
pwnguinis there a list of known upstart events in ubuntu 9.04?03:31
ion_http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts/DependencyBasedBoot “At debconf7 and FOSDEM 2008 (video link), Petter Reinholdtsen gave a talk about the dependency based boot system.” Not even a mention of Upstart. :-P14:16
Keybukthat's Petter for you14:20
ion_He mentioned that “Linux is becoming more and more event-based but the system startup is sequential, but that’s an issue for another talk” (paraphrased).14:21
ion_Btw, how far along is Upstart 0.next? :-)14:27
Keybukthe upstart bits are still pretty much untouched :p14:30
Keybuktoday I am mostly hating D-Bus14:43
sadmacKeybuk: what did it do? Show us on the bear where glib touched you14:44
Keybukjust damned hard to do signals properly14:49
sadmacyeah, they didn't look fun14:50
* sadmac has been thinking about thread-safe linked lists for libnih14:50
sadmacI don't know why, we don't need them right now14:50
sadmacbut massively-concurrent linked lists are hard.14:51
sadmacand it makes the list heads bigger (need a semaphore). Might want the thread-safe ones to be a different type.15:00
Keybukput the mutex in the list head15:00
Keybukthat's the usual pattern for locking linked list changes15:00
Keybukit's not record-level, but it's enough15:00
Keybukrecord-level, you're just asking for deadlocks15:00
sadmacI can do nearly record level with no deadlocks15:02
sadmacthe trick is don't lock the nodes. Lock the links15:02
sadmaceach node has a lock that protects its next pointer and /the next node's prev pointer/15:02
sadmacyou only have to acquire two locks for each structural change. its juuust this side of safe15:03
sadmacit only can lock if its possible to call remove() on the list head itself (dining philosophers). I think I can fix that.15:05
Ploujdoes upstart have the ability to log to syslog all of the boot messages instead of to the console?15:59
Ploujwell, not necessarily to syslog, but somewhere permanent and not initially user-visible16:02
pwnguinis there a list of known upstart events in ubuntu 9.04?17:31
sadmacpwnguin: Fedora has a manpage. I think its available on die.net17:38
pwnguinhmm. no network event?17:46
sadmacpwnguin: no. stuff like that should be emitted by other system services. you might want to look into having network manager do it.17:47
sadmacanything that can call `initctl emit` can emit an event17:47
pwnguinwell, i really dont care if upstart itself emits an event versus given system service17:48
pwnguini will look into NetworkManager though17:48
sadmacPlouj: there's nothing like that just yet. We've planned it though. Even tried it a few different ways. Its not as easy as it would seem to get right.17:51
sadmacKeybuk: do you have any plans as to making logging work?17:51
Ploujsadmac: can you tell me of some of the difficulties that you encountered?17:51
sadmacPlouj: well, we didn't want init to funnel all of the text traffic from all the services for resource reasons (that was Keybuk's logic. He can explain that) so we had our own logging service to transfer the info. The problem was when that went down it ended up SIGPIPEing everything connected to it, resulting in a pretty spectacular system failure.17:53

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