
snellmy computer freezes when i boot up, can someone help me out?00:00
phoenixzquassel just.. well, doesnt really let me post messages :P I can read but not write which kind of defeats the IRC idea. :) plus it takes HUGE amounts of memory, so I'm back to konversation which just works like a charm..00:00
phoenixzAmarok 2 also just... really.. why.... The Nero effect.. Supposedly, Amarok 2.1 is better, but is there a place wher I could find it?00:01
dyn0myt3Quassel works fine for me, but I prefer Xine  and Opera :)00:01
phoenixzdyn0myt3: kopete same story.. it just doesnt work, I can not make accounts.. so I am on pidgin which does noth ave a tray icon so when the window closes.. well, I have to kill the process to be able to see the contact list again..00:02
dyn0myt3kopete is ok for me. but pidgin is nice00:03
robin0800phoenixz: I like quassel and why can't you post?00:03
phoenixzdyn0myt3: pidgin looks way better yeah, but just for being kde, I'd prefer kopete.. if it would work that is, and it doesnt.00:03
dyn0myt3i have been trying to make my own widgets. for kopete or whatever but i'm not having much luck.00:04
phoenixzrobin0800: good question! I'd like to know that too, now Im on kdde3.5 konversation, but at least it works.. I'd prefer quassel but it just doesnt work.. takes 2 minutes to join a channel (not kidding) and I can write a messgage, it sends, but it never shows in the channels..00:04
dyn0myt3i've installed compiz, qt, designer and now samba.00:04
dyn0myt3hm superkaramba i meant00:04
phoenixzow, and quanta is also WAY messed up00:05
phoenixzI can't open a file without seeing error messges about .tag files..00:07
juxboxmy audio doesn't work what should i do?00:07
robin0800phoenixz: you were posting in the chanel (buffer view) weren't you?00:08
phoenixzrobin0800: buffer view? sorry, don't understand00:08
phoenixzrobin0800: I was writing in the same channels as in konversation.. various channels just to test it.. but nothing..00:09
=== BeZerk is now known as obsethryl
phoenixzJoining a channel takes 2 minutes, probably more00:09
=== obsethryl is now known as erk
phoenixzeither by /join #channel00:09
phoenixzor when a channel is in the list, and I double click to join it.. nothing happens.. then like 2-3 minutes later, hurray, its there!00:09
juxboxany ideas?00:10
phoenixzrobin0800: Be it just that I can not post :P00:10
ubuntuhi, i'm back...00:10
=== ubuntu is now known as winterelf
phoenixzcrap.. both pidgin and kopete don;t let me login to google talk..00:10
superwadi'm no longer receiving the update notifications when new packages are available.  I have to manually update my repositories and run a package manager (synaptic, update manager, etc).  any idea why this would be?00:11
phoenixzwinterelf: welcome back then?00:11
winterelfit's winterelf00:11
phoenixzits you!00:11
ign0ramuswinterelf, huzzah!00:11
ign0ramuswinterelf, what kernel are you running? ('uname -r')00:12
silentstri16_is there a sweet of tools for creating prebuillt enviroments?00:12
robin0800phoenixz: There are two views in Quassel one called buffer view the other called Chat monitor two of the most confusing names ever You need buffer View00:12
winterelfign0ramus: it's winterelf... can u tell me what to do now?00:12
ign0ramuswinterelf, i just told you... (i'm wondering if its an acpi error in the kernel)... do "uname -r"00:13
phoenixzrobin0800: well, I see the text scrolling by and below that there is a white area where I can type text.. then when I press enter it dissappears, just like in konversation.. If there is a monitor thing, wherre you can not write.. then why can I write anyway?00:17
=== robin0800 is now known as robin0800_
=== robin0800_ is now known as robin0800
robin0800phoenixz: And you have you idendity tothe left hand side?00:20
phoenixzrobin0800: yes00:21
phoenixzafter about 2-3 minutes00:22
phoenixzwhile I don't have it, I cant write eiter, the white area is greyed out..00:22
juxboxhow can i make my sound driver detected?00:22
robin0800phoenixz: Not sure you may have to be registered on freenode00:23
CerrdorSysinfo for 'Torvaldsland': Linux 2.6.27-7-generic running KDE 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2), CPU: MobileIntel(R)Celeron(R)CPU1.50GHz at 1495 MHz (2991 bogomips), HD: 6/17GB, RAM: 244/248MB, 108 proc's, 6.29h up00:32
=== michael is now known as dROg
=== k is now known as Guest63188
=== michael is now known as dROg
=== k_ is now known as kjslag
dyn0myt3I can not login to Console00:35
robinrdyn0myt3: not as root00:36
ner0xHow do I install Curses::UI for perl/00:37
dyn0myt3i login to start X, but at the bottom of my screen is the menu to login to console but my screens just turns black  for a second then returns me to the login prompt00:37
Cerrdordyn0myt3: did you try hitting escape during boot to log into recovery?00:39
dyn0myt3i dont need recovery ?00:39
CerrdorI would try that since it has an option to fix xserver00:39
dyn0myt3xserver seems ok it just wont take me to Console00:40
Cerrdoreven if you try Alt+F2?00:40
dyn0myt3from inside kde? no. i didnt try it before i logged in00:41
juxboxany ideas on how to fix the sound?00:42
Cerrdorjuxbox: whats the issue?00:42
Valkyriehi guys00:42
juxboxCerrdor: nothing with audio works00:42
Cerrdorhowdy Valkyrie00:42
Valkyriei need a bit of help... im running ubuntu00:42
Cerrdorjuxbox: did you open system settings and configure the audio output?00:43
juxboxyes, but still doesn't work00:43
Cerrdorjuxbox: you on a lappy or desktop?00:43
juxboxCerrdor: labtop00:44
Cerrdorwith what soundcard?00:44
ryanakcajuxbox: So it isn't just flash anymore?00:44
Reaperhaha sweet I have dual booted Windows 7 and Kubuntu 9.04 and I am playing my music from the Windows partition00:45
juxboxryanakca: what do you mean flash?00:45
juxboxCerrdor: i'm not very sure, how can i make sure?00:45
ryanakcajuxbox: Ah, no, you were asking about mplayer earlier, sorry, I thought you were the guy asking about how to get sound to work under flash00:46
ryanakcajuxbox: in Konsole, type in: lspci | grep Audio00:46
ReaperAmarok was weird and if anyone else is having the same problem of Amarok not playing music files upon a fresh installation installing libxine plugins (all of them I'm not sure which one did it :p) solved it00:46
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.00:47
Cerrdorneed to restart00:47
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:47
Reaper:p that gave me a little laugh seeing "Ubottu"00:47
juxboxryanakca: nothing shows in there00:47
ryanakcajuxbox: Hmmm. Odd. Can you pastebin ``lspci -nnvv'' please?00:48
juxboxryanakca: http://pastebin.ca/S:142799600:49
nightdreverhow do i join a ubuntu room?00:50
juxboxnightdrever: type /join #ubuntu00:50
dwidmannnightdrever: or /j for short00:50
=== yml_ is now known as yml
juxboxryanakca: but there's a hardware info icon here saying that it's HDA ATI and HDA intel00:51
ryanakcajuxbox: Ah, ... ``lspcia | grep Audio'' isn't the same as ``lspci | grep audio'', it's case sensitive. Anyways, I saw what I wanted...  Your sound card: ATI Technologies Inc R700 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4000 Series]00:51
juxboxryanakca: let me restart and see because i just killed all audio processes and restarted them,00:52
ryanakcajuxbox: You also have an Intel Corporation 82701I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)... I'm guessing you have two speaker ports on the laptop?00:52
juxboxryanakca: yes00:52
=== diego is now known as Guest86681
ryanakcaor something of the sort?00:52
dyn0myt3when i go into the Console, it acts like im holding down the keys00:53
ryanakcajuxbox: did you try raising the volume? try ``alsamixer'', it has always worked for me. It's CLI though.00:53
dwidmannryanakca: the ATI one would be for hdmi stuff00:53
Guest86681alguien sabe programar en java????????00:53
=== rosha_ is now known as Roozbeh
ryanakcadwidmann: Ah00:53
ryanakcaAh, he's gone. *wonders if juxbox had the snd-hda-intel modules loaded*00:54
Reaperthis is a little  entertaining watching people come with problems and have them be solved :p00:54
Reaperjust a little tiny bit00:54
Guest86681alguien habla mi idioma?00:55
dyn0myt3amazing eh00:55
dwidmannReaper: the entertainment value goes up when you're the one presenting the solutions :)00:55
Reaperdwidmann: Oh surely it does, mm but my knowledge of the subject is usually not good enough00:56
Reaperperhaps one will come in with a problem I understand00:56
dwidmannReaper: probably00:57
juxboxi restarted  and amarok was notifying me that it needs to install some updates, so it's updating now and i'll see, however mplayer too doesn't play sound, neither system sound!!00:57
Reaper:p if it were only Amarok and other music players I would know the problem00:58
dyn0myt3i had my volume down for a hour trying to figure out why i had no sound.00:58
Reaperjuxbox: check if you have the libxine packages?00:58
Reapererr did you*00:58
ReaperI found out pretty quickly what was wrong with Amarok00:59
juxboxi was testing the pulseaudio and it got me a notification that pulseaudio found no audio fail00:59
juxboxanother forum online saying that pulseaudio should be replaced with alsa, but not sure how to do that, any ideas?00:59
ReaperXD I don't even know what pulseaudio is01:00
dyn0myt3try alsa config, i think it will get you to the setup01:00
juxboxUsage: /sbin/alsa {unload|reload|force-unload|force-reload|suspend|resume}01:01
Reaperhmm, there's a package that can be downloaded in order to view power point presentations and it requires Wine01:03
=== Guest86681 is now known as Espa
=== Espa is now known as DeCordoba
dwidmannReaper: can't ooimpress do it?01:08
ReaperYeah I think it can01:08
juxboxany ideas here?01:08
ReaperI just noticed that when I searched for Wine in it01:09
ReaperI plan on installing Steam through Wine01:09
Reaperso I can play Garrysmod and CounterStrike: Source ;p01:09
StR|Sangreali have a centrino1duo notebook with kubuntu jaunty amd6401:17
StR|Sangreali have an integrated vga webcam an i01:17
StR|Sangrealwould like to know how to take photos with it01:18
Reaperhmm nobody knows :p01:22
* StR|Sangreal follows the Reaper01:22
Being_Tsukasaim getting poor video quality compared to watching the same video on vista, what can i do to improve this?01:23
DeCordobaanyone can help me?01:24
ReaperBeing_Tsukasa: do you mean the video is not playing as well or that it is actually a lower quality01:24
galvanizeHow do I view system hardware?01:24
ReaperI can hear you DeCordoba01:24
StR|SangrealReaper: *Follow the Reaper* is a heavy metal album ;)01:24
DeCordobathanks dude01:24
Being_Tsukasaits choppy01:25
Reaperhaha ok StR| Sangreal01:25
StR|Sangrealis there an widespread opensource alternative to .gif compression?01:25
Being_Tsukasathe video is choppy when i am playing it01:27
superwadi'm no longer receiving the update notifications when new packages are available.  I have to manually update my repositories and run a package manager (synaptic, update manager, etc).  any idea why this would be?01:27
Being_Tsukasai am using a geforce 8600m01:28
StR|Sangreali experience the same, the reason is the proxy server in my case01:28
Being_Tsukasais there a driver update i should get?01:28
Reapersuperwad: you may have changed a setting01:28
superwadReaper: know where that setting might be?01:28
Reapermaybe in system settings or synaptic settings01:29
StR|Sangreal$ export proxy="http://your.proxy.server:port"01:29
StR|Sangreal!bye | All01:32
ubottuAll: Au revoir!01:32
=== rmrfslash_ is now known as rmrfslash
ReaperI <3 Ubottu's name :p01:33
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.01:33
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE01:34
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Ubuntu comes with the GNOME interface. To install that from Kubuntu install the ubuntu-desktop package.01:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 301:34
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux01:34
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:34
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages01:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:34
ubottuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal.01:35
StR|Sangrealflgrx suxx01:35
rmrfslashI just installed catalyst 9.501:35
rmrfslashresume is still broke as a joke01:35
StR|Sangreal***ATI Radeon Mobility X1450 SUXXXL HEAVILY***01:35
rmrfslashATI was the worst decision I ever made01:36
draikHello everyone. How do I rip CD audio with k3b? It keeps on failing. It has the libk3b3-extracodecs package installed so I don't know why MP3 is failing.01:36
StR|Sangreali am still suffering of it, rmrfslash01:36
* rmrfslash has a ATI Radeon Mobility HD 367001:36
* rmrfslash is very upset about it01:36
StR|SangrealRadeonHD driver is doing quite well01:36
rmrfslashyeah... not w/ opengl01:36
rmrfslashXRender.... yay.01:37
rmrfslash(try playing a hulu video fullscreen)01:37
StR|Sangrealbut those poor integrated Radeon Mobility X videocards are so absosuckalutely sucking....01:37
* StR|Sangreal has learnt not to play videogames since he is on GNU01:38
rmrfslashI mean, I'm really upset about this. Everything on this crappy laptop works except fglrx01:38
rmrfslashI turn on opengl compositing and everything dies01:38
rmrfslashwell... just resume actually. Which is the one thing I need01:38
StR|Sangreali would expect that fglrx collides with your former radeonhd driver?01:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nightwish01:39
rmrfslashyeah I need to ununstall fglrx to use radeonhd01:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about convert01:39
StR|Sangrealjust purge it like sudo apt-get remove fglrx --purge01:39
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:39
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.01:40
rmrfslashI installed from the ATI package01:40
Rainzzhello guys! i'm a gnome user could anyone tell me what`s good in KDE?01:40
rmrfslashnot sure yet how to delete it01:40
StR|Sangrealinstall kubuntu-desktop and try yourself!01:40
psytuxciao a tutti!!!01:40
StR|Sangrealkde is nice, opaque, glassy, consistend and sweet, without KWin compositing even pretty stable... and plasma workspace has made nice advancements recently01:41
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde401:41
ubottuKDE 4.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2 and http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3 - Support in #kubuntu01:42
