
aaron__Hi, does anyone know a good ISP?00:20
aaron__I am looking for one that allows servers.00:20
aaron__I currently am with WOW (wide open west)00:20
aaron__I looked at comcast but they are expensive and won't tell you the total amount unless you place an order.00:22
wizardslovakcan i connect external hard drive to ubuntu server and use it as NAS?00:38
wizardslovaki am running web server and email server on it already00:38
wizardslovakwill it be able to run all those aplications?00:39
wizardslovakor samba?00:39
Kamping_Kaiserwizardslovak, yes01:00
wizardslovakso i plugged external hard drive but server doesnt see it01:03
Mick27anyone knows a way to automate fdisk in one line ? I would like to erase all old partition, create a new one with the entire disk and set it as 8e (lvm)01:05
Kamping_Kaiserwizardslovak, 'doesnt see it'?01:06
wizardslovaki see only disk OS is installed on01:14
Kamping_Kaiserwhat does "see" mean?01:28
twbIs there an Ubuntu equivalent of RHCE?01:36
* twb finds https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training01:36
=== jeiworth_ is now known as jeiworth
twbSeems that's training for desktop users, not admins.01:45
ajmitchI believe there's certification01:48
ajmitchbased on the ILP exams01:48
ajmitchLPI exams01:48
twbThe trick was to search for "ubuntu certification" instead of "ubuntu training".01:56
wizardslovakdamn $250001:57
wizardslovakcan i just take test without class?01:57
ajmitchno idea01:57
twbwizardslovak: surely that *is* just the test02:02
twbI would expect the study materials to be cheap (or even free of charge), and the final test to be expensive.02:03
wizardslovaktwb: same here , i would rather go for test lol02:05
wizardslovaki am just checking amazon for some good ubuntu server book02:07
wizardslovakwhat do you say??02:07
twbHopefully someone in here has cowritten one and can recommend it!02:08
wizardslovaki have that official ubuntu book but they cover server quickly02:08
twbwizardslovak: look for one that specifically mentions U199 or whatever the code thingy is02:08
wizardslovakwell right now i just want to get better with ubuntu , then ill look for test02:10
* ajmitch doesn't expect the test to be overly easy02:10
wizardslovakor this02:11
twbMan, amazon's site is fugly if you're using w3m.02:16
wizardslovakis there better site for books?? well no really02:16
twbI don't know; I generally only read public domain and copyleft material.02:18
wizardslovaki prefer chat tho02:18
wizardslovakbest way to learn02:18
wizardslovakbut when i am on road to work i prefer read paper books02:18
twbSearching amazon for "ubuntu 199" gets three items, all being Michael Jang's UCP Study Guide.02:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 199 in baz ""baz export" doesn't add to the revision library" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19902:19
twbuvirtbot: shut up02:19
uvirtbottwb: Error: "shut" is not a valid command.02:19
twbBah.  If tell fsbot to shut up, it apologizes.02:19
ajmitchuvirtbot is not that smart02:20
uvirtbotajmitch: Error: "is" is not a valid command.02:20
twbIf freenode had its shit together, it'd provide a unified infobot for all channels.02:20
wizardslovakill takr this02:26
thewrathjrwhats on the agenda for tomorrow?03:38
wizardslovakwhat subject?03:39
thewrathjri was just wondering what would be discussed tomorrow03:40
ajmitchif you're referring to the weekly meeting, the next one won't be until the 2nd03:40
wizardslovakw/e u have problem with03:40
wizardslovakweekly meeting??03:40
thewrathjrajmitch why not tomorrow03:40
thewrathjron the schedule its tomorrow03:40
ajmitchthewrathjr: because of people travelling, UDS, etc03:40
thewrathjroho k03:40
thewrathjrthats fine03:41
thewrathjrajmitch what time is the meetings usually EDT?03:41
ajmitchwizardslovak: in #ubuntu-meeting03:41
ajmitchthewrathjr: no idea, I only know it's 15:00 UTC03:41
ajmitchI presume that's about 8:00 EDT03:42
ajmitchbut I don't live in that timezone03:42
wizardslovakdamn i didnt know that there are meetings03:43
ajmitchwizardslovak: it's just to plan out development03:43
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thewrathjrajmitch: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=6&day=2&year=2009&hour=15&min=0&sec=0&p1=003:46
ajmitchI was thinking PDT03:47
* ajmitch lives in NZST, so conversion to UTC is easy03:47
wizardslovakok so04:00
