[00:33] in intrepid when i use debuild from it pops up a dialog asking me for the password to sign the package...does anyone know how to turn this off [00:33] so that it asks me for the password at the command line [00:34] its annoying to be working in a terminal and then have to change focus to a dialog to enter the password [00:35] batoms_: Try removing 'use-agent' from ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf === ripps_ is now known as ripps === Snova_ is now known as Snova [00:41] wgrant: i would like to have the agent when using a GUI but not from the command line...do you know if this is possible? [00:43] batoms_: Not sure. [00:43] (heh, my typing of that last line was interrupted by that dialog popping up) [01:10] batoms_: export GPG_AGENT_INFO= [01:10] batoms_: that disables the use of seahorse (the graphical passphrase-thingie) for the current bash-session [01:22] #xubuntu [02:54] Can I have just a static location to find the 64x64 image of a launchpad team? [02:55] +branding is restricted, maybe +images/+medium ? [03:02] MTecknology: I don't know of any (except by parsing the RDF or XHTML), and others who might know are probably in the air at the moment. [03:05] k, thanks [03:17] wgrant: where does the medium image even show up? [03:18] MTecknology: I don't think it does. [03:18] I didn't think you could still set it. [03:18] interesting [03:18] Oh. [03:18] In the team maps, maybe? [03:18] I remember something about them having to bring it back... [03:19] * wgrant hunts up bugs. [03:20] I was just wondering because it would be PERFECT if I could form a direct link to the medium image [03:21] MTecknology: Bug #262739, bug #276329 [03:21] Launchpad bug 262739 in launchpad-registry "Not possible to change a person's logo anymore" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/262739 [03:21] Launchpad bug 276329 in launchpad-registry "Teams can upload a 64x64 image but it isn't used" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276329 [03:21] But they don't quite say what the current state is. [03:21] thanks :) === ripps_ is now known as ripps [04:18] anyone here able to help me with https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/69460 === scream is now known as JonCharge [06:01] * Hobbsee waves [06:02] Howdie, Hobbsee! [06:02] I'm hitting a few page timeouts. Not sure if you guys know about them [06:02] RAOF: :) [06:05] Whoops, me too. [06:07] Which? [06:08] Bugpage for xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, here. [06:09] Hmm, is the "Last Modified" time of branches broken? I see a graph for trunk but nothing for any other branches anymore [06:10] mrooney: There's a bug about that. [06:10] So yes, it's known. [06:11] excellent [06:11] I assumed it would be hard to miss [06:12] Hmmm, I just got a 502 ('Please try again') from a page. Hobbsee, RAOF, is that what you got? [06:15] Yup. [06:15] Sounds like the appservers are dying again. [06:19] I don't think this is the usual failure mode - it's very slow. [06:19] And of course, we are probably going to have a lack of LOSAs for the next couple of days... [06:50] wgrant: yeah [08:02] launchpad is down? [08:04] gnomefreak: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/launchpad.net [08:05] gnomefreak: confirmed... me too [08:05] why werent the bugs or home page working but launchpad.net works :( [08:06] Everything's working here for me. [08:07] gnomefreak: it seems to be that perhaps just one app server was down... [08:07] gnomefreak: so just refreshing worked for me... [08:07] ok i look and see if it happens to me again and i will try to refresh [08:11] it seems i can open it again without refreshing but extreamly slow loading. slow >= 3minutes [08:12] yep got the same message as before [08:12] Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. [08:12] ok that is going to annoy me [08:15] gnomefreak: what's the url you're trying? [08:16] noodles775: any edge bugs pages after i click save changes [08:16] noodles775: it has happens on 4 out of about 6 [08:17] gnomefreak: hmm... I saw the issue the first time I tried to submit a bug, but the second worked in a timely way... OK, so it seems at least one of the app servers is not healthy... [08:18] * noodles775 is trying to find someone who can help... [08:25] let me know what we find out please [08:28] * Hobbsee tries