StR|Sangreal!farewell | All01:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about farewell01:42
ubottuAu revoir!01:42
snellhow do i view version details of a program via command line?02:01
Admiral_Chicagosnell: lbs_release -a02:02
Admiral_Chicagoerr sorry snell .... read that wrong02:02
MatisseAt booting kdm starts with a higher resolution. If I then restart the x-server the right resolution is used. What can I do?02:02
Admiral_Chicagoumm I think its apt-cache show <package>02:03
geniiperhaps apt-cache policy <name>02:03
snellthats okay i got it02:03
Matisse2. Problem: "Claws Mail" sucks at spell correction and since version 3.6 it used enchant instead of aspell for that. The problem seems to be connected, as there are nearly no result when  apt-cache searching for "enchant".02:04
MatisseCan someone please jostle in the direction "problem(s) solved"?02:05
Matisse*jostle me02:05
genii!info libenchant1c2a02:09
ubottulibenchant1c2a (source: enchant): a wrapper library for various spell checker engines. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.2-3.3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 81 kB, installed size 304 kB02:09
Matisseright, is installed (and dependencies would care about that)02:15
yousef_Does anyone know when Jaunty with KDE3 will be released?02:19
silentstri16_is it just me or is that back  tracking02:22
silentstri16_i mean, isnt that reversing progress?02:22
Matisseyousef_,  seems to be already release, as google says   https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty02:22
Matissesilentstri16_, no, just for shy people :)02:22
silentstri16_shy people wha?02:23
yousef_its not a beta?02:23
Matisseyousef_, don't know, google?02:23
MatisseI won't read the whole linked page for you02:23
Matissesilentstri16_, kidding...02:24
yousef_oh ok02:25
yousef_too complicated to upgrade, i'll stick with 8.04 for now02:26
dakstarlooking for osx leopard image any help???!02:29
Reaperhttp://www.thepiratebay.com/ lol02:29
dakstarlooking for osx leopard image any help???!02:30
ReaperWhy would you WANT leopard dakstar?!02:30
dakstartrying to setup a virtual box to build iphone apps02:31
dakstardon't wanna pay 130$ for the pOS02:31
ReaperOh actually emulating Mac runs very poorly and in vmWare but not SunxVM02:31
dakstarrunning Sun 2.2.202:32
dakstarnot looking for performance just emulation02:32
ReaperI've heard of it not working at all or just too slow02:32
Reaperbut you can find a torrent for it02:32
dakstarbeen looking for one.. only found partial02:33
dakstarany suggestions?02:33
dakstarastalavista.com had nada02:33
Reaperwell I would just do a search on thepiratebay.org02:33
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:33
Piciplease stop02:34
ReaperHaha I mean if I wanted to find an illegal copy02:34
dakstarl*ter.. thnks for the help..02:34
geniimatisse : enchant dictionary usage order appears to be specified in /usr/share/enchant/enchant.ordering02:38
MatisseAt booting kdm starts with a higher resolution. If I then restart the x-server the right resolution is used. What can I do?02:41
sithlord48has any one reported the forum is "service unavailable"02:43
MatisseHas anyone seen Jesus today?02:44
geniimatisse : enchant dictionary usage order appears to be specified in /usr/share/enchant/enchant.ordering   You could specify the aspell first (or whichever checker you prefer to use first)02:47
sithlord48the forum is down again .... "service unavailable"  message again02:48
MatisseSomeone should tell it someone else02:50
sithlord48i am not sure who that person is but they need to know so it can be fixed..02:51
Matissegenii, well, this is b***sh*t... claws made me believe the dictionary was already installed... but when I changed the language I couldn't change back - because it isn't installed.02:53
Matissegenii, thanks for pushing into the direction02:53
geniiMatisse: np02:53
brad__anyone else notice ktorrent being slow ?02:58
sithlord48as in the program or you download speed?02:59
brad__download speed02:59
geniisithlord48: ubuntuforums.org seems to be loading fine here. You have some specific page is misbehaving?02:59
brad__is there a good test torrent ?03:00
sithlord48genii, kubuntuforums.net03:00
Matissebrad__, kubuntu iso maybe?03:00
ner0xkubuntu is pretty good so far, I'm impressed.03:03
justin__so hey do yall know of any good programs for kubuntu?03:05
brad__I'm liking this kde 403:05
sithlord48kde4 is very nice :) using the 4.3 beta right now its nice03:06
brad__4.2.3, but tell me about 4.303:07
brad__btw debian updates beat windows updates anyday03:07
sithlord48its like 4.2.3 but newer... you get a few new things.. hold on a sec i got the link round here somewhere03:07
sithlord48brad__, http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.3-beta1.php03:08
draikHow do I get an output of the date and time the following format: MMDDYYYYHHMM03:14
draik2 for month, 2 for day, 4 for year, 2 for hour and 2 for minutes03:14
geniidraik: date +%m%d%Y%H%M03:18
Cerrdorcan anyone recommend a good personal finance program?03:19
draikgenii: Thank you so much.03:20
geniidraik: You're welcome03:20
Cerrdorcan anyone recommend a good personal finance program?03:22
Cerrdorfor tracking family income?03:22
sithlord48you could try kmymoney too03:22
Cerrdorthats the one03:22
CerrdorI forgot the name thanks03:22
Cerrdorwhats it like?03:23
brad__it's a program for kde that is like my money03:23
gustavoYO HABLO ESPAÑOL03:23
Cerrdoranyone using 9.04 in here yet?03:23
sithlord48sure am03:24
mdshaw89AMD64 version03:24
sithlord48me too lol03:24
brad__I might be03:24
CerrdorI like it03:25
brad__I am03:25
mdshaw89I don't know that I would jump to 9.04 again if I had to do it over.03:25
CerrdorI really like the images more than intrepid03:25
sithlord48my battery life on my laptop improved quite a bit when i upgraded it to 9.0403:25
CerrdorSysinfo for 'Torvaldsland': Linux 2.6.27-7-generic running KDE 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2), CPU: MobileIntel(R)Celeron(R)CPU1.50GHz at 1495 MHz (2991 bogomips), HD: 6/17GB, RAM: 245/248MB, 102 proc's, 2.35h up03:25
brad__I need to uninstall konquer and synlink firefox03:25
draikHow do I convert ogg to mp3?03:26
mdshaw89I'm not an eye candy fan and I've found missing dependencies on some packages, i.e. nvidia driver, k9copy03:26
Cerrdordraik: use easytag its super simple03:27
draikCerrdor: Thanks. I'll try that03:27
brad__k, konquor is dead03:28
sithlord48yea my "upgrade" to kde 4.3beta was full on installing dependencies and conflicting packages03:28
mdshaw89sorry I would rather have konquerer than dolphin - I don't understand the push03:29
ShadozeKonqueror is already on your system..03:29
CharlyGearshello, anyone in spanish assistance ?03:30
Pici!es | CharlyGears03:30
ubottuCharlyGears: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:30
mdshaw89draik: try http://www.linuxweblog.com/convert-ogg-to-mp303:30
mdshaw89Shadoze: yes - I know but if I try to remove dolphin there are dependency it looks like I will break03:31
sithlord48mdshaw89, are you trying to get konqurer as default file manager ?03:33
Nikkecan i get auto indent in kate?03:33
mdshaw89yeah without braekking everything03:33
sithlord48mdshaw89, can you tell me what version of kubuntu your using ?03:34
mdshaw89amd64 version03:34
draikmdshaw89: Thanks. Checking it out now.03:34
sithlord48mdshaw89, ok its not all that hard, go to system settings03:34
mdshaw89Linux galactica 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:34
Shadoze@ Nikke yes i believe so03:35
mdshaw89sorry - it just everytime I use system settings it like rolling the dice - sometimes it seems to work - ;)03:35
sithlord48mdshaw89, after system settings you want to go to "Default Applications"03:36
ShadozeI looked at konquerors settings, nothing related to what you want there03:36
ShadozeAnd sith's right theres a file manager option, where kde CAN be selected03:37
mdshaw89okay - I changed the file manager - I'll see if I can remove dolphin03:37
ShadozeKudos to him03:37
sithlord48be sure to click apply :)03:37
sithlord48if you had 8.04/8.10 its a bit tricker but can also be done03:37
Shadoze& md what's the harm in keeping dolphin or are you trying to go for perfection?03:38
mdshaw89not sure why u need to do that - I should be able to remove dolphin and it delafult to konqueror - like I could in Gutsy03:38
sithlord48you don't want to remove dolphin03:38
ShadozeA few apps may wish to use dolphins03:38
Shadoze*dolphin even03:38
ShadozeSo you may run inro problems down the line03:39
sithlord48including if i am not mistaken konqurer03:39
Gio_LinuxGood morning.03:39
mdshaw89I prefer not to keep the cruft around - I mean if I wanted loads of extra crap I did not want I would run Windoze03:39
Shadoze*Vista ;)03:39
mdshaw89yep - kind of figured that somethings force the use of dolphin - too bad03:40
ShadozeMaybe you can tell those applications to use konq too?03:40
mdshaw89unfortunately it seems like a lot of Linux distros are getting to be the same way - it used to be rampant if you used Gnome03:41
ShadozeGnome hides alot of the advanced settings in effort to keep it as simple as possible03:42
ShadozeKde 4.*.* is still maturing though03:42
ShadozeIt will take time, but it will get very very very polished03:42
sithlord48if you ran the 4.0 packages, you will know how far it as come already03:43
mdshaw89Shadoze: hopefully03:43
ShadozePut it this way03:43
ShadozeKde 3.0 was brand new in the day03:43
ShadozeQuite a few bugs, needed ironing alot03:44
ShadozeLook at kde 3.503:44
ShadozeAs stable and polished as anything03:44
ShadozeSame will happen with the 4 series03:44
* genii holds out for 4.503:44
ShadozeIt just takes time03:44
mdshaw89well I was running 3.5 - I must say I'm on Linus side a bit - but I'm still stickling with Kubuntu until I hit the PMO point - ;)03:44
ShadozeThe longer you stick with it, the more you'll like it as it'l get more mature and polished03:45
ShadozeI think by 4.5 kde is going to be amazing03:45
sithlord48i have the beta for 4.3 on my computer right now on this computer, well im using it and it is running just as good as 4.2.3 did.03:45
ShadozeI'm on 4.2.303:46
mdshaw89well - keep in mind I don't run compiz/beryl - and hate the extra eye candy - a waste of CPU cycles IMO03:46
ShadozeToo many important things to try betas atm03:46
ShadozeStability is a big thing03:46
ryshAnd Kde 4.5.10 will simply Rock03:46
javitoxSpeak spannish?03:46
ShadozeTrue, i run a small bit of compiz03:46
mdshaw89its seems the further things go along the more glitz the developers add03:46
ShadozeNot even the cube :) It stops getting awesome after an hour03:47
sithlord48lol i have a few machines so stability is only important on the one w/ my data :)03:47
ShadozeThats true md but think of it this way, what do new people prefere, plain old grey and black styles or fancy bleeding edge styles03:47
sithlord48i use the cube to manage several computers at once via krdc or nx.03:48
ShadozeTake Windows Vista as an example, Vista means looks, one of the things they focused on alot was the look of it03:48
mdshaw89sorry - my main concern for video is smooth streaming playback at fullscreen - kids like Hulu, etc.  and unfortunately that is my specific hell03:48
ShadozeThey did a pretty good job, it looks alright, unfortunatly to be honest it isn't really a great or beneficail operating system03:49
sithlord48do lots of people have hulu issues ? i have never been there..03:49
ShadozeNot from america ;)03:49
ShadozeCan't even get onto it03:49
ShadozeAnd cba to bypass it with proxy03:49
javitoxubuntu channel in Spanish?03:49
sithlord48javitox, #ubuntu-es03:50
javitoxsithlord48: Tank03:50
ShadozeHell it's creeping up to 4am03:50
ShadozeTime to go soon ;)03:50
mdshaw89well - let's just say I had a Geforce 2 on on Gutsy 7.10 - it worked great - upgraded to a Geforce 4 and Hardy then Jaunty and not fullscreen without issues03:50
mdshaw89Hulu works great from the US - some people I've heard can access via VPN outside of US03:51
sithlord48i have lots of geforce cards lying around all diffrent kinds, the only one that works correctly is the old agp2x geforce203:51
Shadoze*cougs* hotspot shield*03:52
mdshaw89I just gave the Geforce 2 away03:52
ShadozeHotspot Shield was made to bypass the us only hulu thingy03:52
mdshaw89by the Geforce 2 would not do "Beyond The Red Line" for me anymore - the Geforce 4 does03:53
ShadozeAnyone know how to get msxml working in Wine?03:53
sithlord48the other comptuer (running ubuntu 9.04) has that geforce 2 in it (compiz even works if i want)03:53
sithlord48shadoze, you can get it working w/ winetricks03:53
ShadozeAwesome i'm determined to see if of 2010 works in wine03:53
ShadozeI use openoffice for almost everything just Ms Access is missional critical to me at the moment03:54
sithlord48shadoze, i have not tried to install msxml but winetricks has the option to03:54
ShadozeAnd ms access 2003 & 2007 Does not work03:54
sithlord48i use wine mostly for games. and game moding tools03:54
ShadozeWinetricks, cheers forgot about that03:55
mdshaw89gotta go - catch everyone l8r03:55
sithlord48oh and i need quarkexpress for work cause my boss loves it and won't switch to something else and there is no linux version or program to handle its files03:55
Shadoze:) Ive never used it before03:56
sithlord48shadoze, geeze i guess i am helping everyone tonight lol03:56
ShadozeHeh indeed you are i would be able to do a bit more just its almost 4am03:56
ShadozeWine is giving me a headace03:57
sithlord48whats the matter w/ your wine, ?03:57
ShadozeEverytime a wine related application loads the scren flashes till its loaded03:57
ShadozeNot pleasent atall03:58
sithlord48when a wine app uses "directX" when that app quits it kills plasma and i come back to a nice black screen w/ a mouse pointer03:58
ShadozeHeh that does not happen to me03:59
sithlord48lucky for me i can still get krunner w/ alt+f2 and run plasma again..03:59
ShadozeI was playing left 4 dead earlier on wine, and it ALMOST runs perfect03:59
sithlord48yea i have ati gfx too,,,,,03:59
ShadozeNvidia geforece 8500 here03:59
ShadozeThe only problem04:00
Shadozemy resolution is 1024 x 76804:00
Shadozei can only play the game at 800 x 600 or less04:00
Shadozeand if i choose 1024 x 768, the game cant overlap the panel and it becomes a bit of a mess04:00
bugcud sumone help me with bit of info?04:00
sithlord48mine is 1680*1050 and the ati driver for linux does not support 16 bit either... its getting better thou04:01
sithlord48bug, depends on what you kind of info04:01
