste is enough, rihgt?14:57
* jussi01 is a bit out of things...14:57
* JontheEchidna will be back15:00
jussi01hi jjesse15:31
jussi01Hrm, thats interesting - new menu structure in the beta15:31
JontheEchidnaThe "map containments to virtual desktops" feature seems to be working great, I think we should conisder enabling it by default15:38
eagles0513875also the new network manager is really looking promising both dhcp and static wired works for me granted when setting up the connection i get random plasma crashes15:39
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: any chance the newer snapshot of network manager widget can be pushed to jaunty as an update. for me the one currently in jaunt seems to dislike my chipset and i wasnt able to get on the net without by passing it all together.15:40
JontheEchidnaone is undergoing testing, it will be pushed as soon as prudently possible15:41
eagles0513875im currently on karmic and the one on here is working fine for me15:42
ScottKThat's the one we're testing for an update.15:42
JontheEchidnawhat happens if two source packages both provide a binary package of the same name?15:54
JontheEchidnaoh, it's just the .install file sticking around. The package isn't in debian/control anymore15:55
JontheEchidnaScottK: I have a new kdepim and kdebase. Soon to be a new -runtime16:00
jussi01JontheEchidna: Im getting a weird message in ktorrent - Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'. .16:00
JontheEchidnayeah, jussi01 found some new ones :/16:00
jussi01JontheEchidna: where do you want bugs`?16:00
JontheEchidnathanks for those new ones, btw :)16:00
jussi01no probs... :D16:00
JontheEchidnabugs can go in the bug tracker, since we have 4.2.85 in karmic16:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think I got armel, ia64, and sparc figured out.16:01
jussi01JontheEchidna: event though im on jaunty?16:01
JontheEchidnajussi01: yes, the packages are nearly identical16:01
jussi01JontheEchidna: ok, great.16:02
JontheEchidnaScottK: oh?16:02
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yeah.  ia64 and sparc look like archive skew.  I got qedje to build last night and am waiting for workspace now.16:03
JontheEchidnacool, maybe we can really, really get ports down this release16:03
ScottKI think Armel has a boost related problem.  I uploaded a new boost1.35 last night and I'm waiting for qt4-x11 rise t to the top of the queue.16:03
JontheEchidnawe did get sparc last time, right?16:04
ScottKLast time we had everything but hppa built.16:06
ScottKSparc and ia64 had kernel installability problems though16:07
JontheEchidnaOh, did I tell you guys I found a similar RSSNow bug in KDE 4.2.85? (kde bug 193123)16:07
ubottuKDE bug 193123 in widget-misc "RSSNow widget's content becomes blank after accessing ZUI" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19312316:07
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JontheEchidnaOne might conjecture that there's a chance that if that gets fixed, the other invisibility bug will get fixed too16:08
jussi01well n o bug report at this moment, LP is being evil and timinig out16:09
ScottKJontheEchidna: Good news.16:11
ScottKjussi01: Email interface FTW.16:11
jussi01ScottK: yeah, I should learn how that works at some point... :D16:12
eagles0513875thought i would let you guys know there is a bug in the kdenlive package when i try to run the presentation that i have created it crashes plasma but i compiled it form source in the repos it doesnt crash plasma16:13
ScottKeagles0513875: Karmic?16:14
ScottKNo great suprise there.16:14
ScottKDo file a bug though so we remember to deal with it.16:14
eagles0513875will do16:15
eagles0513875also working im guessing with upstream dev to test something for him16:15
ScottKOK.  Tonio_ is interested in kdenlive, IIRC.16:15
eagles0513875should i ping him and discuss it with him16:16
ScottKeagles0513875: I just did.16:16
Tonio_eagles0513875: plop !16:18
eagles0513875hey Tonio_were you the one who packaged kdenlive for karmic16:18
Tonio_eagles0513875: nope16:18
Tonio_eagles0513875: jaunty16:18
Tonio_eagles0513875: hum maybe I just uploaded an update, but that's just a new dep added (frei0r plugin afaik)16:19
Tonio_eagles0513875: are you using karmic ?16:19
