
GourlisMegadrive, problems with ATI graphic card that's why.00:00
ubugtucould anyone please tell me why my cursor is s l o w and hurkey-jerkey on full screen games?00:00
MegadriveNvidia card here :\00:00
Yanick_th0r, this what I get : http://pastebin.com/m252b92cd00:00
sweetdesebsebseb: alright, thx a lot, im on my way then.00:00
GourlisATI isn't supported yet on 9.04 ;o00:00
th0rYanick_: give me a sec to take a look00:00
GourlisSo I'll stay with LTS Releases00:00
RohaqI want to run a cronjob at 2am every day, and shutdown unless it's stopped by myself, can anyone suggest how to do this?00:00
Yanick_th0r, thanks00:00
sebsebsebsweetde: no problem00:00
burnerseriosly... why are two linux servers that were running hardy full?00:00
funkyHatsnell: seriously, you need to upgrade from Gutsy00:01
sebsebsebsweetde: and Virtualbox is better than the free as in price VMware versiosn00:01
proqtrue, virtualbox is a great enterprise-grade vm from what I can tell00:01
ubugtuhow do i downgrade back to hardy?00:01
funkyHatGourlis: which ATi card do you have?00:01
sebsebseb!downgrade | ubutgtu00:01
ubottuubutgtu: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.00:01
th0rYanick_: ok....looks like the drive is mounting ok as sdb. type control-c in the terminal to stop the tail command. Then type 'mount' and see if sdb is already mounted00:02
snellfunkyhat, im only using it because i have ardour setup to work on it and it has all my song files. ive already got hardy on another drive00:02
sebsebsebubugtu: from which version?  8.10 or 9.04?00:02
neoTheCathello.  i am running vbox 2.2.2 on Ubuntu 9.04.  i am trying to install Ubunutu 9.04 server as a guest, but it just stalls at "Installing at 74% - Configuring man-db" screen00:02
neoTheCatas anyone had this problem00:02
sebsebsebubugtu: and why?00:02
sebsebsebneoTheCat: you can ask in #vbox00:02
Yanick_th0r, no00:02
proqdoes anyone know of a good package to create an image (like an iso, but a tarball or other file type will work) from an ubuntu system using as little space as possible for the resulting file?00:02
GourlisfunkyHat, ATI Radeon RS490M X120000:02
Gourlison 8.04 now am perfect00:03
neoTheCati did.  i just did not know if this was an ubuntu issue someone has seen.00:03
ubugtusebsebseb: 9.04. because it doesnt support bluetooth headsets and because it doesnt allow me to press F2 and get a run dialog box.00:03
burnerproq: 7zip?00:03
th0rYanick_: this is an ntfs drive?00:03
funkyHatsnell: if you upgrade ardour should still work fine, and Ubuntu 7.10 is not getting any security updates anymore00:03
chuck_DGMurdockIII, http://paste.ubuntu.com/176011/ here is my entry from /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:03
sebsebsebubugtu: why not install 8.10 instead then?  it has just under a year of support,  and  9.10 is out in October   with  10.4 in April the next LTS00:03
Yanick_th0r, yes00:03
sebsebsebubugtu: 8.04 being the current LTS00:04
rabidweezlegah I swear that linux is the only stable 64 bit os, which is great for linux, but I can't get anything else to run stable at all....00:04
funkyHatGourlis: I have an X1650 and it works fine in Jaunty. I'd suggest trying out the live CD to see if your card works fine. But then if you're happy with 8.04 then that's fine, :)00:04
Name141Hello, I am having issues with e1000e module. I used rmmodule e1000e, and then modprobe e1000.  Then I do /etc/init.d/networking restart , and it says it restarted everything.  yet I don't have a connect.  So I did "ifconfig eth0 up" , yet it claims there is no eth0.00:04
th0rYanick_: ok. Do you have a mount point already set up for the drive? maybe /media/sdb1 or some such?00:04
Supersaiyan_IVDoes closing windows while in compiz's "scale mode" crash compiz? can someone confirm this?00:04
Name141Is it possible for me to make it use the e1000 on restart, and how do I get it to work properly for my NIC ?00:04
Yanick_th0r, no, it used to mount automatically00:04
funkyHatsnell: funny, I was trying to get ardour working earlier today actually00:04
Yanick_th0r, into /media/MEDIA00:04
sebsebsebubugtu: makes a lot of sense to do 8.10 in your case, and then go  9.10 or  10.04 or well both.  remember you would have to upgrade through 9.04 first00:04
th0rYanick_: are you using gnome00:04
Yanick_th0r, yes00:04
GourlisfunkyHat, I had 9.04, I don't have any objection with 9.04 but I messed up things with graphics drivers etc.. so I did a fresh install today back to LTS.00:04
AmpelbeinName141: can you pastebin the output of dmesg after loading of the module?00:05
Supersaiyan_IVDoes closing _gedit_* windows while in compiz's "scale mode" crash compiz? can someone confirm this? ***00:05
unkocan someone help me with Songbird? it won't load up when i try to open it...00:05
Ampelbein!paste | Name14100:05
sebsebsebGourlis: to the LTS hummm00:05
ubottuName141: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:05
sebsebsebGourlis: see above what I said regarding 8.10 and that00:05
Name141Ampelbein: absolutly not.  As I can not run the OS if there is no NIC lol00:05
snellfunkyhat my ardour files front my gutsy installation dont play on hardy for some reason. are you saying i should just give up on it tho?00:05
chuck_DGMurdockIII, you need to change the identifier to yoour card00:05
th0rYanick_: in the terminal type 'ps ax | grep gvfs'00:05
sebsebsebGourlis: 8.04 seems to old now,  I would  run at least 8.1000:05
th0rYanick_: you should see a line that ends with /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd00:05
snellfunkyhat it seems like i just need to reset my monitor settings, or have it redetect what monitor my laptop is using00:06
AmpelbeinName141: well, without the output of dmesg this is kinda hard to debug ;-)00:06
=== mike is now known as MGrunde
sebsebsebGourlis: 9.04 isn't that good really, and 8.10 was good, so yeah at least 8.1000:06
Yanick_th0r, yes00:06
Name141Ampelbein: however, the e1000e module makes my NIC twinkle at the router, and never gets a connect from the modem directly either.  But I rmmod e1000e, and modprob e1000 , and it stops twinkling like a moron, yet it doesn't bring up a connection.00:06
funkyHatsnell: we've already reset your monitor settings. Something else you could try perhaps is uninstalling fglrx (don't know if you had that installed or not)00:06
Gourlissebsebseb, nevermind dude - I do my job right? yeeahh :P I'm LTS lover hahaha ;)00:06
th0rYanick_: have you tried to mount it manually?00:06
Giganticwhat's the diff between the desktop and server versions? anywhere a list?00:07
Yanick_th0r, yes00:07
Name141Ampelbein: this didn't happen in hardy, it started in Intrepid and now same in Jaunty00:07
funkyHatGigantic: different kernel, no desktop installed by default00:07
MGrundeWhere are the X config files are now that xorg.conf is not really used?  I want to see what video driver I'm using and possibly change it.00:07
Yanick_th0r, but I'm not sure if I got the syntax alright, I don't do that everyday00:07
sebsebsebGourlis: LTS is for newbies,  servers, or business's that are slow when it comes to upgrading stuff00:07
GiganticfunkyHat: stable versio I guess... that's it?00:07
Gourlissebsebseb, I'm a newbie too. :D00:07
Yanick_th0r, I did "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/MEDIA" but it says it cannot access /dev/sdb1 or something00:07
Name141sebsebseb: LTS is for people that want a working OS as of now.00:07
Name141for me00:08
mobi-sheepubugtu:  Do your machine support bluetooth?00:08
th0rYanick_: ok. First, you need an empty dir to mount to. in the terminal type 'sudo mkdir /media/test'00:08
sebsebsebGourlis: ,but I meant the  really computer ignorant newbies maybe,  or  newbies with really old hardware00:08
sebsebsebName141: 8.10 is a working OS :)00:08
Giganticand what's the help bot in here?00:08
Name141sebsebseb: about like Win9500:08
sebsebsebName141: nonsense00:08
sebsebseb!ubottu |  Gigantic00:08
ubottuGigantic: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:08
funkyHatGigantic: yes, the rest of the system is the same. There's no need for a desktop environment on a server so it's not installed, and the kernel is optimised more for typical server usage than desktop usage. You can actually install the server kernel on a desktop install if you want to (or vice versa)00:09
AmpelbeinName141: can you see anything unsual in the dmesg output after loading the module?00:09
sebsebsebName141: first of all Ubuntu and Windows 95 are two completly differnet OS's00:09
Giganticsebsebseb: danke00:09
Gourlissebsebseb, dunno mate.. I don't wanna go far with next releases because I don't want to lose my graphic drivers again as it happened with 9.0400:09
th0rYanick_: then type 'mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/test' (you were close)00:09
yoyit2amarok iphone  /mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesLock how do i removethis?00:09
snellfunkyhat what about sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?00:09
Name141Ampelbein: I guess I should go try this again, and use dmesg shortly after?00:09
sebsebsebGourlis: did you do 8.10?00:09
sebsebsebGourlis: I would suggest upgrading your 8.04 to 8.10 and running that untill  9.10 or 10.0400:09
GiganticfunkyHat: all rite ty... I know what you talking about, just new to the distro00:10
funkyHatsnell: can't hurt00:10
sebsebsebGourlis: unless you want  KDE3  from the repo in Ubuntu :)00:10
Name141sebsebseb: not if they both don't work for your hardware00:10
Yanick_th0r, I needed to add sudo before, and the result is.... ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/sdb1': No such file or directory00:10
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sm0k3dI just wanted to say that this is the greatest distro off all time guys, and I want to express my profound and deep gratitute to all of you, who are the makers of gentoo linux. Thank You :)00:10
Gourlissebsebseb, :D I won't do anything tonight *tomorrow* :P tonight am tired of reading psychology stupid exam for tomorrow00:11
sebsebsebName141: your obviosuly a newbie, and don't reolize that not all hardware will just work, because of hardware manufactures that do not release specifications,  and make the hardware only for Windows00:11
AmpelbeinName141: right, just type dmesg after modprobe the module. you could compare the output before modprobing and after to only see what is new and write this info on a sheet of paper, then typing it to pastebin ;-)00:11
Name141Ampelbein: OK.00:11
Gigantic1 more Q... I guess there is no diff between Ubu/Kubuntu but for the desktop installed by default righ...00:11
sebsebsebGourlis: 10.04 is the next LTS00:11
th0rYanick_: the lines you put in pastebin. They did show up after you plugged in the drive, right?00:11
Yanick_yes. I didn't remove the plug since00:11
Giganticno diff installer or versions of other stuff00:12
yoyit2daniel@daniel-u9:~$ sudo chmod 777 /mnt/ipod00:12
yoyit2 access denied??????00:12
AmpelbeinGigantic: correct.00:12
chuck_Gigantic, thats right00:12
Name141Ampelbein: Speaking of this, would finding a way to put Ubuntu on a flash drive be faster than the live CD/DVD disks ?00:12
Giganticty see ya00:12
sebsebsebGourlis: about the only true advantage 8.04  on the desktop has over  8.10 on the desktop, these days, is that KDE3 is in the repo :)00:12
Gourlissebsebseb, as I see 8.04 LTS. Versions which comes out after it are in beta actually until next LTS comes out.00:12
buakekaAnyone know the best program to backup my system as an image?00:12
sebsebsebGourlis: no00:12
sebsebsebGourlis: not at all00:12
AmpelbeinName141: defnitely is faster ( when using usb2.0)00:12
sm0k3di mean, how did you guys develop this elite flavour of linux?00:13
Name141Ampelbein: OK.  And I assume I can install, rather than just have it run LIVE?00:13
sm0k3dand why the name gentoo ?00:13
sebsebsebGourlis: and before a  180 months supported distro even comes out as a stable, it has gone through many development versions. let's take  9.04 for example.  6 alpha's,  1 or 2 betas,  a release candidate or 2, and then the final00:13
Ampelbein!backup | buakeka00:13
ubottubuakeka: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:13
sebsebsebGourlis: 18 months above00:13
sm0k3dhmm, did you guys change the name ?00:13
sebsebsebGourlis: or how about 9.1000:13
AmpelbeinName141: you can use a persistent flash disk00:13
sebsebseb!9.10 |  Gourlis00:13
ubottuGourlis: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:13
jribsm0k3d: "the name"?  of what?00:13
Yanick_th0r, if I list all files in /dev, I can't see sdb* ?00:13
sebsebsebGourlis: oh the bot does not have a schedulded link00:14
Ampelbein!usb | Name14100:14
ubottuName141: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:14
sm0k3djrib, see my previous posts00:14
Name141persistent ?00:14
sebsebsebGourlis: release schedulded00:14
jribsm0k3d: i read one line at a time...00:14
Third3ye2Windows and network services >.<00:14
sebsebsebGourlis: by the way if Microsoft did software like  opensource/freesoftware   Windows 7 beta would really be the alpha, and the Windows 7 release candidate would really be the beta00:14
Gourlissebsebseb, thank you for your time and all the info mate. I really appreciate that. :-)00:14
Third3ye2funkyHat: I tried sharing network connections using this old USB-WLAN dongle I found00:15
Gourliswho cares about microsoft;p00:15
GourlisI dont00:15
lupine_85hi - I'm mounting an nfs share on jaunty and the permissions are broken. anyone have a clue what's going on?00:15
Third3ye2And XP gives me this crap about "Adress Conflicts" and whatnot00:15
sebsebsebGourlis: take Firefox for example,  quite a few alphas, and then the betas, and rc's  and then final yeah,  well you get the idea now I think00:15
sebsebsebGourlis: commerical software they rush out new versions,  opensource/freesoftware goes through loads of testing before a final00:15
Name141Ampelbein: Alright, I'll check it out once I get the flash drive.00:15
th0rYanick_: I just plugged mine in to check, and it looks like it should be there. Did you actually see those lines appear in /var/log/messages AFTER you plugged in the drive or were they there when you first looked?00:15
Yanick_th0r, is it normal if I don't have any /dev/sdb1 file?00:16
Yanick_th0r, yes00:16
th0rYanick_: no, you should have both /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb100:16
Yanick_th0r, well, they're not there00:16
gilesfunkyhat, you still around?00:16
Gourlissebsebseb, I like listening more but tomorrow night I will be available heheh for more class.00:16
=== betrayd is now known as she_dyed
funkyHatgiles: ish00:16
Name141Ampelbein: There isn't windows versions of the instructions ?00:16
sebsebseb!freedom  |  Gourlis00:16
ubottuGourlis: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing00:16
th0rYanick_: (thinking)00:16
nunyabizcan someone please help me?  I'm trying to install ninan, but I seem to be missing the file ninancore.sh from the zip file, any suggestions?00:16
moz44hello guys, anybody knows where is the executable file for rhythmbox music player in intrepid ibex?00:17
Yanick_th0r, :)00:17
burnerHELP!?!?!?  I can sudo apt-get install and it downloads packages, but df reports 0 disk space!?!?! and dpkg refuses to configure mysql saying that there is no disk space... but apt-get downloads?!?!?00:17
proqburner: does 7zip get the best compression for an ubuntu filesystem?00:17
sebsebsebmoz44: uh no and why want to know where it's installed?00:17
AmpelbeinName141: just boot from live-cd and run the commands as described.00:17
mzzburner: there's a bunch of space reserved for root00:17
=== Third3ye2 is now known as third3ye
th0rYanick_: I hate to resort to this, but have you tried a cold boot (shutdown and then start up from scratch)?00:17
funkyHatThird3ye2: not really sure what else to suggest :(. it might be possible to host a mirror on the XP machine to install from, that might be too much hassle to be worth it though00:17
burnermzz: how do I fix that?00:17
moz44Ampelbein: so that it can download my podcasts00:17
mzzburner: this is not a bug. Recommend you free up some space.00:17
gilesfunkyhat, i can boot into jaunty now from the super grub disk so in jaunty i removed grub-gfxboot, installed grub from the repos, ran root hd(0,4) setup (hd0) and it all worked great, but i still get a grub error stage 1.5 when i boot00:17
Name141Ampelbein: I wont be able to download the usb-creator without the network00:17
burnermzz: sudo df doesn't report any free space00:17
burnerthis has to be a bug!!!00:18
mzzburner: correct00:18
funkyHatthird3ye: and I don't know how you'd set that up, probably quite possible though00:18
burnerI did "rm -rf /bunchofstuffover1gb" and df still shows 000:18
nunyabizcan someone please help me?  I'm trying to install ninan, but I seem to be missing the file ninancore.sh from the zip file...00:18
mzzburner: compare "Size" to "Used"00:18
Yanick_th0r, well, I could try, but this is a fresh restart. I just booted my computer (I never use hibernate or something) to play a movie, but I got that wall. I can try though00:18
funkyHatgiles: which partition is hd(0,4)?00:18
th0rYanick_: let me check a couple of things...give me a minute00:18
gilesmy ubuntu partition, the proper one00:18
Yanick_th0r, k00:18
funkyHatgiles: do you have a /boot partition?00:18
funkyHatI think grub's root should point at /boot00:19
Poincare490hello everyoNe!00:19
gilesfunkyhat, no00:19
xemacs4321why do i keep getting information in my xterm saying "I: caps.c: Dropping root privileges."00:19
she_dyednunyabiz give us a link, where did you get it00:19
Poincare490HELLO I SAY!00:19
gilesfunkyhat: /boot is on hd0,400:19
sebsebseb!caps |  Poincare49000:19
ubottuPoincare490: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:19
burnerand mzz, why would apt-get work to download many megs of packages?00:19
mzz!hi| Poincare49000:19
ubottuPoincare490: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:19
funkyHatgiles: sda5, right?00:19
mzzburner: apparently it runs as root.00:19
sebsebsebmzz: I thought about maybe doing that, but then thought nah00:19
sebsebsebmzz: since he was attention seeking a lot00:20
gilesfunkyhat: without the flash drive in i can sudo grub and run "find /boot/grub/stage1" and it will return hd(0,4)00:20
mzzsebsebseb: I just really like how this channel has a factoid for every occasion00:20
gilesfunkyhat: all of the grub setup from there works just like it should00:20
sebsebsebmzz: well not quite every, but I know what you mean00:20
mzzyou're probably right though, should've kept my mouth shut00:20
nunyabizshe_dyed, http://www.ninan.org/modules/wfdownloads/viewcat.php?cid=100:20
Poincare490Who knows what AoPs is?00:20
sebsebsebmzz: it's ok00:20
Poincare490who knows what AoPs is?00:20
gilesfunkyhat: i tihnk i have messed up my /boot/grub but installing grub again did nothing00:20
Poincare490someone please nuke me00:21
sebsebseb!repeate | Poincare49000:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repeate00:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repete00:21
sebsebsebspelling wrong heh00:21
Yanick_th0r, I'm going to try and reboot the system now, I'll be back whether this works or not00:21
Poincare490what is repeate?00:21
sebsebsebPoincare490: you'll see if it's spelt correctly00:21
AmpelbeinName141: Use "Method 1" then? (install to usb-pendrive)00:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repete00:21
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:21
funkyHatgiles: did you try grub-install?00:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repeate00:21
funkyHatgiles: again that is00:21
gilesfunkyhat: i wil try that now00:21
Gourlisdamn this wireless00:22
mathyboyi am newbie hefe00:22
Ampelbein!ops Poincare49000:22
sebsebsebmathyboy: ok00:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops Poincare49000:22
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:22
mathyboySo what's the speed of dark?00:22
dronixWhat's another word for Thesaurus?00:22
HardDiskI used to work in a fire hydrant factory. You couldn't park anywhere near the place.00:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quote00:22
mathyboywe know speed of light00:22
elkyPoincare490, please behave.00:22
* Gnea Poincare490 shows Poincare490 his finger00:22
Gourlissebsebseb, I don't know why but the good news are that.. I loved ubuntu community! :D00:22
yoyit2on iphone, were are songs stored?? which folder does the app Ipod read from??00:23
mathyboywe know speed of light?00:23
Name141I see.00:23
sebsebseb!love >  Gourlis00:23
ubottuGourlis, please see my private message00:23
mathyboylaughing out loud00:23
Seeker`!ot | mathyboy00:23
ubottumathyboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:23
=== bk is now known as bk|away
methodswhat does it mean if i press the bluetooth button and it doesn't light up and hcitool dev doesn't show any devices ?00:23
=== bk|away is now known as bk
Gneamethods: what bluetooth button?00:24
Gourlissebsebseb, you are an administrator ? :P00:24
sebsebsebGourlis: of what?00:24
methodsmy laptop has a bluetooth and wireless button00:24
Gourlissebsebseb is identified to services00:24
gilesfunkyhat, that looked good, rebooting now00:24
sebsebsebGourlis: yeah00:24
gilesfunkyhat: YES you are a legend00:24
sebsebsebGourlis: you can register your name and be identifed on freenode00:25
gileshellll yeaaa00:25
Gneamethods: does the system detect that you have a bluetooth when you turn it on?00:25
GourlisI am :P00:25
gilesfunkyhat: a million blessings my friend00:25
funkyHatgiles: heh, my head won't fit out the door now00:25
funkyHatgiles: glad you got it working :)00:25
methodsGnea: when i press the button nothing happens making me think that I don't have needed drivers or something but i have the bluetooth packages installed00:25
Gourlismaybe I'm newbie on ubuntu but am expert on networks etc. I started many things from 0 and when I went to 100 I bored :P00:25
Gnea!bluetooth | methods (make sure you follow this guide)00:25
sebsebsebGourlis: ok00:25
ubottumethods (make sure you follow this guide): For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup00:25
gilesfunkyhat: thanks again man just in time to take my laptop to uni00:26
methodsi followed that already00:26
Gneamethods: what version of ubuntu?00:26
Gnealatest what?00:26
Gourlissebsebseb, bill gates as I see tries to make new windows as ubuntu as always he copy things.00:26
Gnealatest alpha release?00:26
mathyboylong ban list00:26
sebsebsebGourlis: Microsoft copied some things from Apple yeah00:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:27
Gourlisonly from apple ?00:27
mathyboystop it >.<00:27
qubitsagh my volume no workie00:27
mobi-sheepmethods, What are you trying to connect?  Did Bluetooth say you connected successfully?00:27
sebsebsebGourlis: and they bought  Dos from another company or whatever00:27
chuck_mathyboy, can you stop trolling00:27
qubitsit says sdc is connected in dmesg00:27
Gneamethods: if you give me a few minutes, i seem to have a similar issue - i don't have a button, but a usb dongle00:27
methodsi can't even browse the network00:27
qubitsnot seeing an sdc1 tho00:28
methodsGnea:  ok ping me or something00:28
Gneamathyboy: please stop00:28
sebsebsebGourlis: and now days they play catch up a lot with Desktop GNU/Linux and  Mac OS X a lot,  anyway off topic yeah00:28
Gneamethods: will do00:28
Seeker`mathyboy: this is a support channel00:28
she_dyednunyabiz i think you have to install the one called installer for Linux00:28
qubitsits not even showing up in kwikdisk00:28
she_dyednunyabiz or contact the authors/devs by email, they can attach it and send to you heh00:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:28
Gourlisheh nevermind ;D relax00:28
FloodBot2oppp7762: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:28
FloodBot2oppp6994: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:29
Gourliswithout any work to do00:29
LjL!feeding the troll00:29
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.00:29
LyezHi all.  Sorry for the noob question, but are there any recommended players for .mp3's out there (that plays other files as well i.e. wmv's00:29
ozatomicin my dmesg i'mg etting heaps of "Write-error on swap-device" followed by "compcache: Error allocating memory for compressed page: 25642, size=4076" any ideas how to fix this?00:29
Gourlisqubits, yes ?00:30
mainstonewhat is this???00:30
kitcheLyez: mplayer, vlc is the two that mainly come to mind00:30
hskillwhats a good hex editor for ubuntu?00:30
Ampelbein!rhythmbox | Lyez00:30
ubottuLyez: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:30
Chr|s!hi | qubits00:30
ubottuqubits: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:30
Gourlishi qubits00:30
sebsebsebLjL: if they read the log yeah00:30
Lyezperfect... thanks all00:31
mathyboywhere can i get my ubontu?00:31
Chr|s!ubuntu | mathyboy00:31
ubottumathyboy: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:31
Gourlisdo not disturb me now :P thinking what channel to register here i came and i will sit !!00:31
mathyboythat Chr|s00:31
Chr|smathyboy: ?00:31
mathyboythank Chr|s00:31
UntouchableMXcan some one help me, with my wireless card00:32
mathyboymy fault -.-00:32
Chr|smathyboy: ohh :) No problem00:32
Ampelbein!anyone | UntouchableMX00:32
qubitsGourlis,  you can setup a channel on our irc, irc.xor.cx, its the irc for neworder.box.sk00:32
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:32
sebsebsebhumm bot gone bye bye again?00:32
sebsebseboh just slow00:32
ubottuUntouchableMX: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:32
qubitsits 100mbit dedicated unmetered00:32
qubitsand its offshores00:32
UntouchableMXok, sorry, im new here00:32
Gourlisqubits, these servers are linked here ?00:32
sebsebsebUntouchableMX: see above for wireless link00:32
qubitsThey're not linked to ubuntu no00:33
aleron6does anybody know how to make movieplayer support the wmv format00:33
qubitsbut its cchanlinked to remote-exploit00:33
aleron6or no00:33
mainstoneIt this for questions?00:33
lstarnesGourlis: they aren't liked to this network (freenode)00:33
Ampelbeinaleron6: i'm sure someone does00:33
lstarnesmainstone: this is the official support channel for ubuntu00:33
ds_how do I find a program that is installed but isn't in the applications menu?00:33
mainstoneis it only ubuntu??00:33
lstarnesmainstone: yes00:33
sebsebsebThese channels are on Freenode, but they belong to Canonical the company behind Ubuntu00:33
Gourlissebsebseb, am identified to services too lol :P i was blind before00:33
droid7ds_, synaptic00:33
GourlisIt shows 2 informations ;D00:33
droid7ds_, oops nevermind. try using terminal and typing in the application name00:33
funkyHatsebsebseb: I thought they belonged to the CC00:34
droid7ds_, or gnome-do00:34
sebsebsebfunkyHat: the what?00:34
Gourlisqubits, I like to sit here :P00:34
lstarnesmainstone: I'm not sure about mint00:34
droid7if it exists, you can always write your own shortcut00:34
funkyHatCommunity Council, sebsebseb00:34
sebsebsebfunkyHat: uh maybe00:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:34
ds_i typed synaptic in the terminal though, and it looks pretty useful for other stuff though.. so thanks lol00:34
Noob541i cant find a  screenrecording software!!!!00:34
ds_and i cant figure out what the application is called00:35
Gourlislstarnes, why spamming is allowed here ?00:35
droid7ds_, I thought you were asking something else00:35
qubitsNoob541, try  camtasia00:35
sebsebsebds_: Synaptic is good yeah, but  sudo apt-get install program name so much easier and quicker to install programs you know name of00:35
qubitsmegadownload.net for that00:35
AmpelbeinNoob541: try istanbul00:35
ds_well its already installed00:35
qubitso for linux00:35
lstarnesGourlis: it isn't00:35
droid7ds_, I meant type the application name you're looking for in terminal just to see if exists00:35
lstarnesGourlis: why did you ask that?00:35
ds_it is catalyst control center00:35
droid7ds_, you can do "which <application name>" and add it to the menu yourelf00:35
Gourlisbecause qubits invited me on other network if you saw ;D00:35
Patriquehi my graphical card is a 8600 gt 512 mb but when i run a game in wine it's only detecting 256mb of memory... is it a wine issue or it may come from ubuntu?00:36
sebsebseb!ot  | Gourlis00:36
ubottuGourlis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:36
ds_i cant figure out what to type in the terminal for catalyst control center00:36
ds_ccc doesnt work00:36
qubitsi wasnt spamming man00:37
qubitsi was offtopicing00:37
qubits!ot | sebsebseb00:37
ubottusebsebseb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:37
mainstoneAnyone......   is there is any way itunes can work in linux??00:37
Chr|s!anyone | mainstone00:38
ubottumainstone: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:38
Lyezok, one more recommendation... if you've used dreamweaver, is there an equivalent in linux?00:38
Seeker`qubits: stop00:38
elkyqubits, stop.00:38
Chr|s!itunes | qubits00:38
ubottuqubits: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee00:38
* Gnea looks oddly at qubits 00:38
jrib /whois qubits00:38
qubitsDon't feed me guys00:38
ds_PLEASE help: how do i start up catalyst control center? I know it's already installed00:38
Gneaor what?00:39
mainstoneCan itunes work in linux, ie through wine or anything other than a virtual machine?00:39
proqmainstone: yes, virtualbox00:39
sebsebsebI  was thinking of doing  ! o  p s  ,because of that guy, but then you two turned up again  elky and Seeker00:39
Chr|smainstone: type !itunes00:39
qubitsGnea, feed me and find out00:39
Seeker`qubits: Gnea: please stop00:39
mainstoneso through virtual box... through windows?00:39
=== brEz is now known as brEz_
funkyHatds_: try amdcc*tab*00:39
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee00:39
chuck_ds_, it should be in applications somewhere maybe accessories00:40
funkyHatds_: or just amd*tab*00:40
Gneamainstone: yeah, it has to be in windows or osx00:40
funkyHatds_: (I don't have it installed so I can't tell you for certain00:40
qubitsHi Seeker` , are you a regular here?00:40
sterilegenieim using brasero to burn a videots file to dvd but my home dvd player refuses to play it. In windows this works perectly. Am I missing a plugin or something?00:40
ds_nope, it's not amd00:40
ds_or amdcc00:40
Yanick_th0r, I just rebooted (had a hard time connecting my wireless for some reason). and, well, everything works now. My girlfriend had told me in the first place, but I told her it surely was something else... in the end, she was right. Thanks for your help00:41
Zac_Hello, I have a fairly simple question.  A while back I found a website with step by step instructions for installing Ubuntu onto an HP Mininote via SD Card but I can't recall the name of it.  Could anyone tell me?00:41
qubitsThink you could spend some of that time you have to police the channel to actually help me with something00:41
LjL!danger | Nessie200:41
ubottuNessie2: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:41
mainstonewould i need a osx cd to run it in the virtual box?00:41
sebsebsebLjL: what would that have done?00:41
Gnea!ask > quickdraw00:41
ubottuquickdraw, please see my private message00:41
th0rYanick_: yea...I hate to resort to a 'windows' cure, but sometimes it does work. BTW....I found a website you might want to check...just a sec00:41
Yanick_th0r, gotta go. Thank you for you help00:41
Gneaquickdraw: sorry, wrong target00:41
Ampelbeinsebsebseb: changed your irc-server00:42
Yanick_th0r, k00:42
charitwoit'd disconnect you00:42
mainstonehow do you talk at someone#?00:42
sterilegenieim using brasero to burn a videots file to dvd but my home dvd player refuses to play it. In windows this works perectly. Am I missing a plugin or something?00:42
th0rYanick_: check near the bottom of this page....https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36629600:42
sebsebsebAmpelbein: from  Freenode to something else?  or  whatever server I am on right now on Freenode?00:42
th0rYanick_: the addition of usb_storage to /etc/modules00:42
Gneamainstone: just say their nick like this00:42
Seeker`!ot | sebsebseb00:42
ubottusebsebseb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:42
mainstoneGnea: Like this?00:43
UntouchableMXsorry for being rude, I check the link about the wireless card, and mine isnt supported, but I hace the driver, but it dosent get installed, and I used one of the other programs that lets you use a windows driver and I only get 16% strength on all signals, and I can get connected to one but it wont open nothing00:43
Valkyriehi guys00:43
Yanick_th0r, thanks! I'll bookmark that00:43
Valkyriei need a bit of help..00:43
funkyHat!ask > Valkyrie00:43
ubottuValkyrie, please see my private message00:43
ds_anybody who has Catalyst Control Center, PLEASE tell me how to run it00:43
aleron6anybody use wmv format files here00:44
=== kamil_ is now known as Guest93179
jonatansziasztok van valaki magyar itt?00:44
sebsebsebaleron6: sometimes00:44
aleron6how did yu do that00:44
Gneamainstone: you got it00:44
aleron6did yu use a codec00:44
lstarnes!hu | jonatan00:44
ubottujonatan: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál00:44
ryanakcaHow do I set the default page / paper size for a printer (CUPS)?00:44
sebsebsebaleron6: yes00:44
aleron6what codec00:44
funkyHatds_: try this: dpkg -L fglrx-amdcccle | grep bin00:44
Valkyriewell... i got 64bit ubuntu and synaptics flash (in the restriced extras) and flash works..but there is one problem.. i cant seem to see this live video feed of chris pirrilo... its all grey00:44
sebsebsebaleron6: not exactly sure, but if you  try to open them in a player,  then it will usually ask if you want to install the codec.  also you can  run  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras  to take care of stuff like that00:45
funkyHatds_: that will give you a list of files that are part of the fglrx-amdcccle package which have "bin" somewhere in their path. One of those will probably be the one you need to run00:45
sterilegenieim using brasero to burn a videots file to dvd but my home dvd player refuses to play it. In windows this works perectly. Am I missing a plugin or something?00:45
ds_Package `fglrx-amdcccle' is not installed.00:45
chuck_ds_, amdcccle don't thank me thank google00:45
ds_hmm, maybe it got uninstalled somehow00:45
funkyHatds_: perhaps you need to install it then...00:46
Valkyriesebsebseb: i have installed the restriced extras00:46
ds_ill apt-get it again00:46
MGrunde_Okay, this is really strange. I just installed Jaunty and my monitor doesn't seem to be properly detected, the max resolution was 800x600, when it should be 1280x1024.  So I was messing around with xorg.conf, had to start in safe-graphics mode, and when I opened display settings, all of the resolutions were detected and everything's working.00:46
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup00:46
Valkyriesorry... im kinda a newb to linux i only got it 2 days ago...00:46
MGrunde_The problem is, I can't seem to get this to happen when I'm not in safe graphics mode00:46
UntouchableMXsorry for being rude, I check the link about the wireless card, and mine isnt supported, but I hace the driver, but it dosent get installed, and I used one of the other programs that lets you use a windows driver and I only get 16% strength on all signals, and I can get connected to one but it wont open nothing00:47
UntouchableMXIts a rtl818700:47
Ampelbein!X | MGrunde00:47
ubottuMGrunde: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:47
pc__hola a todos00:47
MGrunde_Ampelbein, been there, done that.00:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:47
mainstoneGnea: Right so it has to be typed each time... ok. Thanks.   With virtualbox can you boot a system which is already on a partition? I already boot Vista, XP and Linux Mint on 2 hard drives but dont know if i can run the current instalation on the virtual box?00:48
Valkyrieany ideas as to why i cant see the video feed?00:48
AmpelbeinMGrunde: got the shirt? (just kidding)00:48
AmpelbeinMGrunde: can you pastebin /var/log/xorg.0.log after X started with 800X600?00:48
RoastedHas anybody tried 9.10 yet?00:48
ds_another question: how come my sound only works from about 75%-100% volume? I can still turn it up and down but it 0% is where 75% should be00:48
Valkyrienope.. im on 9.0400:48
sebsebseb!9.10 |  Roasted00:48
ubottuRoasted: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:48
Gneamainstone: I've never tried it, used to try it with vmware but it turned out to be a bad idea, so I just make a virtual disk00:49
RoastedI'm well aware00:49
Roastedhas anybody used 9.10 yet?00:49
sebsebsebwell in that case00:49
FloodBot3Roasted: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
sebsebseb!ot  |  Roasted00:49
ubottuRoasted: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:49
Roasted9.10 = Ubuntu.00:49
nunyabizcan someone please help me, i installed an app called ninan, but i can't login to it with my username and password, it says User/password incorrect00:49
sebsebsebRoasted: this channel is for stable versions00:49
sebsebsebRoasted: not for unstable ones00:49
Roastednever siezes to amaze me00:49
funkyHatRoasted: #ubuntu+1 is for discussing the next version, this is for support for current versions only00:49
Roastedthis channel00:49
mainstoneGena: Right.... Sorry if i'm asking too much!!! How do you do that?00:49
methodsGnea:  i have to head out can you pm me the process once you get it fixed ?00:49
Gneasebsebseb: what? we support jaunty here00:50
MGrunde_Ampelbein, Yes, I'll need to restart then.  Back shortly00:50
sebsebsebGnea: he is asking about 9.1000:50
Roastedgnea - I'm questioning karmic00:50
Gneamethods: sure00:50
UntouchableMXhas any one have had experience makin work a wireless nic,to be specific rtl818700:50
Roastedgnea - but evidently I'm off topic :(00:50
mobi-sheepmethods: I think Gnea forget about you. :)00:50
RoastedUntouchableMX - I thought the RTL8187B was working in later versions of Ubuntu?00:50
Gneasebsebseb: sorry, mis-read it as 9.0400:50
* Valkyrie dreams of becoming a linux technition after highschool00:50
sebsebsebGnea: ok no problem00:50
UntouchableMXmine is the regular rtl818700:50
Gneasebsebseb: been a long day :)00:50
nightdreverok folks00:51
RoastedAre you running 9.04?00:51
sebsebsebGnea: ah ok00:51
nightdreverdoes anyone know how to get my graphics card working?00:51
Valkyrieim trying to convince my school to switch to linux/ubuntu... it would be amazing00:51
sebsebsebValkyrie: indeed, but probably won't happen anytime soon if ever00:51
Roastedvalkyrie - are you in tech support?00:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:51
Valkyriemy school board is actually considering it!00:51
nightdrevercan noone help me?00:51
sebsebsebRoasted and  Valkyrie00:52
sebsebsebsee above00:52
jelly-beantrying to install awesome3. anyone done it on ubuntu jaunty?00:52
Roastedjust wow00:52
jelly-beanneeding libstartup-notification-1.000:52
Valkyrieah.. sorry sebsebseb00:52
Roastedyou say 1 thing unrelated to Ubuntu and everyone craps their pants00:52
RoastedOH MY GOD I BROUGHT UP 9.10!!00:52
sebsebsebit's not quite like that00:52
Roastedevidently so00:52
sebsebseb,but  your annoying me a little bit00:52
Seeker`Roasted: stop now00:52
UntouchableMXand the bad thing that not even with the windows driver it dosent even work :(00:52
nightdreverno way to get a SIS graphics card working on linux?00:53
nunyabizcan someone please help me, i installed an app called ninan, but i can't login to it with my username and password, it says User/password incorrect00:53
Ampelbein!X | nightdrever00:53
ubottunightdrever: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:53
yowshi1is there any way to find out exact;ly which programme keeps bogging down my system by taxing my hard drives?00:53
mobi-sheepPlease don't blog here.  Do it at Wikipedia.  Mkay?  Thanks. :)00:53
lstarnesyowshi1: which version of ubuntu are you using?00:53
RoastedANYWAY - Valkyrie - I work in tech support at a school district. I'd love to see an Ubuntu lab there... but I'm not too sure it'd be feasible. With the district being so allocated towards education, you need educational programs to aid that... and there's no denying there's more reading/math programs on Windows than Ubuntu,  unfortunately. So I think we'll remain a Windows client network. :(00:53
nightdrevermy graphics card isnt been recoignized by linux?00:53
UntouchableMXand theres not that many post about rtl8187 and ubuntu00:53
GneaRoasted: get it figured out?00:53
RoastedGnea - get what figured out?00:54
yowshi1lstarnes: jaunty00:54
GneaRoasted: the 9.10 thing00:54
RoastedUntouchableMX - I wasn't aware an RTL8187 existed, just the RTL8187B... do you know what the difference is? Woudln't the same Linux driver handle the same thing?00:54
sebsebsebSeeker`: see above00:54
RoastedGnea - No. I can't talk about 9.10 here. So naturally I didn't figure out my problem. :(00:54
nunyabizcan anyone please help me, I'm having problems logging into ninan00:54
Seeker`Roasted: Take the chat somewhere else please00:54
GneaRoasted: well, see, that's what the #ubuntu+1 channel is for - just join it :)00:54
lstarnesyowshi1: I'm not sure what it would be in 9.04. Someone else here probably knows00:55
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:55
RoastedSeeker - Actually I'm currently talking with somebody about helping htem with their wireless here. But hey, thanks for your input anyway.00:55
yowshi1lstarnes: why what was it in 8.10 or 8.04?00:55
UntouchableMXwell I have the disc and it has the linux driver, but it aint workin, it dosent install correctly00:55
yowshi1is there any way to find out exact;ly which programme keeps bogging down my system by taxing my hard drives?00:55
Ampelbeinnunyabiz: what is "ninan"?00:55
GneaRoasted: no need to have such an attitude, you can always chat in 2 rooms at once, right?00:55
RoastedUntouchableMX - the driver wasn't automatically picked up when you installed Ubuntu?00:55
lstarnesyowshi1: I recall there being one major issue that was fixed00:55
RoastedGnea - Yes. I know. I'm just being a smartazz cause I get sick of the nazi ways this channel is ran.00:55
sebsebsebRoasted: or three even or pm  even for the off topic stuff00:56
nunyabizampelbein, an app that allows you to download binaries00:56
Roastedseb - no thx00:56
Ampelbeinnunyabiz: there's no package by that name in ubuntu00:56
yowshi1lstarnes: no this is a programme accessing the hard drive and it momenatarily freezes my system wjhen it does00:56
sebsebsebSeeker`: about time00:56
chuck_Seeker`, ty00:56
UntouchableMXbut the one it pick up, dosent work good, it shows all of the signals with 16% strenth, and I can get connected to a network put it wont open nothing00:56
Gnea!attitude | Roasted00:56
ubottuRoasted: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:56
nunyabizampelbein, deany told me about it00:57
RoastedGnea - I got it. But hey, thanks!00:57
MGrunde_Ampelbein, http://pastebin.com/d760563e600:57
RoastedUntouchableMX - Are you using network manager?00:57
UntouchableMXI dont think so, wich do you recommend00:58
testHelp! Ubuntu/Gnome keeps freezing at sudden times lately, and all I can do is a cold reboot!00:58
RoastedUntouchableMX - My old laptop had the RTL8187B and if I recall I just used the default network manager and it worked... but granted that was 8187B, not 8187... I have no clue waht the difference would be.00:58
sebsebsebtest: old computer?00:58
UntouchableMXwell I use the default, the one on the system tray but like I tell you, it shows al the signals at 16%00:59
UntouchableMXand I haved use wifislax and it recognized it good00:59
RoastedUntouchableMX - How close are you to the access point? Have you tried the same location but in Windows?00:59
nightdreverok my hardware drivers isnt detecting my video card....any suggestions?00:59
testsebsebseb: no, pretty new. Intel Q8200 etc, and I have updated all programs.00:59
nightdreverI have a SIS card00:59
sebsebsebtest: Intel hummm  that could be the issue,  there are Intel graphics issues mentioned in the release notes, maybe that effects you01:00
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes01:00
UntouchableMXwell Im connected right now on windows using the card and its like 60%01:00
RoastedUntouchableMX - It could be that the driver for the RTL8187 that's coupled with Linux is just of poor quality that results in less of a signal range.01:01
=== Mau_Restor is now known as mau_restor
rogue780i need to install apache2, php modules, and mysql server....there used to be all the command line install stuff on ubuntuguide, but now it's no there anymore. I have ubuntu server installed (version 8.10) and i'm accessing it via putty01:01
AmpelbeinMGrunde: your monitor seems to does not support edid, you have to set hsync and vsync in /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually. what kind of monitor is this?01:01
nightdreverok noone know how to get my card to work?......so to get it to work i HAVE to revert back to windows ? :-(01:01
UntouchableMXbut it does the same thing to all of the networks it detects01:01
sebsebseb!lamp | rogue78001:01
ubotturogue780: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:01
tr-ipdoes ubuntu only install from the live boot cd or is there another version with fresh install?01:01
sebsebsebnightdrever: I suggest trying Ubuntu forums01:01
RoastedThe LiveCD can install and run it without installing too.01:01
sebsebsebnightdrever: sign up and do a thread about your card there01:01
nightdreverive looked cant find away01:02
testsebsebseb: will check it out. But "graphic issues" ? It's more like that the whole desktop environment freezes, sometimes all but the mouse, and sometimes the windows looks like buggy old MS Windows-windows attacked by viruses.01:02
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sebsebsebnightdrever: your on 9.04 now?  8.10 was ok?01:02
tr-ipRoasted: yeah but the live cd is the only way of installing it right by installing the live cd to the hard disk, and not a fresh install01:02
nightdreveri dont want to have to go back to crappy windows....i like ubuntu better01:02
sebsebsebnightdrever: try 8.04 even,  since differnet xorgs01:02
nightdreveryes im on 9.0401:02
UntouchableMXdoes it make a difference because its a usb card01:02
MGrunde_Ampelbein, It's an LG L1770HQ.  I tried using xrandr and adding a modeline, but when I try to change to it, it gives me an error.01:03
sebsebsebtest: sounds like a possible failing hardware issue01:03
Flanneltr-ip: "with fresh install"?  What do you mean?  how would installation from the liveCD not be a fresh install?01:03
nightdreveri dont think it worked on 8.04 either01:03
AmpelbeinMGrunde: you don't happen to specify what error?01:03
Roastedtr-ip - I think you might be confused. When you boot to the LiveCD, you can actually use Linux and test it out. If you click install icon on the desktop, it installs Linux on your computer.. on your actual hard drive. That's how I awlays install LInux.01:03
MGrunde_Ampelbein, Also, just checked out the log from when I started in low graphics mode and the difference is that it's using Vesa, and for some reason the modes are discovered01:03
tr-ipFlannel: meaning it onoly installs the clone of the live cd to the hard disc?01:04
MGrunde_Ampelbein, One second, I'll find out01:04
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Flanneltr-ip: That's correct.  But that clone is a 'fresh install' as good as any other.01:04
UntouchableMXwell looks like im going to try a nother distribution of linux01:04
rogue780sebsebseb, thanks01:04
Flanneltr-ip: There's also the alternate CD, which installs everything via packages, but you'll end up with the same result.01:04
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MGrunde_Ampelbein, Although, since edid doesn't seem to work, will gtf be able to properly generate a modeline?01:05
sebsebsebrogue780: no problem01:05
testsebsebseb: hope not. It has just started recently, and all seems fine in Windows.01:05
tr-ipFlannel: Whats the root password for the live cd?01:05
UntouchableMXlater guys, and thanks for your help01:05
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AmpelbeinMGrunde: vesa uses more safe defaults that's why it works "better".01:05
Flanneltr-ip: there is no root password.  Ubuntu doesn't use the root account, it's locked.01:05
tr-ipFlannel: so how u suppose to install stuff?01:06
tyl3rHello. Running Jaunty with gnome on a dell studio xps16 with full hd 1920x1080....anyone has some good tips / links for font optimizing, especially in firefox ?01:06
Gnea!sudo | tr-ip01:06
ubottutr-ip: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:06
Flanneltr-ip: Ubuntu uses sudo.01:06
tyl3rI know this is an issue for many people and I read and try a lot but for firefox I cannot come to a decent solution01:06
AmpelbeinMGrunde: gtf should work anyway01:07
tyl3rsystem fonts are fine actually, but with full hd res, I cannot find any optimal font setting in firefox...01:07
TheMoonMastertyl3r: I am on an XPS m1130 and going to system->preferences->appearance and then going to the fonts section, choosing details and editing the DPI helps me01:07
TheMoonMastertyl3r: You install msttcorefonts?01:08
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: thx, how many dpi you have ? In general I would be happy with firefox looking fine on all pages....but for example ubuntuforums look great with one font, with the same font last.fm is ugly and overlaps etc...so hard to find a perfect solution01:08
TheMoonMasterI use 9601:08
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: yes installed corefonts01:08
MGrunde_Ampelbein, The error I get when I run "xrandr --output default --mode 1280x1024_60.00" (after adding that modeline using --newmode and --addmode) is "xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed"01:09
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: do you have option "allow websites to use own fonts" in firefox set?01:09
mobi-sheepI'd like to trim down the processes.... What do you suggest?  I'm looking at Startup Applications and bum (Boot Up Manager).  Most of the services does not have descriptions which render them useless to me.01:09
AmpelbeinMGrunde: you could also open a bug on launchpad for that issue, please use 'ubuntu-bug -p xorg' to automatically attach needed information01:09
tr-ipso if I install kde using apt-get or install or whatever how would I make it load instead of gnome?01:09
pepperjackmobi-sheep: all the raid stuff can go unless you are using it. id just look in /etc/init.d and google for each script to see if you need it to run01:09
TheMoonMasterYes I do01:10
Flanneltr-ip: You'd install kubuntu-desktop (that'll give you kde).  And then at the login screen (gdm or kdm) you'd choose which you wanted under Sessions01:10
yowshi1is there any way to find out exact;ly which programme keeps bogging down my system by taxing my hard drives?01:10
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: ok. Could you please tell me your fonts used in Firefox / sizes ? Would be nice...01:10
TheMoonMasteryowshi1: Open a terminal and type top01:10
mobi-sheeppepperjack: Is there a Ubuntu website that list all processes / startup / etc?  Something that people would like to know.  Kinda like sysreg for Windows.  Lol.01:11
yowshi1TheMoonMaster: i've tried top before i dont know how to scroll in it or how to use it to find out whats using the hard drive01:11
Flannelmobi-sheep: What do you mean?  Like man pages?01:11
=== Pikachu is now known as Guest15155
TheMoonMasterI'm on my netbook right now, so the sizes would be different, but the fonts are proportional -> serif, serif -> serif, sans-serif -> sans-serif, monospace -> monospace01:12
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: ok thx01:12
MGrunde_Ampelbein, Yeah, I probably will.  Everything seemed to work in Hardy though.  That's why I thought this would just be a quick fix.  Guess not.01:12
mobi-sheepFlannel: Take a look in System --> Preferences --> Startup Applications.  There are a list of services that have no description and I would like to know what their purposes is so I can trim down processes.01:12
TheMoonMasterOn here the sizes are all 901:12
nevynnetwork-manager initiates a ppp connection to a mobile internet connection but it doesn't call /etc/ppp/ip-up is this known behavior?01:12
TheMoonMasterBut under default font it's serif size 1601:13
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: same here, 1601:13
billisnicecan anyone lead me to a tutorial on how to connect a ubuntu 9.04 machine to a windows xp printer?  when i search for a printer on the network the printer box disappears01:13
AmpelbeinMGrunde: in jaunty, the xorg version has undergone huge changes compared to hardy01:13
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mobi-sheepFlannel: Not to mention that I installed and ran bum too.  I wanted to trim down things that do not apply to me.01:13
mobi-sheep!info bum | Flannel01:13
ubottuFlannel: bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (jaunty), package size 81 kB, installed size 516 kB01:13
billisnicexp computer connected to a printer01:13
TheMoonMasterHmm, thats odd, last.fm looks fine for me and everything.01:13
Flannelmobi-sheep: I'm aware of what bum is.  I sggest reading the man pages for each process.01:13
AmpelbeinMGrunde: using the above command, a solution will quickly be found, I think.01:13
mobi-sheepFlannel: Yeah.  Seems like it.  Thanks.01:14
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: will try further with fonts or else maybe with a standard set zoom for all websites in firefox....as websites might still be optimized for lower res these days...will try your posted settings with 16 right now...01:14
juxboxi have a weird problem with sound, nothing with audio works, any idea why and how to fix it?01:16
MGrunde_Ampelbein, Okay, bug filed.  Thanks for your help01:16
th0rjuxbox: I found reference to a bug in 9.04 where the sound starts muted at bootup. Check the mixer and see if the volume is muted01:16
timewriterubuntu runs pretty nice in vmware01:17
TheMoonMastertyl3r: I looked up the problem and some say that editing your appearance->font->details and setting hinting to none fixes things01:17
sebsebsebtimewriter: sure, but I hope your only doing that to test the OS01:17
sebsebsebtimewriter: you should partition your hard disk for real, for proper Ubuntu usage :)01:17
juxboxth0r: no it's not muted01:17
timewriteri just wanted to have a quick look01:17
sebsebsebtimewriter: also Virtualbox is better than the free versions of VMware01:17
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sebsebsebtimewriter: and can even use VMDK files01:17
timewriterim using the paid version of vmware workstation01:18
Guest85234I'm trying to set a file's mode (a shell script actually) using chmod 771 -- then when i try to use the script, i get "permission denied" ...why?01:18
sebsebsebtimewriter: that you bought?01:18
timewriterim amazed01:18
timewriteri wonder what if i use ubuntu 64bit as a host01:18
timewriterto run windows xp as a guest01:18
Guest85234i'll change nick and requery01:18
sebsebsebtimewriter: sure if you got 64bit proccessor and at least 4GB RAM01:18
Decepticontest failed!01:19
sebsebsebtimewriter: well no Windows 3D gaming or some such if you do a Windows vm, but otherwise :)01:19
timewriteryes , im running a quad core and 4 GB of ram01:19
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[ucb]kevinI'm trying to set a file's mode (a shell script actually) using chmod 771 -- then when i try to use the script, i get "permission denied" ...why?01:19
juxboxshould i follow the tutorial in http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=20686801:19
timewriterhmm , they say they improved 3d in the latest vmware version01:19
yowshi1is there any way to find out exact;ly which programme keeps bogging down my system by taxing my hard drives?01:19
sebsebsebtimewriter: OpenGL, but DIrectx hum01:19
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StR|Sangrealplease, what SW should i use in JauntyAMD64 to take photos with my integrated vga webcam?01:19
usr13yowshi1: top01:19
jribyowshi1: iotop01:20
timewriterthats not good01:20
timewriteralso the audio drivers arent the one i want01:20
timewriterfor my creative x-fi01:20
timewriteri need to use ASIO01:20
[ucb]kevin*solved* thanks anyways!01:20
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: just tried all, with your font settings in firefox, for example at me the login text overlaps with a formular field...if I go down with font size, its getting too small...so I tried different one, droid, bitstream, etc...still, seems Im unable to find a perfect firefox config that fits on all sites. Sure Im not an expert regarding fonts but I know this is common problem for many people....recently swit01:20
tyl3rched from my latitude 630 to xps16, since then it got worse01:20
timewriterubuntu + xp , 628 mb ram01:21
TheMoonMastertyl3r: did you try appearance->font->details and setting hinting to none?01:21
aleron6anybody know of any wmv convertere01:21
TheMoonMasterI saw that that fixed it for some people.01:21
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: Yes, just did that and restarted firefox01:21
seanseanAnyone have experience installing Jaunty with an SATA as a secondary drive?01:21
StR|Sangrealwhat is the opensource alternative to .GIF compression of graphic animations?01:22
TheMoonMasterHmmm, I use small screens and Arch so I don't really know.01:22
juxboxany ideas on no audio issue?01:22
pepperjack!sound | juxbox may help01:22
ubottujuxbox may help: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:22
TheMoonMasterDo you have the latest firefox?01:22
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: Firefox 3.0.10...yes you are right, its a problem related due to my high res....I was fine on 15inch notebooks01:23
TheMoonMasterYeah, mine are 13in and 10in01:23
juxboxubottu: there's no volume control, i'm using kde actually.01:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:24
buakekaHow can I enable all my files to be read/write permanently?01:24
TheMoonMasterbuakeka: You mean EVERY file?01:24
Flannelbuakeka: what do you mean your files?01:24
buakekayes, to install BIN files.01:24
Flannelbuakeka: You don't want to.01:24
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: hmm, I think zoom could help here, small fonts but zoom like ctrl + works and looks fine...maybe you know the setting in firefox responsible for a standard zoom on every webpage set in about:config ?01:24
TheMoonMasterNot a great idea.01:24
Dapsdoes anyone here use KompoZer ?? and if you do can you tell me why upon mouse over of a drop down menu the program closes..??01:24
TheMoonMasterOh, ummm01:24
buakekaUbuntu won't let me install .bin files.01:25
TheMoonMasterTry holding control and using the scroll wheel01:25
usr13   buakeka Your files in /home shoud already be rw01:25
Flannelbuakeka: You need to use sudo.01:25
usr13buakeka: But if not, just do chmod +rw01:25
buakekaI've ran sudo command. Says "file does not exist".01:25
* Gnea grumbles something unmentionable about a reliance on gnome to make bluetooth work in jaunty01:25
guineapigThe ubuntu site says installation requires a minimum 4 gigs. How much of this is swap? If I share swap, how much do I need to allocate to ubuntu?01:25
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: yes, that works, just like to have a standard zoom for every page...but its ok I just google that, thx for your help01:25
TheMoonMasterNo problem01:25
Flannelbuakeka: What command are you running, and where is the bin file?01:25
usr13buakeka: ls -l will tell you01:26
buakekaI have been saving it to my desktop. I've used  ./myfilename.bin01:26
yuffiguineapig: < 3 gb01:26
seanseanUnable to unmount SATA HD during Jaunty install. Tried to force but nothing01:27
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: oh btw., if you have a studio, did you update your bios yet over ubuntu with the dell firmware tools ? seems like they dont post the updates for mine in their repo....and I cannot get a .hdr file from the win packages dell provides01:27
Dapsanyone know why my webcam won't work on skype??01:27
Gneaseansean: are you cd'd to a directory on it?01:27
Flannelbuakeka: What directory are you in currently?01:28
seanseanGnea: No, not cd'd into it only ubiquity running01:28
Flannelbuakeka: desktop or Desktop?01:28
DisabledDuckhow can you uncompress a tar.gz file in the command line?01:29
Flannelbuakeka: What's the actual filename?01:29
th0rDisabledDuck: tar -xvzf <filename>01:29
th0rDisabledDuck: or 'man tar'01:29
buakekanevermind, its working now.01:30
FlannelDisabledDuck: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression#Command%20Line%20Usage01:30
rayluhm... actually, neither the j nor the z are needed in tar01:30
poboy975linuxhello, anyone available to answer a few uestions?01:30
raylu!anyone | poboy975linux01:30
ubottupoboy975linux: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:30
th0rraylu: the z is need for a .tar.gz file01:30
rayluth0r: it should be needed, but i found that it did it for me01:31
rayluth0r: when i forgot to type it once01:31
StR|Sangreal!bye | All01:31
ubottuAll: Au revoir!01:31
poboy975linuxlol sorry, I'm looking for information on how to sync a palm centro with ubuntu 9.04 using jpilot. most of the google searches I have found are very very old01:31
poboy975linuxsync with bluetooth01:31
juxboxi got an error saying that my audio driver is not working, then how can i fix that?01:31
tyl3rTheMoonMaster: fyi, looks better with hinting off01:32
CoJaBo-AztecUh... Ok, I just typed "mv Documents Local Documents", forgetting to escape the space in "Local Documents". Where is "Documents" now?01:32
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usserCoJaBo-Aztec, in Local01:32
Gneaseansean: well what did you mount and why did you mount it?01:32
rayluusser: isn't it src src dest?01:33
FlannelCoJaBo-Aztec: Local(2) and Documents(3) were moved to Documents(1)01:33
seanseanGnae: was mounted automatically as /cdrom (not /media/cdrom)01:33
CoJaBo-Aztecusser: Local did not exist, and there is no Documents anymore.01:33
usserraylu, its just mv scr dst,01:33
FlannelCoJaBo-Aztec: Is there a Local now?01:34
rayluusser: but if you specify 3 arguments, all but the last are interpreted as src01:34
raylufoor:~$ mkdir foo bar01:34
raylufoor:~$ mv foo bar foo01:34
raylumv: cannot move `foo' to a subdirectory of itself, `foo/foo'01:34
CoJaBo-AztecFlannel: No Local, Documents, or Local Documents.01:34
rayluCoJaBo-Aztec: if both are directories, you should have gotten an error like the one i pasted01:34
seanseanGnea: was mounted automatically as /cdrom (not /media/cdrom)01:34
CoJaBo-Aztecraylu: The only output was "mv: cannot stat `Local': No such file or directory"01:35
chimera4uis there a way to disable the caching of the root password in Ubuntu. I never have this problem on CentOS01:35
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Gneaseansean: is the cd still in the drive?01:35
rayluCoJaBo-Aztec: then it would have tried to move Documents into Documents and errored on that too. i think you actually typed something else01:35
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, mv test testing testing, where "test" is the original dir, it doesnt work for me01:35
rayluchimera4u: have you played with your sudoers?01:36
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seanseanGnae: SATA is HD not CD. Also I'm installing from USB01:36
Flannelchimera4u: You can.  It's notthe root password, but yes.  You'll need to edit your sudoers (sudo visudo) and change timestamp_timeout to 001:36
chimera4uraylu: sure. I don't see any thing that has to do with caching there01:36
Dapswhen a process freezes, how can i force it to close..?01:36
Gneaseansean: they do make SATA CDs. you should be able to finish the process up and it will automatically unmount it for you.01:37
yuffidaps: kill <processname>01:37
Dapsyuffi, thanks01:37
david-desktop1could someone please explain how i could get my zune to be recognized by ubuntu?01:37
poboy975linuxhow do I know which usb port to use for hotsync? usb0 usb1 usb2 usb3? these are choices in jpilot01:38
chimera4uFlannel: timestamp_timeout does not exist in the sudoers file.01:38
Ghoti_Daps: If you're not at the commandline, you can also press Alt-F@, type in 'xkill', and click on the dead window.01:39
Dapsyuffi, i tried that.. it said: bash: kill: amsn: arguments must be process or job IDs01:39
CoJaBo-Aztecraylu: http://pastebin.com/f57cfa48501:39
yuffidaps: sorry, killall processname01:39
bottoI have a small problem with ubuntu on my netbook01:39
Ghoti_Daps: you can put an xkill applet on the panel too if you need to use it a lot.01:39
seanseanGnea: SATA HD is getting mounted as /cdrom. After setting partiton prefs in ubiquity install halts with unmount error.01:40
DapsGhoti, Alt-F@ ??01:40
bottoWhen I run upgrades, the screen is shifted down by 20 pixels roughly01:40
bottoAfter the upgrades that is01:40
Ghoti_Daps: Alt-F2, sorry01:40
DapsGhoti, thanks01:41
chemikalzi have compiz running and stuff but how do i install a theme i dled from gnome look, i put it in the themes folder directory for compizz...????01:41
Ghoti_Daps: anytime!01:41
Dapsworked like a charm01:41
Flannelchimera4u: alright.  Go ahead and add it.  To the end of the Defaults line (separate with a comma: "Defaults....,!fdqn,timestamp_timeout=0"01:41
CoJaBo-Aztecraylu: usser: Any ideas where it might have gone o_O01:41
Gneaseansean: what mounts it to /cdrom?01:41
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs01:41
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz01:42
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:42
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, the original folder was named Documents ?01:42
seanseanGnae: The Jaunty install running off USB01:42
methodsGnea:  any luck ?01:42
chimera4uFlannel: I don't have a Defaults line all I have is "Defaults    env_reset"01:42
CoJaBo-Aztecusser: Yes, http://pastebin.com/f57cfa485 .01:42
kristianpaulthere is a MOTU here?01:43
Gneamethods: no, it's actually doing a good job of pissing me off - i can find my device with hcitool scan just fine, but the device wizard absolutely refuses to see it01:43
=== david-desktop1 is now known as ddubbsmax
LjLkristianpaul: maybe, though #ubuntu-motu would be a more likely place to find one01:43
chimera4uFlannel: as u can see there is no user like in most cases i.e. Defaults:user timestamp_timeout=001:43
kristianpaulLjL, thanks i'n new on ubuntu universe01:43
methodsGnea:  i can't even see my device with 'hcitool dev'01:43
=== effie-jayx is now known as effie_jayx
Flannelchimera4u: Right.  That's your defaults line.01:43
Flannelchimera4u: you don't need a user.  Add it to the end of your Defaults\tenv_reset line01:44
Gneamethods: after you turned the switch 'on', did you sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart?01:44
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:44
ddubbsmaxcan anyone tell me how to get ubuntu to regester a zune as a device01:44
chimera4uFlannel: using visudo I get this error "sudoers file: syntax error, line 16 <<<"01:44
methodsGnea:  i don't know if it's on or not it normally lights up but now it doesn't light up when i push it01:44
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, oh god. i think it collapsed into itself. try creating a directory and moving that directory into itself01:44
Flannelchimera4u: that means you didn't edit it properly.01:45
chimera4uFlannel: here is what I have "Defaults    env_reset timestamp_timeout=0"01:45
rogue78059 day uptime! woohoo!01:45
Flannelchimera4u: put a comma in between.01:45
Gneamethods: open a terminal and:  tail -f /var/log/syslog   and see what happens (if anything) when you press the button01:45
Flannelchimera4u: env_reset,timestamp_timeout=001:45
CoJaBo-Aztecusser: o_O01:45
methodsGnea:  nothing there or in dmesg01:45
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, it should have moved Documents to Documents the way the command is constructed, so you should still have Documents folder01:45
Gneamethods: weird - what make/model is the laptop?01:46
chimera4uFlannel: that worked. Thanks a million. I wonder why in CentOS it doesn't need to be specified yet it is not cached.01:46
methodsGnea: extensa 4420 acer01:46
GamingRobotwho here is familar with setting up a wireless bridge between a brodcom wireless card and the eathernet port ? on 8.10 ubuntu01:46
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org01:46
Noob541can anyone help me?01:46
SanityInAnarchyOk... what happened to Expresscards? The pciehp module seems to have been removed??01:47
mugenCan someone help me upgrade my Thinkpad T43 video drivers? I would greatly appreciate it!01:47
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, well thats weird it should have said something along the lines of mv: cannot move `Documents' to a subdirectory of itself, `Documents/Documents'01:47
Gnea!anyone | Noob54101:48
ubottuNoob541: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:48
CoJaBo-Aztecusser: Actually... It might have been a symlink... Would that have moved the symlink inside itself? o_O01:48
seanseanGnae: Seems I'm not the only one having issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1134389&highlight=sata+unmount01:48
mugenHow do I find out what video drivers my Think T43 uses so I can get the correct ubuntu drivers accordingly?01:48
GamingRobotwow quite the busy channel here01:49
RiwiSkype 100% cpu usage is a pain, if someone knows how to fix that "without me installing the static oss version" It'd be cool01:49
Gneamethods: not seeing it up there... someone needs to write a howto for it ;)  can you pastebin the output of the lspci command?01:49
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, still, i cant reproduce that behaviour01:50
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, it always errors out01:50
th0rRiwi: skype used to do that in windows a while back...I traced it to the bonjour service, which skype installed and which wasn't really needed.01:51