bugi hawe a prob with Ubuntu04:01
ShadozeInvalid Command Line paremetres04:01
sithlord48ok go on04:01
sithlord48shadoze , w/ wine tricks ?04:01
ShadozeYes, it's using win installer 2.0 also04:02
bugif i download original games from add rem prog. the games keep swiching off from full screen04:02
ShadozeEverything that involves an msi installer crashes at invalid command line paremetres04:02
sithlord48there is also msxml3 4 5 6  as well04:02
sithlord48wait no 504:02
bugsory a bout my bad eng04:03
sithlord48and your using ubuntu ?04:03
ShadozeAny ideas on what package is the win installer service?04:04
bugjeah Ubuntu 9.0404:04
sithlord48bug, you might find better help in #ubuntu04:04
bugsory and thanks04:04
sithlord48shadoze, msi2 ?04:05
Shadozemsi2 was a success but still invalid command line paremtres04:05
sithlord48shdoze, if you have the new version you can run ./winetricks for a gui so you can see the packages04:06
sithlord48when do you get that ?04:06
ShadozeIll screenie for you, the winetricks command is fine, its after04:07
Shadozeyou'll see waht i mean there04:10
Shadozethat happens as soon as i invoke ./winetricks msxml604:11
ShadozeAs soon as it runes the file, that happens ;)04:11
sithlord48when did this start?04:12
ShadozeSince i first tried a msi windows installer service >.<04:12
ShadozeIf it's relivent, i'm using Wine 1.2.104:12
sithlord48i have 1.1.21 i don't seam to have issues...04:13
ShadozeYou lucky... :P Lol j/k04:13
ShadozeOh well too tired to do anything about it now i'll deal with it later, might see you on then :)04:14
sithlord48well not that issues w/ msi packages ne way04:14
sithlord48yea maybe i need to get to sleep my self.04:14
ShadozeI'll have a more through look when i wake up after eating04:14
Shadozethat's when were all at our peaks :)04:15
galvanizeWhere can I see my system hardware?04:15
ShadozeAnd y spelling will imporve, hah04:15
Shadozegah i give up lol04:15
ShadozeG'night ;)04:15
sithlord48yea night04:15
ultrateki cant start firefox04:34
TweakedEhultratke: what does it say?04:35
ultratekthe spinner pops up and nothing happens and if i run gksudo firefox i get this04:35
ultratekthe last04:36
geniiultratek: Did you try running it with extensions disabled? eg:  firefox -safe-mode04:38
ultrateki get that04:39
contrastgreets, everyone04:40
ultrateki had done a complete removal of firefox through synaptic04:41
ultratekand a rm -rf /opt/firefox yesterday04:42
geniiultratek: does: apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0       indicate this package is installed? The ubuntu packages site indicates the missing file belongs to this package04:42
geniiultratek: If after:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgtk2.0-0                you try again: firefox -safe-mode                  Same result as before?04:46
contrastanyone know where i might find an oo.o template for a resume cover page?04:47
ultrateksame thing04:47
geniiultratek: Are you on a 32 or 64 bit system?04:47
contrastgenii: no, that's just for showing what versions are available and which one, if any, are installed04:47
geniicontrast: Yes. I know. Since his pastebin indicated firefox was missing a file belonging to that package, it is good to know whether the system believes that package is installed or now.04:48
genii*or not04:49
contrastgenii: whoops, my mistake. didn't see his name at the beginning of the message at first04:49
geniiultratek: On 64 bit systems, the missing file is supplied by package ia32-libs. So I suggest to: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ia32-libs           and then again with the: firefox -safe-mode04:50
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ultratekbut safemode came up04:52
geniiultratek: Well, a step forward at least04:52
ultrateki disabled and reset everything04:53
geniiultratek: It cae up in safe mode but when in regular mode you got this "X Window System" error?04:55
ultratekno just running safemode cmd04:55
ultratekthe last pastebin is all the errors hopefully04:56
geniiultratek: Hm. It's past my ability to diagnose those ones. Although it appears to be some 64bit vs 32bit library thing.04:57
ultratekkool thanks for you help04:57
geniiultratek: np04:57
ultratekthe browser does come up now in regular mode but does not load anything in the page04:57
geniiultratek: Likely since you wiped out it's default settings earlier from /opt :)04:58
geniiultratek: You can try of course same idea of the --reinstall   but for firefox. It should replenish those, hopefully04:58
ultratekdidnt work04:59
geniiultratek: When it comes to blank page, if you put a url in does it go there? (google or anything)05:00
ultratekcould it be that i have konquerer installled05:00
geniiultratek: No, the browsers should not care what other ones are on the system05:00
geniiultratek: Earlier you reported you tried something like "gksudo" with it (which you shouldn't do from in kubuntu). Did you also at some point try "sudo" ? Because this would have screwed up some permissions for it05:02
ultratekit all went wrong when i did sudo firefox05:02
ultratekhoping i could login as root into swat05:03
geniiultratek: If you use sudo with graphical apps, that will definitely screw things up.05:03
ultratekis there anything else i could restore to get it to work maybe?05:04
geniiultratek: If your username is for instance "joe"... I would suggest to do:  sudo chown -R joe:joe /home/joe           (substitute accordingly)05:04
ultratekwhats that do?05:06
ultratektells me permission denied05:06
geniiultratek: That will change any modified files which got changed by using "sudo firefox" back to the owner05:06
geniiultratek: sudo chown -R joe:joe /home/joe05:07
geniiultratek: But use the name you login with there05:07
ultratektells me permission denied05:07
geniifred, george, susie, whatever05:07
geniiultratek: If you do: sudo ls                                       what does it say?05:08
ultratekchown: cannot access `/home/ultratek/.gvfs': Permission denied05:08
geniiAh, so one particular dir then05:09
geniiultratek: Did you run any other graphical things using "sudo" ?05:10
geniiultratek: If just firefox, then should be able to own just it's dir then.eg:   sudo chown -R /home/ultratek/.mozilla05:12
geniiultratek: If just firefox, then should be able to own just it's dir then.eg:   sudo chown -R ultratek:ultratek /home/ultratek/.mozilla05:12
geniiultratek: In the first example I neglected the username05:12
ultratekchown: missing operand after `/home/ultratek/.mozilla'05:13
ultratekTry `chown --help' for more information.05:13
geniiultratek: See my above comment and then add the   ultratek:ultratek      as in second time05:14
ultratekguess it worked05:14
geniiultratek: OK so if firefox is open still somewhere, close it. Then try open it normally05:15
ultratekstill wont load any page05:16
teagani need help figuring out how to install nvidia drivers for compiz on Kubuntu?05:17
ultratekif i type firefox in terminal i get this pastebin:05:17
geniiultratek: Again, I doubt I will be much assistance with these types of errors.05:22
amason_ultratek: where did you get that version of firefox from ?05:23
ultratekkool thank you very much for the help05:23
ultrateki did a fresh install of jaunty 64 bit05:24
ultratekfrom 32bit05:24
amason_what do you mean from 32bit ?05:24
ultrateki had jaunty 32 bit05:24
ultratekso i formatted05:24
amason_ok, and so that version of firefox is what came with jaunty 64 ?05:25
ultratekyes that and i dowloaded the latest bz2 from mozilla05:25
ultratekand tried installing that way05:25
ultratekto get things to work05:25
amason_ok the latest bz2 that you downloaded, was that src or binary ?05:26
ultratekdunno exactly i followed some howto from ubuntu.org05:27
ultratekfor the 3.0 version05:27
amason_erm.. do you have a link ?05:27
ultratekwhich i dld the 3.010 version05:27
geniiSounds like a 32bit firefox is choking on 64bit libs05:27
amason_thats sounds exactly like what is happening05:27
ultratekno because i totally broke firefox and lost my bookmarks05:27
amason_you need to make sure you have a 64 bit version of firefox, OR the 32 bit libraries installed05:28
ultratekwell the browser automatically poped up the bz2 from mozilla for dld which i assume the current firefox i used was from the jaunty cd05:28
ultratekhow do i make sure of the 6405:28
amason_ultratek: remove the version of firefox you downloaded. then install firefox from kpackageKit05:30
amason_you should  end up with a working firefox that way05:30
ralmarHey guys i was installing a deb package and the installation crashed. Now when i try to reinstall it it tells me i have to close another package manager (which is not visible). How can i fix this? Thanks05:30
ultratekhow should i remove firefox05:31
amason_ralmar: open up your process list viewer system monitor05:31
amason_ultratek: undo the steps you used to install it05:31
ralmaramason and then what05:31
amason_ultratek: because you didn't use the packaged version its difficult to tell05:31
amason_ralmar: look for apt/ or packagekit or something like that which is running and kill it05:32
ultratekhow do i install from kapackagekit?05:32
amason_ultratek: have you opened it?05:32
amason_its pretty intuitive05:32
ultratekwhat is kpackagekit?05:32
amason_ultratek: an application05:33
amason_it is installed in kubuntu by default05:33
amason_it is used to install programs / uninstall programs05:33
ultratek i have ubuntu desktop 6405:33
ultratekis this the same as kubuntu05:33
amason_well..this is the kubuntu channel so we all assume KDE here05:33
TweakedEhI right click any folder I go to propertied then the Share tab and I click on Configure File Sharing. I put in my password and nothing happens.05:34
ultratekyea i was told to come here yesterday...someone said you guys were working on the latest jaunty05:34
amason_its not exactly the same. you would find better help in #ubuntu ...however in ubuntu i believe the application is called synaptec05:34
ultrateki was in #ubuntu+105:34
TweakedEhHow would I set up net work sharing?05:34
amason_ultratek: you were incorrectly informed. #ubuntu is for ubuntu #kubuntu is for kubuntu. #ubuntu+1 is for karmic05:35
amason_TweakedEh: what kind of network sharing are you after ?05:35
TweakedEhwindows/ samba05:36
amason_TweakedEh: you can view network shares by default in dophin , if you want to set it up, you would need to install the samba-server05:36
amason_in order to share your computer via samba05:36
TweakedEhE: Couldn't find package samba-server05:37
amason_i  am not sure of its exact name05:38
amason_have a look in kpackagekit05:38
amason_samba will bring up a few different options05:38
amason_one of them will be the server05:38
geniiJust "samba"05:38
TweakedEhYes, I see some. I tried "sudo apt-get install samba *tab tab*"05:38
TweakedEhsamba client would work?05:39
geniiOnly smbfs is usually installed by default, samba is the samba server part05:39
amason_samba client is not the same as samba server. You can use apt-cache to search05:39
amason_but genii says its just samba05:39
amason_so try that05:39
amason_once thats installed you can just set up sharing via dolphin05:39
TweakedEhit is installed.05:39
geniiTweakedEh: client works only if the files you want are on another box. If you want the windows machine to access the ones on the kubuntu box, you need the package called samba05:39
TweakedEhgenii: I have the samba package installed. This is why i don't understand what's going on... I can view the printers that are hooked up to my laptop by the network but I cant seem to add folders to the sharing thing.05:41
geniiTweakedEh: If the folders you are trying to share don't belong to the user you are running the file browser on, it won't work from in there.05:42
TweakedEhoh, maybe not, its called samba4 now?05:42
TweakedEhThe file I want to share is in my home folder called "public"05:43
TweakedEhfolder sorry05:43
geniiTweakedEh: I normally manually edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file. You might want to try something like the package system-config-samba. Also I'm not sure if in kde4 you require kdenetwork-filesharing-kde405:46
TweakedEhhumm ok, Thanks for the help.. It's installing now, I will try to get it working if not I'll probably be back.05:48
ralmarHey guys im trying to connect to a cisco vpn with the networkmanager-vpnc but it always fails. is there any way i can see the error output or why it fails? Thanks05:50
fornixguys, is there a shortcut in kubunte where i can see my desktop. much like Windows + D05:55
ralmarHey guys i cant connect to a vpn with network-manager-vpnc.. is there anyway i can see the error output of why its not connecting?06:00
geniiralmar: The postings at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1137075 suggest that the networkmanager-vpnc does not allow some settings to be made. The site http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-connect-to-a-cisco-vpn-using-vpnc shows an example of values to make in the /etc/vpnc/default.conf file to connect to a Cisco setup. You might want to try.06:05
dev11how to install linpopup07:35
dev11how to install linpopup in linux?07:48
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=== greatlord is now known as GreatLord
GreatLordI bit new on linux I need change the kernel from 2.6.28-11 to 2.6.99 or higher07:58
hateballGreatLord: That'll be a bit difficult... See http://www.kernel.org/08:02
MamarokGreatLord: why would you need to change the kernel?08:05
wilfriedHello, i have a strange problem with my kubuntu 8.4.08:05
wilfriedAll the colors are messed up08:06
wilfriedal kinds of bright collors are filling my screen08:06
Mamarokwilfried: what did you do before this happened?08:06
wilfriediI installed some kind of option so my text would be rendered08:07
Mamarokwhat option?08:07
wilfriedwith dpkg-configure -a08:07
Mamarokdev11: got connection problems?08:07
Mamarokwilfried: that actually doesn't install anything08:07
wilfriedit sets options08:07
Mamarokit just configures08:07
Mamarokwilfried: where did you set this option?08:07
wilfriedIt is an option dpkg gives to render text so that is doesńt look flat anymore08:08
wilfriedThe problem is that i connot find the option anymore08:08
wilfriedso i dońt know how to reset08:08
Mamarokwilfried: dpkg is a package manager08:08
Mamarokwilfried: where did you set this option, in the system settings?08:09
Mamarokwilfried: you must have followed some instruction, where did you get it from?08:09
