
the_ooplaHow can I boot my Xubuntu install into command line mode, and bypass the gui?00:35
zoredachewhen your are booting choose rescue from the grub menu00:41
the_ooplaI will give that a try00:42
iliketofrolic666how do I give xubuntu a constant LAN ip from my router?01:29
SiDiyou can set a static ip on your router's DHCP server's config01:33
SiDi(easiest way for home networks)01:33
SiDior you can remove the DHCP server and make a static ip config in /etc/network/interfaces01:33
iliketofrolic666how do I do the easier way?01:33
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xubuntianohi guys. Someone asleep?01:54
gamepocketsdoes anyone know how to obtain all the lost updates for xubuntu 7.10??03:13
SiDiIts too late, gamepockets03:14
SiDiif you intend to stay on a system without upgrading for a long time, please use the LTS version03:15
gamepocketsso there is no way to get mp3 to play??03:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok05:05
dylan_can you get amarok 2 for xfce ?05:06
forcesin jaunty?05:09
=== freego is now known as forces
dylan_hi, I am trying to use dolphin in xfce, (xubuntu). It was in xubuntu's add/remove programs list so I installed it. But when I run Dolphin, I get error "could not start process, could not launch klauncher, the name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files"05:38
dylan_is it possible to run kde 4 apps in xubuntu 9.04 ?05:49
RakkoI just installed Jaunty on an Athlon64. WindowMaker crashes on me. Anyone know about this?06:07
RakkoIt had a segfault/sig 1106:10
dylan_how do I get klauncher in Xubuntu 9.04 ?06:12
Rakkodo you have KDE installed, dylan_ ?06:16
dylan_how come any kde 4 apps I run (even though I installed kde), give me errror saying could not launch klauncher ?   I run Xubuntu 9.04, and both kde , and dolphin are in apt-cache search06:24
Rakkojust because they're in apt-cache search doesn't mean they're installed06:26
dylan_Rakko, sorry, I did apt-get install them after that06:27
Rakkonot sure06:28
dylan_also: its says could not talk to klauncher06:28
dylan_not sure why06:28
dylan_how can I get kdeinit to run in xubuntu 9.04 ?06:44
GINZHi I am trying to get a screenshot of my xubuntu computer. Can you tell me how to do that please07:34
GINZhi gnomereeak Do yoou know how to get a screenshot in Xubuntu please?07:35
kromarthere is a tool under applications07:36
GINZWhat is it called? I can';t see it07:36
GINZMine does not have that there07:36
GINZit is not the very latest update07:37
GINZ which I am hoping to install soon but my son needs screenshots to wee why the CD is not working07:37
GINZOh  in App finder there is a "Screensaver" but that is something different isn;t it07:40
kromarhttps://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/user-guide/C/tools-screenshot.html this might help07:40
GINZThanks  Kromer.07:47
GINZIt says use the PrtCsr button on the keyboard, but that does not work07:47
GINZ I am wondering if there is a CD somewhere that is needed to install such actions from the Key board07:48
GINZWEll for th e time being I will just use the camera asnd photograph the screen.07:49
ocsHi. how can I set mysql as a service for xubuntu ? on ubuntu it was so set by default07:54
zoredacheocs: just install it?08:02
ocszoredache: already done, obviously08:02
ocsbut I need to start it manually08:02
zoredachehow did you install it?08:21
zoredacheif you instal via apt the package usually starts on its own..08:21
DJJeffdoes xubuntu work on powerpc? (iMac G3)09:16
SiDiThere is a version, yes09:27
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
cemunali installed amarok2 on xfce4 but it can't play any sound and i can't see shoutcast radios; how can i fix these?13:20
Slonkiedamn i by mistake deleted libcups.so - Is there anyway to restore this? (it's not in trash)14:57
tavastiSlonkie, apt-get install --reinstall libcups215:19
SlonkieHas anybody here been able to syncronise their Thunderbird Mails/Calender with any kind of cell phone?15:37
geniiSlonkie: The packages.ubuntu.com site indicates if you are on a 64 bit box, the package name will instead be ia32-libs and not libcups2-dev but otherwise same principle applies of --reinstall15:49
Slonkiewell tavasti's advice worked great :)15:49
