
lcarsosHi, I'm a total newbie so this is a very elementary question, I have a fresh install of server  on a box sitting not two feet from me. It's set up as a web server, but I'm just using it to teach myself php. Anyway, I can SSH into it, and I can SCP into my user directory, but I can't SCP files into /var/www what am I doing wrong?01:20
sommerlcarsos: does your user have write access to /var/www?  usually /var/www is owned by root01:23
lcarsosI don't believe so, and I can't figure out how to give it write access01:23
sommeryou could change the owner and group to the www-data user (the user apache runs as) then add yourself to the www-data group01:24
sommersudo chown www-data.www-data /var/www; sudo adduser $USER www-data01:24
storrgie1How can I scan for network interfaces in ubuntu server?01:25
sommerlcarsos: the chown command changes file/directory ownership, and the chmod command will change permissions01:25
lcarsosIt says it added me to the group, but /var/www is still owned by root and won't let me copy in01:27
jmarsdenlcarsos: Then the   sudo chown www-data.www-data /var/www    did not work.  Did you get an error from running that command?01:29
lcarsoswere they supposed to be typed in seperately?01:31
lcarsosI'll try that01:31
jmarsdenThe ; should have separated the two commands, but go ahead and try the sudo chown www-data.www-data /var/www01:31
lcarsosI just refreshed WinSCP and it says now that /var/www/ is owned by www-data01:33
lcarsosIt still says permission denied01:33
jmarsdenWhat does   ls -ld /var/www/    display?  And did you close and reopen winscp -- an old connection from it will not realize you are now a member of the www-data group.01:38
lcarsosI closed it down and reopened from the start menu01:39
lcarsosls -ld /var/www says: drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2009-05-17 15:12 /var/www01:40
jmarsdenAh.  sudo chmod g+w /var/www/    so that the group can write to it.01:46
lcarsosCool, thanks so much!01:46
lcarsosjust for my reference does this impact the security of the server?01:47
jmarsdenNo problem.  In a "real" server, you'd not have a single end user be able to write there, you'd give them a virtual web server underneath there, say /var/www/someuser and make that dir owned by and so writeable by someuser...01:47
jmarsdenWell, it means that the current user who can now write to /var/www has the power to wipe out all of the web data on it...01:48
jmarsdenThis isn't what I'd suggest on a production web server, but you are just doing this for learning PHP locally, so it's fine.01:48
lcarsosSo, if this were a production box I would create a subdirectory and give myself ownership of that?01:50
jmarsdenYes, and then set up a virtual host under /etc/apache/sites-available to use that subdir for "your" www domain...01:50
jmarsdenperhaps www.someuser.org  :)01:51
jmarsdenif you were doing this larger scale you'd use another app to manage all of the virtual hosts, creating a web control panel so users could manage their own web site but not mess with other people's...01:51
lcarsosAlright, thanks again.01:52
jmarsdenIf you want to start down that road, check out ebox .  No problem.01:53
wizardslovaki want to open a log01:54
wizardslovakbut log is just tooo long thousands of lines01:55
wizardslovakis there command which will show me just the end of log?01:56
thewrathjryes trying to think abou tit01:58
thewrathjrtail is the command to show the last 1 lines01:58
jmarsdenYou can also use less to view a file and then move to the end with the G command, search for strings with /somestring, and so forth...02:12
wizardslovak"telnet localhost imap" connection refused02:26
wizardslovakdoes anyone knows what could be problem02:26
yann2sudo netstat -l | fgrep imap ?02:28
wizardslovaknothing happens02:29
yann2sudo netstat -l | fgrep 143 ?02:30
yann2are you sure the server is running?02:31
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Sounds like imap is not running on your server, or if it is you forgot to open a hole in the firewall to make it visible?02:31
wizardslovakufw firewall has 143 port open02:31
wizardslovakbut for localhost it shouldnt make difference02:32
ajmitchand which imap server do you have installed?02:32
ajmitchI haven't played with its configuration lately, but have you set it to listen for imap connections?02:32
wizardslovakwhats the command02:34
ajmitchthe configuration file is /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf02:34
ajmitchyou may want to look up info about it on the wiki, I'm not using a standard ubuntu configuration of it, so I can't recall what's on by default02:35
wizardslovaki got listen = *:14302:35
jmarsdenwizardslovak: check the protocols= line; default in Jaunty is none... did you change that?02:36
ajmitchand protocols?02:36
wizardslovaki didnt chanGE no protocols02:36
jmarsdenIf you want some protocols, you need to :)02:37
wizardslovakok so what line am i looking for?02:37
jmarsdenThe one that starts with protocols= :)02:37
wizardslovakok i see imap protocol02:39
wizardslovaki see login_executable, mail_executable02:40
jmarsdenIn the default /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf file, there is a line protocols=none   you can comment that out and replace it with the line above it instead (remove the # from that one)02:41
wizardslovaki have protocols=imap02:43
wizardslovakshould i change it to none?02:44
wizardslovakpastebin from dovecot -n http://pastebin.com/d2ee23ce302:48
jmarsdenline 4 of that pastebin says you do not really have protocols=imap :)02:57
wizardslovakjmarsden: http://pastebin.com/m511ebec602:58
wizardslovakit does02:58
jmarsdenThat looks better.  Now restart dovecot and see what is listening on port 143 and 99303:00
wizardslovakwhats command for liten those ports/.'03:00
jmarsdensudo netstat -ntlp  # will list all listeners on TCP ports03:01
wizardslovaki dont see 143 nor 99303:02
jmarsdenHmmm.  Can you do   egrep -v "^ *#|^$" /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf >/tmp/dovecot-no-comments.conf   # and then post the /tmp/dovecot-no-comments.conf file to pastebin ?03:04
ajmitchdid you restart dovecot?03:04
wizardslovakyes '/etc/init.d/dovecot restart"03:04
jmarsdenWait... do you have a file called /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf ?  It overides dovecot.conf ...03:05
wizardslovakyes i do have postfix03:05
jmarsdenThen look in that one not in dovecont.conf... set the protocols= line in there and restart dovecot.03:06
jmarsdenThis is a new thing in Jaunty...03:06
wizardslovakit works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:08
wizardslovakpeople on dovecot caht couldnt help me for last couple days cause they didnt know03:12
wizardslovakubuntu is the best03:12
wizardslovakone more think03:13
wizardslovakit works but i cant connect/login03:13
jmarsdenHow did you configure it?  (It's been a while since I configured squirrelmail...)03:16
wizardslovakwell i installed it and set it for dovecot imap03:18
wizardslovakand apache03:18
wizardslovakdomain.com/squirrelmail works03:18
wizardslovakbut i cant log in03:18
wizardslovaki am getting this error "03:21
wizardslovakError connecting to IMAP server: tls://localhost.03:21
wizardslovak0 :03:21
jmarsdenThe tls: looks odd...03:22
jmarsdenJust tried it here, sudo apt-get install squirrelmail ; sudo ln -s /etc/squirrelmail/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/squirrelmail.conf ; sudo service apache2 restart03:24
jmarsdenand then I can browse to localhost/squirrelmail and log in as me just fine.03:24
jmarsden(Oh, I did configure it as using dovecot with sudo /usr/sbin/squirrelmail-configure   )03:25
wizardslovakyou login with your username?03:25
jmarsdenYes.  Is your dovecot listening on 993 as well as 143 ?03:25
wizardslovakhow can i check it?03:27
wizardslovakno 993 doesnt conenct03:28
jmarsdenBy default squirrelmail uses 993 (for security)... so that's your issue.03:28
wizardslovaki still can change it in postfix-dovecot.conf right?03:29
jmarsdenYes.  Try setting that protocols line to    protocols = imap pop3 imaps pop3s managesieve     and restart dovecot.03:29
jmarsdenBTW that is the default when I installed dovecot-postfix... so I'm not sure why you are needing to edit that...03:30
wizardslovakjmarsden:  you are genius03:32
wizardslovakit works!!!!03:32
jmarsden:) No, I have just been doing this for a long time :)03:32
wizardslovakok now i got other error03:33
wizardslovaki tried to send message03:33
wizardslovak"error message not sent ,server replied"03:34
jmarsdenThat sounds like you have a messed up postfix configuration, too... but I need to do some other things for the next 2 hours or so... if I am back here (and you are also here) in about 2 hours, ask about it then.03:36