wilfriedactually i had a problem with adept, it gave an error. On the internet someone said i should run dpkg-confiugre -a08:10
Mamarokdev11: make sure your connection works before joining a channel, else you are just causing trafic for nothing08:10
wilfriedbut that sets a lot of other options08:10
wilfriednow my problem with adept is no more but my screen looks odd08:10
Mamarokwilfried: still, you said you changed a rendering option, where did you find that instruction?08:10
Mamarokdev11: make sure your connection works before joining a channel, else you are just causing trafic for nothing08:10
Mamarokwilfried: are you running kde3 or kde4?08:11
wilfriedi believe it is kde308:11
wilfriedit is a fresh install of 8.408:11
Mamarok8.04 you mean08:12
Mamarokthen revert the rendering option and run dpkg --configure -a again08:12
wilfriedso it is not the color depth that is still 2408:13
Mamarokwilfried: I don't know, but that rendering option you set screwed up your graphics as it seems, just revert it08:13
wilfriedi will try08:13
MamarokI don't thing color depth would do that08:13
Mamarokdev11: please do not join untill you have a stable connection!08:14
GreatLordit seam I forget install the kernel source code :)08:15
GreatLordI trying getting my dvb-c tvcard working in linux08:16
MamarokGreatLord: what would you need the source code for if you are just a user?08:27
jussi01!tv | GreatLord08:29
ubottuGreatLord: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out08:29
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contrastGreets, everyone.08:41
contrastAnyone here check out Beta 1 of KDE 4.3?08:41
dwidmannooh, neato, I'm burning a CD in one drive and watching a DVD movie using the other drive and the system isn't messing up ... that's new.08:43
Mamarokcontrast: be patient, it's beta and still in testing mode08:44
Mamarokdwidmann: nice to hear :)08:44
dwidmannMamarok: I never could before and gave it a whirl without thinking about it and it's working ... I wonder what is to blame for it08:45
dwidmannMaybe 9.04, or my new build, or some combination thereof ... interesting anyway08:47
* djino blabal08:47
contrastMamarok: i'm accustomed to running beta stuff, just wondering how much of a headache 4.3 in particular is, if at all. :)08:52
Mamarokcontrast: for now it is, one has to overwrite a lot of stuff with conflicting packages08:53
Mamarokcontrast: I would wait if I were you08:53
contrastMamarok: good to know, thanks.08:55
Mamarokcontrast: you are welcome :)08:55
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=== lebowski is now known as nozen
Virkhi everyone09:21
VirkI just recently installed kde 4.3, and I was curious on why neopmuk isn't able to start strigi. it aways tells me that it fails to initialize, most likely due to an installation problem..09:22
Virkis there a path where nepomuk searches for the strigi deamon or so?09:22
hellenmorning all09:25
hellendoes any one know how to install scripts in konversation??09:26
hellencos this girly is stuck ..09:26
drbobbhello, what's the right way to control key autorepeat? cause I found that for some reason, two of my arrow keys don't autorepeat when held pressed, even though most other keys do09:27
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coreyman1How come I can't execute shell scripts by just clicking them?09:32
hellenany one?09:36
Mamarokhellen: sorry, I just joine, could you repeat your question?09:40
FuriousGeorgelater all09:41
drbobbwhat's the right way to control key autorepeat? cause I found that for some reason, two of my arrow keys don't autorepeat when held pressed, even though most other keys do09:43
hellendoes any one know how to install scripts in konversation??09:46
Mamarokhellen: dou you have a script at hand? It should be either installable through the settings menu, or else you should be able to load it with the /load command10:01
hellenye si have it  ..  i`m just trying to work out where to save it and  never added a damn thing in  konversation before  ..10:03
Mamarokhellen: watch your language...10:03
bazhanghttp://konversation.kde.org/wiki/FAQ hellen generally two locations10:04
Mamarokhi bazhang :)10:04
bazhanghi Mamarok :)10:04
drbobbwhat's the proper way to control key autorepeat? cause I found that for some reason, two of my arrow keys don't autorepeat when held pressed, even though most other keys do10:11
drbobbI know I can work around this with xset, but I'd like to try to track down this bug10:12
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kjelleWhen running gnome/kde, i (on IP HOST B) xhost +<IP HOST A>, and i do on IP HOST A "export DISPLAY=<IP HOST B>:0", why doesn't my IP HOST B automatically accept X on port 6000? Why do i need silly software like xserver-xephyr or xnest? They look bad, and u get a window.. Why can't my app be sent to my desktop on IP HOST B?10:21
HumpBackHello all. I'm using jaunty and I have no Printing Manager.10:26
HumpBackDid i forget to install something?10:26
bazhangHumpBack, cups?10:26
jussi01HumpBack: not in system settings -> advanced?10:26
HumpBackjussi01: I've seen the docs poiting to that. But i have nothing there.10:26
jussi01HumpBack: curous, I have it. HumpBack what about http://localhost:631 in your browser?10:27
HumpBackjussi01: cups is running.10:27
HumpBackJust no extra GUI's10:28
jussi01HumpBack: yeah, but you can configure in your browser, no?10:28
HumpBackjussi01: well.. Yes :)10:28
jussi01HumpBack: However, I get you are trying to fix the issue, not just configure a printer. I would assume a module is missing, howvever Im not sure which one...10:30
* jussi01 searches10:30
HumpBackjussi01: thanks10:32
jussi01!info system-config-printer-kde | HumpBack10:32
ubottuHumpBack: system-config-printer-kde (source: kdeadmin): Printer Status Applet. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 63 kB, installed size 384 kB10:32
jussi01I think that may be it...10:32
jussi01but not certain..10:32
=== Mamarok changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.2.3 for 9.04 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic |
=== Mamarok changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.2.3 for 9.04 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Do not install KDE 4.3 beta unless you are an experienced user, there still are packaging issues
HumpBackjussi01: maybe a logout/login is needed. And i cant do it now.10:35
jussi01HumpBack: perhaps.10:35
HumpBackI have another issue that is more anoying.10:35
jussi01HumpBack: Im sorry Im not more informed10:36
jussi01HumpBack: do tell10:36
HumpBackI installed this machine with rc4 or 5. After that i did the usual apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade10:36
HumpBackAnd now everytime i restart the machine X starts all garbaged and I have a message that kubuntu is running on low graphics mode10:37
jussi01HumpBack: try this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop10:37
jussi01HumpBack: that will make sure you have all the deps from it10:37
HumpBackI have alot of options but none fixes the issue. I have to go to the console and stop start the kdm init.d script. That gives me a running desktop10:38
useruseruseri like american bbq10:38
* jussi01 needs to work now, sorry.10:38
useruseruseri like american bbq10:38
HumpBackjussi01: Thanks10:38
eagles0513875!ot > useruseruser10:38
bazhanguseruseruser, offtopic10:38
ubottuuseruseruser, please see my private message10:38
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mr_mewow....i never knew kubuntu had an irc channel!11:01
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=== zhaozhou_ is now known as zhaozhou
wimpiesi just upgraded from Hardy to jaunty on one of my PC's.  Now krfb does not work anymore between my two systems of which one is hardy and the other is jaunty.  The connection gets established but it freezes11:30
wimpiesis this a bug ?11:31
=== rjb is now known as drbobb
drbobbwhat issues are there specifically with the kde4.3 beta?11:43
cortex_skdrbobb: it still doesn't work in jaunty11:52
psycoborgi have to admit. this is the longest i have gone in linux.11:53
psycoborgi have been on linux for 30 days now with only 1 reboot. and the only problem im having is with the upper case c. for some reason it does not work with the chify key. i have to use the caps lock.11:55
psycoborgthis is something i can live with though.11:55
psycoborgi have not crashed it in 2 weeks which is also a record.11:56
drbobbcortex_sk: and more specifically?11:56
dwidmannpsycoborg: when you try to shift+c, what does xev say?11:59
cortex_skdrbobb: http://pastebin.ca/142854612:00
drbobbcortex_sk: thx12:02
neptunewhat is ubuntu 8.10 called?12:05
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81012:05
psycoborgthe shift + c key does not work. when typing.  no errors are displayed.12:07
p-fIs there an easy way to move applications from one X server instance to another? (they're both local, same user...basically I want screen for X)12:07
psycoborgit could be some sort of shortcut might be assigned to this.12:07
p-fI found 'xpra', but it's in early beta stages and I figure someone else might have found another way12:07
wimpiesi have problems using krfb between hardy and jaunty.  get a connection but image freezes ... is this a bug ?12:09
drbobbcortex_sk: UGH is all i can say12:15
psycoborgwimpies. is that the only time it freezes?12:15
wimpiespsycoborg : yes12:16
drbobbhow about the 4.2.3  update from ppa?12:16
drbobbworth trying, or not?12:17
wimpiesas usual, before (between 2 hardy) it worked perfectly12:17
drbobbmaybe not, I wasted lots of time as it is to whip jaunty into a usable state12:17
psycoborgi have used vnc under windows, and when it froze up i simply reduced the resoloution. from 1024 X 768  to 800 by 600 and also reduced the color depth.  im not sure if this will work in this case. have you tried that?12:18
wimpiesthat might work as my jauntu runs on a tv 1378x762 (or something) and my desktopon 1240x1024.  however again that was never a problem before12:19
psycoborgtrue. and  i have never run krnb on linux before either.  :P12:21
psycoborgis this on a wan or a lan line?12:21
psycoborgwired or wireless?12:22
josteinthi all! could someone with kubuntu 9.04 please try 'sudo apt-get install schism' and run 'schism'? i am having trouble running it with kubuntu 9.04, and i believe it is related to pulseaudio being used as default sound server in kubuntu 9.04. using alsa as default would problably make schism run.12:22
ct529josteint: what is schism?12:23
wimpiesperhaps I should report a bug12:23
josteintct529: schism is schism tracker. it is a remake of the old impulse tracker, which is a music making program12:24
psycoborgits a ImpulseTracker clone :)12:24
psycoborgoops i type too slow.12:24
psycoborgim not having any issues with mine. but again. im not running accross the to platforms.12:25
psycoborgjosteint. what hardware are you using?12:27
psycoborgit works on my laptop and im using a toshiba satellite L305012:29
josteintpsycoborg: some nvidia onboard card12:35
psycoborgim using an ATI card.12:35
josteintpsycoborg: are you using 9.04?12:36
psycoborgthis irc server is kinda jumpy tonight.12:36
psycoborgwith all the latest updates.12:36
josteintpsycoborg: could you please try apt-get install schism and run schism? i just want to make sure it is equal for other 9.04 users12:36
psycoborgi already did.12:37
psycoborgand it is working on my system.12:37
josteintpsycoborg: really!? hmm....12:37
josteintpsycoborg: and is flash working properly? do you hear sound on youtube?12:37
psycoborgbut seeing as i never used it before,  im not sure how to support it yet.12:38
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:38
psycoborgbefore or after it was installed?12:38
psycoborglet me check.12:38
josteintpsycoborg: hmm... what could be wrong? since your 9.04 works with schism and flash, and not mine... strange12:39
josteinthard to track the bug...12:39
psycoborgi just tested the youtube thing.12:40
psycoborgand welp.12:40
psycoborgnow my screeen locks up.12:40
psycoborgyou just gave me a new project.12:40
josteintok. thank you for that info. i will try the live-cd kubuntu 9.04 and try installing schism there. if it runs, i will just reinstall the entire system12:41
josteintpsycoborg: what? you did not get sound?12:41
psycoborgno i tried to run a youtube video and then the screeen dimmed. and i got the error msg saying schism anf jaunty is not responding.12:42
psycoborgand i had to force quit it.12:42
white_pelicanhi all. I am running Jaunty Jackelope, with both kde 4 and kde 3. I primarily use kde 3. This AM, after shutting down last night, I seem to have both kicker and the kde4 panel. is there anyway to get rid of the kde4 panel?12:43
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: killall plasma12:43
josteinthmm.. odd.. i find it difficult to make ubuntu run 100% clean on a fresh install12:43
white_pelicanwhy is it running to begin woth?12:43
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: maybe its stored in your last profile as running so jumps up12:44
psycoborgok it is working,.12:44
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: ive never mixed kde3 with kde4 so i couldnt honestly say12:44
psycoborgi guess i had to restart it.12:44
white_pelicanor maybe it was the latest update12:44
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: also perhaps12:44
white_pelicanyou should see the screenshot :)12:45
white_pelicanI also got a sigsev on nspluginscan12:46
white_pelicanI guess I should report that one, eh?12:46
psycoborgjosteint it is no longer working.12:46
psycoborgit aborts on launch.12:47
white_pelicanI killed the plasma desktop and now it looks normal12:47
psycoborgnot sure why.12:47
psycoborgjoseint: running it now i get the following error: *** stack smashing detected ***: schism terminated <-- were you having a simular problem? or something else?12:49
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: i'd say it was the saved session from kde412:49
white_pelicanI'd say it to, except for the fact that I haven't been in kde 4 for days now12:50
white_pelicanbut I do appreciate the help, ActionParsnip12:55
white_pelicanI'm sure I'll get ot the bottom of this mes12:55
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: you could make kde4 not save session12:55
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: or have a script to check which kde version is running, if its kde3 then kill plasma12:56
white_pelicanalso possible but the point is, I never use kde 4, just the apps12:57