ElectricHeavyLananyone evey try to disable their touchpad? it keeps "jumping my cursor around  when I write in my text editor"...no BIOS solution, already checked...no option that I see to disable it in xfce that i see of...i am lookin for the easiest way possible b/c I have lots of other things to do. :)15:51
SiDiElectricHeavyLan: there is a way to make it inactive each time you type15:52
ElectricHeavyLanSiDi: how is that?15:52
tavasticover thouchpad with cardboard and ductape15:53
SiDiThere are MANY google posts about it15:54
SiDibasically, enable SHM in xorg.conf and then you can configure it15:54
ElectricHeavyLantavasti: that was my first idea. :)16:04
ElectricHeavyLanSiDi: thanks for the link. I'll try that.16:04
xububuHi there16:48
knome!hi | xububu16:48
ubottuxububu: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!16:48
xububuJust upgraded to Xubuntu 9. whatever, and have a tiny issue with the second panel16:49
knome9.04, that is16:49
xububusorry - new to chatting - the work space icons for wrkspce 1 6 2 appear in the middle of the panel. no aligned onto the right16:50
xububushould be workspace 1 & 216:51
knomexububu, right click the panel, add new item and select "separator or spacing", then "expanding empty space"16:52
knomexububu, then right click the space and click move and drag it to wanted position16:52
xububuThankyou - i'll try that right now16:54
knomexububu, did that help?16:54
xububuGreat - thanks  abunch Knome :-D16:55
xububuI Live in spain, so the system is in spanish, took me a littlle longer than normal16:56
knomethat always brings an extra challenge :)16:57
xububuAnyway - goto get on with work, thanks again16:57
andrewlondonnewbHi, can someone offer a newbie advice on my messy graphics on screen? A18:41
SiDiHeya. Whats wrong with it, exactly, andrewlondonnewb ?18:43
andrewlondonnewbHi SiDi. I have just installed Xubuntu on an old Dell X200 laptop. The windows and icons get jumbled and the fonts are odd looking. Also the screen has fuzzy strips left if a window is moved. I have tweeked the screen settings as some are really bad. Wondering if the video driver is wrong somehow.18:46
SiDiWhat is the resolution of your screen, andrewlondonnewb ?18:50
SiDiThe best resolution supported by your hardware. And also, what graphics card does it have ?18:50
andrewlondonnewbscreen is xga 12.1" LCD. Not sure what the video card is. Its a lightweight laptop not a desktop. Will try to look in documentation to find out.18:53
Pie`Hi, I installed Xubuntu yesterday using Wubi but it didn't seem to boot it gave me an error, something along the lines of "path must be absolute" but anyways I know want to uninstall Xubuntu using Wubi but it won't let me, it gives me "An error occured: Permission denied removing E:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub For more information, please see the log file: C:\docume~1\alex\locals~1\temp\wubi-9.04-rev129.log"19:24
Pie`How could I fix this?19:24
charlie-tcaYou should be able to remove it using windows software install/remove19:25
Pie`I'll try that, but I was using the wubi-uninstall.exe file19:26
Pie`yeah it still gives me the same error19:27
likemindeadSorry, Pie`, I've never used Wubi.19:27
likemindeadDelete the partition?19:27
Pie`I nver got round to installing it19:28
Pie`It wouldn't load at all19:28
Pie`all I did was download it using wubi then it told me to restart and xubuntu wouldn't start19:28
likemindeadTry a secondary remove app like CCleaner or Spybot S&D?19:29
Pie`its because the /grub/ directory is being used, even though its empty..19:29
likemindeadSo you aren't able to boot at all from the hdd?19:38
runtCan somebody help me with Xfce4?19:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:41
runtSorry, been a long time since on IRC.19:42
likemindeadScrew that crap. What's up?19:42
likemindead!DIAF ubottu19:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about DIAF ubottu19:42
runtLooks like my Xubuntu has Xfce4  4.4.3 running.  Is it worth it to upgrade to 4.6.x?19:42
likemindeadAlways! (IMHO)19:43
charlie-tcalikemindead: you have a way to help people without them telling you what is wrong?19:43
runtOk, is there an installer and/or where do I get it from?19:43
likemindeadThey'll get around to it. I get annoyed at the arrogant IRC B.S.19:43
