
sebsebsebtux11: you can install Chromeium, but expect bugs00:00
Slartshawnmstout: it worked?00:00
FFForeverFlannel, can u help me via pm upgrading my vps?00:00
nijmlosher, well, that gets me my system call man pages00:00
shawnmstoutremember me saying i had 2 partitions for root?00:00
FlannelFFForever: Well, first, try clearing some memory, see if it actually is a memory issue.  And then try upgrading again.00:00
shawnmstoutbut i couldnt access because no mount00:00
Slartshawnmstout: hmm, nope..00:00
tux11how do i get chrome fo rubuntu?00:00
Slartshawnmstout: ok00:00
monteltux11: I would rather you do CrossOver Chromiuom00:00
shawnmstoutbooted to live cd. mounted both, copied bin over00:01
tux11tell or i'll google it00:01
Slartshawnmstout: and now it works?00:01
shawnmstoutand im creating a backup right now, just to make sure00:01
tux11i don't care what i say00:01
FlannelFFForever: Since, that's a standard python "out of memory" type error00:01
deagleSlart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/174569/00:01
shawnmstoutyes, im talking to you on it00:01
Matr|xi have webcam 2b but i cant make it work :( i dont have the cd :'(00:01
shawnmstouti do have 1 question though00:01
Slartshawnmstout: nice =)00:01
shawnmstoutcare if i msg u?00:01
Matr|xi have webcam 2b but i cant make it work :( i dont have the cd :'(00:01
monteltux11: http://www.codeweavers.com/services/ports/chromium/00:01
Matr|xi have webcam 2b but i cant make it work :( i dont have the cd :'(00:01
Slartshawnmstout: go ahead00:02
FFForeverFlannel, i just killed all services i can =\00:02
FFForeverstill same out of ram00:02
shawnmstoutthis channel scrolls too fast and i wanted a easy way of recording what u say00:02
Matr|xplz some one help me00:02
ThePhoenixis the cross over google chrome or google chromium?00:02
sebsebsebtux11: not sure why I was Googleing     chromeium for  Ubuntu  ,but    I did00:02
tux11not that shit00:02
ThePhoenixthey do not really make that clear00:02
sebsebsebtux11: and here you go   http://www.stefanoforenza.com/chromium-on-ubuntu-how-to/00:02
Matr|xi have web cam 2b i lost the cd i dont know the cam version or eny thing how come ubuntu tell me about the cam name and version00:02
Flanneltux11: Please mind your language.00:02
sebsebseb!attitude |  tux1100:02
ubottutux11: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:02
tux11chrome not the other flavor00:02
Slartdeagle: ah.. you've got some stuff in there at least00:02
Matr|xi have web cam 2b i lost the cd i dont know the cam version or eny thing how come ubuntu tell me about the cam name and version00:02
tux11its free speech00:02
monteltux11: what are you asking for?00:03
Slartdeagle: I've got two lines for you to add00:03
tux11google chrome00:03
sebsebsebtux11: the article I just linked you to explains it all :)00:03
montelMatr|x: you need to stop00:03
Matr|xsome body help me :D00:03
Flanneltux11: This channel is family friendly, please attempt to keep it that way.00:03
FFForeverFlannel, =S00:03
tux11any hoo ubuntu  need spro tech help no you yahooz00:03
Matr|xyes i need to stop  wht ?00:03
FFForeverFlannel, no dice00:03
Matr|xi have web cam 2b i lost the cd i dont know the cam version or eny thing how come ubuntu tell me about the cam name and version00:03
Flannel!repeat | Matr|x00:03
ubottuMatr|x: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:03
tux11you atemptting piuss ppl off and doing a good job i might add00:03
nightrid3r!repeat | Matr|x00:03
ThePhoenixtux11: Why do you want Google Chrome? Whats wrong with Firefox?00:03
FFForeverFlannel, should i email my vps provider and ask for a temp ram upgrade to do the upgrade?00:03
javynhey.  how can i get the system info like on this guy's desktop?  http://crunchbanglinux.org/wiki/_media/screenshots/crunchbang-by-hanna.jpg?cache=cache00:03
tux11no knows any thing00:04
montelugh someone kick Matr|x00:04
Matr|xwhy kick me :S00:04
Matr|xi need help :S00:04
FFForeverwhy not :D00:04
tux11haters ego tistical ahters ubuintu is gold ubuntu is for the leite ect ect omg u haters00:04
montelThePhoenix: Google Chrome has the V8 engine which is a lot faster then firefox00:04
Matr|xwhy not kick ur ass:D00:04
thiebaude1montel: someone kick the other one00:04
monteli also do perfer Apple WebKi00:04
tux11but its just firefox basicly so who cares00:04
ThePhoenixbut isnt firefox the only browser 100% compatiable with Javascript?00:05
tux11i think so00:05
Slartdeagle: in the monitor section.. first add "HorizSync24.0 - 80.0"  and "VertRefresh50.0 - 75.0"00:05
FlannelMatr|x: Please be patient, watch your language and your attitude.  Someone will help you when they can.  You aren't being ignored.  Repeat your question every 20-30 minutes until you're helped.00:05
thiebaude1ThePhoenix: opera00:05
ThePhoenixis it?00:05
Ubuntudadmatrix what are you asking?00:05
Matr|x20 30 massge:O00:05
=== nikolas_ is now known as Assurbanipal
tux11ppl can't help in here wans't worth it00:05
whileimhereI have created a Panel in GNOME and I have selected that it auto hide itself but while it does hide it does not hide completely. It looks like there is about 15 pixels still on the screen is there a way to fix this?00:05
Matr|xis so long :(00:05
sebsebsebtux11: Firefox uses Gecko :)     and  Chrome,  Chromeium, and Safari  use Webkit00:05
Matr|xto long :(00:05
tux11i should just install i gusse00:05
Matr|xi sleep and come back next year :d00:06
ThePhoenixi know00:06
tux11your way off base00:06
Ubuntudadmatrix what is your question?00:06
ThePhoenixbut y webkit over Gecko?00:06
tux11google chrome uses firefox a sits base if u belive other wise well your flat out wrong00:06
Matr|xi just want Ubuntu tell me the name of the cam and the version its possible ?00:06
Rafaelhow to check mail on the command prompt..whn i go into the terminal promt i have a message: Yo have new mail????00:06
Flanneltux11: Google Chrome doesn't exist for Linux yet.00:06
montelMatr|x: Ya know, you should have some respect. We are doing this at our free time, it is not like you pay us.00:06
tux11just like ubuntu is really debain00:06
tux11u say that keep tell your self that00:07
sebsebsebFlannel: indeed,   but Chromeium does which is is in alpha00:07
tux11its out i have it00:07
sebsebsebFlannel: there's even an Ubuntu ppa for that one00:07
montel:] Flannel00:07
tux11told ya00:07
UbuntudadMatr|x, I am not aware of a way to do that00:07
tux11shows how smart you are00:07
FFForeverFlannel, u never told me........, how can i do it by hand?00:07
montelAnd he comes right back in!00:07
Flannelsebsebseb: Right, but that's not the same thing, nor is it what he's asking for.00:07
Matr|xi dont know why u do that with me :S00:07
Matr|xjust dont answer me00:07
sebsebsebtux11: Chromeium   is not Google Chrome, it is pretty similar though00:07
SpreadsheetHello again00:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:08
FlannelMatr|x: Because you continue to be disruptive in this channel.  Please follow the guidelines.00:08
sebsebsebtux11: since Chrome uses Chromeium00:08
montelsebsebseb: Chromium is what Google Chrome is based off of.00:08
sebsebsebmontel: exactly00:08
Matr|xya slam :D00:08
thiebaude1and a Mod souldn't have say something more than 2 times00:08
galant14bwhileimhere: You can fix the 'auto-hide' for GNOME panels in g-conf-editor...let me find it really quick for you00:08
* montel agrees with thiebaude1 00:09
bamboohi all00:09
Matr|xbad ppl here now i come back later:) may be good ppl will be here00:09
montelhello bamboo00:09
whileimheregalant14b really thanks!00:09
FlannelFFForever: Are you running a generic kernel or a server kernel? (uname -a call tell you)00:09
FFForeverFlannel, xen kernel00:09
bambooim complete new to Ubuntu, I installed the last update and now i lost wireless connection on my EeePC00:09
sebsebsebtux11: the Crossover  Chrome is the  Windows version, and so not native to Linux00:09
montelMatr|x: Since you can not control your self on IRC, you should look at Ubuntu Forums.00:09
Slartdeagle: try using this for your xorg.conf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/174571/00:09
FFForeverFlannel, server, Linux chr1831.xen.prgmr.com 2.6.27-7-server #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 07:20:47 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:09
bambooanyone can help?I will much appreciate00:09
sebsebsebtux11: I expect later  this year or early next year, the actsaul  Google Chrome for  Linux and Mac will come out00:10
bamboohello montel00:10
monteltux11: Yes all it is runnning Chrome is WINE00:10
Matr|xmontel> is bad helper00:10
Matr|xmontel> is bad helper00:10
FlannelFFForever: Alright, pastebin this: `dpkg -l | grep linux-image`00:10
Matr|xmontel> is bad helper00:10
FloodBot1Matr|x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:10
=== dekao is now known as br-dekao
galant14bwhileimhere: ok, go to your your gconf-editor (do NOT need to sudo), and you will find the settings in /apps/panel/toplevels/<id of each bar you have>00:10
montelThe ops here are tooo nice.00:10
tux11i have both player hater00:11
=== br-dekao is now known as dekao-brasil
thiebaude1montel, but they are fair00:11
galant14bwhileimhere: edit the "auto_hide_size" to 100:11
sebsebsebtux11: I'll give you this link again, because it explains it all  http://www.stefanoforenza.com/chromium-on-ubuntu-how-to/00:11
montelthiebaude1: true.00:11
hephaestuzHey everyone00:11
FFForeverFlannel, http://pastebin.com/f464e656e00:11
montelsebsebseb: I dont see why Google dosent make a Chrome for Linux, many people would like it.00:12
sebsebsebmontel: they will eventualley00:12
thiebaude1montel: i cant wait for that00:12
sebsebsebmontel: ,but at the moment  Chromeium is  also  alpha or beta00:12
whileimheregalant14b thank you will I need to restart GNOME to see it take effect?00:12
wind0painif i screw up xorg.conf, can i have jaunty recreate the default?00:12
ThePhoenixwe should move the chrome debate to #ubunut-offtopic00:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:12
galant14bwhileimhere : no you will not need to restart00:12
tux11i have both installed hater00:12
montelsebsebseb: Does chromium have V8 though?00:12
ThePhoenixit has too00:13
ThePhoenixit is the source for chrome00:13
sebsebsebmontel: V8 can't remember what that was anyway  #ubuntu-offtopic00:13
K`zanHi Folks, how do I get a root nautilus?  I'm building a machine for a handicapped friend and trying to move all the non-kde data over,  Can do it with CLI but it sure would be easier with nautilus.00:13
whileimheregalant14b WOW That worked great. Now I see there is a place for the speed. :)00:13
Strychnine9I am new to Ubuntu00:14
FlannelK`zan: alt-f2 then gksu nautilus00:14
K`zangksudo doesn't seem to work.00:14
sebsebseb!hi |  Strychnine900:14
ubottuStrychnine9: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:14
FlannelK`zan: It should00:14
Dr_WillisK`zan:  or install/use mc from a root terminal. :) its a nice tool to learn to use.00:14
Strychnine9how do i change the "visual effects"?00:14
K`zanFlannel: It wants user file sharing or something tuned on and drops back to the user that ran it.00:15
FlannelFFForever: Alright.  So, what you need to do is be fully up to date (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade) -- if that installs a new kernel00:15
ThePhoenixgo to apperance and then effects tab00:15
K`zanDr_Willis: That would work too :).00:15
montelK`zan: press alt and F2 and type gksu nautilus00:15
K`zanmontel, will try it again.00:15
ceejhey all, is it easier to use dual screens in 9.04?00:15
FlannelFFForever: If that installs a new kernel, yu'll need to switch to it (traditionally that means rebooting... I have no idea re: virtualization)00:15
Dr_Willisceej:  ive had no issues with multimointors on my nvidia cards  .. in ages. :) works great00:16
Strychnine9it is set on extra effect but how do i modify the effects?00:16
ThePhoenixi dont think that there is an easy way too00:16
montelK`zan: i am assuming you are on gnome, but if you are on KDE then i believe it is kdesudo00:16
galant14bwhileimhere: glad it worked for you :) sorry i missed your msg. was helping on another channel00:16
=== jaxdahl2 is now known as jaxdahl
ceejDr_Willis: nice so with this setup http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227148 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824254026 I'll be all good?00:17
montel!hi | bk__00:17
ubottubk__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:17
FFForeverFlannel, linux-image means new kernel right?00:17
whileimheregalant14b: Thank you very much it is exactly what I needed.00:17
FlannelFFForever: yeah00:17
FFForeverFlannel, then yeah i have to reboot =(00:17
FFForeverbye bye 4 months of uptime LOL!00:17
montel!hi | kayvian00:17
ubottukayvian: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:17
secret901Whenever I try to play a video I get a "badalloc insufficient resources for operation" error00:18
tux11like toos cah ops back n forth?00:18
=== deko_ is now known as dekao
tux11i logge dthat so u know00:18
monteltux11: ???00:18
montel!hi | LordMetroid00:18
ubottuLordMetroid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:18
kayvianhi everyone.....I am new to IRC but trying to get used to it cause I want to help out with testing ubuntu00:19
FFForeverFlannel, do you know how i can run a speed test from my vps via terminal?00:19
Whitorkayvian, thanks00:19
montelkayvian: kk, glad to have you00:19
LjLmontel: don't do that by default please...00:19
FlannelFFForever: Um, I don't know.00:19
ceejso can 9.04 handle 1920 x 1200 resolution because I've had issues getting this higher res00:19
whileimheregalant14b My thing is I cannot use any compiz or such so I have to settle for simple desktop enhancements00:19
FlannelFFForever: also, once you've rebooted, attempt do-release-upgrade again00:19
Whitorceej, works for me00:19
montelLjL: why not? it is not hurting anything00:19
FFForeverFlannel, ok, but why?00:20
FFForeverits almost done downloading packages00:20
LjLmontel: it's a bit of unneeded spam.00:20
ceejk :)00:20
FlannelFFForever: right, it's almost done upgrading to make you up to date.00:20
galant14bwhileimhere: that's too bad :( compizfusion is fun. do you not have enough graphics card to handle it?00:20
tux11i logge dthat op switching00:20
FlannelFFForever: Your up to date packages might make do-release-upgrade work.  (But, reboot first, so you have the new kernel)00:20
whileimheregalant14b That is correct.00:20
LjLmontel: actually, two bits, since there's your message and then the bot's00:20
LjLtux11: do you have an ubuntu support question?00:20
montelLjL: uh, ok?00:20
whileimhereI have a laptop and it does not have a seperate card just integrated ram00:20
WhitorCompiz Fusion is the best part of linux imho00:20
tux11i have u logged00:20
LjLmontel: so, don't do it00:21
StrangeCharmcan anyone help me with dmraid? it's detecting by not activating my raid array. i've looked all over the place, but can't find why it's not working00:21
LjLtux11: so? we aren't interested.00:21
tux11i come in here to get help and no one days00:21
montelha LjL00:21
LjL!patience | tux1100:21
ubottutux11: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:21
ceejWhitor: Will It also see my 8gb of ram?00:21
Flanneltux11: Please keep offtopic chatter to a minimum.00:21
tux11so mark will be00:21
tux11..intrested to know his ops can't decide who is the chat op00:21
secret901after I upgraded to 9.04 I can't play any video.  I keep getting a "badalloc insufficient resources for operation" error no matter which player I use.00:21
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LjLtux11: if you have questions for the ops, ask in #ubuntu-ops.00:22
tux11chill out and face facts the ops continte to switch00:22
monteltux11: i sugest that you STOP before you are kicked.00:22
LjLtux11: keep on topic here.00:22
FFForeverFlannel, why does do-release-upgrade start another ssh daemon on 9004?00:22
FlannelFFForever: in case this ssh dies00:22
tux11ok weres tgat?'00:22
FFForeverit has not yet...00:22
FFForeverthankfully LOL!00:22
FlannelFFForever: No, it likely won't.  But just in case.00:22
tux11no more op switch or the loggs will be printed and sent to markk00:22
wind0painis Section "InputDevice" still something that is handled in xorg.conf in Jaunty ??? I noticed I have no inputdevice information in that file and I'm trying to edit some of my input devices.... should I look elsewher?00:23
vigoStrangeCharm: Have you tried or used any LVM stuff?00:23
monteltux11 was funny00:23
FFForeverwhats so bad about an op switch?00:23
AmsunaI work on windows Server 2003 environment and I am currently migrating to Linux server I already have Ubuntu and i like it , yrs ago I stumbled across a linux server it had an applicatin installed  with in prevents someone using any kind of ARP spoofing tools00:23
LjLdon't feed the troll now...00:23
montelLjL: k00:23
tux11not a troll logging every thing00:23
thiebaude1bye tux1100:23
Flanneltux11: Please stay on topic and keep idle chatter to a minimum.  If you have a query regarding the operators, please take it to #ubuntu-ops.  Thanks00:23
monteltux11: WELCOME BACK, do you have a question?00:24
StrangeCharmvigo - i'm trying to activate an existing array with data on it00:24
AmsunaI owuld appretiate some help I will wait, i dont want to flood the chatting area ^^00:24
tux11u have been reported00:24
kayvianok gotta go....c ya00:24
theunixgeekHow can I find out what files an installer installed? By "installer" I mean those that aren't native to the system, like Flash and Google Earth00:24
tux11looking for usb fix00:24
* montel is getting a kick out of tux11, 00:25
tux11google earth breaks00:25
wirechief_I am having  a issue with my netbook when if falls asleep it freeze's and i have to reboot, i am using jaunty 9.04 remix with 2.6.30. kernel and 2.7.1 intel driver any suggestions ?00:25
jadohi, if when i type 'ecryptfs-mount-private' i got 'Encryption Private is not set up properly.' Does someone have an idea about that ?00:25
tux11i reported you guys to ubuntu head quyaters00:25
vigoStrangeCharm: This link may help. https://help.ubuntu.com/search.html?cof=FORID%3A9&cx=003883529982892832976%3Ae2vwumte3fq&ie=UTF-8&q=activate+a+raid+array&sa=Search00:25
Flannelmontel: Please don't encourage it00:25
thiebaude1ignore it00:26
tux11usb help needed00:26
* montel didnt know about "Ubuntu Headquarters" he would love to go there... oh wait, there isnt one.00:26
AmsunaSomeone works on Linux servers ?00:26
tux11there is its in africa dope head00:26
AmsunaDHCP ? DNS ? basic routing stuff ?? anyone ??00:26
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:26
tux11usb thumb drive won't mount00:26
lenswipecan someone give me a hand with samba00:26
theunixgeek!ask | Amsuna00:27
ubottuAmsuna: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:27
lenswipeim making a domain00:27
* montel is dieing laughing00:27
lenswipeand i cant get some clients to login00:27
AmsunaI work on windows Server 2003 environment and I am currently migrating to Linux server I already have Ubuntu and i like it , yrs ago I stumbled across a linux server it had an applicatin installed  with in prevents someone using any kind of ARP spoofing tools00:27
Flannelmontel: Again, please stay on topic.00:27
tux11windows sucks man00:27
jadoany idea anyone ?00:27
StrangeCharmvigo - the document in question is the fakeraid howto, and, basically, in the step where dmraid is meant to active my array, dmraid tells me that it can see the array, and then doesn't activate it00:27
newclimbI installed wine but the arrow doesn't show up anyone can help me?00:27
montelFlannel: kk, sorry.00:27
AmsunaIt was a toll which cuts of the internet on whom it detects its Mac address and Ip adderss on the ARP table00:27
lenswipecan somenoe give me a hand with a domain controller, some usernames cant login00:27
jadohi, if when i type 'ecryptfs-mount-private' i got 'Encryption Private is not set up properly.' Does someone have an idea about that ?00:27
monteloh i was just about to help that tux dude00:27
byte^Is anyone able to walk me through a few instructions, found at http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-ca0106 ? If anyone can, query me.00:28
=== iTroll is now known as Guest1931
BoopopCan someone help me with my ubuntu install? I've installed my ATI drivers, and set up the internet. However when I try to setup my second monitor, the window comes up, but it's not complete, and it takes all my CPU, so the whole thing runs slow00:28
vigoStrangeCharm: Oh, did you try the forums on that subject?00:29
lenswipecan someone please help me with samba00:29
StrangeCharmvigo the only entries that seem to include the same erro text are where people are doing things that are clearly not relevant00:29
sebsebseb!samba | lenswipe00:29
ubottulenswipe: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:29
jadohi, if when i type 'ecryptfs-mount-private' i got 'Encryption Private is not set up properly.' Does someone have an idea about that ?00:30
byte^Is anyone able to walk me through a few instructions, found at http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-ca0106 ? If anyone can, query me.00:30
lenswipesebsebseb: im trying to setup a domain controller..00:30
vigoStrangeCharm: Are you using the fakeRAID setup?00:30
lenswipesebsebseb: some sers cant logn00:30
sebsebseblenswipe: don't really know about that00:30
nztalwhat version of fglrx is on the jaunty installer ?  9.4 ?00:30
newclimb I installed wine but the arrow doesn't show up anyone can help me?00:30
Ralph1016hello all im new to ubuntu00:30
sebsebsebRalph1016: ok welcome to the community00:31
StrangeCharmvigo, yes, i'm trying to activate an existing fakeraid array on a dualboot system00:31
wirechief_I am having  a issue with my netbook when if falls asleep it freeze's and i have to reboot, i am using jaunty 9.04 remix with   2.7.1 intel driver any suggestions ? my system specs http://pastebin.com/f76f7e0f300:31
montelRalph1016: Welcome, anything we can help you with?00:31
lenswipe===/j #networking00:31
BoopopCan someone help me please?00:31
Ralph1016no thanks00:31
vigoStrangeCharm: Maybe this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:32
tritiumOnboard ALC889A gets recognized as an "unkown model for ALC883", per dmesg, and sound has been difficult to setup (aside from AC3, DTS pass-through over iec958 on mythtv).00:32
Ralph1016does ubuntu have any good website making software00:32
Flannel!html | Ralph101600:32
ubottuRalph1016: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/00:32
lenswipeRalph1016: Try kompozer00:32
sebsebsebFlannel: beat me to it00:32
th0rwirechief_: I have never succeeded in getting either suspend or hibernate to work properly. I just disable them at install00:32
FlannelAmsuna: http://www.rootsecure.net/content/downloads/pdf/arp_spoofing_intro.pdf covers some of it (defenses atthe bottom)00:33
parjovenHello guys...anyone have a clue about how to install wifi on a hp pavilion dv6000? broadcom 431100:33
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:33
vigoStrangeCharm: There is a dmraid and other stuff in command or terminal to set that up. it looks like.00:33
StrangeCharmvigo, that's the page i was using. when i get to code:"dmraid -ay" instead of giving the desired response along the lines of 'yay, i activated the raid' it says 'i can see this raid, but i didn't turn it on'00:33
wirechief_th0r: how do you disable the suspend ?00:33
JEEBAlso firefox's firebug is <3 for website making, just had to mention it00:33
galant14bparjoven : my dv6000 wifi works out of the box with Jaunty00:33
th0rwirechief_: both are handled in the power settings00:33
sebsebsebRalph1016: learn HTML and CSS and code with a text ediror :) if your makin a small site00:34
bob_hello im having trouble with my Swap partition on ubuntu and when u type Free in the terminal it shows as the swap not being used anyone have a fix or idea on how to fix it?..00:34
montelhahahahaha that tux11 dude is pm'ing me and cussing me out00:34
wirechief_th0r: ok i will check, thanks.00:34
parjoven[galant14b]: the 9.04 with my pavilion just dont work out of box..8.04 and 8.10 always worked00:34
sebsebsebRalph1016: and make sure your pages validate at http://www.w3.org :)00:34
th0rwirechief_: in xfce it is Applicatioins-Settings-Power Management....not in gnome at the moment00:34
stealth-whats more popular: desklets or screenlets?00:34
Flannelbob_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq will get you all up to speed00:34
bob_thanks Flanner00:34
bob_lol Flannel*00:34
vigoStrangeCharm: OK, that is about the limit of my knowledge on that. maybe someone that knows more about RAID and RAID support has your answer.00:35
sebsebsebRalph1016: you didn't have to pm  that00:35
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
montelRalph1016: do not randomly PM people00:35
StrangeCharmvigo - that's what i've been trolling this channel for00:35
sebsebsebRalph1016: ah yes and something I forgot, make sure you test the pages in differnet browsers00:35
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)00:35
newclimb I installed wine but the arrow doesn't show up anyone can help me?00:35
wirechief_th0r: well im not sure this is gnome being used, it is remix but i will check to see if there are settings related to power during suspend00:35
parjoven[sebsebseb]: this wifidocs, its up-to.date, talking about 9.04 ...00:35
* montel did not know there was a terminal based browser00:36
parjoven[sebsebseb]: this wifidocs, its up-to.date, talking about 9.04 ...? was a question hehe00:36
JEEBmontel, there are a few00:36
sebsebsebparjoven: I don't do wifi :)00:36
thiebaude1montel: and i think only text based?00:36
ariel_I could use someone's help, I was told to install ubuntu on my system what has Nvidia G Series 8 that I would have to install first with the onboard VGA then due a apt-get install for the drivers.00:36
vigoStrangeCharm: Try a hardware channel yet? or ask again because this channel is rather full.00:36
StrangeCharmcan anyone help me with dmraid? it's detecting by not activating my raid array. i've looked all over the place, but can't find why it's not working00:36
parjoven[sebsebseb]: wireless..this page wifidocs u asked the bot to tell me..00:37
sebsebsebStrangeCharm: try ##hardware00:37
StrangeCharmsebsebseb - thanks00:37
sebsebsebparjoven: yes  that's a start,  reading those pages00:37
sebsebsebStrangeCharm: no problem00:37
vigosebsebseb: Thank you00:37
sebsebsebvigo: np00:37
th0rI am attempting to get fusesmb to work without much success. Has the procedure for fuse systems changed with jaunty?00:37
StrangeCharmvigo, yep, that's the plan00:37
montelthiebaude1: well yeah.00:38
vigoStrangeCharm: Makes sense to me00:38
parjoven[sebsebseb]: yeah i know them..i know how to install and use ndiswrapper..im used to use ubuntu... the 8.04 and 8.10 always worked out of box with my notebook...but 9.04 is not working and im looking for a simple way to make it work.00:38
Vixen-Lo all, having a problem with installing nvidia drivers. I have the driver, try to install it through a "sh" command, but it says I need to quit all X Windows programs before I can do it. I've close everything, and tried doing it through a root shell before the OS has loaded. No luck. Any ideas?00:38
StrangeCharmcan anyone help me use dmraid with my 'fake' hardware raid array? it's detecting by not activating my raid array. i've looked all over the place, but can't find why it's not working00:38
th0rwas there some reason for this...00:38
th0r(07:38:29 PM) tux11: fuse it up yer ass00:38
sebsebsebparjoven: I said I don't  normalley help poeple getting their wireless's working, because that can be a right pain, however what I do know is this.   You  get stuff working natively first if you can :)   and then Ndiswrapper as a last resort00:39
jadohi, if when i type 'ecryptfs-mount-private' i got 'Encryption Private is not set up properly.' Does someone have an idea about that ?00:39
monteltux11:u an op or just a hater?00:39
Ralph1016what linux operating system do you thinks the best00:39
tritiumtux11, th0r: none of that, please00:39
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:39
thiebaude1sebsebseb: your fast00:39
sebsebsebRalph1016: ,but best bot will say it's #ubuntu00:39
montelth0r: so we both are getting the entertainment of him!00:40
sebsebsebthiebaude1: well yeah years of touch typing :)00:40
thiebaude1me too00:40
th0rthanks for this too....(07:39:51 PM) tux11: asshole00:40
sebsebsebthiebaude1: probably quite good really for this channel, since it tends to be pretty fast00:40
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:40
LjLth0r: that person has already been banned00:40
Vixen-If anyone can help with nvidia drivers, say my name, and I'll post up all the details.00:40
wind0painHow can I perform compositing without pushing the cursor past an edge?  For instance, just taking the corner to the edge instead?  I'd like to do it with a tablet but I am unale to move beyond the edge/corner points with a stylus.  Having an icon to click to activate compositing would be just as good.  Ideas?00:40
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
wirechief_th0r: two services apmd and acpid but looks like i can change it from suspend to blank screen or do nothing, am going to try the blank screen first.00:41
norrisg1anyone need help?00:41
Vixen-Having a problem with installing nvidia drivers. I have the driver, try to install it through a "sh" command, but it says I need to quit all X Windows programs before I can do it. I've close everything, and tried doing it through a root shell before the OS has loaded. No luck. Any ideas?00:41
StrangeCharmcan anyone help me use dmraid with my 'fake' hardware raid array? it's detecting by not activating my raid array. i've looked all over the place, but can't find why it's not working00:41
LjLnorrisg1, how many times have i told you to avoid the "anyone need help" thing?00:42
ariel_Vixen-, I am alos looking for this type of help00:42
shawnmstouthey how can i make a terminal option that is already logged in as su from the menu00:42
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:42
norrisg1LjL ohla, who are you?00:42
wind0painnorrisg1: How can I perform compositing without pushing the cursor past an edge?  For instance, just taking the corner to the edge instead?  I'd like to do it with a tablet but I am unale to move beyond the edge/corner points with a stylus.  Having an icon to click to activate compositing would be just as good.  Ideas?00:42
Vixen-ariel_: Are you using similar drivers?00:42
jrsideral\join #ubuntu-br00:42
pingvenoI'm trying to switch my desktop to use Programmer Dvorak. I've already found the setting for Dvorak, but not Programmer Dvorak.00:42
jrsideraljoin #ubuntu-br00:42
whileimheredoes hiding the panels in GNOME significantly higher the resources used in GNOME?00:42
LjLnorrisg1: someone who's told you before to avoid that.00:42
LjLjrsideral: /00:42
norrisg1excuse moi?00:42
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:43
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:43
jadonorrisg1: /join #ubuntu-fr00:43
norrisg1once moment00:43
ariel_Vixen-, not yet, trying to get the right way to install it on my system.00:43
shawnmstouthey vixen, i got it back up and running00:44
StrangeCharmcan anyone help me use dmraid with my 'fake' hardware raid array? it's detecting by not activating my raid array. i've looked all over the place, but can't find why it's not working00:44
=== Guest44621 is now known as MLahti
Vixen-ariel_: Fair. I've been following the instructions on the nvidia site, but having no luck00:44
wirechiefStrangeCharm: which kernel are you using ?00:44
jadohi, if when i type 'ecryptfs-mount-private' i got 'Encryption Private is not set up properly.' Does someone have an idea about that ?00:44
parjovenHello guys...anyone have a clue about how to install wifi on a hp pavilion dv6000...cuz with 9.04 its not working out of box.. i need to use ndiswrapper or theres a simple way? broadcom 431100:44
wind0paingah... i forgot to remove a line from xorg.conf before rebooting and now my screen is garbled at startup... i've tried ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+del, ctrl+shift+del... any ideas on what to do?00:45
ariel_Vixen-, hardest thing is actually finding the correct drivers00:45
StrangeCharmwirecheif - jaunty's default00:45
sebsebsebwind0pain: go into  recovery mode and  fix  x like that.  that should do it, and then you need to re install any graphics card driver as well00:45
vigoStrangeCharm:Is it Software or Hardware RAID?00:45
ariel_why does this tux11 keep sending me strange messages.00:45
Vixen-ariel_: I picked these up straight from the nvidia site, so they're up to date, but are a nightmate to install00:45
unikonwhats the best way to search for a single key word  in my home folder00:45
ilyasj/ #linuxac00:46
Dr_Willisunikon:  IN a file? or part of a file name?00:46
norrisg1LjL pardon, excuse moi you want to talk to moi00:46
sebsebseb!spam |  ilyas00:46
ubottuilyas: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...00:46
unikoni na file00:46
unikonin a file*00:46
Dr_Willisunikon:  use grep00:46
LjLnorrisg1: i told you already what i needed to tell you, so no.00:46
wirechiefStrangeCharm: i would look at upgrading it.   2.6.30-020630rc5-generic #020630rc5 SMP Mon May 11   is the most current, then see if your issue is resolved ....00:46
norrisg1Excuse me00:46
norrisg1what you tell me00:46
StrangeCharmvigo - it's a hybrid00:47
LjLnorrisg1: to avoid asking open-ended questions such as "does anyone need help?" in this channel.00:47
Vixen-ariel_: I'm going to move, matey. Good luck with the drivers00:47
norrisg1fine i speak in diffrent lanuage00:47
Seeker`norrisg1: ok, i'll tell you - Stop doing it00:47
ariel_Vixen-, t/y00:47
StrangeCharmwirechief - i am not familiar with upgrading my kernel00:47
vigoStrangeCharm: I found this site, it may be of help: http://linux-ata.org/software-status.html and http://linux-ata.org/faq-sata-raid.html00:47
unikondr_willis in terminal right what do i need to input00:47
StrangeCharmvigo - it's a 'hardware' raid that actually uses the cpu for processing00:48
jadohi, if when i type 'ecryptfs-mount-private' i got 'Encryption Private is not set up properly.' Does someone have an idea about that ?00:48
wirechiefStrangeCharm: well, check google for ubuntu kernel upgrade  or so, theres lots of information on it with google00:48
StrangeCharmvigo, ok, i'll look at that00:48
StrangeCharmthatkns, wirechief00:48
vigoStrangeCharm: That site covers both and more.00:48
byte^Is anyone able to walk me through a few instructions, found at http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-ca0106 ? If anyone can, query me.00:49
StrangeCharmvigo, thanks00:49
norrisg1私がいかにできるかわかりましたimの背部は助けるか。 私は日本語を話すか。00:49
vigoStrangeCharm: This one is also a sublink from Ubuntu official: http://people.redhat.com/~heinzm/sw/dmraid/readme00:49
StrangeCharmvigo even better00:50
TomTom1um will someone help me?00:50
norrisg1i will00:50
blzHey does anybody here have basic knowledge in C?  I'm trying to write "hello world" ... so nothing too complicated =)00:50
TomTom1um how come when i type in a url it doesnt load00:50
LjL!jp | norrisg100:50
ubottunorrisg1: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい00:50
tritiumbyte^: what about it?  That's just info on the module options.00:50
blzTomTom1:  what exactly is happening?  what are you doing, where are you typing it, do you get any error messages?00:51
jadohi, if when i type 'ecryptfs-mount-private' i got 'Encryption Private is not set up properly.' Does someone have an idea about that ?00:51
byte^tritium: I am racking my brain trying to figure out how to get this sound card to work but my knowledge of linux is rather limited00:51
TomTom1well in Mozilla when i type in a url it doesnt load00:51
byte^tritium: I think that guide is supposed to get the card working00:51
TomTom1except like hotmail00:51
tritiumbyte^: you already have that module installed.  "modinfo snd-ca0106" to verify00:51
blzTomTom1:  what error message are you getting?  and by mozilla, you mean firefox i presume?00:51
tritiumbyte^: are you running jaunty?00:52
byte^tritium: What does that mean? Yes it appears to be installed but where do I go from here?00:52
dassoukii was wondering if there is a jaunty syntek / stk11xx tutorial out there00:52
byte^I'm running 9.0400:52
blzbyte^:  did you check to see if your sound card is supported?00:52
blzHey does anybody here have basic knowledge in C?  I'm trying to write "hello world" ... so nothing too complicated =)00:52
tritium!sound | byte^00:52
ubottubyte^: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:52
byte^Where would I check? People report it as plug and play, but it has not worked n Linux.00:52
tritiumbyte^: see above00:52
dassoukiblz: go to ##c00:52
Dr_Willisblz:  so install 'build-essential' package and get coding!00:52
jadohi, if when i type 'ecryptfs-mount-private' i got 'Encryption Private is not set up properly.' Does someone have an idea about that ?00:52
tritiumbyte^: it should work.  First thing -- check volumes, make sure nothing is muted, in alsamixer (command line).00:53
blzdassouki:  thanks!00:53
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
blzDr_Willis:  no it compiles, i just can't get the text to stay up! lol00:53
byte^Yeah I've checked the volume and I'm pretty sure everything is good. I am getting system beeps.00:53
byte^One sec00:53
tritiumbyte^: in alsamixer?00:53
blzbyte^ system beeps aren't the same thing00:53
byte^tritium: I posted some information here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7298160#post729816000:53
Dr_Willisblz:  stay up?00:53
Raccoon1400where's the config file for cpufreq?00:54
Dr_Willisblz:  run it from a terminal?00:54
byte^I cannot double click on Volume control.00:54
byte^"Volume Control" settings is grayed out.00:54
blzDr_Willis:  sorry, that was a horrible explanation.  I can get "hello world" to pop up on a command prompt (i'm under windows right now) but it disappears just as fast.  the whole window closes when the program is done executing00:54
tritiumbyte^: alsamixer is a command line utility.00:54
tritium(no double-clicking)00:54
byte^Well uh00:54
NobleIs there anything that does NOT work with ubuntu and the macbook in alu?00:54
byte^You mentioned volume control00:55
byte^I've looked at alsamixer00:55
byte^It seems fine00:55
Dr_Willisblz:  yea so? :) you dident tell it to wait.. soits not going to.. use the terminal.00:55
jribNoble: alu?00:55
tritiumbyte^: no, I mentioned alsamixer *specifically*00:55
Lint01blz: that's normal00:55
Noblejrib: Aluminium00:55
sproatyAny way to disable the mouse wheel scrolling windows on the task bar panel?00:55
byte^Card: PulseAudio ; Chip: PulseAudio00:55
byte^is that a problem?00:55
jribNoble: check the wiki00:55
jrib!macbook | Noble00:55
Lint01blz: open separate command prompt and run it there00:55
ubottuNoble: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:55
blzDr_Willis, Lint01:  Yeah i figured I'm just missing a hold command or something... this is literally the first time i've ever tried to code00:55
blzLint01:  ohhh duh =)00:55
newclimbno cursor in wine anyone know what's the matter?00:56
Dr_Willisblz:  get away from the mouse.. use the terminal :P00:56
NobleThe reason I'm asking is that I want a laptop with superior build quality, and one thats not designed as a war machine. The macbook in alu seems like the best bet.00:56
byte^Again, if it helps, I posted some information recommended here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7298160#post729816000:56
blzDr_Willis:  I know, I know!  DevC++ is just so attractive! =)00:56
norrisg1yayz i help another person00:57
wirechiefnewclimb what version of wine are you running ?00:57
blzLint01:  you rule.  and so does my "goodbye, cruel world... brb suicide" program.  I'm going to hack the pentagon next.00:57
newclimbthat has in repository from ubuntu 8.0400:58
ryan_i use geany for coding, i really need to get better with command line stuff00:58
coz_newclimb,  if you get caught we dont know you lol00:58
bob_im still having trouble getting the swap to be used whats the line i use to activate it i read the page and still not quite shure on what i should do...?00:59
newclimbI think that's
mds58has anyone here used ati catalyst that would be willing to help me update mine to the latest version?00:59
coz_mds58,   if no one here knows how you could go to #compiz and speak with either  adamk  or soreau  both of whom run ati   ... I dont know if adamk is available right now but he will be tomorrow morning :)01:00
coz_mds58,  just pretend it's for compiz :)01:00
* soreau blinks01:00
jdwartai need help setting up a netgear RP114 router01:00
peolHey guys. Got a question regarding nvidia twinview and setting specific color correction on a display, it seems my sliders are changing both of my monitors brightness etc. Does anyone know any way around this?01:00
wind0painif a progam is not in the startmenu, what steps would you guys take to figure out what the command is to run it?01:01
coz_mds58,   if it can be done those two will know how01:01
sharperguyhow can i get espeak to read my a pdf?01:01
wind0paini usually end up googling and guessing.. neither seems to be very efficient.01:01
soreauwind0pain: Which program?01:01
mds58coz_ ty01:01
eseven73wind0pain, I normally google it too or just guess the name01:01
coz_mds58,   no problem and I see soreau  is here  :)01:01
wind0painsoreau: just in general... i've run into the problem at least 10 times in the last few days while getting started here01:01
Dr_Williswind0pain:  how did you install it? if you used the package manager. you can seewhat files the package installed01:01
dominoeffektHi. I can not get 1024 x 768 (16:10) resolution any more after i have had monitors. How can i get it back now?01:02
soreauwind0pain: Well,you have to know which program you're trying to run, or which task you';re trying to accomplish first01:02
byte^01:00.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster01:02
byte^        Subsystem: Creative Labs Device 100a01:02
byte^        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 2101:02
byte^        I/O ports at df20 [size=32]01:02
byte^        Capabilities: <access denied>01:02
FloodBot1byte^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:02
byte^        Kernel driver in use: CA010601:02
eseven73dominoeffekt, what do you mean by "after I have had monitors"?01:02
byte^What does this mean?01:03
byte^(What I flooded)01:03
LjL!pastebin | byte^, it means you should use this next time01:03
ubottubyte^, it means you should use this next time: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:03
wind0painsoreau: right.. when they load up into the menus it's great.. sometimes the name has a suffix (-whatever) and it can be tricky for me to figure out01:03
Dr_WillisMeans you got a creative sound card> :)01:03
dominoeffekteseven73:  typo  Dual monitors01:03
byte^LjL: Very funny01:03
byte^I thought it was smaller01:03
blzbyte^:  it means lrn2pastebin =)01:03
byte^Otherwise I would've pastebin.01:03
eseven73dominoeffekt, ah ok :)01:03
byte^I meant.01:03
sharperguy^ about my previous question, i think i need a tool to extract the text from a pdf, and then pipe it into espeak. Anyone know of a tool that would allow me to do that?01:03
FloodBot1byte^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:03
byte^One sec let me paste it fine.01:03
jdwartai need help setting up a NETGEAR RP114 router01:03
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
dominoeffekteseven73:  any ide how i can fix this ? Atm  3 cm for each side of the sceen is black01:04
byte^That seems to be my sound card01:04
soreauwind0pain: Auto Tab completeion is your friend. If you know the first few letter of the program, you can type them into your terminal and press the tab key twice. It will bring up a list of possibilities01:04
byte^It says a driver in use01:04
byte^but I receive no sound01:04
soreauwind0pain: If you know the name of the binary, you can also add a menu entry manually01:04
eseven73dominoeffekt, don't mind me, I'm kind of a grammar Queen. :)01:04
kitchebyte^: is everything unmuted like pcm and others01:05
dominoeffekteseven73:  hah no ps.  But do u know how i can fix my problem?01:05
byte^That is what the ALSA Information Script generated01:05
byte^kitche: How would I check? Everything seems fine in alsamixer and at volume control01:06
byte^kitche: However, alsamixer is identifying pulseaudio as the sound card and chip01:06
wirechiefbyte^:  lsof  /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*   # lists all apps using soundcard #OSS uses /dev/dsp*   alsa uses /lsofdev/snd/*  OSS does not allow mixing so you get this error: Device or resource busy^:  check to see what is using your sound with01:06
byte^Is that a problem?01:06
blzDr_Willis:  now I can't stop running my "hello world" program. it rules so much!  (inb4 offtopic)01:06
eseven73dominoeffekt, you'd have to give us more details, monitor brand/model, what OS is it on, such like that, else no one will help you.01:06
byte^wirechief: Huh?01:06
byte^How would I check?01:06
kitchebyte^: well if your using pulseaudio then you need to use the pulseaudio mixer not alsa01:06
ryan_blz, what language are you using?01:06
wind0painsoreau: thanks01:07
blzryan_:  C01:07
wind0painauto tab will definitely help :)01:07
ryan_i see01:07
wirechiefbyte^:  use the lsof command as indicated it will tell you what is using your sound01:07
blzryan_:  I feel so awesome =)01:07
soreauwind0pain: It's really nice and saves much typing01:07
byte^wirechief: So, just $ lsof ?01:07
ryan_now try something a little harder, implement a linked list01:07
dominoeffektAny one who knows how i can get 1024 x 768 (16:10) resolution? I have hade Dual monitors Today. And now when i dissconnected 1 of them i cant get back the resolution for my "main sceen"  Info: Laptop Lenovo T61 14" screen   Ubuntu os01:07
jdwartai need help setting up a NETGEAR RP114 router01:07
byte^Lot's of stuff was produced.01:08
blzryan_:  sure I'll try that ... OHSHI- DIVIDE BY ZERO!!!!!!!01:08
byte^... :\01:08
wirechiefbyte^:  lsof  /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*01:08
byte^Nothing popped up.01:08
byte^Was produced, rather.01:08
eseven73dominoeffekt, that's much better, now people can help you, give them a few minutes to research the problem though...01:08
dominoeffekteseven73:  Thank u mate01:09
byte^wirechief: Nothing was produced with that command?01:09
wirechiefbyte^:  try #alsa channel and see if you can get some help, post the url to your alsa script it helps them01:09
tritium!enter | byte^01:09
ubottubyte^: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:09
tritiumbyte^: that was unnecessary01:10
wind0paini really do not like the looks of the KDE start button01:10
StrangeCharmwirechief the first page of google results don't seem to be helpful. can you give a more specific tip on how to do a kernel update?01:10
jdwartai need help setting up a NETGEAR RP114 router01:11
DrknezzHi!, i want to install Jaunty, but i have the Windows Vista Loader (Pirated version), how can i install it so the loader is kept? (The installer tells me it will be deleted)01:11
yaris123456789i just wanna listen to music on my laptop...is there a way to make ubuntu put monitor to sleep while i still listen to music ?01:11
eseven73dominoeffekt, this is for Ubuntu 8.04 but the 5th post down, looks promising: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89369401:12
yaugzehello !!01:12
jdwarta yaris123456789: shut the lid?01:13
wirechiefStrangeCharm:  check here for ubuntu kernels but before you install a new, check a ubuntu wiki on howto : http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/01:13
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yaris123456789jdwarta: yea but its impossible to slip my fat fingers01:13
yaris123456789and control the track and volume01:13
jdwartai need help setting up a NETGEAR RP114 router01:13
DrknezzHi!, i want to install Jaunty, but i have the Windows Vista Loader (Pirated version), how can i install it so the loader is kept? (The installer tells me it will be deleted)01:13
eseven73least he's honest01:14
doc|workDrknezz: I doubt very much you'll get help on that here01:14
wind0painanyone know how i can rotate the screen with the click of an icon?01:14
Drknezzdoc|work: Why? :'(01:14
mchelenDrknezz, same as normal dual boot?01:14
doc|workDrknezz: because discussing anything to do with pirated/warez is not allowed on this network01:14
Drknezzmchelen: Will grub replace the VLoader?01:14
Drknezzdoc|work: Windows -.-01:14
jdwartayaris123456789: set the comp up so a certain keyboard shortcut will lock or blacken the screen01:14
AlsaPCMhi can i get some help installing my webcam drivers01:14
mchelenDrknezz, idk really, could try wubi01:15
AlsaPCMi already have the drivers01:15
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:15
Drknezz!webcam | AlsaPCM01:15
ubottuAlsaPCM: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:15
AlsaPCMbut it fails one step01:15
Drknezzmchelen: wubi slows everything down01:15
AlsaPCMsudo insmod stk11xx.ko01:15
AlsaPCM i dont have this file01:15
jdwartai need help setting up a NETGEAR RP114 router01:15
AlsaPCMjust c files and h files01:15
AlsaPCMhow can i compile the thing ?01:16
DrknezzAlsaPCM: you have to compile the driver files first01:16
AlsaPCMhow ?01:16
AlsaPCMin a c compiler ?01:16
mchelenDrknezz, what does it slow down? linux is not running in vm or anything01:16
StrangeCharm_how can i turn on ssh?01:16
knoxvilleStrangeCharm_, is it installeD?01:17
Drknezzmchelen: it has to operate in a virtual filesystem01:17
kmkzAnyone... how can I change the default shortcut (C-c C-f) that does the LaTeX compilation in emacs to use pdflatex ?01:17
lstarnesStrangeCharm_: do you have the package openssh-server installed?01:17
knoxvilleStrangeCharm_, if so, sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start01:17
dyfhello.. i have a weird problem.. everytime i try to post something on a forum, firefox asks me which application to use to open the file "newpost.php".. how can i fix this?01:17
jdwartai need help setting up a NETGEAR RP114 router01:17
StrangeCharm_knoxville lstarnes, thanks01:17
knoxvilleStrangeCharm_, No Prob01:17
lstarnesdyf: it looks like that site's owners didn't configure it right01:17
knoxvilleStrangeCharm_, you could see if it was running by using , netstat -at01:18
dyflstarnes: that's what everyone keeps saying, but it's been a few days and i can see people posting, and it happens with *all* forums that i visited so far01:18
supersashohi.. i'm up to moving my ubuntu partition to another disk.. i'm not using dd but the cp -a command.. now i need to change /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst.. i've changed the uuid in the fstab but the disk wont boot.. any ideas?01:18
wirechiefStrangeCharm here is some info on getting new kernels but it doesnt tell the whole story,, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Upgrade?action=show&redirect=UpgradeKernel01:19
StrangeCharm_knoxville, your command returns no such file or directory01:19
jdwartai need help setting up a NETGEAR RP114 router01:19
knoxvilleStrangeCharm_                 netstat -at01:19
eseven73jdwarta, have you tried ##networking?01:20
StrangeCharm_no, etc/init.d/sshd start01:20
yaris123456789sleep 1 && xset dpms force off  .... is ther a way to disable from turning back on due to mouse or keyboard movements ?01:20
eseven73setting up routers, isnt really Ubuntu related01:20
StrangeCharm_knoxville no, etc/init.d/sshd start01:20
knoxvilleStrangeCharm_, then you must not have the package installed01:20
StrangeCharm_knoxville, and it is installed01:20
jigphello guys how to install kde for 9.04? im using 9.04 desktop.01:20
knoxvilleStrangeCharm_, here it is01:20
jdwartaeseven73: not yet... I am trying to use 2 comps runnung ubuntu and 1 with mac01:20
StrangeCharm_knoxville, wait, fixed it01:20
knoxvilleStrangeCharm_               sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart01:21
StrangeCharm_knoxville, yep, that was the problem01:21
knoxvilleStrangeCharm_, good deal01:22
eseven73jdwarta, by running, I'm assuming you meant getting all 3 to connect to each other with the router? if so you'll probably have better luck there or the forums http://ubuntuforums.org01:23
jdwartaeseven73: ok01:23
kitchejigp: kubuntu-desktop01:24
supersashohi.. i'm up to moving my ubuntu partition to another disk.. i'm not using dd but the cp -a command.. now i need to change /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst.. i've changed the uuid in the fstab but the disk wont boot.. any ideas?01:24
kitchesupersasho: you need to reinstall grub to the mbr01:25
kitche!grub > supersasho01:25
ubottusupersasho, please see my private message01:25
un_davemorning all. or whatever the time appropriate greeting is for you. :)01:25
sharperguywhat command can i use to non-interactively filter out all instances a string from a text file?01:26
=== dnR is now known as dnRoyston
un_daveanyone here use twinview, and have vnc successfully working?01:26
=== ohol1ks is now known as chol
Shockrateshow can i add the google search addon on firefox? i deleted it01:26
un_davei get a one monitor working, and the other blacked out.01:26
Shockratesrestore defaults n00bs01:27
eseven73Shockrates, if you don't have anything in firefox worth saving01:27
eseven73well... there goes that01:27
un_davei've enabled 'remote desktop' through the menu options in gnome. i can connect, but i only see one screen01:29
supersashokitche: thanks :) i've totaly forgot about it01:30
smilingbobis there anyway to make my microphone pick me up better?01:31
dyfsmilingbob: yes, buy a better one01:31
dyfwith noise reducer01:32
smilingbobdyf, thanks for nothing01:32
prappl93Anyone know a stand-alone yahoo program for Ubuntu?01:32
mzzsmilingbob: I've had some luck holding the thing near my throat instead of in front of my mouth01:32
yaris123456789is there any music app taht puts monitor to sleep and lets me still change tracks and control volume ??01:32
dyfsmilingbob: sure, i hope it works for you01:32
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dyfmzz: did you insert it into your throat? :O01:33
kitchesmilingbob: boost the microphone if you have not already01:33
mzzdyf: that's not what I meant.01:33
smilingbobkitche, how do i boost it?01:33
smilingbobmzz, i tried your sugestion it made it muffled and very soft...01:33
mzzsmilingbob: there's a switch in the mixer01:33
kitchesmilingbob: it's in the volume controls might be under advance settings01:33
* Drknezz notices Jaunty really enhances speed01:34
mzzsmilingbob: it probably depends on the microphone. Talking directly into this one made some sounds sound too "sharp", if you know what I mean.01:34
LluvioI heard you all are nerds.01:34
LluvioIf you are then cool.01:34
LluvioI am too.01:34
mzzsmilingbob: (it was a really crappy microphone, one that came with an ancient "multimedia" pc)01:34
Seeker`!OT | Lluvio01:34
ubottuLluvio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:34
dyfLluvio: i heard you're a troll01:34
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...01:34
eseven73geeks, not nerds, there's a difference :D01:34
un_davehrm. the only reference i can find to other people having this issues suggestes that they're using xinerama, rather than twinview. but i just checked my xorg.conf, and it seems to have xinerama disabled properly.01:35
smilingbobmzz, i am not sure where this mike came from, borrowing it from the inlaws lol01:35
bernz_anyone here good with GRUB? i'm trying to overhaul an out-of-date ubuntu installation without having to burn a CD; i hope to boot a live 8.10 from USB instead, but it's non-trivial01:35
LluvioOh, haha, geeks is better, and off-topic ahoy!01:35
PPKumayeah, geeks are "cool" :01:35
smilingbobthink it came with their gateway they bought 10 years ago01:35
alchemist1What is the GRUB entry that ends in "RT"01:35
racecar56i still havent been able too recover my stuff D=01:36
alchemist1 I cannot figure it out01:36
racecar56what am i gonna do?01:36
mzzhmm, running X tunnelled through ssh is *really* slow, even though this is now a local connection.01:36
kitchealchemist1: most likely real time01:36
LluvioWait, where can I find the off-topic servers?01:36
PPKumahi, i've just installed jaunty in my Toshiba Satellite U305, i want to know if the graphic card (Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100) need any adicional driver01:36
mzzanyone run firefox through X through ssh without using vnc or nomachine? Is it even supposed to work?01:36
eseven73Lluvio, #ubuntu-offtopic01:36
kitchePPKuma: no01:36
LluvioBut I do have some questions01:36
smilingbobperhaps it is not my microphone that stinks, but my speakers01:37
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LluvioI'm running Ubuntu on a virtual machine, how much RAM and how much hdspace should I allocate?01:37
PPKumakitche: why's that? my office computer needed some NVIDIA driver i had to download...01:37
LjL!requirements > Lluvio    (Lluvio, see the private message from ubottu)01:37
racecar56gparted crashed while i was resizing a ntfs partition, there was a secondary fat32 and it seemed to 'overlap' the ntfs! the fat32's data is where the ntfs was!01:37
bernz_smilingbob, you could try using 'audacity' (a sound editing program) to record yourself, and watch the levels there to help you tune it01:37
racecar56what do i do?01:37
mzzLluvio: iirc at least 512MiB of ram is a good idea, and the hd space depends heavily on what you're going to run (can't be more precise than "several GiB")01:38
kitchePPKuma: that's for nvidia and even then you didn't need it unless you wanted real 3d acceleration intel driver is part of X.org01:38
dyfracecar56: interesting.. how did you do that?01:38
smilingbobbernux, only if i remember what my password for sudo is lol01:38
racecar56dyf: what? how did it crash>01:38
bernz_racecar56, step 1: don't panic and do some further damage :-D01:38
PPKumakitche: ok, thanks a lot :)01:38
LluvioAlso, first time using Ubuntu, how do I control the IRC?01:38
racecar56bernz_: umm...........01:38
kmkzmzz, for the slow connection you may try the -C for compress, as for firefox, am not quite sure, it seems to tell me that there is an instance running on my local machine01:38
LjLLluvio: what exactly do you want to do?01:38
LluvioJust whatever it was you sent me.01:39
bernz_racecar56, then, i believe there are some disk tools that can "guess" at old (correct) partition divisions, and they might be able to save you some troubles01:39
dyfracecar56: no, transfer the files to the other partition while resizing01:39
kitchePPKuma: intel driver is being rewriting along with the other drivers in X.org new driver interface though so drivers will get better after it's up and running01:39
LjLLluvio: you should have a new tab or window open with a private message from Ubottu. look carefully.01:39
mzzkmkz: compress will *probably* only hurt, since the system I'm displaying on is quite slow and the connection's supposedly quite fast (haven't actually measured that bit yet)01:39
racecar56dyf: how?01:39
Lluviooh I see01:39
racecar56dyf: the ntfs partition is GONE01:39
mzzkmkz: yeah, you have to use a second profile to get around that warning. It does work but it is *glacial*.01:39
kmkzmzz, true01:40
racecar56dyf: what the ntfs had is gone...01:40
mzzkmkz: from what I know of the protocol it doesn't like latency, which is why things like compression can hurt. But I didn't expect it to hurt quite this badly over a local connection01:40
dyfi see01:40
fil_I'm using ubuntu 8.04. I did 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' and after I found KDE is not what I want to use, I want to uninstall it. But when I 'apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop', the programs which kubuntu-desktop installed are staying. WHY?01:40
bernz_racecar56, there might be a tool that can "find" the start/end of the ntfs partition...i just can't cite one off-hand, but i'm sure i've seen something like that01:40
PPKumakitche: so when these drivers are ready... will they download automatically in a system update or do i have to do anything else?01:40
racecar56bernz_: k01:40
eseven73!puregnome | fil_01:40
ubottufil_: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »01:40
JediMasterhow do I get rid of the tracker applet window that's telling me my index is corrupted? hitting redindex, cancel and ok only bring the window up again01:40
mzzracecar56: I'd also check with the gparted documention (or possibly their support, depending on what they have in this area) if there's a known way to recover01:41
LluvioAlso, does Ubuntu only have two resolutions?01:41
bernz_racecar56, a good place to start searching is a website that has a bootdisk for rescue; usually it will contain a treasure trove of free software tools for HD management/rescue01:41
kitchePPKuma: they are a ways off probably a few versions of ubuntu before they are even ready really01:41
racecar56bernz_: parted magic?01:41
bernz_maybe 'partition magic' (for windows only, AFAIK) can do it01:41
bernz_but i'm not sure01:41
racecar56bernz_: if so then i'll get a unetbootin and slam it on one of my usb sticks....01:41
racecar56bernz_: i dont do windows anymore...01:42
=== gustavo is now known as gubuntero
PPKumakitche: ook, thanks a lot for your answers :)01:42
bernz_try bootdisk.com (if it's still the original guy running that domain) to find a rescue disk, and examine its contents by mounting the ISO01:42
LluvioAny of you use Virtual Machines to run Ubuntu?01:42
eseven73Lluvio, Ubuntu supports more than two resolutions, but you'll need to install drivers for your graphics card, System > Hardware Drivers01:42
fil_eseven73: E: Couldn't find package kdelibs401:42
bernz_racecar56, no problem, there should be a linux/FOSS tool to do the same thing01:42
Lluvioeseven73, Thanks.01:42
racecar56racecar56: could arted magic work?01:42
mzzLluvio: I had an instance running in VirtualBox before, although not currently01:42
racecar56racecar56: i can do that..01:42
ramirohow do I install the most minimal X server, only so that I can ssh -X from another machine?01:43
eseven73fil_, you using sudo before the commands?01:43
bernz_i don't know 'parted magic'... never heard of it... clone of partition magic, or?01:43
racecar56bernz_: it is a live cd with a bunch of........ disk stuff01:44
mzzramiro: you don't need an X server on the system you're ssh-ing to for ssh -X (you need xauth and its deps, but that's it). I don't know the proper ubuntu way to install just that though.01:44
racecar56bernz_: i ASSUME01:44
fil_eseven73: yeah, there are no packages like kdelibs4 and 5. Remember, I installed kde-desktop from Ubuntu. <01:44
un_daveno one here using multi-head twinview, and have vnc working?01:45
infinityxiAnyone experienced with using virtualbox? I have the haikuOS image file and I wanted to load it on virtualbox. I am not very familar with using it and it doesn't seem to be working. I also don't want to use vmware if possible.01:45
talonzracecar56, why not use gparted and libntfs10 ? that should let u do what u want01:45
racecar56infinityxi: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what abut qemu01:45
mzzinfinityxi: define "doesn't seem to be working"01:45
racecar56talonz: huh01:45
akidd116anyone here know why my wireless is listed as unassociated?01:45
un_davehello bbitz01:46
infinityxisorry for being vague. I meant to say I am not sure how to load it. vbox can load image files right?01:46
infinityxihaven't tried qemu yet. that is a possibility01:46
mzzinfinityxi: what format is the image in?01:46
bernz_racecar56, yep, it's usually a live bootable CD of DOS with menus that lead to DOS-based utilities01:46
infinityxiit's a befs data dump from the haiku website01:47
MegarainAny one having trouble with helix?01:47
infinityxikind of like if you did a dd if=/dev/hda of=haiku.image01:47
eseven73fil, using Jaunty 9.04 right? if so http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome  if using 8.10 go here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnomehardy01:47
akidd116is there a chat room specifically for help setting up wireless in ubuntu?01:47
smilingbobokay so i downloaded audacity, recorded, to test volumes, made some changes, and now when i try to record again it gives me a error about capturing the sound device...01:48
MegarainDon't think so Akidd.01:48
mzzinfinityxi: stepping through the new virtual machine wizard should give you an option to use an existing hard disk01:48
infinityxishould i mount the image file via loop?01:49
J-_Anyone run MPD on Jaunty? If so, want to query me to help me set it up?01:49
akidd116damnit. i just set up ubuntu for the first time ever and it wont even recognize my wireless network01:49
mzzinfinityxi: no, you don't have to mount it in the host (in fact I'd expect that to cause problems)01:49
infinityxior reference the image file directly.01:49
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:49
mzzinfinityxi: if you mount the image in the host the host will get confused when the guest writes to the underlying image file (and vice versa, if you mount it readwrite in the host)01:49
bbitzWhy access non-sensitive data by HTTPS? Everyone is doing that these days...01:50
_CommandeR_Hi guys, im trying to figure out how to convert an CD to Flac or some other lossless format, you know any good app ?01:50
mzz_CommandeR_: afaik sound-juicer can do that (isn't that installed by default?)01:51
ram``bbitz: why not?01:51
bernz_bbitz, maybe it's affordable, computationally, so "why not?" for privacy's sake, perhaps?01:51
_CommandeR_mzz,  havent tried that ...01:51
th0r_CommandeR_: grip01:51
mzz!rip | _CommandeR_01:51
ubottu_CommandeR_: For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar01:51
_CommandeR_Running Ubuntu01:52
bbitzWell, I suppose it's convenient _IF_ they have signed certificates that are in-date. I have seen quite a few that don't.01:53
bonhofferi am confused --i have the mouse movement, but i can't interact with anything01:54
bonhoffertried to kill x, everything -- ready to power off01:54
jigpkitche : thanks01:54
bonhofferwaited 2 hours at this point01:54
bonhofferreally don't like powering off linux01:54
akidd116there is nothing in here about my wireless being unassociated01:55
_CommandeR_th0r, Hm grip does it work good ?01:55
Pici!sysrq | bonhoffer before you do that, you could try this:01:55
ubottubonhoffer before you do that, you could try this:: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key01:55
kitchejigp: not a problem01:55
th0r_CommandeR_: I have been using it without problems for a couple of years01:55
jigphello guys how to restrict my account?im root and my user is jigp.i have desktop users and i dont want them to access my home folder...01:55
th0r_CommandeR_: not sure exactly what it supports for formats...I always use mp301:56
bonhofferwoah -- alt + print screen did it01:56
_CommandeR_th0r, hm gonna try it out, My Freddie Mercury CD from 1990 is getting a bit damaged (ripple on the coating of old age I suppose =/01:56
kitchejigp: ah this is the thing that I don't really like about Ubuntu remove the world read from your user home directory01:57
whileimhereHi folks. Is there a way to include in the panel links to documents that I open frequently?01:57
kitchejigp: along with the other as well01:57
th0r_CommandeR_: just took a look...flac is an option...as well as a number of other formats01:57
_CommandeR_th0r, Yup, just checked the webb, and also the synaptic01:58
kitchejigp: look up how to use chmod since I m not sure the exact nubmers to use for it though01:58
bonhofferPici: what is up with that?01:58
Picibonhoffer: It hooks directly to the kernel, bypassing anything else that might be messed up.  The wiki link should explain it better though.01:59
bbitzWhat devices (dev entries) does libusb use?01:59
pingvenoI'm repeating this question from a bit earlier. I'm trying to switch GNOME to Programmer Dvorak, but it's not showing up in the Keyboard Settings.01:59
pingvenoThe other Dvoraks are, but not Programmer Dvorak02:00
f1shb0t  [0,1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,45,47,49,51...02:00
lenswipecan someone help me with a samba domain controller please02:00
eseven73f1shb0t, are you a bot?02:00
f1shb0tabrotman: PS2 mice aren't.02:00
lenswipesome of my users cant logon02:00
lenswipeis anyone able to help02:00
th0rjigp: I think this will do it 'chmod 700 /home/(user)'02:00
f1shb0tGnutoo, your paste also said to try Try re-emerging dev-python/pyxml02:01
whileimhereHow can I get pidgin to stay in my panel?02:01
lenswipecan someone give me a hand with samba02:01
f1shb0tI'm repeating this question from a bit earlier. I'm trying to switch GNOME to Programmer Dvorak, but it's not showing up in the Keyboard Settings.02:01
f1shb0tWhat devices (dev entries) does libusb use?02:02
th0rlenswipe: have you installed swat?02:02
f1shb0t  <no location info>: parse error on input `='02:02
lenswipeth0r: swat messes things up, dont like swat02:02
lenswipeth0r: besides my problem is that some users cant login, not to seem rude but i dont really see how swat can help with that, however if you do im interested02:03
kitchePici: hmm wonder which channel that actually came from sicne it's been kicked out of most of the channels it was in :)02:03
GourlisI need help02:04
lenswipeyou do ;)02:04
GourlisI know02:04
lenswipesorry you asked for that one02:04
_CommandeR_th0r, One question, what is better rip to Wav or to flac ?02:04
Gourlislenswipe, ATI Radeon X1250 Drivers for Ubuntu 9.04 are available anywhere ?02:04
th0r_CommandeR_: I haven't used either for ripping, but would lean to flac02:04
lenswipeGourlis: dont know, i dont even run 9.0402:05
lenswipeGourlis: i dont even have a radeon card02:05
GourlisIn WIndows Vista it shows that I have ATI Radeon X1250 and on Ubuntu it shows X120002:05
lenswipegourlis: or an addon graphics card of any description02:05
racecar56does ubuntu 9.04 work well for a gateway m1635 laptop? NOTICE: idk if i got the model right....02:05
th0r_CommandeR_: course...if you intend to use the files in windows you might want wav files02:05
racecar56oh is a m162502:05
Haris_Aminguys i upgraded to jaunty and am now unable to connect to any wireless networks...is there a way for me to reinstall just the wireless card driver...mine is using ipw2200 right now02:06
GourlisAnyone else interested to help with ATI Radeon graphic card ?02:06
Relay2--> Relay1(Relay1@BB449AA0.73EFBD4B.2D0F9B21.IP) (from firewirez) has joined channel #relay02:07
Relay2*** * (from firewirez) changes topic of #relay to 'Relay Test Chan'02:07
Relay2*** Alpha (from firewirez) set mode #relay +o Relay102:07
racecar56Gourlis: what is it in reality?02:07
Relay2*** Alpha (from firewirez) set mode #relay +m02:07
Dr_Willisa relay bot?02:07
Gourlisracecar56, I don't know. I have a laptop, probably X125002:08
Gourlisin ubuntu it says RS490M X120002:08
racecar56does anyone see this message02:08
Gourlisbut it doesnt detect my drivers on 9.04 thats why am interested if anyone knows how to fix it02:08
racecar56everyone still here?02:09
Gourlisi am without effects right now02:10
racecar56i shure hope i can recover my data...02:10
Lint01Gourlis: which driver you have active now?02:10
Relay2* |PB| (from firewirez) waves to freenode users02:10
GourlisLint01, nothing.. after upgrading on 9.04 probably I use ati open source drivers.02:10
Lint01Gourlis: 'radeon' should work fine02:11
doc``is there a 32bit Java JDK available for ubuntu 9.04 ?02:11
usserGourlis, whats the model of the card?02:12
GourlisLint01, yes but am newbie in world of ubuntu :) thats why i wanna know how to do it if you tell me02:12
usserdoc``, sun-java6-jdk02:12
Gourlisusser, in vista it shows ATI Radeon X125002:12
chuck_Gourlis, You have to use the open source driver ati dropped support for your card,02:12
Gourlisand in ubuntu X120002:12
Gourlischuck_, how can i check what card am using now ?02:12
Gourliswhat drivers i mean02:12
whileimhereIs there a way in Firefox to keep a second set of bookmarks.02:12
th0rGourlis: I have a 1200 and have been researching this issue for several days. As near as I can determine the 1200 is not being supported02:13
racecar56how can i recover my data from an 'overlapped' partition?02:13
doc``usser that gives me 64bit02:13
Gourlisth0r, that means I'll stay without any effects right ?02:13
th0rGourlis: I have compiz effects. I have everything but googleearth. Was even able to run SecondLife02:14
Lint01Gourlis: check this -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver02:14
chuck_look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf or Xorg.0.log02:14
usserGourlis, here ati deprecated your card in the recent driver, the only one that works on 9.04 so you're stuck with radeon http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
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akidd116damnit, nothing i do can get my wireless to work02:14
akidd116silly ubuntu02:14
usserdoc``, oh you're on 64 bit, you'll have to download one from java.com if you want 32bit02:14
Gourlisam gonna check guys02:15
racecar56how can i recover my data from an 'overlapped' partition?02:15
Lint01i've bought it 2 years ago, and it already 'deprecated', what a disgrace02:16
racecar56i can give more info on how this happened....02:16
usserLint01, thats how ati does business02:16
racecar56i have a really old 40 GB IDE hard drive, i stuck it in a external hard drive case and there were 2 partitions: a ntfs and a fat32. the ntfs was biggest. i wanted to delete the fat32 (it was useless) and make the ntfs bigger, and then i did so. then gparted crashed and now the fat32 killed the ntfs. the fat32's data is n the ntfs and i don't know how to get the ntfs' stuff back. i really need it02:18
MrGrimRDoes anyone have any recommendations on running flash files, such as watching movies on Youtube? The plugin I have doesn't work that well.02:18
doc``usser i dont seem to find a 32bit jdk on java.com :(02:18
racecar56MrGrimR: swfdec ftw02:18
Dylan552can some one help me with my wifi problem02:18
MrGrimR:D thanks, racecar02:18
racecar56Dylan552: more info please, i missed the message02:19
racecar56MrGrimR: yw02:19
Dylan552racecar can we do it in a pm plz?02:19
racecar56Dylan552: idk if my client supports it....02:19
GourlisNevermind guys :) I will stay with this graphic cards as I am now, hoping ubuntu with their next release do something :P like in 8.04 autodetecting and finding drivers02:19
Dylan552what r u using02:19
racecar56Dylan552: irssi02:19
racecar56Dylan552: i am NEW to it02:19
racecar56Dylan552: very02:19
Dylan552can i try to pm u?02:19
racecar56Dylan552: k02:19
akidd116"You should see an output, along with the words "CLAIMED, UNCLAIMED, ENABLED or DISABLED"02:20
akidd116where should i see that?02:20
Gourlisracecar56, Lint01, th0r, usser, chuck_ Thanks for all your help! :-)02:20
usserdoc``, https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_Developer-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewProductDetail-Start?ProductRef=jdk-6u13-oth-JPR@CDS-CDS_Developer02:21
norrisg1MKAY. IM BACK02:21
racecar56Gourlis: yw02:21
chuck_Gourlis, your welcome02:21
doc``ty usser02:22
rocketwingsanyone know how to get grub to boot to a dell utility partition?02:22
Dr_Willisrocketwings:  from what machines ive seen - ya boot the recovery partitions same as you do any other windows OS.02:22
Dr_Willisrocketwings:  at least thats how it works on my gateway,and acer, and aspirer,02:23
racecar56how can i recover my data from an 'overlapped' partition?02:23
Dylan552can some one help me?02:23
norrisg1I CAN02:23
Dylan552pm me?02:23
Dr_Willisrocketwings:  same  format as for booting windows, only you change the hd#,# to point to the recovery partition02:23
akidd116"You should see an output, along with the words "CLAIMED, UNCLAIMED, ENABLED or DISABLED" ...im wondering where i find this. i already used sudo lshw -C network02:23
akidd116i cant seem to find it02:23
racecar56please help! i need my data back02:23
andrea2030is it a windows partition?02:24
rocketwingssorry, i'm a novice how do you change grub anyways02:24
racecar56yes, ntfs, xp ntfs02:24
racecar56andrea2030: xp ntfs02:24
andrea2030"Get Back NTFS"02:24
Dr_Willisrocketwings:  its controlled by /boot/grub/menu.lst02:24
racecar56andrea2030: what to do?02:24
santa_dolphinhello :)02:25
SuperdweebMY SYSTEM IS NOW OPENING THE "RECOVERY" DIALOG AT EVERY BOOT. Someone please help me? All in caps so it catches your attention, I do not type in all capital letters.02:25
Dylan552HE JUST LEFT!02:25
Dylan552opps caps02:25
Dylan552my b02:25
racecar56andrea2030: ahh shoot02:25
FloodBot1Dylan552: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
infinityximzz: figured the problem out. there was a utility to convert raw images to vdi files. the pages i searched for were a little outdated02:25
Pici!caps | Superdweeb please don't02:25
ubottuSuperdweeb please don't: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:25
Dylan552some one pm me i need help02:25
chuck_Dylan552, he seems to do that a lot02:25
SuperdweebPici; are you going to help me at all?02:26
andrea2030getdataback for ntfs work wonders02:26
Dylan552its ok i just need help02:26
malevolencehow can i enable  watching video's on cnn and youtube im using ubuntu hardy 8.0402:26
Dylan552anyone plz pm if u can help02:26
racecar56andrea2030: 1. is it windows? "i don't do windows" (i USED to......) 2. it isn't even free..... i dont think so02:26
kitchemalevolence: install flash02:27
gadwilHello everyone.02:27
andrea2030get a torrent02:27
Dylan552im conected to the network but i cant get on the we02:27
_CommandeR_Anyone here configured GRIP to ripp with flac ?02:27
racecar56andrea2030: my desktop pc isn't wrking today.... i'd love to though :D02:27
Sagacimalevolence: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:27
racecar56andrea2030: my laptop is slow as a snail02:27
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_: i recall having to install all the extra tools for grip to use.. then it was a simple configure/pull down menu in the GRIP settings.02:28
ohzieHey I have a hp/compaq laptop using a geforce 7150m. It works, but it doesn't automatically see that it's an nvidia card and enable the restricted driver. Has anyone run into this and fixed this problem?02:28
Dylan552 im conected to the network but i cant get on the web02:28
racecar56andrea2030: well... IS it windows?02:28
rocketwingsDr_Willis: boot is in the partition with ubuntu?02:28
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, what extra tools, only found grip in synaptic.02:28
andrea2030i dont need help02:28
mzzinfinityxi: that works, although I'm a bit surprised you can't just use the raw image through the regular virtual drive manager. Sorry about that.02:28
racecar56ohzie: "hp/compaq"... wut02:28
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  grip is just a front end to all the other tools..if you wanted to use flac. you need to install the flac encoder stuff..02:28
Dylan552can some one pm i REALLY need help02:28
mzzinfinityxi: (I thought this was a fairly obvious option in the wizard, but it's been a while since I used it)02:28
ohzieracecar56, V6620US02:29
malevolencekitche you mean flash player non free ??02:29
ohzieCompaq presario02:29
armenceHello, I need help with nVidia drivers. I have an ASUS motherboard with a NVIDIA GeForce 8 series onboard graphics card. When I activate the nVidia driver, the inside of some windows is no longer drawn properly. Can anyone help with that?02:29
racecar56ohzie: k, all the compaq's i have are sr1010z and a sr1020nx, both old02:29
racecar56ohzie: btw they are desktop pc's02:29
infinityximzz: yeah the wizard didn't have that option. It should though, It is a fairly trivial commandline that can convert vmware files to vdi as well as raw.02:29
gadwilHello, I need to know how to remove all graphics drivers on my computer so I can re-install Nvidia 177 driver.  I am running Ubuntu 8.10, fully upgraded, and am using Nvidia GeForce 7300 SE Graphics card.  can anyone help please?02:29
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, I installed it from synaptic etc and int installed ,probably with all. I checked that i have flac installed and i do have it installed. Also in encoded i can check FLAC02:29
akidd116can anyone here help me?02:29
ohzieracecar56, This is a laptop.02:30
racecar56andrea2030: is it a program that runs on windows or is it a live cd or what02:30
racecar56ohzie: yeah, i know02:30
andrea2030it runs on windows02:30
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  run grip, in the config -> encoding  settings. the pull down menu shows what commands it wants.. be sure they are installed and grip should work.02:30
mzzakidd116: almost certainly not with wireless problems, sorry :( I don't have that kind of hardware02:30
racecar56andrea2030: then it's impossible...02:30
infinityxii know for the future though because I have a few old backup images of ubuntu 7.10 that i can resurrect for data that might still be on them.02:30
mzzakidd116: well I actually do since today, but that laptop's waaaay too old to run ubuntu :)02:30
andrea2030gadwil: look how to install envyng02:30
andrea2030get an external drive02:30
akidd116lol my laptop is kind of old aswell. id say 4 years or so02:30
K`zanHi all, just installed ubunti 9.04 and stuck a usb dongle in it from another linux box and it doesn't mount, any suggestions appreciated!02:31
racecar56andrea2030: 1st off, the windows on my pc is ruined, 2nd off, my laptop hard drive is stupid, 3rd off, i dont have any more spare hdd's.02:31
andrea2030racecar56: do you have windows or linux on this system?02:31
racecar56andrea2030: ubuntu 9.04, else i'd be at #windows02:31
racecar56andrea2030: i don't do windows any more02:31
fluvvellIs there an openoffice irc channel that anyone knows about?02:31
rocketwingsanyone know where you can learn to use grub?02:32
andrea2030install virtualbox, install windows, get an external, pass it through the virtualbox, run getdataback ntfs02:32
santa_dolphini´m sorry the question but how can i erase and clean the mbr because i install the grub in the mbr ... and if i format i fear that this goes down ...02:32
Cryptic_Donkeyrocketwings: join / #grub02:32
racecar56andrea2030: 1st off, laptop too old for vbox, 2nd off, all i need is another drive but i dont have one02:32
Cryptic_Donkeyrocketwings: join  #grub  wit this command /j #grub02:33
gadwilandrea2030:  Thank you, I am installing now and hopefully this will resolve my problems.  Have been trying to get this working all day.  Long story as to how it got messed up in the first place.  All I can say is thank you.02:33
racecar56andrea2030: this thing can run qemu a little bit, but else it's scrap02:33
Dr_Willisrocketwings:  the grub homepage has some must read/bookmark docs to  make you a master of grub-fu02:33
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fluvvellrocketwings, you could try    sudo apt-get install startupmanager02:33
Jamedracecar56: did gparted already copy the data when it crashed?02:33
racecar56Jamed: crashed during a sector read02:33
racecar56Jamed: i guess not then02:33
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, seems that GRIP cannot find flac02:34
Jamedthen you can try testdisk for restoring the old partition table02:34
akidd116anyone else here that might be able to help with some wireless issues?02:34
larrydaghi folks.  I'm having the hardest time getting my Canon Pixma ip1700.  I've looked all around the forums and nothing is working02:34
racecar56Jamed: i really find it stupid/odd that it crashing when it is -reading- would lead to damage, btw i was tiring myself out with testdisk already02:34
racecar56Jamed: what do i do? im stuck on this stupid usb stick of ubuntu 9.04 and a bad partition table on my main drive02:35
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  you did install flac?  sudo apt-get install flac02:35
larrydaganyone offer printer setup advice?02:35
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, its allready installed,02:35
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, (Output from terminal flac is already the newest version.)02:36
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  Id have togo find a music cd to check :) heh..  i rippd all mine years ago.. and havent gotten them out oftheir cases in ages02:36
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis,  hehe :)02:36
K1LL9does anyone know how to rebuild my dpkg database for ubuntu? i somehow managed to corrupt the file02:36
Jamedracecar56: i don't know a way to restore the data without testdisk02:36
K1LL9im running ubuntu 9.04 desktop02:36
andrea2030KILL9: sudo apt-get install -f02:37
andrea2030try that02:37
andrea2030KILL9: reply with what it says02:37
santa_dolphini´m sorry the question but how can i erase and clean the mbr to default like fixmbr in windows?02:38
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, Mine is kinda needed to rip, its and old Freddie Mercury from 1993 and the coating is getting ripples (plays good but the DVD drive gots some troubles to reed it sometimes but when its buffered it plays good :)02:38
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racecar56Jamed: umm.... how DO i use testdisk to fix this? i have the drive on and the window open...02:38
K1LL9andrea2030, Reading state information... Done02:39
K1LL90 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:39
armenceI have an NVIDIA GeForce 8300 and when I activate the nvidia driver, windows do not seem to update. Can I get some help?02:39
Relay2--> DARKSTORM(darkstorm@firewirez.net) (from firewirez) has joined channel #relay02:39
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Jamedracecar56: i don't know much about testdisk, i've never used it, so i don't know the right commands for restoring02:40
K1LL9andrea2030, i have 2 ubuntu boxes, and i have copied the dpkg file from one box and replaced the dpkg file of the currupted one, probally not the right solution now is it?02:40
dominoeffektHi guys. I have had Dual monitors to day. And now when i disconnected the Extra monitor i can not get back to the resolution that i had before on my "main screen" (1024 x 769 (16:10)  i can only have 1024 x 768 (4:3) so my screen is not "filled out" on the sides. suggestions on that i can do?02:40
Volkodavhello! I have lost my arrow keys functionality and UP arrow key envokes screenshot02:40
Volkodavany idea where to dig ?02:40
racecar56andrea2030: do you know how to fix my ntfs with testdisk?02:41
ernakHello,I just installec xubuntu to an old sony vaio laptop, and when i drop to shell by hitting ctrl-alt-f1 the resolution is too  big, with black bars on the side02:42
ernakand it's impossible to enter commands02:42
ernakanyone got a clue how to fix this?02:42
racecar56andrea2030: im at the start analyze screen and it says 2 of partition 2, there is some hope02:42
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  lame works . flac dont.. odd...02:43
racecar56andrea2030: Invalid NTFS boot:  2 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1 32 32122  41 15   65787120 (there are 2 lines like that)02:43
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  could be its checking for some verson info.  i will toy with it a bit more02:43
poopsmithSo if I had to move my hard drive from SATA4 in my pc to SATA2, now grub won't load, shouldn't it be a very easy fix?02:43
racecar56andrea2030: btw im using testdisk 6.1002:43
th0rernak: first, use Alt-F2, Alt-F1 is the logon terminal that starts X. And using a vga= line in menu.lst might help02:43
K`zanNever mind :-), solution to it is to reboot each time you remove and insert the USB drive.02:44
l337m4573rdose any body know about the sound bug in quake 2 ?02:44
poopsmithand I'm in live cd right now :D02:44
Dr_Willisl337m4573r:  given how old quake2 is.... im suprised it works. :)02:44
andrea2030racecar56: have you tried using the windows xp cd and going into recory console, FIXMBR & FIXBOOT?02:44
ernakth0r:it's the same resolution :( starts in about the middle of the screen02:44
Dr_Willisl337m4573r:  there may be some quake2 'updated engines' that use the data files but look better.02:45
akidd116"# Many wireless network devices can be turned on or off. Check to see if there is a hardware switch, some devices can be switched off from Windows and may need to be turned back on from Windows."02:45
akidd116anyone know what that means specifically?02:45
poopsmithsome laptops have switches that disable their wireless, I'm guessing its referring to that02:46
SeaPhorDr_Willis, sudo apt-get install sauerbraten02:46
Dr_Willisakidd116:  look for a wireless on/off switch..and some times the switches are very picky and  dont work under linux, but do in windows02:46
AlsaPCMhow to install nvidia driver..02:46
racecar56andrea2030: would that actually help a -partition- problem?02:46
Dr_WillisSeaPhor:  i perfer FreeCol to FPS :)02:46
l337m4573ric cause it works but the sound is all buggy and i haven't found a straight answer to fix it witch surprises since its openSource02:46
andrea2030racecar56: yes02:46
racecar56andrea2030: O_o02:47
AlsaPCMi have used the synaptic and downloaded the 180 ones, but when i try the hardware thing doesnt activate the driver..02:47
