
mimor_is it possible to get a freenode cloak?00:09
m4vmimor_: you mean an unaffiliated one? ask in #freenode00:09
mimor_I've come to this place as it's mentioned on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-cloaks00:10
LjLyes but that applies if you're an ubuntu member and want an ubuntu member cloak00:10
LjLif you just want an unaffiliated cloak, then #freenode00:10
mimor_I suppose I'm an Ubuntu member ;)00:11
mimor_I'm a member of the ubuntu-be loco... does that counts too?00:11
JanCmimor_: you're not an "Ubuntu Member"  ;)00:12
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember00:13
JanCmimor_: after you organise the karmic release party I will support your membership application  ;)00:14
* JanC loves to bribe volunteers :P00:14
mimor_JanC: oklol00:15
JanCLjL: he organised our Jaunty release party too  ツ00:15
mimor_"Contributions should be significant and visible."... JanC was it visible? :P00:15
LjLi didn't see it!00:15
JanCLjL: well, you come to Belgium for the karmic release party?00:16
LjLJanC: i'm told belgium doesn't exist, so i'm a bit uneasy at that. i think not.00:17
mimor_its nice to know this kind of cloak exists... it leaded me to the ubuntu cloak... now I learned what a "real" ubuntero is :P00:17
JanCanyway, mimor_, you can get an unaffiliated cloak from freenode00:17
mimor_I always tought that buntu logo on my ass-cheeck counted :P00:17
mimor_k thx JanC00:17
mimor_I'll look in to it tomorrow00:17
mimor_after work, B4 BBQ :)00:18
mimor_nn all & thx 4 the info's00:18
* JanC has a highlight on "ubuntu-be" ;)00:19
m4vack, so many acronysms!00:19
LjLyeah i was slightly tempted to !leet00:20
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ryanakcaCould the IRC Council please grant an ubuntu/bot/ cloak to kubugtu, along the lines of what I have for Quizbuntu (n=Quizbunt@ubuntu/bot/quizbuntu) ? kubugtu currently announces new bugs for the ~kubuntu-bugs LP team in #kubuntu-bugs (similar to what Eeebotu does in #ubuntu-bugs-announce , except for Kubuntu) and runs p1tr (bzr checkout lp:p1tr)01:44
HellowHello, I got Ubuntu membership like 15 mins ago, and I was wondering if I could get my IRC cloak?02:04
jimi_hendrixHellow, uhh...i think you need to be a member, not a member of the BT for that02:05
jimi_hendrix(two different things)02:05
SnovaHe is.02:05
LjLHellow: i'm not very sure any of the people who can cloak you are currently around, but meanwhile you can give your launchpad address, and make sure you've followed the nickname setup steps at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration02:05
Hellowjimi_hendrix: "Hello, I got Ubuntu membership like 15 mins ago"02:05
jimi_hendrixok sure02:05
* jimi_hendrix missed that02:06
jimi_hendrixand is lost02:06
HellowLjL: nickname is fully setup, should I just paste my LP address here?02:06
Hellow(I'm already on the LP membership team)02:06
LjLHellow: yes, although if you prefer not to for some reason, that will be fine - you will have to wait for staff to show up anyway02:06
Hellowdosent matter to me: https://launchpad.net/~hellow02:07
hggdhhello, can someone please setup my cloak? https://edge.launchpad.net/~hggdh2 . Thanks.02:23
pleia2the board only approved people with nicknames starting with "h" this evening02:30
Hellowwow, really?02:31
pleia2yes, the three of you, hggdh, Hellow and hypa7ia02:31
Hellowoh, wow02:31
hggdhgoes with the letter, methinks02:32
HellowLjL: How long do people normally have to wait? lol03:05
SnovaIt's late. Staffers are sleeping. :)03:05
Hellowoh yay03:06
jussi01nalioth: Pricey ^^08:15
nikowhat's up ?10:04
jpdsniko: Clouds.11:24
jussi01the ceiling?11:39
* Hellow is still waiting from last night for someone to apply his irc cloak -.-11:43
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hggdhhello, can someone please setup my freenode cloak? https://edge.launchpad.net/~hggdh2 . Thanks.18:04
jussi01hggdh: have you set up your nick according to: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup18:36
hggdhjussi01, yes, I have18:37
jussi01hggdh: excellent. Pricey nalioth ^^18:38
LjLthere were two or three other people yesterday in the queue for a cloak18:38
hggdhyes, at least Hellow, hypa7ia, and myself (from the Americas membership meeting)18:45
hggdh:-) it was, it seems the correct time for the letter H. I think next meeting will take care of 'I' ;-)18:49
nikoLjL: you don't have an ubuntu cloak ?18:49
LjLniko: not at the moment.18:50
hypa7iaI understand that this is where I come to ask for an ubuntu cloak?  Same username on the wiki, was just accepted as a member yesterday :)20:12
nikoping nalioth20:13
nikogive your launchpad page hypa7ia :)20:13
hypa7iaoh LP, oops :)20:13
jussi01hypa7ia: Its just about being patient - should happen in the next 24 hours20:19
hypa7iaah cool :)20:22
* hypa7ia is patient, just unclear on the process20:22
naliothso who all is waiting on cloaks?  i've seen hypa7ia's request22:20
pleia2Hellow and hggdh22:21
pleia2https://launchpad.net/~hellow and https://launchpad.net/~hggdh222:23
hggdhpleia2, yes?22:25
pleia2hggdh: nalioth asked who else was waiting for cloaks :)22:25
hggdhah, sorry22:25
naliothall requests fulfilled22:27
hggdhnalioth, a question -- is there anything I need to do (like disconnect & reconnect)?22:27
naliothhggdh: /whois yourself22:28
hggdhhe. Thanks, and sorry for the (rather dumb) question ;-)22:28
naliothno question is "dumb" (except the one you keep to yourself)22:30
* hggdh blushes (but just a bit)22:31
naliothhggdh: as you just saw, cloaks are instant - no acrobatics needed22:34

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