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geofftregarding the discussion about xmonad last night: it looks like this affects all WMs set in .gconf03:18
geofftthat is, if your .gconf in Intrepid specified a window manager, you don't get one in Jaunty03:18
geofftI can find discussion on the web and on e-mail, and LP bugs for specific WMs, but not one general one. am I just missing it?03:19
* nixternal hugs his 'startx' with xmonad :)03:24
owen1_is there ubuntu reference, similar to debian's - http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ ?03:24
nixternalowen1_: there are a bunch of things that would make up something similar to be honest03:25
geofftnixternal: that is my personal setup too, yes :) no GNOME on this laptop :)03:25
nixternalno one stop shop for such a thing unfortunately03:25
nixternalgeofft: FTW! :)03:25
geofftbut this is biting a bunch of our users03:26
geofftso I count bugs 378111, 348432, 366166, and 340140 as conceivably all the same issue.03:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378111 in xmonad "Xmonad refuses to start automatically on 9.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37811103:27
owen1_nixternal: like what?03:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348432 in compiz "Jaunty - after upgrade from 8.10, no window decorator at login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34843203:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 366166 in ubuntu "e16-gnome not working with jaunty 9.04 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36616603:27
nixternalowen1_: various documents on help.ubuntu.com, and then various documents under wiki.ubuntu.com03:28
nixternalowen1_: oh, and the Debian Reference itself can be utilized to an extent :)  yes, a bit of cheating, but it works in a lot of cases03:28
owen1_i want to learn about the boot process, what apps are running on boot, why and how to control it. can i do it by reading the debian's docs?03:30
nixternalthere is something on the wiki concerning boot process, but I do not know exactly where...I came across it a month or so back03:31
geofftowen1_: have you seen upstart's man pages and /etc/event.d?03:33
owen1_geofft: no03:33
geofftsee man init, man initctl, etc., and the docs in that directory and in /usr/share/doc/upstart-compat-sysv/README.Debian.gz03:35
owen1_geofft: thanks, i'll take a look. i am curious, how come there is no centeralize place on the web for ubuntu, as red-hat and debian?03:36
geoffthuh? there certainly is ubuntu.com :) wiki.ubuntu.com may be more helpful03:37
owen1_geofft: ok. i'll check them out. thanks03:38
geofftanyway. Anyone have ideas on what in GConf could have broken the window manager preference that worked in Intrepid?03:40
ebrodergeofft - what setting did we use for <=Intrepid? Googling pointed me at /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager; another at that one and also /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/current03:41
ebroderHuh - looks like we were setting /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager03:43
owen1_geofft: i can't find anything technical here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/03:45
geofftowen1_: what are you looking for? there are a lot of technical docs deeper within that site03:50
owen1_geofft: mainly the boot process. i was just curious if there is anything online simiar to debian. the links you sent me are not low level, at least i couldn't find any.03:52
owen1_geofft: even the server guide is mainly about installing appse03:53
owen1_geofft: apps.03:53
owen1_geofft: i guess my best bet is the man pages you mentioned.03:53
owen1_geofft: unless i missed a link on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/03:54
geofftowen1_: if I search for "upstart", there's a little bit of helpful stuff03:56
owen1_geofft: isn't ubuntu used for production server?  is there a place for ubuntu sys admin to look for this stuff?03:58
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hegdehi all07:46
hegdei have a laptop with an sdcard reader in it....all the cards that i insert is mounting in /dev/sdb1 .....is there any way to get the sdcard name???? like CANON MEMORY CARD07:47
wgranthegde: This isn't a support channel; you want #ubuntu.07:49
macowgrant, i have a devel question.  if an sru has been uploaded to universe and it got an ACK from motu-sru, how does it move forward out of the unapproved queue?07:55
wgrantmaco: You wait for an archive admin to do it on their archive day, I guess.07:55
wgrantmaco: But that might take a while, given that {{Some,All}Hands,UDS} is happening.07:56
macoah ok. thanks07:56
mdkedo developers tend to use virtual machines when testing SRUs for previous releases, and if so, what is the software of choice? I've been using virtualbox but it's a bit of a drag to set up the different guests08:11
hyperairthey go into -proposed, and users test them.08:12
mdkehyperair: I'm thinking that developers test the packages before uploading them, though08:12
hyperairalso, all virtual machine solutions require you to set up guests.08:12
mdkebut, doesn't vmware provide images which are pre-setup?08:13
hyperairi'm not sure08:13
hyperairbut it's pointless isn't it, if you're gonig to require a vanilla ubuntu ______ system anyway?08:13
mdkeI assumed that the vmware images were "vanilla"08:14
mdkealso I wondered if other virtual machines were easier to setup than virtualbox08:14
macovirtualbox is pretty easy...i mean, it has a GUI!08:15
mdkeit's ok, but you have to go through the Ubuntu installation process, then install the extra modules on the guest so that you get proper screen resolution08:15
macoyou can save the image and pass it around if you like08:16
mdketakes a while, and I'm setting up one for each supported version of Ubuntu08:16
macoi had a alpha5 jaunty on the pirate bay08:16
macoi recommend snapshotting right after install that way you can go back to vanilla after each test08:17
mdkethat doesn't really help me though because I'd like a separate machine for each version, snapshots don't really interest me08:17
hyperairthe point here is having a separate machine for each version, and snapshotting the vanilla install08:18