wizardslovaki found why my email server doesnt send nor receive emails04:01
wizardslovakfailed sasl autherization04:01
wizardslovakwhat should i do? can anyone helpme to fix i t?04:01
wizardslovakpostfix and dovecot + squirrelmail04:01
ScottKwizardslovak: Look in your logs and give us the exact error.  Also pastebin the output of postconf -n04:02
wizardslovakpostconf http://pastebin.com/m158b1e2f04:04
wizardslovakmail.err http://pastebin.com/m1391d2bf04:04
wizardslovakerror i am getting when sending email is "message not sent.Server replied"04:09
wizardslovakso anyone?04:12
* ScottK looks04:13
wizardslovakScottK:  thx04:14
ScottKwizardslovak: deliver(root) is dovecot telling you it doesn't know where to send mail for postmaster.04:16
ScottKwizardslovak: Which release are you running?04:17
wizardslovaki dont really know how to chceck it04:18
ajmitchbut you know which cd you installed from04:18
ajmitchweren't you running 9.04, and using dovecot-postfix?04:18
ScottKwizardslovak: What does less /etc/lsb-release tell you?04:19
wizardslovakyes i upgraded from 8.04 so i had to install postfix-dovecot04:19
wizardslovakubuntu 9.0404:20
wizardslovaki got imap so i can use squirrelmail04:20
wizardslovakso problem will be in dovecot-postfic.conf04:22
ScottKwizardslovak: You edited /etc/postfix/main.cf, didn't you?04:24
ScottKWhy did you change smtpd_recipient_restrictions?04:27
wizardslovaki didnt change that04:27
wizardslovakit was there04:28
wizardslovakis something wrong with it04:28
ScottKYou have smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_unauth_destination04:28
ScottKdovecot-postfix installs smtpd_recipient_restrictions = reject_unknown_sender_domain, reject_unknown_recipient_domain, reject_unauth_pipelining, permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_unauth_destination04:29
wizardslovakso i chould put those04:29
wizardslovaklet me do it04:29
wizardslovakok i changed it to those you sent me04:31
ScottKThat's not directly related to your problem at hand, but those are better.04:31
ScottKCan you pastebin /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf04:32
ScottKI use cyrus-sasl for SASL, so I may not be able to help you with this part, but let's have a look.04:32
wizardslovakhow should i copy all conf for pastebin?04:32
wizardslovakbtw dovecot.conf wont help you that much04:33
ScottKIt wont?04:33
wizardslovakdovecot-postfic.conf is the one which will dovecot use04:33
ScottKWhere's the dovecot sasl stuff then?04:33
ScottKOK.  I'll take that one.04:33
ScottKInstall the package pastebinit04:33
ScottKThen do:04:34
ScottKpastebinit $FILENAME and give me the url it gives back\04:34
ScottKwizardslovak: Line 860 is the one I was looking for.  You do have sasl mechanisms defined.04:46
ScottKwizardslovak: Look in /var/log/mail.log and get the entire transaction around one of those sasl errors04:46
wizardslovakbtw how can i go to line 860 quickly?04:49
ScottKvim $FILENAME +860 does it for me, but then I use vim.04:51
wizardslovaku mean mechanisms = plain login04:51
ScottKThe complaint in the error was that there weren't any mechanism defined.  There are.04:52
wizardslovakhmm maybe mine are wrong or something04:53
ScottKThat's why I want the rest of the log entries around the error to see what else is going on04:54
wizardslovakmail.log or mail.err?04:56
wizardslovakit wont pastebin04:57
ScottKNot the entire file04:58
ScottKFind the entry from mail.err (one of them) and get as many lines as you can before that04:58
wizardslovakhttp://pastebin.com/m795d92bd here is tail of mail.log04:59
wizardslovakhttp://pastebin.com/m15b08974 tail from mail.err05:01
ScottKwizardslovak: I need the bits around 23:30:40 server1 postfix/smtpd[24058]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms05:02
ScottKSubmit a correction or amendment below (click here to make a fresh posting)05:02
wizardslovakhow to get those bits?05:03
ScottKwizardslovak: Your snippet ends at May 14 22:33:0005:03
wizardslovaki know05:03
ScottKThat's not the end of the file.05:03
ScottKI can't help you further without the log and I'm really up to explaining how to get it.05:04
ScottKIf you get it, feel free to ping me.05:04
wizardslovakcan i use cyrus sasl?05:05
ScottKIt's harder to set up05:05
ScottKI only use it out of ineertia05:05
wizardslovaki think this will help the most http://pastebin.com/mce5e11f05:07
ScottKNow we're getting somewhere05:08