https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/375345 again, as requested [08:28] Ubuntu bug 375345 in ubunet ""Ubuntu One" name creates confusion" [Undecided,Incomplete] [08:33] gnomefreak: you're accessing edge right? (I'm seeing this on edge, but just want to confirm that you're also using edge?) [08:33] noodles775: yeah i was just thinking abotu disabling it to see if regular works [08:34] gnomefreak: thanks... yeah, it seems it's just one of the edge servers. [08:34] noodles775: cool thanks [08:47] gnomefreak: ok, can confirm that you shouldn't (now) see the 'please try again' on production, but may still experience it on edge for the next while [08:48] it'll be fixed on edge also as soon as possible. [08:48] Thanks noodles775. [08:48] noodles775: ok thanks ill will check a bit later right now i am fighting with google and google is winning [08:48] lol [08:51] wgrant: np... thanks for noticing the icon inconsistencies! [08:52] noodles775: Replying to that bug now... [08:52] aha === savvas_ is now known as savvas [08:53] noodles775: Are the other icons being replaced, or are we going to have two new-style and several old-style ones in build listings? [08:53] deepdyve it is now since google hates me today [08:55] wgrant: I'm not certain... beuno is supplying the new icons... [08:55] noodles775: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/gmpc-plugins/+builds is going to look pretty strange, even once the icon is unsquished. [08:55] wgrant: currently we should be seeing: [08:55] https://edge.launchpad.net/+graphics [08:55] noodles775: Right, I know that page. [08:55] except for those you noted in the bug (which I'll fix) [08:56] I'm a bit confused as to why they weren't all replaced at the same time. [08:58] wgrant: perhaps beuno was only able to get these new ones initially... not sure. [08:58] noodles775: Possibly. [09:01] gnomefreak: IS has bounced the bad edge server, so you should be able to use edge without problems (when you finish fighting google ;) ) [09:02] noodles775: thanks [09:19] where do I report out-of-date mirrors? de.archive.u.c seems to got last updated in 2009-05-14 [09:20] geser: Lemme go and poke the admin. [09:38] anyone able to help with https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/69460 ? [09:39] tansell: not right now, I'm afraid. [09:40] dang, I'm up to three PPA archives now :( [09:43] geser: If you find another mirror out of sync please mail mirrors--at--ubuntu.com [10:26] hi [10:26] can someone help me with a dput.cf? [10:26] PPA keeps rejecting my packages [10:27] http://www.digitalmajority.org/forum/t-156535/fsfe:fsfe-submission-to-european-patent-office [10:27] sorry [10:27] Could not find PPA named 'ppa' for 'zoobab' [10:28] Can you paste your dput ? [10:29] Dput.cf I i mean [10:36] here: http://zoobab.wikidot.com/ubuntu-ppa-dput [10:38] zoobab01: You don't have any OpenPGP keys associated with your account, nor do you have any PPAs... [10:39] https://launchpad.net/~bh-udev [10:39] Then you want ~bh-udev [10:39] ah [10:40] now I understand [10:40] Try in 'incoming line' : incoming = ~zoobab/openamq/ubuntu [10:40] That too. [10:40] incoming = ~zoobab/openamq/ubuntu/ [10:41] cf here : https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA?action=show&redirect=PPAQuickStart#Uploading [10:41] Or just 'dput ppa:~bh-udev/openamq some_version_source.changes' [10:41] (if you are running Ubuntu 9.04 or later, IIRC) === gord_ is now known as gord [10:58] Hello, there seems to be spam from either a bot, or person on Launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+question/70620 Please do something about it. [11:13] hello. any launchpad devs around? [11:40] kaamos: some are. [11:41] Hi [11:42] I have a question about the translations, where can I get permissions to upload translations for a project? Does the project owner have to give me permissions to do that? [11:45] kfogel: Are you still expecting the ML and IRC discussion to go public in a week? [11:45] I somehow doubt it. [11:47] jml: I got some issues with managing a project, asked this question https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/71081 and was told to contact a launchpad dev here [11:48] kaamos: You have two accounts. [11:49] kaamos: alexey-kopytov and akopytov [11:49] kaamos: You can merge them at https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge [11:49] aha. wil do, thanks! [11:50] I presume you were logged in with the wrong one. [11:51] I don't think so, but let's see if merging will help [11:51] Well, you asked the question as akopytov, but the project is owned by alexey-kopytov [11:52] ok, so the person who transferred the ownership just did it for the wrong account [11:53] Working now? [11:54] wgrant: merging solved the problem, thanks a lot! [11:54] kaamos: No problem. === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [13:28] how do i detele packages from the launchpad ppa? [13:29] i deleted with "delete packages" and they are not in the list anymore [13:29] but they are published in the archive [13:29] you have to wait about 15 minutes :) [13:30] so in 15 minutes i can upload the same package name with a different orig.tar.gz [13:30] isn't it? [13:30] cuz now it gets rejected cuz it's md5 differs [13:30] the same package name yes, the same package version no :) [13:31] for example, if it was ~ppagoshawk1 you have to increase it to ~ppagoshawk2 [13:31] yep, but my orig.tar.gz changes [13:31] and it gets dropped [13:31] do you use "debuild -S -sa" ? [13:31] File libqtd_0.1+20090519.orig.tar.gz already exists in PPA for D Programming Language Applications Packagers, but uploaded version has different contents. See more information about this error in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors. [13:32] it's a package of VCS [13:32] from a VCS [13:32] so it sources vary everyday, and the one of yesterday failed due to a problem in the source [13:32] aaaahh... I don't think you can't different orig.tar.gz [13:32] *you can upload [13:33] * goshawk has to hack the package and fake the date of one day to get it uploaded [13:33] er.. [13:33] why don't you just add the time hour/minute? [13:34] uhm... [13:34] I would do something like libqtd_0.1+bzr1234 [13:34] libqtd_0.1+200905191434.orig.tar.gz :) [13:34] wgrant's suggestion is even better :P [13:34] it's not bzr [13:34] svn, then. [13:34] but i'll do it [13:34] adding a ! [13:34] 1 [13:34] to it [13:34] Anything except CVS will have a revision number. === gord_ is now known as gord === Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000 [14:14] wgrant: No, I'm going to update the schedule. The open-sourcing date is not moving later, it's just hard to open up discussion without the sources available -- people don't know what they should say in public and what not. [14:17] kfogel: Right, that's what I thought. [14:17] I wondered how it was ever going to work. [14:50] wgrant: schedule tweaked. Note that the lists may still be opened up before July 21st, as we may do a soft rollout for the code. [15:38] is anyone using firefox? since there's a relative launchpad link, https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct/1.0.1/+download < Use "open" instead of save - does this mean launchpad is badly configured or firefox is badly coded ? bug 239952 [15:38] Launchpad bug 239952 in ubuntuforums.org "firefox - the associated helper application does not exist" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/239952 [15:43] Hello. I'm using Bazaar's "--fixes" switch to mark a bug on launchpad.net as fixed. Shouldn't Launchpad.net mark the status of such a bug as "Fix committed"? For example, I tried "bzr commit --fixes lp:377991" (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnarea/booleano/main/revision/43) but it didn't work: https://bugs.launchpad.net/booleano/+bug/377991 [15:43] Ubuntu bug 377991 in booleano "Mock parse tree objects represent a design error" [Critical,In progress] [15:55] gustavonarea: I don't think they allowed that for all projects, only for ubuntu bugs and packaging - it probably is used to record it on a special variable that it fixes that bug [15:56] (I mean only recorded in the bzr branch) [15:57] savvas: Thanks for the answer! But why would they do that? :-S [15:58] no idea, I'm not involved in launchpad - better wait for a correct answer or ask at http://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad for more info :) also check out "bzr help bugs" [15:59] savvas: ok, thanks once again! :) [16:00] np :) [16:05] I think it just links the bug [16:05] the branch to the bug* === Hellow_ is now known as Hellow === Snova_ is now known as Snova === ripps_ is now known as ripps === savvas_ is now known as savvas