[00:12] bdmurray: may I PM you? [00:56] bed time. its 1am! kiss kiss and free hugs! [04:25] anyone want to set 351369 [04:31] scream: to what? [04:31] bug #351369 [04:31] Launchpad bug 351369 in update-notifier "Preferences should allow for custom "check for updates" frequency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/351369 [04:31] complete, wishlist [04:31] are you in bugsquad? [04:32] No, and I don't think I would confirm my own bugs. :) [04:32] ah, names don't match i go clueless === scream is now known as JonCharge [04:35] is scream your typical IRC name? [04:35] scream, NonvocalScream [04:36] If I'm activly working on bugs, I'll change nick to JonCharge. [04:36] I'f I'm actively working on Wikimedia related stuff, I'll use scream. [04:36] I don't usually do both at the same time. :) [04:37] I actually just requested more information and changed the status on #378177 [04:39] k bug set [04:39] i will push that upstream to gnome ASAP [04:39] ty [04:39] i would now, except my eyes are starting to do that "im not opening past halfway until you go to sleep" thing [04:40] nite all [04:41] nite bcurtiswx [04:48] Did I triage 378182 correctly? [04:49] bug 378182 [04:49] Launchpad bug 378182 in screenlets "package screenlets 0.1.2-3ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo post-removal script retornou estado de sa?da de erro 2" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/378182 [05:57] * Hobbsee shakes her head at bugsquad [05:57] * Hobbsee dupes it, as the bug person should have done [06:01] and now launchpad dies. [06:24] why is Hobbsee shaking her head at bugsquad? [06:54] micahg: because instead of duping it with something with an almost identical name, which is highly likely to be the same thing, they've gone and asked for more information - most of which is very likely to be in that dpkg terminal log anyway [06:54] and we wonder why people get annoyed that their bugs don't go anywhere.... [06:58] well, sometimes people don't know about the dups [07:07] perhaps they should, before commenting [07:08] when it's close to the same text (but the language is different, so it's not exactly the same...) === savvas_ is now known as savvas === nixternal_ is now known as nixternal [09:12] anyone ubuntu-powerpc users? [09:17] hi DJJeff, if you are looking for support, go to #ubuntu [09:17] over 1000+ users in #ubuntu [09:17] very hard to get support X_X [09:18] Or you could try #ubuntu-ppc or something. [09:18] or #ubuntu-powerpc. [09:18] 11 users in there all idle X_X [09:19] I may try looking for ubuntu forums [09:19] Or the mailing lists. [09:20] there are no ubuntu forums? [09:20] ah yes found them [09:20] http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/webforums [09:20] :) [09:33] when using apport-collect bug# what format is the bug#used [09:53] morning guys :) [09:57] hey xteejx [09:57] thekorn, hiya [09:57] gnomefreak, it is just `apport-collect 123456`, or what did you mean? [09:58] thekorn: thats it i just wasnt sure if it was lp# or bug #1111 [09:58] Launchpad bug 1111 in gst-plugins0.8 "doesn't extract last track" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1111 [09:59] go figure [10:00] bug 109530, how do i debug/triage this one, i've got the apport-collect stuff, where do i go from here, it's a recurring problem [10:00] Launchpad bug 109530 in sane-backends "Need method to disable sane from probing scanners on parallel port(s)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109530 [10:03] done it no worries :) [10:06] Quite a few oldies are dismissable as I've just found out - looking good for "invalidating with update" :) [10:07] * xteejx is happy he is helping clear out the old crap [10:19] Should bug 114758 be changed to a Wishlist bug, or should it be referred to Brainstorm, I do not believe this is a bug, but how it is meant to work [10:19] Launchpad bug 114758 in k3b "k3b error when writing and verifying DVDs using slimline drive" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114758 [10:24] anyone? thekorn, hggdh, bdmurray? lol [10:44] no-one awake then [10:46] I'm awake, barely :-) [10:47] I just looked at it, and I'm uncertain. [10:48] I can see how it could be deemed a wishlist item, or a bug. It's a matter of perspective. [10:49] I'd say look upstream for something like this, or open it upstream and see how they feel about it. [10:50] wolfger_, and se a watch for it? [10:50] *set === andre__ is now known as andre_k [11:05] yes [11:07] has anyone got kubuntu they can test a quick thing for me? [11:10] namely bug 106364, in aptitude [11:10] Launchpad bug 106364 in aptitude "aptitude: PgDn on 'update' screen moves to end" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106364 [11:19] come on people at 11:19AM in the UK, and canonical is based here (i think) lol [11:43] * xteejx yawns [11:43] Am I the only one tired? [11:46] * chrisccoulson yawns too [11:46] xteejx - no, it's catching [11:47] chriscoulson, lol its 11:46 here, bad night [11:47] it's 11:49 here. my clock must be fast ;) [11:47] haha :) [11:48] why