charlie-tcarunt: If you are running 4.4.3, you loaded it from a PPA. Are you using Intrepid?19:43
runtNot sure about Intrepid - where can I find that out?19:44
charlie-tcarules are rules19:44
likemindeadGoogle, FTW.19:44
charlie-tcatry 'lsb_release -rd' in a terminal19:45
runtThx likemindead19:45
likemindeadWelcome. Let me know how it turns out. I may follow suit.19:45
runtlsb_release -rd = 8.1019:45
charlie-tcaand please report any issues with it direct to xfce, not xubuntu or launchpad19:46
charlie-tca8.10 is intrepid19:46
Pie`7.something was hoary hedgehog19:46
Pie`wasnt ti?19:46
runtOk.  Now, is Jaunty available?19:47
charlie-tcano, 7.10 was gutsy19:47
ruadhHi azll19:47
likemindeadrunt, yes!19:47
charlie-tca7.04 was fiesty19:47
SiDirunt: if you run 4.6 in xubuntu 8.10, most will work, but there might be bugs, as far as i recall. It would be safer to use Xubuntu 9.04, imo.19:47
charlie-tcahoary was all the way back to 4.1019:47
likemindeadI'm an idiot. I'm _already_ using 4.6 in Jaunty! Derp.19:47
* charlie-tca nods at likemindead 19:47
likemindeadI have to agree with SiDi, runt.19:48
* SiDi forbids anyone (including himself) from agreeing with him.19:48
* charlie-tca agrees to disagree with SiDi 19:48
runtI guess my Synaptic is not seeing 9.04 - shouldn't I be getting a notification of 9.04?19:48
runtGood to know SiDi19:49
SiDirunt: you should launch "update-manager"19:49
ruadhI've been trying to play some sound clips using Konqueror, and keep getting a request to install adobe flash player. I have flash player installed. Can any one help?19:49
runtChrist, you peeps know ur stuff...  Thanks again.19:49
charlie-tcaruadh: ask on #kubuntu19:50
runtMuch appreciated, I'm off to upgrade.  Anything to know about 9.04?19:50
charlie-tcaThis is Xubuntu, and it uses Thunar19:50
SiDibtw runt, Jérôme Guelfucci has a PPA with xfce 4.6.0 for intrepid. He'll know if there are still known trouble with it. He should be in #xfce19:50
runtOk SiDi19:50
likemindeadruadh, you're using Konqueror in Xubuntu?19:50
ruadhlikemindead, yes.19:50
likemindeadMaybe a missing dependency?19:51
ruadhlikemindead, Konq wasd installed automatically19:51
likemindeadUh... are you _sure_ you're not using Kubuntu?19:51
runtBest to all.19:52
ruadhI know the distro i'm using19:52
likemindeadSorry. Don't mean to be an ass.19:52
ruadhMaybe I should try kubuntu19:52
charlie-tcaruadh: Xubuntu has never installed Konqueror by default. It had to be installed by you19:52
SiDi8 days till i pass my main OS to Karmic Alpha1 !19:53
likemindeadIf you like Konqueror, install kubuntu-desktop and give it a whirl.19:53
charlie-tcaI´m waiting until after UDS19:53
ruadhcharlie-tca, I did not have to install konq19:53
charlie-tcaWell, Xubuntu certainly did not19:53
likemindeadruadh, then someone's been on your machine!19:53
likemindeadPoor fellow.19:54
likemindeadMultiple personalities, perchance?19:54
charlie-tcagood thing he knows what he installed!19:54
likemindead!weather 7912119:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about weather 7912119:55
likemindeadErr... wrong window... ;)19:55
* charlie-tca nods again19:56
likemindeadQuery: Top 3 things to install in Xubuntu (that don't come by default)?19:57
likemindeadFor me it's OOo, Tilda, & Banshee.19:58
charlie-tcaWhat is Tilda?19:58
SiDiomg, i so lag tonight19:58
likemindeadTilda is a bitchin' terminal emulator.19:58
SiDiGedit, Exaile, Virtualbox here too :P19:59
likemindeadI have it in startup & F1 brings it down (animation & transparency are optional).20:01
Myrttiterminator ♥20:01
likemindeadEverybody post up your Xubuntu desktop(s) at imagebin.ca!20:02
knomelikemindead, keep it family friendly. please20:03
charlie-tcaI like the backgrond20:03
likemindeadMario isn't family friendly?20:03
knomewatch your language20:03
knomedidn't mean the picture20:03
likemindeadMy youth minister from Nebraska said bitchin' in a sermon once. Really.20:04
SiDiive been missing something20:04
charlie-tcaYeah, but that don't make it nice talk...20:05
likemindeadDuran Duran?20:05
charlie-tcashock value20:05
SiDiIm beginning to suspect i missed some phrases of the conversation20:06
likemindeadMy sincere apologies to all.20:06
knomeSiDi, :P20:06
knomelikemindead, no problem.20:06
knomehttp://imagebin.ca/view/ZQzTbKb.html <- there's your screenshot20:06