racecar56andrea2030: ok..... if you SAY so...02:47
cdm10Does anyone here use Ekiga VoIP?02:47
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, ok thanx :)02:47
akidd116well, how do i make them work in linux if all i have is linux now?02:47
racecar56andrea2030: notice: the windows that was on there is deleted, is that going to make it fail?02:47
ernaki think i found my answer, in the grub "menu.,lst" file02:47
racecar56andrea2030: ok... im going to try it02:48
poopsmithSo if I had to move my hard drive from SATA4 in my pc to SATA2, now grub won't load, shouldn't it be a very easy fix? I am in Live CD right now on that computer ready to go!02:48
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  you could just rip the things, thenuse the command line i guess. or try some other ripper tools02:48
mrpocketsAnyone know anything about 9.04's support on the Mac Aluminum?02:48
mrpocketsor know where to look?02:48
akidd116ok, now it says wireless=radio off instead of unassociated02:48
Dr_Willismrpockets:  the ubuntu forums for a start?02:48
bmathis 02:48
andrea2030racecar56: have you tried using ubuntu 9.04 and accessing the partition?02:48
K1LL9mrpockets, do you know where the dpkg database is stored, like /usr or /bin /var02:49
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, Dont know any other program :)02:49
mzzK1LL9: hopefully below /var02:49
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  theres proberly a dozen+ in the repos.02:49
mrpocketsdunno what dpkg is :(02:49
mrpocketssry home skillet02:49
poopsmithcan anyone answer my question?02:49
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  at one time kde and gnome file managers had addons that wouldmake a audio cd appear as a directory of .mp3 or other file types you just copied over as a normal file.. and itwould rip/encode automatically02:50
K1LL9mzz, nope cant find it there02:50
mzzK1LL9: what exactly are you looking for/trying to do?02:50
mzzK1LL9: /var/lib/dpkg may be what you're after02:51
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, hm02:51
K1LL9i managed to corrupt my dpkg database, and i replaced the corrupted one with a copy of my v.m. but it appears that the v.m version did not have all my packages in the db, so i need to find the current dpkg db and delete it and do a update dpkg or something to create a new dpkg database02:51
ftehwIs there a way to guarantee that all files created in a directory are created with g+rw permissions??02:52
mzzK1LL9: err, don't delete what I just said02:52
poopsmithanyone know where grub boots from? or how to reinstall it and fix my problem? I'm kind of in a hurry here, sorry about repeating it again02:52
shawnmstoutok im still having problems with changing over my root directory02:52
mzz!grub | poopsmith02:52
ubottupoopsmith: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:52
shawnmstouti changed the fstab entries02:52
mzzpoopsmith: afaik that RestoreGrub thing isn't windows-exclusive02:52
shawnmstoutwhere else could it be stored at?02:52
ftehw...I don't want to have to change each users's default umask.  chmod g+s makes sure the GID is inherited, but not the permissions02:52
akidd116anyone know how i can go from radio off to radio on?02:53
K1LL9mzz, so how do i rebuild the dpkg?02:53
bernz_ftehw, i think you're looking for something like 'utmp'... setutmp or something?02:53
mzzK1LL9: recommend you wait for someone more familiar with the system to show up to tell you if what you're trying to do is doable02:53
otg 02:53
amanda-bi'm looking for an image viewing package that has two features: first, a single-button move-file function, to eg a predetermined destination. second, the ability to scan an entire tree of directories to make thumbnails all at once, rather than upon first open. does such a package exist?02:53
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K1LL9mzz, ok02:53
poopsmithmzz: I didn't lose it after installing windows, I had to move which sata port my main hard drive was plugged into, I'm pretty sure I just need to change a number in its settings02:53
mzzK1LL9: depending on what you overwrote earlier it's possible the package manager suffered irreversible memory loss02:53
K1LL9mzz, awww...02:53
K1LL9i dont want to do a fresh install...02:53
tyler_d1after re-installing and attempting to format 3 drives to ext3 via term or using gparted... it states that the file system is in use?02:54
mzzpoopsmith: I'm pretty sure the partition number grub's stage2 is on is hardcoded and the fastest way to recover if it changed is reinstalling grub02:54
bernz_ftehw, i can't remember the name, sorry, but there's a way to set a "template" for permissions when new files are created02:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch02:54
benjehello, i am under intrepid and i am making a script to mount iso file as cdrom with right click in nautilus. the mount command is ok, but even with the users option i can't unmount as normal user , this is the mount command : gksudo "mount -t iso9660 -o loop,users,ro,utf8,exec '""$test""' /media/cdrom$j" where $test is the filtered $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS and $j the number of the free cdrom02:54
mzzpoopsmith: I can attempt to find this in the manual, if you like02:54
dominoeffektHi guys. I have had Dual monitors to day. And now when i disconnected the Extra monitor i can not get back to the resolution that i had before on my "main screen" (1024 x 769 (16:10)  i can only have 1024 x 768 (4:3) so my screen is not "filled out" on the sides. suggestions on that i can do?02:54
poopsmithI'll attempt to reinstall grub first thanks02:54
ftehwbernz_: ok, thanks, maybe google can help with the new keywords to search02:54
th0rftehw: I don't know if it is what you want, but look at setting umask= in .bashrc02:55
benjeif i try to unmount in nautilus it tell me not in fstab and you're not root02:55
ftehwth0r: yea, I don't want to require users to change their global umask's.  just their effective umasks in certain shared directories02:55
eseven73!cn | otg02:55
ubottuotg: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:55
bernz_ftehw, actually, i might have found it: setuid02:56
benjemount line /dev/loop0 on /media/cdrom1 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,utf8)02:56
eseven73!cn | otg02:56
Sagaciok i was in my /home folder and I deleted the Desktop file, how do I get it back02:56
Sagacierrr, don't worry02:56
th0rSagaci: Desktop is a folder...just make a dir with that name02:57
eseven73otg type /join #ubuntu-cn02:57
jaysonsantosHello people, someone was able to use Nvidia proprietary driver with ubuntu 9.04 64 bit ? I'm using a Widscreen monitor. If someone have some tips, tell me please.02:57
Flannelotg: Please stop.  This channel is english only.02:57
bernz_ftehw, dagnabbit, that's still not the one... lookin'02:57
Dr_Willisjaysonsantos:  i just installed the drivers, rebooted . ran the nvidia-settings tool as root with gksudo (or whatever it is) nvidia-settings, tweaked the config.. restarted X02:57
ftehwbernz_: thanks for looking02:57
bernz_ftehw, oh, just noticed th0r got it: umask... that's what you want to read up on02:58
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:58
benjewhat intrepid use as macanism for the mount applet ?02:58
jaysonsantosDr_Willis My restolution is 640x48002:58
FlannelLjL: Bit slow there, eh?02:58
LjLerr, sorry02:58
disappearedngHey where is the location of BeautifulSoup in Ubuntu02:58
LjLFlannel: i just suddently noticed a whole lot of kanji there and did ops by instinct.02:58
ftehwbernz_: umask changes a given user's global new file policy.  I just want to change their newfile policy for a given directory02:59
bernz_ftehw, there's a related thing that's finer-grained, possibly... if you can find a good reference on umask itself, it should refer to the other thing02:59
ftehw...this seems like a simple problem, how do you create a /share directory in which all users can immediately read/write each others files?03:00
th0rftehw: google umask for directory03:00
bernz_ftehw, once again, these are things i use so infrequently, i only have a faint memory of their (supposed) existence most of the time03:00
bernz_(and i have to dig through web searches to recall their details, which is getting ever harder with search engines sucking so much these days, but i digress...)03:00
jack ㄏㄏ03:00
jackㄏㄏ ㄏㄏㄏ03:00
jack 03:00
FloodBot1jack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
=== jack is now known as Guest29506
th0rftehw: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Debian/2005-07/2641.html03:01
ftehwth0r: thanks!03:02
bernz_ftehw, one way might be to use group permissions, and allow all group members to write to that dir (and its children); then assign the appropriate group to each user who is "allowed" in03:02
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, Hm i think i got it encode it to flac..03:02
K1LL9mzz,  this is the error i get when i try to update ubuntu or read my synaptic package manager: http://www.pastebin.ca/142600603:02
valleydaddy78install help please03:02
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  oh?  I sort of gave up trying. :) the database lookup didet work for grip.. so i dident want a lot of untagged files. :)03:02
bernz_ftehw, really, though, you should try to find a good tutorial on the whole permissions thing in general; it's kind of old and on the way out, but it's still worth understanding, and won't take too long to read, after which you'll feel a lot more comfortable working with nix-like file systems :-)03:02
deadpepsii need help setting up ipv603:02
benjethanks for the answer bye03:03
Jack_SparrowK1LL9 What is in your sources list03:03
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:03
valleydaddy78can some one pm me its to conjested in here03:03
ftehwbernz_: yea, i'm *very* comfortable with general file permissions, it's this bizzar sticky u and g bits that are hazzy.  thanks for your help03:03
eseven73bernz_, what's going to replace the old permissions system?03:03
Jack_Sparrowvalleydaddy78 We strongly suggest you keep your question in the channel so we can be sure you get the best advice03:03
mzzK1LL9: and is that directory it complains about indeed missing? Does creating it help? I'm guessing that'd be too easy, but hey :)03:04
akidd1161im confused, i know what my password is for my wireless network is but it wont let me enter it03:04
akidd1161when i click show password, it shows me a long ass string of numbers and letters03:04
bernz_ftehw, ah okay, well, i hope you are close to finding a good explanation (in whatever form); as you use it, it'll become easy, at least :-)03:04
eseven73bernz_, what's going to replace the old permissions system?03:05
bernz_eseven73, oh, nothing in particular, but i suspect as we move to more advanced file systems, we'll get finer-grained permissions03:05
bernz_eseven73, it's not that the current ones are "bad" per se, just have some limits03:06
ftehwth0r: i just followed those directions from your link and tested it.  if I chmod 6774 /share.  then touch /share/foo.  foo does indeed adopt the right gid, but not the right permssions...644 instead of 664 like desired.03:06
=== rachel is now known as Guest65200
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, Odd, it seems that it deletes the file after the encoding is done -_-03:06
ftehwthus some other user cannot write /share/foo unless i chmod it or tweak my umask03:06
eseven73bernz_, ok :)03:06
poopsmithfollowed the reinstall grub thing and I still get "Missing Operatiting system" when turning my computer on03:07
th0rftehw: are you a member of the correct group?03:07
dominoeffektHi. How can i change my resolution in   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  ??03:07
bernz_eseven73, one thing i *do* feel pretty sure about, though, is that Linux has reached an important level of both acceptance and usability... that's really cool to be a part of :-)03:07
ftehwyes.  if you read the follow-up "addendum" post to that thread you linked, they explain you need umask as well03:07
SeaPhorpoopsmith, check bios settings drive priority03:08
akidd1161ok, my computer recognizes my wireless network but the password wont work now. can anyone help?03:08
th0rftehw: I have never used that myself....just did the search and sent along what I found03:08
poopsmithI only have one drive in right now, Well one hdd and a dvd drive, it recognizes both and it tries booting from cd, then hdd03:08
bernz_so, i'm off to read up more on GRUB errors... bye for now03:08
th0rftehw: surprising how much one can learn just eavesdropping here03:08
valleydaddy78any one who can help with install issues please pm me03:10
dominoeffektHi. How can i change my resolution in   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  ??03:10
deadpepsithanks all fixed now03:10
amanda-bvalleydaddy78, ask in public.03:10
Jack_Sparrowvalleydaddy78 We strongly suggest you keep your question in the channel so we can be sure you get the best advice03:10
_CommandeR_*agh i hate my dvd drive..03:10
ftehwit seems like any online tutorial on setting up a linux shared directory either ends up requiring users to change their global umask, or chmod each file they create.03:10
ftehwthat's just crazy03:11
_CommandeR_my dvd drive froze up during reeding the cd how do i force it to stop ?03:11
disappearednghow come type error doesn't have an error number03:11
Jack_Sparrowvalleydaddy78 To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F4 and select safe graphics mode then press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash use the noapic acpi=off options before the "--"03:11
_CommandeR_DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending03:11
RHorse!question > valleydaddy7803:11
ubottuvalleydaddy78, please see my private message03:11
valleydaddy78when i insert the disk it boots fine but when i choose an install method it does nothing03:11
th0rftehw: how are you sharing these directories...samba?03:12
morfichttps://launchpad.net/~khashayar/+archive/ppa <--- this is a joke right? if 9.04's ffado worked, emptying that would be fine, but nothing worked since upgrading to 9.04, i'm actually reinstalling 8.10 right now to go back to that ppa, and now i see it's gonna be purged? how long between such an announcement and the actual purging? (so i can sit on 8.10 until 9.04 had time to catch up)03:12
ftehwth0r: the easiest possible: shared local space.03:12
Jack_Sparrowvalleydaddy78 do you get a live desktop session and which release are you using03:12
ftehw.. /share03:12
valleydaddy78thnx ill try that03:13
disappearedngHey I have a except TypeError, e: how come the e is just "cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects"03:13
Jack_Sparrowdisappearedng Are you writing a script?03:13
valleydaddy788.04 hardy heron03:14
Jack_Sparrowdisappearedng Please see the appropiate channel as in  /join #bash03:14
poopsmithokay wth, I plugged my drive back into  where it was and still get the missing operating system error?!03:14
poopsmithI guess I'll try re-reinstalling grub lol03:14
disappearedngoh why am I in ubuntu03:15
armenceHello all, I am having the following problem: if I activate "visual effects" my computer crashes whenever I try to maximize a window. Can anyone help?03:15
racecar56no luck...03:15
ftehwth0r: ok, i figured it out.  umask apparently accepts a directory as a hidden param.03:15
K1LL9Jack_Sparrow, i managed to fix it03:15
K1LL9i had to do a apt-get clean03:15
Jack_SparrowK1LL9 glad to hear it03:15
K1LL9so am i03:15
ftehwyou can `chmod g+s /share` and `umask 002 /share` to inherit GID and g+rwx permissions without changing global umasks for users03:15
PPKumahi, im trying to include another partition in the fstab, im getting a superblock error, can somebody please check it out? http://pastie.org/48116503:16
valleydaddy788.04 hardy heron03:16
_CommandeR_anyone know how to force the cd rom drive out ?03:16
th0rftehw: like i said...amazing what one can learn <smile>03:16
Jack_Sparrow_CommandeR_ Were you trying to run something in wine etc?03:16
morficgreat, frustrated enough to not even take time to read it's him deleting the ppa :/03:16
lenswipehey everone03:16
_CommandeR_Jack_Sparrow, now I tried to ripp my cd but now it just locked up my trying to reed it.03:16
akidd1161is there a place to find freeware that works on linux in some central location?03:16
racecar56any way to fix my partition?03:16
ftehwth0r: :)  thanks for helping out.  w00t to community!03:17
FrankQCHey. I just registered at irc.freenode.net.   How do I login?03:17
_CommandeR_Jack_Sparrow,  DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending When i try to unmount it03:17
lstarnesakidd1161: do you mean proprietary freeware, or actual open-source free software?03:17
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories03:17
lstarnesFrankQC: /msg nickserv help identify03:17
morficFrankQC, /msg nickserv identify password03:17
akidd1161frankqc, im guessing its /msg nickserv identify password03:17
lstarnesFrankQC: that will tell you how03:17
klaidHello, I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10, and it says it's running in low graphics mode at startup, and the resolution is off. I have a copy of the xorg.conf which worked under 8.04, but replacing the current xorg.conf with the old one doesn't help. Strangely enough, I tried the same thing in an 8.10 live cd, and it worked perfectly, anyone know what could be wrong?03:17
FrankQCThanks guys03:18
akidd1161 lstarnes, i guess either will work. im just interested in seeing what is out there for ubuntu03:18
akidd1161i just installed it today and its my first day with it03:18
ahmadhi guys03:18
Jack_Sparrowakidd1161 Please see the link on repos03:19
ahmadits mine too03:19
=== akidd1161 is now known as akidd116
ahmadyar i cannot see my other partitions?03:19
eseven73!yay | ahmad akidd116 (i take this back if you're not dumping windows totally) :P03:19
ubottuahmad akidd116 (i take this back if you're not dumping windows totally) :P: Glad you made it! :-)03:19
akidd116its completely gone on this computer03:20
eseven73nice :)03:20
akincerso vpnc won't let me add a new connection in 9.0403:20
ahmadNTFS partitions03:20
akidd116my old desktop still has windows but it has ubuntu set up to run in vmware03:20
akincercan somebody tell me what isn't broken in 9.04?03:20
akidd116akincer, i can tell you 9.04 hates my wireless connection03:20
Jack_Sparrowakincer Please dont ask questions like that03:20
ahmadhow can i use ntfs partitions in xubuntu03:21
lstarnes!ntfs-3g | ahmad03:21
ubottuahmad: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:21
poopsmithokay, so now the find /boot/grub/stage one is giving me an error, as well as the /grub/stage103:22
akincerI keep getting a pop-up with vpnc saying nm-connection-editor has the keyring locked and it won't let me unlock it03:22
mattgyverHow do you copy an entire directory from command line?03:22
yEOjAEwhat is different between ubuntu 9.04 and pedora 11?03:22
MrGrimRI'm having trouble setting up a network printer. It's connected via USB to an XP machine. I don't know where to go about finding it from the printer setup...03:22
wanna_learn_morehi,i used jaunty 9,04 i tried to make menuconfig then make to configure my kernel03:22
akincerI'm extraordinarily frustrated at the unbelievable number of things broken in 9.0403:22
Jack_Sparrowmattgyver Read up on the dd command for one03:22
eseven73have a good attitude, remember the developers in here have feelings too, plus it's free, so try not to be rude about your questions03:22
lstarnesyEOjAE: they are different distributions of ubuntu03:22
jcapincalright, I am tring to give my friend a test environment for PHP, we got it installed,and went to run a test script and it has him download it as a file, why?03:22
juliahola, chicos. Soy Nueva en ubuntu y estoy teniendo problemas para que mi computadora pesque la señal de internet03:22
mattgyverJack_Sparrow, cant it be done with cp?03:22
lstarnesyEOjAE: er, diffuerent distributions of linux, not ubuntu03:22
wanna_learn_moreit said no rule to make target'kernel/bounds.c'.needed by'kernel/bounds.s'. stop.03:22
msmarcwhen installing intrepid on imac ppc it asks to start pc card services. What are pc card services?03:23
Jack_Sparrowmattgyver yes03:23
ahmadthanks i am reading the page03:23
wanna_learn_moremake:*** prepare0 error203:23
wanna_learn_morecan u help me?03:23
LadyNikonhey.. wasn't compiz under the settings tab at one point and time?03:23
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:23
wanna_learn_moreJack_Sparrow:thats for me?03:24
mrlolplxhow to turn off mousewheel changing workplaces?03:24
racecar56any way to fix my partition?03:24
racecar56i had so much trouble already....03:25
Jack_Sparrowwanna_learn_more yes03:25
akincerDoes anyone know how to fix the problem with vpnc not allowing you to configure a new VPN connection?03:25
poopsmithw00t fixed it! Thanks everyone03:25
Jack_Sparrowwanna_learn_more New users are strongly advised to stick to our repos of stabe versions03:25
wanna_learn_moreJack_Sparrow:ya i just want to try to configure kernel because of i want to do something on it.but its said something like that.03:26
kmkz any ideas of a good shortcut for opening a terminal without interfering03:26
kmkz       with other porgrams? Was using <Ctrl><Shift>T (but overalps with03:26
kmkz       firefox), now using <Ctrl><Alt>x... ideas ?03:26
LadyNikonkmkz: please use pastebin03:27
kmkz(sorry for the flood)03:27
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages03:27
wanna_learn_moreJack_Sparrow:tyring on it ..thanks03:27
th0rakincer: might you need pptp or openvpn installed?03:28
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:28
SeaPhor"For those that understand Linux, no explanation is necessary. For those that do not understand Linux, no explanation is sufficient"03:28
akincerthor: vpnc _should_ be the only thing I need installed. I have it installed and it won't let me save passwords for my vpn connections03:28
msmarcis there a way to install openoffice.org on a powerpc?03:28
akincerkeeps asking for a default password to unlock the keyring only no password I have set works03:29
th0rSeaPhor: Contrary to popular belief, Linux is user friendly. It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.03:29
Jack_Sparrowmsmarc Sorry, that is not a ubuntu support question.03:29
osmiohow are you people?!03:29
Jack_Sparrow!hi  > osmio03:29
ubottuosmio, please see my private message03:29
jigphello guys how to restrict my account?im root and my user is jigp.i have desktop users and i dont want them to access my home folder...03:29
LadyNikonosmio: we are good whats up?03:30
dooner!permissions | jigp03:30
ubottujigp: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:30
briancronkmkz: you should try guake, it sits on the taskbar and you it F12 to have it drop in03:30
jbach44will Ubuntu server work with combination windows and Ubuntu machines03:30
osmiohi ubottu! i dont received this03:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:30
doonerjbach44, sure (samba if you are looking for file sharing)03:30
LadyNikonosmio: ubottu is a bot. someone sent it a message to say hi to you03:31
th0rakincer: are you using network-manager? there is a vpnc package for nm as well as the vpnc package03:31
osmiohi... I m fine tk u03:31
th0rakincer: what I am getting at, when I wanted to define vpn's I had the same problem...had to install the nm packages for whatever vpn I was trying to use03:32
osmiook! tks for this03:32
ajamison5579which config fields  in firefox tell websites the OS your coming from03:32
Jack_Sparrowosmio PLease see the topic, this is a support channel for ubuntu. there are many many channels for chat03:32
kmkzbriancron, thanks, will try that03:32
DanThirstAny one know how to change the name of a media card like SD card03:32
maxagazhow to replace the string foo with bar at the line x using sed ?03:32
eseven73jcapinc, Im no apache expert but according to a few websites I googled, you need to make sure two modules are being loaded, in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled  php5.conf and php5.load  read BillGoldbergs post here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-910554.html03:32
Rafaeli m trying to umount my md3 and i get a "devise is bussy¨ can somebody help03:32
PPKumahi, im trying to include another partition in the fstab, im getting a superblock error, can somebody please check it out? http://pastie.org/48116503:32
osmioyes... its my propos03:32
RHorseRafael some prog has control of it03:32
Dr_WillisPPKuma:  you did format that filesystem?  or was iot allready formatted?03:33
akincerthor: a search in synaptic reveals no additional vpnc packages for me to install03:33
osmio i can t see files THM03:33
RafaelRHorse: so what should i do03:33
osmioi need to help03:33
eseven73jcapinc, if that doesn't work out you can try asking in #httpd03:33
th0rakincer: network-manager-vpnc is what I had in mind03:33
Haris_Aminguys why is it that my wireless card can see wireless netowrks but is unable to connect to them (whether it is wep or wpa) ?03:33
akincerthor: it is already installed03:33
RHorseRafael kill the program. There's a lil utility that tells you which program (don't remember which) but if you know you can kill it manually03:34
Haris_Aminit keeps on asking for password after trying to conect03:34
Jack_SparrowHaris_Amin some cards do not support encryption03:34
th0rakincer: I needed network-manager-pptp and network-manager-openvpn03:34
RHorseRafael usu it's a file manager or something or a music player03:34
LadyNikonah nevermind i figured it out.03:34
akincerthor: I'll install them and see if it fixes it. If it does, someone needs to modify the vpnc install script because it is broken otherwise.03:34
Haris_AminJack_Sparrow: yeah but the thing is i know mine does...its using the ipw2200 which was working fine in 8.10 but hasn't been bale to connect to a network since i upgraded to januty03:34
Loganhouphello, I am having problems with pulseaudio. my sound works when I log on and for about 30 minutes then it breaks and every it attempts to play sound but it hangs. Here is the output of dmesg shortly after it breaks.http://paste.ubuntu.com/174647/ Coincidentally it also breaks my wifi. running pactl load-module module-x11-xsmp gives me connection failure: connection refused.03:35
RafaelRhorse, what if i just reboot03:35
jbach44thanks for the info03:35
Loganhoupany help is also appreciated. wow sorry its so huge.03:35
RHorseRafael what prog03:35
RHorseRafael what prog's were you using just prior?03:35
Haris_AminJack_Sparrow: any ideas?03:36
RafaelRhorse: none03:36
RHorseRafael type top to get list of programs running03:36
Jack_SparrowHaris_Amin no sorry, I do do wireless03:36
akincerthor: no dice03:36
inasmusometimes when I resume from standby my gnome-panel crashes and I need to restart it manually03:37
PPKumaDr_Willis it was already formated03:37
akincergreat, since this doesn't work, I'm going to have to drive into work now03:37
Loganhoupinasmu: standby in ubuntu is a joke just dont use it.03:37
RafaelRhorse: ini03:38
inasmuLoganhoup: standby worked perfectly in Intrepid, this problem has only started since upgrading to Jaunty03:38
jbach44one other question, does Ubuntu Server have any Window managers?03:38
Jack_Sparrowjbach44 no03:38
Jack_Sparrowbut you can add one03:38
eseven73it's easy to install one jbach4403:38
LoganhoupInasmu: I see.03:38
eseven73I use xfce on my Ubuntu server03:38
jbach44damn, been a long time since I played with just a console lol03:38
racecar56D= im robably going to wipe the drive and forget about restoring the data...03:38
racecar56jbach44: oh, come on....03:39
akidd116damnit, still having wireless issues lol03:39
racecar56jbach44: no way...03:39
akincerjbach44: you can get a window manager for it, but you are defeating its minimalist design when you do that and you end up somewhere between server and desktop with none of the advantages of either03:39
zurditohola tengo un problema con el kde4 nopuedo iniciar la seccion con el03:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:39
doc_brownwhat is the command line equivalent of "extract here" for a tar.gz file?03:39
jbach44lol ok thank you :>03:39
doc_brownis it just tar -xv <filename>03:39
ZoffixHello, I'm kinda stumped here. I have a laptop with a dead DVD-ROM. Normally I use an external USB DVD-ROM but right now I want to reinstall Ubuntu and I can't boot from that USB DVD-ROM. I don't have another box over here so netboot is not an option. I googled around for how to install from a USB flash drive, but the only thing I get is either something that requires the use of Windows utilities or talks about installing the OS *on* the flash drive.03:39
ZoffixAny clues, tips, suggestions?03:39
Loganhoupinasmu: do you use fglrx?03:40
RHorseRafael man fuser03:40
inasmudoc_brown: tar -xvf <filename>03:40
doc_brownzoffix, try making a bootable usb drive with a prog called unetbootin03:40
racecar56does anyone know how to fix a replaced partition? gparted crashed during sector reading stage of resizing a ntfs, then the secondary fat32 partition ate the 1st one03:40
th0rjbach44: you can boot to the command prompt and only startx when you need it. The only thing you will lose is a little disk space03:40
doc_brownZoffix, universal network boot installer03:40
inasmuLoganhoup: no, I'm using the proprietary nvidia drivers03:40
RafaelRhorse: sorry but i am newby..what is man fuser?03:40
eseven73akincer, yeah that's mostly true, but the Ubuntu Server has a special kernel, that desktop doesnt03:40
akidd116ok, i know i have my password right but it just wont connect to my wireless03:40
doc_browninasmu, why xvf?03:40
amanda-bi'm looking for an image viewing package that has two features: first, a single-button move-file function, to eg a predetermined destination. second, the ability to scan an entire tree of directories to make thumbnails all at once, rather than upon first open. does such a package exist?03:41
racecar56Rafael: man is manual, fuser is a program03:41
doc_browninasmu, i read the man page, just want a better understanding03:41
inasmudoc_brown: x for extract, v for verbose, f for use file instead of stdin03:41
racecar56Rafael: man fuser will bring the manual for fuser on the screen03:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about verbose03:41
Jack_Sparrowdoc_brown the man page explains clearly the command modifiers03:41
Zoffixdoc_brown, oh, now I see that there is a Linux version of that app; the tutorial I've read was showing screen of windows version of it. I'm gonna give it a go, thanks.03:41
doc_brownZoffix, good luck03:41
doc_brownZoffix, its easy though03:42
doc_brownJack_Sparrow, i was trying to learn more about ubuntu, my apologies03:42
doc_brownJack_Sparrow, i read the man page just needed clarification03:43
racecar56does anyone know how to fix a replaced partition? gparted crashed during sector reading stage of resizing a ntfs, then the secondary fat32 partition ate the 1st one. i am tired if trying to find out how to fix this03:43
Jack_Sparrowdoc_brown the man page should have been clear on those03:43
doc_brownJack_Sparrow, how is that helpful03:44
Jack_Sparrowdoc_brown Did you type man tar in a terminal?03:44
Loganhouphello, I am having problems with pulseaudio. my sound works when I log on and for about 30 minutes then it breaks and every it attempts to play sound but it hangs. Here is the output of dmesg shortly after it breaks.http://paste.ubuntu.com/174647/ Coincidentally it also breaks my wifi. running pactl load-module module-x11-xsmp gives me connection failure: connection refused.03:44
doc_brownJack_Sparrow, of course i did03:44
myselfhey I'm having a problem I'm trying to install a torrent client called "monsoon" from source since the deb package is broken, and it is telling me this http://pastebin.com/m3adbc89a03:44
RHorseRafael, if you type fuser -m /dev/sdb2 or whatever the mounted partition is, it will return the process holding it03:44
racecar56someone please help, i have really important data on there...03:44
scunizi!p2p | myself03:45
Jack_Sparrowdoc_brown Can you refine your question since all of those seem to be quite clearly identified03:45
ubottumyself: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information03:45
RHorseRafael then you type ps -A |less to search for it03:45
onthefence9281i just recently switched from ubuntu 9.04 to Kubuntu, i want to stay on ubuntu, what package do i uninstall to remove gnome from underneath KDE?03:45
RHorseRafael then you type kill -9 id# to kill it03:45
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »03:45
RafaelRhorse: thanks let me try03:46
RHorseRafael hiw!03:46
doc_brownJack_Sparrow, my question is answered... the answer is ask for help somewhere else. thanks though03:46
onthefence9281Jack_Sparrow: thanks, i wonder how many of my favorite programs this might killl03:46
Jack_Sparrowattitude > doc_brown03:46
racecar56help me03:46
steelcityjimis this the ubuntu server channel?03:47
racecar56steelcityjim: #ubuntu-server03:47
AnastasiaWhat does one need to install to be able to play DVDs in Totem, I tried this to no avail: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs03:47
akidd116so, will wine load any windows program?03:47
miickeeI need to know how to create a bootable usb img from a linux cd03:47
AnastasiaGoogle isn't much help :-(03:47
scunizisteelcityjim: #ubuntu-server03:47
hdevalenceakidd116: not really03:47
racecar56Anastasia: totem sucks, use ogle/vlc03:47
inasmu!wine | akidd11603:47
ubottuakidd116: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:47
Jack_Sparrowonthefence9281 They are easy enough to reinstall as needed03:47
RafaelRHorse: i got dev/md3:     6871c03:47
Anastasiaracecar56: OK, will unstall totem and get that, thanks!03:48
miickeeI need to know how to create a bootable usb img from a linux cd03:48
LoganhoupIf I purge pulseaudio from my system would my sound still work?03:48
akidd116thanks, inasmu03:48
doc_brownmiickee, try unetbootin03:48
hdevalenceanybody here know of an XCompose file that has all the usual accents but isn't extremely long?03:48
Jack_Sparrowracecar56 Repairing damaged windows partitions is beyond the scope of what we can help with.  I strongly suggest you move that drive to another windows box and use some of the good windows partition repair tools03:48
inasmuakidd116: if you check out the appdb, they have detailed lists of which applications work, and how well03:48
th0rLoganhoup: I had some small problems with pulse audio. Didn't purge it, just switched everything back to alsa03:48
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:48
racecar56Jack_Sparrow: :( there is none that i can use...03:49
miickeeUbotto: TOtally unrelated to query03:49
akidd116thanks, i guess ill just go on a case by case basis. it only peaked my interest because i can apparently use it to run utorrent on here03:49
Jack_Sparrowracecar56 I do this stuff for people all the time..   Windows does have some excellent tools, if you want you can look into hirens cd03:49
RHorseRafael ok now type ps -A |grep 687103:49
racecar56Jack_Sparrow: this laptop is too weak/old/ruined for me to put anything on it, really. i got to get a new partition table, but i have to backup data, then the backup hdd crashes... i really dnt know what im GONNA do....03:50
inasmumiickee: how is that unrelated? what exactly are you trying do? the link ubottu provided explains how to install a ubuntu liveCD to a USB disk03:50
RHorseps -A |less03:50
Anastasiaracecar56: ogle not found by snaptic or apt-cache search ?!?03:50
Jack_Sparrowracecar56 Not to be flip, but learn to backup what you cant afford to lose03:50
racecar56Anastasia: hmmm...... maybe you dont have universe/multiverse/some component enabled, notice idk which one03:50
racecar56Jack_Sparrow: it WAS.03:50
miickeeI need to create a bootle img, not install onto the usb. I'm trying to put freebsd on there03:51
racecar56Jack_Sparrow: that IS the back up hard drive03:51
Anastasiaracecar56: Thought I did, but checking.  Thanks.03:51
Jack_Sparrowracecar56 Ouch.  sorry to hear that03:51
racecar56Anastasia: k03:51
RafaelRhose:  6871 pts/0    00:00:00 bash03:51
Jack_Sparrowracecar56 dl hirenscd03:51
RHorseRafael ok now, sudo kill -9 687103:51
Anastasiaracecar56: I do, everything but source.03:51
inasmumiickee: do you want this USB install to have persistance or not?03:52
th0rAnastasia: I can't find it in synaptic in 9.04 either. But vlc is in there03:52
Jack_Sparrow!info vlc03:52
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.9a-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1652 kB, installed size 3660 kB03:52
Anastasiath0r: Will give that a go, thanks!03:52
racecar56Jack_Sparrow: downloading... how would i use it? i dont know anything about this03:53
th0rAnastasia: just checked getdeb.net. There is ogle for hardy and intrepid, but not jaunty03:53
Jack_Sparrowracecar56 Read their page, that work is offtopic for this channel03:54
racecar56Jack_Sparrow: uh oh 157 mb, my laptops gonna blow......03:54
racecar56Jack_Sparrow: yet this thing has 2G of ram, 160G hard drive, and a dual core, this thing is terribly slow03:55
racecar56Jack_Sparrow: and the hdd's table is damaged03:55
Jack_Sparrowracecar56 Read their page, that work is offtopic for this channel03:55
myself!bittorrent | myself03:56
ubottumyself, please see my private message03:56
doc_brownin terminal i am in a folder that contains the install.sh file that i would like to run.  which command do i need to apply to run the install.sh?03:57
scunizidoc_brown: either sh install.sh or sudo sh install.sh03:57
inasmudoc_brown: or, if the file is executable, run ./install.sh03:58
doc_browncool thanks03:58
lstarnesit might use bash instead of sh03:58
doc_brownthanks for the help guys03:58
tjzhey guys03:58
jeff__Hey, has anyone run into this problem before?  http://pastebin.ca/1426027      I have recently done a kernel recompile, and now, occasionally when I run 'fdisk' my external USB drive goes crazy and these messages show up in my syslog.03:58
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages03:59
Jack_Sparrowjeff__ Try /join #kernel03:59
neuroelectronicI got a problem with my ntfs drive03:59
inasmu!ntfs | neuroelectronic04:00
ubottuneuroelectronic: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:00
neuroelectronicIt automounts in ubuntu fine04:00
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems04:00
neuroelectronicbut windows doesn't recognize it anymore04:00
soreauneuroelectronic: 'it'?04:00
TrivediLinux Proves - The Best Things In Life Are Free http://techbuddha.blog.co.in/2009/04/14/linux-proves-the-best-things-in-life-are-free/04:01
neuroelectronicthe drive04:01
neuroelectronicsorry I guess I should type it all at once04:01
soreauYes, you should have04:01
neuroelectronicmy ntfs partition which mounts fine in ubuntu is no longer recognized in windows xp04:01
mdl-unitSo, uh, is anyone else's weather in the panel not showing up?04:01
fornixneuroelectronic: can you paste the output of $ sudo fdisk -l and $ blkid04:02
ftehwIs there a way to RW permissions to files and RWX to directories recursivley?  chmod -R g+rwx makes the files executable..04:02
doc_brownok got opera installed.  another command line question.  if i want to start an app quickly (say...opera) i can open terminal and type 'opera' and the prog opends up04:03
soreauftehw: Try #linux or #bash04:03
doc_brownbut how can i get it to stay open when i close the terminal window04:03
phenomI'd like to petition to have ctrl alt backspace re enabled by default. That is too much..04:03
chuck_neuroelectronic, check in #windows04:03
lstarnesdoc_brown: opera & disown04:03
neuroelectronicis that all one command fornix?04:03
soreaudoc_brown: Append '&disown' to the command04:03
lstarnesphenom: enabling it only requires a couple steps04:03
tyler_d1upon playing around with mdadm I restart and all I get is a prompt that says (initramfs)04:03
scunizidoc_brown: type opera & and then exit04:03
fornixneuroelectronic: no. two commands. pastebin it04:03
phenomlstarnes, Seriously..04:04
mdl-unitdoc_brown, alternately you could hit alt-f2 to bring up the run dialog, and type in "opera" or use gnome-do04:04
lstarnesphenom: I'm not saying that I support disabling it by default04:04
doc_brownthat is so much easier thanks!04:05
doc_brownalt+f2 is easiest for me04:05
phenomlstarnes, I know but I feel like Ubuntu mine as well start relying on DOS rather the linux kernel.04:06
neuroelectronicfornix: there was no output for either of those commands, mount says the drive is /dev/sdb1 type fuseblk04:06
mdl-unitdoc_brown, I'd definitely give gnome-do a look too, then you could do win-space and then type in "ope" and it would probably guess Opera04:06
phenomI'd seriously like to petition the disabling of that feature.04:06
lstarnesphenom: now that (replacing linxu with DOS) would never happen04:07
inasmuhow does gnome-power-manager determine how much time is left before it thinks the battery should be empty?  for me, it consistently underestimates by a matter of hours.  Is there any way to fix that?04:07
tjzis it possible to have a remote ubuntu desktop running on a VPS?04:07
Jack_Sparrowphenom Please take it to brainstorm or some placve other than suppor channel04:07
fornixneuroelectronic: are you sure you typed $ sudo fdisl -l04:07
lstarnesphenom: it's default in xorg.  you'll need to go to them about it04:07
ienorandphenom: serach brainstorm, if not there, create new idea...04:07
akidd116so, im interested in programming. any suggestions on the first language to learn? as in java vs c++ or whatnot04:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:07
fornixneuroelectronic: there should be a sudo. else there will be no output04:07
neuroelectronicfornix: ok it's HPFS/NTFS04:08
Dr_Willisakidd116:  you have no experience in any language? id to learn python first.04:08
mdl-unitakidd116, I'll second python04:08
tjzhey guys04:08
lstarnesakidd116: maybe python or ruby04:09
phenomJack_Sparrow, I thought this would be the right place.04:09
phenomMy bad.04:09
neuroelectronicfornix: like I said it mounts fine in ubuntu, read/write works but windows mounts it but doesn't recognize it as ntfs, single partition04:09
akidd116whats so good about python for new guys? and i have no experience whatsoever04:09
fornixneuroelectronic: paste the entire output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/04:09
Dr_Willisakidd116:  python is handy for little tasks so you can use what you are learning quicky and its 'powerfull' enough to do bigger taska later04:09
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Dr_Willisakidd116:  and its VERY VERY VERY well doucmented in books and guides04:09
phenomlstarnes, Well, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.04:09
tjzcan we have a remote ubuntu desktop running on a VPS?04:09
Jack_Sparrowakidd116 Please /join #python or one of many programming channels04:09
phenomLet's see how soon get klined for voicing my opinion about this issue.04:09
fornixneuroelectronic: you mean windows doesn't recognize the drive? you dont see a drive letter?04:10
lstarnesphenom: you won't get klined for something like that04:10
Dr_Willisactually quite a bit of the config tools in  ubuntu are in python are they not?04:10
phenomYou're kidding me Jack_Sparrow04:10
lstarnesphenom: comments like that one aren't appropriate04:10
Jack_Sparrowphenom Try tonning it down a bit, and stay ontopic04:10
lstarnesakidd116: my only issue with python is that it is rather strict about syntax, to the point where it even requires indentation04:11
PPKumahi, im trying to include another partition in the fstab, im getting a superblock error, can somebody please check it out? http://pastie.org/48116504:11
ftehwIs there a way to make chmod -R such that all directories are RWX but all files are just RW?04:11
ftehwwhoops, sorry wrong chan04:11
frodubuntuhi chanel04:11
doc_brownphenom, check pm04:12
akidd116hmmm, well, ill give python a try then04:12
ralmarHey guys, theres an app (Wondershaper, to throttle bandwidth) which I have to run with sudo. Is there anyway  I can have limited users run it or any other thing that requires sudo? Thanks04:12
CocoaCoderHey guys04:12
Dr_Willisftehw:  yes.. butit takes a little bit of a script/find command. :) want my scripts? :)04:12
CocoaCoderhow do I boot 9.04 LiveCD ENABLED with prop driver for nvidia??04:12
jelly-beanwhat's the best linux software for making .iso images of cds04:12
frodubuntuquestion, I've got a client that needs to setup a file server for clients to upload files to04:12
akidd116about how long will it take to be able to be decent enough at it to make things on my own?04:12
inasmuralmar: you can configure sudo to allow certain users to run specific things with elevated privileges04:12
frodubuntuwoudl I be better off setting up ssh or sftp?04:12
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:12
frodubuntuI was thinking ssh with winscp04:12
lstarnesakidd116: it depends on how quickly you learn and what you want to do with it04:13
ftehwDr_Willis: sure!04:13
Dr_Willisftehw:  for 'fixfiles.sh' ->   find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 66404:13
CocoaCoderhow do I start liveCD WITH PROPRIETARY GRFIX04:13
akidd116lets say i learn fairly quickly and i have no idea what i want to do with it...yet lol04:13
CocoaCoderso I can use 3d04:13
Dr_Willisftehw:  my script with comments -->  http://pastebin.com/f5298567204:13
ftehwDr_Willis: thanks04:13
ralmarinasmu, thanks, but how/Where?04:13
=== mojo_ is now known as teh_pwnerator
lstarnesCocoaCoder: the livecd doesn't contain proprietary drivers afaik04:13
CocoaCoderI wanna road test ubuntu 3D without install!!04:13
Dr_Willisftehw:  and to FixDirs.sh --> http://pastebin.com/f24a87d0004:14
CocoaCoderwell that's a bit pants04:14
Dr_Willisftehw:  normally I use the FixDirs.sh to get the dirs executable.. then use FixFiles.sh :)04:14
frodubuntuI have a client that is a translator04:14
CocoaCoderit does contain them, but wont let me enable without reboot :/04:14
smilingbobhow do i change the name of a ntfs volume?04:14
Jack_SparrowCocoaCoder run live and try installing the restricted hardware drivers04:14
Dr_Willisftehw:  some times I may have to run the things more then once depending on how nested and messed things are.04:14
RHorsefrodubuntu ssh and winscp is awesome04:14
CocoaCoderasks for reboot - GAY04:14
Jack_SparrowCocoaCoder log out and then in not a reboot04:14
CocoaCoderaah ok will try ta04:15
frodubuntuRHorse thank you for at least responding04:15
Jack_SparrowCocoaCoder Guy is unacceptable language, thanks..04:15
RHorsefrodubuntu I use that combination a *lot*04:15
inasmuralmar: the man page explains it better, but this will help too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers04:15
frodubuntuI just need some assurance that I'm about to do the right thing04:15
frodubuntuthis client is a translator04:15
frodubuntuand he is loosing some clients that are concerned about security04:16
frodubuntuand he was suggesting ftp04:16
frodubuntuand I was telling him that ftp is not that secure04:16
frodubuntuat least if someone is paranoid04:16
Dr_Willisftp is considered  insecure I thought.04:16
Jack_Sparrow!enter > frodubuntu04:16
frodubuntusince the transmission between the client and the server is not secure04:16
ubottufrodubuntu, please see my private message04:16
frodubuntuunless you setup sftp04:16
AnastasiaGot an old ATI 9600 Pro (256M) video card in this box and it is not doing well - video is choppy and it isn't getting the right resolution (seems to think this is a widescreen),  No hardware drivers found, what can I do?  Besides toss it and get an nvidia :)?04:17
Dr_WillisI cant thinkive ever heard of a good reason to not use ssh/scp/sftp04:17
Dr_Willisa 'good' reason. :)04:17
Myth`How do I determine which drive my USB pen drive is? ex dev/sdb104:18
frodubuntuDr_Willis but am I ok doing ssh win winscp?04:18
frodubuntuI mean technically ssh is secure04:18
* doc_brown would like to wish #ubuntu (and especially its mods) a good, restful, quiet, relaxing night! =) 04:18
Dr_Willisfrodubuntu:  as far as  i know winscp uses the same secure ssh stuff underneeth. ive never heard of any issues withit04:18
frodubuntuno, I just need some reassurance that I'm ok in the argument I'm posing04:19
frodubuntumy client is a translator04:19
frodubuntuamong his clients he got this contract for the military for a manual04:19
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:19
frodubuntuand this client is wanting the most paranoidly secure way04:19
TroN-0074anyone using macforlin with ubuntu?04:20
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akidd116hmm, so a program written in python will work on all os?04:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch04:20
Dr_Willisakidd116:  it should.04:20
frodubuntuDr_Willis can I msg you private just really quick, I'm not asking for you to help me configure it, I can figure that out, I just need someone to ask a few questions that would assure I'm taking the correct route04:21
Dr_Willisakidd116:  theres proberly some OS specific stuff they could do to break things..but for the most part yes.04:21
Amaranthakidd116: As long as you only use cross-platform things04:21
TroN-0074can please anyone tell me how to install AIGLX  in ubuntu?04:21
lstarnesakidd116: any libraries you use in python need to be installed for the program to be run04:21
akidd116thats pretty sweet. sorry im posting it in here...cant login to #python yet since im still waiting for the email to activate my lovely irc nick on this server04:21
Dr_Willisfrodubuntu:  mostof my ssh ussage.infois from small home lan ussage.   I dont do any real computing stuff with 'real' businesses04:21
frodubuntuany channel you could point me to?04:22
Dr_WillisI think theres an #SSH or #OPENSSH i rarely need to go to them04:22
Dr_Willisfrodubuntu:  theres whold books written on SSH :)04:22
jigphello guys how to setup a cute terminal?when i boot the ubuntu and switch to CLI, the txt is not really good..very big.compare to desktop and if i access the terminal in Applications>Accessories very cute...small txt...04:23
Dr_Willisjigp:  cute? thats an odd term. :)04:23
frodubuntuthanks Dr_Disk04:23
jigpi dont want to login in desktop..i just want to login in terminal directly04:23
frodubuntusorry, meant thanks Dr_Willis04:23
TroN-0074can someone please guide me on how to install AIGLX  in ubuntu?04:23
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:23
Dr_Willisjigp:  you can change the console res with the 'framebuffer'' stuff.   - disable the gdm service to stop the X login screen from starting up04:23
jigpDr_Willis : like a nice terminal or CLI when you are selecting a terminal from the start..not in desktop04:23
badfish69is there any way i can lower the priority of a terminal window i'll be using to generate md5 hashes?04:24
betapiwats bettr ubuntu or kubuntu04:24
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:24
tank-manit is possible to change the console font04:24
jigpDr_Willis :i type framebuffer and it says n command04:24
doc_brown!helping users instead of criticizing them04:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:24
RHorsejigp you can also get to a console by typing ctl + alt + F204:24
Dr_Willisresea4rch the framebuffer feature.. its not a command its a 'feature'04:24
ubottuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub04:24
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > doc_brown04:25
ubottudoc_brown, please see my private message04:25
jigpRHorse : to get back in desktop?04:25
RHorseand  ctl + alt +F7 to get back04:25
jigpRHorse Dr_Willis : thanks04:25
TroN-0074how can I find out what ubuntu I am using?04:26
jigpRHorse : are you using irssi and bitlee? how to blink my nick if someone is messaging me in irssi and bitlee?04:26
Jack_SparrowTroN-0074 lsb_release -a04:26
Myth`I have a USB Pen Drive I would like to format. How do I know which volume it is? ex dev/sdb1/04:26
jigpRHorse : or how to notify me?04:26
TroN-0074should I type that in a terminal?04:26
Jack_SparrowMyth` gparted partition manager .. sudo fdisk -l04:26
RHorsejigp  I'm on bitchx and know very little about that! sorry :)04:26
jigpRHorse : np. i tried ctrl+alt+f2. the txt is not cute to look..how to resize them?04:27
jigpRHorse : Rhorse - Red Horse Beer?04:28
RHorsejigp someone mentioned changing the framebuffer, whatever that is. See above or /lastlog framebuffer04:28
phenomAny one hear anything about compiz features not working after upgrading to jaunty?04:28
RHorseRockinghorse Winner :)04:28
TroN-0074is anyone here using mac4lin in ubuntu 9.04 jaunty?04:28
ciduuggg, anybody got all thier audio forwarding through jackrack sucessfully in 9.04?04:28
phenomThe cube is enabled but does not work.04:28
betapiphenom: in particular..?04:28
cidumac4lin? i dunt know that one.,....osx?  or oldskewl mac?04:29
Myth`Jack_Sparrow: Thanks for that. Any idea how to remove the proprietary U3 that comes with the USB disk?04:29
Jack_Sparrowphenom FYI   there is always   /join #compiz04:29
TroN-0074I cant get the AWN to work :(04:29
phenomWell, the jaunty upgrade broke it.04:29
jigpRHorse : how to do it?04:29
chuck_phenom, try #compiz04:29
Jack_SparrowMyth` gparted   our partition manager should be able to wipe it clean04:29
RHorsejigp I haven't the foggiest notion04:29
ciduohh, gotta check that out...boss is mac guy, i think hes gettin annoyed with the IT guys makeing fun of his 'toy' os04:29
phenomI was just curious if any one has noticed it as a result of upgrading, and figured I'd ask while here.04:29
phenomA million pardons04:30
Jack_SparrowTroN-0074 Try cairo-dock instead04:30
ciduIm still amazed that the dist upgrade button actually worked04:30
jigpRhorse : Command not found "framebuffer"04:30
Jack_Sparrowphenom yes, upgrading can knock out your old video drivers and leave you without the right driver or effects04:30
TroN-0074thanks I tried cairo dock but is not working right for some reason04:30
coz_TroN-0074,  which version of cairo dock did you try?04:31
Jack_SparrowTroN-0074 Did you get it from our repos?04:31
Myth`Jack_Sparrow: I umounted the drive, how can I get it back in the list for gparted?04:31
TroN-0074I guess the latest one04:31
coz_TroN-0074,  also whichi video card?04:31
phenomI fear I should have put the jaunty upgrade off for a while. :/04:31
TroN-0074I think I just typed a terminal command and that installed it for me04:31
Dr_Willisjigp:  the console framebuffer is not a 'command' its a feature of the console. you must enable to have higher res modes for the console, and thus different sized fonts.04:31
Jack_SparrowI need to eat dinner, I will be lurking if needed04:32
RHorsejigp I suppose it's not a command but an option to change when booting. Google.it04:32
TroN-0074so usually I never know where I am installing stuff from04:32
coz_TroN-0074,   if you have an ati or intel video you have to start cairo dock   as   cairo-dock04:32
ramirodoes anyone know how to force distcc to try only one machine? (and not even try localhost)04:32
coz_TroN-0074,   i fyou have  nvidia you can start it with opengl   cairo-dock -o04:32
coz_TroN-0074,  it will make a difference which card you have04:32
jigpDr_Willis how to enable it?04:32
tbergeronHi! I'm running ubuntu server. I would like to make myself  a backup script. Which directories are the most important to backup? (/etc, /usr, /home, ?)04:32
chuck_Jack_Sparrow, we'll wait till you get started then yell for you04:32
Dr_Willisjigp:  check the framebuffer wiki pages.04:33
Dr_Willis!framebuffer  | jigp04:33
ubottujigp: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub04:33
TroN-0074the thing is I am trying the set up my visual effect to extra but the manager says descktop effect cant be enable04:34
TroN-0074so I was wondering how to install the proper drive04:34
inasmutbergeron: what is the purpose of the backup? To keep a copy of all your important files, or to replicate the server and configuration?04:34
coz_TroN-0074,    lspci | grep -i vga04:34
tbergerontbergeron: both04:34
TroN-0074this is what I got after typing that04:35
inasmutbergeron: then you'll obviously want all the directories that contain important data, (/home, /srv if you're running a web server or something), /etc, and maybe /var04:35
TroN-0074~$ lspci | grep -i vga04:35
TroN-007400:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)04:35
TroN-0074what does that means?04:35
coz_TroN-0074,   ok  well  that means you have an onboard intel video04:35
TroN-0074does that means I am skrew?04:36
coz_TroN-0074,  also the driver should have been installed automatically when  you installed ubuntu unless that card is blacklisted04:36
inasmutbergeron: although if you just want to replicate the server, you might want to look into imaging the whole harddrive, instead of backing up individual files04:36
coz_TroN-0074,  hold on let me check04:36
tbergeroninasmu: I would like to create a script to create small backup tarballs. So I could backup often.04:37
jtajiTroN-0074: there's all kinds of problems with the intel driver right now... check the release notes http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90404:37
coz_TroN-0074,  oh  ^^^  I have heard that yes04:37
coz_TroN-0074,   apparently for some reason the intel driver in ubuntu  is borked04:38
RORgasmhey guys i think  i might have more of an idea why jaunt won't connect to any wireless networks for me....i had installed wicd...and it seems like it was getting pass authorization but it just kept on waiitng on obtaining ip address...any help?04:38
coz_TroN-0074,   and only ubuntu as far as I can tell04:38
TroN-0074thanks I'll try to install a new video card04:38
jtajicoz_: nope, it's the intel driver, fedora 10 is having the same issues04:38
inasmutbergeron: how do you forsee yourself restoring from this backup in the case of emergency?  If you plan to reinstall the OS if it fails, all you need to back up is really /etc, and maybe /var.04:38
coz_TroN-0074,   well hold on04:38
coz_jtaji,  oh?   ok  I thought it was only u buntu04:39
neuroelectronichow long will ubuntu run after you dd the drive it's running from?04:39
coz_TroN-0074,  is this a laptop or desktop04:39
inasmutbergeron: apart from teh obvious /home, of course04:39
tbergeroninasmu: why not /usr?04:39
TroN-0074I am on a desktop04:39
TroN-0074a dell dimension 235004:39
calccoz_: the intel xorg 2.6.0 driver is just total crap04:39
TroN-0074quite old actually04:39
calccoz_: 2.8.0 later this year with Ubuntu 9.10 should be better04:40
RORgasmany help...ipw2200 on jaunty...seems to be getitng stuck at obtaining ip address for wireless networks04:40
coz_calc,   anyway for him to downgrade04:40
coz_TroN-0074,   do you have an agp slot in that machine?04:40
calccoz_: as i understand it there is a better version of the driver in jaunty-proposed04:40
inasmutbergeron: /usr contains the executables and libraries for the system, you aren't going to be changing anything in there.  When you reinstall the OS, that folder will be identical anyway04:40
calccoz_: it might fix the users issues04:40
TroN-0074I think so04:40
tyler_d1What exactly does mdadm: CREATE user root not found mdadm mean? I get this from initramfs prompt when trying to blow away a raid 5(ubuntu is NOT installed on this raidset)04:40
coz_TroN-0074,   hold on let me check04:40
calcTroN-0074: ^ see what i said to coz_04:41
jtajiRORgasm: you should install the linux-backports-modules-jaunty package04:41
coz_calc,   so he just needs to enable the proposed repo in sources?04:41
tbergeroninasmu: okay thanks!04:41
jtajiRORgasm: then reboot04:41
RORgasmjtaji, i think i installed that already to no avail04:41
calccoz_: yea04:41
inasmutbergeron: unless you are doing something strange, and manually modifying stuff in /usr, you shouldn't have to worry about it being diffferent from a standard install of all the apps you're using.  All the configuration for your system is stored in /etc/ or in /home/.foo04:41
calccoz_: then do a upgrade04:41
jtajiRORgasm: oh ok, it's some other problem then04:41
RORgasmjtaji, any idea what?04:42
coz_calc,  ok I want to check his system specs first   thanks04:42
tbergeroninasmu: what's important in /var except www and mail?04:42
jtajiRORgasm: not really04:42
inasmutbergeron: /var/log.  If you want to figure out what happened to make your system explode, it might be in the logs04:42
calccoz_: i'm not sure that the proposed updates will fix the issue for him but it might04:42
calccoz_: i'm running karmic now which seemed to fix the issue for me... but its not advised for a regular user04:42
tbergeroninasmu: Good idea, thanks for your help!04:43
inasmutbergeron: you're welcome04:43
ciduuggg, anybody got all thier audio forwarding through jackrack sucessfully in 9.04?04:43
coz_TroN-0074,  apparenlty that machine does not have an agp slot from what I can find online  it does have pci but that wont be of much use for 3d graphics04:43
coz_TroN-0074,   ok   open a terminal04:44
coz_TroN-0074,    then  type    sudo gedit  /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:44
coz_TroN-0074,   then go to pastebin.com and copy and paste the entire contents there   hit the submit button and paste the link it gives you here04:45
* calc should go to bed flight to Barcelona tomorrow for AH/UDS04:45
coz_TroN-0074,  I think I can solve this there04:45
SeaPhorcoz_, gksudo gedit....04:45
coz_SeaPhor,  or that yes :)04:45
SeaPhorcalc, yes, g'night bro04:46
* calc hopes he can cram all his stuff in under 26lb for carryon limit (Air France)04:47
chuck_coz_, I found this for another guy with intel it might help you help him https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance04:47
SeaPhorcoz_, you could just do sudo apt-get install pastebinit and then do sudo pastebinit ......04:47
TroN-0074coz_here is the link http://pastebin.com/m37a1b98804:48
gduncanHi all. I'm having a weird problem with my 8.10 system. Neither the built-in serial or any USB serial port passes any characters.04:48
coz_chuck_, well by default ubuntu uses EXA  i want to change that to UXA04:48
chemikalzjust hand installed envy ng was only way to get my drivers runnin04:48
gduncanI've tested two different USB-serial on other systems and they work fine.04:48
SeaPhorcalc, GL with that... :-)04:48
coz_TroN-0074,   is the xorg still opened?04:48
rafaeletchello everybody04:49
coz_TroN-0074,   do you see the   Section "Device"04:49
racecar56hmm... i give up on my backup hdd.... i guess ill format it maybe04:49
TroN-0074Section "Device"04:49
TroN-0074Identifier"Configured Video Device"04:49
TroN-0074Option        "UseFBDev"        "true"04:49
TroN-0074        Option        "NoDDC"           "true"04:49
FloodBot1TroN-0074: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:49
coz_TroN-0074,   right under Optin    "noDDC"   "true"      I want you to add this line    Option "AccelMethod" "UXA"04:49
gduncanUDEV creates a device in /dev, but characters sent to the device disappear, and characters sent to the dongle are never received.04:49
rafaeletci'm have troubles with jaunty 64, it freeze randomly04:49
gartral_the links coming from page https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/hardware/C/input-devices.html#input-touchpads all 40404:50
coz_TroN-0074,  now I cant guarantee this will work  howeverr    what I want you to do after puting that in is to save and close the xorg.conf  and we will restart x  properly04:50
gduncanThe system acts like everything is fine, but no go.04:50
coz_TroN-0074,  if it doesn boot  then you will have to remove that line  in console and I will tell you how to do that04:50
coz_TroN-0074,   so get a pencil and paper just in case :)04:51
Myth`at login my mouse and keyboard are unresponsive sometimes. having to reboot 8 times before being able to login is becoming a pain.04:51
Myth`Anyone had any luck getting this problem fixed?04:51
gartral_Myth`: can you login via ssh on the network?04:51
coz_TroN-0074,  let me know when you have  put that line in the xorg.conf and saved it and when you have a pencil and paper04:51
triniumhi, There is an ubuntu channel in Spanish04:51
TroN-0074it is on now04:51
gartral_!spanish | trinium04:52
ubottutrinium: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:52
TroN-0074and I have the pen and paper04:52
coz_TroN-0074,  ok write these things down04:52
Myth`gartral_: Not sure, haven't tried. I only have one system here at home and that's my laptop.04:52
Biskit_laptophere is a question for you - my laptop came with04:52
coz_Trollkarlen,   first do NOTHING  until I say "Go" :)04:52
Jack_SparrowMyth` ps2 usb or bluetooth?04:52
Myth`Jack_Sparrow: Not sure, it's built into the laptop. Touchpad/keyboard04:52
triniumok, then you need to learn English04:52
coz_TroN-0074,   #1  ctrl+alt+F1    you might have to hit that twice and that will trow you into text console and you will log on there04:52
coz_TroN-0074, #2    sudo  /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:53
JulioNetohello all04:53
Jack_SparrowMyth` Ah, have you looked at the link for laptops..04:53
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org04:53
Biskit_laptophere is a question for you - my laptop came with Ubuntu preinstalled - but i'm getting an error on software updates then must be run as a superuser - how, where do i find name / password for the superuser?04:53
coz_TroN-0074,   if #2 fails  then you will have to remove that line we put in   by  typing     sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:53
Jack_SparrowBiskit_laptop It is your first account regular password04:53
coz_TroN-0074,   that will bring up the same file and you use the arrow buttons to get to that line04:54
Biskit_laptopit won't run the update - comes back with the superuser error04:54
Myth`Jack_Sparrow: Doesn't look like the Dell Vostro 2510 is on there.04:54
coz_TroN-0074,   then after deleting it....again only if it doesn go into the Desktop,,,hit   ctrl+x04:54
Jack_SparrowBiskit_laptop sudo apt-get update04:55
coz_TroN-0074,   then hit  "Y"   to save it04:55
Myth`Jack_Sparrow: However, turning the computer on and off X number of times it randomly decides to work.04:55
coz_TroN-0074,  and then again   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:55
coz_TroN-0074,  I am assuming you are running gnome and not KDE?04:55
PPKumahi, im trying to include another partition in the fstab, im getting a superblock error, can somebody please check it out? http://pastie.org/48116504:55
dylan_anyone here have an nvidia 8800gt ?04:56
gduncanIs this keyboard probelm with a USB leyboard?04:56
TroN-0074yes I have gnome04:56
coz_TroN-0074, ok04:56
TroN-0074I will restart now04:56
coz_Trollkarlen,  did you get all that written down04:56
gduncanIs there a hub in the middle?04:57
blackgibsondylan: I do04:57
coz_TroN-0074,   ^^04:57
coz_Trollkarlen,  sorry04:57
coz_oh boy04:57
FloodBot1coz_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
coz_flood how?04:57
jelly-beanBrasero says "it is not possible to write with the current set of plugins" when i try to right-click on a cd-rom drive to make an iso image. any idea why?04:57
Jack_Sparrow!fsck > PPKuma  But NOT on a mounted drive04:57
blackgibsondylan_: I do04:57
ubottuPPKuma, please see my private message04:57
coz_who did the floodbot to me and why?04:58
dylan_blackgibson, I have the same card, but for some reason I can't get it to display the 1280 x 1024 max res. that my monitor will support04:58
Jack_Sparrowjelly-bean try   Create ISO of CD Rom... dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/$USER/Desktop/file.iso bs=2k04:58
dylan_Its maxed out on 1024 x 768, and there is nothing higher in nvidias-settings, nor xubuntu display settings...04:58
chuck_coz_, it's just auto generated AFAIK04:58
dareiffHola, trying to force a resolution (something less than my Vizio's reported but not correct 1280X720 native resoluiton)... Using the Nvidia unofficial drivers.. Any ideas? (nothing in xorg.conf)04:58
Jack_Sparrowdylan_ that is vesa mode, your drivers are not active04:58
coz_chuck_,  oh boy you guys need to get rid of that04:58
blackgibsondylan_: What Jack_Sparrow said04:59
dylan_Jack_Sparrow, yes they are04:59
dylan_in my xorg.conf It says "nvidia"04:59
Jack_Sparrowdylan_ If you max at 1024 they are not in correctly04:59
jelly-beanJack_Sparrow: 0 bytes (0 B) copied, 0.000260486 s, 0.0 kB/s04:59
dylan_because I can get compiz fusion to work though04:59
chuck_coz_, not me am just in here trying to learn something05:00
coz_chuck_,  oh ok guy :)05:00
dylan_how can I determine if my nvidia drivers are working ??05:00
coz_dylan_,  do any compiz effects work at all?05:00
coz_dylan_,  which ones05:00
dylan_all of them05:00
coz_dylan_,   ok then the nvidia driver is working :)05:00
luz_slt comment acceder a un repertoire05:01
dylan_I just suck at xorg.conf, and both xubuntu's display settings and nvidia-settings program both won't allow anything higher than 1024 x 76805:01
coz_dylan_,  ok that may be another issue  open a terminal05:01
=== williamd is now known as TURtl3
laxxa541is there any reason ubuntu studio would be more unstable than vanilla? im getting constant freezes doing simple tasks like listening to music, surfing etc05:02
laxxa541is jaunty a huge imporvment over hardy?05:02
coz_dylan_,    type this or paste it in the terminal   glxinfo -l |grep MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE05:02
Jack_Sparrowcoz_ Look into correct monitor detection05:02
Jack_Sparrowlaxxa541 Please try /join #ubuntu-ot05:02
RORgasmguys my wireless card in jaunty when trying to connect to a network does not obtain ip address....any help...i'm using ipw2200 with an interl pro card05:03
laxxa541Jack_Sparrow: room is empty...05:03
Jack_Sparrowlaxxa541 THis is not the room for comparisons and opinions05:03
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:04
laxxa541sorry, i'll repahrse my question. I'm running 9.04 and getting random freezes and restarts, would downgrading to hardy help this ie is it more stable?05:04
maxagazwhen aliases and options have been changed in /etc/modprobe.d, how to reload the new settings ?05:05
blackgibsonlaxxa541: AFAIK the big difference between vanilla ubuntu and studio are the Kernel with RT. Id google if that could possibly be giving your hardware some issues05:05
shawnmstouthey anyone here ever have a partition that doesnt show up the free space correctly?05:05
malevolenceok adobe flash and flashplugin non free have been reinstalled went on youtube screen went black for 1 second im able to see video in vlc but not in the youtube site anything else i can do05:05
laxxa541does hardy have better hardware support/packages than jaunty?05:07
Etheraelanyone happen to know what the deal is with jaunty notification area? All I see there is my wifi signal strength indicator, no pidgin, no gmail notify, no skype, etc?05:07
RORgasmguys how do i reload the ipw2200 module ?05:07
jtajilaxxa541: do you have intel wireless perchance?05:08
betapiwhy is it called ubuntu05:08
akidd116hey guys, any suggestions on a good application similar to utorrent for ubuntu?05:08
phantomcircuitso im using 9.0405:09
RHorsebetapi Swahili for05:09
phantomcircuitand my bluetooth mouse isnt working05:09
jtajilaxxa541: you'll want to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid and then reboot05:09
whatvnphantomcircuit: try sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart05:09
jtajilaxxa541: sorry.. linux-backports-modules-jaunty05:09
laxxa541jtaji: thanks05:09
phantomcircuitwhatvn, my bluetooth applet disappeared :(05:10
akidd116azureus it is05:10
akidd116i love how this terminal installs things05:10
whatvnphantomcircuit: bluetooth cannot restart?05:11
RORgasmhow do i know if ipw2200 module/driver is installed on my jaunty machine?05:11
RORgasmis there anyway to check?05:11
akidd116did you try sudo lshw -C network05:11
RHorseRORgasm it will show in lspci or lshw, no?05:11
akidd116it should show up in there, i think05:11
RORgasmRHorse, it does actually05:11
RORgasmRHorse, but shouldn't it also be in /etc/modprob.d/05:12
RORgasmRHorse, but shouldn't it also be in /etc/modprobe.d/05:12
kmkzConcerning wireless connection, how can I monitor the connection power, see all available networks, and connect (all thru the command line ?)05:12
RORgasmits not there...so i thought maybe it was not installed properly?05:12
RORgasmRHorse, u think there is a way to REINSTALL just ipw2200?05:12
mkquistakidd116: transmission?05:12
=== ron is now known as Guest49134
akidd116maybe its possible you have my problem then...make sure the wireless is on. in my case it was Fn-F205:13
whatvnRORgasm: lspci | grep ipw05:13
RHorseRORgasm dunno.05:13
akidd116mkquist: what?05:13
RORgasmwhatvn, when i do 'lscpi | grep ipw ' i get nothing...but when i do 'locate ipw' i see it in serverala locations...but i dunno if it is a complete installation05:14
RHorsekmkz you use iwconfig [dev] iwlist [dev] scanning and iwconfig or wpa_supplicant to connect05:14
kmkzakidd116: transmission bittorrent client05:14
Biskit_laptopok - new problem - can't login root from 'normal' window - where do I go to llog in?05:14
kmkzRHorse: cheers :D05:15
phantomcircuitwhatvn, ill install all the available updates and see if that fixes anything05:15
akidd116kmkz: ah, ok. well its too late for that now...azureus is already on the dl05:15
blackgibsonUbuntu uses sudo Biskit_laptop: you dont log into a root account05:15
RORgasmwhatvn, does that make sense to u?05:15
pijuhello anybody know how to make cdfs on usb drive?05:15
whatvnRORgasm: locate don't show driver installed, i think05:16
RORgasmwhatvn, k...so how would i reinstall ipw2200....?05:16
whatvnRORgasm: give me one minute to check05:17
ftehwQuestion: is there any way to set up a folder "/share" such that anything that is copied into it adopts a certain permission structure?  setU/GID set forcer ownership inheritence.  ACLs work for NEW files but not 'cp /not-share/foo /share/'.05:18
Biskit_laptopwell, fine and dandy - i can't get the latest updates to install - it's telling me to manually run 'dpkg ...' , when i try to install from terminal window, it tells me it requires 'superuser privilege' - one laptop, one user - and I guess I'm not the superuser - where to go??!!??05:20
laxa8831hi, could you please repeat the command to get the intel wireless drivers for jaunty?05:20
RORgasmguys how do u find out what linux kernel u are currently using in the terminal?05:20
RHorseBiskit_laptop just run sudo apt-get update and enter your passwd at prompt05:21
chuck_RORgasm, uname -r05:21
akidd116seems azureus changed its names to vuze05:21
Biskit_laptopsudo apt-get update05:21
tyler_d1formatting /dev/sdb1 claims that it is use by the filesystem and cannot be formatted... ?05:21
Biskit_laptopit ran and came back with an error05:22
Biskit_laptopdpkg was interrupted05:22
RHorse!pastebin | Biskit_laptop05:22
ubottuBiskit_laptop: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:22
Biskit_laptopmust manually run 'dpkg ...05:22
Biskit_laptopok - pastebin coming up05:22
whatvnRORgasm: ipw2200 driver already provided on Ubuntu, you try again with lspci | grep Wireless05:23
RORgasmwhatvn, yeah that shows up05:24
RORgasmwhatvn, i just reinstalled my kernel...i'm gonna reboot and see if that helps05:24
laxa8831i had linux-backports-modules-jaunty but i must have copied it wrong05:24
whatvnRORgasm: reinstalled kernel? what you meant?05:25
TroN-0074coz_ around05:25
coz_TroN-0074,  yes05:25
RORgasmwhatvn, sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic05:25
coz_TroN-0074,   how did that go?05:25
TroN-0074yo after I reboot the computer the cairo dock didnt come back05:25
chuck_Biskit_laptop, try sudo dpkg --configure -a05:25
coz_TroN-0074,  didnt come back?05:25
RORgasmwhatvn, i read in a forum that this might help fix issues with ipw2200 and get ure wireless working05:25
TroN-0074only the set up panel showed up05:25
RORgasmwhatvn, what do u think?05:26
coz_TroN-0074,    ok which video card again?05:26
RHorseBiskit_laptop *sudo* dpkg --configure -a05:26
Biskit_laptopseems to be working05:26
Biskit_laptopslow laptop05:26
whatvnRORgasm: I don't have any idea, but It gives you a try. reboot don't take you more time :)05:26
TroN-0074everything else is working05:26
coz_TroN-0074,  this is intel right?05:26
=== ursula__ is now known as Ursinha
coz_TroN-0074,    ok  open your home directory05:27
Etheraelis there a way to make window list display multiple rows of windows rather than the single row?05:27
coz_TroN-0074,    under  .confi  delete the cairo-dock folder05:27
coz_TroN-0074,  then restart the dock05:27
coz_TroN-0074,  however make sure you restart it "without"  opengl05:28
coz_TroN-0074,   did you try that?05:29
Biskit_laptopcool! it worked!  you guys are the greatest!05:29
laxa8831anyone? how to install Wireless Intel 4965 AG drivers for jaunty?05:29
coz_TroN-0074,   to be sure  you can try opening cairo-dock  via the terminal with     cairo-dock05:29
RHorseBiskit_laptop yw05:29
coz_TroN-0074,   this will also give a readout if there are errors05:29
mneptoklaxa8831: there should be no drivers to install05:29
mneptoklaxa8831: i have the 4965 and it works in Hardy. it should certainly work in Jaunty.05:30
Biskit_laptopThanks! I knew there was a way around that, I just didn't know it - Thanks Again05:30
RHorseanother happy customer05:30
laxa8831its not detected, no wireless options05:30
coz_TroN-0074,  are you still here?05:31
TroN-0074yes thanks05:31
TroN-0074cairo dock is back05:32
coz_TroN-0074,  cool05:32
coz_TroN-0074,  no problem05:32
TroN-0074Ill stop by again with more question another time05:32
laxa8831has anyone who upgraded from hardy to jaunty experience stability issues?05:33
laxa8831i mean either upgraded/clean install05:33
t0asteranyone know an geexbox topic irc ?05:33
t0asterI just setup geexbox and I am impressed05:34
infinityxilaxa8831: Sometimes X restarts itself when the system gets overloaded05:34
t0astergeexbox working flawlessly with mediatomb05:34
blackgibsoni had some pulseaudio retardedness on my desktop Laxa88831, but none on my laptop.05:34
infinityxilaxa8831: seems to be when firefox starts choking for me. thats the biggest issue with me05:34
infinityxisame with pulse audio as well05:34
infinityxii installed firefox 3.5 and i'm not choking out.05:35
infinityxioh and suspend and hibernate works like crap on 9.04 for me as well05:35
laxa8831hmm, i just get random crashes on jaunty05:35
infinityxibut i never had much success with ACPI05:35
NoOneImportantso, is there any way of fixing that fullscreen win xorg crash problem?05:35
infinityxialso had some silent crashes on vlc and mleovie player but those haven't happened in a whi05:36
hyperstationhello i want to ask a question about wine....05:36
blackgibsonI try not to rag too much on Pulseaudio. we had to get rid of esd eventually.. and i figured it would be painfull05:36
infinityximovie player*05:36
mneptok!ask > hyperstation05:36
ubottuhyperstation, please see my private message05:36
infinityxiwasn't pulse audio a big issue in 8.10?05:37
infinityxii skipped using 8.x though05:37
NoOneImportantI have no problem with pulse05:37
infinityxijumped from 7.10 to 9.0405:37
NoOneImportantthough I don't see the advantage05:37
NoOneImportantis it just the abstraction?05:37
infinityxinot sure, only read about problem on 8.10 here and there05:38
blackgibsonThe biggest issue is that Pulseaudio is new, not included by most/all distros, so alot of software dosent have support for it out of the box..05:38
t0asterradeon hd3200 drivers arent working right still05:39
hyperstationi have a problem on using vb6 program on wine, the error is runtime error 38005:39
t0asteronly gripe with 9.405:39
asmipsAnyone know how to get the pandora.com stream url??05:39
NoOneImportantblackgibson: it should be fine anyway as long as alsa is configured to use pulse05:39
infinityxido they use a stream, i thought they cached music05:39
t0asterbut i watch video on tv via geexbox so no problem05:39
infinityxiand just downloaded as needed05:40
infinityxiat least i remember earlier versions used to have the mp3 file right in your flash cache05:40
infinityxii think it still just works like a jukebox, no stream, just downloaded as needed music05:40
gduncanHas anyone experienced a problem with USB *and* native serial refusing to send or receive characters?05:41
blackgibsonAudio on linux is a mess. Pulseaudio, Gstreamer, JACK, aRTs etc etc...05:41
infinityxihyperstation: are you using a native windows vb6 dll?05:41
hyperstationi ve used it05:42
ttmrichterAfternoon all.  Would anybody happen to know how to change the default geometry for gnome-terminal?  I want it to open by default, no matter how it is opened, with 132x50 instead of 80x24.05:42
t0asterwhats the native serial port terminal app in 9.4 called?05:42
hyperstationbut i still face the error05:42
NoOneImportantblackgibson: it's not a mess, it's just not standardized05:42
Chowderblackgibson, I don't think its a mess. Just a lot of options05:42
gduncanHave you checked to see if you have minicom installed?05:42
infinityxit0aster: try gkermit05:43
gduncanT0aster: do you have minicom installed?05:43
laxa8831man i feel so helpless here, like the person in the office who freaks out when a black screen saver switches on...05:43
Chowderblackgibson, that's like saying the GUI is a mess because one person liked fluxbox while the other uses gnome05:43
infinityxialeron6: you mean where it is or the command line for it?05:43
t0asteranyone know a serial terminal in 9.4?05:43
aleron6where is it05:43
ienorandaleron6: caps off pleas, what theme preference do you mean?05:43
infinityxiSystem -> Preferences -> Appearence05:43
laxa8831beat me05:44
aleron6cause theres no reference in the documentation05:44
laxa8831the one thing i knew...05:44
m0hello, according to the repositories wiki, "$release-backports: I have something akin to technology ADHD, needing the latest of everything I can possibly get, but I can’t handle running the development branch." we just enable backports and we get latest of everything. But why isn't svn 1.6 there? Only 1.505:44
what_ift0aster: cutecom... the best, hands down05:44
t0asterputty type application plz?05:44
asmipsAnyone know how to get the pandora.com stream url??05:44
aleron6wheres the theme details button then05:44
Chowderdamn man...you couldn't find a GIU tool by looking through the menu?05:44
aleron6in the documemtation they make is sound confusin05:44
Chowderwell what do you wanna do? Change the theme?05:45
aleron6no i wanna learn05:45
ienorandlaxa8831: intel video driver?05:45
aleron6where everything is thats why im reading the doc05:45
Chowderand I'm trying to teach you05:45
blackgibsonChowder: but we have defacto standards for GUIs.. I personally like having one or two well supported, majority used options ( ie KDE/Gnome to follow your GUI ) example, and then whatever else anyone else wants to write05:45
laxa8831i have my mp3s on my windows partitiion, and if open rhytmbox without opening the partition in places rhythmbox doesnt find any files, the same as all programs cant find files on the partition unless i opne it manually05:45
laxa8831is there a way to open it automatically on startup05:45
Chowderblackgibson, there are defacto standards. Freedesktop.org.05:46
puffoHi, I'm trying to boot Ubuntu insert version here and I'm getting insert error05:46
Chowderand most GUIs conform to them05:46
zero13thhalo all05:46
pijuhello anybody know how to make cdfs on usb drive?05:46
Chowderthey just perform differently05:46
Chowderor look different05:46
ienorandlaxa8831: Yes, unfortunately it involves manually editing fstab, as far as I know...05:47
what_ifpiju: what exactly are you trying to do?05:47
t0asterwtf nobody can tell me a putty type application ?05:47
what_ift0aster: cutecom05:47
Chowderas for the audio, I'm sure the LSB (Linux Standard Base) has ALSA as the default05:47
blackgibsonbut there isn't really a "freedesktop.org"  like audio thing however. Keep in mind, I have specialized needs. If it wasnt for my home studio needs, id be quite happy with the state of things05:47
ienorandDoes anyone know if there is a simpler way than editing the fstab for automounting partitions?05:47
gduncanI can't send *anything* to or from any native or USB serial port under Ubuntu 8.10. Has anyone experienced behavior likr this?05:47
Chowderienorand, it should work automatically05:47
th0rt0aster: putty or somethingn like it isn't necessary in linux...just use a terminal05:48
pijuwhat_if, i want to make 2 partition on my usb drive, first is cdfs and fat. so my application on cdfs will autorun05:48
gduncanIt's like characters are being dropped by the kernel.05:48
ienorandChowder: You need to click the partition first though.05:48
t0asterto connect to a rs232 signal05:48
what_ifgduncan: uninstall brltty05:48
Chowderienorand, editing the fstab isn't that hard, either. I could walk you through it if you'd like.05:48
th0rt0aster: use minicom for serial05:48
laxa8831Chowder: i have to manually open the xp partition each time i startup05:48
blackgibsonALSA is good, but what the pro audio world needs is good, consistent out of the box real time audio support for most distros.05:48
gduncanLemme see if it's installed.05:48
infinityxiienorand: there are a few utilities, python-fstab05:48
puffodoes ne 1 know what  DRDY ERR is05:48
ienorandChowder: infinityxi  It's for laxa883105:49
infinityxiienorand: mountmanager too05:49
blackgibsoni have high hopes for JACK05:49
hyperstationis it possible to install matlab on linux?? if it is, what do i need for it?05:49
infinityxilaxa8831: try mountmanager05:49
infinityxior python-mount05:49
laxa8831Chowder: it's always in the places menu, it's just that i have to open it each time05:49
sekyourbox How do i find out what is causing eth0 to be in permisc. mode?05:49
argot567879I can't connect to my windows share folder with samba. I keep getting this error Failed to retrieve share list from server05:49
infinityxiit looks like a gui front end for manipulating the /etc/fstab05:49
NoOneImportantJACK is ok05:49
infinityxii don't have it installed05:49
NoOneImportantbit of a pain in the ass though05:49
Chowderblackgibson, then program it. This is the Linux community. When we see something that needs improvement we improve upon it. If you're not a programmer then start a petition.05:49
NoOneImportanthaving to redirect an app's audio to jackrack everytime it plays audio05:50
aleron6so nobody heah knows where the theme dialog is at05:50
pijuwhat_if, got the answer?05:50
NoOneImportantI know qjackctl can save connections, but it always defaults05:50
infinityxialeron6: i just told you05:51
aleron6no yu didnt05:51
infinityxiSystem -> Preferences -> Appearence05:51
ienorandaleron6: right click desktop, change background, and go to theme tab in that window...05:51
kmkzaleron6: system --> preferences --> appearance... is that what you are looking for ???05:51
Chowderlaxa8831, well Linux automatically recognizes the partitions. Its up to you if you want to mount them or not. You could write a startup script or edit the fstab. in other words, PM me05:51
infinityxiTheme is the first tab05:51
NoOneImportantaleron6: /usr/bin/gnome-appearance-properties05:51
gduncanhyperstation: There is a linux version of matlab on the second (mac version) disk.05:51
infinityxican't miss it05:51
kmkzinfinityxi: sorry for the duplicate05:52
aleron6no not the location05:52
infinityxikmkz: not a problem he didn't listen to me the first time05:52
aleron6didnt yu read about it in the documentation05:52
aleron6the theme details05:52
infinityxialeron6: you're using ubuntu or kubuntu?05:52
what_ifpiju: I don't think it is possible to directly copy a cdfs as cfd onto a hard drive and get your data back05:52
infinityxibecause if you're using gnome it's there plain as day05:52
infinityxii'll send you a screen shot if you need05:52
infinityxiThe system menu up top05:53
blackgibsonNoOneImportant:: Yea.. but you know... JACK is better than no low latency audio. I do wonder why most distros don't offer a realtime kernel as a install time option though. Is there some technical reason why enabling RT by default would be a bad thing?05:53
pijuwhat_if, how to make a cdfs into usb drive?05:53
infinityxithe first menu option under there is Preferences05:53
infinityxiand under that you will see Appearence05:53
infinityxiit will give you a dialog with a few tabs, Themes is the first05:53
hyperstationgduncan: no, i just have matlab for windows....do you know what do i need to install this program?05:53
NoOneImportantI don't care about latency, myself05:53
gduncanSure enough brltty was installed, now removed. Should that have really affected every port connected?05:53
NoOneImportantbut I hate having to reset jack connections all the damn time05:53
ienorandaleron6: or are you looking for the folder where themes are installed?05:54
blackgibsonIf you don't need low latency audio, then using JACK is just self torture05:54
argot567879I keep getting this error when trying to connect to windows network "Failed to retrieve share list from server"05:54
what_ifpiju: if it is a linux live cd there are tools for that... otherwise you may just have to copy the data to another filesystem05:54
laxa8831ok, does mountmanager have a gui?05:54
infinityxihaha audio was a big mess back in 2000, i had to disable my modem to get sound then reenable my modem back05:54
NoOneImportantI like jack for jackrack05:54