a bad night? [11:48] it was really humid, just couldnt sleep [11:48] i never have a problem sleeping [11:48] neither do i normally [11:49] good old kentish weather lol [11:49] lol [11:50] wonder how millbank is today...? [11:51] * xteejx thinks the Canonical crew is asleep in their hammocks in the office :) [11:51] lol [11:53] xteejx: Hmm, spots of clouds here. [11:54] jpds: Not much better here :( === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [11:55] xteejx: Anyway, I think they're all in Spain right now. [11:55] jpds: Alright for some!!! [11:57] Heh. [12:08] is there any debugging procedures for sane? [12:08] !sane [12:08] Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR [12:18] I've looked through the wiki and can't find any standard procedures for Traiging/Debugging sane, have I missed it? === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:31] [13:32] hey hggdh [13:33] hi chrisccoulson, good morning/afternoon [13:33] good afternoon. you not in barcelona? [13:33] no... good ol' Texas [13:33] there's not much activity around here today;) [13:34] well, UDS is kicking in, so people are travelling/resting ;-) [13:35] yeah, it seems so [13:35] * hggdh really wanted to have stayed in bed... barely 0730 now [13:35] what time do you normally get up? [13:36] pffft, I get up at 6 :p [13:36] at around 0600, much against my will [13:36] not an early bird eh :) [13:36] pfui [13:36] i was up at 8am in the UK lol [13:36] I was born to appreciate the night, not the morning ;-) [13:36] heh. i normally get up at 7.30, although i should get up earlier really. i'm late to work every single day [13:37] i hate mornings [13:37] the early bird gets the worm, they say here. But OTH, the early worm dies faster [13:37] that's true [13:39] hggdh: how come you're all in texas, thought the UDS guys were in Spain? [13:39] :-) [13:40] cuz I am not an Ubuntu member/developer/canonical employee, and I had work to do here (I mean *paying* work), and nobody offered to pay the trip :-) [13:42] hggdh: always thought u were canonical lol [13:43] :-) [13:43] just a volunteer, like most here [13:44] hehe === Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000 === yofel_ is now known as yofel [16:21] hey hey [16:27] charlie-tca, finally some life! [16:28] Been dead? [16:28] charlie-tca: no surely you were just really ill [16:29] just a bit dead... [16:29] pretty much all day actually, all the guys are in barcelona i assume [16:30] xteejx: the devs are next week will be the really dead week :) [16:30] davmor2: True lol [16:30] * hggdh is still alive, but busy [16:30] Does anyone still take any notice of Brainstorm for implementing blueprints? [16:31] yes, but number of voters play a good role [16:31] * xteejx passes hggdh a coffee [16:31] any ideas on bug 374398? [16:31] Launchpad bug 374398 in firefox "Glitches around checkboxes in Firefox" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/374398 [16:31] hggdh: I still want **NICE** themeing [16:32] micahg: I don't get that problem with compiz on or off, I use gmail for my launchpad account [16:33] xteejx: ok, but it's obviously not a FF problem, so where should I send it? [16:33] micahg: xorg? Could be a driver issue, I've seen similar things before on my other laptop [16:33] micahg, it might be interesting to know what add-ons are installed [16:34] and, just in case, the X driver... [16:34] micahg: Get an about:plugins output from them, [16:34] hggdh: xteejx, user tried with new profile [16:34] But, I'll ask anyways [16:34] after I get that, where should it go? [16:35] micahg: that may not disable extensions [16:35] well, only system extensions would remain [16:35] but user has trouble in vbox as well [16:35] micahg: Let us know when you get that info, i'm sure one of us can take a quick look [16:35] micahg: sounds more like a X or driver issue then [16:36] compiz disabled? stupid question [16:36] are you saying I asked a stupid question? [16:37] lol no :) i mean i'm asking you, its a silly question [16:37] but i just noticed you already asked the user :) [16:37] heh [16:37] so, do I need to ask for the plugins if user is experiencing in multiple apps? [16:38] it can't hurt to ask what they have installed [16:38] ye, but if the issue is on multiple apps, it is probably no FF. Just in case, though... [16:40] but then to generic xorg? [16:40] I would, it would then be a display problem, from there it can be further debugged and recategorised [16:40] sounds like, yes [16:41] or against the specific driver in use [16:41] how about bug 259982 [16:41] Launchpad bug 259982 in firefox-3.0 "firefox3 do not interprate function() "syntax error"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259982 [16:41] I goofed [16:41] I confirmed I couldn't confirm after I confirmed [16:41] its already triaged? [16:42] I did that with hggdh's help :) [16:42] heh [16:43] is that all the debugging they'll need in FF team? [16:43] so, is my retraction enough [16:43] Well, I think it's really a JS error [16:43] but my JS isn't that proficient [16:43] well, no