wizardslovakjust for that i will be here03:36
Chriz1212can i ban all people not from russia03:45
steelcityjimI need some help updating my internet connection info in ubuntu server03:47
steelcityjimon the install it automatically configured03:48
steelcityjimI have recently changed and need to update it03:48
steelcityjimcan anyone assist03:48
jmarsdensteelcityjim: I can't stick around and help right now, but did you read the Server Guide?  See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html03:50
steelcityjimyea thats not really helping03:53
jmarsdensteelcityjim: What exactly are you trying to change that is not documented in there?03:57
steelcityjimwell im going from pppoe to dhcp04:04
steelcityjimand changing int providers04:04
jmarsdensteelcityjim: And you hook the server directly to the public Internet -- no router/firewall ?  Should be fine, the server guide has sample configs for DHCP and static IPs ...04:07
steelcityjimnot a static04:08
jmarsdenOK, so use the DHCP example right on the page I pointed you to... ?04:08
jmarsdenTwo lines in /etc/network/interfaces -- did you try that?04:09
steelcityjimok so is it sudo /etc/network/interfaces04:10
steelcityjimthen I enter this into the file?04:11
steelcityjimauto eth004:11
steelcityjimiface eth0 inet dhcp04:11
jmarsdenYou need to use an editor to edit a file... recheck your sudo command :)04:12
steelcityjimok so i need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file?04:13
steelcityjimto include the two lines04:13
jmarsdenYes.  That is what the server guide said, right?04:13
steelcityjimok i can probably get through that04:13
steelcityjimnow I was using no-ip to host my server and my isp blocked it04:14
steelcityjimso I recently switched to comcast04:14
steelcityjimdoes comcast use the 80 port ?04:14
jmarsdenNo idea.  Read your ISP's acceptable use policy to find out what they permit.04:16
steelcityjimI don't believe they care just not sure how to set it up04:17
jmarsdenIf they don't block it and they truly don't mind servers on their home customers setups (most ISPs *do* mind this), then there is nothing to set up... port 80 will "just work".04:18
jmarsdenJust set up whaetver web server you want to run on port 80.04:19
steelcityjimWould that be enabling my personal web page04:23
steelcityjimno thats not it04:24
jmarsdenYou had a web server running on port 80 before, right?  So leave it running :)04:26
tonyyarussoI can save you some time:  Comcast's AUP does not allow running servers on residential plans, but does on business plans (which are way more expensive).  Qwest does allow servers on residential plans.  Verizon FiOS currently does not.04:26
steelcityjimwell my no ip acct terminated because the isp was blocking it04:26
tonyyarussomobi-sheep: although re: the "just work" comment, you will usually need port forwarding on your router at least.04:27
tonyyarussoerrr, jmarsden rather - tab-complete fail.04:28
mobi-sheeptonyyarusso: And you pinged me.  I was watching the anime. :)04:28
steelcityjimso tonyyarusso if I foward the port will it work on comcast?04:28
tonyyarussosteelcityjim: It might work (I don't think they actually block it), but it would violate their terms.04:29
steelcityjimim just using it to do some basic file sharing and a basic web page04:29
steelcityjimmy old provider blocked it04:30
jmarsdenre port forwarding... that means you have a router, so you do not need to change the /etc/network/interfaces ... I though I asked if if you connected the server directly to the public Internet earlier...??04:31
steelcityjimyes I have a router04:32
steelcityjimso If i just enable a new no-ip account it should work with the new isp as previously configured04:32
mobi-sheeptonyyarusso: It's a good Failz.  :) --- steelcityjim:  And I do use occasional server for basic file sharing.  I also have Comcast.  As expected, the hosting is awful slow but nevertheless it still work.  Assuming you did the port forward and use no-ip.  That's about it.   Right.  no-ip account can be updated at interval of your choice.04:33
steelcityjimso as far as the isp change do I need to update anything on my server?04:35
jmarsdensteelcityjim: No.  Just in the router.04:38
steelcityjimok i updated thr router to dhcp an its working04:40
steelcityjimbut i cant ssem to acess my server via the web04:42
steelcityjimI can access the server via my network04:47
wizardslovakdid you open port 22?04:48
jmarsdensteelcityjim: Does the router have an appropriate port forward from port 80 to the server's IP address?04:50
jmarsdenwizardslovak: port 22 is ssh port 80 is web... :)04:51
steelcityjimit should it was previously working04:51
steelcityjim22 and 80 are both enabled in the router04:53
wizardslovakjmarsden: so youre here04:53
jmarsdenI was across the room... working on some hardware stuff (paid consulting...)  I'm half here...04:53
wizardslovaki found what could be problem04:54
wizardslovakbut i still cant find whats wrong with it04:54
wizardslovakits "SASL suthentication mechanisms"04:54
jmarsdeninstalling the dovecot-postfix package *should* set that up for you...04:57
wizardslovakit worked before04:57
wizardslovakdo i have to reinstall it?04:58
TimReichharthi guys I am haivng problems with this code "mysqli_stmt_execute""05:02
steelcityjimyea won't connect via the web05:04
jmarsdenwizardslovak: I doubt it... I'm still kind of busy... give me a bit more time ... my client just called me wanting it "done"... :)05:05
wizardslovaktake your time05:05
jmarsdensteelcityjim: Are you sure you have the port forwarding correct in the router?  ...05:06
steelcityjimexternal port 80 to internal port 7505:07
steelcityjimno-ip acct set up as port 80 redirect05:07
steelcityjimip address is correct on no-ip acct05:07
TimReichhartis there anyway to remove the Suhosin patch?05:08
wizardslovakTimReichhart: what is reason to remove it?05:08
jetoledoes anyone know how to make crontab -e with vim use syntax highlighting in ubuntu server 9.04?05:09
TimReichhartwell I am having a problem with a code that somebody wrote for me and I am getting this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function execute() on a non-object   and I spoke to the person who wrote it and he told me he thinks its that patch is causing that error because the code works fine on his server05:09
steelcityjimdo I possibly need to reboot the server after the ip change?05:12
jetoleTimReichhart: it looks like execute is part of a library that was not linked in to the compile05:12
jetolesteelcityjim: no05:12
jetolesteelcityjim: wait, how did you change the IP?05:12
steelcityjimI got a new provider05:12
TimReichhartso could you tell me how I can fix this library?05:12
steelcityjimI have not changed anything on the server05:13
jetolesteelcityjim: no I mean how did you change the IP on the server?05:13
steelcityjimonly the router05:13
steelcityjimI did not05:13
steelcityjimthats what I think the problem is05:13
jetolesteelcityjim: how do you access the server?05:13
jmarsdensteelcityjim: OK, so check the IP of the server PC and the IP you told the router to forward port 80 to... are they the same?05:13
jetoleactually jmarsden has a point, if you are using NAT then you don't need to change anything05:14
jmarsdenIf not then correct the port forward in your router... :)05:14
oh_noesis it possible for vmbuilder to create a thin vmdk file?05:14
jetoleoh_noes: that doesn't really have anything to do with ubuntu server05:15
jetoleoh_noes: try #vmware05:15
jmarsdenor #ubuntu-virt05:16
oh_noesvmbuilder is ubuntu server, nothing to do with vmware05:16
oh_noeswell definitely not in relation to how vmbuilder creates the vmdk, but thanks yeah already asked in virt05:16
steelcityjimserver ip is correct in router05:16
steelcityjimforwarding port 80 to port 5005:17
TimReichharthey jetole how can I get that library to get install or upgraded05:17
jmarsdensteelcityjim: OK.  and there is a running web server on the server PC, listening on port 75 (since that is what you redirected to, for some reason)05:17
jetoleoh_noes: vmdk file are vmware virtual disks05:18
steelcityjimhow do I know if its listening?05:18
jetoleTimReichhart: ask the developer05:18
jetoleTimReichhart: I have no idea what library it is05:18
jetoleTimReichhart: execute() is not a function I have ever heard of05:19
jmarsdensteelcityjim: Point a browser at it, or telnet to it, or  sudo netstat -ntlp and look for it in the output...05:19
jetoleTimReichhart: exec(), execve(), system() etc are normal C execute functions and part of posix, never heard of execute()05:19
TimReichhartlike I said I already asked the person who wrote the code and he thinks its that patch because he gots the same mysql and apache05:19
TimReichhartbut he is using FC905:20