gduncanhyperstation: There is a native linux version. Where are you getting yours?05:54
aleron6no not location05:54
Chowderlaxa8831, did you solve the problem?05:54
infinityxithis was under red hat 6.0 haha05:54
infinityxialeron6: you there? you see it?05:54
NoOneImportantit's the easiest way (and that says alot) for having a system wide eq05:54
aleron6didnt yu see it in the documemtation05:54
what_ifgduncan: it did for me. brltty is braille output (serial) and it takes over05:54
infinityxiwhich documentation?05:55
laxa8831i installed mountmanger but when i run it, from terminal or sys admin nothing happens05:55
pijuwhat_if, how ?05:55
gduncanwhat_if: do I need to restart the system or any daemons to get rs232 functionality back?05:55
infinityxitry running it under sudo05:55
blackgibsoninfinityxi: you know, audio has always been pretty ( for the most part ) painless for me. it was Xfree86 manual configurations that made me cry when i first got into linux man many moons ago05:55
shawnmstouthey can someone tell me where im going wrong with this?05:55
Chowderlaxa8831, I'm not sure if there's a GUI. Although, what I can do is teach you how to have your partition permanently mounted to a certain point.05:55
shawnmstouttv:/ # resize2fs -dP /dev/sda8 608.01G05:55
shawnmstoutresize2fs 1.41.1 (01-Sep-2008)05:55
shawnmstoutFilesystem at /dev/sda8 is mounted on /; on-line resizing required05:55
shawnmstoutOn-line shrinking from 7566607 to 0 not supported.05:55
FloodBot1shawnmstout: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:55
dlozariehi all. quick question. I dual-boot Vista and Ubuntu. I wanna reformat my Ubuntu partition so I can do a clean install of Jaunty. If I reformat my ubuntu partition, will I still be able to boot into the live CD even without a bootloader?05:55
xoeyanyone know why my sony mini sd card mounts in fedora but not ubuntu?05:56
infinityxiblackgibson: haha ain't that the truth, audio was also the least of my problems05:56
laxa8831Chowder: I'd appreciate that05:56
infinityxii used to have to set the Vertical and Horizontal modes manually05:56
Chowderlaxa8831, can I PM you?05:56
what_ifgduncan: shouldn't possibly do a "sudo killall brltty" to make sure05:56
abcminiuserdlozarie: Yes, no problem05:56
blackgibsoninfinityx1: "what the hell is a modeline.. uh oh!"05:56
what_ifpiju: how to copy files or make a live-cd into an external usb disk?05:56
laxa8831Chowder: sure05:56
infinityxithen after a while red hat's GDM used to just die05:56
infinityxistart up then kill itself05:57
dlozarieabcminiuser: so if I boot into Windows and reformat my Ubuntu partition from there, that'd be OK, right?05:57
puffo Hi, I'm am trying to boot ubuntu 9.04 , I have a pc with a SATA controller, and I am getting errors like DRDY ERR can anyone give me a hint?05:57
pijuwhat_if, do u know u3 usb drive ?05:57
infinityxired hat 6 was trash anyway05:57
shawnmstouthttp://en.pastebin.ca/1426113   im trying to resize my filesystem, can someone take a look at this and tell me what im doing wrong?05:57
xoeyanyone know why i can't mount my sd card in Ubuntu but I can in Fedora?05:57
blackgibsonI started on slackware and Afterstep.. no GDM05:57
infinityximy first distro was red hat 6 from a pile of CDs i order from linuxmall way back when05:57
blackgibsonSo yea... im no guru, but i learned some stuff the hard way05:57
infinityxithey had a special 10 cds for $505:57
Omega4790Hi Guys05:57
Omega4790I have a minor crisis05:57
infinityxiyeah what i did was05:57
argot567879Can anyone help me with the samba problem?05:58
infinityxii quit windows for a year05:58
Omega4790and I could use some help?05:58
gduncanCrap! Still no go.05:58
infinityxii went through senior year of HS with linux05:58
tjzcan i vnc to my ubuntu on my vps?05:58
XcellI have to reboot to use my cd/dvd drives.. how to fix this?05:58
what_ifpiju: I do now, just googled. This is what you are installing to I take it. Still, what CD are you copying to it?05:58
infinityxiwhen abiword was like 20% complete and StarOffice had it's own start menu05:58
infinityxiand took up 900MB of ram05:58
infinityxi...it still kind of does05:58
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pijuwhat_if, u still dont understand05:58
blackgibsonI game on windows, and my home studio is windows baised. everything else is done on Ubuntu..05:58
gduncanI unplugged and re-plugged the FT232 Breakout just to make sure the device isn't attached to a process.05:58
blackgibsonwith short Hackintosh stints05:58
pijuwhat_if, nvm ill ask another person05:58
Omega4790So, I just installed 9.04, and its nice, I'm enjoying it05:59
gduncanThe serial dongle has rx and tx shorted, sort of a hardware local echo.05:59
Omega4790I cannot get the resolution to go above 800x600!05:59
infinityxii quit windows games, i play Tremulous, Quake 3, Sauerbraten on Linux05:59
argot567879I can't connect to my shared folders on windows.05:59
infinityxioh and counter strike via wine05:59
gduncanBut I don't even see the TX or RX LEDs do anything.05:59
argot567879Wine won't work for me ever.05:59
aleron6ill even give yu guys the link sstick it will take  ye for ever05:59
DumieCan someone help me with the GRUB ?05:59
argot567879I don't understand how people get it to work.06:00
infinityxiargot567879: really? it is better than it ever has been06:00
infinityxii remember when i really used to be useless06:00
gduncanUgh. grub!06:00
Omega4790There is no option for a higher res06:00
argot567879I only care about connecting to my shared folders on my windows computer.06:00
Omega4790and I know both my graphics card and monitor both support06:00
Xcellwhy do i have to reboot to use my cd/dvd drives?06:00
Omega4790at the least06:00
argot567879I like both linux and windows.06:00
infinityxiOmega4790: what is your gfx card?06:00
DumieI had an old drive with XP inside and i connected it to pc but dont know how to add it to the grub menu so i can boot sometime.. Does anyone know how to do it succesfuly?06:01
kingsofleonargot > why won't shared folders work? what happens?06:01
Omega4790I'm using an old Nvidea GeForce 206:01
hyperstationgduncan: yeah , i just bought it....nowhere hehehe...but mine is r2007a, that is packaged on a DVD06:01
infinityxiare you using the proprietary drivers?06:01
argot567879Mandriva I could and have looked up info on how to do it on ubuntu but there doesn't appear to be a way to do it.06:01
Omega4790the proprietary drivers06:01
argot567879I get this error Failed to retrieve share list from server06:01
Omega4790how do I check?06:01
infinityxigo to the System menu06:01
aleron6follow the link file:///usr/share/gnome/help/user-guide/C/user-guide.xml#prefs-look-and-feel06:01
andres__hi guys, does anyone knows how to make transparent the menu in gnome??? not the bar...06:01
infinityxithen Administration -> Hardware Drivers06:01
Dumieplease help with grub... :(06:02
Xcellandres__-   emerald?06:02
ChowderDumie, ask your question06:02
Xcellnot sure06:02
Omega4790I am using proprietary drivers, yes.06:02
DumieI had an old drive with XP inside and i connected it to pc but dont know how to add it to the grub menu so i can boot sometime.. Does anyone know how to do it succesfuly?06:02
andres__Xcell, emerald? I will search thank you!06:03
Dumiei dont know what root to give (hd(*,*) and what chainloader..06:03
ChowderDumie, ok, how many drives do you have? 2?06:03
Dumie2 sata and one external via firewire06:03
Omega4790Its the strangest thing!06:03
Xcellwhy do i have to reboot to use my dvd/cd drives.???06:03
Chowderok, open up a terminal and type this (without quotes) "sudo blkid"06:04
Omega4790Should I not be using proprietary drivers?06:05
svenskohello, i installed xorg through aptitude (sudo apt-get install xorg) and now my xorg.conf is blank... I need to change something in it and cannot find it, where is it located?06:05
kmkzsvensko: there might be a backup of the old file called xorg.conf~ or something like that06:06
ienorandaleron6: I don't have the documentation available right now, unfortunately, what exactly are you looking for (you could pastebin the documentation page if that explains)06:06
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:06
storbeckdpkg-reconfigure it, svensko06:06
XcellChowder-  why do i have to reboot to use my cd/dvd drives.. they work on boot..when i wait 15 mins..they can not be accessed.06:06
svenskostor, i need to manually modify it for use with xrandr...06:06
svenskohow can i manually open and modify it?06:07
ChowderXcell, no idea06:07
storbeckwell, you'll have to dpkg-reconfigure it to restore the file, then open it in vim06:07
Chowdersorry :(06:07
sdfsdfsdhello wideworld06:07
akidd116is unmount the same thing as eject in windows? (for a flashdrive)06:07
ienorandsvensko: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf is the path..06:07
svenskono, storbeck, when i open /etc/X11/xorg.conf in vim it is blank06:08
ienorandakidd116: yes, prettty much06:08
akidd116ok, thanks haha06:08
storbeckDid you read the first part of what I said?06:08
svenskoi am running xfce4 from the minimal CD install, i installed xorg through aptitude06:08
svenskolisten, i've used linux for three years, i KNOW how to modify xorg, but it is BLANK06:08
svenskoi did what you said and it's still BLANK06:08
ChowderDumie, did you do what I told you already?06:09
akidd116how do i make another media player my default player? in this case i want to go to vlc06:09
svenskothe file exists, it's just blank, reconfigure doesn't do anything06:09
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r4ynersvensko: did you do a wc on the file?  (i.e., do you have read access?)06:10
svenskonote that i installed from a minimal CD and thus had to install xorg through aptitude, i've been told that doing this causes the xorg.conf file to be controlled by something else06:10
svenskor4yner, it's blank even to root06:10
Xcellsvensko-   try this:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video06:11
storbecksvensko, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=725828506:11
storbeckthere's a few default xorg's06:11
kmkzakidd116: right click --> propoerties -->open with06:11
storbecksudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:11
akidd116ah, ok. thanks, kmkz06:11
svenskostorbeck, that puts stuff into xorg but no actual settings06:13
ftehwquestion:  set up an ACL accordingly to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145741.  works great for new files in the directory (e.g. touch /share/foo) but not for copied filed (e.g. copy /notshare/foo /share/).  Any solutions?06:13
svenskosame as systemtyrant06:13
storbeckwhy don't you just type in the settings you want to change?06:14
ienorandsvensko: Normally, there are no proper settings in xorg.conf, not anymore...06:14
svenskoienorand, if i wanted to change a setting, specifically virtual space (for use with xrandr), where would i modify such a setting?06:14
ienorandsvensko: I think you could still put that into xorg, and it would be acknowledged, but I'm not sure... it's been ages since I dabbled in xorg.conf06:16
svenskoty ienorand06:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:19
ienorandmaii: hello06:20
maiihello sry06:20
chemikalzjust installed screenlets06:20
noshelterhey guys, i created a win xp virtual machine with the kvm tutorial, but it cant see my blackberry device connected on usb, mouse works tho...., any advice?06:20
chemikalznice sysmontier transparent06:20
svenskoienorand, the Virtual line in xorg was ignored... never though Ubuntu would have me pulling my hair out06:21
Chowderlaxa8831, don't forget to make a link to the desktop06:21
Chowderso that you'll have a "windows" folder pointing to your XP partition06:21
storbecknosebleed, Does your blackberry work on linux?06:21
storbecknoshelter, *06:22
svenskoubuntu only seems to be detecting a single display on my acer aspire one with an external monitor hooked up to it, is there something special i need to do in xfce4 for it to detect the external display?06:22
bullgard4Who could please help me with testing Empathy voice chat? A first test with a partner was only partially successful.06:22
emmthe floodbots handle mibbit or other proxies in an interesting way.06:22
noshelterstorbeck, i have power, other than that...06:22
noshelteri can see it being connected if i do lsusb06:22
storbeckEh, I think for the most part the thing needs to work in linux (all drivers working) for it to work in a VM06:23
storbeckThat's just my experience though06:23
emmcould any of you recommend a wireless card to put inside of a desktop that will surely work well with ubuntu/linux ?06:23
noshelterouch... i think i got it to work once with vmware, but i cant say for sure...06:23
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Clown_KnifeHey all have a super paronid mate who does stock market online I have him using ubuntu I have told him not to follow links from emails to his investments or banking etc and not to store his passwords in firefox, is there anything else you would recommend for me to tell him?06:25
Chowderemm: google06:25
deadpepsi_silly question is there away to run aol from ubuntu trying to get the wife off xxxxxxx06:26
shawnmstoutdead, yes06:26
ChowderClown_Knife, I'd recommend that he learn some basic principles of security06:26
shawnmstoutbut not with thier software06:26
sysdocClown_Knife, yea use Esignal and IB as his broker06:26
shawnmstoutu can use pidgen, for ims06:26
deadpepsi_i know theres the web site06:26
shawnmstoutaol.com for mail06:27
Awsoonnhi all, I have an ATI card that I would like to load the propriatary drivers on. the OSS drivers do not render textrues for me. I am using 9.0406:27
shawnmstoutso most features are there06:27
Chowderlol aol06:27
Clown_KnifeChowder: cheers sysdoc will look into it thanks06:27
deadpepsi_yea i was hopeing to run the aol program for her but ok06:27
deadpepsi_i personal hate aol06:28
Chowderwindows programs won't run on Linux unless you use WINE06:28
deadpepsi_shes bent on it and its the only reason shes on on linux yet06:28
sysdocClown_Knife, Esignal as far as I know does now run in Linux, but was serious about the IB06:28
deadpepsi_tired wine06:28
deadpepsi_and it did not install06:28
Chowderdeadpepsi_, I personally loathe wine. Have you tried searching on google?06:29
deadpepsi_for the last 4 hours06:29
kmkzdeadpepsi_: i dunno if i got you right but Pidgin can run aol06:29
deadpepsi_i dont ask till i seach06:29
Chowder^first result06:29
Clown_Knifesysdoc: IB ??06:29
mneptokdeadpepsi_: AOL, or AIM?06:29
sysdocClown_Knife, http://www.interactivebrokers.com/ibg/main.php06:30
deadpepsi_no need for dialup we have fios06:30
deadpepsi_she uses aol 9.106:31
mneptokdeadpepsi_: does she want the full AOL client software, or just the IM bit?06:31
deadpepsi_no matter if it wont run then it wont run06:31
Chowderdeadpepsi_, what he meant was is AOL your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or do you just use it to send instant messages?06:31
shawnmstoutdead, i do know a way06:32
blzdeadpepsi:  are you trying to run AOL to connect to the internet, or AIM to instant messege?06:32
deadpepsi_she has the free aol for mail and stuff06:32
blz*message, even06:32
shawnmstoutcould install linux and virtualbox06:32
deadpepsi_we have fios for a connection06:32
shawnmstoutthen put tinyxp on virtualbox06:32
mneptokdeadpepsi_: you can get AOL mail through the AOL website, no?06:32
shawnmstoutbut ur still running xp06:32
shawnmstoutadvantage, if she screws it up, no biggie, delete file and restart06:32
deadpepsi_yea i know guess i will make it happen with umm the web site and all06:33
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blzdeadpepsi_:  Have you tried some of the native linux clients (pigin, for example)?06:33
Chowderdeadpepsi_, ok, but do you have to pay AOL for your internet service or do you get from a company like roadrunner or Comcast06:33
deadpepsi_no biggie06:33
mneptokdeadpepsi_: and Pidgin does AIM06:33
gartral_ok, this is gonna sound stupid, but is there a gui for irssi?06:33
deadpepsi_no aol has free service now!!06:33
m0I started to realize that ubuntu isn't the choice of platform for developers. So many libraries are outdated.06:33
blzdeadpepsi:  Pidgin runs the aim protocol, so you can talk to people on AIM06:33
deadpepsi_has had for several years06:33
mneptokgartral_: no. and that's borderline blasphemy.06:33
Chowdergartral_, a gui for irssi is like dividing by zero06:33
deadpepsi_yea i know i use it06:33
deadpepsi_on my laptop[06:33
shawnmstoutchowder its free if you have your own isp06:34
blzaah okay. you just want the actual AIM client...06:34
blzhave you tried wine?06:34
Chowdershawnmstout, that's not what I meant....06:34
ChowderAOL != AIM06:34
infinityxiwhere the hell does the screen resolution for X get saved these days?06:34
deadpepsi_no she has aol 9.1 and run byop connects to aol for mail and other stuff06:34
infinityxii mean my xorg conf is pretty default and has nothing telling of my display06:34
deadpepsi_not aim06:34
shawnmstoutoh just read it again06:34
Chowderimho, pidgin is way better than AIM06:34
Chowderif you're gonna get AIM at least get the AIM AdHack from Cuban Aftermath06:35
deadpepsi_but it no biggie06:35
blzdeadpepsi:  oh i got you. okay... yeah that's a pain06:35
shawnmstoutchowder, i agree06:35
deadpepsi_i will put her on the web and a;;06:35
blzlol fat fingers06:35
shawnmstoutyou can tie in, aol, msn, yahoo, all in 1 program06:35
Chowdereven myspace IM06:35
deadpepsi_heck even my 7- year old mother-in-law want to switch over after tonights stuff i did06:35
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deadpepsi_i cant seem to get myspace im to login06:36
shawnmstoutya and irc06:36
jigphello guys. in bitlbee using yahoo messenger, how to add a user id in yahoo? like ubuntu@yahoo.com i type : add 0 ubuntu@yahoo.com ubuntu...0 - zero is the number where the account is listed in "account list" 0. yahoo06:36
mneptokdeadpepsi_: if your mother-in-law is 7, exactly how old is your wife? and does your AOL connection ever get dropped when the police come through the windows?06:36
jigp01:34 <@root> Invalid account06:36
infinityxifacebook IM on pidgin works great06:36
blzmneptok:  in b4 pedobear06:36
shawnmstoutim on it now with civpro username06:37
infinityxibut does anyone know in 9.04 where screen resolution settings are stored?06:37
infinityxithey aren't really explictly stated in xorg.conf06:37
mneptokMySpace and AOL. am i the only person here with any taste and more than 14 candles on my birthday cake?06:38
deadpepsi_it only get dropped when i block it in the fiber chan router06:38
KB1JWQmneptok: No worries; he types like he's twelve. :D06:38
mneptokKB1JWQ: oh good! HAM ops usually are old enough to vote.06:38
infinityxiMySpace is a seizure website06:38
Chowdermneptok, I use facebook and AOL. Am I cool now? Can I be an elitist too?06:38
infinityxiand i forgot AOL was still publicly traded06:38
blzmyspace is an AIDS website06:38
mneptokanyhow, this is going offtopic.06:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:39
deadpepsi_myspace is good for mobsters06:39
KB1JWQmneptok: They're usually old enough to collect social security; I'm on the wrong side of 30 for that...06:39
Chowderblz: so i herd u liek them06:39
deadpepsi_and there are 36 candles on my cake06:39
mneptokKB1JWQ: i'm not :/06:39
blzChowder:  lol06:39
deadpepsi_cq cq cq kb1jwq kg4iqm06:40
whatvndeadpepsi_: I call you "uncle" lol06:40
KB1JWQHeh, over to the offtopic channe.06:40
deadpepsi_you might06:40
Chowderblz: herd u liek habbo06:40
TheMusicGuyHoy there. I'm having some power issues on my laptop.06:40
jiyanmoyuMy god,age is not a problem06:40
blzChowder:  I'm moar of a mudkip guy myself...06:40
blzNO U06:41
whatvnjijamoyu: sometimes it does :-p06:41
blzI'm going to stop this before I get kicked lol06:41
dartagnonI'm trying to share files on a local network and can't seem to figure it out.  I can access my shares from other computers only if I input my name & password; how can I set up my shares to be accessible more easily and to anyone on the network?06:41
blzbut it's good to come across a fellow /b/rother06:41
deadpepsi_whatvn what was that suppose to mean06:42
deadpepsi_you call me uncle06:42
TheMusicGuyAfter upgrading to Jaunty, It seems my cooling fan is going wild when doing mundane things like viewing youtube videos, even when the power profile is set to "Powersave"06:42
TheMusicGuywhereas this did not happen with Hardy06:42
jiyanmoyuwhatvn :              I love a girl older than me06:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:43
whatvndeadpepsi_: I'm just kidding, knowledge is depend on age, I know that06:43
bazhangplease take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks06:43
whatvndeadpepsi_: I meant is not depend06:44
mneptok!offtopic > whatvn06:44
ubottuwhatvn, please see my private message06:44
mneptokwhatvn: last warning06:44
deadpepsi_ok i though you might be someone i was looking for06:44
deadpepsi_was think no way how did he get in there06:44
whatvnok, sorry all06:45
dartagnonDoes anyone have a suggestion on how to get local filesharing to work?06:46
dartagnonI came here to try and spare the forums such a mundane topic.06:46
mneptokdartagnon: using what protocol?06:46
sacarlsondartagnon: try this gui setup for samba package system-config-samba06:47
msmarchey i'm getting an error when trying to install build-essential with apt-get in intrepid is there some sort of bug?06:48
dartagnonmneptok: any.. whatever you think is easiest. sacarison: thanks, trying that now06:48
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sacarlsonmsmarc: what error might that be?06:49
msmarcit says it has unmet dependencies06:49
sacarlsonmsmarc:  I'm sure you did an apt-get update06:50
blzmsmarc:  sanity check -- did you enable all of the repos?06:50
pdtpatri1kmsmarc .. run sudo apt-get update before installing build-essentials06:50
msmarci did apt-get update but I didn't check sources.list could that be the problem?06:50
sacarlsonmsmarc: also try another repo server  sometimes the servers get broken06:50
msmarck thanks06:51
blzmsmarc:  i'm not sure what repo build-essential is on, but try enabling the 3rd party ones for now06:51
sacarlsonmsmarc: ya you might have to set the source check box in synaptic or manualy in your source.list06:52
xeroxmalfunctioni upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 and now i can't enable DMA on my PATA dvd burner06:52
shabgardHi dear06:52
shabgardMy name is Ali06:53
msmarci figured out what i did06:53
sacarlsonmsmarc: and that is?06:53
msmarcI copied the source.list from my old hardy system into m y new intrepid system06:53
shabgardi have a question about install a device06:53
svensko_notebook!ask | shabgard06:54
ubottushabgard: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:54
msmarci didn't even think about it so I have a hardy sources.list on intrepid06:54
shabgardthis Devise is a reader fingerprint USB06:54
msmarcIs there anywhere I can download the intrepid sources.list?06:54
shabgardmodel AET63 ACS06:54
sacarlsonmsmarc: then I guess you have a harpid version06:54
storbeckmsmarc: sudo sed -i 's/hardy/intrepid/g' sources.list06:54
bigbrahanyone have experience with wubi here06:54
shabgardI did download driver at site but I don't know that how install ...06:55
msmarcsweet it seems fixed now06:56
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shabgardI did download driver at site but I don't know that how install ...06:57
shabgardi have a question about install a device06:57
shabgardmodel AET63 ACS06:57
shabgardI did download driver at site but I don't know that how install ...06:58
d_OoO_bhello, i used unfsd, and cannot mount, permission deined. im root. the unfs server is myself. and the config file allow the perm06:58
|freddy|d_OoO_b: show me how are you mounting it06:59
PugnaciousAlright, i've got a crazy question for someone.07:01
Pugnacious I've installed ubuntu 9.04 on an old machine.  The machine has a 40 gb hard drive and a raid controller with 9 hard drives on a raid controller card.  The hard drives are configured in raid (striping) with 1 hot swap backup.  The OS is installed to the 40gb drive.    Installation went perfect, and i selected automatic login for my username.  After a reboot, the login works, but there's an error message.  It's very quick and hard t07:01
Dumiei want help with KGRUB and Boot.ini07:01
DumieSomeone Please!07:01
shabgardI did download driver at site but I don't know that how install ...07:02
sekyourboxI have my eth0 interface running in permiscious mode.. How would one go about finding out what is causing this?07:03
ShazbotMcNastyHello -I'm attempting to install tint2, I've added the things I've been told to, to the sources.list, but when I sudo apt-get install tint2 I get  ":The following packages have unmet dependencies.07:03
ShazbotMcNasty  tint2: Depends: libxrandr2 (>= 2: but 2:1.2.3-1 is to be installed07:03
ShazbotMcNastyE: Broken packages07:03
ShazbotMcNasty".. any ideas?07:03
FloodBot1ShazbotMcNasty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
ShazbotMcNastyI didn't think that was that big... o_o07:03
melikis there any program that will copy my ENTIRE ubuntu partition to a different partition07:06
storbeckmelik: dd07:06
BlackCoffeehow do i get my kde panel to inform me of weather stuff?07:07
melikBlackCoffee, #kubuntu07:07
bigbrahanyone have experience with wubi here07:08
storbeckmelik: dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb2 bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror07:08
melikthank you storbeck, i was just reading the manpage07:08
gduncanAre there any terminal programs besides minicom and cutecom?07:08
melikgduncan, terminal emulators?07:08
gduncanBoth have really annoying 'features'07:09
eth01gduncan: not really07:09
dartagnonok, I still can't figure out how to use samba.  I can see the shared directories from another computer, but I can't get in them.  What sort of settings should I be setting up?07:09
melikgduncan, you should look into tilda; its really amazing07:09
deadpepsi_aside form defualt what repos should i have in my system>07:09
storbeckI use terminator, but eterm, aterm, and xterm are good07:09
melikget tilda07:09
meliki just have tilda run at startup, and my hotkey is F1; everytime i press the hotkey it just brings up the terminal full screen07:10
meliki have the emulator always running, and its really efficient07:10
gduncanI need to deal with multiple serial ports for debugging embedded hardware.07:10
gduncanMinicom won't let you change ports dynamically. You have to quit and restart every time you change the port.07:11
gduncanAnd Cutecom doesn't send characters live, but rather buffers them until you hit return.07:11
gduncanSo lame.07:11
storbeckgduncan: have you tried http://freshmeat.net/projects/gtkterm/07:12
storbeckWhat about Kermit?07:15
gduncanSweet. Gtkterm may do the trick. Thanks!07:16
storbeckno problem07:16
Ubuntubruger6Which version of Ubuntu should i install on my MSI Wind U100?07:16
storbeckUbuntubruger6: Intrepid?07:18
melikUbuntubruger6, jaunty07:18
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meliknetbook remix07:18
storbeckOh, right. Jaunty just came out, didn't it?07:18
meliki think they're already working on karmic07:19
dylan_where do I set environmental variables ? in ~/.bashrc ??07:21
gduncanHmmm, kermit looks interesting, but the man page is a bear!07:22
Ubuntubruger6melik: jaunty??07:22
Ubuntubruger6storbeck: what do you mean by intrepid?07:22
storbeckUbuntubruger6: Januty and Intrepid are Ubuntu versions...07:22
gduncanI need simple and functional for now, but will keep kermit in mind.07:22
storbeckHave you tried looking on www.ubuntu.com?07:22
gduncanOn a different topic, has anyone experienced problems upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04???07:24
gduncanAny benefit?07:24
noaXesswhat nee i remove to configure network over /etc/network/interfaces ?07:26
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HelgeFAnyone knows how to upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 directly without going through the 8.10 step?07:29
Finnish_I have a problem with ATI + HDMI output, can someone help me?07:29
HelgeFsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?07:30
storbeckThat's not generally a good idea07:30
noaXessneed i remove network-manager if i want configure network over /etc/network/interfaces?07:30
m0Hello, I added debian repository in my sources (cause I wanted to install binutils-gold), and many failed, I took it out from sources.list and when I reboot it says Debian in grub. Then it wont bootup, I had to edit grub and remove the first line (called root) and it booted. How can I fix what I did?07:30
=== dpreacher is now known as dpreacher_away
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Ubuntubruger6does anyone have the link for the right Jaunty Ubuntu version?07:35
m0any ideas?07:35
m0Ubuntubruger6: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download  ?07:35
Ubuntubruger6m0: isnt that just the normal ubuntu?07:36
bazhang!info ubuntu-netbook-remix07:36
ubottuubuntu-netbook-remix (source: mobile-meta): The Ubuntu Netbook Remix system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.139 (jaunty), package size 29 kB, installed size 56 kB07:36
bazhangUbuntubruger6, ^^07:36
secret901I'm trying to update my system but I keep getting errors trying to open the directory /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic07:36
neoXsysUbuntubruger6: http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/07:37
akidd116so, does ubuntu have a "task manager" thing like windows does?07:37
lstarnesakidd116: system > administration > system monitor07:37
Ubuntubruger6neoXsys: do you also recommend jaunty07:37
neoXsysUbuntubruger6: Of-course!07:37
kmkzakidd116: you could also type "top" in the terminal (no quotes)07:38
neoXsysUbuntubruger6: Are you looking for UNR (Ubuntu Netbook Remix)?07:38
secret901I'm trying to update my system but I keep getting errors trying to open the directory /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic07:38
akidd116is there a preset shortcut key or would i have to set one myself?07:38
storbecksecret901: Are you root?07:38
secret901storbeck: no07:38
lstarnesakidd116: not that I know of07:39
storbeckwell there's your problem07:39
secret901storbeck: but I ran it with sudo07:39
Ubuntubruger6neoXsys: i have a MSI Wind and i would like to install Ubuntu, which version would be best?07:39
storbeckDoes that directory exist?07:39
secret901storbeck: no07:39
akidd116fair enough, i guess ill just set one myself07:39
storbeckwell there's your problem07:39
secret901storbeck: I know that's my problem.07:39
secret901storbeck: but my system thinks that it exists07:39
kmkzakidd116: you can also add it to the top panel ... just do a right click --> add to panel07:39
storbeckTry making a symlink to the correct directory and naming it 2.6.24-12-generic07:40
secret901storbeck: that's why it's trying to access it07:40
=== dpreacher_away is now known as dpreacher
neoXsysUbuntubruger6: Just give try to UNR, Cool Interface, perfect for Netbook.07:40
m0is it possible to rollback to the original ubuntu state? I think I updated my kernel by accident07:41
secret901storbeck: I have the directory 2.6.24-16-generic07:41
m0I have this /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic07:41
storbecksecret901: try doing this: sudo ln -s /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic07:42
deantasticgood day, guys. just wiped my ubuntu drive and did a clean install of jaunty. now I've got only 200mib free space left on this partition. installed gparted but I can't resize anything. If I boot from the Jaunty live CD would I be able to resize my partitions?07:42
storbeckdeantastic: yes07:42
cyberjorgeI have a driver with .so extension, how do I install this?07:43
storbeckcyberjorge: just put it in with the other .so files07:44
cyberjorgestorbeck: it's in my desktop, where should i move it? it's a driver for touchscreen function of a POS device07:45
Renayhello friends, Quick Q: What is the difference between  /etc/acpi/hibernate and /usr/sbin/hibernate? Thanks so much!07:45
secret901storbeck: I don't think that's such a good idea, since the updater was trying to remove that module07:45
lsolesenHow do I make sure that I can access my desktop using the built-in vnc from outside my local network in 9.0407:45
storbeckoh, well, then just take it out of the installer07:45
Renayhow to make IRC colorful?07:46
secret901storbeck: it's trying to remove the package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic before updating other packages, but the problem is that I don't have that package07:46
billwcan someone give me guidance?07:46
ozzmosisRenay: X-Chat supports colours07:46
RenayI see07:46
kmkzRenay: use emacs erc ;)07:47
Badrobot-use --force07:47
lstarnesRenay: many channels block color codes though07:47
ozzmosisRenay: it has an option to give each nickname a different colour07:47
storbecksecret901: Might want to submit a bug on that then, if it's doing that from the repos07:47
secret901storbeck: after I created the softlink it still didn't work07:47
billwIm new to the os, and I can't get my video player to work....?07:47
secret901billw: which player are you using?07:48
kmkzbillw: install vlc07:48
roobot3hey, how do i search inside a files and folders recursive a string ?07:48
fantomasDoes anybody know why the fuck cursor disappearing in Midnight Commander internal editor both in Jaunty (4.6.2-pre) and Karmic (4.6.2)? And how the fuck can I disable highlighting of Tabs? Sorry for language07:48
kmkzbillw: sudo apt-get install vlc07:48
Seeker`fantomas: don't swear07:48
billwvlc is already in here07:48
cyberjorgestorbeck: any other suggestion for .so file?07:48
lvlefisto!language | fantomas07:49
ubottufantomas: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:49
fantomaslvlefisto: ok07:49
billwtried to go to the debian web page and down load program, but nothing works07:49
storbeckcyberjorge: It just depends on where it's supposed to go, might want to check the readme files07:49
fantomaslvlefisto: just... very annoying. Hoping many MC users fight same07:49
storbeckroobot3: grep -r07:49
roobot3and how do i find a files07:49
roobot3find -u filename ?07:49
storbeckfind . -name filename07:49
midknihtfind .|grep filename07:50
Renay2hello! Yes, Xchat works!07:50
storbeckno need for that midkniht07:50
midknihtone less char07:50
lstarnesroobot3: or locate filename07:50
Renay2Thanks friends!07:50
roobot3find . -exec grep -i -H -n 'texttofind' {} \;07:50
roobot3that is good ?07:50
cyberjorgestorbeck: no readme files in my case, anyway i'll just try moving on related place07:50
midknihtmoar chars!07:50
secret901My system is trying to remove the package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic but it can't because the directory for it doesn't exist and now I can't update my system unless that package is removed.07:50
storbeckroobot3: just use grep -r07:50
billwwish I learned this earlier-military only teaches windows07:51
storbeckgrep -r text *07:51
Renay2I have a quick question on 'hibernate'  I have two scripts which is the right one? /usr/sbin/hibernate and /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh07:51
fubaztried ubuntu 9.04 with wubi, like it, want to switch to dual boot, wondering if anyone has any experience on how well the partitioning tool works and whether I'll need to repair winxp, which boots off c (where partition will be) with system files on drive d07:51
votanhow do you turn off this pulse audio and get alsa working07:51
* fantomas taking a gun and start seeking a developer of Tabs highlighting in MC07:51
Renay2Any hibernate ACPI experts.. I need help!07:51
owen1is there a way to see what fonts is currently used by xterm?07:52
Renay2I have a quick question on 'hibernate'  I have two scripts which is the right one? /usr/sbin/hibernate and /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh07:52
lstarnesRenay2: probably the one in /usr/sbin07:53
neoXsysvotan: What is the output of asoundconf list07:53
storbeckRenay2: depends on what you're trying to do07:53
Renay2/usr/sbin/hibernate doesn't work it hangs while dumping data to disk, but if I give command from root shell /etc one works07:53
secret901My system is trying to remove the package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic but it can't because the directory for it doesn't exist and now I can't update my system unless that package is removed. How do I remove that package?07:54
Renay2how do I do auto hibernate with /etc/ one?07:54
lstarnessecret901: you could try sudo aptitude remove -f linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic07:54
votanneoXsys: SB and HDMI07:54
lstarnessecret901: I do not know how safe that would be though07:55
secret901lstarnes: tried that07:55
sacarlsonvotan: some aplications like audacious allow you to select what driver is used as output.  not sure if it totaly turns off pulse audio or not.07:55
secret901lstarnes: you gave me that advice a while ago07:55
lstarnessecret901: I recall having a similar issue07:55
lstarnessecret901: but not giving you that advice07:55
neoXsysvotan: Check System -> Preferences -> Sound07:55
T-KILLERHello people.  Im trying to install ffmpeg (with all encoders/decoded such as amr, a52, xvid, theora, etc etc) and php5-ffmpeg to a lamp server but i need to know where to check that the ffmpeg.so file is installed...  I'm following a tutorial for the GUI ubuntu bt im using only server 9 and terminal, no gui.  I have instelled ffmpeg but not moved its .so file to lamp as i am following a tutorial07:55
T-KILLERdesigned for xampp07:56
votanneoXsys:  sec07:56
Renay2lstarnes: How do I tie the one from gnome menu to the hibernate script in /etc?07:56
secret901lstarnes: now it's having the same problem with that package but it continues removing the other packages07:56
ozzmosissecret901: what if you get the .deb for that package then force reinstall it?07:56
T-KILLERtherefor i dont have the opt/lampp folder on my system07:56
lstarnesRenay2: I don't know07:56
yaris123456789how do i pause and resume a process based on PID ?07:56
secret901ozzmosis: I can try that.  Know where I can find it?07:56
T-KILLERcould you help direct me to where i should be copying the ffmpeg.so file so it is available on lamp ?07:57
Renay2storbek : I have hibernate in /usr/sbin and /etc/acpi . The one in /etc seem to work. How do I tie to auto hibernate in gnome?07:57
ozzmosissecret901: google should find it07:57
votanneoXsys: Âi using mplayer. "mplayer -ao alsa *.mp3" works fine07:57
lstarnesT-KILLER: have you tried installing the ffmpeg package?07:57
neoXsysRenay2: Right Click on Applications -> Edit Menus -> Put your custom executable command07:57
BilokShemI have a problem with using Mozilla on Ubuntu 8.10 for some weird reason07:57
BilokShemI have friends on yahoo groups and I can't see their pictures anymore07:58
T-KILLERlstarnes: i need to compile the ffmpeg package myself as it doesnt include the said codecs by default07:58
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kmkzBilokShem: try disabling add-ons as a first step07:58
T-KILLERtherefore i cannot install by simply using apt-get or aptitude instal07:59
lstarnesT-KILLER: what codecs?07:59
secret901ozzmosis: I could only find 25 pages mentioning the package but none has the deb for it07:59
T-KILLERa52, amrnb,amrwb etc etc08:00
BilokShemkmkz: it used to work about an hour or so ago, but I got some message on the toolbar and it asked me to UNDO something but I decided to just close that and now I can't see their pics08:00
sacarlsonT-KILLER: you might try search for it to find it then replace it  find it with find /usr -name "ffmpeg*"08:00
T-KILLER--enable-liba52 --enable-liba52bin \08:00
T-KILLER--enable-libamr-nb --enable-libamr-wb --enable-libdc1394 \08:00
T-KILLER--enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad --enable-libfaadbin \08:00
T-KILLER--enable-libmp3lame --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis \08:00
T-KILLER--enable-libx264 --enable-libxvid08:00
FloodBot1T-KILLER: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:00
akidd116so, i just downloaded a game, installed it, and all seemed well. i ran the game, the screen size changed but it didnt load08:00
T-KILLERi need al lthat08:00
akidd116any suggestions?08:00
secret901akidd116: is it a Windows game?08:00
akidd116nope, its enemy territory. i followed the setup instructions in a support forum for ubuntu08:01
T-KILLERi know where the ffmpeg.s0 file is, im asking where i need to copy it to to work with lamp rather than xampp08:01
BilokShemOk I disabled what little add ons I had08:01
BilokShemNow what?08:01
boringpacketsdoes anyone here run ubuntu on a "studio" laptop by dell?08:02
kmkzBilokShem: did you try disabling the addons? or you can also try a <Ctrl>+F5 (refresh, clear cache) otherwise it might be more complicated08:02
boringpacketsanyone at all?08:02
boringpacketsi cant install ubuntu right now because i am having dell honor my windows only warranty08:02
sacarlsonT-KILLER:  I think where it was should work just rename the old and replace with the new08:02
kmkzdsiable restart firefox08:02
boringpacketsfurthermore, does linux offer any "professional" (yeah . . .) recording software?08:03
akidd116boringpackets, you could try running it in something like vmware or windows virtual pc08:03
ozzmosissecret901: don't suppose it's in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?08:03
boringpacketsakidd116 not a bad idea, my bios supports booting from an external device08:03
boringpacketsi just cringe at the idea of an OS bottlenecked by USB08:04
deantastichello all. I've booted into a live cd and am trying to repartition. I've screencapped my Gparted window - http://i41.tinypic.com/2dca81s.png I need to take some hd space away from /dev/sda1 and give it to /dev/sda6. Help?08:04
deantasticI've tried resizing /dev/sda1 but I can't allocate the resulting free space to /dev/sda608:04
msmarcdoes anyone know if you can install java runtime environment under powerpc?08:04
BilokShemOk I removed the add-ons now what do I do?08:04
akidd116boringpacket: i didnt use an external drive. i set up vmware and ran inside the windows os08:04
secret901ozzmosis: you mean the missing directory?08:04
BilokShemIt didn't work/08:04
ozzmosissecret901: no, the .deb for that package08:05
boringpacketsdeantastic did you notice that warning sign on sda3?08:05
secret901ozzmosis: nah, I don't see it08:05
deantasticboringpackets: yep, was wondering what that meant08:05
boringpacketsdeantastic, you can use ntfsresize -o f08:05
deantasticboringpackets: what would that do?08:06
boringpacketsallow you to force a resize despite the warnings08:06
boringpacketsgparted actually uses ntfsresize, you just dont see it unless you click on details08:06
kmkzBilokShem: try this link http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=28818408:06
T-KILLERthe tutorial said to copy it from /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/ffmpeg.so which exists.. but the folder they ask to copy it to doesnt  /opt/lampp/lib/php/extentions/no-debug-non-zts-200613/  obviously because i dont have XAMPP installed just LAMP08:06
nithin1hey guys08:07
boringpacketsthough i gotta tell you, i had that warning, and i resized it, and rather than relocate the data, it moved the entire filesystem, took hours08:07
T-KILLERso where is the equivalent folder to load the php5 plugins from in LAMP08:07
T-KILLERnot XAMPP ?08:07
vovo4kahi all08:07
shadeslayer!hi | vovo4ka08:07
ubottuvovo4ka: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:07
deantasticboringpackets: looks like -o isn't a valid option. perhaps you meant -i?08:07
ozzmosissecret901: ok, I'm out of ideas08:07
vovo4kahow to make autoconnect VPN -connection in Network-manager  ?08:08
boringpacketsperhaps i did, i'm more of a user, than an expert deantastic08:08
boringpacketsi just thought i'd try and help since nobody else is answering you08:08
BilokShemI cannot see under image 5 but what do I do with that code?08:08
deantasticboringpackets: okay, thanks a lot :D08:08
nithin1 i have a small glitch with my tcp/ip protocol at the subserver level the postproc daemon seems to be running at run level 5. any suggestions08:08
akidd116heh, this is my first day using linux. i wont be any help to anyone for a longggg while08:08
shadeslayervovo4ka: uh...edit connections > VPN maybe08:08
DJJeffanyone manage to install ubuntu 9.04 powerpc on imacg3 ? please PM me08:08
boringpacketsdeantastic, why do you have two swaps?08:09
boringpacketsif you dont mind me asking08:09
secret901msmarc: http://openjdk.java.net/08:09
vovo4kashadearg, yeah) autoconnect is not working )08:09
deantasticboringpackets: you see, I had a previous install of Ubuntu and decided to wipe my Ubuntu partition and do a clean install.08:09
deantasticboringpackets: now all I did was delete my ubuntu partition in windows08:09
BilokShemkmkz: what do I do with the code I am given?08:09
shadeslayervovo4ka: im going to point you to a wiki , maybe that helps08:09
shadeslayer!vpn | vovo4ka08:09
ubottuvovo4ka: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD08:09
amanda-bi'm looking for an image viewing package that has two features: first, a single-button move-file function, to eg a predetermined destination. second, the ability to scan an entire tree of directories to make thumbnails all at once, rather than upon first open. does such a package exist?08:10
deantasticboringpackets: the ~300mb swap is from the earlier install, the ~100mb from the install I did just now08:10
T-KILLERany takers ?08:10
deantasticboringpackets: would it be safe to delete the 300mb swap?08:10
boringpacketsdeantastic yes you actually dont need the swap08:10
boringpacketsbut it'll come in handy for things like standby08:10
cyberjorgewhat's the command to check kernel version installed?08:10
kmkzBilokShem: actually the code is supposed to show some java image... it's not showing on my pc either :P08:10
deantasticboringpackets: okay, imma delete the 300mb swap then. :)08:11
lstarnescyberjorge: uname -r08:11
BilokShemAll the other images showed08:11
boringpacketsim surprised ubuntu didn't automatically detect an already existing swap08:11
ozzmosisakidd116: this is my first week using Ubuntu (desktop) .. I've been using FreeBSD (mostly for server stuff) so I can sort of work my way around but there's still a bit of a learning curve08:11
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ozzmosisakidd116: using FreeBSD for years, I meant to say08:11
cyberjorgelstarnes: thanks a lot!08:11
T-KILLERopt/lampp/lib/php/extentions/no-debug-non-zts-200613/is the folder where my php5 extentiopn for ffmpeg should load from if I was using XAMPP server but I am using LAMP server so can anyone tell me where the equivalent folder is for LAMP ?  there is nothing in opt/ on my system and LAMP is installed08:12
shadeslayervovo4ka: hm... found a bug report....one moment08:12
secret901My system is trying to remove the package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic but it can't because the directory for it doesn't exist and now I can't update my system unless that package is removed. How do I remove that package?08:12
deantasticboringpackets: looks like I can't delete 'em. tells me to unmount any logical partition having a higher number than 5. no biggie though08:12
boringpacketslol, someone came in here with the id hax0r133708:12
akidd116ozzmosis, i think the best thing to happen to me when i installed this was for me to have a huge issue with my wireless stuff. it forced me to instantly learn a lot of basic commands and get familiar with it right away haha08:12
DJJeffanyone install ubuntu powerpc on IMAC G3 ? please PM me ASAP08:12
shadeslayervovo4ka: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/28057108:12
boringpacketsyou can unmount any mounted device by typing sudo umount /dev/foo08:12
vovo4kashadearg, thanx alot)08:13
BilokShemOk no I fixed it08:13
shadeslayervovo4ka: no problem08:13
yaris123456789hello can i get someone to modify wget for me so that instead of making its own subdirectories based on URL, it will just simply producea flat file www_something_com\\some\\dir\\like\\this.html? how much would it cost??08:13
xinggdis Ubuntu 9.04 stable enough?08:13
BilokShemWanna know how08:13
boringpacketsxinggd 9.04 is very very stable08:13
shadeslayerxinggd: yes...quite stable imo08:13
kmkzBilokShem: yeah sure !08:13
adhoc29.04 is teh sex :)08:14
* shadeslayer is waiting for ubuntu 9.10 beta :D08:14
xinggdi am still using 8.04.208:14
BilokShemI wend under EDIT > Content > and I took off things that were blocked08:14
T-KILLERanyonme answer my simple question r: XAMPP and LAMP please ?08:14
deantasticboringpackets: there's 15gb of unallocated space right now, just next to my /dev/sda6 (I haven't committed the resize yet, though). Still can't allocate that new space for /dev/sda608:14
ozzmosisakidd116: ah right.  I had some issues with a nvidia geforce 6600 (about four years old) .. none of the drivers in ubuntu 9.04 seem to support it.. my screen ran at 800x600 (vesa) until I installed nvidia's proprietary drivers08:14
secret901I've had the most problems with 9.04 with all the Ubuntu releases so far08:14
kmkzBilokShem: cool then :D08:14
FlannelT-KILLER: /opt/ is the folder where prepackaged stuff (like xampp) go.  'regular' application type things go in the regular filesystem.08:14
secret901and I'm running a bona-fide Dell Ubuntu box08:14
BilokShemyeah, why do you think my computer blocked them without me going out of my way to do that08:15
shadeslayersecret901: really? i have the least...touchpad works, sound works ,internet works....08:15
FlannelT-KILLER: However, I notice that ffmpeg for php5 is aleady in the repositories, so all you have to do is this: sudo apt-get install php5-ffmpeg08:15
akidd116ozzmosis: it turns out i was just dumb and didnt know how to physically turn on the wireless for this computer08:15
secret901shadeslayer: after upgrade, all my videos stopped working08:15
boringpacketshmm deantastic, sorry i cant help, forcing the operation worked for me, though it took hours08:15
T-KILLERLAMP was installed along wit hteh UBUNTU SERVER 9 installation disc - all im asking is where the php plugin folder is for LAMP rather than XAMPP08:15
shadeslayersecret901: maybe a flsah issue?08:15
deantasticboringpackets: I see. thanks anyway! :)08:15
secret901shadeslayer: I have to do some tinkering with the xorg.conf file to get them working again08:15
FlannelT-KILLER: Right, but you don't have to manually install that extension, just do this: sudo apt-get install php5-ffmpeg08:16
secret901shadeslayer: now I can't update my system because of some stupid package refusing to be removed08:16
shadeslayersecret901: ubuntu cant please everyone :P08:16
shadeslayersecret901: what about --purge ??08:16
secret9017.04 was the most trouble-free for me08:16
T-KILLERi have installed php5-ffmpeg that way but the tutorial i am following insists i install php5-ffmpeg with apt-get, copy the file to LAMP php plugins folder, then completely remove php5-ffmpeg08:16
ozzmosisakidd116: heh ok.  I think my Brother laser printer might be like that.  have to wake it up using the button on the front.  Ubuntu can't take it off standby for me, like Windows does.  I think.08:16
FlannelT-KILLER: that sounds like a poor tutorial.08:16
secret901shadeslayer: purge only removes all the downloaded update files08:17
T-KILLERits done by networknerd200708:17
T-KILLERon youtube08:17
xinggdshadeslayer,i feel 9.04 is less compatibile than 8.04.208:17
T-KILLERplease review it and then tell me its a poor video tutorial08:17
secret901shadeslayer: what do I call purge with?08:17
georgeMchi, there was a gui in ubuntu intrepid to add hosts to /etc/hosts file, where i can find this in jaunty?08:17
T-KILLERthe video is here.... it goes through the complete install procedure...08:18
T-KILLERthat is part 2 but htere are 3 parts08:18
shadeslayerxinggd: on sec08:18
shadeslayersecret901: sudo apt-get --purge remove package08:18
T-KILLERthe only trouble is im not using XAMPP08:18
sacarlsonT-KILLER: I saw this unstriped package will this help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg08:18
shadeslayerxinggd: 8.04 is a LTS...its obviously *more* stable08:18
T-KILLERi shall take a look08:18
T-KILLERthank you08:19
FlannelT-KILLER: Right, if you were using xampp, you'd have to copy it, but you're not.  So you don't.  Simplyinstalling the package is enough to accomplish the install/copy/remove thing for xampp08:19
secret901shadeslayer: I'm having trouble removing the package because it doesn't really exist...the directory for it doesn't exist.08:19
shadeslayersecret901: also sudo apt-get install deborphan; sudo apt-get --purge remove `deborphan`08:19
secret901shadeslayer: the package is linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic08:19
shadeslayersecret901: ah....... had the same problem recently....it got updated automatically08:20
secret901shadeslayer: did you fix it?08:20
shadeslayersecret901: yes....it fixed itself08:20
xinggdin 9.04 video card,networking problems with my old hardware08:20
secret901shadeslayer: too bad mine can't fix itself since I can't do an UPDATE08:21
mikubuntuguys, i am trying to edit a website that uses cpanel that i just switched to, but certain key functions (like save) are not working.  when i hit 'save' for instance, i get one of those 'a script is running on this page' messages, and whether i prompt to 'continue' or 'stop script' it does not save.  any ideas?  buntu bug or cpanel bug?08:21
shadeslayersecret901: it says ..." 0 updated , 0 to remove , and 1 not upgraded " right?08:21
ozzmosismikubuntu: probably cpanel08:21
ozzmosismikubuntu: you could try it in another browser08:22
secret901shadeslayer: mine says: 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 1 to remove and 110 not upgraded.08:22
shadeslayersecret901: what about sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?08:22
mikubuntuozzmosis: using firefox, do you recommend another particularly?08:22
roobot3 whats worng here ? http://pastebin.com/m6680481b its bashrc command08:22
secret901shadeslayer: same error08:23
secret901shadeslayer: it tries to access the directory /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic, can't find it, then dies08:23
ozzmosismikubuntu: well, just one that can do web 2.0 stuff.  opera, konqueror, arora.08:23
Sagacianyone recommend a download manager for ubuntu?08:24
T-KILLERFlannel: thank you for clearing that one up.  I was wondering when someone would actually inderstand my question.  Thanks again!08:24
mikubuntuk, i try opera then... thx08:24
shadeslayersecret901: so did you try reinstalling that package?08:24
ozzmosisSagaci: Wget?  or did you want a GUI?08:24
Sagaciozzmosis: gui, yes08:24
secret901shadeslayer: can't find the deb for it08:24
ozzmosisSagaci: WebDownloader looks nice.  haven't actually used it yet.08:24
shadeslayersecret901: uh....apt-get install <package>08:25
error404notfoundhow can i make sure that any directory/file created under a certain dir tree has same user and group as of the main dir? set which bit? uid or gid?08:25
shadeslayerroobot3: please state your question08:25
Sagaciozzmosis: or a firefox download manager?08:25
mrlolplxSagaci you do know that you can search for addons in firefox right?08:25
shadeslayerozzmosis: if its FF i would suggest searchin in the ff addonss08:26
secret901shadeslayer: I can't use apt-get until that issue is resolved08:26
roobot3http://pastebin.com/m6680481b i try to run it in bashrc and i get error08:26
roobot3 findinfiles ddsf08:26
shadeslayersecret901: try sudo apt-get --fix-broken08:26
roobot3-bash: ddsf: command not found08:26
ozzmosisSagaci: dunno.  problem is if Firefox dies it takes your downloads with it, add-on or not.  but Firefox supports resuming so if you're going to use it for downloading, you don't really need a "manager".  Unless you want to throttle downloads, do scheduling or something.08:27
secret901shadeslayer: doesn't seem to be an option08:27
yaris123456789basically i have wget -r downloading a site. however, the problem is that i would like the URL to become the filename. Unfortunately, wget's -nd only puts the last part of the URL as the filename. can someone modify this ? i am willing to pay if someone is skilled if enough to do it. please private message me.08:27
ozzmosisyaris123456789: I'd ask on the Wget mailing list08:27
mrlolplx"downthemall" is pretty sweet as far as i remember08:27
shadeslayersecret901: --fix-broken08:27
shadeslayersecret901: how come it doesnt work?? try replacing by -f08:28
sacarlsonerror404notfound: cd to directory then chown -R useryouwant:useryouwant *08:28
Sagaciozzmosis: thanks08:28
shadeslayersecret901: ok do you have any extra ppas or repos??08:28
error404notfoundsacarlson, now thats..... i dont want it to be done everytime whenever there is a new item...08:29
secret901shadeslayer: -f doesn't give an error message but it only tells me what apt-get can do08:29
tjzhey guys08:29
secret901shadeslayer: I don't know what ppas are08:29
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ozzmosisSagaci: Download Statusbar is OK08:30
shadeslayersecret901: ok i have only 5 min of backup left08:30
sacarlsonerror404notfound: oh ok and that will only change the owner and group.  what aplication will be changing the files?08:30
evanrmurphyDoes anybody know a quick way to logout of the GNOME session on Jaunty without touching the mouse? Alt-SysRq-K is messy (on my system) and Control-Alt-Delete doesn't give the option to logout. I may reenable Control-Alt-Backspace, but I was curious if there was any other way.08:30
shadeslayersecret901: ok try getting a clean sources.list and replace the current one with it08:30
shadeslayerevanrmurphy: ctrl+alt+backspace08:31
error404notfoundsacarlson, and why does the application matters? assume a user creates a new file in that dir tree with nautilus or gedit...08:31
secret901shadeslayer: I don't think that package exists08:31
secret901it's an older version of the kernel08:31
shadeslayersecret901: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-997890.html08:31
ozzmosisevanrmurphy: you can (in theory) set a keybinding in Metacity's config to shutdown on a keypress08:32
sacarlsonerror404notfound: unless you want the files locked the aplication that changes them or adds them would be the one that needs to be set to how you want them to be.08:32
shadeslayersecret901: ok look , relace your sources list with the second post, and update and upgrade08:32
tjzmy keyboard is mismatch when i vnc to my ubuntu desktop ...08:32
evanrmurphyshadeslayer: After re-enabling the combo... Do you know of another way?08:32
tjzany idea how to solve this?08:32
shadeslayerevanrmurphy: how about ctrl+alt+del08:32
itsfatmanmy sound no longer works, now it only makes a crunching noise, and the speakers aren't blown bc they work on xp, my sound has worked in the past. can anyone help me?08:32
shadeslayerevanrmurphy: or a custom combo08:33
evanrmurphyozzmosis: There's an idea. Maybe I'll do that, thanks!08:33
shadeslayersecret901: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:33
ozzmosistjz: from my own notes: "use realvnc, because tightvnc's server has a broken keymap as at 2009-05-09"08:33
evanrmurphyshadeslayer: Thanks for your response. I noted in my question how Control+Alt+Delete doesn't provide the option to logout (only shutdown, suspend, etc.).08:33
tjzozzmosis: roger that08:34
tjzwill try08:34
evanrmurphyshadeslayer: Yeah, custom combo may be the best bet.08:34
shadeslayerevanrmurphy: sorry...must have missed it08:34
shadeslayersecret901: gtg...best of luck08:34
ozzmosistjz: I've had other problems with vnc in ubuntu 9.04 but don't remember what they were08:34
secret901shadeslayer: thanks for trying08:34
sacarlsonerror404notfound: I think all you need change is the setting at the root of your directory tree08:35
ozzmosistjz: something along the lines of the screen not refreshing when I ran realvnc client on an XP box, connecting to Ubuntu08:35
ozzmosistjz: don't remember which versions of things I was using though08:35
georgeMcanyone knows where i can find network configuration tool? There is no such thing in Jaunty, in Intrepid it was present. Anyone?08:36
sacarlsonerror404notfound: that will limit what the user can change not sure all the files will end up exactly the same setting as exceutable and such08:36
sacarlsonerror404notfound: and if more than one user modified the files in such directory then it would have different owners and group settings08:37
ozzmosisgeorgeMc: just curious - why do you need a GUI tool to edit /etc/hosts?08:37
RomanKcurrently i'm using 32bit 9.04 on my core2duo-thinkpad, what problems must i expect when switching to 64bit 9.04?08:37
ozzmosisgeorgeMc: I mean, gedit will edit it just fine...08:38
secret901georgeMc: System->preferences->Network connections08:38
error404notfoundsacarlson, you missed my point... leave it..08:38
georgeMcozzmosis: that gui was more user friendly than gedit08:38
georgeMcozzmosis: less to mess08:39
georgeMcsecret901: there are only tabs with types of connections, nothing else08:39
hamidohi, i need some help with printing08:40
PietRomanK: if you are using forign packages or non-packaged applications they may not be available or be somewhat difficult to get to work.08:40
secret901georgeMc: what are you trying to do08:40
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PietRomanK: so for each such application, review whether they can be easily enough made to work on amd64 before you give it a go.08:41
georgeMcsecret901: i want to add records to /etc/hosts file, in intrepid there was a gui for this, now i need to use console08:41
ozzmosissecret901: same as georgeMc.  interestingly (?) on a FreeBSD box I noticed this morning it ALMOST had a way to edit /etc/hosts from there, except it was greyed out/disabled.  not sure whether it was because it wasn't implemented, or another reason.08:41
evanrmurphyFollow-up question: Is there any keyboard shortcut to access the FUSA drop-down menu in the upper-righthand corner of GNOME on Jaunty?08:41
RomanKPiet, what about browser plugins and addons?08:42
PietRomanK: there's a 32bit compatibility layer which should allow you to run any 32 bit applications on 64 bit, so theoretically you should get them all to work, but it may require some fiddling.08:42
georgeMcsecret901: it's like step back08:42
jamieleshawHello, Is Ubuntu Netbook Remix Compatible & Safe To Put On A Asus EEE PC 1000HA?08:42
secret901georgeMc: do you remember what it was called in Intrepid?08:42
georgeMcnetwork management tool or network configuration tool08:43
llutzwhat's the recommended way to use gnome-ppp for bluetooth-dialup connection as user? connection fails with "/dev/rfcomm0, permission denied"08:44
wildc4rdjamielashaw, looked into getting eeebuntu?08:44
georgeMcozzmosis: you need administrator/root privileges to do it, and it was nice working in intrepid through gui08:44
roobot3how do i force linebreak on text file after x chars ?08:44
kl4b3r5k1Hey guys! I am currently using Ubuntu 9.04 on a HP Mini. I am looking for a program to send/receive SMS (the sim card is connected via an usb adaptor). Anyone has an idea? Thx!08:44
jamieleshawNo, Is it Up To Date?08:44
wildc4rdjamielashaw, eeebuntu ver3 is based on 9.04/jaunty08:45
PietRomanK: flash, even adobes', is available for amd64. addons (AKA extensions) are often architecture independant since they are (often, not always) just javascript. what else you have there?08:45
Polysicsi feel stupid, but where is the setting in nvidia-settings for clone screen?08:45
Pietkl4b3r5k1: try gnokii08:45
kl4b3r5k1Thank you Piet, I will check it out.08:45
Polysicsi can set up my laptop with a projector in all possible combinations BUT "the same thing on both screens"08:46
Polysicsand i can't tell what I am missing08:46
tjzozzmosis: i tried realvnc.. keyboard also mismatch08:46
tjzso weird08:46
ozzmosisroobot3: use "fold"08:47
ozzmosisroobot3: eg. uname -a | fold -s08:47
wildc4rdjamielashaw, for the record, am dual booting 9.04 netbook remix and eeebuntu on an aspire one, both found just about everything with no messing about08:47
evanrmurphyFollow-up question: Is there any keyboard shortcut to access the FUSA drop-down menu in the upper-righthand corner of GNOME on Jaunty?08:48
jamieleshawUbuntu Netbook Remix Won't break wi-fi or anything?08:48
ozzmosistjz: google ubuntu vnc keymap .. may help08:49
wildc4rdjamielashaw, if anything, the networking under ubuntu/eeebuntu seems more solid08:49
jamieleshawUNR it is then08:49
Polysicsat least, how would that kind of setup be called?08:49
ozzmosistjz: I assume you've disabled Ubuntu's default vnc server then run "vncserver" from the Terminal to use realvnc's08:49
Polysics"same thing on both screens, with resolution set at the lowest maximum of the two"08:50
RomanKPiet, last time i tried 64bit (about 3 months ago) one of my firefox-addons didn't work... if i remember correctly it was "pwdhash"08:51
tjzozzmosis: i am running tightvncserver on the ubuntu08:51
PietPolysics: "mirroring" is what this is called, i would think08:52
ozzmosistjz: yep.  disable that and use realvnc's vncserver.08:52
ozzmosistjz: at least that was my workaround.08:52
PietRomanK: never heard of it, is it a password generator?08:52
tjzozzmosis, what is command to type to disable tightvncserver? do i uninstall it?08:53
sacarlsonRomanK: I had same problem with firefox-addons with amd64 but was able to install the 32bit firefox under amd64.   not sure it was worth it.  too much trouble08:53
PolysicsPiet: any chance you know where that option is in nvidia-settings? or do i have to tweak xorg.conf?08:53
RomanKPiet, kinda... it's quite nice... it calculates a hash out of your password and the hostname of the URL... so you type the same pwd every time, but use a different has as password on every site08:53
ozzmosistjz: System -> Prefs -> Remote Desktop08:54
RomanKhas -> hash08:54
bullgard4Who could please help me with testing Empathy voice chat? A first test with a partner was only partially successful.08:54
PietPolysics: i'm not into nvidia specific options. i suggest you read the manual.08:54
ozzmosisRomanK: sounds great until the site changes its name ;)08:54
FezKhey guys, im trying to use kmobiletools with my Motorola l7i... what device is my phone in /dev/ ??08:54
RomanKozzmosis, jup ;) but of course you can generate the password for the old name, too... they got a javascript on their site to generate passwords without addon08:55
ozzmosisRomanK: interesting08:55
tjzozzmosis, okay. i have enable that.08:55
* loki_ waves a big greeting to all08:55
kloshello, has anyonme experioence with serial to usb adapters with ubuntu08:56
Motleyi am in desperate need of anyone kind enough to help me08:56
loki_what's up, Motley?08:56
Motleyok i have a 16 gig san disk mini cruzer08:56
Motleyi was putting portable apps etc on it and decided that i wanted to reformat it and start over08:57
FezKhey guys, im trying to use kmobiletools with my Motorola l7i... what device is my phone in /dev/ ??08:57
klosi googled and a few are supported by linux. however is there anything that i have to look out for when im buying one which isnt talked about on forums (like noname ones off ebay08:57
Motleyand now it only shows up as a 2.9 gig jump drive08:57
Motleyany clue on how to fix this?08:57
roobot3is there a similar command to fold , i try to get text file and break with two new lines instad of one if width is too long?08:57
Motleyi have XP, OS X and ubuntu08:57
ozzmosisroobot3: what's wrong with fold?08:57
loki_what does gparted say it is, Motley?08:57
tjzozzmosis, that enable default vnc server?08:58
ozzmosistjz: yes, disable that08:58
Motleyloki it says 2.9 gigs... but I am looking at it and it says 16 gigs on it and i had whole tv series on it at one point08:58
Motleyi don't get what happened08:58
loki_if Gparted reports the correct size, the issue is most likely your file browser08:58
Motleygparted says it's only 2.9 gigs...08:59
tjzozzmosis, i have disable sharing08:59
Motleydid i really fuck this thing up?08:59
loki_and nautilus too?08:59
loki_I doubt it, stay calm08:59
tjzozzmosis, it is disable by default..08:59
maco!language | Motley08:59
ubottuMotley: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:59
tjzthe sharing08:59
uniquei want to see what it is08:59
ozzmosistjz: sharing?09:00
PietRomanK: i see.I'm not sure that increases security compared to using the same password everywhere, since an attacker would also know the hostname. but then, it could, and i can imagine how is desirable to have quick access to a password manager from within a web browser.09:00
Pietklos: say what you're trying to achieve09:00
RomanKPiet: it DOES change security, because the site-administrator only gets your hash but not your password... and so cannot generate hashes for other sites09:01
Motleyhow would you suggest fixing it... i have access to any operating system and am just looking for the quickest fix... I am still pretty new at ubuntu09:01
Pietklos: which device are you trying to get connected to your pc?09:01
loki_Motley, try this: open your flash drive in nautilus and hit Ctrl+Hç09:01
Pietklos: or are you looking for a general solution to get a serial console from debugging connectors on various main boards?09:01
loki_see if there is a .trash folder09:01
RomanKi really should get used writing in english again ;)09:01
tjzozzmosis, that is what see..09:01
pw-toxichi, can someone tell me the default hotkey for a terminal in ubuntu?09:02
ozzmosispw-toxic: I'm not sure there is one?09:02
roobot3  find $SPATH -exec grep  -i -n -F -H '$1' {} \; > /tmp/regex.txt; .... i got this, its searches in files for a string, but the output looks bad, i try to do that each match will be in new line of will add it string line "\n ----------------------- "09:02
bullgard4pw-toxic: Ctrl+Alt+T09:03
PietRomanK: if its real hashing using a still-considered-secure-enough algorithm then i agree.09:03
ozzmosisbullgard4: that doesn't work for me.  might've disabled it though :)09:03
PietRomanK: but we're getting off topic anyways09:03
loki_Anyone here familiar with the "Giver" app?09:04
ozzmosisloki_: that sounds wrong09:04
klosPiet, its for reading out a protocol generated by a machine09:04
klosusing hyperterminal on windows, or cutecom on linux. its really basic09:05
uniquehum well i have a small problem im sort of a noob when it comes to linux but im learning ok i have 9.04 x64 im running 1.7 x2 with 3 gigs of ram and ubuntu is really slow.... firefox seems choppy, when i play a movie the sound and video dosent match it lags and if i try to do anything while watching a movie or playing a song system starts to hang09:05
bullgard4ozzmosis: Check System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Action > Desktop > Run a terminal.09:05
loki_whats up booboo?09:05
klosunique, soubnds like your not using the proptietary graphics driver for your graphicscard09:05
dimebarunique: what graphics card do you have?09:05
loki_ozzmosis: my advice was for someone else - lol09:05
boobooI'm sorry. Just a mistake09:05
boobooI was trying to use irc command09:06
uniqueradeon 3100 its a laptop09:06
tjzozzmosis, when i first log on to the desktop.. i got a message that say: running as a privledge user will caused some stuffs.. then ask me to continue or quit09:06
loki_yeah I got that  :)09:06
tjzmeanwhile, my key is working when i type in the terminal09:06
tjzno mismatch problem09:06
uniquethe cpu seems to spike09:06
* loki_ just switched to Mint Gloria, and it's GREAT!09:07
RomanKhm... now one should know what chip a radeon3100 uses ;)09:07
akidd116well, goodnight everyone09:07
ozzmosisbullgard4: ah I see why it's disabled now.  last week sometime I went to remap it to Win+T.  but when I try it just maps it to the Win key on its own, or Super-L as it calls it.  except that doesn't actually do anything when I press it.09:07
RomanKunique, which process is listed cpu-hungry?09:07
tjzthe moment desktop load up... my key start to mismatch09:08
RomanKunique, open a terminal and use the command "top", then press shift+p to find out09:08
ozzmosisbullgard4: so then I gave up, couldn't remember what the default was (there is no way to reset it back to the default), then hit backspace it disable it09:08
J-_Is there anyway to get notify osd in Sonata?09:08
=== k is now known as Guest97337
booboopart &209:09
uniqueright now its x org09:09
booboosorry :(09:09
ozzmosisbullgard4: I just set it back to Ctrl+Alt+T and it still doesn't work.  mysterious.09:09
uniqueif i load a web site my cpu is placed under about a 70% load09:10
ozzmosisbullgard4: others work though, eg. Alt+Tab09:10
wildc4rdif I am dual booting ( 2 different ubuntus), how can I remove one?09:11
Severity1delte the partition of the other ubuntu09:11
Severity1saves time09:11
Pietklos: i see. hmm i don't have experience with this, so i would just buy one which has been reported to work. or use a standard serial cable.09:11
hamidohi , i need help with printing in ubuntu9.0409:11
unique.... i went to ati's website and got the latest driver build and installed it.... i have to clue how to uninstall it if im not suppose to use it09:12
bullgard4ozzmosis: Because you mingled with it in an inapprorite way. May be http://www.columbia.edu/~djv/docs/keyremap.html helps.09:12
Piethamido: which printer?09:14
hamidoany , i can not add09:14
tjzmy "h" become "k"09:15
tjzwhen i type09:15
jootWhich app would I need to change a "powerpoint" type presentation to play on a normal dvd (through tv) player?09:16
RomanK . o O ( a camcorder? )09:16
ian__Q. have just moved up from Mandriva 2009.0 to Ubuntu 9.04. Now I want to add Log Out / Restart / Shutdown items to my System menu. Same as I have on my Netbook Remix menu09:17
phantomcircuitso my bluetooth mouse isnt working09:18
phantomcircuitany ideas?09:18
ian__phantomcircuit> are you getting any error messages?09:19
ian__or just zero movements?09:19
phantomcircuitno errors i have the mouse paired and that appears to have worked09:20
phantomcircuitbut whenever i try to connect it silently fails09:20
phantomcircuitim using 9.04 btw09:20
ian__ahh, sorry I have no experience with Bluetooth, actually I am trying to stop Update from reinstalling the Bluez stuf ;)09:21
jootIs there a Ubuntu app will change a "powerpoint" type presentation to play on a normal dvd (through tv) player?09:21
bullgard4ian__: You installed the wrong version. 8.04 had it.09:21
ian__Wondering if dmesg shows any information on what happens when yopu connect it silently09:21
=== Butcher is now known as ShazbotMcNasty
phantomcircuitnope nothing in dmesg09:22
RomanKjoot, i don't think such an app exists... but you could try to use a vnc-recorder to record the presentation while it's running in openoffice.org09:22
ian__Thanks Bullgard:  I just thought tit was quite useful there and would like to PC Desktop to match what I have running on the EEE 701 SD09:23
ian__phantomcircuit> sorry, it was just a thought that might have given you a clue to the problems09:23
jootRomanK. So open in OOo then record with vnc and hope to save???09:24
bullgard4Who could please help me with testing Empathy voice chat? A first test with a partner was only partially successful.09:24
ian__bullgard: Empathy?09:24
RomanKjoot, exactly... and always be prepared to boldly go where no man has gone before ;)09:24
uniquewill doing sudo /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh09:25
uniquewill that getrid of what i downloaded on ati site09:25
ian__RomanK: ... 2nd star to the right and straight on till morning...09:25
RomanKian__, uhm... that was... S T 3 or something like that? or 4?09:25
jootRomanK. Lol OK   I am doing a little job for a friend (maybe an exfriend soon)09:26
b0ricunique. try to uninstall packarge xorg-driver-fglrx or xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd. it depends on your card09:26
b0ricI've never uset that script09:26
ian__RomanK: umm, it was the closing scene on one of the movies, think it was ST 3 but don't quote me ;)09:26
ian__bullgard: What would we need to help you test out Empathy?09:27
phantomcircuitMay 18 01:27:37 laptop bluetoothd[2855]: Discovery session 0x7f55527af4f0 with :1.121 activated09:28
phantomcircuitMay 18 01:27:49 laptop bluetoothd[2855]: Registered interface org.bluez.Input on path /org/bluez/2855/hci0/dev_00_12_5A_6C_E2_7F09:28
phantomcircuitMay 18 01:27:49 laptop bluetoothd[2855]: Connection refused (111)09:28
phantomcircuitwell theres yer problem09:28
FloodBot1phantomcircuit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:28
phantomcircuitstupid bluetooth applet09:29
uniqueok ill have to reboot to try it one more question while the computer is booting befor the splash screen i get softrest failed or somthing like that.... what is it do i need it and can i fix it?09:29
ian__"Empathy consists of a rich set of reusable instant messaging widgets, and a09:29
ian__GNOME client using those widgets."09:29
ian__But I don't follow this bit ... "The main goal is to permit desktop integration..."09:31
mefiXhow can i install bnx2-firmware on ubuntu systems? (i installed debian 2.6.26-xen kernel image that doesn't have bnx2 fw)09:31
ian__bullgard4: What do you use Empathy for?09:33
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bullgard4ian__: For a voice chat.09:34
ian__ahh, that sounds reasonable, sort of like a clone of Skype?09:34
bullgard4ian__: Empathy is no clone of skype but has a similar functionality.09:35
ian__so if I installed it - i already have good headset - i could help you test out the voice chat system?09:35
bullgard4ian__: Basically yes. But you need to be familiar somewhat with the program.09:36
ian__Ok, was thinking i could load it up if it would help you but i have never heard of it before this09:36
=== Odo is now known as Odo081
jootRomanK. Looks like vnc outputs as swf movie.. Do regular dvd players deal with flash movies ok??09:38
sacarlsonbullgard4: is it better than ekiga?  does it have video?09:39
ozzmosisjoot: dvd players don't do Flash at all09:40
ian__well Skype has voice and video and file transfer, have been using it on Win and Linux for many years, it is the leader in the field09:40
ian__have tried Ekiga some time back. nice enough but not quite Skype yet09:41
bullgard4sacarlson: I do not know yet. I just had a first unsuccessful test using Empathy with another guy.09:41
ozzmosisbullgard4: my Keyboard Shortcuts settings seem to be having no effect at all, btw...09:41
denndaAny idea how I can tell flashplugin what screen to use with fullscreen?09:41
ian__the linux version is BS, but does work, the Win version is great09:41
jootozzmosis. I am trying to get a presentation to play on a regular dvd Romank suggested recording the this with vnc-recorder but it seems to out putin swf09:42
ozzmosisjoot: recordmydesktop might work better09:43
ian__joot> is there anything about that type of format on the OpenOffice forums? Maybe that is an option for you?09:43
jootozzmosis. ian__. thx guys I will look at both options..:-)09:44
phantomcircuitian__, the skype linux version works perfectly fine09:45
l0gis1cdoes the desktop iso image support install on lvm?09:46
ian__Joot: Google with "powerpoint to dvd free"  and you will see dozens of options coming up, maybe some of them work in Ubuntu?09:46
Flannell0gis1c: No, you want the alternate CD09:46
=== izmaelis_ is now known as izmaelis
l0gis1cFlannel, thanks09:47
ian__phantomcircuit> yes it works, but not anywhere near as nicely as the new Skype 4 on Windows, but yes, I still use it on the EEE09:47
J-_Using SVN, should I remove the program first that I got from the repos, download the one from SVN, and install?09:47
* J-_ hasn't really used SVN much.09:47
Lint01with svn you can checkput sources anywhere09:49
Lint01install script most likely overwrite currently installed version09:49
jootian__ I did that before I came here most are win apps or have a hook in them09:49
ian__ahh, drop +linux into the search, that cleans out a lot of the crud09:50
ian__if you like you could even try -windows just to be sure the product works for your needs09:51
jootian__: I think it got rid of too much I ended with a single link to a japan page09:51
elcabronmatutinomother fuckers09:52
elcabronmatutinoyour dieds09:53
binorhunban plz09:53
jootian__: I think it got rid of too much I ended with a single link to a japan pagetime for the stupid to arrive09:53
elcabronmatutinoyour mother is a bitch and your fucker fathere is gay09:53
jootwhat is the matter with some people/////////////////////////////////09:53
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:54
dpreacherdoes anyone know what url to access drupal with once the drupal5 package is installed and configured (using aptitude/dpkg)? thanks a lot09:54
wildc4rdprobably a frustrated windows user09:54
joot must be09:54
elkyplease do not validate their existence with commentary.09:55
yaccWhere in the settings can I disable the bell sound (xset b off)?09:55
ozzmosisjoot: apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop09:55
Myrttijoot: in the future you can append "| nick of the troublemaker, reason" in the end of that for making it easier for us to pick up them09:55
jootozzmosis. OK thanks09:56
dpreachersince this is a ubuntu specific package that i obtained i thought asking in ubuntu channel than drupal would help09:56
ozzmosisjoot: just playing with it myself at the moment.  it outputs to .ogv but I suspect you can convert it to MPEG-2 fairly easily, probably using mencoder.09:56
=== william is now known as Guest15043
xCgod day y'all. is there a way to disable an integrated 3g-modem on ubuntu 9.04?09:56
jootMyrtti, will do09:56
Guest15043who knows how to setup fvwm on ubuntu 8.0409:57
jootozzmosis. This little project for a mate is going to become a full scale mission  LOL09:57
Name141I'm thinking about getting a flash drive , would it be possible to install Ubuntu to the flash drive and have it boot from it ?09:57
Name141if I wanted to09:57
Shadowpillarhow do I handle upgrading to 9.04 from 8.04?09:57
ian__joot> I just upped the key terms to, "powerpoint to dvd free +linux -windows", and still of thousands of links, most of them useless  ;)09:57
Shadowpillardo I have to upgrade to 8.10 first?09:57
Guest15043This site may solve your problem09:58
ian__Name> Yes it can but you would have to allow for the speed throttle since you would be limited to the speed of the USB connection, usually much slower that a direct load from a hard drive09:58
dpreacherso far all my 'upgrades' have been "wipe out the / partition and install fresh while keeping /home partition intact. is this formatting everytime really needed?"09:59
Name141ian__: I'm wanting to test things out before I install on the hard drive as I have problems with my NIC09:59
Name141working in any version above Hardy09:59
ian__But yes, there are a number of tools out there that will help you create a Live version of Ubuntu on your USB key, and you only need a 1MB key as a minimum so they are relatively cheap10:00
Name141Specially Intrepid10:00
dayotrying to zip a dir in /var and have it  redirect errors to a file, like so:   sudo zip -rv directory.zip directory/ 2>  zipErrors10:00
dayobut it says Permission denied10:00
Name1411 MB?10:00
PietShadowpillar: i don't know for sure but from what i've seen discussed here so far, yes, you need to take the 8.10 step in between.10:00
Guest15043who knows how to setup fvwm on ubuntu 8.0410:00
DaraelName141: ian__ means 1GB10:00
ozzmosisjoot: actually 'tovid' might be the way to go for .ogv to mpeg210:01
J-_How do I start a python script? ./whatever.py or python whatever.py?10:01
Shadowpillar8.04 doesn't see anything to upgrade to if I use update-manager10:01
Pietdpreacher: you could just upgrade instead of reinstalling.10:01
Name141Darael: I think the general idea would be to find out what happened between Hardy and Intrepid, and now Jaunty really.10:01
ian__OOOPS> (egg-on-face) of course, 1Gig.10:01
Shadowpillarso I have to edit my sources.list?10:01
ian__www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-804-installation-from-windows/ gives a tutorial10:01
=== william is now known as Guest98141
Name141Darael: the NIC twinkles and goes crazy, never gets a connection.  I heard people blame it on the e1000e module.10:02
Name141Darael: some told me to try going back to e100010:02
jootozzmosis. ok I just got recordmydesktop running. I will look for  "tovid"10:02
ian__likewise this is probably more up to date: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:02
DaraelShadowpillar: you can make Hardy see non-lts release upgrades in system->administration->software sources10:02
dpreacherPiet where exactly do you choose that? all i do different is that i do not format the /home. but i'd like to be able to upgrade while installing from CD.10:02
fantomasHi all. When I plug a mobile phone over USB I see no /dev/ttyUSBxx devices. What does this mean? Is there a kind of usb serial module?10:02
dpreacherdist-upgrade is not an option for me, as net is too slow and so i get CD from my LUG10:03
Name141Darael: I am guessing I could try finding the old e1000 or something from Intel's website ?10:03
ShadowpillarDarael: oh yeah, I forgot about it being LTS10:03
DaraelShadowpillar: it's under the updates tab, "release upgrade" at the bottom10:03
Pietdpreacher: oh, an offline upgrade then? i don't know whther that is supported. have you checked the manual, yet?10:03
ShadowpillarDarael: it's been a while for me, I've been over in windows land for too long, it R make me dum :(10:04
DaraelShadowpillar: I know the feeling10:04
gdfsdoes xserver-xorg-video-intel in Ubuntu 9.04 have bug like the one #471928 of Debian?10:04
Shadowpillarbut you have to give microsoft some credit, without them I wouldnt have the job I have10:04
Flanneldpreacher, Piet: You'll need the alternate CD to do that.  And yes, it's possible.10:04
Shadowpillarbut it still doesn't make me hate their software any less10:04
dpreacherdo you think a pre-prepared aptoncd type repo will help? Pet?10:04
dpreacherFlannel alternate CD...means?10:05
Flanneldpreacher: Instead of "Desktop CD" its the "Alternate CD"10:05
Flanneldpreacher: It's the one that has the non-graphical installer on it.10:05
station6How can i tell what ntfs driver im using10:05
Shadowpillarespecially after seeing canonical's landscape thing10:06
dpreacherFlannel am looking into it...10:06
Reilithion1Upon rebooting today, the Gnome panels from my primary screen are gone.  They didn't appear when I logged in.  The ones on my secondary screen are there.  How can I fix this?10:06
Shadowpillarlooks like a direct competitor to AD10:06
Pietdpreacher: but before you download the alternate cd, ask yourself whether you cannot do an online upgrade as easily.10:06
Shadowpillaractually, better than AD10:06
ozzmosisjoot: tovid will complain if you've not recorded any audio in the .ogv file .. otherwise it worked for me10:06
Flanneldpreacher: If you were on 8.10, going to 9.04, this otulines it (there's similar stuff for other version -> version things): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades#Upgrading%20Using%20the%20Alternate%20CD/DVD10:07
DaraelShadowpillar: especially since anyone needing to use it will probably be using paid support and it's included with that10:07
dpreacherI dunno why the packages on the distro CD which is essentially a apt repo can't just trigger an upgrade10:07
Pietstation6: "mount" in a terminal window should tell10:07
dpreacherFlannel i did upgrade from 8.10 to 9.0410:07
dpreacherbut clean installed :(10:07
Flanneldpreacher: The Desktop CD is *not* an apt repo, the Alternate CD is (and that's what you're doing when you're upgrading with the alternate CD)10:08
station6Piet: thanks a lot10:08
jootozzmosis. I did not get the file yet so I am not sure if there is any audio component ..I know of photos and text so far10:08
Pietdpreacher: so this is not an upgrade but a reinstall10:08
dpreacherso everytime i need to upgrade i need to get the alternate cd. and there is an alternate cd version for every *buntu?10:08
Pietdpreacher: "this" meaning, the last upgrade you did was a reinstall10:09
Pietstation6: you're welcome10:09
ShadowpillarDarael: yeah almost tempted to do that because we have client machines that use ubuntu10:09
Shadowpillarspecial needs clients10:09
ozzmosisjoot: I think the point is that dvds always have audio, so even if your presentation has no audio you'll still need to record an audio track, even if it's silent10:09
dpreacheryes Piet true. been doing that since 7.1010:09
Pietdpreacher: yes, so far10:09
Shadowpillarthey cant kill the ubuntu machines10:09
Shadowpillarthey ruin the windows machines quite easily10:09
Shadowpillareven with antivirus10:09
Shadowpillarthough I suspect it's the staff more than the others10:09
Flanneldpreacher: The alternate CD and the desktop CD (and a few others) are released for every Ubuntu version, yes.  Those are the standard installation CDs, etc, etc.10:09
Pietdpreacher: so online upgrade is not an option for you?10:10
jootozzmosis. Fair comment..10:10
DaraelShadowpillar: Ah, the "joys" of "life without walls" - and being squashed by the roof10:10
Shadowpillarknow if landscape offers full management of the machines, such as restricting websites?10:10
fuzzybunny69yDoes anyone know if it is possible to use wiktionary with Stardict10:10
