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Bodsdahi, im trying to upload some code for my project on launchpad. When i try to do the push i get the error "Permission denied (publickey).00:49
BodsdaI created the key a while ago and  have since reinstalled at least a dozen times00:50
Bodsdawhat should i do?00:50
mwhudsonBodsda: do you still have the key?00:51
Bodsdamwhudson: i put my pgp and ssh keys on launchpad00:52
mwhudsonBodsda: there seems to be a problem with the server, you may be doing nothing wrong00:53
Bodsdaok... but i think il have problems anyway, as bzr has no way of knowing my key00:54
mwhudsonbzr launches ssh00:54
mwhudsondoes ssh know about your key?00:54
Bodsdamwhudson: nope00:55
mwhudsonwell, then you need to tell it00:55
Bodsdamwhudson: ok, how do i do that?00:55
mwhudsonare you on unix?00:57
mwhudsondo you still have the private part of the ssh key?00:57
Bodsdamwhudson: im running ubuntu, and no i dont00:58
mwhudsonyou'll need to make a new key then00:58
Bodsdamwhudson: ok, got any links that tell me how? :)00:58
Bodsdamwhudson: dw, i got one, cheers01:03
ajmitchBodsda: the part that you have to keep safe is your private key, which doesn't get published anywhere01:10
Bodsdaajmitch: ok, cheers.. One question, about gpg keys. Launchpad have now sent me an email encrypted with my key, but how do i decrypt it, im using yahoo01:17
Bodsdado I 'have' to use a mail client such as thunderbird/evolution etc. Cause thats a problem as thunderbird + yahoo = headaches01:18
xnoxwhat's up with the test rebuild? are you rebuild the whole archive in the ppas?01:20
mwhudsonBodsda: if you 'view original', and paste the encrypted bit into a file, you should be able to cat the-file | gpg --decrypt01:21
mwhudson(i think, something like that anyway)01:21
Bodsdamwhudson: ah, got it, ty#01:24
tansellis anyone able to help me with - https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/69460 ?01:32
batoms_my build isn't scheduled to rebuild for 9 more days03:11
jmarsdenbatoms_: That means the builders are really busy, or something bad happened... see http://launchpad.net/builders for their status03:13
wgrantbatoms_: I presume you hit 'Retry'?03:13
wgrantbatoms_: There's a bug at the moment that retries are prioritised behind the Ubuntu test rebuild, but normal builds should be fine.03:14
jmarsden?  I just browse there.  Hmmm: "i386      7280 builds waiting in queue" -- I'd say the builders *are* busy!03:14
batoms_wgrant: its a rebuild03:14
ajmitcha mere few minutes to complete03:14
wgrantjmarsden: That's the Ubuntu rebuild test; those builds are scheduled behind everything except language packs and retries.03:14
batoms_but 9 days...that seems crazy03:15
jmarsdenAh, OK.  Thanks.03:15
wgrantbatoms_: Sounds like you need somebody to bump up your build score a bit.03:15
wgrantbatoms_: Archive rebuilds take a while.03:15
wgrantI hate to think how long an hppa rebuild test would take.03:15
ajmitchjust be glad there's no m68k03:16
batoms_wgrant: how do i get my build score bumped up03:20
tansellso.. anyone able to help me by increasing my PPA's size?03:23
mwhudsontansell: most admin-y people are traveling today, i think03:23
tansellmwhudson, dang03:24
tansellmwhudson, I think I've finally got this package mostly in shape but ran out of quota again :(03:24
tansellstupid debug packages take up around 200mb each03:24
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wgranttansell: The PPA mentioned in that question is practically empty...03:37
tansellwgrant, because I created a second PPA after I ran out04:06
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BodsdaHi, im trying to push a branch for my project for the first time, but im getting an error, Launchpad user 'bod' doesn't have a registered SSH key -- but thats not true, you can see from my profile that i havew  registered my ssh key06:06
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VK7HSEIs there any known issues with LP not loading on Opera ???06:37
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VK7HSEnever mind, after a reboot all has returned to normal! :-/06:58