wizardslovakit says connect to private/dovecot-auth failed.no such file directory05:08
wizardslovakmeans i am missing folder05:08
ScottKIn 8.10 it was different05:09
ScottKIn /etc/postfix/main.cf try smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth-client, postfix restart, and then see what happens05:09
wizardslovaki have it there already05:11
ScottKWhich?  auth-client or dovecot-auth?05:12
wizardslovakooo i got dovecot-auth05:12
wizardslovakok still doesnt work05:14
ScottKOK.  Same error (look in mail.log)?05:15
Doonzsorry guys have a lame question but im stumped. my server (i just upgraded to 9.04) i cant seem to access the internet from it05:19
Doonzlocally im fine (on the lan)05:19
wizardslovakdid you assign ip and open 80 for it?05:20
Doonzi mean just to update like apt-get and stuff05:21
wizardslovakso you cant apt-get install anything??05:21
Doonzi cant ping any internet adresses from the box itself05:21
ScottKwizardslovak: What does postconf  |grep queue_directory produce?05:22
wizardslovakScottK: queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix05:22
ScottKwizardslovak: OK. That's what it should be.05:22
ScottKwizardslovak: How about ls -l /var/spool/postfix05:23
ScottKPastebin that please.05:23
Doonzwizardslovak: any chance it installed a firewall?05:24
ScottKDoonz: Ubuntu Server does not activate the included firewall.05:24
Doonzim confused05:24
wizardslovakDoonz: try sudo ufw status numbered05:24
ScottKwizardslovak: ls -l /var/spool/postfix/private05:25
Doonzwizardslovak: status inactive05:25
ScottKSo no firewall.05:25
wizardslovakDoonz: so no you dont have firewall05:25
wizardslovakdamn couple weeks ago i didnt know nothing about ubuntu and now i know something heheh05:26
Doonzim completely stumped05:26
ScottKDoonz: It worked fine in 8.10?05:26
wizardslovakScottK: http://pastebin.com/m69cbdfb705:27
DoonzScottK: yep05:27
Doonzim confused05:27
wizardslovaktry ping server ip05:27
wizardslovakdoes router have port 80 open for server?05:28
Doonzim connect remotely through ssh into the headless server05:28
Doonzbut im only on the local lan05:28
ScottKDoonz: You can connect to it on the local lan?05:28
Doonzi am05:28
ScottKwizardslovak: So you problem is that dovecot isn't listening there.05:28
wizardslovakdid you config static ip on server?05:29
ScottKwizardslovak: His server has an IP, he couldn't ssh to it if it didn't.05:29
ScottKDoonz: So you problem is from your server outbound?05:29
wizardslovakScottK: how can i fix it then?05:29
ScottKwizardslovak: Now we get to the part where I say "Dunno.  I don't use dovecot."05:30
ScottKwizardslovak: Look for ivoks around tomorrow and ask him.05:30
DoonzScottK: yes05:30
ScottKYes, he's they guy that wrote dovecot-postfix script.05:30
ScottKDoonz: Can you ping your router?05:31
wizardslovakScottK:  do you have his email?05:31
DoonzScottK: think i got it05:31
Doonzthanx alter05:31
ScottKwizardslovak: He lives in Croatia, he'll be sleeping right now.  He's usually here during his day.05:31
wizardslovakhmm i know i want to leave im message tho05:31
Doonzive got other wierd things happening05:32
ScottKwizardslovak: I don't have it, but that's enough information to find it in Launchpad.05:32
wizardslovakDoonz:  ??05:32
wizardslovakScottK: launchpad?05:32
Doonzcant assign manual ip, webmin isnt able to installl mdadm module05:33
ScottKwizardslovak: launchpad.net, the Ubuntu bug tracker.05:33
ScottKDoonz: We don't support webmin, so I can't help you there.05:33
DoonzYeah i kno05:33
wizardslovakScottK: where are you from tho05:36
ScottKI live outside Baltimore, MD, USA05:37
wizardslovakand you still dont sleep05:37
ScottKNah.   Sleep is for the weak.05:37
wizardslovaki never been on launchpad and it says my email is registered05:38
ScottKThat's the Ubuntu bug tracker and lots more.   If you're going to use Ubuntu, you probably want to register05:39
wizardslovakScottK: i wrote him email05:42
wizardslovaki did include tail from mail.warn05:44
wizardslovakso hopefully he will answer05:44
wizardslovakScottK: if i am not that big headache for you i would like to ask more questions05:44
ScottKYou can ask.  No promises on answers.05:45
wizardslovaki connected external hard drive to server but server doesnt see it "df -h"05:45
wizardslovakcan i set it up for samba?05:45
ScottKI know zip about Samba05:45
wizardslovakzip mean nothing?05:46
wizardslovakok well nothing so far05:46