mdkeI'll use virtualbox if I have to, of course, but I was curious about what others use08:18
hyperairhence after each test, you can revert to the vanilla install08:18
hyperairi.e. ~0 maintenance08:18
mdkewell, I might do that, but the testing I'm going to do is quite minor, so reverting a test package I've installed takes 5 seconds08:19
mdkeI think my question still stands though08:19
lesshastehi all08:21
lesshasteulimit -m doesn't seem to do anything in hardy08:23
lesshasteis this a known feature?08:23
lesshaste(ulimit -v 0; exec top)08:24
lesshaste<ferret> Killed08:24
lesshastethat's correct08:24
lesshastebut ulimit -m does nothing as far as I can tell08:24
lesshastethere is a long discussion about the 2.4 kernel http://mail.nl.linux.org/kernelnewbies/2002-07/msg00131.html which says that -m doesn't do what you might think08:28
lesshasteis this also true for modern kernels, and if so shouldn't the docs for ulimit be updated?08:28
macomdke, if you look around online, you can probably find vbox images for many of the releases08:29
mdkemaco: ok, I will have a look, thanks08:33
mdkeI'm still interested to find out what other developers use, though08:34
Hobbseemdke: you might ask sometime when most of them aren't at all hands, fwiw08:35
macoi used kvm when i was testing unstable and knew my hardware was a bad idea with that version08:35
lesshasteor should I just report a documentation bug?08:35
macoAll Hands *without internet*08:35
macoplus, the American developers are asleep08:35
mdkeHobbsee: I'll do that; but we do have some developers left, as you've demonstrated :)08:36
Hobbseemdke: sure, but I try to avoid doing SRU work, as i don't tend to run the releases after they've released for long.  So i don't count ;)08:37
Hobbseemdke: there was a bugsquad community position for someone to regularly create and update virtualbox / other images, though.  i'm not sure it ever got filled.08:38
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stefanlsdmdke: i have vbox for testing gui related stuff. if its not gui, i often just use pbuilder chroot with --login option...08:41
mdkestefanlsd: thanks, that's helpful08:42
mdkeI'll carry on with vbox too08:44
lesshasteanyone on jaunty care to do "man bash" and then search for "ulimit" and tell me what it says for "-m" ?08:52
Nickelesshaste: Have you checked http://manpages.ubuntu.com/ ?09:06
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ulelanyone running a cluster here10:35
ulelon ubuntu10:35
slangasekulel: this isn't really an appropriate channel for such questions; you might try #ubuntu-server10:36
quadrisprowgrant: hi! http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs is outdated, could you refresh it?11:43
wgrantquadrispro: Looking, thanks.11:51
wgrantquadrispro: It doesn't seem to be misbehaving any more, so it should be updating now.12:10
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quadrisprowgrant: thank you12:16
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calcHobbsee: there is internet in all but the plenary room13:22
calcHobbsee: but we aren't really supposed to be using the net13:22
Hobbseecalc: ahhh13:22
calcHobbsee: coming to UDS next week?13:23
Hobbseecalc: nope.  Been smashed with uni work and real life13:24
calcHobbsee: ah ok13:24
Hobbseei won't make it to another one until this time next year, if I make it at all.13:24
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geofftebroder: so, I have both of those gconf keys set to "Metacity" (since early April) and I don't get a window manager on Jaunty16:30
geoffter, "metacity". Should it be a full path or something?16:31
geofftokay, setting either one of those to a full path doesn't help.16:39
ScottKgeofft: I think you want #ubuntu16:40
geoffthm, potentially. Although I know there's a bug here.16:42
ScottKThen maybe you want #ubuntu-bug16:43
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toiyeuvietnamai chat ty ko nhy.?18:42
toiyeuvietnamko ngu dc18:42
ubottuĐể được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ18:44
hunger_tIs there any estimation for fglrx debs working with karmic possible at this time?18:45
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ScottKhunger: You might ask in #ubuntu-x19:04
hungerScottK: Thanks!19:05
hungerScottK: Not that important since the jaunty kernel is working fine and has fglrx :-)19:05
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okayzedhas anyone been following IMA in the kernel dev?19:19
okayzedIMA = integrity measurement architecture19:20
Piciokayzed: You may want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel19:22
maxbooi, what caused the mass-giveback today?19:49
Jihui_ChoiI'm remastering ubuntu live iso.19:51
Jihui_Choiusing uck. I updated all packages and it applied on live iso.19:52
Jihui_Choihowever after I installed ubuntu on my system using my live iso, the update manager asked me to update packages.19:53
Jihui_ChoiHow can I updated them?19:53
diddlyhi all, i'm trying to debug a Qt4 based app, but gdb isn't stepping into Qt code after i installed libqt4-debug21:05
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maxbHi, are there any util-linux maintainers around who could explain how best to submit a debdiff and/or request changesets be pulled from upstream's git, given the rather unique style of packaging of the source package (being a git repo based off upstream's) ?21:07
ScottKmaxb: You'll want to talk to lamon21:08
ScottKmaxb: lamont even21:08
maxblamont: ping?21:08
maxb(thanks ScottK )21:08
YokoZarIs there a reason lib32asound2 suggests libasound2-plugins rather than lib32asound2-plugins ?22:01
lamontmaxb: you want to tell me which git commit you want pulled back to which branch22:16
ScottKYou are lamont the great.  You're supposed to know this stuff.22:16
lamontScottK: heh22:20
lamontwell, there are days I'd like to pull all of the commits back, but that's not so feasible.22:20
lamontanyway,  bed time for me.22:20
maxblamont: bug 37739522:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 377395 in util-linux "[karmic] software RAID not assembled at boot - blkid hangs using 100% CPU" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37739522:23
lamontit'll probably be monday, unless keybuk beats me to it22:23
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