white_pelicanpersonally, I think in the last update (I'm trying kde 4.3 beta 1) there are serious errors that abound12:58
white_pelicanso they will be fixed in time12:58
white_pelicanat least you gave me a temporary solution12:59
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: if you are using beta software you will most likely get weirdnes and issues13:02
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: its beta for a reason13:02
josteintpsycoborg: too bad. can you fix it?13:04
white_pelicanI think I shall stick to kde 313:04
white_pelicanI would sooner switch to gnome or even go back to Windows before switching to kde 4. Many people like it, but I hate it13:05
Paddy_EIREI love it13:05
white_pelicantoo each their own as they say13:06
white_pelicanonly way I will switch is if I were given the opportunity to make kde 4 look like kde 313:07
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: i use LXDE, no issues there :)13:07
white_pelicanwhat's that?13:08
ActionParsnip!info lxde13:08
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 40 kB13:08
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: install lxde, log off, change session tpe to lxde, log on13:09
white_pelicanis lxde in the repository?13:09
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: yes, in universe repo like ubottu says13:10
white_pelicanok I might consider it13:10
ActionParsnipif you dislike it, you can uninstall it13:11
white_pelicanmy contention was why kde 4 insinuated itself into kde 3 if all I was using was kde 4 apps13:11
drbobbActionParsnip: hello. I kinda solved my keymapping problem, which you might recall13:15
ActionParsnipdrbobb: oh yeah, whats the score duder?13:16
drbobbwell the upper layer of xkb was loading a map based on xorg keycode definitions, but the server somehow insisted it would use the evdev driver for the keyboard13:17
drbobbor maybe it was kde that was loading a keymab based on assuming the xorg keycodes, i'm not sure13:18
drbobbwell gnome was doing the same13:19
drbobbit's all quite confusing, but the score is the keys are working13:19
ActionParsnipcool, and you didnt reinstall?13:20
drbobbexcept for 1 little weirdness: 2 of the arrow keys don't autorepeat as they should, but that has an easy workaround13:20
drbobbnope, no reinstall13:20
ActionParsnipsweeeeeeet :D13:21
ActionParsnipfor 2. get your track and field skills out :)13:21
drbobbI will still need to replace my laptop as soon as I can get my hands on some dough13:22
drbobbcause one of these days the SiS vga driver will bitrot beyond all repair, and nobody's maintaining it anymore afaics13:22
drbobbas it is, when I run the old Xorg from hardy, fullscreen video tuns pretty much ok, I can even use some of kwin's desktop effects withought undue cpu load13:29
drbobbwith the newer Xorg, SiS is pretty much nonfunctional13:30
* drbobb wonders wtf happened to his spelling13:31
WeBaShello..where they hidded the "adept installer" or "add/remove programs" program in 9.04?13:41
bazhang!info adept13:42
ubottuadept (source: adept): package management suite for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~beta4ubuntu6.1 (jaunty), package size 346 kB, installed size 1260 kB13:42
bazhangsudo apt-get install adept <--in the konsole WeBaS13:42
WeBaSwhat, you mean they dont install it by default? weird.... ye thanks bazhang13:43
bazhang!info kpackagekit13:43
ubottukpackagekit (source: kpackagekit): KDE package management tool using PackageKit. In component main, is extra. Version 0.4-0ubuntu8.1 (jaunty), package size 236 kB, installed size 756 kB13:43
drbobbbut that one sucks, you're better off installing synaptic if you don't mind the gnome libs being pulled in13:45
drbobbbetter yet learn to use aptitude (yeah it is confusing sometimes)13:47
The-CompilerHi there, I want to use the Proggy-font in KDE Konsole, but in the font dialog only some monospaced font or shown, even though Proggy is installed to ~/.fonts. Any idea how I can get KDE Konsole to show all fonts and/or declare Proggy as a font which should be okay for use in KDE Konsole?13:47
drbobbThe-Compiler: fc-cache -v ?13:48
The-Compilerdrbobb: http://pastebin.com/f2a10201b13:50
drbobbuh seems that wasn't the problem13:51
drbobbsorry can't help atm, I'm not on kde4 right now13:51
The-CompilerI'm on Fluxbox, using KDE4 Konsole though13:52
drbobbwell I'm on a hardy system13:53
drbobbfolks, I discovered kde4 does in fact have several less tacky visual themes, for widgets and window deco13:56
drbobbskulpture is pretty cool, does both widgets and kwin13:57
drbobbqtcurve is not too bad, and ditto13:58
drbobband the kde4 port of crystal seems to work well, too13:59
Steve^I have a USB device plugged in and charging, how do I force it to be loaded as a file-storage device?14:02
ActionParsnipSteve^: if its partition shows up in    sudo fdisk -l   you can mount it14:03
Steve^Sadly not14:04
ActionParsnipSteve^: then you will need a module to get it working14:04
Steve^Via windows/mac you can mount it and it updates data via the internet (Nike+ Sportsband)14:04
Steve^so theres data on it somewhere14:04
Steve^what kind of module?14:04
bazhangeMyller, aptoncd14:04
bazhang!aptoncd | eMyller14:04
ubottueMyller: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline14:04
eMylleri know what it is, a giy from here developed it14:05
ActionParsnipSteve^: i'd have a look in   lsusb  to get it's ID and websearch that14:05
eMyllerbut i cant install it here, many gnome deps14:05
Steve^damn, there's only one result out there and its not helpful, thanks anyway ActionParsnip14:10
BluesKajHowdy all14:12
eMyller|busybazhang: can i do it exporting somehow with terminal?14:13
bazhangeMyller|busy, you want to create a script?14:14
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD14:14
eMyllermy goal: use apt-get install ... on a new kubuntu box, without using apt-get update on it14:23
eMylleri filled its apt cache with my update deb i have on my own box with a connection14:25
bazhangwhat about a remaster eMyller14:28
eMyllerbazhang: what?14:28
bazhangeMyller, you want a fully updated kubuntu with all the packages, correct? ie codecs, etc14:29
eMyllernot all the packages i have here14:29
eMylleri just wanna reuse some of them14:29
eMyllerwith apt-get14:29
bazhangwell, just trying to figure out your end goal. /msg ubottu remaster for some links/info eMyller14:30
eMyllerbazhang: did u got what i want?14:31
sophie__I have add the neon / experimental deposits. I have done a dist-upgrade with no errors. But now I can't connect in X, I have this message "No greater widget plugin loaded. Check the configuration.". What's happen?14:32
bazhangeMyller, yes. if you want only that method, then not sure. there are other methods to achieve what you wish though14:33
eMyllerbazhang: remastering is a great thing, that i sure will do later14:33
bazhangeMyller, seems like you want an aptonhdd :)14:33
eMyllerbazhang: any other instant method?14:34
eMyllerliked this name =P14:34
eMyllerdepends on gnome?14:34
bazhangI just made it up to suit the occasion :)14:35
eMyllerah =(14:35
bazhangnot on kde or I could try the remaster method; that does use stuff outside the iso14:36
bazhangas far as instant, it is fairly fast14:36
pm2I have an aerial photo of a 500-acre property.   I know the lat/lon of several points on that property (road intersections, corners of buildings, etc).  From that information, I want to be able to plot additional lat/long point.  Eg, I give it a point, it shows it at the correct location on the map.  Can anyone recommend software to do this?14:37
eMyllerbazhang: but with that i should completely reinstall this kubuntu, no?14:38
bazhangeMyller, no need14:38
bazhangpm2, google maps type function?14:39
pm2bazhang: I thought about that, but I'd rather use this particular aerial photo I have14:40
eMyllerbazhang: ok, ty =)14:40
eMyllerhey, can i do a dpkg -i auto loading the deps if they're found in the same dir?14:41
ActionParsnipeMyller: sudo dpkg -i <deb file>; sudo apt-get -f install14:42
eMyllerActionParsnip: will it grab the debs from the dir where the main .deb is?14:42
sophie__someone can help me please? I can't connect till this morning :\14:42
sophie__I have add the neon / experimental deposits. I have done a dist-upgrade with no errors. But now I can't connect in X, I have this message "No greater widget plugin loaded. Check the configuration.". What's happen?14:43
ActionParsnipeMyller: you can use a wildcard with the dpkg command: sudo dpkg -i *.deb; sudo apt-get -f install14:43
BluesKajpm2 , google earth shows lat & long as does google maps14:44
eMyllerActionParsnip: this is the point; i just wanna some of the packages, not all of them14:44
pm2BluesKaj: ok, I'll take a closer look at that, thanks14:44
ActionParsnipeMyller: then specify them, sudo dpkg -i something.deb somethingelse.deb someother.deb foo.deb bar.deb14:44
eMyllerthousands of deps.14:45
BluesKajpm2 , there's a tutorial on entering degrees/mins/secs/  on google earth in a specific manner , you may want to look for that how to on the net14:46
petsoundshello, can someone write me a command line to install nvidia 180 drivers? thanks b414:47
pm2BluesKaj: ok thanks14:48
ActionParsnippetsounds: what is the output of   lsb_release -c ?14:48
petsoundslsb_release: error: No arguments are permitted14:49
padi999Hey guys. I'm using radeon driver and a ATI Mobility FireGL 9000 with kubuntu9.4 and having a LOT of RAM issues(I have got 512MB). Now the mem usage under LIGHT (only firefox and filemanager opened): http://pastebin.com/m793bf4b914:49
padi999This is extreme that already here swapping comes in!14:49
ActionParsnippetsounds:  are you on jaunty?14:49
petsoundsyes sir14:50
ActionParsnippetsounds: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18014:50
padi999+ "conditions" in my first line above14:50
petsoundsthank u ActionParsnip14:50
padi999You can see now that with 512MB, I am already eating into swap, and I haven't actually started doing anything yet.14:51
ActionParsnippadi999: check    ps -ef | less14:51
padi999ActionParsnip: check for what? cpu hogs?14:52
padi999ActionParsnip: I know it's Xorg and firefox14:53
ActionParsnippadi999: for anything hogs14:53
padi999ActionParsnip: okay, but in that list I only see the PID's and the processes. Wouldn't top be better for checking that instead of ps? ;)14:54
ActionParsnippadi999: ps will give a snapshot and you can scroll up and down, plus you can use ef to show ALL processes for all users14:55
padi999anyway, Xorg always is within [50% , 70%] while firefox is between [10% , 50%]14:56
padi999ActionParsnip: okay but how can I know which of the processes hogs most?14:56
padi999ActionParsnip: I mean only by issuing ps -ef14:56
ActionParsnippadi999: check mem usage and cpu usage14:57
ActionParsnippadi999: ok ps doesnt show cpu14:57
ActionParsnipi'd use top as you say14:57
drbobbpadi999: htop is better yet. it's not installed by default though (afair)14:58
padi999drbobb: I'll give it a try14:59
drbobbit makes it real easy to sort the processes by cpu, mem usage or whatever you want15:00
padi999drbobb: thank's for the hint, htop is good!15:00
drbobband firefox does tend to be a hog, but you figures for X definitely look excessive15:00
padi999drbobb: yes, /usr/bin/X is the one using a LOT of cpu and mem, too15:02
ActionParsniptry swiftfox or kazenchase for something lighter15:02
padi999drbobb: how can I sort the listing in htop by mem usage instead of cpu usage?15:02
padi999drbobb: ah, clicking :)15:02
drbobbpadi999: hit f6 and take your pick15:02
padi999drbobb: very interesting numbers here! firefox 18.4% MEM but like 5 processes with the same number15:03
drbobbI'd say X should be below 10% most of the time15:04
drbobbpadi999: that's to be expected, those are actually threads that share most of their memory space15:05
padi999drbobb: ah, nice!15:05
drbobblaunch anything java and you'll be seeing like two dozen of them for one app15:06
padi999drbobb: okay, than firefox is not the most evil one but Xorg15:06
drbobbyes something's clearly wrong with yor X15:07
padi999drbobb: Yeah, I know, a process can have numerous threads15:07
=== zero is now known as zer0
padi999drbobb: even when I move the mouse, it goes up from 40% to 80%15:08
=== zer0 is now known as z3ro
padi999only by moving the mouse :)15:08
padi999drbobb: can it be that in 9.4 they switched X and the idle process? :)15:09
drbobbI can keep it at about 10% by moving the mouse around quickly, otherwise it drops to around 5%15:09
padi999drbobb: nice number :I15:09
drbobbpadi999: no, I suspect you have some evil desktop gadget that's flooding the server with bad requests.15:10
padi999drbobb: yeah, probably that plasma stuff15:10
drbobbwell, gotta run now - CU15:11
emailwedgyhello all.15:14
BluesKajI'm very disappointed in the xorg.conf file neing so touchy now , can't even edit capsl ock off command without X freezing. To me that's too much like windows15:14
DaskreechX sucks15:14
BluesKajafraid to admit that I actually enjoyed being on W7 yesterday15:16
* genii blames it on caffeine deficiencies at x.org15:16
emailwedgyanyone know how to make the taskbars appear without the second or so delay?15:17
* Daskreech blames it on stupid experiments being carried out in trunk rahter than branches15:17
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=== BluesKaj is now known as Blueskaj-gone
dziadekwho know good php coursebook?15:26
Daskreechdziadek: Checked the PHP website?15:28
ncfi1013_does anybody know of any dj-ing software that is open source?15:30
Daskreech!find dj15:31
ubottuFound: djvulibre-dbg, libdjvulibre-dev, libdjvulibre-text, libdjvulibre21, libqedje-dev (and 33 others)15:31
Mamarokncfi1013_: try idjc15:31
Daskreechha ha15:31
Daskreech!info idjc15:31
Mamarokhi Daskreech :)15:31
ubottuidjc (source: idjc): graphical shoutcast/icecast client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.7-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 839 kB, installed size 2472 kB15:31
DaskreechHello Mamarok15:32
MamarokI just asked the Amarok DJ, he told me that one :)15:32
ncfi1013_is it in the repos?15:32
LjL!info djplay15:32
ubottudjplay (source: djplay): A DJ application for Linux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 290 kB, installed size 984 kB15:32
Mamarokit seems so, yes15:32
ncfi1013_is that the best one?15:33
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:33
Mamarokncfi1013_: he swears on idjc15:33