jetoleTimReichhart: ask him where he got the execute function from05:20
jetoleI don't care if he us using BSD 4.405:20
jetoleask him where the function came from05:21
jetoleor look for it in the header files since the name of the header file might help05:21
jetoleTimReichhart: or just google it05:21
steelcityjimok did the sudo netstat -ntlp05:21
TimReichharthe is a Zend PHP5 Certified Engineer05:21
jetoleTimReichhart: and?05:21
steelcityjimgot 6 different lines05:22
jmarsdensteelcityjim: So... is there an httpd listening on port 75...?05:22
steelcityjimall in the listen state05:22
jetoleTimReichhart: if he is barack obama or linux torvalds that doesn't solve your problem05:22
steelcityjimno 80 and 2205:22
jmarsdenThen why did you redirect port 80 on the router to port 75 on the server??05:22
TimReichharthe is the one who created the code and here is the code what it looks like here is his site:http://white-box.us/manage/index.php    this is what it post to do this guy wrote the code just for me05:23
jetoleTimReichhart: is he dead? why are you not asking him?05:23
steelcityjimwell I had it at 80 originally and was not working so thought I would try another05:23
TimReichhartI been asking him asking about this all day along05:23
jetoleTimReichhart: thats not code, thats a php page, you posted a C or C++ error05:24
steelcityjimso im assuming thats not the problem05:24
TimReichhartand only thing he can think of is that dam patch05:24
jmarsdensteelcityjim: fix the port forward to it forwards port 80 on the outide to port 80 on your server...05:24
jmarsdenDo not guess and port numbers or change them randomly!05:25
wizardslovaki really dont know what happened05:25
jetoleTimReichhart: I hate to sound cruel but you have no idea what caused it so now that we have that clearified stop making that assumption05:25
wizardslovak i checked everything and it seems fime05:25
steelcityjimok fixed in router05:25
wizardslovakstill cant sent mail out nor receive05:25
jetolemakes it harder to solve when you guess what the problem already is05:25
steelcityjimexternal 8005:25
steelcityjiminternal 8005:25
jmarsdenOK.  Now test it from the outside... any better?05:26
TimReichhartdude its working on FC9 with same mysql and apache as I am using its something to do with that patch05:26
steelcityjimno still not finding my page05:26
jmarsdenWhat do you see?  a 404?  Or what?05:26
jetoleTimReichhart: if it's the same mysql and apache you are using then that means you compiled it yourself or he compiled it himself on the same server and all libraries that it links to05:26
steelcityjimno page not found taking me to some lame-delegation domain .com05:27
TimReichhartI mean I got one page is working great05:27
jetoleTimReichhart: I doubt it's even the same versions, I mean so essentially just made a comparison of Windows ME and Windows server 2008 being the same05:27
TimReichhartbut the others is not05:27
jetoleTimReichhart: which program is crashing specifically?05:28
TimReichhartits my index page and edit page05:28
TimReichhartbut my add page works alright05:28
jetoleTimReichhart: no. you posted a C or C++ error05:28
jetoleI recognize the error, it means a function that was properly coded in but relies on an object that was not linked05:29
jmarsdensteelcityjim: if you browse using your public Ip instead of a domain name does it work?05:29
TimReichhartok go to this site: http://white-box.us/manage/index.php  you see its working great on his server but I get the error message of:Call to a member function execute() on a non-object in05:30
TimReichharton my server05:30
wizardslovakjmarsden: http://pastebin.com/m62907dff i think sasl is problem05:31
jetoleon second though that's not quite the error I thought it was05:31
jetoleTimReichhart: what is your site?05:31
TimReichhartalright hold on I have to change something then you will get to see it05:31
jetoleon second though, and I may have been a little too overzealous, that sounds like a php error05:32
steelcityjimyes if I type in the ip address in the browser it comes up05:32
steelcityjimbut won't come up by the name05:33
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Yes, I agree, looks like postfix is not configure correctly for SASL auth (which squirrelmail is trying to use.).05:33
jetoleTimReichhart: also say my handle before every comment, it highlights the line and makes it easier for me to follow your posts05:33
jmarsdensteelcityjim: OK, so go to the no-ip.org web site and manually associate your current public Ip with your domain name :)05:33
jmarsdenThatr is not an issue with your server or your router!05:34
wizardslovaksteelcityjim: i had same problem ,  in your domain name reg you gotta change IP for your domain05:34
steelcityjimit is correct on my no-ip acct05:35
wizardslovakhttp://pastebin.com/m34fb3e8b this is my postfix conf sasl05:36
wizardslovaksteelcityjim: you gotta wait for dns server 20min to 6 hours if i am not mistaken05:36
steelcityjimoh change don't take effect right away05:37
steelcityjimthat had the account flagged for termination because of inactivity05:38
steelcityjimI re-activated it earlier05:38
jmarsdensteelcityjim: what is your domain name?05:38
TimReichhartok jetole go to
jmarsdensteelcityjim: Then if your public IP is you should be fine now.05:39
steelcityjimthats what the ip is now05:39
steelcityjimand thats what shows on my acct05:40
jmarsdenThen try browsing from the outside to http://6burgh.no-ip.org now05:40
jetoleTimReichhart: can you post the code on pastebin.com?05:40
TimReichhartthere jetole http://pastebin.com/m44b3280b05:41
steelcityjimok appears to be working now05:43
jmarsdensteelcityjim: Yes.  Looks like you are all set, I can see your site at http://6burgh.no-ip.org05:43
steelcityjimmaybe it just took some time at no-ip to update05:43
ajmitchTimReichhart: perhaps checking to see what the error is after line 121 would help05:44
TimReichhartalright I will post it again on pastebin05:45
steelcityjimthanks jmarsden05:45
jmarsdenwizardslovak: does    postconf -a   output two lines that say cyrus and dovecot ?05:45
jmarsdensteelcityjim: no problem.05:45
ajmitchwhat I mean is that the $db->prepare() is failing somehow, and it's not checking for what the error is at that point05:45
wizardslovakjmarsden: no only cyrus05:45
TimReichhartthis is the part here it gets the error jetrole http://pastebin.com/m86cd3b05:46
ajmitchyes, I could see that, there's no error checking05:46
wizardslovakjmarsden: in conf i had dovecot so i change it into cyrus , not when i try to send email ill get "05:47
wizardslovakRequested action not taken: mailbox unavailable05:47
wizardslovak550 5.1.1 <test@server1.wizzy.us>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table05:47
wizardslovakand i am sending test main to my gmail abount05:47
jmarsdenwizardslovak: No, don't make random changes...!  You are running dovecot, so setting it to cyrus is by definition incorrect.05:48
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Do postconf -n and pastebin the output please?05:48
TimReichhartso any ideas there jetole05:48
jmarsdenTimReichhart: follow the suggestion of ajmitch -- add some error checking so you can see what the code is doing :)05:49
TimReichharthow would I do that jmarsden05:50
jmarsdenEither learn PHP or ask your programmer to add error checking to his code.05:50
TimReichhartalright I will ask about it05:51
jmarsdenTimReichhart: I can't teach you PHP programming here on IRC :)05:51
TimReichhartalright I will see what the guy will do05:52
TimReichhartbut like he told me its that patch05:53
wizardslovakjmarsden: i think problem might be in smtpd_sasl_path05:53
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Yes... who put that there?  Try      smtpd_sasl_path = private/dovecot-auth05:55
jmarsdenThere are a couple of other things different from the default setup, but I think those are fairly harmless...05:55
jetoleTimReichhart: I was busy doing something else, let me look now05:56
wizardslovakjmarsden: ok so i changed and restarted postfix but still05:56
wizardslovakcant send mail05:56
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Is the error in the maillog the same as before?05:57
wizardslovaksame think05:58
wizardslovak"no sasl authentication mechanism"05:58
jmarsdenHmmm... OK, I'll try it here in a bit.. need to get back to my hardware stuff for a short while first...05:59
jetoleTimReichhart: this code sucks06:02
jetoleTimReichhart: I see no real error checking within the code so far06:02
jetolealthoug I did miss one, there is one error check that I didn't see06:03
TimReichhartwhat is that jetole06:04
jetolewell no, I saw a part at the top where I thought he didn't check the mysqli connect for errors but he used a different method then I use and I was only skimming at first so I missed it06:04