eagles0513875well the karmic one when trying to run the presentation that one creates causes plasma to crash. when i compiled from source it doesnt cause plasma to crash any more but a differernt error which im working with peace- who seems to be upstream dev.16:19
eagles0513875ya i am16:19
eagles0513875testing out some other issues that jaunty was pissing me off with16:19
Tonio_eagles0513875: yup kdenlive is far from being stable atm...16:20
Tonio_eagles0513875: hopefully, there will be another release before karmic comes out16:20
Tonio_eagles0513875: to be honnest, I'm a bit out of kubuntu atm, just a matter of 2 or 3 weeks :)16:21
eagles0513875would a recompilation from current source in repos help anything16:21
Tonio_eagles0513875: I have to find a job, which is a lot more important for me :)16:21
eagles0513875ya i understand16:21
Tonio_eagles0513875: well you can test locally to rebuild the package, and eventually I'll reupload if it happens to fix it for you16:21
eagles0513875will have to figure out how to do that  tomorrow once im finally free for summer16:22
larsivihi, I tried to upgrade to kde 4.2.3 for jaunty but got a key error17:10
larsivino public key17:10
larsiviand there was no mention of keys on the kubuntu page either (as there has been in the pas)17:10
eagles0513875!gpgerr | larsivi17:12
ubottularsivi: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »17:12
eagles0513875larsivi: you would need to find the key for the repo 4.2.3 is in17:12
larsivieagles0513875: right - but why not add this info to the 4.2.3 page on kubuntu.org?17:13
eagles0513875tbh i am not sure let me try and find it for you17:13
eagles0513875larsivi: the key is 493b3065 follow the commands above and you should be good to go17:15
* ScottK notes https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-karmic-no-sudo/ to Kuubntu people going to UDS as he doesn't want to be the only Kubuntu person there.17:15
larsivieagles0513875: thanks :) but I still recommend adding it to your web page ;)17:15
eagles0513875larsivi: also that is a question for the kubuntu channel btw this is just development channel17:16
larsivieagles0513875: I know, but fixing the web page is a dev request17:16
eagles0513875i hear ya17:17
jussi01larsivi: probably a good idea to file a bug17:17
ScottKrgreening: Would you please mark yourself 'essential' for https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-karmic-kde-integration17:18
larsivijussi01: it would take me longer to file a bug in launchpad than to actually copy/paste the gpg key message from earlier KDE updates17:19
jussi01larsivi: true, but ryanakca isnt around at the moment and a bug will make sure that the correct person is notified and therefore the issue gets fixed17:20
larsiviMy launchpad+bugs.kde quota has been filled today :P17:21
eagles05138754.3 has something the devs will like in regards to upstream bug reporting17:22
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eagles0513875is it gonna be the norm in 4.3 that all kde apps report bugs upstream directly to kde instead of to lp18:21
ScottKeagles0513875: No.18:29
eagles0513875ok thats interested cuz for instance kopete and konqueror which crashed on me had me report the bugs directly to bugs.kde.org18:29
rgreeningI think It need the launchpad integration patch18:32
rgreeningScottK, eagles0513875^18:32
* ScottK looks at JontheEchidna18:33
eagles0513875was thinking bout that probably some sorta integration was missing18:33
rgreeningactually, nope, thats in there... maybe its because of non-existnat bindings18:33
ScottKrgreening: To the extent you consider Launchpad integration a feature on your desktop, sure.18:33
rgreeningScottK: now now... :P18:34
ScottKrgreening: Hey, if I wanted non-free stuff in my desktop I'd have signed up for Ubuntu One.18:34
ScottKMore precisely, ... integration with non-free stuff ....18:35
rgreeningwell, once LP is opened, the point is moo , yes, moo! :)18:35
ScottKrgreening: Unfortunately there are no plans for opening LP.18:35
ScottKAlthough in the specific case of our LP integration patches the parts they deal with will be opened, so that partial opening is relevant.18:36