LjLif the bot has it in !info, then it's in the repos.15:33
Mamarokand does a bi-weekly session with it15:33
ncfi1013_no poll-taking here. i just like club, dub, and industrial and thought i would give it a shot15:34
LjLncfi1013_:  idjc, mixxx, djplay, dbmix, pytone are the ones i found in the repos15:36
ct529I would like to play quick time files on my computer .... what plugins should I add?15:49
=== Blueskaj-gone is now known as BluesKaj
=== franck_ is now known as dedejv
jussi01!quicktime | ct52915:54
ubottuct529: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:54
=== rnbwpnt is now known as RainbowW
RainbowWis there a magic howto somewhere in configuring dual head support under kde? under gnome it was magic. laptop and an external port. at the moment i can either disable one and use the other, or i can make them mirror, but i can't make them be an extended desktop.15:58
tripod__when i enable compiz fusion on kubuntu juanty it disables the alt f2 doodat, anyone know how to re-enable that without turning compiz session off?16:00
adevchi everybody. I am wondering how and if one can get rid of Strigi and or Nepomuk on kubuntu?16:02
tripod__adevc: use kpackagemanager?16:02
adevctripod__: or apt-get ?16:02
tripod__adevc: that shold also work16:03
tripod__adevc: both do the same thing16:03
adevctripod__: couldn't find package names for the server nepomuk server?16:03
tripod__adevc: did you compile it from source16:03
adevctripod__: nope, just came with 9.04 and i don't need them16:04
tripod__adevc: 1 moment16:04
tripod__adevc: i cant find it either to remove :(, sorry wouldnt havea  clue16:05
adevctripod__: thank you .. found that nepomukserver is running while not activated in server settings, so now i want to get rid of them16:05
tripod__adevc: okay16:05
adevctripod__: thanks for trying :)16:05
adevcAnyone, how to remove nepomuk and or strigi related stuff from Kubuntu?16:06
tripod__adevc: just trying to remember the search cmd16:06
adevctripod__: 'locate' ? Gives me the location of the software, but can i simply remove it - wouldn't think so :) Can't even find where to change the setting in order to not start up a 'nepomuk' service in the first place16:07
tripod__adevc: i thinks some libs depend on it16:08
tripod__adevc: like libplasma16:08
adevctripod__: well, if i can't find something to get rid of them i think i will run the box in another runlevel until it can be removed :)16:09
tripod__anyone here know how to re enable ALT F2 doodat, after enabling compiz fusion16:09
Ash-FoxHow do I disable ssh's stupid check on file permissions on certificates? - I am trying run backups under a specific user and I use ACLs to grant it read access to everything and SSH refuses to work when the ACLs are set on the files.16:09
adevctripod__: thank you for helping me out - i'll just burn the software from disk and c where kubuntu stops ...16:10
coreyman1what is the sudo command for GUI's?16:10
ct529jussi01: it is not my fault .... the thing produces only quicktime format videos16:10
coreyman1thx ash-fox16:10
coreyman1gksu is for gnome16:10
tripod__i use it for gksu dolphin lol16:11
tripod__im enw to kubuntu lol16:11
RainbowWis there a magic howto somewhere in configuring dual head support under kde? under gnome it was magic. laptop and an external port. at the moment i can either disable one and use the other, or i can make them mirror, but i can't make them be an extended desktop.16:12
ncfi1013_anybody know why some of my dial;og windows open within the area of my screen and some do not?16:15
DaskreechRainbowW: what are you trying to do?16:17
RainbowWDaskreech: have half my desktop on one head, half on the other ...16:18
Gamarok__guys is it safe for me to upgrade my distro from 8.10 to 9.04 or should i prefer a fresh clean install coz i have heard some ppl have trouble with upgrades16:18
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead16:18
DaskreechGamarok__: What are you afraid of?16:18
DaskreechFirst of all read the release notes :)16:19
RainbowWDaskreech: this is a kde-specific issue tho. under stock ubuntu/gnome, it works without a hiccup.16:19
Gamarok__well i just dont wanna upgrade my pc on an terrible connection only for it to break so i was just checking16:19
RainbowWthus, my question.16:20
DaskreechErm ok I've never played with any of that stuff so I'm kinda useless at it16:20
mohaaI have issues with kubuntu 9.1016:20
DaskreechGamarok__: Read the release notes first. If anything there may touch you adversely then don't16:20
BluesKajGamarok__, I had a successful upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10 , without doing a clean install , until an upgrade flumoxed the OS , then I had to do a clean install . It's the aftermath that you have to watch out for IMO16:20
Mamarokmohaa: that is very early alpha, not for productive use at all!16:21
Gamarok__thanks guys16:21
mohaaI have issues with kubuntu 9.04   Mamarok16:21
Mamarokmohaa: what issues?16:21
mohaaMamarok, wireless (intel)16:21
Mamarokmohaa: works without a flaw here, kde 4.2.316:22
mohaapassphrase not accepted at _all_16:22
Mamarokmohaa: WEP or WPA?16:22
Daskreechmohaa: #ubuntu+1 ?16:22
MamarokDaskreech: he mistyped16:22
DaskreechAh ok16:22
* Mamarok restarts KDE, she might disapear for a moment though ...16:26
DaskreechRestarting normally does that :)16:28
Daskreechassuming that mohaa is a he16:28
snarkstercan anyone assist in getting jdbc to work with mysql and Ooo-base as front end?16:28
Daskreech#openoffice.org ?16:29
snarksterah thank you16:29
=== philipp is now known as captainpi
captainpijoin #twiddle16:33
pawelhello - after installation of kubuntu (im a long time gnome user so far) i cant make compiz shortcuts (hotkeys) running - in compiz settings all the shortcuts are all set up properly but just (for example) ctrl alt --> doesnt rotate the cube for example - any help here?16:45
dhuvhello all16:49
dhuvI was wondering if someone was aware of a ppa which would let me install KDE 4.3 Beta on Jaunty16:49
pawelafter installation of kubuntu (im a long time gnome user so far) i cant make compiz shortcuts (hotkeys) running - in compiz settings all the shortcuts are all set up properly but just (for example) ctrl alt --> doesnt rotate the cube for example - any help here?16:50
Daskreechpawel: Do you have compiz running?16:52
Daskreechdhuv: Saw the Topic?16:52
dhuvDaskreech: ahh, just scrolled up to see it16:53
pawelyes Daskreech, for example window switching works with alt tab16:53
dhuvdo you know when it will be ready for regular use?16:53
pawelhowever it looks like kwin16:53
Daskreechpawel: ha ha try Ctrl+F216:53
Daskreechpawel: That sounds remarkably like alt+F216:54
pawelu r right16:54
Daskreechdhuv: When what is ready ?16:54
pawelctrl f2 does nothing16:54
dhuvDaskreech: packages to install in Jaunty16:54
Daskreechpawel: what does alt+F3 do ?16:54
Daskreechdhuv: They should be readyish now16:54
dhuvare they even going do that with the Beta or just wait for the full release?16:55
pawelopens window menu - maximalize, minimalize, close etc16:55
dhuvDaskreech: cool, I will check back from time to time, hopefully kubuntu.org has instructions, I saw a message today about packages for karmic so I figured I would ask about jaunty16:55
Daskreechdhuv: Every beta and RC till the release16:56
Daskreechpawel: ok well then Ctrl+Fn switches desktops16:56
pawelhm u mean F+number?16:57
paweldoes nothing16:57
Daskreechdhuv: apparently you didn't read the jaunty announcement :)16:57
Daskreechpawel: No I meant ctrl+Fn16:57
paweli mean it does switch desktops16:57
pawelwhats Fn on standard keyboard?16:57
DaskreechF1 F2 F3 F416:58
pawelso it does switch desktops (all two  ;) )16:58
DaskreechRight :)16:58
pawelhowever i would really like to have the shortcuts im used to - cube rotate on ctrl alt left/right16:58
pawelsuper e for expo compiz plugin etc16:59
Daskreechpawel: to get the desktop cube press alt+F3 and go to windows properties -> desktop effects -> on desktop switch -> Cube16:59
Daskreechthen switch the keyboard shortcuts to whatever you like17:00
pawelbut just out of curiosity17:01
pawelcompiz settings manager allows to edit shortcuts for each effect17:01
pawelwhy arent they working in kde?17:01
Daskreechbecause they are compiz shortcuts17:03
Daskreechwhen you switch the window manager you also switch all global shortcuts17:03
Daskreechwouldn't make sense to keep them if you swapped out the window manager17:04
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Daskreechpawel: Makes sense?17:04
pawelhm thought i just had that : i use compiz-icon which has menu allowing to select window manager between kwin and compiz - compiz is set yet what we were just talking about seems to be kwin17:04
DaskreechIt is it looks like.17:05
DaskreechIf you want compiz back just run compiz --replace on the command line17:05
Daskreechwhich should get everything back the way you want17:06
paweloh i just reloaded window manager and it works now17:06
DaskreechThere you go17:06
pawelmuchos gracias17:06
Daskreechno problemo :)17:06
BluesKajI have only 3 faces on the so called cube in compiz , what happened to the 4th one?17:07
Daskreechadd a fourth desktop ?17:08
=== barnoid_ is now known as barnoid
Tm_Thi kids17:20
Whipper_hi grandpa17:20
phoenixzWhen running amarok or dragon player, I get a popup message saying that the program recommends me to install aditional packages to get extra functionality.. Problem is, it does not say WHICH packages I have to install.. :) Could anybody here help me with a list of what packages I have to install?17:26
=== adrian is now known as Cerebro
=== Cerebro is now known as Adrian
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ubuntuslt tous le monde17:30
Daskreechphoenixz: Does it actually play what you are trying to play?17:30
genii!ar | Adrian17:30
ubottuAdrian: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe17:30
ubuntuSVP commet changer la langue du clavier sous kubuntu17:31
geniiDaskreech: Thats what his hostmask indicates.17:31
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Mamarokright, just missed the frenchie :(17:32
DaskreechI'm just amused there is a chan for it17:32
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geniiDaskreech: I'm amused we have chans like #ubuntu-ca #ubuntu-uk17:33
Adrian 17:34
DaskreechThat is terribly amusing17:34
ubottuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca17:34
* Daskreech chuckles17:34
DaskreechWhat's the prerequisite for getting a #kubuntu-X chan?17:35
geniiDaskreech: Asking this in -ops17:37
phoenixzDaskreech: No, can't play anything...17:38
Daskreechphoenixz: then install libxine1-ffmpeg17:39
Guest15370Can  the Kubuntu9.04 run on a 512 MB RAM & 128MB VGA without problem?17:40
Adriancan kubuntu 9.04 run on a comodore 64 ?17:41
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync17:41
geniiAdrian: No. But another version of linux can.17:41
Adrianthx genii17:42
phoenixzDaskreech: thanks!17:42
Guest15370Can you answer my question? Can the Kubuntu9.04 run on a 512 MB RAM & 128MB VGA without problem?17:42
geniiGuest15370: 512 mb of ram is enough to run it. You'll also need some amount more than about 4Gb hd17:42
DaskreechGuest15370: What would you consider a problem?17:43
Guest15370genii , thanks a lot :)17:43
geniiAdrian: For the record, the *nix which C64 can use: http://hld.c64.org/poldi/lunix/lunix.html17:43
geniiGuest15370: You're welcome17:43
konrad_Where is the kontakt mailbox stored?17:51
|gonzo|hello, I'm on 9.04 here, could you please tell me if there's a tool to create a usb startup disk from an iso? thanks.17:51
|gonzo|ups, found it :)17:54
konrad_Found it. ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail if anyone else wonders17:55
=== sarah is now known as Guest74511
templarsi hate KDE 4.x  how do i roll back to kde 3.5 with out reinstalling linux.17:58
templars4.x doesent even work right.17:58
templarswhat a failure.17:58
geniiThere is no "rollback"17:59
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templarsso im screwed17:59
templarsit's impossible to install kde 3.517:59
* templars puts the xp cd back in17:59
geniitemplars: 8.04 is the last Kubuntu with kde3 on it (officially)18:00
faileasthere's an unofficial repo18:00
faileasyou could get it from there18:00
templarswell im running 9.0418:00
templarsi dont feel like burning a cd18:00
livingdaylight_hi kubunteros18:00
templarsand wiping my hard drive18:00
templarsand backing up18:00
templarsthats too much work18:00
templarsi just want kde 3.518:00
* templars can't wait til windows 7 is finished18:01
livingdaylight_i installed konqueror in Ubuntu coz FF sucks on my machine... However, testing konqueror it tells me that javascript is disabled. I went to konqueror setting and javascript seems enabled! Can someone advise me please?18:01
templarsyeah Firefox Sucks18:02
templarsits always crashign18:02
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templarsand it desent even ask you to save when you x out anymore18:02
templarsand you have to manually kill the pid even when you close fire fox18:02
templarsand flash gets skippy after fire fox has been running for a few hours18:02
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: hi18:03
livingdaylight_ i installed konqueror in Ubuntu coz FF sucks on my machine... However, testing konqueror it tells me that javascript is disabled. I went to konqueror setting and javascript seems enabled! Can someone advise me please?18:04
geniitemplars: Short of a complete reinstall, you could try http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/install.html       But of course 9.04/kde3 is totally unsupported.18:05
templarsIS THERE A WEB BROWSER THAT WORKS OUT THERE !!!!!!!!!!!! jesus christ !!!!!!!!!!!!!18:05
templarsi just installed epiphany18:05
templarsgod awful18:05
sebsebseb!caps |  templars18:06
ubottutemplars: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:06
templarsit displays text in bright blue18:06
sebsebsebtemplars: nah Epiphany is nice in Gnome same for Galeon18:06
templarswhy do the web browsers suck for linux18:06
sebsebsebtemplars: ,but in that horrible KDE4,  probably not that nice18:06
templarsEpiphany sucks18:06
sebsebsebKDE3 :)18:06
templarskubuntu sucks.18:07
templarsi gotta get Debian on this18:07
sebsebsebtemplars:  Opera?18:07
sebsebsebtemplars: Seamonkey?18:07
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)18:07
livingdaylight_templars: that's what i've been finding out too :/18:07
sebsebsebtemplars: Debian has that Iceweasel nonsense instead of Firefox18:07