jetolelet me keep reading06:05
jetoleTimReichhart: I just changed the code, try running this (backup the original) and see what happens => http://pastebin.com/m77aa15d906:08
jetoleTimReichhart: That might give you a new which if it does then good however I have other stuff I do have to do now and PHP is not my strong point06:09
wizardslovakdamn this is making me nuts06:14
TimReichhartnow I get this jetole Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /var/www/index.php on line 13906:15
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Hmmm, postfix and dovecot and squirrelmail "just work" for me here on Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04...06:25
wizardslovaki wodder why myne doesnt work06:26
jmarsdenwizardslovak: See http://pastebin.com/m216396f1 and put that into your /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf file (copy the one you have now to some other filename first, just in case!)06:26
TimReichhartalright jetole I tried it on my other server same error06:27
jetoleTimReichhart: actually that last error was a mistake on my part, forgot a closing }06:31
jetoleTimReichhart: http://pastebin.com/m2dfb1f2e06:31
TimReichhartwell now I got a text saying: Prepare error  jetole06:34
jetoleTimReichhart: thats what I thought you would get and he never did a check of prepare so when calling execute based on the prepare statement you get your previous error so execute isn't the problem, prepare is06:36
TimReichhartso what should I tell him06:36
TimReichhartor how can i fix that06:37
TimReichhartthere jetole06:38
jetoleTimReichhart: try this => http://pastebin.com/m6f96962306:38
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Any progress when you use my dovecot-postfix.conf file from the pastebin?06:39
wizardslovakjmarsden: i dont have dovecot-auth06:39
wizardslovakdelete all my and replace with yours06:39
TimReichharttired it jetole still same message as before06:40
jmarsdenWell, renane yours to dovecot-postfix.conf.wizzy and then use mine... that way you still have yours if you need it!06:40
jetoleTimReichhart: not sure why prepare is failing06:41
wizardslovaki did backup but trying to put yours06:41
jetolelet me look into it06:41
wizardslovakgive me a minute06:41
jetoleTimReichhart: http://pastebin.com/m6dbac8fa06:49
wizardslovaknah it wont work06:49
Alex_21Hi, All,06:50
TimReichhartstill getting same error message jetole06:51
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Same error, or a different one?06:51
Alex_21M main server just went down. I can't figure out why I can't SSH into it. I get "Connection to: port 22: Connection Refused"06:51
wizardslovakit didnt want to read conf file at all06:51
Alex_21Please help06:52
jmarsdenwizardslovak:  Are permissions on it the same as the perms on the original one?06:52
jetoleTimReichhart: don't know what to tell you then, prepare is failing and I don't know why and unlike decent programming prepare has no way to tell you what error it is so perhaps uninstall the suhosin patch06:52
Alex_21I lost my DHCP, Media server, AFP Server, ... ETC.06:52
jmarsdenwizardslovak: but you got an error that it can't read the config file?06:53
TimReichharthow do i unstall that jetole?06:53
jetoleTimReichhart: http://www.ambitonline.com/nextrelease/archives/113-How-to-Ubuntu-PHP-Remove-Suhosin.html06:53
wizardslovakgive me sec06:53
jetoleagain, thats all the help I can give, I do have other stuff to do so I hope that helps06:54
Alex_21Does anyone have an idea?06:54
jmarsdenAlex_21: Can you log into your server at its console (from its own keyboard and screen)?06:54
jetoleAlex_21: SSH isn't running06:54
Alex_21That is the problem06:54
jetoleAlex_21: Connection refused means the server is up and the port is closed06:54
Alex_21Neither is HTTP it seems06:55
jetoleso log on to the console and see why06:55
jetolemaybe it's fdsk06:55
jmarsdenWhat do you see on its screen... not over the network, but on a screen connected to the server itself...06:55
Alex_21There is no monitor connected to it physicaly06:55
jetoleAlex_21: it's a disk checking program that runs every so often on boot and delays the start time while it scans your disks06:56
jmarsdenAlex_21: Then add one :)06:56
jetoleAlex_21: Then add one :)06:56
jetolesorry, had to be said twice :P06:56
Alex_21I'm blind :(06:56
jetoleAlex_21: is that a joke?06:56
Alex_21I don't see what difference it is if I have a screen plugged in06:57
jmarsdenCan you attach a screen reader widget to it?  or to its serial port and redirect the console to the serial port?06:57
twbAlex_21: fsck will probably run before brltty is fully initialized06:57
jetoleAlex_21: the difference is you cannot connect to it remotely06:57
Alex_21I can't run a screen reader because serial widgets were out of date in the early nineties06:57
jetoleand if you really are blind then you have my sympathy since I am deaf but without being able to see the console and without being able to connect then you may be blind in more ways then one06:58
jmarsdenAlex_21: You can't get at it over the network, and we don't know why and can't tell you why.  And yes, it's been a while since I helped out a blind friend with his setup...06:58
twbAlex_21: are you using a braille display, a screen reader, or what?06:58
Alex_21Yeah. I have a screen reader on this machine but not on my servers06:58
jetoleAlex_21: can you move it to the server?06:58
Alex_21I use SSH for all of them06:58
Alex_21No, it is a software program not hardware06:59
jetoleAlex_21: well you can't ssh so unless you find a way to "see" the screen then there really is no solution06:59
Alex_21I'm back in06:59
Alex_21I guess it was FSCK06:59
* jetole thinks fsck then06:59
twbAlex_21: OK.  Things you can do are: 1) wait, and hope that fsck finishes and booting continues normally; 2) find a sighted person to connect an LCD to the server and see what's happening; and finally 3) get a braille reader, and set up brltty on all your servers so you can read what's happening next time, by connecting it.06:59
twbNote that braille readers usually support USB as well as the serial port.07:00
Alex_21I know that but I didn't know about BRLTTY07:00
jetoleI hope I never lose my sight, no offense but I am already deaf so if I went blind I would be fscked07:00
twbIf you're permanently blind, setting up all your machines for braille (and buying a braille display) is definitely worth it.07:00
twbAssuming you can read braille, of course...07:01
Alex_21$800 for one display just so you know07:01
twbYeah, I know07:01
jetoleAlex_21: how do you know whats on the screen without some sort of device?07:02
Alex_21So luckily I have one but options are limited. I'll for sure look into it07:02
twbThere's some cool recent research that will eventually make them cheaper, by using a rotating drum07:02
twbjetole: he uses ssh and a screen reader on the ssh client end, e.g. JAWS07:02
jetolewhat is a screen reader?07:02
Alex_21Not JAWS. Ick, ... No. Voiceover07:02
twbjetole: it's a program that turns text on your screen into speech.07:02
Alex_21Voiceover is a software application that runs on My Mac and allows me to read what is on-screen07:03
twbGNOME has one, too, but I forget its name.07:03
twbJAWS is the ridiculously expensive one that all the Windows people use07:03
Alex_21Orca. It is ok for most things except administration under Ubuntu07:03
twbAlex_21: yeah07:03
Alex_21TWB: JAWS and Window-Eyes are the expensive ones. Voiceover is free, built into OSX and actually works the way that sighted see the screen.07:04
twbAlex_21: granted.07:04
Alex_21Voiceover allows me and my sighted coligues work in the same way07:04
Alex_21I Wish ORCA worked that way or some Linux one worked like Voiceover07:05
twbAlex_21: patches welcome!07:05
Alex_21I'm forced to use Orca in my Lab07:05
Alex_21TWB: Lol. I am developing my own for ICEWM because ICEWM is light weight07:06
Alex_21But if there is a patch I can make be sure I will be the first to submit one07:06
Alex_21TWB: ARe you blind yourself?07:06
benkant_when i use touch to create a new file it's always, i want it to be group writable... what that umask thing again?07:06
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benkantsorry that made no sense07:07
twbAlex_21: no, but I am an ornery bastard and I usually use visual impairment as an excuse to yell at stupid web devs07:07
twb"Your site doesn't work in w3m!  If I was visually impaired, I wouldn't be able to use it!"07:07
Alex_21I do that all the time07:07
Alex_21Web Devs can be stupid07:07
Alex_21Flash is inaccessible in all but JAWS and Window-eyes07:08
twbI tried to learn emacspeak, but its code is horrible and I couldn't make it use festival/mbrola instead of flite.07:08