wizardslovakwhat about NAS?05:46
ScottKNope.  In server terms I'm pretty much a mail server guy05:47
ScottKThat underlies all of it, so sure.05:50
wizardslovaki ordered couple books so cant wait to read them05:50
ScottKProfessionally I'm a system engineer, but I also know a bit about running systems.05:50
wizardslovakapache2 , mysql,ubuntu server05:51
wizardslovakwhats system engineer? A+??05:51
kgoetzwhats A+?05:52
wizardslovakkgoetz: http://certification.comptia.org/a/05:53
twbwizardslovak: you can be employed and have a title without any certification.06:02
wizardslovaktwb: really? usually they ask for those06:02
wizardslovakat least here in NY06:02
ScottKNew York06:03
ScottKI'm old and crusty enough to tell them where they can put their certifications.06:03
twbScottK: ever get your sleeve caught in a disk drive?06:03
wizardslovaki always wanted to learn ubuntu server and couple weeks ago i say i gotta do it before i will be too old hehe06:04
ScottKNo, but I did drop a deck of punch cards I'd failed to number.06:04
wizardslovakonly think i did for servers were power circuits06:04
twbScottK: that's why you draw a diagonal line down them06:04
wizardslovakand i did hate that IT dumbass06:04
ScottKtwb: Yeah, well one learns after.06:05
wizardslovakfunny think ubuntu was much easier then windows06:06
ScottKOf course06:07
twbIt depends if you like using a mouse, or like adding 500 users in twenty minutes06:10
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ajmitchtwb: don't remind me of days gone by when I got to help with administering NT domains at a school06:22
twbAh, well, it's all LDAP now...06:23
sluimershello there08:02
sluimersHi, I've got problems trying to setup a mail server. My e-mails seem to end up in /var/mail/vmail. They should go to /home/vmail/user.08:03
sluimersI use postfix 2.5.5 and courier 0.60,.08:04
cefJust been playing with kvm/libvirt and python-vm-builder, I can't see how the system would shut down any running vm's when you issue a reboot. I can't see anything that could do it in the init.d scripts. Any ideas?08:54
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a_okshould i install linux-server or stick with the -generic kernel?10:42
ddoom_I tried to setup a software raid 5 with lvm on it, installed fine and grub ran but I got an error: device-mapper: table 252:0 raid45: unknown target type - after the error it drops to BusyBox - ubuntu server 9.04 amd6413:12
tadeu_guys, i installed ubuntu server and "gnome-desktop-environment" package. Do you know what are the language packages ? I'd like PT_BR language13:26
tadeu_my shell is in PT_BR, just gnome isn't13:27
dguitarWhy don't u just use Ubuntu desktop?13:42
ScottKtadeu_: Gnome is off topic for the server channel in any case.13:45
gaveenddoom_, better try to install with a /boot partition outside the lvm configuration. Just a small /boot with something like 50MB would do13:46
ddoom_pretty sure thats what i did13:46
juxtaI just added a new drive to a raid 5 array and reshaped the array to fill the extra space. Now i'm trying to resize the filesystem to use the extraspace using resize2fs, but it says 'nothing to do' and doesn't see the extra space.13:55
nickoeI got a IBM eServer xSeries, how do I install Ubuntu on it?14:09
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
Jeeves_surf to http://releases.ubuntu.com/14:33
Jeeves_Download and burn the iso of your choice14:33
Jeeves_install Ubuntu14:33
a_okJeeves_: if i recall properly you where good with mysql14:43
Jeeves_a_ok: I doubt that :)14:43
a_okJeeves_: hmmm glad databases are usually more releiable than my memory14:44
Jeeves_a_ok: :)14:46
a_okJeeves_: i did a realease upgrade on one of my servers now all the sudden my starting relay-bin log is gone...14:47
Jeeves_a_ok: That's too bad. But I'm really no mysql guru :)14:51
a_okJeeves_: yeah figured that14:52
a_okJeeves_: I think i have it fixed14:54
Pres-GasHey, if /usr/local is expoted wiht nfs and root_squash to a client, can a file that is setuid and owned by root on the share be acted on or does root_squash only act when, say root on the client tries to rm the same file on the share?15:34
Pres-GasI don't think the man page for exports is clear on this.15:35
greenflyPres-Gas: from my understanding, root_squash prevents root on the client from being root15:39
stickystyleroot_squash acts whenever the effective uid is 015:39