sebsebsebtemplars: since Firefox wasn't 100% free or whatever geez18:08
PiciNo one is forcing you to stay here if you don't want to run Kubuntu.18:08
mpriceIceweasel is basically firefox renamed18:08
sebsebsebyep with a differnet logo and user agent string hum18:08
sebsebsebwhich doesn't help with browser market share statistics18:08
livingdaylight_Pici: can you tell me why konqueror isn't playing youtube despite javascript apparently being enabled?18:08
PiciAnd we've strayed offtopic again...18:08
phhlivingdaylight_: flash player installed ?18:09
livingdaylight_phh: yes18:09
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: that's a point,  you get a differnet plugin for Konqueror for Flash I think18:09
Picilivingdaylight_: I don't personally use konquerer18:09
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: maybe not18:09
livingdaylight_phh: youtube works in my firefox and seamonkey browsers18:09
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: have you got Flash at all in Konqueror?18:09
phhlivingdaylight_: it shows in konqueror's setting ?18:09
mpriceis the flash plugin showing in konqueror under plugins18:09
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: i didn't know i had to install it in konqueror. how do i do that?18:10
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: not sure18:10
mpricesometimes you have to point konqueror to the correct location of flashplayer.so18:10
livingdaylight_Pici: i have never used konq either.. but FF is consuming 100% of my processor and heating it up to dangerous levels, so i'm looking for another browser, at least on this laptop. Seamonkey seems the best choice so far, but it also has problems in Ubuntu18:11
phhlivingdaylight_: it's most likely is flash player which consumes that much cpu ...18:11
phh(enve if firefox helps a lot itself)18:11
sebsebsebyeah the buggy Adobe Flash Player18:12
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: I think Gnash and Swfdec might be good enough for Youtube now18:12
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/18:12
Daskreech|gonzo| USB install?18:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about swfdec18:12
sebsebseb!find swfdec18:12
ubottuFound: libswfdec-0.6-90, libswfdec-0.6-90-dbg, libswfdec-0.6-dev, libswfdec-0.7-1, libswfdec-0.7-1-dbg (and 6 others)18:12
mpricegnash is so-so  and I never have tried Swfdec18:12
sebsebseb!info swfdec18:12
ubottuPackage swfdec does not exist in jaunty18:12
Daskreechkonrad_: ~/.kde18:13
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:13
sebsebsebPici: well yeah, but  wanted it to say something about Swfdec :)18:13
Daskreech!kde3 | templars18:13
ubottutemplars: Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page18:13
livingdaylight_phh: its not doing it in seamonkey... but seamonkey doesn't let me add-on diigo toolbar etc18:14
alan-jI just noticed running "synaptic" from krunner doesn't run it as root (i.e. via kdesudo).  I thought this worked (in 9.04), am I misremembering?18:14
sebsebsebis KDE3 for 9.04 final now?  just  aptitude it?   have both KDE3 and 4?18:14
Picisebsebseb: You can search for the factoid yourself in a query and then use the proper command to trigger that in the channel.  Thats what I do.  I have a dedicated query window for ubottu18:14
konrad_Daskreech: Yes I found ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail but somehow subfolders seem to be missing. Also I'm missing my contacts. (Will search a litte more, but any help is appreciated)18:14
sebsebsebPici: yeah every now and again I do stuf in PM with ubottu as well18:14
ubuntu__hi all18:15
ubuntu__i nee help please18:16
ubuntu__i need help !!!18:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:16
Daskreechsebsebseb: Been for a while. It's not done by canonical so it's not supported18:17
sebsebsebI read can install the packages18:17
sebsebsebfrom repo though18:17
sebsebsebjust put kde3 at the end18:17
ubuntu__how i install kubuntu with xp ,,,????18:18
mpricelike dual-booting?18:18
Daskreechubuntu__: how do you want it installed?18:18
mprice!dualboot | ubuntu__18:18
ubottuubuntu__: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:18
BigPatice_if your duel booting with xp then just start the computer with the disk, follow the install instructions,18:19
Daskreechalan-j: kdesudo ?18:19
Daskreechdang it18:19
BigPatice_then when you get to the partition formatting pay close attention to how it will divide your disk up, make sure you are able to parition off18:19
BigPatice_a spot for the kubuntu. I have done this at least a dozen times with no issues18:20
sebsebsebubuntu__: if your not going to do say Windows 3D gaming,  and have enough RAM, you can virtual machine XP nicely inside Kubuntu18:20
ubuntu__i like install kubuntu in D18:20
Daskreechubuntu__: YOu want to install it inside of Windows?18:21
BigPatice_know which drive is which by size or uuid18:21
ubuntu__i have 2 drive18:21
ubuntu__c = 110 GB18:21
ubuntu__and D = 120 GB18:21
BigPatice_you need to reboot and run the install straight from boot18:21
templarslinux sucks.18:21
=== fernando is now known as Guest9240
sebsebsebthe troll left :d18:22
Daskreechok well if you start the install then you will get to a partition editor. If you are still lost there then let us know18:22
BigPatice_if you know your d is 120gb then you make sure in the formatting you pick that disk18:22
BigPatice_formatting = partitioner18:22
ubuntu__i cant speek english very well so can i speek frensh18:23
BigPatice_not to me my french is worse than your english18:24
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:24
ubuntu__now i'am in step 418:25
DaskreechBut if you want help here we can help :)18:25
ubuntu__i read use the entire diskk or specify partitin manually18:25
BigPatice_if you dont need anything on it i reccomend using the entire disk18:26
ubuntu__i need18:26
ubuntu__i don(t like delete windows18:26
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: any luck?18:26
Daskreechubuntu__: you selected the second disk ?18:26
BigPatice_if you have info on your d drive then back it up, then use entire disk. it is easier.  you wont delete your windows that way18:27
DaskreechBigPatice_: Bad advice18:27
Daskreechubuntu__: What is on D now ?18:27
ubuntu__d is empty18:28
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: no, i've given up, since no one in kubuntu help me get this kde app working; so, i'm using Seamonkey... its prolly better anhow18:28
Daskreechubuntu__: How much space would you like Kubuntu to use?18:29
Daskreechlivingdaylight_: Which app ?18:29
ubuntu__i like 50 GB18:29
livingdaylight_Daskreech: konqueror18:29
Daskreechlivingdaylight_: What's up?18:29
Daskreechubuntu__: ok How much RAM do you have?18:30
Daskreechubuntu__: Might want more swap then18:30
livingdaylight_Daskreech: flash seems disabled as i can't play youtubes. Checked and java script seems enabled which was the error dialog i was getting18:30
livingdaylight_Daskreech: and i just don't know how to enable flash in konqueror if that is what actually needs fixing18:31
Daskreechmake a 48.5 GB / and a 1.5 GB swap partition18:31
Daskreechlivingdaylight_: Looked in the plugins section of the settings?18:31
DaskreechIt should show Flash. IF not then click scan for plugins18:32
* livingdaylight_ checks18:32
livingdaylight_Daskreech: i scanned and its come up with a bunch /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashp... do i highlight and 'apply' ?18:33
Daskreechlivingdaylight_: yes18:40
=== set_ is now known as SetiAmon
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ncfi1013_anybody know why some of my dial;og windows open within the area of my screen and some do not?18:56
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=== set_ is now known as SetiAmon
Mamarokncfi1013_: the area of your screen? what do you mean?19:01
Mamarokthere are dialog windows which ask you for an interaction19:02
Mamarokand there are notifications of ongoing processes that reside in the panel AFAIK19:02
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adrianhi everybody19:17
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=== pharmacopeia is now known as Haomaru
HaomaruI'm from Brazil!19:24
Pici!br | Haomaru (19:25
ubottuHaomaru (: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:25
=== root is now known as Guest5452
HaomaruAlgum Brasileiro??19:27
PiciHaomaru: /join #ubuntu-br19:28
eagles0513875!pt | Haomaru19:29
ubottuHaomaru: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:29
=== steve_ is now known as steve__DJ
eagles0513875hey guys how do i change my keyboard layout19:44
dwidmanneagles0513875: system settings -> regional & language19:44
tmartinsI suppose this has already been discussed, but... any particular reason for not placing 4.2.3 in the main repository?19:47
EagleScreen4.2.3 may be in jaunty-updates after a good testing in ppa19:48
EagleScreenthis is the usual tendency of Kubuntu in its last two distributions19:49
rzuckkalguien ene sta sala ke hable  español ?19:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:54
Magicman1264Hello all19:55
Magicman1264Can anyone help me? I can't play certain video files and I'm getting a message saying I need to download SWFDEC19:59
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Laeborgdoes kubuntu 64bit run well?20:06
sere_i need help....im trying to set up my tvout so i can watch a movie on my tv and then do work on the computer but when i do " X :1 -layout tv " i get an error saying(EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.20:06
pulaskihello, I have a usb 4 port hub.  kubuntu automatically recognizes my usb thumb drive when I plug it in however I have a T-Mobile G1 phone with a usb connector that it doesn't recognize automatically.  How can I find the appropriate device and mount it?20:06
sere_here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/176623/20:07
spiderlinuxcould pleaase somebody explain why thunderbird on kubuntu 9,4 does not start after decopressing to a new folder and klicking on the thunderbird script?20:09
spiderlinuxwith firefox this worked fine20:10
fritzIsOnlinehi all folkies, all forums are upside down but i couldn get the right solution, that sounds a toy of a child but please help me, when i insert any dvd or cd it absolutely mounts but down show the content by a critical message says "now allowed" !!???20:10
fritzIsOnlineoop "not allowed" i mean20:10
GinoManGFscoreyman1: kdesu20:11
GinoManGFsdamn scrollback20:11
GinoManGFsthat's ridiculous that it keeps getting caught like that20:11
spiderlinuxhas anyone instelles thunderbird on kubuntu?20:12
fritzIsOnlinespiderlinux: i installed20:12
GinoManGFssudo aptitude install *thunderbird*20:12
spiderlinuxhow to start it after decompressing?20:12
fritzIsOnlinei installed it by Adept Package Manager20:13
spiderlinuxis this adept manager eassy to install ?20:13
fritzIsOnlineguides you through all installing processes that needed20:13
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sere_anyone have any knowledge with nvidia and separate tv screens through the tvout20:14
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spiderlinuxok thanks for now20:15
fritzIsOnlinei can't see the content of any cd / dvd which surely mounted, i get "not allowed" message. what should i check ?20:15
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spiderlinuxwow i have found "KpackageKit" it shows 20 differend thunderbird papckages and there is no button to install :(20:22
spiderlinuxhey it works... i think20:23
spiderlinuxthanks  for the hint, cu20:23
Magicman1264Can anyone help me? I can't play certain video files and I'm getting a message saying I need to download SWFDEC20:24
pulaskiHow do I mount a usb devise?20:28
pulaskidevice that is....20:29
desuMagicman1264: install flashplugin-installer20:29
desupulaski: `sudo fdisk -l' and see which devcice is the one you're looking for and then do 'sudo mount <device> <directory>'20:30
Dragnslcrdesu- you were right the first time20:30
desupulaski: though you should be able to click on it in device manager and mount it automatically...20:30
desuDragnslcr: ah, sorry...20:31
pulaskidesu: Thanks for responding, I'll try it!20:32
phoenixzIs there anything known about firefox totally messing up page rendering (specially text gets mangled) of all web pages? its like okay for one hour.. then little by little pages sstart to degrade.. first a few letters.. then entire words, and 30 mins later all web pages have become unreadable..20:36
desuphoenixz: you know the little bugs that make up the characters? they too get tired...  they need to rest... let them rest...20:38
phoenixzdesu: very very funny..20:39
desulol, sorry...20:39
phoenixzyeah.. well, right now even after restarting firefox.. it stays the same.. all characters are  mixed up, as if its picking all characters from the UTF8 table using rand() function20:40
desuphoenixz: try filing a bug...20:42
pulaskidesu: I recently upgraded to 'jaunty jackalope' kubuntu 9.02 or some simialr version.  So far I've been unable to find a device manager.  However dmesg tells me my thumb drive is mounted on '20:44
pulaski[    9.117459] usb-storage: device scan complete20:44
pulaski[    9.120422] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access     Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 220:44
desupulaski: you see the little monitor-like icon in the panel with a cd popping out from it? click on it20:45
pulaskidesu: yeah, hold on please20:45
pulaskidesu: Yes however it only displays the storage volume vfat which is my thumb drive.20:46
desuthat's exactly what you want, isn't it?20:47
pulaskidesu: Well no, that's my thumb drive, I want to access my phone. Its plugged into my usb hub right next to the thumb drive.20:49
desu<pulaski> [    9.120422] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access     Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 <--- that is not your phone D:20:50
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pulaskidesu: no, that's my thumb drive20:51
desupulaski: do a `tail -f -n1 /var/log/messages' and then plug in your phone20:51
desupulaski: then paste what you see on rafb.net/paste20:51
pulaskidesu: thanks20:51
pulaskidesu: Sorry it doesn't appear very helpful:  http://rafb.net/p/noDrbD86.html20:58
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desupulaski: ???20:58
desuthat is that?20:58
desudid you plug in your phone after doing `tail -n1 -f /var/log/messages'?20:59
pulaskidesu: that's all20:59