jmarsdenbenkant: Maybe you want to do    umask 207:08
Alex_21Because Adobe is rediculous07:08
twbAnd I haven't gotten around to buying a hardware synth and braille reader (because they're expensive).07:08
Alex_21Get a software Synth07:09
twbAlex_21: I'm using software synths.07:09
Alex_21Cepstral or something make a High-Quality one for Linux for $3007:09
twbAlex_21: but I won't use a proprietary synth.07:09
Alex_21I worked on eSpeak and actually still head one of the projects at eSpeak07:10
Alex_21I can't say it is the best voice, but it is what we use for Kurdish in our Planned Labs07:10
Alex_21It is better than Microsoft Sam though :)07:10
twbI wouldn't know, I don't use Microsoft stuff.07:11
Alex_21Ubuntu/Edubuntu is what we use in our Planned Labs07:11
Alex_21I remember the days of Microsoft Sam *Alex Shudders*07:11
jmarsdenwizardslovak: What exact error are you seeing when you try to use my dovecot-postfix.conf file?07:11
Alex_21Mac OSX is by far the best for accessibility07:11
Alex_21TWM: Good on you for hounding Web Devs07:12
Alex_21TWM: You should join my team of people who do the same thing and make the changes on many sites07:12
Alex_21Or at least try to07:12
Alex_21Lol :)07:13
jetoleAlex_21: what do you do for a living?07:20
benkanthow do i make any new file i touch be owned by a group other than my own user's ?07:20
jetolebenkant: change the group after you touch it07:21
jetolechgrp command07:21
benkantis that the only way?07:21
Alex_21I work with an advocacy organization I cofounded and I also am a student07:22
jetolebenkant: why do you need another way?07:22
Alex_21Lol: And I am involved with a lot of Open-Source07:22
jetoleAlex_21: Ah. I was hoping you were gonna say programmer and I was gonna say why don't you write a program like voiceover but guess not07:22
benkantjetole: just that everytime i create a new file i need other users in my group to be able to write to it... and i create a lot of files, and don't want to have to chgrp every time07:23
Alex_21Write a script maybe?07:23
jetoleit's created with your primary group so change your primary group or create a cronjob to keep them all up to date07:23
benkantyeah primary group is what i was thinking07:23
Alex_21Well, I am, but it is going to be written for the Android PHones07:24
jetoleAlex_21: well you were just saying you wish there was something like that for windows and linux and I was thinking if all the blind people wanted it then it would be a good way to make money or you could just do it open source if you prefered but if you don't program then not much you can do about it07:24
jetoleAlex_21: cool07:24
jetoleOnly thing I can think of to make being deaf better is under testing in two universities right now and 2 - 4 years from hitting the market so unless I get an MD and a doctorate in ICs then I can't think of anything else07:26
* jetole shrugs07:26
Alex_21Well, I plan to move into the desktop soon07:26
jetoleAlex_21: how did you lose your sight anyways07:26
Alex_21Desktop market07:26
Alex_21Genetic condition07:26
Alex_21I have less than 5% and it is progressive though it has been stabel for some years now07:27
jetoleI got t-boned by a drunk driver and wound up in a 3 week coma and lost my hearing07:27
Alex_21Oh, ... No!07:27
Alex_21That sucks07:28
jetoleI lost all hearing but got a cochlear implant which allows me to hear when I wear the hearing aid looking peice but it's muffled at best07:28
jetoleusually I understand 1/10 sentances the first time I hear it and 3/10 I just can't understand no matter how many times it's said or how slow07:28
jetolewell I am at the office so stepping outside for a smoke, bbiab07:29
jetoleactually, closing IRC07:37
jetoleneed to focus on work07:37
Alex_21Good idea07:37
Alex_21Thanks for your help07:38
Alex_21Good night07:38
twbThe smallest resolution braille display; they want nearly four grand for.07:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #370464 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 139" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37046407:41
jetoledoes anyone know why I would suddenly start getting an error of "no route to host" for all hosts on my network however the gateway seems to be working fine on this same subnet and I can connect to the rest of the net fine08:31
jetolethis host is also a ids/firewall that uses eth0/eth1 as a bridge and continues to work for accessing all hosts on that network from computers outside of the net and has been setup like this for about 18 moths now08:32
jetoleAh screw it. I'm driving to the data center to route a wire around the machine and then rebooting it and hoping that helps08:45
jetolethat helped :D09:11
isaacjetole: :D09:12
jetoleisaac: :D09:12
jetoleon another note I switched from mutt back to thunderbird after using mutt for 6 months and I am still used to :x at the end of each e-mail message09:13
twbWhat does :x do?09:14
jetoleever used vim?09:14
twbNo, only ed and vi.09:14
henkjanjetole: why did you downgrade to thunderbird?09:14
jetolevi = vim... sorta09:14
twbvim is for little girls09:14
jetolehenkjan: html, mark folders as read, etc09:14
twbed is a MAN'S editor09:15
jetoleI did an html wrapper for mutt but for some messages it just wasn't the same09:15
twbjetole: you need to fix your customers so they don't send you HTML email09:15
jetoletwb: guess you don't use ubuntu then since you can't install vi, only a symlink to vim :P09:15
henkjanindeed, no trouble with htmlmail overhere :)09:15
twbjetole: you can install nvi and busybox vi.09:15
jetoleanyways, :x on vi(m) is close message and save if you made changes09:15
jetoletwb: didn't know that09:16
twbjetole: vi is only a symlink to vim on YOUR system because you have vim installed.09:16
jetole:x on vi is the same as :w :q09:16
jetoletwb: vim comes installed09:16
twbjetole: depending on how you install Ubuntu, sure.09:16
jetolehow do you install ubuntu?09:16
twbvia netinst.09:16
* jetole shrugs09:18
jetoleis that part of an IPX setup?09:19
jetoleer, not ipx09:19
jetoleor is it, the protocol that allows you to netboot from POST?09:19
jetolepost POST09:19
twbYou can netboot from the PXE ROM stored on your NIC, if your NIC has one.09:20
jetolePXE, thats the protocol I was thinking of09:21
jetoleso do you use netinst as part of some PXE install system you have setup09:21
twbnetinst is just a kernel and ramdisk that you load via a PXE bootloader.09:22
twbThat ramdisk contains d-i and network drivers.  The rest of the installer is anna-installed.09:22
twbIt's basically the same code as on mini.iso09:22
jetolehaven't heard of it09:23
jetolejust found the page for it09:23
twbe.g. http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/09:24
jetoleI was looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:25
frojndHello there10:19
frojndYesterday I couldn't see mydomain.net/phpmyadmin, I did restart /etc/init.d/apache2 restart just to see what's going on, maybe apache2 doesn't allow something: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName httpd (pid 11643?) not running10:21
frojnd   ...done.10:21
frojndIs this cosing the phpmyadmin not to show when I go to mydomain.net/phpmyadmin?10:22
Kamping_Kaiserlamont, are you the bind9 maintainer?11:25
jpdsWhoops, sorry about that.11:46
sluimersHi, I've got problems connecting to my mail accounts using squirrelmail and receiving e-mails.11:50
macnosluimers: which imap server do you use?11:55
macnosluimers: do you have also pop enable?11:57
sluimersSquirrelMail version 1.4.15, postfix 2.5.5, courier 0.60, ermm... I wouldn't know, I'm a newbie at this. How can I see if it is enabled?11:59
sluimersenabled where?11:59
sluimersI installed courier-pop11:59
macnoslide: telnet localhost 11011:59
macnoslide: sorry sluimers:  telnet localhost 11012:01
sluimersHello there12:03
sluimersthat works :)12:04
sluimers+OK Hello there.12:04
macnosluimers: ok, now try to login via pop to see the mailbox12:05
sluimershow would I login via pop?12:06
macnosluimers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/174860/12:09
sluimerslogins fail12:13
sluimers-ERR Login failed.12:18
lamontKamping_Kaiser: yes12:31
Kamping_Kaiserlamont, wow... i didnt realise :/12:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #377913 in bacula (universe) "package bacula-director-mysql 2.4.4-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37791312:36
tadeu_guys, i just installed a LTS but the server has no window manager, but i want gnome in clients. What i have to do? chroot to /opt/ltsp/ and install gnome ?12:45
_dthacker_tadeu_: yes you will need to pull in gnome.  No x-windows managers by default.12:56
tadeu__dthacker_, well, any idea how to install a "minimal" gnome environment ?12:58