xCi've got an eee 901go, can i turn of the integrated 3g-modem?10:10
dpreacherPiet erm not while i was trying to demo installation with just my laptop battery powering up the whole show at a uninterneted coffee shop...not starbucks10:11
Shadowpillarthough I may just make it even easier and route all client machines through a different networking scheme than the corporate machines at the facilities10:11
Shadowpillarso myspace and facebook are blocked10:11
fantomasWhich device should I see/use when I plug a mobile phone? There are no ttyUSBxx or ttyACMxxs10:11
yareckonHi guys, wondered if anyone could give me a pointer about how to run a shell script when I unmount my ipod?10:12
Shadowpillarwhich is where most viruses on the network spawn10:12
Shadowpillarwhen we do get them10:13
dpreacherwhy has there to be a need for separate cd for upgrading and for installing in the first place?10:13
yareckonI want it to sync my todos when I tell it to unmount10:13
yareckonso I dont forget to :)10:13
Flanneldpreacher: There's two CDs, they're both installation CDs.  But one can be used to upgrade.  One is a liveCD/installer, the other is just an installer (and upgrader)10:13
yareckonI see the places to have commands run on insertion of media, but I want them to run on eject10:14
dpreacherso practically speaking, alternate version is lot lot more useful, but desktop version is for first timers to check out the live cd desktop...10:14
Flanneldpreacher: liveCD is handy for rescue type things as well, but yes.  Alternate gives you more flexibility, can install to LVM, etc, etc.10:15
dpreacherand i dunno why the system isn't showing the right time even after setting the correct timezone and showing the right time during preview over the map, but after install shows wrong time10:15
PietFlannel: out of interest, would you knwo whether you can also change architecture this way? theoretically, it could be possible but my guess is it is not...10:16
Flanneldpreacher: is this a shared computer?  Are you dualbooting?10:16
Pietdpreacher: :-))10:16
Pietfantomas: unplug it, run sudo tail -f /var/log/messages, plug it in. if anything is getting detected, you'll see it.10:16
dpreacheris there any utility gui to set the date/time10:16
dpreacherno it is not shared Flannel. its my own machine...not even windows is allowed10:16
Pietyareckon: write yourself a script which unmounts it and then invokes the sync and run this instead of the umount you usually run10:16
dpreacherwhy is a simple tool to set the date n time so hard to find10:16
Pietyareckon: that's not exactly what you want, but if it's good enough for you it's probably an easier option10:17
FlannelPiet: It's not something thats "upgradable" no.  Technically... you might be able to do it, if you do a lot of things manually, and stuff.  But realistically, you just want to reinstall.10:17
yareckonPiet, yeah, that was plan b10:17
Pietyareckon: but i bet there's also some udev hook you could use to do it exactly as you want it.10:17
ian__ok, that's it for me, thanks for the help10:17
stefanlsdIs it possible to run the Ubuntu Raid / partitioner (like during the install) after installation?10:17
yareckonudev.... hm... have been waiting for so long to learn that wonderful technology10:17
yareckonoh well, guess this is my change10:18
yareckonchance, rather10:18
Daraeldpreacher: right-click the clock - >adjust date and time10:18
yareckonthanks Piet!10:18
PietFlannel: yeah, but it would be worth putting it on the wishlist.10:18
dpreacherthanks Darael10:18
Pietyareckon: you're welcome10:18
dpreacheri have installed ubuntu server 8.10 on another machine and i recall that to be 'text-based'. would that sort of make me familiar with the alternate cd installer?10:18
Pietdpreacher: install ntp10:19
zirodaydpreacher: yes, those installers are similar10:19
Flanneldpreacher: The server install and the alternate installer are the same thing (the same installer, that is), yes.10:19
Pietthe artist formerly known as debian installer10:19
Flanneldpreacher: but, you won't be running the installer to do your upgrades.10:20
dpreacherPiet no...i have watch...will do...i need to set localtime like normal. and i've gone thru setting up ntp elsewhere...isn't as nice as right click clock n adjust10:20
FlannelPiet: it's still know as debian-installer as far as I'm aware10:20
dpreacherso Flannel you're sure there's gonna be a clear indication somewhere that i am choosing to upgrade and not install...10:20
fantomasPiet: no, there are no any messages related to usb serial functionality10:21
fantomasPiet: only mounting10:21
dpreacheranyways...one main thing i changed in this time installation is my / partition filesystem10:21
dpreacherfrom reiserfs to ext410:21
PietFlannel: indeed :)10:21
Flanneldpreacher: You're not going to boot to it.  You're going to follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades#Upgrading%20Using%20the%20Alternate%20CD/DVD10:21
john_sturtonhi I have a small problem when I use firefox it dont let me go back or reload the page the buttons are just grayed out does anyone have this problem10:21
fantomasPiet: and I found a bug report telling about usb serial was incorretly compiled into kernel. Dunno is this the reason of lacking ttyUSBxx devices or not10:22
Pietfantomas: what's getting mounted, would you like to pastebin it?10:22
Pietfantomas: you're trying to do what exactly?10:23
fantomasPiet: http://pastebin.ca/142621510:23
dpreacheram really asking at the wrong time sorta...since i already put in 9.04 now its either i find someone else to install 8.10 and upgrade or wait for around october or so to get 9.1010:23
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Flanneldpreacher: There'll be almost identical instructions for 9.10 when it comes out.10:24
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dpreacherlooking forward to it.10:25
fantomasPiet: exactly I want to use wammu or any other software to backup/edit phone's data like address book (Motorola L7e)10:25
dpreacherttyl ppl10:27
Pietfantomas: could try this: http://wiki.gnokii.org/index.php/MotorolaConfig10:29
Chloridium175828i love ubuntu10:29
gdfsme too10:30
Pietfantomas: actually gammu is probably a better solution for you. the L7 (dunno about L7e) is apparently supported: http://cihar.com/gammu/phonedb/motorola/10:30
mefiXcan anyone tell me where the default kernel of jaunty server stores its bnx2-firmware?10:32
bullgard4Who could please help me with testing Empathy voice chat? A first test with a partner was only partially successful.10:32
supersashohi.. i'm up to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 and it says that 1130M of data will be downloaded.. isnt it too much? is that normal? does it depend of number of applications installed on system?10:32
poetofzwanhey everyone10:34
bullgard4supersasho: I have done the same. As far as I remember, this value is realistic.10:35
Lint01supersasho: yes, all installed packeges will be upgraded. Plus, some of them which you may uninstalled, will come back10:36
supersashobullgard4: thx, i was just curious :)10:36
Pietbullgard4: try with an echo service10:37
cptbloodhow do i remove a user from the sudo class?10:37
Flannelcptblood: remove them from the admin group.10:38
cptbloodusing terminal window rather10:38
Flannelcptblood: The easiest was is through the users and groups dialog under administration10:38
microcaicptblood: k = kao ?10:38
cptbloodk as in okay10:39
bullgard4Piet: Where can I find a suitable "echo service"10:39
microcaicptblood: in my country, k equ kao equ shit10:39
cptbloodlucky i was speaking english then10:39
Flannelcptblood: You can do it (withotu too much trouble) in the terminal if you'd like me to go through it10:40
microcaicptblood: hoho10:40
dr4gI just done 'sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin' and was wondering what the default pass is to access it. It's accessable by default to 'host.com/phpmyadmin'10:40
cptbloodFlannel: always good to know several approaches to a solution :)10:40
Pietbullgard4: your voip provider most likely offers one. it's often on 5000010:41
Pietmicrocai: your country is not china by chance?10:41
Flannelcptblood: Alright, well, first is to get the groups the user is currently in with `groups user` then remove the one that's the same as the username (and admin), remove the spaces in between the groups, replace them with commas10:41
lvlefistodr4g: use your MySQL account password10:42
Pietdr4g: you authenticate as a mysql user10:42
Flannelcptblood: then sudo usermod -G [list of groups separated by commas] -a10:42
dr4glvlefisto, Piet nevermind that its feeding from the mysql user accounts10:42
dr4gthanks for your replies anyway.10:42
PietFlannel: much too complicated, just sudo deluser username group10:42
Flannelcptblood: the -a is important, as is G vs g.  I'm sure there's a one-liner for that using sed and stuff too.  But, I don't think there's a command to remove a person from a particualr group (theres a few straight forward ways to add)10:42
FlannelPiet: ah, I was looking in adduser for a --remove option10:43
cptbloodPiet: but wouldnt that remove the user completely?10:43
Flannelcptblood: no, other invocations of deluser would, but deluser user group removes user from group.10:44
cptbloodi cant delete the user from its primary group10:44
Flannelcptblood: You want to remove them from the "admin" group10:45
poetofzwananyone tell me the technical reason the prefer Ubuntu 9.04 over Win7 beta?10:45
mchelenlower system requirements10:46
volton9.04 is not beta10:46
poetofzwanfair enough, not really applicable to myself.  Win7 is a bit better on requirements too10:46
mchelenpoetofzwan, its better than vista, although both windows and ubuntu can be tweaked alot10:47
Vixen-Lo all, to install new Nvidia drivers, I need to close all programs operating X Windows. I've tried installing from a command line on the boot menu as well as while running Ubuntu. No luck, any ideas?10:47
PietFlannel: i would not recommend to edit files such as groups, passwd, shadow directly unless peopel reeeeally know what they're doing and are 100% sober10:47
mchelenpoetofzwan, does win7 support full disk encryption? that is important feature of ubuntu for me10:47
Pietcptblood: it removes user "username" off group "group"10:48
FlannelPiet: I don't think anyone recommended editing those files, did they?  I'd never recommend it ever.10:48
poetofzwanmchelen: i'm not sure, prob 3rd part app (truecrypt perhaps) that would do it10:48
mchelenVixen-, do any errors appear in the command line?10:48
Pietpoetofzwan: that should be plural10:48
mchelenpoetofzwan, truecrypt is great app however it will not work for system disk10:49
Vixen-mchelen: Yes mate, I'm told to quit all X Windows programs, and given a report. Give me a sec and I'll get it for you10:49
poetofzwanmchelen: wasn't sure, don't use it myself10:49
Pietpoetofzwan: still better architecture in terms of security. for sure better in terms of software management and security support.10:50
mchelenpoetofzwan, also find lamp stack easier to set up for web development in ubuntu10:50
PietFlannel: ah sorry, i saw you taling about sommas and spaces, but i guess i should have read properly then10:50
Pietcommans even10:50
Pietcommas argh10:50
wildc4rdhow can I get an sdhc card to be recognised?10:51
Pietmchelen: actually it does on winblows.10:51
Pietmchelen: but of course the licensing terms suck10:51
poetofzwanI have to say I really like the windows management in win7, is there anything similar for ubuntu10:51
Pietpoetofzwan: not really a technical reason, but the tco is most likely lower on linux10:51
Pieti have to say i really like the linux management in ubuntu 9.04, is there anything similar in windows 7?10:52
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bullgard4Piet: I do not have a VoIP provider. I have a ADSL connection to an Internet service provider.10:52
mchelenpoetofzwan, which features exactly? probably compiz includes those10:53
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion10:53
Vixen-mchelen: Do you want me to post up the error, matey?10:53
Pietwildc4rd: plug it in ;-) and have a reader hardware that is supported10:53
mchelenVixen-, sure pastebin would be great10:53
maxagazquel paquet faut-il installer pour lire les fichiers mpeg2 sous hardy ?10:53
Pietbullgard4: oh, so how will you voice chat then?10:53
llutzwhy does firefox (jaunty) always start in offline-mode, even if "browser.offline = false"? :(10:54
Vixen-mchelen: There's a ubuntu pastebin, isn't there?10:54
BlackDalekAre there any good fancy font packages in the repositories? I have the bland mscorefonts ttf package installed and the DejaVu and the font included with the system, all of which look like 1001 versions of the same boring font... so, is there anything more interesting?10:54
bullgard4Piet: I wrote above how I will do it.10:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:54
poetofzwanmchelen: really like thumbnails (that show app window if I rollover them) and having only icons (no text) on taskbar.  I also really like how notification icons are evenly spaced (just an aesthetic thing I know)10:55
Pietllutz: it doesn't do this by default. maybe you have setup some extension to enforce this?10:55
Pietbullgard4: ah, i didn't see it.10:55
digiforI am running an ubuntu 9.04 guest on 9.04 host in virtualbox.10:55
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llutzPiet:  fresh install, no extensiond nothing10:55
Pietllutz: hmm weird, sorry i could not tell then.10:56
bullgard4Piet: "11:32 < bullgard4> Who could please help me with testing Empathy voice chat? A first test with a partner was only partially successful."10:56
digiforIs there a way I can both have access to internet and the Domino Server on the guest?10:56
digiforin virutalbox10:56
BlackDalekAre there any decent font packages out there for Ubuntu? I am a bit sick of using the same courier/times/arial/comics sans clones for everything....10:56
Pietllutz: try moving your .mozilla directory out ouf the place (after closing firefox), then start again and see if this fixes it10:57
Vixen-mchelen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/174817/10:57
Pietbullgard4: i don't know empathy well, was thinking it would use sip since it supports gtalk.10:57
BlackDaleksurely there must be some easier way to get more fonts than to google for font sites and download install each font 1 at a time?10:57
llutzPiet:  just did it, worked...very strange10:58
shashwathow do i login by becoming root10:58
ziroday!root | shashwat10:58
ubottushashwat: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:58
mchelenpoetofzwan, taskbar icons is one of the options for menu bars, and app window previews are available with desktop effects, not sure exactly about notification icons10:58
bullgard4digifor: Please search in Synaptic using the catchword "font".10:58
TAdamsBlackDalek, there must be font packs around, try google10:59
mchelen!medibuntu | BlackDalek10:59
ubottuBlackDalek: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org10:59
PietBlackDalek: you could just do what everyone else does and use a package manager ;-)10:59
kbpany1 help me to use mail command? I want to mail myemail@yahoo.com the file abc.zip. So I used "mail myemail.yahoo@com abc.zip" but it doesnt do anything11:00
TAdamsAnyone here running dual monitors with ATI drivers (9.4)?11:00
digiforbullgard4, I think that message is for BlackDalek11:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about msstcorefonts11:00
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer11:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts11:00
BlackDalekPiet, have you ever tried searching "fonts" in the package manager? You end up with a billion results for things relating to fonts and not font packages....11:00
Pietwasnt it that?11:00
Pietguess not11:00
TAdams!dual monitors11:01
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama11:01
Severity1install msttcorefonts11:01
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead11:01
bullgard4BlackDalek: Please search in Synaptic using the catchword "font".11:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts11:01
shashwati changed the password of root to ****** by going to users and groups and now when i try to login by going to the login screen it says you cant login to root from here, i actually want to change the permissions11:02
PietBlackDalek: hmm, i've done it before and did fond some packages containing fonts. admittedly not on ubuntu but on debian, though. but that should not make much difference.11:02
zealiodis there a way to amend the ubuntu installation scripts/screens so i can specify more configuration options when i install11:02
shashwatubottu:i changed the password of root to ****** by going to users and groups and now when i try to login by going to the login screen it says you cant login to root from here, i actually want to change the permissions11:02
Severity1go to add/remove then search for fonts, it will show some font manager application11:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:02
Vixen-mchelen: I have the pastebin ready if you're not busy mate11:02
Vixen-shashwat: Unlucky there mate ;]11:03
Pietzealiod: you could use alternate installer11:04
Pietzealiod: or use preseeding11:04
zealiodPiet: how can i use an alternate isntaller?11:04
Pietshashwat: have you read the wiki page the bot pointed you to?11:05
* chalcedony smiles11:05
Pietzealiod: you download it off www.ubuntu.com11:05
shashwatpiet: o.O?11:06
TAdamsWhen I use just the stock install, with 2 monitors, I have a "main" desktop then a side one (when I uncheck mirror) where I can drag windows too. After installing the ATI drivers it makes like one large desktop. Which is fine, but when I maximize my windows they cover both, and not the main monitor. If I alter the virtual desktop to the size of my main monitor will that allow me to maximize and have a window enlarge to just my main11:06
zealiodPiet: thanks11:06
zealiodpiet: what does preseeding refer to?11:07
Decepticonhow to extract .tar.gz11:07
vitaltar -zxf blah.tar.gz11:07
magnetronDecepticon→ are you running the regular graphical Ubuntu? just double click it11:08
Pietzealiod: my pleasure11:08
Decepticonno im on cli11:08
magnetronDecepticon→ then follow vital's advice11:08
Decepticonah ok11:08
Decepticonthanks vital11:08
PietTAdams: i think you want to look into aticonfig11:08
Decepticonthanks magnetron11:08
TAdamspiet, thank you11:08
vitalDecepticon: :)11:09
shashwati am unable to even create a folder in any partition of my drive exept my home folder!!! can anyone help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzz11:09
PietTAdams: that's a frontend which allows you to configure how your two screens play together11:09
magnetronDecepticon→ in general, try using "man tar" or similar for finding the full info about commands like it11:09
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:09
TAdamsI wish they would put it into CCC lol11:09
ActionParsnipshashwat: you will need to use sudo mkdir /path/to/folder/to/create11:09
Pietzealiod: a technique primarily meant for unattended and preconfigured installations11:09
TAdamsThank you Piet very much11:09
ActionParsnipshashwat: as a user you do not have access to anything outside of home (as standard)11:09
magnetronActionParsnip, shashwat→ according to Unix tradition you store all personal files in your home directory11:10
ActionParsnipshashwat: so you need sudo, or you can use gksudo nautilus and create the folders there11:10
ActionParsnipshashwat: why do you need a folder outside of ~ ?11:11
ActionParsnipmagnetron: true but the sudo can create a folder and give full access to it, then symlink from home. Good way to use the unused space on / without resizing ;)11:11
shashwatActionPeate files over therearsnip: the prob is not only till creating a folder i am unable to even access files or cr11:12
magnetronActionParsnip→ this isn't the first a user needs to hear11:12
mchelenPiet, maybe try twinkle for sip?11:12
ActionParsnipmagnetron: just simply answering the question11:12
shashwatActionParsnip: excuse me i am the first and only user and the admin11:13
ActionParsnipshashwat: not as standard, you are only a user until you use sudo or gksudo11:14
amanda-bi'm looking for an image viewing package that has two features: first, a single-button move-file function, to eg a predetermined destination. second, the ability to scan an entire tree of directories to make thumbnails all at once, rather than upon first open. does such a package exist?11:14
ActionParsnipshashwat: so no, you are the admin, but unless you use sudo or gksudo all commands will be executed as USER11:14
ActionParsnipshashwat: when you use sudo THEN you are admin (as you put it)11:15
ruby_on_tailsmy quadcore pc just shut down and wont start again, what could be the reason ?11:15
ruby_on_tailsi was on ubuntu11:15
magnetronshashwat→ as we said the system is made in such a way that all your personal files, like movies, text documents, images, source code, etc has its designated place in your home folder. the folder outside your home folder is intended for system files and binaries and its adviced to not touch them unless you know what you're doing.11:15
ActionParsnipruby_on_tails: I'd leave it off for a good while11:15
ActionParsnipruby_on_tails: is your cpu heat extraction sufficcient?11:16
mchelenVixen-, check if there is an x process still running: ps aux | grep 278911:16
PietTAdams: welcome11:16
ruby_on_tailsnow its just starting and again turning off11:16
ruby_on_tailsif i reboot11:16
ruby_on_tailsjust the page for the selectio of OS is loading then its switching off11:17
ActionParsnipruby_on_tails: then its not anubuntu issue, i'd check your hardware11:17
shashwat ActionParsnip & magnetron: but in 8.10 i was able to create files every where on my comp the problem started only after i updated to 9.0411:17
ActionParsnipshashwat: a standard user account in ubuntu will not be able to write to anywhere at all except `. If the user is in the admin group it will be allowed to use sudo to gaini admin powers11:18
Pietmchelen: i don't want to use sip more than i already do11:18
magnetronshashwat→ first of all, did it work when you followed ActionParsnip's advice?11:18
ActionParsnipshashwat: if you do not use sudo the commands you execute will be ran as user11:18
cptbloodunless he did sudo su11:19
cmwslwthis is sort of off topic, but wolframalpha.com11:19
Pietruby_on_tails: virtually anything could be the reason. check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages once it's back up11:19
ActionParsnipshashwat: and users are not allowed to write to anything outside of ~ unless they are given access via sudo (this can cause a TONNE of problems and is not advised)11:19
cmwslwit's amazing11:19
Pietruby_on_tails: ok, possibly overheated then. do as ActionParsnip says, then enter bios and check the cpu temperature.11:19
cptbloodpfft @ cmoman4_11:19
ActionParsnipcptblood: sudo su is not advised, sudo -i   is much better11:19
cptbloodk, what's the diff?11:19
PietActionParsnip: where is `? :) did you mean ~?11:19
magnetroncmwslw, cptblood → please discuss this with me in #ubuntu-offtopic instead of in this channel11:20
Pietcmwslw: if it's offtopic, why bring it here?11:20
cptbloodim not discussing, i am pffting him11:20
brembomy sound recorder doesent work, i cant match the source of sound on the list.. i see only Capture.. there's something that i can do?11:20
shashwatmagnetron& actionparsnip: ActionParsnip's advice was right but do i have to use sudo every time to create a folder??????? then better i use dos11:20
cmwslwoh, didn't know there was an offtopic chat11:20
cptblooduse sudo -i then11:20
ActionParsnipcptblood: sudo -i will give an interactive sudo which will use all the variables and settings from the users home, you will also be runing as yourself with heightened access, sudo su will essentially make the sheel a root shell and all settings for the session will be used from /root intead of /home/$USER11:20
magnetronshashwat→ no. you've completely misunderstood the unix directory structure11:21
cptbloodah, okay.. good to know11:21
ActionParsnipshashwat: you can use   sudo -i   to get an interactive sudo to make life easier11:21
TAdamsPiet, thank you, that info with keep me busy for hours :)11:21
ActionParsnipshashwat: and DOS is nowhere near as powerful as bash11:21
wtlhow do i enable compiz for an ati video card? it doesnt work by default on jaunty11:21
SixThreeOhIs firefox 3 available in normal repositories for ubuntu 7.04 (feisty) or will the client need to dist-upgrade?11:21
ActionParsnipcptblood: also if you move and edit files that are in your users home dir after a 'sudo su' it can change permissions and stop programs launching correctly once you become the user again11:22
magnetronSixThreeOh→ Ubuntu 7.04 has reached end-of-life six months ago and we don't provide support for it anymore11:22
ActionParsnipSixThreeOh: sudo apt-get install firefox11:22
SixThreeOhTell that to the users one our website complaining some page doesn't work....11:22
ActionParsnipSixThreeOh: will give you the latest release of FF3 on the repos your system is knowledgeable of11:22
PietTAdams: glad to be so entertaining, TAdams11:22
ruby_on_tailsok, i tried to install the lates kde version on the previous version and now i cant play music11:23
TAdamsIt has been frustrating, but also interesting at the same time :)11:23
SixThreeOhI'll see how high hardy goes11:23
magnetronSixThreeOh→ why don't you use any of our recent versions of Ubuntu? like 8.04 or 9.0411:23
porkpieHey morning guy's ....11:23
PietSixThreeOh: why don't you? make your web page check the user agent11:24
SixThreeOhmagnetron it's kind of hard to tell users on a fight for girls that they need to do a bunch of... stuff to get the page working.11:24
porkpieI have just added a user to the www-data group so he can write to a specific www directory but  I he cannot write to the dir over sftp ?11:24
shashwatporkpie: its a hot summer afternoon here11:24
ActionParsnipSixThreeOh: tel them their release of their OS is no longer supported so they will never get updates sp will have to use what they have. They could try a different browser like Opera11:25
jribSixThreeOh: why would you need firefox 3 to view a page anway?11:25
magnetronSixThreeOh→ it's not our responsibility the page only works in firefox 3.11:25
SixThreeOhQuite frankly I'm completely mystified as to how they ended up on systems with ubuntu on in the first place. It's not exactly user friendly. Sure it is compared to other linux but not windows.11:25
porkpieshashwat: here as well :)11:25
ActionParsnipSixThreeOh: i find ubuntu easier personally11:25
porkpieshashwat: 35 in the shade  ;)11:25
SixThreeOhjrib as far as I know it works in 2.... I'm not going to install an ancient vrsion of ubuntu and get the exact version of 2 just to find out why11:25
porkpieshashwat: ?11:26
ActionParsnipSixThreeOh: i got an MSDN cd of vista and it toook me 2 hours to get sound out of a realtek POS sound card and crank my virtual memory a littel, yeah...great11:26
shashwat32 here porkpie11:26
porkpieshashwat: any ideas on the write permissions issue I posted11:26
jribSixThreeOh: if you're responsible for the page, it seems like the prudent thing to do... You're alienating a lot of users by supporting only the latest and greatest11:26
shashwatporkpie: where have u posted???11:27
porkpieshashwat: I have just added a user to the www-data group so he can write to a specific www directory but  I he cannot write to the dir over sftp ?11:27
PietSixThreeOh: http://browsershots.org/11:27
SixThreeOhNonsense, users who are still using 4.0 can die in a pit, very few web devs should support them. When most of the web stops working for them it's a good thing that they are forcedto upgrade. Maybe they will update to ff instead of msie.11:28
Vixen-Can anyone tell me how I can check what processes I have running- or how to shut down all X Windows processes?11:28
SixThreeOhie*, ps that's an example11:28
ActionParsnipVixen-: ps -ef | less11:28
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Cheers. That won't cause the system to reset or anything, will it11:28
* ActionParsnip uses the Linux standard and not the BSD one :)11:28
ActionParsnipVixen-: not at all, ps -ef will list all processes by all users, less will allow you to scroll up and down the list and even search the output11:29
jribSixThreeOh: there's a big difference between ie 4.0 and firefox 211:29
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Aah, nice one11:29
jribSixThreeOh: I think the proper fix here is for the user to come here and seek help upgrading to a supported release though11:29
PietVixen-: no, just format linux drive C:11:30
ActionParsnipVixen-: the thing in between is a 'pipe' which joins the 2 together11:30
PietVixen-: just kidding, it does no harm at all11:30
shashwatporkpie: i am not getting anything of what u are sayin i am a newbie11:30
llutzstrange thing: firefox/jaunty starts in offline-mode, even with "browser.offline = false". deleting ~/.mozilla and starting firefox works once fine. After exiting it starts in offline-mode again. any ideas?11:30
Vixen-Piet: After all the trouble I've had, that'd be the cherry on top.11:30
ActionParsnipllutz: theres an about:config hack for firefox starting in offline mode11:31
sebmckhi everyone, on ubuntu 9.04 when using compiz when i rotate the cube it doesnt switch virtual desktops it just shrinks all my windows and remembers the place they were in and when i go to another virtual desktop using the desktop manager the top nav bar isnt there11:31
llutzActionParsnip:  that's browser.offline and it is, as i said, OFF11:31
ActionParsnipllutz: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+question/3192511:31
Pietporkpie: actually it should have access11:31
SixThreeOhjrib well I think I am just going to have to advise them to find a local geek to update their machines.11:31
PietVixen-: no that you're here, ask and we'll try to decrease your troubles11:32
jrib!upgrades > SixThreeOh11:32
ubottuSixThreeOh, please see my private message11:32
jribSixThreeOh: if you want to point them to the wiki page11:32
SixThreeOhjrib *I* know how to update fine :/11:32
magnetronSixThreeOh→ your best method would be to fix your page so it works in all browser, use the w3c validation11:32
Pietllutz: so in the end moving the profile out of the way did not help?11:32
Vixen-ActionParsnip:, Piet I have the output, I'm looking to shut all X Windows processes. I can see one thing.. "x-session-manager". I need to stop all x processes to install an nvidia driver11:33
jribSixThreeOh: notice I said "if you want to point them to the wiki page"11:33
llutzPiet:  only once :(11:33
Vixen-Piet: Also, cheers for offering help =]11:33
ActionParsnipVixen-: easiest way is to reboot, pres esc at grub and log on to recovery mode root console11:33
ActionParsnipVixen-: install the nvidia driver there and then reboot11:33
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Pietporkpie: a user that has access to files locally should also have access to the same files from remote when coming in through sshd11:33
ActionParsnipVixen-: or you can use the driver on the repos (easier by lots)11:34
llutzActionParsnip:  browser.offline = false, network.online = true,  still starting in offline-mode11:34
Vixen-ActionParsnip: I tried that a little while ago. The driver is on the desktop, I tried typing "cd ~/Desktop" at the root console. Couldn't get to desktop and couldn't find the file without doing that11:34
PietVixen-: you're welcome.11:34
juxtahow safe is it to grow a raid array and resize an ext3 filestsrem while its mounted these days?11:34
SixThreeOhThe problem is a bunch of users that don't know a bit from a byte or a pixel from a pixie. However that might help as it's a GUI approach (I only know how to do it from the shell). Thanks.11:34
Pietllutz: that's weird...11:34
magnetronVixen-→ when you're root, "~/Desktop" would be *root's* desktop11:35
Vixen-magnetron: *Head/desk*11:35
Pietjuxta: not safe enough to do it when you have no backups11:35
ActionParsnipllutz: i'd read the rest of that post. Also check the name in /etc/hostname also matches that in /etc/hosts11:35
llutzaaha, networkmanager it is11:36
Vixen-magnetron: What should I do to get to my profile's desktop, where the file is saved?11:36
llutzf*ing peace of ...11:36
juxtaPiet: alrighty, point taken :)11:36
ActionParsnipllutz: sounds about right. I hate that thing11:36
Pietjuxta: not so much since it would faail, more because it's prone to user error11:36
magnetronVixen-→ ~ is just an alias for /home/vixen (if your account name is "vixen"11:36
juxtaPiet: how do you mean?11:36
llutz"toolkit.networkmanager.disable=true" seem to do the trick11:36
fungI can't boot into windows anymore after combining a few partitions. it gave a "could not find ntoskrnl.exe" error. I thought I would fix it if I directed my XP entry in grub's menu.lst to sdc5 where my windows directory is but now I get a error 12: invalid device requested error. how do I fix this?11:37
dr4gWhat FTPd would you recommend for me to install !!?11:37
ActionParsnipllutz: i use the interfaces file personally. I've had zero luck with those stupid gui apps11:37
Pietllutz: so network manager sets your firefox to offline browsing mode? :)11:37
magnetronVixen-→ so something like "cd /home/vixen/Desktop/ "11:37
ActionParsnipdr4g: vsftpd, proftpd11:37
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP11:37
dr4gi'll go with pure-ftpd thanks.11:37
Vixen-magnetron: Ah right, then I should be able to install the file when there?11:37
Pietllutz: wow apparently it does indeed. sorry then.11:38
llutzActionParsnip:  i'm swithcing between several connection types (wifi, lan, umts + bluetooth-dun)11:38
Vixen-magnetron: Right, so when I was in the boot command line, it didn't understand "~".. amirite?11:38
llutzPiet:  strange thing... have to get rid of networkmanager11:38
ActionParsnipllutz: i see, I use multiple interfaces files for connections and switch them out as I need, not graceful but i dont have a gui app getting in the way11:38
magnetronVixen-→ i don't follow you11:39
llutzActionParsnip:  i have to do something similar i think11:39
Pietllutz: _this_ part is not strange to me11:39
Vixen-magnetron: Ah, it's all good mate, I'm trying to work it out in my head. But if I go to the boot command line, and type out the full path (/home/vixen/desktop), I should be fine, right?11:40
llutzand i have to think about using a different browser too...11:40
ActionParsnipVixen-: sure, but desktop has a captital D11:40
ActionParsnipVixen-: /home/vixen/Desktop11:40
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Right, so I can do that, then I should be able to type in "sh filename" to install the driver. (filename, being that -actual name of the file, of course)11:41
ActionParsnipVixen-: sure11:42
magnetronVixen-→ it's case sensitive. Destop isn't the same as desktop. also, use the tab tangent to auto-complete the path. so if you type "cd /ho" <tab> it should complete it into "cd /home/" pressing <tab> again will suggest some of the existing folders11:42
ActionParsnipVixen-: you may have to chmod +x filename too11:42
ActionParsnipVixen-: use tab complete ;)11:42
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Alright then.. Could you explain the "chmod +x" bit?11:42
ActionParsnipVixen-: it makes the file executable11:42
ActionParsnipVixen-: to the users who have read access11:43
Vixen-magnetron: Good stuff mate, cheers =]11:43
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Right, and "sh" then would be..?11:43
ActionParsnipVixen-: you will be root as well so you dont need to use sudo (but makes no difference if you do)11:43
bullgard4Who could please help me with testing Empathy voice chat? A first test with a partner was only partially successful.11:43
ActionParsnipVixen-: sh means run the file as a shell script but i would mark the file as executable for completeness11:44
magnetronActionParsnip→ not necessary if it's a shell script11:44
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Right then, let me write this down. I need to sh it, and I need to chmod +x, then the file name. Can I do both in one, or do they need to be done separately11:44
ActionParsnipmagnetron: true but to me it makes sense11:44
ActionParsnipVixen-: chmod +x file     first11:45
ActionParsnipVixen-: then     sh file     second11:45
magnetronActionParsnip→ it confuses the discussion if you add the instruction later11:45
Vixen-ActionParsnip: That'll leave me with an executable, and it'll be installed, right?11:45
ActionParsnipmagnetron: ok, given11:45
Vixen-ActionParsnip: magnetron, you both agree on this?11:46
ActionParsnipmagnetron: it'd be nice if it was marked executable when it was downloaded :(11:46
ActionParsnip!hi | friendishan11:48
ubottufriendishan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:48
coolkourtHello, good morning, is there any way to re-partition the Hard Drive to add more space to an ubuntu installation11:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about resize11:49
Vixen-Right, I'm going to move and try all this out11:50
Vixen-Cheers for your help folks11:50
Vixen-Really appreciated11:50
ActionParsnipcoolkourt: you can resize ext3 but make sure you have a recent backup if things go screwy11:50
ActionParsnipVixen-: np11:50
friendishani think u'll have to re-install11:50
Vixen-I'll  be back in a bit, to tell ye if it worked ;]11:50
Pietcoolkourt: you can use gparted for this. but make sure you have current backups before you give it a go, just because it's quite error prone11:50
Vixen-Later  xx11:50
friendishanubottu, why do u appear yellow?11:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:51
PietActionParsnip: if it seems like i keep repeating after you that's because i have quite some lag here at times ;-)11:51
coolkourtthanks admins11:52
ActionParsnipPiet: no worries duder11:52
friendishanIs there some1 named shashwat here?11:53
ActionParsnipfriendishan: the name autocompletes, so they are connected but may be idling11:53
Pietfriendishan: /who #ubuntu would tell11:54
Palestinianhi guys11:54
Piethi there11:54
wtlwhy cant i enable compiz on an ati hd 320011:54
ActionParsnipwtl: have you installed video drivers11:56
Pietsomething tells me wet is a bot11:56
wtlActionParsnip, i already have xserver-xorg-video-driver-ati11:56
Pietfriendishan_: hi again11:57
ActionParsnipwtl: is it eing used?11:57
friendishanhi agian11:57
wtlActionParsnip, how do i know? :D11:57
friendishan_so i came to the right place11:58
ActionParsnipwtl: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:58
friendishan_i thought11:58
friendishan_freenode server #ubuntu11:59
ActionParsnipwtl: thats the xserver coming up, it will tell you what driver it is using11:59
friendishan_and ubuntu server #ubuntu were different11:59
wtlActionParsnip, if it isnt, what do i do? :)11:59
Ultimate_darknes!info firefox11:59
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB11:59
ActionParsnipfriendishan_: yes you are in the ubuntu channel on freenode.net11:59
friendishanso i was a bit confused11:59
friendishanok so i get it now11:59
Pietfriendishan_: it's both the same irc network11:59
ActionParsnipwtl: read the log down, there is more than 1 screen of text12:00
friendishanAction, why do u appear yellow?12:00
friendishanand even piet12:00
shashwatbecoz hes talking tou12:00
ActionParsnipfriendishan_: if i write your name at the start of a line it will highlight the text to make it easier to read12:00
ActionParsnipfriendishan_: try tab completing my name, I will get the same effect12:00
friendishanoh i get it12:01
shashwatwhen ne1 writes your name he appears yellow12:01
shashwatand action not necessary at the start12:01
friendishanActionParsnip:  is it correct?12:01
Pietfriendishan: that is because your client thinks i should appear yellow. asige from that, i have no idea.12:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:01
friendishanoh i get it now12:02
shashwattesting testin friendishan testing12:02
ylbhzHello,Im new here12:02
junxieme too12:02
shashwatdid it appear yellow???12:02
friendishanme 312:02
friendishanso shashwat u had a question?12:03
ylbhzNice to meet you,haha12:03
friendishanI guess ppl here will be of more help12:04
friendishanso bye12:04
shashwatcan ne 1 help me change permissions plz12:04
jrib!permissions > shashwat12:04
ubottushashwat, please see my private message12:04
ActionParsnipjrib: nice12:05
Piet!u | shashwat12:06
ubottushashwat: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.12:06
jerry_ukhi , somebody going to the cloud conference in barbican?12:07
HaiopaiHey folks, I need help with my netbook-battery. You might have heard from the problem, that UNR stops showing the status of the battery if you use different types. Has someone an idea?12:09
PietHaiopai: do you have a reference to the bug tracker, since i don't know this issue?12:10
PietHaiopai: also, different types of what exactly?12:10
HaiopaiOh, I'm sorry, I Use original Lenovo-Batteries, but one is stanndard, and the other is twice that big12:11
PaulieGhey, I need help with a issue with Jaunty. I had this issue with Gusty too but i connot remember how to fix it. it is not the DPI. when i login the text when i type my username and password are so small it is unreadablke. also when i run VLC media player the whole application is too small to read. also goes for virtualbox12:12
PaulieGany ideas?12:12
Haiopaiso at first, everything worked fine, I Changed the battery and now I don't get any Information from any battery12:12
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:13
roger_i enabled my onboard sound, which room i need to go to for help to enable 5.1 surround12:14
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)12:14
ActionParsniproger_: here12:14
ludditedoes anyone know how to turn usb plug and play on 9.04 ?12:14
ActionParsniproger_: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/the-simple-way-to-get-51-surround-sound-audio-working-in-ubuntu/12:15
ludditeim sick of having tp reboot everytime i plug a devide in12:15
ludditemice included12:15
linduxedis there a package with a set of interesting fonts?12:15
roger_oh cool, thnx i'll read that12:15
ActionParsnipluddite: try: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart12:15
ActionParsnip!fonts > linduxed12:15
ubottulinduxed, please see my private message12:15
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:15
supersashohi.. i've just upgraded to 9.04 and the Xserver doesn't start, the screen is blank, can't even get to shell with ctrl+alt+f1.. any ideas?12:16
ludditeactionparsnip - thanks mate.12:16
royalwarecastDo anyone here know about "British Council"(maybe not the words but sounds like these) a exchange programme that sends teachers to other countries to tell English?12:16
ludditebut why does it not turn on automaitically12:16
linduxedActionParsnip: thx12:17
ludditeroyalwarecast - i hope that you are try to get  teacher in12:17
Ultimate_darknes!help > Ultimate_darkness12:17
cptbloodwhat's the easiest way of including udf2.50 support in ubuntu ?12:17
sacarlsonsupersasho: I think you need to add to your kernel boot line vga=79112:17
royalwarecastluddite: what do you mean that?12:18
ActionParsniplinduxed: ive not known it to not, maybe it takes a while12:19
Lint01ActionParsnip: do I have to restart hal on each device arrival?!12:19
linduxedActionParsnip: ???12:19
ludditeroyalwarecast - i mean that it say for you then12:20
davecocan someone help me with deluge, it is realy slow.12:20
wtlgoogle earth is weird. when i zoom in closely to the land, it gets foggy. it wasnt like this two days ago in the older version. does it happen to anyone else?12:20
ActionParsnipLint01: not sure, if it isnt autodetected then I'd use it as the next step12:20
ActionParsniplinduxed: sup?12:21
cptbloodanyone knows & who can guide me to get me udf2.50 support?12:21
linduxedActionParsnip: the last message of yours made no sense to me12:21
relivedoes ubuntu have default tools to network 2 ubuntu machjnes together, for file sharing?12:21
ActionParsniplinduxed: ive never known usb to not just be detected. Maybe the system is taking its sweet tie setting it up12:22
cptbloodofc relive, i use samba for that, so it can communicate with my windows ws12:22
ActionParsniplinduxed: is that the line you meant?12:22
sacarlsonrelive: samba12:22
supersashosacarlson: something like this? kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic root=UUID=<alotofnumbers> vga=791 ro quiet splash12:22
linduxedActionParsnip: linduxed: ive not known it to not, maybe it takes a while12:22
linduxedActionParsnip: but even then12:22
relivecptblood, i have used samba before, but want something dedicated for linux to linux12:22
sacarlsonsupersasho: ya that might work12:23
linduxedActionParsnip: i havent asked about any usb....12:23
cptbloodit can be run with linux to linux too12:23
ActionParsniplinduxed: if you plug it in and run: dmesg | tail12:23
ActionParsniplinduxed: you should see if the kernel has seen it and whats going on12:23
sacarlsonsupersasho: I normaly put it at the end but no mater I guess12:23
ActionParsniplinduxed: my bad, crossed wires12:23
relivesacarlson, i am afraid samba will mess up my files. becuase, sometime, the file names in linux and windows don't play nice together12:23
johnhey people where could i go to get advice on what distro to choose?12:23
john(irc wise)12:23
davecoanyone here use deluge?12:23
ActionParsnipjohn: #ubuntu-offtopic12:23
joaopintojohn, #linux ?12:24
cptbloodanyone knows & who can guide me to get me udf2.50 support?12:24
mefiXwhere does ubuntu initially look for the bnx2-firmware?12:24
sacarlsonrelive: are you working with windows and linux?  if ony linux you can use nfs12:24
supersashosacarlson: and what does the command vga=791 do?12:24
relivesacarlson, so samba might change machanism and handle files, as if they are windwos.12:24
sacarlsonsupersasho: sets video mode at boot to something that worked on my acer laptop12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vodaphone12:25
relivesacarlson, yes. i am thinking of nfs. is nfs now integrated with gnome?12:25
NorthByNorthWestWHY can I easily set the size assigned to Ubuntu when installing and keeping windows anymore? There used to be a slider where I could set how many Gigs ubuntu should be given. Now there is no such option and Ubuntu is installed on 2 Gig space... and completely useless...12:25
sacarlsonrelive: I'm not sure it's installed at default but there is an nfs package in ubuntu that works with gnome12:26
relivesacarlson, sshfs and ftp is integrated with nautilus now days12:26
johncan i get ubuntu to have that cool icon panel at the bottom?12:26
supersashosacarlson: can you be more specific? it may be dependent on video card12:26
relivesacarlson, i am installing nfs now12:26
=== navlelo_ is now known as navlelo
Ashifhi , ashif here. need some help regarding screen resolution.12:27
Ashifubuntu 6.0612:27
Ashifearlier i had attached a monitor working at 800 * 600, now i've attached an LCD 17'' , and now in screen resolution it only shows 800 * 600, i want it to be 1024 * 76812:27
shashwatwhen i write anything to any place on my  harddrive ubuntu says: Saving '/media/disk/Untitled.xcf' failed Could not open '/media/disk/Untitled.xcf' for writing: Permission denied Can anyone help please12:27
FloodBot1Ashif: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:27
sacarlson relive: ya I've used sshfs before with nautilus that also requires to be installed.  I didn't know ftp also was integrated.12:27
Ashifhi , ashif here. need some help regarding screen resolution. (ubuntu 6.06)12:27
Ashifearlier i had attached a monitor working at 800 * 600, now i've attached an LCD 17'' , and now in screen resolution it only shows 800 * 600, i want it to be 1024 * 76812:27
relivesacarlson, by, ftp, i mean, it works like sshfs. think need install too12:28
hacktolivewhat is the easiest way to develop a very very simple GUI on Ubuntu (anything as easy as MS Visual Studio)?12:29
johnis ubuntu easier to install things on/faster than kubuntu?12:29
Ashifneed some guideline regarding screen resolution,12:29
Ashifi am unable to change screen resolution, there is no option in the list12:29
jribjohn: same12:30
sacarlsonhacktolive:  glade is cool for gui development12:30
relivesacarlson, i just installed it. how to use? must i edit /etc/fstab or there a better / easier way now days?12:30
sacarlsonhacktolive:  I use it with perl and can be used with ruby12:30
Ashif ? ?12:30
davecois it better to enable encryption in bit torrent, or disable?12:31
brembobetter enable12:31
sacarlsonrelive: use what?12:31
relivesacarlson, nfs12:31
Ashifscreen resolution problem !12:31
hacktolivesacarlson: interesting... I can use it with python and other programming languages... interesting... thanks12:31
Ashifcan any one guide ?12:31
johnjrib, thanks12:32
ActionParsniprelive: can you be very specific12:32
sacarlsonrelive: let me see if there is a gui for it.  samba has a gui.  I'm not sure of nfs12:32
reliveActionParsnip, looking for GUI12:32
bremboAshif: make sure you connect the cable on the right place12:32
reliveActionParsnip, nautilus integrated lots of things now days12:32
Ashifits connected, currently i am on the same LCD12:32
Ashifearlier i had attached a monitor12:33
ActionParsniprelive: ok what video card does :  lspci | grep -i vga    say you have?12:33
Ashifmonitor worked at 800 * 60012:33
sacarlsonfelive: ya it's supported here System-> Administration-> Shared Folders.12:33
relive01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter12:33
OjiiI made some big mistakes when migrating my root from ext3 to ext4 (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1162898), does anyone know a way to recover data on ext4? everything i found on google is only for ext3...12:33
reliveActionParsnip, why i need this? i don't see why12:34
bremboAshif: did u have driver installed?12:34
Wazzzaaaanybody experience with an dual screen with an ATI Card and Jaunty?12:34
Ashifnope !12:34
Ashifdriver of what ?12:34
Ashifmy color displays are perfect12:34
ActionParsnipyou said "Ashif: screen resolution problem !"12:34
ActionParsniprelive: so i cant advise without knowing your video card can i?12:35
sacarlsonOjii:  can you still mount the ext4 partition at all?12:35
ActionParsnipoh man, i'm getting mixed today12:35
WazzzaaaAshif: talking to me?12:35
reliveActionParsnip, but nfs is video card independent12:35
ActionParsniprelive: yeah sorry man, mixed wires12:35
Ojiisacarlson: yes after i 'repaired' it using gparted12:35
Ashiftalking with brembi12:35
ActionParsnipi'm gonna sit a few plays out12:35
bremboAshif: driver for ur video card12:35
Ashiffrom where i can check if its installed ?12:36
Wazzzaaacd -12:36
Ashifmusing ubuntu 6.0612:36
=== customer is now known as linuxman410
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.12:37
Ashiffrom where i can check if my vga driver is installed ?12:37
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:37
sacarlsonOjii: so I'm not sure what you want to do.  maybe just do a tar backup of the partition move it to another disk or partition12:37
Ashifbrembo : earlier i had attached a monitor, and i ws able to change the resolutions,12:38
Ashifnow when i have attached the LCD its only supporting 800 * 60012:38
Ojiisacarlson: i lost my home folder in the root partition, but gparted and nautilus contradict over the partition size/usage so i hope it still is somewhere there12:38
reliveActionParsnip, will pstree show if nfs service is running?12:39
bremboAshif: there's a very big problem :|12:39
Keloranhow do i scratch iptables, so that im back to 0 rules, i cant seem to find a way of getting rid of all the rules, and starting fresh12:39
Ashifwhat's that ?12:39
ActionParsniprelive: maybe ps -ef | grep nfs12:39
p-fXorg's CPU usage goes to 99% when I type fast / hold keys down. Why? How can I fix this?12:39
bremboKeloran: iptables -F ?12:39
Keloranty brembo12:40
Ashifbrembo : ?12:40
Angel-SLIs there an equivalent of make.conf in Ubuntu?12:40
`Immortal`hello ppl.12:40
remoteCTR1anyone knows a windows client that can scp?12:40
`Immortal`could somebody pls recommend a good s/w to manage my 5.5G iPod in Ubuntu?12:40
ActionParsnipremoteCTR1: winscp12:40
`Immortal`is gtkpod the best?12:40
reliveActionParsnip, ok, thx.it looks like it's running12:40
remoteCTR1ActionParsnip, nice thanks! and hi btw:)12:41
Ashifbrembo : ? u there ?12:41
ActionParsnip`Immortal`: amarok, banshee12:41
bremboAshif: why u are on 6.06 ? is dead u know ?12:41
Ojii`Immortal`: I suggest songbird12:41
ActionParsnipremoteCTR1: np man12:41
doonerAngel-SL, you mean make.conf from freebsd?12:41
* `Immortal` is confused12:41
Ashifwell,, my system spec were not high enough to support higher version12:41
doonerAngel-SL, not exactly.12:41
Angel-SLOr, any way to add CFLAGS parameters to .. what do you call.. compilations12:42
Ashifas i wanted to explore / learn ubuntu12:42
bremboAshif: did u tryed with alternate's cd?12:42
ActionParsnipAngel-SL: i think you do it at configure time12:42
`Immortal`among the 3 s/w which is best for iPod?12:42
doonerAngel-SL, most everything is package based.12:42
`Immortal`or is that subjective?12:42
ActionParsnip`Immortal`: best is an opinion so is very subjective12:42
Ashifi installed it with my monitor attached, and now when i recplaced it with my lcd, i'm not able to change the resolution12:42
Ojii`Immortal` subjective12:42
ActionParsnip!ipod > `Immortal`12:43
ubottu`Immortal`, please see my private message12:43
dani_Help! I can't login to ubuntu-gnome any more without selecting failsafe! After I enter username and password, the desktop and icons shows up as expected, and then it all suddenly stops, and everything except the mouse freezes. Only exit: cold reboot. What is wrong ?12:43
Ashifas long my monitor was attached, i was able to change resolutions12:43
coolkourti just created an ext3 partition in gparted, how do i get that partition to add onto my ubuntu partition?12:43
`Immortal`thanks ActionParsnip :)12:43
`Immortal`guys would u recommend ext4?12:43
ozzmosisdani_: does it do that when you login as a different user?12:44
`Immortal`or stick with ext3?12:44
Ashifbrembo : ?12:44
bremboAshif: crt monitor?12:44
Ojii`Immortal`: No, i lost my home folder cos i made a mistake (i guess)12:44
dani_ozzmosis, a different user? havent tried. I only have 1 user on the comp.12:44
Ashifearlier it was12:44
Ashifnow LCD12:44
dooner`Immortal`, well I am running in on 2 systems, and haven't had any issues with it.  But IMHO i would say there is no real reason to switch yet (if you have to ask about it :) )12:44
`Immortal`thanks dooner :)12:44
bremboAshif: with wich videocard?12:45
ozzmosisdani_: add another, then try that .. if it doesn't freeze there, you can probably narrow down the problem further12:45
ActionParsnipdooner: like it, i'll remember that one :)12:45
Ashiffrom whre i can check ?12:45
Ashifthe vedio card ?12:45
dani_ozzmosis, if it doesnt, how can i troubeshoot then?12:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:45
`Immortal`ActionParsnip:  can i use Itunes using WIne?12:45
ActionParsnip`Immortal`: i'd check12:45
ActionParsnip!appdb | `Immortal`12:46
ubottu`Immortal`: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:46
ActionParsnip`Immortal`: could also ask in #winehq12:46
Ojii`Immortal`: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=134712:46
bremboAshif: i got to go i will can help u in this afternoon12:46
`Immortal`but its a pretty hefty installer :/12:46
dooner`Immortal`, ActionParsnip now if you are like me and just like to play with latest/greatest and can afford to deal with any issues, than sure go ahead :)12:46
Angel-SLSo, how do I apply CFLAGS to a makefile?12:46
`Immortal`& i'm on limited b/w12:46
ozzmosisdani_: then it will be a problem with a config file in your $HOME directory12:47
dani_what is the gnome log file called ?12:47
dani_ozzmosis, which config file?12:47
she_dyed`Immortal`, bring a USB stick with you and get to a netcafe12:47
ActionParsnipdooner: oh i do, i upgrade blindly as I have backups etc so I don't care if my system breaks12:47
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega12:47
doonerAngel-SL, normally passed in via ./configure12:47
Ashifok thanx for the support12:47
ozzmosisdani_: so it's a matter of finding out which one, or you could just delete them and start over12:47
Ashiftc, bye12:47
dani_ozzmosis, ok, but do you know what the gnome log-file is called?12:47
cptbloodanyone who knows & who can guide me to get me udf2.50 support in ubuntu?12:48
doonerActionParsnip, :)  I have computers I do that on.  (workstation (everything stored on stable NFS Server). Netbook (who cares).12:48
coolkourtis there anyway to add unpartitioned space to my partition of ubuntu12:48
`Immortal`yeah or i'll rummage through the DVD's that i get with my computer magazine12:48
ozzmosisdani_: I'm not sure there is one .. but you can try looking in $HOME/.xsession-errors12:48
`Immortal`they should have the latest Itunes ver.12:48
`Immortal`have any of you tried Rockbox on your ipod?12:49
dani_ok, thanks12:50
she_dyed`Immortal`, i think that means ditching iTunes12:50
Dorobo18jphi i am trying to remove ubuntu and move it to another computer but i want to restore my partition with out losing my windows data12:50
`Immortal`I hear that battery life will suffer if i shift to it12:50
ozzmosisDorobo18jp: that didn't make a lot of sense12:50
she_dyed`Immortal`, that might be FUD i think all it does is make it behave like a regular player12:51
she_dyed`Immortal`, might want to ask that in ##linux12:51
Pici`Immortal`: or #rockbox12:51
she_dyedor simply check the online docs first `Immortal`12:51
Dorobo18jpim using a dual boot right now i want to remove ubuntu and then want to merge the partition with my windows partition with out losing windows info12:51
ozzmosisDorobo18jp: (1) you can't move it after you've removed it, (2) restore which partition?, (3) why would you lose anything?12:51
`Immortal`yeah but user opinions would count more12:52
she_dyed`Immortal`, true12:52
ozzmosisDorobo18jp: do you want to make Windows' NTFS partition use the entire disk?12:52
ozzmosisDorobo18jp: that's not really a Ubuntu question ;)12:52
ales_good day all12:53
coolkourtis there any way to move a partition to dev/sda3?12:53
doonerDorobo18jp, there are tools to resize windows partitions (but besides partition magic, I don't know what they are, since I normally and just deleting them :))12:53
ozzmosisDorobo18jp: Gparted might expand an NTFS partition from a Live CD12:53
Dorobo18jpwell i figure i have to remove ubuntu 1st and have no idea how to do that and since it repartioned my drive i think i would be a fair question12:53
ozzmosis(after all, it can make them smaller... why not bigger?)12:53
ozzmosis(I assume it's Gparted, that the Ubuntu installer uses)12:53
lvlefistoDorobo18jp: use gparted live cd12:54
Dorobo18jpok thanks12:54
`Immortal`Dorobo18jp:  just get the WIndows installater to format the drive/partition12:54
sacarlsonDorobo18jp: I think you just want to delete the ubuntu patition.  recreate a new one then reformat it.  do it all in windows with partition tool of your choice in windows.12:54
Yanick_Hi, I can't change my screen saver :) when I open gnone-screensaver, everything becomes fuzzy and the keyboard does not respond anymore. If I had another computer to access this one, I would do an ssh restart, but I can't so I need to do a hard restart. The question is: how can I disable the screen saver and simply make the screen go blank after x minutes without going through the gui?12:55
ozzmosisDorobo18jp: you could always reuse the Ubuntu partition as another NTFS partition12:55
ozzmosisDorobo18jp: so you'd have C: and D: under Windows12:55
ozzmosisDorobo18jp: one large partition is nicer though12:55
Dorobo18jpyes it is12:55
Pietcoolkourt: why would you want to do this?12:55
`Immortal`yeah u could format the Ubuntu partition from Windows using the Disk Manager12:55
ales_I have problem on scanner on epson multi please help12:55
coolkourtpiet: well basically i had allowed ubuntu 10gigs, then on my netbook i had like 100gigs just there and i wanna use Gparted to read that spce12:56
lvlefistoYanick_: Ctrl+Alt+F612:56
ozzmosislvlefisto: what does that do?12:56
Yanick_lvlefisto, that simply brings me to a console, no?12:57
lvlefistoozzmosis: it takes you to a tty612:57
ozzmosisI thought C-A-F1 did that12:57
Pietcoolkourt: so what you want to do is extend the 10 GB partition to 110 GB?12:57
Ashifcan any one help me regarding the screen resolution problem12:57
lvlefistoYanick_: from the console you can do a safe shutdown12:57
coolkourtpiet: yea, but there is a lock on the partition i believe12:57
Yanick_lvlefisto, it's a good idea to put a blank screen whenever I want, but I want to completely disable screen saver. I'm actually following this thread right now : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27869312:58
coolkourtor for some reason i cannot extend it12:58
Yanick_lvlefisto, you haven't read : the keyboard is frozen with the gui12:58
supersashohi.. i've just upgraded to 9.04.. the progress bar makes it to the end, and when i expect the Xserver, it doesn't start, the screen is blank, can't even get to shell with ctrl+alt+f1.. any ideas?12:58
lvlefistoYanick_: ok, sorry12:58
Piet`Immortal`: no you could not. partition yes, format no.12:58
Yanick_lvlefisto, :)12:59
Piet`Immortal`: at least not with a file system you would actually want to use12:59
ubuntuhey i am using ubuntu persistent how to merge changes i made in casper-rw with that of the main image12:59
sacarlsonsupersasho: so adding to the kernel boot line  vga=791 didn't fix it?13:00
supersashosacarlson: nope13:00
Jck_true_I can't seem to figure out how to unpack a rar file... unrar-free from the ubuntu repos just returns "All OK!"13:00
she_dyedsacarlson, did he put it in the right spot heh13:01
supersashosacarlson: it gave me a vesa table so i choosed 324 to have 1280x1024x32 but with no effect13:01
Jck_true_Even if no files are extracted13:01
Pietcoolkourt: there is no such thing as a partition lock. but you should not work on any active partitions and gparted will therefore not allow you to do so.13:01
sacarlsonsupersasho:  but you do see things hapen up to the point that the xserver starts.13:01
Pietcoolkourt: use the live cd to change your existing ubuntu partitions13:01
ozzmosisJck_true_: what does rar (not unrar) do ?13:01
Jck_true_is there are rar?13:01
coolkourtpiet: do i have to install UNR to a flash drive again to do it?13:01
ozzmosisJck_true_: yep13:01
bullgard4What is the name of the (RFC) dokument, which lists the headlines of all RFCs (and probably some more additional features) and which is updated regularly?13:02
Jck_true_ozzmosis: It's not in the default repository?13:02
ozzmosisJck_true_: it's not "free"13:02
supersashosacarlson: i just see the loading progress bar or if i do recovery mode i see all the deamons doing ok, no fail at all13:02
Jck_true_oh right13:02
sacarlsonshe_dyed: supersasho: good point she_dyed13:02
Guest82705Which vncconnect (VNC client) will allow me to specify a proxy?13:02
Jck_true_Give me a second13:02
ozzmosisJck_true_: rar t archive.rar to test, rar x archive.rar to extract13:03
`Immortal`later guys13:03
`Immortal`thanks for all the help :)13:03
supersashosacarlson: yup, i've put it at the end of the line13:03
Pietcoolkourt: actually i'm not sure whether or not UNR has a live cd included since I never used it. If it has, and if you have no cdrom writer and reader, then yes, you will need to do it this way.13:03
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:03
coolkourtpiet: ok thanks for your help13:03
Yanick_lvlefisto, gconf-editor did the trick13:04
sacarlsonsupersasho: ok sounds like the problem is in the video driver in xserver so you might try edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf   change device "vesa"13:04
supersashosacarlson: like in the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Common%20Boot%20Options13:04
draginxI installed skype through sources when 64 bit wasnt available, any way to remove it from my computer?13:04
sacarlsonsupersasho: util you find a good working driver13:04
Pietbullgard4: feels a bit OT here, but you'll find it on ietf.org13:05
sacarlsonsupersasho: ya that link looked good but the problem now apears to be in xserver13:05
Pietcoolkourt: you're welcome13:05
supersashosacarlson: i'll give it a try.. i've got ati hd4830 but the fglrx drivers should from catalyst 9.4 work with xorg 1.6, but maybe it doesnt13:06
=== ubuntu is now known as dr3mro
sacarlsonsupersasho: ya I see lots of post on ati video problem as of late.13:07
dr3mrohey i am using ubuntu persistent how to merge changes i made in casper-rw with that of the main image13:07
sacarlsonsupersasho: set to vesa will just prove the the problem is in you ati driver13:08
Pietdraginx: try using the installer which came with it to remove it13:08
she_dyedsupersash what model ATi13:08
Kallileo_/s EFnet13:08
supersashoshe_dyed: hd483013:09
draginxPiet, no idea where it is =/13:09
ozzmosisbefore I installed Ubuntu my hard disk activity light was red.  now it's orange.  true story.13:09
she_dyedsupersash uber new model oy13:09
draginxwait i think it did it automatically for me.. it says "unpacking replacement Skype.."13:09
sacarlson she_dyed: supersasho:  I think they said they have ati hd483013:09
royalwarecastI can't play sounds with the default backend setting of gstreamer How to solve ? how to switch to xine?13:09
Pietdraginx: so apparently you had a packaged version installed before13:10
supersashosacarlson: ok, xorg.conf edited, i'll give it a try...13:10
sacarlsonsupersasho:  good luck13:11
draginxPiet, yeah 32 bit, I guess it wasnt binary :S Well works for me. Thanks mate :)13:11
Jck_true_This may seem very dumb13:11
she_dyedsupersasho, always good to have a cold one in the fridge13:11
Jck_true_how do i verify which Ubuntu version i'm on13:11
Frayjin@royalwarecast - Just delete the catalog.cache in your $HOME/.xine dir and restart13:11
draginxhmm still getting audio playback trouble =/13:11
ozzmosisJck_true_: System -> About Ubuntu13:11
Jck_true_ozzmosis: VPS...13:11
Pietdraginx: if this is so, and the packaged version you had installed was a well made one, and you had not also installed a non-packaged version, then the old installation should now be gone.13:11
ozzmosisJck_true_: or cat /etc/issue in Terminal13:12
Jck_true_ozzmosis: thanks13:12
draginxPiet, yer, i thought this new version would fix my audio problems, apparently not ;) ahh well time to dig for some indo13:13
SkippyleGrandGouplop les gens13:13
SkippyleGrandGouest-ce qu'il y a un chan irc pour les modos du forum ?13:13
cptbloodanyone who knows & who can guide me to get me udf2.50 support in ubuntu?13:14
SkippyleGrandGousorry, thought it was ubuntu-fr13:14
ozzmosiscptblood: what does that give you?13:14
cptbloodwhat does that give me what?13:14
ozzmosiscptblood: UDF 2.5 support13:14
cptbloodsupport for bluray13:15
ozzmosisah right13:15
mortuis99hi im trying to install tor on JJ and am having trouble can smeone help?13:17
mefiXhow can i avoid my bnx2-module (network) from being loaded from the initial ramdisk?13:18
Jck_true_ozzmosis: Thanks alot that did the magic :-)13:18
she_dyed!tor | mortuis9913:18
ubottumortuis99: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks13:18
mefiXi want bnx2 to be loaded by /etc/modules13:18
supersashosacarlson: the vesa drivers in xorg.conf didn't do it either :(13:18
Pietcptblood: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD13:19
e1lucaHow can I print (save to txt) the list of files and folders in a dir in Ubuntu 9.04 Gnome? tnx13:19
she_dyede1luca, ls dirname/* > file.txt13:20
e1lucashe_dyed: tnx13:20
she_dyede1luca, give us a tough one lol13:20
Pietmortuis99: depends on what the problem is13:20
mortuis99piet can i PM ?13:21
Pietmortuis99: i prefer it here actually13:21
Pietmortuis99: but dont paste here13:21
ActionParsnipe1luca: ls > ~/file.txt13:21
Pietmortuis99: use a pastebin13:21
e1lucashe_dyed: I'm not done yet :D where is smb://public... (the dir is on a samba share - where is mounetd?)13:21
mortuis99ok i dont want to get in trouble for cutand paste13:22
ActionParsnipe1luca: its great for making m3u playlists13:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:22
ActionParsnipe1luca: ls *.mp3 > playlist.m3u13:22
baskingsharkI have vmware installed under 9.04 however when I want to run the program I get the error message that it can't find my headers 2.6.28-11-generic which is the output of uname -r when I check the usr/src I have the 2.6.28-12-generic?13:22
ActionParsnipe1luca: works in windows too13:22
e1lucaActionParsnip: tnx. great tip. don't have wind anymore :)13:23
ActionParsnipbaskingshark: rinstall the package may help13:23
baselinehi , i haved installed apachetop and get this error: http://rafb.net/p/5lohDA62.html  <- can anybody help me?13:23
supersashohi.. i've just upgraded to 9.04.. the progress bar makes it to the end, and when i expect the Xserver, it doesn't start, the screen is blank, can't even get to shell with ctrl+alt+f1.. any ideas?13:23
she_dyede1luca, i was only kidding *snif*13:23
baskingsharkActionParsnip: already done that13:23
ActionParsnipbaskingshark: sudo apt-get --reinstall install <package name here>13:23
ActionParsnipbaskingshark: hmm, strange13:23
ozzmosissupersasho: there are some GRUB options for making the kernel more verbose when booting13:23
mortuis99piet http://paste.ubuntu.com/174895/13:23
baskingsharkActionParsnip: its the vmware-workstation that I use13:24
she_dyed!runlevel | supersasho13:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel13:24
ActionParsnipbaskingshark: could maybe ask in #vmware it may be a known issue13:24
e1lucashe_dyed: me, I was not. I find /smbPublic in /media but no content13:24
baskingsharkActionParsnip: thanks13:24
she_dyede1luca, open up your file manager13:25
ozzmosissupersasho: eg. removing 'quiet' and 'splash' from the entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst13:25
she_dyedand i think its in places e1luca13:25
supersashoozzmosis: done that allready13:25
supersashoozzmosis: everythings goes [OK]13:25
ozzmosissupersasho: then you shouldn't be seeing a progress bar13:25
ozzmosissupersasho: ah13:25
=== ursula__ is now known as Ursinha
e1lucashe_dyed: I see the share in filemanager. I want to find it in midnightcomander also so I can issue the "ls....."13:26
ozzmosissupersasho: is it freezing completely?  can you ping it?  can you Ctrl+C anything that's running?13:26
supersashoozzmosis: i've allready tried to change fglrx driver to vesa, no effect.. also adding vga=791 to boot kernel line didnt helped either13:26
baselinehi , i haved installed apachetop and get this error: http://rafb.net/p/5lohDA62.html  <- can anybody help me?13:26
ActionParsnipozzmosis: could read thru    dmesg | less13:27
Pietbaseline: doesn't look good. a buffer overflow related to glibc... do you have mixed architectures on your system maybe?13:27
Pietbaseline: try asking in #apache , too, maybe they know this issue.13:27
sacarlsonsupersasho:  I guess we should see your xorg.conf file can you paste.ubuntu.com it for us to see?13:27
supersashoozzmosis: nope, i cant do nothing, not even go to shell.. none of the hotkeys i know helped (ctrl+c ctrl+alt+backspace ctrl+alt+f*)13:27
Pietmortuis99: oh this line is not a command you run. instead, you put it into your /etc/ap/sources.list or into a file with a '.list' file extension in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/13:27
she_dyede1luca, may I pm13:28
e1lucashe_dyed: maybe I wasn't clear. I see the share "Public" from my ethernet HD in my filemanager. Now I can't find the path for this to give "ls content.txt"13:28
ozzmosissupersasho: I'm not sure whether you're saying the boot process is halting, or X is not working13:28
e1lucashe_dyed: please do!13:28
ozzmosise1luca: it's mounted in $HOME/.gvfs/13:28
Pietmortuis99: you can also do this via gnome using "software sources" if you prefer.13:29
ozzmosise1luca: you can drag and drop a file from Nautilus into Terminal and it will copy the filename13:29
supersashoozzmosis: sacarlson:  my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m47dcbf6613:29
ozzmosise1luca: just like in Windows with Explorer and the Command Prompt (prior to Vista, anyway, when Microsoft broke that feature...)13:29
parapanghelescuHI there everyone .....13:29
ozzmosissupersasho: try running without an xorg.conf13:29
e1lucaozzmosis: found it! tnx13:29
supersashoozzmosis: it boots all fine i guess, i think the problem is X, but i'm not sure13:29
parapanghelescuheed some help for evolution connector/set up with a ME 2003 server13:30
mortuis99piet what do i have to add their?13:30
ozzmosissupersasho: OK, until now I thought you were saying it wouldn't even boot in "safe" mode13:30
e1lucaozzmosis: I wasn't to bright with windows also so...13:30
sacarlsonsupersasho: ozzmosis:  can we take out that modules section?  comment it out?13:30
ozzmosise1luca: that's ok, I've spent too many years using it :)13:30
Pietmortuis99: but tor is already in jaunty, and a rather current version, too. so it's unlikely that this APT source for _intrepid_ (i.e. not for jaunty!) will give you a more up to date version13:31
ozzmosissacarlson: I guess so13:31
ozzmosissacarlson: I'd just try without xorg.conf first though13:31
mortuis99tor is in jaunty? do ithen just have to install liketorbutton or?13:31
KaiForcei've updated my aging acer laptop to 9.04, and Remote Desktop screen refreshes are slooowww (i.e. you can watch the screen repaint when you maximize an application).  anyone know if there are any settings I can modify to improve this?13:31
ozzmosisKaiForce: what are the specs?13:32
ozzmosisKaiForce: CPU speed mainly13:32
sacarlsonozzmosis: supersasho: Load    "glx"    Load    "dbe"  must be causing it?13:32
mortuis99piet tor is in jaunty? do i then just have to install like tor button or?13:32
supersashoozzmosis: it just freeze after the whole progress bar is full.. or with no splash, it starts all deamons and when it should go to desktop it just go blank and nothing can be done13:32
ozzmosissupersasho: the progress bar doesn't use X, afaik13:32
DIllizar!info glx13:33
ubottuPackage glx does not exist in jaunty13:33
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
supersashosacarlson: hmm, can try to comment it out, but in 8.10 it was just fine13:33
bullgard4Piet: Using your hint, I found the document. --  Thank you.13:33
Pietmortuis99: i suggest you forget about this line you pastebinned and instead just use a package manager to install tor13:33
supersashoozzmosis: it does not13:33
Pietmortuis99: use "add/remove applications" or "synaptic"13:33
Pietmortuis99: yes it should be in jaunty. and you can install tor-button if you like (don't have to, of course)13:34
KaiForceozzmosis celeron M 1300Mhz13:34
Dr_Willis I installed TOR just the other day. :)13:34
KaiForceozzmosis i know its lame, i use it mainly as a winterm13:34
Pietmortuis99: hmm weird tor is actually not in jaunty13:34
Dr_WillisTor  - is not in the default repos. it dident make it in time.13:34
Dr_Willisthere was some issues with a maintainer.13:34
supersashosacarlson: ozzmosis: i'll try to comment out the modules and report back if it was successful13:34
ingw3Hello. I have no luck with fiding any info on google. My problem is: I have dell poweredge r200 server with SATA. I run on it linux. I have 2 Sata hdd - both seen by BIOS and windows installer, but not by linux. Any idea?13:34
sacarlson supersasho: I'm running 8.04 and no modules like that in mine13:34
Dr_WillisI used the TOR repositories to get Tor.13:35
Zaltharhi everyone13:35
Pietmortuis99: see what Dr_Willis is saying13:35
ozzmosisKaiForce: that's not too bad.  I'm on a 1.5 GHz desktop atm. :)  and have a 700 MHz P3 with 9.04 on it.  it seems to run OK.13:35
Dr_Willismortuis99:  --> deb http://mirror.noreply.org/pub/tor jaunty main13:35
KaiForceozzmosis ok, i'll take a look at the rdesktop settings and see if there is anything I can tweak13:35
Dr_WillisThen you will also want that tor-button, and  a few other things.13:35
KaiForce9.04 seems to have fixed the sound issue I was having with this Acer.  It would just stop working after a few minutes of using sound13:36
Pietmortuis99: so you were already very close to it. ;-)13:36
ozzmosisKaiForce: I can use rdesktop fine over a 10 mbit link from the 700 MHz laptop to a 2.0 GHz XP box13:36
Ultimate_darknes!info nvidia13:37
ubottuPackage nvidia does not exist in jaunty13:37
royalwarecastcan I exit the buddy list without quiting from pidgin?13:37
ozzmosisKaiForce: if you're sure it's not a network problem, maybe you need to check your Xorg drivers?13:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:37
MenZaroyalwarecast→ Yep, hit the close button :)13:37
Rizrnhas anyone had sucess in running the InstantAction games?13:37
Dr_Willisroyalwarecast:  i thought it made a icon in the system-tray when you closed it.13:37
ozzmosisroyalwarecast: it minimises to the tray at the top (near the clock)13:37
KaiForceozzmosis OK, i'll try tweaking it.  rdesktop was just working fine before the upgrade, very good performance.  I'll bet a default setting changed or I'm using a command line option I shouldn't be13:37
royalwarecastbut when I close the buddy list then the whole apps turned off13:38
RizrnCan anyone comment on game performance using QEMU and windoes?13:40
knoxvilleRizrn, yeah it is very bad because you can only use 32 VRAM13:40
ozzmosisRizrn: might have more luck with VMware or VirtualBox13:40
Dr_WillisRizrn:  most likely.. it stinks. :)13:40
Rizrnah ok thanks13:41
AlsaPCMhi i am following this tutorial to install my webcam : http://foros.ubuntu-cl.org/viewtopic.php?t=2442 , but after doing all the process i get to a point where i do "sudo modprobe stk11xx " and comes out with this message : FATAL: Error inserting stk11xx (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/media/stk11xx.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)13:41
AlsaPCMany ideas ?13:41
mortuis99Dr_Wilis when i try deb.... i get a bash: deb: command not found13:41
knoxvilleRizrn, its for basic applications, or server applications, works well for anything non realying on video13:41
fulat2khi folks, i'm using New Wave theme in 9.04.  Any idea why Thunderbird/Firefox menu bar text is black instead of the proper color defined in the theme?13:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution13:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about creationism13:42
Dr_Willismortuis99:  this is whenyou learn to use the package manager system and how to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list - that line is NOT a command..its a 'repository' source listing that goes in sources.list13:42
Dr_Willis!apt  | mortuis9913:42
ubottumortuis99: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)13:42
ozzmosissimoncpu: heh13:42
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sacarlsonAlsaPCM:  do what it says take a look at dmesg13:42
parapanghelescusomeone able to help with Evolution configuration for connection with Microsoft Exchange 2003 server ????13:42
bcpetersI'm attempting to run wmii in Ubuntu on a dual monitor setup without Xinerama and I need one instance of wmii to open on each display, but I don't see an xinitrc or an xsession file I should editting to let GDM or the system know what to do when I log in, does anyone know what file i'm looking for and where it resides?13:43
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Vixen-Does anyone know the most recent working nvidia driver for ubuntu?13:43
Dr_Willisbcpeters:  xinitrc --> /etc/X11/xinitrc13:44
j0nrhi all. I recently acquired a VPS running Ubuntu 8.04. When I ssh into the server, the very first thing I noticed is that I cannot use the tab key very well to auto-complete things...for example, 'apt-g'+tab will complete 'apt-get', then followed by 'in'+tab would usually fill in the command 'install' but it isn't and if i just type it in , whats worse is not being able to then use tab completion to find packages...13:44
bcpetersparapanghelescu: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/10/24/use-evolution-with-microsoft-exchange-ubuntu-606-610/13:44
ActionParsnipbcpeters: sounds like you need 2 x servers, one for each screen13:44
ActionParsnipVixen-: what video card do you use?13:44
Dr_Willisusing an x server for each screen.. can be a big hassle13:44
Davieyj0nr: Sounds like a bad installation of Ubuntu13:45
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Hallo again. It's a Geforce 6 or 713:45
she_dyedbcpeters, twin view? maybe13:45
knoxvilleDr_Willis, i agree13:45
alice2how do I add new resolutions to the list offered by gnome-display-properties ?13:45
jmburgessj0nr: or sometimes is the connection is really bad that happens13:45
bcpetersDr_Willis: i was confused about Ubuntu's /etc/X11/xinitrc , as all is listed there is gnome-session . /etc/X11/Xsession13:45
ActionParsnipVixen-: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18013:45
bcpetersexec gnome-settings-daemon &13:45
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Actually, I tried installing the one I have, by your instructions. I got to the boot command line, it told me it didn't have a kernel module13:45
bcpetersActionParsnip:  I have the xorg.conf setup properly.. i have a Matrox Millenium G450 DualHead13:46
j0nrDaviey: jmburgess the same has happened on two seperate VPS hosts.13:46
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Installed it anyway, didn't work, had to revert to old config  =[13:46
ActionParsnipVixen-: you didnt have all the deps to make the nvidia kernel module.13:46
Jhodasroyalwarecast, it should just minimise to tray13:46
Jhodasim haveing a look thru the options now13:46
jmburgessalice2: the only way I know how to do that is through editing your xorg.conf13:46
parapanghelescubcpeters > I've been there .....13:46
Vixen-ActionParsnip: That might've been the problem, though I'll bugger that, and try the apt-get version =]13:46
ActionParsnipVixen-: the kernel source should be pulled down and DKMS will take place to create the nvidia module you need13:46
parapanghelescudidn't helped ...13:46
jmburgessDaviey: yeah it could still be you connection (as in your local ISP)13:46
bcpetersshe_dyed: xorg.conf is setup properly, basically I'm trying to accomplish this, I need to know where to put these DISPLAAY settings from wmii DISPLAY=:0.0 wmii &13:46
alice2jmburgess: hmm, ok13:46
bcpetersDISPLAY=:0.1 exec wmii13:47
alice2made a mess of that last time though :e13:47
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Is that if I use the apt-get command>13:47
she_dyedthats in xinitrc bcpeters like Dr_Willis said13:47
p-fX eats up to 99% cpu when I type fast / hold keys down. What could be causing this?13:47
royalwarecastJhodas: does it need a plug-in to be available?13:48
jmburgessalice2: yeah it is annoying, but check out this link, it might help http://linuxandfriends.com/2009/02/13/change-screen-resolution-in-ubuntu-linux/13:48
bcpetersshe_dyed: ok thanks, I'll give it a try.  That file just looked a little under complex.. as my openbox, gnome, etc aren't currently listed there13:48
Jhodasroyalwarecast, dont think so13:48
bcpetersshe_dyed: why would those sessions not be listed?13:48
she_dyedyou can make your own .xinitrc in ~13:48
she_dyedyou can make your own .xinitrc in ~ bcpeters13:49
Jhodasthats it, you have to have a conversation open13:49
Dr_Willisbcpeters:  gdm get the session listinsg from various .desktop files. not from xinitrc13:49
bcpetersshe_dyed: but will they still play well with GDM or is that just a startx thing?13:49
supersashosacarlson: ozzmosis: after commenting the modules in xorg.conf it did something, here's the picture http://yfrog.com/6tdsc00611wj13:49
royalwarecastJhodas: I have no idea now13:49
alice2jmburgess: thanks13:49
Dr_Willisheh - xinitrc just calls /etc/X11/Xsession :)13:50
she_dyedbcpeters, if you're the only one ever logging on to that PC, and you want them sessions bad, I might consider disabling GDM13:50
Jhodasroyalwarecast, there are two things you need to do to stop pidgin quitting if you close the buddy list:13:50
royalwarecastJhodas: so what are they?13:50
sacarlsonsupersasho: wow cool  that's progress for ya13:50
bcpetersk she_dyed, thanks.  and thanx Dr_Willis13:50
Jhodaschoose 'always' from the 'show system tray icon'13:51
supersashosacarlson: yes a progress, but still away what my destkop used to be :)13:51
Jhodasactually, thats the only one,13:51
=== Yoda is now known as JohnCane
Jhodasnow when you close it it just goes to the tray, you have to rightclick there to close it properly13:51
supersashosacarlson: any ideas what should i do next?13:52
JohnCaneHi there ... i have a problem, after i installed to 9.04 my computer have frozzen a lot of times, someone there knows why :( ?13:52
jmburgessJohnCane: does anything in particular cause it to freeze?13:52
sacarlsonsupersasho: if vesa don't work what could?  ask these guys about getting a better ati driver. or maybe go back to the last one with out those modules13:53
JohnCanejmburgess:  No it does it on the weirdest times... i can sit and just watch a movie and then it can frezze or sit and write a text message to one of my friend and also frezze :(13:53
xrfanghello... anybody know what is the purpose of the F9 default effect in Ubuntu ? (This is a compiz stuff I think, which dims the screen) I would like to disable that, how to do it? thanks13:53
sacarlsonsupersasho: I am still quite sure the problem is in the xserver video driver.13:54
she_dyedsacarlson, ime if you dont give it the right vga= at boot the rest of the boot might go downhill qui-wise13:54
nijmHow come Jaunty doesn't come with the glxinfo command? I tried to use apt-file to find what package it's in but it turned up nothing13:55
sacarlsonsupersasho: she_dyed: ok that another idea take out the vga=xxx line at this point see what that does13:55
supersashosacarlson: hmm, i could try fglrx, but wont it use the old one from the 8.10? cause the old one doesnt support the x1.6.. ok i'll try remove the vga=795 part13:55
JohnCanejmburgess:  No it does it on the weirdest times... i can sit and just watch a movie and then it can frezze or sit and write a text message to one of my friend and also frezze :(13:55
she_dyedsacarlson, give it a decent one not too high depth13:55
she_dyedsacarlson, taking it out will give you vesa13:55
PietJohnCane: so I take it ran well for a while before you upgraded to jaunty? also, did you change anything else besides upgrading to jaunty (like added or removed hardware, changed BIOS settings etc)?13:56
jmburgessxrfang: also when you say freezing I assume you mean everything like dims13:56
JohnCanePiet:  Yes it was just after i upgraded .. no nothing at all :O13:56
sacarlsonshe_dyed: supersasho: you think 24 is to deep for vesa?13:56
ActionParsnipVixen-: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18013:56
she_dyedsacarlson, 24 is ambitious13:57
ActionParsnipVixen-: i think theres a lil app that will help you install the drivers13:57
ActionParsnipVixen-: sorry i bailed, had a meeting13:57
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Ah, no problem man13:57
jmburgessxrfang: sorry I mean that for JohnCane13:57
xrfangjmburgess, yes everything dims, but if you click mouse anywhere on screen13:57
xrfangoh :p13:57
p-fX eats up to 99% cpu when I type fast / hold keys down. What could be causing this?13:57
sacarlson she_dyed: so you think 16 is safe?13:58
JohnCanejmburgess:  yes, everything frezzez and i have to restart my computer :(13:58
Vixen-ActionParsnip: I'm thinking trying to install that other nvidia driver was a bad idea13:58
she_dyedsacarlson, yes  i would go to the manual of my screen13:58
Pietnijm: mesa-utils is the package you are looking for, i think13:58
twcookI'm trying to get zlib support in Python 2.5.4 on Ubuntu 9.10....any ideas?13:58
jmburgessxrfang: well I can help you to, so that is a compiz effect, I am not sure which one but I think the only way to disable it is toe install the compizconfig-settings-manager13:58
nijmPiet, thanks :-)13:58
xrfangjmburgess, thanks13:58
she_dyedsacarlson, you can put a 3 at the end of boot so it starts in terminal mode13:59
PietJohnCane: please pastebin /var/log/messages13:59
ActionParsnipVixen-: you can remove it surely. I'm unsure myself as I always use the repo13:59
supersashosacarlson: dont know, i've used in fglrx with no problems at all, in vesa i do not know13:59
she_dyedsacarlson, this can aid you while you're troubleshooting X13:59
Pietnijm: you're welcome. did you run apt-file update before searching? this could explain why you did not find it14:00
Vixen-ActionParsnip: After installing, it went into low gfx mode, said the kernel module wasn't there, then said it reverted to before the install14:00
sacarlson she_dyed:  3 being vga=3?14:00
she_dyedsacarlson, no14:00
Vixen-ActionParsnip: though since that, Wine isn't working14:00
royalwarecastdoes opera have the function like the "Yet Another Smooth Scroll"——a plugin in firefox ?14:00
nijmPiet, no because I updated it recently. That must be why though.14:00
she_dyedsacarlson, that is called runlevel iirc14:00
Dr_Willisdoes runlevel 3 not run gdm ? i dident think ubuntu worked that way the way it used upstart and the gdm services14:00
