
=== ethan is now known as Ubuntu-Indiana
eeejayhowdy cr3, are you around?06:30
cr3eeejay: yep, you're early06:30
eeejaycr3, hah. i guess. is there a way to run checkbox-certification from the checkout dir?06:31
eeejaycr3, it looks for config files in the system prefix06:31
cr3eeejay: sudo PYTHONPATH=../../checkbox/trunk CHECKBOX_DATA=. CHECKBOX_SHARE=../../checkbox/trunk CHECKBOX_COMPATIBILITY_SHARE=../../checkbox-compatibility/trunk ./bin/checkbox-certification-cli06:32
eeejaycr3, oh boys.. thanks06:33
cr3eeejay: quite a bit of environment to setup but please let me know if you can think of a better way to make checkbox-certification aware of all it needs to know06:33
cr3eeejay: of course, I'm assuming you can figure out the paths to checkbox and checkbox-compatibility :)06:33
eeejaycr3, ah, so i need checkbox too... duh06:34
cr3eeejay: not necessarilly but, if you're going to work from the trunk of checkbox-compatibility, I would recommend you also work from the trunk of checkbox :)06:35
eeejaycr3, yeah. i figure the same. it had to be an ungodly hour wherever you are06:36
cr3eeejay: they're all in heavy development and I'm more concerned with looking forward (in making the project awesome) than looking backward (in terms of compatibility), so that should give you an idea of my level of wrecklessness06:36
cr3eeejay: yeah, at this crazy hour, you don't want to be asking me questions like what I'm wearing06:37
eeejaycr3: i won't!06:38
cr3eeejay: cool, so you're safe then. just thought you should know before it's too late :)06:38
cr3cheerio, I gots to go offline know. not sure when I'll be back, so see you around06:41
aragood morning :)07:11
arathekorn: hello :)08:36
davmor2Morning all08:38
aramorning davmor208:41
thekornhi ara and davmor208:45
arathekorn: hey, how are  you doing? I was wondering if you have had the time to merge your changes (buildout+file reorg) into trunk (in ubuntu-desktop-testing)08:46
thekornara, I'm fine, thanks for asking. sorry, I somehow missed the fact that all other pending tasks are done08:48
thekornsorry for the delay08:48
arathekorn: no worries :)08:49
thekornI will have a look at it over lunch time today08:49
thekornthank you for the reminder08:49
arathekorn: thanks to you for your efforts!08:56
davmor2morning thekorn09:26
eeejayhowdy schwuk, are you around10:27
schwukeeejay: You still need me?11:44
eeejayhey schwuk, i was wondering where the udt/checkbox integration you did go. is it in trunk?12:09
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araeeejay: hey, do you think we could meet at UDS to try to merge and consolidate our pidgin test changes?14:26
eeejayara: yup14:26
araeeejay: cool :)14:26
=== cr3_ is now known as cr3
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