
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh_
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bjsniderwhat directory do smb shares get mounted in by default?03:31
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huats_morning everyone !09:00
chrisccoulsonmorning huats_09:03
huats_hello chrisccoulson09:04
chrisccoulsoni think there's even less people here today than there was yesterday09:04
Hobbseechrisccoulson: it's probably allhands, and lack of internet connection09:11
chrisccoulsonHobbsee - yeah, probably. Still, it means I get a chance to concentrate on work today ;)09:13
Hobbseefirst way todo that: close irc09:13
chrisccoulsoni can't bring myself to do that...09:14
didrocks;orning everyone /09:26
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks09:28
chrisccoulsondidrocks - do you still open sponsoring requests for packages when you push your changes in to the ubuntu-desktop branches?09:33
didrockschrisccoulson: yes, everytime, why?09:37
didrocks(not for universe/multiverse one)09:38
chrisccoulson i've got some changes to push and was just wondering whether i should open sponsoring bugs after i pushed them09:38
didrockschrisccoulson: yes, and link the branch to the bug :)09:38
chrisccoulsondidrocks - thanks09:39
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chrisccoulsonanyone here familiar with sqlite?21:21

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