she_dyedsacarlson, just a 3 means command Line interface14:00
she_dyedsacarlson, Dr_Willis has brought up a point14:01
Dr_Willisrunlevel 3 has 'gdm' in it here from what i see...14:01
nfrsdoes anyone know, why is ubuntu 9.04 subject to the sound havoc?14:01
she_dyedthanks Dr_Willis14:01
nfrseveryone I know has a sound problem!14:01
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:01
she_dyedhow can he start in CLI Dr_Willis14:01
_Ranakahubuntu 9.04 is biggest bug on the world!!!14:01
nfrsyeah, yeah. I figured it out already14:02
Dr_Willisshe_dyed:  cold try the 'single' optuon at the end..14:02
nfrsmy question is why it was done14:02
DexterLBit's less buggy than intrepid...14:02
nfrsDexterLB: intrepid was working nearly perfectly for me14:02
_Ranakahnothing work in jaunty... that sux14:02
she_dyedthanks Dr_Willis, sacarlson you see that 'single'14:02
_Ranakahintrepid work perfect!14:02
DexterLBfor me it's the oposite14:02
aakhil536helooo geeks14:02
nfrsso who decided to make this god damn pulseaudio the default?14:02
Dr_Willis_Ranakah:  demand a refund? or just rant some more in the channel perhaps?14:02
aakhil536yaa intrepids work fine14:02
JhodasI'm still on xubuntu 7.04 :-)14:03
DexterLBmost of the things that didn't work in intrepid work in jaunty for me...14:03
aakhil536jaunty has some bugs14:03
sacarlsonsupersasho: she_dyed: fglrx I take it is the propriatary isn't there an open working ati dirver?14:03
aakhil536google it14:03
_Ranakahati in jaunty.. don't work... wireles? omg..  sound??? freezing..14:03
nfrsjaunty does every sin it can. it hangs, it's slow, it removed the usable Amarok version, replacing it with the KDE4 shit, etc.14:03
DexterLBanyway, does anyone know which of these VNC encodings is the most compressive/fast?14:03
DexterLBtight zrle zywrle zlib14:03
she_dyedin another distro sacarlson 'ati' driver gives you enough14:03
aakhil536if u change desktop effects into xtra ..jaunty freezes14:04
_Ranakahin intrepid all ati cards work fine.. in jaunty... only some card.. sux14:04
aakhil536its true14:04
she_dyedsacarlson 'ati' as a fallback only 2d no glitz i am not 100%14:04
ActionParsnipVixen-: you need to drop back to the nv driver and uninstall the nvidia driver you installed from the .run file14:04
nfrsI get weird graphical artifacts with fglrx in Jaunty. parts of the background in random apps turn black at random moments14:05
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Vixen-ActionParsnip: Any idea how I do that?14:05
nfrsJaunty is THE shittiest Ubuntu version I every tried!14:05
Pietsacarlson: actually there are three: ati, radeon, radeonhd14:05
Dr_Willisnfrs:  then go use the older release.14:05
h4ck3rs0nlyneed some help with my ATI card14:05
nfrsDr_Willis: I can't. no "downgrade" option14:05
Dr_Willisnfrs:  reinstall or just waste time ranting more...14:06
applei try trans files with crosscable /ethernet via nfs. but it failed. does that have to do with my nic card's buffer?14:06
ActionParsnipVixen-: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then reboot14:06
nfrsDr_Willis: I'm not ranting. I'm forming the community opinion14:06
h4ck3rs0nlyplze could someone help me?14:06
appleit's about 4 GB of files14:06
Vixen-ActionParsnip: Cheers man, I'll do that, then get back on14:06
ActionParsnip!ask | h4ck3rs0nly14:06
ubottuh4ck3rs0nly: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:06
Dr_Willisnfrs:  you are ranting. and its not helping the 'support' aspect of the channel14:06
aakhil536what is the question14:07
h4ck3rs0nlyi need to know how the edit my xorg.conf file14:07
nfrsh4ck3rs0nly: 1'm n00t 4 h4ck3r, 50 1 c4n't h3Lp u14:07
houdin8888hello all! I'm a complete noob. Just stopping by to learn, if i can14:07
ActionParsniph4ck3rs0nly: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:08
jmburgessh4ck3rs0nly: you just do sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:08
she_dyedh4ck3rs0nly, make a copy first14:08
ActionParsniph4ck3rs0nly: its fairly redundant now but can still be used14:08
Piet!editor > h4ck3rs0nly14:08
ubottuh4ck3rs0nly, please see my private message14:08
h4ck3rs0nlythank you, but i i'm over there and need to know how to add a driver14:08
nfrsDr_Willis: just give me my money back, and I'll leave you all alone :)))14:08
sacarlsonPiet: and they all work  ati, radeon, radeonhd,  what is the most stable at this time?  seems vesa not working now for ati in 9.0414:09
milineanyone cross compiled e2fsprogs?14:09
nfrsDr_Willis: actually, I just wanted to understand, why and how it happened. if it was a minor collision and is this error recognized14:09
h4ck3rs0nlyhow do i add an ATI fglrx driver into my xorg.conf file?14:09
Piet!welcome houdin888814:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:10
nfrsDr_Willis: I think these are legit questions to ask, so don't shut me14:10
Pietsacarlson: vesa is mostly a fallback driver, so it should work for any graphics adapter and chipsets (may require some tweaking, though). which of the open source drivers fits your chipset is something you will need to read up on.14:10
Dr_Willisnfrs:  from what i gather.. ati saw the work being done on the open sourced ati drivers..and decided (prematurely) toremove support for a great many of their cards from their propriatary drivers .  cards that the open source driver 'barely' support14:10
Hymnosishi, in my pc i have a windows partition with ubuntu, but when i login to windows i cant see the ubuntu partition. how can i read my ubuntu hard drive when im using windows xp?14:11
Pietsacarlson: unfortunately ati has not done a very good job in respect to linux driver development lately.14:11
Dr_Willisnfrs:  and ati dident keep up with the devemopment of the newer featuires of  the Xorg stuff either.14:11
* Dr_Willis agrees with Piet 14:11
h4ck3rs0nlyto mymno: cant14:11
ranfHymnosis, http://fs-driver.org/14:11
_DulakJohnCane: you have the compiz effects enabled?14:11
nfrsDr_Willis: I'm not talking about this at all. I'm talking specifically of the sound problems that plague everyone and in general of the quality of this release14:11
Dr_Willisnfrs:  no idea on soundproblems..  i haventhad any..and ive rarely seen soundproblems mentioned in here.14:12
h4ck3rs0nlyhow do i add an ATI fglrx driver into my xorg.conf file?14:12
royalwarecastdoes opera have the function like the "Yet Another Smooth Scroll"——a plugin in firefox ?14:12
Hymnosis<ranf> i tried that program but it ask if i want to format the drive, which i dont to format ubuntu14:12
nfrsDr_Willis: everyone I know has a sound problem. pulse audio simply doesn't work14:12
ActionParsnip!ati > h4ck3rs0nly14:12
ubottuh4ck3rs0nly, please see my private message14:12
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ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:13
nfrsDr_Willis: so I'd like to know, why the hell was it pushed as default setting during the upgrade?14:13
Dr_Willisnfrs:  ive never had any issues with pulse audio. Ive seen fewer people in here with pulse issues.. then i did 4 + mo ago with  the last release came out.14:13
Dr_WillisHmm . Pulse audio was the default in the last release also I thought.14:13
ranfHymnosis, I haven't tried it yet.14:13
nfrsDr_Willis: I might be forgetting it. but I know I was using alsa before the last upgrade14:13
Dr_Willisnfrs:  PULSE audio does use alsa..14:14
h4ck3rs0nlyplease could somewone me? i need to know how to add a driver into my xorg.conf file14:14
nfrsDr_Willis: and?..14:14
Dr_Willish4ck3rs0nly:  you could change the 'Driver 'ati' ' line tobe 'Driver 'fglrx' ' but i doubt if that will help14:14
parapanghelescuEvolution and Microsoft exchange 2003 anyone ????14:14
nfrsDr_Willis: I was using alsa directly, not pulse audio14:14
h4ck3rs0nlyok thank you14:14
Dr_Willisnfrs:   you were using alsa..and you still are using alsa.. pulse runs on top of alsa. - if you want change it back i guess.14:14
spaiduhzwhat about evolution?14:14
h4ck3rs0nlyand where do i need to add that?14:15
h4ck3rs0nlyi mean wich line?14:15
nfrsDr_Willis: I suddenly lost sound after the upgrade. took time to understand, what happened and what needs to be done. and I do have some experience. some people don't14:15
parapanghelescuspaiduhz > I set up the e-mail account .....I'm able to send messages ..but I cannot get messages in my Inbox14:15
Dr_Willish4ck3rs0nly:  should be a 'Driver XXXX' line.14:15
h4ck3rs0nlythere isnt =[14:15
Dr_Willish4ck3rs0nly:  you did install the 'fglrx' drivers? Normally one dosent need to mess with xorg.conf these days14:16
h4ck3rs0nlyjust did, but didnt restart my computer14:16
Dr_Willish4ck3rs0nly:  normally one reboots after installing them.14:16
sacarlson h4ck3rs0nly: it's under the  Section "Device"14:16
nfrsDr_Willis: anyway,thanks for your answers14:16
h4ck3rs0nlyok ty, ill try o restart14:17
Dr_Willisnfrs:  the forums proberly have huge threads on the issues that are going on.14:17
h4ck3rs0nlytyvm so far =D14:17
Decepticonin this cpu usage graph, what can be the reasons for the high cpu usage % for "iowait" http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/647/localhostlocaldomaincpu.png14:17
nfrsDr_Willis: I don't have time to read the forums. IRC usually answers faster14:17
Decepticonnfrs, search forums they may have it already?14:18
Ultimate_darknes!ntfs > Ultimate_darkness14:18
tiredbonescould you kind folks point me to kdar?14:18
Ultimate_darknes!ntfs > Ultimate_darknes14:18
ubottuUltimate_darknes, please see my private message14:18
nfrsDecepticon: not a general question like I asked now14:18
nfrsDecepticon: in general, I always do a google search first, and if ubuntuforums has an answer, it'll show up14:19
Decepticonnfrs, good habits14:19
nfrsDecepticon: not my first time on the internets :)14:20
Decepticonthen you know its a series of tubes14:21
nfrsoh yes. I think I see your eye, btw :)14:21
spaiduhzy helo thar, matisse14:21
tiredbonesHas kdar been remove from 8.10 ditro?14:21
PietDecepticon: iowait=Amount of time the CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete.14:21
DecepticonPiet so my disk is being slow in read/write?14:22
Decepticonwhy does this take up CPU14:22
MatisseWith Alsa:  is it possible to send sound signals to 2 sound cards (onboard + plugged) or if not is it possible to reverse a input channel to an output channel?14:22
ranftiredbones, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=kdar looks so14:22
PietDecepticon: yes it can be your disks.14:22
ja660kis there any php developers here, i cant get in #php14:22
bcpetersok i displayed GDM and put the following in my ~/.xinitrc DISPLAY=:0.0 wmii &, DISPLAY=:0.1 exec wmii (each on their own line).  Now when I startx, I get 2 instances of X, each running an instance of wmii.  My mouse can travel across both screens, I can't drag windows from one to another (as expected, so that's ok) but my primary screen will not accept keyboard commands at all.  Here's my xorg.conf  http://paste.ubuntu.com/174918/14:22
DecepticonPiet, if the disk is being slow, why wont it just queue the disk i/o operations and forget about it until its ready instead of hogging CPU14:22
hughszgall, I want to install sdk/emulator for developing mobile apps in netbeans. I've installed netbeans, then how to add the sdk/emulator platform?14:22
hughszgI've already installed plugin java me cdc14:23
houdin8888would someone suggest a good sound card for use in UBUNTU? I've really struggled (unsuccessfully) getting my Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer Fatal1ty Pro card to function.. i wish i could, but, i'm too stupid, i guess.14:23
Decepticoncurious, whats the use of a sound card these days?14:24
nfrshughszg: that's the tough part :) I wasn't able to find a Nokia SDK for linux. maybe you'll have more luck with your phone14:24
Decepticonis integrated sound from mobo not good enough in today's world?14:24
Decepticonnfrs what nokia do you have14:24
nfrshughszg: there's some emulator by Sun (dunno, for which devices), but it only works on 32-bit systems14:25
hughszgnfrs: i have blackberry pearl 8110 :)14:25
PietDecepticon: I assume that since cpu can not offload i/o data quickly enough it gets under high load.14:25
nfrsDecepticon: 6201 (I think)14:25
hughszgnfrs: mine is 32 bit14:25
nfrshughszg: then go ahead and install it14:25
Piethoudin8888: if you still have the card physically installed, please pastebin the output of this: sudo lspci -n && sudo lspci14:25
tryagainhentaiguys im running windows 7 atm i have my os on 150 gig partition and my backup on 50 gig partition when installing ubuntu will it give me the option to resize my windows 7 partition to fit in ubuntu14:25
ActionParsnipPiet: users can run lspci14:25
Matisseis there a command to list all recognized sound cards?14:25
ActionParsnipPiet: no need for sudo ;)14:25
hughszgnfrs: what i want to is that how can I get an emulator pop out, not specified to blackberry.14:26
ActionParsnipMatisse: sudo lshw -C sound14:26
PietActionParsnip: ah right14:26
tiredbonesranf, I used synaptic to install and it could not find it. I did use ALL for the search. Do I have to tell synaptic to look at universe?14:26
tryagainhentaiguys im running windows 7 atm i have my os on 150 gig partition and my backup on 50 gig partition when installing ubuntu will it give me the option to resize my windows 7 partition to fit in ubuntu14:26
ActionParsnipPiet: conversely lshw moans if you dont use sudo. no idea why its needed14:26
nfrshughszg: I know. so download the Sun's emulator. I didn't try it, but I guess it should wokr14:26
hughszg'cause according to the documentation, I should have an emulator installed since I installed Java ME CDC installed14:26
icqnthere is a pop-up item in menu for all input fields available in gentoo's gnome to switch the spellchecking language in pidgin, xchat and so on... is there a package witch brings this feature to ubuntu too?14:26
jumbersHow can I give a client access to my server with SSH and keep him chroot jailed so that he can't see/touch my other files?14:27
hughszgnfrs: does that mean the plugin(java me CDC) i installed is useless?14:27
tryagainhentaiguys im running windows 7 atm i have my os on 150 gig partition and my backup on 50 gig partition when installing ubuntu will it give me the option to resize my windows 7 partition to fit in ubuntu14:27
PietActionParsnip: i assume lshw actually rescans the bus while lspci just uses the information already available to the kernel14:27
nfrshughszg: no idea14:27
ranftiredbones, it used to exist in dapper only. What ubuntu version do you have?14:27
hughszgok, thank you, mate14:27
syntax-does anyone in here know how to modify themes?14:28
tryagainhentaiguys im running windows 7 atm i have my os on 150 gig partition and my backup on 50 gig partition when installing ubuntu will it give me the option to resize my windows 7 partition to fit in ubuntu14:28
tiredbonesranf,  I'm using distro 8.1014:28
nfrshughszg: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=running+netbeans+emulator14:28
syntax-i wanna change the back / forward / up / stop / reload buttons in nautilus14:28
tryagainhentaican anyone answer my question14:29
Pietjumbers: i suggest you refer to the opensshd man page, it's good and complete.14:29
tryagainhentaiguys im running windows 7 atm i have my os on 150 gig partition and my backup on 50 gig partition when installing ubuntu will it give me the option to resize my windows 7 partition to fit in ubuntu14:29
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81014:29
supersashohi.. after upgrade to 9.04 gdm wont start, it just does this http://yfrog.com/6tdsc00611wj.. any ideas?14:29
icqntryagainhentai, theoretically yes, there is an integrated partitioning tool during the installation wizzard...14:30
tryagainhentaiwat u mean theoretically14:30
redarrowtryagainhentai: but be careful with rezising14:30
icqntryagainhentai, but i was never using it myself, google for that14:30
tryagainhentaiwould that mean its not wise to use this14:30
nfrstryagainhentai: http://www.easy-ubuntu-linux.com/resize-windows-partition.html14:30
tryagainhentaicheers nfrs will av a read at that14:31
icqntryagainhentai, no, it is a good tool14:31
whiterhello. i was wondering what the application is called that changes the gnome menu to look xp/vista like14:31
tryagainhentaiwats the risks with using it though14:31
nfrstryagainhentai: I would personally beware of using it without backup14:31
Homeyepp, auto connect.  wrong network darn it -.-14:31
shadeslayerwhiter: see gnome-look.org for something to suite your interest14:31
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:31
nfrstryagainhentai: not that I have any experience with it (positive or negative). but such tools tend to be buggy14:31
parapanghelescuDr_Willis > got a sec ?14:32
Piciwhiter: The package name is gnome-main-menu, it will add a new applet to your add-to-panel selection14:32
whiterPici: thank you14:32
JohnCanePiet:  What do you mena by that Piet :) ?14:32
royalwarecasthow to install the emoctions themes in pidgin ... I try to mv my tarballs of *.png emoctions but failed How?14:32
ActionParsnip!info gnome-main-menu14:32
ubottugnome-main-menu (source: gnome-main-menu): GNOME start menu applet. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.12+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 234 kB, installed size 1780 kB14:32
tiredbonesranf,  What category would kdar be in for universe for synaptic?14:32
supersashosacarlson: ozzmosis: the gdm wont start nor with vesa, or with fglrx, any ideas?14:32
tryagainhentaicool well i have a backup partition with all my files and apps on there so will give it a whirl will probs b bak soon for more help cause i had trouble installing ubuntu other night but a friend gave me sum tips to try if they dont work ill be back lol14:32
JohnCaneDulak: i have many settings enabled, what do u mean ?14:32
redarrowtryagainhentai: Defragmented your harddrive.  <-- this is important14:32
JohnCaneHi there ... i have a problem, after i installed to 9.04 my computer have frozzen a lot of times, someone there knows why :( ?14:32
icqntryagainhentai, man, you can resize your partition the way you want with any tool you want, and then install ubuntu, and chooseas installation source the partition you have prepared for that...14:33
ActionParsnipJohnCane: does it unfreeze after a while?14:33
tryagainhentaiwill do thanks for the advice14:33
nfrstryagainhentai: lol!14:33
houdin8888Piet: did you see the output from my running "sudo lspci -n && sudo lspci"?14:33
JohnCaneActionParsnip:  No it keeps frezzing..14:33
ranftiredbones, it was available in dapper, but isn't anymore14:33
Piet!pastebin | JohnCane14:33
ubottuJohnCane: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:33
ActionParsnipJohnCane: hmm, has it always frozen? Is there a pattern to it freezing (running certain apps etc)14:33
icqntryagainhentai, man, you can resize your partition the way you want with any tool you want, and then install ubuntu, and chooseas installation source the partition you have prepared for that...14:33
whiteris it possible to remove "Applications" from the menu?14:34
icqnthere is a pop-up item in menu for all input fields available in gentoo's gnome to switch the spellchecking language in pidgin, xchat and so on... is there a package witch brings this feature to ubuntu too?14:34
ActionParsnipJohnCane: If it hasnt always frozen, what has changed since it began?14:34
tiredbonesranf,  Does that mean we can't install it anymore?14:34
icqnwhiter, yes14:34
JohnCaneActionParsnip: No, it began to freeze after i upgraded to 9.04 .. hmm no it can freeze at diffrent moments , i can have nothing open and still freeze :(14:34
whitericqn: how?14:34
JohnCaneActionParsnip: the only thing there have been changed is that i have upgraded to 9.04 ..14:35
Piethoudin8888: not yet, the url is?14:35
ranftiredbones, is that a KDE app? maybe #kubuntu knows more about it.14:35
houdin8888Piet: not sure what you mean. 'the url is?"14:35
icqnwhiter, there is a tool for that in system->preferences->main menu14:35
parapanghelescuUsing Evolution to connect to ME 2003 - I can send but I cannot receive emails; anyone got a clue ???14:35
houdin8888Piet: I private messaged it to you.14:36
ActionParsnipJohnCane: ok how did you upgrade?14:36
JohnCaneActionParsnip: in terminal14:36
whitericqn: it wont allow you to delete Applications14:36
PietJohnCane: ubottu just explained what "pastebin" means14:36
icqnwhiter, and there are another way, for example changing .desktop file, just google for it, you will find a lot of howtos14:36
JohnCanePiet:  yes i saw that.14:37
mwasfolks, I just restarted my machine and I did not got the icons on my desktop what could be the issue!14:37
ActionParsnipJohnCane: ok via the web or a cd?14:37
JohnCaneActionParsnip: via the web.14:37
mwasI just restarted my machine and I did not got the icons on my desktop what could be the issue!14:37
Piethoudin8888: where can i see the output of the lspci commands?14:37
Piethoudin8888: i do not accept private messages from unregistered users. please put it on a pastebin14:37
Piet!pastebin houdin888814:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:37
ActionParsnipJohnCane: ok thats cool14:37
ActionParsnipJohnCane: if you log in as a different user does it still happen?14:38
icqnwhiter, what do you mean with "remove" the application from the menu? to uninstall i?14:38
lightHi, I have some AVI's that I want to put on a cd to play on my dvd player, whats the best program to do this???14:38
supersashohi.. after upgrade to 9.04 gdm wont start, it just does this http://yfrog.com/6tdsc00611wj.. any ideas?14:38
icqnthere is a pop-up item in menu for all input fields available in gentoo's gnome to switch the spellchecking language in pidgin, xchat and so on... is there a package witch brings this feature to ubuntu too?14:38
JohnCaneActionParsnip: Now i mean, i upgraded through "update manager" in there it said there was a new version ready or something like that, so i upgraded through that via the internet :)14:38
houdin8888Piet; is there a way I can send it to you?14:38
WinZhi! is there any way to force FSCK run on next boot with -p flag (autofixing with no questions)?14:39
Piet!pastebin > houdin888814:39
whitericqn: i want to remove the "Applications" menu item14:39
whiterand leave Places and System14:39
JohnCaneActionParsnip: I only got one user on my computer.. so cant answer that ..14:39
quibbler!pastebin | houdin888814:39
ubottuhoudin8888: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:39
gnuisancev4i disabled GDM and put the following in my ~/.xinitrc DISPLAY=:0.0 wmii &, DISPLAY=:0.1 exec wmii (each on their own line).  Now when I startx, I get 2 instances of X, each running an instance of wmii.  My mouse can travel across both screens, I can't drag windows from one to another (as expected, so that's ok) but my primary screen will not accept keyboard commands at all.  Here's my xorg.conf  http://paste.ubuntu.com/174918/14:40
Aliasahi i need some information about bash?14:40
ActionParsnipJohnCane: make another user account and logono as it14:40
ActionParsnip!adduser | JohnCane14:41
ubottuJohnCane: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo14:41
she_dyedAliasa, like what kind14:41
houdin8888pastebin 00:00.0 0600: 8086:29c0 (rev 02)14:41
houdin888800:01.0 0604: 8086:29c1 (rev 02)14:41
houdin888800:1a.0 0c03: 8086:2937 (rev 02)14:41
houdin888800:1a.1 0c03: 8086:2938 (rev 02)14:41
houdin888800:1a.2 0c03: 8086:2939 (rev 02)14:41
FloodBot1houdin8888: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:41
ActionParsnipJohnCane: 1 computer can have many users14:41
Pietgah too much lag here14:41
Aliasathe begininhg14:41
JohnCaneActionParsnip: Okay, ill try that .. i have my doubts about it, but i will try :)14:41
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:42
she_dyedAliasa, ? as in how to use it? or how its parents met?14:42
Aliasahow to use it14:42
Aliasahey look ,linux is a opens sourc code,,,can i see the codes ? :D14:43
cptbloodPiet, those patches are for 2.6.25 etc, but can they be applied to too?14:43
Aliasaor its a idiot question14:43
Pici!cli | Aliasa14:43
ubottuAliasa: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:43
cptblood(regarding udf 2.50 support)14:43
ActionParsnip!adduser | JohnCane14:43
ubottuJohnCane: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo14:43
Pietcptblood: which patches exactly?14:44
dam0im getting this error when i try and start up ./ies4linux   here is the error  , what do i do? http://pastebin.com/mf9e392014:44
DoubleZedmy internet connection doesn't seem to be working, but mIRC - no problem o_014:44
cptbloodPiet: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1245185&group_id=295&atid=30029514:44
Lint01Aliasa: check kernel.org14:44
Pacobuntuis it possible to get the ubuntu themes from jaunty for Ubuntu 8.04?14:44
Pietbrb, trying to get a new route.14:44
spaiduhzanyone got wammu to work with symbian s60v3 phones?14:45
PiciPacobuntu: I believe  that gnome-look.org has some of them.14:45
tryagainhentaiok guys im back14:45
tryagainhentaistill having problems installing ubuntu14:45
spaiduhzwb, hentai14:46
Pacobuntuok ty Pici and what about the notifications system can i install that on 8.04 i cant upgrade to 9.04 because ati doesnt support my graphics card anymore ?14:46
spaiduhzwhat appears to be the problem?14:46
supersashohi.. after upgrade to 9.04 gdm wont start, it just does this http://yfrog.com/6tdsc00611wj.. any ideas?14:46
tryagainhentaiwhen installing ie after i hit install i get list of errors saying Buffer I/O error on device sr014:46
tryagainhentaiBuffer I/0 error on device sr0any ideas anyone installing ubuntu 8.1014:47
spaiduhzi am guessing your installer cd is damaged. try to do a cd check before installing?14:47
shadeslayersupersasho: that link gives me a 40414:47
PiciPacobuntu: Its always risky installing packages not designed for your release, but take a look at http://lifehacker.com/5158563/get-ubuntus-new-notifications-in-your-system-now14:47
tryagainhentaii did that the cd is fine as ive installed ubuntu on my brothers machine with it14:47
Pacobuntuty Pici14:47
spaiduhzah. are you trying to install via wubi?14:48
shadeslayersupersasho: also try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm14:48
spaiduhzie, ubuntu inside windows?14:48
supersashoshadeslayer: try this then.. http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/3742/dsc00611w.jpg.. ok i'll give it a try14:48
tryagainhentaino im trying to do a dual boot by booting ubuntu cd from startup14:48
dam0im getting this error when i try and start up ./ies4linux   here is the error  , what do i do? http://pastebin.com/mf9e392014:48
zack`tunning wine in wubi is really l33t14:49
Pietcptblood: which patches exactly?14:49
cptbloodPiet: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1245185&group_id=295&atid=30029514:49
shadeslayersupersasho: thats definitely not gdm....something sinister at work in X imo14:50
houdin8888Piet: are you still there? I put the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/174931/14:50
shadeslayersupersasho: what video card?14:50
Piethoudin8888: please paste the output of the commands i sent you to a pastebin. see above for ubottu's explanation how to use a pastebin service. once you are done, please copy the internet address and paste only this address here.14:50
tryagainhentaiso Buffer I/0 error on device sr0 anyone please help i also have ubuntu 8.04 here but when i try that i get a graphics error so when trying safe graphics mode i just get a screen full of snow14:50
DaremonaiDo you guys suggest I format my HD into ext4 or ext3?14:50
supersashoshadeslayer: ati hd 483014:50
shadeslayerDaremonai: ext414:51
Pietdam0: install the cabextract package, then try again14:51
Daremonaishadeslayer, but I read that it's still in beta, isn't it?14:51
spaiduhzit could be that your cdrom drive has "issues" with the cd.14:51
shadeslayerDaremonai: if you dont have very sensitive data14:51
tryagainhentaiis there ne1 that can help me14:51
spaiduhztry doing what this guy did: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22070314:51
shadeslayerDaremonai: yeah...thats why its safe not to keep your data on ext414:51
dam0Piet: it wont let me14:51
spaiduhzthough tbh, its been forever since i messed around with irq settings, anywhere14:52
dam0Piet: i get this errror IEs4Linux 2 is developed to be used with recent Wine versions (0.9.x). It seems that you are using an old version. It's recommended that you update your wine to the latest version (Go to: winehq.com).14:52
dam0You need to install cabextract first!14:52
dam0Download it here: http://www.kyz.uklinux.net/cabextract.php14:52
FloodBot1dam0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:52
shadeslayersupersasho: are the drivers initialized??14:52
supersashoshadeslayer: how can i found it out?14:52
Pietdam0: you can ignore the warning about your wine version being outdated, this is incorrectly detected by this script14:53
Daremonai[16:51:41] <Daremonai> shadeslayer, I kinda do.. I can't play around with my 750 GBs14:53
Daremonai[16:52:03] <Daremonai> shadeslayer, I had to use 9 different hard disks just to back them up so i can format from ntfs to ext*14:53
dam0Piet: ok what would the problem be?14:53
shadeslayersupersasho: system > admin > hardware drivers14:53
shadeslayerDaremonai: better not then14:53
tryagainhentaispaid how do i add irqpool ive heard about that before but seen no option in f6 screen14:53
Daremonaishadeslayer, alrigh14:53
tryagainhentaispaiduhz how do i add irqpool ive heard about that before but seen no option in f6 screen14:54
cptbloodPiet: may i pm you?14:54
shadeslayerDaremonai: no problem but when you upgrade to koala youll have to format again to ext4 to get that extra performance14:54
spaiduhzlet me setup a VM.14:55
shadeslayersupersasho: did you open that app?14:55
Dr_WillisSo by using ext4 on your / and /home partitions.. do you really gain much of a preformace gain?14:56
supersashoshadeslayer: but the problem is i can't go into the graphic desktop.. i can just use the safe mode and then choose root terminal or it freezes before starting X14:56
Dr_WillisIve been testing out ext4 on some  test machines.. and cant really see much of a gain. BUt they are older box's14:56
houdin8888Piet: are you still there? I put the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/174931/. did you see it, yet?14:56
shadeslayersupersasho: ah...then its probably a bad upgrade...probably broke X14:56
dam0can i please get help to run ies4linux?14:57
Pietcptblood: let's keep chatting here. i don't think this patch is going to work against a recent linux version, no14:57
shadeslayerDr_Willis: really?? i have a huge gain on my laptop....17 sec boot time :)14:57
Daremonaishadeslayer, what might happen if I make the hd ext4 atm14:57
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  well.. when the server has 14+Month uptime.. I dont notice a 14 boot up time. :)14:57
shadeslayerDaremonai: nothing very dangerous....quite stable till now14:57
spaiduhztryagainhentai: hmm, i tried it out and i dont see the irqool option either in 9.0414:57
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  at least it did have thatuptime.. till i reinstalled.. :)14:57
cptbloodHunk #1 succeeded at 1277 (offset -61 lines).14:57
cptbloodHunk #2 succeeded at 1302 (offset -61 lines).14:57
shadeslayerDr_Willis: meh....server14:57
cptbloodHunk #3 FAILED at 1907.14:57
tryagainhentaii have 8.1014:58
cptbloodpatch: **** Can't rename file fs/udf/inode.c to fs/udf/inode.c.orig : Permission denied14:58
cptbloodis what i get :(14:58
FloodBot1cptblood: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:58
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  not sure what im using on my AAO. whatever the netbook remix ed. used.14:58
tryagainhentai8.04 i get the graphics error 8.10 i get the buffer error14:58
supersashoshadeslayer: so i should go dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?14:58
riois there a way to tell ubiquity which flavor of ubuntu to install? for example boot a kubuntu livecd and tell ubiquity to install xubuntu?14:58
cptbloodlink : http://paste.ubuntu.com/174938/14:58
shadeslayerDaremonai: have a quick fix for you , you can upgrade to ext4 from ext3 without formatting14:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about baclup14:58
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:58
shadeslayersupersasho: no idea on X....try it but i doubt itll work.... try a reinstall14:59
YeTr2_dam0: install wine and cabextract through the package manager. go to ies4linux website. download the installer script and run the commands on the web page. follow the instructions provided on the installer window.14:59
cptbloodPiet , after running http://paste.ubuntu.com/174939/14:59
Daremonaishadeslayer, that's perfect. Coz I have 6 hard disks with ext3 on them, formatting all of em wouldn't be nice... So i stick with ext3 now, and upgrade to ext4 when it's more stable?14:59
Pietcptblood: basically, my suggestion is, so not use blue ray, it is a worse format than much that has been there before, it even embeds a virtual machine and runs code without you knowing what and why inside it.14:59
Piethoudin8888: didn't see the URL yet, but will have a look now14:59
Pietdam0: i think the only problem is that you have not yet installed cabextract15:00
cptbloodi wanna run it, and dont care what code it may run, i wanna enjoy my bluray movies15:00
Pietcptblood: become root before running the patch. but still, i don't think it will work15:00
shadeslayerDaremonai: yep...see http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto15:00
cptbloodi did run it as root15:00
spaiduhztryagainhentai have you tried with -noapic?15:00
tryagainhentaiand nolapic15:01
spaiduhzno dice?15:01
Daremonaishadeslayer, thanks.. will do.15:01
mwasHow do I get desktop icons, I just lost it once I restart my machine15:01
shadeslayerDaremonai: it has instructions on how to upgrade to ext4 from ext3 without formatting15:02
Daremonaishadeslayer, thanks.. am reading.15:02
mwasHow do I get desktop icons, I just lost it once I restart my machine15:02
shadeslayermwas: try alt+F2 > gconf-editor > apps > nautilus > pref > show desktop15:02
cptbloodand other things than blurays can be burnt using udf 2.50 filesystem15:02
shadeslayerPici: !ext4 still not icluded?15:04
ikoniashadeslayer: I'm putting something together,15:04
syntax-this is what terms in chmod " drwxr-xr-x "? " drwx------  " is 700..15:04
LrdSivaniconi have dual head system but when i go into amdcccle it doesnt allow me to configure it.  The options are greyed out.15:04
shadeslayerikonia: ah..thatl be great15:04
dam0Piet: ok i got it working, now i am trying to update to 7 but i get this error: http://pastebin.com/m20c92ae315:04
mwas shadeslayer: Its already checked15:04
tryagainhentaiBuffer I/0 error on device sr0 can anyone help with this15:04
shadeslayermwas: checked?15:04
laxa8831can someone remind me what the command is to show all physical drives so that i can add an entry to my fstab?15:04
Picishadeslayer: included?15:04
shadeslayerPici: in ubottu15:05
mwasshadeslayer: ya it has a tick mark in the box15:05
Picishadeslayer: no15:05
tryagainhentaiBuffer I/0 error on device sr0 can anyone help with this15:05
ikoniaPici: I've got the info ready, I'll update now15:05
dam0Piet: just a minute im installing it now:P15:05
shadeslayermwas: oh.. sorry for that uncheck it and check it back15:05
shadeslayerPici: yeah.. ikonia has something15:05
KaiForceI've borked my xorg.conf file, and now I can't see any available resolution > 1024x768.  Anyone know how to fix this?15:05
mwasshadeslayer: after this shall I restart my session15:06
shadeslayer!resolution | KaiForce15:06
ubottuKaiForce: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:06
shadeslayermwas: no need15:06
KaiForceshadeslayer thank you15:06
tryagainhentaiBuffer I/0 error on device sr0 can anyone help with this15:06
jonhjonhzhola buenos dias15:06
shadeslayermwas: did it get the icons back?15:06
mwasshadeslayer: but I did not see any icons still15:06
Pici!es | jonhjonhz15:06
ubottujonhjonhz: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:06
tryagainhentaiBuffer I/0 error on device sr0 can anyone help with this15:07
Daremonaidoes anyone know if the SATA cable can be 'bad' leading to a slow HD operation? I'm currently copying at 1MB/sec from that HD for some reason... When i tried to plug an alternate HD in, it would tell me that It's too slow, and would result in it not being mounted on startup.15:07
spaiduhztryagainhentai: i believe you can add the -irqpool manually15:07
mwasshadeslayer: no icons15:07
tryagainhentaihow to add manually15:07
shadeslayermwas: yeah..im searching15:07
spaiduhzhit f6, and the options will come up. ignore for now, and hit escape.15:07
mwasshadeslayer: ok15:08
spaiduhzadd -irqpool to the end of the line15:08
jonhjonhzhow can i add samba ports to gufw firewall?15:08
shadeslayermwas: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-artwork15:08
sipiorDaremonai: sure, bad cables can be a culprit. easy to test, if you've a spare handy.15:08
erUSULDaremonai: yep a cable can be bad... something shuld be loggin to /var/log/messages about it15:08
Daremonaisipior, alright, i'll go check if I have some left.15:08
spaiduhzVM doesnt seem to like having the tag on though.15:08
noname123hello, I have compiled a new kernel, and now i need the file initrd.img. How can I create it15:09
spaiduhzso i think adding the tag -irqpool is doing something.15:09
syntax-drwx------ is 700; what about drwxr-xr-x? anyway..15:09
mwasshadeslayer: Intalled already15:09
spaiduhzhope it helps. :)15:09
shadeslayermwas: and sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:09
tryagainhentaiill give it a go spaiduhz and will report bak and let u know how i get on thanks for your help15:09
spaiduhzgood luck15:09
jonhjonhzhow can i add samba ports how can i add samba ports to gufw firewall?15:09
erUSULnoname123: if you already installed the modules -->  sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-$kernel_version $kernel-version15:10
erUSUL!kernel | noname123 m15:10
ubottunoname123 m: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:10
shadeslayermwas: are these the default icons?? or some other icons?15:10
mwasshadeslayer: desktop icons15:11
noname123ok, thank you15:11
mwasshadeslayer: I installed ubuntu-desktop ??15:11
erUSUL!ufw | jonhjonhz15:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw15:11
Piethoudin8888: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/6335215:11
shadeslayermwas: i mean default theme icons or some custom icons?15:11
Piethoudin8888: your sound card is not supported by jaunty, but it is likely to be supported in one of the next releases.15:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gufw15:11
laxa8831how can i display the uuid's of all drives?15:11
=== ursula__ is now known as Ursinha
LjL!blkid | laxa883115:12
shadeslayer!firewall | jonhjonhz15:12
ubottulaxa8831: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:12
ubottujonhjonhz: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist15:12
mwasshadeslayer: No the user created icons which appear on desktop folders/files15:12
Dr_Willisufw guide/docs15:12
=== Ursinha is now known as Guest66427
=== Guest66427 is now known as ursula_
houdin8888Piet: thanks for checking into that for me. I had the feeling my card wasn't yet supported. So, again, would you or someone else suggest a good sound card that is supported?15:12
shadeslayermwas: ok,if you dont have a custom setup i can help you restore gnome to defaults15:13
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
Dr_Willishoudin8888:  most older creatives - NOT based on the x-fi :)15:13
jonhjonhzon all channels saying the same thing! gufw! is! blabla anybody help here... en todos los canales dicen lo mismo !gufw !es !blabla nadie ayuda aqui15:13
shadeslayerhoudin8888: the intel IHC7 / 815:13
noname123@erSUL: what for modules I need for mkinitramfsẞ15:13
laxa8831ubottu: cheers for that15:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cheers for that15:13
spaiduhzat the risk of sounding like a dick... dont most motherboards already come with good integrated sound?15:13
spaiduhzeven intel mobos have integrated sound. some with integrated graphics even.15:14
Piethoudin8888: how about using your onboard chip?15:14
Dr_Willisspaiduhz:  well 'good' is the operative term. :)15:14
Decessusdoes anyone know if there is a way I can install virtualbox on jaunty without having to downgrade to python2.6, symlinking didn't work, and downgrading would mean days of driver reinstalls15:15
houdin8888shadeslayer: what kind of sound card is that?15:15
shadeslayerhoudin8888: its a integrated sound chip on my mobo15:15
Dr_Willisspaiduhz:  often they are standard chipsets with linux-unfriendly tweaks/changes/ and issues :(15:15
shadeslayer!hardware | houdin888815:15
ubottuhoudin8888: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:15
houdin8888Piet: my onboard chip isn't supported, either.. its a mild nightmare.15:15
Piethoudin8888: from your paste: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)15:15
spaiduhzah. my lappy has some integrated sound that i dont even care to know about15:16
spaiduhzthankfully, it just works.15:16
spaiduhzcraptastic quality, but my speakers are pretty craptastic anyway15:16
shadeslayerspaiduhz: like everything else in ubuntu :P15:16
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spaiduhztrue, dat. alot of things just work in ubuntu.15:17
Piethoudin8888: your onboard chip should be supported since linux 2.6.25 using snd-hda-intel15:17
DecessusI've been trying for a couple days now, I downloaded the python2.6 debs, but they say that it conflicts with 3.015:18
houdin8888piet: i agree. it should be supported, yet, all my attempts & R&D led me to the conclusion it wasn't supported.15:18
spaiduhzsee, i dont even know theres a python 3.015:18
biesbjergOff topic: anyone who can tell me when the exam periods are in USA and the UK?15:18
ikoniabiesbjerg: please keep to the topic15:19
shadeslayer!ot | biesbjerg15:19
ubottubiesbjerg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:19
magnetronbiesbjerg→ join #ubuntu-offtopic plz15:19
Decessusor has no one run into this problem.15:19
biesbjergokay thanks15:19
spaiduhzim sure that getting wammu to work with my nokia e71 wont be a gigantic task if i knew  half as much as the next guy15:19
spaiduhzoddly enough using the usb cable the network manager can autodetect and run as a 3g modem, but wammu just refuses to detect it. :(15:20
krishnahi i installed all packagses from aptoncd.iso.... but wine got its applications menu entry as "other" .. how to make it "wine" ? thnx in advance15:21
rsajdokhi, how to turn off notify like someone quit or join to #ubuntu in irssi?15:22
shadeslayerrsajdok: google around15:22
Dr_Willisrsajdok:  irssi faq/docs  show exactly how.15:23
grawityrsajdok: hint, it's /ignore15:23
Dr_Willisrsajdok:  irssi docs - a Must read. :)15:23
Aliasacan i use emacs in ubuntu?15:23
jetsaredimis there a major difference between setting up a DSL connection via networkmanager rather than through pppoeconf??15:23
LjLAliasa: of course.15:23
Dr_WillisAliasa:  you can install and use emacs.. of course15:23
Dr_Willis!find emacs15:23
Decessuscan someone atleast point me in the proper direction?15:23
ubottuFound: emacs, emacs-goodies-el, emacs22, emacs22-bin-common, emacs22-common (and 47 others)15:23
Aliasai am installing emcs2215:24
krishna__hi i installed all packagses from aptoncd.iso.... but wine got its applications menu entry as "other" .. how to make it "wine" ? thnx in advance15:24
sipiorDecessus: i've just verified that i have both 2.6 and 3 installed simultaneously. this is on 9.04, btw.15:24
RobotCowhow can i add universe multiverse repositories to my jaunty install?15:24
shadeslayerkrishna__: try #winehq if no one answers15:24
krishna__RobotCow: system --> admin --> software resources15:25
Decessussipior, well I had 3.0 before I tried installing 2.6, and for some reason, virtual box will not take a greater version than 2.615:25
krishna__shadeslayer: thanks to you15:25
shadeslayerkrishna__: also try rt click > edit menu15:25
RobotCowkrishna__, and how can i know what to put in there?15:25
Decessusnor can I find anything but 2.6 minimal on my package manager15:25
rsajdoki use: "/ignore joins never" it does not work, why?15:25
shadeslayerrsajdok: did you even read the  irssi docs?15:26
* grawity sighs.15:26
=== Odo is now known as Guest32730
dam0can i install http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ on my ubuntu pc under wine?15:26
sipiorDecessus: then you have a broken repository set: verify that the list is correct, try an apt-get update, and see if it sorts out.15:26
krishna__RobotCow: in the software resources, check everything on that window15:26
rsajdok>shadeslayer: yes15:26
Guest28940Which vncconnect (VNC client) will allow me to specify a proxy?15:26
grawityrsajdok: Type /help ignore15:27
Decessussipior, where in ubuntu is the list?15:27
rsajdok>grawity: thanks15:27
sipiorDecessus: /etc/apt/sources.list, or jsut check in synaptic (or the "Software Sources" menu item)15:28
Decessusok, ty :)15:28
StevkoHello. Does anyone know what "[  218.487249] ehci_hcd 0000:00:10.4: force halt; handhake e0814014 00004000 00000000 -> -110" might mean in dmesg and especially how to get rid of it? It happens some time after I start PC and after that no USB drive is found and my TV card does not work. Happens in Jaunty.15:28
krishna__how do i make portable softwares ??15:29
shadeslayerkrishna__: portable?? like aptoncd?15:29
shadeslayeror .debs?15:29
krishna__shadeslayer: in windows, there is THINSTALL which will make a .exe will run directly without installations15:30
BLTnoTomatois there an app to check broken links on a web site?15:30
shadeslayerkrishna__: no idea on that15:30
=== j is now known as Guest44360
krishna__BLTnoTomato: what kinda links ? rapidshare ?15:30
j0vekrishna__: you compile a static version of the package which contains all necessary support libs15:30
StevkoBLTnoTomato: wget might be enough. But I am sure there is an app for that.15:31
krishna__j0ve: is there any software to do that ?? like THINSTALL for windows ??15:31
=== Geek`N`Proud` is now known as Geek`N`Proud
j0vekrishna__: yeah...gcc15:31
krishna__j0ve: PLZ dont joke15:32
Dr_WillisTheres no 'hacky tools' to do it, never was much of a need for it.15:32
j0vekrishna__: not a joke...that is how it is done...jeez15:32
Daremonaihow can i make an application run on startup with a small delay, for example, wait for 5 seconds after boot then run the application. (This is because wine's panel is not being placed with the ubuntu panel, it is actually creating it's own one)15:32
sipiorDaremonai: "man sleep"15:32
Dr_WillisDaremonai:  make a script that launches the app.. and befor theapp runs fromthe script use a command like 'sleep 10'15:32
StevkoDaremonai: Make script that first "runs" sleep 5 and then your app.15:33
Daremonaisipior, I tried that, it didn't work.15:33
krishna__j0ve: know alternates for THINSTALL ?15:33
Daremonaiwell, sipior, Dr_Willis, Stevko, I did: sleep 5; wine /path/to/program15:33
shadeslayerwhats the meta package for glib?15:33
Pietcptblood: why did you want the kernel patch anyway? are you on Hardy Heron or lower?15:34
valleydaddy78ubuntu is giving me a lot of grief15:34
shadeslayervalleydaddy78: such as>15:34
Pietcptblood: according to this page on the ubuntu wiki you should not need the patch if you're on a newer release15:35
valleydaddy78i got hardy heron and it wont install15:35
shadeslayervalleydaddy78: hardy is eol i think15:35
valleydaddy78dell mini 9 ispiron15:35
tryagainhentaii tried my ubuntu 8.04 disc when i hit install the load bar comes up when thats done screen flickers then goes black for about 2 minutes then ubuntu goes into command line i get no GUI like i should so i figured graphics card maybe not compatable its quite a recent laptop so i tried start x screen went black again for 2 minutes then gave error INTEL - no matching device section for instance15:35
shadeslayervalleydaddy78: how about jaunty jackalope15:35
Dr_Willisvalleydaddy78:   for a netbook, you may want to use the Netbook-remix.15:36
tryagainhentaii also tried f4 safe graphics mode but got a screen full of snow15:36
tryagainhentaiany ideas anyone15:36
_Brun0_I have an Radeon Mobility M6 LY and I've found tutorials on the internet on how to install it but all of them tell to change xaorg.conf and canging it is not recommended in Ubuntu 9.04. Is there an easier way to install/enable ati open source driver?15:36
Lamanhello, i have a problem: my ubuntu 9.04 freezes in 50seconds after startup (even caps lock control is dead), i can only reset computer. i think there can be some troubles with my graphic card (asus ati x1600). please help :)15:36
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  the ati open sourced drivers should be  installed allready.15:36
valleydaddy78i tried that before i went and bought this book and cd15:36
Decessusthe actual error is that python2.6 conflicts with installed package python-central ;\15:37
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, is this it? Kernel modules: radeonfb15:37
Dr_Willisvalleydaddy78:  hardy heron is rather.. old.. I hope you dident pay a lot for the book.15:37
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  that looks like a framebuffer module to me.15:37
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, thats my concern.15:38
valleydaddy78this is 3rd additin they even talk about mac os x in this book15:38
Dr_WillisX has its own drivers.. then theres kernel modules taht are used by the X drivers.15:38
Dr_Willisvalleydaddy78:  OS-X has been out for quite some time.. :)15:38
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.15:38
laxa8831i'm having trouble sharing folders un 9.0415:38
Piettryagainhentai: why don't you use a current ubuntu release?15:38
Dr_WillisGuess Hardy is only a year old. ::)15:38
laxa8831ive ammended smb.conf but still get error 255 when trying to share15:39
Guest44360Anyone connected to a VNC server through a proxy?15:39
laxa8831its an external usb i mounted in /media/1tb15:39
Dr_Willislaxa8831:  you instaled the samba service?15:39
laxa8831willis: yeah15:39
laxa8831enabled it15:39
valleydaddy78damn it takes a long time for those i sos to down load plus im a noob to ubuntu i love redhat though15:39
Dr_Willisvalleydaddy78:  many linux mags have the latest ubuntu  on disk with them.15:40
chazcoHi... anyone know how to convert a .sh to a .deb?15:40
valleydaddy78and slax is cool to15:40
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, do you knwo how can I isntall ati driver?15:40
shadeslayervalleydaddy78: you can get one for free too15:40
doonerDr_Willis, valleydaddy78  Hardy is LTS as well,  But Still for a netbook like the mini-9  I would either user Jaunty UNR or the Dell Branded ubuntu available from their site (which is based on jaunty with some stuff removed due to licenese issues)15:40
Dr_Willislaxa8831:  give the user a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' ?15:40
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  i avoide ati cards like they had teh SwineFLue..15:40
Dr_Willisdooner:  Yea.. the UNR  worked great for my AAO netbook.15:41
valleydaddy78may im just not for it but i cant get it to install on my netbook15:41
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, very helpful! I'll go and buy an nvidia card. OHHH i forgot. i'm using a old laptop. Thanks. Great support. Don't waste my time if answering things like that don't even try.15:41
Slartchazco: it's not really something you can do... they are different things15:41
valleydaddy78i tried to get remix to work for a week15:42
doonerDr_Willis, Typing this on a AAO running jaunty unr as well15:42
shadeslayerhow do i install glib ?? whats the package name?15:42
chazcoSlart - Ah... fair enough, was wondering if there was something like checkinstall but for scripts. Thanks anyway :)15:42
spaiduhzinstalling radeon drivers is not that difficult.15:42
Slartchazco: you could of course include the sh file in a package and then make it run the sh file when installed.. but I don't think that is what you want to do15:42
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  ive made it a point to NEVER buy any more ati stuff..  I cant really give much advice if I dont have them any more can i....15:42
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  you may want to rember the ati issues when next shopping.15:43
chazcoSlart - Considered that but the script takes input and so on (its a touchscreen driver)15:43
laxa8831willis: not yet15:43
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  you can install the fglrx package fromt he repos easially enough.. getting them to work.. is the bigger issue at this time due to ati's messing with the drivers.15:43
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, Shopping? You think I shoopped an old laptop? Its for my job. Your talking purely off-topic nonsense stuff.15:43
BLTnoTomatokrishna__, I'm trying to check links for the web site I manage.15:43
Slartchazco: ah.. well.. I don't know of a way, sorry15:44
chazcoSlart - Fair enough, thanks anyway :)15:44
BLTnoTomatois there a link validator for ubuntu?15:44
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:   You are asking me personally for help.. and im giveing your my advice.. do what you want.    I avoide even helping/suggesting stuff to people with ati cards.. YOU asked ME  personally a question.15:44
BLTnoTomatopreferable one that can check a site recursively...15:44
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, i see you don't know what youre talking about. ATI has always messed their drivers.. Thats why i'm putting OS driver.15:44
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, i never aked you for help.. I asked this channel for help.15:45
Dr_Willis_Brun0_: the GPL driver is allready installed by default.  the 'Driver 'ati'' line in xorg.conf should be using it.15:45
laxa8831willis: same problem, says that i can only share folders i own15:45
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, then you came to me and said? buy another card. LOOOOL15:45
cnu_i'm not getting sound in rhythmbox .. what may be the problem ?15:45
j0ve_Brun0_: no...you directed it to Dr_Disk15:45
Dr_Willisj0ve:  :)15:45
tprattAnyone know of a laptop that works perfectly with jaunty?  Specs: 13.3" 1280x800 display, depth no greater than 9.0", weight no greater than 4.5 lbs.  The XPS M1330n is a little big for a 13.3" display.15:45
Slart_Brun0_: lastlog says you directed the question directly to Dr_Willis ... you might want to look at the !attitude factoid15:45
Bob3Hello What is the terminal command to check what the BusID is?15:45
Dr_Willisat least i think the line in xorg.conf is " driver 'ati' "15:46
_Brun0_j0ve, no read the chat.. He came and answered my question b4.\15:46
pnuwtpratt ThinkPad X60, X6115:46
j0ve_Brun0_: <_Brun0_> Dr_Willis, do you knwo how can I isntall ati driver?15:46
shadeslayertpratt: my M1530 works perfectly15:46
StevkoBLTnoTomato: wget --spider?15:46
laxa8831tpratt: thats what im using now15:46
_Brun0_Slart, read carfully the chat. My first question was to channel.15:46
=== chibi is now known as Guest94991
tprattlaxa8831: M1330n?15:46
Bob3What is the terminal command to check what the BusID is?15:46
_Brun0_j0ve, i asked my question before.. Read carefully please.15:46
laxa8831: yup15:46
laxa8831tpratt: yup15:46
Dr_Willisthe fact remains the 'ati' Open sourced driver - is installed by default. I think. (anyone care to confirm this?)15:46
Dr_Willis!find ati15:47
ubottuFound: binutils-static, evolution-documentation-cs, evolution-documentation-de, evolution-documentation-el, evolution-documentation-en (and 275 others)15:47
_Brun0_I told you my driver isnt ati by defualt. Its a framebuffer.15:47
Bob3What is the terminal command to check what the BusID is?15:47
valleydaddy78ok im downloading remix 2hr i have to wait15:47
Jack_Sparrowj0ve lspci | grep -i vga should show you the right pci port for setting up the video card in your xorg15:47
j0veDr_Willis: I have been trying to get my ati working with 3D for a week. I agree with your assessment and have resigned myself to leaving it as is15:47
shadeslayerhow do i install GLIB ?15:47
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  you can load the 'kernel framebuffer' module to get a 'framebuffer' for the Console. thats not really anything todo with the X driver.15:47
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, As I told you before: lspci -v shows this as my driver for vga: Kernel modules: radeonfb. See my point?15:48
=== Qtpaxa2 is now known as Qtpaxa
BLTnoTomatoStevko, wget spider?15:49
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Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  in thinking thats showing the 'framebuffer' driver. Not the X driver.15:49
shadeslayervalleydaddy78: please stop15:49
grawityvalleydaddy78: You need to type /join before the channel name.15:49
valleydaddy78stop what15:50
valleydaddy78i need to get to those rooms15:50
shadeslayervalleydaddy78: ok then /j #room15:50
Dr_Willisvalleydaddy78:  then use /join #channelname15:50
Bob3What is the terminal command to check what the BusID is?15:50
syberhuntercan anyone tell me how to increase the size of the swapfile in Ubuntu 9.04..after it's all up and running?15:51
=== dasdaa is now known as dasda
Dr_Willissyberhunter:  you normally use a swap partition. You can make more swap 'files' if you want if you need more swap.15:51
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Dr_Willissyberhunter: you can use swap files and swap partitions  combined.. or several swap partitions also.15:52
Dr_Willissyberhunter:  or all of the above15:52
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, http://pastebin.com/md61fffd from line 105 to 121 shows its the only driver it reports. So I guess its the device driver there.15:52
=== Guest94991 is now known as chibihogoshino
shortlordwhich filesystem would you recommend for a separate /boot? ext2 3 or 4? Is there any good reason for journaling for /boot?15:53
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  yes. to enable the 'console framebuffer for that card' you would 'modprobe   radeonfb' that will allow you higher resolutions and extra features on the consoles.15:53
syberhunterDr_Willis is there a program or app to do that?15:54
Dr_Willissyberhunter:  never noticed.  just following the various swap howtos makign a new swap file takes  just a few min.15:54
sipiorBob3: if you mean devices on the pci bus, try "lspci -vmm"15:54
* shadeslayer realizes he didnt apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade 15:54
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, i wanted to use the open source ATI driver for better performance in X.15:54
Dr_Willissyberhunter:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/15:55
sjzzalxHello. I need a good, low-resource-consuming feedreader that will pop up bubbles or something when a feed updates. Any recommendations?15:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about feed15:55
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  radeonfb is not  for X.  its for the console.15:55
tprattlaxa8831: Did the M1330n come with the slot-loading optical drive?15:56
* Dr_Willis is recalling the months he toyed with the Framebuffer console features a year ago.15:56
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BlinkizHi there. Am about to by my first SAS controller card and a SAS disk. I got one problem. What cable should be used between these two?15:56
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, lol i knwo that. But what is my lap using for x then?15:56
shadeslayertpratt: m1330n ?? or just the m1330 ?15:56
shortlordwhich filesystem is recommended for a separate /boot partition?15:57
doonershortlord, ext2 is what I normally see15:57
Dr_WillisNo idea. Its auto congigured for the most part I would guess its using the 'ati' driver..unless xorg.conf is saying other wise15:57
tprattshadeslayer: I was thinking the M1330n.  The M1330 seems to come with a Dell 1395 WLAN, which I assume is not as well supported as the Intel that comes with the M1330n version.15:57
bartmonHi! With the recent kernel upgrade to 2.6.28-12-generic my wired ethernet NIC is no longer recognised during boot. Any similar experiences?15:57
pegonMorning all15:58
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, do you knwo how can I check what is being used for video driver?15:58
sipiorBlinkiz: wikipedia has a pretty thorough write-up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_Attached_SCSI15:58
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:   othe then looking in xorg.conf  - ive never notic3ed a command that says it..  lsmod Might show what modules are in use.15:58
bartmon_Brun0_: /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:59
shadeslayertpratt: whats m13330n ?? and how is it diff. to the normal m1330 ?15:59
Blinkizsipior, Already read that. My question still remains15:59
* Dr_Willis gives bartmon an A+15:59
_Brun0_bartmon, ty i'll look there15:59
bartmonDr_Willis: Yay, thank you! :)15:59
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, ty for attention.15:59
shortlorddooner: thx15:59
pegonThe question I have is I did apt-get remove and I have a HUGE list of packages...but the terminal does like four of them and then says they are not installed but like stops...how can I get it to run through the whole list?15:59
schreggehi, i have some troubles with scanimage and jaunty. When i try to scan, i get a segfault. gdb scanimage points me to  /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2.....15:59
tprattshadeslayer: The M1330n comes with Hardy preloaded.  As far as I can tell, the only hardware difference is the default WLAN.16:00
bartmon_Brun0_: It's a long and confusing log file. If you can't make the driver out, paste the log into a pastebin service so we can take a peek16:00
sipiorBlinkiz: well, if you know the connectors at each end, you already have the answer, right?16:00
schreggei already compiled the new scanimage version from cvs, but stull the same problem16:00
shadeslayertpratt: so no diff. in hardware?16:00
ForgeAushow to exit matchbox window manager back to login (in my case kdm?16:00
Dr_Willisbartmon:  now for exctra credit.  come up with a 'grep' line to find it :)16:00
doonershortlord, now I not sure how much of a difference it makes, but ext2 is lowest common denominator, so if $BAD_STUFF happens, most tools be able to readit.16:00
pegonForgeAus, try ctrl alt backspace16:01
Blinkizsipior, Thats the problem. It does not say on seagate homepage and not on Dells page about the controller card16:01
tprattshadeslayer: Well, the CPUs they offer are different, but not significantly as far as I can tell and the WLAN, as I said.16:01
shortlorddooner: the german ubuntu channel recommended the same, so I will use ext2 for /boot, ext4 for / and /home16:01
shadeslayertpratt: whats diff. with wlan?16:01
pegonAnyone got any ideas on my question by some chance? lol16:02
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:   grep LoadModule Xorg.0.log16:02
vzambranopopol vuh16:02
buzzDriveHi does anybody a chown/chmod -R with gui ?16:02
sipiorBlinkiz: time to get on the phone, then (or buy from another site that provides more technical information)16:02
lscott3is there an amd64 for gimpshop?16:02
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  shows  my driver its usinghere.. and other modules. :)  at elast its easier to read then the whole log.16:02
FrayjinHey there! :) I have a question. Atm I'm using a nVidia Corporation G80 (GeForce 8800 GTS) and for some reason I am unable to get the rendering check to respond positive. Only way it works is when I run the rendering check as superuser. Problem now is that I can not use 3D grafics in wine and other linux apps. Anyone here that can help me out? Thanks, much appreciated!16:02
radiounixIs anyone available to help with an ALSA issue? Bit lengthy, so maybe PM?16:02
bartmonDr_Willis: grep /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ /var/log/Xorg.0.log  :P16:02
DrHalani am looking for drivers for my samsung pixon16:03
shadeslayer!sound | radiounix16:03
ubotturadiounix: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:03
olavimmanuelhow to make dpkg drop one of the utilities it has, but install the rest (conflict). Or how to make it overwrite existing..?16:03
Dr_WillisFrayjin:  what 'rendering' check ?  I got an Nvidia 8800gtsXXX here.16:03
tprattshadeslayer: "Dell 1395" (default, you can upgrade to Intel) on M1330.  Intel wireless is standard on M1330n.  4GB standard on M1330n.  Why am I trans-typing Dell's website?16:03
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:03
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
katatafishHey all - when I try to execute "apt-get update" I get the following error on several repositories: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80]. Any help on how to fix this? Thank you.16:03
pegonThe question I have is I did apt-get remove and I have a HUGE list of packages...but the terminal does like four of them and then says they are not installed but like stops...how can I get it to run through the whole list?16:03
hkaisanyone here who uses successfully ubuntu 32 bit with 4 GB RAM and the nvidia prop. driver?16:04
shadeslayertpratt: ah.. thnx for the info btw ;)16:04
Jack_Sparrowkatatafish Pastebin your /etc/sources.list16:04
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:04
katatafishwill do... one sec16:04
pegonDr_Willis, Would you happen to have any idea on the qustionI asked earlier by some chance is about apt-get remove16:05
olavimmanuelhow to make dpkg drop one of the utilities it is going to install from a given package, but install the rest (conflict). Or how to make it overwrite existing..?16:05
jondglsif I wanted to exlude my swap file from a backup which file system directory should I exclude/16:05
forgewhoever said ctrl + alt + backspace THANX!!!16:05
jonim8orA program I wrote in C++ sometimes gives an assertion error from xcb_io.c:176 . It has something to do with threads. How would I go about debugging it?16:05
pegonforge, yvw glad I could help :)16:05
Dr_Willispegon:  i dident notice..  sorry.  I cant recall ever using apt-get remove. :)16:06
FrayjinDr_Willis: I used this commandline ... glxinfo | grep rendering16:06
radiounixI'm having issues with sound on an Ubuntu Server setup. Running aplay tosses a long error message now that I added myself to audio, and prior, would just report that it couldn't open device 0. Running Mplayer tosses an error: "playback open error: no such file or directory." I'm afraid I may have to recompile the kernel O.o16:06
forgehmm gotta learn how to make that thing less toxic or at least give it config16:06
katatafishJack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/d3d4b31af16:06
masqueradeshort question16:06
radiounixIf anyone is interested in helping, I can post logs. Also, forget to mention, but I've no asound.conf16:06
masqueradehow can i move files to an ssh server using the cli?16:06
pegonDr_Willis, well the problem I have is I have a HUGE list of stuff I need to remove..and I don't want to have to set and look up every single package...anyway I can have Ubuntu either through apt-get or synaptic check this huge list if its installed uninstall it?16:07
ranfmasquerade, scp16:07
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, bartmon : Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/m21c4dcae16:07
masqueraderanf: im sorry?16:07
=== wirechief is now known as wirechief-bughun
pegonforge, ummm been a while since I did that but you ever try like openbox?16:07
* wirechief-bughun is goes to lunch: Gone away for now16:07
cptbloodPiet: aha, i see... gotta try that out then...sry for delayed reply16:07
NimOhow can i start fire effects16:07
forgewhy openbox?16:07
jussi01!away > wirechief-bughun16:07
ubottuwirechief-bughun, please see my private message16:07
peter__hello, I brand new to ubuntu, i just installed it yesterday. During the install at the partion prompt i selected to install side by side. as a result my partion is just big enough for my system files. Is there any way to make the partion bigger?16:07
ienorandNimO: do you have ccsm installed?16:08
jondglsJack_Sparrow: Just wanted to thank you for your help the other day resolving my issue with my source.list. I removed the suggested lines for debian and Intrepid and I'm no longer having dependacy conflicts.16:08
pegonforge, thats the one I have used before and I know it has exit and right click and that..simplest one I found that actually works as a wm and you can quit it etc16:08
radiounixYes, yes. You can use Gparted to shrink and enlarge partitions, but back up first just in case.16:08
forgeI use KDE I was just toying with matchbox because I wanted to try out um I already forgot the name of it, Ubuntu mobile's windowmanager (which as far as I can tell is managed by matchbox)16:08
radiounixsudo apt-get install gparted16:08
Jack_Sparrowjondgls You are certainly welcome16:08
masqueradepeter__: you can use gparted (sudo apt-get install gparted)16:08
Dr_Willis_Brun0_: (II) LoadModule: "radeon"16:08
peter__thanks radiounix, and do i download that with synaptix16:09
radiounixIf you wish, yes. Just search "gparted" with it16:09
masqueradepeter__: synaptic, yes16:09
jondglsif I wanted to exclude my swap file from a backup which file system directory should I exclude?16:09
Jack_Sparrowkatatafish that source list looks fine.. HOw long has this been going on?16:09
forge(I realize its made for embedded environments (ie not for desktops but doesn't mean I can't try it!16:09
radiounixYour swap file is mounted at /swap16:09
andrewsI am trying to burn an ISO on a blank DVD.  I insert the DVD and Ubuntu mounts it as a blank DVD but the CD/DVD burner software says there is no Blank DVD to burn the ISO to. CD-Rs work just fine16:10
ienorandjondgls: It is normally on a separate partition16:10
katatafishJack_Sparrow just for the past couple of months16:10
Jack_Sparrowjondgls swap should be on a partion of its' own and not be a problem16:10
Isopropane_I'm, having a problem with an external monitor on my laptop. I have connected the monitor and it displays correctly, however the maximum resolution in the screen resolution dialog is that of the laptop's screen - 1280x800. The external monitor is 1680x1050 but at the moment is only displaying the maximum of 1280x800. How can I set things so I can output the correct resolution?16:10
radiounix(still needs an ALSA kernel god with patience :p)16:10
Pietcptblood: thats fine. good luck16:10
Jack_Sparrowkatatafish I am going to be tied up most of the morning finishing up[a aproject.  See me later if you dont get this resolved..16:10
Dr_Willis_Brun0_:  that module even tells what chipset it supports in the LOG.. how verbose of  it -> rightbelow the line -->  (II) RADEON: Driver for ATI Radeon chipsets:16:11
=== bobbafet1 is now known as sportman
radiounixI'm not too knowledgable, Iso, but you should open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see that A: you have two ascreens, and b. you have the right resolutions set for each. Supposedly this is a dog to get right w/ Linux drivers16:11
_spm_Dragetusing nvidia-glx-new with an nvidia card. My xorg works nicely, but after it started once, I cannot change to a different console anymore. It is like my frambuffer is not working anymore. Does anyone have a clue where I should start looking?16:11
scripyyHI room !!16:11
FrayjinDr_Willis: I used "glxinfo | grep rendering" and direct rendering returns false and when I use "SUDO glxinfo | grep rendering" it returns positive. How do I get the rendering to work at all time? Cheers :)16:11
bartmon_Brun0_: Apparently you're using the opensource driver for ATi graphics cards. Also known as xserver-xorg-video-radeon16:11
jondglsJack_Sparrow: I installed Jaunty manually and did not include swap partition. I later created the swap file in terminal and my backup deamon is backin up all 4gb of it. :(16:11
* Dr_Willis wonders how the 'Radeon' and 'ati' drivers differ... the radeon driver may be for the VERy old chipsets16:11
peter__i tried Gparted however it says that the max size is 6136. I wont let me size larger than that16:11
peter__sorry 6136 MiB16:11
RobotCowanybody else having a problem with google earth in jaunty?16:11
pegonI compiled a kernel and some how I mysteriously left out my Sata Module in the make menuconfig...is there a way to add it to the already compiled kernel without having to recompile it?16:12
psycovicdoes anyone know a good way to force a computer to run at a certain temperature?16:12
Dr_WillisFrayjin:  all i did for my nvidia 8800 card was run the hardware-driver tool.. installed the 180 version of the drivers.. and rebooted.. I dident have to do much more then that.16:12
forgeactually radeons being reused for newer ones16:12
fragmonkeewell if you put it on the sun....16:12
katatafishJack_Sparrow - no problem16:12
scripyywhats the difffernce between Ubuntu Desktop and Server Edition.. i think only GUI (GNome,KDE) otherwise after Desktop edition we can install all server packages... ?16:12
lancel00thi, is there someone here who is kind enough to share any information with me on getting bluez >4.32 to work on Jaunty?16:12
radiounixYah, peter. I imagine you need to shrink another partition before you can enlarge your Linux root partition. Should work ok then- if not, ask16:12
forgebut Radeon is a subset of ATI chipsets afaik16:12
Dr_Willisforge:  so 'ati' is going to go away eh?16:12
_Brun0_Dr_Willis, bartmon thanks noth for attention. ;p16:12
radiounix@scrippy- server edition uses a server kernel tuned to Web server loads16:12
forgeATI got bought out by AMD afaik16:12
forgeso its AMD radeon now I guess...16:13
RobotCowscripyy, i think the kernel is a little different for server version16:13
bartmonDr_Willis: Other way round. ati driver is a collection for all ati cards. A subset of these are the modern radeon families, which the radon driver supports. There were other cards before the radeons, like ati rage and those are supported by "ati".16:13
Isopropane_I'm, having a problem with an external monitor on my laptop. I have connected the monitor and it displays correctly, however the maximum resolution in the screen resolution dialog is that of the laptop's screen - 1280x800. The external monitor is 1680x1050 but at the moment is only displaying the maximum of 1280x800. How can I set things so I can output the correct resolution?16:13
_Brun0_forge, yes ATI was bought. Lets hope for a better driver support.16:13
FrayjinDr_Willis: I did the same, but my 3D apps aren't running under wine due to this error. Should I consider a reinstall of Ubuntu?16:13
forgeI was faithful to them thru the 3DFX -> ATI change, but I think I'be just about given up16:13
RobotCowanybody else having a problem with google earth in jaunty?16:13
andrewsIs there an extra packet to install for DVD burning?16:13
radiounix@andrew dvd-RW-tools (or something like that)16:14
RobotCowandrews, k3b is good for dvd burning16:14
Dr_Willisbartmon: so err...  is  ATI the name of the OSS/GPL driver now? AND radeon for some? or are they all getting merged into Radeon?16:14
zhaozhou__Brun0_: the driver support nowadays from ATI isn't that bad, is it?16:14
zhaozhou__Brun0_: it's way better then nVidia anyhow...16:14
Schiz0How can I do a command-line upgrade to jaunty?16:14
scripyyRadioUnix: Robotcow: after server edition we can easily isntall Gnome on it for GUI.. ?16:14
Dr_Willisforge:  i gave up on them back with my 9700 (5+ yrs ago?) :)16:14
peter__ok thanks, i have multi book with xp and ubuntu, gparted is showing 3 partions, /dec/sda1 at 224.40GiB, /dec/sda3 at 2.49GiB, and /dev/sda2 at 5.99GiB. So I would shrink /dev/sda1 and then enlarge /dev/sda2?16:14
radiounix@schiz0 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:14
_Brun0_zhaozhou_, catalyst (for newer cards) is somewhat unstable.16:14
andrewsRobotCow: I'll give it a try, is there a reason why Brasero would not work16:14
zhaozhou__Brun0_: ah. shame.16:15
forgeI didn't say I"ve given up already, I said JUST ABOUT given up lol16:15
RobotCowscripyy, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will give you gnome16:15
Dr_Willisforge:  other then one laptop i gave away recently.. I dont have any boxs with ati any more16:15
_Brun0_zhaozhou_, but its not forever16:15
Isopropane_Anyone at all?16:15
lancel00thi, is there someone here who is kind enough to share any information with me on getting bluez >4.32 to work on Jaunty?16:15
ienorandSchiz0: "update-manager -d" I think16:15
radiounix@andrew. No, def. not, but K3b is the golden standard among Linux birning suites and on par with ever-iconic Nero 616:15
forgeahh HILDON thats the name of the desktop I was looking for16:15
RobotCowandrews, i dont know. i never use it because i prefer k3b.16:15
forgeits based on matchbox as near as I can tell16:15
Isopropane_I'm, having a problem with an external monitor on my laptop. I have connected the monitor and it displays correctly, however the maximum resolution in the screen resolution dialog is that of the laptop's screen - 1280x800. The external monitor is 1680x1050 but at the moment is only displaying the maximum of 1280x800. How can I set things so I can output the correct resolution?16:15
j0veandrews: I have been using brasero without problems.16:15
RobotCowandrews, and you didnt say what error message you got from brasero16:16
forgecan you try out hildon on a desktop case? and how difficult is it ?16:16
raf_hi ppl16:16
b3n_I need some advice on a server, since I'm going to be using Ubuntu I think this would be the place to start, I'm looking at buying the HP Proliant G5 tower, has anyone tried these and what issues should I be aware of ?16:16
raf_great ubuntu 9.0.416:16
raf_better than vista16:17
pegonraf_, so true lol16:17
peter__ok thanks, i have multi book with xp and ubuntu, gparted is showing 3 partions, /dec/sda1 at 224.40GiB, /dec/sda3 at 2.49GiB, and /dev/sda2 at 5.99GiB. So I would shrink /dev/sda1 and then enlarge /dev/sda2?16:17
bartmonDr_Willis: as far as i know radeon is part of the ati package. It says so on http://www.x.org/wiki/radeon16:17
Dr_Willisbartmon:  so.. im still confused about what cards are in what.. :) but  its not a big deal to me. hehe16:17
scripyyradio: you said it loads webserver in server edition so in desktop we cannot load auto webserver ?16:17
[BoK]Ravenkinanyone know how to run clamav on a full drive instead of directory by directory?16:17
Isopropane_I'm, having a problem with an external monitor on my laptop. I have connected the monitor and it displays correctly, however the maximum resolution in the screen resolution dialog is that of the laptop's screen - 1280x800. The external monitor is 1680x1050 but at the moment is only displaying the maximum of 1280x800. How can I set things so I can output the correct resolution?16:17
pegonbartmon, are you having issues with a radeon card? asking because I am on radeon16:17
raf_i have some trouble with webcam but i will resolv16:17
nibblerb3n_: i dont think you have to expect anything special.....16:17
raf_nice ubuntu16:18
raf_bye ppl complimenti per ubuntu16:18
radiounix@peter Is SDA1 your data partition and or Windows/OSX partition? If yes, then shrink that. I can't tell you what to enlarge, though, other than that it should be the / root drive and not /home or /swap16:18
bartmonpegon: No, we're just talking about driver naming. :)16:18
andrewsRobotCow: It just doesn't find the blank DVD that is in the drive.  It mounts the volume but the burner software doesn't recognize the blank disc.  It works fine with CD-R but not DVD-R.  It has worked for both in the past16:18
Jack_Sparrowraf_ thanks16:18
Isopropane_Does anyone know at all!?16:18
pegonbartmon, ahhh okay :)16:18
scripyyRadioUnix: you said some thing about ubuntu server that it loads web server auto and desktop edition dont ?16:18
pegonbartmon, do you have any idea how to remove a HUGE list of packages all at once? apt-get stops after 4 of the packages aren't found16:18
_spm_Dragetusing nvidia-glx-new with an nvidia card. My xorg works nicely, but after it started once, I cannot change to a different console anymore. It is like my frambuffer is not working anymore. Does anyone have a clue where I should start looking?16:19
bartmonpegon: Well, the only thing i don't like is that my tvout isn't recognized but the hompeage of the driver says it isn't supported on my specific card so there you have it :)16:19
sipiorIsopropane_: have you verified that the laptop's card is capable of driving a monitor at that resolution?16:19
pegonbartmon, lol true true16:19
Jack_Sparrowpeter__ Please defrag in windows twice before shrinking your ntfs drive16:19
radiounix@Scrippy. No, no, I've just heard that the server kernel is compiled with tweaks that make it better for handling large volumes of Web traffic. The Ubuntu server edition doesn't come with any server daemons installed by default16:19
fragmonkeeim sure someone else has had this problem with an install: when i install on a new laptop it gets to the language selection screen, i select install and the bar goes soo horrably slow..i left it on all last night and it still is on that screen..16:19
melteri installed 'ttf-bitstream-vera' and 'imagemagick'. in 8.04, ImageMagick recognized the fonts, but not in 9.04. is there something special i need to do?16:19
peter__radio: i believe that sda2 is my root. It is fat32 and labeled SERVICE001. Does this sound correct?16:19
fragmonkeeive tried from a flash drive and cd...same problem16:20
Isopropane_sipior: It has worked at that resolution before, so yes :)16:20
Jack_Sparrowpeter__ NO root can not be fat3216:20
andrewabcI presume this is proper channel for casual tech support? sound isn't working in 9.04. worked fine in 6.06-8.10. I've tried alsamixer and other stuff. It is very weird. Sound is possible, but rarely happens. I created a thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116227616:20
AbracadabraIf I wish to upgrade some of my drivers, how do I go about it ?16:20
radiounix@fragmonkee- sure your medoa is good? Try burning at 16x on quality media or at least writing out another copy.16:20
RobotCowandrews, if k3b doesn't work for you, it might be a problem with the dvd drive.16:20
desafinadocan i install "add/remove applications" in kubuntu?16:20
bartmonpegon: Well I guess you could call "sudo apt-get remove $packagename" for every package instead of "sudo apt-get remove pkg1 pkg2 ..."16:20
fragmonkeeive tried 2 different versions and checked the cd before install16:20
Jack_Sparrowandrewabc  there is also /join #alsa16:20
radiounix@abracadabra- sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade16:20
Abracadabraradiounix: any way of upgrading them manually ?16:21
andrewsRobotCow:  Looks like K3B is working16:21
TheBraynhowdy folks16:21
pegonbartmon, true just this is a BIG list lol....I am trying to remove everything kubuntu installed lol cause I am using Xfce16:21
Jack_Sparrowfragmonkee Do you have a large hard drive in that box16:21
fragmonkee250gb, not too large16:21
jumbersWhy is gtk-gnutella broken in Jaunty?16:21
radiounix@abacadabra, sudo apt-get install 'packagex'16:21
fragmonkeeive had problems with fedora 10 also...im guessing it may be this pos box16:22
Jack_Sparrowpegon see the link on puregnome and purekde on how we remove those, sorry I have not worked with xfce16:22
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »16:22
scripyythanks  RadioUnix and Robotcow..16:22
pegonJack_Sparrow, ahhh thanks16:22
Dr_WillisI still dont see how kdelibs4c2 and kdelib5 removes all kde packages...16:23
=== forge is now known as ForgeAus
Isopropane_Does anyone know how this can be remedied?16:23
Abracadabraradiounix: ok, ty (I thought that was for apps only, not for graphic card drivers, wifi drivers, etc....)16:23
bartmonpegon: First of all do "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" then try "sudo apt-get autoremove"16:23
pegonbartmon, thanks Jack showed me how to remove them...but thank you :)16:24
radiounix@ abracadabra- your drivers are built into your kernel. You will get a new kernel with new drivers when you update to Ubuntu 9.1. No, really :p16:24
Jack_Sparrowbartmon see the link I gave him on puregnome16:24
peter__radiounix: when i try to shrink SDA1 the resize option is grayed out. Then I select unmount volume and a triangle with a "!" appears next to its name and the only option is to delete. Resize is still grayed out?16:24
xteejxxsane isn't detecting my epson dx7400 all-in-one scanner, yet it says its supported in sane ref: http://www.sane-project.org/man/sane-epson2.5.html any ideas?16:24
Abracadabraradiounix: thanks :)16:25
radiounixOr, if you must be bleeding edge, I suppose you can compile in newer drivers. No clue how, but it can be done if say sound doesn't work because the alda module's too old for your card/chip16:25
swoodywhat's the easiest way to edit title/artist for song files? I can't do it by right-click>properties16:25
Abracadabraradiounix: that was one of the ways I was wondering how to do lol16:25
pegonJack_Sparrow, I compiled a custom kernel...but I forgot my sata modules in the menuconfig...is there anyway to add them to the kernel install without having to recompile them back into debs etc?16:25
PietIsopropane_: does your graphics adapter actually support higher resolutions?16:25
Zzeisshkais: At least on my MacBook 5.1, the Nvidia proprietary driver fails hard.16:25
radiounixWell, if everything works, don't get started, abracadabra16:26
PietIsopropane_: also check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for what X found to be supported by your hardware.16:26
Jack_Sparrowpegon NOt really, we dont support other peoples custom kernels, you can try /join #kernel16:26
Isopropane_Piet: Yes, it's done this resolution before16:26
crasshas anyone had the repeating key issue?16:26
Jack_SparrowIsopropane_ Try it without effects turned on16:26
brandonc503whats the command to see users  /ls -s or something16:26
pegonJack_Sparrow, oh no I didn't mean custom like that...I meant from Kernel Source...I installed one just went through a removed stuff etc but I will try that16:27
PietIsopropane_: if it turns out it should work, you can add a ModeLine to your xorg.conf and restart X16:27
=== krs is now known as krs_
=== krs_ is now known as krs__
ienorandpeter__: I'm guessing this might be an ntfs drive? In that case, if you check it''s info, I'm guessing it says that you need to run chkdisk, from windows...16:27
PietIsopropane_: it can also be caused by a limitation of the driver you are currently using16:27
=== krs__ is now known as rklopper
pdtpatrickbrandonc503 .. what do you mean by see users? you can type id <username> or search the /etc/passwd to see users in there16:27
peter__ienorand: thanks, yes it is ntfs. So if i run chkdisk and then re-enter ubuntu i should be able to resize?16:28
Pietbrandonc503: do you mean ls -l maybe?16:28
brandonc503there is terminal commnand like /is -s or /ls -s somehting16:28
brandonc503ya thanks piet16:28
Isopropane_Piet: I haven't changed the driver.. what modeline should I add? The manual is rather high-level and makes little sense16:28
pdtpatrickbrandonc503: ls -l gives you a long listing so you can see permissions and the owner and owning group of a particular file or folder16:28
gnuisancev4I'm trying to have one instance of wmii per screen on a dual monitor setup. i disabled GDM and put the following in my ~/.xinitrc DISPLAY=:0.0 wmii &, DISPLAY=:0.1 exec wmii (each on their own line).  Now when I startx, I get 2 instances of X, each running an instance of wmii.  My mouse can travel across both screens, I can't drag windows from one to another (as expected, so that's ok) but my primary screen will not accept keyboard16:29
pdtpatrickbrandonc503 - to see users, say for example you wanted to see your user account and such, you would type id brandonc50316:29
hkaisanyone here who uses successfully ubuntu 32 bit with 4 GB RAM and the nvidia prop. driver? (Standard Notebook, no apple)16:29
ienorandpeter__: normally that is the problem, if you check info for the partition it should say... I think16:29
pdtpatrickbrandonc503: or you can search like this - sudo fgrep brandonc503 /etc/passwd16:29
hkaisZzeiss: okay Apples golden cage is always problematic ;-)16:29
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:29
LjL!ar | mohammed16:29
ubottumohammed: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe16:30
* LjL forgot.16:30
crassI just upgraded to jaunty from intrepid and now my keyboard repeats keys16:30
mohammedمساء الخير يا عرب16:30
peter__ienorand: i checked the info and it didnt say anything about chkdisk but i will try it anyway thanks16:30
crasshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/xorg-server/+bug/264196 seems to be it, and the slow keys work around kinda works16:30
hkaisIsopropane: did you solved your prblem?16:30
crassanyone know anything more on this issue?16:31
creator-cdscif i have more than one ways of connecting to the internet, how do i use a particular way? currently, eth0 (wired), eth1 (wireless) and ppp0 (some other modem) are enabled. but now i want to use ppp0 to connect to the internet, how do i do that?16:32