eagles0513875scott if i ever start random inappropriate convo in here feel free to take a mallet to me head and remind me plz and ty18:41
* rgreening whacks eagles0513875over the head with a mallet18:42
rgreeningjust in case :)18:42
eagles0513875i havent forgotten i have been rather good and behaving sith appropriate dev questions pertaing to karmic18:43
ryanakcaScottK: Back, sorry, was off camping. Did you still need the announcement?18:55
ScottKryanakca: I haven't looked.18:55
ScottKryanakca: Looks like we do.18:55
ScottKryanakca: We also had a comment in here earlier about mentioning adding the key to the 4.2.3 announcement.18:56
ryanakcaScottK: Have it somewheres?18:56
ScottKJust something about KDE 4.3 Beta 1 being in the Karmic repos.  Packages for Jaunty in Kubuntu Experimental18:57
ryanakcaScottK: *nod*, I'll go do that18:59
ryanakcaScottK: posted19:12
ScottKryanakca: Thanks.19:19
neversfelderyanakca: I think the repo url is wrong.19:22
neversfeldein the old experimental repo is only 4.2.319:23
eagles0513875also someone was complaining about the key not being on kubuntu.or for kubuntu-experimental repo and 4..2.319:24
ScottKI don't recall where 4.3 went.19:25
ScottKFound it19:25
harolddongis the entire update in there yet?  I added the edge repo but I'm not showing any updates19:40
Mamarok_which repo are those Jaunty packages in? I can't see any...19:47
Mamarok_ok, found it, but only 24 packages? that seems to be not enough19:48
neversfeldeMamarok: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental19:48
harolddongits not showing any updates for me?  Is there a certain way I'm supposed to do it?19:49
Mamarok_neversfelde: sure I will not get pulseaudio installed again with all these meta packages?19:50
neversfeldeMamarok: I do only know the link and have not tested the packages, but I doubt that there is any pulseaudio stuff in this ppa19:51
Mamarok_neversfelde: well, I still have about 60 instalnces of pulsesomething installed on my system I can't get rid of19:52
Mamarok_and it came in through the libxine1 plugins19:53
Mamarok_instances* even...19:53
Mamarok_cause every time I try to remove those it tries to remove all KDE19:53
neversfeldeMamarok:  I have only libpulse0 installed here and this lib seems to be necessary19:55
Mamarok_neversfelde: I wonder what for, KDE doesn't ue pulseaudio at all...19:57
hungerIs there currently major breakage in karmic?20:04
smarterryanakca: the deb line in the announcement is wrong20:04
smarterryanakca: it should be deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/experimental/ubuntu karmic main20:04
smarterwith jaunty instead of karmic20:04
smarter(damn copy-paste which includes a linebreak :p)20:04
harolddongand then I can get it with aptitude full-upgrade?20:05
=== rdieter changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Fedora-KDE forum. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE , Current: F9/F10/F11: 4.2.2, updates-testing: 4.2.3, Rawhide (F12): 4.2.85
Sputneversfelde / Mamarok_: I don't have pulseaudio on my system, I can assure you that it's not needed for xine :)21:25
Sputit probably is when you use gnome, which shows yet again the power of USE flags :)21:26
Mamarok_Sput: I know itŝ not needed, that doesn't change the fact that it ended up in my Jaunty as it did for hundreds of others and kills the sound in Amarok21:26
Sputyeah I think you'd need different packages for users with and without gnome21:26
Sputwith quassel in *buntu it's the other way round, it pulls in kdelibs and stuff even for ubuntu users :/21:26
Mamarok_Sput: ... funny, not21:26
* Sput got complaints about that21:27
Mamarok_where do you get the manpower form to do that?21:27
SputMamarok_: it's an inherent problem of binary distro, unfortunately :/21:27
* ScottK wonder what channel he wondered into.21:27
Sputprobably you can't split libxine in modules?21:27
Mamarok_ScottK: why?21:27
ScottKMamarok: See /topic and a Gentoo user is doing most of the talking21:28
ScottKSput: It's something around that.  I don't recall the details.21:28
Sputuh... fedora?21:28
Sputor is my quassel acting up?21:28
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: You are beautiful! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs | Sync/Merges: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/kubuntu-desktop.html
