
* SiDi yawns00:48
SiDiknome: report almost finished :p00:48
SiDiwell, my part of it00:48
SiDii'm at ~35 pages on my own. the guys writing the part of the report for the work they were responsible of wrote ~2 pages each. We gotta print it tomorrow00:49
SiDii hope the teachers will take it easy too00:59
SiDiespecially concerning my own mark :p00:59
phen-eeei'm new to this02:21
phen-eeehow do i upload a theme i've made?02:21
Viper550what kind is it?02:24
phen-eeeit's a tar.gz file, with the gtk and metacity folders02:25
Viper550art.gnone.org or gnome-look?02:25
phen-eeei downloaded the original theme from gnome-look, if i remember correctly02:26
phen-eeeand then modified it02:26
Viper550http://bayimg.com/image/dapfaaabm.jpg I already moved the highlight up a pixel, but anyway02:54
Viper550hey guys03:40
robstathorwil, sorry for the slack, life's been crazy13:45
knomelife? what is that?13:50
robstashould have said "work's been crazy"13:51
thorwilrobsta, oh, hi robsta. i, on the other hand have to look for a new job16:25
robstathorwil: sorry to hear that16:26
thorwilrobsta, it's ok, this job sucked hard, anyway :)16:29
knomethorwil, what did you do then?16:30
thorwilknome, bother entrepreneurs on the telephone16:32
knomeyou should head into doing something artistic.16:32
thorwil=8-[]  really!16:33
knomei suppose that would not be a problem.16:33
thorwilso far you are wrong16:34
knomei'd love to offer you some work to do, but at the moment that is impossible as i have to struggle myself.16:34
thorwila lot of people are struggling, currently16:35
thorwilrobsta, does the current gtk-css-engine work outside the widgetfactory?16:42
robstathorwil: not really16:43
thorwilthese should be up-to-date now: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/GtkCssEngine16:47
* SiDi installs the engine.16:48
SiDilibcroco, huh ?16:49
robstathanks thorwil16:49
thorwilSiDi, that's needed for eating little children16:49
robstaSiDi: you have been warned16:50
SiDiwhere can i get those git repositories ? port closed here :/16:50
robstaSiDi: use git with http16:51
SiDiim on it16:51
SiDiwhich shall i take ? whats the current gnome version ? :/16:51
SiDimaster obviously x_x16:51
SiDitheres no tarball :/16:52
SiDidoes anyone mind hosting some for me please ? :]16:52
robstabecause a tarball of a broken software doesn't make much sense16:53
thorwilkwwii, lets kick coz DS from the list for having no clue about the ubuntu logo and the title/titling fonts ... after hanging on th list for more than long enough! ;)17:13
kwwiithorwil: lol, yeah....just read that17:36
* thorwil -> dinner17:43
=== fabsh_ is now known as fabsh
thorwilgood stuff and someone who listens: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/MeditatingKoala18:37
kwwiireally nice that19:29
kwwiithorwil: who posted that?19:29

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