tadeu_"apt-get install x-window-system-core xserver-xorg gnome-desktop-environment" will download 238MB =s12:58
_dthacker_no, sorry.  don't run x-windows on servers in my environment.12:58
yann2_dthacker_ > installing it doesnt mean it is actually running.13:11
_dthacker_agreed.  I do not install x windows on servers in my environment.13:12
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j0nrhi all. I recently acquired a VPS running Ubuntu 8.04. When I ssh into the server, the very first thing I noticed is that I cannot use the tab key very well to auto-complete things...for example, 'apt-g'+tab will complete 'apt-get', then followed by 'in'+tab would usually fill in the command 'install' but it isn't and if i just type it in , whats worse is not being able to then use tab completion to find packages...13:43
dguitarj0nr, apt-cache search13:45
dguitaryou sure it's not a Debian VPS?13:45
j0nrdguitar: shouldn't be, I have just rebuilt it again definately selecting ubuntu13:46
sluimersHi, I've got problems trying to setup a mail server. I'm trying to look at my mail accounts using squirrelmail, but instead I get an error -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/174853/. My e-mails seem to end up in /var/mail/vmail. I don't know if that's good thing. I use SquirrelMail 1.4.15, postfix 2.5.5, courier 0.60, mysql, phpmyadmin and ispconfig 3.13:46
stickystyleI can't recall if 8.04 did the package completion.  But if its a VPS the person may have installed JeOS and you may not have the bash-completion package13:47
dguitarVPS owners tend to do funky things also...13:48
dguitarApt-cache is the best way around this.13:48
DavieyIt's often for VPS's not to be the "real deal".. if you check out #centos, they won't support people on VPS's for this reason.13:49
DavieyExcept they are just unhelpful :(13:49
j0nris it because i am root13:49
dguitarj0nr, I believe you are correct.13:50
dguitarsu - gives me no tab completion in apt-get13:50
j0nraha i have it sorted13:52
j0nrvia: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=2664813:53
j0nrthats better :)13:53
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a_okwhat is the difference between -386 and -generic kernel? (besides that -generic boots and -386 does not)14:28
ballhello a_ok14:29
joe-macis there anyone at all who can possibly help me to get preseeding partman-auto-raid to work in 8.04 LTS? i'm not a noob, but I can't for the life of me get this to work. it's been months of trying and putting it away and going back and now i really kinda need it.14:42
joe-macanybody? http://www.pastie.org/481529 thjere is my preseed. funny thing is debconf-set-selections -c on it fails at line 66 and 67 (the partman-auto-raid recipe), however if i put it all on one line it parses. then when i get to thei nstall debian-installer complains my preseed is corrupt14:52
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fevelmy syslogd restarted at 7:21 brazillian time... how can I check logs before syslogd restarted?15:06
fevelfound it15:07
godsynplease assist. My google-fu is weak. Looking on how to format a new disk. (ext3, mount, etc)15:14
joe-macgodsyn: http://www.skullbox.net/newsda.php15:18
joe-mac"adding a new hard disk to linux" has 9 million results15:18
joe-maci find it hard to belive you googled at all15:18
godsynok.. how can I tell what drive is what? I'd hate to format /dev/hdc and later realize it is my root partition.15:18
joe-macgodsyn: ah, now that's a better question, type fdisk -ls to list all your drives15:19
joe-macyou should be able to deduce which is the drive you want to format, if not, take a look at the output of 'mount' which will tell you waht current drives you have mounted. from there, you can rule out that drive as a contender for getting formatted15:20
godsynexactly what I needed. Thank you joe-mac.15:20
godsynyay, question after question.. I'll try googleing 1st.. (partition)15:23
godsynone more question.. your opinion on ext4. Is it too new? or stable enough for a home server..15:32
ballI'm running it.15:32
ballIt's not given me any grief, but ymmv15:33
joe-maci will probably migrate to it in a few motnhs, since performance on my crappy consumer pc at home is god awful and i'm hoping i can get some better io with ext415:33
godsynreformatting to ext4, then :)15:34
godsynwell... after the 1tb format of ext3 finishes.. Thanks again for the hand holding.15:36
joe-macnp, i would be careful to backup my data though sicne ext4 is pretty new15:36
godsynnoted. ciao.15:37
balljoe-mac: you might boost your performance by adding a second hard disk.15:37
ball...or just buying a single faster one.15:37
joe-macball: my speeds are even low going to an external raid5 volume through sata. the machine just sucks.15:38
joe-maci'm ditching it for an ultra 45 once i am caught up on some bills15:38
balljoe-mac: RAID5 may be slower than RAID115:41
balljoe-mac: how is it connected?15:41
joe-macsata. and how would raid5 ever be slower than raid115:41
balljoe-mac: Perhaps I should have said RAID 1+015:43
joe-macwell, barring hardware differences i meant. yea.15:43
oruworkcan someone recommend a web based project management software ?15:43
joe-macoruwork: a lot of people use trac.15:43
joe-macidk if i'd 'recommend' it though lol15:44
oruworki need a task management tool for our small organization15:44
oruworkto assign to tech and sales guys.15:44
joe-mactghere's also jira, the devs here use that15:45
yann2you still can use launchpad, there is also redmine15:50
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rkitecti have a quick Ubuntu Server 9.04 install question if someone has a sec17:55
rkitectwhen the install hits CD Drive detection phase, it can not detect the cd drive, yet it's loading the setup from the cd drive.  Any ideas as to what the mishap is here?17:57
W8TAHhi folks -- on last friday i had a hard drive that is part of a lvm fail.  One of the members of the room helped me make a copy of the data from the lvm group using dd  the command was  (i think) dd if=/dev/sda conv=noerror,sync |gzip -9 >/media/photos/sda.dd  i did that, then repaired the server (new drive) rebuilt it -- installed a raid this time, and configured...18:03
W8TAHnow im moving the data back, i tried just unzipping the file, but it doesent seem to be working as i expected18:03
oruworkcan someone recommend a web based project management software ?18:03
W8TAHso what should i be doing18:03
oruworkfor a small organization to assign tasks and their priority and dead lines to our tech and sales guys18:03
phaidrosoruwork: 3 things. 1. trac is python, good community, lots of plugins http://trac-edgewall.org18:05
phaidrosoruwork: 2. redmine, is rails, multiproject, looks pretty complete though, but .. rails .. http://redmine.org18:05
phaidrosoruwork: 3. drproject is a 'fork' of trac+tracforge, just got moved to django, might be worth a look http://drproject.org18:06
phaidrosall those have tickets, sourcecode viewer for different repository types, gantt charts, timelines, roadmaps, milestones ..18:06
phaidros.. if that was what you were looking for ..18:07
oruworkphaidros-> i apreciate your advice18:07
phaidrosoruwork: I was just researching alot about all three, which to choose :)18:07
rkitectany advice on cdrom not being detected during ubuntu server isntall?18:07
rkitectfrom a cd18:08
oruworkis track a wiki like software ?18:08
phaidrosoruwork: trac has also a wiki part. but it is *lot* more18:08
oruworki need to set up a easy to use task management tool to use within my 9 people organization, easy to use meaning none-tech guys should be able to use it with ease18:08
phaidrostasks can be anything, tickets for example. tickets are usually parts of milestones & components, so you can see how many open and such ..18:09
phaidrosso, trac would be a do-it-yourself thing, brilliant lot of plugins, just take what you need. the basic trac is very useful for start, though18:10
phaidrosthere are webbased groupwares out there, never used one which I liked.18:11
phaidrosthere might be some thing out there, what one can call project management software. but that's a broad term, and I for myself like the trac thing (or alike).18:11
criminy|wI'm reading the LDAP section on the ubuntu 8.04 server guide. It talks about Push and Pull LDAP configurations. Can this be done over SSH without a manually run SSH tunnel?18:12
criminy|wI've got machines inside of networks I don't run myself, so I can't get 389 (or more likley the SSL ldap port 636) open. It was hard enough just getting the ports we have now.18:15
W8TAHhi folks -- on last friday i had a hard drive that is part of a lvm fail.  One of the members of the room helped me make a copy of the data from the lvm group using dd  the command was  (i think) dd if=/dev/sda conv=noerror,sync |gzip -9 >/media/photos/sda.dd  i did that, then repaired the server (new drive) rebuilt it -- installed a raid this time, and configured...18:17