greenflybut doesn't affect root on the server15:39
Pres-GasSo, gentlefolk, if there is a file that needs to be setuid and owned by root to work on the share (/usr/local/bin for example), it should work properly?15:40
Pres-GasCos that was my interpretation from the man pages...but really wanted to fact-check myself15:41
Pres-Gas...if I wanted to remove it as root from the client, I would get denied, right?15:41
stickystylePres-Gas:  No, it will not work.  if the file is 700 root:root on the NFS server and a client has it mounted, and the client trys to execute it as their local root it will not work15:42
Pres-GasI have someone who is attempting to share the juniper networks ssl-vpn "Network Connect" client and it seems to work with my testing, though stickystyle.15:43
stickystyleWell, to be honest....I'm not 100% on what would happen with a setuid file...15:44
Pres-GasGerr...no one is.  I guess it is time to play some more.  ;)15:45
greenflyPres-Gas: it's possible that it will work in that root_squash ignores when the client claims it is uid 015:46
Pres-Gasnfsd bases its access control to files on the server machine on the uid15:46
Pres-Gas        and gid provided in each NFS RPC request.15:47
Pres-Gas...from the man page....15:47
greenflybut yeah, I'm not quite sure what it would do if a non-root user on the client executed that setuid file that's on the server15:47
Pres-GasSo, I would interpret that as the mapping is only on the server side...the client should still see it as owned by root and can act on it (reading the file/executing) no problem...15:48
Pres-GasHey, I have some vms set up...going to try and act on, then remove some files...bear with me.15:50
Pres-GasI did not really want to manipulate them...but sounds like we should all find out eh?15:50
stickystyleYeah, your hypothesis sounds correct.  Lets all watch and find out :)15:51
* Pres-Gas is futzing about with his vm's now...please hold...15:51
* Pres-Gas turns on the muzak15:52
beawesomeinsteaddoes anyone know if $5000/month for 100MBit/s is ok?15:55
Jeeves_beawesomeinstead: Ehm, it's a bit much :)15:56
Jeeves_beawesomeinstead: Depending on where you live15:56
beawesomeinsteadJeeves_: europe. they told me this also includes 2U spot for a server. i could negotiate this, and wonder how much 100Mbps usually cost?15:59
beawesomeinstead(400W max)15:59
Pres-GasOkay, the setuid worked and I cannot delete it from the client as root.16:01
Jeeves_beawesomeinstead: Can you do 100mbit/s all the time?16:01
Jeeves_beawesomeinstead: Also, europe is kinda big :)16:01
beawesomeinsteadJeeves_: unmetered16:01
stickystylePres-Gas:  Cool.  Good to know for sure.16:02
Pres-GasSo, once you execute a file, and the client sees the file as setuid and owned by root, the CLIENT acts as if it is local...no rpc calls to the server except for reading really...16:02
Jeeves_beawesomeinstead: We ask EUR 2000 for 100mbit, or so16:02
Pres-GasIt is when you are making a write/remove type rpc call to the server when the SERVER maps root to nobody...then the server reports back to the client Permission Denied.16:03
Pres-GasI feel better now....and this is logged somewhere so others may know as well.16:03
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=== hessml|away|away is now known as hessml|away
uvirtbotNew bug: #378367 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 139" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37836716:55
oruworkhi, can someone recommend a web based task management program to schedule tasks and deadlines for a small organization?16:57
geniioruwork: phprojekt is not bad17:02
stanman1hi, am trying to install 8.04 LTS on a proliant DL140 G3, but the installer can't find the nic's, can i just continue with installing and then add the nics later?17:07
joe-machey is anyone here that is knowledgable on network preseeding? I have other preseeds working but this one is failing at install but parses on the build server with debconf-set-selections -c <file>. I need to know what steps to take to get some debug logs out of this. i've done it before but i can't recallf or the life of me and didn't easily find it on the google.17:15
joe-macheading to lunch, if anyone feels like they want to help, feel free to just say my name in your message, will respond when i get back, thanks17:16
tchoughdoes anyone know what the preferred method of launching a process as a certain user from an init script is?17:17
