[07:44] morning [07:44] morning asac [07:44] Nafallo: not yet on your way? [07:45] asac: nope. eating breakfast. [07:46] hmm ... guess i should eat that cold pizza thing from last night ;) [07:46] heh [07:46] i definitly need to get rid of it ;) ... otherwise no fun in kitchen when coming back [07:46] leaving in ~20min [07:47] yah. I plan to do the same if possible. [07:48] Nafallo: guess you have a direct flight, right? [07:49] asac: yeah [07:49] LCY-BCN [07:49] Nafallo: i will be in barcelona @1300 UTC ... when do you arrive? [07:49] 12:35 or so :-) [07:49] if things go as planned [07:49] local time? [07:49] yea. [07:49] ok then we wont be on the same shuttle ;) [07:50] we'll see :-) [07:50] ok bye. see you latest at dinner party tonight! [07:50] good luck! [07:50] ;) [07:50] asac: see you soon :-) [07:53] enjoy! [07:53] * asac off === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter [11:14] it's quiet in there this morning [11:15] everyone in barcelona? [11:34] Laney - yeah, I reckon so [11:34] you not going? [11:34] fraid not === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [11:58] robert_ancell: hi :) do you have a libgdata package, as needed by the new totem youtube plugin? [11:59] slomo: no, I haven't updated that [12:00] robert_ancell: do you know if someone is working on libgdata? also, do you have your updated totem package somewhere? i'll merge it with the one from debian/experimental later then [12:00] slomo: I don't know of anyone working on it [12:01] slomo: my totem package is available at lp:~robert-ancell/totem/ubuntu [12:03] robert_ancell: how can i clone that branch? does bzr support lp: uris? [12:05] robert_ancell: one thing, you should also recommend gst-plugins-bad :) [12:08] robert_ancell: and thanks, i'll merge the packages later so you might be able to sync from debian/experimental next time [14:31] quiet in here [14:33] yeah, it is [14:35] * Laney bangs some pots [14:37] * chrisccoulson hands Laney a wooden spoon to bang on the pots [14:37] ok, so I've been trying banshee [14:37] the thing is basically identic to rhythmbox [14:37] better looking [14:38] nice:) [14:38] but eating twice the memory, having the lyrics, jamendo or magnatune by default [14:38] i tried banshee some time ago but it was taking ages to search my music library [14:38] the -> no [14:39] the ipod sync deleted my ipod content with asking when I tried to click on it [14:40] otherwise import seems a bit faster but they don't use gstreamer for that so that would not be a good argument [14:40] ie they will not benefit from gstreamer becoming better [15:52] robert_ancell: another thing... you should probably make totem-{gstreamer,xine} dummy packages and make totem the real package [15:53] slomo: is there any need to make them dummy packages? The new totem replaces/conflicts with them [15:54] robert_ancell: in ubuntu probably not, in debian there is (atm)... but you still have those packages in control.in and use them [15:55] oh i see, the conflicts will be a broken link if they are removed [15:55] robert_ancell: oh i see, you only updated control, not control.in [15:55] slomo: gtg, talk to you later [15:56] robert_ancell: ok, also you should remove the alternatives... [15:56] hello chaps === ember_ is now known as ember [20:34] the meeting was held today? === pace_t_zulu_ is now known as jhaitas === ember_ is now known as ember