BodsdaHi, im trying to push some code for my project but when i do i get this error, any ideas whats going wrong, I have got ssh keys. -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/174742/08:06
sorenBodsda: You need to put your public key on Launchpad.08:07
sorenhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~bod shows that you haven't yet.08:07
Bodsdatry https://launchpad.net/~bodsda08:07
Bodsda~bod is not me :)08:07
Bodsdasoren: im pretty sure its on there08:09
sorenBodsda: Then you need to tell bzr that bod isn't you.08:10
Bodsdasoren: how do i do that?08:10
sorenbzr launchpad-login bodsda08:10
Bodsdak, ty08:10
Bodsdasoren: that didnt seem to work, should it have asked me for a password or something?08:11
sorenBodsda: Nope.08:12
Bodsdasoren: ok, then its still not recognizing me. http://paste.ubuntu.com/174746/08:13
tansellis there a way to get stats on the various ppa build machines?08:13
tansellI'm wondering if they all have the same amount of memory08:14
warp10I changed my launchpad contact address on friday, but my @ubuntu.com still forward to the old primary address. Can someone help me with this issue?08:26
primes2hHello. Last Tuesday I became Ubuntu Member but I doesn't have email redirecting still active yet (@ubuntu.com).Can someone help me with this issue too? :-)08:27
sorenBodsda: Oh.08:28
sorenBodsda: If you're specifying the sftp address directly like that, the launchpad-login thing doesn't factor into it.08:28
sorenIt's only used if you're using lp: style urls.08:28
sorenIf you want use sftp urls, put your username in the url: sftp://bodsda@bazaar.launcp....08:29
Bodsdaok, il give it a go cheers08:29
Bodsdasoren: ah brilliant, thanks dude, that works :)08:30
sorenBodsda: The lp style url would be: lp:~bodsda/cheatsheet/dev-cheatsheet08:37
primes2hHello. Last Tuesday I became Ubuntu Member but I doesn't have email redirecting still active yet (@ubuntu.com).Can someone help me with this issue? :-)09:09
persiaprimes2h, 1) You probably want to contact the Ubuntu Membership people, rather than the launchpad people.  2) It can take a while (sometimes it's a couple days, sometimes it's a few months)09:11
primes2hpersia: Thank you for the explanation.09:24
persiaprimes2h, Sorry it's not clearer.  I just don't understand the trick to make it happen.  It was about 3 months for me.09:29
primes2hpersia: it's written 48 hours in the wiki. it's quite the same ;-)09:33
primes2hpersia: I wrote an email looking for help about this. Let's wait... :-)09:34
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lnb_what is the 'normal' ppa for 9.04 ?15:43
noodles775lnb_: I'm not sure what you mean? What is it you are trying to do or answer?15:44
lnb_in software sources..15:45
lnb_i mean that15:45
lnb_there are more15:45
lnb_but I am not certain which are the 'right' or 'normal' ones to have15:46
beunolnb_, what does that have to do with launchpad?15:46
noodles775lnb_: yes, so they are not actually PPAs, but are just the normal software sources for your ubuntu installation... I'll try to find a link showing what the 'normal' ones should be.15:46
lnb_i put 'ubuntu ppa sources' in google and launchpad came up15:47
noodles775lnb_: yes, because you searched for ppa - but what you're looking for isn't actually anything to do with ppas.15:48
lnb_repositories then?15:48
noodles775lnb_: yep, I'm still looking for a good page with what you should see there :)15:49
lnb_this one tells you how but not what the urls are.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu15:50
noodles775lnb_: So if you follow that page you can see exactly what you've currently got selected...15:52
noodles775lnb_: and then if you, in a terminal, type:15:52
noodles775less /etc/apt/sources.list15:52
lnb_ /etc/apt/sources.list ?15:52
noodles775you'll see most of them.15:53
lnb_that is the entire list ?15:53
noodles775If you've done any customization, you may also have some extra options under /etc/apt/sources.list.d15:53
sorenhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/ says I'm not allowed there?15:58
sorenWhat did I do to deserve this? :)15:59