tchoughi'm guess it's not "su -" because that requires a system user's shell to be something other than /bin/false17:18
stanman1how do i get embedded nics to go up?17:20
jmedinastanman1: what you mean with "embedded nics"?17:24
geniitchough: man start-stop-daemon        Then also take a look at /etc/init.d/skeleton17:26
tchoughgenii: unfortunately, start-stop-daemon won't work for me... the program i'm trying to run barfs when start-stop-daemon tries to background it... is there another alternative?17:28
tchoughgenii: su would fit the bill, but it barfs because the system user's shell is /bin/false, which i'd rather not change17:29
geniiOdd. postfix for instance has no valid shell yet start-stop-daemon can use it17:30
geniitchough: You could use the script in rc.local and from there the su part for specific user. If no shell for a user, specify something like: su -c "bash whatever/command" username17:32
geniijmedina: He has dual Broadcom 5721 nic on a Proliant DL140 G317:33
jmedinagenii: and what is the problem?17:34
tchoughgenii: no luck with su -c... i think su will only pass arguments directly to the user's shell17:34
jmedinastanman1: what is the problem?17:34
tchoughgenii: ah, i got it... su -s /bin/sh -c whoami user does it for me... thanks for your help!17:36
geniitchough: np17:36
al_paunHi everybody. Can you please guide me to install a usb modem on ubuntu server?18:05
al_paunI plan to make it work as a fax modem.18:06
=== hessml|away is now known as hessmll
al_paunCan you please guide me to install a usb modem on ubuntu? I plan to make it work as a fax modem.18:24
* jmedina never required to use modem in linux in 8 years18:28
al_paunI intend to use as a fax modem18:29
al_paunfax server18:29
jmedinaal_paun: which model?18:30
jmedinais detected when you plug it in?18:30
jmedinadmesg output18:30
al_pauni don't have ubuntu desktop18:30
al_paunit's only comand line ubuntu18:30
al_pauni mean without xwindows18:31
jmedinawell connect it and see dmesg output18:31
jmedinafirt check if is detected18:31
jmedinaal_paun: is it listed in lspci?18:31
jmedinacould you pastebin its output: dmesg and lspci18:31
al_pauni got no dmesg message18:32
al_pauni got a message in kern.log18:33
jmedinaprobably you dont have usb support loaded or your usb modem is not supported18:34
al_paunI'll paste what is in kern.log18:35
al_paunnew full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 218:35
al_paunusb 2-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice18:35
jmedinaal_paun: use pastebin18:37
al_paunOk, I'll use but it was only two lines :)18:38
stickystyleal_paun:  After you plugged it in, did you check to see if you got any new /dev/tty* devices?  It may just work.18:40
al_pauni didn't check18:41
al_pauni have ttyS018:42
al_paunwhich was rewriten18:42
al_pauni think this one is using18:42
stickystyleDo you have a serial port on this machine?  if so, ttyS0 is probably the serial port and not the usb modem18:43
al_paunno I don't18:43
al_paunit's a new computer18:43
al_paunonly usb ports18:43
al_pauni even don't have paralel port18:43
al_paunno paralel and no serial port18:44
al_paunand the modify date of ttyS0 was changed today 20 minutes ago when I pluged in the modem18:44
al_paunso I think this one is18:45
jmedinaal_paun: try lsusb18:45
al_paunwhat should i search for18:46
al_paunI have a list of 8 usb bus18:46
stickystyletry connecting to it with screen then.  $screen /dev/ttyS0 960018:46
al_paunBus 002 Device 002: ID 190d:000118:46
stickystylesend "AT" and see if it comes back with "OK"18:46
al_paunthis one is different than 0000:000018:47
al_paunjust a second (installing screen)18:48
al_paunwhen i open screen it's just a blank window with no posibility to enter anything18:50
stickystyleThen I'm guessing that /dev/ttyS0 is not your modem. It was worth a shot.18:51
al_paunthanks anyway18:52
jmedinaal_paun: you dont show requiered output from lspci, lsusb or full output from dmesg, it is hard to guess18:53
al_paunin dmesg i get no message18:57
al_paunwhere is lspci output?18:57
al_pauni can send you lsusb output via pastebin18:58
al_paunalso lspci output18:59
al_paunthe modem specifications sais that is AT  command compatible19:02
al_paunits a ITU-T V.92/V.90 modem19:04
slestakhey guys.  I am using this  last -n 500 | grep still | sort |  awk '{ print $1; }' | uniq -c | uniq -d  to find users logged in more than once.  It is returning me the username, but I would like the result of id for each of the returned results.19:11