CoJaBo-Aztecusser: I can't either, but thats what happened o_O The symlink moved to its target directory (luckily I managed to find it with find command)01:51
Gneamethods: well the wireless network is there, but not the bluetooth... are you sure it has bluetooth built into it?01:51
methodshow do i check if there is irq conflict ?01:52
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, so the symlink Documents went to whatever directory it was pointing to?01:52
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, this is cool :)01:52
Gneamethods: and you can see what's using what with:  cat /proc/interrupts01:52
robert__i don't notice any speed difference with unr01:52
CoJaBo-Aztecusser: Cool? Maybe. Scary? Definately! o_O01:53
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, backup, backup, backup :)01:53
CoJaBo-Aztecusser: Target was an NTFS partition, maybe it only happens in that case or something?01:53
maragon hi all, I have the sigmatel STAC92xx soundcard on my Dell Vostro 1700, and I was wondering how to get s/pdif playback via the 11-pin s-video port on the back.  I have my second display connected to the port fine to the special dell dongle that breaks it into rgb and s/pdif but i cannot switch over to digital sound ouput like in windows vista01:53
usserCoJaBo-Aztec, possible01:54
seanseanGnae: Thanks for listening. I'll have to persevere running Jaunty purely from USB till I can source fix01:54
Ampelbeinrobert__: if you have a lpia-compatible processor it would be best to install the lpia-port of ubuntu to get the best possible speed.01:54
CoJaBo-Aztecusser: I have a backup (and needed it recently for a different problem), but its a few days old and would take time to restore.01:54
robert__Ampelbein, whats lpia?01:55
maragonbtw I am running Jaunty  ---sorry for the interrupt -Aztec01:55
pppianowhen i try to play something on youtube using firefox01:55
robert__i hope the new theme comes out for 9.1001:55
pppianono sound comes out01:55
pppianowould anyone know why?01:55
tonsofpcspppiano: close firefox, kill pulseaudio, restart firefox01:55
juxboxmy audio still doesn't work!!01:55
methodsGnea:  it doesn't have it01:56
Gneamethods: hrm, well i got it to find my phone jut fine01:56
robert__pppiano, did you enable record sound in your audio preferences?01:56
Ampelbeinrobert__: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LPIA, it's a processor architecture.01:56
* CoJaBo-Aztec wonders how the universe hasn't imploded on itself o_O01:56
pppianotonsofpcs: it's been like this for a while, i've tried restarting and hasn't worked01:56
methodsGnea: thanks for your time01:56
tonsofpcspppiano: close firefox, kill pulseaudio, restart firefox01:56
mugenmugen@mugenT43:~$ glxinfo | grep rendering01:57
mugenget fences failed: -101:57
mugenparam: 6, val: 001:57
mugendirect rendering: Yes01:57
FloodBot3mugen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
mugensorry for the flood01:57
ussermugen, i get that on my intel card, works fine otherwise though01:57
pppianotonsofpcs:  arguments must be process or job IDs01:57
pppianoshould i use killall01:58
mugenusser: how come when i scroll through pages its still slow?01:58
ussermugen, firefox?01:58
mugenusser: really sluggish. this is mainly on flash heavy sites like (www.streetfire.net)01:58
tonsofpcspppiano: ps aux | grep -i pulseaudio01:58
pppianotonsofpcs: OMG01:58
pppianothank you01:59
ussermugen, flash is slow. thats expected01:59
mugenusser: yes, i even downloaded all recommended extensions to speed up site loading (noscript, etc)01:59
eseven73mugen, have you tried opera, it's way faster than Firefox01:59
ussermugen, try flash blocker01:59
tonsofpcspppiano: no problem :) now get the ubuntu folks to stop using pulse audio so we dont have that problem01:59
mugenusser: got that too. I'm going to try opera.01:59
pppianotonsofpcs: just so you know, i haven't been using it for a while just because of this reason01:59
GamingRobotguess no one knows01:59
mugenits too bad i love firefox lol01:59
Ghoti_pppiano: you might also like pstree (part of the psmisc package).  pstree -p will also show PIDs01:59
pppianotonsofpcs: thank you01:59
mugenusser: how do my drivers look though? should i upgrade to a different one?02:00
tonsofpcspppiano: it'll also run faster now02:00
eseven73mugen, only bad thing with opera, they don't have all the extensions like firefox does02:00
ussermugen, glxinfo | grep OpenGL renderer string02:00
ussermugen, what does it say?02:00
ussermugen, err glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer string"02:00
pppianotonsofpcs: sure, but i dont even know what pulse audio is, i'll google it now....but damn, im just amazed02:00
DisabledDuckis there any way to set mplayer to always choose english as the default language?02:00
snellhow do i view version details of a program via command line?02:01
Ek|mu5using xubuntu here02:01
tonsofpcssnell: dpends on the program02:01
Ek|mu5I'd like to uninstall mousepad and replace it with gedit02:01
Ghoti_snell: generally, programname --version02:01
tonsofpcsardour2 --version02:02
mugenusser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/176059/02:02
Ek|mu5can I remove mousepad on xubuntu or is it core of the xubuntu-desktop package?02:02
GamingRobotwhat channel can i go to for ubuntu network help?02:02
mobi-sheepGamingRobot: Here.  We're the matrix.02:02
GamingRobotwho here is familar with setting up a wireless bridge between a brodcom wireless card and the eathernet port ? on 8.10 ubuntu02:03
eseven73dpkg -l |grep firefox   for example shows it's version too02:03
Ek|mu5can I remove mousepad on xubuntu or is it core of the xubuntu-desktop package? I want to replace it with gedit (code highlights)02:03
tonsofpcsGamingRobot: me02:04
DaZEk|mu5: try02:04
GamingRobotwell tonsofpcs how would i go about doing that02:04
mugeneseven73: what do you think of my T43 video drivers? Do I have the correct one? http://paste.ubuntu.com/176059/02:04
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs02:04
eseven73mugen, I don't know, I came into the conversation late sorry02:05
mudassarHello experts, I want to share some folder of my SD Card of windows mobile and want to copy some files from ubuntu 9.04 How can I do that ?02:05
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:06
Okashihey, can someone help me? I updated from 8.10 to 9.40 last night and now the computer freezes when  I do anything.02:07
rocky_oh, I thought I was on a different server, and someone was using my name XD02:07
pppianotonsofpcs: will i have to run that command everytime i restart my computer?02:07
Ghoti_Okashi: define 'anything'02:07
tonsofpcspppiano: no, just everytime pulseaudio crashes [you can probably disable it somehow]02:08
sam555having problems burning unbuntu 9.04 to a disk02:08
rocky_is there a way to have a sound play even when you change slides in openoffice.org?02:08
OkashiI open a directory, it freezes02:08
OkashiI open a file it freezez02:08
sam555i get "error reading boot cd"02:08
sam555i was using roxio, anyone know of another cd burn program to use?02:08
user01hi, how do i make pppd able to run as plain user?02:08
tonsofpcsuser01: read the man pages02:08
tonsofpcsits in one of the confuigs02:09
* rocky_ is going to RTFM before he waits more (yeah, I know)02:09
Ghoti_Okashi: (btw, it's 9.04, not 9.10; there are only 12 months in the year) Are you using GNOME or KDE? Do you have the same problems in failsafe mode?02:09
OkashiI guess I should mention that after it tried to update it said it failed and it was going to revert02:09
Okashithen it frooze02:10
snellwhen i do sudo apt-get update i get some strange errors02:10
usuario_Alguem que fala portugues?02:10
snellcan someone take a look?02:10
Ghoti_Okashi: that could be related..  Can you try a failsafe session?02:10
Pici!pt | usuario_02:10
ubottuusuario_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:10
OkashiI'm sorry I think gnome but I'm not sure02:10
Ghoti_snell: pastebin the errors you get and I'd be happyt o02:10
OkashiI don't know how, I'm using a 8.10 live cd just so I can chat02:11
mugenso i just downloaded the latest video drivers for my t43. i see a file called install.sh. how do i install it?02:11
Ghoti_Okashi: when you boot and are at the login prompt, there should be a 'session options' button02:11
DasEimugen : open a terminal...02:11
Lyezok, this might be a good one:  i've loaded VLC and Xine, and they will not play any DVD's that I insert into the dvd-rom.  anyone know of a good dvd player for ubuntu?  the error i get is "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable"...02:11
Ghoti_snell: looks like you're missing some GPG keys for one of your repos02:12
mugendasei: so navigate to it and "open install.sh"?02:12
Okashiah. so what do I do once I get it to boot in failsafe mode? come back?02:12
DaZlooks like one of his repos is dead imho02:12
DasEimugen : copy the file to /usr/src02:12
snellghoti how can i remedy the situation?02:12
usser_!medibuntu | Lyez02:12
ubottuLyez: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:12
DasEimugen : cd there02:12
snellghoti the reason this is bugging me is because it wont give me the current version of ardour02:13
Acui have ubuntu 9.04 and everything works well in my laptop. What i want to do is to stop gnome (etc/init.d/gdm stop) and have a wireless connection in my cli interface. after 2 days i am wondering how to configure wpa_supplicant.but, if everything works well in gnome, the correct command to set up my network connection should be written in a startup file, isn't it? where can i find it?(sorry for my eng)02:13
DasEimugen : sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall02:13
^paradox^in need of some help with port forwarding. i know this isnt the channel for it. perhaps someone can suggest a channel where i can get help with this?02:13
Ghoti_snell: give me a sec, I'll have the fix for you02:13
rocky_okay, I RTFM and googled, and found my answer ^_^02:14
Ghoti_snell: try:  gpg --recv-keys  2EBC26B60C5A2783  ; gpg --export-armor | sudo apt-key add -02:14
OkashiGhoti_: : so what do I do after I boot into failsafe mode, come back here?02:15
stxingcan intel 845g video card be used in Ubuntu 9.04?02:15
Ghoti_Okashi: if you can boot into failsafe mode, and it works, to an apt-get update and see if you can restore sanity to your system02:15
erossegh.. i installed ubuntu and a home user is set up on my MLC solid state drive, but I want to point to a slave drive. Is it possible, so when I boot up and I log in with the slave drive partition?02:16
=== ring1 is now known as ring0
erossas the home user02:16
Okashithanks I'll try it02:17
^paradox^anyone? just need a suggestion as to a channel where i might get some help with port forwarding02:18
mattgyvereross, see pm02:18
Ghoti_snell: did that work?02:18
losher^paradox^: which router are you running?02:18
sebsebseb^paradox^: ok #ubuntu-offtopic maybe02:18
snellghoti: gpg: no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)02:18
snellghoti: gpg: keyserver receive failed: bad URI02:19
^paradox^well i know its an ambit router02:19
Ghoti_snell: interesting..02:19
snellghoti: gpg: Invalid option "--export-armor"02:19
^paradox^i cant get closeup on it because my gf is using that pc right now02:19
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.02:19
pppianoI have another problem, I'm using Avant Window Manager, and i remember when i used to open a new window the icon would appear on the tray below, but now it doesn't anymore02:19
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox02:19
snellghoti: gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.    last one...02:19
Ghoti_snell: try one dash before the 'export-armor', my bad02:20
losher^paradox^: I've never heard of it. Most routers have support forums. Tried googling for ambit support forum?02:20
NEO117hi I'd like to know if you can get viruses on a Windows Partition by using an infected USB device through Linux02:20
sebsebsebNEO117: if you put on the Windows partition from the USB stick sure02:21
mrhevery bittorrent client I have tried causes my system to totally crash - it just freezes. This began happening after months of trouble free use, I am on Hardy, running KDE, has anyone seen THIS problem?02:21
sebsebsebNEO117: otherwise probably not, because the viruses can't run on Ubuntu02:21
DaZNEO117: ubuntu doesn't support autoruns so no02:21
NEO117ok thanks02:21
NEO117actually the partition is on the same HDD02:22
snellghoti: same deal02:22
IsRealNEO117,  doesn't matter, can't get infected02:22
sebsebsebNEO117: you can have Windows viruses in your Ubuntu partition, whilst your Windows partition is  also mounted, without the Windows partiton getting infected02:22
NEO117thanks a lot02:23
sebsebsebNEO117: no problem02:23
sebsebsebhe should probably remove the virusees off his USB device though, but yeah he is gone now02:23
IsRealclamav to the rescue02:24
sebsebsebthat could do it yeah02:24
sebsebseb,but I guess it applys even to USB devices02:24
sebsebsebstart over with a new partition, to make sure all viruses are gone02:24
cemerickhow do I disable password authentication through ssh for a single user?02:25
sebsebsebIsReal: format partition yeah02:25
IsRealLvl format!02:26
sebsebsebIsReal: Lvl ???02:26
IsRealLow Level02:26
Ghoti_cemerick: disable it in /etc/passwd, and make sure they have a public key in ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys02:26
sebsebsebIsReal: ah ok02:26
mobi-sheepWhat application uses notify-osd to notify a new Gmail message?  I remember seeing it in notify-osd example-video02:27
C-00000100i have an old VHS tape i want to backup to my PC and put on a DVD, i have a capture card so connection not an issue, just what apps and where to start looking, the vid is from 15 years ago, when I climbed a 90' transmission line to rescue some hawks02:28
qedxmobi-sheep:  specto, maybe?02:28
mrhHas anyone seen anything like the issue I am having?02:29
petteeis anyone successfully using 9.04, an ati x1950 and svideo tv-out?02:29
Guy0223Are there any how's for setting up mailscanner with postfix?02:29
Guy0223how to's02:29
eseven73mobi-sheep,  you can see it on apt-cache search notify02:29
Bold`hello.. when I try to install ubuntu using wubi, it installs the the amd64 release insteade of the x86, I am having Intel E6550 CPU.. is this normal ?02:30
cemerickGhoti_: there are no passwords in /etc/passwd -- do you mean /etc/shadow?  Or, shouldn't we just do 'passwd -l username'?02:30
Ghoti_cemerick: I meant the latter02:30
petteeyes Bold`, that's normal and basically means the 64bit version02:31
cemerickGhoti_: OK, that makes more sense.  Is locking the password better, and still achieves the same goal?  Editing /etc/shadow doesn't seem like a good idea.02:32
Bold`pettee, is there any advantage of running the 64 version ? or disadvantage ?02:32
losher!tv | C-0000010002:32
ubottuC-00000100: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out02:32
Ghoti_cemerick: locking the password prevents that user from using a password to login to the system, but they should still be able to use public-key authenticated SSH to connect02:32
cemerickGhoti_: right, that's what I'm aiming for02:33
C-00000100Thanks losher02:33
cemerickAm I just paranoid w.r.t. not touching /etc/shadow?02:33
cemerick(manually, that is)02:33
Ghoti_cemerick: I would advise avoiding manual edits of /etc/{group,shadow,passwd} :)02:33
cemerickok, that's what I figured02:34
cemerickthanks :-)02:34
Ghoti_cemerick: my pleasure02:34
loshermrh: it's odd. Are you running 9.04?02:34
mrhlosher: no, 8.04.102:35
jonhjonhzhola como puedo añadir al grub el windows vista02:35
grkblood13how do i access the gui for alsamixer02:35
petteeBold`: if you have <4gigs of ram there's no huge advantage to it, no huge disadvantage with compatibility either02:35
Ghoti_!es | jonhjonhz02:35
ubottujonhjonhz: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:35
Chr|sgrkblood13: just type alsamixer in terminal02:35
loshermrh: then its very odd. What makes you so sure it's bittorrent causing the freezes02:35
grkblood13i did, i get this error: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory02:36
mobi-sheepqedx: Specto seems interesting.  You use it?  I'm running it right now as a test trial.02:36
mrhlosher: only happens when I am using bittorrent02:36
grkblood13i have /usr/bin/alsamixer though02:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer02:36
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:36
mrhlosher: I have tried several clients too02:36
Bold`pettee: I have 2 GB ram, I can read from your comment that 64 will perform a bit faster.. I will give it a try.. thank you for replying !02:36
mrhlosher: I had been using bittorrent for along time without a single problem02:36
grkblood13i have that selected02:37
Chr|sgrkblood13: try asking in #alsa they are a helfup bunch02:37
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petteeanyone using an x1950 or similar card with the oss drivers on 9.04 and have svideo out working?02:37
loshermrh: bittorrent taxes the network, memory & disk i/o system more than most apps. I'm guessing, but I'd say start with running memtest overnight02:38
Third3yeHey folks02:39
denizhow do i increase the priority of a process using the terminal because there is a bug in system monitor that does not allow me to do this02:39
mrhlosher: I ran memtest a few days ago02:39
mrhlosher: no problems there02:39
Third3yeThe installer (ubuntu 9.04) crashes when it's trying to boot, just at the end of the bootscreen02:39
=== deniz is now known as Guest45171
Computer_ManCan someone tell me where to go and get a driver for my video card that is built in to my Dell 260GX?02:39
mrhlosher: I read an old (2006 I think) thread about this, and the people there found that it was a problem with the level of network activity02:40
Chr|sComputer_Man: there should be no where to go, it should automaticly find it.02:40
mrhlosher: that was in the ubuntu forums02:40
loshermrh: it's plausible. I wouldn't know how to go about fixing it though02:40
Chr|sComputer_Man: what kind of video card do you have?02:40
Computer_Manwell it didn't find it at all.02:40
Computer_Mannow sure what kind it is.02:41
loshermrh: is it an onboard NIC?02:41
mrhlosher: thanks man02:41
Computer_Manis built on the MOBO02:41
mrhlosher: yeah02:41
Third3yeI guess alt install will have to do...02:41
Chr|sComputer_Man: ok how do you know it wasn't found, and yes I know it is :)02:41
Computer_Manif i do grep -i vga02:41
Third3yeunless someone comes up with an idea on how to make the original ubuntu install CD work?02:41
mrhlosher: under 6 months in use, Intel 945GC chipset02:41
Chr|sComputer_Man: ok when you do that, what does it list02:41
Computer_ManI get grep -i vga and VGA is RED02:42
Moonsocket_any one kno where to get a snes 9x that works well with ubuntu02:42
loshermrh: NICs are pretty cheap. It might pay you to disable the onboard NIC and try with an external card. What did the old thread say to do?02:42
mrhlosher: what gets me is that I had been using bittorrent w/out a problem for months02:42
loshermrh: I know. I almost suspect your power supply. They are usually the first component to fail, and can lead to hangs etc.02:43
mrhlosher: ehhhh, in that old thread, everyone concluded that it was a kernel issue, but no solution came up, and it looks like no one paid attention to the issue02:43
mrhlosher: nah man, it ain't a hardware issue, I tested the power supply, thing's ok02:44
linuxman410is there a room for ubuntu 9.1002:44
AtryAnyone know where i can find a place/how to get drivers for an old wireless card on a laptop?02:44
digitalchemistI just installed a touch screen, and it works alright calibration. I can right click by pressing and holding, left click by pressing, but pressing and dragging just moves the mouse rather than moving mouse + button 1. Does anyone know where I should look for info on how to configure different taps and states?02:44
Computer_Mani'm trying to get CCSM to work for desktop cube02:44
AustinScomputer_man, I just did this02:44
loshermrh: Lots of clients allow you to cut back the number of network connections per torrent. You could try that I guess...02:44
panfistis it possible to stop running GNOME panels?02:44
mrhlosher: this box is under 6 months olf02:44
mrhlosher: I did02:44
AustinSComputer_Man: check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115978602:45
PinderDoes anyone know why Ubuntu adds a ";1" to every file on a mounted disc?02:45
StargazerIs there any way to limit how much upload i do?02:45
mrhlosher: see that't the thing, I had been using it no prob for months, I think it was probably a kernel update02:45
Ghoti_linuxman410: #ubuntu+1 for chat about Koala02:45
C-00000100mrh, i've had power supplies be DOA,02:45
mrhlosher: however, I have been thinking about switching to PCBSD, as time goes by, I want to switch more and more02:45
digitalchemistpanfist: yes, use gconf-editor to remove 'panel from /desktop/gnome/session/required_components_list02:46
OkashiIs Ghoti_ still here?02:46
mrhC-00000100: tested it02:46
mrhC-00000100: no probs02:46
Ghoti_Okashi: Let me ask around :)02:46
OkashiGhoti_ I booted into failsafe and tried to update02:46
Computer_ManSystem > Administration > Hardware Drivers don't show me drivers02:47
C-00000100yes' mrh ? with the psb or similar?02:47
Ghoti_Okashi: any luck?02:47
mrhC-00000100: used a tester I have02:47
Okashibut the updater says I'm out of space, I have 3 gigs empty02:47
mrhC-00000100: also backprobed it02:47
mrhC-00000100: I always do this with the nwe boxes I build02:47
Computer_Manand it won't allow me to do above normal display mode in the display properties02:47
Ghoti_Okashi: what does 'df -H' say?02:48
unikon after installine wine and the windows version of vlc  ive removed both using synaptic yet they are still showing up on my  applications list how can i remove  them from the application list02:48
loshermrh: switching to PCBSD I guess would prove the hardware is fine. FWIW, I run a heavily loaded rtorrent on 7.10 without problems02:48
mrhC-00000100: I like making sure bs does not come up after I build it, it has worked well so far, this method02:48
sam555now imgburn and roxio have not been able to make a iso into cd02:48
sam555any ideas?02:48
mrhlosher: indeed02:49
petteejust using the machine for torrents mrh ?02:49
mrhlosher: I have tested ALL the HW on this box02:49
C-00000100mrh my tester checks all 12 channels,, worth it to get the expensive one in my line of work, and i agree with losher02:49
Chr|ssam555: use brasero02:49
sam555Chr|s: ok02:49
sam555Chr|s: thanks02:49
mrhC-00000100: just backprobing with my $5 multimeter has yielded excellent results for years02:50
koruptedhow do i extract alot of 7z files at once from command line?02:50
mrhC-00000100: but I also use the other tester I mentioned02:50
OkashiGhoti_ it says this http://pastebin.com/d2eb851f02:50
petteenot at all a fan of pcbsd, but i love freenas - and any new os install and stress test will help narrow problems down02:50
sam555Chr|s: how do I verify if the issue is not the iso?02:50
mrhpettee: no02:51
StargazerIs there any way to limit how much upload i do?02:51
loshermrh: the bsds are very stable, in my experience. Otherwise, I'd try centos02:51
mrhlosher: yeah, I am drawn to BSD because I have simply yet to read about any of the myriad little issues on them02:51
Computer_Mandoes anyone else have suggestions on my driver issue so that 3d cube can work?02:51
OkashiGhoti_ the strange thing is I tried to delete things to clear even more space. but they won't delete02:51
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Ghoti_Okashi: you do not in fact have 3GB free on your main volume.  Look at line 2.   try 'sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*deb'02:52
PinderDoes anyone know why Ubuntu adds a ";1" to every file on a mounted disc?02:52
jduunlike ubuntu, pcbsd sacrifices a lot as it becomes user friendly including its filesystem layout. I do not suggest it.02:52
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OkashiXD I had 3 gigs open before I updated....02:53
mrhpettee: sure, although I have tested all the HW on this box02:53
loshermrh: openbsd/freebsd/netbsd are all very stable, in my experience.02:53
Okashiubuntu ate my gigs...*sob*02:53
PinderNo? :(02:53
panfistdigitalchemist i went there but i could not remove it. i tried to unset the key but that didn't appear to do anything02:53
mrhlosher: yeah that is why I am going to give PCBSD (which is just FreeBSD with a bunch of scripts on top) a spin02:54
jduPinder, give more info to the channel.  What type of disk?  What filesystem?02:54
loshermrh: the worst thing about them is they don't do ext3 well02:54
``y7is there something i have to do to get my eth's to refresh after i configure them through the ubuntu gui because they don't show any updates when i run ifconfig after configuring them....?02:54
mrhlosher: that's ok02:54
OkashiGhoti_ tried that command, it says there is no such file02:54
loshermrh: please come back and tell us if it solves your problem02:54
jdu``y7, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:54
panfistanother question, do programs store their icons in a central place anywhere?02:54
th0r``y7: you usually have to bring the interface down and then back up to get it to read the new config02:55
Ghoti_Okashi: how about 'sudo apt-get clean'02:55
AtryAnyone know where i can find a place/how to get drivers for an old wireless card on a laptop?02:55
``y7jdu, so they aren't supposed to reset until i type that cmd?02:55
michael__what command do i type in terminal to see my wireless card?02:55
Ghoti_michael__: iwconfig I believe02:55
th0rmichael__: iwconfig02:55
mrhlosher: I might, thing is, I am so short on time . . . that's why this issue has become such a big deal, I mean, W XP handles bittorrent JUST FINE02:55
RafaelCan somebody explain to me why if my home ARRAy is 918 gi8b, it says that used devise size is 459.12..see below:02:55
michael__thank you both :)02:55
jdu``y7, well normally, I would think they would as you are using nm-applet and NetworkManager.02:55
Rafael~$ sudo mdadm --query --detail /dev/md302:55
Rafael        Version : 00.9002:55
Rafael  Creation Time : Mon Apr 28 09:54:58 200802:55
Rafael     Raid Level : raid502:55
Rafael     Array Size : 962839424 (918.24 GiB 985.95 GB)02:55
FloodBot3Rafael: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:55
sam555Chr|s: i figured it out02:56
PacoBuntuhi friends02:56
OkashiGhoti_ is that supposed to do something, because it just went back to input right away02:56
magician0617Hi PacoBuntu02:56
mrhlosher: hell, I had a dual boot with it, xp pro, until recently (deleted it) and it handled bittorrent without a problem02:56
loshermrh: so run wxp. I still use it for some things. Contrary to local opinion, it's not a sin...02:56
``y7jdu, i was adjusting them through system>preferences>network connections        is there a better/different way i can do it with a gui?02:56
mrhlosher: I deleted the partition, had gone months without booting into it, can't stand it anymore02:57
Ghoti_Okashi: it should have cleared the package cache..  check df- H again, and look at the free space on /dev/sda102:57
loshermrh: might be quicker to try 7.1002:57
OkashiGhoti_ everything is the same02:57
mrhlosher: anyway, well thanks for your help anyway, I had a feeling this would not be something that could be solved02:58
foolzI am trying to join the mysql channel and it says "you need to be identified to join that channel" ... what does that mean exactly?02:58
jdu``y7, I usually right click on the network manager applet that is on the toolbar; then on Edit Connections.  The older way would be to edit /etc/network/interfaces.02:58
mrhlosher: 7.10?02:58
mrhlosher: I am on 8.04.102:58
Ghoti_Okashi: strange.  When you did the apt-get clean, did it *instantly* give you another prompt, or did it take a moment?02:58
``y7jdu, that brings me to the same place as the way i was using02:58
OkashiGhoti_ isntantly02:58
``y7jdu, so yours updates automatically after adjusting it there, you don't have to type in that cmd that you gave me?02:58
PacoBuntuwhere can i get google chrome for Ubuntu?02:59
loshermrh: I run 7.10 on my server: mythtv & rtorrent. I *know* it works with bittorrent02:59
Picilosher: fyi, 7.10 is no longer supported.02:59
Ghoti_Okashi: does 'sudo ls /var/cache/apt/' show anything?02:59
jdu``y7, yes. that is all I have to do here.02:59
``y7jdu, rgr that. thx for your help02:59
mrhthanks everyone02:59
Ghoti_Okashi: if you see 'archives', do you have a hozillion .deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives ?02:59
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mrhlosher: thanks man, have a good one02:59
owen1_how to see all the apps that run on startup? (using terminal, no gnome/kde)02:59
Chr|ssam555: ok good to know you figurd it out03:00
``y7also, if i wanted to setup eht0 to be my dhcp and eth1 to be my default gateway, how do i point eth1 to eth0 because everytime i try, i have internet connection with eth0 but not with eth1...?03:00
OkashiGhoti_ shows archives  pkgcache.bin srcpkgcache.bin03:00
losherPici: I know. But I never got mythtv 0.21 working satisfactorily....03:00
Ghoti_Okashi: sudo ls /var/cache/apt/archives  -- do you see a hozillion .deb files?03:00
magician0617for anyone else wanting to use google chrome in ubuntu check out this link   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-using-deb-package.html03:01
jduGhoti_, reason for sudo?03:01
thiebaudemagician0617: thanks03:01
OkashiGhoti_ : no just 'lock  partial'03:01
AtryAnyone know where i can find a place/how to get drivers for an old wireless card on a laptop?03:01
Ghoti_jdu: JIC the directory isn't +x/+r03:02
Ghoti_Okashi: check in those directories as well03:02
Chr|s!wifi Atry03:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wifi Atry03:02
Chr|s!wifi | Atry03:02
ubottuAtry: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:02
OkashiGhoti_ : k03:02
RafaelFloodBot3: can you please explain, i do not understand?03:02
nA1828KcFz9qHello, when I run startx as a non-root user, I do not have sound working. Why is this?03:02
nephishnA1828KcFz9q: maybe need to add the user to the audio group03:03
Ghoti_Okashi: ?03:03
petteesvideo out on oss ati drivers and an x1950 are not working on 9.04?03:03
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OkashiGhoti_ : http://pastebin.com/d67c1c8a703:04
amt2I'm on a laptop with 2 hard drives. Windows is installed on one of the hard drives, and ubuntu in the other. My windows seems to be failing since it fails to start. Ubuntu is working. If I try to look at the hard drive in which Windows is isntalled from Ubuntu, I get a 'Cannot mount volume.' This usually happens whenever Windows shuts down incorrectly. Is there any way I can look at the hard drive?03:04
nA1828KcFz9qnephish: How do I do this?03:04
Ghoti_Okashi: pastebin du -sch /var/*03:04
nephishnA1828KcFz9q: using regular ubuntu or a varient?  from terminal  sudo gpasswd -a username audio03:04
OkashiGhoti_ : sorry I don't understand03:04
Ghoti_Okashi: put the results of 'du -sch /var/*' on pastebin, please :)03:05
nephishnA1828KcFz9q: user will have to log out and then log back in to see the changes work03:05
mib_fh5dfax7lol is everyone here new?03:05
nA1828KcFz9qnephish: OK, I will try that.03:05
Okashioh k03:05
StargazerIs there a way to lower my upload?03:06
jduamt2, use the force option.  sudo mount -t ntfs3g -o force /dev/<hard drive device>  /mnt/<point>03:06
eseven73mib_fh5dfax7, nope, been here since about when 7.04 was released :D03:06
magician0617Stargazer:  WHat are you using to upload??03:06
Ghoti_Stargazer: if you're talking about throttling your own connection, look into shaperd03:06
OkashiGhoti_ : http://pastebin.com/d3828070403:06
vapblackIm using a usb tv tuner in ubuntu 9.04 and it seems to be working, just the picture is very green. anyone know how to fix this?03:06
acp_Stargazer: that depends on the application your using03:06
vapblackI'm using TVTime as the program03:07
StargazerI want to limit my upload overall. for any program.03:07
amt2jdu, what would I put instead of <point>?03:07
jduamt2, an empty directory.  you can do for example:  sudo mkdir /mnt/point03:07
Ghoti_Okashi: okay, I was barking up the wrong tree, nothing in /var is taking up all that space.  now do the same with 'sudo du -csh /*'03:07
jduamt2, and then use point for point03:07
vaderI have a video camera (it's a boroscope actually) that I can connect to my lappy via US, althought when I plug in USB it's not recognized, any idea if I can install a program from the repos to solve this pproblem? I need to be able to record the video.03:08
zer0rezok i have a couple of dumb questions, how do i enable ssh in ubuntu client? how do i set terminal to always open at 80x43? how do i turn on filesharing?03:08
jduamt2, /mnt/point  can be replaced with any directory.  It is just could form to put mount points in /mnt03:09
OkashiGhoti_ : I have > and it seems to want further input03:09
Chr|s!ssh | zer0rez03:09
ubottuzer0rez: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:09
Ghoti_zer0rez: 1> sudo apt-get install openssh-server  2> open Terminal, look at Edit -> Profile Preferences 3> depends on the type of filesharing03:10
jduzer0rez, I am not sure those are dumb.  A client will already have support to login via ssh.  To enable sshd, sudo apt-get install openssh-server.03:10
Ghoti_Okashi: did you the the 's on the commandline? :)  if so, hit ctrl-C and try it without the single-quotes03:10
Guest45171is there a program that can download flash video to my desktop from a site like youtube (but not youtube)?03:10
zer0rezGhoti_: thank you, on 1 and 3.  don't know see where in 2?03:11
amt2jdu, so if the error says 'Unable to mount the volume 'SQ004675V06'', then I would put SQ004675V06 instead of <hard drive device> ?03:11
zer0rezjdu: yea i guess i meant sshd03:11
zer0rezit's late, not the most articulate03:11
jduzer0rez, for samba,  you can right click on a folder and enable filesharing.  For nfs,  google for a tutorial.03:11
Atryhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBroadcom so i have BCM4306 Rev 03... how do i install the drivers?03:11
zer0rezjdu: this will be all linux03:11
zer0rez(switched all to linux) figured it would best03:11
Noah0504Is it possible to remap Evolution's trash folder?  MobileMe now uses "Deleted Messages" as its trash folder.  I want deleted messages to go there.03:11
Ghoti_zer0rez: I'll be dipped; I could have sworn it was in there03:12
jduzer0rez, I suggest nfs; it works well, You can mount remote filesystems as if they were local.03:12
zer0rezGhoti_: i've looked, i know how to set it each time quickly, but it would be nice to make it default ;)03:12
jduamt2, no. that is the volume name.  You may have picked the wrong device, or there may be another problem.03:12
zer0rezjdu: just the answer i was looking for will google for that03:12
badfishshey guys03:13
Toyota4RunnerI have 2 windows shares that are mounted from fstab.  One I have full rights the other I can't write to it. The one I can't write has permissions of dr-xr-xr-x while the one I can write to has drwxrwxrwx.  How can I enable write on the other permission? I have tried sudo chmod 777 <directory> no error message and doesn't change permissions.03:13
usr13Ghoti_: Okashi du -s -k -d * | sort -n03:13
rob0917join #ubuntu off-topic03:13
Ghoti_Toyota4Runner: in the fstab, does one have the rw option and the other ro?03:13
usr13Ghoti_: Okashi du -s -k -d * | sort -n  #list by file sizes, find largest files03:13
rob0917what is that command?03:14
jduToyota4Runner, probably look at umask and dmask mount options.03:14
Ghoti_rob0917: put a / before join :)03:14
usr13Ghoti_: Okashi ls -lS |grep ^d   <will show directories sorted by size>03:14
RafaelFloodBot3: can you please explain what is Pastebin?03:14
amt2jdu, so what should I put in <hard drive device> ?03:14
sebsebseb!pastebin |  Rafael03:14
ubottuRafael: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:14
Toyota4RunnerGhoti_: in the fstab I have the 2 shares set to the exact same command.  both with rw03:14
badfishsif someone had a big drupal site you were working on with them, and they said to you "lets get this puppy into cvs", what exactly would you think they meant?03:15
jigphello guys how to msg a user in ssh?03:15
Ghoti_Toyota4Runner: it could be the server limiting write access03:15
Ghoti_jigp: write username03:15
Ghoti_jigp: ^D on a newline to end03:16
jduamt2, depends on your system.  try:  sudo parted    then: print all      then look for the name of the device eg: /dev/sda  and the corresponding number eg: 1  that is with the ntfs partition.03:16
OkashiGhoti_ : got a few lines spit out but then comp go boom03:16
jim__badfishs: concurrent versioning system.  tell them cvs is lame :P03:16
Toyota4RunnerGhoti_: I have the share permissions set to everyone with full access and then set the security permissions to everyone also.  what I find odd is the directory on the linux client doesn't have the w permissions set03:16
mobi-sheepI loved workspaces!  However, how would I get text on my workspaces?  I know it's do-able!03:16
badfishsjim__, thank you mate03:16
Ghoti_Okashi: Comp go.. boom?  That's a touch vague :)03:16
RafaelFloodBot3: can you please explain what is Pastebin?/ if only 1.5 gib are used?03:16
Ghoti_!pastebin | Rafael03:17
ubottuRafael: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:17
robinanyone know how to get temp sensors working on pentium D?03:17
OkashiGhoti_ : it frooze and I rebooted03:17
jim__badfishs: you're a coder.  you MUST explore one or more of the following: git, mercurial, svn, darcs, ...03:17
Ghoti_Okashi: With the hard drive completely full, that's somewhat understandable :)03:17
jigpGhoti_ : write username_here hello...is not working03:17
Atryhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBroadcom so i have BCM4306 Rev 03... how do i install the drivers?03:17
sizableAtry, What version of Ubuntu do yo have?03:18
RafaelOk, can somebody help with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/176081/ it says that Used Dev Size : 481419712 (459.12 GiB 492.97 GB), when only 1.5 gib are only used?03:18
nonewmsgsmy index is corrupted and it keeps complaining about it.  i tell it to reindex everything and it just says it's all corrupted.  i hit ignore and it just complains again.  i have to turn off the index thing in order to have peace03:18
grkblood13how do i figure out the device name for PCM?03:18
OkashiGhoti_ I still don't understand why the hdd is completely full I had space, and when I try to make more the files don't get erased03:18
commaCamel(I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and ask) I've tried to no avail to get my Belkin f5d7050 usb wireless adapter to work consistently in ubuntu.  Occasionally, after being in windows, the device will work once again in ubuntu, although I'm uncertain what triggers it.  I do know that when its not working, lsusb does not list the device.  Also, the device constantly spamming "unable to enumerate usb device #" when i boo03:18
Atrysizable: one sec03:18
eseven73geesus commaCamel, type much?03:18
jigphow to msg the user in ssh?03:18
Ghoti_jigp: use 'w' to see what terminal they are on (e. g. pts/2 ), then write username pts/2, then type what you want to say. To stop writing to them, press ctrl-D on a new line03:18
user01if i connect a modem and have my wireless on, will i get super high speed internet?03:18
commaCameland I have read the forums many many many times....sorry for the long message03:18
robinhi, do anyone know how to get temp sensors working on pentium D?03:19
Atrysizable: woah, 8.10.03:19
user01or does something need to be configured?03:19
Ghoti_Okashi: what I was trying to help you do was find where the files are that need to be deleted :)03:19
Rafaelubottu: is that the way it should be posted>03:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:19
amt2jdu, I get this: http://pastebin.com/m5a48126e. What would be the device name then?03:19
vapblackubittu is a very funny name03:19
OkashiGhoti_ : oh, well I can tell you where there are some files that can be deleted03:19
rob0917would someone give me the link to off-topic?03:20
Ghoti_Okashi: if you know where they are, use 'rm /path/to/the/file' :)03:20
sizableAtry, Do you see it when you type # lshw -C network?03:20
Picirob0917: #ubuntu-offtopic03:20
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox03:20
Atrysizable: i yued 'lspci -v | less', but let me check03:20
``y7jdu, i tried /etc/init.d/networking restart and then did ifconfig and i didn't see any changes that i made.... any ideas?03:20
commaCamelso i take it no one currently here knows how to 'reset' a usb device03:20
jim__user01: bonding connections is tricky.  short answer is no.03:20
Dapsi just plugged a new webcam into the usb port... How do I get the machine to recognize it? It came with NO drivers03:20
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Monevhello, does someone know how to change the font size or font on tty?03:20
jigpGhoti_ : write: username_here is not logged in on pts/003:21
mikechelenDaps, it should be detected automatically, may depend on the camera model03:21
Guest65960configure ifconfig itself?03:21
jduamt2, /dev/sda203:21
usr13commaCamel: What do you mean reset?03:21
OkashiGhoti_ : XD hurry I suck at paths...lets see, destop is in home and home is the first one?03:21
=== Guest65960 is now known as Severity1
Ghoti_jigp: if you run 'w' you will see a list of all currently logged in users and they terminal they are on03:21
Sam_i'm having a nightmare emergency scenario trying to recover some data from a PowerBook G4 OS X computer... anyone feeling up to helping?03:21
user01jim__, good to know03:21
Dapsmikechelen, where can I look to see what devices are connected to the machine?03:21
Ghoti_Okashi: if they're on your desktop, the path will be /home/username/Desktop/03:21
Atrysizable: yes i do03:22
commaCamelmy usb wireless thing wont be recognized and there will be a constant spam error "unable to enumerate usb device #"03:22
owen1_is there ubuntu reference, similar to debian's - http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ ?03:22
commaCamellike is there a universal USB reset command?03:22
Sam_when i mount the HFS+ drive it says "the folder contents could not be displayed, you do not have the permissions necessary..."03:22
wfiuewfewHi! I am using an scp command to copy a large number of files in a directory. I just heard power will be cut in 2 hours! I need a way to stop and start off from the same spot. How can I do this?03:22
jigpGhoti_ : w reply:username_here            ttyp0    19 mai 13:50 (ip)03:22
jim__user01: remote servers get confused when you send them data from two different addresses at the same time, for example.03:22
Sam_well actually the drive mounts fine but the folder can't be opened03:22
Ghoti_owen1_: http://is.gd/wXON03:22
jim__wfiuewfew: rsync.  drop scp.03:22
Ghoti_jigp: so then write username ttyp003:22
sizableAtry, do you have an on-off switch on your card?03:23
wfiuewfewWhat is rsync03:23
amt2jdu, If I run 'sudo mount -t ntfs3g -o force /dev/sda2  /mnt/point', I get 'mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs3g''03:23
usr13commaCamel: You mean a USB thumb drive, or what?  (What type of USB device?)03:23
jim__wfiuewfew: the good news is you can stop the scp now, and use rsync to resume it. nothing has been lost.03:23
jduwfiuewfew, is no way.  scp has no -u option03:23
mikechelenDaps, basically you have to figure out if the cam supports UVC or needs custom driver, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam03:23
Atrysizable: ah.... pretty sure not, but let me check03:23
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync03:23
owen1_Ghoti_: thank03:23
jduamt2, put a hyphon between s and 3 in ntfs-3g03:23
wfiuewfewjim_: how id this possible?03:23
Ghoti_owen1_: my pleasure!03:23
Atry...if i can find a screwdriver03:23
Dapsmikechelen, thanks03:23
jim__wfiuewfew: why shouldn't it be?03:23
jigpGhoti_ to logout ctrl+d?03:24
wfiuewfewjim_: Thanks for your advice. I just don't know how to use rsync or what it is. Is it installed in Ubuntu>03:24
sizableAtry, brb03:24
jigpGhoti_ ok it works03:24
Atrysizable: k03:24
``y7can somebody please tell me how to change my ip address in ubuntu? i can do it in redhat and in debian, and ubuntu refuses to change anything03:24
OkashiGhoti_ it won't let me, says there is no such folder03:24
jigpGhoti_ thanks03:24
Ghoti_jigp: when you are in 'write' mode, you will keep just shooting text at the user until you send an EOF (End of file),which is ^D03:24
[ucb]kevinperhaps someone can help me with the following: windows are opening in such an initial position that the title bare is hidden behind my main ubuntu "apps place system etc.." bar -- how can I fix this?03:24
jim__wfiuewfew: probably, but if not you can certainly get it with apt.03:25
Ghoti_Okashi: did you actually use /home/username/ or did you put your actual username in? :)03:25
amt2jdu, thanks, that worked! Do you have any suggestions for what I can do now to get windows workign again, without losing files?03:25
badfishsjim__, are these all alternatives? git, mercurial, svn, darcs, .03:25
jim__badfishs: yea03:25
OkashiGhoti_ :p I used my username03:25
Severity1 y7, do edit ifconfig03:25
Rafaeli am using only 1.5 gib of space in my md3 but the used dev sid thta 459gib are used, can somebody help: see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/176081/03:25
Sam_can anybody help me with file permissions?03:25
commaCamelBefore i started messing with ndiswrapper, my network manager used to have "enable networking" and "enable wireless" options listed.  Now it doesnt have "enable wireless."  How do i get it to reappear?  also iwconfig used to list a wlan0 and does not anymore (i'm guessing this is the same issue)03:25
jigpGhoti_ which one is stable? 9.04 or 9.10?i installed 9.04 desktop but it keeps hanged..slugish...(fresh install) ram 1gb)03:25
Ghoti_Okashi: and it says /home/user/Desktop does not exist?03:25
``y7Severity1, that cmd doesn't work03:25
wfiuewfewjim_: do you know what command to use?03:25
Ghoti_jigp: 9.10 isn't released yet.03:26
jim__wfiuewfew: rsync is simple.  read the manpage, and adjust this command to fit your needs: rsynv -avzn -e 'ssh -pPORT' /local/path   user@remote:/remote/path03:26
badfishsjim__, which one would you suggest is the best? not to overload you with questions03:26
Okashiit says '/home/cahepyp/desktop/blah' does not exist03:26
jduamt2, no, not really, do realize that using -o force can create problems.  I would backup the files (copy them to ubuntu's filesystem) then reinstall windows.03:26
jim__wfiuewfew: I have crippled the command just to be a jerk, so read the man page.03:26
``y7can somebody please tell me how to change my ip address in ubuntu? i can do it in redhat and in debian, and ubuntu refuses to change anything03:26
cypher1where can i get h264 plugin for totem ?03:26
jim__badfishs: git03:26
Ghoti_Okashi: Desktop, not desktop :)03:26
badfishsthank you mate03:26
jim__badfishs: but I am by no means an expert in this complicated field.  I simply use git.03:26
tuxwulf_What is Ubuntu's default IRC client...?03:26
jim__badfishs: lots of people agree with me though, so :)03:27
commaCameltuxwulf_: pidgin03:27
jigpGhoti_ : so 9.04 is stable?03:27
Ghoti_``y7: look at /etc/network/interfaces :)03:27
StargazerGhoti_: how do i use shaperd? it's asking for a packet-forwarder?03:27
thiebaudetuxwulf_: pidgin03:27
areayI'm having some problems with my wireless.. iwlist sees the access point i want to connect to, but iwconfig reports "unassociated"... how do i connect to the access point from the command line03:27
tonsofpcstuxwulf_: default?03:27
Sam_i'm a noob... how do you get a response from someone in this channel?03:27
letalisout of curiousity, has anyone figured out the cause of the random freezes of the amd64 version of jaunty?03:27
``y7Ghoti_, i've seen it, it has 2 lines with nothing that i recognize on them03:27
fornix``y7: you can do it from network manager applet or using the command ifconfig03:27
OkashiGhoti_ okay now is says 'cannot remove' something about it being a directory03:27
tuxwulf_commaCamel: Oh, that does IRC too, as I can use pidgin to bla in here?03:27
jduGhoti_, /etc/network/interfaces will not help with current versions of NetworkManager that ignore it.03:27
usr13 areay iwlist scanning03:28
jim__letalis: ouch, I have not experienced or heard of such.  Any resources or links about it? That could hurt my life severely :p03:28
Hydrantanyone familiar with ldap authentication on Jaunty?  I'm looking at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication but I think things have changed for 9.0403:28
Sam_FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:28
Ghoti_jdu: oigh, I keep forgetting about NetworkMangler03:28
``y7fornix, whenever i change it in the network manager, it doesn't update my changes03:28
Ghoti_!language | Sam_03:28
ubottuSam_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:28
letalisjim__, i can give you a link to a forum on it.03:28
user01jim__, ah  but what if you are downloading like a torrent file and assign one to one server and the other to another server?03:28
Severity1Hydrant use ebox03:28
usr13Sam_: What is your problem?03:28
thiebaudetoo late03:28
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox03:28
areayusr13, yeah that brings up the access point... but it's still unassociated03:28
letalisjim__, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/35515503:28
Okashihe needs help with permissions03:28
jdu``y7, is the box stationary? ie. config will never change?03:29
fornix``y7: after changing. do a /etc/init.d/networking restart03:29
``y7jdu, i don't know, it's the basic ubuntu installation03:29
Okashiand he didn't get a response when he wanted I guess03:29
``y7fornix, i tried that, it doesn't update anything03:29
usr13areay: unassociated?  What does that mean?03:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about geda03:29
usr13areay: dhclient03:29
jim__user01: right. in limited cases you can work out additional bandwidth, but you have to do it in a very "manual labor" sort of way.  bonding two connections at the OS/router level is preferable and that's the tricky part03:29
jim__letalis: ty03:29
``y7 * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                          Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1.03:29
jdu``y7, I mean If you don't need the network config to be dynamic, you can disable NetworkManager and edit /etc/network/interfaces03:30
areayusr13, i type iwconfig eth1 and get "eth1 unassociated ESSID: XXXXX" etc03:30
bartekHi there. I am running Jaunty, have tried all the various fixes (I could find) but Flash still only semi-works for me. In Firefox it shows up as a BIG GREY ARROW that I have to click to play the flash app, and then the flash either doesnt work, or is horrily slow. Any suggestions?03:30
wfiuewfewjim_: Is it okay just to CTRL+C on scp and to use rsync with the same dest. when the system comes back up?03:30
fornix``y7: if eth0 is your interface, you could try $ sudo ifconfig eth0 down && sudo ifconfig eth0 up03:30
jim__wfiuewfew: yes03:30
Atrysizable, you back?03:30
danes_hello, I would like to know if there is any option to encrypt a fresh ubuntu installation using the wizard provided within the live cd?03:30
wfiuewfewjim__: Thanks!03:30
areayusr13, everything is setup right... and iwlist sees my access point... but when i do /etc/init.d/networking restart it still says unassociated03:30
usr13areay: iwconfig eth1 essid linksys  #where linksys is the essid of your router03:30
acp_any one here have intalled 9.04 in eeepc1000HE, what would not work out of the box and that needs some tweaking?03:30
danes_can anyone tell me if it is possible to install ubuntu on an extended partition?03:31
areayusr13, can i pm?03:31
usr13areay: Yes03:31
``y7jdu, my goal is to setup eth0 as dhcp (my isp ip is dynamic) and then setup eth1 as my default gateway ( and any changes i make do not update, even after using your sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart cmd03:31
Moonsocket_can any one help me with fce ultra03:31
Dr_Willisdanes_:  should work with no problems.. of course a extended partition..normally holds LOGICAL partitions you install onto03:31
Severity1"man ifconfig"03:31
yowshi2*sighs* somethings accessing the hard drive and bogging down my system when i am trying to watch video files03:32
OkashiGhoti_: any ideas?03:32
thiebaudeyowshi2: you using flash?03:33
amt2how can I know how much space I have free on my hard drive?03:33
geniiamt2: df -h03:33
PacoBuntuhow do i get the desktop effects in Ubuntu?03:33
danes_Dr_Willis, I haven't tried this before, so I am asking before messing up my computer. I usually install windows, swap, root and home using a primary partition for each of them. Now I want to have an extra partition for another linux distribution, but I am limited to 4 primary partitions. So can I install the linux distr. on an extended set of partitions?03:33
Ghoti_Okashi: As you said, /home/foo/Desktop is a directory.. to remove 'file' from that location, use 'rm /home/foo/Desktop/file'03:33
Severity1amt2, df -h03:33
yowshi2thiebaude: not at the moment. i killed npviewer.bin03:33
tuxwulf_Okay, well, here we go to ubuntu upgrade...03:33
PacoBuntuhow do i get the cube desktop in Ubuntu?03:33
Severity1sudo rm03:33
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz03:33
``y7is there anybody here with paypal that i could pay to help me 1 on 1?03:34
thiebaudePacoBuntu: i dont know much about it03:34
acp_any one has a eeepc1000HE and installed ubuntu 9.04?03:34
thiebaudei cant use it03:34
HydrantSeverity1: ebox is way overkill for my question....03:34
OkashiGhoti_ : oh. lol got it.03:34
sebsebseb``y7: I don't have one at the moment,  anyway what do you want help with?03:34
Dr_Willisdanes_:  thats how the install normally 'automate-parttions' a disk.  The normal way is 1 (or more primaries) and one extended, the exctended holds 1 or more logicals. (sda5+)03:34
danes_acp_ I have a 904HD03:34
``y7sebsebseb, my ip will not change, no matter which way i change it03:35
RafaelAnybody can help on my question?03:35
sebsebseb``y7: which ip?03:35
``y7eth0 or eth103:35
danes_Dr_Willis, ok, thanks03:35
OkashiGhoti_ : folder cleared, that won't add much space but if it really deletes something it's improvement03:35
acp_danes_: any issue that I need to know after installtion?03:35
``y7fresh ubuntu install and it won't let me change my ip03:35
``y7i've never seen anything like it before03:35
ubugtucould anyone please tell me why my cursor is hurkey-jerkey on full screen games?03:35
Dr_Willisdanes_:  so the layout would be [Primary 1][Primary 2][Primary 3][Extended (logical1) (logical2)...]03:35
sebsebseb``y7: external or internal ip?03:35
ubugtucould anyone please tell me why my cursor is s l o w and hurkey-jerkey on full screen games?03:36
danes_acp_ none. I installed it and it works excellent03:36
``y7tried changing it on eth0 and eth103:36
magician0617ubugtu: are you running a video card??03:36
sebsebseb``y7: I thought routers  decide which internal ip addresses people get, and not operating system03:36
acp_even wifi and webcam no tweaking needed?03:36
``y7negative, internal ips can be manually set03:36
ubugtumagician0617: what do you mean?03:36
jim__sebsebseb: only in a DHCP setup.03:36
sebsebseb``y7: not really my area,  maybe jim  can help03:36
jim__``y7: what are you doing to set the address?03:36
danes_acp_ well, I need to reinstall it because I tried to update, but ended up messing some files from system but that was my mistake.03:36
Severity1i think he wants to give his computer a static ip03:37
magician0617ubugtu: are you using a video card or onboard graphics03:37
danes_Dr_Willis, allright03:37
sebsebsebjim__: only in  DHCP ah ok thanks03:37
ubugtuvideo card03:37
acp_danes_: ok thanks03:37
bjsniderwhere does gnome's disk-mounter put smb mounts be default?03:37
wfiuewfewjim__: I'm reading the man page. I think that rsync -r -e 'ssh -pPORT' /local/path   user@remote:/remote/path would replace03:37
wfiuewfewscp -r user@remote:/remote/path /local/path03:37
``y7jim__: edit connections>Auto eth1 edit>IPv4 Settings>clicking on the address and changing it>click ok>click close03:37
wfiuewfewjim__: Is that correct?03:38
danes_acp_ Install ubuntu netbook edition03:38
jim__wfiuewfew: roughly.  I typically use the -a switch.  Look into that.03:38
OkashiGhoti_ *sigh* now I have 53 items in the trash bin and it won't permanantly delete them03:38
acp_danes_: is that stable already?03:38
jim__``y7: sudo ifconfig eth0 192.168.x.y netmask ?03:38
danes_acp_ do not install the standard edition because you will end up doing tons of tweaking before getting it to work03:38
sebsebsebOkashi: maybe they still belong to root03:38
sebsebsebOkashi: if root owns the  files in the trash...03:39
sebsebsebOkashi: I haven't been following your issue by the way03:39
wfiuewfewjim__:  -a, --archive               archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X) : what does that mean ??03:39
jim__``y7: ifconfig should then show the assigned address.  If you can ping the gateway, we're done.  if not we'll have to set up some routes03:39
Okashisebsebseb: most of those were deleted out of home03:39
acp_danes_: oh ok03:39
unkocan someone please help me? when i try to run songbird it doesn't launch... at all03:39
danes_acp_ as far as I know, yes. That is the version I installed03:39
ubottusongbird is a web-browser based media player based on Mozilla. Information and installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird03:39
jim__wfiuewfew: recursive, don't resolve symlinks, keep permissions, etc.  RTFM03:39
Okashisebsebseb: yeha I fugured but it was a good thought03:40
eseven73!RTFM | jim__03:40
ubottujim__: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.03:40
fornix``y7: you could directly change the address of ur interface by $ sudo ifconfig eth0 <newaddress> eg $ sudo ifconfig eth0
Ghoti_Okashi: did you use the commandline or the GUI to remove them?03:40
acp_danes_: thanks for the heads up03:40
unkoChr|s, i know that... i need HELP i installed it from a deb and it won't launce03:40
wfiuewfewjim__: so instead of -r?03:40
danes_acp_ and I tried several different linux distributions: mint, ubuntu (standard), ubuntu (netbook remix), and others03:40
OkashiI used the command rm03:40
jim__eseven73: whatever.  I've said it nicely several times03:40
sebsebsebOkashi: it's it's  nonsense  when a trash can says permantly delete,  since files could still be recovered from a hard disk03:40
``y7jim__, i typed that and it seemed to have worked, but now i can no longer ping eth1 from my other computer and the eth1 ip has not changed....03:40
Chr|sunko: did you read the rest of the documentation, other than "installing" it03:40
Ghoti_Okashi: 'rm' shouldn't move things to the trash.. that's just *weird*03:40
jim__wfiuewfew: yeah.  it depends on your need.03:40
danes_acp_ I can tell you that the one offered on the ubuntu site for netbooks is the one that works out of the box ;)03:40
unkoChr|s, i used a .deb from getdeb?03:40
OkashiGhoti_ : my whole comp is wierd since I logged into ubuntu and it told me I needed to update03:41
danes_acp_ you are welcome. I'm glad to help :D03:41
sebsebsebOkashi: where did you delete stuff from?03:41
jim__``y7: does ifconfig show both interfaces up?03:41
jim__``y7: with unique addresses?03:41
Okashisebsebseb a folder on desktop03:41
Chr|sunko: ok, I suggest to go there and see if you can find any more information, it might be helpful :)03:41
``y7jim__, yes, but again, i cannot ping either from another computer behind the same switch03:41
danes_acp_ good luck03:41
sebsebsebOkashi: if things have gone werid, you could clean install the OS03:41
unkoChr|s, oh don't worry.. i already did that..03:41
jim__``y7: can you ping from eth0 to the router, though?  and also ping
danes_anyone know how to encrypt a ubuntu distribution before installing?03:42
sebsebsebdanes_: you can, but only with the alternate CD03:42
jim__danes_: use the alternative install cd, it has a wizard to make it simple.03:42
joshua__anyone ever get a bad cd from ship it03:42
=== Sammy is now known as Guest4122
sebsebsebdanes_: and if you forget the password or whatever, your buggered03:42
``y7jim__: i can ping but i cannot ping my router03:42
Okashisebsebseb: I'd really rather avoid that if at all possible, I have a ton of data, personal and school related on this comp.03:42
sebsebsebGuest4122: with?03:42
jim__``y7: linksys?03:42
danes_jim__, any clue where can I get the alternate cd?03:42
``y7jim__, yes03:42
jim__danes_: actually no, I typically tell a drone to burn me a copy, haha.03:42
jim__danes_: on the internet, somewhere03:42
danes_sebsebseb, do you know where can I get the alternate cd?03:43
jim__``y7: those routers just drop ICMP packets by defaulty03:43
jim__to be annoying.03:43
dthackerdanes_: a bit old but possibly useful http://news.softpedia.com/news/Encrypted-Ubuntu-8-04-85271.shtml03:43
Guest4122just search for an alt installtion in gogle :)03:43
jim__``y7: is out on the real internet, so it's working fine.03:43
``y7my switch is before my router though, so why can't i ping another computer behidn the switch?03:43
Ghoti_jim__: 's/annoying/secure/' # fixed03:43
``y7if i threw my router out the window, i should still be able to ping another computer behidn the switch03:43
sebsebsebdanes_:  http://releases.ubuntu.com03:43
OkashiGhoti_ *sigh* it still says I have 0 bites free03:43
jim__Ghoti_: ICMP exploits?03:44
``y7jim__: i can't ping google.com03:44
Ghoti_jim__ and DDoSs, et cetera.03:44
jim__``y7: is it a fancy switch? VLANs?  also your machines may have firewalls dropping the ICMP03:44
``y7i can no longer ping and i haven't touched a thing other than trying to ping google.com03:44
Ghoti_Okashi: At this point, I'd seriously think about booting from a LiveUSB, and using that to back up your data for a fresh install03:44
``y7my computer = fucked03:44
sebsebseb!language | ``y703:45
jigphello 9.04 is stable?03:45
ubottu``y7: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:45
sebsebsebjigp: yes03:45
dthackerjigp: yes03:45
pegoni wanna setup a static ip in ubuntu...in windows its ipconfig /all so i can use that info to setup the static ip...whats the command in ubuntu so I can see all that info? ifconfig alone doesn't give me all that info and ifconfig /all doesn't work lol03:45
Ghoti_pegon: ifconfig03:45
storbeckcat /etc/network/interfaces03:45
Severity1for ethernet and iw config for wireless03:45
Guest4122lol. i would have tried ifcnfig /all too03:46
=== CXM_ is now known as CXM
pegonokay thanks thats what i needed the iwconfig03:46
``y7jim__: plz help me understand this. i was able to ping then i tried to ping google.com, google.com failed, so i tried again to ping (by hitting up twice and enter) and it wouldn't ping it again...?03:46
usr13``y7: host av.com  #to see if you can resolve domanin names. And by the way, watch your language.03:46
jim__``y7: if ifconfig output has not changed, you probably have a bad switch03:46
``y7the switch is fine03:46
``y7it's ubuntu that's giving me issues03:46
usr13``y7: route -n #to see if the default route is correct03:47
danes_dthacker, thanks03:47
dthackerdanes_: np :)03:47
``y7usr13, what am i looking for with route -n?03:47
danes_dthacker, by any chance do you know if there is an alternate-cd version for usb installation on ubuntu 9.04?03:47
Severity1see if the default gatewayis correct and try setting it up to dhcp getting ip from router03:47
usr13``y7: route -n #Is  the default gateway correct?03:47
Guest4122ok so i installed aticonfig (driver) and after my reboot my computer freezes with a distortd screen that refreshes about 3 time and then it goes no further. any way to gt it to boot again?03:47
dthackerdanes_: don't know.03:48
sebsebseb!usb | danes_03:48
ubottudanes_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:48
``y7usr13, i don't know, it has four lines of info and the gateway is set to on 3 of them and on one of them...?03:48
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer03:48
=== DaveIngram_ is now known as DaveIngram
pegonokay question...ifconfig doesn't give me the dns servers03:48
usr13``y7: The default gateway will be the router or DSL modem... or...03:48
jim__pegon: cat /etc/resolv.conf03:48
Ghoti_pegon: for DNS servers, cat /etc/resolv.conf03:49
``y7usr13, my default gateway is, but it only shows it on one of the four lines.....03:49
usr13``y7: route add default gw
Ghoti_pegon: for your gateway, route -n03:49
OkashiGhoti_ Hey I checked trash, those files didn't end up there, you were right, but I didn't get the space either03:49
=== Guest4122 is now known as SammyWalton
jim__Okashi: what files?  A file won't be deleted until the last open handle on it is closed03:49
jim__Okashi: that can be the cause.03:49
usr13``y7: You may first need to delete the wrong gateway:  route del default gw
Ghoti_Okashi: The only other time I had this problem was when I was working on a tempermental VPS03:49
Okashijim__: handle? sorry I don't understand that03:50
bartekHi there. I am running Jaunty, have tried all the various fixes (I could find) but Flash still only semi-works for me. In Firefox it shows up as a BIG GREY ARROW that I have to click to play the flash app, and then the flash either doesnt work, or is horrily slow. Any suggestions?03:50
danes_dthacker, sebsebseb, thanks guys (y)03:50
jim__Okashi: in other words if some process has the file open, you may 'delete' the file but it won't really get deleted.03:50
[ucb]kevinperhaps someone can help me with the following: windows are opening in such an initial position that the title bare is hidden behind my main ubuntu "apps place system etc.." bar -- how can I fix this?03:50
Ghoti_bartek: which flash plugin are you using?03:50
Falados== Question: Anyone on here know how to get the latest version of mono and mono-tools? (2.4)03:50
bartekGhoti_: I think nonfree but I cant remember anymore after tinkering with it. How can I find out?03:50
sebsebsebdanes_: no problem03:50
usr13``y7: host av.com #To see if you can now resolve domain names.03:51
jim__Okashi: this once happened to me with a 20gb log file, which I deleted to get the space back, and the space never came back! :P   I had to restart the service which was writing to the log.03:51
Okashijim__ : I've rebooted, shouldn't that have closed any progrmas using the files? there are some in there from 3 months ago03:51
Severity1bartek go to mozilla site then look for plugins go to adobe flash download then choose linux as os and choose the .deb package03:51
jim__Okashi: definitely.03:51
sebsebseb!info mono03:51
ubottuPackage mono does not exist in jaunty03:51
sebsebseb!find mono03:51
ubottuFound: kde-icons-mono, libmono-accessibility2.0-cil, libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil, libmono-addins0.2-cil, libmono-cairo2.0-cil (and 147 others)03:51
Ghoti_bartek: dpkg-query -l | grep ii | grep adobe03:51
OkashiGhoti_ so what's next?03:51
Severity1bartek: go to mozilla site then look for plugins go to adobe flash download then choose linux as os and choose the .deb package03:51
onts1004`join #gentoo03:52
FaladosAFAIK Mono 2.4 will not be in Jaunty, nor 9.1003:52
dthacker``y7: example of default gateway using netstat here:http://paste.ubuntu.com/176098/03:52
* Ghoti_ hands onts1004` a '/'03:52
sebsebsebFalados: surely  mono in  Jaunty is pretty recant, but if you want something even later I guess there may be a ppa03:52
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.03:52
bartekhoeq: hmm, when I do that I get no results, replaced it with 'flash' instead of adobe and same. That's. .. odd03:52
* Atry pokes sizable?03:52
sebsebsebFalados: or install a later version of Mono yourself from a tar or whatever?03:53
``y7dthacker, jim__, usr13: this is what i have, you can see where it pinged and then it did not... http://achumpatoxford.com/u/files/71/c8a71a982346cbb0d349d448548bfd0e.jpg03:53
Ghoti_bartek: I think we found your problem :)03:53
Severity1bartek: looking for adobe flash in your computer? type whereis flas03:53
FaladosThe current mono-tools included with 9.04 and 9.10 has an error with monodoc --edit where it crashes when navigating the namespace tree...03:53
Severity1or locate adobe03:53
sebsebsebFalados: ok try and find a ppa or install from tar.gz or whatever03:53
Ghoti_``y7: pastebin would be easier on the eyes..03:54
bartekSeverity1: doing locate adobe I do get entries for Flash and Adobe AIR which makes sense03:54
``y7i don't have an internet connection on that computer Ghoti_03:54
bartekIll try to re-install flash I suppose03:54
=== theGussi is now known as Gussi
bartekis flash-nonfree the go-to one or .. ?03:54
sebsebsebbartek: yes03:54
``y7Ghoti_: nor can i connect to the internal ip from my computer with an internet connection....03:54
``y7so plz tell me how i can pastebin it?03:54
sebsebsebbartek: that one for full flash support03:54
Ghoti_``y7: fair enough :)03:54
Severity1go to synaptic and search for flash or adobe03:54
jim__``y7: ifconfig eth1 down # one thing at a time here.03:54
sebsebsebbartek: ,but you can try Swfdec and Gnash if you want03:54
sebsebsebbartek: they are the alternatives03:55
Volkodav can someone recommend a card that will support dual head + TV out simultaneously or just triple head ?03:55
Severity1if it is installed uninstall it then03:55
Severity1bartek: go to mozilla site then look for plugins go to adobe flash download then choose linux as os and choose the .deb package03:55
nium-_noob q: how can I view the wlan access points from a terminal? The GUI is showing none, I know there should be some around. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't -- Broadcom drivers installed and running. Oh, and finally, can I "pool" the wlan module to see if it's really working (it could be the issue).03:55
``y7jim__, you want me to type: ifconfig eth1 down #                  ?03:55
bartekSeverity1: I saw that, but I cant find it03:55