W8TAHnow im moving the data back, i tried just unzipping the file, but it doesent seem to be working as i expected18:17
W8TAHso what should i be doing18:17
oruworkphaidros-> trac looks a little too much and too complicated of what i'm looking for18:18
rkitectwhere can i find error code listings for ubuntu server?18:18
rkitectalso, any advice on cdrom not being detected during ubuntu server isntall?18:19
phaidrosW8TAH: you should unzip the data and pipe that into dd, which is writing it onto a partition or lvm ..18:19
W8TAHOHHHH -- ok - -im currently unzipping -- so its gonna be in a dd file of some sort?18:20
W8TAHso id use dd of=/sda.dd18:20
W8TAHof some sort?18:20
oruworkphaidros-> looking for something like this http://www.workzone.com/images/PT-advanced-1005.gif18:22
rkitectany advice on cdrom not being detected during ubuntu server isntall?18:23
=== hessml|away is now known as hessml|away|away
yeasonquestion... what do you guys use/recommend for an irc server. I tried ircd-hybrid which worked, but I'm wondering if there's anything better?18:37
W8TAHyeason: im using charybis and atheme -- works great -- good support -18:39
yeasonW8TAH: cool, I'll look into those, thanks18:40
PhotoJimyeason: I use ircd-ircu because that's what the other servers on my network use, but it has some issues right now on Debian and Ubuntu.18:41
PhotoJimI filed a bug report, which is being ignored :)18:41
yeasonW8TAH, is charybdis in the repos...? I'm not finding it18:43
phaidrosyeason: I always liked ngircd18:50
yeasonI'm basically looking for something fairly simple and easy to setup, this irc server will probably not be under much load, and thanks to those of you who have already given some ideas18:54
cemcyeason: I'm using unrealircd18:55
W8TAHyeason: no - -you have to set it up from source (its easy)18:58
rkitectany advice on cdrom not being detected during ubuntu server isntall?18:58
W8TAHcheck and make sure its plugged in, connected etc18:58
W8TAHtry a diff cdrom drive in case the one you have is bad18:59
PhotoJimdrive not detected, or media not detected?18:59
rkitectdrive no detected, but it's loading the setup from the drive it's not able to detect19:00
W8TAHive got the contents of a drive that i backed up using dd  and gzip -- need some help with the command syntax to get it back19:00
rkitectbios is detecting the drive fine, just the ubuntu instal that can't detect it or load correct modules for it19:00
yeasonW8TAH: I kind of thought that... after some googling, but the home page is not loading19:07
stefgWhat do you guys think about running a firewall distro inside a VirtualBox machine on a fileserver? I'd like to get rid of the old boxes running endian and consider setting up ebox and put the firewall/gateway/proxy into a virtual machine instead of a separate box. Insecure? Broken thinking? Or green IT (by having 2 boxes less to run) ?19:08
W8TAHcheck that out19:09
W8TAHi copied a drive with dd piping it to gzip -- im having problems reversing the process -- can someone please help19:09
jmedinastefg: I run firewall/router inside virtualmachine usin Xen19:10
jmedinaI think it is the same in vbox19:10
stefgjmedina: i was looking at that, too. But xen ruled itself out by the 'old-kernel-issue' and (more important) by having a co-admin which is quite clueless on the cli ... a Gui would come in handy19:12
yeasonW8TAH: that is the page that wont load for me... I'm not sure why19:12
W8TAHtry #charybdis on irc.staticbox.org19:12
yeasonthanks, I'm trying out a few of the other suggestions, if they don't pan out I'll give that a look19:14
W8TAHi copied a drive with dd piping it to gzip -- im having problems reversing the process -- can someone please help19:25
ivokszcat file | dd19:25
W8TAHivoks: that sent it to the console window -- i need to write the files to my hdd19:28
W8TAHi tried zcat file |dd of=/dev/md1 and it says permission denied19:28
ivokszcat cat gziped file19:28
ivoksare you root?19:28
W8TAHi tried zcat file |dd /data and it complained that that was a directory19:29
ivokszcat file | dd of=device should work19:29
W8TAHthats what i would have thought too --19:30
W8TAHis it possibly a problem that the gzipped file is on that partition already?19:30
W8TAHoh -- ok -- i'll put it back on a portable then19:31
ivoksyou can dd only too unmounted device19:31
W8TAHohhhhh - so i'll need to boot to a live cd to take care of this then?19:31
W8TAHsince the os is also on that raid19:31
ivokswell, think for a minute19:31
ivoksdd is a raw copy of device19:31
W8TAHohh -- ok - -i didnt know that19:32
ivoksit will replace everything on your disk19:32
ivokseven the partition sizes19:32
ivoksand types19:32
W8TAHnot at all what i wanted to have happen19:32
ivoksyou can do something else19:33
ivoksyou could gunzip the file19:33
* W8TAH is all ears19:33
ivoksand mount it19:33
W8TAHmount the file?19:33
ivoksand then copy files to partition19:33
ivoksmount -o loop file /mnt/dir19:33
W8TAHand can it be on the raid or should it be on a portable drive to do that?19:33
ivoksit can be on raid19:34
ivoksdid you dd partition or the disk?19:34
W8TAHat the time it was a disk (part of a lvm that corrupted itself)19:34
W8TAHive replaced the bad disk19:34
W8TAHand built it in a raid 1 this time19:34
W8TAHand im trying to restore the data19:35
W8TAH(i had a backup system failure at the same time)19:35
ivoksso you dd if=/dev/sda19:35
ivoksnot if=/dev/sdaX19:35
ivoksdd isn't for backup19:36
ivoksdd is raw copy19:36
ivoksthat's not backup19:36
W8TAHdd if=/dev/sda conv=noerror,sync |gzip -9 >/media/photos/sda.dd19:36
ivokswhy not tar contents of the disk? cccc19:36
W8TAHya -- i know its not - -my backup (tape drive) failed at the same time -- thats why im not just restoringing from tape19:36
ivoksdd is for bare metal recovery19:36
W8TAHsomeone here pointed me in that direction19:37
W8TAHthe drive was failing badly with read errors all over the place19:37
ivoksdid you gunzip it?19:38
W8TAHjust getting ready to start now -- its 40 gb19:38
ivoksyou'll have to find partitions in the image first19:39
ivoksfdisk -u -l dd_image19:39
W8TAHbefore i mount it?19:39
ivoksyou can't mount disk, only partitions19:39
ivokswhen you get to that part, ping me19:40
W8TAHits a machine full of our students home directories -- i just sent out a message to see if any teachers have students with anything critical on that drive -- ive spent 2 full days and parts of 2 more working on this -- and im beginning to wonder about the expendature of time19:43
ivoksdon't worry19:43
ivoksif data is safe in that image, you'll recover it19:44
W8TAHok - -cool19:44
joe-macanybody around who has actually got partman-auto-raid going with 8.04? i have a preseed that looks like it should work, but it doesn't19:52
ivoksW8TAH: how's it going?19:56
W8TAHbout half done unpacking19:59
yeasondoes ngircd have a nickserv or is that what atheme-services is for?20:14
W8TAHthat would be what services are for20:14
yeasonhmm... fun times... *looks for man page...*20:14
yeasonthanks again20:15
yeasonfunny how a simple idea of starting your own server turns into a full time project20:15
W8TAHya -- it took quite a bit of work, but mine is up --20:15
W8TAHivoks: ive gotta go do bus dismissal duty back in 15 mins or so20:21
ivokswell, it's 9:20pm here20:21
ivoksso, don't expect me to be here for long :)20:21
nat2610if in a firewall rule I don't specify a a port, will it grant that rule to all the ports (iptables)20:21
RoAkSoAxivoks, heya master how's it going...?20:24
ivoksRoAkSoAx: good, how about you?20:24
ivoksRoAkSoAx: did you solve ftbs?20:24
RoAkSoAxivoks, busy as hell... when do you a little time to work on FTBS?20:24
ivoksnot today :/20:25
RoAkSoAxivoks, nah I've been busy with work, some paperwork, and other personal stuff20:25
ivokssorry, i have lots of work to do20:25
RoAkSoAxivoks, yeah, me too, that's why i was asking when do you have a little time?20:25
ivoksat this time20:26
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok, awesome20:26
ivoksor later20:26
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok i'll be around :)20:27
wizardslovakjmarsden: well i didnt install clean 9.04 i upgraded to it , so it might not work lol20:35
W8TAHivoks: still around?20:52
ivoksW8TAH: yes20:55
W8TAHcool - ok its done extracting - -im getting ready to mount it20:55
W8TAHi did the fdisk thing and i see the partitions20:55
ivoksnice, paste the output on paste.ubuntu.com20:56
W8TAHok -- hang on -- im working between 3 computers here --20:56
W8TAHthere ya go20:57
W8TAHuh oh20:58
ivokshard to read20:58
W8TAHoh -- want me to try another pastebin?20:59