* likemindead glares at all the lurkers... 0_020:06
* Pie` lurks20:06
* knome eats the Pie`20:06
Pie`om nom nom :320:07
likemindeadGasp! Dual screens! :::jealous:::20:07
Pie`I've got dual screens, just no linux yet ;)20:08
SiDiPie`: how come no linux ? I hope you have a reason for that :o20:08
knomewow, that's BIG text.20:09
Pie`SiDi, I play a lot of games that aren't supported by WINE :D20:09
Pie`I used to be on linux before my hdd went foom.20:09
knomePie`, how come? for some reason i don't play the games that wine doesn't support ;P20:09
Pie`how well would virtualbox w/ xp running a game like Call of duty 4 run ?20:10
Pie`Would it work or just be a complete failure20:10
SiDiit would fail20:13
SiDiepic fail *20:13
likemindeadI'm content with my NES, SNES, Genesis, & Playstation ROMs & emulators.20:15
likemindeadPlaying through Tales Of Phantasia at the moment.20:15
Pie`Downloaded a sega master system emulator20:22
Pie`then download Alex the kidd i shinobi world :p20:22
likemindeadWill do, Pie`.20:23
likemindeadAdios, everyone.20:26
MTec007its hard to find ROMS20:27
Pie`I'm sure you'll find a lot here: http://www.romnation.net/20:36
geniiPlease remember it is against Freenode rules to advocate piracy and/or illegal activities.20:38
SiDiknome: http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/9753/yayu.png20:57
knomeSiDi, the bar, right? ;)20:57
SiDii got rid of my crazy bookmarks menu entry20:57
knomewhere's the xubuntu website20:58
knomein SiDi's bar, i mean20:58
SiDiknome: its not like its *the* often updated website20:58
SiDibut i have the feeling we'll have to solve this20:59
SiDiwe need to have a better interface for the xubuntu community to interact / give feedback20:59
knomewe need to get the developers blogs aggregated into xubuntu.org21:00
ochosisounds like a good idea, knome21:01
knomenot-often updated developer blogs would kill that idea as well21:02
ochosii think quite a few people are interested in design-issues, because it's something they can rather easily grasp21:03
ochosie.g. the firefox-logo-update is getting a lot of press lately21:03
ochosiand that looked like a good idea, to make the stages of the design process transparent (obviously also a lot of work)21:04
knomefor some reason i haven't noticed that :P21:04
ochosiwell, i only noticed today :)21:04
knomecan we see something already?21:04
ochosiyep, look here: http://blog.mozilla.com/faaborg/21:05
ochosiyou'll also see different versions of the *new* logo, including some of the thoughts/discussions21:05
ochosia similar design issue that caught a lot of attention was mark shuttleworth's blog entry about notify-osd21:06
ochosiand last but not least you're artwork got xubuntu some good press, knome21:06
knomethat was actually somewhat expected21:11
knomebecause we broke off the shell that xfce/xubuntu was at21:11
ochosiyou broke off the shell..?21:13
* charlie-tca thinks shelf21:14
charlie-tcaas in stalled on the ledge21:15
SiDiknome: you can aswell grab some news from xfce's devs blog into that21:15
knomeout of the shell, the thing clams are in21:15
knomeSiDi, true21:15
SiDiand get some community people to post on it21:16
SiDiand then you have some stuff there :p21:16
knomebut manual grabbing is...21:16
charlie-tcaand drupal is not real good at auto grabbing, is it?21:16
knomei don't know21:16
knomewhat i do know, we would benefir from migrating to wp21:16
charlie-tcaSeems like it sucked at it a couple years ago when I tried it21:17
knomei'm not really into drupal21:18
knomeand i have little motivation in learning it any more21:18
charlie-tcaI'm not either, anymore. My website is in Xoops, now21:18
SiDiwell, drupal has a lot of ubuntu maintainers tho21:18
knomei already had 12 months too much of drupal21:19
SiDiyou got a webby, charlie-tca ? :O21:19
charlie-tcaYeah, because it is in launchpad and doesn't require PHP21:19
charlie-tcaYes, SiDi21:19
knomedrupal doesn't need php?21:19
Slonkiewhat's the terminal command for renaming?21:19
knomeSiDi, mv21:19
charlie-tcaThat is the only reason it is recommended so strongly21:19
charlie-tcaSlonkie: mv21:19
charlie-tcano problem21:20
knomedrupal runs on php21:20
charlie-tcaCannonical/Ubuntu website maintainer won't allow php, so he goes with moinmoin and drupal21:20