jim__``y7: yes, to bring the eth1 interface down.  when we have eth0 working consistently we'll bring it back03:55
sebsebseb!flash | bartek03:55
Severity1yousaw what?03:55
ubottubartek: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:55
storbeck``y7: Are you sure you're even connected?03:55
danes_anyone has tried to install two or more linux distributions in a flash drive and have a grub installed on it?03:55
phillipsmnium-_: type sudo iwconfig03:56
sebsebseb!usb | danes_03:56
ubottudanes_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:56
* Okashi sighs03:56
bartekHmm, when I do a aptitude search and see an 'i' beside an entry that means installed .. right?03:56
sebsebseb!grub | danes03:56
ubottudanes: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:56
``y7jim__: done03:56
Severity1bartek: when i install flash i always use the .deb package from mozilla03:56
phillipsmnium-_: ^^03:56
sebsebsebbartek: I think so yeah03:56
``y7storbeck, connected psyically, like with a wire?03:56
OkashiGhoti_ did I run you out of ideas?03:56
ubugtucould anyone please tell me why my cursor is s l o w and hurkey-jerkey on full screen games?03:56
bartekSeverity1: can you link me to it? I cant find it from the mozilla website03:56
danes_sebsebseb, thank you, but I need to know how to install more than just one distribution as if the usb were a hdd03:56
storbeckno, connected to the internet03:56
nium-_phillipsm, it says 'no wireless extensions' :-o03:56
barteksebsebseb: odd then, cause it says I have flash-nonfree installed.03:56
Ghoti_Okashi: I'm afraid you did, I'm drawing a blank :(03:56
usr13``y7: You need to use sudo:  sudo route add default gw
Chr|subugtu: its probably because you don't have a lot of RAM and you need a better graphics card03:57
OkashiGhoti_: I thought so... drat.03:57
Ghoti_Okashi: sorry :(03:57
Chr|subugtu: what kind of graphics card do you have? What game are you trying to play?03:57
sebsebsebdanes_: well you do it like a hard disk then03:57
sebsebsebdanes_: as long as your USB is big enough03:57
storbeckAll you need to do is add in the details to /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf then just ifup eth003:57
Ghoti_Okashi: did you get my idea about a LiveStick so that you can at least burn some backups?03:57
phillipsmnium-_: hm... in the hardware drivers it says the broadcom driver is enabled?03:57
OkashiGhoti_ I guess my comp is toasted ...updates suck....03:57
phillipsmthe gui for the hardware drivers..^^03:57
nium-_phillipsm, "This driver is activated and currently in use." -- Yes.03:58
C-00000100Severity1, what is bartek trying to do?03:58
wolfjbI have installed vpnc and network-manager-vpnc, but setting up a vpn connection via network-manager doesn't work, I keep getting messages in syslog saying member="NeedSecrets" error name="(unset)". How can I get this to work?03:58
Okashiman this sucks...03:58
wolfjbI've also tried kvpnc, but it only stays connected for 24 seconds at a time03:58
Severity1bartek: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:703:58
OkashiI update ubuntu and now my comp is jacked.03:58
ubugtuChr|s: im trying to play nexuiz and i know it has nothing to do with the graphics card because ive played the game before with no problems on this system.03:59
Okashi:s updates are supposed to make things better03:59
Severity1he has problems with flash03:59
usr13``y7: cat /etc/resolv.conf   #See if you have proper nameservers in the resolv.conf file03:59
Chr|subugtu: are you downloading something? someone else downloading something on your network?03:59
ubugtuChr|s: no03:59
storbeckOkashi: If only that were true03:59
OkashiGhoti_ I really can't do a reformat on this comp03:59
Chr|subugtu: what kind of graphics card do you have04:00
ubugtuChr|s: and why would that effect the speed of my cursor?04:00
tuxwulfI have a wokring kubuntu system but it is kind of outdated. Can I upgrade to ubuntu without issues?04:00
Ghoti_Okashi: I know, taht's why I suggested booting a LiveStick so that you can burn backups of your data04:00
dthacker``y7: you may want to examine your /etc/network/interfaces file.  Here is my file for a static ip address on eth0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/176099/04:00
Chr|subugtu: when your playing an online game and downloading stuff, it will greatly reduce your bandwith and make game play really bad04:00
storbeckI'm thinking all ``y7 needs to do is 'ifup eth0'04:00
C-00000100Severity1, is he trying to play online video?04:01
usr13tuxwulf: What version of kubuntu is it?04:01
OkashiGhoti_ I have 90+gigs of stuff. plus I have a dual boot on this system with 40 gigs on XP04:01
phillipsmnium-_: try /etc/init.d/networking restart...then sudo iwconfig....see what it says then04:01
tuxwulfusr13: gibbon I tink04:01
OkashiI really can't reformat, nowhere will offer me that much space for free, and I can't afford to pay04:01
usr13tuxwulf: lsb_release04:01
tuxwulfusr13: How do I check that?04:02
Ghoti_Okashi: even better- boot into your other OS, copy your data over (there are extfs tools for Windows), and then freshen up your Linux installation04:02
usr13tuxwulf: What does lsb_release say?04:02
OkashiGhoti_ the problem was getting some some space...04:02
Severity1Okashi: what is wrong with your computer?04:02
usr13tuxwulf: Open a terminal and type:  lsb_release -a04:02
OkashiGhoti " what if I rearranged my partition?04:02
Ghoti_Okashi: Ah! Good idea! gparted can do a nondestructive resize of your existing partitions!04:03
tuxwulfusr13: "No LSB modules are available."04:03
OkashiSeverity1 : I updated Ubuntu to the newest release and it's freezing on normal boot, so I'm in failsafe and says I have no space and it won't delete anything04:03
tuxwulfusr13: And then sth about 7.10 and gutsy04:03
Severity1you have no space?04:03
Severity1can you do a df -h04:03
=== spx2_ is now known as spx2
storbeckOkashi: Just boot up into a live cd and delete some programs04:04
C-00000100Severity1, bartek go here, if this doesn't play then it gives you a link to get it... http://www.milkandcookies.com/link/45466/detail/04:04
OkashiGhoti : I have some space on windows...but it's gonna take like an hour and a half to resize them04:04
subvertirhey guys, I've got an nvidia 8600M GT (256mb) and I'm using the proprietary nvidia driver with Compiz enabled. Pages with lots of flash videos run really slow and bring my whole firefox session to a grinding slow useless state - is there any way to fix this?04:04
usr13tuxwulf: So it's 7.10?04:04
PacoBuntuhow do i install wine on linux?04:04
* Atry pokes sizable :(04:04
Okashistorbeck : tried that04:04
tuxwulfusr13: Check.04:04
Ghoti_Okashi: better than taking a year and a half to reconstruct your data, no?04:04
Ghoti_!wine | PacoBuntu04:04
ubottuPacoBuntu: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:04
PacoBuntusudo apt-get install wine ?04:04
storbeckOkashi: I know how you could fix that problem04:05
OkashiGhoti_ a year and a half wouldn't get me my thesis back, I think I'd just cry myself off ab ridge04:05
storbeckYou could get rid of Windows altogether :)04:05
[ucb]kevinperhaps someone can help me with the following: windows are opening in such an initial position that the title bare is hidden behind my main ubuntu "apps place system etc.." bar -- how can I fix this?04:05
rocky_oh, jeese, I don't have time :(04:05
* rocky_ is so pissed off04:05
Severity1Okashi: do a df -h04:05
dthacker!ask rocky04:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask rocky04:05
usr13tuxwulf: Use 8.04 alternate CD to upgrade04:05
storbeck!ask | rocky04:05
ubotturocky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:05
Ghoti_Severity1: http://pastebin.com/d2eb851f  <-- Okashi's df -h :)04:05
dthackertnx storbeck :)04:06
mikechelen[ucb]kevin, all windows or some? you can move a window by holding alt and dragging any portion04:06
storbecknp :)04:06
C-00000100dthacker, he quit b4 ...04:06
usr13tuxwulf: Use 8.04, or 8.10 or...04:06
storbeckOkashi: Check out /var/log - you probably have a lot of space being used there that you probably don't need04:06
* aprilhare asks: what do i need to play MIDI files via clicking on a link?04:06
tuxwulfusr13: ...ehm... ubuntu?04:06
storbeckI have a few gigs worth of logs from years ago04:06
usr13tuxwulf: I would use 8.04 because it is LTS04:06
Okashistorbeck : lol I would if i could, but the games in XP are my one sorce of sanity and ubuntu doesn't run them04:06
Severity1Ghoti_: si it is the sda1?04:07
usr13tuxwulf: Kubuntu if you prefer.. doesn't matter.04:07
Severity1sda1 is the one having issues?04:07
Ghoti_Severity1: I beleive it is04:07
[ucb]kevinmikechelen, yea all windows, adn yes i can move windows easily -- its just very inoying that its configured that way (somehow)04:07
C-00000100Okashi, what games...?04:07
storbeckOkashi: They might be able to run in Cedega04:07
usr13tuxwulf: If you like KDE stick with Kubuntu.04:07
[ucb]kevinmikechelen, do you know a hack that can find smoe way around this?04:07
Severity1it says sda1 is 100% unavailable LOL04:07
tuxwulfusr13: Do you happen to know if that overwrites certain configs, like sendmail, bind, apache etc?04:08
Ghoti_Severity1: that's what we're trying to address :)04:08
Okashistorbeck : only got 3Mb of stuff in there04:08
phillipsmnium-_: did you do what i suggested?04:08
chetnickhow to install makeinfo on Ubuntu 9.04? makeinfo and textinfo not in Synaptic??04:08
bugUbuntu 9.04 and my games keep swiching off from fullscreen ... cud sumone tell me whyy???04:08
Ghoti_Severity1: I'll let Okashi speak for himself now ;)04:08
usr13tuxwulf: It will ask you what to do with them.04:08
mikechelen[ucb]kevin, unsure what is causing that04:08
Severity1okashi: do you have virtual box installed on your machine with the issue?04:08
Okashistorbeck : yeah I checked that out...but it would suck to pay to play a game everyone else gets for free04:08
tuxwulfusr13: Actually I dislike the KDE 4, I prefer Ubuntu's gnome to that...04:08
C-00000100Okashi, maybe OT, see me in #seaphor, I am a gamer on linux04:09
OkashiSeverity1 : what, I don't know what that means.04:09
Severity1can you run computer janitor? to clear unused pACKAGES04:09
tuxwulfusr13: Ok, cool . Asking is good...04:09
tuxwulfusr13: Thanks!04:09
Severity1forget the virtualbox question04:09
storbeckOkashi: What size HDD do you have?04:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bleachbit04:09
nium-_phillipsm, I replaced the wlan card with another one (same model) -- and it worked.. I'm starting to think that the hardware itself is faulty -- sometimes working, sometimes not.04:10
Severity1Okashi: can you still run it in gui mode?04:10
kernelzwhy my battery icon doesnot show the status battery in ibm thinkpad t2104:10
* Okashi is confused....04:10
dthackerchetnick:apt-get install texinfo04:11
storbeckkernelz: Is the acpi enabled in your kernel? :)04:11
Okashitoo many questions...04:11
Severity1okashi: back then i had a problem with my hdd it says i used up 70Gb of 80GB04:11
kernelzstorbeck; don't know, can you pls. tell me how to do it04:11
OkashiSeverity1 : gui means the graphical interface right?04:11
Severity1i tried using hdd cleaning tools and nothing works04:11
Severity1i finally downloaded bleachbit04:11
Severity1and it cleaned my system04:11
storbeckkernelz: No, sorry. I don't have the time to explain how to recompile a kernel and the boot into it04:11
storbeckYou may want to check the docs04:11
chetnickdthacker: thanks, i figured, i misstyped word.04:11
Severity1freed me a total of 65GB04:12
* aprilhare asks: what do i need to play MIDI files via clicking on a link? want to play audio associated with http://www22.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=D%23%20Ab%20G%20C%2304:12
Okashistorbeck I have 140 gb totalt 100 for linux04:12
Severity1yep it is the graphical mode04:12
OkashiSeverity1 : so bleachbit might help?04:12
storbeckO_o? How are you using all of 100GB?04:12
kernelzstorbeck: you mean to recompile the kernel to enable the acpi? i understand then i won't worry about it04:12
R0b`need a shell script that will login to an ftp server and upload a file via ftp without any user input04:12
OkashiSeverity1 : well I think so...I can still see stuff so that's a yes?04:12
Severity1if your problem is mysterious HDD unavailability04:12
dthackerchetnick: it appears makeinfo is part of texinfo package http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1673404:12
storbeckR0b`: Try looking into 'expect'04:12
mikechelenR0b`, check out ncftp and ncftpput04:12
Severity1well my issue back then was actually my fault04:12
meaballhello people04:13
storbeckR0b`: You could also use scp instead of ftp, then just setup ssh keys04:13
Severity1i uninstalled my virtualbox withoutdeletingmy virtual hdd so it caused a serious bug that bleachbit fixed04:13
R0b`storbeck, no ssh access, only ftp04:13
dthackerR0b`: if you're any good with perl the Net:FTP package and friends will help you script that.04:13
OkashiSeverity1 : well my problem is mysterious malfunction after a failed attempt to upgrade04:13
R0b`dthacker, sounds good04:13
R0b`i've seen perl do it04:14
storbeckR0b`: Just use expect04:14
Okashiall this started after I tried to update04:14
Severity1and hdd mysteriously bacame full?04:14
storbeckCheck out the second example04:14
rayluR0b`, storbeck, mikechelen: i believe lftp is sufficient04:14
usr13Severity1: What's on it?04:15
mikechelenraylu, can you run lftp from command line? ncftp is just convenient04:15
zethero1what command do I use to see my audio codec?04:15
storbeckraylu: It's always good to have alternatives :)04:15
raylumikechelen: yes. never heard of ncftp04:15
Severity1whaddya mean what's on ti?04:15
Okashistorbeck : I'm a college student, I have...music and vids and all the regular stuff, then I have a ton of class related things that take up an insane amount of space04:15
R0b`wow so much helpz... lololz. maybe i should share why. I'm using pisg for an irc channel stats page, and right after running that, i would like to upload the stats pages to my website (on a free vps, so i can only use the ftp)04:15
mikechelenraylu, looks like either lftp or ncftp would work, http://linux.die.net/man/1/ncftpput04:16
storbeckWow, that's weird. A free VPS, and a VPS without shell access04:16
daniel010101hi ppl04:16
rayluif it's a VPS, you should be able to set up an ssh server04:16
panfisti'm trying to install some software from source, and i was at the config step, when i got "no package glib-2.0 found...consider adusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix" ... isn't glib-2.0 included with gnome? it's not listed in synaptic04:16
Chr|sanyone here uses "tilda"04:16
zethero1how do I see what audio chipset and codec I have?04:16
rayluunless you don't mean VPS04:16
daniel010101hello everyone04:16
rayluzethero1: chipset: lspci04:16
rayluzethero1: codec: mplayer -identify [filename]04:17
daniel010101if you need help with ubuntu please feel free to ask me04:17
zethero1: I mean the codec of the chipset04:17
dthackerpanfist: it may not be in your path.  Try using locate to find it.04:17
raylumikechelen: ooh, impressive04:17
daniel010101whats the best ubuntu irc client04:17
Eochcan someone help me fix my audio?  I have ubuntu studio installed and doing and lspci I have Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)04:17
raylumikechelen: lftp has always been clunky to me. i might be using this in the future04:17
rayluzethero1: er...chipsets have codecs?04:18
raylu!best | daniel01010104:18
daniel010101i really need to know can ppl see this04:18
ubottudaniel010101: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:18
storbeckdaniel010101: That's not really a support question, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic04:18
zethero1raylu: yep ...04:18
dthackerdaniel010101: that's a matter of opinion, not a support question04:18
panfistlocate glib finds lots of lines..i dont know what to do with this information04:18
zethero1I'll ask in #alsa04:18
RHorsedaniel010101 what are you using now?04:18
usr13daniel010101: I like irssi04:18
bcdaniel010101: IMO netcat is the only one worth looking at04:19
simoncpulet's do the #alsa!04:19
daniel010101im using pidgen now04:19
simoncpulet's dance to #alsa04:19
mikechelenraylu, it looks like lftp can be pretty flexible with multiple commands, for standard operations such as putting some files or directory ncftp works nicely04:19
traversirssi? I'm using some irc client on VMS!04:19
bugsum fit girls in???04:19
raylupanfist: aptitude search glib | dev04:19
raylupanfist: er, sorry04:19
RHorsedaniel010101 I like bitchx04:19
raylupanfist: aptitude search glib | grep dev04:19
dthackerpanfist: i see glib-2.0 in /usr/lib/glib-2.0.04:19
daniel010101do they have moderators on04:19
usr13daniel010101: Have it set up to automatically go to my favorite server and then to channel.04:19
raylumikechelen: yeah. i rarely need to do more than one thing04:19
buddy_i agree bitchx i think is better04:20
rayludthacker: he's installing something from source, so he needs the headers04:20
daniel010101HI everyone04:20
geniidaniel010101: Moderators are around, yes.04:20
storbeckdaniel010101: The mods always hide in the shadows. Make one wrong step and bam, they all attack like a gazelle04:20
Ghoti_daniel010101: this is rather OT and subjecting, but pidgin is IMO/IME a terrible IRC client.04:20
Chr|s!ot | bug04:20
ubottubug: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:20
dthackerraylu: dev package?04:20
daniel010101what just happend04:20
rayludthacker: yes04:20
daniel010101oh no its working now04:20
bugsory bad day04:20
daniel010101the scroller scrolled up04:20
dthackerraylu: ahhhh, I see.04:20
RHorsedaniel010101 pidgin makes a really *lousy* irc client IMO04:21
daniel010101yeah lol04:21
chronofirehey i need to add a line of code to the sbm.conf how do i do this?04:21
bugtell me sum nice chanell04:21
raylupidgin makes a really lousy client.04:21
Chr|s!irc | bug04:21
ubottubug: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines04:21
buddy_i agree04:21
daniel010101how do i create a server with asp is there anyway asp will work on ubuntu 9.0404:21
=== _NetEcho is now known as NetEcho
pegonchronofire, sudo pico locationofthefile in terminal04:21
daniel010101i have a lamp system04:21
geniidaniel010101: You should enquire in #ubuntu-server then04:22
* aprilhare asks: what do i need to play MIDI files via clicking on a link? want to play audio associated with http://www22.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=D%23%20Ab%20G%20C%2304:22
raylu!info mono-apache-server204:22
ubottumono-apache-server2 (source: xsp): ASP.NET backend for mod_mono2 Apache module. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 68 kB, installed size 248 kB04:22
bcdaniel010101: perhaps, apt-cache search asp | grep server04:22
rayludaniel010101: ^04:22
reliveanyone used nfs to transfer a 4 gb folder between two linux system? mine keep on locking up. i don't know why04:23
chronofirepegon like this? sudo pico /etc/samba/sbm.conf04:23
lyraeWhich software should i use to burn iso?04:23
danes_how can I introduce special characters in a text? such as alt-64 for windows?04:23
usr13 relive scp might be better choice.04:23
pegonchronofire, yes04:23
buddy_k3b is a good burning software04:23
rayludanes_: that depends largely on the app04:23
storbeckI sould use rsync rather than scp04:23
traverslyrae,I like the command line cdrecord04:23
rayluchronofire: shouldn't that be smb.conf?04:24
dthackerrelive: I agree with usr13, use scp04:24
danes_raylu any standard text editor???04:24
chronofirepegon okay thanks alot04:24
lyraetravers, ok let me try04:24
reliveusr13, i ve tried sshfs with mount command. by i will give scp a try04:24
relives/ by /but04:24
rayludanes_: by alt-64, you mean alt+0-0-6-4?04:24
Anyoseyowhat is a good c++ channel besides ##c++04:24
traversssh has buffers! your transfers will go no more than ~20 megs / second!04:24
daniel010101ok im back04:24
pegonchronofire, np :)04:24
chronofireraylu yes it should be thanks04:24
relivedthacker, scp wil encrypt data. so a 4gb folder becomes 12 gb  ... maybe04:25
raylurelive: ...what?04:25
storbeckI still suggesting using rsync instead of using scp.04:25
bcrelive: you can use compression in ssh, but it might grind cpu to a snail's pace04:25
daniel010101how would i make a custom ubuntu 9.04 iso file for like the pc's im going to sell so like a brand name e.g: mycompany is the company who supplied the system04:25
dthackerrelive: I don't think so....04:25
danes_raylu, well in windows I use to use alt+164 to introduce a special character for spanish alphabet. I need to know how to introduce the same character in ubuntu04:26
usr13relive: storbeck is correct, rsync is a good choice.04:26
daniel010101and with custom software to be installed when using the c04:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remix04:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-remix04:26
* dthacker shrugs.04:27
daniel010101!custom iso04:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about custom iso04:27
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:27
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility04:27
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".04:27
travers!that crusty sock in my bedroom04:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about c++04:27
dthackerplease stop playing bot tag in the channel04:27
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:27
daniel010101thanks i will read that04:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mingw04:28
Chr|sSeverity1: please stop04:28
rayludanes_: http://osdir.com/ml/org.user-groups.linux.cwelug/2007-07/msg00048.html04:28
traversyawn, kick the bot if you don't like it04:28
Severity1Chr|s: why should i stop?04:28
Pici!botabuse | travers Severity104:28
ubottutravers Severity1: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".04:28
chuck_sorry could not remember if it was remix or remaster04:28
chronofireafter i add the line of code to the configuration file i just close it?04:28
Chr|sSeverity1: if you are unsure of a command, please /msg the bot04:28
Severity1im looking for answers04:29
PacoBuntuhow do i get the taskmanager in Ubuntu?04:29
raylu!top | PacoBuntu04:29
storbeckPacoBuntu: Use 'top'04:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about top04:29
traverspacobuntu, ps and top are win04:29
PiciSeverity1: /msg the bot then04:29
* bc smells it in the air04:29
traversdamn, these pringles cans, I can't get my massive hand inside04:30
OkashiHey anyone wanna help me witha simpler problem? since I first installed ubuntu like 5 months ago I get this messege when I boot up "User's $home/.dmrc file is being ignored"04:30
chronofirepegon, after i add the code tot he configuration file does it auto save?04:30
stryd_onepaco: system... administration... system monitor04:30
traversOkashi, I have that on one of my RHEL boxen...04:30
Picitravers: #ubuntu-offtopic exists for random chatter. We try to keep #ubuntu for Ubuntu support only.  Thanks04:30
Okashitravers : ?04:31
pegonchronofire, hit ctrl x then Y and then it will ask for the name says smb.conf and hit enter and it will save it04:31
bcOkashi: google gave me tons of hits on that one -> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/users-home.dmrc-file-is-being-ignored.-589557/04:31
daniel010101how come everytime i install new software .deb files i have to insert the cd of ubuntu 9.0404:31
chronofirepegon okay thanks alot04:31
boobsbrhowdy, i'm having problems with the jaunty netbeans 6.5 package. it doesn't fix imports at all. has anyone experienced this?04:31
pegonchronofire, np04:31
dthackeror http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=371052 .dmrc file is being ignored04:31
Okashibc: it did. I got nothing when I looked04:31
rayludaniel010101: /etc/apt/sources.list, take out the cd line04:32
bcOkashi: I just copied and pasted your quote, including quotes :))04:32
Severity1Okashi: did it work?04:32
OkashiSeverity1 : no sorry I can't download bleachbit04:32
phillipsmboobsbr: do you mean it doesn't fix java package imports inside of .java files?04:32
OkashiI have no space04:32
boobsbrphillipsm: yes04:32
Severity1have you tried running computer janitor?04:33
dthackerOkashi: have you considered running fsck on the drive?04:33
Chr|sUbuntu Tweak is a good tool as well04:33
Okashidthacker: what's that?04:33
traversfsck won't free up space...04:33
dthacker!fsck | Okashi04:34
ubottuOkashi: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot04:34
Severity1he has no space04:34
R0b`expect did not work out at all04:34
phillipsmboobsbr: thats strange...I have 6.5 on my jaunty and it seems to be working with imports... I'm doing servlets in it so im not sure if that would change anything because they are still .java files04:34
usr13Okashi: list by file sizes, find largest files04:34
usr13list by file sizes, find largest files04:34
R0b`all it did was connect to the ftp server, then i got prompted for a user and pass04:34
stryd_oneanyone have any ideas why video playback/multitasking is not right in jaunty? works fine in hardy...04:34
* aprilhare asks: what do i need to play MIDI files via clicking on a link? want to play audio associated with http://www22.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=D%23%20Ab%20G%20C%2304:34
R0b`nothing at all was automated about expect04:34
usr13list by file sizes, find largest files: du -s -k -d * | sort -n04:34
usr13Okashi: ls -lS |grep ^d   <will show directories sorted by size>04:35
OkashiUser: I have files to delete but I can't delete them04:35
storbeckR0b`: Then you didn't code it right :)04:35
usr13Okashi: Why not?04:35
Severity1where are the files you are trying to delete04:35
wolfjbhow do I build vpnc with ssl support? I have libssl-dev installed and I just ran apt-src build vpnc, but the resulting binary still doesn't have ssl support and there isn't a configure script to run. Any help?04:35
storbeckusr13: You can just do a du -hs *04:35
Okashiuser : they won't delelte04:35
Severity1did you delete it using nautilus04:35
Chris8Hey room... anyone recommend a <linux> program to convert .mp3 files to video?  trying to upload a song to youtube...04:35
daniel010101how do i take a CD e.g ubuntu 9.04 cd then make it a iso on my pc using ubuntu04:35
OkashiSeverity1 : all in home04:36
raylustorbeck: that won't do much. instead of s, --max-depth=104:36
dthackerOkashi: if I'm following correcltly, you're filesystem is at 100% and you can't delete anything.  fsck may find garbage entries in the fs and clean them up, giving you back some space.  I've done this successfully on ext3 filesystems.04:36
traversokashi, see df -h04:36
usr13Okashi: Why won't they delete?  What error msg to you get when you try?04:36
Severity1better try dthackers advice04:36
boobsbrphillipsm: it's not even importing the most basic things04:36
Severity1traverse: his df -h says sda1 is 100% unavailabkle04:37
administrator_does anyone know how to get FISH to work with Xchat? it keeps unloading the script as soon as i click ok04:37
storbeckraylu: That's the same thing...04:37
=== administrator_ is now known as soulbleed
raylustorbeck: no, -s is max-depth 004:37
stryd_onechris8: you can't convert audio to video.04:37
daniel010101so i insert the ubuntu 9.04 cd but i want to make it into an bootable iso file on my pc as i am using the cd from shipit????04:37
boobsbrphillipsm: and i'm writing a simple console app04:37
usr13Okashi: You might consider adding a new HDD.04:37
Chris8styrd_one: uhhh yeah you can...04:37
jim__stryd_one: sure you can, it just requires some mathematical gymnastics :)04:38
Okashiuser : if I use the gui they go to the trash and won't delete. and if I use command rm they just disapear and still use space04:38
Chris8Styrd: oh i know whay you mean... :P04:38
Severity1how many hardshutdowns before ubuntu runs hdd diagnostibs?04:38
RHorseOkashi how about shredding them?04:38
Chris8Styrd: i'm not interested in having the RAW audio file read by some vid program :P04:38
g0wdahi all, i'm currently on a jaunty live CD, my comp has screwed up resources, I want to set up ubuntu for speed and performance... 40GB HDD and 640mb DDR ram.... can anyone tell me what will be the best way to partition my disk... i have 12 GB of data in the middle of the disk in a Fat32 :(04:38
storbeckraylu: No it's not04:38
traversOkashi, maybe they're soft or hard links then?04:39
Severity1hold on i think i have a solution04:39
stryd_oneyou can generate video from an audio stream, but not convert... I know it seems like a stupid thing to say, but if you google for it you might find that using the correct keywords helps....04:39
Severity1Okashi can you delete a file and go to trash04:39
tazany one know how to fix.. with system halted ??  when it shut down then it said system halted04:39
un_davei have a 3 monitors, 2 of them used at the moment with twinview. It works well, but i'd like to set up the 3rd to be a straight terminal view. Anyone know how i can do this?04:39
Severity1see if it is there?04:39
storbeckraylu: http://pastebin.com/m37f3daca < How is that the same?04:39
Chris8What program can i use to make a movie with no video but an mp3 for the audio?04:39
Chris8trying to upload a song youtube04:40
dthackerOkashi:  if you are deleting files from the command line, and space is not being reclaimed, then I believe you've got some corruption going on in your filesystem and I would recommend running fsck.  It will clear orphan inodes from the filesystem.04:40
traverstaz, your probably out of luck, especially if its an acpi system...04:40
jim__Chris8: ffmpeg or mencoder04:40
``y7is there a way to ping from eth1 instead of eth0?04:40
raylustorbeck: http://pastie.org/48367404:40
g0wdaagain:  hi all, i'm currently on a jaunty live CD, my comp has screwed up resources, I want to set up ubuntu for speed and performance... 40GB HDD and 640mb DDR ram.... can anyone tell me what will be the best way to partition my disk... i have 12 GB of data in the middle of the disk in a Fat3204:40
jim__``y7: ping -i04:40
raylustorbeck: --max-depth=004:40
chuck_un_dave, your best bet is to check in #nvidia04:40
Okashidthacker : k04:40
jim__Chris8: ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.avi # Magic!04:40
Chris8Jim:  THank you Jim you're quite lovely :P04:40
OkashiThank you to all I'm gonna go try that before I star messing with partitions04:41
storbeckraylu: That's not what I said to do.04:41
un_davechuck_, ok, i will. thanks04:41
storbeckI said -hs04:41
raylustorbeck: and i said --max-depth=0 is -s04:41
travers``y7, there might be an option, see the man page,04:41
raylustorbeck: you forgot the =04:41
g0wdaagain: again:  hi all, i'm currently on a jaunty live CD, my comp has screwed up resources, I want to set up ubuntu for speed and performance... 40GB HDD and 640mb DDR ram.... can anyone tell me what will be the best way to partition my disk... i have 12 GB of data in the middle of the disk in a Fat3204:41
travers``y7, the ping shold route out the correct device though04:41
meaballhey, first time xchat user here..04:42
jim__Okashi: another thing is, ext3 default reserves 5% for the superuser.  `df` output does NOT include this reserved space.  I've never had to actually make use of it, so I can't say how.04:42
meaballhow do i get the user list to come up04:42
meaballother than the button04:42
=== meaball is now known as meatball
raylustorbeck: you have a * in one. the other is using .04:42
stryd_onemeatball, crtl+f7 it says, in the view menu... maybe try #xchat04:43
daniel010101soz brb04:43
usr13g0wda: move the 12G partition to the end of the drive.04:43
relivehow to tell if my box is running rsync service? i don't have file: /etc/rsyncd.motd04:43
raylustorbeck:               print the total for a directory (or file, with --all) only if it is N or fewer levels below the command line argument;  --max-depth=0 is the same as --summarize04:43
stryd_onerelive: ps -A | grep rsync04:43
g0wdausr13: ok... newie me :( how do i do that now?04:43
Severity1whereis rsync04:43
meatballodd, my view menu has no such option04:43
traversrelive, you were asking how to transfer files, right? install the openbsd ssh server, and you can easily rysnci voer that04:44
storbeckraylu: All it does is make the list shorter, then go into the big directory and run it again04:44
Okashidthacker : would you reapt the commands fo fsch again?04:44
raylustorbeck: it = ?04:44
g0wdais it there in the parmanager??04:44
g0wda*part manager04:44
dthacker!fsck | Okashi04:44
ubottuOkashi: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot04:44
jim__rsyncd comes with a couple security pitfalls if you're not careful.  It's preferable to do as travers says and simple use SSH as rsync's transport protocol04:44
relivetravers, i have sshd running.04:44
storbeckraylu: Lets just agree that we have different methods and leave it at that04:45
raylujim__: e2/las -cl04:45
relivestryd_one, no, i don't see rsync from ps04:45
traversokay, then you're in good shape04:45
rayluer, ignore that...04:45
* aprilhare asks: what do i need to play MIDI files via clicking on a link? want to play audio associated with http://www22.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=D%23%20Ab%20G%20C%2304:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpartedg0wda,04:45
g0wdaand what would be good as seperate drives...? should i mount usr on a seperate drive?04:45
ubottug0wda,: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:45
traversrelive, you could do say rsync -av user@box:"/some/directory" /home/luser04:45
traversrelive, see the man page for specifics... the rsync man page04:46
relivetravers, i see. so i don't need to install additional app04:46
PersiHi, need help with high CPU usage - X eats like 70%, been reading all the guides and it doesnt go away with .30 kernel and driver from crack pushers, yes Im on intel04:46
g0wdaI have gparted opened right now, but everything is locked (remem i'm running live) and i can't find a way to unlock it...04:46
usr13g0wda:  gparted04:46
g0wdawill sudo gparted04:46
traversrelive, well you will need rsync on both boxes and sshd on one of them.04:46
jim__travers: relive: This is of interest for anyone who pushes lots of data over SSH on fast links: http://www.psc.edu/networking/projects/hpn-ssh/04:47
Persihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HighCPU says The solution in these cases is to make the daemon stop doing the expensive polling and I have no idea what does it mean04:47
storbeckg0wda: gksu gparted04:47
usr13g0wda: yes04:47
traversPersi, say, what's your graphics hardware?04:47
relivejim__, thx. i am doing this over 100mb lan.04:47
usr13g0wda: Do as storbeck says04:47
Persiintel i800 I think, standard stuff for dell 152504:48
g0wdai did sudo gparted, still locked04:48
Persi Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM GEM 20090114 x86/MMX/SSE204:48
daniel010101is there any live cd ubuntu customisation to just change install programs04:48
travershrm, that is odd04:48
Persi Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2a02] (rev 0c)04:48
storbeckg0wda: Are you on a livecd?04:48
Severity1persi can you do a glxgears and glxinfo04:48
metalpresso i am trying to setup a samba share,  using the ip address of the other machine I can connect fine, but when trying to use the computer name its coming back that its unreachable,  is there something else that needs to be done to use the name instead of ip?  i thought it was just //computername  instead of //192.168.xxx.xxx04:49
g0wdaeven gksu failed04:49
traversPresi, running any strange things? say, a opengl ap, some animated gif in firefox?04:49
storbeckWhat did it do?04:49
raylumetalpres: run the command: host computername04:49
traversmentalpres, sounds like your dns is not setup correctly04:49
Severity1Persi, can you do a glxgears and glxinfo04:49
g0wdait's still locked04:49
Persiyeah do that all the time, gears gives only 200fps now while couple of days back it was like 60004:49
storbeckWhat do you mean locked?04:49
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:49
daniel010101how do i make a ubuntu program04:49
Severity1how about glxinfo is direct rendering saying yes?04:50
metalpresraylu: when i do the host command it comes back showing 2 ips for the machine04:50
g0wdagparted is locked... no editing button is active04:50
Persiinfo says slow and none half the time each, I`m not sure what else to look there04:50
usr13daniel010101: What do you mean?04:50
Bob_DoleLovely. if I leave the wireless enabled(using a restricted driver, atheros of some sort) for extended periods of time, it will lock my system up hard. If a song is playing It will be like "Tell me now how should I feel How duh uh uh uh uh" My question: How do I get the system to NOT re-enable wireless upon restart?04:50
metalpresraylu: neither are the IPs are the 192.168.xxx.xxx one i normally use though04:50
raylumetalpres: well, there's your problem :D04:50
traversmetalpres, yep04:50
Severity1Persi look at glxinfo and see if theres a line direct rendering: yes i want to confirm something04:51
jim__Bob_Dole: could /etc/blacklist the driver, or edit /etc/network/interfaces, or add "ifconfig eth1 down" to /etc/rc.local04:51
raylumetalpres: before it gave you the ip, it should give you a dns provider. is that correct?04:51
g0wdastorbeck: gparted is locked... no editing button is active04:51
Persidirect rendering: Yes04:51
morningwalkeri need to know how to seek audio files, the cursor on rhythmbox or banshee just doesnt move...04:51
Severity1okay good04:51
Severity1open 2 terminal tabs04:51
=== tanjir_ is now known as tanjir
usr13daniel010101: g0wda Are you using a LIVE CD?04:52
storbeckg0wda: Are you sure you are on a livecd? Or are you booted into your system?04:52
Severity1on the other one run pstree -p04:52
g0wdaYeah I am using a live CD04:52
Severity1and on the other one run top04:52
usr13g0wda: Unmount the filesystem first.04:52
metalpresraylu: it didnt give me any dns info, just 2 ips and then timed out04:52
chuck_daniel010101, are you trying to make a custom ubuntu iso?04:52
Persiwill htop work?04:52
Persiwith sudo?04:52
Severity1look at pstree see the processes under xorg04:52
Severity1yep with sudo04:52
traversg0wda, yeah, you don't want ot start moving around a partition while reading and writing to it04:52
g0wdaoh... right i didn't think of that... unmounting :)04:52
raylumetalpres: oops, sorry. use: nslookup computername04:52
traversmetalpres bind-tools is win for dns issues04:53
Persigdm(2790)───gdm(2793)─┬─Xorg(2798) thats all04:53
ubottudaniel1010101: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility04:53
Persi─sh(3207)─┬─gpg-agent(3263) under xorg goes further04:53
daniel010101chuck_: i have read that but is there anything else04:53
FluxDHi, this is my setup, http://i39.tinypic.com/b4f4a9.jpg I cannot boot to Ubuntu, please help in reisntalling grub04:53
g0wdaand another thing... nautilus doesn't open if i put any cd in in jaunty, ther's a bug filed on launchpad the solution as resolved there is to uninstall brasero and use gnomebaker instead!04:54
morningwalkercan anyone please tell me why i cant seek any audio file in any media player installed... ?04:54
jim__morningwalker: what type of audio file04:54
Persiany more orders?04:54
Severity1yep those under xorg arechildprocesses one of those is probably cpu hungry04:54
metalpresraylu: ok that time it gave me the dns server ip04:54
Severity1let pstree guide you04:54
arandFluxD: What happens when you boot?04:54
Severity1run top on the other terminal tab04:54
raylumetalpres: is that the correct server?04:54
infinityximorningwalker: what are the programs saying?04:54
Persithere is nothing under xorg!04:54
daniel010101i still dont know how to create a custom iso04:54
rayluFluxD: what's with sda5?04:55
traversdaniel, its not easy.04:55
Persiand in htop only 1 process eats 70% as I said in the original message04:55
morningwalkerjim__; mp3 and wma04:55
metalpresits the ip of my router, not the machine i want to connect to04:55
Severity1what is this process04:55
FluxDarand: I was using the vista bootloader to boot but it somehow messed up and doesnt let me boot in now04:55
usr13FluxD: Boot to the root filesystem and re-install grub04:55
jim__morningwalker: no idea04:55
craig_can anyone hear me?04:55
metalpresraylu: its the ip of my router, not the machine i want to connect to04:55
morningwalkerinfinityxi:  the program gives no such error, the cursor in the media payer just doesnt move04:55
durtmorningwalker, that particular file's encoding doesn't support seek, or is it more than one file type?04:55
traversyeach craig04:55
dthackercraig_: yes04:55
daniel010101is there anything to create a xact iso of my whole system to a iso for backup04:55
infinityxidaniel010101: genisoimage04:55
Persi/usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth04:55
infinityxilook into that04:55
FluxDraylu: its a 5 gb windows xp partition04:55
raylumetalpres: generally, your router is also your dns server, so that's fine04:56
usr13FluxD: Boot to the root filesystem and do:  grub-install hd004:56
FluxDusr13: I dont know how to do it04:56
metalpresraylu: yea04:56
morningwalkerdurt; it used to work in the last session04:56
panfisthelp, i was messing around with my themes, i rebooted and now i dont see any gnome panels or window titles04:56
raylumetalpres: in which case, you need to convince your router that computername is something else04:56
craig_dtchen, thanks.  I guess I'm still logged into xchat at work and there's bee a server change, I can't log into the box that faces out04:56
traversdaniel, sure, mkisofs -U -J -o wholesystem.iso /04:56
meatballwhat would you guys recommend for a good irc client for ubuntu04:56
meatballi don't think i like xchat-gnome04:56
FluxDusr13: I am in livecd now04:56
arandFluxD: ah, if you still want to use the vista bcd bootloader I would recommend using EasyBCD from within vista to configure, otherwise install grub.04:56
rayluFluxD: why is it in your extended partition?04:56
durtmorningwalker, last session of what?04:56
|freddy|irssi, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE Kvirc04:56
craig_Is there a list of the best current wireless cards for ubuntu?04:56
usr13FluxD: Mount the root filesystem and then chroot to it.04:56
daniel010101mkisofs -U -J -o wholesystem.iso /                   does this create a whole xact copy of my system to iso04:56
meatballi've heard good things of irssi04:57
meatballi'll try that04:57
|freddy|meatball: you need kde-libs for kvirc04:57
FluxDarand: I did try with easybcd it wont let me boot into ubuntu still after removing and readding ubuntu04:57
rayluusr13: --root-directory is simpler04:57
|freddy|but irssi runs from console...so good stuff04:57
traversyou can loopback mount the resulting iso if you want to verify that04:57
Persiwhat do I do with it?04:57
g0wdaI can't unmount 1 partition but... it seems it's being used by an app... i don't see which one... is there a way to force unmount it???04:57
stryd_onemeatball: xchat-gnome isn't actually xchat, and it's horrible. get real xchat.04:57
FluxDraylu: its a complicated setup with xp vista and ubuntu04:57
traversg0wda use -lf04:57
usr13FluxD: chroot /media/hda4  #where /media/hda4 is the root filesystem.04:57
metalpresraylu: im not sure what you mean04:57
|freddy|and if you find a shell like aterm....you can find some good shells that wont consume much resources04:57
raylumetalpres: i mean you need to configure your router04:57
Severity1Persi: do you know the PID of that process?04:58
g0wdatravers: fulll command pleas :) i unmounted the others with n autilus ;)04:58
Severity1kill it04:58
Persiit will kill X04:58
PersiI think04:58
traversg0wda umount -lf /dev/problemdrive04:58
FluxDusr13: I am in livecd now, so what is my next step04:58
Persiand Im not used to command line IRC04:58
traverskill X on ubuntu? its like the undead, it keeps coming back04:58
arandFluxD: That's bothersome... I dodn't know how to fix it through BCD then... does it give any messages when trying to boot into ubuntu?04:58
Persiok lets try04:58
traversis there an /etc/init.d/X that can be brought down?04:58
usr13FluxD: Where ever you have /dev/sda6 mounted chroot to it.  mount will show you what you have mounted now.04:58
raylutravers: invoke-rc.d gdm stop04:59
Severity1kill 279804:59
traversthere you guys go04:59
DaZtravers:  init 304:59
FluxDarand: it gets stuck on Loading partiton image, and it says something about bootpart04:59
rayluusr13: did you see my earlier comment? consider grub-install --root-directory04:59
traversDaz, mmm telinit04:59
metalpresraylu: in my routers settings it already shows my other machine listed and it recognizes the machines name correctly04:59
stryd_onei guess persi was right, it did kill X ;)04:59
metalpresraylu: just when i try to connect to that machine using its name from this machine it doesnt respond04:59
panfisti'm on ubuntu netbook remix, i'm trying to restart x and ctrl-alt-backspace isn;t wokring05:00
raylumetalpres: then i'm not sure. the problem is most likelywith your router, though05:00
PacoBuntuCan someone tell me which ubuntu theme and iconset are being used in this screenshot: http://techpad.co.uk/images/medium/7qycps8mg.png ?05:00
traversmetalpres, it just sounds like you need a proper A record in a dns server somewhere05:00
usr13raylu: no, did not see that...05:00
Severity1Persi: what is the name of that process wit PID 279805:00
daniel010101can i install ubuntu netbook remix on ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop??05:00
Persiok how helpful was it?05:00
Bob_DoleAs of 9.04 CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE no longer kills x by default05:00
usr13raylu: I usually just use  grub-install hd005:00
=== geoffrey is now known as geo
panfistahh i see bob_dole05:00
ZykoticK9-eeepanfist, 9.04 has disabled ctrl-alt-backspace you need to edit Xorg to enable it - search google for full instructions05:00
FluxDusr13: /dev/sda6 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)05:00
raylu!dontzap | panfist05:00
ubottupanfist: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.05:00
Bob_DoleIt can be re-enabled, but I can't remember how off the top of my head05:00
PersiX restarted obviously with no effect, as I have this problem for weeks05:00
usr13FluxD: chroot /media/disk05:01
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send Jaunty (9.04) CDs05:01
Severity1Persi: kill 279805:01
FluxDusr13: chroot: cannot change root directory to /media/disk: Operation not permitted05:01
PersiI did it05:01
Severity1what happened05:01
Persijust not with PID, with htop05:01
daniel010101why dont canonical ship xubuntu :-(05:01
usr13FluxD: sudo chroot /media/disk05:01
PersiX restarted05:01
rayluusr13: right. grub-install hd0 --root-directory=/media/disk; saves you from chrooting05:01
Persias I said05:01
metalpresraylu: ok well thanks anyway, i guess i'll just use my backup plan and set the ips on each machine to be static so i dont have to even worry about using the machine names05:02
FluxDusr13: done next thing?05:02
Bob_DoleI just got my jaunty CD today. I -really- like having at least one pressed, professional looking disk around, rather than burned disks with sloppy permanent marker "labels"05:02
usr13raylu: Oh, never done that.05:02
raylumetalpres: as a hack, you could edit /etc/hosts05:02
traversmetalpres, depending on how ofen the clients dhcp and the dhcpd, they may get the same ip every time05:02
Persithen what? usual restart, logged in and conky says 60% of both cores are eaten05:02
usr13FluxD: sudo grub-install hd005:02
Bob_Dole(been running jaunty since the beta, though)05:02
Persiwith no programs running05:02
Persionly xchat right now05:02
Persioverkill what?05:02
traverswhat was the name for 8.04?05:02
Bob_DoleHardy Heron05:03
PacoBuntuCan someone tell me which ubuntu theme and iconset are being used in this screenshot: http://techpad.co.uk/images/medium/7qycps8mg.png ?05:03
Severity1wrong chat05:03
rayluBob_Dole: liveusbs are nicer than discs :D05:03
FluxDusr13: sudo grub-install hd0 sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu /dev/sda6: Not found or not a block device.05:03
Persiok anything else for this chat?05:03
usr13raylu: Thanks for the info....05:03
Severity1hold on05:03
Bob_Doleraylu, only if your BIOS supports USB boot! and I have 30 machines running jaunty right now that don't.05:03
metalprestravers: no they dont, if 1 machine is on and the other isnt the router just gives out the first available one, so it kind of causes my 2 machines to be constantly switching between 2 ips depending which one was on first or rebooted first05:03
rayluPacoBuntu: i don't remember the name, but it's easy to find the dark one in the appearance manager05:04
traversmetalpres, like I said, depends on the dhcpd =)05:04
Severity1have you tried reconfiguring xorg?05:04
durtdaniel010101,  try '/join #kubuntu'05:04
rayluBob_Dole: ouch. how do you have the 30 set up?05:04
usr13FluxD:  grub-install hd0 --root-directory=/media/disk05:04
usr13FluxD: sudo  grub-install hd0 --root-directory=/media/disk05:04
Bob_Dole8.04 was Hardy Heron, 8.10 was Intrepid Ibex, 9.04 is Jaunty Jackalope, 9.10 will me Karmic Koala.05:04
PersiI think I did a while back, it gives a blank xorg.conf, right? But I have to turn on UXA to make it bearable05:04
Severity1can you check and see which process is running 60% now05:05
Persiyou suggest I try aain?05:05
daniel0101019.10 =-O05:05
Persithe same process all the time!05:05
daniel0101019.10 looks good05:05
g0wdanow what...? gparted is not opening! i force  quit it once! X( guess i'll have to restart and do the unmounting drill again05:05
daniel010101but its not even a beta so i wont download it05:05
stryd_onecouldn't canonical thivk of an animal starting with K in africa? ;)05:05
Persiit ends with -nolisten tcp vt705:05
FluxDusr13: root@ubuntu:/# sudo grub-install hd0 --root-directory=/media/disk sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time. /usr/sbin/grub-install: 408: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /dev/sda6: Not found or not a block device.05:05
Severity1ok i have no idea aboue exa or uxa in xorg05:05
daniel010101lamp = linux apache mysql php05:05
Bob_Doleraylu, 22 600mhz Pentium3's with 256MB of RAM and 400-460MB of swap, all have at least 10GB HDs. 9.04 with the XFCE desktop. They run acceptably until they get on a page with a lot of complex flash stuff.05:06
durt!spam > daniel01010105:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spam05:06
daniel010101im not spaming05:06
daniel010101if i am i will stop05:06
Persithen you will have a hard time helping me Ispz05:06
rayluBob_Dole: interesting. why so many old machines?05:06
durt!ot > daniel01010105:06
ubottudaniel010101, please see my private message05:06
usr13FluxD: Did you just resize your partitions?05:07
Flanneldurt: As far as I can tell, you're causing as much disruption.  Please stop.05:07
Bob_Doleraylu, Poor school in need of more computers for the students. Had a lot of old machines in the backroom. And the rest of the machines are P3s, too, but go up to 1ghz, 512MB of RAM.05:07
FluxDusr13: not now, but I did few weeks ago05:07
traversyeah, ubuntu runs like a champ on "old" machinse...05:07
rayluBob_Dole: also, when i said set up, i was more talking about how they were installed, how they update, how users log in05:08
relivehow can i disable my sound card?05:08
relivesomething is wrong with my sound card hardware. i dont want to use it05:08
panfisti dont know if its compiz, or gtk, or something, but i rebooted and now i dont see any gnome panels or window title bars05:08
usr13FluxD: Just looking at http://i39.tinypic.com/b4f4a9.jpg   And wondering why the yellow shaded parts of the partitions don't go to the end of the partitions.05:08
Ghoti_relive: take it out of the PC?05:08
PacoBuntuCan someone tell me which ubuntu theme and iconset are being used in this screenshot: http://techpad.co.uk/images/medium/7qycps8mg.png ?05:08
Bob_Doleraylu, Ah. local logins, restricted. And there's an Ubuntu mirror, so one machine talks to the outside world, the rest talk to it.05:08
traversrelive: what does it sound like? fuzzy?05:08
reliveGhoti_, laptop05:09
Severity1Persi: have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:09
FluxDusr13: thats the color that shows howmuch of it is full05:09
relivetravers, no, it keep sending pulse signals05:09
Persiill try right no05:09
traversPers, you should run that one, its full of win05:09
rayluBob_Dole: cool05:09
Persias even stopping GDM doesnt help05:09
traversrelive, yeah, that does not sound too hot05:09
raylupanfist: does alt+f2 work?05:09
Ghoti_relive: firmly apply a screwdriver to the speaker grille a couple times? :)05:09
Persiok I did05:09
Persiwhat now?05:09
usr13FluxD: I'm wondering if the filesystems only occupy part of the partitions, (not the whold partition).05:09
relivetravers, not hot all all05:10
PersiI think it loaded cnf from backup05:10
panfistwhat's alt-f2 supposed to do?05:10
chuck_relive, you should be able to turn it off in bios05:10
Persiok lets see05:10
traversrelive: you might try not loading your sound module?05:10
raylupanfist: bring up the run dialog05:10
raylupanfist: wait, you said you don't have window title bars. does that mean you have windows?05:10
Severity1Persi wait05:10
traverschuck_, not on modern laptop hardware =)05:10
FluxDusr13: What do you want me to do? I dont mind deleting vista and xp to get ubuntu back05:10
relivechuck_, hm... i suppose i can, but i have dual boot05:10
usr13FluxD: Well, I don't know why grub-install is not working.  Maybe someone else here has an idea...?05:10
Severity1youthere Persi05:10
FUbbyCDI just got an ipod touch and was wondering if I could use virtualbox for the itunes store05:10
relivetravers, where is my sound module?05:10
gymophettAnyone know a good Linux chat room to talk about whatever we want in?05:11
traversrelive, somewhere in lsmod05:11
rayluFluxD: replace hd0 with /dev/sda05:11
traversfubbycd, yeah, totally05:11
panfistraylu from boot i see the icons on my desktop and thats it. i opened one which was a link toa folder. i see nautilus but without the top bar with the title and x, minimize, maximize, etc05:11
FUbbyCDi have a version without usb support05:11
durtgymophett,  #ubuntu-offtopic05:11
FUbbyCDhow do i upgrade to the version with usb support05:11
FUbbyCDand will i loose my xp installation05:11
traversfubbycd, do you want to connect your ipood up too?05:11
FUbbyCDits on a virtual drive file05:11
FluxDraylu: sudo grub-install /dev/sda --root-directory=/media/disk ?05:11
FUbbyCDyeh I have a touch and i want to use itunes store to download some apps05:12
gymophettthanks durt05:12
FUbbyCDi dont have a windows box at all05:12
FUbbyCDor a mac05:12
arashi formatted my ubuntu machine and installed xp.. however i forgot to backup a directory.. any way to recover (or at least just get the filenames, filenames are actually more important than the data)05:12
traversfubbycd, hrm, try gogle "virtual box itunes ubuntu"05:12
Persiok it`s somewhat worse now05:12
FUbbyCDso im in a jam.. I really want a couple of the apps05:12
Persidefinitely not better05:12
FUbbyCDi did05:12
arandFluxD: I think you might have lost the grub mbr on the partition, did you change the partition to which grub has written it's mbr recently?05:12
FUbbyCDwhat im unsure about is the virtualbox part05:12
FUbbyCDwhat version do i need05:12
chuck_relive, then you can black list it05:12
traversfubbycd, try #virtualbox?05:12
Severity1what happened persi? resolution is low?05:12
FUbbyCDand can i update the virtualbox to the version that supports usb connections without loosing my xp installation05:12
Severity1sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:13
Persiresolution? its always ok05:13
FUbbyCDis there actually anyone in that room?05:13
FluxDarand: I did few weeks ago, but it was fine till I shutdown yesterday havent touched any partition for weeks05:13
traversfubbycd, heck if I know hehe05:13
=== CXM is now known as CXM|Away
Severity1is it populated now?05:13
FUbbyCDlemme see05:13
tv7497guys i am really having lot of trouble with amarok it is not playing any of the songs ! i mean if i double click a song the song name pops up that it its finished it wont go further little help guys posted a screen shot of what does it shoes after running  screen shot 105:13
arandFluxD: hum, odd...05:13
relivechuck_, i am checking /proc/modules05:13
Severity1see if xorg is populated now05:13
PersiCPU usage is the same if not higher05:13
Persiit is05:13
Persiand it was05:13
Bob_DoleSetup 1 machine with xubuntu, then used Acronis to back it up. After that, just copied the image to all the other machines.. they all have "10GB" HD's, but they are really 9.3-9.5GibiByte.... shouldn't 10 GigaByte all be the same Gibibytes? well anyways, the original machine was a 9.5Gibibyte system. Acronis resizes the swap for me, but ubuntu won't use it because of the UUID thing. I have to manually go in and change it to /dev/05:14
Bob_Dolesda5 on the 9.3GB drives :/05:14
Persibut it doesnt use UXA now which was of some help originally05:14
th0rFluxD: I have a text file that details restoring grub from a live cd. Give me a minutte or two to pastebin it.05:14
FluxDarand: usr13 raylu Can I delete my xp and vista partitions and free up space will that help? I actually need files from the FAT3205:14
Bob_DoleThat was 1/3rd longer than I thought it was.05:14
traversPersi, my guess is you don't have hardware acceleration and you're running something intensive... that would creat high cpu load05:14
g0wdagparted is up and running,,,,, where is it best to place the linux swap part???05:14
FluxDthanks th0r05:14
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:15
usr13FluxD: Are you out of space?05:15
PersiI just rebooted, I dont run anything05:15
FluxDusr13: where?05:15
Persiand acceleration is on05:15
raylu!ot | gymophett05:15
panfisti can right click on my desktop and create folders, change desktop background etc05:15
raylupanfist: if you could get to a terminal, i think you want to run "metacity"05:15
rayluFluxD: yes05:15
panfistok, i right clicked on my desktop to change desktop background, then i changed the effects from none to normal (which is what i had last time i rebooted). now my window titles are restored but still no gnome panels05:15
panfisti can get to a terminal through ctrl-alt-f1 but if i run things in there will that effect ctrl-alt-f7?05:15
raylupanfist: i don't think so05:15
ubottugymophett: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:15
FluxDusr13: Ubuntu is my pririty so I dont care about wiping windows OS05:15
FUbbyCDwhat version of virtualbox in the repos supports usb connections?05:15
Persior I think it is05:15
arandFluxD: Probably not with the boot issue... by the way how did you setup easybcd in the first place?05:15
FUbbyCDim on 9.0405:15
Persithere was smth about it in wiki05:15
FUbbyCDim a jaunty jackalope05:15
th0rFluxD: http://paste.ubuntu.com/176138/05:16
usr13FluxD: Yes, you can delete the NTFS or FAT32 partitions, but I do not think it will solve the problem of not being able to re-install grub.05:16
FluxDarand: xp and vista were auto added, and Ubuntu using the Linux tab05:16
th0rFluxD: I used it once or twice...but it has been a while. Still, the info should be valid05:16
Persiwell thanks for playing anyways05:16
gopwhich version of linux would run good on a PII 300mhz05:17
arandhow did you install ubuntu, with grub bootaloder etc.?05:17
Ghoti_gop: I had Gentoo running on that exact configuration for a long, long time as a headless server05:17
RHorsearand try fluxbuntu, but more like DSL for that machine05:17
durtgop,  try an ubuntu cli install with lxde05:17
panfistgnome-appearance segfault...05:17
FluxDth0r, arand, raylu, usr13 is it due to the fact that ubuntu is on an extended partition?05:17
panfistin my /var/log/messages05:17
arandFluxD: how did you install ubuntu, with grub bootaloder etc.?05:17
Severity1Persi: see if xserver-xorg-video-intel is installed05:18
usr13FluxD: That should not matter.05:18
FluxDarand, installed vista first, then xp, then ubuntu, and installed grub to sda6 only I think05:18
Severity1probably the driver installed in your machine is mesa05:18
rayluFluxD: have you tried grub-install with /dev/sda yet?05:18
FluxDraylu: can you paste the compelte command?05:19
rayluFluxD: you had it right05:19
dsnydersHI all.  Is there a star raiders style game for ubuntu?05:19
Persiof course it is, I started with saying that I have latest driver from crack pushers05:19
rayluFluxD: 11:12:38       FluxD> raylu: sudo grub-install /dev/sda --root-directory=/media/disk ?05:19
Persilemme reboot again, I have an idea05:19
Bob_DoleAlso, what would make a desktop launcher take 2x as long to start Firefox in comparison to starting it from the applications tab?05:19
rayluBob_Dole: cache?05:19
panfistif i put a shortcut to a vritual terminal in my ~/Desktop folder, i can get terminal access from within a GUI...how do i make a shortcut to a virtual terminal05:19
FluxDtrying that raylu05:19
Bob_Doleraylu, starting on different machines it did that05:20
FluxDraylu: root@ubuntu:/# sudo grub-install /dev/sda --root-directory=/media/disk sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu /dev/sda: Not found or not a block device.05:20
rayluBob_Dole: still, cache05:20
rayluFluxD: oh...05:20
rayluFluxD: fix your /etc/sudoers05:20
=== zoomosis is now known as ozzmosis
FluxDth0r, arand, raylu, usr13 I am going to try http://paste.ubuntu.com/176138/05:20
Atryfloobot fight <.<05:20
rayluFluxD: i assume there's a pause after you run the command?05:20
rayluFluxD: also, pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" please05:21
th0rFluxD: when you are ready we can discuss the hd(0,0) thing05:21
FluxDraylu: pause? root@ubuntu:/# sudo fdisk -l sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu cannot open /proc/partitions05:21
th0rFluxD: sounds like the drive may have crashed05:22
rayluFluxD: when you use sudo, is there a delay before the command is run?05:22
stryd_onedoes anyone know of a list of "must have" PPA's and other mods to fix known issues that are not fixed in the official repos? (such as themuso's pulseaudio PPA, etc)05:22
th0rFluxD: does xp or vista boot? Can you get even a start at booting up?05:22
FluxDth0r: I am on that drive right now05:22
FluxDth0r: vista and xp boots fine05:23
usr13FluxD: Looks like you need to edit device.map05:23
tagDoes anyone know why gvim would render the font "Monospace 9" differently than gnome-terminal ?05:23
th0rFluxD: are you on a livecd now?05:23
FluxDth0r: yes05:24
FluxDth0r, arand, raylu, usr13 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111483405:24
usr13FluxD: Maye be an error in /media/disk/boot/grub/device.map05:24
FluxDlast error is what I get for ubuntu05:24
tagI'm finding it rather annoying.  gvim renders it as a nice, easier to read taller font than "Monospace 8".  But gnome-terminal adds what seems like a bunch of arbitrary extra space, despite the fact that the font selector dialog seems to render it the way I'd expect05:24
arandFluxD: you might want to try root (hd0,5) instead, if you still want to try to get bcd up.05:24
tagalmost as if gnome-terminal thinks it's a variable width font05:25
FluxDarand: what do you mean?05:25
PacoBuntuhow do i get permission in nautilus to copy a folder ?05:25
arandFluxD: when using the commands you put in pastebin, that should install grub to mbr on sda6... I think05:26
maxagazis it possible to convert mpeg video into flash ?05:26
FluxDokay trying05:26
th0rFluxD: arand is correct, for sda6 it should be hd0,505:26
FUbbyCDsomeone please help im trying to figure it out myself but its confusing.. im on jaunty jackalope and im wanting to install virtualbox with usb support05:26
FUbbyCDits not on the distro05:27
FUbbyCDall i see is ose05:27
FUbbyCDhow do i install the one with usb support into jaunty and will it delete my old xp installation on ose05:27
|freddy|anyone got problems running aptana? i get an error when trying to load it05:27
FUbbyCDit says something about installing the non free version05:27
PacoBuntumy floppydrive is going beserk why isnt anyone helping :(05:27
FluxDth0r, arand, raylu, usr13 http://pastebin.ca/142813305:28
arandth0r: You do use root (hd0,5) and then setup (hd0) right < it thinks the root thing is hd0?05:28
th0rarand: correct. for sda6.05:28
stryd_onePacoBuntu, there are lots of people here, so it can take weeks to get an answer, be patient :)05:29
cfeddeanyone have a solution to the flash issue with 9.04 on older hardware?05:29
panfistis it possible to remove a key from gconf editor?05:29
nadshow do I change servers?05:29
nadsI'm looking for galaxynet.org05:29
dsnydersPacoBuntu, Have you tried a different floppy disk?05:29
lstarnesnads: which client do you use?05:29
arandFluxD: That is your output? In that case it looks it might work...05:30
th0rarand: FluxD the command might be chroot instead of root05:30
lstarnesnads: I would recommend the original xchat05:30
trevori just installed ubuntu with gnome, is there a way to install lxde05:30
ralmarHey guys i was installing a deb package and the installation crashed. Now when i try to reinstall it it tells me i have to close another package manager (which is not visible). How can i fix this? Thanks05:30
nadshow do I change servers to galaxynet.org using xchat-gnome?05:30
FluxDhuh th0r ?05:30
lstarnesnads: try /server galaxynet.org05:30
zirodaytrevor: sudo apt-get install lxde ?05:30
nadsLinux newbie here05:30
arandFluxD: th0r: not within grub i don't think05:30
trevorthat didnt work05:30
trevorit didnt do anything05:30
usr13FluxD: Looks like you've got it.05:30
nadsmylinux friend installed this, I'm stuck with it for now!05:31
stryd_oneralmar, reboot and try again.05:31
th0rFluxD: the pastebin looks like you got it05:31
zirodaytrevor: you need to logout and the log back in but select LXDE as your session05:31
FluxDth0r, arand, raylu, usr13 I will readd ubuntu using bcd and test it and come back05:31
arandFluxD: Now I think you could try configuring BCD again...05:31
ralmarstryd_one,  im pretty sure this can be fixed without a reboot, dont know how though05:31
arandFluxD: exactemundo :)05:31
FluxDth0r, arand, raylu, usr13 thsnks again hopefully it works05:31
th0rFluxD: sometimes the old stuff just keeps working <smile>05:32
stryd_oneralmar, yes im sure it can, but a reboot is a quick and easy answer05:32
trevori treid that ziroday, there was no lxde session05:32
trevorit said 0 changed, 0 updated blah blah blah when i did sudo aptitude install lxde05:32
* raylu is still concerned that FluxD's fdisk -l came up all screwy05:32
usr13FluxD: As long as /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst and /boot/grub/device.map  have correct drive designations you should be good to go.05:32
PacoBuntuhow can i install extra gnome colors?05:33
Monevgnome colors?05:33
Monevinstall a color?05:34
zirodaytrevor: and you're sure you have the lxde package installed?05:34
trevorit says that it is in the repos now since 8.1005:34
R0b`how can i setup a script to run every hour05:34
trevori dont know if that is correct or if i have to do something else05:34
stryd_oneR0b`, use cron05:34
zirodaytrevor: install the lxde package, like you would install any other package05:34
FUbbyCDW: GPG error: http://download.virtualbox.org jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY DCF9F87B6DFBCBAE05:34
zirodaytrevor: through synaptic, apt-get or whatever05:34
zirodayFUbbyCD: you need to add the GPG key, don't worry its ignorable05:35
R0b`what is cron? i just need to know how to do a timer of some sort05:35
maxagazhow to convert at once a bunch of videos from different formats into mpeg ?05:35
trevorok this looks like it might work05:35
ziroday!cron | R0b`05:35
ubottuR0b`: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm05:35
stryd_oneR0b`, cron is used to schedule jobs, have a google for it.05:35
zirodayR0b`: also take a look at the "at" command05:35
FUbbyCDi added the software source05:36
ultrateki get this if i type firefox in terminal: http://pastebin.com/m3d0beee405:36
songerhola gente05:36
zirodayR0b`: man at05:36
FUbbyCDbut i dont see virtualbox non free05:36
songer como estan?05:36
usr13R0b`: man crontab05:36
songeralguien que able espanol?05:36
FUbbyCDid it because of this? W: GPG error: http://download.virtualbox.org jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY DCF9F87B6DFBCBAE05:36
zirodayFUbbyCD: one sec05:36
R0b`at <time> <command>05:36
usr13R0b`: crontab -e05:36
zirodayFUbbyCD: and no it isn't05:36
dsnydersHI all.  Is there a star raiders style game for ubuntu?05:36
ubottusonger,: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:36
macoR0b`, no, "at <time>", hit enter,  then type the commands (hitting enter after each). when you're done, hit ctrl+D05:37
songerhello tuis is my firs time using ubuntu05:37
R0b`and will that repeat every day?05:37
panfisteven though i always reset my desktop effects to normal, and they work fine, whenever I reboot it is reset to "none:05:37
usr13R0b`: At top of file you will see the time and date field designations.05:37
ultratekwhen i type firefox in terminal i get this: http://pastebin.com/m3d0beee405:37
zirodayFUbbyCD: do wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add - to clear the error05:37
macoR0b`, no, that's a run-once. i was just correcting how you use the "at" command. you want to use /etc/cron.daily/cronttab for daily stuff05:37
R0b`usr13, will the at repeat every day?05:37
usr13R0b`: Yes, if you use * for day of week and * for day of month.05:38
R0b`i'm so confused right now...05:38
R0b`grrr, and i'm not much of a terminal person05:38
macoR0b`, "man 5 crontab" to start05:38
R0b`i would rather do this by GUI, but what must be done must be done05:38
zirodayFUbbyCD: and the package you want to install is virtualbox-2.205:38
usr13R0b`: If you want monday thru friday you can use 1-505:38
FUbbyCDupdating snaptic right now05:38
R0b`so i could do 1-7 correct?05:38
R0b`i need this EVERY day05:39
usr13R0b`: * for every day.05:39
usr13R0b`: Just designate time and * for all else05:40
zirodayyes FUbbyCD05:40