fubazrecently installed ubuntu 9.04 on ntfs via wubi, works great but want to redo as dual boot, wondering if anyone knows if that usually goes smoothly, have to resize partition drive c is winxp boot, plan on using ubuntu live to do resize or is better way?16:32
yaccAny idea what could cause my laptop to overheat (it worked perfectly fine with Intrepid, but after the upgrade to Jaunty, I've alread had 3 "emergency shutdowns" :( )16:32
PietIsopropane_: the manual is probably still the best source for this information. you can also try to generate a ModeLine here: http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl16:32
Jack_Sparrow!wubi > fubaz16:32
ubottufubaz, please see my private message16:32
Piet!ModeLine > Isopropane_16:32
ubottuIsopropane_, please see my private message16:32
melteri installed 'ttf-bitstream-vera' and 'imagemagick'. ImageMagick recognized the fonts in ubuntu 8.04, but not in 9.04. is there something special i need to do?16:32
andrewabc@yacc maybe fan is not speeding up as it gets hotter?16:32
henry-nicolas1Hi, I'm looking for a cartography application : I should be able to place points on the map and then process the overall length (I could use google map but some parts are off the roads), any ideas about such application ?16:33
openessI get a lot of lag in XChat and my connection often times out, how do I solve this, any tips for settings?16:33
tryagainhentaihey guys u know dell ship some of there systems with ubuntu well will dells distro of ubuntu 9.04 have all my drivers ie will my hardware on my dell vostro 1510 work out the box using this distro16:33
Isopropane_Piet: Cheers :D I've used the generator.. where abouts do I put the output?16:33
fubazyacc also check vent not blocked16:34
creator-cdsci have eth0(wired broadband), eth1(wireless) and ppp0. how do i connect to the net using ppp0?16:34
ldiamondI am loading a RAID driver in /etc/rc.local, but I am not able to mount the drives automatically at boot. When I mount them in rc.local, they just dont get mounted and I have to remount them. Anyone know why?16:34
pdtpatrickopenss .. use irssi instead?16:34
tryagainhentaihey guys u know dell ship some of there systems with ubuntu well will dells distro of ubuntu 9.04 have all my drivers ie will my hardware on my dell vostro 1510 work out the box using this distro16:34
scripyycan i use firestarter on vmware ?16:34
andrewabc@tryagainhentai  I'm pretty sure dell ships with 8.04. Unless they recently changed it.16:34
scripyyand make a private netwrok ?16:34
openesspdtpatrick: is it in repository?16:34
tryagainhentaino theres 9.04 now16:34
pdtpatrickopenss: yup .. sudo apt-get install irssi16:34
yaccfubaz, the hardware is fine, I just upgraded the distribution. (and yes I checked the CPU fan already).16:35
openesspdtpatrick: I'll try that, thanx16:35
tryagainhentaiits a dell ubuntu recovery disc which will install as shipped so am i right to assume my hardware should work out the box16:35
pdtpatrickopenss: you're welcome16:35
yaccandrewabc, that's a good question, missing a comparision, it's hard to decide :(16:35
Picijakub: Please stop just saying hey.16:35
jakubi have a proble with my Bluetooth ! ;/16:36
andrewabcI just went to dell.ca/ubuntu and dell.com/ubuntu and I don't see 9.04 anywheres.16:36
jakubi have 9.04 ubuntu16:36
jakubtesting ?16:36
jakubwhat testing ?16:36
ldiamondandrewabc, doesnt really matter, you can upgrade to get the new one.16:36
Jack_Sparrowmanuel_ Please see thos topic of the channel, this is ubuntu support.. thanks16:37
andrewabcyes I know you can upgrade, but the persons question was whether dell comes with 9.04 with drivers etc.16:37
edgeI want to delete a very specific set of files, I used ls >> delete.txt to generate a list of files i want to remove, how to i give that file to rm -v to delete?16:37
Isopropane_ Where abouts in xorg.conf should this go?16:38
Isopropane_Horizontal Resolution:   168016:38
Isopropane_  Vertical Resolution:     105016:38
Isopropane_  Vertical Refresh Rate:   60.00 Hz16:38
Isopropane_  Horizontal Refresh Rate: 65.35 KHz16:38
FloodBot3Isopropane_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:38
Isopropane_  Dot Clock Frequence:     149.00 MHz16:38
Jack_Sparrowjakub Lose the caps thanks16:38
Jack_Sparrow!paste < Isopropane_16:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:39
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:39
Jack_Sparrow!paste > Isopropane_16:39
ubottuIsopropane_, please see my private message16:39
PietIsopropane_: into your /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:39
PietIsopropane_: please do not paste here. use a pastebin instead16:39
Piet!pastebin > Isopropane_16:39
jakubi usea a SHIFT16:39
Isopropane_Piet: I know, but which section?16:39
crassedge: xargs -I{} rm -v "{}" < delete.txt16:40
yaccfubaz, naturally it's possible that Gnome is so much more resource intense, but OTOH, in Intrepid I've been running vuze, which provided the box with a nice background load avg of 1 at all times without problems.16:41
edgecrass: what is xargs?16:41
PietIsopropane_: the Device section.16:41
serpicoCan i install xubuntu?16:41
gnuisancev4serpico: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:42
serpicoI insert the disk into drive but when the pc start don't start the autorun16:42
crassedge: man xargs16:42
Isopropane_Piet: Cheers :D16:42
PietIsopropane_: actually it should go to the 'Monitor' section, sorry16:42
edgethankx crass that worked Perfect.16:42
yonaroxnickserv identify y0n4r0x16:42
Jack_Sparrowserpico HOw did you burn the cd, does the cd contain one *.iso or many files16:42
serpicomany files16:42
Jack_Sparrowyonarox GO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD NOW16:43
th0rserpico: is the computer set up to boot first from the cd drive or the hard drive?16:43
yonaroxjajajaja, yes Jack_Sparrow16:43
sdlsHas anyone noticed hard drive failure lately for external hard drives?  I seem to randomly get I/O errors.  I've even gone so far as to put in a replacement hard drive with the same err.16:43
serpicoth0r is the the dvd-rom the firsh boot16:43
Isopropane_Piet: Thanks :)16:43
th0rserpico: have you tried to boot the cd on another computer to see if it works at all?16:44
serpicoth0r no16:44
Tribeehey all16:44
sipiorsdls: might be a connection problem, or a damaged enclosure.16:44
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha-packing
Tribeeim looking for some help16:44
openesspdtpatrick: does irssi do several channels at the same time?16:44
grawityopeness: Of course it does.16:44
rob0917How do you look at the channel topic?16:44
serpicobut i tryed kubuntu and start a autorun16:44
Picirob0917: /topic16:44
jakubi am lokinng for some help with my bluetooth adapter in 9.04 Ubuntu !!16:44
th0rserpico: those are the only two things that come to mind. Either the computer isn't booting off the cd or the cd is bad16:45
serpicobut when i insert xubuntu don't start16:45
Tribeeim looking for some help with multiple monitors on an ati card16:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:45
GnuBoihey how to play mp3 in amarok16:45
th0rserpico: then the xubuntu disk is most likely bad16:45
openessgrawity: well, i thought so, but I can't seem to find how to.. perhaps I'm not paying attention reding the man16:45
serpicoth0r but i verify the cd at the end16:45
jakubwhere u from gnuBoi ?16:45
serpicoth0r i think this16:45
grawityopeness: /join #somechannel16:45
grawityopeness: Then use Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3...16:45
Jack_Sparrowjakub MAy I have a word in PM please16:46
sdlssipior: thanks16:46
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:46
jakublol u wanna ply MP3 on Amarok ?16:46
Pietsdls: please pastebin the error messages16:46
GnuBoijakub: yes16:46
openessgrawity: ah.. alt is my friend, t'nx ;)16:46
Tribeeim looking for some help with multiple monitors on an ati card16:46
grawityopeness: Also Alt-Q for #11, Alt-W for #12...16:46
Dvlprhmhm, somehow, my system is running autoconf2.516:46
serpicoin this moment the automount say: impossible mount the dick (xubuntu)16:47
Dvlprwhile that thing I wonna autoconf requires 2.616:47
sdlsPiet: kernel: Buffer I/O error on device sdd1, logical block 916:47
th0rserpico: sounds more and more like the cd is no good16:47
Dvlprthe question: why no 2.6 version in lists of updates?16:47
Dvlprapt-get install says that I run the latest version of autoconf ><16:47
serpicoth0r yes the disk is no good16:48
hkaisanyone here who uses successfully ubuntu 32 bit with 4 GB RAM and the nvidia prop. driver?16:48
serpicothank's for all16:48
=== Dvlpr is now known as O|OO
Jack_Sparrow!coc > jakub16:49
ubottujakub, please see my private message16:49
crd1bDvlpr: on jaunty, the 'autoconf' package is 2.6316:49
sipiorDvlpr: which version of ubuntu are you running? the default autoconf on 9.04 is 2.63.16:49
Jack_Sparrow!guidelines > jakub16:49
hkaisanyone here who uses successfully ubuntu 32 bit with 4 GB RAM and the nvidia prop. driver? I am trying to use the server kernel (for the 4GB) but xorg will not start until I switch back to generic kernel.16:49
yaccCan somebody tell me why an unused and unplugged eth0 causes 16% of wakeups?16:49
O|OOsipior, I dont run 9.0416:49
sipiorO|OO: then there's your problem :-)16:49
O|OOI run
O|OOif im not mistaking16:49
O|OOso how can I update the autoconf? >.<16:50
crd1bhardy has 2.6116:50
Jack_Sparrow!enter > O|OO16:50
ubottuO|OO, please see my private message16:50
sipiorO|OO: update your installation, or build it from source.16:50
crd1bO|OO: is the autoconf package installed?16:51
brandonc503hey all16:51
O|OOapt-get install autoconf answers that the last version of autoconf is already installed16:51
Jack_Sparrow!lol > O|OO16:51
ubottuO|OO, please see my private message16:51
=== O|OO is now known as Dvlpr
brandonc503so im trying to upload files via web site... what should i set the containing folders chown and chmod to? and what should i set the file itselves chown and chmod to?16:52
Pietsdls: do as sipior said and see if the disk vendor offers low level tesing tools16:52
crd1bDvlpr: what is the installed version you see in 'apt-cache policy autoconf'16:52
nibblerbrandonc503: most likely it should be readable by the user that runs the webserver16:52
sdlsPiet: Thanks16:52
Jack_Sparrowbrandonc503 How  to install a bin.. chmod +x file.bin ; sudo ./file.bin16:53
brandonc503nibbler: can i have full privilages to my ubuntu user name and www-data im using for web site user?16:53
Jack_Sparrowbrandonc503 But please check our repos first16:53
crd1bDvlpr: I have no idea why it wouldn't pick that up; have you tried a make clean in whatever you're building?16:53
sipiorsdls: Piet: he mentioned that a replacement disk gave similar errors, so i imagine the problem lies within the enclosure itself, or with the connection to the computer. of course, two bad disks in a row isn't completely unheard of :-)16:53
Dvlprhowever, when I use ./autoconf -qweweq (some unknown option) it shows /usr/bin/autoreconf2.50: unrecognized option `-qq'16:53
nibblerbrandonc503: this is not recommended. if your upload via web, the file will belong to webuser anyway16:53
Dvlprcrd1b, it doesnt even have makefile yet16:53
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:54
Pietsipior: that's why, if they were of the same stock, both can be broken16:54
Isopropane_Piet: That did nothing.. that made Ubuntu boot into low graphics mode where I had to re-configure the xorg.conf16:54
sipiorDvlpr: are you using an autoconf distributed with the source code itself?16:54
Jack_Sparrowbrandonc503 HAve you tried synaptic or apt-get16:54
Dvlprah no16:54
sipiorPiet: yep.16:54
DvlprI misunderstood you xD - I use autoconf of my system to generate configure script16:55
=== Rewt`_ is now known as Rewt`
brandonc503i need to have it uploaded via web site....16:55
brandonc503thats the goal im trying to accomplish16:55
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:55
brandonc503but if i upload via web, should i set to use the chown of the folder its going into?16:55
lenswipecan someone give me a hand with a logon script that aint working right16:56
Dvlprand building autoconf from source gives a roflerror >.<16:56
PietIsopropane_: that'S a pity... :-/16:56
crd1bDvlpr: I don't even see a /usr/bin/autoreconf2.50 available in hardy's archives, so where did you get it?16:56
DvlprNo idea16:57
PietIsopropane_: best read up more on this specific driver / kernel module you're using and the options it provides then16:57
sipiorDvlpr: why the "./" in front of autoconf in your example? are you sure you're not running a script provided by the authors of the source code? what does "which autoconf" return?16:57
Pietlenswipe: put it on a pastebin16:57
Dvlprmade a mistake16:57
lenswipePiet: a pastebin of the logon script? ok16:58
Dvlprroot@vladimir-desktop:/home/vladimir/autoconf# which autoconf16:58
sipiorDvlpr: ah. try running the one in /usr/bin16:58
Pietlenswipe: right16:58
lenswipe@echo off16:58
lenswipeecho preparing to delete old drive mappings16:58
lenswipenet use * /delete /yes16:58
lenswipeecho old drive mappings deleted...16:58
lenswipeecho Mapping Drives for %USERNAME% on %COMPUTERNAME%...16:58
FloodBot3lenswipe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:58
lenswipenet use Z: \\samba\homes16:58
sipiorDvlpr: is /usr/local/bin in front of /usr/bin in your $PATH?16:59
Jack_Sparrow!paste > lenswipe16:59
ubottulenswipe, please see my private message16:59
Isopropane_Piet: Okay16:59
brandonc503lenswipe: paste.ubuntu.com16:59
lenswipei know16:59
lenswipei meant to paste a pastebin link in16:59
ubuntuI have an issue with fsck, my 64 bit machine seems to be freezing a lot with 9.04 64 bit, and now the hard drive is unclean, so I have a live CD in and am trying to run fsck (since recovery mode fsck failed) but every time I run "sudo fsck /dev/sda" I get an error saying its busy or mounted, and it's neither as far as I can tell16:59
lenswipebut it didnt work16:59
lenswipeit pasted in whole file in16:59
lenswipesorry for that guys16:59
FloodBot3lenswipe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:59
icioI'm pretty sure I've seen a plugin for gnome that allowed you to open the terminal from nautilus at the current location -- anybody know of it?16:59
Dr_Willislenswipe:  you are usng some of the features of samba that ive never tried. :P16:59
DaremonaiHow can I know all the programs that are running on startup?16:59
macolenswipe, not hitting enter every 3 words is also good16:59
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe Please dont continue to flood16:59
icioDaremonai, System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications17:00
ubuntuDaremonai: Look in the sessions program in system->preferences17:00
sipiorubuntu: you'll want to specify the partition, not just the drive: "fsck /dev/sda1", and so on.17:00
Isopropane_Piet: Thanks anyway :)17:00
lenswipeJack_Sparrow: sorry, the reason i pasted that whole thing in is because i meant to paste a pastebin link in, but it didnt work and it paseted the whole file in cos that was still on the clipboard rather than the pastebin link, sorry again...17:00
Pietlenswipe: that's not pastebin17:01
ubuntusipior: I tried that, but the default set up is to put swap on /dev/sda1 and the root file system on a logical partition in /dev/sda5 which won't check17:01
lenswipePiet: huh?17:01
Jack_Sparrowlenswipe Understood, but then you spammed us with another half a dozen lines trying to explain17:01
vordme34hi, tryin to install ati proprietary linux gfx drivers to a fresh ubuntu 9.04 gives this: Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version17:01
vordme34default:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.28-11-generic; make sure that the version is being17:01
vordme34correctly set by --iscurrentdistro17:01
vordme34any clues? possibly the drivers are not for ubuntu at all??17:01
PietIsopropane_: you're welcome17:01
FloodBot3vordme34: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:01
Daremonaiicio, ubuntu, these show ALL of them? even duplicates? - because am getting an error from exim on startup, seems like it's being ran twice or some other mailserver is being run as well as exim417:01
lenswipePiet: what do you mean it isnt pastebin?17:01
Isopropane_Piet: What section did it paste into again? I lost the backlog when I restarted X. I put a value in wrong17:01
lenswipePiet: http://pastebin.com/m281302c917:01
sipiorubuntu: you should be able to fsck /dev/sda5 just fine. the logical partition shouldn't be a problem.17:02
Dvlprautom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1 aclocal: autom4te failed with exit status: 1 autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 117:02
lenswipePiet: any ideas as to why the logon script isnt mapping the drives for the users and infact in my case doesnt even run17:02
icioDaremonai: ?17:02
Dvlprheres error of running autoreconf, sipior17:02
Pietlenswipe: "this is not pastebin" referred to your "channel spam" earlier. ;-) i have a laggy connection.17:03
lenswipePiet: ah, ok17:03
Daremonaiicio, none of the things i saw in "Application startup" shows anything bout exim417:03
nztali'm trying to get nic bonding working under ubuntu.  i seem to be able to navigate and ping my lan, but i dont have access to the internet. i can ping my router too.  anyone have any suggestions ?  my /etc/network/interfaces file and ifconfig output is here  http://pastebin.ca/1426485  i'd appreciate any help17:03
ubuntuHrm, maybe 5 is the swap partition, 1 is clean, so maybe it's fine, curious it didn't mount, will reboot and see if it's fixed17:03
sipiorDvlpr: does /usr/local/bin appear before /usr/bin in your $PATH?17:03
Dvlprroot@vladimir-desktop:/media/ACER/trunk# echo $PATH17:04
Dvlprif you meant this17:04
th0rDaremonai: exim is a server. It won't show up as an application17:04
Jack_Sparrownztal If you type an address and not a web page name does it work17:04
Daremonaith0r, then how do I know what servers are running on startup?17:04
th0rDaremonai: it is run at boot from /etc/init.d; you need to check out runlevel editors17:04
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sipiorDvlpr: i did, yes. change your path so that /usr/bin is first, otherwise you'll call the wrong autom4te and aclocal from /usr/local/bin, when you really want the ones from /usr/bin.17:04
Daremonaith0r, alright17:04
billybigriggerif i were to reinstall 9.04, would i loose my data on my two raid1 disks?17:05
ceejhey is DDR3 a lot better than DDR2?17:05
Jack_Sparrowbillybigrigger not if you havbe a sep /home17:05
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome17:05
th0rDaremonai: you should also be able to tell what gets started by looking in /etc/rc.0, /rc.1. /rc.2...etc. Depending on what run level yu are interested in17:05
Pietlenswipe: i was thinking you were referring to a linux login script. i can not debug windows logon scripts for you.17:05
nztalJack_Sparrow, you mean a numerical address, say, for google ?  or something on my lan ?17:05
Dvlprsipior, so how would $PATH look?17:05
Jack_Sparrownztal Yes a numerical address17:05
lenswipePiet: ah ok thanks nyway :)17:05
billybigriggerJack_Sparrow::: ??? oh, no no, i have a 500 GB root disk, with a separate /home partition, and then i have 2 x 500GB disks in raid1 as storage17:06
lenswipePiet: btw i dont think it is a problem with the logon script because it works fine when i run it manually...17:06
Daremonaith0r, mmm I need to learn abour run levels I guess, i donno what they mean... btw exim4 exists in both /etc/init.d/ and in /etc/cron.daily/17:06
Jack_Sparrowbillybigrigger you should be fine with a sep /home17:06
Dvlpror /usr/bin is the first of all this17:06
sipiorDvlpr: preferably /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin...17:06
Jack_Sparrowjust dont format it during the reinstall17:06
Dvlprok, thanks, will check now17:06
billybigriggerJack_Sparrow::: yeah, thanks17:06
nztalJack_Sparrow, that did not seem to work either17:07
Jack_Sparrownztal it helps to know it is not a dns error17:07
Jack_Sparrownztal HAve you tried bypassing your router?17:07
th0rDaremonai: yes, it is a good idea to have at least a basic understanding of run levels. And the exim in cron.daily might or might not be right. I suspect it is a daily cleanup job and not a daily rerun of exim17:07
lscott3Anyone use 3 monitors and 2 nvidia cards?17:07
Daremonaith0r, oh alright... I'm looking at runlevels on wiki, am assuming that's a good place to look, right?17:08
ivoneioi, alguem utiliza o skype17:08
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:08
ivoneiinstalei o bicho aqui17:08
ivoneimas ele dá senha errada17:08
Jack_Sparrow!br > ivonei17:08
ubottuivonei, please see my private message17:08
Jack_Sparrow!pt > ivonei17:08
ivoneiI dont17:08
th0rDaremonai: yes. You should know there are two ways run levels are being handled. Debian/Ubuntu uses them a little differently than Suse/Redhat/Mandrake17:09
nztalJack_Sparrow, i am afraid to do that, i have at&t dsl, and its not very friendly with ubuntu os for pppoe authentication.  last night it fussed at me, for trying to log in on my laptop, which is the same os as my desktop (jaunty) so i'm not sure if it'd work at all17:09
Dvlprsipior, root@vladimir-desktop:/media/ACER/trunk# PATH="/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin" - right17:09
Isopropane_Where in xorg.conf would this -  Modeline "1680x1050" 149.00  1680 1760 1944 2280  1050 1050 1052 1089 - go?17:09
Daremonaith0r, alright... though I am more of a debian-related OS kinda guy... but I'm considering gentoo sometime soon.17:09
hkaisanyone here who uses successfully ubuntu 32 bit with 4 GB RAM and the nvidia prop. driver? I am trying to use the server kernel (for the 4GB) but xorg will not start until I switch back to generic kernel.17:09
th0rDaremonai: this one applies to ubuntu....http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/21217:09
sipiorDvlpr: you'll want 'export PATH="....."'17:09
station6every time I connect to a network using ath9k all my connections in my list drop to 0% although they are still there.17:10
Daremonaith0r, thanks... opening it.17:10
piglitwhere can i ask questions abouth the ubuntu store ?17:10
sipiorDvlpr: if you're just testing in the terminal, you can leave it off (force of habit for me, i guess)17:10
Dvlprsipior, root@vladimir-desktop:/media/ACER/trunk# export PATH="/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin" - is it ok now? xD17:11
Jack_Sparrowkhensthoth If you are tring to run the server kernel so you can see all 4 gigs and are running a desktop setup, stick with the generic kernel as it does use all 4 , but you only get 3.3 or so for programs17:11
brandonhey i just installed wubi AND i cant access the other hds on my system i only have one other hd but its not the one that wubi is there a strand that i should enter in to root help please noob.17:11
Jack_Sparrow!support > pig17:11
Isopropane_Where in xorg.conf would this - Modeline "1680x1050" 149.00 1680 1760 1944 2280 1050 1050 1052 1089 - go?17:11
station6How can I use madwifi-ng instead of ath9k?17:11
sipiorDvlpr: looks okay17:11
Jack_Sparrow!support > piglit17:11
ubottupiglit, please see my private message17:11
Dvlprconfigure.ac:295: the top level17:11
Dvlprautom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1 aclocal: autom4te failed with exit status: 1 autoreconf2.50: aclocal failed with exit status: 117:11
KaiForceozzmosis - the issue I had with performance in rdesktop was related to the graphic issues with Intel cards and Jaunty.  When I added the option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy" to the device section of xorg.conf, the problem was resolved17:11
Jack_Sparrowbrandon Please see the wubi faq sheet, I personally wont use nor recommend wubi17:11
Dvlprwhy it calls autoreconf2.50 OMG?!17:11
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sipiorDvlpr: what is the *precise* command you are using to invoke autoconf?17:12
Dvlprautoreconf --install --force17:12
Isopropane_Where in xorg.conf would this - Modeline "1680x1050" 149.00 1680 1760 1944 2280 1050 1050 1052 1089 - go?17:12
sipiorDvlpr: and if you try /usr/bin/autoreconf --install --force?17:13
station6every time I connect to a network using ath9k all my connections in my list drop to 0% although they are still there. Any ideas?17:13
Jack_Sparrow!wubi > brandon17:13
ubottubrandon, please see my private message17:13
=== brandon is now known as chuck_lost
pc_Isopropane_: man xorg.conf says monitor section17:13
station6!wubi > station617:13
ubottustation6, please see my private message17:13
elmofriendjoin/ #flirtcafe17:13
piglit<Jack_Sparrow>: i just wanted to ask the difference between air mail and UPS express but it did not seem the right place here17:14
Dvlprprivate messaged you the log17:14
carthikHow do I renew an expired self-signed openssl cert for postfix?17:15
k1 ther gus17:15
Pietpiglit: not exactly, unless they were recently packaged for ubuntu17:15
Isopropane_pc_: Thanks :)17:15
k1how canni get a funfile invertation17:16
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlK
piglitPiet: is just want to order some ubuntu stuf out of the ubuntu store but i cant find the difference in sent method17:17
k1help me plz17:18
LjLk1: if i understood a word of what you said, maybe17:18
hateball!gr | k117:18
ubottuk1: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes17:18
LjLk1: don't spam17:18
Pietcarthik: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SSL-Certificates-HOWTO/x195.html#AEN21517:19
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Piet!patience | k117:19
ubottuk1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:19
k1how  cann i get belkinj n1 usb for linux17:19
Daremonaith0r, it is a very interesting article.. thanks :)17:19
Ampelbeink1: could you describe more clearly what you want to do?17:20
Guest80179hi does ubuntu/apt has something similar than presto present in fedora/yum?17:20
=== David is now known as Guest78371
akidd116afternoon everyone17:20
th0rDaremonai: there are a number of pdf files on the web you might want. One that came to mind immediately is the SAG (System Adminstrators Guide)17:20
Daremonaith0r, i'll check thato ut17:20
k1im lookin for usb wirrles driver17:20
Pietpiglit: sorry, can't help there17:21
Guest78371Rsync question: If I have a folder contains links to other folders/files and I rsync it to a removable drive, how can I make sure the actual files (not the links) are copied to the removable drive? Tell me if this doesn't make sense.17:21
station6kl: very specific17:21
Ampelbeink1: what usb-wifi-adapter? where is your problem? what kind of network?17:22
k1what cann ido for wifi for linux17:22
jpastoreHi, I'm having a weird problem. I upgraded to 9 and I keep getting this annoying tracker applet that won't go away no matter what I click on and evolution just hangs. Any ideas on why the index for the tracker application is corrupt and what I should do about since clicking every button does nothing?17:22
LrdSivaniconi have 2 video cards, 2 monitors and a TV.  I'd like the two monitors as my desktop and have a seperate x session on the tv that will have my XBMC set up, can anyone point me in the right direction on setting this up?17:23
k1i have a belkin usb n117:23
hateballk1: It might be easier going to #ubuntu-gr and get help in your native language17:23
station6kl: what is the number on the back17:23
k1are you greek17:23
station6kl: for example f5d something17:23
Guest80179i am meaning that in fedora with yum presto plugin when i upgrade a rpm it downloads only files different   from old version. is there something similar for ubuntu?17:24
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Draco_1hi there, I know that probably this isn't the right place to ask but I don't know any other: I'm having problems with Linpus on an old laptop, the x servers doesn't start and gives me a BSOD. In any case, anyone knows if there is an irc channel or forum or whatever for limpus? I found no links on their site17:24
Ampelbeink1: perhaps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=879987 might help.17:25
=== Guest80179 is now known as vito___
DusterHello all.17:25
k1why #ubuntu-gr17:25
PietGuest80179: i don't think there is something like delta packages for APT. and i wonder whether this would make sense.17:25
LjLk1: because, honestly, your English seems a little bad.17:26
th0rDraco_1: there is a limpus irc channel..../join #limpus....but I don't know what it offers17:26
mcphailGuest17311: as far as i know you can't do this with apt. There has been talk of adding binary diffs to apt/debs for ages17:26
vito___:Piet why not?17:26
PietGuest80179: could you change your nickname maybe? just type this, where "newnickname" should be your new nickname: /nick newnickname17:26
gonzo2788Buenos dias, amigos una pregunta acabo de instalar en ubuntu 8.10 el entorno grafico de kde pero tengo un problema tengo una app tweetdeck y en gnome me abre perfecto, pero al cambiar el entorno grafico se queda como negra17:26
gonzo2788que sera?17:26
Draco_1thanks thor17:26
andrewabcno sound in 9.04. always starts muted. If I am quick when computer starts I can unmute and turn up volume, and music will play. but if I pause music for more than 5 seconds sound stops working. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116227617:27
=== adelaura is now known as Ants
vito___where vito___17:27
coz_gonzo2788,    #ubuntu-es   ?17:27
Ampelbein!es | gonzo278817:27
ubottugonzo2788: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:27
soreauIs there a way to disable the fading effect when switching wallpapers in Jaunty / gnome? It slows down my pc for awhile and I want it instantaneous17:27
=== vito___ is now known as vito____
=== Ants is now known as KorgHead
vito____i changed it?17:27
Draco_1thor, there is no channel called like that here, maybe it's on another server?17:28
th0rDraco_1: don't know...I just typed it as I sent you and there I was <smile>17:28
coz_soreau,   http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6900489&postcount=16   maybe17:28
Pietvito____: it takes a lot of resources to build those deltas, and bandwidth is no longer so much a concern as it was in the past.17:28
Dusterpeople plz help, How to delete ati driver for video???!17:28
th0rDraco_1: it shows as freenode.net when I join17:29
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chuck_Duster, which driver17:29
th0rDraco_1: but I have yet to get an answer to my query17:29
Pietvito____: i'm on a connection with high latency, so that's why i didn't realize your nickname had changed already17:30
Dusterchuck_ i installed catalist and it dont give a login screen17:30
soreaucoz_: What other gtk+ animations? that's probably the only one I've seen, I think..17:30
Dusterchuck_ on a laptop17:30
ldiamondI load a driver for my raid card in /etc/rc.local but then I want to mount the drive but it will not work unless I add a long sleep. Is there a way to just wait for the previous to be executed before executing the next17:30
coz_soreau,  yeah i dont know what that means either  other than the panel in gnome animatiing down on boot17:30
johny_Sorry. What option "relatime" in Fstab is?17:31
vito____:Piet so isn't there any active project in this   sense?17:31
soreaucoz_: Well, let's see... I already have compiz so that's Plenty of animations for everything xD17:31
coz_soreau, considering  along with compiz   I doubt anything will be missed  by disabling that :)17:31
DusterEst` kto iz lyudey na kanale?17:31
coz_soreau,  :)17:31
=== nick is now known as Guest634
Pietvito____: none that i am aware of, which really doesn't mean much.17:32
vito____i see17:32
chuck_Duster, go here /usr/share/ati  do this sudo   sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh17:33
Pietvito____: why would you need it?17:33
soreaucoz_: Unfortunately, gtk-enable-animations does not exist in any package for Jaunty17:34
coz_soreau,  ? mm let me check here  for the gtkrc17:34
vito____I think it's useful expecially for greatest packages as openoffice. updates are a lot faster17:34
DvlprHow to upgrade from hardy to 9.04?17:35
soreaucoz_: Gah, I didn't read it. I thought that was supposed to be some program17:35
Jack_Sparrow!ru > Duster17:35
ubottuDuster, please see my private message17:35
yaris123456789is there a way to mv a file to another location, but then when a program asks for its original location, it will point to that another location ?17:35
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:35
vito____it is useful also to do a dist-upgrade17:35
ScottG489What is the package you need to apt-get to get java?17:35
raboofis there any documentation on the concept 'groups'? so far all I could find is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto17:35
coz_soreau, oh ok no   but let me do another search for this there may be another options hold on17:35
Jack_Sparrowyaris123456789 Look up symlinkin17:35
raboof(i know how they work, but i'm looking for a good explanation for newbies)17:35
morningwalkerdvlpr; its simple... just use the upgrade tool17:35
dylan_coz_, I fixed my res problem !!!17:35
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository17:36
coz_dylan_,  whoa dude  :)  cool   how?17:36
Pietvito____: well, if you compare to yum, updates with apt are already a lot faster17:36
dylan_found a nifty page that creates modelines, and only requires one piece of data instead of three (verticle refresh rate)17:36
=== j is now known as Guest23581
vito____not if i use presto plugin-17:37
dylan_coz_,  ususally when creating a modeline you need the horiz refresh, vert, pixel freq, and ect ect17:37
k1what drivers that i cann i use for belkinwifi17:37
soreaucoz_: It worked :D17:37
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:37
coz_soreau,  wooo cool  :)  I will hve to do this as well :)17:37
soreaucoz_: Thanks for the help man17:37
coz_soreau,  no problem as usual :)17:37
soreaucoz_: I just created that file since it did not exist and restarted nautilus17:38
coz_soreau,  yeah I noticed it is not on my system either17:38
coz_dylan_,  very cool    I am glad because that was driving me insane yesterday lol17:38
Kangarooowhat's the best programm to restore deleted files?17:39
dylan_coz_ yeah thanks for the help17:39
Kangarooowith gui17:39
Vixen-Does anyone have experience getting CS1.6 to work on 9.04?17:39
coz_dylan_,   well it wasnt me that did it but  certainly glad you got it working17:39
dylan_I think I will double back up the xorg.conf file17:39
Zapper1Hi all. I made the mistake of removing one of the background wallpapers from my appearance panel? Anyone know how to restore it?17:39
Jack_SparrowKangarooo Depends on how they were deleted and what format the partition had that they were removed from17:40
coz_dylan_,  yeah at least for reference in the future    rename it  so you know what it was for  :)17:40
KangaroooJack_Sparrow: firefox sessionrestore files so firefox deleted them..17:40
DvlprI dont see "Upgrade" button in my software manager =\17:40
yaris123456789when should you use hardlinks vs. symbolic links17:40
axisyswhere is upstart? man upstart finds nothing .. which upstart finds nothing.. is it removed from jaunty and replaced by some other tool?17:40
jeremy_Does anyone know how to view the last log file17:40
grawityjeremy_: 'last' ?17:41
Jack_Sparrowdylan_ cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)17:41
grawityjeremy_: Or the IRC one?17:41
KangaroooJack_Sparrow: ext4 latest ubuntu17:41
axisysjeremy_: lastlog ?17:41
Jack_SparrowKangarooo Sorry I have not uses 417:41
Vixen-Anyone with experience getting CS 1.6 to work with steam?17:41
Zapper1I guess not, huh?17:42
Jack_SparrowKangarooo Sorry I have not used 417:42
Kangarooowell any file restore programm will work no? Jack_Sparrow witch is the best and with gui?17:42
Jack_SparrowKangarooo No idea what will work best or at all on 417:42
ldiamondDoes anyone know how I can make a boot script wait for a command to finish (insmod) before executing the next command (mount) without using sleep.17:43
Nehyxwhat will be the new ubuntu lts?17:43
m0r0nAnyone willing to help me out on uninstalling Ubuntu, or helping me fix something so I don't have to17:43
dylan_thanks Jack_Sparrow17:43
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases17:43
Jack_Sparrowdylan_ np17:43
Tootoot222lulz, epic names list17:43
NehyxJack_Sparrow: so, 10.04?17:43
Tootoot222anyways, anyone know a good DVD copying program?17:43
Dvlprroot@vladimir-desktop:/media/ACER/trunk# sudo do-release-upgrade17:43
DvlprChecking for a new ubuntu release17:43
DvlprNo new release found17:43
Slartldiamond: put them in a script after each other17:44
Jack_Sparrowm0r0n Uninstalling is as simple as installing whatever you want over it or deleting the partition17:44
dylan_anyways, I am trying to follow these instruction I got from a help forum http://pastebin.ca/1426530, and I am not quite sure exaclty what I should do, can someone have a look at them and explain to me what needs to be done ?17:44
coz_Tootoot222,  a dvd ripper you mean?17:44
KangaroooVixen-: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3507   its working17:44
Tootoot222coz_: well, ripping and burning17:44
Slartldiamond: by default they will be run in order.. the next one starting when the previous one finishes17:44
Dvlprwhy no new releases found? >.<17:44
ldiamondSlart, that doesnt work. I put insmod, then mount in the same file (/etc/rc.local) but the mount doesnt wait for the driver to be loaded and fails17:44
DvlprIm running, while 9.0.4 is last version17:44
Vixen-Kangarooo: It says so on the appdb, but I'm having an issue with my monitor17:44
coz_Tootoot222,  hold on  try looking here   http://linuxappfinder.com/multimedia17:44
Slartldiamond: perhaps the module is inserted but then the driver needs a little while before it can handle requests17:45
vito____:Piet even without presto this isn't true if i want yum install in fedora this is the same as apt-get update; apt-get install in ubuntu. if i want disable update of list of repositories i can do that with yum -C install. yum is not less faster than apt if they do the same things. Then if you use presto plugin it is a lot faster. I like ubuntu a lot more than fedora only i  wish it had something similar to presto ..17:45
ldiamondSlart, my guess is insmod exits, but the driver still has to load itself fully17:45
Slartldiamond: what kind of driver is it?17:45
criminy|wI need to remove/purge all non-ubuntu-server packages17:45
ldiamondSlart, RAID card driver17:45
yaris123456789hello guys lets say i do "ln -s file1 file2" file2 is deleted. what happens when i try to open up file2 ?17:45
cemerickso, I had an old fedora 7 system set up with software raid 1 across two auxiliary disks, in addition to the boot disk.  I installed ubuntu 9.0.4, and the software raid seems to have *persisted* across the complete reformat and install into the boot disk.  How is this possible?17:46
Dr_Willislenswipe:  yaris123456789  soft links would be 'broken' if the thing they are pointing to - are removed17:46
Dr_Willisoops typo17:46
Slartldiamond: if you check the syslog when you insert a removable drive or similar it actually says that it is "waiting for the drive to settle down" before continuing.. I'm not sure if you can check the status of your raid card using the command line.. can you?17:46
talto1hey, i have unseted directorys that i've created long time ago in /mnt/ .. how can i remove those shares?17:46
Dr_Willis yaris123456789  soft links would be 'broken' if the thing they are pointing to - are removed17:46
Jack_Sparrowyaris123456789 It should bring up file 117:46
yaris123456789Dr_Willis: so i would need hardlinks then ?17:47
Dr_Willisyaris123456789:  hard links are a file with 2 different names17:47
Slartyaris123456789: you'll get an error17:47
Dr_Willisyaris123456789:  no idwa what you are trying todo. :) soft links are used 99% of the time17:47
Dr_Willisyaris123456789:  if you use hardlinks and name1 gets deleted.. name2 still exists17:47
newbeDoes anybody know how to open the faillog file or any command that I can use in terminal17:47
Jack_Sparrowyaris123456789 Ignore me on that, I must have missed something17:47
Slartyaris123456789: hard links wouldn't delete the data until there are no more links pointing to it.. or something like that17:47
talto1hey, Question::-> i have unseted directorys that i've created long time ago in /mnt/ .. how can i remove those shares?17:48
ldiamondSlart, I have no idea17:48
yaris123456789heres my scenario: i am running wget -r something.com, i am mving one downloaded file to another location. however, when wget -r comes across the same link , and looks for it. its not there. it will start redownloading. wheenever it sees this link it will continue, and we are caught in a loop.17:48
akidd116does anyone know the command to run in the terminal to call up the python interpreter?17:48
Slartldiamond: why not just put a 2 second sleep command between them, if that is what it takes to make it work.. or you are doing this often enough that waiting isn't an option?17:48
Slartakidd116: python17:48
DaremonaiWhy does vino server lag vlc's videos if the client's vnc client is minimized? (it lags it up till the point of unwatchability)17:48
Dr_Willisakidd116:  it hought it was 'python' :)17:48
Pietvito____: for updating the repository info and installing available updates, apt-get always seemed faster to me than yum. but then i haven't used yum in a while, so i may well be wrong there.17:49
Dr_Willisvideos over vnc? ICK! :)17:49
akidd116haha, wow thats easy enough then17:49
ldiamondSlart, I was looking for a more elegant way to do this, this is done at boot. Jaunty boots fast, if I add 2-3 seconds (1sec is too short) it kinda defeat the fast boot...17:49
DaremonaiDr_Willis, hehe nah.. am not watching it on vnc, I watch it on my server pc, but I use vnc as a way to control it - so basically, I use my laptop as a remote control :P17:50
newbeDoes anybody know how to open the faillog file or any command that I can use in terminal17:50
Dr_WillisI find  that a fast boot time..is vastly overshadowed by my HUGE MASSIVE LARGE uptimes. :)17:50
criminy|whow can I take an ubuntu system that is setup and remove all non-base or non-server packages?17:50
Dr_WillisDaremonai:  many of those media players can support a terminal, or web based or other remote type controll. :)17:50
Slartldiamond: well.... perhaps you could just start this script and then continue with the boot process.. if you do not need the raid drive immediately for booting something17:51
Dr_WillisDaremonai:  or ive used 'syngery' befor to controll them also17:51
samdhey im abou to compress a 5 gig files, what format will do it faster?? ".tar", ".tar.gz" or ".zip"???17:51
Dr_Willissamd:  tar is not compressed.17:51
Slartldiamond: that way it would just wait while the computer is doing the rest of the booting..17:51
criminy|w.tar =)17:51
coz_criminy|w,   sudo apt-get autoremove gnome-desktop?   I really dont know so dont do that without confirmation17:51
Slartsamd: tar doesn't compress stuff iirc17:51
Dr_Willissamd:  you want faster to compress? to uncmompress? or smallest size. :)17:51
DaremonaiDr_Willis, it's not the only reason I use vnc, it's one of the reasons.17:51
ldiamondI dont need the raid for booting, but if I add sleep in the /etc/rc.loacl file, will it block on the sleep?17:51
criminy|wcoz_: thanks. I don't have gnome-desktop so that won't work =\17:51
samdDr_Willis, Slart , ohh, didnt knew that :pp, thanks,17:51
Yankefishhey i need help17:51
ldiamondSlart, I dont need the raid for booting, but if I add sleep in the /etc/rc.loacl file, will it block on the sleep?17:51
Dr_Willissamd:  dont forget bz2 also! :)17:52
samdDr_wills, im interested in smallest size, and fast uncompress17:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about archive17:52
Yankefishi d/l teh nexest ubuntu, and burned after cold reboot just hangs when i select install17:52
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression17:52
coz_criminy|w,  do you have  desktop environment?17:52
Dr_Willissamd:   how about speed to compress? :)17:52
Slartldiamond: I'm not sure if the boot scripts are run in some weird way but just call your script with a & at the end and it will be forked off to background17:52
dylan_anyways, I am trying to follow these instruction I got from a help forum http://pastebin.ca/1426530, and I am not quite sure exaclty what I should do, can someone have a look at them and explain to me what needs to be done ?17:52
criminy|wcoz_: no. this is a server.17:52
coz_criminy|w,  ok sorry guy I misunderstood17:52
ldiamondSlart, I'll try that, thanks17:52
Dr_Willisgood luck. i gotta run17:52
samdDr_Wills, dont care that much, as long as it dont take excessive time for 5 gig17:53
criminy|wsomeone may have installed X, but I need to purge it all and start again, without losing my network settings. I don't have physical access to the machine so a re-install is no good17:53
rkitectI have a simple Ubuntu Server 8.04 question if someone has a sec.17:53
Slartsamd: why not make a small benchmark.. bz2, zip are the two main candidates I think17:53
criminy|wrkitect: shoot.17:53
Yankefishcan someone help me plz17:53
Jack_Sparrowrkitect We do have a server channel17:53
Jack_Sparrow!ask > Yankefish17:54
henuxIf I want to integrate my own app to the new notification system in Ubuntu 9.04, which library should I use?17:54
ubottuYankefish, please see my private message17:54
rkitecti will head there, what's the room name?17:54
samdSlart, ight, i might go for zip, cuz of compatibility, and how's illl make a benchmark? with a software, or just a raw test?17:54
DaremonaiJack_Sparrow, he already asked his question17:54
rkitectchannel name rather17:54
henuxIf I want to integrate my own app to the new notification system in Ubuntu 9.04, which library should I use?17:54
Jack_Sparrowrkitect #ubuntu-server17:54
progre55hi people! is there any programs to edit pdf files??17:54
Yankefishafter cold reboot with ubuntu, i select install, after 5 monutes it just hangs is this normal17:54
SlartYankefish: try checking the cd (there is an option for doing that in the boot menu).. also try the noapic, nolapic, noapci grub switches.. sometimes those are necessary17:54
samdhenux, notify-send "hey"17:55
GreenDelta2hey, i remember, there was a small package i had to install to have the microsoft true type fonts (like impact), which one was this??17:55
henuxsamd: from C program17:55
chuck_progre55, pdfedit17:55
Jack_SparrowDaremonai That link also asks for patience...17:55
Slartsamd: look at wristwatch, compress, look again at wristwatch.. do serious math involving time.. =)17:55
progre55chuck_, thanks man, appreciate! )17:55
DaremonaiJack_Sparrow, ah alright :) my bad!17:55
samdSlart, ight xD thanks17:55
Slartsamd: I think there is a command to time how long a command takes to run too.. if you don't have a watch or something =)17:55
TBeholderHi! i updated to 9.04, installed new ATI driver (doesn't work without it), now it all stuck.17:55
TBeholderafter login i see only desktop's background, but not icons or menu.17:55
TBeholderi tried to switch to kubuntu (ran aptitude from command line), but it's the same, so problem isn't in Gnome. what to do?17:55
chuck_progre55, your welcome17:55
samdSlart, ight thanks  , ill look into that17:56
Jack_SparrowTBeholder Is everything fine except desktop icons?17:56
DaremonaiTBeholder, any errors?17:56
sjzzalxI don't care if my user has an easy-to-guess password, I want something short and easy for convenience. passwd isn't allowing this. How can I make it allow it? Must I sudo passwd?17:56
Dvlprautom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1 aclocal: autom4te failed with exit status: 1 autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 117:56
Dvlprany idea why this can happen?17:57
Slartsjzzalx: there has to be a config file for password requirements..17:57
Jack_SparrowTBeholder  Lost icons after kernel install manually start nautilus and save the session .. then reboot.  But seems some of the customizations may be gone ... window view settings and all17:57
Dvlprautoconf/autoreconf doesnt work at all :\17:57
TBeholderJack_Sparrow  only background and mouse cursor. nothing works but ctr-alt-del and ctrl-alt-F#17:57
Daremonaisjzzalx, login as root and do it, most times it'll let you do whatever you want. Try that17:57
samdprogre55 try pdfedit17:57
blackbeard2000with the command "lspci -vv" under "Host bridge"... The Capability "Rate=x1,x2" means which AGP-rates my motherboard can do, right?17:57
sjzzalxthanks guys.17:57
GreenDelta2hey, i remember, there was a small package i had to install to have the microsoft true type fonts (like impact), which one was this??17:57
samdprogre55 "sudo apt-get install pdfedit"17:57
peacewisesound not working in ubuntu 8.10 plz help17:57
Slartsjzzalx: man pam_cracklib seems to have some interesting info17:58
rkitectwell, the server channel is dead, so i'm gonna see if anyone here may know: when the install hits CD Drive detection phase, it can not detect the cd drive, yet it's loading the setup from the cd drive.  Any ideas as to what the mishap is here?17:58
Slart!info msttcorefonts17:58
ubottumsttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): transitional dummy package. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.6 (jaunty), package size 7 kB, installed size 36 kB17:58
IndyGunFreakpeacewise: has it worked at all, or did it just suddenly stop working?17:58
DaremonaiGreenDelta2: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/09/installing-microsoft-fonts/17:58
SlartGreenDelta2: see what ubottu said above17:58
TBeholderpeacewise  try to tweak setup and sound properties. Sometimes proper value is set to 0 without an apparent reason17:58
peacewisenot worked at all... @IndyGunFreak17:59
samdhenux, try a devel channel17:59
IndyGunFreakpeacewise: brb17:59
samdhenux, try asking in #ubuntu-devel17:59
akidd116how do i get a new textfile to popup directly from the terminal so i can write code from there?18:00
nathan7akidd116: nano?18:00
DvlprHey, why can these errors happen after using autoreconf: configure.ac:295: the top level autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1 aclocal: autom4te failed with exit status: 1 autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 118:00
grawitynathan7: NATHANFACE18:00
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TBeholderpeacewise  i had the same problem, try both ALSA and OSS in setup or go into advanced properties from tray icon18:00
laclassepeacewise, if this is a laptop ... make sure your 'modem' is not disabled in Bios. also try alsamixer, set volumes, and 'alsactl store' as root. To make sure sounds works, put volume on high (hardware keys and software) and cat <somefile> /dev/dsp ... you should hear a sound18:00
samdakidd116 what editor u want to use?, try "gedit newfile.txt"18:00
GreenDelta2Slart: kthx18:01
nathan7grawity: GRAWFACE18:01
akidd116samd, im learning python and when i type python it keeps me in the terminal but that isnt really useful for writing code18:01
Slart!info ttf-mscorefonts-installer | GreenDelta2, this might be useful too18:01
ubottuGreenDelta2,: ttf-mscorefonts-installer (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.6 (jaunty), package size 31 kB, installed size 188 kB18:01
peacewisek thanks everyone... sound started working :D18:01
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code18:02
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Slartakidd116: write the python code in any favourite editor.. then run it in the terminal18:02
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans18:02
Slartakidd116: the interactive python terminal isn't really used for programming18:02
samdakidd116, for python, you can write the code into a file, and run it with "python <name of file>"18:02
akidd116ah ok, thanks samd18:02
rothchildhi, can anyone help with getting the ov51x_jpeg module working? I've compiled / installed it etc (+ have it showing in the restricted drivers manager) but none of my webcam apps can see the device. Can anyone prod me in the right direction?18:03
Slartakidd116: also... give SPE a try.. Stani's python editor18:03
samdakidd116, for a development enviroment ,, a text editor made for programming, try "geany", you can install it by typing "sudo apt-get install geany"18:03
samdakidd116, you can also run python programs withing the same editor (geany)18:03
rkitectany suggestions on getting ubuntu setup to detect the cd drive during the "detect cdrom drive" phase?18:03
ForZeUAheh. multimedia buttons on dell vostro doesn't work since i updated ubuntu to 8.10. what should i do?18:04
IndyGunFreakForZeUA: update to 9.018:04
ForZeUAmaybe in few months18:05
GourlisUbuntu 9.04 it's a beta version ?18:05
ForZeUAit's too unstable18:05
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darwindarwinlol, don't join #opendarwin.  *wow*.18:05
SlartGourlis: nope..18:05
IndyGunFreakGourlis: no, its final release18:05
SlartGourlis: it was released in.. 2009.04... version 9.04...18:05
peacewiseubuntu 9.04 is stable...though not more than 8.10 :)18:06
SlartGourlis: just like 9.10 will be released in ... 2009.1018:06
IndyGunFreakand 10.04 will be released...18:06
GourlisNow I have 9.04, it will come again any version LTS ?18:06
TBeholderForZeUA +1. i just updated and stuck for good18:06
TBeholderForZeUA as to buttons, are they still assigned (in setup) or dropped? Also keyboard can be auto-defined as a wrong type which haven't any18:06
IndyGunFreakGourlis: the next LTS version is April 201018:06
ForZeUAwhen i updated from 8.04 to 8.10 (in april 2008) it was hell)18:07
GourlisWhat do you suggest? It's good to be on latest ubuntu or stay on LTS until another LTS comes out ?18:07
IndyGunFreakForZeUA: thats why you do a clean install... i never upgrade... just keep all my important crap on a big partition, make my / about 20-30gigs.. when i reinstall.. just overwrite /18:07
IndyGunFreakGourlis: well, just using 8.04 as an example... theres been quite a few improvements between 8.0 and 9.04, and presumably will be more between 9.04 and 10.0418:08
IndyGunFreakGourlis: unless you have an actual need to run LTS(ie, some sort of network of computers that you ahve to keep track of).. i always keep my stuff w/ the current version..18:08
phantomcircuitSo my bluetooth mouse isnt working18:09
ForZeUAIndyGunFreak, i have all backups, but i hate OS reinstall's18:09
mikebeechamhi all...I've just set up 6 SMB shares on my mac, and given them all read and write privilidges.  All of the shares are accessible by me, with the exception of one folder...it is telling me that I do not have permissions to view the content....can anyone help me get this resolved?18:09
rkitectany advice on cdrom not being detected during ubuntu server isntall?18:09
phantomcircuiti installed bluez-compat and it works when i run hidd --search, but it forgets the settings eventually18:09
IndyGunFreakGourlis: i have 2 PCs and 2 laptops, and i update them usually 2-3 days after a new release comes out.. never had a prob.18:09
IndyGunFreakForZeUA: eh, i guess its opinion, i hate upgrading18:09
Mionrkitect: sata optical drive?18:09
ForZeUATBeholder, it's all right, keyboard assigned well18:10
GourlisIndyGunFreak, now I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 (Upgraded), my 3D Card drivers are dead on 9.04 but I like to be on updates hopping these problems with drivers will be solved with the next versions.18:10
rkitectide opt18:10
peacewisecan u suggest me some gud book on linux source code programming?18:10
IndyGunFreakGourlis: whats your graphics device/18:10
Mionpeacewise: kernelnewbies.org18:10
GourlisIndyGunFreak, in Vista (because I have 2 partitions) it says ATI Radeon X1250 and on Ubuntu 9.04 it says ATI Radeon RS490M X120018:11
TBeholderGourlis  yeah, i had to reinstall driver (ATI) to see anything too. not that it helped much.18:11
Mionpeacewise: I asume you mean the linux kernel when you say linux?18:11
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GourlisTBeholder, I just not using any effects now.18:11
IndyGunFreakGourlis: eh, i have no experience w/ ATI.. but i know support for some older ATI devices was dropped18:11
pi-mesonAfter I've started running Jaunty, occasionally it seems Alt-F4 crashes X, bringing me back to a login screen. it has now happened ~8 times, but I can't get a deterministic test case. When this happens, where's the best place to look for a debug log?18:11
peacewiseyeah @ Mion18:11
yaris123456789how do you scan each file's content for a certain character ?18:12
yaris123456789say  i need to find a script with a line "apples"18:12
kckdoes anybody have a problem where daemins are not started on system boot but all symlinks are in the rc?.d18:12
grawityyaris123456789: grep "apples" *18:12
GourlisIndyGunFreak, yeah mate most of people here told me that ATI isn't supported on 9.04 but ok by default I use ATI Open Source drivers.18:12
Mionpeacewise: read the guides on kernelnewbies.org then18:12
hkaisanyone here who uses successfully ubuntu 32 bit with 4 GB RAM and the nvidia prop. driver? I am trying to use the server kernel (for the 4GB) but xorg will not start until I switch back to generic kernel.18:13
peacewiseguides?? @ Mion18:13
Slarthkais: I think you'll find it easier to go with 64bit18:13
Cryptic_Donkey !ati | IndyGunFreak18:13
ubottuIndyGunFreak: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:13
hkaisSlart: no I tried it but I had too much troubles with my IDEs18:14
IndyGunFreakCryptic_Donkey: ?.. i don't have ATI18:14
GourlisIndyGunFreak, on Ubuntu 8.04 my 3Dcard drivers detected by default. Do you think it's possible with next releases of Ubuntu to get work again? :]18:14
peacewiseand any downloadable ebook for kernel/shell programming?18:14
palomer_how do I get itunes working in ubuntu 9.04?18:14
kckdoes anybody have a problem where daemins are not started on system boot but all symlinks are in the rc?.d ?18:14
phantomcircuitGourlis, ATI provides drivers for X for graphics card series, ie there isn't a specific driver for X1250 but for the X1200 series18:14
IndyGunFreakGourlis: i honestly don't know.. i don't have a lot of experience w/ ATI.. like i said, i know support for some of the older devices was dropped18:14
phantomcircuitiirc of course18:14
hkaisSlart: x64 isn't as stable as they promise18:14
IndyGunFreakpalomer_: what do you want to useitunes for?.. you can't use it to sync an ipod i don't think18:15
ForZeUAhkais, and what about flash player in x64?18:15
Slarthkais: ok.. I guess I'll have to give my box a kick then.. it isn't living up to the expectations18:15
rothchildhi, can anyone help with getting the ov51x_jpeg module working? I've compiled / installed it etc (+ have it showing in the restricted drivers manager) but none of my webcam apps can see the device. Can anyone prod me in the right direction?18:15
Gourlisphantomcircuit, I don't know very much how to install drivers, so I leave ubuntu as it is :P18:15
* kck o_O18:16
ForZeUAnpwrapper periodically crashes18:16
jamalfanaianHi, I just tried activating the ATI drivers using the hardware drivers app and can't boot to login. I've tried running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in recovery console but it's not helping at all. Could someone help me please? :(18:16
peacewiseamarok.... i think can be used for ipod.... just give it a try @palomer_18:16
m0hi is there any way I can revert to chromes kernel version?18:16
GourlisHave a nice day/night everyone!18:16
kck does anybody have a problem where daemins are not started on system boot but all symlinks are in the rc?.d ?18:17
ForZeUAon my x64 8.1018:17
m0I accidently added debian repository to my list, and it updated kernel, now my grub is messed up.18:17
TBeholderjamalfanaian download it from ATI site, uninstall old, install new, aticonfig --initiate, reboot18:17
Slartnathan7: do you have an ubuntu question?18:17
uusedmanhello everyone18:17
jamalfanaianTBeholder, how do i uninstall old from the recovery console?18:18
simenkmI have a Filserver wich runs Ubuntu 9.04. And i have an Virtual Webserver, wich runs ubuntu 8.10 from Virtualbox. I have installed Torrentflux on the webserver. i am now trying to mount up the Hardrive from the Fileserver, so that is can be accesed from the Webserver, Anyone know how i can mount up the network share on the filserver to the Webserver?18:18
uusedmangot a problem on my computer at home, after i upgraded to 9.04 the screen is all messed up, tried to do normal boot and to fix the screen resolution, no cookie18:18
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rkitectany advice on cdrom not being detected during ubuntu server isntall?18:18
TBeholderjamalfanaian cd /usr/share/ati18:19
TBeholderjamalfanaian sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh18:19
jamalfanaianTBeholder, Thank you :)18:19
TBeholderjamalfanaian it's from ATI manual18:19
jamalfanaianTBeholder, Oh! I guess that would help. I will try looking at it. Sorry.18:19
hkaisForZeUA: the flashplayer was working, but there are many other like java which didn't run smooth18:19
hkaisSlart: haven't got it?18:20
ForZeUAhm java works fine18:20
peacewisesomeone suggest me a good downloadable ebook for Linux kernel/shell programming.... and of python.. :)18:20
Slarthkais: huh?18:20
borked37I just did a bad thing... attempted 9.04 upgrade from a ssh session... now when I boot there is no network... ifconfig returns nothing. Any advice, short of download the release CD & start over?18:20
uusedmangot a problem on my computer at home, after i upgraded to 9.04 the screen is all messed up, tried to do normal boot and to fix the screen resolution, no cookie18:20
Travis-42is there any way, with compiz, to divide the screen into frames or grids like GridMove for Windows or the Ion window manager?18:20
hkais(07:15:35 PM) Slart: hkais: ok.. I guess I'll have to give my box a kick then.. it isn't living up to the expectations18:20
tonespeacewise: id just play around and practice. that works for me with most things18:20
mikebeechamhello...I'm having problems accessing the content of a shared SMB folder when using my own login.  However, when I log in as root, the content is available.  Is there anyway I can set up this share to allow my normal login access?18:20
Slarthkais: ah.. I'm already running 64bit ubuntu..18:21
TBeholderjamalfanaian at any rate, catalyst 8.12 worked on 8.10, now 9.4 vs 9.04 seems to, but i caught other bug18:21
Slarthkais: but apparently I'm not getting the full experience.. mine is just boring stable =)18:21
kumadamhi all18:21
kumadamcan somebody help me about udev?18:21
rkitectdoes the ubuntu setup pull optical drive data from the bios or does it run it's own hw check?18:22
toneskumadam: ask and find out :)18:22
peacewiseplay around..??? like how??@ tones18:22
hkaisSlart: are you running with compiz?18:22
Slarthkais: yup18:22
hkaisSlart: with proprietary driver?18:22
Slarthkais: yup18:22
kumadami'm using ubuntu 9.04 and i have problem with airmon-ng ath0-ath01 problem18:22
TBeholdermikebeecham  by giving users you want to have access the same group you gave access to ?18:23
kumadami read about fixes on udev18:23
tonespeacewise: look at help manuals, type in random (yet sane) commands and see what they do, discover new things18:23
hkaisSlart: with extra visual effects?18:23
rkitectany advice on cdrom not being detected during ubuntu server isntall?18:23
kumadambot my udev is different18:23
mikebeechamTBeholder: I have checked the permission tab of the folder, and it is telling me that the current owner is 501 - user #50118:23
toneskumadam: installing "madwifi" usually cures most problems with atheros chipsets18:24
bitsbamhey all, got a weird issue installing minimal version on a tiny single board computer. install is fine but after i make a selection in the grub menu, it shows Starting Up ..... for about 40 minutes before loading the OS18:24
Slarthkais: well.. I'm not to much into writing with fire and spinning cubes.. I've customized my effects.. I use the expose stuff and some window animations and that's about it18:24
kumadami already installed it18:24
Slarthkais: but I have tried out the effects.. I just think they get in the way of actually.. doing stuff =)18:24
TBeholdermikebeecham  well, there's user *and* group, right?18:25
kumadamits about udev18:25
bloupotloodHi guys, is there an offline installer for w32codecs?18:25
oDeskhello, i've upgraded to ubuntu karmic 9.10 and i want to downgrade to 9.04 how i can do ?18:25
bloupotloodi need to play .wmv files.18:25
toneskumadam: thats me out. anybody else have ideas?18:25
hkaisSlart: okay I had also the effects activated und 8.10 and 9.04. The support under itrepid is much better under x64 but not as stable as with 32bit18:25
mikebeechamTBeholder: I'm not a totally clued-up linux user yet...so I'm not sure I would know how to go about assigning a group to the folder?18:25
borked37how about this... is there any way to resume an upgrade to 9.04 with no network running?18:25
robert__join #ubuntu-pl18:25
grkgeekHello i have made firestarter start from boot, is there any way to make it stop prompting me for root password ?18:25
bloupotloodAnyone know if there is an offline installer for .MWV codecs in ubuntu?18:26
Slarthkais: what graphics card are you using?18:26
TBeholdermikebeecham  same here. if i got it at all, you're supposed to give access to some group, then enlist users in it to give them all access18:26
peacewise.rm codecs work on ubuntu?18:26
peacewisei mean on any application?18:26
Travis-42Is there any way to color manage/apply color profiles to multiple monitors?18:26
bloupotloodAnyone know if there is an offline installer for .MWV codecs in ubuntu?18:27
nathan7WMV I guess...18:27
nathan7Slart: No, just wondering of any of you stole my mustard off my sammich.18:27
ForZeUAi think i'll downgrade to x3218:27
oDeskso! how to downgrade to 9.04 ?18:27
devel0 what kind of kernel parameters can I pass to turn off the boot output completely to screen ?18:27
Slartnathan7: go ask in #ubuntu-offtopic.. not here18:27
BreetaiHelp! Help!, I am running hardy, I tried to compile a package that had a requriement for newer xcb stuff. I have xcb all buggered up and I can get a good x session now. Is there some easy way to get xcb back to sane settings without reinstalling?18:27
hkaisSlart: nvidia18:27
nathan7Slart: Hmm.18:28
benediktkI need to confgure a postfix server to recive email from multiple domains, spam and virus check and then sedn to the approrpriate mailservers. Hints to howto's and guids woudl be appriciated.18:28
Slarthkais: I have a nvidia 8800gtx.. not sure if it makes a difference though18:28
bloupotloodWhat is the link to the .deb file collection again?18:28
rkitectgetting "No common CD-ROM drive found" error during ubuntu install, any insight?18:28
TBeholderBreetai  can you in aptitude kick it out, then reinstall ?18:29
vieqhello all, I have two sound cards how to enable only one of them?18:29
hkaisSlart: Quadro NVS 140M on my side. A mobile nvidia18:29
TBeholderBreetai  or just reinstall ? or reinstall in dpkg18:29
hkaisSlart: anyway i had much problems with my IDEs and also with the graphics, but the most pain came from my IDEs (Java)18:30
bloupotloodAnyone know if there is an offline installer for .MWV codecs in ubuntu?18:30
Breetaibenediktk: http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-spamsnake-ubuntu-8.0418:30
Slarthkais: well.. let's hope they improve whatever it is that is causing the mess18:30
vieqguys, /proc/asound/cards shows two cards, I want to enable only one of them18:31
ForZeUAhkais, what IDE do you use?18:31
hkaisForZeUA: eclipse, Rational18:31
BreetaiTBeholder: I tried looked at what packages had xcb in them that were installed and did an install --reinstall and that did not help.18:31
benediktkBreetai: thanks a bunch!18:31
bloupotloodAnyone know if there is an offline installer for .MWV codecs in ubuntu?18:31
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TBeholderBreetai  i mean, just reinstall xcb from archive18:32
bloupotloodAnyone know if there is an offline installer for .wmv codecs in ubuntu?18:32
Jack_Sparrow!patience > bloupotlood18:32
ubottubloupotlood, please see my private message18:32
draganovhey guys, does anyone knows where apr-config is located on ubuntu 9.0418:32
TBeholderhere's a question: if i have trouble with Metacity what can i use instead of it?18:32
ForZeUAhkais, i use eclipse with tears in my eyes18:33
bloupotloodis there a way to download sudo apt-get stuff without having to actually use ubuntu and rather use a windows machine?18:33
jamalfanaianTBeholder, you could try using emerald? o.O18:33
hkaisForZeUA: why?18:33
Jack_SparrowTBeholder http://xwinman.org/18:33
jamalfanaianbloupotlood, what are you referring to? using aptitude in windows?18:33
Omar87Is there a way I can upgrade my file system to ext4 without having to format the hard desk?18:33
bloupotloodi need to get the w32codecs for my ubuntu, i can only access the net via the XP installation.18:33
jamalfanaianbloupotlood, you could use ext2fs to write to your linux partition: http://www.fs-driver.org/18:34
jamalfanaianbloupotlood, there are also other tools to do so18:34
bloupotloodjamalfanaian: sort of mate, i need a .deb of w32codecs because i cant use my ubuntu for internet, only my xp box.18:34
Slartbloupotlood: check the medibuntu repository.. I think they have a webpage where you can get packages18:34
TBeholderJack_Sparrow  thx18:34
dn4what is a program to edit mpg video?18:34
bloupotloodSlart: cool beans, thanks dude.18:34
devel0bloupotlood, apt-get -d install ubuntu-restricted-extras , then you will have the debs and the dependencies in /var/cache/apt/18:35
Slartbloupotlood: you can also use synaptic to generate downloading-scripts.. you can then run those on a windows machine using wget18:35
_chunUsing jaunty, whenever I plug my usb HD in, I get the message "you are not privileged to mount the volume" and I have to sudo mount it. Any suggestions?18:35
Jack_Sparrowdevel0 Isnt that in ubuntu?18:35
Slartbloupotlood: but it might not work unless the ubuntu machine has some up to date package lists..18:35
ForZeUAwhen i debug my code, eclipse hangs on int array with 20k elements... on 10-20 sec18:35
TBeholderbloupotlood  then it boils down to finding a repository, and downloading .deb ?18:35
bloupotlooddevel0: i cant use my ubuntu online, the 3g dongle support is non existent.18:35
devel0_chun, edit /etc/fstab and add the user attribute18:35
chuck_bloupotlood, go here down load the deb package you need http://packages.medibuntu.org/18:35
bloupotloodchuck: k will do18:35
Volkodavdoes anybody has dual head + TV out configured with nvidia ?18:35
ForZeUAwhen i try to watch data)18:35
devel0can someone tell me how to turn off console output to the screen during boot ?18:36
_chundevel0: tried that, I get "DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending"18:36
devel0_chun, I fail to see the relation between fstab and dbus18:36
Breetaibloupotload: yes you can, you can search at http://packages.ubuntu.com/ locate the .debs you want and download them. Then copy them to your linux box and install them with dpkg -i . But it wont do dependancies.  You will have to go back to windows and download those on your own.18:36
Volkodavdevel0 put quiet next to kernel options in grub18:36
ienoranddevel0: normally usplash is supposed to show up...18:36
doc_brownim trying to get java working in the opera browser.  Will i have more luck downloading the rpm.bin?  or just the .bin (self extracting file)?18:36
jamalfanaianTBeholder, Well uninstalling fglrx alone let me actually load X :) Thanks... I will try installing the newer version and see if that works now18:37
Omar87Is there a way I can upgrade my file system to ext4 without having to format the hard desk?18:37
Jack_Sparrowbloupotlood wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/package      or whatever repo it is in18:37
doc_browni know rpm + alien = .deb18:37
MrNoTrying to install 9.04 on an old AMD3000+ that has a Geforce3 card in it. Blinking cursor in upper left corner. Tried 64 bit, 32 bit, alternate install.. with text only, no apic no difference18:37
SlartOmar87: ext is pretty backwards compatible.. but I think you'll have to reformat if you are to use the newer features18:37
doc_browncan i work with bin files easily?18:37
Jack_Sparrowdoc_brown Also be aware that it isnt recommended and can be hazardous to your system18:37
bloupotloodThanks to everyone, just got my w32codecs .dev package :) wish me luck! laters.18:37
Slartdoc_brown: rpm+alien= danger danger18:37
TBeholderjamalfanaian  in my case it loaded graphic login, but screwed up utterly after it18:37
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)18:37
devel0alien isnt dangerous , its just not 100% effective , could mess up your deps18:38
_chundevel0: not sure myself, but it's the message I get when I plug it in with the user attribute added to fstab18:38
jamalfanaianTBeholder, oh :( that's no good18:38
doc_brownhow easy is it to work with bin files on ubuntu?18:38
devel0doc_brown, define "work"18:38
Slartdoc_brown: bin files? binary files? do you mean cd images (cue/bin) ?18:38
Jack_Sparrowdoc_brown That would depend on the bin..  It is much better to stay within our repos18:38
scampbellIs there a method to verify already installed packages simular to rpm's -V option?18:39
devel0dpkg -l18:39
doc_brownhow can i get java working in the opera browser?18:39
TBeholderjamalfanaian  that was fixed after ATI driver is installed (ati-driver-installer-#-##-x86.x86_64.run from their site)18:39
Miondoc_brown: grab the latest sun java18:39
jamalfanaianTBeholder, seems like it won't let me install them,.. li'm going to keep playing with it though18:39
doc_brownMion, from the repos?18:40
scampbelldpkg -l lists the packages, am I missing some option that has it actually inspect the individual files for changes?18:40
TBeholderjamalfanaian  what it says?18:40
jamalfanaianTBeholder, "X Server: unable to detect"18:40
doc_browni guess i am confused as to where java installs.  into the OS, or into the browser?18:40
jamalfanaianTBeholder, I'm researching online to see what the cause / resolution for the issue is18:40
TBeholderjamalfanaian  what X server? it supposed to be installed from recoveryt console18:41
Miondoc_brown: yes18:41
Jack_SparrowMrNo To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F4 and select safe graphics mode then press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash use the noapic acpi=off options before the "--"18:41
jamalfanaianTBeholder, I tried from the recovery console and it gave me this error, I figured it may need X running to work so I logged in to gnome and tried, same error18:41
Breetaidoc_brown:  java installs in the OS in /usr/lib/java but there is also a browser plugin. When you use a web page that has java on it, it uses the browser plugin which relies on the copy of java on the system.18:42
TBeholderjamalfanaian  weird. for me, ATI driver installer works from console18:42
doc_brownBreetai, thank you18:42
Breetaidoc_brown:You can also run java programs such as limewire, or jbidwatcher directly on the OS, using the copy of java that is installed on the system18:42
MrNoJack_Sparrow that on the x32 or the x64 bit? I tried safe graphics mode only and it failed on 64 bit18:42
Breetaidoc_brown: you are welcome.18:43
doc_brownBreetai, makes perfect sense now18:43
_chunNow I'm getting "unprivileged user cannot mount ntfs block devices using the external FUSE library"18:43
doc_browni guess i need a java plugin for opera18:43
Breetaidoc_brown: installing ubuntu-restriced-extras will get it for you.18:43
Jack_SparrowMrNo THere are many many different options to try, the one I gave works on many 32 and 64 bit systems18:43
MrNook thanks18:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:43
coz_doc_brown,  isnt java enabled in opera when you installed it?18:44
Breetaidoc_brown: or you need to get opera to use the current plugin. There is usually a list of plugin paths. I.E. seach /usr/lib/mozilla /usr/lib/firefox, ~/.mozilla, etc.18:44
Breetaidoc_brown: or you can copy the plugin into the opera plugins folder, either the system wide one your the one in your home directory.18:44
Jack_Sparrow_chun sudo wil grant you permission18:45
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doc_brownBreetai, /usr/lib/opera/plugins is empty18:46
doc_brownshall i download the .bin and move it into that folder?18:46
_chunJack_Sparrow: yeah, I know, but it's annoying having to mount it manually every time I plug it in18:46
icyoDoes anyone know about a software that would let me monitor a remote computer directly from my desktop (like conky for a local computer)18:47
kumadam__hola how can i have permission to change my udev files in ubuntu 9.0418:47
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.18:47
Titan8990!sudo | kumadam__18:48
ubottukumadam__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:48
scripyyHii room18:50
Breetaidoc_brown: locate libjavaplugin18:50
scripyyis it any kind of nice tool just like FIRESTARTER but with best and more options.. just like internet sharing, firewall, port forwarding18:50
kumadam__i try to open it in root but it says permission denied18:50
kumadam__sudo is not effecting it also18:51
Volkodavsomebody has to have dual head + TV out configured with nvidia  out of 1500 + people - I wonder is it possible to have them all as separate X or at least clone second monitor and TV out ?18:51
Breetaidoc_brown: then you can do a sudo -l /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- /usr/lib/opera/plugins18:51
kumadam__volkodav: i have it18:51
Volkodavkumadam__ all 3 separate X ?18:51
Volkodavwhat card ?18:51
Quoth-this-RavenSo uh, I had to reinstall ubuntu and all I had was a gutsy disc. How do I upgrade it now that the repos are down?18:52
kumadam__yes, you should use diffrent drivers for them18:52
Volkodavkumadam__ mind pasting your xorg.conf ?18:52
Volkodavwhat drivers ?18:52
scripyyis it any kind of tool ???18:52
VolkodavI installed nvtv - no help]18:52
kumadam__look in nvidia.com18:52
MrNoJack_Sparrow the install is hanging at sda:18:53
dylan_guys, I am having a problem here18:53
Breetaidoc_brown: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6927518:53
dylan_need help18:53
Volkodavnvidia.com is huge - remember the drivers version &18:53
Volkodavkumadam__ what resolution do you run at TV-out ?18:53
dylan_I installed xubuntu 9.04, which comes with some kde 4.2 apps in /usr/bin, but since I would like old kde 3.5 apps, I had to install this package18:53
grkgeekis /etc/hosts.deny a firestarter file or iptables ?18:53
akidd116lol this indentation in python is going to make me want to kill myself18:54
dylan_which installed kde 3.5 to /opt/kde3,      now I need to set a path or something to it, not quite sure what I need to do18:54
swatTXcan someone please help me. I have a presentation to do soon and I don't have any sound for some reason. where do I start, I'm kinda a noob.18:54
TBeholderbattle of three bots. :]18:55
PiciTBeholder: I'm not a bot...18:56
TBeholderPici two bots and air support?18:56
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kenthreeThere's a typo on the UNR main page title, says Nebook instead of netbook18:56
TBeholderswatTX  check in setup, ALSA vs. OSS, then check proper volumes and checkboxes from tray icon's context menu18:57
Picikenthree: you can log a bug at bugs.launchpad.net in ubuntu-website18:57
BreetaiswatTX: did you ever have sound?18:57
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swatTXTBeholder, where is setup at?18:58
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Pici!away > cooldude[away]18:58
ubottucooldude[away], please see my private message18:58
swatTXBreetai, yes I did but just updated after not using the laptop for a while and now sound isn't working18:58
kovacsleeveWhats a good way to quickly send a bit of text to another computer on a network (such as a URL)? Preferably something built into Ubuntu?18:58
rkitectany advice on cdrom not being detected during ubuntu server isntall?18:58
TBeholderswatTX uh, i haven't it right now. you know, in main menu, next to admin section. there's "Sound" somewhere18:59
Jack_Sparrow rkitect There was a bug silimar to that, but I honestly dont remember much about it.18:59
Ursinha-packingPici, I thought the problem was to send away announces, and not changing nicks18:59
grawityUrsinha-packing: Nick changes are annoying too (though much less than awaymessages)19:00
BlueAidan_workany ideas why I can't type a question mark with my microsoft ergo keyboard19:00
BlueAidan_workI can type the / fine, but if I hit shift-/ I get nothing19:00
BlueAidan_workhmm, make that right-shift-/19:00
yaris123456789hey guys i have C src. i ran ./configure && make.     where is the executable file ?19:00
swatTXTBeholder, ok I found the sound under System->Preferences->Sound... now what do i check for?19:01
grkgeekIs modifying /etc/hosts.deny enough to keep a certain ip range from any connection what so ever to my pc ?19:01
Miongrkgeek: no19:01
BlueAidan_workthe right-shift key works fine with any other key, just not the / key19:01
TBeholderswatTX  there's device and system, you need to check for both ALSA and OSS whether it buzzs when you press test button19:02
joaopintogrkgeek, not really, host.deny is used by a few services, you should use iptables to block traffic from a certain IP19:02
Miongrkgeek: only works for stuff that uses (x)inetd19:02
Miongrkgeek: btw, hosts.deny should deny everything and everyone, and you should only open up for what you need in hosts.allow instead19:02
TBeholderBlueAidan_work  maybe, you have something bound to this key?19:02
Miongrkgeek: but, anyway, use iptables19:02
BlueAidan_workTBeholder: this is a fresh install of ubuntu 9.0419:03
grkgeekIs there any way to easily modify iptables without having to redo the work everytime i reboot ?19:03
BlueAidan_workjust installed on Friday. I just noticed it's not working correctly19:03
swatTXTBeholder, none of the test buttons produced any sound.19:03
TBeholderBlueAidan_work is it the same in console (ctr-alt-F1) or only in X ?19:03
BlueAidan_workit doesn't work anywhere19:04
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BlueAidan_workkeyboard worked fine in XP19:04
TBeholderswatTX then check speakers, right-click sound icon in tray and search for proper control while test still runs so you would hear it19:04
SuspectZerohey there, whts the command to figure out wht version of ubuntu i have?19:04
SuspectZeroi always forget it19:05
pat2009Help - im a newbie and i have 9.04 installed, everything works but my sound. all my souunds play at double speed, everything sounds like chipmunks. how do i fix this?19:05
BlueAidan_workTBeholder: the multimedia keys work19:05
TBeholderBlueAidan_work  now that's weird.19:06
zhismhi, is it possible to run the catalyst drivers on Ubuntu 9.04 with a Mobility Radeon 9700 CarD?19:06
BlueAidan_workTBeholder: xev isn't recognizing any input when I do right shift - /19:06
BlueAidan_workit recognizes left shift - /19:06
BlueAidan_workTBeholder: I mean, it recognizes r_shift but not when I hit the / key19:07
sysdocDoes anyone know of a howto that actually works with Jaunty and jack?19:08
grkgeekMion: Is there any way to easily modify iptables without having to redo the work everytime i reboot ?19:08
swatTXTBeholder, i tried all the different devices under volume control and none produced any sound. i hit the test button and in volume control went to File->Change Device and tried Alsa, OSS, and PulseAudio, no joy.19:08
TBeholderBlueAidan_work now it's triple weird. with M$ keyboard and 9.04 it should be double weird at most.19:08
Miongrkgeek: yes, several19:08
Miongrkgeek: search the tldp for iptables19:08
BlueAidan_workTBeholder: heh19:08
almostjust about to install ubuntu it says as an option install inside windows like any other applicationi am in xp now how does it do that ?19:09
SlartSuspectZero: lsb_release -a19:09
grkgeekMion: thank you will look into it19:09
mikebeechamhi there....can anyone offer a suggestion as to why I can view content within a smb share when logged in as sudo, but otherwise I am told I dont have enough permissions?19:09
TBeholderswatTX i'm at loss. is hardware all right?19:09
Jack_Sparrowalmost I wont suggest nor recommend using wubi to install, but if you insist, insert disk while running windows and you should get an option to install19:10
uncategorizedhaving trouble in jaunty with iwl3945...problem seems to be here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/26354119:10
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uncategorizedhow can I get an updated kernel? 2.6.2919:10
SuspectZeroty Slart19:10
DaroronIm setting up a webservice on my computer thats behind a router. How do i set it up so that ppl from out side can connect to it?  Is it the routing table?19:10
Jack_Sparrow!kernel > uncategorized19:10
ubottuuncategorized, please see my private message19:10
W8TAHi copied the entire contents of a drive using dd and gzip -- im having trouble reversing the process - can someone help point me the way19:11
Jack_SparrowDaroron Port forwarding perhaps19:11
doc_brownuncategorized, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+can+i+get+an+updated+kernel19:11
almostJack_Sparrow: yes thats where I am right now19:11
zenoHi, I was using a java app which I had to kill and now sound isnt working (alsa oss or pulse).  killilng mixer app, restarting alsa arnt helping.  cating urandom to dsp works though.  help?19:11
Volkodav somebody has to have dual head + TV out configured with nvidia  out of 1500 + people - I wonder is it possible to have them all as separate X or at least clone second monitor and TV out ?19:11
Volkodavforums did not help much19:11
Daroron<Jack_Sparrow> ill try it cheers19:12
swatTXTBeholder, I ran the hardware test and heard the login drums as it said my audio passed.19:12
almostJack_Sparrow; IT says like any other application sounds like a dual boot situation19:13
Jack_Sparrowalmost It does dual boot, it is not like a program inside windows.. for that you can use virtualbox19:13
TBeholderzeno  for me, restarting alsa demon (with gksu) worked19:13
chuck_Volkodav, did you check in #nvidia19:14
Volkodavnot yet19:14
Jack_Sparrowalmost My personal opinion.. Anything.. is better than wubi19:14
mikebeechamhi there....can anyone offer a suggestion as to why I can view content within a smb share when logged in as sudo, but otherwise I am told I dont have enough permissions?19:14
jamalfanaianSo I just tried installing the open-source ati drivers but I can't boot19:15
almostok well I have vmware workstation running with linux no X suppose i could also install virtual box19:15
jamalfanaianI went in recovery console and restored my old xorg.conf but it's still giving me issues :(19:15
jamalfanaianI've tried reinstalling the mesa packages and what not but still offers no help19:15
rothchildcan anyone help with getting the ov51x-jpeg module working with my eyetoy webcam? I've got the driver compiled and installed but none of my apps see the device. It worked ok with the default drivers apart from in skype where i just got big pink bands through my image19:16
almostwhats wubi?19:16
mahsaHi, my drives couldn't open and this error appear:"unable to mount the volum.."..plz help me19:16
chuck_jamalfanaian, What open source driver did you try installing19:16
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:16
Hilariousitycan anyone tell me what directory "dpkg --install" install packages?19:16
jamalfanaianwell i tried the radeonhd because it said it supported my card19:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jack19:16
Jack_Sparrowalmost And contrary to what it says there, I dont feel it is safe19:17
jamalfanaianchuck_, i was installing the radeonhd drivers19:17
almostJack_Sparrow: unsafe through personal use ? or19:17
rothchildmikebeecham: you should just try to login and be met by a username and password challenge, enter the details for the machine you are trying to log in to and hit the 'save this forever' button (works for the three machines round here anyway!)19:17
sysdocJack anyone?? It is kickin' me %&^...19:18
Absolute01Sometimes when I restart my machine I get a busy box error saying that the root hard drive is not found, So i need to restart a couple of times for it to work. I have tried switching from UUID notation to direct /dev/sda1 but that didnt help.19:18
Jack_Sparrowalmost If you lose power to your PC you can lose everything including your ntfs/windows19:18
Absolute01any fixes?19:18
Volkodavchuck_ kumadam__ said he has it configured and advised to check on nvidia.com19:18
mikebeechamrothchild: this is not happening.  I have set up the share under fstab, with 5 other shares...all other shares work fine...but there is this one rogue folder that tells me I dont have permission.  However, all 6 have been set up the same19:18
almostJack_Sparrow: notnice19:18
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:18
Jack_SparrowAbsolute01 One suggestion, the next time it boots,   backup your system19:19
Absolute01Jack_Sparrow: ??19:19
ahmadgood morning/evening/afternoon everyone19:19
JhodasJack_Sparrow, thats very unlikely19:19
Jack_Sparrowalmost It even says it in the fine print in the wubi faq19:19