desuso, nothing happens when you plug in your phone?20:59
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pulaskidesu: I ran  `tail -n1 -f /var/log/messages' with the phone unplugged then ran it again after the phone was plugged in with the same result.21:03
Eismannpulaski: or try "sudo udevadm monitor" and plug the phone21:03
desupulaski: you're supposed to plug in the phone while that command is running...21:05
desualso, yeah, try to see if udevadm gives some output21:05
pulaskidesu: Yes, that's the procedure I'm following ....21:05
desuis your phone in data mode?21:06
bendodge_Why doesn't installing plasmoids from the internet work? I'm using KDE 4.2.2 and Jaunty21:06
pulaskidesu: so far nothing is showing up21:06
bendodge_I always get an error as if it's trying to use a nonexistent temp file.21:06
desupulaski: does your phone work on windows?21:06
pulaskidesu: Sorry I wouldn't know.  Its the new T-Mobile G1 phone with the Android OS21:07
* desu has no idea :/21:08
pulaskidesu: I'm going to go to the Library this afternoon.  I can plug my thumb drive in the windows machine there.  I can try to plug my phone in there as well.21:09
bendodge_The "Get Hot New Stuff" (GHNS) window downloads a widget and marks it installed. When I close the online widget browser, GHNS, the Add Widgets window throws errors about tmp files. It appears that the GHNS app is deleting the widgets from tmp before the Add Widget app actually install the widgets.21:09
drbobbhmm my machine's 1GB of RAM isn't much for kde4, I'm already 1GB into swap21:09
pulaskidesu: I appreciate your taking the time to help me out.  I'll be back and let you know how it turned out.21:10
bendodge_drbobb: I'm running KDE4 with 1GB ram, and my swap is 0.3GB21:10
desupulaski: ah, thanks :)21:10
Eismanndrbobb: do you have amarok 2.1beta?21:11
drbobbbendodge_: yeah I guess it depends how long you keep it up, and how many apps/gadgets & stuff you use21:11
nareshhow to install pidgin in kubuntu21:11
Eismannnaresh: apt-get install pidgin21:12
drbobbnot too long ago my workstation had just 1GB of ram, and I kept kde3 running on it for weeks on end with no major issues21:12
bendodge_drbobb: what about the amarok question? newer amarok versions are major hogs21:13
Eismanndrbobb: yep, I have a 13 days uptime, but i had to relogin into KDE sometimes21:13
EismannI think that the amarok beta from ppa has memory leaks21:14
drbobbEismann: no I have the one that comes standard with jaunty. And it's not in use now21:14
drbobb(and frankly speaking, it's ugliness is major)21:15
bendodge_its :)21:15
nareshEismann: hey thanks but it worked only when i added sudo infront of it21:15
bendodge_yeah, it needs a major makeover21:15
drbobbI tried exaile for a change but I'm not too happy with it either21:16
Eismanninstall kde321:17
kirunI'm thinking of getting a netbook, but I want to work on stuff on my desktop PC from it, probably just web dev and small coding projects ... am I better off sharing files, or working with something like NX?21:17
nareshdo i need a antivirus for kubuntu or anyother security measure can be taken to be secure21:19
Dekansnaresh:  no need21:20
Dekansit's safe enough21:20
kirunTo be secure, follow the usual precautions ( don't run code from sources you don't trust, and so on )21:20
nareshok thanks but do we need to have firewall like firestarter21:20
drbobbEismann: you know of anyother music player that makes sense?21:21
Eismanndrbobb: nope21:21
EismannI dont like what they did to amarok221:22
nareshwhich is the latest version of wine21:22
Eismannalthough 2.1 looks better21:22
Eismannmaybe because 2.1 looks more like amarok 1 :-P21:23
drbobbI installed songbird on my ol'lady's laptop and it seemed pretty swell, though kind of heavy21:26
Dekansnaresh: firestarter is just a frontend21:27
Dekansfirewall is already in place21:27
DekansI don't know for vlc, you should see it in kpackagekit21:28
Dekanstry adept21:28
drbobband it's not present in the ubuntu repos21:32
drbobb(hers is windows)21:32
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:48
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dwidmann ActionParsnip: yo21:59
ActionParsnipquiet today22:00
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tyfonhmm.. anyone know a program i can use to capture the screen in kde4 with composting enabled?.. all my attempts produce only the top left part of the screen when i use the cube or something like that22:25
tyfonvideo that is22:25
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ign0ramustyfon, not sure, but have you tried scrot?22:28
tyfonah no that is only for image, i need video22:29
tyfontried xvidcap and istanbul22:29
tyfonand recordmydesktop22:29
ign0ramustyfon, oh, and recordmydesktop doesn't work?22:29
ign0ramusoh, ok22:29
tyfonwhen i use the cube, it will only capture the top left quarter of my display (1 virtual desktop)22:29
tyfonor it seems like that is what happens22:30
tyfonso i cant see the whole cube in the video :p22:30
ign0ramustyfon, i know what you mean... :/22:30
ign0ramustyfon, something obviously exists to do this... just check youtube for 'compiz'... now to find out what they use22:31
tyfonthey use the ones i wrote :o22:31
tyfonbut there must be some mystical option for it22:31
tyfoni need to show someone that i can play 1080p video via vdpau while turning the cube and having only 10% cpu load :p22:31
Magicman1264HI, How do I get Java plugin for Ubuntu?22:32
tyfonsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted extras or kubuntu-restricted-extras depending on which one you have22:33
ign0ramustyfon, good luck with those restrictions :P22:33
tyfonign0ramus: the computer does it fine.. but maybe not while capturing :p22:33
tyfonand the video plays smoothly on one side of the cube22:33
ign0ramustyfon, did you read this? : http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/faq.php#Some_windows_are_not_recorded!22:34
tyfoni tried --full-shots too22:35
tyfonbut not shm :p22:35
tyfonoh its on by default22:36
KornSuckshow does one install linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic ?22:36
KornSucksapt-get doesent work22:36
tyfonign0ramus: ah got it to work now =)22:37
ign0ramustyfon, what parameter was it?22:37
tyfoni did recordmydesktop -fps 15 --no-sound -o desktop.ogv --full-shots22:37
ign0ramusi thought you were already trying --full-shots?22:38
tyfonyeah but i recorded a video without it first22:38
tyfonand forgot to delete it :S22:38
ign0ramustyfon, lol22:39
tyfonand it saved to a new name22:39
KornSuckswhere is the source code located? i have to tweak some stuff in the kernel22:39
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ign0ramusKornSucks, what exactly do you want to tweak in the kernel?22:40
KornSucksign0ramus:   http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath5k22:40
KornSucksi have to do that stuff22:40
tyfonhmm it doesnt capture the vdpau video, but i suspected that :p22:41
ign0ramusKornSucks, you have to re-compile a custom kernel... OR22:42
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KornSucksyeah i was gonna turn that stuff on. recompile, and have grub point to it22:42
ign0ramusKornSucks, as the tut says, this is included in >= 2.6.2522:42
KornSuckswell i have 2.6.2722:42
KornSucksso why does wireless suck ?22:42
KornSucksand it doesent in back track ?22:42
ign0ramusKornSucks, have you checked what modules are being loaded?22:43
KornSucksoh rigth i still need athk522:43
tyfonhmm i have a computer with ath5k actually that works fine :o22:43
ign0ramusKornSucks, a quick diff could probably show you :)22:43
tyfoni can't say i remember doing anything funky22:43
KornSucksyeah i'll have to put teh backtrack cd back in22:44
ign0ramusKornSucks, bt4?22:44
ign0ramusKornSucks, i really want to try bt4, but i'm too lazy :(22:44
KornSucksyeah i downloaded the bt4 dvd iso,  when i have time im gonna mount it as loop, copy the files to my usb drive.  and then run the installer22:45
KornSucksfor the boot sector22:45
ign0ramusKornSucks, does it have its own installer, or do you have to use an older version installer?22:45
KornSucksnot sure22:46
KornSucksi havent opened it yet22:47
SteBoHi! I'm using the KDE 4.3 Beta 1 packages with Kubuntu Jaunty. I want to use the new plasma theme for KDE 4.3. What do I need to do or install in order to do so? The new theme isn't available here right after the upgrade.22:50
gujaHello all. Ktorrent holds my download on stalled whenever I try to start it.22:51
gujaThere are lots of seeders, thats for sure.22:51
gujaSince Transmission is starting download.22:51
SteBoI think the theme is called "Air", isn't it?22:51
ign0ramusguja, probably port configuration or firewall/iptables...22:52
gujaign0ramus: suggestions? stop iptables or?22:52
ign0ramusguja, first check your ports22:52
gujaign0ramus: port 6881, UDP 4444. Is that okay?22:53
ign0ramusguja, are you behind a router?22:53
gujaign0ramus: nope, I don't use router.22:53
ign0ramusguja, then yes, they should be ok, provided your ISP doesn't block those ports22:53
ign0ramusguja, a quick way to check is to use high-numbered ports, like 5000022:54
gujaign0ramus: and final question - how do I stop iptables? :-)22:54
gujaservice iptables stop ?22:54
ign0ramusguja, you can check your config by doing "sudo iptables -L"22:55
gujaChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)22:55
gujatarget     prot opt source               destination22:55
gujaChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)22:55
gujatarget     prot opt source               destination22:55
gujaChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)22:55
gujatarget     prot opt source               destination22:55
gujaThat's the output.22:55
ign0ramusguja, that looks fine.  you can try "iptables stop" and try ktorrent again to see if that's the issue22:56
gujaign0ramus: iptables stop doesn't work.22:56
gujaWrong command.22:56
KornSuckswhats a good intro to iptables22:56
ign0ramusguja, that used to work.... use 'man' or '-help'22:56
ign0ramus* '-h' or '--help'22:57
ign0ramusguja, here's a good post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15966122:59
ign0ramusguja, alternatively, you can use an easy-to-use GUI if you want to change iptables policies23:02
gujaBlah, to tired to even search how do I turn off the iptables.23:02
ign0ramusguja, try Firestarter or Guarddog23:02
gujaI mean, am I blind or there's no simple command for turning off firewall?23:02
tyfonyou can flush all the tables23:04
gujaBy doing iptables -F ?23:04
tyfoniptables -F <table> where table is FORWARD, INPUT, OUTPUT, POSTROUTING and PREROUTING23:04
gujaAnd since I am a newbie, which table should I flush in my ktorrent case?23:05
tyfonwell if you flush all of them you effectivly resets the firewall if you have any23:05
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SteBoguja: yes, but you also have to check whether the default policy is ACCEPT before issuing this command.23:05
tyfonremoving all chains setting the default policy to allow23:05
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SteBoguja: When the policy is DROP and you do a iptables -F all network traffic would be dropped.23:06
tyfonthat would be bad23:06
TAdamsHello all23:06
TAdamsI have a question, where are the settings files for Konfigure so that I may restore everything from a backup?23:07
ign0ramusTAdams, is that a package?  I've never heard of it, but you can find all its files by doing a simple "locate konfigure"23:08
SteBoanybody knows something about my question?23:13
dwidmannSteBo: I'm pretty sure Air was the theme for KDE 4.2 also23:14
dwidmannor am I mistaken?23:14
SteBodwidmann: the theme for KDE 4.2 is Oxygen23:15
dwidmannHmm, the only part of the theme to do with air in 4.2 is the wallpaper then maybe23:15
SteBodwidmann: correct, the default wallpaper for 4.2 is called "Luft" (German for Air).23:16
devin_hey whats up i installed ubuntu a while back but never got to use or was explained how it different from other oper sys23:16
ign0ramusit would be quite a faux pas if it were "Luftwaffe" :/23:16
devin_can someone help me out23:17
dwidmannHm, seems to be called air here ... oddly enough ("/usr/share/wallpapers/Air/.....")23:17
SteBodevin_: What did you find with Google about this.23:17
ign0ramusdevin_, that's quite a broad question... maybe start with the ubuntu web site23:17
TAdamsign0ramus: thank you, it did not work. It is a Irc chat client23:17
SteBodevin_: Maybe just read the Wikipedia article about Ubuntu and then ask concrete questions.23:17
ign0ramusTAdams, do you mean Konversation?23:18
TAdamsI just do not want t import the full backup and screw up the way I have everything set now :P23:18
TAdamsthank you!23:18
TAdamsyes indeed23:18
SteBodwidmann: Ah, perhaps this was localised? I'm on a German KDE anyways. :-)23:18
devin_ight thanks23:18
TAdamsmy appologies23:18
ign0ramusTAdams, that would be why i'd never heard of it :)23:18
dwidmannSteBo: probably that then23:19
TAdamsI will just re enter it all, no problems23:19
TAdamsthought maybe I could be lazy and find a quick way :P23:19
TAdamsign0ramus: thank you :)23:19
ign0ramusTAdams, np... if only all problems were that easy :)23:19
KornSucksi can see my wlan0 under iwconfig, but iwlist wlan0 scanning returns 0 results23:26
KornSucksyet im with in range of my router23:26
KornSuckshow is it my dads vista laptop can pick up the router, but linux crap cant ?23:26
RainbowWunder gnome, my dual-head setup works well, and the desktop stretches across both screens. under kde, i can only get them to mirror. what's the magic pixie dust for setting up dual head under kde?23:27
SteBoOk, this answers my question: http://broadbandforum.in/linux/46524-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala-discussion-thread/#post31258923:28
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KornSucksi have mad wifi and my wireless card still is not working23:39
KornSuckswhat do i have to type to make it work23:39
tomsdalehi - has anyone experieced artefacts in kwin. It's like some lines are shifted to the left.23:41
tomsdalehappens especially often with font on buttons. it's like a strike through effect through the letters.23:42
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RainbowWunder gnome, my dual-head setup works well, and the desktop stretches across both screens. under kde, i can only get them to mirror. what's the magic pixie dust for setting up dual head under kde?23:57
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