FUbbyCDziroday:  thanks so much.. now when i install this will it remove my xp installation05:40
FUbbyCDor just ose05:40
R0b`what if i want it to do this every hour05:40
R0b`can't i just do something with a timer?05:40
FUbbyCDbecause my xp installation is real important05:40
zirodayFUbbyCD: err it will most probably just remove virtualbox-ose05:40
R0b`like add a timer to the end of the script to make it run again an hour later?05:40
zirodayFUbbyCD: if its very important then make a backup of the VM05:40
usr13R0b`: You can run it every hour.05:40
FUbbyCDwell its not the xp installation just the vdi file05:41
mneptokR0b`: 22:40 < maco> R0b`, "man 5 crontab" to start05:41
lstarnesR0b`: that wouldn't be as efficient on resources if the script repeated itself, which is what cron/at are for05:41
usr13R0b`: You can run it every hour. Just use * for hour.05:41
FUbbyCDim like you i doubt it would remove the vdi05:41
macoR0b`, that manpage will explain it much better than we can in a channel full of other people chattering05:41
R0b`well BRB, i'll comeback if i need help05:41
zirodayFUbbyCD: yes, that's what I meant05:41
R0b`rob@XUb-Webmaster-Rob:~/Desktop$ cron05:42
R0b`cron: can't open or create /var/run/crond.pid: Permission denied05:42
R0b`rob@XUb-Webmaster-Rob:~/Desktop$ sudo cron05:42
R0b`cron: can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 5992: Resource temporarily unavailable05:42
FloodBot1R0b`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:42
usr13R0b`: info crontab05:42
dsnydersusr13, can't R0b`  just put a script into /etc/cron.hourly?05:42
lstarnesR0b`: I think you want crontab -e05:42
GneaR0b`: try the crontab command05:43
FUbbyCDgot my fingers crossed im sure i could use data recovery software if something messes up05:43
g0wdahello all, i'm on a live CD, trying to setup my sick 40GB HDD for fastest possible performance... in gparted sda2 branches into two partitions what does this mean??05:43
usr13dsnyders: Yes...05:44
trevorok so i got lxde running with a gnome base, and it is running unusually hot, hotter than gnome, it did this with mandriva too05:44
g0wdaalso how do i unmount linux swap partition05:44
trevoranyone know a reason why possibly?05:44
arandg0wda: it is an extended partition...05:44
zirodayg0wda: sudo swapoff -a05:44
g0wdatryin :)05:44
usr13g0wda: shouldn't matter about the swap partition.05:45
R0b`ok ok05:45
R0b`so if05:45
R0b`i dump a shell file into /etc/cron.hourly05:45
R0b`will it run every hour?05:45
usr13g0wda: YOu can try swapoff05:45
usr13Create a script for /etc/cron.hourly yes.05:46
arandg0wda: since there are a limited amount of "top level partitions" one can use extended partitions to enable creation of basically infinite numbers of partitions although at each specific branch including the top level there can only be 5 of them05:46
panfisthow do i find the path of a launcher's current icon05:47
arandg0wda: sorry, that was incomprehensible...05:47
dsnydersR0b`,  Yes.  The system runs the scripts in cron.hourly every hour.05:47
songerhello people05:47
g0wdaI'm stuck with the branched partition... there's no enough space inside or outside the branch where i can paste the partition that has my data (12GB)05:47
songer this is my first time using ubuntu05:47
songerand I have some issues05:47
dsnydersR0b`, just make sure the script works properly first before copying it to that directory.05:48
R0b`so in about 12 minutes05:48
R0b`my script should run05:48
R0b`i know it works05:48
P4R4can someone help me resolve an I/O error when trying to boot into live disk in 9.04?05:48
R0b`i wrote it, and every thing i write works05:48
songeranybody can help me05:48
FloodBot1R0b`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:48
g0wdawait, i'll put a screenshot somewher :)05:48
dsnydersR0b`, It depends on your crontab file.  Mine fires at 17 minutes past the hour05:48
arandg0wda: basically you can only have five partitions, but if one of these five are an extended one, you can have five partitons inside that partion... and so on...05:48
R0b`i'm not flooding05:48
CoJaBo-AztecEverything I write crashes lol05:48
R0b`hmmm... well05:48
songer help pleas05:49
dsabeckyR0b`: Don't use 20 lines to say one sentence. It's not a race.05:49
Brack10I have a laptop that takes SODIMM PC 5300 and I have 5400, is that ok?05:49
songerI can't use tuxtyping05:49
=== P4R4 is now known as P4R41
R0b`i still think i might take the perl approach to uploading the stats btw... i couldnt' figure any of the stuff you guys sugested earlier, i had epic fails05:49
ralmarHey guys im trying to connect to a cisco vpn with the networkmanager-vpnc but it always fails. is there any way i can see the error output or why it fails? Thanks05:50
songerdoes anybady can help me?05:50
g0wdaafter copying a partition to another place can i delete the source? (note:changes are qued not yet applied :)05:50
CoJaBo-Aztecralmar: It isn't actually implemented.05:50
CoJaBo-Aztecralmar: The buttons are pretty much "just painted on".05:50
=== lstarnes is now known as Starnestommy
songerwhen I open tuxtyping the screen says out of range05:50
ralmarCoJaBo-Aztec,  yeah it is...05:51
ralmarCoJaBo-Aztec, I have networkmanager-vpnc05:51
|freddy|if i want to uninstall xulrunner and i go like this sudo apt-get remove xulrunner......i get a lot of packages that will be auto removed as well...but i just want to remove xulrunner not the packages within...05:51
ultratekcan somebody help me with this: http://pastebin.com/m544cbc1a05:51
CoJaBo-Aztecralmar: Well, if you get it to do anything but non-functional GUI controls, do let me know.05:51
ultratekit happens when i run firefox from terminal05:51
ultratekfirefox opens but will not load any page.....05:52
g0wdaok... gparted said you can't so, i'm applying the changes (copying) and then deleting05:52
ralmarCoJaBo-Aztec, ive had progress but need to know how to get terminal error output05:52
coreymanAnyone know how I can turn acapi back on through grub?05:53
CoJaBo-Aztecralmar: I would suspect it logs somewhere, but not sure... What did you do to get that far?05:53
P4R41can anyone help me set boot options for the live cd, every time i attempt to boot into the live cd the cd stops spinning and i get a i/o error and crash05:53
coreymanp4r41 on the new cd?05:54
arandcoreyman: have you edited grub to use acpi=off (or something like that) as a boot option for the kernel?05:54
hax0r1337Is there a way to encrypt packets on unsecured wireless network?05:54
coreymanarand i did it with the cd installer.05:54
P4R41coreyman: yeh, 9.0405:54
ralmarCoJaBo-Aztec, I installed a modified version that alload CA certificates05:54
coreymanp4r41 i had to turn acapi off05:54
songerhello help pleas05:54
usser_hax0r1337, vpn, ssh tunnels05:55
songerI can' use tuxtyping05:55
FUbbyCDziroday:  hay05:55
P4R41coreyman: i'll try right now. its on the computer next to me05:55
arandcoreyman: you want to permanently enable?05:55
coreymanp4r41 k05:55
coreymanarand yes05:55
FUbbyCDI just installed virtualbox 2.2 and it does not show up in the start menu05:55
ed2efp4r41, did u check the md5sum before burn the cd?05:55
FUbbyCDhow do i start it?05:55
hax0r1337usser_:  what about like net browsing?05:55
coreymanarand is there a grub config file.05:55
nevynI'm having troubles with ipmasq and networkmanager initiated ppp connections05:56
P4R41ed2ef: the cd is good and i've installed from it on a different computer a few hours ago with no issue05:56
arandcoreyman: edit the file menu.lst in /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove any acpi-off references05:56
nevynis this a known problem? basically networkmanager is being used to start a ppp connection for a mobile broadband interface but it doesn't call /etc/ppp/ip-up when the link is established which means that ipmasq doesn't re-compute the iptables rules05:56
friendishanWhere can i get themes for ubuntu 8.10 ?05:56
P4R41so should i set acpi=off, noapic, nolapic?05:57
fljohnhaving problems with 9.04.  Just updated from 8.04 and when I go into display, the display portion locks up and my 4 cores go haywire.05:57
ed2efP4R41, probably a good idea05:57
ed2effirst acpi=off05:57
coreymanarand ok05:57
ed2efthen if won't work, start to play around05:57
friendishanWhere can i get themes for ubuntu 8.10 ?05:57
P4R41i turned all 3 on, i/o error now05:58
panfistis there a command line command to change the visual effects from none to normal?05:58
jyg_I'm installing over what is currently a fedora9 system, with the following partition config, and I get the error also typed out in the following pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/142815405:58
ed2effriendishan, www.gnome-look.org05:58
songerhello I'm new whit ubuntu05:58
jyg_I'm not sure I understand what the installers problem is05:58
songer And I need some help05:58
fljohnHello songer, so am I05:58
friendishanok thanks05:58
jyg_the /media is like any other ext3 partition05:58
ed2efthe cd driver is working fine?05:58
geniiultratek:Since we know from previous conversation it's the 32/64 firefox issue I suggest to install: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.0/firefox-3.0_3.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1_amd64.deb05:58
songerI am05:59
friendishaned2ef and is there anything else i need to install before installing a theme?05:59
usser_hax0r1337, http://paulstamatiou.com/2008/05/16/how-to-surf-securely-with-ssh-tunnel05:59
ed2effriendishan, i think not, normally u just need to extract the theme to ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes05:59
usr13songer: Keep your comments allon one line05:59
g0wdawhat is the diff b/w a logical partition and a primary partition?05:59
friendishaned2ef and which kind of theme shud i install05:59
P4R41cd driver works fine, i did a wubi install before to ntfs and the generic cd-rom driver was fine05:59
ralmarHey guys i cant connect to a vpn with network-manager-vpnc.. is there anyway i can see the error output of why its not connecting?06:00
ed2effriendishan, if it didnt work, see if u need a specific non-installed gtk-engine06:00
ndenxzmy friend why my ubuntu can't installed to my laptop?06:00
songerwhat's thats meen06:00
ndenxzmy laptop is axioo06:00
g0wdawhat is the diff b/w a logical partition and a primary partition?06:00
hax0r1337usser_: thank you :)06:01
fornixg0wda: a hard disk can only have 4 primary partitions. to overcome this limitation we use logical drives within an extended partition (extended is type of a primary partition)06:01
jyg_g0wda, a logical partition doesn't actually hold data, its a container for real partitions06:01
P4R41logical paritions exist within primary partitions06:01
ndenxzubuntu can't installed06:01
dsnydersHI all.  Is there a star raiders style game for ubuntu?06:01
friendishaned2ef but there r types of themes GTK , GDM , etc06:01
ralmarHey guys i cant connect to a vpn with network-manager-vpnc.. is there anyway i can see the error output of why its not connecting?06:02
jyg_does Ubuntu not like partitions named "/media" ?06:02
g0wdaoh... thank you... so setting up only 4 primary 1s will be helpful for performance?06:02
friendishaned2ef which 1 shud i install ?06:02
arandfornix: btw can you have extended inside extended?06:02
dsabeckyfriendishan: Go for a GTK theme and a metacity theme.06:02
artistxhola songer06:02
usser_hax0r1337, no problem06:02
Starnestommyg0wda: how many partitions you have won't affect performance much if at all06:02
ed2efP4R41, did u search on ubuntuforums.org?maybe its a buggy bios or some other little thing that u can solve without cheat codes, or not06:02
friendishandsabecky ok06:02
fornixarand: i am not sure about that06:02
songerwhat's up?06:02
nevynStarnestommy: I wouldn't bet on that.06:03
songerI need help06:03
songer can you help me?06:03
artistxsorry no spick inglish06:03
=== Starnestommy is now known as lstarnes
friendishanis GTK a full theme and not just a login ?06:03
ed2effriendishan, well man, its up to u, if u want to change the theme of ubuntu(so u r using a gtk desktop envirioment, then gtk theem)06:03
dsnydersjyg_, /media is a directory for hot mounted filesystems, like on usb thumb drives and cds06:03
g0wdaI've had experience on windows tho... having 1 partition or 11(yeah 11 on a 40GB HDD) sucks ass06:03
songer necesito algo de ayuda06:03
ed2effriendishan, but if u want to change the gdm theme or some other stuff, its up 2 u06:04
panfistwhats is the command for the GDM settings window? (system > admin > login window)06:04
artistxestamos igual06:04
eclipse__Is there a way to shorten a long command into a shorter one? .... EG. mencode -ovc lavc -oac copy file.avi -o fileout.avi   #INTO# mymencode file.avi -o fileout.avi06:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:04
friendishanthe default Human which 1 is it ?06:04
dsnydersjyg_, You should leave it alone.06:04
P4R41i have. i've been trying to resolve it for hours now. I've even tried installing via wubi to ext2 in windows using ext2 ifs but the install didn't allow for me to customize the install at all06:04
songerjajaj es mi primera ves que instalo ubuntu y tengo unos pequenos inconvenientes06:04
lstarnespanfist: gksudo gdmsetup06:04
jyg_dsnyders, ah ok,fedora isn't as picky about it ... I was able to mount a partition there and also use it for hot mounting06:04
ed2efP4R41, did u try the cheat codes on boot?06:05
friendishanman i want a theme that will change the desktop etc06:05
panfistthank you06:05
songerwhats's the problem?06:05
artistxdeseguro es con la red inalambrica06:05
friendishanand not just the login page06:05
ed2effriendishan, u want to change the gtk theme then06:05
jyg_dnsyders, thanks for the heads up... bummer it needs to be changed thought as I have programs (like picasa) that depend on the path :p06:05
P4R41what do you mean by cheat codes?06:05
ed2efP4R41, acpi=of or noacpi, noapic, nolapic06:05
songer quiero utilizar el tuxtyping06:05
dsnydersjyg_, it will probably work just fine, as long as you don't use any of the names that the automount system will use.06:05
ed2efP4R41, and others06:05
songer  y me lo maximisa y el monitor me dise out of range06:05
P4R41oh i am, im going thru them and trying multiple combos and alone as well06:05
Myrtti!es | songer06:06
ubottusonger: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:06
eclipse__Is there a way to shorten a long command into a shorter one? .... EG. mencode -ovc lavc -oac copy file.avi -o fileout.avi   #INTO# mymencode file.avi -o fileout.avi06:06
artistxno pos ni se para que es el programa06:06
FluxDThanks to all who helped me fix the grub error06:06
g0wdacan I copy a partition with a diff destination file sys in gpared?06:06
artistxno estan mandado al canal en espa;ol songer06:06
songerubottu what's the problem? I don't foud help ther06:07
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:07
dsnyderseclipse__, Yes, just write a script.06:07
storbeckeclipse__: just put it in a script06:07
songerque se balla al diablo06:07
eclipse__can I throw a sh file into /bin ?06:07
storbeckbeat me to it :P06:07
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:07
storbeckyes eclipse__06:07
eclipse__ok, thanks06:07
P4R41noapic doesn't cause an io error but it does hang without giving any form of error06:07
P4R41the others when used alone still cause an io error06:08
P4R41trying different combos now06:08
coreymanp4r41 edd on?06:08
friendishani downloaded a theme but it's in zip format06:08
jyg_dsnyders, i'll just install it under '/data' or something and change the mount point after I install... see what happens ;)06:08
ed2efP4R41, try to boot without the visual stuffs, i think its the safe mode06:08
ed2efor something like that06:08
storbeckmight want to use: mencode -ovc lavc -oac copy $i.avi -o $iout.avi06:08
P4R41ok, will do06:08
storbeckthen just type: script movie06:08
dsnydersjyg_, what are you trying to mount?06:08
ultratekcan someone help me?06:08
storbeckoops, replace $i with $106:09
artistxy entonces para que es tu programa06:09
ed2effriendishan, its probably in .tar.gz or .tar.bz2, right?like theme-i-downloaded.tar.gz²06:09
panfistis there a way to enable a wifi notification to correspond with my notebooks hard switch?06:09
songerque paso06:09
artistxpara que es tu programa_06:09
artistxel que no te funca06:09
songeres para aprender a escribir bien06:09
geniiultratek: Did you try to install the 64bit firefox package from ubuntu that I directed you to earlier?06:09
jyg_dsnyders, its just a partition (06:09
g0wdacan I copy a partition with a diff destination file sys in gparted or any other tool?06:09
artistxpara laortografia_06:10
songersi funsiona solo que  se maximisa06:10
ultratekwell apparently i think there is only 32 bit firefox06:10
mrynitwhy does the wifi manager automaticly connect to open networks?06:10
artistxm esta raro06:10
songersi agarrar practica y utilizar los dedos correspondientes06:10
ultratekas you can only download i68606:10
Myrtti!english | artistx, songer06:10
ubottuartistx, songer: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:10
ultratekand that is what is listed as ubuntu friendly in synaptic06:10
dsnydersjyg_, /mnt is free for temporarily mounting stuff manually.06:10
P4R41what does edd=on do?06:10
mrynitMyrtti, hate crime06:11
artistxpues yo ahorita igual estoy probando un programanuevo el artistx pero yo instaleubuntu hace unos meses ya06:11
songerdo you have any problem?06:11
konamsuddenly ubuntu takes up all the space in my root partition... i grew my partition by one GB but then it took up all that space.. is that a bug?06:11
xTheGoat121xSo I've noticed that, on Intrepid, it seems that Gnome-Power-Manager is buggy... takes a while to update when I switch to battery, doesn't dim the display, etc.06:11
Myrttimrynit: huh?06:11
songer Y can't found help there06:11
Myrttisonger: please use english here06:11
songerso help me06:11
geniiultratek: No, the 64 bit version directly from Ubuntu is here: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.0/firefox-3.0_3.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1_amd64.deb      Note the "amd64" part in the name which designates 64bit06:12
artistxm what honly inglish_06:12
g0wdacan I copy a partition with a diff destination file sys in gparted or any other tool?06:12
lyraeHi. Just installed 9.04. I can't find xchat, among other things in synaptic. howcome?06:12
artistxwhat only inglish_06:12
songerwhere are  you ?06:12
lstarneslyrae: did you enable the universe repository?06:12
geniiultratek: If you download that file, you can install it with: sudo dpkg -i firefox-3.0_3.0.10+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1_amd64.deb06:12
songer  If you don't gonna help me06:12
CoJaBo-Aztecsonger: Whats the problem?06:12
lyraelstarnes: i think so. I look in repositories and all are checked. however, none say 'universal'06:13
coreymanim having trouble connecting to my Wireless Access Point, I can connect to the ones at school. Any help? I even tried turning off security06:13
songer ok  Y can use tux typing06:13
lstarneslyrae: universe, not universal06:13
lyraei see restricted, canonical, community maintained, proprietary06:13
lstarneslyrae: community-maintained is what you want06:13
songer when I open it  the monitor says aout of range06:13
lstarneslyrae: which package manager are you using?06:13
lyraelstarnes: yes then its checked.06:13
g0wdais ext4 better than ext3 for older haddisks?06:14
g0wdamine's a 2000 make06:14
friendishani installed 106:14
songer cual es tu problema?06:14
artistxque paso songer06:14
CoJaBo-Aztecsonger: Are there any instructions for the program saying how to change its resolution or start it in windowed mode?06:14
konamis there a way to produce a .log file with LAME06:14
ed2effriendishan, its working?06:14
ultrateksame issue06:14
losherg0wda: no, dunno where you got that idea. ext4 isn't really stable enough yet for general use, in my opinion06:15
jyg_dsnyders, this isn't a temporary mounting... i'll figured something out.  renaming the mtpoint as a last resort06:15
friendishanbut now it says this theme will not work as intended because the required icon theme "black-white_2-style" is not installed06:15
artistxbueno ya me voy06:16
songer cual es tu problema?06:16
artistxme quedo con ubuntu porque artist x tiene mas problemas esta mas chido pero me es mas dificil06:16
dsnydersjyg_, There's no actual problem with using /media/mymountpoint, or something like that.06:16
pegonI am on xfce4..and in the panel how do I get that little icon that shows me if my laptop is plugged in or running on battery?06:16
ed2efinstall the refer icon theme06:16
friendishaned2ef but now it says this theme will not work as intended because the required icon theme "black-white_2-style" is not installed06:17
dsnydersjyg_, just don't use /media by itself.06:17
songery de donde escribes artist x06:17
ed2efthere is on gnome-look a icon section06:17
friendishanwhere? ed2ef06:17
artistxdel df  y tu_06:17
jyg_argh...forgot to check that the sd card reader works06:17
songersoy de puebla06:17
ozatomichmm my mythbuntu box is sitting a Load Avg: 31.61, 28.91, 22.76 < ==== thats not noraml is it06:17
songer  pero radico en california06:18
Myrttiartistx, songer: I've told you about million times now to use English as it's the official language of this channel. This is about the final warning to start using it, and only it, or be kicked from the channel06:18
artistxyo soy de morelos06:18
artistxpero vivo en el df06:18
friendishaned2ef but now it says this theme will not work as intended because the required icon theme "black-white_2-style" is not installed and if u r telling me write friendishan plz06:18
g0wdalosher: kernel 2.6.28 has the production ext4, which they recommend... it's stable...06:18
g7join #judi06:18
geniiartistx , songer : Inglés aquí en #ubuntu. Español en el #ubuntu-es06:18
ed2effriendishan, downlad the icon theme pack, dude, its simple like that06:19
jyg_ozatomic,sounds like your config is too weak to be myth06:19
friendishanno theme pack06:19
losherg0wda: yes it does, yes they do, and no, it's not stable...06:19
friendishanjust 1 download link there06:19
artistxgenii te molesta el espa;ol what is your problem06:19
ed2efso, dowload it06:19
R0b`so its been like 30 minutes, and it still hasn't ran the script06:19
ed2efwhat is the problem?06:19
R0b`should have ran it at 1:0006:19
ozatomicjyg_: its been running fine for awhile now just started happaning this week06:19
CoJaBo-Aztecsonger: Do you happen to have a different monitor you could try it with?06:19
ShazbotMcNastyI'm trying to install tint2, but when I get the .deb, or sudo apt-get install tint2 i get this error: http://crunchbanglinux.org/pastebin/24906:20
jyg_ozatomic, caching issue?06:20
pegonI am on xfce4..and in the panel how do I get that little icon that shows me if my laptop is plugged in or running on battery?06:20
FullHeadssh user:root pw:123456 port:992206:20
geniiartistx: The issue is that there is already much conversation which is in the native laguage of the channel. For discussion in another language you should travel to the appropriate place.06:20
artistxya me voy songer06:20
ozatomichmm well it did have that compcache activated and then i did an upgrade and its now turned off06:20
Myrttipegon: have you tried #xubuntu06:20
artistxun saludo06:20
ozatomici was reading tehre was bugs init anyway06:20
artistxsiento no haberte podido ayudar06:20
pegonno i haven't but I will thanks06:20
ozatomicjyg_: Swap:   883532k total,   883532k used,        0k free,     3308k cached06:21
Bob_DoleThank you, Myrtti.06:21
jyg_oza, looks a bit full heh06:21
ozatomicyes yes it does06:21
friendishani think i'll get other theme06:21
ozatomiccan i make it bigger?06:21
ralmarswhois ralmar06:21
jyg_bigger might not be the solution. find out why its filling up06:22
ed2efk, but u can use the theme u got without the icon pack06:22
neer1My video adapter is not working after upgrading to ubuntu 9.0406:22
mrynitis there a way i can configure the network manager such that it never connects to any open wifi access point?06:22
neer1do you guys have any idea06:22
ozatomicjyg_: is there a way to tell whats using teh cache?06:23
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Bob_DoleNeer, what video chip?06:23
artistxpinches mamones06:23
dsnydersG'night all!06:23
neer1I upgraded from 8.04 to 9.0406:23
Bob_DoleSome older intel and ATI and Nvidia cards lost support06:23
Chr|sneer1: video card? proprietary driver enabled?06:23
th0rmrynit: do you mean never connects, or never connects automatically?06:23
ed2effriendishan, i like to use this one : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GOTCHIONE?content=9319706:23
jigpwin 206:23
FarrisGI've got a machine running 8.10 that keeps turning the display off every 30 minutes. If I hit  a key on the keyboard, it'll come back, but I use this machine as an HTPC. I've got all the power settings turned off in both Gnome and Xorg. Any idea what else might be shutting it off?06:23
mrynitth0r, automatically06:23
ed2efon xubuntu it looks nice06:24
MyrttiBob_Dole: leave it to the ops06:24
friendishaned2ef i downloaded that 1 and now how do install it?06:24
th0rmrynit: I am searching for the same info. Haven't found anything yet06:24
Bob_DoleBut I want to be mean .-.06:24
artistxMyrty you are un endejo jajaja06:24
Chr|sneer1: ?06:24
th0rmrynit: you know you can disable the automatic by editing the access point06:24
mrynitth0r, windows will warn you before it connects. I would expect better from ubuntu06:24
neer1Chris: I don't know06:24
ed2effriendishan, the theme u downloaded its like "theme.tar.gz" or "theme.tar.bz2", right?06:25
neer1I am stuck in a console mode06:25
neer1nothing working06:25
mrynitth0r, i want it not auto connect on any AP. that mean new ones and ones i have already seen06:25
jyg_install screwed up grub06:25
Chr|sneer1: Go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers and check06:25
friendishaned2ef it is theme.tar.gz06:25
mrynitth0r, im thinking of switching to a different network manager06:25
th0rmrynit: yeah...me too. I am getting tired of having to go into each connection and disable the automatic one at a time06:25
Chr|sneer1: oh console only no GUI?06:25
subbHey. Can I ask a question? I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.04. I've created a partition on my Windows 7 drive and installed Unbuntu there. Also, I've installed Grub this partition, so Windows 7's bootloader would chainload to Grub (with the help of EasyBCD). I get to the point where I can choose between 7 and Ubuntu.06:25
neer1it says Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode06:26
ed2effriendishan, k now extract that file to ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes(on this folder, u need to be root to do it)06:26
neer1and I cannot go throught06:26
mrynitneer1, what driver do you have in your xorg.conf/06:26
ShishKababHi. Is there some command line program like cp available that has a progress bar?06:26
subbHowever, it can't find the bootloader at  \NST\nst_grub-5612303F6575E99F46DCFEA8148BBB57.mbr06:26
th0rShishKabab: not that I know of06:26
neer1mrynit: where to find xorg.conf06:27
ed2effriendishan, see if u clicking on the right mouse button on the theme, if there a option to extract, then extract it to ~/.themes06:27
mrynitneer1,  less /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:27
coreymanWhen I installed ubuntu I checked a free only option somehow, how do i disable that since I need to install nvidia drivers06:27
mrynitneer1, you have to be root to edit the file06:27
NvidiaUsersubb: I'm totally well kinda new to linux but EasyBCD and Grub are both boot loaders. Wouldn't you just need one?06:28
neer1mrynit: I have entered it06:28
mrynitcoreyman, in synaptic set the repos to include closed/proprietary sources. the find restricted kernel moduals/ drivers for nvidia06:28
losherShishKabab: you can use rsync to copy files, and it will show progress.06:28
neer1mrynit: now what to do?06:28
mrynitneer1,  look around for drivers and settings06:28
coreymanmrynit thx06:28
friendishaned2ef it says u do not have the right permissions to extarct in file://usr/share/themes06:28
mrynitcoreyman, i have no idea if that would work but it sounds like a good start06:29
friendishaned2ef it says u do not have the right permissions to extarct in file://usr/share/themes  eventhough i am the admin06:29
ed2effriendishan, what i told u?u need to be root to extract to this place, its better extract to ~/.themes06:29
neer1mrynit: there is no driver and settings inside06:29
subbNvidiaUser : mmm maybe, but I'm scared to screw up something by overriding the Windows 7 boot loader06:30
mrynitunder section device> driver06:30
friendishanwhere is ~/.themes ? ed2ef06:30
neer1under "device" there is no driver06:30
coreymanmrynit i think this is going to work, i just enabled for proprietary drivers.06:30
mrynitcoreyman, k. tell me if you get the drives06:30
neer1mrynit: there is no dirvers inside device06:31
ed2effriendishan, the location is "/home/<ur-user>/.themes" but u can type this location "~/.themes"06:31
Bob_DoleAt least prior to BCD(and probably still with) you HAD to have 2 boot loaders for the simple fact that Grub can't boot windows directly and nothing MS makes is going to be able to boot linux.06:31
ed2effriendishan, its the same thing06:31
coreymanmrynit its working.06:31
ed2effriendishan, as "$HOME/.themess"06:31
mrynitcoreyman, cool. know i konw how to install drivers :)06:31
mrynitneer1, then you dont have any video drivers install so you cannot get gui06:32
ShishKabablosher: The last time I used rsync (with -rav switches) I didn't see a progress bar, but it showed which files it was copying (like with cp -v). I need to see per-file progress for copying big files, like with scp. Hey, maybe scp also works for local files!06:32
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:32
neer1mrynit: then what can I do06:32
mrynitneer1, try running sudo init 506:32
neer1mrynit: it was working fine when I was using 8.0406:32
friendishaned2ef i extracted now what do i do? to chnge the theme ?06:33
subbBob_Dole : thanks for reminding me that I'm not doing stupid stuff :)06:33
ed2effriendishan, maybe u need to create the folder .themes on your home dir, if is the case, go to your home dir(/home/your-user) and create a folder named ".themes" without the quotes06:33
coreymanmrynit thats only if you tick the free software only box.. i think proprietary drivers are enabled by default if you dont06:33
mrynitneer1, tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:33
mrynitcoreyman, yes06:33
[ucb]kevinperhaps someone can help me with the following: windows are opening in such an initial position that the title bare is hidden behind my main ubuntu "apps place system etc.." bar -- how can I fix this?06:33
ed2effriendishan, i dunno, i never really used gnome, but start to look on the menus06:33
ayothere are source code in kernel, but make menuconfig, there is no responding config option, how to do with it?06:34
neer1mrynit: it says no such directory or file06:34
coreymankevin right click, move left click drag06:34
ed2effriendishan, probably u gonna see something like "apparence"  or other stuff like this06:34
mrynitth0r, are you still looking at wifi manager?06:34
mrynitneer1, ls /var/log/X*06:34
th0rmrynit: I am still trying to disable automatic ... but google hasn't been much help06:35
Bob_Dolesubb: what?06:35
ayothere are some items in Makefile and Kconfig about ath5x, how to show menu in "make menuconfig"?06:35
neer1mrynit: now06:35
friendishaned2ef thanks now it looks good06:35
ed2effriendishan, did u got it?06:36
friendishaned2ef i figured it out in some other way06:36
* Bob_Dole quit using windows entirely towards the end of service pack 2 being the latest SP for windows out.06:36
ed2effriendishan, nice!now have fun on gnome-look!06:36
Bob_DoleSP2 for windows XP*06:36
friendishanbut the desktop image didn't change ed2ef06:36
wtli have a broadcom BCM4312. the download is very slow on ubuntu but it's fast on windows. any idea/06:36
coreymanI am unable to connect to secure Wireless Access Points with knetworkmanagement what am I doing wrong.06:36
jyg_uh, there's no /boot/grub directory on my fresh install of 9.09 :-/06:37
subbBob_Dole : I'm pretty newb at this booting stuff, so someone else telling me I'm not doing something completely stupid feels good (kinda)06:37
ed2effriendishan, there is some icons packs there, but u can install someones by using the synaptic or the apt-get06:37
neer1mrynit: it says "couldn't allocate video memory06:37
Bob_Dolesubb, ah. OK.06:37
ed2effriendishan, u need to change it manually06:37
mrynitneer1, what command did you run?06:37
neer1tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:38
friendishaned2ef how ?06:38
friendishaned2ef i installed gtk2 ubuntu looks06:38
snowycan I get some quick help with java from someone out there?06:38
ed2effriendishan, google it! 2=) , as i already told u, i dont use gnome, so i dunno06:39
jyg_and install didnt create a user06:39
friendishanbut it says there is a later version use a software channel ed2ef how do i get the software channel ?06:39
mrynitneer1, you need to install the video drivers if you want a gui06:39
jyg_wtf :p06:39
friendishaned2ef ok06:39
snowyI am trying to get the sun jre, but even after installing the 1.6 it I still get 'java version "1.5.0"06:39
snowy' after typing java -version06:39
neer1mrynit: but I don't know how to do it06:39
coreymanhow come ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't work anymore06:39
coreymanwhat should I use.06:39
Myrtti!language | jyg_06:39
ubottujyg_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:39
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.06:39
mrynitneer1, what card do you have?06:39
neer1mrynit: I think conxentant or something like that06:40
ed2effriendishan, what's the gtk2 ubuntu look, a engine or a theme?06:40
coreymansweet thx06:40
losherShishKabab: scp will do local copies  I think. But check out the --progress switch to rsync06:40
mrynitneer1, what type of computer is this?06:41
neer1mrynit: compaq V3211TU06:41
ShishKabablosher: Thanks for the tip! I'll try it later on.06:41
coreymanI would like a widget to appear on my bottom panel, how?06:41
jyg_So why would a fresh install not install grub at all and then not create a default/initial uses?06:41
neer1mrynit: celeron06:41
mrynitneer1, lspci and look for something that looks like a video card06:41
friendishanengine ed2ef06:42
th0rcoreyman: right click on the panel and choose Customize06:42
th0rcoreyman: oops...choose Add06:42
ed2effriendishan, and where is telling you that u need to upgrade this engine?06:42
th0rcoreyman: and you know you can move items from one panel to another. Right click on the item and choose Move06:43
neer1mrynit: there are lot of controller06:43
ed2effriendishan, im asking that, because engine is a little more complicade to  upgrade. The safer and easy way to do it is using the apt-get or synaptic, but u ll get not the lasted version, probably06:43
Etheraelis there a way to make an X program display it's output as wallpaper?06:44
neer1mrynit: PCI Bridge, ISA bridge, IDE interface06:44
sleepy_catIRC community for office org06:44
neer1mrynit: Ethernet controller, network controller06:44
=== snowy is now known as zousnow
losherjyg_: doesn't sound right. Maybe your install bombed out before completing? You can do grub-install by hand, and add a user by hand, but who knows what else you're missing. Re-do the install?06:44
coreymanth0r thanks06:44
mrynitneer1, lspci | grep ati -i ; lspci | grep nvidia -i06:45
jyg_losher, I tried, but grub isnt even in /boot.  So I booted off a usb drive I have which I did an full install and copied /boot/grub over to the internal drive's  root... still had issues.  bleh06:45
friendishaned2ef i like my new theme thanks^^06:46
losherjyg_: usually an install leaves a log file behind (I forget where). You might check that for clues...06:46
mrynitneer1, you have to find what video card you have and find the drivers for it06:46
friendishaned2eg i like my new theme thanks^^06:46
friendishaned2eg i like my new theme thanks^^06:46
friendishaned2eg i like my new theme thanks^^06:46
FloodBot1friendishan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:46
jyg_losher, thanks06:46
jyg_losher, in fedora is /root06:46
billybigrigger_can someone help me with my crontab? im trying to have cron update awstats every ten minutes, but it doesnt update...but if i run the command by hand, the awstats page on my web site updates....06:46
ed2efnp dude!06:46
billybigrigger_10 *    * * *   root    /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=thefrozencanuck.ca -update >/dev/null06:47
neer1mrynit: unline "Network Controller" or "Ethernet Controller" nothing is written about video controller here06:47
friendishanfloodbot1 ?06:47
billybigrigger_does that command not run the /usr/lib........ command every 10 mins?06:47
losherjyg_: somewhere in /var/log ?06:47
friendishaned2ef what does that bot mean ?06:47
ed2efu send a lot of messagens making a flood06:47
friendishanI need to set up my gmail account on  evolution mail06:48
ed2efbut he dont kick u, so, its cool06:48
jyg_losher, looking in boyth places, seeinh nothing relevant06:48
mrynitneer1, what version of ubuntu did you install?06:48
mrynitneer1, if its a compaq computer you can try looking up the info for the computer to find out what video card it has06:49
coldserverIn Linux, whats the standard if you want to have multiple versions of a library installed?06:49
friendishanI need to set up my gmail account on  evolution mail  how do i do that ?06:49
blendmaster1024that's basically impossible, coldserver . they would interfere too much06:49
jyg_losher, there's some dropping that has some info in it , something aout perm denied for /root/.pangorc' ... something in Ubiquity06:49
Bob_Dolelspci makes me happy, and makes my life easier, even on the odd occasion I need to support windows.06:50
ACefriendishan: http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/03/08/howto-set-up-gmail-in-evolution-gnomes-mail-client-and-organizer/06:50
tank-mancoldserver, you need to setup a chroot environment06:50
friendishanace i already read that but it didn't help06:51
* Bob_Dole away-from-room/channel's again.06:51
losherjyg_: not sure that's fatal. pango is optional I think. Might be better to redo the installation from scratch and watch it more closely?06:51
ACefriendishan I thought it was pretty straight foward...where are you lost?06:51
friendishani completed that wizard befor i read anything06:52
friendishanso i need to start the wizard again but where ?06:52
neer1mrynit: I am looking for the name of the driver06:52
neer1mrynit: I mean the card06:52
bullgard4[AlsaMixer] What do the control item names 'Master' and 'Master M' mean? Card='Intel82801DB-ICH4'06:52
ACefriendishan incoming mail uses googles pop server which is pop.gmail.com and uses an ssl encryption, outgoing is stmp.gmail.com and also uses ssl encryption...after putting in your username and password where it prompts you, you should be good to go06:53
friendishan i completed that wizard befor i read anything ace06:53
MyrttiACe: special reason for recommending pop?06:53
friendishanace whre do i start the wizard again06:53
mrynitneer1, i cant really help much any more. you could try install fedora or some other distro that has newer drivers built in. ubuntu is some what behind the times06:53
marcos2some help to fix the sound recording in Ubuntu 8.10? I have a Dell Inspiron 142006:53
friendishanace whre do i start the wizard again and delete the current configuration ?06:54
ACefriendishan edit -> preferences06:54
neer1mrynit: it has Mobile Intel 945M Express Chipset Family Video Driver06:56
jeevanhow is concurrency is maintained in memcache??? aegis06:56
P4R41if i have 9.04 installed on an ntfs system, would i be able to modify the partition to ext4?06:56
mrynitneer1, google it up. i cant help you anymore06:56
ay^P4R41: I doubt it06:56
g0wdawhat is the best way to partition your hard disk?06:56
jeevanhow is concurrency is maintained in memcache??? mrynit06:57
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mrynitjeevan, what06:57
g0wdaone for /home?? and one for /etc??06:57
ay^g0wda: I prefer the gui in windows vista for partitioning, but is that what you mean by "best"?06:57
blendmaster1024mrynit: look at this, lol... ignore the cuss please.. http://www.fuckinggoogleit.com06:57
ed2efP4R41, u cant install linux on a ntfs file system06:57
ay^g0wda: d'oh! I totally missunderstood your question06:57
jyg_losher, i went into the advanced table, just before committing to install, and realized it was set to put the bootloader on 'hd0' .. which i sould suppose translates to /dev/sda ... i hope it did not install to the top fo the device!  if it did, it wrecked my windows part... for not its set to /dev/sda2, my root06:57
ed2efP4R41, what wubi does, is make a image on this partition, then format that image with a linux file system06:58
friendishanAce done deleting now where do i start the wizard06:58
lstarnesg0wda: it's most common to use one for swap, one for /, and one for /home06:58
ay^g0wda: I usually just use a / a /home and a /boot06:58
ay^g0wda: ah and a swap for hibernating06:58
ACefriendishan: edit->preferences, then click on the add button06:58
lstarnesg0wda: / should be fairly large since it would then contain everything not under /home06:58
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
=== MaWaLe1 is now known as MaWaLe
P4R41ed2ef: the partition still showed up as ntfs after the install06:59
g0wdawhat's the use of using one for boot? and it will only require 100mbs i guess ;)06:59
losherg0wda: I like 10G for root, double the ram size for swap, separate /home. I like to keep a spare 10G root partition also06:59
friendishanace ok thanks^^06:59
ed2efP4R41, u install the ubuntu using the wubi tool, right?06:59
pegonanyone know a tool that will tell me my motherboard and cpu temp ?06:59
notvcjacki know this has probably been asked a million times already and if someone could just point me to a link somewhere I would appreciate it, but I'm having issues with using Broadcom wifi in Jaunty06:59
P4R41i had before, now its formatted, but yes06:59
g0wdawell, i don't know what goes into root....   ???06:59
ay^g0wda: when it comes to sizes my installations usualy doesnt come any bigger than 20gb so thats my standard /06:59
lstarnesg0wda: everything07:00
ay^g0wda: everything you dont make special partition for07:00
mrynitjeevan, why do you think i know about that stuff?07:00
ed2efsee, the partition still a ntfs, wubi dont even touch that07:00
P4R41g0wda: one for /, one for /home, and one for swap being 2x your ram07:00
P4R41yeh, it sits on top of it07:00
ed2efbut he makes a disk image on ur partition07:00
ay^so if you dont make a /home or /boot, _everyhting_ goes into /07:00
sizablepegon, Try this http://www.bradtrupp.com/ubuntu-cpu-temperature.html07:00
ed2efand that image is using a linux file system07:00
ed2efnot ntfs07:00
ay^the above was for g0wda07:01
losherjyg_: there's a way to recover the windows booloader. Hopefully nothing else got trashed...07:01
g0wdai don't know wht /root is for but!07:01
P4R41ok, so how can i install to the partition if wubi is sitting on top of it07:01
ay^g0wda: root is "like" C: in windows-terms07:01
jyg_losher, i dont care about losing the windows boot loaders... i just hope that the beginning of the drive wasn't overwritten07:01
ay^unless you specify otherwise you stuff will go there07:01
ed2efusing a disk image, its a pseudo-partition if u like to call it as this way07:01
ay^g0wda: ^07:02
jyg_(which is where the windows part resides)07:02
Lokendrahi god morning07:02
losherjyg_: if it chkdisks ok, you should be fine. If not, you're screwed I think...07:02
ed2efbut your ntfs partition is intact, it goes like a file on this partition07:02
jyg_losher, well 55% now, reinstall... guess I'll find out soon enough... the unbuntu install shoudl really assume that the boot loader is install in the /boot partition and if there is not one then in (root)/boot07:02
g0wdabut all your stuff, like i've seen gets installed in usr/lib or usr/bin and config in /etc... where does /root come in? i don't understand07:02
Lokendrahow to install wireless driver07:03
ay^notvcjack: anyone what?07:03
Lokendrapls help me07:03
losherjyg_: Ubuntu is usually pretty good about detecting existing windows installs....07:03
ed2efthat's why a ubuntu(or any other distribution of gnu/linux0 installed via wubi is slow then a normal install type07:03
notvcjackheh, i think i have the same issue as lokendra, i'll repost...07:03
ay^g0wda: too is where usr, etc and other dirs gets put07:03
friendishanace i guess it's done thanks^^07:03
notvcjacki know this has probably been asked a million times already and if someone could just point me to a link somewhere I would appreciate it, but I'm having issues with using Broadcom wifi in Jaunty07:03
ACefriendishan no problem07:03
P4R41ed2ef: so can i install wubi into windows and use it to install to the other partition?07:04
g0wdayou mean */root is where all that comes??07:04
ay^g0wda: "root" is just a term for the first "folder" in you system, the root of your folders so to speak07:04
friendishanace what is smtp ?07:04
Lokendramy laptop mod no Dell Vostro A840 wireless driver not working07:04
g0wdaso by root do you  mean /root or just /07:04
ay^just /07:04
mneptokg0wda: /root is the root users home directory07:04
ay^g0wda: ^07:04
ed2efP4R41, i think not, u could do it using a live cd, mounting the image somewhere then movin the files to a linux fisical partition07:04
Lokendraso pls how to install wireless driver07:05
ed2efP4R41, but i dont think it ll wokr07:05
ay^mneptok: no thats /home/root07:05
P4R41thats the issue, i cant access the live cd07:05
Lokendrapls help me07:05
mneptokay^: no, it's not07:05
ACefriendishan simple mail transfer protocol07:05
Liquidity_Cfriendishan, http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMTP07:05
ed2efuse a liveusb07:05
ay^mneptok: my bad07:05
ed2efdid u have a 1gb or more pendrive?07:05
Lokendrapls help me07:06
mneptokay^: np, we all have our moments07:06
ay^mneptok: specially me ;P I was for some reason thinking of guest07:06
indushi folks07:06
P4R41i have my t-mobile g1 which can mount my spare 1gb microsd card as a pendrive, i just don't know how to boot from usb on my system or if its possible07:06
losherg0wda: it's not your fault. the term "root" has at least 3 different meanings: a) just /, b) the /root directory, c) the user who is allowed to do anything07:06
g0wdaso /root will be useless as a seperate partition?07:06
Lokendramy laptop mod no Dell Vostro A840 wireless driver not working07:06
mneptokay^: i prescribe sleep :)07:06
Lokendraso pls how to install wireless driver07:07
zirodayP4R41: wrong place to ask07:07
Lokendrapls help me07:07
ay^g0wda: not useless but perhaps unneccesary07:07
Chr|s!wireless | Lokendra07:07
ubottuLokendra: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:07
pegonLokendra, what wireless card you got?07:07
ShazbotMcNastyI think it's fatal - when i put something into my browser I get this : http://crunchbanglinux.org/pastebin/25207:07
P4R41ziroday: im not asking, im telling that its not an option07:07
ShazbotMcNasty#ubuntu......is it fatal?07:07
ed2efP4R41, if u plug the pen drive on ur computer, and reboot and enter on the bios, in the boot section07:07
ay^g0wda: in your case, I would make a root partition (root as in just / ) and then a homepartition and swap07:07
ed2efthere's a option to boot from the usb²07:07
pegonLokendra, more specific please if not sure check lspci in terminal07:08
losherg0wda: pretty much. You really want just 3 partitions: /, /home & swap07:08
P4R41ed2ef: its not there. the bios and computer is old. dell 4500s07:08
notvcjackmy wireless card is a broadcom in a D61007:08
ay^mneptok: ha I just woke up! :(07:08
g0wdaLokendra: did u google it?07:08
zirodayShazbotMcNasty: do killall firefox, and we don't support crunchbang or any other ubuntu derivatives here07:08
mneptokay^: i prescribe caffiene07:08
jyg_losher, 2nd time things are cool, windows looks ok still.. thanks for the moral support :)07:09
coreymanI am unable to connect to secure wireless access points using knetworkmanager! Help.07:09
losherjyg_: great news!07:09
ay^mneptok: you are indeed wise!07:09
P4R41yeh, that's my predicament. i was even considering resizing my windows partition to be 700mb smaller, installing wubi onto there and then using the install to install to the linux partition07:10
ingw3hello. i want to use iscsi. so if i want to share disk on linux machine - it must be NTFS or dosnt matter?07:10
DanaGhmm, anyone have tips to improve my boot time?07:10
mneptokay^: np, we all have our moments (x2)07:10
jyg_losher, is there a prettier bootloader for ubuntu? :)07:10
DanaGer, not there yet.07:10
zirodayDanaG: done a reprofile of your boot?07:10
blendmaster1024use ext4 i hear it lets you boot in 7 seconds if you booted in 3007:10
Lokendraso pls give me comd07:10
g0wdai have a fat32 filesys, I want to copy it to some other place on the hard disk and the destination copy should be ext3... is it possible with gparted?07:10
DanaGHaven't done it lately.07:10
ay^mneptok: haha (end of OT)07:10
zirodayDanaG: biggest speed benefits are there07:10
P4R41ed2ef: do you think that'll work?07:10
pegonLokendra, LSPCI07:10
mneptokLokendra: what Intel chipset is it?07:10
pegonmneptok, I already asked him that but hes not paying attention lol07:11
mneptokLokendra: pastebin the output of "lspci -vvv | grep ntel" (no quotes)07:11
ed2efP4R41, idk if u ll could do that, but remeber to modify all required file(like grub,fstab or others stuffs)07:11
DanaGLots of modprobe'ing going on, too.  =þ07:11
losherjyg_: Someone asked that eariler today. Apparently there's not really. There's some customisation you can do in grub, i.e. colors & splash, but otherwise no.07:12
mneptokLokendra: most Intel chipsets Just Work(tm). why do you think you need to install a driver?07:12
DanaGand what's up around alsactl?07:12
ed2efP4R41, well i ll have to leave, good luke with that07:12
notvcjackwhat about with a broadcom 1370 4324A-BRCM1016 using kernel 2.6.28-11general?07:12
notvcjacki see the interface in iwconfig, but there are no values for anything, like its de-activated07:12
R0b`cron is confusing me07:13
R0b`it did not work at all07:13
R0b`it has not done any of the hourly tasks in over 2 hours07:13
R0b`sry, 1 hour07:13
Lokendrauser@user-laptop:~$ 05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1398 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)07:13
Lokendrabash: syntax error near unexpected token `('07:13
notvcjacki get this with iwconfig..07:13
R0b`its been 2 hours, it should have been done twice by now07:13
DanaGhmm, anything else besides re-profiling?07:13
ariqswhen I'm in ubuntu, my connection gets used for downloading shit that i don't even know what it is07:13
notvcjackwlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:""07:13
notvcjack          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated07:13
notvcjack          Tx-Power=0 dBm07:13
notvcjack          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2352 B07:13
notvcjack          Power Management:off07:13
notvcjack          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:007:13
FloodBot1notvcjack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:13
losherg0wda: no, but you can mount the fat32 filesystem, and mount an empty ext3 filesystem, then copy the files from one to the other07:13
DanaGI also saw the thing start Xorg... switch away... and switch back.07:14
ariqsI don't like stuff downloading without me telling it to!07:14
DanaGor so it seems.07:14
[ucb]kevinperhaps someone can help me with the following: windows are opening in such an initial position that the title bare is hidden behind my main ubuntu "apps place system etc.." bar -- how can I fix this?07:14
macoariqs, like what?07:14
macoariqs, are you referring to updates?07:14
Lokendraerror user@user-laptop:~$ 05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1398 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)07:14
Lokendrabash: syntax error near unexpected token `('07:14
ziroday!pastebin | notvcjack07:14
ubottunotvcjack: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:14
ariqsmaco: i'm not sure what I'm referring to07:14
zirodayLokendra: you might want to address you're helpers07:14
ariqsit does sy that a package manager is working at the top07:14
macoariqs, every day it'll query the server (i think 8AM local time) to ask if there are updates available07:14
unop_g0wda, you can use dd to make a copy of the filesystem07:14
macoariqs, it's just asking if there are updates, then07:14
mneptokLokendra: well, that's not Intel, is it?07:15
DanaGinteresting idea: make my laptop auto-login and then auto-lock-workstation.07:15
macoariqs, the default setting is that if it is told that there are updates, it'll ask you before downloading them07:15
mneptokLokendra: System > Administration > Hardware drivers07:15
notvcjackyeah, I'm having the same issue07:15
ariqsit hogs my dialup connection for several minutes probably daily07:15
zirodaynotvcjack: its not associated to anything, can you not connect with network manager?07:16
neer1ubuntu 9.04 is giving me problems07:16
zirodayariqs: you can disable it by going to System > Admin > Software Sources > Updates07:16
neer1unlike 8.04 which was very stable and good07:16
notvcjackthere is nothing under wireless07:16
losherneer1: welcome to the club07:17
macoariqs, how many repositories do you have enabled? it downloads a list of what packages there are for each repository. if you have fewer repositories (example: if you are not a developer, disable source repositories) it'll take less time07:17
notvcjackand there is also nothing under hardware drivers either07:17
neer1losher: I have been stuck with it for the past 3 days07:17
macoariqs, it then compares the list it got to the one it already had to see if anything changed07:17
zirodaynotvcjack: what card?07:17
ariqsthanks, ziroday07:17
losherneer1: I went back to 8.04....07:17
neer1losher: I don't have a live cd also so I cannot do anything07:17
indusmy cdrom doesnt work in jaunty07:18
zirodayariqs: thank maco, she did all the work :)07:18
neer1losher: how to roll back?07:18
zirodayneer1: you cannot roll back releases07:18
notvcjackbroadcom 1370 4324A-BRCM101607:18
neer1ziroday: so there is no way to fix this?07:18
neer1ziroday: I have no cd07:18
ariqsok, thanks maco too, but ziroday gave me the info I wanted ;)07:18
losherneer1: Er, you were supposed to do a full backup before you upgraded...07:18
zirodayneer1: you can reinstall, or try to fix your issues07:18
SkinnYPuPpI ran across a broadcom that needed sudo ifconfig eth1 up but that was in knoppix07:19
zirodaynotvcjack: please address, what version of ubuntu?07:19
notvcjackoops.. 9.0407:19
neer1ziroday: can I connect to the internet from console though I doubt it is taking any drivers07:19
neer1ziroday: it doesn't take any drivers I think07:20
macoariqs, when you want to force it to check, you can do that in system -> administration -> software updates. i recommend doing that at least once a week, just to be safe with regard to security07:20
zirodayneer1: I have no idea what you're issues are07:20
zirodaynotvcjack: hmm, is b43-fwcutter installed?07:20
neer1ziroday: my issue is it says "couldn't allocate video memory" and07:20
neer1ziroday: I am stuck with the black screen without any gui07:21
zirodayneer1: what graphics card and driver?07:21
macoziroday, that shouldnt be needed in jaunty07:21
notvcjacknot sure actually... i'm posting this on my winxp partition cause there is no hardline in this damn hotel room07:21
neer1ziroday: intel 945 chipset I think07:21
macoziroday, er...i mean...in jaunty, you dont needd to get online and get firmware. it should work ootb07:21
zirodaymaco: oh, how come its still in the repo's then?07:21
zirodaynotvcjack: okay, well the other way to do it is through ndiswrapper07:21
macoziroday, i dont know HOW it does it, but without getting online, jockey can enable those wireless cards07:21
zirodaymaco: ah07:22
macoziroday, oh! nevermind07:22
=== am4zin is now known as amazin
macoziroday, i just remembered, some cards use b43, some use that special driver commissioned from broadcom. the latter dont need to get online07:22
zirodaymaco: okay07:22
neer1ziroday: would you be able to help me07:23
macoziroday, forgot my roommate has the "special" one...thats why she couldnt figure out wifi on fedora :P07:23
zirodaynotvcjack: right, well anyway. First (if not already) install the b43-fwcutter package. If that doesn't work you will need to use ndiswrapper https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper07:23
notvcjackyeah, i've tried that... i followed the instructions from here...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_(ndiswrapper)07:23
hax0r1337Is there a way to search WWW without any keywords being censored?07:23
niblets_anyone know why im getting this:#07:24
niblets_The following packages have unmet dependencies.07:24
niblets_  tint2: Depends: libxrandr2 (>= 2: but 2:1.2.3-1 is to be installed07:24
niblets_E: Broken packages07:24
FloodBot1niblets_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:24
zirodaymaco: all I know is that broadcom are a PITA and I'm lucky to have never got one :)07:24
zirodayhax0r1337: use a different search engine?07:24
zirodayneer1: you're lspci, xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log please07:24
hax0r1337ziroday: got any ideas?07:24
WindowSmasherEvening all!07:24
macoziroday, anything that doesnt work with b43 needs the special driver. that's why that driver exists.07:24
neer1ziroday: it says "failed to allocate framebuffer, Is your videoram set too low?"07:25
zirodaymaco: and that "special" driver is b43-fwcutter?07:25
WindowSmasherAnybody have any trouble with transmission (BT) downstream?07:25
macoziroday, no, b43 is the usual driver. there's some other name for the special thing.07:25
neer1ziroday: and also "couldn't allocate video memory"07:25
macoziroday, b43-fwcutter grabs the firmware while you are online with wired internet for the b43 driver07:25
macoziroday, the special thing doesnt need extra firmware downloads07:26
zirodayneer1: yes, I need those documents. You can do sudo apt-get install pastebinit and then use that to do pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:26
zirodaymaco: right, and then there are those broadcom cards that don't work under either?07:26
macoziroday, no. there's complete coverage, i believe07:26
notvcjackeh?  don't tell me that!07:26
zirodayneer1: remembering to pass us back the URL's07:26
zirodaymaco: oh07:26
macoziroday, the point of the new driver from broadcom in intrepid is to cover everything that b43 doesn't07:27
macoziroday, dell forced broadcom's hand on it07:27
zirodaynotvcjack: well I would follow maco as I'm just following two year old forum posts :)07:27
notvcjackso I should use b43-fwcutter or ndiswrapper?  or just try one and if it doesn't work, try the other?07:27
zirodaymaco: makes sense07:27
macoziroday, i'm guessing they threatened to stop using broadcom if they didnt give proper linux support ;)07:27
maconotvcjack, it depends which broadcom you've got07:27
niblets_i have a problem trying to install tint2, anyone know why? http://crunchbanglinux.org/pastebin/25007:27
zirodayniblets_: you're using crunchbang?07:28
niblets_but its still ubuntu07:28
notvcjackmaco: I have this one - broadcom 1370 4324A-BRCM101607:28
maconotvcjack, i recommend just getting online with wired internet and using system -> administration -> hardware drivers, click enable on the wireless driver, and just let it do its thing. should be automated07:28
zirodayniblets_: we can't help you with unofficial ubuntu derivatives here. Sorry.07:28
notvcjackhmm... ok, when I get back home, I'll try that I guess07:28
maconotvcjack, jockey should know what to do based on which card it is07:28
niblets_its an ubuntu minimal install, with pretty stuff added, so its still ubuntu.07:28
simoncpuan ubuntu by any other name works as sweet07:29
zirodayniblets_: no it is _not_ ubuntu, it has added repo's and who knows what else. And we therefore cannot support it here. Please use crunchbang's support channels07:29
bullgard4[AlsaMixer] What do the control item names 'Master' and 'Master M' mean? Card='Intel82801DB-ICH4'07:29
niblets_no, im going to use this one07:29
Flannelniblets_: This is not an appropriate channel for it.  Please don't.07:30
macobullgard4, it means someone chose them 5-10 years ago and they cant change them because changing names on mixer elements screws things up on upgrades07:30
maconiblets_, we can just not answer you07:30
notvcjackmaco: so you would actually recommend to wait until I get a hard-wired connection and try to let it do it automagically?07:31
maconotvcjack, yes. it'll know how to handle it07:31
notvcjackok, thanks07:31
bullgard4maco: What did "someone" mean by that 5-10 years ago?07:31
neer1how to connect to internet from console07:32
neer1if the computer is not taking any drivers07:32
``y7is ubuntu considered to be gnome?07:32
simoncpuneer1: what kind of connection?07:32
maco``y7, it uses gnome, yes07:32
yaris123456789hello how do i extract rar,ace ?07:32
macobullgard4, heh no idea. i'd just play and figure out what each does. mixer elements often have obtuse names07:32
Ghoti_!info rar07:32
ubotturar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.8.0-2 (jaunty), package size 509 kB, installed size 1044 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)07:32
neer1simoncpu: ethernet connection07:33
DanaGMy USB sound card has both a Speaker slider (that does nothing) and a Speaker 1 slider (that works).07:33
zirodayyaris123456789: install unrar(-nonfree) and then use the archive manager07:33
macobullgard4, its possible both are Master. i have one laptop where Master and Headphone both act as Master. Most recently touched wins.07:33
DanaGAnd the working slider goes from 0% (0.0dB) to 100% (0.0dB).07:33
simoncpuneer1: what do you mean "not taking any drivers?" please explain...07:33
DanaGYeah, the decibel ratings don't make sense... my point exactly.07:33
neer1simoncpu: since I have upgraded to 9.04 ubuntu, I am stuck in the black screen with no gui07:34
bullgard4maco: Thank you for commenting.07:34
Shift_Wreckmon back niblets_07:34
losher``y7: strictly speaking, gnome is one of the choices you can make for your desktop under ubuntu. The other main choice is kde. Either is fine.07:34
``y7rgr that. ty07:35
maco``y7, if you use kde, it's usually called Kubuntu07:35
``y7i'm using gnome07:35
``y7is kde typically prefered?07:35
ziroday``y7: thats subjective07:36
ziroday!best | ``y707:36
ubottu``y7: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:36
``y7fair enough07:36
ariqsI kepe hearing that KDE is better, which makes me wonder. Why does ubuntu default to gnome?07:36
ziroday``y7: you can ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, but usually it results in some people getting very unhappy07:36
friendishanI'm downloading a theme which is 8.8 mb and has extension deb is it correct and do i install it like other deb pakages ? the link is http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Nimbus+(+Debian+and+Ubuntu+packages+)?content=70212 i chose the top download07:37
zirodayariqs: it doesn't. There is both Ubuntu and Kubuntu and Xubuntu which are all treated fairly07:37
ZakamiroI'm having this exact problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1068895.html07:37
friendishanI'm downloading a theme which is 8.8 mb and has extension deb is it correct and do i install it like other deb pakages ? the link is http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Nimbus+(+Debian+and+Ubuntu+packages+)?content=70212 i chose the top download07:37
losher``y7: I would guess they are split 50-50 gnome & kde. You can't know which you'll like better until you try them07:37
zirodayfriendishan: just double click the package07:37
Zakamirobut my UUID's dont match with what it's checking for07:37
friendishanis it correct ?07:37
* Ciros likes gnome07:37
``y7i've got some questions about setting up the nics to run eth0 as my external ip and eth1 as my default router. how do i setup eth1 to point to eth0 for an internet connection? i'm using firestarter as my firewall service and i can't seem to figure it out. is this a firewall issue or a nic setup issue? i cannot ping out of eth1 when firestarter isn't running, so i was assuming a nic setup issue...?07:37
frankandbeanshi everyone07:37
swiftarrowHi all, Question:  I'm running Xubuntu 8.10.  I want to upgrade to Ubuntu (Gnome) 9.04.  I have the Desktop install CD.  Is it possible to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 via the CD?  Or do I have to do a complete re-install?07:38
neer1Ubuntu 9.04 sucks07:38
friendishanor shud i not install it07:38
Ghoti_``y7: if eth1 is getting an internet address through DHCP, your WAN traffic should pass to it automagically even if you get another, LAN, address on eth007:38
macolosher, gnome is much more popular since it's default07:38
ariqsziroday: if they were treated fairly, it'd be gubuntu and kubuntu07:38
neer1swiftarrow: believe me 9.04 is not at all good07:38
swiftarrowneer1, why do you say so?07:39
zirodayariqs: not getting into that here07:39
macoariqs, kubuntu didnt exist at first, that's why ubuntu doesnt have the g07:39
Cirosneer1:  once you get the weirdness ironed out 9.04 isnt bad at all.07:39
coreyman1What's a good article for laptop power saving?07:39
frankandbeansi have a tint2 question07:39
``y7Ghoti_: eth1 can never ping out to google.com. eth0 has the external ip address. starting firestarter doesn't help eth1 ping out. is this a nic setup issue or a firewall issue?07:39
friendishanneerl i think i won't upgrade then07:39
macoariqs, ubuntu was the original, then kubuntu was a community project that canonical decided to hire Riddell to work on. they didnt want to change Ubuntu's name later07:39
Ghoti_swiftarrow: you could probably do your dist-upgrade within Xubuntu, then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to get gnome, and once that's live, apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop07:39
maconeer1, it all depends on your specific hardware07:39
loshermaco: I would have thought so, but people (sometimes strongly) deny it, there's seem to be no authoritative figures, and not everyone runs Ubuntu07:39
``y7in other words, if my firewall isn't running, should eth1 be able to ping google.com through eth0?07:40
zirodaycoreyman1: lesswatts.org and using powertop07:40
maconeer1, in my case, 9.04 is great because it doesnt crash constantly like 8.04 did07:40
swiftarrowGhoti_, I'm kinda confused whether that would install all the packages that would come with 9.04?07:40
Ghoti_``y7: do you mean another PC on your LAN connected to eth1?07:40
NvidiaUserI agree with maco07:40
macoGhoti_, that wnt remove xfce07:40
Cirosthe only issue i had/have with 9.04 is needing to keep the 8.10 back ports07:40
maconeer1, but then, my wireless card was poorly supported in 8.04 and 8.1007:40
Ghoti_swiftarrow: as I understand it, the {,x,k}ubuntu-desktop metapackages are the main difference between the various flavors07:41
macolosher, Linux Journal's pools for popularity always have gnome more popular than kde07:41
friendishanis it good that i upgrade my ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 ?07:41
``y7Ghoti_, 1 pc, two nics. eth0 has an external ip, eth1 has an internal ip. i cannot ping google.com with no firewall running. Do i have to have a firewall running in order to ping google.com with my eth1 controller?07:41
NvidiaUserI haven't had any problems so far with 9.0407:41
swiftarrowGhoti_ ok, thanks for your help.07:41
Ghoti_I have ubuntu, and I could make it kubuntu with apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.  IIRC.07:41
ZakamiroI'm having this exact problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1068895.html . I compared my UUID's with what grub is trying to find, and it doesn't match. How do I change which UUID it's trying to find?07:41
loshermaco: got a reference I can follow up ?07:41
Ghoti_``y7: no, you do not.07:41
Ghoti_``y7: I have that exact scenario and it works perfectly07:42
``y7Ghoti_, so how do i go about getting eth1 to be able to ping google.com07:42
frankandbeanscant apt-get tint2...........?07:42
Zakamiroanyone know?07:43
Ghoti_``y7: at your commandlne, with sudo as needed:  ifdown eth0; ifdown eth1; ifup eth1;  (verify connectivity, you should be OK at this point); ifup eth007:43
frankandbeanstint2 anyone?07:43
losherZakamiro: you can edit the uuid in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst07:44
macolosher, http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/10065 GNOME 45% and KDE 42% (2008) http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/10065 53% GNOME and 30% KDE (2009)07:44
pepecan someone help me?07:44
Zakamiroso id need to do like sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst , correct?07:44
NvidiaUsersudo gedit /boot.grub/menu.lst or nano, pico or whatever you prefer using.07:44
loshermaco: excellent, thanks07:44
Ghoti_!ask | pepe07:44
ubottupepe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:45
macolosher, its not *buntu specific, but given that *buntu is > 1/3 of the votes, i'd expect them to be relevant to our community too07:45
Zakamiroawesome, great. thanks guys07:45
frankandbeansi cant install tint2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/176203/07:45
Zakamirohave a better one07:45
macolosher, also: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/kde-or-gnome-or?page=207:46
``y7Ghoti_, do i need to set the nic with the external ip up to have a DHCP Client ID?07:46
Ghoti_``y7: assuming that's how your WAN addresses are assigned, that would help, yes.07:46
indusfrankandbeans: try updating your system with apt-get update07:46
indusfrankandbeans: first do a sudo dpkg -a07:46
macolosher, i fit poorly in that poll, using kde with xmonad07:46
``y7Ghoti_, so what do i set it to?
