
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas
thorwilkwwii, hi. coz DS is killing me!12:42
SiDido we have an ubuntu-art group on gnome/xfce-look.org/freedesktop.org ?18:33
dashuaSiDi: When you get a chance try my bzr branch of Hanso, changed a few things.  Tell me what you think?18:46
dashuaSubtle, nothing crazy18:46
dashuaI'll try to work on a blue theme for knome this weekend.18:47
SiDiive got time btw18:49
SiDiprinted my report today \o/18:49
dashuaNice :)18:49
SiDionly 2 exams next week so my days will be much much cooler from now :)18:50
dashuaI just opened my pool and it's going up to 90 this weekend :)18:50
SiDipoll for what? :o18:51
SiDioh, i see :P18:52
SiDi90 fareinheit ?18:52
SiDicause 90 celsius, well, you'ld end up as a fried chicken :P18:52
SiDi231kB @    0kB/s ... this is bandwidth18:52
dashuaOh yeah F18:52
dashuaSnow Leopard is copying Hanso =/18:54
dashuaLet's beat them to it18:54
dashuaJust reverse18:54
dashuaMuch better18:55
SiDithe new hanso is overbroken with the xfce panels :D18:57
SiDiits blatently planned for 24x panels18:58
SiDiunfortunately mine is 28 :P18:58
dashuaProbably comment the bg_pixmap and uncomment the other18:58
dashuaThat will probably fx it18:58
dashuaunder panel18:58
dashuaI have it starting automatically now in GNOME18:58
dashuaC ya19:06
dashuaOff to work19:06
SiDisee you19:07
SiDiping me when ure back19:07
SiDii'll give u comments on hanso :p spotted a few things already19:07
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas
SiDiGood night everyone22:50

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