persiasoren, are you logged in?  are you behind a strange proxy?  It works for me, and I'm not logged in (and don't typically use edge)15:59
sorenpersia: Logged in.16:00
sorenpersia: No proxy (that I know of).16:00
sorenHence the question :)16:00
* beuno looks16:01
beunosoren, it's a known bug16:01
sorenbeuno: Oh, ok.16:02
sorenbeuno: Thanks. I wasn't sure where to look to see if that was the case.16:02
* beuno tries to find the bug #16:03
beunosoren, I can't find the bug #16:04
beunowould you like to file it just in case?16:04
sorenbeuno: Sure, I can do that.16:07
beunothanks soren16:07
sorenOh. Same error on non-edge.16:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 377963 in launchpad "edge.code.launchpad.net says I'm not allowed there" [Undecided,New]16:13
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littleHey there, anybody home?17:08
beunolittle, not many of17:10
beunomost people are travelling this week17:10
beunowhat's up?17:10
littleIf I have a suggestion for improving the instructions on https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories who do I contact?17:11
beunolittle, drop an email to MAtt: matthew.revell@canonical.com17:12
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jmehdiHi, on this team page: https://launchpad.net/~sabily.team I'd like to remove the "ubuntume@googlegroups.com" address but I don't find how...17:39
littleDid you succeed? I don't see it on that page.17:46
jmehdiin "contact details" under "sabily.team@lists.launchpad.net"17:47
littleIt's not visible when I load the page. Are you currently editing the page? Maybe it only shows when you're editing it.17:51
jmehdiare you logged in?17:52
jmehdiif you are logged in you will see two emails17:53
littleOkay, I see it now.17:53
littleAre you able to edit the page?17:54
littleDoes it show that address when you're in edit mode?17:55
littleWhat do you see when you edit? Is it a series of questions with boxes that you have to tick or is it raw HTML code?17:55
jmehdiquestions with boxes17:56
littleAre there any that have anything to do with Contact detals?17:56
littleMaybe if you click one, it will open up a text box with a list of contacts that you can edit.17:57
littleIt's also possible it's done automatically based on who's a member of the team. Maybe one of the members has that email address and has chosen to have his/her address shown as a contact.17:58
savvasit doesn't show up in edge: https://edge.launchpad.net/~sabily.team17:59
savvasjmehdi: do you see it here? https://launchpad.net/~sabily.team/+contactaddress18:01
jmehdisavvas: no I don't18:02
littleI'm not allowed access to that last page.18:02
littleCould it be an example contact address put there by default?18:02
littleDid you set up a mailing list like it says on http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/722/contactn.png18:03
savvasjmehdi: when was this team created with that google group in contact details?18:04
jmehdisavvas: it's a long time because we have changed the name ubuntume to sabily18:05
jmehdilittle: yes the mailing list is active18:05
jmehdithat may be the problem, that the team has been renamed18:06
savvasI'd file a question at http://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad and ask for the removal of ubuntume@googlegroups.com (in "contact details") from https://launchpad.net/~sabily.team (also mention that it is not visible from https://edge.launchpad.net/~sabily.team)18:07
jmehdisavvas: ok, thanks18:07
littleAnother happy ending. (:18:08
savvasit's really a weird though :P18:09
littleIf that part on http://yfrog.com/4ocontactnp that mentions a mailing list applies to it, then that would explain it. That ubuntume address is probably part of the mailing list.18:12
littlejmehdi: Are you able to edit the mailing list?18:12
jmehdilittle: yes I'm the owner of the team18:38
littleThen maybe you can look through the mailing list and see if ubuntume is a member and remove that member from the mailing list to get it to update on the Launchpad page automatically.18:40
jmehdilittle: it's not a member...18:42
littleThen the best bet is to do what savvas suggested and write to launchpad.18:44