frankandbeansits up to date, and if i apt-get libxrandr2 it says its the most current version07:47
loshermaco: so do I, using fvwm with no desktop07:47
indusfrankandbeans: first do a sudo dpkg --configure -a07:48
frankandbeansk, brb07:48
hegdei have a laptop with an sdcard reader in it....all the cards that i insert is mounting in /dev/sdb1 .....is there any way to get the sdcard name???? like CANON MEMORY CARD07:49
BodsdaDoes the januty kernel have "huge_file" feature compiled?07:49
frankandbeansnow what indus?07:50
indusfrankandbeans: now try the package u want to install07:50
pepeHi, I have an ATi Radeon HD 2400 XT Mobility graphics card, I installed the latest ATi Catalyst drivers. I can use compiz smoothly but when I run glxgears I get only 200-300 fps, with my old 9750 card I used to get 1000-2000 fps. What can I do to improve my fps??. When I play some 3D games (slune, supertuxkart, armaggetron...) I get only 3fps!! Please help ne.07:50
macohegde, you can set a FAT32 label on it, but those only go up to like 8 characters or something...07:50
frankandbeanssame problem as before07:50
sivan26Hello , can someone recommend me on good software for projects management ?07:50
indusfrankandbeans: the package is broken i guess07:50
Ghoti_``y7: I don't understand.. on your network, do you expect your WAN to be static, or DHCP?07:50
Myrttisivan26: planner07:50
macosivan26, "planner" is nice for things like gantt charts and such07:50
coreyman1How can I underclock my nvidia?07:51
indusfrankandbeans: what error do u get ,could you paste again07:51
frankandbeansbut it works on another friends computer07:51
``y7Ghoti_, i want my computers that connect to my default gateway to have static ips07:51
macohi Myrtti07:51
indusfrankandbeans: what version of ubuntu are ur and ur friends?07:51
Myrttimaco: ohai07:51
frankandbeans8.10 minimal install07:51
Ghoti_``y7: and you have the IPs and whatnot that you need, yes?07:51
hegdemaco: okay...the if i insert any sdcard having any name will that be mounted in /media as the one we give as a FAT32 label???07:52
``y7Ghoti_: i want my default gateway to be and i'm not sure if the default gateway is supposed to be eth0(external ip) or eth1(internal ip)07:52
lyraeHi. When selecting icons for AWN launchers, the icons in my external HD are unselectable. howcome?07:52
``y7Ghoti_, yes, i have all the internal ips that i need07:52
``y7Ghoti_: my external ip is dynamic07:52
syntax\anyone in here experiencing VLC to constantly freeze when watching a movie?07:52
syntax\i mean freeze literally, the computer freezes. i changed the video output to x11 from default still it freezes.07:53
syntax\i even updated07:53
=== danorsk[afk] is now known as danorsk
Ghoti_``y7: this is my working output of route -n, with my IP masked:07:54
Ghoti_``y7: http://is.gd/BAYs07:54
indusfrankandbeans: maybe install /upgrade a newer version of xrandr07:55
Ghoti_``y7: tl;dr version: you only need one default gateway07:55
sivan26Hello, does ubuntu have tool for check HDD from errors ? (i think my HDD got hit and have some bad sectors , does it possible to bark thos bad sectors to be unused by the system ? )07:55
Ghoti_!info fsck07:55
ubottuPackage fsck does not exist in jaunty07:55
indusfrankandbeans: but that looks like a X server package so careful07:55
hegdemaco: then if i insert any sdcard having any name will that be mounted in /media as the one we give as a FAT32 label???07:55
Slartsivan26: fsck and backblocks might help07:56
frankandbeansupdate of xrandr says its the newest version...........07:56
``y7Ghoti_: so is your default gateway, the nic with the external ip or the nic with the internal ip?07:56
macohegde, it'll still be /media/disk or /media/disk-1 or whatever, but on the desktop it'll show the FAT32 label as its name07:56
Q_ContinuumQuestion on Totem Movie Player (9.04) - how do I tell what 'title' on the DVD it's playing?  (Trying to figure out which is the rated and unrated title, to extract to a file)07:56
Ghoti_``y7: external, as that's the entire point of a gateway :)07:56
indusfrankandbeans: if tint 2 has a website see what version of xrandr it needs07:56
``y7ok, so how do you setup the external to have an ip address of to setup as a gateway for all of your other computers behidn the network?07:57
``y7once you setup the external nic to have an ip of, it becomes internal, no?07:57
Ghoti_``y7: this is what I've been trying to determine: are you trying to use your PC *as* a router, or just *behind* one?07:57
``y7as a router07:57
dr3mroplease how to merge casper-rw with live cd permenently07:58
hegdemaco:this is the content of my /media conents CANON_DC  cdrom  cdrom0  disk07:58
hegdesorry output of my /media contents07:58
bungubuntu 9.04, xfce 4.6.1, CCSM installed, compiz --replace wont stay alive, cant get desktop effects to work, any tips?07:58
macoheg, oh, ok then. guess it will name it the same as the label07:58
macohegde, ^07:58
macoyarr people with matching first-3-char07:58
bungis there some kind of #ubuntu-compiz ?07:59
Ghoti_``y7: which firewall are you using?  I"m mainly familiar with shorewall.07:59
hegdemaco:i want that CANON-DC etc to be set to a common name so that i can access any card wth same name in my code07:59
dr3mroplease how to convert persistent into live cd07:59
macohegde, AH well hm....07:59
``y7i'm trying to use firestarter, i've used it before and never had any issues(used it in debian) and now for whatever reason, i can't get it to work in ubuntu and i was trying to figure out if i have my nics setup wrong or the firewall is the issue07:59
frankandbeansit needs 2:1.3.0-1build1, but that is not what i have, but when i update it, it says newest version...............?07:59
macohegde, i think if you get rid of the FAT32 label it'll go with /media/disk07:59
dr3mroplease how to merge casper-rw with live cd07:59
macohegde, you could also setup in /etc/fstab for /dev/sdb1 to *always* be /media/disk or something08:00
pepeHi, I have an ATi Radeon HD 2400 XT Mobility graphics card, I installed the latest ATi Catalyst drivers. I can use compiz smoothly but when I run glxgears I get only 200-300 fps, with my old 9750 card I used to get 1000-2000 fps. What can I do to improve my fps??. When I play some 3D games (slune, supertuxkart, armaggetron...) I get only 3fps!! Please help ne.08:00
Silverinhopop muzic ?¿08:00
pppianoi was using remote connect and i everything on Ubuntu froze up. I also couldn't use my mouse in either the remote desktop or Ubuntu.08:00
Ghoti_``y7: part of the problem might be network-mangler, er, -manager, being "too helpful"08:00
``y7so i need to go back to debian?08:01
Ghoti_``y7: or apt-get remove network-manager, set up /etc/network/interfaces free of its interference, and then (hopefully) firestarter should behave as expected.08:02
``y7can you show me what you have setup in /etc/network/interfaces plz?08:02
Ghoti_``y7: sure, one sec08:03
L3dPlatedLinuxI know this is a stupid question but I am going to ask it anyway can I change my id  with out making a new account?08:03
coreyman1how do I find, and/or disable bluetooth on my laptop?08:03
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:03
zirodaycoreyman1: try taking a poke around /proc/acpi08:03
Ghoti_``y7: http://is.gd/BB9308:03
hegdeok i m trying08:03
``y7Ghoti_, thank you so much for all of your help :)08:03
Silverinho?¿ ?¿ ?¿ ?¿ ?¿ ?¿08:04
Silverinhoyou're wë£come08:04
zirodaySilverinho: can we help you?08:04
syntax\anyone in here experiencing VLC to constantly freeze when watching a movie? i mean freeze literally, the computer freezes. i changed the video output to x11 from default still it freezes.08:04
Ghoti_``y7: my pleasure.  oh, in my paste, the commented line is for internal UPnP; you can safely ignore it08:04
Silverinho[ziroday] yes08:04
Silverinhoi want hack unix boxs08:04
th0rL3dPlatedLinux: google is your friend....http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-change-rename-user-name-id/08:04
zirodaysyntax\: terminal errors?08:04
zirodaySilverinho: we can't help with that here08:05
Silverinhowhy ziroday ?¿08:05
``y7Ghoti_: ignore this part..... up ip route add dev eth1   # add a line similar to this    ?08:05
ziroday!hacking | Silverinho08:05
ubottuSilverinho: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy08:05
Chr|sanyone here use tilda and irssi here?08:05
Silverinho[ziroday] but i love hacking08:06
Silverinhoi just will use to make Irc fake users08:06
zirodaySilverinho: great, then what part of the system do you want to know about?08:06
th0rziroday: please don't feed the trolls08:06
Ghoti_Silverinho: having fun with unicode, are we?08:06
* Silverinho [Mp3]:, [T.A.T.U. - All the things she said (.977 The Hitz Channel)]...08:06
Ghoti_``y7: correct08:06
* ariqs feeds Silverinho an argument laced with rat poison08:07
zirodaysyntax\: yes?08:07
Ghoti_Chr|s: I use both tilda and irssi, though presently I'm using xchat for IRC08:07
zirodayth0r: thank you, but I'm aware of that08:07
syntax\ziroday: header damaged; [0x9b9dc88] avcodec decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)08:07
syntax\computer is not slow tho.08:07
zirodaySilverinho: to chat please do so in #ubuntu-offtopic08:07
CastawayzHi, I want to reinstall Jaunty that is dual booted on the same HD with windows sda1 (ntfs) ..in the manual partition how do I delete the old ubuntu and put a new one for example where and how do i "no root file system defined"08:07
zirodaysyntax\: hmm, what graphics card?08:07
Chr|sGhoti_: I have a question for you then, how do you open a link? I see in the preferences URL handling is down by firefox, but it does not open up a website when i click on a link08:08
Silverinho[ziroday] u can help me to hack in PM ?¿08:08
Chr|s!o4o | Silverinho08:08
ubottuSilverinho: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Some topics are controversial and often end in fighting. War, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide regularly upset people. Please be aware and drop a discussion if you are asked. Support for Microsoft in ##windows and Apple in ##apple. To discuss these rules, please see !appeals. Please always adhere to Freenode Policy.08:08
Ghoti_Chr|s: right-click perhaps? :)08:08
th0rCastawayz: you simply tell ubuntu to use the old linux partition and format it. Unless you want to change partitions for some reason08:08
Chr|sGhoti_: nah it does not work08:09
ariqsSilverinho: you're a hack with every action you make08:09
elkySilverinho, please behave08:09
Castawayzth0r: i do manual partition correct from the live cd08:09
Silverinho=( oK , sorry...08:09
elkyariqs, this is a no-feeding zone.08:09
th0rCastawayz: do you want to change the partitioning or just re-use the old partition again08:09
syntax\ziroday: nvidia08:09
Castawayzwhat comes first, swap or the ubuntu partition? do I put beginning or end?08:09
* Silverinho [Mp3]:, [Lady Gaga - Poker Face (.977 The Hitz Channel)]...08:10
zirodaysyntax\: hmm, you might want to grab your Xorg.1.log after a crash08:10
Castawayzi was thinking of switching to ext408:10
Ghoti_Chr|s: Oh, URLs in tilda.. hmm, I generally just select and middle-click to paste08:10
=== AtrumGuest1051 is now known as shady
Castawayzit's also a downgrade from 64 to 3208:10
Chr|sGhoti_: hmmm ok08:10
Castawayzso ntfs i use 'do not use this partition' to try and preserve that right08:10
Spike1506goodday, my sound does not work. lspci | grep -i audio returns the following: 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)08:10
Spike150601:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 Audio device [Radeon HD 34xx Series]08:10
Silverinhono mp3 scripts too ?¿08:10
Castawayzthen from the free space i create swap first?08:10
Spike1506my sound options are on auto detect08:10
syntax\well ziroday i just lost compiz with no apparent reason, i accidentally clicked on system - administration - hardware drivers and poof08:10
syntax\awm closed and emerald gone.08:11
th0rCastawayz: right. And swap can be either first or last...doesn't matter08:11
zirodaysyntax\: that is most likely due to an unrelated issue08:11
Castawayzth0r: what is swap and ubuntu's mount point08:11
Chr|s!pastbin | Castawayz: For future recommendation08:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin08:11
syntax\ziroday: what do you mean.08:11
Chr|s!pastebin | Castawayz: For future recommendation08:11
ubottuCastawayz: For future recommendation: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:11
Ghoti_Chr|s: Found it!  I RTFMed it, and found that you need merely to ctrl-click  the URL08:11
th0rCastawayz: swap doesn't have a mount point, and the mount point for  'ubuntu' should be /08:11
Silverinho[cyberjorge] hi08:11
PietSpike1506: what does lspci -nn  | grep -i audio return?08:12
Chr|sGhoti_: thanks so much, good to know08:12
Ghoti_Chr|s: my pleasure08:12
zirodaysyntax\:  next time you're ubuntu crashes please save and pastebin you're /var/log/Xorg.1.log08:12
cyberjorgehow do i install posgres with JDBC408:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:12
Castawayzth0r: all righty thanks08:12
Spike1506Piet, http://paste.ubuntu.com/176217/08:12
alpha232is there an easy way that a program can access HID devices directly?08:13
Spike1506what I do know is that it works with kernel 2.6.29 running gentoo08:13
syntax\ziroday: u wanna see the log right now?08:13
syntax\ziroday: http://pastebin.com/d24f150a008:13
zirodaysyntax\: no because it won't have the crash information, only after it crashes08:14
Castawayzth0r: where do i isntall the boot loader?08:14
cyberjorgeSilverinho: how do i install posgres with JDBC4 from repo?08:14
syntax\ziroday: how can i restore my graphics tho.. hehe im a bit lost08:14
zirodaysyntax\: sorry, I'm not quite understanding what the issue is08:14
Castawayzsda1 is vista as its own loader08:15
syntax\ziroday: Warning: Screen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager.08:15
syntax\when trying to run avant-window-manager08:15
th0rCastawayz: grub should be installed automatically. Do you have more than one drive?08:15
zirodaysyntax\: in a terminal do compiz --replace & disown08:15
Spike1506brb switching classrooms08:15
Castawayzok just going to go with default08:15
skypcehi friends, i have problems with fsck , it died signal and dont repair my hd, it was after i reinstall grub with root(hd0,2) and setup (hd0) , help me please08:15
PietSpike1506: both are module snd-hda-intel, supported since v2.6.2508:15
coreyman1How do I underclock my nvidia card?08:16
coreyman1no, underclock08:16
Piet!audio > Spike150608:16
ubottuSpike1506, please see my private message08:16
Chr|scoreyman1: why would you want to do that?08:16
coreyman1save power on my laptop08:17
Chr|scoreyman1: hmm let me check08:17
syntax\ziroday: thanks that helped. hold on tho08:18
Chr|scoreyman1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87947108:18
cyberjorgehow do i install posgres with JDBC4? in ubuntu 8.10?08:19
coreyman1nevermind, it seems that it is adaptivley clocking, it's at 169MHZ right now memory 100MHZ08:19
syntax\ziroday: could you help me out with the vlc issue?08:19
Chr|scoreyman1: alright, maybe you would want to save that to your bookmarks just to be safe08:20
cyberjorgethis won't work: sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.2 libpg-java08:20
zirodaysyntax\: yes when that happens take your /var/log/Xorg.1.log08:20
Zakamirohey, how can I edit /boot/grub/menu.lst from the grub command prompt or busy box?08:20
syntax\ziroday: i runned vlc via terminal.. just got a couple of header damaged08:21
th0rZakamiro: you can edit it in a terminal with 'sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst'08:22
Zakamiroi can't even get into ubuntu to use nano08:22
Zakamiroboth busybox and grub tell me it doesnt recognize the command sudo08:22
syntax\ziroday: check this out, terminal output from vlc http://pastebin.com/d665d9e7508:22
coreyman1how can I disable ochi139408:23
th0rZakamiro: you can get into it from a livecd if you have one08:23
Zakamirothe problem there is that it's a wubi installation, and so it's stuck in a virtual disk08:23
coreyman1nvm found it08:23
mikechelensyntax\, is that happening with more than 1 video? looks like file is corrupt08:24
th0rZakamiro: I don't know anything about wubi, except that there are some things that are 'different' with that install08:24
syntax\so far every movie that i watched are freezes on vlc..08:24
mikechelensyntax\, do the same files work ok in other players? are the files on local hd or network drive08:25
Zakamiroth0r: okay.. I'll try mounting the virtual drive and editing that way.08:25
bullgard4What Ubuntu commandline command determines the prcise hardware type of my laptop computer?08:26
syntax\mikechelen: its on a local hd, i only have vlc installed..08:26
th0rbullgard4: there are several....hwinfo...lspci...lsusb...08:26
mikechelensyntax\, probably video card related, might want to double check files with mplayer or something08:27
bullgard4th0r: No. your answer is wrong. lspci for example does not do just that.08:27
syntax\ mikechelen: if the movie would freeze i get header damaged..08:28
Castawayzso my ubuntu installation just ended and its a blank screen. should i wait a bit or start panicking?08:28
Spaderyo ziomy!08:28
* Castawayz hits panic button, pops a xanax08:28
Spaderstart panicking08:29
simoncpuCastawayz: find a virgin chicken08:29
Castawayzk im currently screaming at the top of my lungs any other panic recommendations08:29
simoncpuyou need to make a sacrificial offering for the gods08:29
cleptohi im trying to install the eve online client for debian and i keep getting an error that a dependency is not verifiable  python2.4-dbus any help?08:29
mikechelensyntax\, try installing movie player and see if that works, and ubuntu-restricted-extras if there are any warnings about codecs08:29
Castawayzim also crying and saying "why me" and "there is no god"08:30
Castawayzclepto: that is one crazyass mmo08:30
syntax\mikechelen: ok will do..08:30
SpaderCastawayz you must sacrifice cat08:30
cleptocastawayz: yeah i know ive been playing it for 3 years. saw that they had a linux client and said well i dont need windows anymore... now im kinda kicking myself08:31
Castawayz!debian | clepto08:31
ubottuclepto: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!08:31
Castawayzi just like using ubottu dont mind me08:31
edethI'm looking for a tool for querying MSSQL under Ubuntu. Any ideas?08:32
jussi01!botabuse | Castawayz08:32
ubottuCastawayz: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".08:32
Castawayzeve online is supposedly platinum in wine08:32
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist08:32
cleptocastawayz: ubuntu is listed in the installer too08:32
cleptocastawayz: its just that one dependency thats being a pain08:33
|Newton|Hello, which firewall do you recommend i use for Ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix?08:33
Castawayz!etiquette | jussi0108:33
ubottujussi01: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...08:33
Castawayzyour move, jessi!08:33
spring_morninghi. i use a dialup connection to connect to the net, im getting a busy tone in linux but it works fine in windows right now. the phone is fine...also the first time I tried to reconnect in linux, I actually heard the whole 'this line is busy' in my headphones08:33
spepeHello everybody. :)08:33
spring_morningmay or may not be important08:34
Castawayztotally unnecessary08:34
Castawayzwas i just kicked08:34
cleptocastawayz: im trying to install it to wine right now, but id prefer to use the actual linux client08:34
jussi01Castawayz: I just removed you, yes.08:34
spepeCan I ask a question?08:34
jussi01spepe: sure!08:34
Castawayzwell im back08:34
zirodayspepe: sure, just ask :)08:34
Castawayzi hope you enjoyed yourself08:34
spring_morningnot really sure what to check at this point. phone is fine and the lines connected in the jack and everything08:34
spring_morningthrew me off that it's working in windows08:35
tasgday all - Question08:35
jussi01Castawayz: use the channel and bot correctly or the privelidge of using it will be removed from you.08:35
Castawayzhow did pointing debian out to a debian related quesiton constitute abuse08:35
tasif my graphic say eg 600x400 to 1000x700(examples)08:36
Castawayzi suggest that08:36
Castawayz!coc | jussi0108:36
ubottujussi01: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/08:36
tascan i preset to a given eg 320x18008:36
sizableIs there a respository I can add so my M-Player can automatically find the necessary codecs when playing 3gp and .mov files?08:36
jussi01Castawayz: If you care to discus this, please join #ubuntu-ops and Ill explain08:36
th0rsizable: restricted codecs08:37
spepeThanks. :)08:37
spepeSo I have a problem. I have a server whit two Intel Xenon processors installed. I would like to intall Ubuntu on this server but both the x86 and amd64 versions stop a message like this: not compatible kernel use i686 kernel.08:37
spepeWhere can I get a distribution that supports i686?08:37
FloodBot1spepe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:37
zirodayspepe: x86 should be i68608:37
zirodayspepe: where does it say that?08:38
sizableth0r, Is "restricted codecs" a package I download?08:38
spepeI tried both versions on the main site. Still nothing. :S08:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:38
macospepe, if your kernel says -generic, its i686, i think. if it says -i386, it's not08:38
zirodayspepe: alternate or desktop?08:38
spepeAfter I choose the install option in the main menu.08:38
maco*might* be i586, but i thought it was 68608:38
spepeIt is an IBM server. xSeries 225.08:39
spring_morningi'm getting a 'line is busy' in linux when trying to connection, the phone is fine, and the connection works in windows08:39
tasCan i preset my graphics to 320x240 if X11 does not say it as defualt eg 640x480, 1024x784 ????? or to a cusom one eg 280x90 ????08:39
spring_morningjust started a couple hrs ago08:39
zirodayspepe: I would recommend trying the 32 bit (x86) Alternate CD08:39
* maco checks the kernel config08:39
spepeok Thanks. Is it on the main site?08:39
tasSpring_morning: Check pulse or tone on connection08:39
swiftarrowspring_morning, shot in the dark: try looking up modem configuration strings for your modem?  That used to be an issue a few years ago, even on windows.08:40
swiftarrowspring_morning, can happen if the modem was made in a different country, or for a slightlly different phone system.08:40
spring_morningI'm using wvdial so the setup is fairly basic, i was actually connected, then d/ced08:40
hegdemaco: fstab works but evertime i insert and remove an error that only root can do it occurs08:40
=== cyberjorge_ is now known as cyberjorge
macoziroday, are you on 32bit?08:41
spring_morningso nothing that i can think of changed during that time08:41
tasspring_morning: also check pause requests in the phone number, some code for linux dial to fast08:41
spepeziroday: ok Thanks. :)08:41
zirodaymaco: nope, 64bit here. But I can break out my 32bit lappy if needed08:41
macohegde, can mount w/ "sudo mount" but um....system -> administration -> authorizations might be able to let hal do it automagic08:41
hegdemaco: i have written a GUI program that shud read from a SDCARD and display the text and image files in it08:41
tasNone " Can i preset my graphics to 320x240 if X11 does not say it as defualt eg 640x480, 1024x784 ????? or to a cusom one eg 280x90 ????"08:42
macoziroday, i dont have a 32bit machine here, so can you look at /boot/config-* and search for 686?08:42
spring_morning(tas): worked fine earlier, i was connected, then d/ced, tried to r/c and ran onto this problem08:42
zirodaymaco: on it :)08:42
|Newton|Hello! I need a firewall for my UNR 9.04 but which should i choose+08:42
spring_morningand I'm not sure if it's important but the first reconnect try, I could actually hear the 'this line is busy' deal in my earphones08:42
tasSpring_morning, have you connected linux after the phone, and vise versa????08:43
maco|Newton|, netfilter/iptables is always included by default.  if you'd like a GUI to configure it though, firestarter should work08:43
spring_morningafter the phone?08:43
hegdemaco: i want my code to be such that it shud be same always08:43
zirodaymaco: and what should I be looking for inside this?08:43
indus|Newton|: whats unr?08:43
macoindus, netbook remix08:43
Robbie_CrashIs there any way that I can get my ubuntu box to release/renew its dhcp address when I only have access to the router, not the actual box?08:43
spepeAn other question. :) Where can I find that alternate CD?08:43
hegdemaco: shud i go writing a device driver kind of thing.?>08:43
spring_morning(tas): i'm not sure what you mean08:43
indusmaco: thnks08:43
zirodaymaco: "CONFIG_ARCH_DEFCONFIG="arch/x86/configs/i386_defconfig"08:43
macoziroday, search for 686. i dont think 686 is enabled on 64bit. thats a 32bit thing08:43
tasyes make a phone call from it, call your help line for the internet and then hang up, and then boot linux, plug it in and reconnect that way08:43
macohegde, no!08:44
indusbtw, why is netbook remix pretty and ubuntu still ugly?08:44
zirodaymaco: that's the only result for i386, both i686 and i586 turned up zilck08:44
* indus wonders\08:44
spring_morning(tas): oh, yeah. that's how I discovered the phone was working fine. at that point, I pulled out the jack and put it back in to make sure it was completely in08:44
zirodayindus: because the ubuntu artwork team needs your help!08:44
macohegde, you either need to manually mount the card each time, or you need to go in authorizations and give hal permission to mount it iwhtout asking08:45
|Newton|indus: Ubuntu Notebook remix08:45
macohegde, putting "user" in the mount options in fstab should also let you mount without sudo08:45
|Newton|maco: can other people on the network as default :O?08:45
jyg_When I'm not logged into susped-to-ram works fine, but after I log in, to any acocunt, suspend causing my system to hang08:45
maco|Newton|, what?08:45
spring_morningbeen googling the problem but no luck with a similar problem08:45
tasi had the same problem about 8 months ago, mine was a fast dial, eg 28*98*33*90***129808:45
jyg_any ideas?08:45
indusziroday: they do? but iam not an artist08:45
hegdemaco: nice two options then :) thanks i will try now... :)08:45
dragoncorpanyone here know how to add a line to the grub boot to make vista selectable after installing ubuntu in a different harddrive, it whiped out the old boot info obviously but i need to be able to use vista or ubuntu, (vista installed first) then (ubuntu installed on a different harddrive)08:45
indusziroday: do they like, need money? i can give them08:46
|Newton|maco: you know people can see eachother on the same network sometimes.. can people see my computer as default08:46
maco|Newton|, iptables is there by default. it is set to ACCEPT all. you can configure it with firestarter (easier) or guarddog (more options, more confusing). or you can use ufw as a simple text interface08:46
zirodaydragoncorp: please pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst and sudo fdisk -l08:46
tasYour not getting a modem is busy? just a line is busy?08:46
maco|Newton|, well of course they can do a broadcast ping and see what IP addresses are taken...08:46
indusmaco: no firestarter not being maintained now !08:46
zirodayindus: you can change the ubuntu desktop around to look however you want08:46
spring_morning(tas): not doing any fast dialing... yeah, line is busy08:46
indusmaco: use gufw08:46
maco|Newton|, i mean, if your computer responds to pings (which it should!) it'll reply to the broadcast ping08:46
spring_morningit's blowing my mind as you can see08:47
indusgraphical frontend to ufw08:47
|Newton|maco: ok :) does it make any difference that i am using OpenDNS08:47
Robbie_CrashIs there any way that I can get my ubuntu box to release/renew its dhcp address when I only have access to the router, not the actual box? My PC is retaining its old IP which is on a different IP range than my router now uses, so while I have remote access to my router, I cannot SSH into the PC and unlike the Windows/Mac boxes, my Ubuntu box for some reason refuses to update unless I either reboot it, or make it r08:47
cyberjorgehow do i install posgres with JDBC4? in ubuntu 8.10?08:47
cyberjorgethis won't work: sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.2 libpg-java08:47
|Newton|maco: yes but i am thinking about people can see my files08:47
maco|Newton|, but ubuntu does NOT have any services by default running, so itd show up as if nothing were open if you did a portscan08:47
rbo_hi! `/etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart` doesn't restart my audio. Why? 'xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers.' in Amarok after 'Lock Screen'08:47
sidhgreetings everybody08:47
maco|Newton|, no, you'd need to have NFS or SAMBA setup and have it set to share a folder08:47
macoindus, tell |Newton| :P08:47
|Newton|maco: ok :) just installed firestarter!08:47
dragoncorpok give me a second zeroday08:48
tasPM Me Spring and i will do a quick search for you and nail this down for you08:48
spring_morning(tas): at this point I'm not sure what to check anymore and that's about the extent of my abilities heh08:48
Cyanide_it's possible delete the edges of the rectangle os grub? it's possible delete the information help you see inside grub?08:48
sidhdo you know when installing ubuntu if it is possible to leave the MBR untouched by the install process08:48
maco|Newton|, indus says firestarter's unmaintained and that gufw's better08:48
maco|Newton|, i'm apparently outdate08:48
indus|Newton|: Use gufw a graphical front end to ufw (uncomplicated firewall ) in ubuntu by default now08:48
DidYouL2BanIdentseriously you gotta ban the identd08:48
DidYouL2BanIdentto do it right08:48
Robbie_Crashsidh probably, but you wouldn't be able to boot into it?08:48
|Newton|also in the notebook remix version08:48
jyg_hmm when I suspend, when not logged in, I get a message 'alsa shutting down", but when logged into i do not see it, the system just hangs08:48
macorbo_, "sudo alsa force-reload" to reload the drivers08:48
sidhRobbie_Crash: i use GAG for the MBR08:48
|Newton|indus: what should i right in terminal then? sudo apt-get install gufw and what more?08:48
dragoncorpzeroday here is grub http://pastebin.com/d696061aa08:48
indus|Newton|: Install gufw08:49
sidhRobbie_Crash: i want ubuntu's grub to install on the root partition08:49
zirodaydragoncorp: and sudo fdisk -l?08:49
Robbie_Crashsidh I'm pretty sure there's an option in either standard or advanced install to not install a boot loader08:49
dragoncorpziroday http://pastebin.com/d7d8f87e008:50
indus|Newton|: maco:Actually ufw is a cli front end for iptables ,gufw adds a gui to it08:50
Robbie_Crashsidh as in /grub? or just on the same logical partition?08:50
Robbie_Crashor primary, whatever.08:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw08:50
macoindus, how does that differ from what i said?08:50
zirodaydragoncorp: I presume sda5 is your windows install?08:50
sidhRobbie_Crash: i mean on the /boot partition08:51
Petfrogghow do check when i installed ubuntu?08:51
dragoncorpziroday: i believe so its the only other internal hdd08:51
sidh(as i dont make special boot partition, it is /  partition)08:51
lesshasteanyone on jaunty care to do "man bash" and then search for "ulimit" and tell me what it says for "-m" ?08:51
Petfroggi have now updated it and updated but today i started to wonder when i installed it.. 8 )08:51
rbo_maco: Cheerz!08:51
zirodaydragoncorp: okay modify your menu.lst to look like http://pastebin.com/f1f5ab4208:51
vigogufw is an up to dare package, sirta, Firestarter is a few or couple of years back, but they are both GUI frontends to iptables, , I like gufw, I also recommend  SELinux or some BSD things. Is still the WWW/Internet, so make backups no matter what.08:51
Robbie_Crashsidh, then when setting it up in the installer, don't specify a different partition for /boot08:52
sidhRobbie_Crash: i want grub to choose the kernel I boot, but i don't want it install on the MBR, i really don't want that08:52
macoindus, i still dont see how thats any different than me saying that ufw was a simple text frontend to iptables (it is. its text. it's simpler than iptables syntax. and it configures iptables....)08:52
vigoI need a lighted keyboard,,,08:52
dragoncorpziroday: should i copy and paste that one or change it to look like yours?08:52
zirodaydragoncorp: you just need to add the last few lines08:52
Robbie_Crashsidh, so you want to have your normal boot loader, with an option in it to boot to grub, and then have grub load for partition choosing?08:53
Robbie_Crasher, kernel choosing rather08:53
sidhRobbie_Crash: i install a four booting systems08:53
indusmaco: sorry i didnt read ur earlier post08:53
sidhfor that08:53
|Newton|indus: uhm is it the thing under administration called firewall configuration?08:54
sidheach OS has its own launcher installed on their partition08:54
indus|Newton|: yeah08:54
dragoncorpthank you ziroday08:54
|Newton|indus: i just installed gufw but i dont know if thats an old shortcut08:54
|Newton|indus: ok i just enabled it :) it that enough08:54
zirodaydragoncorp: lets see if it'll work first :)08:54
sidhat the boot process08:54
kyledri tried to set the resolution in xorg.conf to 1366x768 so it would display properly on my TV, but it only does that resolution when the TV's not plugged in, otherwise it's 1680xwhatever!!!08:54
sidhGAG ask me which OS i want to launch08:54
sidhi choose08:54
syntax\mikechelen: its not freezing on mplayer08:54
indus|Newton|: i have no idea about networking so now its your headache :)08:54
kyledrhow do i get it to show at 1366x768 only on the TV?08:55
Robbie_Crashsidh, ok. I get it.08:55
indusmaco: yah you are right about ufw08:55
mikechelensyntax\, what video card do you have?08:55
sidhthen i the OS loader ask me if there are options08:55
indusmaco: but i didnt read full conversation08:55
|Newton|indus: hehe ok :) i just enabled it and as default "incoming traffic" is disabled so it looks good08:55
syntax\nvidia mikechelen08:55
dragoncorpziroday: ill try it now thanks08:55
syntax\mikechelen: GeForce 6150SE nForce 43008:56
indus|Newton|: Ya i guess now you need to set 'rules' !etc i believe08:56
maco|Newton|, since there are no services listening on any ports at all by default, that makes 0 difference anyway08:56
vigoIs there a GUI for 8,04 LTS server, I think I saw a code line, install grub or something, I just need a server to do some simpleish FTP/Wepbage stuff, so is there a GUI for the server releases?08:56
sidhRobbie_Crash: GAG is for me the most proper way to have a loader on the MBR08:56
indus|Newton|: hey newton is not supposed to ask so many questions, and iam not einstein :D08:56
sidhit really installs on the first 512 Bytes08:56
macovigo, servers dont generally use GUIs....but um...maybe you'd like webmin? it's a browser-based way to configure server stuff08:56
|Newton|!indus no no im his stupid uncle :D08:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:56
mikechelensyntax\, have you got proprietary drivers enabled? vlc might be having issues with acceleration08:56
sidhat the opposite of Grub08:56
vigomaco: Thank you08:57
syntax\i guess so08:57
syntax\compiz and emerald are working ok..08:57
* indus lunch08:57
Robbie_Crashsidh, there's probably a way to do it. But I don't know how. Sorry.08:57
|Newton|indus! i cant se it in the taskbar but is it always running when it is enabled?08:57
indus|Newton|: just go to preferences and enable task bar (its probably in some other bar having beer)08:58
mikechelensyntax\, maybe try disabling compiz and see if it affects vlc08:58
kyledrwhy does xorg choose the wrong resolution only when i have my tv plugged in to my laptop?08:58
maco|Newton|, ufw just feeds rules to iptables at startup. that's *all* it does08:58
syntax\mikechelen: ok..08:58
maco|Newton|, gufw tells ufw what rules to feed to iptables at startup08:58
maco|Newton|, iptables should always be running08:59
|Newton|maco: so what should i do now :D?08:59
indusmaco: yes he got that i think :)08:59
Robbie_Crashsidh, in the ubuntu forums there's a post that says that the alternate install cd gives you the option of where to install grub, but the normal install cd by default installs to mbr08:59
maco|Newton|, no, there is no icon to show that it's running cuz well...firewalls are always there...08:59
indusgufw> ufw>calls mother iptables08:59
Robbie_CrashIs there any way that I can get my ubuntu box to release/renew its dhcp address when I only have access to the router, not the actual box? My PC is retaining its old IP which is on a different IP range than my router now uses, so while I have remote access to my router, I cannot SSH into the PC and unlike the Windows/Mac boxes, my Ubuntu box for some reason refuses to update unless I either reboot it, or make it r08:59
|Newton|maco: ok then i will do like always.. nothing08:59
indusmaco: |Newton|:you can have an icon in taskbar if u wish09:00
AzizLightcan somebody help me make my sound work please? :S I have an Audigy SE that just refuses to play sound...09:00
maco|Newton|, now you can configure the rules you want using gufw. but seriously, if youve got no services, blocking inbound isn't actually doing anything since nothing was listening to accept packets anyway09:00
Robbie_CrashIf I turn off the port that the box is attached to, and then turn it back on... Mayhap that'll work.09:00
dragoncorpziroday: it gave me a error09:00
|Newton|maco: indus: ok :) ty! have to go but thank you very much09:00
zirodaydragoncorp: what was the error?09:00
maco|Newton|, and i dont think ufw is advanced enough to setup outbound rules (*sigh*)09:00
dragoncorpziroday: i have ubuntu installed on primare IDE drive and vista installed on secondary sata drive but vista installed first could that be a problem?09:01
sidhRobbie_Crash: do you have access to your ubuntu box09:01
dragoncorpand the boot file is on the sata drive for grub09:01
zirodaydragoncorp: hmm, no as I followed the fdisk output. What was the error?09:01
sidhif not , you should add a route on your router in order to join your ubuntu by ssh09:01
Robbie_Crashsidh, nope. I've got access to two Windows boxes, and the router. But the Ubuntu box I need to get online is inaccessible.09:01
spepeThanks for the help! Bye! :)09:01
dragoncorpziroday: as i am not intelligent enough to copy it down.... lmao09:01
sidhthe route would be in the ubuntu IP range09:02
zirodaydragoncorp: if you could that would be really helpful09:02
Robbie_Crashsidh, the box is using as its gateway, but the router is now.09:02
sidhoops i'm telling bullsh.t sorry09:03
Robbie_CrashI guess I could flip the box back to and then do dhclient renew after a 5 minute sleep, set the router back to .2.109:03
Robbie_Crashhmm, brbr09:03
sidhthe ubuntu needs to know the default route09:04
sidhto get outside09:04
sidhwithout changing anything on ubuntu (you can not access for the moment09:04
sidhthe on ly thing i see is changing temporarily the local IP of the router in order to match the same subnet as ubuntu09:05
sidhthen you could join in09:05
zirodaydragoncorp: in channel please, and your fdisk output said it was the second partition on the first drive09:06
sidhwhile this time , you won't be able to join the windows box anymore09:06
zirodaydragoncorp: wait, so which hard drive is ubuntu installed on?09:06
dragoncorpziroday: ubuntu is installed on the primary ide drive09:06
=== Guest10877 is now known as Phlexonance
zirodaydragoncorp: okay, and vista?09:07
dragoncorpziroday: vista is installed on the secondary SATA drive there is only one partition on each drive09:07
sidhbtw does the alternate cd offers the same gnome desktop as the default ubuntu CD ?09:07
zirodaydragoncorp: okay, then yes in that case try hd(1,0)09:07
zirodaysidh: yep!09:07
sidhok thanks; i download it then09:07
zirodaysidh: the installer is just different09:08
sidhok thank you09:08
enos76sidh: the alternate CD uses a text-based installer09:08
=== rcrizh is now known as Robbie_Crash
Robbie_CrashWell, that did not work. :(09:12
ImYou know how ubuntu is maintained until a certain date, does that mean updates?09:12
zirodayIm: it means updates, but not new programs unless an SRU is filed09:12
ImOr does it just stop working?09:12
ziroday!eol | Im09:13
ubottuIm: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases09:13
ImAfter that certain date09:13
Phlexonancesomething strange is happening to my ubuntu 8.04, all of a sudden I can't use opera anymore, it freezes even with no open tab, I reinstalled it and get the same error, also my xchat suddenly lost it's servlist_.conf . I am afraid that I have a filesystemproblem, how can I detect such?09:13
fung_I'm tryign to watch a video but right when it loads I'm kicked out to the login screen09:13
fung_Why is that happening??09:13
zirodayIm: yep!09:13
fung_it's a 720p video .mkv and I'm on a laptop running kubuntu 9.0409:14
ImOh ok so it WONT stop working after say, 2010?09:14
ozzmosisPhlexonance: run opera from the terminal .. see if there are any errors output to the console09:14
[ucb]kevinperhaps someone can help me with the following: windows are opening in such an initial position that the title bare is hidden behind my main ubuntu "apps place system etc.." bar -- how can I fix this?09:14
PhlexonanceIm, it may work afterwards too, it "just" won't be secure to be online09:14
ozzmosisPhlexonance: also check $HOME/.xsession-errors09:15
P4R41yeesh, i hope this crazy set up im making finally works09:15
ozzmosisPhlexonance: might give you a few clues09:15
Phlexonanceozzmosis, yes there are errors, want me to query them to you?09:15
ozzmosisPhlexonance: pastebin09:15
zirodayIm: it will still work, but you will stop getting updates09:15
Phlexonanceozzmosis, http://pastebin.com/d3479d8e909:16
=== fitria_ainun is now known as pink_razta
ozzmosis[ucb]kevin: I "fixed" that by enabling auto-hide on the top menu09:16
zirodayimbezol: and you will find it hard to get support and updating won't work etc09:16
P4R41mount a microsd card with the livecd installed by unetbootin thru my g1 phone and use the cdrom-detect/try-usb=true option to avoid the I/O errors caused when i try to boot off the live cd...:X09:16
ozzmosisPhlexonance: those don't look too serious09:17
useruseruserhey gays09:17
iceroothow to search all *.tex files in one directory for the string "xml-grund" on the shell?09:17
Phlexonanceozzmosis, I found some errors in .xsession-errors which might be relevant, gimme a second09:17
ozzmosisiceroot: grep "xml-grund" *.tex09:18
=== Hi is now known as Guest65782
coreyman1I'm trying to create a file so I can click it and it run things in terminal09:19
coreyman1How can I do that?09:19
icerootozzmosis: thx09:19
Phlexonanceozzmosis, http://pastebin.com/d6230234009:19
Guest65782Argh brb09:20
icerootcoreyman1: chmod +x yourfile09:20
ozzmosiscoreyman1: add #!/bin/sh to the top of the file .. and chmod +x it09:20
coreyman1thanks,i was adding bin/bash09:20
FloodBot1useruseruser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:20
Robbie_Crashis there a way to shutdown a linux box for 10 minutes and have it boot back up automatically after that?09:20
ozzmosiscoreyman1: and be sure it's a text file09:20
ozzmosiscoreyman1: #!/bin/bash should work too09:20
Robbie_Crashuseruseruser go bug people on efnet09:20
sidhRobbie_Crash: no but you can tell it to reboot in 10 minutes09:22
coreyman1ozzmosis when i click the file it does nothing09:22
ozzmosisPhlexonance: hmm, nothing obvious there09:22
Robbie_Crashsidh yeah, I need to get my router to shut down for a few minutes, so that my linux box tries to renew its IP09:22
P4R41Robbie_Crash: you can probably set an autoboot time in the bios 10 min from now09:23
Phlexonanceozzmosis, I'll try the #opera for more specific help, but what would make my xchat loose it's server settings?09:23
[ucb]kevinozzmosis, thanks for the suggestion -- however its more of a "band-aide" than a soln.09:23
vigocoreyman1: here> http://propellerheadadmin.com/tutorials/ubuntu/19-create-a-keyboard-shortcut-to-launch-a-terminal , I am not certain if you can actually make a desktop icon, sure seems like one can.09:23
myselfanyone know a good download manager for ubuntu that can queue multiple mediafire downloads?09:23
myselfa debian package ?09:24
ozzmosis[ucb]kevin: yeah09:24
vigomyself: Jigido or something like that.09:24
coreyman1vigo I'm just trying to create a script that will run in terminal when I click it09:25
ozzmosiscoreyman1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/176246/09:25
ozzmosiscoreyman1: that works for me09:25
myselfyou know if that works good with mediafire?09:26
vigocoreyman1: You could try System>Prefs>Main Menu , and work it from there09:26
ozzmosisPhlexonance: bug in x-chat?  dunno .. I use irssi09:26
coreyman1ozzmosis yea that doesnt do anything either, i guess my settings are wrong?09:28
Phlexonanceozzmosis, I'll worry when something else happens, right now I'm busy (handymen @ home), thx, cya09:28
ozzmosiscoreyman1: I guess so...09:28
coreyman1under what setting would executing be under?09:29
enos76coreyman1: beware, /bin/sh is not a bash shell but a lighter  clone (dash). Not every bash feature  works on it09:29
ozzmosisenos76: freebsd habit09:30
vigocoreyman1: I just dragged mine to desktop, it works09:30
coreyman1I'm in the new KDE09:31
coreyman1so i guess this is kde specific09:31
coreyman1so i'll go ask in kubuntu09:31
g0wdahi all, i just installed jaunty on an all ext4 disk... I installed mpeg-ugly avi plugins, but movie playes plays stuff 20times slower... it's reiculous09:31
vigocoreman1: Leaves the one in the List and adds a new one on desktop.09:31
ozzmosisenos76: the BSDs (and OS X, afaik) don't install bash :)09:31
grigrishi i need some help pls09:32
grigrisany one for help?09:32
ozzmosisgrigris: just ask09:32
grigristo help me?09:32
indusgrigris: i will try help :)09:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:33
grigrisi want to help the ubuntu and i want to make upgrade the ubuntu 9.04 to new one 9.1009:33
coreyman1Yea, noone in kubuntu is answering, anyone know why I would not be able to execute shell scripts by just clicking in the new KDE.09:33
indusgrigris: 9.10 is in alpha status do u know?09:34
ozzmosiscoreyman1: maybe it's a feature09:34
rohitcoreyman1 ~ What happens when you click on the scripts ?09:34
coreyman1rohit nothing.09:34
ozzmosiscoreyman1: although right-click should give you some hints09:34
zebulon_are they executable?09:34
coreyman1its executable09:34
coreyman1 sudo chmod +x filename09:34
indusgrigris: 9.04 is the latest public release09:34
rohitcoreyman1 ~ And it runs via shell ?09:34
grigrisi know that i want to help ubuntu to make the 9.10 with help to give back any bugs09:34
indusgrigris: ok in terminal type 'sudo update-manager -d09:35
grigristhenk you09:36
simoncpuit seems that xmms no longer has a ui...09:36
simoncpudo i need to install a separate client or something?09:36
simoncpuwhat's happening with the world?09:36
simoncpufirst it was vmware, now xmms? :p09:36
zebulon_ui is overrated09:36
simoncputext-based is overrated09:37
zirodaysimoncpu: take a look at audacious09:37
rohitHas anyone tried Songbird ?09:37
joakimkAll video apps (VLC, Totem and Mplayer, at least) on my ubuntu8 install crash with error message, "X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation". I've googled it, only to learn it's most likely an Xorg/video hardware problem. But it seems to be a very common problem -- can anyone please help? :)09:37
ozzmosisrohit: yep09:37
vigogrigiris: Make a backup of anything that you feel is important, or backup everything, then make backups of the Alpha as you use it and find ore fix errors on it to help the developers.09:37
zebulon_yeah i like songbird09:37
simoncpuziroday: oki, i'll explore that09:37
zirodayjoakimk: what card, driver and version of ubuntu?09:37
rohitWell for some strange reason Songbird does not display album artwork stored in the same folder as folder.jpg :(09:38
ozzmosisrohit: songbird was a bit too bloaty for me .. had a decent UI though.  minus one star for not supporting drag and drop though.09:38
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indusgrigris: yeah i hope you have a backup09:38
roobot3hey, how do i run ubuntu in text mode without uninstalling the gui?09:39
roobot3ubuntu 909:39
indusgrigris: i suggest you download aplha 1 then install it on a separate partition09:39
joakimkziroday: Ubuntu 8.10. The video driver is "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver" for a X1300 Radeon card09:39
rohitozzmosis ~ Have you tried version 1.1.2 ? It's pretty fast ...09:39
zirodayjoakimk: okay, and you're running compiz?09:39
joakimkziroday: yes09:39
simoncpusongbird's screenshots look like itunes09:39
Robbie_Crashroobot3 install ubuntu server09:39
infinityxiit is similar looking09:39
roobot3i have already desktop09:39
zirodayjoakimk: in a terminal do metacity --replace & disown and then try play a video09:39
zebulon_i think that's deliberate09:39
infinityxii prefer the other skins though09:40
roobot3i will not uninstall09:40
simoncpudoes songbird integrates with ipod too?09:40
simoncpuor with creative xen09:40
Robbie_Crashroobot3 uninstall X and Gnome09:40
infinityxiwell i know with ipod09:40
infinityxinot sure about the xen09:40
simoncpui mean, zen, not xen...09:40
zebulon_wish we had something similar to Itunes's podcast directory on ubuntu09:40
=== Guest3029 is now known as carlitros82
ozzmosisrohit: I don't remember which version .. it was whichever apt-get downloaded for me a few days ago :)  rhythmbox does what I need09:40
joakimkziroday: hehe...09:40
rohitI think it should work with zen ...09:40
* simoncpu whacks himself for confusing an mp3 player with a hypervisor09:40
joakimkziroday: what was that? Seems to work09:40
zirodayjoakimk: working?09:40
Robbie_Crashor change your startup options to not launch X09:40
joakimkziroday: yes09:41
roobot3is there no way to run it in init mode 309:41
infinityxisongbird is overall awesome09:41
roobot3or whatever09:41
infinityxii even bought a couple of shirts09:41
zirodayjoakimk: I disabled compiz, its a known issue. Its gone with jaunty. If you want to stick with intrepid you might want to install fusion-icon which will allow you to easily switch between compiz and metacity. You will need to use metacity to play video09:41
cfeddeI'm happy with rhythmbox's podcast feature.09:42
joakimkziroday: OH! Nice!! The crappy compiz window switcher is also finally gone! :D09:42
simoncpuhow do i install this thing09:42
rohitI use either Banshee or Songbird both are nice - I never liked Rythmbox09:42
* simoncpu browses the archive for install scripts09:42
infinityxii like banshee09:42
zirodayjoakimk: well if you want to disable compiz permanently you can do that too...09:42
infinityxias a native gnome media player09:42
joakimkziroday: hmm... any reason not to? ;)09:43
rohitsimoncpu ~ Get the latest version from here - http://www.getdeb.net/app/Songbird09:43
Robbie_Crashroobot3 you just want a terminal, not with a GUI?09:43
zirodayjoakimk: nope, if you like compiz better then its absolutely fine09:43
joakimkziroday: so, what I just did is just until I reboot?09:43
zirodayjoakimk: thats correct. Go to System > Appearance > Desktop Effects > None09:43
simoncpurohit: i've already downloaded it :)09:43
roobot3i want to make it boot on text mode only and if i do startx it will run09:44
roobot3the gui09:44
joakimkziroday: Nice. Thanks a bunch! Btw, is this stuff better in Ubuntu9? My laptop keeps suggesting I upgrade09:44
[hR]If I want to use a usb wireless instead of my built in card how can remove it and make my usb wlan0 instead of wlan109:44
rohitrobot3 ~ so you don't want gdm to start ...09:45
ayiezchat irc09:45
zirodayjoakimk: it depends, in 9.04 you can't use the fglrx driver anymore and instead use the ati driver which is better in some places but worse in others09:45
joakimkziroday: ...and, if I click "upgrade", all my files (home dir) is safe? Also, I have a dual boot (with XP) -- the partition isn't touched, neither?09:45
rohitrobot3 ~ I think you will need to modify you're xinit.rc script09:45
=== glenn is now known as Guest12256
joakimkziroday: I see09:45
Robbie_Crashroobot3 edit /etc/inittab and change the default runlevel to 1 instead of 209:45
Myrtti!hi | ayiez09:45
ubottuayiez: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:45
zirodayjoakimk: correct, upgrading will not touch any of your files09:45
amarNo Sound in videos or Counter Strike.... fine in MP3 or other audio files... whats wrong...guys????09:45
yao_ziyuananyone installed adobe reader 9.1 (english) successfully?09:45
yao_ziyuanmine always returns exit code 12709:46
amarno sound09:46
joakimkziroday: nor partiton... :) But, reading your comment above, I'll stick with U8. It's working great -- at least now! :D09:46
roobot3there is no inittab on ubuntu 909:46
Robbie_Crashroobot3 refer to this for more info if that does not work for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23292109:47
[hR]How do i rename a wireless interface from wlan1 to wlan009:47
simoncpusongbird is nice09:47
joakimkziroday: so; just so I know... The metacity command is the same as going to System > Appearance .. and setting Desktop Effects to "none"?09:47
zirodayjoakimk: yep!09:47
rohitsimoncpu ~ But if you've got you're album art stored as folder.jpg files then it doesn't show it :(09:47
* simoncpu looks for the equializer09:47
simoncpurohit: that's ok...09:47
joakimkziroday: OK. I'm out. Have a nice day!09:47
Boohbah[hR]: why would you do such a thing?09:48
ayiezaku gk ngerti bosomu.............09:48
simoncpudo you guys know where i can find the equalizer in songbird?09:48
roobot3there is not inittab on ubuntu 909:48
roobot3as i saied09:48
[hR]I get an error when i try to bring my usb interface up, I think resulting from it not being called wlan009:48
[hR]SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory09:49
Robbie_Crashroobot3 did you read the thread I referenced to you?09:49
simoncpusongbird doesn't have an equalizer.... i can't boost the bass09:49
Robbie_Crashsimoncpu, in my experience songbird is all hype and little substance.09:50
rohitsimoncpu ~ it's expected in the next release :D09:50
Robbie_CrashIs there any way that I can get my ubuntu box to release/renew its dhcp address when I only have access to the router, not the actual box? My PC is retaining its old IP which is on a different IP range than my router now uses, so while I have remote access to my router, I cannot SSH into the PC and unlike the Windows/Mac boxes, my Ubuntu box for some reason refuses to update unless I either reboot it, or make it r09:51
rohitsimoncpu ~ Have you tried Banshee - it's got an equalizer :D09:51
[hR]Whats the command to restart networking?09:51
simoncpurohit: hmmm... i'll explore that09:51
Robbie_CrashI've tried reverting the router to the old IP, but I still cannot connect to the box, that way. Rebooting the router does not make the box pick up a new IP.09:51
indus[hR]: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart09:52
simoncpuRobbie_Crash: can you physically turn off the box?09:52
indus[hR]: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:52
simoncpuor physically press the reset button?09:52
[hR]yeh i did that09:52
Robbie_Crashsimoncpu nope, the box is about 200 miles away and there won't be anyone there for at least a day09:52
indus[hR]: then its done09:53
simoncpuhmmm... i thought DHCP leases expire after a few hours...09:53
[hR]yeh I think i need to reboot because my changes didn't take effect09:53
indus[hR]: sure09:54
simoncpuRobbie_Crash: how many interfaces does your router have?09:54
[hR]modified sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules09:54
[hR] but its not working09:54
simoncpumaybe you can configure another interface to have the same range as your box09:54
simoncputry vlan09:54
* simoncpu only tried vlans on freebsd, but believes that it can be done in linux 09:54
smokewonHey, is there some way to defrag my vista partition from my ubuntu partition?  vista's defrager is shit09:56
Robbie_Crashsimoncpu it's a WRT54G, with 3 LAN ports and 1WAN09:56
jussi01can someone tell me how to zip a folder up from the command line? (and I mean zip, not tar)09:56
Robbie_Crashsimoncpu I tried resetting the whole box to use the old IP range, but still nothing.09:57
simoncpuyikes... i don't know about specific linksys products... i thought you can ssh into your box or something :)09:57
rohitsmokewon ~ I don't think linux has a defragmentation tool:)09:57
Robbie_Crashsimoncpu I've got SSH and webGUI access to it/09:57
simoncpuRobbie_Crash: maybe your box no longer has an IP...09:57
Robbie_Crashsimoncpu yeah :( which one would hope would make it ask for one when the router powered back up, but the frakin' thing never does09:58
rohitjussi01 ~ zip -r name_of_file.zip files09:58
jussi01rohit: thanks!09:58
Robbie_Crashthis is why I need an IP PDU09:59
ozzmosissmokewon: doubt it.  there's a windows defragger called jkdefrag which seems decent.09:59
rohitjussi01 ~ np ... do a 'man zip' for more info09:59
rohitok time to head out ... laters people :)09:59
b1nouwak22Wiadomosc testowa do Norberta, Norbert come in!10:00
ozzmosissmokewon: also a sysinternals program called contig which can defrag individual files10:00
Bennitwhat package allows you to compile java junit tests?10:00
Bennit(without eclipse)10:00
b1nouwak22Norbert, powtarzam, come in!10:01
Bennittried package junit4 but that doesn't do much :p10:01
Spaderjestem jestem b1nouwak2210:01
blendmaster1024Bennit, why the heck are you using java with ubuntu !?!?!?!?10:01
Robbie_Crashis there a way to talk to a box with its MAC?10:02
ozzmosisblendmaster1024: eh?10:02
trokepI have downloaded and extracted jGnash 2.2 but cannot run the programme. It gets as far as the licence splash screen but no further. I have Sun java 6 installed.10:02
blendmaster1024java is evil.. sun doesn't use it!10:02
b1nouwak22Access granted!10:02
infinityxiblah, java is fine. so many javaphobes10:02
blendmaster1024sun thinks java is a bad language!10:02
blendmaster1024no, i've used java.10:02
infinityxiand i continue to use it10:03
ozzmosisblendmaster1024: can you tell formula1.com to stop using it for their live timing?  thanks ;)10:03
Robbie_Crashblendmaster1024 regardless of the quality of a language, there are programs writtten in it, that need to be run.10:03
blendmaster1024it is too object-oriented10:03
infinityxiwork and home.10:03
infinityxithats your opinion10:03
blendmaster1024go to sleep lol10:03
Bennitw/e, /j #uselessdiscussion10:03
infinityxioh right, this isn't ubuntu-offtopic10:03
infinityximy fault10:03
Bennitnow, anyone have an idea what apt-package allows u to compile junit code?10:04
=== MadMax is now known as Guest43423
NouwakUruchom konsole i wpisz "sudo apt-get install update"  To bardzo wazne!10:04
bazhang!pl | Nouwak10:04
ubottuNouwak: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:04
infinityxihave you tried "apt-cache search junit"?10:04
infinityxithere are a lot of goodies listed10:05
Rauhello all10:05
Benniti have10:05
hegdemaco: hey uthere??10:05
Nouwakubott:DZieki :)10:05
crazy_bus've got a dvd which while new seems to have trouble playing with all programs. On VLC 1.0 rc1 it drops the sound at random times every few seconds before working without flaw in around 20. I've tried turning the cache up really high but it doesn't seem to help.  On totem it doesn't load at all.  Any ideas?10:06
kiddisælir strákar10:06
Rauim just trying out the chat im new with ubuntu:)10:06
Bennitok apparently I needed both junit and junit4, junit is probably the links (as it was only 72k) :p10:06
infinityxiso just sun's java is installed, not ecj/gij as well?10:06
infinityxioh ok nm then10:06
=== rbo_ is now known as lng
MyrttiRau: hello, this is the support channel for Ubuntu. If you want to just chat, please use #ubuntu-offtopic10:08
Pietcrazy_bus: do you have libdvdcss2 installed?10:08
Robbie_CrashI give up.10:08
Pietcrazy_bus: dpkg -l libdvdcss2|grep libdvdcss210:08
crazy_busPiet: yes it's installed10:08
shortlordMy ubuntu shows a really strange behaviour. I installed 9.04 yesterday and for the first 2 hours, the multimedia keys were working. I installed a bunch of stuff and suddenly the keypresses started to repeat for the multimedia keys, so when I pressed mute, Ubuntu started muting and unmuting over and over again, blocking every other keyboard input. I found no solution so I reinstalled ubuntu today, and after a COMPLETELY FRESH install I get10:09
shortlord the same behaviour now out of the box! oO Does anyone know a solution?10:09
Pietcrazy_bus: run the applications which don't work from a terminal window, so you see their error output10:09
Raui have a question im a wow player i need to be able to play wow in Ubuntu how do i do that?10:09
shortlordRau, use wine10:10
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php10:10
Rauand i just add wow in the applications there?10:10
Pietshortlord: what is "a bunch of stuff" preciesely?10:10
bazhangRau, install wine first10:10
Lokekanyone know if the desktop workspaces can be configured seperately? ie different background pics/icons etc? and how?10:12
crazy_busPiet: http://www.pastebin.ca/142837610:12
shortlordPiet, tvtime, xmonad, flash, java, realigned gnome, installed and uninstalled some games10:12
Rauaight thanks alot guy's and il problebly be here again cause im a new user:) so see ya:)10:12
bullgard4[ALSAMixer] Is the slider control 'PCM' placed in front or behind the slider control 'Master'? (Card=Intel 82801DB-ICH4)10:12
lyraedoes -anyone- know what emerald.compiz theme is in this screenshot: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs40/f/2009/019/c/4/Current_Desktop_by_de_fused.png ?10:13
=== uncle|sam is now known as Uncle|Sam
shortlordPiet, nothing special, but now it does not even work after a fresh install... Is there the possibility that some program I installed yesterday changed some harware settings or anything else that would be persistent between 2 different installs? or is it definitely something related to my keyboard?10:13
Pietshortlord: hmm, doesn't seem related to me. still, if oyu wanted, you could just have a look at /var/log/apt/xterm.log and roll back all the package changes you made.10:14
brevolutionI've got a bit of a problem with desktop background rendering in 9.04 using xfce4 and compiz, xfce4's background manager can draw a different wallpaper for each of my 2 screens, and for a while it did, but now the gnome wallpaper overlaps the one put up by xcfe4, when I reload the window manager I see the doubledesktop for a second, but the single wallpaper gnome one pops over it almost immediately, and unfortunately I have10:14
brevolutionno idea what changed to cause this behavior....any help would be much appreciated10:14
shortlordPiet, I did not do any package changes today10:14
Lokekshortlord - have you checked the keys are not stuck on your keyboard?10:15
shortlordPiet, it is a fresh installed and the multimedia keys were broken ootb10:15
Pietshortlord: for all we know, it could just be that your keyboard batteries are getting empty10:15
shortlordLokek, yep, the keypresses only start when I press them, when I kill and restart X everything works normal again until I press one of the 6 multimedia keys10:15
shortlordPiet, it is a wired keyboard10:15
shortlordis there maybe any way how I could check where the problem lies? How can I check whether the key is pressed really multiple times or notify-osd is the problem?10:17
alpha232is there a way that I can change how a HID device is detected so I can use a program to interact with it instead of it being detected as a keyboard?10:17
juxtahow can I clear the MBR of a disk so I dont try to boot from it?10:17
kjelleWhen running gnome/kde, i (on IP HOST B) xhost +<IP HOST A>, and i do on IP HOST A "export DISPLAY=<IP HOST B>:0", why doesn't my IP HOST B automatically accept X on port 6000? Why do i need silly software like xserver-xephyr or xnest? They look bad, and u get a window.. Why can't my app be sent to my desktop on IP HOST B?10:18
Pietshortlord: try xev10:18
Pietshortlord: sorry, need to leave for now10:18
bazhanglyrae, are you referring to the dock? the terminal?10:18
lyraebazhang: term10:20
bazhanglyrae, the terminal is just running 'top' as far as I can tell10:20
DaZbazhang: he wants emerald theme...10:21
bazhangDaZ, emerald is unsupported for a while now10:21
DaZwhatever, i don't use it anyway ;10:21
DaZwhat is supported?10:22
bazhangno known replacement afaik10:22
shortlordlyrae, are you the creator of themes like Dyne, Black and White and Fawn?10:23
Pixelsif I create a USB Boot stick using Xbuntu instead of Ubuntu, will it take less space on a 1GB USB stick?10:23
Dillizardoes 9.04 the x86 supports 8gb of ram??10:23
DaZDillizar: maybe with something like pae10:23
=== monstah_ is now known as monstah
Phlexonancegnome places 1px border on the windows, what do I need to edit to stop that?10:25
* Bodsda has a telephone interview in 4 minutes and is nervous as hell10:26
DJonesPixels: If you've not already tried, it may be worth asking that question in #xubuntu, there may be somebody in that channel who has an answer10:26
PhlexonanceDJones, what's xubuntu?10:27
PixelsDJones: I hear ya10:27
=== sean is now known as Guest67229
DJones!xubuntu | Phlexonance10:27
ubottuPhlexonance: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:27
PhlexonanceDJones, oh, you don't mean me ^^10:27
bazhangxfce4 wm Phlexonance10:27
Guest67229hi if I try to add a user in system > administration > users and groups it tells me the user already exists but he's not listed10:27
brubelsabsIs there any terminal that can do reverse-search on the output? (I know screen can do this, but maybe others do that too) I use XUbuntu, so a XFCE/GTK solution would be cool...10:28
DJonesphisher1: no probs10:28
Guest67229and if I try to delete him using the command line - sudo deluser hisname I'm told there is no such user10:28
Guest67229what is going on10:28
frankandbeanstom hanks, can i have your autograph?10:29
Franticguys, what's the linux equivalent of Alt+0128 from windows? (0128 is the euro sign) (no I don't just want to type the euro sign, I want to be able to type any char by ascii code)10:30
shortlorddoes gdm source .xinitrc?10:31
P4R41is there an option i can add/change in the ubuntu live cd so that it uses a hdd as a source from which to install?10:31
ppdhi. my laptop refuses to be discoverable via bluetooth on ubuntu 9.04 with the gnome bluetooth applet (this is on a ibm t43). so connecting to the other device works, but the other way round is not possible because it can't see the computer.10:33
ppdcan you help me?10:33
tsurcI'm having a problem trying to write a script in bash, I'm getting an error "Binary operator expected"10:37
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tsurcI think its because I'm testing for a directory and the directory has a space in the name10:38
alpha232usb gurus in the house?10:40
alpha232lol yeah ummm yeah *cough*10:41
zebulon_i think in general the questions asked one here are so obscure precisely because we know how to google first10:42
alpha232zebulon_: not everyone knows how to google, and most people would rather cry help than try to read first10:43
frankandbeansalright, heres one thats not os specific, buy a nas server, or build one from on old pc i have sitting around...... long run, which one is more efficient, energy wise........10:43
alpha232frankandbeans: depends on the solution :)10:44
alpha232frankandbeans: some NAS servers chew more power than an old "green" pc10:44
zebulon_best way to determine that is a killawatt meter10:44
alpha232frankandbeans: if you're THAT concerned about energy, why not build it into another machine that doesn't get shut down normally10:44
frankandbeansfor that i would have to have both and test both, im not going to buy one just to test, and build a pc just to test it.....10:45
bazhangplease take hardware chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks10:45
zebulon_it's undecidable then.  NAS servers rarely print power consumption in their specs10:46
* frankandbeans does not want to take my discussion anywhere else, thanks........10:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:46
* frankandbeans thinks this place suits his needs for hardware chat.......10:48
* frankandbeans thanks you for your concern though10:48
bazhangfrankandbeans, please stay on topic10:48
frankandbeanspretentious much?10:48
brevolutionhello, does anyone know how to change how fast sudo times out?  it's pretty annoying having to enter my su pass almost every time I want to sudo10:50
ahhh_j #libres.irc-hispano.org10:50
jribbrevolution: man sudoers will tell you10:51
jribbrevolution: just make sure you make your edits using visudo10:51
brevolutionwhy? so I don't lock myself out of sudo access forever or something like that?10:52
jribbrevolution: yes10:52
brevolutionthanks for the warning, I would've gone straight to nano10:53
m3dlgsince installing 9.04 I've an issue with VLC and other video players. they all display video in another window, this is on the pc and the netbook, my pc was an upgrade the netbook was a raw install. what could be causing this and how can i fix it?10:55
jribm3dlg: no idea what you mean by "they all display video in another window"10:55
mikechelenm3dlg, in vlc this is by design, other players such as movie player should behave differently10:56
disappearedng_Hey if I forgot my normal user's password but not my root's password how do I change it ?10:56
indusm3dlg: its a vlc bug10:56
jribdisappearedng_: passwd USERNAME10:56
m3dlgjrib : the video is in one box and the normal window with the controls and where the video would normally play in an other10:56
m3dlgindux : thanks10:56
m3dlgindux : it qaffectsother plAYERS SOMETIMES10:57
indusm3dlg: bug report has been filed ,even after changing in preferences, it still has 2 stupid windows10:57
disappearedng_jnb: I forgot my current user password10:57
m3dlgindus : it affects other players10:57
jribm3dlg: what other players?10:57
m3dlg(sorry guys - i'm on a trainm)10:57
jribdisappearedng_: so log in as root...10:57
indusm3dlg: what do you mean by 'it'?10:57
m3dlgcan't remember whatones, i don't normally use others, but if it's a reconised bug then i'm sure it will be fixed soon, and if it other players using the same codecs then that miogt be allready identified as the cause.10:58
m3dlgTHanks guys, answers my problems - ta10:59
=== jan is now known as Guest72207
zenosound just stops working on me randomly, restarting alsa doesnt help.  rebooting fixes.  any ideas?11:01
almost I have created a directory in www/cgi-data called nontmp how do i make cgi-data the owner and set permisions to 0700?11:01
spepeHello everybody!11:01
Spike1506i was here earlier today for a problem with my sound.  system -> prefs -> sound shows a list of avaible playback methods, i tried all of them without luck.11:01
Gourliszeno, try recovery mode.11:01
Spike1506lspci | grep -i audio returns: 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)11:02
Spike150601:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 Audio device [Radeon HD 34xx Series]11:02
zenoGourlis: is that like windows safe mode11:02
indusSpike1506: Did you clean your ears? :) Bad joke  :()11:02
spepeI were here a few hours ago. I have a serber machine with Intel Xenon processors in it. I have found info about it here: https://www-947.ibm.com/systems/support/supportsite.wss/selectproduct?taskind=1&brandind=5000008&familyind=5111857&typeind=5111860&modelind=5111664&osind=0&psid=sr&continue.x=111:02
Spike1506indus, yeah I already tried that too :P11:02
spepe*server Sorry. :)11:02
Gourliszeno, not at all - you will have some choices to do.11:02
indusSpike1506: i have ati sound too11:02
argiusAlguien que hable español?11:02
indusSpike1506: but in home pc iam in work now11:03
pepe /join #ubuntu-es11:03
almostwow 1434 here must be the largest irc there is11:03
zenoGourlis: ok, once im booted into recovery mode what do i do?  a normal reboot fixes it until it stops again so not sure how thats different11:03
ozzmosisalmost: not even close11:03
Spike1506indus, to bad that you are not at home then :)11:03
argiushelp plis11:03
argiusi'm not speak english good11:03
indusSpike1506: but i try help anyways11:04
indusSpike1506: and i cleaned my ears too :)11:04
almostozzmosis: close to what11:04
ozzmosisalmost: to being "the largest"11:04
Gourliszeno, am not an expert but yesterday I had problems with shutting down my ubuntu and restarting. I entered the recovery mode and I did the task which says Repair Broken Packages and now everything works perfectly.11:04
almostok in linux anyway11:04
Gourliszeno, try recovery mode you won't lose anything.11:05
ozzmosisalmost: ah, maybe11:05
Gourliswhatvn, welcome back!11:05
Spike1506indus, any suggestions to fix it?11:05
spepeI can't seem to intsall any of these distributions: x86, amd64, IA64 on a computer like this: https://www-947.ibm.com/systems/support/supportsite.wss/selectproduct?taskind=1&brandind=5000008&familyind=5111857&typeind=5111860&modelind=5111664&osind=0&psid=sr&continue.x=111:05
dasilvaHey everyone. I just installed Ubuntu and Im having a few mouse issues. Anyone available to help?11:05
spepeAny ideas?11:05
FloodBot1spepe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:05
whatvnGourlis: hi, bro!11:05
indusSpike1506: can u repeat problem11:05
=== MaWaLe1 is now known as MaWaLe
Spike1506sound does not work :P11:05
Gourliswhatvn, sup? - 8.04 here today hehehe11:05
Spike1506tried all sound playbacks listed in system -> prefs -> sound11:06
zenoGourlis: ... i dont have broken packages appreciate the thought but that doesnt seem to address my issue11:06
spepeI have to leave for a while. Be right back!11:06
Spike1506i checked if there was anything muted but there isnt11:06
whatvnGourlis: why not 9.04, I think 9.04 better11:06
indusSpike1506: you tried this probably but... tried alsamixer?11:07
Gourliswhatvn, might be. Not for me (without a graphic card detected :P)11:07
zenowhatvn: 8.4 super stable, 9.4 more features11:07
odemasih ada org gak nich11:07
induszeno: dumb features11:07
ddoom_I have 3 1TB sata drives, ubuntu server is intalled on a partition of 1 of them. If i unplug one of the non-boot drives, it works fine.but if i have all 3 connected it comes up with raid45: unknown target type errors and drops to EasyBox (I think its called). My bios has fakeraid which I have turned off, any ideas?11:07
Gourliszeno, I said my opinion - Anytime I have problem I try everything heh :)11:07
Spike1506indus, in alsamixer there isnt anything muted either11:07
indusSpike1506: windows sound is ok?11:08
whatvnGourlis, ode: and I'm using RedHat, haha. But my laptop runs Ubuntu 9.04. Both are very good11:08
Spike1506indus, on windows it works yes, even on my gentoo installation it does11:08
indusSpike1506: which version ubuntu11:09
Spike1506indus, the latest 9.0411:09
Gourliswhatvn, linux :D11:09
dasilvaAnyone have any ideas why my optical mouse isn't working with Ubuntu? Just installed it today at running 9.0411:09
ozzmosisdasilva: is it USB?11:10
indusSpike1506: so you tried listening to sound in sound preferences all options?11:10
linuxxdis it USB?11:10
linuxxdis it getting detected11:10
ozzmosisdasilva: lsusb11:10
linuxxdand also paste the output of lsusb11:10
linuxxdin pastebin11:10
argiusI 'm lost11:10