Mamarok_ScottK: well, he is the Quassel Man, so it's normal he does all the talking21:29
Mamarok_Quasseln is German for Chatting21:29
ScottKRight, it was that in conjunction with the /topic change.21:29
Sputyeah, that was a fun mixup :)21:29
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Alpha 1 out! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs | Sync/Merges: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/kubuntu-desktop.html
SputScottK: did you mention that you intend to package two versions of quassel in the future, or do I remember wrong?21:30
ScottKWe're looking at it.21:30
ScottKDo a double build.21:31
* Sput intends to make things like KDE notifications optional in the future even with KDE integration, but that won't be happening in 0.4.x21:31
harolddonghaving a problem with kdebase-runtime-data package in the upgrade21:41
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ScottKWhat problem?  I think JontheEchidna has some fixes queued already.22:43
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Tonio_ScottK: hi ! tried to install kde 4.3 b1 for jaunty ?23:14
Tonio_I can get it to install...23:14
ScottKTonio_: I have not.23:14
Tonio_that's pretty strange... when I browse the repo with firefox, I can see the good versioned files, and the dist content is correct23:15
ScottKI'm trying to keep my system pristine for 4.2.3 testing if we get it into the official repos.23:15
Tonio_but apt keeps seeing 4.2.3..... that's weird23:15
ScottKThere's two different PPAs with very similar urls.23:17
ScottKYou have the wrong one.23:17
Tonio_ScottK: how messy....23:19
ScottKWe're in the midst of transitioning.23:20
ScottK4.2.3 is the last (probably) to be done on the old one.23:20
Tonio_did anyone tested before installing this ? there are so many file conflicts.... it is barelly installable right now...23:30
ScottKWe got most of them.  JontheEchidna put some more fixes in bzr if you want to upload.23:31
Tonio_ScottK oh sure, I have no pb, since I didn't help :)23:31
Tonio_ScottK I'm just surprised we announced it on kubuntu.org....23:31
Tonio_ScottK and that when you install it'll just kick your dpkg ass...23:31
ScottKTonio_: There are updates for kdepim and kdebase and maybe  kdebase-runtime.  Can you look them over and sponsor (these are for Karmic).23:32
ScottKApparently when we merged with Debian a lot of stuff got shoved around.23:33
Tonio_ScottK hehe :)23:33
Tonio_ScottK the only problem is that annoucing will lend people to test and that is what gives us a bad reputation..23:33
ScottKTonio_: OK.  Start fixing.23:34
Tonio_maybe we shouldn't care as much in having the package as soon as possible...23:34
Tonio_ScottK sure23:34
Tonio_ScottK but right now I have to go bed, I have an interview tomorrow early for a job...23:34
Tonio_ScottK nevermind that wasn't rude criticism at all :)23:34
Tonio_the one that doesn't do sholdn't complain23:34
ScottKTonio_: It's fine.23:34
ScottKTonio_: Just make sure we know what needs doing.23:35
Tonio_but.... we should take care at announcing things when they are ready :)23:35
ScottKWell I kind of thought they were.23:35
harolddongis the air theme not in the beta?23:42
ScottKIt's not23:46
harolddongI can'tget dolphin to open now since updating23:46
ScottKTonio_: ^^^ How about you?23:47
harolddongkonqueror won't open either actuallly23:47
harolddongactually konqueror will work fine as a web browser but if I try to open a folder with it it won't open23:48
ScottKharolddong: Are you on Jaunty or Karmic?23:48
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^ I think you needed those other *private*.so that are still in not-installed.23:49
Tonio_ScottK I'm just reverting to 4.2.3 :)23:50
Tonio_ScottK unusable atm, I noticed files conflicts between many package.... and no time to fix on my own...23:50
ScottKTonio_: Can you pastebin your errors somewher?23:51
harolddonghmmm dolphin finally did open for over here after about a 15 minute wait23:51
ScottKOK, well that's something.23:52
Tonio_ScottK I don't have the logs right now...23:52
Tonio_ScottK I'm free to work on thursday, I'll test then and eventually fix the packages23:52

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