jmehdilittle: yep I've filed a question, wait and see ;)18:45
littleHopefully they'll fix it. (:18:46
savvasum.. for some reason https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnote shows the launchpad bug to be closed, but the bug watch updater didn't set it to fix released, LP: #364931)19:24
hexmodeI have a personal PPA, but I want to upload packages to the team PPA.  How can I do that?19:24
savvasrephrase: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnote shows the launchpad bug to be closed, but for some reason the bug watch updater didn't set it to fix released, bug #36493119:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364931 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gnote in karmic" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36493119:25
savvashexmode: you can copy over a) the binaries or b) the source and rebuild19:27
savvashexmode: go to your ppa, choose "Copy packages" and point the destination PPA and which mode you want19:27
littlehexmode: This might help https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA19:27
hexmodesavvas: How would I copy them w/o the web interface?19:28
hexmodesavvas: nm... not important19:29
savvashexmode: upload them again :)19:30
savvashexmode: however, you could use the w3m browser for command line19:30
hexmodeok, but... what do I put in dput.cf to upload to the different ppa?19:30
hexmoderight now I have "incoming = ~%(ppa)s/ubuntu"19:30
hexmodeshould I change that, or something else?19:31
savvashere's my ~/.dput.cf file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/175108/19:31
hexmodesavvas: thanks, that gives me a clue19:32
savvashexmode: np, however I still think w3m would save you some time :)19:42
hexmodesavvas: that, and reading over the dput section on that page you linked me to.... been a while since I messed with dput.cf19:42
savvashexmode: that's easy, you just use your username19:43
savvas[myname] = this would be used in the command: dput myname file.changes19:43
savvasthe rest are from https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Uploading :)19:44
james_wsavvas: auto-closing only works for bugs that are against a package, not against the full distribution19:45
hexmodesure, it was the multiple ppa bit I didn't grok.  But thanks for your help.19:45
james_whexmode: you can also do "dput ppa:username/ppaname package.changes", rather than adding a stanza for each PPA you upload to19:47
hexmodeooo! nice19:47
savvasjames_w: thanks :)19:53
satirikhey there20:30
satirikanyone can review my translation file on launchpad here pls ?20:31
savvassatirik: canadian? try asking in #ubuntu-ca :)20:34
satiriknot really canadian but i can try20:35
satirikwhere are the launchpad admin or moderators talking ?20:42
hexmodeany way to grant people on a lp team besides the team creator rights to upload to the PPA?20:51
mneptoksatirik: getting impatient after 11 miutes of waiting is ... well ... hrmf ...20:51
LarstiQhexmode: make the ppa owend by the team?20:52
beunohexmode, everyone that's prt of the team con upload20:52
beunoright, what LarstiQ said20:52
beunosatirik, Kaunchpad devs and admins are travelling20:52
beunomaybe jtv can take care of it20:53
beunobut 48hs wait is about normal20:53
hexmodeLarstiQ, beuno: I am a member of the team, but got a permission denied on upload: https://edge.launchpad.net/~intrahealth+informatics/+archive/ppa/+builds20:54
beunohexmode, you got an email?20:57
* beuno summons cprov 20:57
hexmodebeuno: yes.  "signer has no upload rights at all to this distribution"20:58
noodles775hexmode: are you sure you uploaded it to the ppa and not to the ubuntu distro?20:59
hexmodehrm... lemme double check20:59
beunohexmode, check your .dput.cf21:00
hexmodedoh! you're right21:00
hexmodesorry... trying again21:00
cprovnoodles775 rules soyuz land!21:02
* cprov is packing-distracted21:02
beunocprov, same here  :)21:05
beunoI've got a slightly longer flight though21:05
cprovbeuno: yeah, hurry up! :)21:08
satirikbeuno: it's been 5days actually not 48hours21:13
satirikbeuno: it's no big deal but it would be great if someone could review it :)21:14