Spike1506indus, yes, some of them give me a error like: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=music: Could not open audio device for playback.11:11
whatvnGourlis: I must go out, see you later11:11
argiusquien me entiendeeeeeeeeeeeeeee11:11
dasilvaSorry, what's pastebin?11:11
indusSpike1506: hmm good11:11
indusSpike1506: set all to automatic except capture11:11
linuxxddasilva: noob?11:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:11
yash!pastebin | dasilva11:11
ubottudasilva: please see above11:11
Gourliswhatvn, take care bro!11:11
Spike1506indus, all done (they are by default like that)11:12
argiushi people11:12
indusSpike1506: is rhythmbox or skype sitting in tray?11:12
Gourlishi argius11:12
Spike1506indus, no11:12
dasilvalinuxxd: Yeah, major noob. http://paste.ubuntu.com/176302/11:14
linuxxddasilva: google for pastebin11:15
linuxxdpaste ur output and give me the link11:15
Phlexonancegnome places 1px border on the windows, what do I need to edit to stop that?11:15
dasilvalinuxxd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/176302/ That work?11:15
linuxxdthere u are11:16
linuxxdlinux says some fault in the USB cable11:16
=== zhaozhou_ is now known as zhaozhou
dasilvalinuxxd: Seems to work fine on my other computer.11:17
Spike1506indus, yes?11:17
linuxxdit is unable to activate11:17
linuxxdthe msg11:17
ozzmosisdasilva: is it plugged directly into the computer, or through a hub?11:17
indusSpike1506: you know you do have sound but you dont really hear it11:17
dasilvaozzmosis: Directly11:17
ozzmosisdasilva: strange11:18
Spike1506indus, what do you mean?11:18
indusSpike1506: heh i mean >> if volume control in taskbar is not muted it does produce sound11:18
Spike1506indus, its not muted and there is no sound to hear..11:18
indusSpike1506: what doesright click on that icon say11:18
Spike1506it gives me a menu, and mute is not selected11:19
indusSpike1506: u using 2 speakers or a million? try locating the millionth one so u hear something :)11:19
indusSpike1506: i mean .. check all pcm controls etc11:19
dasilvaozzmosis: Yeah, I was hoping it would just plugin and work.11:19
=== brEz_ is now known as brEz
Spike1506indus, everything seems ok to me11:21
Spike1506indus, what I do know is that i had to use the latest kernel on my gentoo installation..11:21
indusSpike1506: it can be difficult to troubleshoot11:22
Spike1506indus, and I thought Ubuntu would be easier then Gentoo :P11:22
MrNazhow do you get info on a partition? say i want to know the size, filesystem, used/avail space etc of /dev/sdb1  ?11:23
jribMrNaz: df -h /dev/sdb111:23
MrNazfilesystem ?11:24
jribMrNaz: well if it is mounted, you can use « mount »11:24
indusSpike1506: did u have sound wiht a previous version of ubutu11:24
zebulon_ /part11:25
Spike1506indus, this is the only version i tried11:25
indusSpike1506: have you tried all movie playersmusic players11:26
indusSpike1506: you need an application to test sound afterall11:26
Spike1506indus, i tried movieplayer with a .mov file (latest apple ad)11:27
Spike1506no sound11:27
indusSpike1506: try vlc please and try a normal mp3 or use rhythmbox11:27
Spike1506indus, rhythmbox using a .mp3 = no sound11:28
Spike1506indus, installing vlc now11:29
mkarnickisup ppl :) ?11:29
tonkyhi guys, i have an old gutsy box, how do i upgrade it to hardy, or even jaunty, given that gutsy repos are offline already?11:29
mkarnickisudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:29
mkarnickibut you could also download an ISO and do it that way11:29
tonkymkarnicki: and then "do-release-upgrade"?11:30
FrGordanybodyaround that can help me with printing?11:31
tonkysorry, worng window :)11:31
mkarnickisorry, exited accidentally11:32
FrGordwrong window for help with printing in Ubuntu?11:32
tonkymkarnicki: mkarnicki: "apt-cache search dist-upgrade" gives me nothing, actually11:33
spepeHello everybody!11:33
jigpis ubuntu 9.04 bug?11:33
jigpwhy i always hang.slugish fresh install..11:33
spepeAny ideas on why can't I install Ubuntu on this type of server: https://www-947.ibm.com/systems/support/supportsite.wss/selectproduct?taskind=1&brandind=5000008&familyind=5111857&typeind=5111860&modelind=5111664&osind=0&psid=sr&continue.x=1 ? Sorry for disturbing you guys but I really need some help here. :)11:34
strydhi all11:35
=== mirk_ is now known as mirk
strydsince upgrading to jaunty from hardy (both ubuntu studio) I've been having video problems that seem to be caused by xorg - at least, xorg is unig 20% more CPU than it does in hardy... can anyone give me some advice on fixing it up?11:36
indusSpike1506: hi 2 min i go smoke11:37
Spike1506indus, ok, thanks for the help11:38
indusSpike1506: you hear something> in vlc there are some options foir sound11:39
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick
Spike1506indus, there is also no sound in vlc no mather what i try11:40
indusSpike1506: hmm11:40
indusSpike1506: what motherboard u using11:41
indusSpike1506: 2 min brb11:41
Spike1506indus, i have no clue tbh11:41
Spike1506wrong button11:42
TrivediUbuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Alpha 1 Released  http://www.techfancy.co.cc11:44
gartralok, i have a Putty-formatted RSA ssh key, how do i turn it back into a .ASC key?11:45
matmohello, sat here in dread looking at another kernel update :-( All previous ones got into a loop about merging changes (menu.lst?) and left the computer unbootable. I then had to do a usb boot to fix. Don't know if I have the patience for another round.11:47
primecomcan someone help me11:48
gartralmatmo: dev merge left mine OK11:48
matmogartral: "dev merge"?11:48
DJonesmatmo: I normally just pick the option for the package maintainers version and haven't had any problems11:49
alakooprimecom: what's the problem?11:49
gartralmatmo: something to that effect, one second11:49
gartralmatmo: DJones has it, i'm sorry11:49
matmoDJones: Does that option leave the previous kernel?11:49
primecomhow to change your workgroup on ubuntu11:50
fiscdes^_^IGnRhi djon11:50
matmogartral: np11:50
DJonesmatmo: I've found that it add's the previous kernel's into the menu.list with the newest one at the top11:50
matmoanother thing that gets stuffed every time is my wifi11:50
matmoDJones: ok, good to know, thanks11:51
ikoniaprimecom: workgroup is only really relevant in samba11:51
fiscdes^_^IGnRhi elluca11:52
indusSpike1506: hi11:53
indusSpike1506: any luck11:53
matmoI spend more time configuring this thing than using it atm, lol. Just spent past two hrs figuring out the best of the solutions to hdparm settings to avoid shortened hd life.11:53
Spike1506maybe my hardware is not yet support in the latest ubuntu release11:53
indusSpike1506: have you checked launchpad for a similar problem?11:53
Spike1506indus, not yet, will do11:54
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/11:54
matmoDJones: btw, are you dual booting?11:54
TwoDHow can I see which program is eating up all my bandwidth?11:54
Spike1506indus, any usefull stuff i have to search for?11:55
DJonesmatmo: its set up for dual boot, although i don't boot into the other O/S very often11:55
ikoniaSpike1506: what's the problem ?11:55
gizmo_the_great hey - trying to install postgresql via package manager and also tried apt via command line. Finds the package OK but get a 404 error saying it cant find server. All other packages installed OK and Internet connection is OK. Any ideas?11:55
ikoniaTwoD: ntop11:56
indusSpike1506: yeah the ubuntu forums for pulse audio seems a good option11:56
Spike1506ikonia, sound not working under ubuntu, lspci | grep -i audio results: 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)11:56
Spike150601:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 Audio device [Radeon HD 34xx Series]11:56
ikoniagizmo_the_great: do an sudo apt-get update first, the package may have been superceeded11:56
TwoDikonia, it lists programs?11:56
ikoniaSpike1506: ati/intel ?11:56
ikoniaTwoD: it shows you the daemons using up traffic11:56
indusSpike1506: can you try gstreamer-properties and go through all options again11:56
Spike1506ikonia, ati11:56
TwoDikonia, ah, thanks11:57
matmoDJones: ok. Now holding my breath while it updates... I may faint... especially if it's problem free :-)11:57
DJonesmatmo: Good luck11:57
ikoniaSpike1506: hands up, I've never heard of an ati sound card11:58
gizmo_the_greatikonia: yep - that worked. many thanks11:58
Spike1506ikonia, i think its a ati one11:58
ikoniagizmo_the_great: no problem11:58
ikoniaSpike1506: never heard of an ati sound card at all11:58
indusikonia: Spike1506:ATI chipset motherboards list in ubuntu as HD ATI SB11:58
ikoniaindus: never heard of one at all11:59
Spike1506and thats what shows up in volume control etc.11:59
live_session_usewant to use to sata-hdd's as a raid...made the changes in bios....this far all is right11:59
indusikonia: ATI chipsets for amd AMD 690 G 780G11:59
indusikonia: its the northbridge11:59
* Spike1506 uses a hp pavilion dv5 (1020ed) laptop11:59
AdvoWorkhi there, i just pressed something by accident, ctrl + something i think, now my theme is black and confused. any ideas how to reset it lol?11:59
ra21vilast night, my harddisk started showing bad-sectors in strange way.. after sometime more bad-sectors generated and the hDD is totally new11:59
gartrali have a Putty-formatted RSA ssh key, how do i turn it back into a .ASC key?11:59
ikoniaindus: you can keep saying it....but it won't change the fact that I've never heard of an ati sound card12:00
live_session_usewhen trying to install ubuntu...i got the two disks as independent ones not as the logical single one they should be12:00
ra21vican it be caused due to data corruption, since I dont have UPS and lights went off sometime12:00
indusikonia: ya ok i didnt say they make it12:00
live_session_usewhat the hell did i wrong or does i need special support to get this hardware raid12:00
indusikonia: i said they appear in ubuntu as such > ATI (AMD) makes the chipset which controls all of them12:00
Spike1506indus, ikonia anything else i might try?12:01
ra21viand Now, i need to format the HDD partition with low-level-formatting option. How can I? is there any linux tool for it?12:01
indusikonia: so your argument is irrelevant12:01
ikoniaindus: stop being a jerk, I wasn't arguing, I was explaining I can't help as I don't know anyhing about that card, nor have I heard of it12:01
dam0i do12:01
indusikonia: ok not polite at all12:02
=== xmen is now known as ac0
dam0ATI card>12:02
neptunehey how can i know if i am on hardy or gutsy?12:02
ikoniaindus: move it to #ubuntu-ops if you want to query it12:02
neptuneor whatever this is called12:02
ikoniadam0: go for it if you know about that card12:02
DJones!vesion | neptune12:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vesion12:02
indusikonia: u having a bad day or what12:02
DJones!version | neptune12:02
ubottuneptune: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »12:02
ikoniaindus: please stop - no, I'm not having a bad day12:02
dam0neptune: System/ about ubuntu12:02
indusSpike1506: sorry i cant help you more12:03
live_session_useactually i m not sure if my board has just some fakeraid12:03
ra21vialso, I cannot have fresh install of Ubuntu for many reasons, no much time setting Ubuntu and no internet at Home. so right now I need to format my HDD and then copy the ubuntu installation from current machine to my HDD for home. But current machine has hardware Intel Core2 Duo and a little more change (machine by HP)and home computer is assembled with Intel P4 2.6612:03
Spike1506indus, thanks for the help anyways ^^12:03
ra21viso will it make any diff. will it be successful to copy the / in new partion for my home comp.12:03
neptunei still don't know what to do12:03
Pete_BIf suspend/hibernate writes out the contents of RAM to swap, if I'm already using 1GB swap, does suspend/hibernate require an additional 1GB swpace on swap?12:03
indusSpike1506: welcome :)12:04
neptuneso what is this? what's the name for this#12:04
toortoorguys i installed ubuntu and now I'm getting grub error 21. i can't boot into anything12:04
ikoniaSpike1506: this may sound obvious but have you checked out the basics in the "sound" factoid yet ?12:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about souond12:04
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:04
live_session_use@ra21vi... by just copying some links may break12:04
tigaahai whats ur name12:04
ra21viPete_B: AFAIK, suspend and hibenate will work best if you have more disk than RAM, almost double is common. Like 1GB RAM, 2GB SWAP12:04
live_session_useis core2duo 64bit or 32bit?12:04
neptunewhat is ubuntu 8.10 called?12:05
ikonialive_session_use: 64bit capable, both os's will run12:05
Pete_Bra21vi: thanks12:05
ikonianeptune: intrepid ibex12:05
DJonesneptune: Intrepid12:05
toortooranyone got solution for grub error 21?12:05
live_session_usebut doesn't want he downshift the system to an 32bit ?12:05
ikoniatoortoor: it means grub on your master boot record is looking at the wrong partition for boot info12:05
ra21vino one answered me .. pleae help. i need to restore the comp at my home. Work is stalled please12:05
matmoDJones: no fainting here. Exactly the same boot problem "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition"12:06
Spike1506ikonia, doing that now12:06
toortoorikonia: what do i do now?12:06
ikoniaSpike1506: it's doubtful it will change much if you have hardware support issues, but worth a shot12:06
ikonia!grub > toortoor12:06
ubottutoortoor, please see my private message12:06
ikoniatoortoor: check out the highlevel link ubottu sent12:06
live_session_usera21vi just copying doesn't sound a good way12:07
DJonesmatmo: Sounds strange, I've not seen error 17 before12:07
live_session_useanyone may help me with raid?... or am i the only one stupid enough to build one ^^12:07
Spike1506is this any usefull?12:07
ra21vilive_session_use: well i have problem and i cannt have fresh install12:08
daniel010101hi FloodBot112:08
Spike1506ah im stupid lol12:08
ra21viany way to format a partition low level format, in Ubuntu12:08
Spike1506Having sound issues with HP dvx laptop <-- didnt see that part12:09
Spike1506gonna try that now12:09
daniel010101how come theres no ops12:09
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:09
irchHello guys. I`m trying to symlink a directori from /home to my public_html directory (also located in /home). So I do ln -s directory public_html.  But somehow I can`t see the folder in my apache listing. And if I try to access it by /~user/folder, I get "you don`t have permission to access /~user/folder on this server". And I did chmod 755 on the folder I want to sym link. Any suggestions ?12:09
jpdsdaniel010101: Not needed at the moment.12:09
jribdaniel010101: why do you need an op?12:09
live_session_usei suggest you may get troubles with links12:09
daniel010101i dont12:09
jribdaniel010101: ops come out when needed :)12:09
daniel010101oh ok12:09
live_session_usehow do you want to "copy" /12:10
daniel010101wasnt there a thing to notify a bot12:10
daniel010101soz i mea op12:10
lighthello i'm an op12:10
daniel010101no ur not12:10
matmoDJones: it's reported often. The boot menu line has no root device specified. Now if only could remember, "root (hd0,6)/..."12:10
jriblight: please stop12:10
lightja, i am. but for #openbsd12:10
ra21vilive_session_use: copy with permission12:11
jribdaniel010101: you call !ops if there is trouble in the channel (but don't abuse it as you will get banned)12:11
Gabrydarki need some help12:11
DJonesmatmo: Just picked up a point that error 17 is reported if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.12:11
daniel0101011 question what happens if someone does it in my own chat12:11
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:11
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jribdaniel010101: nothing... !ops just triggers ubottu to say all of the ops' names12:12
Gabrydarksomeone can help me in query?12:12
jrib!pm | Gabrydark12:12
indus!ops > indus12:12
matmoDJones: yep, because of the missing entry for root device12:12
ubottuGabrydark: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:12
ubottuindus, please see my private message12:12
daniel010101lol ok12:12
irchwicked :)12:12
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:13
bazhangdaniel010101, please stop12:13
Gabrydarkmy first time with ubuntu and an eeepc 4gb12:13
daniel010101ok but what am i doing12:13
Gabrydarki need to recompile kernel to add some modules12:13
DJonesmatmo: Maybe you should report it as a bug if you find it happens everytime you get a kernel update12:13
daniel010101how come theres 3 floodbots12:13
matmoDJones: I will but I'm pretty sure it has been reported many time already12:14
matmoDJones: luckily I have unetbootin also on the hd12:14
daniel010101why is hardly anyone talking12:15
bazhang!ot | daniel01010112:15
ubottudaniel010101: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:15
mangzhi! question: can i repair my 9.04 install with an older live disk? i upgraded with the update utility but now i can't boot into linux, something about ata softreset failed and then nothing. i have booted successfully into 9.04 a few times, but now nothing. ideas?12:15
DJonesmatmo: Good job you're used to it and expect it, at least you know what to do to fix it12:15
lightdoes ubuntu use adress space layout randomisation?12:15
matmoDJones: yeah, but I'm PO at having to go through the same pain every time12:16
indusmangz: hey i have same error ata softreset failed12:16
daniel010101i wonder who started this channel12:16
light20:45  - ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Founder    : Nalioth, elkbuntu, PriceChild12:17
daniel010101how are u12:18
indusfine thanks.Whats your question12:18
fluxdudedoes anyone know why my ubuntu server 8.10 installation fails to find any disks in esxi?12:18
mangzno ideas about fixing a newer install with an older live cd? or how to fix the softreset issue? it's really strange, because it just suddenly stopped working12:19
bazhangdaniel010101, this is ubuntu support; chat in the offtopic channel not here12:19
fluxdudedebian installed find, centos installed fine, but not ubuntu...12:19
lightwhat's the difference between passing gcc  -pthread vs -lpthread?12:19
SheathedI'm trying to disable the light on my laptop webcam. Any suggestions where I should look for help?12:20
iamlenekoam i the only one that have sometime firefox getting 100% on both core and near freeze the whole system ?12:20
live_session_useonce again: need help building raid with ubuntu!12:20
vigoSheathed: #hardware?12:20
masqueradeshort question. assuming i have a win2000 server and want to access it remotely, whats the best way to do this?12:20
indusiamleneko: i too have it12:20
live_session_usedid anyone suckesfully build one?12:20
indusiamleneko: u visit some flash site or java maybe12:20
Sheathedvigo, thanks, I'll try it12:20
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:21
coz_bidossessi,  from what I see it can be any hold on I have a pdf12:21
strydsince upgrading to jaunty from hardy (both ubuntu studio) I've been having video problems that seem to be caused by xorg - at least, xorg is unig 20% more CPU than it does in hardy... can anyone give me some advice on fixing it up?12:21
iamlenekoi wonder if it is because of compize12:21
masqueradeubottu: but you need to setup ssh on the server first, right?12:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:21
vigoSheathed: My pleasure, look at the #list on Freenode, it might be ##hardware12:21
iamlenekoi never had this problem with firefox on windows xp12:21
iamlenekoi had only 1 flash in some tab12:21
bidossessicoz_, nvm i think i know what the error is.12:21
indusiamleneko: ya its true firefox in windows is better12:21
josteinthi all! could someone with ubuntu 9.04 please try 'sudo apt-get install schism' and run 'schism'? i am having trouble running it with kubuntu 9.04, and i believe it is related to pulseaudio being used as default sound server in kubuntu 9.04. using alsa as default would problably make schism run. but does this happen in ubuntu 9.04 as well?12:22
ra21viwhat would be the command to copy one / to another parition.. do I have to exclude the /media /dev  /tmp dirs12:22
lighttry enabling EXA and playing with Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"12:22
iamlenekolight, who ? me ?12:22
lightthe dude with the slow X12:22
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:22
strydthanks light, i'll look into it12:23
Spike1506ikonia, indus: im really really sorry.. i should have checked out this earlier: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#Having%20sound%20issues%20with%20HP%20dvx%20laptop12:23
Spike1506that fixed my issue :(12:23
matmoDJones: relief, back up running, wifi not effected... my be my lucky-ish day :-)12:23
ikoniaSpike1506: hey, it worked, thats great12:23
indusSpike1506: cool12:23
DJonesmatmo: :)12:23
vigojosteint: Do you have Pulse and Alsa installed?12:23
Spike1506indus, ikonia: check out the reason why it doesnt work the normal way :P12:24
coz_bidossessi,  apparenlty you can switch that system12:24
coz_bidossessi,  i am reading a few articles on that system12:24
indusSpike1506: dont tell me> ears not clean? :D12:24
josteintvigo: not sure... i am just using kubuntu 9.04. i believe it has pulse and alsa installed. pulse uses alsa12:24
Spike1506no: The cause, according to some alsa developers, is an incorrect 'pin' assignment (in the BIOS, perhaps) whereby sound output meant for the internal speakers gets routed to the wrong place.12:24
lightstryd: also check your %int12:24
josteintvigo: but some apps does not always work using pulse12:24
indusSpike1506: wow wait let me read that12:24
bidossessicoz_, yeah, that's not the problem, it seems, something else is failing12:24
lightstryd: could be a buggy driver causing too many interrupts which hits latency hard sometimes12:24
Spike1506indus, cleaned me ears twice today just to make sure it wasnt me being deaf :p12:24
strydlight sorry you've lost me there, and i imagine that google will be less than useful to study it, what'sthat?12:25
lightstryd: just look at the % interrupts in top(1) output12:25
lightstryd: if it's consistantly high then -> wtf12:25
strydlight: it's the sis650 driver, hasn't been updated (or maintained) in years afaict12:25
lightstryd: it's not necessarily X that's your problem12:25
strydno youre right... x is just one thing i've looked at12:26
strydbut i notice that it's way high on cpu compared with hardy doing the same thing12:26
jimi_hello people, im just about to venture into the world of trying to get WoW to work in ubuntu. I have the website here to follow but I need to ask  one thing. It says that I can copy the WoW folder over from my windows installation, fair one, but can I do that if the installation is on another partition on the same disk as ubuntu?12:26
lightwhat is the breakdown of that cpu time though?12:26
lightis it all userspace?12:26
strydall i need to do is try to move a scrollbar (say, in here) and video playback freezes12:26
indusSpike1506: where is that bit in the url? about pin12:26
jribjimi_: I don't see why that would matter12:27
juxoHellow i have problème on dell i can't install pcmcia card for wifi with BCM43 chispset i have been read lot of solution on internet but i have resolved my probems help ?12:27
jimi_jrib, how would i access it?12:27
vigojosteint: Pulse is usually a required package for sound, I am not really certain how KDE handles it, that would be my guess, update and upgrade those things, like apt-get update/apt-get upgrade , to freshen up the sources.lst or look at the forums if no one here knows.12:27
strydit's mostly userspace12:27
jimi_jrib, to copy it over12:27
Spike1506indus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#Having%20sound%20issues%20with%20HP%20dvx%20laptop 4th line12:27
jrib!ntfs > jimi_12:27
ubottujimi_, please see my private message12:27
jimi_jrib, ty :)12:27
indusSpike1506: woah ok there is a section about hp laptops ok ill keep that in mind incase someone has similar issue12:27
Spike1506so will i ;-)12:28
ra21viI asked almost 6-7 different question related to my problem. Really feeling unlucky man. No one replied and Google is not much helpful in my case. Anyway. here is last question before I jump out. and waste my one more night over my PC fixing Disk and Ubuntu Setup. The thing is, I need Ubuntu and my Home back in working so I can continue my work which is really Urgent. I cannot have fresh install, please don't suggest it. I need to copy the existing installa12:28
josemiiI want to play World of Warcraft on Ubuntu 9.04, whats better? Cedega? CrossOver Linux Pro/Games? Wine?12:28
indusSpike1506: thanks a lot for the link i feel enligjhtened12:28
Spike1506ty you too12:28
strydlight: i'm going to try that option and restart, bbiab12:28
bidossessira21vi, is your /home on a separate partition?12:29
ra21vibidossessi: yes12:29
bidossessira21vi, do you have your setup working somewhere else?12:29
josemiiI want to play World of Warcraft on Ubuntu 9.04, whats better? Cedega? CrossOver Linux Pro/Games? Wine?12:30
juxoHellow i have problème on dell i can't install pcmcia card for wifi with BCM43 chispset i have been read lot of solution on internet but i have resolved my probems help ? ?12:30
bidossessira21vi, meaning do you have another ubuntu machine working ?12:30
ra21vibidossessi: means. The workplace PC has Ubuntu working fine.12:30
ra21vibidossessi: this machine, from which I am loggin in12:30
jigphello how to hide my /home/jipg folder so that desktop user cannot access my home/jipg folder?12:30
vigojosemii: Cedega is a pay as you play thing, I do not like it, but that is an opinion, try WINE12:31
dam0wine is slow12:31
dam0makes ya pc slow12:31
jimi_jrib, blimey that all looks a bit complicated, I have only been using Linux for about a month12:31
ra21vijigp: if you are sudoer, yo can restrict the permission in folder using chmod12:31
bidossessira21vi, pack the debs you need to get your target machine to working condition on a portable media and resinstall without formatting your /home partition, is that possible for you?12:31
zambai'm trying to set up a shared firefox profile.. meaning that all users get the exact same .mozilla folder and then run on-top of that..12:31
jribjimi_: you should just have to click on your ntfs partition in nautilus.  Or use the gui ntfs-config...12:31
zambaproblem is that firefox locks up when doing this..12:31
jribjimi_: I must go now though12:32
zambais there a magic file that's used for locking or similar?12:32
jimi_jrib, ok ty :)12:32
ra21vibidossessi: that would mean i will have to redownload those debs., as yeaterday I was thinking the same, and check /var/apt/cache and found nothing. The old are deleted automatically12:32
jigpra21vi : how to do that?im the root.12:32
bidossessizamba, add your custom stuff to /etc/skel12:32
zambabidossessi: hm?12:32
areelshello, which virtual machine is best for ubuntu?12:32
zambabidossessi: /etc/skel is for the creation of new users.. this is for already active users12:33
jigpra21vi : i tried to right click my folder "jigp" but there is no related to hide there12:33
DaZareels: virtualbox is fine12:33
areelsapt-get install virtualbox?12:33
ra21vijigp: ok, means you need simple hide// just prefix . to the fodler name12:33
neo8848hi there?12:33
ra21vijigp: i mean , rename the folder with . as first letter12:33
jigpra21vi : i just want the desktop users cannot view or open my /home/jigp folder12:33
ra21vibidossessi: any other method12:34
vigodam0: OpenBox or something? I was going to try EQ , but saw that cedega wanted a monthly fee, is like reverting to a system I gladly ran away from three tears ago.12:34
ra21vijigp: that will hide. you cannot see that in nautilus till you select to view hidden files (ctrl+h)12:34
neo8848i need some help on installing ubuntu server on a pc that has windows xp home edition, i just finished installing ubuntu, and the system can no longer boot12:34
bidossessira21vi, thinking about cloning your / partition and moving it over to the target machine? i though of that as well, but not sure how it could be done12:34
jigpra21vi : how about this..the /home/jigp folder can still view but if they want to open it they need to identify or cannot be open12:35
induscd rom not being detected in jaunty , can we call thata critical bug?12:35
outboard_is there any know issue with 9.04 and opera browser ?12:35
ra21vibidossessi: maybe. gParted has copy option12:35
DaZjigp: chmod?12:35
bidossessiindus, it could laso be called hardware failure12:35
jigpDaz : chmod +x jigp is not working12:35
josteintvigo: ok. thanks for that info. are you usibng 9.04?12:35
ra21vibut not sure if it will work best to copy / filesystem since mahine is live on that12:35
jtajijigp: what you want to do is: sudo chmod o-rwx /home/jigp12:35
DaZjigp: it makes it executable :x12:36
neo8848i'm not sure if it's the same with debian, i used to install with debian and during installation, it detects xp and includes it in grub.... however with the ubuntu installation, it just proceeds with grub and finishes installation...12:36
indusbidossessi: it works in windows:)12:36
jigpjtaji : perfect.let me type that12:36
vigojosteint: No, I am on 8.04.212:36
jtajijigp: then if others need access, change the group owner on that directory and make all desired users member of that group12:36
DaZmake it 600 or something12:36
ra21viDaZ: how about chown root and then chmod 70012:36
indusindus: but scott james remnant did ask me for some files so iam hopeful12:36
jtajira21vi: another way to break his jigp user :p12:37
indusbidossessi: : but scott james remnant did ask me for some files so iam hopeful12:37
=== Donnie is now known as Zatoichi
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josteintpsycoborg: could you please try apt-get install schism and run schism? it would be nice to know if it runs ok on 812:37
jigpsudo chmod o-rwx /home/jigp to give permission not to view by the desktop users..how to enable it? jtaji12:37
jtajijigp: that's it12:37
qippsi converted my sda1 on jaunty to ext4, how long will it take until the effects are complete?12:37
deepzAnyone can help me out?? issue related to mac address12:38
jigpjtaji : i will just re-type sudo chmod o-rwx /home/jigp to enable it again?12:38
DaZqipps: after you'll reinstall everything12:38
monstahdeepz: state your problem12:38
dasilvaIm trying to use Kismet... does anyone know how to find the sourcetype, interface, name ?12:38
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:38
jtajijigp: sudo chmod o+rx /home/jigp12:38
qippsdaz: ok that would be a good option12:38
iamlenekoschism package look like broken12:38
DaZyou should have everytinhg in cache anyway12:39
matmoDJones: FYI (and others) a kernel update puts "root ()/ubuntu/disks" in every option in menu.lst instead of, in my case, "root (hd0,5)"12:39
qippsdaz: it wouldnt take too long12:39
deepzmonstah: i have eth1 interface in my laptop. wanted to change it to etho12:39
qippsdaz: what if i only reinstall my most used software?12:39
DaZqipps: ext4 features work on files installed after filesystem conversion12:40
deepzmonstah: Is there any function which determines current network interface used in the system??12:40
Gabrydarkanyone can explain me how i can recompile kernel on ubuntu ?12:40
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages12:40
DaZyou  won't feel any difference anyway imo12:41
ActionParsnipDaZ: a conversion to ext4 rather than formatting ext4 initially doesnt net the profits of ext412:41
qippsso i better reinstall jaunty?12:42
DaZsure, sure12:42
Piethmm i can't get pulseaudio and alsa to work. i have a source, but no sink. http://pastebin.com/m1f600a2212:42
qippswill jaunty recognize the ext4 automatically?12:42
ActionParsnipqipps: sure12:42
DaZit should12:42
DaZbut it's waste of time12:42
qippscool, i have to copy some downlaods first12:42
schambershas anyone installed the firegl drivers for ubuntu?12:43
qippswhy its a waste of time?12:43
schambersi dont see my video card driver on the ati website...mobility firegl v570012:43
DaZbecause the difference is not worth it <:12:43
Gabrydarkthanks ActionParsnip12:43
DaZi've converted it to ext4, reinstalled packages and i have desired speed12:43
qippsso it does work12:44
Skaagdaz you feel a significant improvement?12:44
ActionParsnipGabrydark: np bro12:44
qippsdas: what kind of software did u reinstall?12:45
DaZSkaag: like 10mb/s  more :F12:45
DaZqipps: everything i had in cache12:45
qippsdaz: how did u manage tot do so?12:45
DaZi'm not using ubuntu12:45
DaZbut you should have packages cached somewhere too12:46
schambershow can i install the fglrx drivers for my ati card on my laptop?  are they just one driver in general, or do i need to get the specific driver for my card. I dont see it on the ati website.12:46
qippsdaz: what distro do u have then?12:46
strydsince upgrading to jaunty from hardy (both ubuntu studio) I've been having video problems that seem to be caused by xorg - at least, xorg is using 20%+ more CPU than it does in hardy... can anyone give me some advice on fixing it up?12:47
ActionParsnip!ati > schambers12:47
ubottuschambers, please see my private message12:47
Pieti can't seem to make pulseaudio detect my alsa devices correctly (using hal). i have a source, but no sink. these are my alsa devices and the hal devices: http://pastebin.com/m46c00d2d12:47
qippsdaz: since fresh install only take 20 minutes that would be a good option too12:48
DaZit's you computer12:48
qippsdaz: i didnt get arch working for some reason12:48
DaZdo what you want <;12:48
qippsdaz: thx for helping and bye12:49
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dimitreeIs there a problem with the update page ? When i restart and check for updates (just installed 9.04) it shows 89 files or something, then when it wants to download them there's an error showing, and after some minutes when i check again it shows 55 files instead of 89 and downloads without problems.Any idea what's going on ?12:51
indusdimitree: update page?12:51
dimitreeindus the update manager12:51
indusdimitree: is it first time it happened?\12:52
dimitreeindus yes i just installed ubuntu12:52
dimitreeindus fresh install with formatting12:52
ActionParsnipdimitree: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get upgrade12:52
gartral_how can i force-drop sudo privledges in a terminal without actually restarting it?12:52
indusdimitree: what might happen is> some package might have  a problem ,then the maintainers might hold back some packages so when u recheck it shows  a newer list12:53
dimitreeindus i was also unable to download and install Konversation or anything in that manner because of that problem so i can come and ask whats going on lol12:53
zambawhat has happened to the way firefox handles profiles in jaunty? in intrepid i could create a profile on one machine and then just move the whole .mozilla-folder to a new computer, and it would work..12:53
zambadoing the same in 3.0.9 just freezes firefox (defunct in process list)12:53
dimitreeActionParsnip: ok i will try that thank you12:53
vigoActionParsnip: Is that the command to clean up broken or obsolete packages?12:54
KingKimii cannot use nokia mobile usb bcoz i have no drivers... is there any nokia driver in syna[tic?12:54
dimitreeActionParsnip: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.   so everything is ok i guess ?12:55
indusyeah okie12:55
ActionParsnipvigo: it cleans out the cache and updates whats available, fixes broken deps then updates, it should give a stable system block of packages12:55
ActionParsnipdimitree: indeed12:55
dimitreegreat :) thanks a lot !12:55
bobbob1016I can't mount a drive in my PC it says "/dev/sda1 already mounted" or in use by another program.  df -h doesn't show it mounted, any way I can see what program is using it?12:55
vigoActionParsnip: Thank you12:55
indusActionParsnip: what about the sudo apt-get -f update12:55
indusActionParsnip: what about the sudo apt-get -f install  i mean12:56
KingKimi i cannot use nokia mobile usb bcoz i have no drivers... is there any nokia driver in syna[tic?12:56
indusActionParsnip: is that a force install12:56
schambersi don't see a video card under the "hardware drivers" config that the ati binary guide is talking about12:56
schamberswhen trying to install fglrx driver12:56
ActionParsnipindus: fixes broken deps to make a stable system12:56
gartral_how can i force-drop sudo privledges in a terminal without actually restarting it?12:56
ActionParsnipindus: man apt-get ;)12:57
indusActionParsnip: heh was just about to do that12:57
KingKimi i cannot use nokia mobile usb bcoz i have no drivers... is there any nokia driver in syna[tic?12:57
sipiorgartral: sudo -k12:57
nurihola waposs12:57
ikoniaKingKimi: look up gnokii12:57
KingKimiwill anyone respond regarding nokia usb drivers ?12:57
gartral_sipior: TY!!! ^^12:57
KingKimiikonia, thnx for the reply12:57
ikoniaKingKimi: you've been told multiple times, wait for a response12:58
ikoniaKingKimi: asking "will any one repond" less than a minute after the question is asked is not good12:58
ikonia!es | giuppy12:58
ubottugiuppy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:58
ikonia!es | oje12:58
ubottuoje: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:58
KingKimiikonia, gnokki is not in synapt ?12:58
kosiorrowitam wie ktos jak ustawic wifi na hp 2133 mini note?12:58
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ikoniaKingKimi: yes it is12:58
dimitreeActionParsnip: is it possible that ubuntu is having problems to find the updates because my ISP displays a "commercial" page by default on any browser when i reconnect, and the update errors included at the end my IP adress and port 80, also when i go to the "commercial page" and click the proceed button, the errors didssapear.Could it be that Ubuntu is trying to find the updates using port 80 and it gets my ISP forced "commercial/news" page and it can't12:58
ikoniaKingKimi: gnokii12:58
dimitreepass through or something ?12:58
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:58
vigoikonia: I still thank you.12:58
KingKimiikonia, E: coudlnt find gnokki12:59
KingKimi*package gnokki12:59
ActionParsnipdimitree: i dont think so as that is a web browser thing. I'd iagine allother data will flow. You may have to click ok on that initially to make the link ok.12:59
pshrhello, i have installed a applet but i could not find it in te addtopanel option.. where are my applets installed how can i relocate them ?12:59
vigoKingKimi: Tried aptitude?12:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about obex13:00
ikoniaKingKimi: I'll spell it one last time for you Gnokii13:00
KingKimivigo, Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "gnokki"13:00
KingKimiCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "gnokki"13:00
ikonia!pkginfo gnokii13:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pkginfo gnokii13:00
dimitreeActionParsnip: ok thank you again13:00
ActionParsnipdimitree: np man13:00
ikonia!info gnokii13:00
ubottugnokii (source: gnokii): Datasuite for mobile phone management. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.26.dfsg-3 (jaunty), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB13:00
th0rdimitree: most isp's won't let anything work until you have accessed their page, so it may affect more than port 8013:00
pshrhello, i have installed a applet but i could not find it in te addtopanel option.. where are my applets installed how can i relocate them ?13:00
vigoKingKimi: let me look in aptitude or something13:00
KingKimiikonia, thnx13:01
KingKimivigo, sorry. i made a spelling mistake13:01
tavishhi! does brightness control work with crt monitors on desktops?13:01
th0rpshr: right click the panel and choose Add...13:01
KingKimivigo, im sorry13:01
KingKimii need a video converter similar to TOTAL VIDEO converter13:02
pshrth0r, i have installed additional applets like netspeed etc i cant find them in there13:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about videoconverter13:02
vigoKingKimi: No apologies ever needed when asking a legit question, I am happy ikonia figured it out, that is neat.13:02
pshrwhere are they installed by default how can i relocate th0r13:02
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot13:02
th0rpshr: they should be in the list of applets when you choose Add To Panel. But they may not be under the same name13:02
KingKimivigo, ikoni rocks B-)13:02
KingKimivigo, and you too :P13:03
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pshrlet me check out th0r13:03
ActionParsnip!info thor13:03
ubottuPackage thor does not exist in jaunty13:03
vigoI just play around and learn stuff, that is what rox13:03
dimitreeth0r: they introduced this "page" a couple of days ago, and when i was on windows 7, before i pass through that page i was unable to browse. i guess that might be the problem, but i'm wondering why before passing the page ubuntu finds 89 updates and after i pass the page ubuntu finds only 55 but installs them without problems13:03
pshri cant see it th0r13:04
lamebot_hello, I am having some trouble with Gparted. I am trying to expand my partition. I first shrank my windows partition and this created an unallocated partition. Now i want to expand into that unallocated space how ever I am not allowed to delete it or move it or do anything with this unallocated space. What should i do?13:04
th0rdimitree: ubuntu probably download 33 or 34 packages and then ran into a problem. Those packages don't need to be downloaded again, the system keeps all installed packages (see aptoncd)13:05
th0rpshr: is this gnome?13:05
dimitreeth0r: that's exactly what happened yes, it downloaded some packages then the error came13:06
pshr_sorry got disconnected did i miss any thing th0r13:06
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:06
th0rpshr_: are you running gnome?13:07
pshr_yes th0r13:07
estcccccci need your help13:07
DaZno you don't13:07
pshr_estcccccc, !ask13:07
estcccccci want to install samba in ubuntu server 9.0413:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:08
th0rpshr_: my bad...I am running xfce.13:08
dimitreeshould i use APTonCD to update ubuntu ? o-o13:08
MrNazhttp://rafb.net/p/qqDqQz43.html  <-- can anyone tell me how to fix this?13:08
estccccccpshr_:i want to install samba in ubuntu server 9.0413:08
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KingKimineed : alternate to TOTAL VIDEO converter .13:09
th0rdimitree: no...if you read up on aptoncd you will understand about the saved updates and additions13:09
pshr_apt-get install samba13:09
DaZMrNaz: install libgpac or something13:09
lamebot_how do i delete an unallocated partition to make room for another?13:09
jigpthank you so much for the permission /home/jigp :) good night13:09
pshr_estcccccc, in the coomand line13:09
UqbarMrNaz: either you correctly install the libraries in the appropriate place, or you export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/video/gpac/bin/gcc , which will only work in that shell (and its subshells)13:09
dimitreeth0r ok thank you, thanks Gartral13:10
pshr_estcccccc, apt-get install samba13:10
madagascar27 i need some help i am using ubuntu from wubi and i get the error of busybox debian what do i do13:10
KingKimiikonia, i installed gnokII .. but it simply stans in "connecting,,,,,,," and nothing comes up after that13:10
pshr_hello, i have installed a applet but i could not find it in te addtopanel option.. where are my applets installed how can i relocate them ?13:10
buzzDrive_How do I see if my kernel is 32/64bits13:10
estccccccpshr_:then i want to configur il13:10
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there; I addded karmic repositories to my jaunty because I want to see if certain deadlocks go away with the new kernel. I pinned them down because I want to run jaunty for everything else. The problem is I don't see "new" packages in synaptic.13:10
KingKimibuzzDrive, uname13:10
pshr_modify /etc/samba/smb.conf accordingly13:11
pshr_then service restart samba13:11
pshr_you are done13:11
KingKimibuzzDrive, uname -a13:11
Le-Chuck_ITAIf I search for 2.6.30 I find the new kernel, but if I look at "xorg" I don't find the new versoin13:11
Le-Chuck_ITAor if I look at "linux image"13:11
cptblooddoes ATI/AMD gfx support hw acceleration now?13:11
Le-Chuck_ITAI only see 2.6.2813:11
vigolamebot_: Get an answer yet? http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning might help13:11
buakekaI can't seem to add new repositories in synaptic.13:11
Le-Chuck_ITAGot it. NP13:11
th0rcptblood: for some cards. Mine worked out of the box13:11
madagascar27 i need some help i am using ubuntu from wubi and i get the error of busybox debian what do i do13:12
lamebot_vigo: no i haven't, thanks i will check that out13:12
cptbloodk, do u know which cards?13:12
buzzDrive_KingKimi, uname?13:12
dimitreeoh god i think i'm finally done with windows :)13:12
KingKimibuzzDrive_, uname -a13:12
th0rcptblood: there is a website that lists them...but I don't have it handy. A google search should turn it up13:12
buzzDrive_KingKimi, I don't see platform informatipon13:12
KingKimibuzzDrive_, did it show something like "i686" ?13:13
buzzDrive_i686 yes13:13
KingKimibuzzDrive_, then you got it13:13
cptbloodth0r, do u know what it's called? like nvidia's called vdpau..13:13
buzzDrive_i686 = 64bits?13:13
th0rcptblood: this isn't the one I was thinkiing about but....https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver13:13
DaZbuzzDrive_: 3213:13
th0rcptblood: the module I use is called '13:13
buzzDrive_and for 64bits how does it display?13:13
KingKimibuzzDrive_, 32 bits13:13
DaZbuzzDrive_: x86_6413:14
vigolamebot_ : Did you want to resize the Windows part or expand the Linux part?13:14
th0rcptblood: and the card I have is an x1200 R690M (I think that is right)13:14
estccccccpshr_: when i enter this sudo gedit / etc / samba / smb.conf13:14
estcccccc i see that the fils is empty so ??13:14
cptbloodoh, an x1200, arent those old?13:14
th0rcptblood: RS690M13:15
x4dHello, I've been using vim for a couple of weeks, I'm trying to use it mainly for php/html/css and having used textmate before, vim seems to be a good replacement once I get a hang of all the shortcuts. I was wondering if emacs would be more useful for php and web development in general?13:15
th0rcptblood: don't know....but considering the state of the art sometimes old is better <smile>13:15
ActionParsnipcptblood: its good enough for linux :)13:15
pshr_estcccccc, ???13:15
Myrttix4d: that's totally up to your own preferences13:15
cptbloodActionParsnip: well, that depends on what you're gonna do with it, doesnt it? ;)13:15
induscptblood: x1200 plays cod 4 well :)13:16
gartralflash playback in firefox is *REALLLLY* slow13:16
Myrttix4d: try yourself.13:16
ActionParsnipcptblood: true13:16
cptbloodi mean full-hd support13:16
Piciestcccccc: Firstly, you should use gksudo with graphical applications.  Secondly, do not enter a space around the slashes.13:16
buakekaI have uninstalled wine, but how do I remove it from the applications menu? Its still there for some reason.13:16
KingKimiikonia, im sorry.. i read the wiki of gnokii.. but there is no method that i can understand that would add my phone's memory card to my list of "removable media" .. :( in xp, if i install the driver and just plugit in .. it add in mycomputer :( ... sorry .... help13:16
DaZPici: why gksudo <:13:16
Pici!gksudo | DaZ13:16
ubottuDaZ: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:17
ikoniaKingKimi: you would have to mount the device as mass storage13:17
* DaZ alwas uses sudo13:17
x4dMyrtti: I figured that would be the answer I would get here... I guess I'll have to start reading another manual ¬¬13:17
KingKimiPici, But sudo nautilus opens file browser ?13:17
DdayHow do i encrypt my xchat logs?13:17
gartralflash playback in firefox is *crashes* firefox13:17
DaZor even root :o13:17
PiciKingKimi: Just because you can doesnt mean you should.13:17
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/13:17
estccccccpshr_ : to configure samba i need to do some changes so when i enter into file smb.conf i see that he is empty13:17
zleapDday, can you do it manually with gpg13:18
andreasAny one who knows how to make a NTFS partition in Ubuntu?13:18
zleapgnu privacy guard13:18
lamebot_vigo: my problem is that my linux partion is just big enough for the system files and i have to room to download updates and etc. Is there anyway to just tell ubuntu where to download to instead?13:18
DaZandreas: ntfs-3g and mkfs.ntfs13:18
KrYoOI have an irrelevant question but I am going to ask anyway.  Can somebody direct me where or who I can ask someone about laptops?13:18
KingKimiPici, im confused :P ... thnx for sending ubottu :)13:18
DdayWill it allow the file to get bigger as xchat continues to write to it?13:18
zleaphave a look password and encryption keys13:18
cptbloodKrYoO: #hardware13:18
andreasthanks DaZ  I'll check it out13:18
engemechello everybody!13:18
pshr_estcccccc, guess you must be privileged try doing su13:18
pshr_and check out smb.conf as a root13:19
zleapoh you mean like on a rolling basis13:19
zleapnot sure then13:19
pshr_even after that if you don't find it try re installing it13:19
PacoBuntuHow can i get my desk in a cube on jaunty?13:19
gartralflash playback in firefox is *crashes* firefox13:19
DaZPacoBuntu: ccsm13:19
estccccccpshr_ : i m priviliged13:19
KingKimiikonia, how to mount it as mass storage ?? :(  ... if i plugin my usb of nokia, its not getting added to places even though i installed gnokii ...13:19
zleapPacoBuntu, erm desktop effects,13:19
estccccccpshr_:  so i re installing the samba or what13:20
KingKimiPacoBuntu, Compiz13:20
isaac_How do you turn trash off?  In Jaunty when I try to delete something in an external hard drive the flippin computer copies the whole file to internal hard drive to store it in trash.  I just want the file deleted already.13:20
zleapi think i need to upgrade to Jaunty13:20
vigolamebot_: Ubuntu will download to or in Ubuntu, I guess you can save the downloads on a Flash,CD-R or whatever, I am also pretty certain that you can expand the install, but let me look for that.13:20
ikoniaKingKimi: thats not how gnokii works13:20
KingKimiikonia, but in vista............... :P13:20
pshr_yeah try re installing it you must definitely find some thing in the smb.conf else i cant help it try posing the  question to some one else13:20
ActionParsnip!compiz | PacoBuntu13:20
ubottuPacoBuntu: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz13:20
lamebot_vigo: ok thanks13:21
KingKimiikonia, sorry.. but how does it work ? i read wiki and dont know understand how to do it13:21
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:21
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash13:21
isaac_No help there.......13:22
KingKimidoes ubuntu use Gb system or GiB system ???13:22
DaZKingKimi: depends where13:22
engemecPacoBuntu: apt-get install compizconfig-settings.manager13:22
KingKimiDaZ, Gparted, synaptic , nautilus  > ?13:22
PacoBuntuk ty engemec13:22
CyberWorlddoes anyone know how to boot of the 9.04 cd to console want to boot of cd on old computer13:23
PacoBuntuengemec:  Ubuntu says it cant find that packet13:23
ActionParsnipCyberWorld: try f6 on the initial boot screen13:23
buakekaHow do I get permission to delete files through "search for files" program?13:23
vigolamebot_: You can expand the volume, ext2/ext3 can be expanded with Gparted or some like utility, I find it easier to back up data , do a fresh install with parameters set as you prefer.13:23
CyberWorldok cool thanks Action13:23
ActionParsnipPacoBuntu: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager13:23
ActionParsnip!info compizconfig-settings-manager13:24
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 623 kB, installed size 4068 kB13:24
KingKimiPacoBuntu, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins*13:24
CyberWorldAction would I have access to wireless card with f6 it is just to old to boot the windows13:24
estccccccNo apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.13:25
estcccccc                                                                                                          No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.13:25
estcccccc                                                       Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :13:25
estcccccc samba-common13:25
FloodBot1estcccccc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:25
estcccccc samba13:25
lamebot_vigo: i was thinking about that, i just installed Ubuntu a day or two ago so i have no data to loose. If i just start the install process again with the CD will it delete my current install or will i end up with 2 instances of Ubuntu on my system?13:25
ActionParsnipCyberWorld: you will need to configure it with /etc/network/interfaces or ifconfig13:25
ActionParsnipCyberWorld: could get messy if you arent conversant with cli13:25
vigolamebot_: It will write over or delete the current install and settings13:25
KingKimi!paste | estcccccc13:25
ubottuestcccccc: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:25
Severity1woohoo i finally finished setting up 2 ebox on my virtual box13:25
pshr_where are apps installed by default i cant find them13:26
lamebot_vigo: great thanks i think i will do that13:26
mib_zlm6wfhi, how can i run a script automatically when the kernel is upgraded? like update-grub does....13:26
Severity1and i finally made them join my physical network by setting a network interface to bridge13:26
CyberWorldI'm pretty good on the command line13:26
ActionParsnippshr_: the nature of linux means that apps arent installed in a specific place13:26
th0rpshr_: they actually could be anywhere13:26
KingKimiikonia, :( any commands ?13:26
vigolamebot_: That is why I suggested the backup, but you have minimal data to backup, still worth doing just to get in the groove of it.13:26
DaZeverything is installed in specific places13:27
ikoniaKingKimi: any commmands with what ?13:27
pshr_i guess i have to reconfigure the installation path and reinstall the apps :( redundancy prevails :P13:27
ActionParsnippshr_: there will be bits all over, the libs it uses will be in /usr/lib for example but the binary will be sat in /usr/bin13:27
ikoniaKingKimi: sorry I've not been following13:27
lamebot_vigo: true that is a good idea13:27
isaac_How do you turn trash off?  In Jaunty when I try to delete something in an external hard drive the flippin computer copies the whole file to internal hard drive to store it in trash.  I just want the file deleted already.13:27
pshr_its some app called netstatus / netspeed13:27
pshr_applet rather13:27
KingKimiikonia, commands that make nokia usb mount ... and to access the contents in its memory card13:28
mib_zlm6wfhi, how can I run a script automatically when the kernel is upgraded? like update-grub does....13:28
ikoniaKingKimi: have you setup gnokii13:28
th0rpshr_: if you have find utls installed type 'locate netspeed' and see what it says13:28
pshr_ActionParsnip, where do  you think propose that i can find some thing to execute the applet13:28
ActionParsnippshr_: try tab completing its name13:28
KingKimiikonia, i installed gnokii.. but when i launch it from accessories.. it just stays on "Connectiong...." and nothing happens after that13:28
prathameshhi guys, need help in pidgin. while i am trying to log in on gmail acc. . it says SSL connection failed13:29
MyrttiKingKimi: s60v3 phone?13:29
ActionParsnipprathamesh: using thegoogletalk protocol?13:29
KingKimiMyrtti, what is that ? :O13:29
prathameshnope xxxmp13:29
lamebot_vigo: thanks again for the help, im going to go work on that now13:29
pshr_th0r, i can just find the downloaded the src files, tab completion dint help ActionParsnip13:29
th0rpshr_: according to google gnome panel apps are installed in /usr/local13:30
mib_zlm6wfhow update-grub  is loaded when kernel is updated?13:30
vigolamebot_: My pleasure, am glad I could assist in whatever small way that I may have.13:30
MyrttiKingKimi: which phone do you have?13:30
DaZisn't googletalk on xmpp ?13:30
=== gaveen_ is now known as gaveen
KingKimiMyrtti, , nokia 311013:30
prathameshActionParsnip: using xmpp13:30
MyrttiKingKimi: classic or the *OLD* one13:30
ActionParsnipprathamesh: username = first part of gmail account (without @googlemail.com or whatever)13:30
CyberWorldActionwant to hear a funny story.  At a isp I worked for.  They were using solaris or freebsd long time ago and did "ifconfig" nothing else to just look.  And all the ips for the webserver went down lol13:30
pshr_i have googled it out much before th0r the local directory doesnt contain any such files13:30
JaneDoeI'm interested in moving some of our company's users from Win to Ubuntu.  Are there any PIM's that (1) handle email, (2) maintain contacts and calendars with all outlook compatible fields and (3) can in some way work with OOO?  3 is less important but 2 is a dealkiller.13:30
ikoniaKingKimi: you have to configure gnokii13:30
ActionParsnipprathamesh: domiain = googlemail.com13:30
isaac_How do you turn trash off?  In Jaunty when I try to delete something in an external hard drive the flippin computer copies the whole file to internal hard drive to store it in trash.  I just want the file deleted already.13:31
th0rpshr_: did you download from synaptic or from a webpage?13:31
ikoniaKingKimi: the documentation no how to do it is on the wiki you've said you've read,13:31
ActionParsnipprathamesh: my resource says 'Home'13:31
pshr_using git13:31
ikoniaKingKimi: you need to tell it what type of phone it's connecting to, and the connection type13:31
KingKimiMyrtti, it has bluetooth, infrared 3 megapixel camera ... but no idea whether itss classic or not13:31
DaZJaneDoe: kdepim or evolution13:31
pshr_from the source repositorhy13:31
KingKimiikonia, ok..13:31
MyrttiKingKimi: ok, so it is classic13:31
ikoniaKingKimi: the phone models are detailed on the website13:31
th0rpshr_: then you probably downloaded the source and it needs to be compiled and then installed13:31
DaZJaneDoe: i don't know what do you mean by work with ooo13:31
prathameshActionParsnip: home?13:31
ActionParsnipprathamesh: under advanced. i have no tick boxes ticked, port 5222, server talk.google.com  proxie = proxy.jabber.org:777713:32
pshr_thats wat i was referring to i have did both and installed it properly with out errors13:32
vigoJaneDoe: VirtualBox or something like that in the repoes, WINE or somesuch thing is inter operable with most Win systems.13:32
pshr_the problem is where to locate the installed contents13:32
* summerbug is away: I'm busy13:32
Pici!away > summerbug13:32
ubottusummerbug, please see my private message13:32
ikonia!away > supersasho13:32
ubottusupersasho, please see my private message13:32
ikoniaPici: darn you !13:32
AvelinoGood day, I wonder how can I make a distribution based on Ubuntu!13:32
ikoniasupersasho: sorry - that wasn't for you13:32
KingKimiikonia, WhEre to tell it what type of phone it's connecting to, and the connection type ??13:32
th0rpshr_: then open a terminal, type 'updatedb' (it will take a few minutes), then type 'locate netspeed' and see if it finds the binary13:33
ikoniaKingKimi: READ the wiki13:33
JaneDoeDaZ: my googling suggests there are important fields missing when converting from Outlook contacts.  And in Outlook, we use VBA to generate forms in Word from Outlook contact data, so I'd like to do something similar for openoffice (OOO)13:33
ikoniaKingKimi: it walks you through it13:33
KingKimiikonia, if i open from accessories.. it just stays connecting13:33
KingKimiikonia, oko13:33
ikoniaKingKimi: READ #13:33
th0rpshr_: the update is 'sudo updatedb'13:33
eMylleri have my kubuntu box sources up to date13:33
KingKimiikonia, ok13:33
JaneDoevigo: wine will run Outlook and Word?13:33
pshr_ok th0r13:33
buakekaI have used command "sudo apt-get remove wine" to uninstall wine, but it still shows in my applications menu. How do I remove it?13:33
eMyllercan i update another pc (with a very slow connection) without using apt-get/aptitude?13:33
th0reMyller: check out aptoncd13:34
* summerbug is back (gone 00:01:42)13:34
KingKimiikonia, this is difficult that in windows.. install the driver > Access it ....13:34
ikoniasummerbug: can you pleae disable that script13:34
CyberWorldbuakeka just a shot in the dark but can you right click on it and have any options13:34
ikoniaKingKimi: for the last time, you're not using windows, stop comparing it13:34
eMyller(reusing my database)13:34
DaZsomehow i've missed part about outlook :f13:34
mkarnickiyes eMyller, you can. download a new ubuntu ISO, add it in sources, and do sudo update13:34
gcbondCan anyone offer some assistance to a new user of Ubuntu?13:34
buakekaCyberWorld no, I cannot.13:34
pshr_/usr/share it is thanks th0r13:34
ikoniaKingKimi: if you have so many problems using linux over windows - maybe windows is a better fit for what you actaully want13:34
mkarnickigcbond, sup :) ?13:34
KingKimiikonia, no .. i need linux  :D13:35
th0rpshr_: you might want to link it to /usr/local/bin13:35
buakekaI have searched for "wine" and removed a few related files in terminal, but no luck.13:35
ikoniaKingKimi: then stop comparing it to linux13:35
vigoJaneDoe: I am pretty sure it does, but look for yourself.13:35
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:35
Severity1# join /ebox13:35
KingKimiikonia, but a new user.. so feeling "weird" with linux13:35
pshr_hmm th0r13:35
JaneDoevigo: thanks13:35
Severity1sorry how can i join another channel????13:35
* DaZ is pretty sure it doesn't work13:35
ikoniaKingKimi: stop commenting on then, you say it for every application you use - we get it, it's different to windows,13:36
djlksmony fuck13:36
DaZSeverity1: /join ?13:36
ikoniadjlks: ?13:36
th0rpshr_: 'ln -s /usr/share/<filename> /usr/local/bin'13:36
ikoniadjlks: please control your language13:36
gcbondI just installed 9.0.4 and tried to install a Nvidia driver - all I got was a blank screen after that.13:36
djlksmother fuck13:36
wojo_hey guuyzz13:36
ikonia!guidelines > djlks13:36
ubottudjlks, please see my private message13:36
th0rpshr_: then you won't have to include the path to run the command13:36
KingKimiikonia, "familiarity" problem  :P13:36
Severity1DaZ: thanks13:36
Severity1i forgot the command13:36
eMylleri have my kubuntu box sources up to date13:37
wojo_anybody know which codec should i install to properly listen sound in blue ray movies ?13:37
hipercubbon dia13:37
gcbondAny advice from anyone?13:37
KingKimiikonia, gnokii --identify if i do this command.. it says Couldn't read /home/krishna/.gnokiirc config file13:37
mkarnickiyeah, i'm writing to you on priv gcbond xD13:37
ikoniaKingKimi: because you have not created it13:37
wojo_video is okay but there is no sound13:37
eMyllercan i update another pc (with a very slow connection) without using apt-get/aptitude?13:37
eMyller(reusing my database)13:37
wojo_anybody know ?13:37
gcbondThanks mkarnicki13:37
ActionParsnipgcbond: how did you install the driver13:37
gartralusing flash at all is slowing my system to a crawl..13:37
mkarnickinp :) do you see my msg-s ?13:37
devastation31wojo: try win32-codec from medibuntu may it helps13:38
wojo_okay i will try13:38
mkarnickiso it went black. did you recover already?13:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about medibunti13:38
KingKimiikonia, ttp://wiki.gnokii.org/index.php/User%27s_Guide the first command in this page is that command... know any command to "create" ?13:38
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:38
JaneDoeDaZ: "missed the part about outlook"?  In outlook contact pages, we have buttons that run "macros" - really VBA code that will, for example, open a word template, and insert information from the outlook contact into the word file.  simple example: fax cover page.13:38
ikoniaKingKimi: you copy the default one, or use a text editor to create one13:38
Keloranhow do i set ubuntu to look further back along the ip chain to see where a connection came from, because it seems to stop at my router, all my logs are saying instead of my ip address, even though im connecting from outside the network13:38
gcbondSorry mkarnicki - not sure where to look13:38
KingKimiikonia, to create what ./?13:38
KingKimiikonia, what to create ?13:38
mkarnickiwhat IRC client do you use?13:38
DaZJaneDoe: i know, but i didn't read that first time :f13:38
DaZi'm tired, sorry13:38
mkarnickiis it irssi ?13:39
mdpauleyAnyone have a sec to help me? I am running server 9.04 using dhcp. mysql doesn't like binding to the dhcp address and I am having a hard time getting a static ip set.13:39
ikoniaKingKimi: READ the page13:39
ikoniaKingKimi: http://wiki.gnokii.org/index.php/Config has a link to the example config13:39
th0rKeloran: your router is probably blocking icmp13:39
KingKimiikonia, thnx for the link13:39
ikoniaKingKimi: you said you've read all this yet you can't see it, yet I found it in 15 seconds13:40
ikoniaKingKimi: if you lie to me again about actually reading the page I will not be happy13:40
JaneDoeDaZ: ah no probs.  checking out kontact.  last I recall reading, wine didn't cooperate with outlook and I don't think it will be able to open word given the very foreign filesystem.13:40
gartralusing flash at all is slowing my system to a crawl..13:41
KingKimiikonia, i cannot understand .... where in the "configuration" para of userguide have that link that you give ?? :(13:41
KingKimiikonia, sorry13:41
ikoniaKingKimi: "The sample gnokiirc has extensive"13:41
FrankQCWhen's the only time you have to reboot when using linux? Is it only after the Kernel upgrades and that's all?13:41
FrankQCAnd even then you can not reboot and continue using the older version of the kernel13:41
DaZFrankQC: yes13:42
KingKimiikonia, but PLZ dont KICK13:42
FrankQCThat's fun13:42
vigoFrankQC: Yes and yes13:42
Dr_WillisFrankQC:  you can reboot and use teh older kenel if you wanted..13:42
ikoniaKingKimi: - please READ the text13:42
DaZbut it may cause some problems13:42
sipiorikonia: dude. serious bad manners.13:42
FrankQCI want to see how long I can last w/o rebooting haha... It's been 9 days =)13:42
ikoniaKingKimi: this is a persistant problem that you do not read the text people are helping you with13:42
ikoniaKingKimi: actually start reading the text people are spending time giving you help for13:43
Dr_WillisFrankQC:  ive had home machines go 4+ months.. but  lost the uptime due to power failure during a Thunderstorm13:43
vigoFrankQC: You can also reboot and choose a rescue type thing, fix broken packages and what-not13:43
CyberWorldI've had machines in the datacenter go for over a year on freebsd13:43
FrankQCHaha last time in Ubuntu that I rebooted was for a Kernel upgrade and that kernel was faulty13:43
KingKimiikonia, how do i know whether my nokia is series40 or gnapplet or AT ?13:44
FrankQCIt screwed up my network connection13:44
ikoniaKingKimi: READ THE PAGE13:44
FrankQCSo I went back to the older v.24.2313:44
buakekais it okay to delete my /var/cache/apt/archives in order to free up space? Or is that not a good idea?13:44
sipiorbuakeka: won't do any harm13:44
Dr_Willisbuakeka:  there is a PROPER way to clean that out.. donmt just delete the dir.13:44
eMylleranyone have a clue?13:44
bazhangemyller aptoncd13:45
buakekaOkay, what is the proper way?13:45
P4R41anyone familiar with grub4dos?13:45
KingKimiP4R41, for boooting initrd and fs ?13:45
P4R41KingKimi: im attempting to use grub4dos to boot the jaunty cd iso13:46
ikoniaP4R41: why13:46
JPZHello everyone, having a hard time getting ampache and phpmyadmin to load on my browser. I've just installed mysql-server5.0,ampache,phpmyadmin. pointing my browser to localhost/phpmyadmin results in "save file as" instead of loading page. Running ubuntu8.10, installed all from reps.13:46
sipiorbuakeka: try "apt-get clean"13:47
KingKimiP4R41, mount cd or extract it with 7z.  these two files "vmlinuz and initrd.gz"13:47
P4R41cdrom drive is busted and computer is too old for network/usb boot13:47
FrankQCsipior: sudo apt-get autoremove13:47
KingKimiP4R41, but you need ALTERNATE.isp13:47
c_nickIs it possible for 2 search in google.. for something which does not return result for something else.. eg:- i want to search for XIRR but when i do that it returns everything with Excel I dont want Excel so can i do something tht i wont return excel results13:47
sipiorFrankQC: not according to the man page.13:47
ikoniaP4R41: why do you want to use grub4dos13:47
P4R41KingKimi: alt is fine, im just not sure how to get the loader to boot the iso13:48
FrankQCsipior: Both work I guess.13:48
ikoniaP4R41: why do you want to use grub4dos13:48
sipiorFrankQC: no, they don't.13:48
P4R41ikonia: just a simple bootloader13:48
ikoniaP4R41: why do you want to use grub4dos over grub13:48
KingKimiP4R41, create a folder hd-media13:48
KingKimiP4R41, and this link > http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/13:48
FrankQCsipior: lol I just tried sudo apt-get autoremove"13:48
FrankQCsipior: and it works.. It autoremoves13:49
KingKimiP4R41, download vmlinuz and initrd.gz13:49
CyberWorldc_nick use the - for word you don't want13:49
wtlis there a gui for ubuntu-bug? what if the app i'm reporting bugs on doesnt have a help menu? :)13:49
KingKimiand then place these two files to hd-media folder in  C:\13:49
CyberWorldlike google "XIRR -excel"13:49
ikoniaP4R41: why do you want to use grub4dos ?13:49
KingKimiP4R41, and then place these two files to hd-media folder in  C:\13:49
sipiorFrankQC: from the man page: "autoremove is used to remove packages that were automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that are no more needed." (poor grammar in original :-)13:49
c_nickCyberWorld: i tried that XIRR - Excel it still gave xcel results13:49
KingKimiikonia, he wants to boot the iso from windows :P13:50
dam0hey there matey spiryt13:50
KingKimiikonia, you know this.. why do you ask him then ?13:50
CyberWorlddon't leave space between - and excel to -excel13:50
ikoniaKingKimi: I don't know this - that's why I'm asking13:50
ikoniaP4R41: if you could explain why you want to use grub4dos13:50
FrankQCsipior: lol13:50
KingKimiP4R41, and then place the alternate.iso of Jaunty in C:\13:50
P4R41i wasn't sure why you're asking but kimi is right13:50
FrankQCsipior: What were you trying to do13:50
KingKimiikonia, to boot alternate.iso13:50
ikoniaP4R41: could you explain exactly what you want13:50
gartralusing flash at all is slowing my system to a crawl..13:50
FrankQCsipior: Or, what were you doing?13:50
KingKimiikonia, without cd , or dvd13:50
ikoniaKingKimi: let him reponse please13:50
KingKimiikonia, sorry :P13:50
sipiorFrankQC: i was trying to do anything. i was answering another's question.13:50
sipiorwasn't, rather.13:51
ikoniaP4R41: could you explain exactly what you want to do please13:51
c_nicki think it worked :) thanks CyberWorld13:51
CyberWorldnp good tip to know13:51
P4R41im trying to create a dual boot system, win and linux. i have no cdrom access, nor usb/network13:51
KingKimiP4R41, did you get those two files from that link ?? save those files in a folder "hd-media" under C:\ ... and then extract the "grldr" file alone from grub4dos.zip13:51
KingKimiP4R41, place alternate.iso in C:\13:51
P4R41I'd actually like to keep ntldr in tact, im having it direct the boot info to the mbr of another hdd13:52
KingKimiP4R41, no.. place the grldr.. dont do anything with ntldr..13:52
KingKimiP4R41, just place the grldr in C:\ (or where you installed windows)13:53
KingKimiP4R41, then open notepad... and save this http://paste.ubuntu.com/176386/ ... save as "menu.lst" and place it in C:\13:54
KingKimiP4R41, thats all .. it should booot the alternate.iso13:54
zhoujingruiinstall ubuntu by iso?13:54
zhoujingruii did that13:54
P4R41KingKimi: thanks, im trying it out now13:54
KingKimiP4R41, are you going to install jaunty ?13:54
KingKimiP4R41, good luck13:55
zealiodwhere are the passwds kept... I would like to refer to that dir in my apache2 BasicAuth13:55
mkarnickijaunty's great :) good luck13:55
befUBUNTU PRE-RELEASE: http://bit.ly/rud1P13:55
jimi_hi i want to install wow on my ubuntu install from the windows install on the same disk that im using right now, when i drag it over where do i put it? Any ideas?13:56
elkyP4R41, did you try the guide listed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1163031 ?13:57
ikoniaP4R41: 05:53 < P4R41> can anyone help me set boot options for the live cd13:57
th0r jimi_ is wow a standalone program? usually there are associated dll files that won't be accessible if you don't do a full install13:57
ikoniaP4R41: how where you booting the livecd earlier if you don't have a cdrom13:57
KingKimiP4R41, are you still here ?13:57
P4R41i am13:58
KingKimiP4R41, i missed a step // sorry13:58
th0rjim__: but to answer your question...it would usually go in /home/<username>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files13:58
P4R41the cdrom drive failed13:58
P4R41the cd is perfectly fine13:58
bertoloanyone can test my skype with me ?13:58
P4R41but i had to pull the drive13:58
KingKimiopen C:\boot.ini .. and append to the end C:\grldr="ubuntu"13:58
jimi_th0r, Its world of warcraft which doesnt need what you say. You can copy the install right over to another PC and it will work, same as guild wars.13:58
KingKimiP4R41, without this step you will not get the ubuntu option in windows boot loader13:58
bullgard4 What Freenode channel discusses voice chat including Empathy? (Please do not tell me #telepathy.)13:59
th0rjimi_: then put it in program files and create a shortcut that calls 'wine <path>/wow.exe'13:59
ikoniabullgard4: you know the topic of this channel is ubuntu support - not channel finding help13:59
P4R41is there case sensitivity?13:59
PacoBuntuHow do i install flash on Ubuntu?13:59
bullgard4ikonia: :-)13:59
th0rjimi_: if it is just one exe file you could actually run the same copy from the ntfs drive13:59
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:59
KingKimiP4R41, C:\grldr="write anything here"14:00
dimitreeWhat is the command to test opengl or dx rendering ? i remamber there was one command to display a 3d box being rendered, can someone help with that ?14:00
Super_Roachquick question - many people here run ubuntu server? just getting a feel for users v centos before doing an install14:00
bertoloanyone can plz test my skype with me ?14:00
elkyPacoBuntu, go to a flash site other than youtube14:00
jimi_th0r, ok confused already, im new to ubuntu, where do i find the prgram files flder14:00
PacoBuntuHow do i install flash on jaunty Ubuntu14:00
jag_what is beagle? why is it so big ? 459M    /home/jag/.beagle14:00
Steve^I have a USB device plugged in and charging, how do I force it to be loaded as a file-storage device?14:00
bertoloPacoBuntu, go to flash site14:00
bertoloand do what they say14:00
PacoBuntuflash site?14:00
P4R41KingKimi: you've been a big help. im d/l the alternate iso now and will try it all out and report back14:01
erUSULdimitree: glxgears14:01
PacoBuntuisnt there an easier way14:01
KingKimiP4R41, check this once :  C:\hd-media  has two files that are downloaded from that link..... and save menu.lst in C:\ and also placed grldr in C:\ .... added entry @ the end of boot.ini14:01
Steve^install flashplugin-nonfree?14:01
ActionParsnipPacoBuntu: www.rathergood.com/blode214:01
PacoBuntui want to do this via the Ubuntu packet management if possible14:01
PacoBuntuok ty14:01
KingKimiP4R41, you are not having alternate iso now ? :O14:01
bertoloPacoBuntu, http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/14:01