slestaknevermind, works in linux, fails wher im running it (aix)19:12
LichteMy company just brought our web app over to 8.10 server from suse enterprise 10, and the web app keeps timing out users;  I've used the same settings for apache, and the web app doesn't time out on  the suse box;  any ideas ???19:19
LichteBTW: the web app is written in php19:22
geniiLichte: Possibly the "max_execution_time ="         variable in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini19:29
Lichtegenii, I've cranked that up I think....I'll look at it again19:32
Lichtegenii, it's *WAY* higher than the max setting on the suse box19:35
geniiLichte: There is also a socket timeout value which may require setting.19:37
Lichtegenii, yeah, I've set those too19:38
Lichtethe only size difference between the two boxes is the garbage collection time19:39
Lichtefor session garbage collection19:39
geniiMaybe their session becomes invalid before the script finishes19:41
Doonzhey uys, my server just locked up on me and had to be manually reboot. what log could i look at to see what caused the lock up?19:44
Lichtegenii, ok, I've cranked up the gc time to match the suse box.....hope that does it!19:45
geniiInteresting. Looks like some probing for "/bin/msgimport" going on in this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/175877/20:03
geniiLooks related: http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=565920:05
FFForeveri never set the mysql password, how can i set it now?20:12
geniiFFForever: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/resetting-permissions.html           oldie but goodie20:19
FFForevergenii, there is just no way to bring up the password option?, right now the password is blank and the mysqladmin won't accept it =(20:20
geniiFFForever: don't use the "-p" then20:29
DoonzDoes anyone here know of a way to get vmware remote consoles to work through a proxy?20:38
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Iceman_B1SSHhow do I upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 ?22:50
yeasonircd-ratbox... any thoughts opinions? I'm trying to find a good irc server daemon, preferably one that works with a services daemon such as atheme-services...23:06
DoonzHey guys im running the new 9.04 server edition. The server become unresponsive. I cant ssh into it or anything. When i look at the monitor is got a bunch of info but i cant type anything23:11
Doonzim able to ping the server from my windows box bu thats about it23:12
yeasonI'm having similar issues with another system... I wish I could tell you what the problem is23:12
yeasonanother system as in not server...23:12
Doonzim so confused23:13
Doonzthe only fix i can do is to reboot the bloody thing but thats not a solution23:14
Doonzthats a windows fix23:14
yeasonyea... some of the symptoms include you can connect through ssh, it prompts for u/n and p/w but never gives you a prompt or an error, randomly locks up and nothing will work except ping and the reset switch?23:15
Doonzexcept for i cant connect through ssh now23:15
yeasonlol, if you find a solution let me know...23:15
phaidroshm, is there an out of the box solution to give users access to certain init scripts?23:21
phaidrosDoonz: server should be LTS ;)23:21
Doonzit is23:26
phaidros??? 00:11 < Doonz> Hey guys im running the new 9.04 server edition.23:29
phaidros9.04 is LTS ?23:29
* phaidros didn't realize that .. 23:29
phaidrosso, seems alot of upgrading is necessarry :(23:29
Doonzi though t9.04 is lts and 9.10 is the other23:30
phaidrosLTS .. Long Term Support .. 9.04 *and* 9.10 ?23:30
stickystyleLTS is currently 6.06 and 8.0423:31
phaidrosnope, all I read was from Mark referring to 10.10 as next LTS ..23:31
phaidrosstickystyle: thanks! *phew*23:31
Doonzahh shit23:31
phaidroshe was writing the other day, that postponing to 10.10 would help synchronising work with debian guys23:31
phaidrosDoonz: ;)23:31
Doonzoh well lts version has a busted version of mdadm in it so yeah23:32
phaidros8.04 has well running mdadm, for me at least ..23:32
Doonzdont screw up a grow operation23:32
Doonzcause you will have to downgrade to 2.6.423:32
phaidrosok, good to know23:33
Doonznot fun... not sure how that big time mess made it through23:34

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