Absolute01I dont get this error in other distros19:19
Jack_SparrowJhodas Well.. It did happen to ME19:19
cas_Hi, I created a usb boot disk using UnetBootin. It boots, but it can't seem to find the vesamenu.c32 file.19:19
Jack_SparrowJhodas and it HAS happened to many others19:19
chuck_jamalfanaian, did you change your xorg.conf file after installing19:20
ahmadI am looking for an answer about hardware programming on an ubuntu box and I hope I could get any hint on how to start so far ... please19:20
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Jack_SparrowJhodas It has supposedly improved, but I still wont use it19:20
jamalfanaianchuck_, yes but i have since reverted that to my backup, and it still didn't fix it19:20
JhodasJack_Sparrow, I dont see how you would lost NTFS19:20
Titan8990ahmad, believe most driver programming is done in C19:20
Jack_SparrowJhodas Then do some reading.19:20
combomy printer (HP deskjet 840c) prints but there is no ink on paper (?) can some1 knows what to do ? under WinXP everything works fine :(19:20
Titan8990ahmad, there are books on writting kernel modules19:20
JhodasJack_Sparrow, OK. :/ forgive me for being curious19:21
ahmadTitan8990 - so we consider this as kernel programming?19:21
Jack_SparrowJhodas I fought hard for them NOT to include it19:21
Jack_Sparrowwubi that is19:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:21
Titan8990ahmad, yes, drivers are typically never in userspace19:22
Titan8990ahmad, there are exceptions though19:22
JhodasJack_Sparrow, NTFS?19:22
=== ahmad is now known as D`N`D
Titan8990ahmad, example - the fuse module allows for ntfs drivers to run in userspace19:22
Jack_SparrowJhodas No, I did not want them to do include the wubi thing...19:22
D`N`DTitan8990 - I wanted to start by accessing USB ports .. when I tried to look for the /dev for a file representing the port I am interested in, I lost my way19:23
D`N`Dahmad is now D`N`D .. someone owns ahmad19:23
Titan8990D`N`D, what is the end goal?19:24
pegonQuestion I had when I am using compiz and I am on one side of the cube...at the bottom when a window blinks I click it..how do I get it to automatically switch me to that side of the cube where that window is?19:24
chuck_jamalfanaian, do you still have the ati fglrx driver installed, and can you pastebin the xorg.conf file you had with the radeonhd driver19:24
Jack_Sparrowpegon /join #compiz they might know19:24
D`N`DTitan8990 - playing around and trying to get into hardware, later writing a graphics driver for an unsupported card19:24
bowman_Hi there. After upgrading to 9.04 every torrent download resets my dsl modem after a while. With 8.10 there's no problem. Any ideas ?19:24
pegonokay thanks19:24
W8TAHi copied the entire contents of a drive using dd and gzip -- im having trouble reversing the process - can someone help point me the way19:25
rothchildmikebeecham: sorry I'm no expert, my hacky option would be to create a new folder copy the contents in to it and try setting up sharing on it again! (inelegant I know but it may save you bashing your head against something obvious that's become invisible to you ;-))19:25
Jack_Sparrowbowman_ I have a similar issue, it turned out to be AT&T dsl issue19:25
Titan8990D`N`D, that is a rather difficult thing to break in to19:25
Titan8990D`N`D, a major reason being that most companies do not want you to know how their code interacts with their drivers19:25
bowman_jack_Sparrow but why with 9.04 only ?19:25
Titan8990D`N`D, linux has many of the exceptions and I am unsure in which direction to point you in19:26
D`N`DTitan8990 - there must be a point to start with19:26
Titan8990D`N`D, possibly look at the code for the ohci_hcd module19:26
Titan8990D`N`D, that is the kernel module that handles USB19:26
jamalfanaianchuck_, well i can't pastebin because i'm on the recovery console (or at least i don't know how) but i followed exactly what https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonHD said for the xorg.conf19:26
jamalfanaianwhich was adding the driver and busid params to the driver section19:26
Titan8990jamalfanaian, install wgetpaste19:26
jamalfanaianmy busid was PCI:2:0:0 instead of 1:0:019:26
Titan8990jamalfanaian, MYCOMMAND | wgetpaste19:27
D`N`Dok, let me log that19:27
stavrosLinuxdoes 9.04 has a problem with the intel graphics driver ? I read a couple of blogs about it19:27
Titan8990jamalfanaian, that will send it to pastebin for you19:27
jamalfanaianTitan8990, Thanks :)19:27
jamalfanaianTitan8990, didn't know such tool existed19:27
TBeholderhow to downgrade 9.04 back with minimum loss? except "copy entire disk somewhere"?19:27
Titan8990jamalfanaian, there are actually a couple different ones but that is the one I am familiar with19:28
Slart!downgrade | TBeholder19:28
ubottuTBeholder: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.19:28
TBeholderfine with me, it's already half-broken. =)19:28
cas_anyone here that can help me with a usb boot disk ?19:28
jamalfanaianGosh the vesa drivers don't even work :(19:29
D`N`Dguess I need to reboot the machine19:29
TBeholderi mean can  i manipulate packgages or something to roll back a step?19:29
Jack_Sparrowjamalfanaian sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list         is another example of how to do that19:29
D`N`Dwow, 43 bug fixes19:29
Jack_SparrowTBeholder That is what backups are for19:30
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sebsebsebD`N`D: that would depend on what you have installed, what  security updates you get19:30
D`N`DTitan8990 - sorry to re-ask, if I am interested in the programming side of linux, which channel is the proper one to discuss such thing?19:30
TBeholderJack_Sparrow  yeah,i suppose i'll have to do it hard way...19:30
SlartTBeholder: I guess you might, perhaps, possibly, one in a thousand chance, be able to uninstall the newer package and reinstall the older one.. but I think you'll be better off reinstalling completely19:30
akidd116how do i uninstall my current version of python so i can downgrade it?19:30
Jack_Sparrowakidd116 You can have multiple versions19:31
whileimhereHi Anyone know of how to configure privoxy and tor for firefox? I just dont seem to get it right.19:31
Titan8990D`N`D, uhh I would have to say ##linux19:31
kdc1956How do I setup a 3D card on here19:31
Jack_SparrowI gotta run, please play nice..19:31
D`N`Dsebsebseb - not sure so far, I just fired the download and my machine is not stable now19:31
Titan8990D`N`D, but also there are kernel dev IRCs and language specific ones19:31
akidd116well, i have python 3.0.1 but it seems to not like to play nice and id like to use 2.6.219:31
Titan8990akidd116, just curious, was that actually available in ubuntu or did you manually install it?19:31
sebsebsebD`N`D: ok I don't know what your issue is even, since  I only joined here a little while ago19:32
sebsebsebellis: hi19:32
akidd116titan8990: im pretty sure i manually installed it19:32
sebsebsebkdc1956: first of all  install your graphics card driver if there is one availalbe19:32
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sebsebsebkdc1956: system > administration > hardware drivers19:32
Titan8990akidd116, ehh... you should do a little homework on that, 3.0 destroyed backwards compatibility19:32
kdc1956ok thanks19:32
D`N`Dsebsebseb - it's ok, I just came for dev questions and Titan gave me great help, thanks to all of you19:32
Titan8990akidd116, regardless of what their mission statment about backwards compatibility says19:33
sebsebsebD`N`D: ah ok19:33
D`N`Dso I have to part now, and will re-join tomorrow  ... thanks all19:33
akidd116titan8990: well, my main problem seems to be that the python-tk i have is not compatible with what i have...or something like that19:33
Titan8990akidd116, everything is likely not compatible... they even went as far as to change the print statement from: print 'hello world'   to:  print('hello world')19:34
tyler_dneed help to configure initramfs to boot from my primary drive /dev/sda1 as well to recognize my dmadm raid 5 setup on 3 drives, after config and boot I only get to (initramfs) prompt, and cannot continue?19:35
grawityTitan8990: in py2.6 you can from __future__ import the new print() function, so it _kind of_ works.19:35
AdrenalinHi, I'm writing in ubuntu "man fread" and get the result "No manual entry for fread", any ideea in witch packaged normaly all standart library docs should be in ?19:36
Jhodasbye room19:37
TBeholderJack_Sparrow  if i installed kubuntu packgage and chose KDE, it uses Kwin instead of Metacity, right?19:37
TBeholderthen if the issue persists where that bug should be? right in xorg?19:37
TBeholderSlart if i installed kubuntu packgage and chose KDE, it uses Kwin instead of Metacity, right?19:39
TBeholderthen if the issue persists where that bug should be? right in xorg?19:39
yaris123456789what is the maximum # of files ext3 filesytem can support in a single dir ?19:39
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about udev19:41
ienorandI'm using soundconverter to try to convert ogg to wav, importing an ogg file gives me "No packages with the requested plugins found -- The requested plugins are: Ogg demuxer" What to do?19:41
melterdoes anyone know why imagemagick isn't seeing truetype fonts in 9.04? this worked in 8.0419:41
SlartTBeholder: I'm not to familiar with KDE and what it uses behind the scenes.. sorry19:41
Slartyaris123456789: check the wikipedia page for file system comparisons19:42
ienorandUsing gmusicbrowser or rhapsody I'm fully capable of playing the very same ogg file19:42
kumadamis there anybody knows about how can i save the changes on 70-persistant-net.rules19:42
mikebeechamhi there....can anyone offer a suggestion as to why I can view content within a smb share when logged in as sudo, but otherwise I am told I dont have enough permissions?19:43
Slartkumadam: just save the file?19:43
kumadamslart i made changes but i cant save19:43
Pietyaris123456789: i think wikipedia has this info. they have a file system comparison19:43
Pietkumadam: save the file19:43
kumadamits not saving19:43
kumadamit says no permission19:43
yaccOk, so where does one log bugs against the distribution kernel?19:44
Slartmikebeecham: a wild guess.. samba sends the current username when you try to access a share, perhaps the root user has permissions to read it and your regular user hasn't19:44
Slartkumadam: then start the editor using gksudo, then you'll be able to save19:44
yeimihola a todos19:44
yaris123456789hmmm: so if each file is 50kb. it supports 40 million files19:44
yaris123456789this will do19:44
mikebeechamSlart: just to throw a spanner in the works:  I have created 6 shares all exactly the same.  The other 5 are fine, but this one is as described...any further ideas...or how do I assign permissions to my login?19:45
sebsebseb!es |  yeimi19:45
kumadamSlart: can u give me the code pls?19:45
ubottuyeimi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:45
Slartyacc: launchpad?19:45
Slartkumadam: "gksudo gedit /path/to/your/file"19:45
yaccSlart, yeah, but where on launchpad ;)19:45
yaccSlart, got it ;)19:45
yeimialguien  me puede ayudar con skype19:45
Pietkumadam: you need to edit the fiel with sudo19:45
deserteaglehello all19:46
ao25can someone give us a few tip pls for gnome...I have vers 2.16 and want to make it look a little more up to date if possible?19:46
Slartmikebeecham: uhm.. permissions are set in the smb.conf file.. I think19:46
ubottuyeimi: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:46
akidd116how do i move a program from one workspace to the other?19:46
Slartyacc: isn't there a kernel package?19:46
Pietyacc: same place you would file all other bugs against the distribution19:46
yaccSlart, well, dlocate will tell me that.19:46
Slartakidd116: drag the window? or.. are you using compiz?19:46
deserteagledoes anyone know how to configure the X server on a headless system to where VNC connections will have a bigger resolution?19:46
cuddlefishakidd116: right click o the meni bar, there's an option in there.19:46
kmkzThis should be an easy one, how can I ssh run a program and leave it running after I exit the terminal? Probably should use "screen" for that... syntax ?19:46
yaccPiet, yeah, but that I do usually with something like apport, ...19:47
Slartdeserteagle: set the max and min frequencies in the xorg.conf file.. and setup a few resolutions.. I think the reason it defaults to 800x600 is because it doesn't find a monitor to interrogate for valid frequencies19:47
cuddlefishkmkz: does & after the command do that19:48
kmkzcuddlefish: nope...tried that19:48
Slartcuddlefish: it will be killed when you exit the terminal, afaik19:48
lolocan someone tell me how to use grep/sed/whatever to return the string in between the string --->"t": "<--- and --->",<---19:48
yaccPiet, and admittingly I haven't found that many bugs irritating enough to file something, ...19:48
yaccPiet, but an unusable system is irritating enough ;)19:49
mikebeechamSlart: yeah...looking through it now and nothing is immediately obvious to me19:49
loloif   "t": "bob", was the string how do i get get bob?19:49
Picilolo: #bash would be a better channel to ask this in.19:49
OrEvAwhat should i do if I have file system error in ubuntu?19:49
Mionlolo: use cut19:50
Slartmikebeecham: what about permissions for the actual folders that are shared?19:50
yeimihola a todos19:50
Titan8990OrEvA, try running fsck from a live cd19:50
aldaekdid you run ubuntu version of a chkdsk?19:50
SlartOrEvA: use fsck ?19:50
aldaekthats it... fsck19:50
cuddlefish!english > yeimi19:50
ubottuyeimi, please see my private message19:50
aldaekfile system check19:50
yaccMy 2.6.28-11-generic does not survive even a minute of burnK7 before it shutdowns :(19:51
Pietyacc: are you saying you see some (only) non-critical kernel warnings/oopses/bugs but your system is unstable/unusable?19:51
Slartyacc: is it just that kernel? it works with the older kernel?19:52
yaccPiet, well, with 2.6.28-11 (but not the older ones), my laptop has the tendency to overheat. Often.19:52
mikebeechamSlart: all folders are sitting on my mac and have been given read and write permissions for everyone19:52
ienorandI'm using soundconverter to try to convert ogg to wav, importing an ogg file gives me "No packages with the requested plugins found -- The requested plugins are: Ogg demuxer" What to do? Using gmusicbrowser or rhapsody I'm fully capable of playing the very same ogg file19:52
Pietyacc: then i would think that maybe one of these warnings/oopses/bugs can actually be critical, and you should still report it.19:52
semanticpcare there any tools to sync my files on my remote linux machine and my PC ??19:52
yaccSlart, I did write a script and tried it out with two 2.6.27 kernels which where able to survive two instances of burnK7 for a couple of minutes without any troubles.19:52
aldaeksemanticpc, other than ftp?19:53
yaccPiet, no oops.19:53
semanticpcyea .....19:53
yaccPiet, just a kernel that for whatever reason does not keep the CPU cool.19:53
Slartmikebeecham: then I'm out of ideas.. you could try making samba print some debug info.. see if you can see what happens when you try connecting.. or do the same on the server side.. see if it tells you why access is denied for that one folder19:53
aldaekmy mind keeps going to dropbox... not sure of license, but free.. let me check to see if they have a linux build19:53
yaccPiet, the shutdown is "correct", as in the correct thing to do with a CPU going near 100° C19:53
yaccPiet, the difference is that the older kernels survived the same (more or less) workload without going critical.19:54
aldaekFree for Windows, Mac, and Linux19:54
deserteagledoes anyone know how to configure the X server on a headless system to where VNC connections will have a bigger resolution?19:54
semanticpcaldaek: ill chk tht thanx19:55
yeimiHOLA A TODOS19:55
Pietyacc: did you look into a better fan controller and power saving features?19:55
aldaeksemanticpc:  you are very welcome. :) Like i said, not sure of the license.19:55
yaccPiet, the hardware is fine. The older kernels survive burnK7 fine.19:56
OrEvAwhat should i do if i have file system error?19:56
yaccPiet, so logically it's a bug in the new kernel package ;(19:56
semanticpcaldaek: the basic edition is free19:56
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aldaekOrEvA: try a "fsck" from a live cd/dvd.19:57
yaccPiet, and yes, I'm currently running at 800MHz/powersave locked in, so that I can use the laptop at all.19:57
yaccPiet, but somehow castrating the hardware so that it can run somehow is not the point.19:57
Pietyacc: the old fancontrol sucks remarkably19:57
Pici!es | yeimi19:57
ubottuyeimi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:57
Pici!fr > yeimi19:57
ubottuyeimi, please see my private message19:57
yaccPiet, well, in my experience the new one seems to suck => the old kernels, and Intrepid have run stable without issues for months.19:58
Pietyacc: is this a thinkpad by chance?19:58
Pietyacc: not really, no19:58
aldaekwow... dropbox is gpl licensed19:58
johnPI need to print just one page out of a pdf doc. Page 11 of 28. My printer setup does not give me the options to select a single page. I am using the default printer drivers that come with Ubuntu and Document Viewer. How can i fix this?19:58
semanticpcohh aldaek here the server space is provided by them .... but i actually i have my remote server too19:58
OrEvAaldaek:fsck fails to do any thing19:58
yaccPiet, HP 2050tx (AMD dualcore tablet convertible)19:58
aldaekdo you have any hard drive diagnostic utilities then?19:58
SlartjohnP: I'm surprised it isn't configurable in the print dialog.. but you can use some command line tools to extract the page you want and save it to a new file.. then print that19:59
yaccPiet, it's certainly possible that in some abstract way the new fancontrol is "better", but it's certainly not better at keeping my laptop running ;)19:59
OrEvAaldaek: i dont know....like what19:59
yaccjohnP, which PDF reader?20:00
johnPSlart; i have no idea what commands to use to do that.. but first.. is there another way to accessthe printers dialog?.. im just going to print setup from the File menu..20:00
heffwhen  connect my usb hdd external drive it doesnt show on my desktop...how do I fix that ?20:00
aldaekheff: mount it20:01
SlartjohnP: that's the only one I know of20:01
heffhow do I do that ?20:01
johnPI am using Document Viewer to view the PDF20:01
SlartjohnP: or rather.. press file, print.. you should get a new dialog20:01
SlartjohnP: the print setup thingy is just for selecting what printer to use and such20:01
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johnPI see.. i need the options for the print setup.. such as print preview and such20:02
johnPperhaps its a limitation of the Document Viewer and i need a better pdf viewer?20:03
Pietyacc: :) apparently not.20:03
SlartjohnP: what happens if you select, File -> Print  .. you don't get a dialog window where you can select, All pages, Current page, etc20:03
SlartjohnP: print preview isn't available in the document viewer20:03
yaccPiet, well, usually I can appreciate design beauty, clean code and all these other attributes of a good solution. Anytime. Well anytime but times where my personal hardware acts up ;)20:04
SlartjohnP: or wait.. I have a "Print preview" button at the bottom of the print dialog.. pretty useless though, it just opens another window that looks exactly the same =)20:05
johnPOh yeah.. your right.. i get optiions then.. DOH!.. i guess i overlooked that.20:05
Pietyacc: i was just looking for some improved fan controlling daemon a freind of mine made, but can't find it right now, apparently it's not online yet. anyway, how about hacking your own dynamic fix for now, using cron and lm-sensors?20:05
johnPi think i can do what i need to do from here.. the dialog that comes up with Print20:05
Pietyacc: i agree that's a bad workaround for an apparent kernel or other software bug20:06
Pietyacc: well you have not said this, yet, but i guess you would20:06
yaccPiet, not sure if I can control the fan => anyway, for the time being I'll survive by either getting the nvidia module working on the older kernels, or by locking the box to 800MHz manually.20:06
deserteaglehow do i change the resolution on an X server when I dont have a monitor plugged?20:06
iScorcould someone help me with ubuntu? im on the live cd to test it20:06
Pietyacc: it would surely be better if you could file a bug report and try to find out if it's really the kernel causing it or some ther software you upgraded, too20:06
yaccPiet, no other software.20:07
tdnI have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my girlfriends laptop. During install I created a user for me 'tdn'. When the install finished, I created an admin user for her 'hhc'. When I use it, it regularly pops up with security updates. But when she uses it, it does not. How do I fix this? I have checked today that there are several updates. Why is she not notified?20:07
Pietyacc: so debugging becomes much easier already, please file a bug report.20:07
yaccPiet, I took an hour off, booting all kinds of kernels and trying to burn them. 2.6.28-11 does not survive even 60 secs, while the older kernels all managed without any troubles for a couple of minutes.20:08
soulfreshnertdn - does she belong to the admin group?20:08
yaccPiet: I'm just filing it.20:08
johnPO.k. Crown me Idiot of the day.  it worked fine, thanks Slart!20:09
yaccPiet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/378065 <= for all to see.20:09
yaccAnd now it's dinner time :)20:09
Pietyacc: thanks20:10
tomas_hey, which option in php config disables warnings?20:10
soulfreshnertomas_ - errorlevel?20:11
tdnsoulfreshner, yes.20:11
wffHello.  I'm having some trouble using userdir in httpd.conf.  I followed these instructions: http://www.easy-ubuntu-linux.com/apache-modules-ubuntu-configuration-2.html.  However, when I restart my server and go to http://localost/~myuser, I get a beloved 403 Forbidden error.20:12
JosefAssadanyone tell me what I need to do to get cgi working? I have the cgi-bin showing but when I try to run a cgi in it, firefox tries to download the fil20:12
tomas_soulfreshner: thanks20:12
soulfreshnernp :)20:12
abhilashi did openoffice presentaion slide,its too slow when i begin and it gets struck, whats alternative??please help20:12
ker2xhi ! is this page still up-to-date ? http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/ibm/db220:12
yaccJosefAssad, then your Apache is not recognizing it as an executable, ...20:12
ker2xi should download the 7.10 ?20:13
abhilashwhen i start slideshow, it just hangs20:13
Ademanhey yacc, I missed you on #python-xlib I'm not really an expert but maybe I could help you if you wanna get back in there20:13
tomas_tomas@fugu:~$ grep errorlevel /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini20:13
Piciker2x: 7.10 is no longer supported.20:13
bullgard4Does 'pavumeter --record' show volume on a linear or on a logarithmic scale?20:13
ker2xPici: but the page tell to DL the 7.10 for DB2 : http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/ibm/db220:13
ker2xthat's why i'm confused :)20:13
Slartker2x, Pici: that's weird.. why not use the LTS version for those things..20:14
bullgard4Zeigt 'pavumeter --record' die Lautstärke auf einer linearen  oder  einer logarithmischen Skala an?20:15
LordKenTheGreatHello, how do I make a proper debian/ubuntu package?20:15
JosefAssadyacc: alright. Is that something in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf?20:15
LordKenTheGreatThere's no good documentation on the internet.20:15
ker2xlatest DB2-C is 9.5.2 ... and probably have the same software requirement ...20:16
Piciker2x: I suggest that you either take a look at the forum linked from that page or contact Canonical directly about it20:16
JosefAssadhm, module cgid already enabled20:17
th0rLordKenTheGreat: you're right...no info at all on the net - http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=4&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D2683&ei=ELQRSrnPI5SEtwej_8T-Bw&rct=j&q=how+to+create+a+.deb+package&usg=AFQjCNHmmvvU_kWqrzq9Upja-Dua7Ad1iQ20:17
ker2xoh, online forum. i didn't saw it. thx :)20:17
ker2x(mmm, it's a link to IBM's forum :/ )20:17
LordKenTheGreatSorry, I just loaded that now...20:17
ker2xwell, thx for your help :)20:17
josemi need help20:17
chemikalzwhat with20:18
sbasuitaLordKenTheGreat, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete20:18
djonesLordKenTheGreat: also look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekJaunty/UbuntuDev20:19
LittleJcan any one help me with guake ?20:19
LittleJi have some problems with version from synaptic, and i canot build guake 4.0 from source...20:20
AdemanLittleJ: what's the issue with the original package?20:20
LittleJAdeman: some fonts problem20:20
LittleJactualy its a bug in version from synaptic20:20
LittleJlet me give u the link20:20
AdemanLittleJ: a documented bug?20:20
tdnsoulfreshner, uid=1001(hhc) gid=1001(hhc) groups=1001(hhc),4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),107(fuse),109(lpadmin),115(netdev),117(admin),122(sambashare)20:21
AdemanLittleJ: if it's already a documented bug and you wanted to build it from source, I can try and help you with that20:21
epirohi all :D20:21
mgmuscariany recommendations for a good media player with media library/collection support? i'm trying amarok2, but frankly the lack of configuration options is frustrating, as well as the lack of gapless playback20:21
LittleJits a documented bug20:21
AdemanLittleJ: alright, then what's your issue with building it from source20:21
mgmuscarii'd like to try xmms2 but i can't figure out which of the many gui clients to try20:22
epirodoes anybody know how I can make my webcam work on homepages? ex. blogtv.com !?20:22
aldaekOrEvA and I have a question about marking bad blocks so the fs does not use them. How do we do this?20:22
LittleJwell i have prroblems with gtk+-2.020:22
RamonHi people!20:22
AdemanLittleJ: sure, is it saying you don't have it? you need the libgtk2.0-dev package (that may not be the exact-exact name)20:23
deanymgmuscari, I use xmms1 but I quite liked exaile when I used it.20:23
RamonHow can i do to see a dvd video in the iso file format?20:23
mgmuscarideany: been a while since i tried xmms1... does it have good support for media library searching?20:23
LittleJi have it instaled ademan20:23
LittleJthats exactly the problem...20:23
epiroRamon - can't you download it?20:23
deanymgmuscari,  no media library, just a standard play which is what I want.  try exaile.20:23
mgmuscarideany: i've been using winamp on this computer for the longest time, but i finally became too fed up with windows and just wiped it20:23
LittleJand yea its exactly the same name20:24
AdemanLittleJ: can you make a paste of your error output at http://www.rafb.net/paste  ?20:24
chemikalztry apt-get "program name"20:24
deanymgmuscari,  xmms is more like winamp than exaile is.20:24
LittleJsure just a second20:24
Ademanor rather, just your entire output20:24
epirodoes anybody know how I can make my webcam work on homepages? ex. blogtv.com !?20:24
aldaekdont forget the sudo in front20:24
epirowhat does sudo mean?20:24
deanymgmuscari,   but no library20:24
chemikalzah yes20:24
mgmuscarideany: yeah, i'm looking for something that's similar to winamp 5 rather than winamp 220:24
epiroeverything's like sudo, lol20:24
aldaekswitch user do20:24
chemikalzsudo means it will just work20:24
chemikalzwith ur hardware20:24
epirochemikalz hahhahahah20:24
chemikalzidk its magic20:24
FloodBot3chemikalz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
deanymgmuscari, I dont know if winamp would work under wine20:25
Ramonepiro, i had download it and it is a <name-of-film>.iso, how can i to mount it on a virtual drive and see it within xine??20:25
mgmuscarideany: i already tried it... the ui doesn't work too well20:25
deanymgmuscari, I love winamp, the only thing i miss from windows.20:25
LittleJAdeman: http://rafb.net/p/xbTG4M24.html20:25
mgmuscarideany: agreed20:25
chemikalzim runnin rythmbox, its got built in last.fm sweet i like it20:25
wffHas anyone been successful using userdir in apache2?20:25
epiroRamon - doesn't it say what program you need to download automatically when you run it?20:25
Ademandeany: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=520:25
epiropeople, this is the problem with ubuntu and linux...ITS NOT USER FRIENDLY...like windows! ;D20:26
chemikalzafter u mess with it a bit it is20:26
chemikalzi havent touched my vista boot20:26
chemikalzsince i installed20:26
chemikalzubuntu a few days ago20:26
Ramonepiro, i have th iso image of the film, and i want to see it without mastering it but directly from the iso image. How cn i do it???20:26
epiroand also, there is not real support as they promise it would be... ;)20:26
scampbellPlease don't feed the trolls.20:27
epiroRamon - I don't know!20:27
LittleJso ademan i checked again and i confirm i have latest package of libgtk2.0-dev20:27
epiroRamon - I am new to Ubuntu...20:27
Ramonok, o don't tell me things u don't know about.20:27
SLKCHello all :)20:27
Str1keSeeing as Ubuntu is an african word, maybe someone here can help me with my query. When I was younger I lived in South Africa, and my mother used to tell me about some of the black south africans that believed that there was a monster that lived under their beds, and that some of them would raise their beds up on stacks of bricks so that the little monsters could not reach them. Unfortunately, I cannot remember what this devilish little creature was called. 20:27
FloridaGuy? isent xorg supose to have mouse and keyboard and   ( monitor name a resalution ) and i have screen set at 1280 x 1024...if i restart pc..it goes back to 1024 x 76820:27
SlartRamon: just mount it to a folder somewhere and open that folder in your favourite video player20:27
Slart!mountiso | Ramon20:27
ubottuRamon: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify downloaded ISO images using !MD5 before !burning.20:27
AdemanLittleJ: alright, do you have python-gtk2 and if so try installing python-gtk2-dev20:27
epiroRamon - Instead of complaining to me, you should be thankfull that I am trying to help you! :)20:28
chemikalzlol str1ke20:28
Slart!ot | Str1ke20:28
ubottuStr1ke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:28
MionStr1ke: it's named "epiro"20:28
LittleJAdeman:  u'r the man :) worked like a charm :)20:28
AdemanLittleJ: awesome, glad to hear it20:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mountntfs20:29
LittleJdidnt tought bout that :)20:29
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:29
RamonI'm helpfull when i make a question and a person answer it correctly. as Slart did. Fill the channel of unuseful words isnt help. Thats all.20:29
LittleJthanks a lot mate :) bye bye20:29
epiroStrlke - It was called: "Mion" !20:29
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems20:29
Str1keMion: thanks, now I know what to google20:29
RamonThank sslart.20:29
chemikalzanyone know how to make steam work through wine20:29
Str1keoh wait...that was a joke20:30
chemikalzdo i really have to reinstall wine20:30
SlartRamon: you're welcome20:30
Slart!who | chemikalz20:30
ubottuchemikalz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:30
epirodoes anybody know how I can make my webcam work on homepages? ex. blogtv.com !?20:30
Mionchemikalz: dual-booting is much better20:30
chemikalzi can dual boot20:30
chemikalzi just like ubuntu :)20:30
EloffI have a uri to a .deb package, how can I install it on my ubuntu box?20:30
Slartepiro: that would depend entirely on how those webpages are constructed..20:30
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
AdemanEloff: if you have a gui just download the package with firefox or something, then you can double click on it once you've downloaded it20:31
EloffThanks ademan20:31
SlartEloff: I'm not sure if you can feed a uri to apt-get.. you might have to download the package first.. then install it with gdebi or something like that20:31
AdemanEloff: alternatively you can use wget to download the package and use sudo dpkg -i <package>    to actually install it20:31
mgmuscarideany: winamp lite actually does work fine under wine. winamp full has problems drawing the gui20:31
daedhel_Eloff, dowload it somewhere, then CD to that somewhere, then "sudo dpkg -i package.deb"20:31
ElectricHeavyLanAnyone have experience using either 'puredata' or 'Csound' for audio synthesis? ChucK just will not work on this machine or some reason and there's no IRC channel...etc...Ubunutu *does* have packages for other though.20:31
LordKenTheGreatHow do I build the package if make only builds one binary in the same working directory?20:32
epiroSlart - It's blogtv.com ! I can run my webcam on cheese, but it doesn't recognized on blogtv.com ! should it recognize?20:32
AdemanLordKenTheGreat: what package?20:32
caraHas anyone been able to use their HDMI port (Nvidia) under ubuntu?20:32
anaoi di20:32
daedhel_LordKenTheGreat, are u sure there is no deb for your app20:32
deanymgmuscari, ill stick to xmms, super lite and winamp presets are perfect, which is my main need...they dont seem to import very well in other programs.  Audacious gives out high pitched scratchy noise with them, otherwise i`d use that.20:32
Str1keTo all new ubuntu-users in the channel - welcome! You've made the right decision :)20:32
chemikalzim going to try csound20:32
chemikalzi used pro tools on mac20:32
epirocara - no, not me...20:32
ElectricHeavyLan...mainly wondering which might be more "mature" I guess.20:32
Slartepiro: I doubt it.. it sounds like some proprietary windows thing..20:32
grendiantcpdump -w tcpdump.log gives me packet data.. how to i get it to dump the output it shows to a log file.. only success i have had is tcpdump > tcpdump.log, but this doesn't actually dump to the log until i kill the command. anyone know tcpdump? better place to ask?20:32
caraWTF? did they break it?20:33
anaoi di20:33
mgmuscarideany: yeah, there doesn't seem to be much of a reason to use winamp lite over xmms :)20:33
epiroSlart - Yeah... :/20:33
mgmuscarideany: one thing that i definitely miss so far is gapless playback on mp3's20:33
LordKenTheGreatI've checked for an existing deb.20:33
Slartgrendian: why not try wireshare or one  of the other guis out there?20:33
AdemanElectricHeavyLan: I haven't the slightest clue but why not go with the one with the package and then if you find you don't like it try the other one?20:33
LordKenTheGreatAnd the version I have (SVN) is the only one that works.20:33
epiroSlart - but there is a way to fake it, like all other windows monopoly programs20:33
eseven73Slart, wireshark*20:33
Slart!br | ana20:33
ubottuana: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:33
deanymgmuscari, I dont like players that have big windows like amarok/exaile.. Just used to having a winamp like player in corner of screen all the time.20:33
Slartgrendian: sorry.. wireshark20:34
nmvictorchemikalz: nice to hear that,wish every other person dealing with kerspersky and its ignorance to system files in an attempt to scrape of viruse wakes up to the beuaty of linux some day20:34
Slarteseven73: thanks =)20:34
grendian@slart i'm not using a gui20:34
ElectricHeavyLanAdeman: true...might as well.20:34
LordKenTheGreatI'm not going to give up with packaging this...20:34
enterneoprudent idea to wipe / and /home for ext4 now, (is grub stable enough to work itself with ext4?)20:34
Eloff_these wobbly windows things in ubuntu Jaunty, is there any way to turn off how they "stick" to the sides and resist dragging?20:34
* grawity waves at LordKenTheGreat20:34
chemikalznvmvictor:   :)20:34
mgmuscarideany: yeah, i don't like to give up screen real estate either. i pretty much just use this PC as a media center though, and my library has about 27,000 songs in it, so i need something with good media library support20:34
Slartgrendian: there are ncurses guis too.. .. I've never used just plain tcpdump20:34
* LordKenTheGreat waves back at grawity.20:34
AdemanElectricHeavyLan: yeah, unfortunately I can't be any more useful than that lol20:35
chemikalzeloff ur runnin  juanty?20:35
Slart!ccsm | Eloff_20:35
ubottuEloff_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:35
anaoi dyelle20:35
AdemanLordKenTheGreat: you're hell bent on creating a package rather than just make-installing it? (I understand that, I *hate* doing things outside of dpkg/apt)   if that's the case you might check out #ubuntu-motu  they package things all day long there, they'd know what's what20:35
SlartEloff_: install that, then go to system, preferences, Compizconfig-settings-manager, find the plugin for snapping windows or similar.. disable it20:35
grendianwell, thanks20:35
Slartana: /join #ubuntu-br20:36
Eloff_chemikalz? why is it amusing that I'm running Jaunty?20:36
Slartana: this channel is english only20:36
kingmanic12Hello, I have a little graphics driver problem.  I recently updated 8.10 to the latest kernel and installed Nvidia Glx 180 drivers.  I removed and purged all old graphics files and it comes up with this error on start-up.   " EE Failed to load Module "Type 1" (Module does not exist, 0)20:36
LordKenTheGreatAdeman: I make-ed it, but there's no install option.20:36
chemikalzidk i read about it today on digg20:36
Eloff_thanks Slart20:36
gtlhow do I install a x86 .deb package on ubuntu x86_6420:36
LordKenTheGreatThanks Ademan.20:36
chemikalzsaid it was the most likley flavor to make windows users use20:36
kingmanic12I am running GeForce 7300SE as well so the 180 is compatible.20:36
=== elad is now known as elad`
enterneoI have a Core2Duo Notebook, suggestions on whether to install ubuntu 64b or 32b?20:37
chemikalzis it sweet?, whats different between jaunty and regular stable ubuntu release?20:37
Slartgtl: you can use dpkg to disable the arcchitecture checking.. man dpkg for info on how to do it20:37
epiroi just bought a new webcam today, they old webcam forget it that it would work!20:37
Slartgtl: but it's always better to use a 64bit package20:37
AdemanLordKenTheGreat: no problem.  also though, if it's just a single binary without any shared objects and such, you could just sudo mv the_binary /usr/local/bin  which is where things go when they weren't installed via apt20:37
sebsebsebchemikalz: later programs in  the non LTS's20:37
sebsebsebchemikalz: later versions of20:37
Slart!br | ana, last chance.. english only in here20:37
ubottuana, last chance.. english only in here: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:37
eseven73chemikalz, Jaunty is stable20:37
LordKenTheGreatAdeman: I'm just making the deb to help others.20:37
chemikalzshould i check it out if i already set up my os over the past few days20:38
chemikalzhow i want it20:38
ryanakcaI have radvd running on my router, why isn't my Ubuntu laptop picking up an IPv6 address?20:38
chemikalzima read about it20:38
AdemanLordKenTheGreat: that's awesome! yeah #ubuntu-motu is definitely the place to be then, good luck and thanks for the contribution20:38
Shortguy109does anyone know why www.deezer.com doesn't load up for me properly?20:38
gtlSlart: kk, ty. I don't have the x64 package, though20:38
TBeholderchemikalz ...just a bit buggy yet20:38
anaoi dyelle20:38
mgmuscarideany: thanks for the help, i'm going to give exaile a try and see if it meets my requirements.20:39
epirobye mgmuscari20:39
nmvictormgmuscari: youd also try gxine20:39
chemikalzcan i like update or switch to jauntey without reformatting or reinstalling?20:39
Slartchemikalz: yes.. you can upgrade to jaunty20:39
Slart!upgrade | chemikalz20:40
nmvictorchemikalz:yea,through update maneger20:40
ubottuchemikalz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:40
chemikalzslart sudo apt-get juanty?20:40
TBeholderchemikalz there's some option in aptitude. i just did it. :(20:40
CarstairsCan anyone tell me how to set up a roaming ip address please20:40
Slartchemikalz: hehe.. read the info on the webpage ubottu told you about20:40
chemikalzTBeholder:  why sad face dont like jaunty?20:40
chemikalzthanks slart20:40
TBeholderchemikalz  freakin' thing runs perfect right to the point when it shows desktop and mouse cursor. =)))20:41
m0r0nHey anyone willing to try to help me?20:41
chemikalzmaybe ill hold off then20:41
Slartm0r0n: what is your problem?20:41
epirojaunty is good :D it's more user friendly...like vista! :D20:42
nmvictorm0r0n: whats the problem20:42
epirodeany - yeah!!!!!!!!!!!20:42
papitoI cant enable graphic effects on ubuntu 9 and my laptop LG-E50020:42
chemikalzdont scare me into not getting jaunty20:42
chemikalzby saying its like vista20:42
* deany does sudo rm -rf /20:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:42
enterneoI have a Core2Duo Notebook, suggestions on whether to install ubuntu 64b or 32b?20:42
TBeholderchemikalz  i'll kick some configs around, of course. also, here was  some user with sound problems. on the other hand i just talked in ICQ witth pal who stuffed it into laptop and all works like swiss clockwork20:42
mphillpapito: do you have an intel video card20:42
Slartenterneo: how much memory do you have?20:42
JosefAssadanyone recommend an open source search engine? People I know have a homerolled CMS that needs search capability20:43
sebsebsebdeany: I  think that's the command that dosan't just work, but you shoudn't be giving out such commands here if  they work or don't20:43
Ademanchemikalz: i'd scare you into not using jaunty because alot of people have been having issues with it... I personally have only had minor issues, but some people have had some pretty major stuff20:43
papitomphill, how do I know that ?20:43
epirochemikalz - yeah, regular people need user friendly operating systems...everybody aren't computer nerds like ut! ;D20:43
chemikalzim runnin ubuntu stable on my dualcore with 4gb ram 32bit ubuntu though20:43
Carstairshelp with roaming ip?20:43
papitomphill, i think is intel, ..20:43
chemikalzepiro i mean i already set everything up, i just got back into linux20:43
mphillpapito: a regression issue with intel chips on 9.04 prevent 3d effects from working20:43
Myrttiana: how can we help you today?20:43
sebsebsebMyrtti: good boot20:43
tdnI have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my girlfriends laptop. During install I created a user for me 'tdn'. When the install finished, I created an admin user for her 'hhc'. When I use it, it regularly pops up with security updates. But when she uses it, it does not. How do I fix this? I have checked today that there are several updates. Why is she not notified?20:43
jamesstilwell3rdAnyone know where I can find the ubuntu equivalent of madwifi-source in debian?20:44
nmvictorepiro: did you just compare vista to jaunty,you even said that vista is user friendly,hey you are placing jaunty on the wrong scale.Vista sucks!!!!20:44
epirochemikalz - yeah! windows sucks...it's just mind control of the population, but it's good cause it's user friendly!20:44
papitomphill :D20:44
krautsystem freeze the second time today20:44
Slart!ot | nmvictor, epiro20:44
ubottunmvictor, epiro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:44
Myrttichemikalz, epiro, nmvictor: take the offtopic somewhere else, please20:44
chemikalzits only user-friendly if you do stuff like ms word20:44
anaoi papito20:44
chemikalzsorry Myrtti20:44
grawitynmvictor: Vista may be Microsoft, it may be commercialware, it may be whatever you want, but admit it, it's regaining awesomeness. (You can't compare Windows and Unix directly anyway)20:45
m0r0nI installed Ubuntu on my E and Vista in on my C, I hit install Ubuntu on my E when it asked how much space to use I hit use all. My music is in that drive, and when I go back into Vista I cannot see that drive even existing and I can't access my music. I'd like to either uninstall Ubuntu20:45
Slartthanks Myrtti20:45
m0r0nor make it so I can access my music from both Ubuntu and Vista20:45
nmvictor tdn:looks like shes got no permissions to install packages or updates20:45
chemikalzmoron think u wiped ur drive20:45
enterneoSlart, 2GB20:45
TBeholderchemikalz  well, i suppose in two weeks more or so all the worst will be quick patched. it's just a question of reliability - don't install too big and new stuff into critical systems, other than that it's fair game20:46
Carstairshelp with roaming ip anyone??20:46
chemikalzi can access my windows music20:46
chemikalzright away20:46
Ademantdn: is she in the admin group?  you may also need to ensure the Update Notifier daemon is running at login for her    the command I have is 'update-notifier --startup-delay=60'  You should find your entry though in system->preferences->startup applications  it should be named 'Update Notifier' and the command can be seen by selecting it and hitting the 'edit' button20:46
chemikalzcuz i was careful with partitions20:46
Slartm0r0n: I didn't think the ubuntu installer just destroyed existing partitions.. but it sounds like that might be what happened20:46
chemikalzwhen i started installing20:46
Slartenterneo: then go with 32bit20:46
Slartenterneo: 64 bit isn't any faster and the 32bit version has more users so it's a bit better tested20:46
epiroubottu - ok, please help me then...how can i get my webcam working when on vista i just need to plug it in and enjoy it while here i have to hang for 3 days before I MAYBE can make it work?!?20:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
chemikalzthats why i went with 3220:47
Slartenterneo: when you get a new computer with more than 4 GB memory you should install the 64 bit version20:47
chemikalzreads urp to 3.5 gb of my of my ram anywhow20:47
Owner_how can i install a new kernel in jaunty?20:47
TBeholderm0r0n  just keep all shared stuff on NTFS and mount it in Linux. where's problem?20:47
wffHello.  I'm having some trouble using userdir in httpd.conf.  I followed these instructions: http://www.easy-ubuntu-linux.com/apache-modules-ubuntu-configuration-2.html.  However, when I restart my server and go to http://localost/~myuser, I get a beloved 403 Forbidden error.20:47
chemikalzhe wrote install over all20:47
Slartchemikalz: mm.. you lose some to device mapping and such20:47
m0r0nShared stuff?20:47
TBeholder!ntfs | moron20:47
ubottumoron: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:47
adityahey all20:47
TBeholder!ntfs | m0r0n20:48
ubottum0r0n: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:48
Carstairsmoron windows wont read a linux disc but linux will read a windows disc20:48
AdemanOwner_: eh, what are you trying to do? building your own kernel *isn't* supported in here if I'm not mistaken, why do you need a new one?20:48
BorttrolladHi , anyone knows how i can remove all panels in ubuntu and only have gnome do as a dock?20:48
TBeholderm0r0n  look that link. linux can see NTFS without much issues20:48
Slartm0r0n: there are some drivers for reading ext2/3 partitions in windows.. but I would go with ntfs for a shared space20:48
TBeholder!fuse | m0r0n20:49
ubottum0r0n: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems20:49
Owner_Ademan: No I have no clue how to build one, i just want to install a new one -- to learn20:49
SlartBorttrollad: I'm not entirely sure on this but I have this vague memory of gnome needing to have at least one panel for some reason20:49
AdemanBorttrollad: you can right click on a panel and hit "delete this panel" and remove it, or you could prevent the gnome-panel process from starting when you login (system->preferences->startup applications)20:49
semanticpcdoes rsync transfer the whole folder even if only a small change was made ??20:49
Slartsemanticpc: afaik that it doesn't is one of it's major features20:49
CarstairsHelp woth raoming ip anyone?20:50
TBeholderm0r0n  right now i have NWN in home directory, symlinked right into windows partition. everything ran just fine20:50
tdnAdeman, yes, she is. And I have not changed anything about start up programs.20:50
Slartsemanticpc: it should only transfer the parts that were changed.. plus some overhead of course20:50
Ademantdn: she may be lacking that update notifier daemon though, it's worth looking into that20:50
tdnAdeman, how do I check the update-notifier from command line?20:50
tdnAdeman, I have only ssh access20:50
SlartCarstairs: what do you mean by roaming ip? wifi?20:50
Ademan!kernel | Owner_20:50
ubottuOwner_: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:50
semanticpcSlart: okay .... because it was taking a lot of time after the initial sync .... thts y20:51
Ademantdn: ew, erm hold on, it probably is going to require the gconf command which i'm unfamiliar with20:51
eheitnerHi-- is there a queue or a protocol for asking for help?20:51
ryanakcaHow do I get IPv6 working in NetworkManager ? I have my router advertising (radvd), but my laptop doesn't seem to pick it up....20:51
tdnAdeman, ok20:51
Lenin_Catsomeone was snooping on my SSH agent, I killed it, but now what20:51
erUSUL!ask | eheitner20:51
ubottueheitner: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:51
Carstairsslart. No i am connected hard into hub20:51
Slartsemanticpc: it might take a while to figure out what has changed.. but it shouldn't be transferring much during that time20:51
semanticpcokay thanx20:51
TBeholderOwner_  just say which of new bugs caught ye. ;)20:51
RamonSOLVED, hey people, problem solved..... just tipe file sudo mount -t sudo mount -t iso9660  <film-name>.iso /media/cdrom -o loop......and it work!!!!! only pperhaps in VLC, but works very good......20:51
chemikalzim updating, but dont see jauntey in my update manager20:52
Slarteheitner: just ask... include lots of details (type !details for help on that)20:52
Slartchemikalz: you might have to change a setting in.. software sources, I think20:52
Slartchemikalz: you can select wether it offers to upgrade to LTS versions, all versions or not at all20:52
Owner_TBeholder: Nah nothing as such, I just need it for my final year engineering project :P20:52
Ramonyaaaaaaaaaaaaahooooooooooooooooooo and no fuck program installed to mount !!!!!!!!!!20:52
nmvictorchemikalz: reload by clicking Check20:52
Slart!language | Ramon20:53
ubottuRamon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:53
m0r0nOk just to clarify, my music and linux are on drive E, whereas Vista and all those other programs are in another dive (C D F --Partitions)20:53
Eloff_Slart: thanks, fixed the sticky windows thing, it was exactly as you described20:53
TBeholderOwner_  You won The Jaunty Lottery!20:53
Ramonsorry people, and sorry for you ubottu... i'm happy!!!!20:53
Carstairsmoron move your music to windows drive20:53
m0r0nHow? I can't even see the hard drive20:53
Owner_TBeholder: umm.... :p20:53
m0r0nI'm on Windows right now20:53
SlartEloff_: good.. I always disable that one myself so I've been there a few times myself =)20:53
m0r0nWhen I go to My Computer, it's non-existant20:54
Carstairsmoron linux should find your windows drive20:54
Ramonanother puzzle bit goes in place.... windows is very very far now...20:54
eheitnerI'm trying to transfer some files from my ipod--.tiff and .gif files. I can open them on my roommate's Mac, but on my Ubuntu machine it tells me there is insufficient memory to open them with imageviewer (these files are 1 or 2 MB). Other .tiffs that are already on my harddrive open just fine. GIMP hangs when I try to open these files with them. I am occasionally getting an indexing error dialog box that doesn't seem to do anything.20:54
Carstairsmoron do it from linux not windows20:54
TBeholderm0r0n  see where? you have to mount it. read manual, look into /dev to see how it's called and go on20:54
RamonOk, good bye people!20:54
Owner_TBeholder: I hate jaunty, it upgraded my amarok and it cant play files now - it disabled my virtualbox - liked intrepid better - and anyways i rarely use ext420:54
Eloff_I installed my .deb package, anybody know where I find it now? (I'm used to getting an icon in the start menu)20:55
TBeholderOwner_ heh. it broke my *windowmanager*.20:55
Eloff_cd /usr20:55
m0r0nI tried looking in my E drive in Linux for my music but I couldn't find it, has it been deleted?20:55
SlartEloff_: what did you install?20:55
epirom0r0n - hahahahah...i can't see the files either...it doesn't seem to have a c drive20:55
chemikalzlol i updated, and all my music is missing now..lol20:55
ninjafuryGuys, google couldn't help. Tried installing midori 0.1.6 from a .deb file on my Jaunty AMD64, and apt gives me this error: "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.6.13)". Can anyone help?20:55
Eloff_wingide, development ide for python20:56
chemikalzbrb restarting20:56
Slartm0r0n: try starting the gnome partition editor.. it should be in system, administration20:56
Owner_TBeholder: Oh well I just wish ubuntu could simply cut the 6 month release date and simply follow a better release20:56
Slartm0r0n: see if you can find your ntfs drive there20:56
epirom0r0n - it's totally stupid this shit...it has officially got world record in being difficult to use...20:56
erUSULninjafury: there is a ppa for midory that works quite well20:56
erUSUL!ppa | ninjafury20:56
ubottuninjafury: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.20:56
SlartEloff_: try running this in a terminal "sudo updatedb; locate wingide"20:56
julian__anyone know of any  video conversion program that has multi core support20:56
Carstairsmoron you just put a new hard drive in your machine?20:57
TBeholderEloff_  where it was targetted to. there was some option to look into .deb or if you did it with aptitude GUI it shows where files go, so you can make new launcher20:57
SlartEloff_: it might take a minute or so (the updatedb thing looks through all your files and builds an index.. locate searches that index)20:57
Owner_The only reason I like using linux is xchat is free here -- in windows its shareware!!!20:57
ninjafuryerUSUL, I downloaded the .deb file from launchpad, and still get this error20:57
Slartjulian__: I think there was a build of mencoder that did multi core.. not sure if it's in by default20:57
Eloff_thanks Slart got a bunch of hits on it now, I should be able to figure it out from here20:57
SlartOwner_: there are free versions of xchat for windows too.. you just have to search a bit20:57
Eloff_I tried locate wing earlier, but I guess it was that updatedb that did the trick?20:57
erUSULninjafury: well the problem is tht you need other pdependencies from the same repositorie20:58
julian__well im using Devede right now on a quad core machine. but it only utilizes 40 percent of the processor20:58
soulfreshnerOwner_, Xchat is free from silverex20:58
SlartEloff_: you could also try typing wing and press <TAB>.. if there is a program that starts with wing it will autocomplete for you20:58
SlartEloff_: correct.. updatedb updates the index thingy20:58
Eloff_Owner_: it's free in windows too, if you compile it yourself or find it online compiled by someone else (that's what I did)20:58
Ademantdn: unfortuantely it's gonna be a bit longer, the gconf key I want isn't making itself immediately obvious20:59
chemikalztim to see if music is there?20:59
Eloff_Slart: thanks again20:59
Carstairsmoron have you recently added a new hard drive?20:59
TBeholderOwner_  technically, MirandaIM under wine is free too. ;)20:59
Slartjulian__: mm.. devede is more bling bling than raw power... but it's very easy to use.. something that mencoder can't really be accused of20:59
SlartEloff_: you're welcome20:59
soulfreshnerOwner_, http://www.silverex.org/news/20:59
ninjafuryerUSUL, also the version of midori in synaptic is out of date. So PPA is the way to go. How would I resolve the dependancy?20:59
ralmarHey guys Im having a really weird problem with Ekiga Softphone (voip application). Everytime I open it up and start a call the network resource monitor in the system monitor says that i start uploading like crazy (550+ KB/s), when I only have roughly 30 KB/s (max connection upload speed). And during this time of massive upload, my call does not get disconnected in the sense that the time keeps on running, but i lose audio on the call, it actually does stop a20:59
ralmarnd if i open firefox i cant go to any website, not even google.com will load. However when I close ekiga, the crazy uploading stops and i can browse the web again. What could this be? Thanks20:59
erUSULninjafury: there is no need to resolve them if you add the ppa repo and you install midori you are set u20:59
tdnAdeman, ok.21:00
Owner_Slart, TBeholder, soulfreshner: Glad for the advice -- looking into it :)21:00
eheitner.tiff and .gif files from my ipod won't open-- i get "not enough memory" despite being able to open much bigger files already on my harddrive21:00
julian__I see. I mean devede is in fact really easy to use and it creates the iso file reading for burning. just wish the conversion went a bit faster21:00
Carstairseheitner I think itunes changes the files so ipod can read them21:01
Slartjulian__: what version of devede are you using?21:01
Owner_lol  --- its called Y chat hahaa21:01
Slartjulian__: in mine I have a "use optimization for multi core cpus"21:01
The_JagHi all, has anyone a W5Fm Asus Laptop?21:01
Carstairsstill need help with roaming ip folks21:01
julian__im using 3.12. I also do use that option21:01
eheitnercarstairs- I don't use itunes, I use rythmbox to manage the music files on my ipod21:02
caraewiltonHi guys, can you help with an install glitch?21:02
Slartjulian__: ah.. perhaps it isn't computing power that is limiting the process.. might be i/o limited21:02
Jhodasitunes is a resource hog, its insanely heave for  a music player21:02
schambersi have installed xubuntu 9.04 on my lenovo w500 laptop. i get audio controls, everything is unmuted, but no sound21:02
Carstairseheitner sorry can't help then mate21:02
julian__Yea. Im looking at the support site and apparently in uses mencoder21:03
tommaccoschambers: are you using gnome?21:04
tommaccoschambers: i was having trouble with audio myself, specifically with alsa.  I switched over to OSS and everything works fine21:04
schambersi am using xfce21:05
schambersand xubuntu21:05
Jhodastommacco, schambers I've had trouble with alsa since 7.0421:05
d1gitalmy screen resolution won't go back after an X restart.  didnt change any configs, wasnt doing anything driver-related, etc.  nvidia-xconfig seems to run fine but does not help. nvidia-settings says i'm not using nvidia driver.  nvidia enabled in restricted drivers manager.  any advice?21:05
KallestarkHey, I have a problem with connecting to internet trough a router. Anyone think they can help me? I'm using ubuntu 7.04 i think21:06
erUSUL!details | Kallestark21:06
ubottuKallestark: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:06
tommaccoschambers: okay, i'm not sure about a specific utility to switch from alsa to oss besides the gnome sound options, i've been removed from linux for far too many years21:06
schambersJhodas: how can i switch?21:06
lstarnesKallestark: check the output of lsb_release -d21:07
tommaccoJhodas: I was running alsa just fine in 8.10, upgrade to 9.04 and only OSS would work21:07
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=== Bibi_ is now known as soulfreshner
Jhodastommacco, maybe its just my hardware21:07
Jhodasschambers, give me a moment21:07
schambersis it a dropdown21:07
schambersi see alsa mixer21:07
tommaccoJhodas: it's probably mine as well (-:21:07
schambersand OSS Mixer21:07
KallestarkEhm, i'm new to ubuntu. I don't know anything21:07
wffHello.  I'm having trouble using userdir with apache2.  I followed directions on the site http://www.easy-ubuntu-linux.com/apache-modules-ubuntu-configuration-2.html.  However, I get a beloved 403 Forbidden error when I go to http://localhost/~[my_user_name].  Any ideas?21:08
ninjafuryerUSUL, after adding the ppa to my repo and trying to install midori through synaptic, i get "Depends: libwebkit-1.0-2 (>=1.1.6) but it is not installable" Can I fix this?21:09
mib_e9oxiy3sHey, it's m0r0n again, I'm on Ubuntu through a CD, mind guiding me how to find my music21:09
alpery764update-manager notified about xorg-server-intel package update. I did th update and now my computer is freezing randomly.. it's so annoying. how can i go back to previous version of that package21:10
erUSULninjafury: :| never had that problem... did you added the correct lines for your ubuntu version?21:10
erUSUL!es | usuario_21:10
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:10
unikonto those that have helped me in the past few days with my ubuntu setup,,, I thank you21:10
ninjafuryerUSUL, yes, the default ppa was for karmic, i changed it to jaunty. Is there something else I should have done?21:10
erUSULninjafury: no; it should just have worked (tm)...21:11
erUSULninjafury: works here (althought im still in 8.10)21:11
=== oobe_ is now known as oobe
chazcoHi... is it possible to feed key presses into a script (e.g. y,n,3,y into install.sh)21:12
Jhodasschambers, can't remember off the top of my head but I think there's a thread about that issue on the forums somewhere. Sorry I couldnt help more.21:12
erUSUL!info expect | chazco21:12
ubottuchazco: expect (source: expect): A program that can automate interactive applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5.43.0-17 (jaunty), package size 308 kB, installed size 628 kB21:12
Slartchemikalz: there is a "yes" and "no" command.. or you could just use pipes21:12
Slartchemikalz: sorry.. wrong nick21:13
ninjafuryerUSUL, so it seems libwebkit is causing the problem. If I manually install libwebkit, would it fix the dependancy?21:13
=== tim__sharitt is now known as tim_sharitt
Slarthmm.. expect.. sounds like fun.. I'll have to take a look21:13
erUSULninjafury: maybe you can try that..21:13
chazcoThanks erUSUL, will use that if i cant find a more script friendly way (i have a recovery script for ubuntu, and one of my drivers comes as another shell script)21:13
d1gitalmy screen resolution won't go back after an X restart.  didnt change any configs, wasnt doing anything driver-related, etc.  nvidia-xconfig seems to run fine but does not help. nvidia-settings says i'm not using nvidia driver.  nvidia enabled in restricted drivers manager.  any advice?21:14
Ademantdn: you can try 'sudo cp /etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier.desktop /home/${herusername}/.config/autostart/'  although I'm not positive that will work, since her session manager *should* be checking /etc/xdg/autostart anyways...21:14
scott__fuck I got banned cause tor was still running:S, anyone have an idea how I can get unbanned?21:14
=== scott__ is now known as AmnesiaUK
erUSULchazco: i take that --> echo "string\n" (and variations) do not work21:14
erUSUL!language | AmnesiaUK go to #ubuntu-ops21:15
ubottuAmnesiaUK go to #ubuntu-ops: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:15
SlartAmnesiaUK: you could start by not using that kind of language21:15
chazcoerUSUL - Not had any luck so far21:15
nmvictorwhats the command to lock the screen?21:15
AdemanSlart beat me to it heh21:15
SlartAdeman: and erusul beat us both =)21:15
erUSULAdeman: no i beat you both ;P21:15
AmnesiaUKCould anyone tell me what I can compare X with as in windows21:15
AmnesiaUKcan X be compared with explorer?21:16
* erUSUL ^_^21:16
SlartAmnesiaUK: no.. nautilus would be the explorer equivalent21:16
coz_AmnesiaUK,  X with NT21:16
SlartAmnesiaUK: X is.. well.. not sure what the windows system is actually called21:16
AmnesiaUKwith what can it be compared, cause than I can get a better idea what X actually is21:16
coz_AmnesiaUK,  thats the comparison  x is to linux as NT is to windows21:16
lstarnesAmnesiaUK: it's basically the display server21:17
coz_I believe21:17
SlartAmnesiaUK: have a look at the wikipedia page for X.org or just X.. it's pretty good21:17
SlartAmnesiaUK: they have pages for "desktop enviroment" "window manager" etc too21:17
erUSULAdeman: maybe gdi gdi+ in windows up to XP in Vista they changed it to avalon or something equally "cool" named21:17
lstarnesAmnesiaUK: it can draw simple windows, but window managers like compiz and metavity actually manage the windows and decorate them21:17
AmnesiaUKso there isnt a name for the windows "X variant"?21:18
Abedhey guys i have a strange issue with ubuntu, i 've just plugged in the headphones into my laptop but i get sound from both the headphones and the main speakers21:18
AdemanerUSUL: eh? tab completion gone awry?21:18
PiciAmnesiaUK: No. But ##window might have a better answer than that.21:18
lstarnesAmnesiaUK: windows doesn't use X or anything like it.  almost everything is in explorer or the windows kernel21:18
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erUSULAdeman: probably XD21:18
TBeholderAmnesiaUK as to win vs. *nix - no direct equivalent, the very point is that things are interfaced, not integrated21:18
SlartAmnesiaUK: not that I know of.. it's all included in "Windows"21:18
lstarnesAmnesiaUK: vista does have dwm as well21:18
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents21:18
ninjafuryerUSUL, which version of midori are you using on your system?21:18
redrebelanyone here uses thunderbird??21:18
erUSULAmnesiaUK: maybe gdi gdi+ in windows up to XP in Vista they changed it to avalon or something equally "cool" named21:18
pellefrankWIch TV reciver should i use? One that are compatible with linux21:19
Slartredrebel: yup..21:19
erUSULninjafury: 0..1.521:19
Slartredrebel: try typing !anyone for some bot information21:19
AmnesiaUKerUSUL, lstarnes, Slart  okay thanks:)21:19
redrebelon my ubuntu thunderbird often seems to hang for a few seconds when I use it21:20
jfIf I increase volume on PCM and Front above 75 it kills the audio. The higher the setting the sooner it will kill it. When it's gone, I can make a "terminal-beep" and it comes back...21:20
jfweird audio problem or what?21:20
Guest43790Hi guys, I don't know if this is the right channel, but I need some help on getting applications in ubuntu read greek filenames. Any idea?21:20
redrebeli when i move the window, it takes a while to redraw21:20
Slartredrebel: I haven't had any such problems using thunderbird.. firefox does it sometimes though21:21
LjLGuest43790: the channel is ok but you might try asking in #ubuntu-gr too if you speak greek, they're likely to know more about this specific topic21:21
erUSULGuest43790: doesn't it do it by default ?21:21
tdnAdeman, I will not just overwrite things. I would like to check if it is already set first. Also, I would like to know WHY she does not get the updates, when I have created her user as admin.21:21
redrebelI think it might be due to the fact that i have thousands of emails21:22
mad3linux!search chaves21:22
system404god its taken me ages but finally got ubuntu installed on my dell vostro 1510 on it ryt now every distro i had to hand didnt work downloaded 9.04 and bam everything worked all my hardware everything my bluetooth my wifi bam all worked out the box fantastic love it21:22
bubbaany server support?21:22
Ademantdn: it won't be overwriting anything, unless there's already a update-notifier.desktop in her ~/.config/autostart  which I sincerely doubt.  however I do think that command I gave you won't change anything21:23
Slartredrebel: hmm.. that's possible.. but thunderbird should be able to handle thousands or even hundreds of thousands  mails without stuttering21:23
erUSULbubba: #ubuntu-server ?21:23
Slartmad3linux: looking for something special?21:23
Slartmad3linux: !search searches for .. factoids, I think.. !find searches for files in repository packages21:24
Guest43790ok LjL, thanks a lot!21:24
system404anyway to get evolution to receive my hotmail emails21:24
mad3linux@search games21:25
ubottusupybot.plugins.Games and supybot.plugins.Games.public21:25
Mick27hi everyone21:25
gameI have 7.10 and wondering what I should  do with it.21:25
system404anyway to get evolution to receive my hotmail emails21:25
Mick27is their a channel dedicated to server support ?21:25
jribMick27: #ubuntu-server21:25
gamePut in 8.04 CD and do update?21:25
Mick27jrib, thanks21:25
system404anyway to get evolution to receive my hotmail emails21:25
jrib!upgrade | game21:25
ubottugame: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:25
jribsystem404: does hotmail do pop or imap?21:26
Slart!games | mad3linux21:26
ubottumad3linux: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php21:26
orgy`hi, im using ubuntu jaunty without pulse, but there are no treble/bass controls in alsamixer. is there a way to control them somehow anyway?21:26
Slart!repeat | system40421:26
system404the paid hotmail accounts have pop but my free account dont21:26
ubottusystem404: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:26
mad3linuxhow can I search and a link appear to me ?21:26
deanyi use gmail , it has pop21:26
jribmad3linux: google.com?21:27
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:27
Slartmad3linux: search for what?21:27
erUSULsystem404: afaik hotmail odes not offer pop3 nor imap access so no; there is no way21:27
mad3linuxsearch here in a server?21:27
system404iall i know is in outlook u download outlook connector and bam u got hotmail but not sure how to get my hotmail in ubuntu21:27
mad3linuxfor music files21:27
erUSUL!info gotmail | system40421:27
ubottusystem404: gotmail (source: gotmail): utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.0-1 (jaunty), package size 38 kB, installed size 124 kB21:27
Slartmad3linux: wrong channel21:27
mad3linuxohh, sorry :)21:27
Slartmad3linux: this isn't a file sharing channel21:27
bubbai need help with my server21:27
system404ubotto is it easy to setup as in is it easy for a linux noob lol21:27
jribbubba: ask your question21:27
nmvictori used to think ubottu is one person out their,lol i was damn wrong.why dint you tell me ubottu?21:28
Picisystem404: ubottu is a bot21:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:28
system404well that question goes to everyone is gotmail easy to setup with hotmail21:28
system404from a noob point of view21:28
bubbamy ftp client does not see my server but the modem21:28
erUSULsystem404: well is command line utility so maybe for a noob is not that easy21:29
system404me and windows no probs not alot i cant fix in windows but my linux exp is minimum21:29
Slartsystem404: I can only speak for myself.. but I haven't used hotmail since.. well.. 15  years ago or something... there is a plugin thing for thunderbird that can do it.. or could when I last looked at it21:29
system404paolo88: any app u can recommend for me to get my hotmail then21:29
Slartsystem404: I've never tried gotmail though21:30
system404i might look into that slart thanks21:30
=== MadMax is now known as Guest55978
SuspectZeroin windows i ahve the net use command wht would be the linux equivilent of that?21:30
system404im dual booting at the moment so would like to access my mail no matter which os i run21:30
grkblood13can some1 help me get my usb mic to work in ubuntu?21:30
SlartSuspectZero: net use could do lots of things.. what are you trying to do?21:30
zafzimbra desktop does hotmail21:30
erUSULSuspectZero: samba supplies a net command that is mostly compatible21:30
lstarnesbubba: is your modem also a router?21:30
SuspectZeronet use \\\ipc$ "" /user:""21:31
system404also where do i get themes for ubuntu cause the default is kinda bland21:31
SuspectZerothts the command i wanna use but apperently thats an NT command21:31
Slartsystem404: check out gnome-look.org21:31
lstarnesbubba: then you need to setup port forwarding in you router21:31
xmrkitecan someone help me with a Serial Port Issue? I moved my hard drive to a new computer and now my serial port is not working under vmware, though vmware thinks it is...21:31
system404will do slart thanks21:31
grkblood13any1 have any experience with getting a usb mic to work in ubuntu?21:32
bubbaok. i will try that21:32
imatech:-Dhi everybody21:32
guntbert!welcome | imatech21:32
ubottuimatech: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.21:32
Rafaelhow can i check how much of my space is use on home?21:33
erUSULRafael: df -h21:33
jribRafael: is /home its own partition?21:33
imatechhow do I adjust my display to use the vbox guest additions?21:33
imatechThank you ubottu21:33
yaris123456789is there an equivalent to Perl's CPAN for C ?21:33
lstarnesyaris123456789: I don't think so21:33
erUSULyaris123456789: nope21:33
SeriaLananýzamý atLayým ?21:33
yaris123456789how will you find libraries ??21:33
SeriaLoLur KaSarýw aßim qeLsn ßeraßer yapak yaris123456789 oLrmu ?21:34
yaris123456789like prewritten solutions21:34
RafaelerUSUL: Thanks21:34
yaris123456789SeriaL: sorry im not turk21:34
Rafaeljrib: yes it is on RAID521:34
kmkzany ideas of how i can play mp3's over ssh ?21:34
SeriaLyaw anLAmýcak ne war21:34
guntbert!tr | SeriaL21:34
ubottuSeriaL: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:34
erUSULsystem404: http://madpenguin.org/cms/index.php/?m=show&id=43721:34
Slartkmkz: use sshfs?21:35
yaris123456789why do ppl think i am turkish21:35
mzzkmkz: sshfs might help (that lets you mount the part of the filesystem the mp3s are on, then just play them the usual way)21:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tee21:35
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:35
SeriaLfuck you21:35
FloodBot3SeriaL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:35
yaris123456789SeriaL: what does my name in turkish21:35
erUSULkmkz: with cli/curses media player ?21:35
Ademantdn: have you had her log out since she became part of the admin group? or was her user created as an admin?21:35
mzzkmkz: or the other way around: mpg321 is a very basic commandline app that plays mp3s, useful to play them on the system you're sshd into21:35
George2hi, without hibernating, is it possible to save open directories and applications?21:35
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい21:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kr21:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch21:36
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko21:36
ubottuTämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)21:36
guntbert!botabuse | yaris12345678921:36
ubottuyaris123456789: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:36
mzzthe bot works in private message too people...21:36
mzzerr, yeah, that.21:36
ninjafuryerUSUL, I got midori to work by adding a ppa for webkit. All's good now. Thanks for the help.21:36
erUSULninjafury: no problem21:37
George2wow, so little lchat for so many ppl21:37
yaris123456789oh sorry21:37
yaris123456789i thought it gives private message automatically21:37
SlartGeorge2: many people are just idling.. I think the channel has at most 20 people active at any time21:37
grkblood13any1 have any experience with getting a usb mic to work in ubuntu?21:37
tdnAdeman, she was created as admin. She has logged in and out several times. She have used the computer for a few weeks now. I just noticed that it had a lot of packages that needed upgrade and asked her if it haven't popped up and asked her to install updates. She said no, and that she has been surprised that it hadn't.21:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fvwm21:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about metacity21:37
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.21:37
tdnAdeman, she used to run Ubuntu 8.04.21:37
George2TBeholder: please stop that21:37
erUSULTBeholder: did you not read the botabuse factoid...21:38
crom09Hello I'm new to ubuntu, just installed it and i'm not capable of watching DVDs. I have already installed the packages that the Help manual suggests but the video player hangs for a while and then gives an error. Any help?21:38
* erUSUL liked when that factoid contained a warning about "angry ops"21:38
nmvictortdn: what if you tried sudo apt-get update && upgrade   at the terminal of your girls terminal at the time being?21:39
erUSULcrom09: post the error21:39
erUSUL!paste | crom0921:39
ubottucrom09: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:39
Slartcrom09: I think it's a bug.. I can't play dvds either.. no matter how many decss packages I install and such21:39
[person]crom09, did you sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:39
crom09ok wait a sec21:39
Ademannmvictor: good call, need to make sure there isn't something wrong with apt/sources first21:39
erUSULcrom09: you have to install the libdvcss from medibuntu too21:39
crom09person: i installed libdvdnav4, libdvdread4, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly21:40
TBeholdercrom09  maybe, VLC21:40
tdnnmvictor, I did that an hour ago. As I said earlier, it had several packages needing upgrade.21:40
erUSULcrom09: you need libdvdcss2 too21:40
crom09error says "Could not read from resource"21:41
erUSUL!medibuntu | crom09 this repo has libdvdcss221:41
ubottucrom09 this repo has libdvdcss2: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:41
nmvictorAdeman: if their was anything wrong with that then synaptic and a panel notification icon would be the first to report21:41
=== _Ranakah is now known as Ranakah
gameTried to do the update from 7.10 to 8.04 with alternate CD and it says "Not enough Free Space"21:41
Uatechi there21:42
crom09ok, thanks, i'll try with libdvdcss2 and (hopefully not) come back if it still doesn't work.21:43
CQhi guys... I have postfix running, and my mail kepps being rejected or greylisted because I send from my machine... what's the best way to fix this? send via one of my accounts on teh web (gmail et al) ?21:43
SlartCQ: running on a home internet connection?21:44
msmarcHow can I open the cdrom on an imac with intrepid? the keyboard button doesn't work21:44
erUSULcrom09: libdvdcss2 is for comercail protected dvd21:44
Slartmsmarc: tried "eject" ?21:44
=== Zathara is now known as Zathara_OFF
CQSlart: yep... I have a CRM software here that needs to send out mails, and I also want to mail myself logfiles on another account which rejects the mails21:44
msmarcthat worked thanks21:44
bubbaMy modem has a static ip address should i leave the server's eth0 as DCHP or change it to Static?21:45
SlartCQ: I would find a gateway somewhere.. either your isp or something else.. gmail might be an option21:45
Pietbubba: whatever you prefer21:46
CQwhat addr would the gateway send as?21:46
bunk1I just installed ubuntu 9.04 and I have no sound in firefox? Can someone help me or point me in the right direction?21:46
grkblood13hey guys im trying to get my usb mic to work and i cant i didnt lsusb and got this: Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0c76:1605 JMTek, LLC. can some1 help me?21:46
CQi.e. it would send from that SMTP host, right?21:46
Uateci have a 695meg iso and i need to burn to a 650meg CD-R, i'm pretty certain it's possible to do it, does anybody have any idea how i can do it?21:47
bubbawell then when i forawrd the port in my modem, what ip address should I forward it to21:47
pvvniUatec: it's really not possible.21:47
SlartCQ: I guess it would depend on how the gateway is setup..21:47
CQhow would you use gmail as a gateway?21:47
Uatecreally? that's a right arse21:47
Pietgrkblood13: "and i cant i didnt lsusb and got this" huh what did you mean to say?21:47
Uateci don't have any 700meg cd-rs, only a spindle full of 650megs21:48
SlartCQ: I guess you would have to find some kind of special software for routing it via gmail..21:48
pvvniUatec: Why do you have 650MB cdrs? Those went out of print in most factories a few years ago21:48
grkblood13hey guys im trying to get my usb mic to work and i cant get it, i did* lsusb and got this: Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0c76:1605 JMTek, LLC. can some1 help me?21:48
Uatecpvvni: becuase i haven't burned CDs for years ago... stupid old fashioned technology21:48
Uatecwhy isn't it easier to boot from network21:49
grkblood13not the problem, but my statement :)21:49
pvvniUatec: I've never had problems with network boots21:49
erUSULUatec:  695meg on a 650 meg cdr is impossible you need a 700 meg cdr21:49
Uatecpvvni: no problems, it's just 10 times harder than it needs to be21:50
Uatecis there a network installer iso that i can burn? one that would easily fit on a 650meg cdrom21:50
killfillis there any way to disable the automatic upgrade of ubuntu?21:50
killfilli had an old ubuntu (8.02 was it i think)=21:51
Slart!minimal | Uatec21:51
ubottuUatec: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:51
killfilland it tried to upgrade, and then it came to a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/27926221:51
killfilli wish to block any auto-update activity21:51
Slartkillfill: I think you there is a checkbox or something somewhere in synaptic.. or software sources ..21:51
Uatecah great slart21:52
Slartkillfill: but I'm not sure what it looks like on ubuntu 8.0421:52
Sh3r1ffkillfill: or use apt-get to upgrade only the package you want21:52
=== williamd is now known as TurtL3
killfilloh ir i could just coment all in sources.conf .. :P21:53
Uatecooo wait, is there something i could easily put on a USB stick to boot to an ubuntu network installer?21:53
msmarcwhats' the best way to setup java runtime environment under powerpc?21:53
Pietgrkblood13: congrats, you are one of 5 people who have this device: http://www.google.com/search?q="0c76%3A1605"21:54
TankEnMatehow do you blacklist an apt package? I have tried pinning its priority to -1 in preferences but that doesn't seem to be doing the trick...21:54
Pietgrkblood13: meaning: there doesn't seem to be a driver for that. :-/21:55
Pirate_Huntercan some clarify ,if i install MPD will i still be able to listen to my songs even when i log into another account?21:55
Slart!usb | Uatec21:55
ubottuUatec: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:55
TankEnMateaka, how do you force an apt candidate to be (none)?21:55
grkblood13Piet, so im screwed?21:55
rooshwhat does it mean if during the boot, i get the message: "unable to enumerate USB device"21:56
samdis ubuntu yet uptimized for solid state drive use???21:56
Slartsamd: I dont' think so... there are some settings you can configure though21:56
LjLTankEnMate: err... just don't install it? unless it's needed as a dependency (in which case if it isn't there, your installations will break), the system won't install it. am i missing something?21:56
TankEnMateLjL: I am doing to naughty.. deb sources includes ubuntu and debian, but debian is set to 350 -> 450 and ubuntu is set to 500 -> 750 (different versions)21:57
TankEnMateLjL: some weird dependancy tree is makeing sysvinit want to install, and i am try to stop it (because i need upstart)21:57
samdSlart ight thankyou, do you recommend buying ssd ? or its just too soon?21:58
Slartsamd: I use an ssd for my root system.. it works nicely21:58
TankEnMateLjL: i tried pinning it to -1, but because a candidate is available it wants to install...21:58
Pietgrkblood13: concerning use of this usb microphone on linux, for now, i would think so.21:58
grkblood13so dont both with this link? http://buffalo.nas-central.org/wiki/Add_a_USB_sound_card21:59
grkblood13it was in that google search you posted21:59
Slartsamd: it still works even if it isn't optimized for it..21:59
TankEnMateapt-cache policy says upstart has priority 700 and sysvinit has priority -1, but it still wants to install sysvinit.. totally weird..21:59
samdSlart, ight, only thing im afraid is the life cycle,, and if im in aa laptop , i cant keep my current drive right?22:00
TankEnMatei even set upstart to manual install and it still wants to remove it to install sysvinit...22:00
LjLTankEnMate: well you need to fix the dependencies, otherwise even if you "blacklist" sysvinit somehow, apt will just complain that it can't find it, and get stuck...22:00
Orange_v_BlueHaving some trouble/questions installing video drivers for ubuntu 8.10. I previously used fglrx, but it is not supported for 9.04 for me. I'm switching to the OS drivers because they should work just fine, but am very confused and keep really screwing up.22:00
LjLTankEnMate: (standard disclaimer anyway, of course you do realize mixing debian and ubuntu repositories is crazy and prone to complete system failure)22:00
samdSlart i dont want my drive to die after 1-2 years22:00
Slartsamd: I've used my ssd for.. 3 years or so now.. no problems so far, computer has been running 24/7...22:00
eseven73What would be the permissions settings if I wanted to set a directory (recursively) to only allow me to read/write? like for example /var/www/eseven73/uploads/22:01
TankEnMateLjL: yes.. I have been using debian since '94 and ubuntu since hoary..22:01
samdSlart, ooooo nicee, which brand? ive heard intel drives are good22:01
Slartsamd: normal hard drives die too.. it's just something you have to expect.. sooner or later22:01
dayoeseven73: chmod -R 711 /var/www/eseven73/uploads22:01
Pietgrkblood13: apparently you got different search results than i got22:02
bscbschi there22:02
dayoeseven73: that let's u readWriteExec, and others only Exec22:02
TankEnMateLjL: but I am in need of the debian version of cyrus 2.3 :| I may have to resort to just deb-src for debian and hand build the dependancies..22:02
Slartsamd: I think mine is a samsung.. 32 GB22:02
eheitner1So, I use my ipod to transport files. I run rythmbox on it, not itunes. I put some .tiffs and .gifs on there. When I try to open them on my laptop at home I get an error that there is "not enough memory" to open them--the average file size we are talking about is 1 or 2 MB. I can open .tiffs that are much larger, 25MB, that are already on my harddrive without a problem.22:02
dayoeseven73: change 711 to 600 if u strictly want just readWrite for yourself, and nothing for anyone else22:02
bscbscis, by any chance, someone from cologne / using netcologne in this channel?22:02
LjLTankEnMate: why don't you use "equivs" to create a fake sysvinit package, with a higher version than debian's, and which doesn't conflict with upstart22:02
samdSlart, alright, i think ill drop some cash on an intel,, ill take a look at samsungs too22:02
dayo!de | bscbsc22:02
ubottubscbsc: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:03
samdSlart thanks22:03
TankEnMateLjL: bingo.. you're a star, didnt think of that..22:03
LjLTankEnMate: though err, it's upstart that conflicts with sysvinit so that won't work22:03
DrknezzHi!, if i patch an already compiled source tree, do i have to recompile everything?22:03
Pietgrkblood13: according to this report, playback could be made to work. it does not say anything about recording.22:03
Slartsamd: you're welcome22:03
LluvioHey guys, what's the Ubuntu equivalent of Window's ipconfig?22:03
grkblood13playback, what good is that if you cant record?22:03
TankEnMateLjL: i'll do both and modify the debian/control and dch -i it :)22:03
imatechanyone ever set up rdp from a xp box to connect to ubuntu?22:03
samdLluvio, ifconfig i think22:03
LluvioIt DOES use IP Addresses, right?22:03
dayoanyone know how i can set my terminal to display special characters?22:03
dayoLluvio: ifconfig22:03
LluvioOh okay thanks22:04
joaopintoDrknezz, you will need to recompile everything that is affected by your patch22:04
TankEnMateLluvio: ifconfig -a22:04
erUSULLluvio: ifconfig22:04
dayoLluvio: man ifconfig22:04
Pietgrkblood13: see if you can get anything done with the snd-usb-audio module22:04
Drknezzjoaopinto, would make detect it?22:04
TankEnMateLluvio: or if you are using busybox, ip22:04
joaopintoDrknezz, it usually does22:04
TankEnMateLjL: thanks for you help.. I didn't think of that..22:04
dotblankOh ubuntu fans! where can I find an adequate visualization plug-in for totem!?22:04
Drknezzjoaopinto, so a simple make && make install would work, right?22:04
grkblood13Piet, where do you see that?22:05
wffI am really getting frustrated here with mysql.  Is there a way to import a mysql file and ignore the information_schema table, which PHPMyAdmin seems to try to override?22:05
joaopintoDrknezz, yes22:05
LjLTankEnMate: heh22:05
Drknezzthanks joaopinto22:05
Doonzhoiw do a start a script in linux in the shell22:05
joaopintowff, why dont you change the file and remove that table ?22:05
SlartDoonz: sh scriptname.sh   might work22:05
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
Doonzthe script is *.pl22:06
SlartDoonz: then perl scriptname.pl22:06
Doonzah ha22:06
AE_Would anyone here care to help a noob debug audio problem?22:06
Doonzthanx /me hates being a dummy22:06
wffjoaopinto: Because the file is too large to do that.22:06
DarkRavincan someone please help my dvd-rw does not have a location and wont let me burn22:06
system4041where do i download theme packages22:06
LluvioWhat System4041 said.22:07
msmarcwhat's the best way to install java on a powerpc?22:07
kr0yI tried installing GeoClue on 9.04 but couldnt install 2 providers *gsmloc* and *gpsd* because to packages GSMLOC and CONIC are not found. Any idea where I can get these, as even Synaptic doesnt seem to have these22:07
wffAnd information_schema is also an entire database.22:07
kr0yThe output of configure command is http://pastebin.ca/1426828 and my config.log is pasted here http://pastebin.ca/142683122:08
dotblankDarkRavin, is it a sata or IDE drive?22:08
eseven73What would be the permissions settings if I wanted to set a directory (recursively) to only allow me to read/write? like for example /var/www/eseven73/uploads/22:08
system4041where do i download them packages22:08
DarkRavinide i think22:08
dotblankDarkRavin, does it work in windows?22:08
system4041anoyone advise me on gettin new themes on ubuntu 9.0422:09