KingKimiP4R41, good luck !!!!14:01
dimitreeerUSUL:  thank you so much :)14:01
bertoloanyone can plz test my skype with me ?14:02
ActionParsnipbertolo: theres the skype test call14:02
bertoloActionParsnip, bu i want to test backnoise too14:02
bertoloand see how this xit works14:02
jag_Steve^ : what device is it ? cell phone ?    usb modem ??14:02
P4R41KingKimi: I had a copy of the standard iso, my bro messed up his windows install pretty bad and i needed the live cd to repair things for him. Didn't expect to use it to install on my system14:03
jag_what is beagle? why is it so big ? 459M    /home/jag/.beagle14:03
ActionParsnipbertolo: i dont use skype myself but the test call will be exactly what the person you call hears14:03
ActionParsnip!info beagle14:03
ubottubeagle (source: beagle): indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.9-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1399 kB, installed size 4540 kB14:03
JPZHello everyone, having a hard time getting ampache and phpmyadmin to load on my browser. I've just installed mysql-server5.0,ampache,phpmyadmin,php5, apache2-mod-php5. pointing my browser to localhost/phpmyadmin results in "save file as" instead of loading page. Running ubuntu8.10, installed all from reps. Any tips on how I could resolve this?14:03
P4R41bertolo: kingkimi helped me so im in a good mood and im gonna pay it forward14:03
KingKimiP4R41, only alternate.iso works.. dont know why standard wont work :P ...14:03
jag_Steve^ :  u have to use the rmmod   /   insmod14:03
zhoujingruiwhat is the version skype for ubuntu 8.10?14:04
zhoujingruii donot find14:04
jag_Steve^:  u have to use the rmmod   /   insmod14:04
th0rjimi_: which program files folder are we talking about? The one for wine (ubuntu) is the path I sent you earlier.14:04
Dr_WillisKingKimi:  i had an odd machine once.. that desktop dident work.. alt cd did.14:04
KingKimiDr_Willis, i KNOW this.. i am talking about booting the alternate iso ...  desktop.iso cant be booted in that method..14:04
jag_what is beagle? why is it so big ?           459M    /home/jag/.beagle14:05
Jamed!beagle > jag_14:05
ubottujag_, please see my private message14:05
PacoBuntuOk i just installed flash but youtube still claims i didnt install it ?14:05
jag_reloading nautilus also gets desktop back14:05
bigjockerPacoBuntu, restart firefox14:06
elkyPacoBuntu, you've restarted firefox?14:06
ActionParsnipjag_: do you use beagle?14:06
mumrahIf a directory is g+rw and is owned by root:www-data, if i add myself to www-data, why can I still not write?14:06
jag_Jamed: thanks , so if I have indexing switched off will it clear these logs etc ?14:06
mumraham i misunderstanding the purpose of group permissions?14:07
PacoBuntuok it works now thanks14:07
areelsi want to create an interactive cd, what can i use for that here?14:07
Ampelbeinmumrah: did you relogin after adding yourself to the group?14:07
ActionParsnipmumrah: did you log off and on after adding yourself to the group?14:07
jag_ActionParsnip: nope , I thought my indexing was off . .14:07
Jamedjag_: i don't know beagle, just gave you ubottus help14:07
mumrahi did14:07
ActionParsnipjag_: then uninstall it and delete the data14:07
jag_Jamed: thanks14:08
KingKimihow do i password protect a pendrive ?14:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt14:08
mumrahhere is the line from /etc/group: www-data:x:33:david14:08
ActionParsnipKingKimi: you can use encryptfs14:08
mumrahand here's the directory i'm in: drwxr-xr-x  6 root www-data 4096 .14:08
KingKimiActionParsnip, and will that encrypted pendrive open in windows ??14:08
FLjohnOk.  I am having issues with Ubuntu.  I am new.  I guess I downloaded Edubuntu  and when I click on certain things it appears to be opening the program then it hesitates and the program just disappears14:08
magnetronQuestion: how can i see which repository would be responsible for a package, prior to installing it?14:08
jag_ActionParsnip: so the data within the .beagle folder is only used ny beagle? ie - SAFE to wipe ??14:08
mumrahahhhhhh, "." is not g+rw14:08
ActionParsnipjag_: makes sense14:09
ActionParsnipjag_: could always burn it to CD for archiving14:09
KingKimiActionParsnip, ?14:09
cougar10hi, my X (gnome and xfce) refuses to start up (login goes away and I'm left on a blank screen + cursor). What to do?14:10
cougar10(login goes away when I entered everything and pressed enter)14:10
mumrahgot it working, thanks - i also had not logged out/logged in14:10
jag_cougar10: can u get into a cmd propmt ?14:10
jag_cougar10: can u get into a cmd prompt ?14:10
pfhello every one  0.014:11
cougar10I'm now in "secure/rescue mode" or whatever it is called, jag_14:11
pfI'm just a new guy14:11
ActionParsnipKingKimi: look into encryptfs, it will mean that you will need some form of ID to access the stick14:11
cougar10jag_: and I was able to kill X changing to a cmd with CTR-ALT-F214:12
KingKimiActionParsnip, ok14:12
pfWho come form Taiwan?...14:12
bazhang!tw | pf14:12
ubottupf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:12
cougar10jag_: (that way I got to the login again)14:12
dimitreehow to end a process in Ubuntu ? like kill a process in windows with task manager ?14:12
bigjockerdimitree, ps -edaf, find the process, kill -9 <PID>14:13
cougar10dimitree: you have to find out the PID (process ID) and then use the kill command14:13
dimitreeok thank you :)14:13
jag_cougar10: try restarting nautilus14:13
cougar10cougar10: alternatively, install htop and use it14:13
Shadowbanecan someone help me?  Ubuntu is only recognizing one of my IDE hard drives14:13
jag_cougar10: nautilus --help-Gnome14:13
cougar10jag_: okey, I will have to log out first, cya later14:13
Shadowbaneubuntu 9 64 bit14:14
Hidemewhat is the equivalent of huge-mem kernel for Ubuntu?14:14
jag_cougar10: nautilus --help-gnome-session14:14
Shadowbanemy old computer recognized both with ubuntu 32 bit14:14
ranfHideme, "linux-server"14:14
Dr_WillisShadowbane:   so 'sudo fdisk -l' only shows one drive? both are ide?14:14
voracioushello how to write script to backup my folder to the local folder?14:15
bigjockerhtop is to ps/kill/nice what mc is to bash/mv/cp14:15
painesi am missing the tab "in battery mode" in the powersaving prefs. any idea ?14:15
Shadowbaneyeah, I only have sda and sdb14:15
Shadowbaneboth are sharing the IDE bus...14:16
ActionParsnip!backup > voracious14:16
ubottuvoracious, please see my private message14:16
scuniziShadowbane: you say it only recognizes 1 drive but it shows sda and sdb?14:16
PacoBuntu i dont get the shortcuts in compiz.what are; Button1,2,3,4 ?14:16
cowgartenjag_: hm, login in just worked now, thank you14:17
Shadowbaneonly one of my IDE drives14:17
ShadowbaneI am booting off a sata drive14:17
ActionParsnipPacoBuntu: button one is click, button 3 is right click14:17
PacoBuntuok ty14:17
scuniziShadowbane: and the other drive is an ide?14:17
ActionParsnipPacoBuntu: or reverse if you are a lafty14:17
cowgartenis it a known problem to shut down while another "shutdown" command keeps counting down?14:17
jag_!backup > jag_14:17
ubottujag_, please see my private message14:17
Hidemeranf:  synaptic doesn't provide much in for on linux-server.  This will allow more than 4GB RAM on a 32bit install?14:17
Dr_WillisShadowbane:   IDE drives do show up as sd## normally these days.14:17
Shadowbaneyeah, both of the extras are IDE14:17
trirnothLooked for a shell scripting irc but no luck. Creating a shell script with "ps -ef|grep -i $1|grep -iv grep" works as it should (called psfind by many). Trying to do something similar with the history command. When I put "history |grep -i $1|grep -iv grep" is a shell script, it echos out the command instead of the results. Confused.14:17
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:17
=== root is now known as Guest99254
Shadowbanemy old one is showing up as sdb...14:18
Shadowbanewould it cause probles that they are both on the same bus?14:18
scuniziShadowbane: ah.. so  you have 3 drives. 1 sata and 2 ide.. have you actually installed or just running the live cd?14:18
Shadowbaneinstalled to the SATA14:18
creek23question: how to use 'Windows Key' from the keyboard to toggle open/close GNOME's 'start menu'? I can only toggle it open and use ESC to close. I wonder if I can simply use just one button to toggle open/close14:18
ranfHideme, it is 32bit and has PAE on. I only have 4GB on my box. So don't know if more is possible.14:18
Dr_WillisShadowbane:  ive never had the probolem . My sata normally shows up as sda and the othes as sdb and sdc14:18
Hidemeranf  PAE?14:19
cowgartenis it a known problem to shut down while another "shutdown" command keeps counting down?14:19
ShadowbaneI just checked the cables and stuff, and the BIOS recognises it...  It is an error that my ubuntu just started having14:19
Shadowbaneit worked fine in the computer I used until last week14:19
scuniziShadowbane: with a mix of drive types sometimes there are unusual issues.. being on the same buss doesn't make a diffence. If sudo fdisk -l doesn't show all 3 then I'd check your drive cable connections, power etc..14:20
ranfHideme, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension14:20
ShadowbaneI did check all of the cables, and as I said, the bios does see what both of them are...14:20
Hidemeranf Thanks14:20
cowgartenhow to view folder-sizes in Nautilus?14:20
ActionParsnipShadowbane: are any of them using cable select instead of master / slave?14:21
KingKimiany package in synaptic that convert avi, flv videos to 3gp ??14:21
ActionParsnipShadowbane: *nix systems dont like cable select14:21
scuniziShadowbane: does gparted (partition editor) recognize them all?14:21
michi_Hey can anyone help me I want upgrade my ubuntu 9.04 to ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix without a complete new install14:21
* DaZ uses cable select and everything is fine14:21
ActionParsnipShadowbane: checkbetween the ATA cable and the molex. Make sure the pc is powered OFF before playing14:21
scuniziActionParsnip: sata works, he's having issues with the ide's14:22
ActionParsnipDaZ: its just one less complication if the drives know what they are as its set14:22
Shadowbanethe molex??14:22
bertoloanyone can plz test my skype with me ?14:22
ltcabralhey... why should /boot be a RAID1 partition?14:22
KingKimi any package in synaptic that convert avi, flv videos to 3gp ??14:22
scunizibertolo: skype has their own test channel14:22
ActionParsnipscunizi: exactly, PATA (all drives are IDE) has a master / slave selector14:22
bertolobut i want to test this xit lol14:22
th0rKingKimi: check devede...I use it to convert avi files14:22
P4R41KingKimi: install is running, thanks again. I actually forgot to edit menu.lst and booted from the command line14:22
DaZShadowbane: you know, powerplug14:22
bertolofor fun14:22
ActionParsnipShadowbane: the 4 pin power connector is called a molex14:22
jag_any idee why visual effects can not be turned on with new nvidia drivers?14:22
cowgartenKingKimi: not in repos put you might want to check if it does and worx good under linux : handbreak14:23
bertoloscnunizi can u help me ?14:23
zambabest tool for video editing? still kino?14:23
ShadowbaneI guess I could check that...14:23
ShadowbaneI like cinellera for vid14:23
ActionParsnipzamba: best is an opinio, so there is no best14:23
KingKimiP4R41, B-)14:23
zambaActionParsnip: yeah, sure, but you know what i mean :)14:23
ActionParsnipzamba: kino is neither the worst, nor the best14:23
bertoloanyone want help me testing my skype xit ?14:23
ActionParsnipzamba: no, i really dont14:23
th0rcowgarten: handbrake is in the repos14:23
scuniziActionParsnip: good suggestion on the master/slave .. Shadowban do you know how to check the master/slave  section?14:23
TheBraynhowdy folks14:23
ubuntu* Du sprichst jetzt in #ubuntu14:23
Shadowbanepins on the back14:24
Shadowbaneit should be set as slave probably14:24
zambaActionParsnip: which tool is most used - thus has more active development and community support14:24
scuniziShadowbane: and position on the ide cable..14:24
cemericktotally spooky: crontab -e has started hanging my shell session if I have my $EDITOR set to emacs or emacs22.  If it's set to nano, everything works.  Any ideas?14:24
ActionParsnipShadowbane: on the drives they will say how to make them master and slave, set one to master and one to slacve14:24
jag_Shadowbane: where do u install cinellera from ?14:24
bertoloanyone want help me testing my skype ?14:24
ActionParsnipzamba: windows is used more than linux, does that make it better?14:24
Shadowbanejag_: on their site there is a repo you can add14:25
scuniziShadowbane: one should be master (the one connected to the end of the cable) .. slave would be the other.. unless both are set for cable select14:25
DaZActionParsnip: yes14:25
Shadowbaneok, I will check that14:25
scuniziShadowbane: although cable select isn't always the best choice.. can cause issues14:25
zambaActionParsnip: oh my you're a querulant14:25
ActionParsnipzamba: best is only a comparison of a product compared to an individuals needs, there is no universal best anything14:25
pm2I have an aerial photo of a 500-acre property.   I know the lat/lon of several points on that property (road intersections, corners of buildings, etc).  From that information, I want to be able to plot additional lat/long point.  Eg, I give it a point, it shows it at the correct location on the map.  Can anyone recommend software to do this?14:25
zambaActionParsnip: give me a break, will you? :)14:25
ActionParsnipzamba: even living is not best over death for some people14:25
michi_Hey can anyone help me I want upgrade my ubuntu 9.04 to ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix without a complete new install14:26
bazhangzamba, best to ask in #ubuntu-bots14:26
jag_what cmnd lists all system hardware? ( looking for my pciexpress vid card name etc.)14:27
scunizijag_: sudo lshw14:27
ActionParsnipmichi_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix14:27
ActionParsnipjag_: lspci | grep -i vga14:27
skaIs Ubuntu Netbook Remix going to work better than a normal ubuntu install ?14:28
ubuntu__am trying to install ubuntu and I have decided to create partitions for /, /home, /var, /tmp, /usr and /swap. I have a 320 hdd with abt 12g for vista. The machine will be a development machine. Can anyone recommend sizes for the different partions pls. Am thinking of allocating 2.5gb to / and 45gb to /usr14:28
cowgartenska, no, just has some more features14:28
skaBy normal I mean the newest "standard" version.14:28
skacowgarten: thanks. Do you use a netbook now?14:28
jag_ActionParsnip: thnx14:28
DaZubuntu__: my os uses 10gb14:28
michi_oh shit is it so easy ^^ thx a lot14:28
jag_scunizi: thnx14:29
cowgartenska, I used the netbook remix in 8.0414:29
scuniziska: better no.. you can have both at the same time.. it's lke a different desktop version14:29
mypapitmichi_, yeah, its easy to shit14:29
scunizi!ohmy | mypapit14:29
ubottumypapit: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.14:29
cowgartenska, just have a look http://www.canonical.com/files/video/netbook-screencast.mp414:29
skacowgarten: cool. I'm thinking about getting an asus 901 from newegg, and want to put Ubuntu on it right away.14:29
ubuntu__DaZ: I didn't  get u.14:29
DaZubuntu__: you don't need 45gigs on /usr <:14:30
zambawhat's the eqvivalent of 'xset -b' and 'set bell-style none' in configuration files?14:30
DaZubuntu__:  just do / /boot and /home14:30
ActionParsnipubuntu__: i'd have / /home and swap14:30
DaZswap if you have less than 1gb of ram14:31
ubuntu__DaZ: thanks. So something like 10GB will be okay for /usr? What abt /var, /tmp and /home? I have 3gb of RAM.14:32
DaZubuntu__: i have everything on 1014:32
dadrockHow can i download multiple package using terminal at same time?14:32
DaZubuntu__: do 15-20 and you're safe for sure14:33
cowgartenska, I have a 901, but without the remix. I dont like the interface and performance-wise its not better14:33
scunizidadrock: sudo apt-get install <package> <package> <package> <etc>14:33
tel0sdadrock: you can pass many packages in one sudo apt-get install command, for example sudo apt-get install <package1> <package2> jsut separate the packages with a space14:33
skacowgarten: So you run standard ubuntu on your 901?14:33
cowgartenska yes14:33
ActionParsnipcowgarten: try a lighter DE like XFCE, LXDE, Fluxbox, Openbox etc14:33
DaZubuntu__: /home and  maybe /boot on different partitions ofc14:33
skacowgarten: So it sounds like I should at least try the remix first.14:34
tel0scowgarten: OpenBox is KING14:34
PrebenRwhat is controlling the sound events, I want to turn off sound events completely, but even if I have done that in gnome and xfce4 I still get sounds apps like glade-3 when I click on a button14:34
cowgartenActionParsnip: I'm fine with compiz :) (just flash video-performance sometimes lags a bit)14:34
tel0sActionParsnip: indeed. yuck.14:34
cowgartentel0s: Ok, gotta give it a try14:34
ActionParsniplxde ftw14:34
AhleeAnybody know what builds the motd on jaunty, to include system load, usage of /home, memory usage, etc?14:34
resnoi am trying to run firefox, but when I try delete them it says, firefox i running. how do i find the id in terminal to kill?14:35
PrebenRwhat is controlling the sound events, I want to turn off sound events completely, but even if I have done that in gnome and xfce4 I still get sounds apps like glade-3 when I click on a button14:35
tel0scowgarten: sudo apt-get install openbox obconf openbox-themes14:35
resnops | grep firefox?14:35
cowgartentel0s: ty14:35
DaZresno: ps aux|grep firefox14:35
tel0scowgarten: I'm currently running off the 10mb netinstall cd with xorg and openbox on top. I love lightweight and simple, even though im on an 8gb quadcore.14:35
ActionParsnipresno: ps -ef | grep -i firefox14:35
* ActionParsnip uses the linux standard14:35
ozzmosisresno: killall firefox should also work14:36
* resno noods14:36
cowgartentel0s: sond like a fast boot :)14:36
* DaZ has his own standards14:36
ranf!info update-motd | Ahlee14:36
ubottuAhlee: update-motd (source: update-motd): Modular framework to dynamically generate the message of the day. In component main, is standard. Version 1.11.1 (jaunty), package size 7 kB, installed size 120 kB14:36
tel0scowgarten: up from grub in 6 seconds.14:36
Ahleeozzmosis: yess, but care should be used when using killall as it doesn't always respond as you expected14:36
ActionParsniptel0s: why waste resources on the DE when you can give it to the apps to make them run nicer14:36
Ahleeranf: thank you14:36
ozzmosisAhlee: true14:36
DaZxkill is best14:36
ozzmosisAhlee: it killed my grandmother once14:36
skacowgarten: do you like the 901 hardware though? Seems like a good box for the price. We only plan on using it for lightweight stuff.14:36
ActionParsniptel0s: wanna see a quick boot, try xpud ;)14:37
ozzmosisDaZ: won't work if you're using X over a ssh tunnel or something :)14:37
tel0sActionParsnip: :D I'm happy with OB3, I at least want *smoe* functionality on my machine ;)14:37
ActionParsniptel0s: boots in 7 seconds on my 1.6Ghz AM2 PATA HDD 1Gb DDR2 RAM14:37
resnoozzmosis: ActionParsnip DaZ thanks!14:37
DaZbut it's the fastest imo :f14:37
cowgartenska, I really like it, yes14:38
tel0sska: are we talking about a triple e?14:38
cowgartenska It even replaced my desktop for some time when I had no LAN, just wireless14:38
cowgartentel0s: yea14:38
=== grawity_ is now known as grawity
tel0scowgarten: what do you make of them? if I was to get one, It would have to be the HDD one not the solid state, the amount of writes to the drive cant be healthy for an SSD14:39
Boohbahska: it's kinda small, get the 100014:39
pietro_who's italian here??14:39
=== jeremy_c_ is now known as jeremy_c
Boohbah!it | pietro_14:39
ubottupietro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:39
pietro_ubuntu rules!!!!!14:39
pietro_thank youuuuu14:39
cowgartentel0s: since now the SSDs work, I don't know...14:40
tel0spietro_: you damn right.14:40
cowgartentel0s: but I should disable allt eh sys logs14:40
tel0scowgarten: I'm assuming there are af ew tweaks for extended life, but I wouldn't trust them myself ;)14:40
ltcabralis it good to make /boot a RAID1 partition??14:41
y_nethai jg14:41
cowgartentel0s: I've got no choice or do I (I like that nothing appart from one van) moves in my netook)14:42
Pici!id | y_net14:42
ubottuy_net: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:42
philippHello there. Is there a tool to change the powersaving settings of the CPU?14:43
areelswhat is ctrl-alt-del in ubuntu?14:43
areelstask manager14:43
y_nethai jg14:43
whatvnareels: your ubuntu version?14:43
Piciy_net: Please stop. This is a (english only) Ubuntu support channel.14:43
skacowgarten: tel0s Boohbah : thanks for all the input, I'll put it all in the pot..14:43
areelswhatvn: 9.014:43
aurilliancey_net: is it really? My laptop doesn't open task manager in ubuntu 9.0414:43
bazhangy_net, /join #ubuntu-id14:43
whatvnareels: lock off14:44
areelslock of?14:44
whatvnareels: log off14:44
areelsthere is no log off in shut down menu whatvn14:45
scuniziareels: little icon or man in the upper right corner of the screen14:45
whatvnareels: yes, I know. But take a look at keyboard shortcut14:45
cowgartentel0s: how do i open a dock in openbox?14:45
tel0scowgarten: a dock? you mean a panel?14:46
cowgartentel0s: yes14:46
tel0scowgarten: like a taskbar?14:46
coz_areels if you know how to make a menus item this command will open up the shutdown UI   dbus-send --dest=org.gnome.SessionManager /org/gnome/SessionManager org.gnome.SessionManager.Shutdown14:46
cowgartentel0s: yes yes14:46
tel0scowgarten: well there are a few, I personally prefer PyPanel, however amny people prefer tint2+trayer.14:46
areelsthank you14:46
ardyHae hae14:47
ardyKulo nuwun14:47
tel0scowgarten if you are serious about wanting to use a light DE I'd try openbox with pypanel, thunar and geany.14:48
tel0sif you're not an experienced user,14:48
Piciardy: Please stop. This is a (english only) Ubuntu support channel.14:48
tel0stry looking into crunchbang linux14:48
ardyOnok wong jowo gak ?14:48
tel0sIt's ubuntu base with openbox and tint214:48
tel0scowgarten: it's a scripted install, so its simple, but if you really want to do it properly and make your machine optimised do yit yourself, and build pypanel from source.14:49
cowgartentel0s: what else differs? I installed all that14:49
ardyPici: sorry i dont know :)14:49
Piciardy: What language?14:49
skaIs Easypeasy the same as Ubuntu Netbook?14:49
cowgartentel0s: source, no thx... :)14:49
Piciska: No14:49
cowgartenska, no, and I think it's still 8.0414:49
voracioushow to find out the location of executable file of any program?14:49
tel0scowgarten: pypanel is really quite simple. all the dependancies can be got from the repositories14:49
ardyPici: indonesian language14:49
Pici!id | ardy14:50
ubottuardy: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:50
coz_voracious,   in termina locate  nameof file14:50
shengtonJust wanna need help here about the sources.list on how to edit it. Because in Ubuntu the command of editing the sources.list is "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list". When I applied that in Xubuntu it gave me an error.14:50
cowgartenska stick to ubuntu until EP might develop something special14:50
cowgartenska, for now they are pretty much replaced14:50
ardyPici: thanks14:50
scunizishengton: try sudo nano <etc>14:50
coz_voracious,  sorry that is in the terminal type       locate   nameoffile14:50
skaok.. thx..14:51
tel0scowgarten: the pypanel sources come witha  python script to check dependancies and build it etc,14:51
tel0sso you don't have to do it all yourself.14:51
ardyPici: that chan is empty14:51
shengtonThanks scunizi, I'll try that. Anyway, just wanna know if what's nano?14:51
ardyHuw huw huw14:51
tel0sit tells you whats missing, and you just apt-get it, then run the python script again.14:51
voraciousbut it gives a very long list14:51
scunizishengton: it's anther text editor that works in terminal14:51
tel0scowgarten: it's really very simple.14:51
jag__any way of connecting to this irc  via mobile phone?14:52
ozzmosisjag__: yes14:52
shengtonAhh ok, how I will gonna save it after editing the sources.list sir?14:52
xrfanghello, I have a problem, my desktop becomes black and icons are lost, also right-click on desktop does not call out the menu. everything else seems ok.. using ubuntu 904... help please14:52
tel0svoracious: what executable are you looking for?14:52
ardy!seen sinura14:53
ubottuI have no seen command14:53
hmmmcan someone tell me how to format an external HD, to ntfs?14:53
jag__ozzmosis: how my good man ? lol14:53
ozzmosisjag__: offtopic for here14:53
skacowgarten: One last question,. Once I install the Remix, can I still use the old Gnome interface by installing Desktop-switcher?14:54
xrfanghmmm: check mkfs.ntfs?14:54
ardyPici: where come from ?14:54
hmmmxrfang, i don't know what you mean by that?14:54
tel0sxrfang: try sudo apt-get remove ubuntu desktop && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:54
ozzmosisjag__: #ubuntu-offtopic14:54
heloska: you can14:54
ardyAduch biyung14:54
shengtonAhh ok, how I will gonna save it after editing the sources.list sir?14:54
tel0sxrfang: that should reinstall your desktop environment14:54
skaActually, I usually use Ice, but I don't know how to get all the wireless stuff to work in ice automatically like in gnome.14:54
ardyGak ngerti14:54
tel0sska: have you tried WICD?14:55
skatel0s: no, what is it?14:55
shengtonAhh ok, thanks sir scunizi. How I will gonna save it after editing the sources.list sir?14:55
scunizishengton: using nano? ctrl+o enter then ctrl+x then enter14:55
tel0sska: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/14:55
tel0sska: it's a very good wireless network manager.14:55
tel0sska: i even prefer it to the default *buntu14:55
shengtonAhh ok, I'll try that sir scunizi.14:56
zekI am trying to run a program that requires a link to the x11 rgb.txt  i did a search and it isnt on the computer.  Where do i go get rgb.txt?14:57
PacoBuntudoes anyone here now if dopus4 runs on Ubuntu?14:57
skatel0s: thanks.. it looks cool. I'll try it.14:57
xrfangtel0s: that seems too many work :p14:57
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:57
voraciousI installed lynx elinks and I want to find the location of executable file, space taken by installation and owner.14:57
xrfanghmmm: example: mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdb114:57
xrfangprovided that your external hard disk is sdb1...14:58
ozzmosisvoracious: ls -l `which lynx`14:58
tel0sxrfang: what does?14:58
jimi_ok i seem to be able to run WoW in ubuntu by accessing the shortcut to it from the windows installation, it starts but the frame rate is like 1 pr 2 seconds lol any help on this?14:58
xrfangtel0s: I man reinstall desktop.14:59
tel0sxrfang: it's a fix ;)14:59
voraciousam i right to say that all programs are installed in /usr/bin file14:59
tel0sxrfang it's a meta packages o it basically jsut reconfigures everything14:59
scunizivoracious: nope14:59
tel0svoracious: not all.14:59
jag__how to encode to divx in ubuntu?14:59
tel0sjimi_: have you enabled your accellerated graphics drivers?15:00
hemanthwhich is the most used tool to design front end in gnome , I tired zenity15:00
jim__jag__: mencoder is one option15:00
jim__jag__: divx sucks, though.  consider others if possible.15:00
tel0sjag__: i think ffmpeg can.15:00
jimi_tel0s, im new to linux so im thinking no heh15:00
tel0sjimi_: do you know what card you have?15:00
nemoI'm on 2.6.30-r6 due to the serious flaw in ubuntu patches to 2.6.28 & ext4 - does anyone here know if I update the 2.6.28 kernel, if the ubuntu grub autoupdate will change the default kernel from 2.6.30? would mostly just like to get update manager to quit nagging me15:01
zekI am trying to run a program that requires a link to the x11 rgb.txt  i did a search and it isnt on the computer.  Where do i go get rgb.txt?15:01
xrfangtel0s: thank you I will try now15:01
jimi_tel0s, its an intergrated intl one15:01
shengtonThat works sir scunizi. Thanks you so much.15:01
nephishhey all, i am using awesome window manager. but i can't seem to turn off the annoying sounds like when a dialog box opens, etc..   there a way i can do that?15:01
voraciousbut the command ls -l  which lynx did not work , and i did which lynx only15:01
hemanthjag__: WinFF is a free, GPL-licensed open source GUI frontend for FFMPEG.Install:  sudo apt-get install winff  Run: Applications -> Multimedia -> Video converter (WinFF)15:01
cowgartenska, I think so, yes15:01
ardyOnok wong jowo gak?15:01
Pici!english | ardy15:01
ubottuardy: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:01
scunizishengton: no problem..15:02
tel0sjimi_: Eww. sorry to say chances that you'll get WoW running properly on it are slim. Drivers will probably be an issue.15:02
ozzmosisvoracious: use backticks  .. ``15:02
tel0sjimi_: have you thought about getting a bugdet nvidia/ati card?15:02
jimi_tel0s, thats a bummer cause it works perfectly fine on my windows installation15:02
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository15:02
ozzmosisjim__: xvid is fine at decent bitrates15:02
xNinjahello...is there a nice fileserver package to use with samba for example to control or upload/download files through webserver15:02
jimi_tel0s, this is a laptop that i use for work so no lol15:02
nemojimi_: intel card?15:03
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia15:03
jimi_nemo, yes15:03
tel0sjimi_: yes, that's because they have obviously written windows drivers for it. I'll take a look around for some drivers, give me a few minutes.15:03
nemojimi_: you might want to revert15:03
xrfangtel0s: it reinstalls all things that I have removed :( e.g. evolution, bluez and brtty etc. :p15:03
jimi_nemo, towhat15:03
ozzmosisjim__: mencoder in two-pass mode works pretty well for me..  and despite its faults.. it's the mp3 of the video world .. virtually everything can play it15:03
nemojimi_: there's an ubuntu wiki page about it15:03
jimi_tel0s, ty :) thats very kind15:03
nemojimi_: one sec, pulling it up. worked great for me.15:03
jimi_nemo, ty15:03
Dudo1985hi all15:04
tel0sjimi_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54098115:04
Jhodasafternoon ubuntu :)15:04
tel0sjimi but before you do anything on there, do a glxinfo15:04
tel0sjimi_: and check fora  line that says Direct rendering : no15:04
ardyShrini_: where u from ?15:04
hemanthJhodas: afternoon :)15:04
ardyNight ubuntu15:04
tel0sjimi if it says no, your 3d isnt working and you need to do that guide.15:04
nemojimi_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.415:04
tel0snight ardy15:04
shortlordhas anyone ever seen a beautiful gnome? sorry, I am a bit desperate, even dwm + cli apps in a transparent terminal looked better than gnome + gtk... :(15:04
nemojimi_: you might want to read some of the background linked on that page about what's going on in Xorg15:04
tel0sxrfang: that's the price you pay for breaking your desktop ;)15:05
nemojimi_: but, the test is fairly harmless, you can always revert - for me, it meant getting graphics accel back15:05
tel0sshortlord: If I've said it once, i've said it 100 times. Openbox + conky+pypanel ;)15:05
zekI am trying to run a program that requires a link to the x11 rgb.txt  i did a search and it isnt on the computer.  Where do i go get rgb.txt?15:05
tel0szek:  which program?15:06
xrfangtel0s: the current problem is NOT caused by removing unused things.15:06
nemojimi_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance (that's the page you might want to read over, before just reverting :) )15:06
jimi_nemo,  ok ty :)15:06
xrfangit happens out of the blue today, while these packages are removed long long ago.15:06
tel0sxrfang: I didn't say it was, but in order to fix it, these are the steps you ahve to take.15:06
zektel0s: player and stage.  its a robotics program15:06
shortlordtel0s, Openbox looks good, no question, but I want a Desktop Environment and I cannot live without tiling15:06
jimi_tel0s, ok it says direct rendering: yes15:06
xrfangthe problem seems related to that I try to set a svg file downloaded from gnome-look as desktop wall paper.15:06
nemoI'm on 2.6.30-r6 due to the serious flaw in ubuntu patches to 2.6.28 & ext4 - does anyone here know if I update the 2.6.28 kernel, if the ubuntu grub autoupdate will change the default kernel from 2.6.30? would mostly just like to get update manager to quit nagging me15:07
shortlordtel0s, I guess I am really doomed to live with an ugly look... maybe gtk3 will bring new hope15:07
tel0sjimi_: then the issue does not lie in your graphics.15:07
nemotel0s: wellll.15:07
nemotel0s: I had direct rendering too, but still had to revert15:07
jimi_tel0s, would it be cause im running it from the xp partition directly wihtout using wine15:07
tel0sjimi_: have you enabled openGL, and changed the smoke settings etc as stated on appdb.winehw.org?15:07
shengtonI notice something in Xubuntu. The NTFS drives are not in the Places menu. Just installed the Xubuntu successfully. Is this normal? Why?15:07
jimi_tel0s, no15:08
zektel0s: but the problem is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/30093515:08
jimi_tel0s, i know nothing about that15:08
tel0sshortlord: try another lightweight tiling WM ;)15:08
xrfangtel0s, I presume I need to log off/log on after the apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?15:08
tel0sxrfang: ctrl+alt+bckspc15:08
Pici!dontzap | xrfang tel0s15:08
ubottuxrfang tel0s: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.15:08
cowgartentel0s: wasnt this disabled?15:08
shortlordtel0s, xmonad is great, show me a DE that looks good and I'm in ;)15:09
tel0scowgarten:  seemingly so! haha15:09
shadeslayerhi,on booting sendmail-mta is taking 10 secs to load...increasing boot time to 30 secs any ideas? i disabled it for now...but im having second thoughts...any idea?15:09
voraciousthank you15:09
Picinemo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto might help you keep your kernel package at the version that you want.15:09
voraciousto all15:09
xrfangthanks Pici15:09
tel0sjimi_: go look at the changes required in the settings on wow on appdb.winehq.org15:10
staniranybody knows about boot problems with mixed ide/sata drives and separate /boot partition? I just installed 9.04 and it panics, i guess because the drives are swapped around and / partition is not on the right drive15:10
cowgartensudo: dontzap: command not found ??15:10
nemoPici: thanks much15:10
tel0sjimi_: a couple fo changes need to be made to make it run smoothly.15:10
jimi_tel0s, ty :)15:10
Computer_ManCan someone help me get my video driver to do custom so that I can get 3d cube to work?15:10
aethelrickI have a similar problem stanir15:10
ozzmosisstanir: I wouldn't have thought it would panic15:10
zhoujingruihow to close a window by command15:10
tel0sComputer_Man: what gfx card do you have?15:10
shadeslayercowgarten: you need to install dontzap15:11
jimi_tel0s, silly question but how do i know that it is running using wine?15:11
xrfangPici, is the SysRq key same as the PrintScr key? it does not work for me if I press that the screenshot box will popup15:11
stanirozzmosis, yep, it did. not even started booting kernel. it was about 1st or 2nd line in boot sequence15:11
jimi_tel0s, i have wine installed but i just double clicked on the launcher from my windows install to start WoW15:11
gaotianyo , does anybody now how to use amule on ubuntu ?15:11
devz0rDoes anyone know the command that you execute with a program that records the time it takes to execute that program?15:11
Picixrfang: On most keyboards it is the same key as the printscr key15:11
cowgartengaojinjun: emule?15:12
ozzmosisdevz0r: "time"15:12
staniraethelrick, do you have a mixed configuration of drives, like ide/sata?15:12
Computer_Manis the on MOBO Video card on Dell 260GX15:12
zektel0s: any ideas?15:12
mattgyverstanir, aethelrick, is it an issue where your drives are swapping after a reboot, IE: sda becomes, sdb, and vice versa?15:12
xrfangPici, well it does not work anyway to use alt-SysRq+K... but, now I have ran dontzap --disable, and ctrl-alt-backspace is not back15:12
devz0rthanks ozzmosis15:12
ozzmosis0:12 ozzmosis@sauber [~]time /bin/sleep 215:12
ozzmosis0.004u 0.000s 0:02.02 0.0%0+0k 64+0io 1pf+0w15:12
jag__devz0r: EG.   time l /15:12
tel0sjimi_: the fact that it launched shows its running under wine ;)15:12
xrfangI need to reboot so that it can be used next time?15:12
aethelrickI've had numerous failed attempts at getting ubuntu 9.04 to install on my second SATA disk and it does not install the boot loader correctly. I've followed manuals and guides to the letter and had no success... I seriously considering just putting the openSuSE disk back in because it works without any trouble15:12
tel0szek sorry one second i was afk, re reading what you said15:12
Picixrfang: The xserver needs to be restarted at least once after the dontzap command is run for it to take effect.15:12
jimi_tel0s, oh lol nice, cheers matey :)15:12
xrfangok, thanks Pici15:13
gaotianyes emule15:13
aethelrickstanir: no, I have three SATA disks in a hot swap bay15:13
shadeslayeraethelrick: did you check the box " install bootloader " at the end??15:13
tel0szek: lol i cant find what you wrote, could you ask your question again pleasE? :d15:13
shengtonI notice something in Xubuntu. The NTFS drives are not in the Places menu. Just installed the Xubuntu successfully. Is this normal? Why?15:14
devz0rozzmosis: so the time it took to execute is the "sys" time?15:14
shadeslayershengton: #xubuntu can answer maybe15:14
zektel0s: thats fine, the program i am trying to run needs a file called rgb.txt in the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt15:14
ozzmosisdevz0r: I don't remember details about it.  better read the man page :)15:14
devz0rreal seems to be the time it took until i closed it, user i am not sure, but sys seems to be a consistent number no longer how long i have it running15:15
scunizizek what kind of program is it? what's the name?15:15
coreyman1I'm using powertop and I have to do those options every time i start up my laptop, i tried to set them manually and it said permission denied, how can i set these options in powertop to happen on startup15:15
cowgartenshengton: it is normal, but you can automount them to wherever you like15:15
shadeslayercoreyman1: use sudo15:15
zektel0s:  the documentation says to link it symbolically from /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt    :  Its a robotics program/simulator  called player and stage15:15
aethelrickshadeslayer yup, the bootloader installed but it was auto-misconfigured grub throws an error 22 on the next boot, requiring me to boot from the live CD to proceed15:15
th0rshengton: you might try adding ntfs-3g to /etc/modules...it worked for usb drives, might work for ntfs also15:15
coreyman1shadeslayer i did15:15
zektel0s: however the file it says to link doesnt exist15:16
Computer_Mani think it is intel 291 chipset15:16
shadeslayeraethelrick: how about manually installing it??15:16
shadeslayercoreyman1: works for me here :)....no idea..15:16
shengtonHi shadeslayer and cowgarter! Thanks for replying. How will I automount that?15:16
zektel0s: nor does the destination (sorry for the multilines i need to get used to irc instead of other chats)15:16
tel0szek: is it in /etc/X11/rgb.txt? just check there for me15:16
shengtonHi shadeslayer and cowgarter! Thanks for replying. How I will automount Sir?15:16
Iceman_B^Ltopupgrading my system over ssh should be done in screen eh ?15:17
scunizizek: in my hardy install 8.04.. rgb.txt is located in 2 locations.. /etc/X11/rgb.txt and /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt15:17
coreyman1shadeslayer did powertop save the settings for you?15:17
coreyman1shadeslayer or did you use the echo > blah/blah15:17
jimi_tel0s, sorry for being a bit thick but i am having trouble finding where these changes i need to perform  are listed15:17
tel0sjimi_: there should a file called WTF.confg15:18
tel0sjimi you need to enable opengl in there15:18
shadeslayercoreyman1: powertop doesnt save the settings,it merely writes values to files,writes them out everytime you run it15:18
aethelrickshadeslayer: I followed the instructions on grub's website to find /boot/grub/stage1, set root to the device and partition it finds and then doing a setup (hd0) but this does not fix the problem... there is something fundamental I'm missing and it's not in the docs. The majority of guides assume you're making space on one disk and booting linux and windows side by side.15:18
coreyman1shadeslayer yea...15:18
tel0szek: does it exist in /etc/X11/rbg.txt ?15:18
Computer_Mansorry is Intel i91515:19
zektel0s:  i have 9.04 and its in neither of those places,  unless its hidden?15:19
shadeslayeraethelrick: hmm..no idea then..you could take it up in #grub15:19
coreyman1shadeslayer i tried to set the values in the files manually and it told me permission denied.15:19
shadeslayercoreyman1: so no it does not save settings15:19
tel0szek: check using ls -la /etc/X11/15:19
shadeslayercoreyman1: are you in the admin group etc.15:19
scunizizek: do a sudo updatedb then a locate rgb.txt15:19
jamescarrfirefox is convinced it's in offline mode15:19
coreyman1shadeslayer i'm probably not, my user was set up when i installed fresh.15:19
jamescarrmy presence here proves otherwise15:20
jamescarrwhat can I do to fix that?15:20
tel0szek: scunizi that will be complicated as there are a few rgb.txts on the machine. just none are the applicabel one.15:20
GreenDelta2Hey, is there any better h264 codec in the repositories than the one installing automatically when you run a HD Video? Because this ones not that good, becoming asynchron after some time...15:20
aethelrickshadeslayer: I theorize that some how the order of disks at boot is different to the order grub see them in after boot. I need to somehow get grub to drop to a grub shell at boot then I could fire the right commands to find out where each OS is, but I'm not clear on how to do this and sadly #grub is nowhere near as helpful as #ubuntu15:20
shadeslayercoreyman1: ok try sudo adduser <username> admin15:20
ozzmosisjamescarr: untick File -> Work Offline15:20
coreyman1shadeslayer oh ok :D15:20
bobsaccamanomy ubuntu 8.10 has become so sluggish that im having to consider switching to windows...im using a third party theme - can this be the cause?15:20
scunizibobsaccamano: yes and/or your video driver15:21
jamescarrozzmosis, it's been annoying... it wont let me go to localhost when offline15:21
aethelrickI've tried pot luck with the device.map file and I've tried applying logic, short of recompiling grub with a few debug statements in it to clearly show what it's doing I'm at a loss15:21
tel0sbobsaccamano: It could be. have you tried using another Desktop environment such as XFCE?15:21
Skaagbobsaccamano: If you are considering switching to Windows, then just go ahead and do it :-)15:21
ozzmosisbobsaccamano: you tell us... switch to a default theme and see if it improves!15:21
zekte0s: i did the updatedb  (btw what is that command?)  and "locate rbg.txt" and none appeared15:21
deviushello, i need assistance with my new ubuntu installation; i cant enable my desktop effects at ALL, not even on normal....why's that?15:21
shadeslayeraethelrick: hmm..unnfourtunately im no grub expert... no idea how to achieve that15:21
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
Skaagbobsaccamano: I'm saying this because if you are even considering it, you are obviously not understanding the advantages of using ubuntu15:21
shadeslayerdevius: video card??15:21
tel0sdevius: it is probably your graphics drivers.15:21
zektel0s:  i found the bug but i dont know how to fix it   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/30093515:22
ozzmosisjamescarr: yes, I think offline mode is just for file access only, whereas localhost uses tcp/ip (loopback networking)15:22
tel0szek:  i was looking at that myself :D15:22
ozzmosisjamescarr: so http:// won't work but file:// will15:22
tel0szek you are going to need to find rgb.txt and copy it into the correct directories.15:22
bobsaccamanooh yes..and firefox takes abt 250mb ram15:22
YixilTesiphonare most of the issues with sound on 64-bit jaunty fixed by now?15:22
shadeslayerbobsaccamano: :O15:22
YixilTesiphonI've been on beta for awhile, the one time I installed updates sound died15:22
zektel0s: ok does this file look right  http://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/Color/rgb.txt  ?15:22
tel0szek: wget http://wwwcdf.pd.infn.it/MLO/rgb/rgb.txt15:23
deviusshadeslayer, tel0s: its an intel graphics card, """supposed to be supported out of the box"""15:23
coreyman1shadeslayer i just checked, i am admin15:23
tel0szek then sudo cp rgb.txt /etc/X11/rgb.txt15:23
shengtonHello thor! Thanks for replying. The ntfs-3g is already installed.15:23
shadeslayerdevius: actually no...ubuntu 9.04 does not support your card15:24
coreyman1shadeslayer let me paste an error message when i try to add values to files.15:24
Picidevius: Please see the Jaunty release notes in the topic regarding issues with Intel graphics cards15:24
shadeslayerdevius: read the release notes15:24
shadeslayercoreyman1: uh...im off in 5 min15:24
coreyman1shadeslayer okay15:25
etbafter upgrade to ubuntu 9.04 virtualbox doesnt start, it hangs15:25
aethelrickno problem shadeslayer, thanks anyway :)15:25
etb anyone know why?<15:25
deviusPici: could you please direct me to the right page15:25
xrfangtel0s: I found the problem, that is caused by the svg file15:26
ozzmosisetb: works for me15:26
coreyman1shadeslayer sudo echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy15:26
coreyman1bash: /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy: Permission denied15:26
Picidevius: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes#Performance%20regressions%20on%20Intel%20graphics%20cards15:26
xrfangit is a "huge" svg of 3M. which hangs the file manager. I think this is a bug15:26
coreyman1ok bye15:26
FloodBot1coreyman1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:26
zektel0s:  the last problem is that i dont have a /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 directory15:26
etbozzmosis: which module is it15:26
ozzmosisetb: what?15:26
tel0szek make it :D15:27
coreyman1Anyone know why I can't do this to the following file as sudo?15:27
zhismhi which scrobbler is really good ? I got mpd + ncmpcpp15:27
etbozzmosis: which vbox pkg is that?15:27
zektel0s:  wow sorry, that was a noob question,  right after i asked it i hit myself in the head15:28
coreyman1Anyone know why I can't do this as sudo? http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/view/5529/15:28
gordonjcpis there any way to get the applet panel functionality back into Jaunty, the way it was in Hardy?15:28
tel0szek: not a problem, if it were any other moment i would have slapped you, but i ahve chocolate biscuits so im subdued at the moment.15:29
gordonjcpcoreyman1: because you're no longer sudoed after the redirect15:29
tel0scoreyman1: do a sudo bash and then in that, do your command.15:29
deviusPici: okeey....i guess that sucks for me, anyway ill try using the first option "using the "greedy" migration heuristic", could you assist me through the proccess15:29
hemanthcan samba be used b/w two machines in different network with dynamic ip ?15:29
Picidevius: I'm actually a bit busy here, someone else may be able to help.15:30
coreyman1tel0s I'm a noob, how do I run bash as sudo.15:30
ncfi1013does anybody know of any dj-ing software that is open source?15:30
zektel0s:  lol sometimes i chat before i think,  im used to playing games where it doesnt really matter, sorry15:30
tel0scoreyman1: "sudo bash" in terminal :D15:30
deviusPici: ok15:30
coreyman1tel0s lol k thx15:30
tel0szek I know the feeling, I'm an avid gamer myself :D15:30
jim__coreyman1: coreyman1 alternatively, echo "foo" | sudo tee -a /path/to15:30
coreyman1jim__ ahh thx15:31
zektel0s: thanks for your help , it looks like it is working,  now back to my job :)15:31
deviushello, can anyone assist me in using the "greedy" migration heuristic for my intel graphics card on ubuntu jaunty15:31
tel0szek: awh, who will i speak to now? :D15:31
tokyoaheadhi all... I am getting error messages from my SATA drive while booting, and it takes forever. please see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7314698#post7314698 for details. any help appreciated15:31
deviusoh ya and why is my "xorg.conf" file blank :S15:32
coreyman1thanks for all your help I'm going to do a reboot15:32
tel0sanyone here using Karmic?15:33
Picitel0s: Try #ubuntu+115:33
tel0sPici: oic, thanks, my bad.15:33
GreenDelta2i cant get out the proxy of my apt-get. i checked "direct conection" in the system wide proxy dialog and i checked direct connection in the proxy dialog of synaptics... but everytime i try apt-get it still wants to connect to the proxy..15:34
jiyanmoyuNo one in?15:34
deviushello....anyone willing to assist me here???15:34
hmmmwhat is your question devius?15:34
deviushmmm: using the "greedy" migration heuristic for my intel graphics card on ubuntu jaunty15:35
deviushmmm: and my xorg.conf file is blank?15:35
milennhi, if i open  a program and hear some music, later i close that prog. and open another music prog but this second cant play because the sounde device is "locked" to the first app which is now closed. How can i "unlock"  the sound device and free it15:35
erh_Is there a way to run jockey without an x session?  Trying to re-activate xorg:fglrx15:35
hmmmsorry devius don't have a clue...15:36
deviushmmmm.....old man devius cant get help here i guess15:36
dziadekI dont know why xorg take 70%-90% of my cpu. Anybody know how solve this problem?15:36
deviusassistance with intel graphics cards on ubuntu jaunty......anyone15:37
GreenDelta2i cant get out the proxy of my apt-get. i checked "direct conection" in the system wide proxy dialog and i checked direct connection in the proxy dialog of synaptics... but everytime i try apt-get it still wants to connect to the proxy..15:37
Trojaneyezdevius which intel card?15:37
SetiAmonJust installed ubuntu15:38
FrankQCSetiAmon: goodjob =)15:38
SetiAmonI haven't used linux since SuSE4.1 but i had one to many BSoD from windows15:38
deviusTrojaneyez: not sure....GM965M i guess15:38
=== winston is now known as Guest93902
zhismIs there anyway to get 2d/3d on ubu 9.04 with and Mobility Raeon 9700 card?15:38
Dre4mHi there, sorry if this question is a little vauge question I was just trying to find out if anyone knows what the most popular and respected video editor on linux/ubuntu is?15:39
helothings have improved a bit since then...15:39
Guest93902I'm trying to get the game Arcanum working with wine, but I'm not having any luck. I'm getting this error when I try to run it in wine: Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 1615:39
SetiAmonso here is a few questions.the account it had me make when installing ubuntu,that is this account,it isn't root right? and if so how am i supposed to login as root incase i need to have that kind of access in the future15:39
Trojaneyezdevius, is this a laptop?15:39
deviusTrojaneyez: yes15:39
genii!root | SetiAmon15:39
ubottuSetiAmon: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:39
GreenDelta2i cant get out the proxy of my apt-get. i checked "direct conection" in the system wide proxy dialog and i checked direct connection in the proxy dialog of synaptics... but everytime i try apt-get it still wants to connect to the proxy..15:40
geniiSetiAmon: Ubuntu uses no root account. Everything requiring elevated priveleges should be done using sudo as the bot explains.15:40
SetiAmonif there is no root password doesn't that mean anyone who logs into this account can do whatever they want?15:40
deviusTrojaneyez: ?15:40
jim__GreenDelta2: edit /etc/apt/sources.list15:40
Trojaneyezdevius, you are atleast at a cli right?15:40
=== eddie is now known as Guest35830
SetiAmonMore importantly how do i get sound to work,it see's my ipod but won't play the music15:41
SlartSetiAmon: the same way a root account would be..but using sudo, yes15:41
DJones15:01 <  DanielRM> In fact they do hot chilli almonds. 0_015:41
geniiSetiAmon: The first user created is by default a member of admin group. Subsequent users are not.15:41
deviusTrojaneyez: yes i an15:41
Dre4mi'm trying to find out if anyone knows what the most popular and respected video editor on linux/ubuntu is?15:41
SlartSetiAmon: the account that was made during the install is part of the "admin" group.. that means you can run any command as root.. and do all the things a root user would normally be able to do15:41
SetiAmonSo should i creat another account or is using the default safe15:42
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:42
GreenDelta2jim_: and what to edit there?15:42
SlartSetiAmon: using the default is safe.. that's what most people do.. you still have to use sudo for root stuff15:42
deviusTrojaneyez: Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)15:42
=== dziadek is now known as EmeryT
hemanthjoin #bash15:43
c0p3rn1cinsmod: error inserting 'smartcam.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module15:43
DJones15:01 <  DanielRM> In fact they do hot chilli almonds. 0_015:43
DJonessorry, ignore that, wrong click on a mouse with putty15:43
SetiAmonok rythem box see's my ipod,when it searchs for a plugin to play my mp3's it says none found,whats the deal?15:43
jlarocheHello everyone. I am runnin Ubuntu 8.04 32bit on my Asus EEE 701 4G Surf and have the Linux 2.6.24-21-eeepc kernel. Does anyone know how to overclock the EEE from 600mhz to 900mhz with this kernel / setup?15:44
ncfi1013does anybody know of any dj-ing software that is open source?15:44
jlarocheI've been looking all over online and getting nowhere...15:44
GreenDelta2has anyone here any idea why my apt-get program still tries to connect through a non existing proxy, even if te files /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/bash.bashrc dont list this proxy???15:45
Slartjlaroche: afaik overclocking might be a BIOS thing..15:45
Dre4mif anyone knows what the most popular and respected video editor on linux/ubuntu is?15:45
simprixIs there anywhere I can download gutsy packages. Im trying to update to hardy but I need some packages for python15:45
deviusTrojaneyez: oh....come on, where are you?15:45
icerootjlaroche: there is a script (google) for the eee pc 701 4g with hardy, which will enable fn + f6 for overclocking15:45
JaneDoeis there a way to use adduser (or other command line activity) to add users such that they are ok in the "Admin, Users and Groups" dialog?15:45
Slartjlaroche: unless they managed to reveal some functionality of the motherboard in some way you can use.. and I doubt the eeepc has done this.. perhaps gaming motherboards for desktops and such..15:46
icerootjlaroche: its also setting some other eeepc features like other hotkeys, wlan driver, webcam-driver, soundfix and so on15:46
EmeryTncfi1013 mixxx is good15:46
Slartsimprix: there is a old repository.. old-releases.ubuntu.com or something like that15:46
DJonessimprix: Does this help http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/15:46
ncfi1013Dre4m: kino and avidemux15:46
djtoastHi,  anyone know how i would zip a large number of small files into multiple zips.. like backup1.zip backup2.zip backup3.zip.  I have over 43000 files that needs to be compressed in different volumes and the total size exeeds zips capability.15:46
ultratekwhen i run firefox through terminal i get this, can someone help? : http://pastebin.com/m1b20485615:46
deviushaaah....in plain the new ubuntu sucks, deserves to remain in alpha for alonger while15:46
yaccHow do I make Gnome do an "xset b off" (I hate the audible bell) through the settings?15:47
Dre4mthe new ubuntu is incredible you idiot? wtf man?15:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:47
Dre4mtake your insults else where15:47
deviusy was it released when it cant even handle the most popular, widely used graphics chip in the market15:47
LjLDre4m: same for you, please15:47
Dre4mI havent insulted anyone?15:47
Dre4mor been rude?15:48
LjLDre4m: yes, you've just called someone an idiot. please don't and stay on topic.15:48
deviusya they're ryt u kno :P15:48
gordonjcpDre4m: re video editing, kdenlive looks pretty good15:48
deviusbut fact is fact, it still needs more time in alpha15:49
deviusryt ppl15:49
LjLdevius: which part of "stay on topic" escaped you?15:49
Dre4mye, just thought it was a bit stupid someone insulting an operating system in a chat room dedicated to the operating system, anyway cheers ncfi101315:49
deviusokok sry15:49
ultratekwhen i start firefix in terminal i get this:http://pastebin.com/m1b20485615:49
deviusas i was saying.....any assistance withe my graphics card15:49
ncfi1013yea kdenlive i forgot15:49
iamlenekoinsulting an operating system ?15:49
djtoastanyone ?15:49
=== winston is now known as Guest80863
GreenDelta2has anyone here any idea why my apt-get program still tries to connect through a non existing proxy, even if te files /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/bash.bashrc dont list this proxy???15:49
iamlenekoi am sure ubuntu heart is all broken now15:49
deviusi didnt insult it, just loled at it 4  a sec :P15:50
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.15:50
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:50
dajhornGreenDelta2: You're looking in the wrong spot.  Check /etc/apt/apt.conf and /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/15:50
iamleneko!i insist15:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i insist15:50
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.15:50
LjL!ops | iamleneko15:50
ranfGreenDelta2, did you check the other files in /etc/apt/ ?15:50
ubottuiamleneko: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:50
SetiAmonis there a hotkey shortcut for terminal?15:51
MokoN00bi have a friend who seems to get better wifi signal strength in xandros than ubuntu15:51
deviusok ok, sry.....lol, the bot needs to chill a lille bit.....guys my graphics card plz, i really need it to work15:51
MokoN00bis there a way to check why this is happening?15:51
mzzSetiAmon: I'm not sure if there is one by default, but iirc you can create one15:51
MokoN00bis it just a KDE vs gnome thing?15:51
ncfi1013SetiAmon: Alt-F2?15:52
ultratekdevius what kind of card do you have?15:52
SetiAmonThanks ncfi15:52
deviusultratek: Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)15:52
mzzSetiAmon: err, or maybe not. Looks like I was confused. But try creating a launcher on your panel and see if that allows it. I forgot.15:52
JaneDoeMokoN00b: should not be at all15:52
SetiAmonalt F2 works15:52
JaneDoeMokoN00b: i.e. should not be kde vs gnome.  thats just the desktop session stuff15:53
mzzMokoN00b: seems more likely to be a kernel thing than a kde/gnome thing15:53
GreenDelta2ranf: /etc/apt/apt.conf is empty and in all the other files in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ is no relation to any proxy15:53
ncfi1013a friend of mine told me about it and its great15:53
SetiAmonSo how do i get audio to work,rythim box says there is no mp3 plugin but it sees my mp315:53
buakekaI am trying to format a 2GB flash drive to fat32 with Gparted and I get ERROR: mkdosfs: /dev/sdb1 contains a mounted file system." Can someone help?15:53
iamlenekoSetiAmon, maybe you need to install the lame package15:53
JaneDoedjtoast: if you didn't get your answer - use file lists?15:53
Slartbuakeka: unmount it before trying to format it15:53
mzzbuakeka: unmount that file system (using the gui or just "sudo umount /dev/sdb1")?15:54
iamlenekobut i would think it was by default15:54
djtoastfile lists?15:54
MokoN00byeah, but the stock xandros kernel is much older15:54
deviusultratek: dont be like trojaneyez  -.-15:54
iamlenekoSetiAmon, sudo apt-get install liblame015:54
MokoN00bso, their binary blob driver might be a little better for their hardware (eeePC)?15:54
ranfGreenDelta2, anything here: "env | grep -i proxy"15:55
dadrockHow to download file  from terminal?15:55
ultratekdevius do you have the driver file for it?15:55
mzzMokoN00b: that's a possibility. I'm no expert on wireless though, so not sure if there are other things (settings) to check.15:55
GreenDelta2ranf: wait15:55
ultratekthe latest?15:55
deviusultratek: where would i get that15:55
GreenDelta2ranf yah there it is15:55
ultratek1 sec i am looking15:55
lameboti just re-installed ubuntu and now i cant access my windows partition from ubuntu, on my last install i was able to mount my windows partition15:55
JaneDoedjtoast: I believe you can specify a file which contains a list of files to be zipped.  use ls to create a master list.  use tail or something to split that file into a few files containing shorter lists.  then use the lists in those shorter files to create your smaller zips15:55
lamebotis there any way to change this?15:56
GreenDelta2ranf: http_proxy... how can i delete this?15:56
JaneDoeMokoN00b: maybe but has nothing to do with kde vs gnome15:56
SetiAmonCouldn't find package liblame015:56
dadrockI want to download an iso from terminal wht is the command fo it.?15:56
djtoastJaneDoe: Thanks ill try this15:56
Slartdadrock: use wget15:56
ranfGreenDelta2, "export http_proxy= "15:56
MokoN00blooks like its not working15:56
Slartdadrock: wget http://blablabla15:57
dadrockcan u give a example please.!, slart15:57
JaneDoeis there a way to use adduser (or other command line activity) to add users such that they are ok in the "Admin, Users and Groups" dialog?15:57
SetiAmoniamleneko: it says coun't find package liblame015:57
Slartdadrock: wget http://www.someserver.com/awesomeiso.iso15:57
deviusluks lik many things not working after jaunty escaped from the zoo :p15:57
iamlenekoSetiAmon, sudo apt-get install lame15:57
dadrockand where it will be stores?,alat15:57
deviusgraphics card, system is slow, webcam....oooooooooooooooo15:58
Slartdevius: was that a question? or you're just letting out some steam?15:58
iamlenekothat strange i don't remember that i had to install some package having ryhtmbox playing mp315:58
ultratekdevius: http://downloadcenter.intel.com:80/filter_results.aspx?strTypes=all&ProductID=2800&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng&strOSs=39&submit=Go!15:58
deviusi lve intrepid15:58
ultratekis that it?15:58
dadrockand where it will be downloaded ?, slat15:58
ncfi1013devius: yea my ipod isn't compatible w/ any media player or ipod mgmt tool15:58
mcphailAre there any RT kernels for jaunty which are up-to-date with the non-RT kernel?15:58
SetiAmoniamleneko:couldn't find package lame,it says15:58
deviusultratek: oh waw luks like it is15:59
deviusill try it15:59
Slartdadrock: to the current folder, whatever that is.. by default it's your home folder15:59
iamlenekowhat is your distribution ?15:59
ultratekdevius did that link help?15:59
adevchi everybody. Is it possible to get rid of Strigi/nepomuk on Kubuntu?15:59
deviusultratek: ill try it15:59
iamlenekoSetiAmon, do this before see if it work : sudo apt-get update16:00
deviusultratek: OH NO....its this BADA** driver that ruined my last setup16:00
deviusultratek: nonononononno....no way am using that again16:00
deviusultratek: mistakes never repeated again.....nonononono16:00
ultratekis it the wrong one?16:00
SetiAmoncool its downloading something,thank you for being patient with me iamleneko16:00
deviusits such a bad idea trust me16:00
adevcanyone? Can i get rid of Strigi and or Nepomuk in Kubuntu?16:01
iamlenekoit only get the data from the repository16:01
Slartadevc: have you asked in #kubuntu?16:01
ultratekwell i was hoping it would be a *.run file16:01
EmeryTHi everybody. Where can i change webcam options??16:01
deviusultratek: unless u've been miraculasly successfull with it...xD cant even spell the word correctly :P16:01
adevcstart: will do thanks16:01
RainbowWis there a magic howto somewhere in configuring dual head support under kde? under gnome it was magic. laptop and an external port. at the moment i can either disable one and use the other, or i can make them mirror, but i can't make them be an extended desktop.16:01
iamlenekoSetiAmon, you would need to launch this after : sudo apt-get install lame16:01
SlartEmeryT: usually in the viewer.. or the software used to capture the images/movie16:01
Gaming4JChey all, I am trying to run HoneyBot (or Nepenthes) (a honeypot solution)... and I cannot bind to ports 139 or 445. Some tmp/orbit-username/linux-**** is running on it. Any ideas how to unbind the ports and rebind them to the honeypot?16:01
SetiAmoniamleneko then i should do what?also is there any where i can go to see what packages there is to install,that i need etc.i'm such a noob16:02
Plenumhey, has anyone managed to get jetty-solr to work correctly under 8.04?  I keep running into this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/solr/+bug/310455 which is claimed to be a bug in jetty but there's no clear indication how to fix it anywhere?  :(16:02
Zestlad85Are Malaysian here?16:02
iamlenekoSetiAmon, In applications > add / remove software16:02
coreyman1Anyone have a clue as to why powertop tells me to do the same things every time I run it, and it's reporting that they haven't been done even when i run powertop in a sudo bash16:02
ultratekare you using your laptop now?16:02
iamleneko(i think it is that, my menu is in french here)16:02
LjL!my | Zestlad8516:03
ubottuZestlad85: bantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my16:03
SlartGaming4JC: is the honeypot running as root? I'm not sure if it's needed any more but earlier you had to be root to bind to a port <100016:03
coreyman1ultratek who?16:03
RainbowWultratek: are you asking me about the laptop (dual head issue)?16:03
ultratekdevius, no sry16:03
Zestlad85What topic ?16:03
Slartcoreyman1: because powertop isn't all powerful and sometimes gets things wrong16:03
SetiAmonis that the equivolent of windows update?i mean is there any where i go to check updates for ubuntu or does it do that itself16:03
SetiAmonjust poped up Ubuntu updates LOL16:04
coreyman1slart i did the settings manually, but they dont seem to save16:04
deviusO.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O........i lve myslef........-.- back to point ""0"" were the graphics card issue will ""NEVER"" be solved16:04
mzzcoreyman1: personally I'm no fan of that auto-fix mode it has, although the diagnostics can be useful.16:04
SlartSetiAmon: system, administration, update-manager .. you can change the settings either in a menu there.. or in system, administration, software sources16:04
Slartcoreyman1: it might just be that the settings aren't valid any more16:04
deviusdont i draw to much attention to myself :P16:04
coreyman1devius whats up16:04
mzzcoreyman1: anything in particular you can't get to stick?16:04
Gaming4JCso basically I need to unbind the listening orbit port, and bind the same port to nepenthes. :) ??16:05
* Dr_Willis guesses devius has an ati card16:05
SetiAmonOk iamlenko i just did that command,going to test my mp3s16:05
ultratekcan anyone help me with this issue when i start firefox through terminal:http://pastebin.com/m4ab202d616:05
jyg_I've noticed that the nautilus icon for you home dir does not know what your home dir is from HOME or from /etc/passwd16:05
devius* fakess...intel16:05
Gaming4JCI'm running 9.04 32bit x86 if it matters.16:05
ncfi1013anybody know why some of my dialog windows open within the boundaries of my screen and some open exceeding the boundaries of my screen?16:05
coreyman1mzz  SATA link power management16:05
Dr_Willisdevius:  My intel works. :)  :P16:05
Gaming4JCgoogle tells me it is impossible16:05
devius*: intel inside and a stupid outside :P16:05
Dr_Willisdevius:  yea - aparently intel dident keep up with the changes to X16:06
LjLdevius: your answer - yes, you are drawing too much attention to yourself.16:06
mzzcoreyman1: sorry, no experience with that one.16:06
mzzncfi1013: is there a pattern to this? Some app getting it wrong?16:06
deviusDr_Willis: so wat to do, i relly like the the new jaunty, but its fading off16:06
SetiAmonI'm going to get some coffee16:06
deviusLjL: lol16:06
Slartcoreyman1: it might just be the case that the setting powertop is trying to set is depracated or something.. or can't be set the way that powertop is trying to set it16:06
bl4ckc00k1ealguien tieen ventrilo con wine?16:06
ncfi1013amarok 216:07
elexodusHaving troubles juggling accounts for sharing network drives. Anyone have a minute?16:07
Gaming4JCSlart: Yes, the honeypot is root. Still no luck binding.16:07
SetiAmonI have reinstalled windows because of viruses 3 times and even then i was getting BSoD once in awhile.so i said hell with it,no dual boot this time and killed my windows forever16:07
Slart!es | bl4ckc00k1e16:07
ubottubl4ckc00k1e: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:07
coreyman1slart i did it manually16:07
SetiAmonI'm going to get some coffee bbiafm16:07
coreyman1slart the file isn't saving16:07
coreyman1slart its just a file with a value16:07
coreyman1slart i changed the value16:07
coreyman1slart and i reboot16:07
coreyman1slart and its back to where it was16:07
Slartcoreyman1: please.. leave the poor enter key alone for a while16:07
JackalsNoseMy desktop isn't updating until I open it up in Nautilus, does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?16:08
ncfi1013amarok 2 'configure amarok'16:08
SlartGaming4JC: I'm not sure what this orbit-thing is.. have you googled for it?16:08
deviusDr_Willis:ok r u using jaunty16:08
coreyman1slart well im sorry i cant think of everything i want to say in one enter key16:08
deviusDr_Willis: if yes then wat did u do16:08
mzzJackalsNose: hmm, the desktop is normally drawn by nautilus, but a nautilus process is normally started along with your session.16:08
mcphailAre there any RT kernels for jaunty which are up-to-date with the non-RT kernel?16:08
mzzJackalsNose: this is a mostly-standard gnome session? Anything related in ~/.xsession-errors?16:08
Slartcoreyman1: then think about what to write before letting the fingers go wild.. the flood bots will kick you if you keep that up16:09
mzzGaming4JC: orbit listening on a low (<1024) port is kinda weird, afaik16:09
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:09
coreyman1slart it didn't even give me a warning.16:09
Gaming4JCSlart: Yes, it has something to do with listening for devices. However, there's about a thousand of them... o_O16:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:09
Slartcoreyman1: oh.. it won't.. but it's only a 10 second ban or so..16:09
ubuntu23!restricted package16:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:09
mzzGaming4JC, Slart: orbit is an ipc mechanism used by a couple of gnome things, mainly the panel (to communicate with applets)16:09
SetiAmoniamlenko:sorry to bother you again.the mp3 plugins downloaded and all that in rythimbox and i clicked on a song to play and the dial moves but no sound comes out,what am i missing here?I turned up volume16:09
LjL!msg the bot | ubuntu2316:09
ubottuubuntu23: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:09
ubuntu23lol thx :p16:09
Gaming4JCmzz: Strange... so why is it listening on Samba?16:10
pcb-dennis1hi i have a weird problem using our proxy with apt, apt-get upgrade tries to download each packet about 20 times....16:10
whileimhereWhat is the difference between GTK 1.x and 2.x?16:10
* Gaming4JC goes to double check16:10
mzzGaming4JC: that's what I don't understand. Also, to even do that at all it'd have to be launched as root, which is weird.16:10
phillipsmI have a question about creating a custom ubuntu iso....is it possible to copy the .iso off of a live cd so i don't have to download all 700mb again when i have the image i want to modify on a cd already?16:10
SlartGaming4JC: hmm.. perhaps it's forwarding the port to some gnome application that wants samba sharing..16:10
michel_hi people... i have  a big problem, i have  amistake changing users permission... i make chown and chmod to the /var16:10
mzzSlart: that wouldn't give you an orbit process. It's a different protocol.16:10
michel_there area a way to restore default permissions16:10
Gaming4JChmm odd indeed16:10
michel_and owner16:11
Flannelphillipsm: yes, just use dd to copy it to an iso file.16:11
Slartmzz: ok.. I've never messed with it.. so I'm really just guessing..16:11
mzzphillipsm: just copying (or dd-ing) the device node (may be /dev/sr0) should give you a working iso16:11
phillipsmflannel: thanks...16:11
mzzalso, I need to type faster :)16:11
mzzSlart: don't start now, it's slowly on its way out (mainly replaced by dbus)16:12
deviusdevius....has jaunty...but jaunty dosent have graphics driver....so devius visits xchat.....but xchat dosent have clue.....soo ????????......16:12
Gaming4JCmzz: luke@luke-desktop:~$ netstat -an 1 | grep 445: tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11445    /tmp/orbit-luke/linc-d70-0-5315a2b9a087c16:12
SetiAmoni dare say my wifi is father then in windows.16:12
Ash-FoxHow do I disable ssh's stupid check on file permissions on certificates? - I am trying run backups under a specific user and I use ACLs to grant it read access to everything and SSH refuses to work when the ACLs are set on the files.16:12
SetiAmonanyhow coffee brb16:12
deviusya to coffee :P16:13
SlartGaming4JC: is this a fresh install? or you've upgraded it?16:13
Gaming4JCSlart: Fresh install.16:13
dmarkANYone a WHAT.CD INvite??????16:13
deviusmy fellow beoble on xchat.......what is i to do.....big broblem here16:13
deviusblease assist16:14
Dr_Willisdmark:  i would say.. No..16:14
nibbler__can i somehow pass info from the boot menu to the userspace of the booted system?16:14
Slartdevius: perhaps if you would stop whining and spamming nonsense and instead ask a question with the relevant information in it you might get an answer?16:14
Dr_Willisnibbler__:  ive seen it done on many disrtos.  but i dont know what reads the passed on info. proberly some varianble/init script does it16:14
mzzGaming4JC: that's really weird output. Those /tmp/orbit-blah/linc-blah things should be sockets, not executables. So getting "tcp" there makes no sense, should be "unix". Can you run "file /tmp/orbit-luke/linc-d70-0-5315a2b9a087c"?16:14
deviusSlart: Intel graphics card not working properly on ubuntu jaunty_____YES SIR....:P16:15
Slart!details | devius16:15
ubottudevius: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:15
dmarkANYone a WHAT.CD INvite????16:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ventrilo16:15
mzzGaming4JC: "netstat -an 1|grep orbit" gives me output like "unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     5929     /tmp/orbit-mzz/linc-9e9-0-3801cf8813dac" and "unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     241229   /tmp/orbit-mzz/linc-732e-0-1566ea5b1382b"16:15
nibbler__Dr_Willis:  /proc/cmdline - found it :)16:15
ncfi1013anybody know why some of my dial;og windows open within the area of my screen and some do not?16:15
Slartdevius: also relevant bits from /var/log/syslog or /var/log/kern.log might be helpful.. pastebin of /var/log/Xorg.0.log would also help16:15
Gaming4JCmzz: hmm I see...16:16
Slartdmark: wrong channel..16:16
Gaming4JCmzz: doesn't appear to execute16:16
mzzGaming4JC: so either your netstat is being weird (compared to mine at least) or you have an executable cleverly disguised in a location normally used by sockets16:16