charlie-tcaknome: it can run php, but does not have to21:21
knomebut wordpress was a ubuntu supported thing?21:21
charlie-tcano, wordpress has never been suggested/supported21:22
=== danopia` is now known as danopia
charlie-tcaSince it was only blog capable until a year or so ago, it was not used for websites21:22
knomei still don't believe drupal can run without php21:22
knomeit kind of still only runs blogs.21:23
charlie-tcaBut with a little work, you can build a website out of it.21:23
knomebut with wordpress mu you can have several "sites"21:23
knomewell there's nothing stopping you from doing a wordpress theme with static things only21:23
charlie-tcaexactly. I did build teamcharliesangels with wordpress, but I haven't updated it and now it is down21:24
SiDiim gonna try drupal21:28
SiDisometimes i feel like blagging21:29
SiDibut i dont have a blag :(21:29
knomeblag? :P21:30
charlie-tcaI am real bad at it, really.21:31
SiDisometimes i feel like posting my opinion about various subjects21:31
SiDimostly thoughts, or political stuff tho, but still :p21:31
SiDiand im very pissed of not having a blag (mostly cause i cant host it at home)21:31
charlie-tcaIt does give you a place you can get away with it21:32
ochosiknome: the blag... http://xkcd.com/148/21:33
[AfZ]TomServo1there's a TON of people in #ubuntu :O22:36
[AfZ]TomServo1but anyway, i have another problem :(22:36
[AfZ]TomServo1i installed openSUSE on the other half of my second hard drive22:37
[AfZ]TomServo1yes, xubuntu was there beforehand22:37
[AfZ]TomServo1on the first half of the drive22:37
SiDiyou still didnt tell us about your problem.22:38
[AfZ]TomServo1and i can't get into suse, or mount the partitions in xubuntu to check out the grub config file22:38
SiDiWhat version of xubuntu ? And when you installed OpenSuse, what partition did you chose ?22:39
[AfZ]TomServo1let me double check22:39
[AfZ]TomServo1it's xubuntu 9.04(upgraded from 8.10), and i have it on partition sdb122:41
SiDisudo fdisk -l ?22:43
SiDiwhat format the sdb1 partition has ?22:43
SiDiif you cant boot its likely that your xubuntu kernel cant read it.22:44
[AfZ]TomServo1they're all ext3 formatted22:44
[AfZ]TomServo1suse's on sdb3 for the root, and sdb4 for /home22:44
SiDiwhats the error when you mount /dev/sdb3 ?22:46
[AfZ]TomServo1mount: can't find /dev/sdb3 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab22:47
SiDiits normal :)22:47
SiDitype the following command22:47
SiDisudo mkdir /media/openSuseRoot && sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /media/openSuseRoot22:48
[AfZ]TomServo1i typed in in wrong, didn't i :/22:48
SiDiyou need to tell mount where it has to mount22:48
SiDiunless your /etc/fstab file is configured for auto mounting22:48
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:48
SiDithen you can gksudo mousepad /media/openSuseRoot/boot/grub/menu.lst :)22:49
SiDiand add your own boot entry to xubuntu's menu.lst22:49
SiDiGood night, going to bed. Good luck Tom22:50
[AfZ]TomServo1thanks a lot, good night22:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mtab23:02
ochosi[AfZ]TomServo1, so did you follow SiDi's advice and did the mount work?23:04
[AfZ]TomServo1yeah, the mount worked23:04
ochosii didn't completely follow your discussion, so were are we now?23:04
[AfZ]TomServo1for some reason, the "cd" command isn't being recognized on my machine23:05
[AfZ]TomServo1i know what it is23:05
ochosiin what kind of terminal are you?23:06
ochositty or emulator?23:06
ochosicos i just can't imagine that not to work23:06
ochosiwhat's the output of e.g. cd /media/openSuseRoot?23:06
[AfZ]TomServo1cd: command not found23:07
[AfZ]TomServo1ok...it just worked now23:07
[AfZ]TomServo1i guess you can't combine cd with sudo23:08
ochosimaybe a typo?23:08
ochosioh, no, you can't23:08
[AfZ]TomServo1yeah, a typo ;)23:08
[AfZ]TomServo1Suse's /boot/grub/menu.lst seems to be empty23:11
[AfZ]TomServo1nevermind, found it...i'm such a klutz23:13
[AfZ]TomServo1thanks for the help...i may be back23:23
KXhey can the install cd format my entire hdd then install over it?23:48
KXok thanks23:48
charlie-tcaIf you want xubuntu to do the reformat, just tell it during the installation to use the entire drive23:48

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