harm. If it is not fixed, but the issue was correctly identified, the it is an upstream issue now [16:44] I just linked the upstream to LP [16:44] i'd say thats more than enough then, its upstream as hggdh says, leave it at that [16:45] I just added the test case to upstream [16:45] ok [16:45] I'm gonna forget about it then [16:45] micahg: obviously if theres any extra info you can give to upstream, steps to reproduce, etc, debug info from the bug report, send that upstream too :) [16:47] bug 194894 [16:47] Launchpad bug 194894 in firefox "[MASTER] Firefox reports Gecko Engine Version in "about:"" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194894 [16:47] should we mark ff3.5 triaged as well? [16:48] might as well, micahg [16:48] and status Low [16:48] can you do that please hggdh? [16:48] :) [16:48] still waiting for bug control [16:49] micahg: if you need something changed hggdh and myself can do it :) [16:50] hggdh, ps i got accepted :D [16:50] good to know xteejx [16:50] yeee [16:50] * hggdh gets some more free time [16:50] hggdh, cheek!! lol [16:51] brb [16:51] afk [16:57] hggdh: can you triage that bug for me ;) [16:57] please... [17:01] micahg, which one? [17:02] ah [17:02] bug 194894 [17:02] Launchpad bug 194894 in firefox "[MASTER] Firefox reports Gecko Engine Version in "about:"" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194894 [17:02] I have a few more [17:03] done, micahg [17:03] thanks [17:03] next one [17:03] bug 242513 [17:03] Launchpad bug 242513 in firefox "There should be a delay between successive "alert" boxes" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/242513 [17:04] Medium Traiged? [17:07] 1 min [17:08] agrred, and done [17:09] now, do I need to add the reverse link upstream?/ [17:10] you mean the link to the Ubuntu bug? Yes, you should. It may help upstream, if they want to contact the reporter [17:10] well, it's an 8 year old bug [17:12] still... we linked to it, so... [17:12] we have had upstream complaining about the lack of these links, and they are right [17:13] ok [17:13] done [17:14] bug 306017, shouldn't it be traiged? [17:14] Launchpad bug 306017 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox search box should be tab specific" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/306017 [17:15] yes, done, thanks [17:15] hggdh, can you take a quick look at bug 102502 for me please, I dunno how to triage it, but theres a few people to confirm it. shall i do Confirmed, Medium? [17:15] Launchpad bug 102502 in knetworkmanager "KNetworkManager doesn't use supplied WEP key" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102502 [17:16] hggdh, its an old bug, but still a problem in jaunty [17:18] yes, confirmed sounds correct. Did you try to look upstream for a similar one? [17:18] triaged sounds even better... [17:19] hggdh: bug 302217 --close because of update? [17:19] Launchpad bug 302217 in firefox-3.0 "firefox behaves weird" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/302217 [17:22] hggdh, do you think there is enough info there to set it as triaged? [17:23] micahg, 302217 can be closed invalid, I think (and it sounds more like a metacity/compiz issue than enything else, BTW) [17:23] there is no problem/way to reproduce, after all [17:24] yes, that's what I thought also [17:24] just wanted a 2nd opinion [17:28] <_kool> hi [17:29] <_kool> i wanna report a wubi bug [17:30] _kool, please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs [17:30] <_kool> i dont have menu help... [17:31] <_kool> by command? [17:31] <_kool> what is it? [17:32] <_kool> if any one interested, here is the posts of the bug: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1163971 [17:34] <_kool> bye [17:34] !bug | _kool [17:34] _kool: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [17:34] lovely. Shoot & run [17:34] isn't it just... [17:37] well, I answered the forums thread, I hope he does understand enough English to follow [17:39] hggdh, how do you know it isn't laziness? lol [17:39] I do not, but I give them the benefit of doubt ;-) [17:44] I get this message every time I boot: [17:44] usb 2-1: device not accepting address 2, error -71 [17:45] but otherwise I boot just fine [17:45] <_kool> done :) [17:45] Is this a hardware problem? [17:46] _kool, what was done? [17:46] unutbu, does the USB work ok? [17:46] if so, then there really is no problem :) [17:46] xteejx: Yes, as far as I can tell [17:47] Where can I go to find out what "error -71" means? [17:47] !bug | untubu [17:47] untubu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [17:47] You can try there and search for the error, maybe you can contribute to a bug report? [17:48] If I use ubuntu-bug, which package should it be assigned to? [17:50] xteejx: Also, if it is as you say, not a bug, should i be filing a bug report? [17:50] unutbu, you can still file a report for regular annoyances, and to implement features [17:52] This seems similar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/293655 [17:52] Launchpad bug 293655 in linux "usb error on