beunosatirik, I'll try and poke people tomorrow, but all Canonical is either traveling or in meetings at the moment21:15
beuno(or procrastinating on IRC to avoid packing)21:15
satirikbeuno: ok thank you21:15
maxbI have a variety of different teams created before multiple PPAs were possible21:36
maxbShould I now just create one umbrella team, create lots of PPAs under it, and ask for the old ones to be deleted?21:36
maxbOr is there a nicer way?21:37
SamBmaxb: old teams, or old ppas?21:37
beunomaxb, there's no nicer way21:37
SamBand do the teams have at all different memberships?21:38
maxboops, sorry for accidental caps21:38
SamBwell, I guess you might as well do what you just said, then ...21:38
maxbWhat's the current situation re PPA signing key generation? Do I have to create the "default" PPA called PPA, and upload something to it, before a signing key will be generated?21:39
SamBI thought each PPA got a key ?21:41
kikomaxb, they are generated periodically in a batch job21:42
kikoyou get one key per PPA owner21:42
kikowhich makes the key management simpler21:42
SamBkiko: what was it, every half hour ?21:42
kikoI thought it was every 5 minutes21:42
SamBcould be21:42
SamBI knew it was some even fraction of an hour!21:42
maxbbug 371557 still open, so I guess I do have to put something in the default ppa, even though I don't actually want a default ppa for this team21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371557 in soyuz "PPA signing key generation doesn't work correctly for named-ppas" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37155721:44
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maxbOne of the problems with making primary archive URLs no longer work but instead forward to the distros page, is that it requires some URL-munging ingenuity to copy packages from a primary archive into a PPA23:02
wgrantmaxb: That is a bit of a problem, yes. And Archive:+index can clearly handle an archive full of packages now, so there shouldn't be many tweaks needed to make it work well for PRIMARY and PARTNER archives.23:14
wgrantBut +copy-packages seems to still time out a lot, so maybe linking to it isn't a good idea.23:14
ausimage_ouiI need help mirroring a junk branch of mine to a new project series23:28
maxbHmm. I just got a "different rich-root support" trying to upload a local branch of cdbs to launchpad23:33
ausimage_ouik. I truly do not know how to make it work :/23:33
maxbI think it's because LP chose the wrong branch to stack upon23:34
maxbWhat's the correct syntax to override that?23:34
wgrantmaxb: I'd try --stacked-on=http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~path/to/branch23:35
maxbeven though I'm pushing over ssh?23:35
ausimage_ouihttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ausimage/+junk/PbParser ==> https://edge.launchpad.net/soovee/pbparse-0.9/23:36
ausimage_ouii want the first to show up as a mirrored series in the last23:36
ausimage_ouiand LP is not seeming to cooperate23:36
wgrantausimage_oui: There's already a branch attached to that series...23:36
ausimage_ouican I remove it?23:36
wgrantmaxb: There used to be a bug that LP wouldn't recognise that URL as one of its own branches, but I think that was fixed.23:37
wgrantausimage_oui: Yes, by hitting the delete link at the top of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ausimage/soovee/PbParser23:37
wgrantYou can't easily move that +junk branch to the project now.23:38
ausimage_ouiwhat is the way to do that?23:38
wgrantActually, you might be able to for a few more days, if you turn off the edge redirect.23:38
wgrantBecause on edge, you can no longer change a branch's project.23:39
wgrantTry going to https://launchpad.net/, disable the redirect, and go to https://code.launchpad.net/~ausimage/+junk/PbParser/+edit23:39
wgrantThen you can specify the project.23:39
ausimage_ouicoolness that worked thanks wgrant23:44
wgrantausimage_oui: Then you can set it as the series branch in the usual manner.23:45
ausimage_ouiyup... thanks much :)23:45

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