ivoksso, which partition do you want to mount?20:59
W8TAHthe lvm partition20:59
ivoksdo this:20:59
ivoksmount -o loop,offset=21494970 -t auto image_filename /mnt/dir21:00
ajmitchif it's really LVM, wouldn't it make sense to activate the volume in it?21:01
W8TAHsays i need to specify the filesystem time21:02
W8TAHerrr type21:02
ivoksajmitch: :)21:02
ivoksbut... how?21:02
ivokshm hm21:03
ajmitchcreate a loop device from it, pvscan, vgscan, etc?21:03
ajmitchit's been too long since I did it though :)21:03
ivoksloop device from part of the image21:03
ajmitchcreating a loop device would be done with losetup --offset (I think)21:03
ajmitchor... I could be completely wrong21:03
ivoksthere's kpartx21:04
ajmitchI only did this a couple of years ago with an image from a dying drive21:04
* ajmitch is also horribly lagged on IRC trying to dput a package21:04
ivoksW8TAH: apt-get install kpartx21:04
ivokslosetup -f dd_image21:06
ivokslosetup -a21:06
ivoks/dev/loopX - X is ...?21:06
W8TAHone slash -- sorry21:07
ivokskpartx -a -v /dev/loop021:07
W8TAHtholmes@srvfs-02:/data$ sudo kpartx -a -v /dev/loop021:08
W8TAH/proc/misc: No entry for device-mapper found21:08
W8TAHIs device-mapper driver missing from kernel?21:08
W8TAHFailure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver.21:08
W8TAH/proc/misc: No entry for device-mapper found21:08
W8TAHIs device-mapper driver missing from kernel?21:08
W8TAHFailure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver.21:08
ivoksdon't paste here21:08
W8TAHIncompatible libdevmapper 1.02.20 (2007-06-15)(compat) and kernel driver21:08
W8TAHdevice mapper prerequisites not met21:08
ivoksyou should load device-mapper module21:08
ivoksmodprobe dm-mode21:09
ivoksmodprobe dm-mod21:09
W8TAHok - got some adds21:10
ivokskpartx finished?21:10
ivoksgo to /dev/mapper21:10
ivoksther should be loop0p1 p2 and p321:10
W8TAHcontrol loop0p1 and loop0p221:11
ivoksright, two21:11
W8TAHdevice-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argument21:11
W8TAHshowed up during the kpartx run21:11
ivoksvgchange -a -y21:11
W8TAHnot installed -- do i want to install lvm2?21:12
W8TAH(im guessing yes)21:12
yeasonI'm playing with ngircd, does somebody know of an irc services package that works with it...?21:12
W8TAHthe vgchange command choked -- invalid arguement -y21:13
W8TAHerror during parsing end of command line21:13
W8TAHno volume groups found21:13
ivoksvgchange a y21:14
ivoksrun kpartx again21:14
W8TAHsame command?21:14
W8TAHdone -- still got the reload ioctl failed result21:15
ivokscould you paste the output of kpartx on paste.ubuntu.com?21:15
W8TAHthere ya go21:16
ivoksthen, there are three, not two21:17
W8TAHya --but only 2 show up in /dev/mapper21:17
W8TAHthe unzip option gave an unexpected end of file -- might that be the issue?21:18
ivokshopefully not21:18
ivoksvgchange -a y21:18
W8TAHno volume group found21:19
W8TAHive another file but its 120gb so i was messing with this one first -- as its smaller21:19
W8TAHfar as i know that one is ok21:19
ivoks120gb of gziped data?21:19
ivoksis your new disk bigger than the old one?21:20
W8TAHin the old system, there were 2 250 gb hdd in a lvm configuration -- in the new system, there are 2 250gb disks in a raid 121:21
ivokssince dd is a disk image, extractd it's size is size of the disk21:21
W8TAHoh gag21:21
ivokshow come you managed to reduce it to 40GB?21:21
W8TAHthats the other disk -- we are working on the image of sda the large one is sdb21:22
W8TAHim guessing wondering / guessing that either it was so corrupted that it didnt get it all -- or possibly the portable i was extracting to filled up21:22
ivoksfind /dev -name loop0p321:22
ivoksso, it knows about partitions, but can't access them21:23
W8TAHim starting to get the feeling that that image is hozed21:23
ivokscould be21:23
W8TAHdd could be used as a linux equivalent of ghost couldnt it21:24
ivoksthat's the disk with bad sectors?21:24
W8TAHb had the bad sectors yes21:24
ivoksdd is exactly that21:24
ivoksi'm out of ideas21:25
Mick27hi eveeryone21:25
W8TAHi didnt realize that dd was making a copy of the entire disk -- id have handled things differenty :(21:25
Mick27anyone playing with vmbuilder those days ?21:26
ivoksW8TAH: eh...21:27
W8TAHwell.... from what the faculty has told me -- only one student has a critical project on it -- i talked to that teacher and she can grade it another way if necessary21:27
W8TAHim beginning to think that just scrapping and picking up with life might be the best way to go21:28
W8TAHand making darn sure the backup system is working right :D21:28
W8TAH(which it is now)21:28
ivokssorry, but kernel can't read that partition21:28
W8TAHya - i understnad21:29
W8TAHits ok -- i appreciate all the help21:29
W8TAHive learned a lot21:29
ivokstoo bad you can't use new knowledge for this problem :/21:30
W8TAHya -- however i am using some to prevent it from happening again -- my new servers will be getting raids across the board - -then i'll be going back and where possible installing raids on existing ones21:30
ivoksnote: raid is not backup21:31
W8TAHi know this21:31
W8TAHbut in this case -- it would have saved my butt21:31
ivoksraid saves the day for most hardware disk failures21:31
W8TAHyup -21:31
W8TAHa combination of that and a valid backup would have made a huge difference21:31
GullyFoylegood cheap domain registrar? my domain name is available again21:31
ivoks'night all21:33
W8TAHnight -- thanks again21:33
W8TAHok -- for all you admins out there -- im this week receiving a server with 5 150gb disks -- initially i was going to combine them under LVM and make one monster (3/4tb) file server -- the events of the last week have changed my mind -- how would you configure the system? im thinking a raid 5 (3 disks (critical data)) and a raid 1 (2 disks (os and not as critical data))21:36
W8TAHcomments or suggestions?21:37
nks-is there any good documentation for the dovecot-postfix meta package?21:37
Mick27anyone has managed to use vmbuilder with lvm without having to convert the image ?21:49
nks-is there any good documentation for the dovecot-postfix meta package? does the username&passwords match dose of the real users?22:11
TimReichharthey jetole I finally got my problem fix22:20
TimReichhartbut now I cant login to my roundcube22:22
wizardslovakanyone is here?23:10
ajmitchyes, but some of us are working23:12
ericjosephis it possible to install ubuntu server from a live cd using ssh?23:26
MianoSMYou would need sshd installed and running in order to even get a session, right?23:27
ericjosephwell is it possible to install ubuntu server from an ubuntu desktop live cd if you download some additional files?23:29
PhotoJimpossible, in a sense... not recommended though23:30
ericjosephso install from CD is really the only supported method?23:30
PhotoJimthe only easy supported method23:30
PhotoJimyou'd need to be very familiar with Ubuntu to easily change a desktop install to a server install23:31
PhotoJimbesides, you probably don't want a GUI on a server23:31
PhotoJimbetter to keep the horsepower and RAM for serving instead of eye candy23:31
ericjosephwell i noted that you can install ubuntu desktop from the live cd (booted into the live cd environment, there's an install shortcut on the desktop)  just wondering if other installs are possible from that environment23:32
PhotoJimnot really.  you install a desktop system.  and then you can add and remove packages to make it whatever you want.23:32
PhotoJimon the other hand, you can use the alternate install CD to readily easily install whatever sort of system you need.23:32
PhotoJimbut the server install CD is optimized to create a server.  it's definitely the best way.  and the only way I'd recommend to someone without deep Linux knowledge.23:33
ericjosephwell i'm used to doing gentoo installs... boot up the livecd and ssh in and you can do the whole install from ssh.  i'm sure it can be done in ubuntu as well but probably more of a pain.23:33
PhotoJimjust do a really minimal install off the alternate CD, then ssh in and actually set up your system.  not quite the same, but similar.23:35
andolericjoseph: Well, if you want something really similiar to just booting up and connecting by ssh you can always boot up any live cd and do a manual install using debootsrap.23:40
andolericjoseph: Just not sure if it is worth the effort :)23:40
ericjosephthx andol.  i'll look into that23:40
ericjosephwell i don't have a CD drive in the system i want to install ubuntu on.  i do have a persistent ubuntu 8.1 live CD on an external usb drive though that i can boot off of23:41
Nafallohmm. we didn't release any Ubuntu in January 2008.23:53
NafalloI wonder if it might be 8.10 that's meant...23:53

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