startup" [Undecided,New] [17:57] unutbu, see if theres any extra info you can provide if its the same problem :) [17:58] xteejx: I'm not sure what relevant information I could provide [17:59] unutbu, if the problem affects you, you can change the "doesn't affect me" to "does affect me", problems with more people are likely to be solved sooner. [17:59] xteejx: oooh. neat [18:02] xteejx: so if I wanted to figure this out myself, I'd just have to start digging into linux kernel source? [18:02] unutbu, i would suggest filing a bug if there isn't one, unless you really know what you're doing... [18:03] xteejx: thanks for your help [18:04] unutbu, you're welcome [18:30] This bug currently has status "Incomplete". As I am experiencing the bug, I'd be happy to supply whatever information is needed to change this. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/239231 [18:30] Launchpad bug 239231 in compiz "cannot name workspaces on hardy 8.04" [Undecided,Incomplete] [18:31] and I have a clean install of Jaunty. [18:32] I suspect some number of the people in this channel have both the environment and authority to confirm this bug themselves. [18:32] gumpish: i very much dough that [18:32] i would say bellow 20% [18:33] well, that's still some number... =/ [18:33] and good afternoon, btw [18:33] Hello. [18:35] gumpish: is that your comment at the end? [18:36] If not, could you add a comment that you are experiencing this bug with 9.04, and I will then be able to confirm it. [18:36] I do not use compiz at all, so it is difficult for me to confirm myself [18:37] Ah. [18:37] No, that's not my comment. I'll add one. [18:37] Thank you [18:38] whats the bug, btw? [18:39] gumpish: ^^^^^^ [18:40] BUGabundo: bug 239231 [18:40] Launchpad bug 239231 in compiz "cannot name workspaces on hardy 8.04" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/239231 [18:41] 8.04? to old for me [18:44] BUGabundo: It's still present in 9.04 =/ [18:44] charlie-tca: Comment added. Many thanks! [18:45] gumpish: im on karmic [18:45] oooo [18:45] heheh [18:45] ping me latter and ill check it [18:45] :) [18:46] but gnome 2.27 dropped a lot of stuff [18:46] i see [18:46] Thank you for helping, gumpish [18:53] hey guys & gals. [19:01] bbl [19:02] chrisccoulson: would you mind commenting about transmission 1.61 merge? I've made a comment in bug 375000 [19:02] Launchpad bug 375000 in transmission "Please merge transmission 1.61-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/375000 [19:02] hi kklimonda, i'll take a look later if that's ok [19:03] sure [19:04] I left it for few days hoping that I'll get some response from package's debian maintainer bug no luck so far.. [19:43] hey BUGabundo, harlie-tca, didnt see you both here :) [19:45] * charlie-tca been hiding [19:56] charlie-tca, if someone tells apport-collect that it can only read, how do you reset it to change all....its already saved.... [19:57] I don't know [19:58] shit :( [19:58] !language | xteejx [19:58] xteejx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [19:58] I think you can remove it from your approved application/whatever in your launchpad profile [19:58] sh**t :) [19:59] greg-g, whereabouts is that, i havent seen it anywhere === Hellow_ is now known as Hellow [20:01] xteejx: unfortunately, I am quite busy right now, I just rmember doing it myself when the same thing happened to me [20:01] help.launchpad.net is probably useful [20:02] greg-g, ahh ok i'll scout around some more trying to find it, trying to help someone in a bug report recover from the same problem === pace_t_zulu_ is now known as jhaitas [20:55] well, he is gone... delete ~/.launchpadlib/*.cred; you will be asked again for the permissions [20:56] hggdh: ahhhh, thanks [20:57] guud evening [21:03] guud oone, BUGabundo === BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo === yofel_ is now known as yofel [22:16] evening guys [22:16] not on for long, just going over replies from bugmail [22:19] xteejx: ol [22:19] BUGabundo: ?? [22:19] *hello [22:30] BUGabundo: Ohhh hello lol [22:31] I'm well annoyed trying to get mates to sign up to get me a free iPhone :( [22:31] * xteejx cries [22:32] iphone is bad [22:35] * micahg is waiting for the Palm Pre [22:36] iphone is only bad if you use it, right? === savvas_ is now known as savvas [22:48] charlie-tca: lol, well i tried getting it on contract with o2, didnt get it :( [22:49] anyway it'd be free if i can just get my "mates" on the thing its well annoying, more so than some bugs heh [22:51] I would guess it might be [22:51] lol [23:03] 307492 is a dup of 181553 [23:03] now if someone could mark it [23:05] andre_k: you could mark it a dup :) [23:05] i don't think i have enough permissions [23:05] andre_k: anyone can dupe bugs [23:06] what he said :) [23:06] oops. then i still don't understand the launchpad interface :) [23:06] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#A%20duplicate [23:06] * BUGabundo is now know as *he* [23:07] s/know/known [23:07] ah. thanks a lot! [23:07] no, thank YOU :) [23:09] uhh positive re-enforcement