DarkRavinit will load programs from cd but wont let me burn22:09
DarkRavinyes it works in windows22:09
dotblankDarkRavin, everything in windows?22:09
ienorandsystem4041: gnome-look.org22:10
sebsebseb!themes |  system404122:10
ubottusystem4041: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:10
system4041i tried that ienorand but it says cannot find page bla bla bla22:10
AE_Yo. I've got no sound in 9.04, anyone care to help (lspci output http://pastebin.ca/1426844 )22:10
nellmathewhey guys, i'm on jaunty.. how come when i try to make SVCD's or Video DVDs w/ Brasero, it says "it is not possible to write with the current set of plugins" ?22:10
dotblankDarkRavin, does burning work in windows?22:11
DarkRavinyes it does22:11
magnetronnellmathew→ you'll need the proper gstreamer plugins22:11
nellmathewah makes sense, thanks magnetron22:11
dotblankDarkRavin, can you paste the output of "cdrecord -prcap"22:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:11
system4041ok rocketdock for ubuntu22:13
samdSlart , how 90Mbps sequential read stands beside a normal harddrive??22:13
talonzAE_,  sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart in terminal than put in alsamixer and turn up ur volume from there i had the same problem22:13
Pietgrkblood13: http://www.hermann-uwe.de/photoblog/3d-sound-usb-audio-device22:13
sebsebsebsystem4041: cairo dock is meant to be the best one22:13
rayluconsider invoke-rc.d instead of /etc/init.d22:13
Pietoh he's gone22:13
magnetronnellmathew→ it's plausible that you'll be able to find the plugins you are looking for in either the medibuntu repository or the ubuntu-restricted-extras package22:13
Slartsamd: I think it's ok.. not good, not bad..22:14
system4041sebsebseb will give it a go ta22:14
sebsebsebsystem4041: np22:14
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:14
Slartsamd: wikipedia says a normal data transfer rate is 70 MB/s for a 2008 hard drive22:15
raylukr0y: gpsd seems to be in the jaunty repos22:15
kr0yraylu: Let me check and reinstall. Then I will get back22:16
eseven73One last time, easy question:22:16
eseven73What would be the permissions settings if I wanted to set a directory (recursively) to only allow me to read/write? like for example /var/www/eseven73/uploads/22:16
=== danopia` is now known as danopia
Peeeeeeetwere there any recent firewall changes in the 8.04 > 8.10 upgrade process for ubuntu server?22:17
dotblankDarkRavin, What program did you use to burn?22:17
Slarteseven73: it's the easy ones that make me nervous =)22:17
Slarteseven73: man chmod doesn't say anything about this?22:17
eseven73I should know this22:17
eseven73yeah Im just being lazy today :)22:17
raylueseven73: chmod -R og-rw22:18
eseven73I can set it in the Nautilus, but it's not setting it correctly22:18
raylueseven73: that doesn't take away x from directories ,though22:18
=== ichat_ is now known as ichat
helperhello brothers by mistake i change user id kad to 1001 it was before 1000 but i can't access /home/kad i try to change /etc/passwd id back to 1000 but in /home/kad files still 1001 is there any command i can change the id of them to 1000 better then enter everyfile and chown ? thx22:18
TimReichhartis there a chat room for php and mysql?22:18
eseven73ty raylu22:18
LadyNikonTimReichhart: channel.22:18
LadyNikonTimReichhart: you can try doing /join #php and maybe #mysql22:19
rayluhelper: chown -R 1000:1000 /home/kad22:19
eseven73TimReichhart, yea on IRC they call it channel not chat room :)22:19
dotblankhelper, yes the chown <name> <file> file command can change the owner of the file(s)22:19
DarkRavinmagicISO and i tried brasero but when i cheched the drive it said there was no location22:19
system4041ok tried cairo dock absolute crap looks horrible any nice looking other options22:19
raylu!dock | system404122:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dock22:20
dotblankDarkRavin, have you tried running brasero as root?22:20
raylusystem4041: i'm pretty sure cairo dock can be customized :P if it looks horrible, you aren't trying hard enough22:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about launcher22:20
DarkRavinsorry dont know how22:20
rayludotblank: you shouldn't need to22:20
Myrttisystem4041: cairo-dock is one of the ones that you can customize *very* extensively22:20
Duo__What do you make of this? http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/7297/fak2.png22:20
helperraylu, i try it , it give me sudo: uid 1001 does not exist in the passwd file!22:20
system4041the backround image is all black xmasey type it looks horid22:20
DarkRavinit wont read blank cds22:21
rayluDuo__: the last time you shut down windows, it wasn't clean22:21
system4041i want like rocket dock where it see through22:21
rayluDuo__: that or you've recently resized the ntfs partition22:21
DarkRavinor dvds22:21
dotblankDarkRavin, Have you tried using k3b?22:21
raylu!prefix | DarkRavin22:21
ubottuDarkRavin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:21
system4041smooth edges see through thats the dock i want22:21
samdSlart ight, thanks , let me keep looking22:22
helperraylu, when i type echo $UID it give me 1001 , i change the id from /etc/passwd but still why ?22:22
rayluhelper: have you rebooted since the change?22:22
DarkRavindotblank, what is k3b22:22
helperraylu, yes22:22
raylu!k3b | DarkRavin22:22
ubottuDarkRavin: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto22:22
rayluhelper: then i'm not sure. try looking in /etc/shadow22:23
system4041so alternative to rocketdock something identical please22:23
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por el momento22:23
PeeeeeeetI just upgraded ubuntu server from 8.04 to 8.10 and I was going to go to 9.04 but suddenly the server has no internet connection.22:23
helperraylu,  sudo: uid 1001 does not exist in the passwd file!22:23
kr0yraylu: Installed gpsd packages and did a fresh configure and still gpsd is in excluded provider :-/22:23
=== ameier is now known as zer0rez
rayluHenk-Jan_: what does id say?22:24
raylukr0y: can you paste the configure script?22:24
rayluHenk-Jan_: oops, sorry22:24
killfillhey guys22:24
kr0yraylu: Yes let me make a pastie22:24
killfillmy ethernet is not working, how should /etc/network/interfaces look like?22:24
nks-is there any good documentation for the dovecot-postfix meta package? does the username&passwords match dose of the real users?22:25
killfilli have "iface eth0 inet dhcp"22:25
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:25
raylukillfill: if you're using networkmanager, you shouldn't mess with /etc/network/interfaces22:25
killfillis that ok for i.e networkmanager?22:25
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:25
killfillraylu, ah, i should delete it then?22:25
raylukillfill: that line? yes22:25
elvenmonkAnyone have a trick, were you can assign a particular app/window, to a particular workspace in 9.04?22:25
rayluelvenmonk: i can do it in xmonad :D22:25
killfillsomeboady did mess with it then.. hm.. /me looking for the wipe.. :P22:26
ienorandelvenmonk: or in compiz, window rules22:26
itsfatmancan anyone help me with a sound problem, my speakers work, but on ubuntu they no longer play any sound, they just make a crackling noise, and the speakers still work on xp. im on an hp laptop. any help would be appreciated22:27
Duo__so nobody on what this mens? http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/7297/fak2.png22:27
=== LFC|Doppp is now known as Doppp
kr0yraylu: config.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/175207/ and output of configure http://paste.ubuntu.com/175208/22:27
TechnophilisIs there a way to use two patterns for file names in find command ? something like : find . -name "*foo*|*bar*" ?22:28
navetz_hey guys, my digital camera takes about 60MB for a 45 second video, it is a mpg, is there anyway to convert this to something smaller without losing to much quality?22:28
rayluitsfatman: try alsa-mixer22:28
ToastI'm having trouble finding if the /dev directory is real or virtual. Is any data in /dev actually written to disk?22:29
rayluTechnophilis: find implies ".". try -name "(*foo*|*bar*)"22:29
rayluToast: virtual?22:29
MionToast: nothing in /dev is 'real'22:29
Aeon_My screen resolution will not stay at 1680 x 1050, it keeps dropping to 1280 x 1024. My xorg.conf is here: http://aeon.pastebin.com/m3427213222:29
psychiccan some one help me  with my background image? it only shows up in black and white all of my background images are like that22:29
MionToast: everything is special nodes exported by the kernel22:29
mzzToast: normally only kept in ram. Run "mount" with no args, you should see a tmpfs mounted on /dev22:29
raylukr0y: i was hoping for the actual configure script, not its output22:29
l_ris it possible to specify some persistence file to the live jaunty cd at boot?22:30
falstaff|hhi, latex: i've got lines which go over the right border (only 3-4 on 18 pages..) and22:30
falstaff|hany idea?22:30
Duo__wht is it every  time I come on this channel22:30
MionDuo__: why what?22:31
ToastThanks. I've seen s cheap SSD, and I'm planning to put the seldom written parts of my filesystem on it for fast boot and application loading. /dev was the last one that I wasn't sure about.22:31
Duo__or the forums it turns out to be n excersize in futility?22:31
Technophilisraylu: ok thank you =)22:31
rayluTechnophilis: it worked?22:31
system4041anyone advise on increasing my sound volume i know its capable of goin much louder22:32
Mionget a hardware amplifier22:32
system4041such as22:32
Aeon_Duo__: In answer to your problem, you need to edit your fstab so that it mounts with ntfs-3g22:32
Technophilisraylu: unfortunately no :D22:32
itsfatmanraylu: thanks, somehow the pcm got turned down22:32
killfillraylu: hm.. now that i deleted that line in interfaces, now network manager seems to see the ethernet card. the problem is thet netstat -rn (the routes) i dont see a route for my network, so cannot go anywhere. i only see (dont know what that is22:32
rayluTechnophilis: ls -R | egrep "(foo|bar)"22:32
system4041so how do i make my sound louder22:32
DarkRavin!tab dotblank it still does not read the blank dvd22:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:32
MionDuo__: probable because ubuntu is futile22:33
dotblankDarkRavin, are you sure its blank?22:33
AE_Yo. I've got no sound in 9.04 (lspci output http://pastebin.ca/1426844 ), already tried alsamixer (everything unmuted) but still no sound22:33
raylukillfill: 169.254 is usually used when you can't configure the interface from a dhcp server. have you actually told networkmanager to try connecting?22:33
Duo__Aeon_ and how do I do that22:33
DarkRavindotblank,yes i just bought them22:33
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dotblankDarkRavin, hmm is your system up-to date?22:33
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`brandon`how do i run a .rpm file?22:34
Duo__Mion whatever troll22:34
system4041so how do i get my sound to go louder i know it can22:34
Jack_Sparrowbrandon, you dont22:34
DarkRavindotblank,yes i just updated to the new 9.xx22:34
dotblank`brandon`, you can use alien to convert it to a deb22:34
killfillraylu: yup. well i dont know network manager actually, but i "enable the network" from the icon. i can see it got a valid IP address22:34
raylukillfill: from ifconfig?22:34
killfillits 'just0 missing the routes..22:34
Jack_Sparrowdotblank Make note, we dont consider alien a safe tool to use22:34
Myrtti`brandon`: what are you trying to install?22:34
dotblankDarkRavin, well in theory it should work.. try using the cdrecord command22:34
ienorand`brandon`: try converting to deb using alien, or find the deb package...22:34
killfillraylu: no, from the gnome-panel applet22:34
Aeon_Duo__: the problem is your windows shutdown improperly22:35
raylukillfill: i'd take a look at ifconfig22:35
rayluDuo__: i already answered your question22:35
`brandon`i am trying to install VM-WarePlayer but its a .rpm file22:35
nightrid3rbrandon using an rpm on ubuntu is like putting diesel in a petrol engine22:35
chuck__system4041, open alsamixer in terminal and make sure volumes are up22:35
Pirate_Hunterhow come ubuntu doesnt have a switch user function?22:35
killfilloh.. hm.. the Mnetwork MAsk is not ok..22:35
raylu`brandon`: you downloaded the wrong thing22:35
`brandon`how do i get "alien"22:35
rayluPirate_Hunter: it does22:35
Aeon_Duo__ you will need to add the force option to your /etc/fstab22:35
bscbscanyone using netcologne here?22:35
DarkRavindotblank,my system says my cd-rw/dvd-rw has no location22:35
Jack_Sparrowbrandon, just get the right file.. a Deb22:35
MionPirate_Hunter: should have one if you have xnest installed22:36
rayluAeon_: he's not mounting from fstab; fuse22:36
`brandon`that is the only one they had well that and a .bundle file22:36
dotblankDarkRavin, see if you can force it to use /dev/cdrw22:36
Duo__Aeon_ more like doesn't boot, the OS is fried and I'm trying to back it up from  live cd to n externl hd22:36
system4041so guys i wana make my sound louder how do i do it22:36
dotblanksystem4041, you can turn up the volume.. also note you may need to turn up PCM also22:37
Mionsystem4041: alsa won't go over +3dbm max, usually22:37
DarkRavindotblank,premission denied22:37
`brandon`!alien | `brandon`22:37
ubottu`brandon`, please see my private message22:37
dotblankDarkRavin, use sudo22:37
thiebaudesystem4041: in sound preferences22:37
system4041i did all that but it aint that loud and i know it goes much louder it goes atleast 3 times louder in windows22:37
th0rDuo__: you mean the usb drive you are trying to mount used to be the drive in the computer?22:37
Aeon_Duo__ mount the dive or partition from the terminal with the word force appended to the line22:37
Pirate_Hunterraylu, Mion, ive got every option except switch user, what do i need to get it22:37
crom09hello, I'm running ubuntu64. What do I do to enable flash in firefox?22:38
raylucrom09: install flashplugin-installer22:38
dotblankcrom09, I would recommend using the flash beta 64bit driver.22:38
DarkRavindotblank,command not found22:38
PeeeeeetSo anyone have any guesses as to why my ubuntu server can't connect to the net after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10?22:38
dotblankDarkRavin, sudo?22:38
rayluth0r: i'm pretty sure it's actually an ntfs partition inside the machine22:38
kr0yraylu: Here is the configure script http://paste.ubuntu.com/175216/22:39
dotblankDarkRavin, sudo has to be installed... try using the prefix before the cdrecord command22:39
`brandon`Peeeeeet: what do you mean?22:39
DarkRavindotblank,sorry im new to linux how do i sudo22:39
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:39
Aeon_raylu i dont believe you can format a thumb-drive to an ntfs file format normally22:39
`brandon`in terminal22:39
KB1JWQAeon_: You can.22:39
kr0yPeeeeeet: Are you facing problem with Network Manager?22:39
KB1JWQAeon_: it's just ill advised.22:39
AE_Yo. I've got no sound in 9.04 (lspci output http://pastebin.ca/1426844 ), already tried alsamixer (everything unmuted) but still no sound22:40
Duo__th0r no, it's in it's original computer, I just grabbed  a usb external with nothing on it, it's formtted to fat22:40
rayluAeon_: you can22:40
crom09how do I install flashplugin or run the flash beta 64 driver?22:40
Peeeeeet'brandon' trying to get from 8.04 to 9.04, and went to 8.10 as intermediate step, now it can't upgrade to 9.04 because it can't connect to the repos22:40
dotblankDarkRavin, its like windows' "run as service". when in the terminal you can prefix any command with "sudo " and it will run the command as root22:40
Peeeeeet`brandon` i mean22:40
thiebaudecrom09: did you goto the adobe site and grab the .deb for flash22:40
rayluKB1JWQ: speaking of which, i want to put 4g+ files on my external. what should i format it as if I want to access it in windows also?22:40
Peeeeeetkr0y no, i'm running ubuntu server22:40
crom09the adobe site tries to instal an i386 package22:41
KB1JWQraylu: Unfortunately, NTFS is probably the only way to go on that.22:41
gletobHow do you make the restart option in the menu do a complete restart22:41
crom09ok i found the flashplugin-installer22:41
th0rDuo__: if it is formatted to fat why is the error indicating a failure to mount ntfs? does the error occur when you plug in the drive?22:41
rayluKB1JWQ: hrm. i've been considering using ext3 and ext2ifs22:41
KB1JWQraylu: Unless you want to mess around with extX under Windows.22:41
Jack_Sparrowcrom09 Can you paste us the link for that please22:41
cgs_bobHello All.  I just installed Jaunty netbook remix on an eeepc 1000he.  Everything was working great until I switched desktop mode to the classic desktop.  after a shutdown and bootup, all of my panels are gone.  what can I do to get them back?22:41
Dr_Willisthe extX stuff under windows.. i find.. somewhat unreliable.22:41
DarkRavindotblank,i tried sudo /dev/cdrw and got command not found22:42
rayluKB1JWQ: i already have that set up :D22:42
Jack_Sparrowraylu stick with ntfs or fat3222:42
KB1JWQraylu: I work with Windows (very rarely), MacOS, Linux, and BSD.  The only real filesystem that's easily supported under all of those is NTFS.22:42
crom09i get the following error22:42
kr0yPeeeeeet: Okay. Network Manager breaks on upgrading so I used to manually provide values for connecting to Internet22:42
crom09Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'22:42
gletobHow do you make the restart option in the menu do a complete restart?22:42
Jack_SparrowDarkRavin what are you trying to do?22:42
rayluDr_Willis: manually creating the partition is necessary now22:42
dreamycan i find a recording app.. replacing ardour ? someting similar , anyone helping :) ?22:42
crom09but I'm now trying with flash-installer22:42
museis there a way of installing ubuntu server on to the hd from a livecd?22:42
Dr_Willisraylu:  last i tried any of the 'read extX' tools under windows 7 - dident work either.. but that was a few months ago.22:43
kr0ygletob: What is a complete restart?22:43
KB1JWQmuse: Hmm.  Good question.22:43
Peeeeeetkr0y: does ubuntu server use Network manager?22:43
KB1JWQmuse: Yes for the desktop, but as far as server goes I'd probably just kickstart it.22:43
raylumuse: from the server cd, yes. from a desktop livecd, painfully22:43
KB1JWQPeeeeeet: I hope to heck not.22:43
DarkRavinjack_sparrow,my dvd will not burn and it sais there is no location22:43
gletobkr0y, right now It restarts the kernel I want it to go to POST.22:43
Jack_Sparrowmuse Install the live version add the server pieces and remove the desktop if you really dont need it22:43
Aeon_crom09 http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html22:43
KB1JWQJack_Sparrow: That's painful.22:43
Oli``I've got a CD stuck in the drive. Button isn't responding. Eject tells me there's an IO error. I just need to get the CD out *now*22:43
Jack_SparrowDarkRavin What application are you trying to use for burning22:43
KB1JWQOli``: Straightened paperclip.22:43
museJack_Sparrow: that's messy22:43
rayluDr_Willis: ext2ifs still worked in beta1. you just had to set the drive every boot22:43
PeeeeeetKB1JWQ: I don't think it does22:43
KB1JWQOli``: Should be a pinhole on the drive.22:44
Duo__th0r because the internal one is the the one I'm trying to mount, not the external, which mounts fine...22:44
kr0yPeeeeeet: I have always used the desktop edition. How did you used to connect to Internet?22:44
KB1JWQkr0y: Edit the network scripts by hand usually.22:44
Peeeeeetkr0y: editing /etc/network/interfaces22:44
th0rDuo__: ok. Put '-force' in the mount command line and see if that works22:44
KB1JWQNot sure where ubuntu sticks 'em, they're in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts in RedHat land.22:44
DarkRavinjack_sparrow,ive tried MagicISO,brasero,and k3b22:45
crom09ok, I'm running flash now!!22:45
dotblankDarkRavin, try this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linuxquestions.org-member-success-stories-23/howto-burn-iso-image-on-cd-using-the-command-line-tool-cdrecord-643827/22:45
Mohammad[B]howto i can record stream audio in mplayer ?22:45
Jack_SparrowDarkRavin Will it burn an iso on a CD?22:45
PeeeeeetKB1JWQ: yeah, ubuntu keeps them in /etc/network/interfaces, at least I know 8.04 did, I'm wondering about 8.1022:45
kr0yPeeeeeet: Yep I used to edit  /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf too when my Network Manager broke. And that always used to help22:45
Aeon_My screen resolution will not stay at 1680 x 1050, it keeps dropping to 1280 x 1024. My xorg.conf is here: http://aeon.pastebin.com/m3427213222:45
Jack_SparrowDarkRavin as in right click an *.iso and write to disk22:46
Peeeeeetkr0y: yeah, both of those are still corect (still set to what made it work in 8.04) but in 8.10, no internet connection :(22:46
kr0yPeeeeeet: Do you use wireless or wired connection? dhcp or static IP?22:46
Peeeeeetkr0y: wired static IP, all set correctly in config file22:46
kr0yPeeeeeet: What does sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart give as output?22:47
AE_Yo. I've got no sound in 9.04 (lspci output http://pastebin.ca/1426844 ), already tried alsamixer (everything unmuted) but still no sound, what do I try next?22:47
Peeeeeetdidn't change the config files, so something about 8.10 being different or uninstalling / installing something different22:47
th0rDuo__: there is the possibility that the reason the drive will no longer boot is that it has failed...in which case it won't mount either22:47
denysoniquescipts in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ don't run22:47
denysoniqueCan someone help me please?22:47
raylukr0y: sorry, no idea22:47
rayludenysonique: chmod +x?22:48
kr0yPeeeeeet: does ping work? Just to check if your network card is correctly functioning?22:48
denysoniqueraylu: its 75522:48
psychicanyone have  color problems with ubuntu background images22:48
grkblood13how do i find out what /dev my uadio out is?22:48
kr0yraylu: Will ask the GeoClue guys, thanks anyway22:48
psychicwhy are my background images showing up in black and white?22:49
system4041so top 10 must have apps on ubuntu wats everyones opinion please22:49
Peeeeeetkr0y: yeah, and I can ping my router, but anything outside of that (needing to use the gateway address stored in "interfaces") doesn't work22:49
sebsebsebsystem4041: this  is not the channel for that22:49
system4041its ubuntu channel is it not22:49
sebsebseb!best >  system404122:49
ubottusystem4041, please see my private message22:49
system4041its an ubuntu question22:49
raylusystem4041: this is for ubuntu support22:49
sebsebsebsystem4041: yes, but not for taking polls22:49
sebsebsebsystem4041: try #ubuntu-offtopic22:49
Matsonis there a way to set up host name aliases like in /etc/hosts but without the ip address?22:49
system4041im not askin everyone to vote im just asking wat ppl recommend a new user to get installed first22:50
sebsebsebsystem4041: graphics card driver22:50
raylupoll is not necessarily synonymous with vote22:50
sebsebsebsystem4041: if one is available in system > administaration > hardware22:50
system4041got tat sebsebseb22:50
miladHello (Ubuntu geeks) !! :-)22:50
system4041my graphics runnin full res and perfect22:50
system4041out the box might i add22:51
psychicmines not22:51
sebsebsebsystem4041: sudo apt-get install  banshee  vlc  mplayer22:51
kr0yPeeeeeet: Sorry cant figure out :(22:51
sebsebsebsystem4041: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:51
miladخيرات يا شباب22:51
system4041vlc i got and restricted extras got em22:51
sebsebsebbanshee :)22:51
system4041wats banshee22:51
sebsebseba rather good music and video player22:51
psychicdoes fluxbox allow color background images?22:51
system4041isnt rythmplayer any good22:51
sebsebsebI used  Rythombox when banshee sucked back in Ubuntu 8.04, but as of 8.10 they have a good version of Banshee in the repo :)22:52
AE_so, how do I go about diagnosing my audio problem (no sound:/), nothing is muted in alsamixer22:52
grkblood13is /dev/audio1 my audio out?22:52
raylu!ar | milad22:52
ubottumilad: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe22:52
grkblood13im trying to stream my audio out on my desktop through vlc22:52
raylu!arabic | milad22:52
ubottumilad: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية22:52
miladشنو رايك22:52
system4041kl wat about a good rss player for playing rss audio22:53
sebsebsebsystem4041: see above,  and  you might want to install big stuff, such as kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop  and you can even do KDE3 :d22:53
Peeeeeet"SIOCDELRT: No such process" what might that mean (seen when restarting networking)22:53
miladthanks ubottu22:53
system4041wats kubuntu desktop22:53
CXM#join #wikipedia-en22:53
sebsebseb!kde |  system404122:53
ubottusystem4041: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde422:53
raylu!kubuntu | system404122:53
ubottusystem4041: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE22:53
Duo__tttth0r the drive spins up and tries to load into windows, but the os was murdered by  kid who's parents have no brains and let him turn it on and off hard constantly, resulting in a damaged sata controller22:53
rayluand no, rhythmbox is worthless22:53
=== lvlefisto is now known as lvlefisto1
system4041is kde better22:53
sebsebseb!xfce |  system404122:53
ubottusystem4041: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels22:53
Peeeeeetsystem4041: it's diferent22:53
sebsebsebsystem4041: I don't like KDE4  series22:54
sebsebsebsystem4041: KDE3 though :)22:54
Peeeeeetsystem4041: it's different22:54
Duo__th0r leving 2 of the sata ports dead22:54
system4041which would u recommend kde xunubtu etc etc22:54
milad<raylu> (yes arabic ) why !! (is that strange ?)22:54
sebsebsebsystem4041: I do like  some of the apps though that are indeed better in KDE4, but I can just run them in Gnome/Ubuntu anyway :)22:54
Mick27anyone playing with VMBUILDER here ?22:54
Peeeeeetsystem4041: I think KDE is more configurable, but Gnome is more stable.  Is that about right?22:54
th0rDuo__: did mount with the force option do any good?22:54
system4041if i install kde will i lose the apps ive installed allready22:54
cssnav8torHi I'm trying to set up a postfix mail server.  I looks like I can send mail internal but nothing from the Internet.22:54
sebsebsebsystem4041: I don't like 9.04's black log in screen,  blubuntu :)22:54
cssnav8torCan anyone help22:54
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yoniHi all22:55
system4041if i install kde will i lose my previously installed apps22:55
sebsebsebsystem4041: no you can have all of this stuff installed22:55
yoniI'm doing a migration from Vista to Ubuntu Jaunty22:55
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page22:55
sebsebseband there's a way to install kde3 apps I think in 9.0422:56
system4041kl i myt give kde a go but i take it ive not to install kde422:56
`brandon`okay then how do i get VMWare can i get it from terminal (sudo apt-get) ?22:56
sebsebsebsystem4041: you might prefer KDE4 to Gnome22:56
yoniI'm having Ubuntu running & kicking! though I want now to fully mount (with read & write permissions) all of my other hard drives.22:56
yoniI want to do it auto with my own settings without using the GUI...22:56
sebsebsebsystem4041: and you can use most apps  from KDE4 that you like in Gnome/Ubuntu anyway22:56
system4041sebsebseb which enviroment would u say is more user friendly22:56
sebsebsebsystem4041: Gnome22:57
system4041and sebsebseb will i have to reinstall my apps22:57
yoniWhat file system should I use? ntfs\ntfs-3g or fuse?22:57
sebsebsebsystem4041: I already said no22:57
system4041but gnome is best u say22:57
sebsebsebsystem4041: get Xubuntu as well22:57
system4041so sack kde22:57
rayluyoni: ntfs is read-only. use ntfs-3g22:57
sebsebsebsystem4041: makes sense to try the main stuff, when your new22:57
raylusystem4041: user-friendly doens't imply good22:57
`brandon`okay then how do i get VMWare can i get it from terminal (sudo apt-get)?22:57
system4041ok im conused wat shall i go for kde or xubuntu22:57
sebsebsebsystem4041: and blubuntu is a wallpaper and  rather nice log in screen theme, that not many people know about, but it's in the Ubuntu repo22:57
raylualso, we've already told you about "best"22:58
sebsebsebsystem4041: it's also a theme, but the theme sucked22:58
system4041so we got blubuntu kde a xubuntu22:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blubuntu22:58
system4041take ur pik guys wats best22:58
sebsebsebsystem4041: there is no best22:58
raylusystem4041: linux and free software are about choice. we care not for "best"22:58
system4041in ur opinion wats best22:58
sebsebsebsystem4041: In my opinion it's best  that you have all the stuff I just mentioned installed :)22:59
thiebaudeyup no EULA WGA etc22:59
=== lvlefisto1 is now known as lvlefisto
sebsebsebsystem4041: try Tuxpaint by the way I got a feeling you may quite like it22:59
yoniFrom old versions of Ubuntu, I remember that the ntfs-3g can break the file system, is it still happen a lot?or i can use if without worrying?22:59
system4041ill try kde3 me finks22:59
rayluyoni: nope. ntfs-3g is stable now http://www.ntfs-3g.org/22:59
zer0rezhow can i get terminal to default to 80x43?22:59
sebmckHi everyone, im running compiz on jaunty and i was wondering with the desktop cube when you spin it and change spots on the cube is it supposed to just minimize everything and remember the positions of everything on each desktop? because i was hoping it was like each side is a different virtual desktop22:59
system4041seems in forums to b most popular option22:59
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sebsebsebsystem4041: KDE3  is the one you  maybe can't just install, not sure untill  I  have clean installed    my current Ubuntu set up, and put on proper 9.04 on,  instead of what I got now which is basically 9.04, but uh nevermind23:00
Dr_Willissebmck:  err.. each side is a virtual desktop here..23:00
yoniraylu, Thanks a lot! :)23:00
dotblankntfs-3g is a program I elevate to the highest level of awesome for desktop linux usability23:00
diskinKeyboard indicator applet shows "??" instead of Russian somethimes. Is it a known problem? And it lists only "USA" in groups, although it switches to Russian correctly.23:00
sebmckDr_Willis: well on mine its just every side isnt one23:00
rayludotblank: wine?23:00
sebsebsebsystem4041: sudo aptitude install  kubuntu-desktop23:01
Peeeeeetsebmck: each side is individual but I think it keeps the objects on the task panel the same for all sides23:01
sebsebsebsystem4041: sudo aptitude install  xubuntu-desktop23:01
dotblankraylu, wine.. is great but it also add complexity.. ntfs-3g removes it23:01
sburwoodI have uograded this, my EEEPC  to 9.04.  On boot, it says that it uses 8.10.  Why?23:01
Dr_Willissebmck:  the 'task bar panel item' hs settings to show 'all' or 'just current desktop' items23:01
kr0ySelecting blubuntu-themes in Synaptic gives the following error : "blubuntu-theme:  Depends: gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks but it is not going to be installed" and doesnt install. Can we workaround this?23:01
system4041thanks sebsebseb will report bak if ne probs23:01
sebsebsebkr0y: indeed23:01
AE_so, how do I go about diagnosing my audio problem (no sound:/), nothing is muted in alsamixer (lspci output here: http://pastebin.ca/1426893 )23:01
semanticpci have an issue in rsync23:02
sebsebsebkr0y: I had the theme working before, but now days get the error.  the wall paper and  gdm log in screen will work though23:02
raylukr0y: aptitude why-not may help23:02
semanticpcis it possible to do two way sync using rsync ?23:02
raylusemanticpc: that doesn't really make sense23:02
sebsebsebsystem4041: and to log into Kubuntu or Xubuntu or anything else like that23:02
raylusemanticpc: if there's a difference on both ends, which one do you take?23:02
dotblankAE_, some commands are aplay -l and aplay -L and a nice script in #alsa23:02
sebsebsebsystem4041: you do it from the log in screen, you change the session23:02
kr0yraylu  aptitude why-not blubuntu-theme23:03
kr0yUnable to find a reason to remove blubuntu-theme.23:03
chazcoHi... i have a shell script which installs a driver. At one point it prompts for a value. How can I automate this (ie, feed a keypress into a script from another script)23:03
helperhello need help someone here tell me type chown -R 1000:1000 /home/kad which is i want all files to be to user 1000 but when i try to open using GNOME give me error ICEauthorize23:03
raylukr0y: aptitude why-not gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks23:03
grkblood13how do i find out what dev is my mic in23:03
raylukr0y: either that or why23:03
joaopintochazco, if the script reads from stdin, just echo "key" | script23:03
kr0yraylu:  Ohkay thanks23:03
Dr_Willischazco:  or edit the script :)23:03
rayluchazco: ./script.sh < file.in23:03
semanticpcokay ..... this is wat i did ....i did rsync from remote->local ...... now wen i do rsync from local->remote it starts transfering the files again23:03
chazcoDr_Willis - Its not a script in the conventional sense, has data stored inside it and checksums and so on23:04
kr0yraylu: human-theme Conflicts gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks23:04
junglist313is there any way to restart npviewer without having to restart firefox?23:04
joaopintosemanticpc, you are doing something wrong, like a missing / at the end of one parth23:04
system4041xubuntu on its way downlaodin as we speak23:04
raylusemanticpc: are you sure the files are actually being transferred? also, are the clocks synced? try -c23:04
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Peeeeeetanyone know what SIOCDELRT is?23:04
chazcojoaopinto - So its as simple as 'echo "3" | install.sh', good to know if thats the case :)23:04
AE_dotblank: http://pastebin.ca/142689723:04
kr0ysebsebseb: Yeah blubuntu-themes and blubuntu-look does not install23:04
chazcoraylu - Tried something like that and it didnt seem to want to work23:04
sebsebsebkronix: indeed, but the other ones will23:05
kr0yPeeeeeet: this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75348023:05
raylukr0y: so uninstall human-theme23:05
IamSOGso Xubuntu run xfce4 GUI ?23:05
Dr_Willis!info expect23:05
ubottuexpect (source: expect): A program that can automate interactive applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5.43.0-17 (jaunty), package size 308 kB, installed size 628 kB23:05
sebsebsebIamSOG: yes23:05
Dr_Willischazco:  if that fails - the 'expect' program ishandy for automating things23:05
IamSOGoic! o Thanks sebastien23:05
rayluDr_Willis: how?23:05
sebsebsebIamSOG: np23:05
helperhello need help someone here tell me type chown -R 1000:1000 /home/kad which is i want all files to be to user 1000 but when i try to open using GNOME give me error ICEauthorize23:05
dotblankAE_, that output looks normal.. what happens when you run speaker-test -c 2 -t wav23:05
th0rsystem4041: if you already have ubuntu installed you don't need to install xubuntu. Just install xfce4 and associated packages23:05
chazcoDr_Willis - Thanks :)23:05
rayluchazco: you may need a blank line at the end of the file23:05
junglist313is there any way to restart npviewer without having to restart firefox?23:05
helperi did chown r/w/x for ICEauthority and same shit23:06
chazcoraylu - Ah okay, will look into it, thanks23:06
CJJI have a quick question if ive downloaded ubuntu 9 iso is there a way to put it on my computer if i only have dvd discs and not cds ?23:06
Dr_Willischazco:  'expect' is OLD-Skool app :)23:06
sebsebsebth0r: hummm?23:06
th0rhelper: does the user kad have user id 1000?23:06
helperth0r, yes23:06
joaopintohelper, you should not perform random commands whithout understanding them, what is the uid of the kal user ?23:06
sebsebsebth0r: surely for the full thing get xubuntu-desktop ?23:06
Dr_WillisCJJ:  got a bootable thumbdrive? if so use unetbootin to make a installer-thumbdrive23:06
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rayluCJJ: failing that, burning a cd to a dvd is usually fine23:06
helperjoaopinto, 100023:06
CJJis a thumbdrive a flash drive ?23:07
th0rsebsebseb: no, xubuntu is just ubuntu linux with the xfce4 desktop instead of gnome23:07
semanticpcraylu:  these are the commands i use rsync -raz --progress --size-only  user@domain.com:/home/user/ / Users/localuser/Documents/23:07
rayluCJJ: but i'd highly recommend a thumbdrive too. and yes23:07
sebsebsebkr0y: got the blubuntu gdm screen and wall paper yet?23:07
system40418 minutes till xubuntu23:07
th0rsebsebseb: everything that is on the xubuntu cd is also available via synaptic from gnome23:07
zer0rezhow do i set terminal to default to 80x43?23:07
helperjoaopinto, now i am in root: kad:x:1000:1000:Moe Kad:/home/kad:/bin/bash23:07
AE_dotblank: http://pastebin.ca/1426899 but no sound coming out of speakers23:07
CJJSo i can boot the iso off my flash drive ?23:07
kr0yAny idea why tor is present in Synaptic but the package location is missing?  :-/23:07
Dr_WillisCJJ:  unetbootin tool takes the iso and makes a bootable flash drive23:07
semanticpcraylu:  and rsync -raz --progress --size-only  /Users/localuser/Documents/ user@ir.cis.udel.edu    :/home/user/23:07
th0rsebsebseb: the only advantage to installing xubuntu would be to save a little disk space23:07
sebsebsebth0r: yeah I know that, but  people don't say install whatever for kde23:07
raylusemanticpc: why are you transferring your entire system?23:07
kr0ysebsebseb: Yeah installed wallpaper and splashes23:07
dotblankAE_, how are your speakers configured?23:07
system4041sebsebseb isnt it any good23:07
sebsebsebth0r: the  webpages and everything say to get the desktops23:07
SiDiHello people; Does anyone know what is the purpose of the "source" command. I'm also looking for the channel where i'm *most likely23:08
semanticpcits just one of my login ......23:08
SiDi* to find the maintainers of the mesa drivers23:08
sebsebsebsystem4041: isn't what any good?23:08
AE_hm, it's a laptop23:08
CJJWould anyone whos familiar with the process mind talking to me in a pm the chan is kinda hard for me to follow im putting ubuntu on my laptop so i can talk while doing it23:08
system4041ok tell u wat how do i get kde23:08
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:08
dotblankAE_, oh... hmm does your laptop have a hardware audio switch?23:08
rayluSiDi: man bash23:08
system4041how do i get kde23:08
semanticpcbut it should work rite23:08
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone does anyone know how I can install gnome-sharp v2.20. I am using Tasque and it depends upon it and the version in the repositories does not work with it. I have tried reinstalling tasque from the repositories and it doesn't make a difference the problem started when I upgraded from Hardy to Jaunty23:08
Dr_WillisCJJ:  go to the unetbootin home page.. download it.. run it.. point it to the iso you downloaded.. point it to the flashdrive..  let it run.. go get coffee.. come back.. reboot from flashdrive23:08
sebsebsebsystem4041: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop  that will give you KDE4,  got to do something else for KDE323:08
junglist313is there any way to restart npviewer without having to restart firefox?23:09
system4041and which is best kde4 or kde 323:09
AE_dotblank: no idea, where is that usually located?23:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about w4a23:09
system4041which is more stable23:09
SiDiraylu: do you have any idea why a ". foo" would succeed but a "source foo" would apparently fail ?23:09
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:09
CJJim going to format the computer will it have any problems loading the flash drive ?23:09
helperjoaopinto, so ?23:09
sebsebsebsystem4041: as a graphical user interface  in my opinion KDE3 :)   ,but for  programs  KDE423:09
rayluSiDi: nope, sorry23:09
Dr_Willissystem4041:   most likely - you will be using KDE4 if you want kde now a days.23:09
SiDiraylu: ok, thanks23:09
rayluCJJ: nope; that's a bios setting23:09
system4041how do i get kde 323:09
sebsebsebDr_Willis: you can get KDE3 for 9.04 as well :)23:09
dotblankAE_, usually they dont exist.... wel anyway can you run alsamixer and make sure stuff isnt muted (like PCM and master)23:09
Dr_WillisCJJ:  you boot from the flash drive.. the os is on the flash drive.. format the pc after you get a bootable flash working23:10
semanticpcraylu:  the two commands are correct isn't ?23:10
smilingbobI think my  computer is about to explode23:10
kr0yraylu , sebsebseb : Installed blubuntu theme and looks by removing human-theme :)23:10
system4041kde3 for 9.04 how to23:10
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  blasphmy!23:10
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  :)23:10
dotblankAE_, sometimes if you have headphones plugged in that will also mute there also might be an option in alsamixer for headphone23:10
sebsebsebsystem4041: not 100% sure at the moment,  I belive   you can  install stuff from synaptic that is KDE3.  anyway they had the announcement about it on the site23:10
raylusemanticpc: no. you have  '/' by itself23:10
m4rkhow do I enable the multiverse repository?23:10
CQanyone here use openCRX under ubuntu?23:10
system4041for me as a noob the simplest solution is kde4 then23:10
AE_dotblank: Yep, nothing is muted in alsamixer. I cant find any audio switch so I guess there is none23:11
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  heh - sounds a bit wishy-washy to me :P23:11
dotblankAE_, run that speaker test constantly and play with alsa mixer untill you find somthing that works..23:11
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:11
sebsebsebsystem4041: the simplest LOL23:11
m4rkthanks raylu23:11
sebsebsebsystem4041: hang on i'll get you the link23:11
system4041kl cheers sebsebseb#23:11
grkblood13i looped my audio out port to my mic in port and im trying to record it through audacity but it wont record, does any1 knwo what i might be doing wrong23:11
raylum4rk: the simpler answer is /etc/apt/sources.list23:11
dotblankAE_, is anything like surround sound or shared audiop jacks or anything wierd..23:11
sebsebsebsystem4041: the simplest solution is to use the command line when you know the name of the program you want to install :)23:11
system4041well i want kde323:11
dotblankAE_, and one last question is has the audio ever worked :)23:12
helperhello need help someone here tell me type chown -R 1000:1000 /home/kad which is i want all files to be to user 1000 but when i try to open using GNOME give me error ICEauthorize my uid is 1000 any help ?23:12
junglist313m4rk: go to system>administration>software sources23:12
ptci'm trying to get my win key to work. in Xmodmap i have it set to Super_L but it doesn't seem to be working. When i try to bind it in any application it doesn't say "Win + Whatever" it just shows some block character. do i have to do something with the "Mod" feature in xmodmap? http://pastie.org/48214523:12
AE_hm, I dont know, I just got this laptop from work dotblank23:12
junglist313Quick question is there any way to restart npviewer without having to restart firefox?23:12
system4041so how to get kde3 on 9.0423:13
dotblankAE_, maybe the audio is disabled in the bios23:13
dotblankAE_, also try headphoens23:13
sebsebsebsystem4041  and  Dr_Willis  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty23:13
AE_I'll check bios23:13
AE_Tried headphones, dont work either23:13
joftycan anyone here answer a linux mint install question?23:13
Peeeeeetshould my iptables chain be empty (does that mean it is accepting everything or nothing)?23:14
sebsebsebsystem4041: the idea is for you to have,   Gnome/Ubuntu,   Kubuntu KDE4,  Kubuntu KDE4,  as well as XFCE/Xubuntu installed23:14
dotblankAE_, if all else fails you can either try 1. a differant OS, 2. manually adding updated alsa drivers, 3. or get a new laptop (might actually be broken)23:14
sebsebsebsystem4041: how big is your partition though for Ubuntu?23:14
th0rPeeeeeet: yes, unless you have rules it should be empty23:14
m4rkhmm. now I see the "Macromedia Flash plugin" in the Adept Installer, but it is greyed out. Why is that?23:14
joftyI booted (my dell inspiron laptop) onto linux mint install CD, but when I click the "install" icon nothing happens23:14
system4041my partition for ubuntu is 5 gig sebsebseb23:15
sebsebsebsystem4041: oh dear no23:15
onthefence928i just download a .iso torrent that came in three .rar files. how do i combine them into 1 bootable .iso?23:15
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sebsebsebsystem4041: don't install this big stuff yet then23:15
system4041awww ok23:15
sebsebsebsystem4041: your not on some stupid netbook or something?23:15
=== wolf-man is now known as Necromankas
NecromankasHey folks23:15
dotblankonthefence928, if it is split archive extracting them should automaticly read from the others23:15
diskinKeyboard indicator applet shows "??" instead of Russian somethimes. Is it a known problem? And it lists only "USA" in groups, although it switches to Russian correctly.23:15
system4041no i reserved 100 gig for windows ats wat i use mainly and 50 for backup and 5 for ubuntu the otha 5 is system23:16
sebsebsebsystem4041: Linux programs do not take up that much space, but  only 5GB for them is rather small23:16
LogicFananyone know a comparable solution for ubuntu to windows remote desktop sharing like gotomypc?23:16
helperhello need help someone here tell me type chown -R 1000:1000 /home/kad which is i want all files to be to user 1000 but when i try to open using GNOME give me error ICEauthorize my uid is 1000 any help ?23:16
sebsebsebsystem4041: Windows yeah, well let's get you off Windows if we can :)  oh  I think you will want to more, when you installed the things I said, however the space issue hum23:16
dotblankLogicFan, Yes. it is included in ubuntu by default under remote desktop23:16
NecromankasHow to i install a .tar.bz2 file?23:16
serecan someone help...i made a script to encode a movie with mencoder w/ rox but i would like the output the be the sources name ....any ideas?23:17
sebsebseb!tar |  Necromankas23:17
ubottuNecromankas: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression23:17
LogicFandotblank, afaik, thats VNC based?23:17
Dr_Willisonthefence928:  you extract the first one and it should get the data fromthe other  2 as needed23:17
system4041i would like to come away from windows once i know a bit more about what im doin on linux23:17
dotblankdotblank, yes it is23:17
dotblankLogicFan, yes it is23:17
sebsebsebsystem4041: 5GB is to small for Ubuntu really23:17
raylusebsebseb: i feel that !tar should mention... tar23:17
sebsebsebsystem4041: espeaily when your going  to install loads of programs23:17
SiDiraylu: and it begins with.. tar ;)23:18
sebsebsebraylu: I used !tar  yeah and it does not say about installing them23:18
sebsebsebraylu: well that's the link I guess23:18
LogicFandotblank, i dont want to have to make the person i'm trying to help setup a server.  i want to view their windows machine from my ubuntu machine23:18
system4041i dnt want loads of progs i just need the basics music video bittorrent and burners and convertors23:18
sebsebsebsystem4041: how did you install Ubuntu?23:18
CQwhat's teh best way to keep 5 hosts locally updated, just point each one to a source, or mirror locally and then update, or ... ?23:18
rayluwell, you can't merely install a tarball; that doesn't make sense23:18
joftyI booted (my dell laptop) onto linux mint install CD, but when I click the "install" icon nothing happens23:18
ceciliahello, I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players23:18
system4041via cd sebsebseb23:18
LogicFane.g. email a link, they click, 5 seconds later i'm viewing their desktop23:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aptmirror23:18
sebsebsebsystem4041: using the installer?  or did you set up partitions yourself?23:18
Dr_Willissystem4041:  heh - you basics are all for 'enterainment' it seems :)23:18
Peeeeeetokay, how about this, is there some sort of command that will just resolve a hostname for me?  like i type in google.com and it tells me what ip address google is?23:19
system4041used the installer23:19
sebsebsebsystem4041: loasd of programs? well there are loads in the background to libraries and stuff23:19
SiDisebsebseb raylu file-roller is there by default, Necromankas probably means install from source tarball23:19
th0rPeeeeeet: whois23:19
raylu!info apt-mirror23:19
ubottuapt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 12 kB, installed size 120 kB23:19
sebsebsebsystem4041: Linux distros are designed to have many programs installed :) unlike Windows23:19
dotblankLogicFan, Ah yes.. there is a remote desktop client in ubuntu that will let you connect to a VNC server or a RDP server23:19
rayluSiDi: i know23:19
rayluCQ: ^23:19
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CQraylu: thanks, I'll have a look at it...23:19
Peeeeeetdamn, whois is not installed23:19
dotblankLogicFan, but no matter what a PC you want to control has to be running a server of some sorts23:19
rayluPeeeeeet: host, nslookup, dig23:19
CQraylu: I have 5 boxes that are fairly similar but not identical in terms of packages...23:19
system4041i need msn irc music video bittorrent convertors burners and im gd23:20
th0rPeeeeeet: you can also ping google.com to see what the ip address is23:20
system4041i fink23:20
NecromankasHmmm, how would i install wine101.tar.bz2?23:20
rayluCQ: you could host a mirror of most of ubuntu's stuff23:20
sebsebsebsystem4041: no  3D gaming or whatever?23:20
kr0yIs this the proper place to ask as to why git doesnt work on my system behind a proxy?23:20
dotblankNecromankas, why not use the ubuntu repo23:20
LogicFandotblank, yes, but as transparent to the user as possible.  like gotomypc, copilot, webex, etc23:20
sebsebsebsystem4041: no Windows 3D gaming or whatever?23:20
system4041no use windows for that windows is more compatible23:20
junglist313Quick question: is there any way to restart npviewer without having to restart firefox? Yes or no.23:20
ceciliahello, couls anyone help me with my sound problem? it seems serious23:20
NecromankasI tried, it's not working on a game i want to play though23:20
Peeeeeetis there any way to tell if it is pulling from local cache or actually getting it from the dns server I designated in resolv.conf23:20
sebsebsebsystem4041: yes, but thought you wanted to get rid of Windows?23:20
rayluCQ: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror/1 an ubuntu releases mirror is only ~40GB23:20
system4041plus i dnt do much gaming on laptop have my wii 360 and ps3 for that23:20
dotblankLogicFan, well there are many programs that run a vnc server silently..23:20
raylusystem4041: that's a bit backwards23:21
SiDiNecromankas: you won't because this is not the way you should. Use the packages at winehq.org/download/deb23:21
th0rPeeeeeet:  not sure, check the man pages23:21
abioticrhymeI am having trouble with my video I have a laptop with the Intel X3100 video chip and I can not get compiz or 3d acceleration to work23:21
raylusystem4041: things are more compatible with windows, not the other way around23:21
sebsebsebsystem4041: 5GB is to small for Ubuntu really23:21
NecromankasOnce again, i did that.23:21
system4041only game i play on lappy is unreal tournaments 323:21
sebsebsebsystem4041: 5GB for Ubuntu is just big time suckey23:21
NecromankasIt's not letting me fully load Guild Wars though.23:21
LogicFandotblank, yes, getting them set up remotely is the tough part.23:21
LogicFanespecially when the user is unfamiliar23:21
rayluNecromankas: are you on 64-bit?23:21
SiDiNecromankas: you mention wine 1.0.1.tar.bz2, ie. the source of wine 1.0.1, which is exactly the same than in the repository23:21
CQraylu: probably not worth it then, 5 boxes download a whole lot less than that if all update separately... some sort fo a local caching server would be cool though, i.e. host 1 retrieves something, and host 2 needs it too...23:21
joaopintoPeeeeeet, there is no dns cacher unless you set it up, not native on the system23:21
dotblankLogicFan, well yea.. that is a problem.23:22
CeasarIsOutI recently installed Win7RC and found its graphics amazing. My Ubuntu install is getting jealous. I have seen aero themes for Gnome, but what about the cross-fading wallpaper slideshow? How can I get Ubuntu to do that?23:22
sebsebsebsystem4041: Ubuntu with a seperate home  that is going to be used for data, well 16GB.   or if your not really going to use home for data you could have home in a 16GB /23:22
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me work out why would nautilus give such a warning - http://paste.ubuntu.com/175231/ ?23:22
NecromankasI'm on a 32bit machine23:22
cecilia hello, I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players23:22
sebsebsebsystem4041: what I am getting at here, is that really your Ubuntu partition should be made bigger :)23:22
system4041sebsebseb well how do i expand my partition into my windows space then23:22
SiDiNecromankas: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=919423:22
Peeeeeetso if i am able to resolve google.com to it's correct IP address but no pings come back, any idea why?23:22
sebsebsebsystem4041: it's XP on there yes?23:22
CQraylu: sort of an apt-mirror-cache23:22
system4041no windows 723:22
NecromankasRead it, it still down't work :(23:22
rayluCQ: the advantage of having a mirror server is faster installation of packages. if you're on one machine and decide you want to try something out, you can get it faster23:22
sebsebsebsystem4041: Windows 7 geez23:22
dotblankPeeeeeet, it might because you have blocked internet access...23:22
NecromankasIt was working ealier...23:22
NecromankasJust not now.23:22
system4041im gr8 with windows but as i said totally new to linux23:23
rayluCQ: but there isn't anything like what you mention that i know of. the closest thing is apt-p2p23:23
sebsebsebsystem4041: Vista version 2 in other words, and it shuts itself down every 2 hours starting March 1st 2010 and stops working on  1st June23:23
joaopintoPeeeeeet, you have connectivity to your DNS server, but no network connectivity to those IPs, either because you have a misconfiguration, or a network problem23:23
Peeeeeetdotblank: is there a way to inadvertantly do that on the ubuntu server?23:23
dotblankPeeeeeet, alot of companies and organizations filter icmp requests23:23
CQraylu: that's not that much of a problem...23:23
SiDiCeasarIsOut: this sounds like the first (and hopefully the last) time that windows does something first, but neither GNOME nor compiz can do that, afaik.23:23
system4041yes thats the 1 RC version23:23
rayluCQ: i'm not sure if you can configure that to be within your network only, though. i'm sure you could firewall it or something ,though23:23
th0rPeeeeeet: they may not allow response to ping.23:23
sebsebsebsystem4041: anyway if it's like Vista in the partition  regard,  NTFS 5,  your meant to resize in  Windows 723:23
sebsebsebsystem4041: or you can lose data23:23
meanguyhello again.. any of u guys use kiba-dock with gnome?23:23
chemikalzi have compiz installed, but i still dont have that cool mac like widget doc23:23
sebsebsebsystem4041: did you resize in Windows 7 before?  in disk management?23:23
system4041well the partition isays windows vista believe it or not23:23
dotblankPeeeeeet, I ahve to know your network setup and config in order to answer that23:23
chemikalzany ideas?23:23
burningcatcan somebody send me the link to python23:23
Peeeeeetth0r: but I can ping and conenct to the net from any otehr machine behind said router (like this irc session)23:24
meanguychemikalz,  its kiba-dock :P23:24
system4041i resized 7 to get my 5 gig for this ubuntu23:24
SiDichemikalz: try cairo-dock or awn23:24
rayluchemikalz: compiz is a window manager, not a widget dock23:24
burningcatgot it from a friend but lost it23:24
CeasarIsOutSiDi, OK, drat what about 3rd party options? Are there any?23:24
meanguyhmm im gonna try those23:24
ceciliahello, I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players23:24
norrisg1Who knows how to install a tar.gz ???23:24
sebsebsebsystem4041: ok well make it even smaller :)   maybe even as small as it will go by  not putting anything in size23:24
th0rPeeeeeet: and I would know that how? Sounds like you have a connectivity problem with that one server23:24
chemikalzralu or sidi whats sudo apt get command for those23:24
Peeeeeetdotblank: wired from ubuntu server 8.10 to switch to router to outside. all static ips23:24
dotblankPeeeeeet, perhaps you dont have a default route but your DNS server is on the current lan so it is able to resolve23:24
system4041how do i do that now ive installed ubuntu23:24
meanguykiba dock fucks my cpu, both of them puts them into 100% and i can't use mouse / keyboard23:24
sebsebsebsystem4041: Ubuntu can also read and write to your  Windows partition no problem, as long as Windows was shut down properly23:24
rayluchemikalz: apt-cache search23:24
joaopinto!language | meanguy23:24
SiDiCeasarIsOut: not that i know of. There have been many changes written to GNOME's wallpaper support last summer but they apparently still didnt release it. I guess you'll have to wait :/23:24
system4041i did it before with ubuntu disk23:24
ubottumeanguy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:24
dotblankPeeeeeet, run netstat -rn23:25
ceciliacan anyone help me please? i'm a beginner23:25
CQraylu: apt-p2p might work, I'll have a look at it23:25
th0rPeeeeeet: what does 'route -n' respond with?23:25
joaopinto!ask | cecilia23:25
system4041yeah i know that i read all my media from my windows partition23:25
ubottucecilia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:25
norrisg1Can someone help me. I dont know how to install a tar.gz file please someone help me!23:25
sebsebsebsystem4041: by booting up Windows 7 and doing  disk management as I just said,  by not putting anything in size,   making it as small as it will go :)23:25
SiDiCeasarIsOut: though, its possible to get wallpapers to change (see weather and time based wallpapers), but i dont think they have the fading effect you're looking for23:25
meanguyalrightie, awn and cairo, letme try them out23:25
joaopintonorrisg1, what are you trying to install ?23:25
ceciliahello, I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players23:25
system4041all my music and video from windows i access thorugh ubuntu23:25
mercutio22help me out. Kernel Panics all the time... - System temperatures are normal23:25
sebsebsebsystem4041: by the way if you have enough RAM, and  you don't want to  3D Windows game or some such, you could just virtual machine Windows 7 inside Ubuntu :)23:25
dotblankth0r, it responds with the routing table without name lookups23:25
system4041i have 2 gig ram is that enough23:26
th0rdotblank: I know that <smile>.. I want to know what routes he has defined in the router23:26
th0rdotblank: oops...in the server23:26
sebsebsebsystem4041: that is enough for a virtual machine of Windows 7 yes23:26
CeasarIsOutSiDi, OK, fading isn't abolutely necessary, really. I just get bored with the same BG. The time-based sounds good.23:26
norrisg1joaopinto i IM you23:26
system4041kl i may consider that once i completely cross the devide to linux23:26
joaopintonorrisg1, do not, please keep on the channel, there is more people to help you here23:26
system4041got a lot more to learn before i go there though23:26
norrisg1oh what ever23:26
sebsebsebsystem4041: well you should  do the partition thing now really :)23:26
Peeeeeetdotblank: netstat -rn says http://paste.ubuntu.com/175234/23:27
helperhello when i log on give me error $HOME is unwirtable must permission be 644 when i do ls -l drwxr-xr-x 80 kad  kad      4096 2009-05-19 01:24 kad23:27
helper what's wrong23:27
SiDiCeasarIsOut: you should google about this. It's based on an XML file containing the true wallpapers, so you can just put yours in the file. (XFCE has this random wallpaper per session feature, btw :p)23:27
norrisg1i cant read b/c everyone talking that why i IM people when i need help23:27
Peeeeeetth0r: same thing23:27
rayluhelper: well... that's not 644, is it?23:27
ceciliahello, I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players23:27
ElectricHeavyLanI have a sound card, the lspci gives me a: 'IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller by ATI Technologies' The aplay -l gives me: 'card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]' I am running Xubuntu 8.10 and would like to install the updates but not sure if it'll 'break' my sound card. Anyone know if it will? It works fine without the updates.23:27
dotblankPeeeeeet, whoa...23:27
system4041kl so when i resize the partition and reboot ubuntu will simply have more space and thats that is it23:27
sebsebsebsystem4041: make Windows 7's partition as small as it will go in disk management :)    and also assuming you don't have tons and tons of  big files in there?23:27
Peeeeeetoh and this is all over a bridged connection23:27
ElectricHeavyLanI am sticking with 8.10, not upgrading the distro, just installing some updates.23:27
rayluhelper: 644 is rw-r--r--, i believe23:27
sebsebsebsystem4041: not quite23:27
norrisg1joaopinto can you help me?23:28
system4041how u mean23:28
helperraylu, ok23:28
SiDinorrisg1: you can't install a .tar.gz file, it's an archive containing source files that you have to compile23:28
dotblankPeeeeeet, are all 3 nics really needed?23:28
sebsebsebsystem4041: then when more space is availalbe you go on the Ubuntu Live CD,  and make Ubuntu's partition bigger in the partition editor23:28
th0rPeeeeeet: you are routing everything out everywhere...I dont think that will work23:28
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html23:28
Peeeeeetdotblank: i bridged all 3 nics23:28
joaopintonorrisg1, maybe, if you answer to my question, what are you trying to install ?23:28
CeasarIsOutSiDi, OK, thanks. XFCE is a little too simple for me, but I'll Google for the XML thing. Thanks! (Gosh, it's a busy day) :-)23:28
chuck_ElectricHeavyLan, if its working i would not touch it23:28
dotblankPeeeeeet, can you run ifconfig -a?23:28
system4041cant i expand ubuntu inside ubuntu23:28
norrisg1joaopinto im trying to install apachae23:28
th0rPeeeeeet: and if I read this right...you have three interfaces on the same network?23:28
Peeeeeetth0r: i am willing to accept that, but this exact same config worked before23:28
SiDiCeasarIsOut: you have no idea about how mine has been ;) good luck with google !23:28
sebsebsebsystem4041: you need to be on the Live CD to make Ubuntu's partition bigger, and there also needs to be unallocated space on your hard disk as I already said23:29
Tommy\DO_hi. how can i disable that annoying "grey-out" effect for applications, that are stuck in some way? if i have a lot of tabs open in opera for example, there comes a "grey barrier" that bars me from clicking anywhere in that window23:29
joaopintonorrisg1, apache is available from the repositories, please check http://help.ubuntu.com, you really need to learn the basics, like how to install software on ubuntu23:29
dotblankPeeeeeet, Ideally you do not want an addresses on nics that are bridged just on the br023:29
Peeeeeetth0r: one is connected to the switch, the otehr two are connected to other computers routing themselves through the server (using it as a mini 3 port switch)23:29
system4041i think my best plan of action would for now to use my 5 gig partition to run ubuntu and learn more about it and when im ready simply cross over to a full ubuntu system23:29
sebsebsebsystem4041: maybe  your thinking it's an advantage to be able to  resize an OS's partition when that OS is running, yes well maybe that is or it isn't,  but either way  Linux  file systems are way better than Window's is23:29
norrisg1whats the repositiories23:29
system4041seems more logical too me23:29
norrisg1this isnt on the add remove list joaopinto23:30
ceciliahello, I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players. Do you know how can i fix this?23:30
joaopinto!repos | norrisg123:30
ubottunorrisg1: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:30
norrisg1joapointo this is for web server23:30
Peeeeeetdotblank: i didn't make a circle network or anthing, only one of those nics goes to the switch23:30
th0rPeeeeeet: I don't think that will work.23:30
joaopintonorrisg1, apache, the web server, is in the repositories !23:30
system4041as i said i fink it best i wait till i learn more bout the os then simply completely crossover to a full ubuntu system23:30
sebsebsebsystem4041: well Ubuntu with just  Gnome apps, is  not that great really.  you need some KDE in there :)   however  you can install good KDE apps without installing the whole of KDE anyway23:30
Peeeeeetth0r: it did before I upgraded to 8.10 from 8.0423:30
HillshumHow do I mount my HDD from the liveCD?23:30
th0rPeeeeeet: ok23:30
joaopintonorrisg1, on the terminal: sudo apt-get install apache223:31
Peeeeeetth0r i'm not saying youa re wrong, it is antirely possible that this config shouldn't have worked in the first place23:31
system4041all those apps i can get when i crossover my main priority now is to learn more about the os and its capability23:31
sebsebseb!repo | norrisg123:31
ubottunorrisg1: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:31
norrisg1ty joaopinto23:31
system4041gettin all the cool apps etc can wait23:31
joaopintonorrisg1, it is not on Add/Remove, because it's a server application, not a desktop one23:31
Peeeeeetth0r: and after upgrading to 8.10, something was "fixed" and thus my bad config stopped working23:32
zaccourhow come I can't install the Ubuntu Dell iso i burned to a disc?23:32
dotblankPeeeeeet, ok.. this is my guess as to why this isnt working.. for the 172.16 network it has br0 as its chosen route (br0) BUT for the gateway it is running out of eth2..23:32
sebsebsebsystem4041: well then I suggest you go through the  synaptic package manager properly23:32
sebsebsebsystem4041: looking at pretty much everything, or  the kind of apps your intersted in, that's divided in sections23:32
Peeeeeetdotblank: so it goes down the list as it's shown?23:32
dotblankPeeeeeet, this would explain access to local devices but not outside23:32
zaccourI have a mini 9 netbook, don't understand why I can't23:32
system4041how i get in to synaptic manager23:32
Peeeeeetdotblank: i agree, that would make sense23:32
system4041is that the add remove thing23:32
ceciliahello, I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players23:33
sebsebsebsystem4041: nah,  add or remove  programs thing is for newbies and it isn't that good23:33
dotblankPeeeeeet, ithink.. because they all seem to have the same metric.. btw are you using /etc/network/interfaces?23:33
sebsebsebsystem4041: it's a cut down version of synaptic23:33
th0rPeeeeeet: you say one interface is connected to the switch, that route should be the gateway and the default (dest
system4041so how to synaptic23:33
sebsebsebsystem4041: system > administaration > synaptic package manager23:33
th0rPeeeeeet: each of the other two interfaces should have one ip for a destination, the ip that it is connected to.23:33
system4041ok will give it a whirl thanks very much for all the advice sebsebseb23:33
th0rPeeeeeet: and they should not be gateways23:33
system4041very much appreciated23:33
norrisg1joaopinto ok i installed now where do i find the aplication23:33
dotblankth0r, not for bridging the only iface that should even have an address is br023:33
Peeeeeetdotblank: yes I am, maybe i should change the metric in there to stack it correctly23:33
zaccoursystem4041, click administration at the top, then you will see it there23:33
helperraylu, when i do 644 give me error can't create /home/kad/Desktop ... when i try 774 for /home/kad when i try log give me error permission must be 644 so ?23:33
norrisg1joaopinto i cant find it23:34
sebsebsebsystem4041:   let's find out how much space is already used on there23:34
zaccourhow come I can't install the Ubuntu Dell iso i burned to a disc?23:34
system4041and thanks for ur patience with all the noob questions23:34
dotblankPeeeeeet, can you paste your interfaces file?23:34
zaccourI have a mini 9 netbook, don't understand why I can't23:34
Peeeeeetdotblank: yeah, hold on23:34
sebsebsebsystem4041: search in synaptic for  diskfree  or  kdiskfree23:34
joaopintonorrisg1, like I said, you dont know the basics, please read help.ubuntu.com, you read a full tutorial23:34
sebsebseb!find kdiskfree23:34
ubottuFound: gtkdiskfree23:34
ubuntunoobneedinnorrisg if you can't find it how will you use it ?23:34
norrisg1i did23:34
sebsebsebsystem4041:  gtkdiskfree that would do it :)  you can install that in synaptic23:34
ceciliahello, I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players23:34
th0rdotblank:  I am not sure he can do bridging....that would take everything from one interface and send it out another, and that is not what he wants23:34
system4041i cant see admin23:34
norrisg1joaopinto cant you read what ive been saying???????/23:34
sebsebsebsystem4041: ,but  installing programs via command line is faster and better :)23:34
rayluhelper: not sure why it wants 644, actually. there is a gdm configuration tool. i'd set it to 744, though23:35
Peeeeeetdotblank: http://paste.ubuntu.com/175241/23:35
sebsebsebsystem4041: system > administaration23:35
joaopintonorrisg1, you did not read, otherwise you would not be trying to install apache from source !23:35
joaopintoplease read it with more attention23:35
system4041got it23:35
helperraylu, it insist for 64423:35
l_ris it possible to specify some persistence file to the live jaunty cd at boot?23:35
norrisg1joaopinto, i know i figured that out a few min back23:35
dotblankth0r, I think it is because he wants to avoid routing on ubuntu machine.. so he makes a virtual switch.. the actually switch he has doesnt serve much purpose besides connecting server and router together23:35
tvlraylu: my monitor is black, how do i get sound?23:35
rayluhelper: in the gdm configuration tool, you can set it to not check file permissions23:35
chiiphhi!, I'm having some troubles installing libcv-dev, I keep getting this error message: libcv-dev: Depends: libhighgui-dev (= 1.0.0-6.1ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed, does  anyone knows why is this?23:35
tvlraylu: i can't see / hear anything23:36
Peeeeeetdotblank: that is pretty much correct.  I just wanted two more ethernet ports near my server23:36
joaopintonorrisg1, please read some tutorial on how to use apache, it is installed, it is running, now you need to understand how linux works, and how a web server works23:36
rayluhelper: i'm pretty sure it means that it wants files within the directory to be 644, not the directory itself23:36
joaopinto!commands | norrisg123:36
ubottunorrisg1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:36
sebsebsebsystem4041: how much space is taken up?23:36
GizmoManhi everyone, can someone help me? I have the following error when trying to do "menuconfig" ::Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting23:36
th0rdotblank: I think I will sit this one out....might learn something <smile>23:36
GizmoMani'm using Ubuntu 9.0423:37
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:37
system4041i cant see it sebsebseb23:37
helperraylu, ok i'll do chmod -R 644 /home/kad ?23:37
ceciliahello, I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players23:37
joaopintoGizmoMan, what is that menuconfig ?23:37
rayluhelper: no23:37
sebsebsebsystem4041: if you installed it, it should have added itself to a menu23:37
zoidfarbhey, does anyone know what happens to cron jobs if the computer is turned off at the time they're supposed to run?23:37
rayluhelper: because you want x on directories23:37
GizmoManbitbake -c menuconfig linux-omap3-2.6.2923:37
rayluhelper: could you pastebin ls -l /home/kad?23:37
sebsebsebsystem4041: you can also  open  programs that you know the name of via the command line by just typing in there name and hitting enter23:37
dotblankPeeeeeet, ok so this entries tells ubuntu to use all interfaces as a bridge? "bridge_ports all"23:37
chuck_cecilia, only one sound card?23:37
joaopintozoidfarb, they do not run, if you want them to run later, use anacron instead23:37
rayluzoidfarb: it differs by cron daemon, i believe23:37
GizmoManSo the Gnome Config manager doesn't work ?23:38
GizmoManany idea on how to fix it?23:38
joaopintozoidfarb, man anacron23:38
ceciliaand sometimes, when i start the computer and check the system settings, the card does not appear there23:38
Peeeeeetdotblank: according to the manpages when i originally set this up in 8.04, that was the idea, it bridges all the physical nics23:38
system4041gtkdiskfree does not show in search23:38
helperraylu, http://pastebin.com/m1bea955f23:38
sebsebsebsystem4041: what came up when you searched for?23:38
zoidfarbjoaopinto, cool, thanks. Is there a way to schedule them to run on shutdown, instead of startup?23:38
ceciliaand the alsa, and pulseaudio devices are said not to work23:38
zaccourhow come I can't install the Ubuntu Dell iso i burned to a disc?23:38
sebsebseb!synaptic |  system404123:38
ubottusystem4041: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto23:38
jamesstilwell3rdHow do I specify a source package with apt-get ?23:39
joaopintozoidfarb, for start/stop, you dont use cron, you use a start/stop script on the system init process23:39
ceciliawhen i try system , preferences , sound, the only test that works is the sound card23:39
system4041im using it now typed gtkdiskfree in the searchbar but got nuffin23:39
ceciliapulseaudio doesn't23:39
Peeeeeetdotblank: basically turning them all into a little virtual 3 port switch with the 4th port being the server's connection to this little 3 port switch, and having an ip of
chiiphdid anybody have trouble installing libcv-dev?23:39
dotblankPeeeeeet, i think this should worjk23:39
dotblankPeeeeeet, http://paste.ubuntu.com/175245/23:39
zoidfarbjoaopinto, cool, but what if I want something to run once a week, but only after a user hits shutdown, so it doesn't interfere with normal machine usage?23:39
sebsebsebsystem4041: ok close synaptic23:39
jamesstilwell3rdI need sources for one of the linux-restricted-modules packages23:40
sebsebsebsystem4041: get this one via terminal :)   sudo apt-get install gtkdiskfree23:40
rayluhelper: looks fine. could you show me /etc/gdm.conf?23:40
Peeeeeetdotblank: you think the extra info is interfering with the bridge config?  I'd buy that.  lemme try to change that and see what happens23:40
sebsebsebsystem4041: you can't have syanptic open when doing  apt-get or aptitude commands, because synaptic is just a GUI for commands23:40
system4041ok its on the way23:40
CJJwhen installing ubuntu from a flash drive via unetbootin do i have to format before hand ?23:40
dotblankPeeeeeet, i think it is adding a routes almost randomly because of conflicting gateway entries23:41
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me work out why would nautilus give such a warning - http://paste.ubuntu.com/175231/ ?23:41
sebsebsebsystem4041: it would  give an error message if synaptic had still been open23:41
helperraylu, cat: /etc/gdm.conf: No such file or directory23:41
system4041ok i fink thats it installed23:41
rayluCJJ: technically, no. but i get the feeling you're confusing formatting and partitioning23:41
system4041where is it23:41
iron_foot495hello is there someone who can help me fix install 8.10 I installed it but I can't find it on the machine?23:41
kbpwhat is the best diary tool on Ubuntu (preferred a cool GUI)?23:41
CJJi dunno wtf im doing to be honest23:41
sebsebsebsystem4041: some where in the menu probably,  but menus hummm23:41
joaopintozoidfarb, you would need to hack the shutdown script, I guess, no script is expected to block a shutdown sequence23:41
rayluhelper: sorry. /etc/gdm/gdm.conf23:41
sebsebsebsystem4041: as I said before you can open apps via the command line to :)23:41
dotblankPeeeeeet, if it errors try putting the auto ethX entries before the br0 entry23:41
sebsebsebsystem4041: gtkdiskfree and hit enter23:41
CJJive got windows installed im using unetbootin to put it on my flashdrive then i dunno where to go23:42
zaccourhow come I can't install the Ubuntu Dell iso i burned to a disc? all it shows is some words and someone's first and last name23:42
zoidfarbjaopinto, ok, thanks23:42
rayluCJJ: how is your disk set up right now? do you have any linux partitions set up? if no, then you'll have to set up a partition and then format it23:42
dotblankPeeeeeet, and if that errors assign it a static ip of for each ethX23:42
rayluCJJ: if you click install, the installer will walk you through the formatting process23:42
iron_foot495The old one is still there 8.10?23:42
helperraylu, http://pastebin.com/m6d55292323:42
system4041ok i have 1.78 gig free23:42
sgallingerhi, I have a vaio laptop, pcg-k3323:42
CJJwell i want windows gone too23:42
sebsebsebsystem4041: ok that's space for quite a lot of apps23:42
sgallingerand for some reason the thing gets really hot and gets very slow23:42
joaopintozaccour, are you sure it's a regular ubuntu cd ?23:42
sebsebsebsystem4041: now let's make sure main multiverse and such repos  are enabled23:43
zaccourjoaopinto, its the one from the dell mod23:43
kbpwhat is the best diary tool on Ubuntu (preferred a cool GUI)? :)23:43
sebsebsebsystem4041: the Ubuntu download servers, make sure they are checked in     system > administaration  > software sources23:43
rayluhelper: the error is when you login through gdm, right? i'd consider modifying the values under [security]23:43
joaopintozaccour, so you need to ask dell, we don't know nothing about that here23:43
zoidfarbjaopinto, well, not block it. I just would like it to install updates before it shuts down. It's a slow machine and installing updates while running might irritate users.23:43
rayluCJJ: oh. in that case, the installer has an option for "use entire disk"23:43
ceciliaAnyone? I have a problem with sound here... only amarok works, and sometimes VLC after two tries, and totem... but no sound in firefox, opera, konqueror... or kaffeine and other media players23:43
Peeeeeetdotblank: You sir are a genius, all is working fine and apt-get can see the internet again23:43
sebsebsebsystem4041: the source code thing, just ignore that one23:43
chuck_cecilia, try this gksudo gedit /etc/pulse/default.pa and ad this to bottom load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,0 then restart if it does not work let me know23:43
sgallingerI tried running kpowersupply23:43
Peeeeeetdotblank: I owe you a beer23:43
sgallingeror kpowersaver23:43
ceciliaok chuck23:43
system4041everything except source code selected23:44
rayluhelper: though i suspect that the real problem is still with your uids23:44
Peeeeeetdotblank: odd that it worked in 8.04 but not 8.1023:44
dotblankPeeeeeet, :).. glad I could help so that CCNA did help.....23:44
sebsebsebsystem4041: ok good23:44
raylu!prefix | CJJ23:44
ubottuCJJ: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:44
dotblankPeeeeeet, probally how the interface file is read and the order of routes23:44
system4041from server for uk23:44
helperraylu, my id is 1000 how is this problem i do echo $UID give me 1000 !23:44
sebsebsebsystem4041: see my slightly off topic  pm23:44
rayluhelper: ls -ld /home/kad23:45
helperraylu, drwxrwxr-- 80 kad kad 4096 2009-05-19 01:44 /home/kad23:45
newUserdo someone know a good uploader program for rapidshare?23:45
Peeeeeetdotblank: well i could have sworn the 8.04 bridging manpages said that if you set up a bridge at the beginning of the interfaces file with bridgeports_all or whatever, that the rest of the definitions for physical interfaces would be ignored23:45
sebsebsebsystem4041: ok  at that age I  expect you got an inner child inside you,  and so  I highly recommend you do this   sudo apt-get install tuxpaint and try it with your sound on :)23:45
newUserI mean, an uploader manager for rapidshare23:45
joaopintozoidfarb, check /etc/rc1.d/K*23:45
zoidfarbjoaopinto, thanks for the tips23:46
system4041ok doin it now lol23:46
ceciliachuck, i've just copied load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,0 to the end of the file... is it correct?23:46
system4041tuxpaint b 4 minutes23:46
sgallingerdoes Ubuntu support sony Vaiao Laptop pcg-k33 ?23:46
Peeeeeetdotblank: but the way you have me setting it up makes much more sense so I'll ignore the manpages :)23:46
rayluhelper: ok. go for the changes in gdm.conf then, i guess23:47
chuck_cecilia, yes at the bottom23:47
ceciliaok, i'll restart it then23:47
sgallingerI have it running, but not sure if it knows how to operate the computer's cpu fan or not,23:47
sgallingerit gets slower and slower and then overheats and automatically shuts off23:47
rooshdoes anyone know why ubuntu wont boot if i have my wireless adapter in the USB drive?23:47
helperraylu, r u sure what u r doing ?23:47
sebsebsebsystem4041: :d  tell me what you think when you tried it23:47
system4041i will do23:47
stealth-the current ubuntu release is 9.04, right?23:48
Peeeeeetstealth- correct23:48
rayluhelper: obviously not :P23:48
sebsebsebstealth-: the current supported Ubuntu releases are,  8.04, 8.10, and 9.0423:48
stealth-Peeeeeet: thanks23:48
unkocan someone help me with my Vbox? im running wondows vista x64 in Vbox and i get this? : http://www.lookpic.com/files/Screenshot82.png23:48
stealth-sebsebseb: thanks23:48
gselsidihey guys i need help making a usb boot disk on windows 723:48
rayluhelper: but i'm not the one who messed with my passwd, eithe23:48
rayluhelper: *either.23:48
stealth-gselsidi: go to #windows23:48
gselsidiok thanks23:49
dotblankPeeeeeet, the only thing i could see that could be a problem (being picky) is no nameserver entry and if you were to run dhclient you would loose your dns server23:49
raylugselsidi: unetbootin23:49
stealth-gselsidi: or do you  mean ubuntu boot disk?23:49
Peeeeeetstealth-: easy way to tell is that the "release number" is the year and month when it was released eg 9.04 = April 200923:49
gselsidii want to make a ubuntu live usb23:49
gselsidii tried everything on the tutorials23:49
stealth-Peeeeeet: I know, but I wasnt sure when the last version came out23:49
helperraylu, it was ok u told me chown -R 1000:1000 /home/kad i did then when i reboot this problem was getting23:49
gselsidibut it isnt working23:49
Peeeeeetdotblank: i thought you only put nameservers in resolv.conf?23:49
sebsebsebunko: what about it?23:49
unkosebsebseb, i don't know whats wrong with it23:49
Peeeeeetstealth-: also, they always release in april and october of every year23:50
rayluhelper: which is why i think the problem is still somehow related to your uid. but modifying the [security] settings will at least get you in - most likely23:50
gselsidiubuntu boot disk i mean23:50
sebsebsebunko: safe mode or transparant?23:50
stealth-Peeeeeet: thats good to know! thanks :)23:50
dotblankPeeeeeet, yes but some programs overwrite it :(.. it would be better to put it in the interfaces file so that it makse SURE it is correct.. (the networking service will overwritte the file)23:50
Peeeeeetstealth-: so if it's after april or october, there's probably a new release23:50
gselsidiJoin #windows23:50
helperraylu, tell me how to fix this23:50
gselsidihow do i go to windows?23:50
unkosebsebseb, transparent. its driving me nuts23:50
Peeeeeetdotblank: I can do that? I didn't know you could put the nameserver in interfaces23:50
rayluhelper: look at and modify the entries under [security] in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf23:51
sebsebsebunko: ok  I don't know,  I suggest asking in #vbox23:51
gselsidican someone help me with the ubuntu live usb?23:51
VCooliogselsidi: /join #windows   <-- don't forget the /23:51
unkosebsebseb, ok23:51
Peeeeeetdotblank: is it just "nameserver:"?23:51
aethelrickhi all, how can I tell what the device and partition names are for grub?23:51
Decepticonhow can i do it so that when i press page up it sends 10 up arrow keys, through screen or some key binding or what? i want to scroll through a list in rtorrent that doesnt use page up/page down functionality, only arrow keys 1 by 123:51
gselsidithanks vcoolio23:51
raylugselsidi: again, unetbootin23:51
gselsidiyea i tried that raylu23:52
chemikalzmy system update aint working can i get-apt juanty?23:52
gselsidiits not working its giving me errors when i try to boot up from usb23:52
dotblankPeeeeeet, that or dns-nameservers23:52
Peeeeeetdotblank: er "nameserver"23:52
gselsidiit says bootdrive or something not found press ctrl+alt+del to restart23:52
helperraylu, can't u fix it ?23:52
sebsebsebsystem4041: used it now?23:52
gselsidiim on windows 7 could that be the problem?23:53
system4041hahaha tux paint is fun23:53
sebsebsebsystem4041: indeed :)23:53
rayluhelper: you can "fix" it by changing those [security] settings to be more relaxed23:53
system4041it quiet funny lol23:53
Peeeeeetwell i use dns-masq on my router so everything just has the one nameserver23:53
dotblankPeeeeeet, besides if any of those dont work you could do "up echo "" > /etc/resolv.conf"23:53
helperraylu, change them for me i don't know in them why i am asking for help then23:54
rayluhelper: there are pretty helpful comments in the file...23:54
helperRelaxPermissions=0 put it ?23:54
system4041so whats a gd app for listening to rrs feeds23:54
danand_aethelrick - try looking under /dev/disk/by-id or by-path or by uuid23:55
AdilI want to try something, and was wondering if this would work. I want to set up a transparent proxy on an ubuntu machine, by basically setting the machine between the Internet and my wireless router23:55
system4041so good app for listening to rss feed anyone23:55
system4041for searching for an dlistening rather23:55
danand_aethelrick - or findfs command23:55
kingsofleonsystem > liferea23:55
alevyAudio question: Since upgrading to 9.10 I've had the following sound issue: Startup sound (drums) works fine. Once I'm logged in, it's a 50/50 chance sound will continue working until login/logout. Also some programs have no sound at all (songbird/rythmbox). Any ideas?23:56
Adilmy wireless router should be able to work this way right?23:56
danand_aethelrick - or findfs command23:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rss23:56
sebsebsebsystem4041: you can search synaptic for that23:56
chemikalzW: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs23:56
spydergthey , i need some help with a problem !23:56
danand_aethelrick - or vol_id :)23:56
EternalI need a little help im trying to install Screenlets but I have no clue how to do it23:56
dotblank!ask  Eternal23:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask  Eternal23:56
=== Arand is now known as ienorand
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:56
rayluchemikalz: comment out that line in /etc/apt/sources.lits23:57
spydergtanyone here seen lilo install errors ? im trying to install to hdd and i followed the pdf  got all the way to lilo -v23:57
spydergtand i get an error23:57
spydergtlet me copy it23:57
rayluchemikalz: */etc/apt/sources.list23:57
ceciliachuck: it's working!23:57
helperraylu,  RelaxPermissions=0 put it ?23:57
spydergt  GNU nano 2.0.7              File: /etc/fstab23:57
spydergt/dev/hda3 / reiserfs defaults 0 0 # AutoUpdate23:57
spydergt/dev/hda2 none swap sw 0 023:57
spydergtproc /proc proc defaults 0 0 # AutoUpdate23:57
spydergtsysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0 # AutoUpdate23:57
FloodBot3spydergt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:57
spydergtdevpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0 # AutoUpdate23:57
dotblank!paste spydergt23:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste spydergt23:57
spydergtwtf , sry not right23:57
dotblank!paste | spydergt23:57
ubottuspydergt: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:57
spydergtFatal: open /dev/sdc: Read-only file system23:57
Eternaldotblank would you be willing to help me23:57
sebsebsebsystem4041: Ubuntu has some pretty good games in the repo,  and  they can also be gotton from else where other games23:58
Adilubuntu transparent proxy server between internet and wireless router23:58
spydergtnnot proceed. Maybe you need to add this to your lilo.conf:23:58
spydergt        disk=/dev/sdc inaccessible23:58
`DoM`hi all23:58
Adilwould this set up work?23:58
chuck_cecilia, glad to here it23:58
spydergtyea so i added that line to the lilo.conf and it still doesnt work23:58
th0rEternal: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-614031.html23:58
Adiland provide content filtering23:58
fungI'm getting an error 12 when I try to boot into xp. what does that mean and how can I fix it?23:58
EternalAwesome thank you23:58
system4041and how is ubuntu at handling site like watchmovielinks etcetc23:58
`DoM`i have an asus notebook w7j with last ubuntu amd64. I notice that videocard nvidia takes about 72°C so i want to slowdown temperature. Can someone give to me some tips about ?23:58
spydergtfung , you could try a bart PE boot cd and do chkdsk ,23:59
sebsebsebsystem4041: mplayer plugin for Firefox or whatever23:59
chemikalzstill no dice23:59
spydergtfung , make sure u did fubar it , plus did you google "error 12"23:59
chemikalzwhat can i type exactly into terminal to get 9.0423:59
system4041mplayer plugin will i get that from synaptics23:59
chemikalzits not working :/23:59

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