SetiAmonso anyhow.installed the lame package, and rythimbox downloaded plugin for mp3.But no sound,it moves liek its playing and the volume is turned on but no sound.anyone able to help me with this16:16
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:16
SlartGaming4JC: I can't find anything running that even sounds like orbit.. have you installed something special?16:16
mzzGaming4JC: I didn't mean attempt to run it, I meant run "file" on it to see what it is16:16
fta_i have a question about recovering images from a media card that gives me a message on the camera, media card error16:16
mzzSlart: how are you checking, and is it running gnome?16:17
deviusSlart: Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03), Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (something like that)...fresh new install....and the desktop effects are on none, and never go to normal, i ask Y, they say release note ""TO READ"", i read....it say: too bad 4 u many problems known =(.....but what is i to do...plz help16:17
Slartfta_: there is an application called photorec that recovers images, and other files.. it's pretty good16:17
Gaming4JCmzz: Oh :P  ... well I'm going to try viewing them with gedit. Somethings there...16:17
deviusSlart: and my xorg.conf is blank16:17
mzzGaming4JC: that shouldn't work if they're sockets. Can you please try "file"?16:17
deviusSlart: ya and gud luck helping me :P16:18
mzzSlart: bleh, I'm wrong, there's no actual orbit process16:18
nlkohey, im trying to install virtual box, ive downloaded the .deb and also using apt, but it says it depends on libqt4-netowrk but it is not going to be installed....any ideas?16:18
mzz(it's a library)16:18
Gaming4JCmzz: sure, trying now16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enterasspace16:18
Slartmzz: I checked my running processes, configuration files.. anything starting with 'orb'.. doesn't find anything16:18
ultratekanyone know firefox?16:18
fta_thank you slart. the card wont even let me mount it, will this program work in that situation?16:18
deviusnlko; force install man16:18
ShinuWhat was the repeated enter factoid?16:18
nlkodevius: how do i do that?16:18
Gaming4JCmzz: /tmp/orbit-luke/linc-d70-0-5315a2b9a087c: socket16:18
Gaming4JCmzz: tha'ts the output.16:19
nlkoah got it16:19
mzzSlart: you're correct, the sockets are just used by a couple of gnome processes. Check with fuser or lsof if you really want to know :)16:19
helperhello i want to wipe all logs in /var/log echo > *.log not wiping give me error is there any command i can wipe them like every file end with .log i do *.log for example ?16:19
deviusnlko: yes16:19
mzzGaming4JC: then imho your netstat is being weird16:19
Flannelnlko: no.  Don't force the install.  devius: please don't give out bad information.16:19
Slartfta_: if I were you I would create an image of the card. (if you have the disk space).. there are some utilities that try to read damaged media.. I can't remember the name at the moment though16:19
deviusnlko: gud16:19
nlkoFlannel: whats wrong with doing it that way?16:19
deviusFlannel: y not16:19
djxjoin #ubuntu-pt16:19
mavannhello folks had a question I have a epson stylus photo rx595 usb, the printer runs just fine under ubuntu. I have tried just about everything suggested on the forums to get to work with xsane. from adding the vendor and prodcut id and remming out the epson and epson2 lines to trying different program but have not had any luck getting it to run under ubuntu the quick way out would be to use virtual box but love it to run native on ubuntu16:20
grkblood13im having an issue with my sound card i believe, i have audio ports in the back of my pc and a headphone jack in the front. for some reason my audio jack in the back with not work. i have to route my speakers to the pfront headphone jack in order to heard audio.16:20
SetiAmonhmm strange i went there and tried to install the unbuntu restricted and it says it conflicts with another package16:20
Flannelnlko: just like in real life, when something doesn't fit, that doesn't mean you push harder.  You likely have a package that isn't for your Ubuntu version, or something like that.16:20
djxcould any1 help me?16:20
mzzgrkblood13: check for any related switches in the volume control app16:20
Gaming4JCmzz: Strange. lol. So how can I bind the honeypot since the port is indeed in use by something? When I configure Firestarter to allow port 445, nmap says it's wide open, but nepenthes remains "unbinded".16:20
nlkothat seems to have worked anyway16:20
dajhornhelper: for ii in *.log; do :>"$ii"; done16:20
Flannelnlko: A proper package shouldn't require anything out of the ordinary to install.16:20
grkblood13mzz, i have played with them all16:20
Slartmzz: ahh.. lots and lots of open files.. but it seems that it's only the folder that is called orbit.. not the process in itself..16:20
dajhornhelper: You can have only one file on the right-hand side of the '>' thingy.16:21
mzzSlart: exactly (it's a library, used by things like gconf and the panel)16:21
deviusFlannel: u c ubuntu like donkey, it do something bad, u hit it with slipper, or shoe, then it goes back straight, thats excatly what force does, it slippers ubuntu  :P16:21
mzzGaming4JC: not sure what's going on here. That netstat output is weird. Wonder if anyone in here currently running ubuntu (which I'm not) gets the same?16:21
Gaming4JCmzz and Slart: Thanks for answering btw, I knew I wasn't going insane. XD (generally port 445 isn't bound to a port that low).16:21
Gaming4JCfor gnome etc.16:22
helperdajhorn, didn't work i put this in script16:22
Gaming4JCIt is remotely possible this box has been compromised. It's a viral network I'm on. But I haven't installed any unsual apps. :-/16:22
_deviusnlko: i kno ryt...u c flannel am ryt16:23
helperdajhorn,  ah wait work16:23
LjL_devius: try english, seriously16:23
Flannel_devius: You're not.  Nor are you allowed to give out wrong information in this channel.  If you wish to stay in this channel, please stop being offtopic, stop giving out bad information, and ask a support question instead of just complaining about something not working.16:23
dajhornhelper: If you're messing around in /var, then you need to be root.16:24
_deviusFlannel i did but no one gives any answer16:24
helperdajhorn, ya i know but i was writting .log.0 i was to wipe .log, , u said here for ii in *.log ( ii mean everything end with .log ?)16:24
Flannel_devius: then you should be patient and repeat your question after approximately 30 minutes.  Eventually someone will be online who can help you with your issue.16:25
Gaming4JCSlart: Do you have any orbit output such as mine?16:25
_deviusLjL: english, my name is devius......YATA, (i didt it in japanese) :P16:25
_deviusFlannel : ok ill do that16:25
IAreR3DI'm having issue with my sound where all it outputs is static, doesn't do that with a livecd, can anyone help me out?16:25
resnoDoes webalizer have an IRC channel?16:25
dajhornhelper: Change the *.log to *.log.0 or *.log.*16:25
SlartGaming4JC: I don't think I've actually seen your output.. pastebin?16:25
resnoI have a question about finding records for a certain page which isnt listed.16:25
ubottuSecurity Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server16:25
Gaming4JCSlart: ok let me get it for you.16:26
Piciresno: /msg alis help list16:26
Piciresno: to find a channel16:26
dajhornhelper: Generally, you only need foo.log to exist for log rotation to happen properly.  You should delete the foo.log.0 instead of truncating it.16:26
resnoPici: thanks. Does anyone know about webalizer here?16:26
LjL!offtopic | resno16:27
ubotturesno: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:27
RainbowWis there a magic howto somewhere in configuring dual head support under kde? under gnome it was magic. laptop and an external port. at the moment i can either disable one and use the other, or i can make them mirror, but i can't make them be an extended desktop.16:27
resnoLjL: thanks. figured as much16:27
zirodayRainbowW: #kubuntu would probably be the most helpful16:27
RainbowWziroday: if only.16:27
_deviusso i made a new ubuntu jaunty installation, but i cant use desktop effects, it stays on none, no matter what i do, so the error is "Cant find Driver", its an intel GM965 Graphics card 4 gods sake it dosent need anything ""supported out of the box "" remember16:27
Gaming4JCSlart: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/176477/16:27
ziroday_devius: jaunty?16:27
_deviusFlannel : ^^ was that gud16:27
_deviuszirodayL yes16:28
neolineguys need help upgrading to Juanty with iso..16:28
_deviusziroday: yes16:28
Omglii2Hi, what guide is there to get ubuntu 64 bit running off a usb stick ?16:28
LjLneoline: you can only do that with the alternate iso, i believe, not with the normal one16:29
SlartGaming4JC: nope.. nothing listening on 445 for me..16:29
neolinegot the iso mounted, but update doesnt start.. got alternate ljl16:29
Gaming4JCSlart: Ubuntu 9.04?16:29
ziroday_devius: you are suffering performance regressions with the new intel drivers. This might be fixed with using UXA rendering. You might want to take a read through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance16:29
LjLneoline: what command have you used to start the update?16:29
SlartGaming4JC: yup.. 64bit16:29
_deviusziroday: you are absolutely ryt16:29
SlartGaming4JC: and you're not running the samba server?16:29
bootstrapanyone know anything about dcopserver?16:29
_deviusziroday: but do you think it will work :P......xD ill try16:30
SlartGaming4JC: sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop   will stop it if it's running16:30
Gaming4JCSlart: No it's not even installed. o_O16:30
Gaming4JCSlart: sudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found16:30
ziroday_devius: I strongly recommend you read through that wikipage I gave you, enabling UXA rendering is likely to renable 3D but there might be other bugs16:30
neolinewell since it didnt start, i ran gksudo "/media/isomount /cdromupgrade" first it started, but hung up after fetching 875 packeges16:31
neolinesorry, missed the sh16:31
SlartGaming4JC: and your honeypot isn't running in the background either?16:31
bootstrapanyone  know anything about dcopserver?16:32
bootstrapand how to turn it off16:32
_deviusziroday: LOL....anotherthing my xorg.conf file is BLANK...?16:32
Gaming4JCSlart: No, honeypot is currently turned off.16:32
ziroday_devius: that's correct16:32
SlartGaming4JC: from your pastebin it doesn't seem like orbit is to blame.. it's listening on port 11445, not 44516:32
_deviusziroday: so how am i gonna do anything of whats in there16:32
IAreR3DI'm having issue with my sound where all it outputs is static, doesn't do that with a livecd, can anyone help me out?16:32
ziroday_devius: just create new xorg file, with the section's you need16:32
_deviusziroday: can u help me with that16:33
neolinewell since it didnt start, i ran gksudo "sh /media/isomount /cdromupgrade" first it started, but hung up after fetching 875 packege16:33
Gaming4JCSlart: I had noticed that... but what is listening then? (no name??)16:33
ziroday_devius: certaintly, gimme a min16:33
_deviusziroday: sure...16:33
Gaming4JCSlart: I'm used to running netstat on Windows Boxes :P16:33
Gaming4JCHmm they should make Deep Port Explorer for Ubuntu16:34
LjLneoline: hung up like what, could you hear the CD drive trying to read stuff but failing?16:34
neolineoops.. didn't i tell u? I mounted the iso.. didnt burn it.. :p16:34
SlartGaming4JC: what does "sudo lsof -i :445" tell you?16:34
ziroday_devius: have you read http://tinyurl.com/d93mnd ?16:35
ziroday_devius: you need to add that Device section into your xorg.conf16:35
Gaming4JCSlart: Hmmm.... nepenthes 2505 nepenthes   16u  IPv4   6158       TCP *:microsoft-ds (LISTEN)16:35
neolinethe iso got mounted nicely.. but update didnt start automatically, so ran the script with sh16:35
SetiAmonit almost sounds liek the fan is being more worked then normal,is that normal16:35
Gaming4JCSlart: looks like nepenthes after all? o_O It's not even on16:35
SlartGaming4JC: pkill nepenthes =)16:36
AD2008I need some nice wholewheat rolls to have with dinner - any way of apt-getting them?16:36
SlartGaming4JC: or close it, kill it, tell it to go to bed early.. just make it stop =)16:36
_deviusziroday: after i add that part16:36
Slart!ot | AD200816:36
ubottuAD2008: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:36
ziroday_devius: yes?16:36
Gaming4JCSlart: luke@luke-desktop:~$ sudo pkill nepenthes16:37
Gaming4JCluke@luke-desktop:~$ netstat -ano | grep 44516:37
Gaming4JCunix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     11445    /tmp/orbit-luke/linc-d70-0-5315a2b9a087c16:37
Gaming4JC:-) Thanks. :D16:37
_deviusziroday: thats it16:37
SlartGaming4JC: yay16:37
goal_laxhello, would you tell me how to enable disk quota for certain user?16:37
neolinethe iso got mounted nicely.. but update didnt start automatically, so ran the script with sh16:37
ziroday_devius: yep, (not including the # ... line)16:37
Slartgoal_lax: this might be useful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28957116:37
hmpleaseHello. I am getting no sound when I use Firefox or Epiphany webbrowser and try to watch a flash video. I have sound when watching a Quicktime movie however. Does anybody know how to fix this problem?16:38
pingujoin #ubuntu-de16:38
Gaming4JCSlart and mzz: Thanks for your help. ^_^ Now I know nepenthes managed to sneak it's way into the background processes. :P16:38
_deviusziroday: just so you know this is exactly how my xorg.conf file luks like        http://pastebay.com/1691116:38
SlartGaming4JC: you're welcome16:38
mzzGaming4JC: so the port was in use by nepenthes and netstat was just confused?16:38
neolineplease help!16:38
zirodaygoal_lax: you want to install the quota package16:38
ziroday_devius: looks great16:39
=== geo__ is now known as geo05
neolinesomepne! anyone! whats wrong with upgrading from mounted iso!16:39
Picineoline: Which ISO?16:39
_deviusziroday: okay...then wat.... i start by enabling the desktop effects16:39
mcphailneoline: probably not supported, by the look of it16:39
neolineokay. the Jaunty alternate iso guys..16:40
ziroday_devius: you save that file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then logout and log back in and try to enable desktop effects16:40
_deviusziroday: ok....brb16:40
neolinecould mount it, but no update manager started.. so followed the instruction to run the sh script16:40
IAreR3DI'm having issue with my sound where all it outputs is static, can anyone help me out?16:40
neolinefirst it started and stopped after fetching 875 packages..16:40
mcphailneoline: perhaps the loop device gets killed through the update process. Burn the iso and try from that.16:41
neolinethen now when m trying to run sh again, its not doing anything16:41
Gaming4JCmzz: Yes, what is strange was nepenthes does not appear on gnome-monitor. Evidently it was not binding properly in nepenthes because it was already running and bound to all the ports. I simply had to "sudo pkill nepenthes" and then "sudo nepenthes". Now I'm allowing a lot of ports on FireStarter and all is good. Netstat was confused as well.16:41
neolinemcphail: ohh! do i have to burn it?? I thought i could save a cd16:41
neolinedvd rather..16:41
mzzGaming4JC: sounds like your gnome-system-monitor is only showing you your own processes (iirc that's the default)16:42
mzzGaming4JC: there's an "all processes" thing somewher16:42
mzzsomewhere, even16:42
mcphailneoline: well, looks as if you're going to have to waste 10p on a disk!16:42
sipiorneoline: did the script give an error message when it stopped? also, where did you mount the loopback filesystem?16:42
neolinesipior: script didnt give me any error, which means it ran it. and mounted it at /media/isomount folder16:43
=== IAreR3D is now known as r3d
mcphailneoline: have you checked the md5sum of the iso?16:44
neolinesipior: any idea why it stopped at 875 packages when it ran the first time?16:44
zalp14567114734whut up16:44
neolinemcphail:I wanted to do that! but just didnt know how. enlighten me!16:45
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deviusziroday: same problemo16:45
mcphailneoline: simply type "md5sum whatever.iso"16:45
Spage? question Hello - Someone who can help with setting up an extra monitor? Nvidia card, Ubuntu 9.04. Problem! Extra screen turns off when I close the lid on my notepad.16:45
sipiorneoline: no. that's why i asked about error messages. can you simply copy the package archive to /var/cache/apt/archives and run update-manager normally?16:45
zirodaydevius: in a terminal doing "compiz --replace" outputs what? (in pastebin please)16:46
helperdajhorn,  what's wrong with this ? for all in "/var/log/[a-z]????"; do :>"$all"; done16:46
neolinesipior: Hey! that is a nice idea! u mean, i copy the whole archives folder to the apt's cache folder and then run update manager?16:46
soulfreshnerI made a copy of the ubuntu repos on a server at work - turns out it downloaded the amd64 debs16:47
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matrix_hey is there any program for ubuntu to make phone calls16:47
neolinemcphail: thanks! i'll check the integrity now16:47
helperdajhorn,  i want to wipe like named of syslog for example i try [a-z]????? didn't work16:47
soulfreshnerdo I have to get the entire repo again to get i386?16:47
thiebaudematrix_: skype16:47
ikoniamatrix_: asterix and skype16:47
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:47
dajhornhelper: [a-z] is a regex, not a glob.   man bash and read the globbing section.16:47
sipiorneoline: worth a try, anyway16:47
=== buzzDrive_ is now known as buzzDrive
helperdajhorn, what command to wipe global ?16:48
jim__soulfreshner: yes.  I recommend you just run apt-proxy.  Similar net effect, much less bandwidth and disk16:48
matrix_so i can not install skype with sudo apt-get install skype16:48
neolinesipior: okay, i'll try it. Just one last favour. after copying it, what should i run? the update manager from the system->administration menu?16:48
dajhornhelper:  If you are trying to keep /var/log small, then consider doing it through the /etc/logrotate.d configuration.16:48
tw3akI was wondering if anyone was familiar with media serving on ubuntu and maybe a media extender16:48
sipiorneoline: yep. or just "update-manager -c -d" from a terminal.16:49
=== Mariele_ is now known as Guest94489
dajhornhelper:  The pattern matching that the shell can do is called "globbing".  It does not recognize fancy things like [a-z] character ranges.16:49
neolinesipior: okay! that sounds cool. hmm.. i wonder why i didnt think of this copying option before! thanks a lot!16:50
IAreR3DI'm having an issue where all any audio is just outputted as static, not the speakers themselves as audio works fine with livecd, anyone with ideas?16:50
sipiorneoline: yep, have fun16:50
unop_dajhorn, that's not true .. [a-z] is a valid 'glob'16:50
dajhornunop_: Likely a bashism.   Doesn't work for me in plain bourne.16:51
neolinesipior: well one more favour.. :p perhaps the last one.. i got the md5 with md5sum command. but with what i should compare it to?16:51
mcphailneoline: http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/ubuntu-cdimage/9.04/MD5SUMS16:52
neolinemcphail: * bows *16:52
unop_helper, what is this 'plain bourne' shell you use .. [a-z] is supported by POSIX16:52
unop_helper, sorry that wasn't meant for you.16:53
unop_dajhorn, what is this 'plain bourne' shell you use .. [a-z] is supported by POSIX16:53
mcp_Hi, is there a new bug, that makes f-spot crash?16:53
unop_helper, what does your command not do?16:53
goal_laxdo you know any language translation tool in ubuntu repository?16:54
IAreR3DI'm having an issue where all any audio is just outputted as static, not the speakers themselves as audio works fine with livecd, anyone with ideas?16:54
neolinemcphail: uh huh.. Integrity is correct. md5 matched16:54
helperunop_, i mean if i type for all in "/var/log/[a-z]??????"; do :>"$all"; done does the [a-z]?????? which 7 character name of text can wipe any text within 7 character16:54
goal_laxI need to install language translate tool to learn foreign language!16:54
mcphailneoline: good to know! Suspect the loopback device is being dropped as part of the upgrade process. As i said, burn the cd!16:54
SetiAmonCan anyone tell me why my music won't play?16:54
SetiAmonipod found,open with rythem box,I followed instructions to download lame,install them,then rythim box downloaded mp3 plugin,and when i start it in rythim box it moves like its playing but no sound.any idea whats up?16:54
Gaming4JCbyes for now16:55
mcp_IAreR3D, start "alsamixer" and check if your output are muted16:55
PacoBuntuwhere can i get backdrops for panels?16:55
th0rSetiAmon: open the mixer and see if the volume is muted16:55
neolinemcphail: if thats gonna solve it, i'll do it.. :)16:55
mcphailneoline: btw, i can recommend a fresh install rather than update...16:56
bukakahello, give me advice - need program - calendar on work space with notes (birthdays,etc)16:56
deviusziroday: are you still there16:56
unop_helper,  that glob should do it.  /var/log/[a-z]??????  matches any 7 character filename starting with an alphabet16:57
neolinemcphail: why is that!! wouldn't that involve losing every application i have installed?16:57
jawaAny ideas one why my Ubuntu laptop works flawlessly when running on battery, but CPU usage goes out the roof when the AC is plugged in?16:57
jawaAnd the AC problem is a random thing!16:57
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goal_laxis there no learning foreign language tool in ubuntu repository?? could you tell me what it is?16:57
helperunop_, i am not familiar with, so this won't work ?16:57
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deviusziroday: my whole desktop goes crazy when i do that, so i coudnt cop paste "bin" it, but i managed to take a screenshot         http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/6261/screenshot1a.png                c16:58
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unop_helper, I don't see why this should not work. It seems perfectly reasonable to me.  ask the folk in #bash if you are having trouble with it.16:58
SetiAmonth0r:the mixer is maxed out16:58
helperunop_, okie thx :)16:58
zirodaydevius: you're card has been blacklisted, it won't work with 3D effects16:58
mcphailneoline: quick enough to reinstall. gnome/compiz/x/xgl has been in such a period of transition over the past few iterations that my updates were becoming annoying. Brand new install and my desktop + effects are fresh and clean16:58
deviusziroday: blacklisted16:59
deviusziroday: Y16:59
SetiAmonI have gone to the ubuntu restricted extra's in add/remove and it says it can't install it because it conflicts with something already intalled16:59
deviusziroday: and .......explanation plz16:59
jawaSo I plug int eh ac and XOrg umps to over 90% cpu usage...16:59
zirodaydevius: I have no idea, I need your card model. Most likely due to driver bugs, or the card is not capable16:59
deviusziroday: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)17:00
dajhornhelper:   Don't quote the glob.  It isn't working because the "" is expanding to a single word.17:00
neolinemcphail: ohh! is it! hmmm.. alternate CD wouldnt work in that case m i right? I will have to download the full cd correct?17:00
sipiormcphail: neoline: the funny thing is, if microsoft seriously recommended a complete reinstall of windows every six months, it would be held up as a sign of their incompetence :-)17:00
EloffI built using a makefile that doesn't have an install step, the last command looks like: g++ -O2 -Wall -o lzma ..., it looks like it succeeded, but where did the binary go?17:00
hmmmthats my name don't ware it out :=)17:00
mneptokhmmm: "wear"17:01
helperdajhorn, how's i type "/var/log/[a-z]????" between quotes the 7 character17:01
ultratekanyone some help please.......http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116515817:01
zirodaydevius: here is the relevant bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36341017:01
neolinesipior: haha.. that is true.. But that is incompetency! a naive user cannot reinstall every other time!17:01
zirodaydevius: and you can force compiz to run, but performance will be sluggish.17:01
dajhornhelper:  You get a different result with "FOO*", or 'FOO*', or FOO*.   Quoting style matters.17:02
deviusziroday: remeber what i said earlier about ubuntu and the donkey17:02
deviusziroday: the slipper and the force17:02
deviusziroday: maybe it will work17:02
deviusziroday: lets try17:02
zirodaydevius: no I don't, I wasn't there.17:02
deviusziroday: :P17:02
zirodaydevius: in a terminal do SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz17:02
hmmmmneptok, typo17:03
neolinesipior:mcphail: thanks guys.. I'll try things out.. You know what, I knew i'll find help here for sure and easily.. i cant say the same with my windows.. :p17:03
dajhornhelper:  You're almost certainly going to munge something in /var.   Try to make changes to /etc/logrotate.d before writing a script to do the same thing.17:04
helperdajhorn, got u17:04
Spage? question Hello - Someone who can help with setting up an extra monitor? Nvidia card, Ubuntu 9.04. Problem! Extra screen turns off when I close the lid on my notepad.17:05
deviusziroday: u c it works17:05
SetiAmonWell that didn't work17:05
deviusziroday: u slap the donkey it go back straight :P17:06
SetiAmonI checked "use audio devices" in account properties but that didn't let audio work either17:06
JaneDoesmbtree with my password finds stuff on my server, yet sudo mount -t cifs //server/dev /mnt/dev with same password gets me Permission Denied17:06
SetiAmonanyone of you know whats up with me not being able to play music17:06
zirodaydevius: great17:06
deviusziroday: but check this out         http://pastebay.com/16914            and its stopps there as if the process hasnt completed yet17:07
* mneptok snorts17:07
zirodaydevius: thats correct17:07
resnowhats the off topic channel?17:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:07
deviusziroday: AAAAAAAAAAAGHH!!!!!!!!!!! and things go back again17:07
M4d3Lhi. how I flush my dns cache on ubuntu?17:08
zirodaydevius: edit your /usr/bin/compiz file and comment out the T="$T 8086:2a02 " # Intel GM965 line17:08
zirodayM4d3L: sudo service networking restart ?17:08
Picidevius: Please calm down.17:09
deviusPici: lol..k17:09
deviusziroday: can u show me exactly on this file            http://pastebay.com/1691717:10
tekteenziroday, I thought that only worked on redhat based systems :-\17:11
SetiAmonWell that didn't work either17:11
SetiAmonOk i have done this17:11
tekteenziroday: I know sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart works17:12
zirodaydevius: just prepend a # to the T="$T 8086:2a02 " # Intel GM965 line exactly like http://pastebay.com/1691917:12
SetiAmondownloaded lame codec,downloaded mp3 plugin in rythem box.added "use audio devices" to this account privleges,and restarted.so whats the deal17:12
zirodaytekteen: sudo service foo start works too17:12
OrEvAi am not able to download anything from repos .......... I get the error msg as "http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/176501/"17:12
tekteenzeroday, good to know :-)17:12
Loki_UniHi, I was rocking out with screen the other day and managed to get a grey bar at the bottom showing system stats, as well as the name of my current screen session. I could create new screen sessions by hitting F2 and naming them, and could scroll through them using F3 and F4. I can't remember how I did this unfortunately, and would like to do it again17:13
Loki_UniAnyone know how?17:13
zirodayOrEvA: are you running some sort of local archive/apt-catcher or something similar?17:13
deviusziroday: but performance literally SUCKS.........and whats next17:13
nascentmindhi. Envy and Jockey always crashes when I try to install ati drivers. Why is that?17:13
pdtpatrickOrEvA: Paste the contents of your sources list17:14
OrEvA I had installed google desktop earlier17:14
zirodaydevius: that is the point. The driver was blacklisted due to *huge* performance regressions17:14
livingdaylight_can someone tell me why the laptop gets so hot with ubuntu?17:14
zirodaynascentmind: run them in a terminal, and try to catch the error message17:14
ikonialivingdaylight_: maybe your power managment is working so your fan is not kicking in17:14
OrEvAziroday :  I had installed google desktop earlier17:14
apostlehow do I set PATH variable in a gnome-session?17:14
deviusziroday: but it works fine on intrepid......y now not17:14
ikonialivingdaylight_: "is not" working sorry17:14
zirodayOrEvA: please do as pdtpatrick has asked17:14
zirodaydevius: did you read the wikipage I gave you previously? It explains why.17:15
livingdaylight_ikonia: how can i check that out?17:15
livingdaylight_ikonia: suspend works17:15
paav1Hey, i just installed ubuntu 6.06 and installed flash player but i still cant watch videos on youtube what else i need?17:15
nascentmindziroday, it crashes and says that even though the frontend has crashed the backend will be running.17:15
ikonialivingdaylight_: suspend is not power managment17:15
OrEvAziroday :  any way so i dont need to paste17:15
zirodaydevius: as well as various ways of fixing it, depending on your situation17:15
KingKimiP4R41, Hi17:15
mercutio22are kernel panic errors not logged?17:15
livingdaylight_ikonia: but when i openthe lid and start working after a while i have a microwave in my hands17:15
zirodaymercutio22: they are17:15
livingdaylight_ikonia: ahh17:15
TwoPointOhi'm having a problem with initrd, anyone feel like helping?17:15
nascentmindziroday, is there any progress with the free ati drivers? When is the complete version going to be released?17:16
zirodaypaav1: Dapper is EOL17:16
ikoniaTwoPointOh: what's the problem ?17:16
mercutio22ziroday> where can I find it?17:16
kaw8.10 I created an account without a directory and it wiped out both accounts and created an account called ubuntu wich logs back in after X seconds can I stop this logging back in after fixing the other accounts of course? How?17:16
TwoPointOhi've put a script into scripts/init-premount and it's run after udev17:16
zirodaynascentmind: what card? and what version of ubuntu?17:16
ikoniaziroday: still got a few months hasn't it ?17:16
Flannelziroday,paav1: no it's not.  But, you should probably start with 8.04 anyway.17:16
geniiziroday: Dapper is not EOL17:16
pdtpatrickpaav1: why are you still using 6.06 .. update to 8.04 ??17:16
TwoPointOhbut /dev doesn't seem to be populated with anything useful17:16
nascentmindziroday, ati radeon hd4670 and jaunty17:16
TwoPointOhlike harddrives or cdrom17:16
ikoniaTwoPointOh: such as, what are you expecting to see that's not there17:16
zirodaymercutio22: /var/log/syslog17:16
zirodaygenii: on desktops it is17:16
paav1i had the cd i ordered some years ago17:16
TwoPointOhikonia: i want to see scd017:17
ikoniaTwoPointOh: /dev on the initrd should be minimal17:17
TwoPointOhor sr017:17
zirodaygenii: ikonia Flannel: oh woopsies, must of got my dates mixed up17:17
ikoniaTwoPointOh: within the system, or the initrd ?17:17
livingdaylight_ikonia: when i go to powermanagement it seems to be where i configure and set suspend and various power saving features17:17
TwoPointOhwithin the initrd17:17
deviusziroday: OK so how do i use the "EXA"17:17
Flannelpaav1: Well, you can upgrade straight to 8.04.  You should do so (or just download and burn 8.04 yourself)17:17
zirodaydevius: you were using EXA before17:17
zirodaydevius: I then switched you to UXA17:17
tARrAScHAre anybody else experiencing that decrementing/incrementing your system volume with the keyboard buttons will consume  ridiculously much CPU due to the graphical message in the top right corner that have arrived since 9.04?17:17
ikonialivingdaylight_: sorry I should be cleary that's "power saving" or profiles, I'm talking about apmd which controls things like fans when your machine is hot17:17
resnoWhere can I find info on getting stats with webalizer?17:18
deviusziroday: so if i go back to exa....and skip the tests...it will improve performance?17:18
zirodaydevius: no17:18
psychiccan some one help me with some background image trouble?17:18
nascentmind ziroday, ati radeon hd4670 and jaunty17:18
TwoPointOhbasically, i want to access a squashfs file that's on the cd17:18
livingdaylight_ikonia: any way of fixing that, the heat coming off my laptof is rendering it unusable17:18
TwoPointOhi'm making a live distro17:18
deviusziroday: but the wiki says exa only?17:18
TwoPointOhbased on ubuntu17:18
mercutio22ziroday> when I got home today the numlock and capslock keys where blinking and the screen was unresponsive. Thats a kernel panic right? What king of info should I look for in syslog?17:19
zirodaynascentmind: sorry I got distracted, yes the closed and open source drivers should both work for that card. Let me doublecheck17:19
zirodaymercutio22: yep, and I would look for at the last few lines17:19
zirodaymercutio22: also /var/log/kern.log17:19
paav1can i update to ubuntu 8 whitout cd17:19
mercutio22ziroday> ok... lemme see17:19
nascentmindziroday, it works alright but not 3d i guess.. is there any way i can check whats the progress on the card drivers?17:19
BorkisDrizzthow do I mirror my desktop on a projector? Have one plugged in right now, but seems like the only thing that works is using it as a extension of my desktop17:19
mercutio22ziroday> I rebooted the system though... would the last few lines not relate to last boot?17:20
deviusziroday: but the wiki says exa only?17:20
sweetde can anyone help me?  I upgraded vmware to 2, now it wont take my ubuntu login "You do not have permissions to login to the server."  To me it looks like I'll have to enable root account, which Ubuntu says to be avoided at all costs17:20
zirodaynascentmind: okay, the closed source drivers support that card, and the open source drivers have experimental 3D support for that card17:21
deviusziroday: ..............but the wiki says exa only?17:21
livingdaylight_ikonia: no? i was just looking at my system monitor. at least one of the cpu's is always 100% and i'm not even doing anything, other than irc right now17:21
nascentmindzined, how are you checking it?17:21
M4d3Lsudo service networking restart  doesnt reset my dns cache17:21
nascentmindziroday, how are you checking it?17:22
zirodaydevius: I saw you the first time, what part of that wikipage are you looking at?17:22
zirodaynascentmind: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-radeonhd/plain/README17:22
deviusziroday: 1st part17:22
raven_is there a live-system which is able to creat temporarily ubuntu-cluster for rendering?17:22
ikonialivingdaylight_: look in top at what's using it17:22
zirodaydevius: and what part are you confused about?17:22
deviusziroday: Problematic hardware17:22
SoulwarpHello. I installed the restricted extras package and i can't get java to work in my firefox browser. I have it enabled in my browser.17:23
jim__Is there anything reasonably comparable to cpanel/plesk which is free and open?17:23
zirodaydevius: sorry I'm slightly lost here, what don't you understand?17:23
deviusziroday: it says "XV does not play with XAA under compiz, only with EXA" and we r using XAA not EXA.....so y the switch at 1st17:23
livingdaylight_ikonia: in top of what?17:23
ikonialivingdaylight_: use the command "top"17:23
zirodaydevius: that is not in that wikipage, where are you reading that?17:24
ImprovHey all - can someone point me at a good reference for controlling naming of ethernet devices using udev?17:24
livingdaylight_ikonia: firefox it seems17:24
deviusziroday: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist17:24
pdtpatrickM4d3L: sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart17:24
pdtpatrickM4d3L: that would restart your name caching daemon17:24
dajhornraven_: Look for the Eucalyptus project at the Ubuntu web site.17:24
M4d3Lpdtpatrick: I did it. but I alway ping the old ip. :S17:24
ImprovI have a cluster of machines that have 3 ethernet interfaces, one on mobo, 2 on a card, and I need the mobo ethernet to always get eth0.17:25
mercutio22ziroday> I am suspitious of these lines. I had audit errors locking up my system before. What do you think? http://paste.ubuntu.com/176513/17:25
pdtpatrick:M4d3L: check your hosts records .. /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts17:25
zirodaydevius: right, and we were using EXA correct, now we are using UXA. Both give rubbish performance17:25
Loki_UniHi, I was rocking out with screen the other day and managed to get a grey bar at the bottom showing system stats, as well as the name of my current screen session. I could create new screen sessions by hitting F2 and naming them, and could scroll through them using F3 and F4. I can't remember how I did this unfortunately, and would like to do it again17:25
raven_dajhorn tnx for the hint that sounds good17:25
deviusziroday: aha17:26
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
SoulwarpHello. I installed the restricted extras package and i can't get java to work in my firefox browser. I have it enabled in my browser.17:26
zirodayLoki_Uni: screen-profiles?17:26
deviusziroday: thanks anyway17:26
JaneDoeargh, I cannot get a share mounted with sudo mount.  works from Places, Connect to server.  anyone?17:26
zirodaymercutio22: hmm, I don't see anything particularly disturbing in those lines but I'm no kernel guru :)17:26
mercutio22Loki_Uni> right click on gnome panel and add new panel?17:26
M4d3Lhow I can see what dns ip I use?17:26
M4d3Lifconfig doesnt show it17:26
dajhornImprov:  Read `man interfaces`,  and put in the hwaddress option.17:26
Loki_Uniziroday: that seems to be it, I think - do I just run say, 'screen-profiles lynx google.co.uk' and go from there?17:27
pdtpatrickM4d3L: cat /etc/resolv.conf17:27
M4d3Lnvm! I found it17:27
mercutio22ziroday> ok... I will look some more17:27
zirodaydevius: reverting to the intel driver, or using a later version of the intel driver _may_ give you back your performance17:27
nascentmindziroday, thanks.17:27
paulo39hi, i'm having big problems with my internet connection. It suddenly disabled without any reason. i have hardy heron version and this happened after the installation of Win 7 in dual boot. i start a live session with installation cd and i dont have net too in live session :|17:27
nascentmindziroday, any chances of installing a dbg version of jockey or envy?17:27
paulo39can you help me? i dont understand where is the problem17:27
zirodayLoki_Uni: no, screen-profiles is the configuration application17:27
zirodaynascentmind: err which driver do you want to use, fglrx or radeonhd?17:28
paulo39and, over that, if i start then Win 7 (in the same pc) i have net connection without problems. but in ubuntu it just dont work17:28
nascentmindziroday, fglrx.. but then i will revert to radeonhd as it looks way stable and better.17:28
Loki_Uniziroday: ok - gonna do some googling on usage. Thanks! :)17:28
livingdaylight_ikonia: hi, yea, cpu use is down now and  i don't have a jet engine running sound going on as before17:28
deviusziroday: can u help me get the new one up and running17:28
ikonialivingdaylight_: great17:29
zirodaynascentmind: err okay. To install the fglrx drivers do sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx17:29
LukaszJHello there17:29
livingdaylight_why would firefox make my laptop do that ikonia17:29
zirodaydevius: new what sorry?17:29
livingdaylight_ikonia: should i try another browser?17:29
deviusziroday: new intel driver17:29
pdtpatrickpaulo39: did you install windows first and then ubuntu or did you install ubuntu and then windows. You might want to install ubuntu first then create a partition for windows to use and make sure it uses that partition upon installation. Btw .. i would suggest running windows 7 in a VM and not dual since it is only a RC for now17:29
zirodaydevius: sure, see https://launchpad.net/~intel-gfx-testing/+archive/ppa17:30
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: yes this happens to me as well17:30
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: sometimes here and there,  not so bad at the moment17:30
LukaszJMy question is rather weird: Installed Jaunty and found out all the icons, especially the ones on the panels got bigger. Is there any way to customize that?17:30
livingdaylight_pdtpatrick: usually its recommended to install windows first17:30
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: the Firefox in Ubuntu can cause high CPU usage17:30
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: is that on your laptop?17:30
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: make the computer really slow,  make it unusable even17:31
pdtpatrickhow do you send private messages again?17:31
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: make my music sound bad, if I am playing music even17:31
=== danorsk is now known as danorsk[afk]
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: and no this on a desktop17:31
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: i thought FF was a top browser :/17:31
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: never noticed on my Desktop, but on this laptop its become unbearable17:31
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: usually the version in Ubuntu works great for people, but it is not the one for Linux  that directly comes from Mozilla17:31
paulo39pdtpatrick, i had ubuntu and installed win7 in a separete partition. but, what can that affect the ubuntu net connection?17:32
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: sounds bad17:32
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: every other app works fine, except for that one17:32
deviusziroday: so what do i do there?17:32
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: have you found a working alternative... i'm so hooked to various add-ons :/17:32
nascentmindziroday, i am following this elaborate ritual http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide17:32
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: usualy problems if got a lot of tabs open, or  Flash in them even17:32
tv7497guys could you help me , there is a problem with amarok its not playing at all  , it starts it loads the song into playlist and  everything but the song doesn't play it stops after i double click it i use jaunty and a regular user of amarok from feisty17:32
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: that's me :)17:33
pdtpatrickpaulo39: what happens when u run ifconfig? also upon bootup .. do you get errors in your log file about network?17:33
hateballtv7497: any other programs hogging the soundcard, such as firefox+adobe flash?17:33
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sebsebseblivingdaylight_: ,because of browser market share reasons,  I would recommend people use Firefox, even though there are other good browsers out there as well17:33
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: i never noticed or knew before -thx.. .Ubuntu should have a big warning label about this then17:33
zirodaydevius: you add the PPA and then update, as the instructions suggest17:33
paulo39pdtpatrick, i get an output abou eth0 and vboxnet and things like that17:33
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: you could try  the version for Linux that is directly from Mozilla, do the beta or whatever it is now of  what will become 3.5   if you want even17:34
zirodaynascentmind: I'm sorry I have to go now :)17:34
tv7497hateball: well stopped everything from my vbox to fire fox except my pidgin17:34
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: and install the tar.gz version ?17:34
hateballtv7497: Alright. Tried starting amaroK from a terminal to see any error output?17:34
deviusziroday: aha17:34
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: as for add ons I expect Seamonkey would support most of them17:34
tv7497hateball: just a min17:34
SetiAmonI seem to have no Alsamixer,is that why i have no sound in ubuntu?17:34
AdrianHola Gente17:35
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: how about opera or seamonkey?17:35
livingdaylight_Adrian: !hola17:35
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: maybe again for market share reasons Opera would be the better choice, since it's like the 3rd most used browser, however Opera is closed source and bloated so hum17:35
whatvn_paulo39: paste output of ifconfig on pastbin17:35
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klenixi just installed seamonkey browser via terminal, but this application couldn't run. can anybody help me?17:36
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: ,but Seamonkey  can probalby use most of your Firefox add ons, since  that's  based on the Mozilla Suite, which was before Firefox.   Mozilla Suite didn't gain much market share,  but it lives on as Seamonkey17:36
tv7497hateball:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/176524/ and forgot to let you know that i  have reinstalled amarok 4-5 time17:36
sebsebsebklenix: what application?17:37
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: i tried seamonkey on Desktop, apart from the fact it was ugly, it too apparently has issues working in Ubuntu and i couldn't install my Diigo toolbar for eg (themes neither)17:37
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: I been using Seamonkey a lot recently and it works well,  but  I prefer Galeon or Epiphany more17:37
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: Konqueror is quite nice also really17:37
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: except i'm in gnome17:38
sebsebseblivingdaylight_:  you can run KDE apps in Gnome17:38
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: good idea to try the tar.gz from Mozilla, to see if that works better or not17:38
hateballtv7497: weird... doesnt seem to give any soundrelated errors. tried restarting alsa-utils ?17:38
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: k, thx17:38
livingdaylight_Adrian: que passa amigo?17:38
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: and should start over with a new profile,  I assume  .mozilla in  home, would also be used by Mozilla's version17:39
jenifferHello friends. I am trying to run a program, and I am getting this message error: XLoadQueryFont: Failed loading font '*-helvetica-*-12*' any suggestion to fix this? thanks a lot!!!!!!17:39
sebsebseb!browsers > livingdaylight17:39
tv7497hateball: how do i do it ? inti.d / alas-utils restart ?17:39
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: is it easy to sudo apt-getoutofmylife firefox?17:39
paulo39whatvn_, should i post the link here or in pm?17:39
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: nah you just move or delete it from home, once your showing the hidden files and folders17:39
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: are you in kde? if not does konqueror integrate nice in gnome?17:39
paulo39the link for pastebin17:40
whatvn_paulo39: here better, bro!17:40
deviusziroday: ok i added the repository stuff and the key and reloaded, what next....?17:40
hateballtv7497: "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" should do it. You could try using some other app for sound too... to see if it's just amaroK being messed up17:40
Gimpedjeniffer: maybe you need to install msfonts =? just a guess17:40
zirodaydevius: I need to run now sorry, just do an update normally17:40
deviusziroday: ok just one last thing......is17:41
psychicwhy does my background image only display in black and white scale17:41
jenifferGimped i will try, then!17:41
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: ,but if you use Ubuntu's version   all of a sudden, I think they would both use same profile not sure,   something I was going to do  was do Mozilla's version, but  the other browsers are nice to :)  ,but i'll  try to use Firefox mainly still17:41
deviusziroday: ok just one last thing......is there anything for me to do in the xorg.conf file17:41
Gimpedjeniffer: gl17:41
deviusziroday: ofcourse after the update17:41
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: the KDE3 version looked nicer in Gnome17:41
jenifferGimped i did nont understand the last you said17:41
zirodaydevius: nope17:42
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: than the KDE4 one,  you could install the KDE3 version if your on 9.0417:42
ThJI'm getting an early exception when I attempt to boot Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope from a MacBook Air. I used VMware Fusion to install it on my physical disk, and am able to boot it from there. The boot loader screen is also working, it's some hardware compatibility problem. Anyone know what might be up?17:42
deviusziroday: thanks man17:42
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: I assume Konqueror could be themed also,  but I haven't tried.  also regarding Seamonkey looking ugly, well it looks like Netscape yes,  and you can theme it like Firefox17:42
Gimpedjeniffer: gl = goodluck ....sorry =)17:42
whatvn_paulo39: you set static ip?17:42
jenifferGimped thanks!17:43
paulo39hum.. i think no, i set roaming on, and tried dhcp too17:43
SetiAmonOk now i really need some help17:43
SetiAmonI read everything i could on how to get audio to wor17:43
paulo39but none of that options solved the problem17:43
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: Add/Remove doesn't have konqueror but it does have kazehakase :p17:43
SetiAmoni done everything,downloaded lame,mp3 plugin but i still don't have working audio17:43
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: what is kazehakase,  and oh man your using Add/Remove :d17:44
DasEi SetiAmon:which soundcard ?17:44
tv7497hateball: well amarok series 1 was far better than the new 2 it sucks everything is made glossy and the main feature of the setting turning amarok into what you want is taken away why on earth they wanna do like this its really frustrating when a major part of system your music is taken away ! its like a window made product ! ( sorry for my language but really pissed right now that amaork is not working :( )17:44
deviusziroday: i updated but nothing changed, is a restart required17:44
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: Add/Remove is the most newbie thing in Ubuntu,  just use Synaptic people or commands to install programs :)     system > administaration > synaptic package manager17:44
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: its a fast browser apparently... (light) Add/Remove <---what's thte difference?17:44
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: Add/Remove is just a cut down version of Synaptic17:45
deviusziroday: or maybe i should remove that part we wrote earlier in the xorg.conf file ??17:45
paulo39is it possible that, when i install win7, it install a firmware on my net board?17:45
pegontv7497, did you try install amarok 1.4?17:45
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: not all  programs will be there, and it's not exatly hard to install programs with commands?  sudo apt-get install programname17:45
tv7497pegon: can we ?17:45
hateballtv7497: Well I'm sorry, cant help you troubleshoot much more. I use cmus or mocp for playing music so :)17:45
deviuspsychic: ?17:45
pegontv7497, yeah I am in jaunty and I found instructions to install amarok 1.4 cause I didn't like the second one either17:45
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: make sure those two graphical programs are closed though when doing commands, or you get error,  since they are just a GUI for the commands17:46
psychicdevius all of my background images are appearing in b&w its all gray scale17:46
deviuspsychic: oh waw thats kool :P.....dunno how to help sry xD17:47
tv7497pegon: exactly whats wrong with amarok now a days ? there cross platform dream has taken too much out of them ! ask them to forget about writing for mac ! they are spoiling a great piece of s/w and by the way how did you install it sir ? 1.4 in jaunty ?17:47
psychicdevius u know anyone in here that might kno17:47
danskuhave anyone ever used maketorrent to make .torrent files??17:47
deviusmaybe ziroday....but his gone17:47
pegontv7497, let me look up how I did it lol17:47
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: try Galeon and Epiphany17:47
psychicok thanks17:48
system404dont blame me it was the jews17:48
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: :)17:48
DasEi SetiAmon:which soundcard ?17:48
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: konqueror = an additional 132mb spe17:48
soulfreshnerI have a 64bit intel machine - does that mean I should install the amd-64 packages?17:48
livingdaylight_space used17:48
deviusjust make a great big scene, a masscare and they'll give you attention :P.....ryt Guyz....:D17:48
psychicanyone know about background image tech issues17:48
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: Konqueror will put on KDE stuff, if you don't already have installed17:48
DasEisoulfreshner: yep17:48
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: how big is your Ubuntu partition?17:48
tv7497pegon: and why on earth is the setting turned off ? all you get is that damn global shorcuts ! and who on earth would care for global shortcuts when your amaork is stuck !17:48
DasEi SetiAmon: which soundcard ?17:48
SetiAmonDasEi:x-fi music17:48
soulfreshneris there a way to upgrade to 64 bit without having to reinstall?17:49
paulo39whatvn, are you whatvn_?17:49
sebsebsebsoulfreshner: you can't change 32bit to 64bit without re installing17:49
pegontv7497, lol i don't like amarok 2 because mine wouldn't play any mp3 at all I couldn't get the dang thing to work...and heres how to do it in kubuntu, but should work in xubuntu and normal ubuntu http://helpforlinux.blogspot.com/2009/05/get-amarok-14-in-kubuntu-904.html17:49
DasEi SetiAmon: that might be hard, as half a year ago some models weren't supported .. exact model ?17:49
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: well, its the laptop so, i'm ok to experiment17:49
maginotGood afternoon. Could someone please tell me if when printing from evince if it goes through cups and them if the generated ps file goes to /usr/bin/lp for printing?? Thks17:49
SetiAmonI forget,X-fi music or audio i forget which.17:49
danskuanyone know a good way to create .torrent via the terminal???17:50
soulfreshnerso I need to get the CD image, I suppose :( - even though I have the entire repo on my HDD?17:50
SetiAmonthere is a beta driver i'm trying to download right now.17:50
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: well  try and use Firefox on  sites that matter more, so they get Firefox in their website statistics :)17:50
DasEi SetiAmon: lspci | grepaudio17:50
DasEi SetiAmon: lspci | grep audio *17:50
whatvnpaulo39: yes. my computer has some problems. can you run this command: cat /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | grep mtu, show me the output17:50
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: because we want to make FF #117:51
tv7497pegon: exactly any reason why its not playing any mp3 at all ? please dont tell me it only supports ogg17:51
SetiAmonMultimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB X-Fi17:51
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: ,because IE has most of the market,  and browsers that aren't that known, people aren't just going to test websites in17:51
paulo39whatvn, there is a problem17:51
paulo39i just have one pc17:51
crom09hello, sometimes (specially when using totem or something graphics-related) my computer starts running very slow.17:51
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whatvnpaulo39: so?17:51
crom09The system monitor shows 1 cpu goiong 100%17:51
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livingdaylight_sebsebseb: for it to be #1 it also needs to deserve that place and if its microwaving my laptop and generarlly a hog on Ubuntu then why give it support?17:52
crom09even if i close all programs17:52
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: IE does not follow web standards properly http://www.w3.org http://www.webstandards.org and there are still some  stupid sites only made for IE17:52
paulo39so, i'll turn off my current session on win7 to boot on ubuntu to do that and rebbot again to come here report to you the output17:52
crom09and if i look at the processes tab, no app is using the cpu17:52
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: really, i thought FF was ubiquitous now17:52
crom09any help?17:52
whatvnpaulo39: ohh, I see17:52
pegontv7497, i have no idea...i just installed amarok 1.4 and uninstalled amarok 2 and it works fine now17:52
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: ,because that isn't even the version that is directly from Mozila?   it is similar, but  Ubuntu have done one or two changes to it I think, but not entirely sure17:52
paulo39i can do that, but, can you wait about 3 or 5 min?17:52
whatvnno, dont need17:53
crom09any idea of where i can ask help for this?17:53
danskuanyone know a good way to create .torrent via the terminal???17:53
paulo39or you give some more extra commands you think i should o and i do it all at the same time17:53
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: so, its Ubuntu's fault? hrmm... the browser is quite an important application these days after al17:53
whatvnpaulo39: I just ask you some question. 1. did you edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf before?17:53
vigocrom09: What other apps or sustems are running?17:53
sp0ckkdansku: Can rtorrent do that, perhaps?17:53
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: our issue there may just be an issue with their version,   we can only know for sure if it's a Firefox  3 issue  by  using the version that is directly from Mozilla17:53
shaman_cabalhi all, I'm trying to install ubuntu from a live cd. I've got one 160GB and a 700GB drive. The 160GB has Windows on it and that's where I'd like to install it. However, partitioning stage, dual-boot it shows only my 700GB drive and says "No other operating systems installed".. So do I need to partition the 160GB manually? Which ones are important for Ubuntu (swap/ext4/jfs/etc...)17:53
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: I don't know who's fault it is17:54
crom09nothing, even if I close everything the problem persists and i have to log out17:54
deviushey....why is it that every time i restart my desktop effects are removed and replaced with the option "NONE"17:54
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: ,but I know that Firefox can be buggy here and there sometimes17:54
DanaGI've tweaked my boot down to 29 seconds (by profiling)... but is there anything more I can do?17:54
paulo39hum... i'm not certain, but i think not. yesterday, someone told me to edit etc/network/interfaces17:54
DanaGcheck out the last one -- odd 5-second pause.17:54
vigocrom09: How many OSs are on that box?17:54
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: hey, Konqueror looks awight here!17:54
crom09vigo: just ubunto 9.0417:55
paulo39but, i made a back up and restore it in the final17:55
crom09new computer17:55
paulo39because the changes didnt work17:55
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: bloated big?  heavy?  you mean?17:55
tv7497pegon: mate here is the solution they totally forgot to import libxine1-ffmpeg when amarok package is selected well try this this would work sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg its working like gem !17:55
crom09vigo: i suspect it is some problem with the graphic card17:55
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: Konqueror is also a file manager :)17:55
DasEi SetiAmon: I'm still searching in meanwhile; could you install alsamixergui ?17:55
crom09vigo: but i don't know what to do17:55
vigocrom09: I am unsure but something sounds really wrong there, is it a laptop?17:55
pegontv7497, might have to try it but overall I still like the old one versus the new one17:55
whatvnpaulo39: so if you like, try sudo gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf , find mtu-interfaces, remove it. then sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:56
crom09vigo: desktop17:56
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: meaning it looks surprisingly nice to what i remember it looking (klunky-note the 'k') and especially in gnome environement17:56
pegontv7497,  the new one reminds me of something I would see in Windows17:56
tv7497pegon: exactly ! they should strip it back to way it was !!17:56
crom09vigo: you know where i could look for help?17:56
vigocrom09: Are all the fans and Heatsinks clean or air out?17:56
pegontv7497, exactly17:56
paulo39ok, mtu-interfaces is a line on /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf?17:57
pegontv7497, this new one looks too much like that made it look prettier then actually work better17:57
crom09vigo: yes + i can see the temperature of the card and it's ok17:57
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: not that many websites get tested with KHTML though, Konquerors rendering engine, but does not matter that much, since KHTML does a pretty good job at following web standards anyway.    KHTML  is also what Webkit is based on  what  Apple's Safari  and Google's Chrome uses, if you didn't know.  and Mozilla and Netscape use Gecko.  Opera uses presto,  and yes I know quite a bit about browsers :d17:57
DasEi SetiAmon: ?17:57
whatvnpaulo39: no, it just a phrase. between many phrases if it exists17:57
tv7497pegon: amarok is moving into mac right so they need to make it pretty :D17:57
DanaGhmm, anything I can do to speed up my boot?17:58
DanaGOh, and it seems usplash breaks badly under efifb.17:58
pegontv7497, yeah cause mac is mainly about making stuff purty then actually running good lol17:58
deviushey....why is it that every time i restart my desktop effects are removed and replaced with the option "NONE"17:58
hemanthshare files between two ubuntu machines on different networks ??17:58
DasEihemanth (hi you) : samba or nfs17:59
vigocrom09: You can always look at Launchpad, to see if any others have reported this, that would be the first thing I would check, heatsinks and stuff, maybe is a loose cord /IIDE , or something, but that is just odd for CPU at 100% on a fresh and clean machine.17:59
paulo39whatvn, and do you want me to put on pastebin some output of some command after do that?17:59
hemanthDasEi: samba17:59
whatvnpaulo39: what you add into /etc/network/interfaces17:59
tv7497pegon: any ways mate nice meeting you :) i would better catch up with ipl , too good match today17:59
crom09ok, thx17:59
pegontv7497, likewise man you have a good one and nice talking with you :)18:00
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: tells me that i have javascript disabled18:00
crom09vigo: the thing is that i can't reproduce it at will, but it has happened several times18:00
krylhi, does anybody use dinovo edge keyboard with 9.04 here ? My keyboard run well since boot, but when ubuntu is fully loaded I need to unplug the USB key and reinsert this one again to make the keyboard running good. ???18:00
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: I don't use Konqueror that much,  and before I had one or two odd issues with it, but otherwise,  sure it's a good one18:00
SetiAmonDaesi:sorry i was looking away.I just installed the beta x-fi driver like it said18:00
whatvnpaulo39: no. after restart networking, if you can connect to internet, you succeed18:00
paulo39whatvn, i put auto eth0 before iface eth0 ...18:00
djxcould any1 help me?18:00
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: go in it's settings and see if javascript is enabled maybe?18:01
DasEihemanth:  you install samba on both machines, then have to edit smb.conf, see18:01
djxwhat i need to listen radio online on ubuntu?18:01
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:01
vigocrom09: Please remember that 9,04 is still beta, so Launchpad is the place to report such activity and also to find solutions.18:01
SetiAmonDaesEi:I already intalled alsamixergui but in terminal when i type alsamixer it says it isn't installed18:01
sebsebsebdjx: right ok18:01
sebsebseb!details | djx18:01
ubottudjx: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:01
DasEidjx : amaork or streamtuner18:01
hemanthDasEi: can I use netcat ?18:01
djxwhat i need to listen radio online on ubuntu 9.04?18:01
gaveendjx, amarok or mplayer18:01
sebsebsebDasEi: or a website, I know of one, and then mplayer plugin for Firefox, should do it I think yeah18:01
whatvnpaulo39: so keep it, remove phrase mtu-interfaces, restart networking and see if it works. no exactly It will work or not18:01
mcphailvigo: 9.04 isn't beta18:02
crom09ububtu 9.04 is beta?18:02
sebsebsebcrom09: no18:02
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: it seems to be, so, i'm asking in #kubuntu to see what's up with that18:02
djxdownloanding and intalling18:02
DasEihemanth: what for ?18:02
vigocrom94: Sure sounds like a bad connector or lagging fan , but that is hardware.18:02
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: ever tried Lynx or Links?18:02
hemanthDasEi: sending files b/w tow hosts in different n/w18:02
vigoMy bad, 9,04 is a release.18:02
DasEior even divx plugin or vlc or.. :) sebsebseb18:03
crom09anyway i'll have a look at launchpad18:03
SetiAmonDaDaesi:it now says i have creative alsa mixer but no sound is playing.I'm going to log out and back in and see if that does anything brb(btw this is the first distro i ran in 10 years,I'm rusty)18:03
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: heard of it... is that in command line?18:03
paulo39after that i restore that file (etc/network/interfaces) so you think i should change again and put auto eth0 before iface eth0... and then make the commands you gave me a few minutes ago and see if i get results.. is that?18:03
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: they run in the terminal yeah and are text only, try them,  something about a text only browser :d18:03
sebsebseblivingdaylight_: of course I would use a graphical one normalley, but text only can be quite fun to try18:04
livingdaylight_sebsebseb: ugh :s   too esoteric that18:04
djxgaveen thanks it works :D18:04
whatvnpaulo39: try whatever you think it's right, but remember backup first18:04
gaveensebsebseb, elinks is better than links18:04
gaveendjx, np :)18:05
DasEihemanth : ssh for the connection, then rsync, curl or wget it18:05
SetiAmonalthough i appreciate the multitasking ability of pidgin i really need to install a better irc agent :| anyhow18:05
hemanthDasEi: an example would help me more18:05
whatvnSetiAmon: I use Xchat18:06
DasEihemanth: what will that be for ? staedy webserving ? just a single file transfer ?18:06
SetiAmonDasEi:progress,i was greated with intro audio i didn't have before! my mp3s still won't play18:06
system404so anyone know how to get microsoft sam on ubuntu i like to use him for prank calls18:06
fulat2khi folks, how do i completely turn off my laptop's display?18:06
DasEi SetiAmon: I searched meanwhile; could you install alsamixergui ?18:06
system404SetiAmon u need the restricted codecs18:06
hemanthDasEi: just file18:06
SetiAmonI already installed alsamixergui Daesei18:06
whatvnSetiAmon: and you installed enough codecs before?18:07
DasEi SetiAmon: does it show your s-card correctly ?18:07
system404SetiAmon have you installed the restricted codecs18:07
Uqbarsystem404: apt-cache show espeak18:07
asusi have a proplem18:07
vmteskhi guys, i have a problem with vmware workstation 6.5.218:07
SetiAmonsystem404:when i went to add/remove and "ubuntu restricted" or whatever its called it says it can't be installed because it is conflicting with a existing package and to open synaptic package manager,anyhow I have no idea what to do at that point18:08
vmteskonce i install it, modules are compiled ok, only that vmnet service does not start18:08
vmteskanybody know what the problem is with vmware virtual ethernet service?18:08
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system404SetiAmon remove the conflicting package then install the restriceted codecs18:08
SetiAmonsomeone had me download 'lame' or whatever its called.and rythembox downloaded the mp3 plugin. it acts like it is playing,it moves but no sound comes from it18:08
gaveensystem404, if you are asking about a speech synthesis, I'm not sure how to get the specific one. But you can use festival package18:08
SetiAmonHow can i tell which package is conflicting system404,i got symaptic loaded up now18:09
DasEi SetiAmon: does alsamixergui show your s-card correctly ?18:09
SetiAmonlet me check dasEi,btw i installed x-fi which says "xfi-alsamixer)18:09
DanaGhmm, anything I can do to speed up my boot?18:09
nascentmindCan somebody verify whether step 4 is correct here in install .deb section? http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide18:09
asusthis msg appear to me 'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/eg.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'18:09
DanaGlatest should be at bottom.18:09
system404type restricted in the search bar and see which restricted packs you have installed18:10
dan2is jaunty worth upgrading to?18:10
DasEiSetiAmon: so the corrrect driver should be loaded, if gui shows card correctly18:10
deviushey....why is it that every time i restart my desktop effects are removed and replaced with the option "NONE"18:10
SetiAmonits red in pcm,in alsamixergui18:10
=== Dykam_ is now known as Dykam
SetiAmonyes it shows x-fi18:10
DasEihemanth: you could install samba on one machine, allow remote access and then define a share (a folder) where remote files might be copied to18:11
system404remove any instaled restricted packs and install the ubuntu restricted extras18:11
hemanthDasEi: is static ip a must ?18:12
yaris123456789say i pulled getElementsByTag("p"), and i want to display everything in side the <p> in cluding the <p>, how do i do it ?18:12
SetiAmonWait sound in system,admin now plays if i change it from auto to creative let me see if changing all that will work btw which should i choose it says creative alsa driver waveout/wavein (alsa) and the same except (OSS) ?18:12
DasEiSetiAmon: go with 404 then, or just use cmd-line : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:12
mcphailyaris123456789: wrong channel18:12
system404sorry if my advice is vague but im new to ubuntu but i had same problem so i know wat u need to do the steps exactly to get there im a lil woozy with sorry18:13
mobilehumanHiyas, I have a laptop that I plug into external displays.  I mostly use it at home with a CRT.  I plugged it into an LCD at school, and the display cut of the menus at top and bottom.  now I plug it into the same CRT at home that worked right before, and it cuts off the top and bottom menus like the LCD dit18:13
SetiAmon:D I got it working18:13
DasEihemanth: no, but you'll have to use a dns-service then to resolve the hostname18:13
system404well done SetiAmon18:13
Pie`How come when trying to install the drivers for the nvidia 8600gt, it returns a 404 error on the file ?18:14
SetiAmonlistening to my mp3s now,I just turned it to OSS,any real difference between creative's Alsa and OSS it sounds the same to me18:14
hemanthDasEi: ned to do port forwarding and all then :(18:14
mcphailSetiAmon: OSS is a primitive deprecated system. Don't use it if you have another choice18:15
SetiAmonhey you know what,this sounds a helluva lot better then it does in windows,now why is the audio so much better in linux with this beta driver then in windows with the updated drivers?18:15
SetiAmonI remember oss from 10 years ago when i was using SuSE,i thought it was good,ok switching18:15
BashiiiCould someone recommend an mp3 player which would have a working web ui of some sorts, as well as last.fm scrobbling? (With or without plugins)18:15
ikoniaSetiAmon: it could just be your perception, or the codec used to play back18:15
DasEihemanth: it's some work, but you can create a user samba (f.i.) and give it an own, restricted account18:16
Pie`Bashii, Rhythmbox has a nice last.fm plugin18:16
Pie`Not sure about the web-ui18:16
SetiAmonok i just changed all to alsa18:16
sebsebsebBashiii: as does Banshee :)18:16
DasEi!amarok | Bashiii18:16
gaveenBashiii, songbird18:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok18:16
system404Pie i agree i use rythmbox lastfm plugin i find very easy to use and very suficiant for my needs18:16
BashiiiWell, the web-ui is the most important part...18:16
SetiAmonnah the audio is superior,in windows it was always low sound and washed out.i never liked it and i have expensive headphones18:16
sebsebsebRythombox now thanks, that was before  Banshee became good18:16
SetiAmonOk here is another problem18:16
system404go ahead SetiAmon18:16
hemanthDasEi: http://my.opera.com/ubuntunerd1/blog/share-files-between-two-ubuntu-computers-via-ssh  can this method be used18:17
sebsebsebRythombox no these days,  Banshee yes18:17
Bashiiilast.fm is supported by many, if not most, well known mp3 players18:17
Pie`Same system404, I like the "fetch neighbours playlist" option which selects a list of songs similar to your tastes18:17
DasEihemanth: yes, as said above, depends on your needs18:17
sebsebsebBashiii: Banshee is great with last.fm18:17
SetiAmonthe audio is playing fine,but my multimedia controls are not having effect,i turn the knob on my keyboard,it shows it changing the volume,muting etc but it doesn't effect it in actuality,whats the deal?18:17
Pie`How come when trying to install the drivers for the nvidia 8600gt, it returns a 404 error on the file ?18:17
Bashiiisebsebseb: possible to get web-ui or some sort of remote control for it?18:17
e1lucaAti released a new video driver (9.5) anyone try that on 9.04 64bit?18:18
StevenWhat programs allow me to create things with Perl in Ubuntu?18:18
system404Yes Pie its pretty sweet does everything i need it to do18:18
hemanthDasEi: any other easier ways ?18:18
BashiiiHave all my music (as well as a decent set of speakers etc) on my desktop, but would like to be able to use it from my laptop18:18
sebsebsebBashiii: don't know, but there's a Windows Media Centre alternative out there18:18
whatvnanyone know how to switch to next song when using mplayer in Terminal?18:18
Pie`!nvidia Pie`18:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia Pie`18:19
system404i put in the artist im in the mood for and i get them and anything like them helps me seek out new bands to download18:19
pegonDoes anyone know of a media grabber that you can go to a site and it grabs the flv like youtube or mp3s etc? Kind of like Replay Media Catcher in Windows...just curious18:19
StevenWhat programs allow me to create things with Perl in Ubuntu?18:19
HoldenCwhatvn try h and k18:19
Pie`does anyone know if theres an apt package for the nvidia X server ?18:19
system404Pegon go to keepvid.com18:19
pegonsystem404, I know that I was tryin to find a program to auto do it18:19
gaveenBashiii, XMMS2 have a web-ui and also last.fm support18:20
system404it will let u download the flv or mp4 format of any youtube video u copy link and bam it downloads18:20
BashiiiHave to give it a try18:20
whatvnHoldenC: not work :)18:20
system404Pegon google youtube downloader linux theres lots of them18:20
pegonsystem404, k18:20
mcphailPie`: don't think there is a .deb. The drivers are downloaded automatically now18:20
HoldenCwhatvn right use  manpage then :)18:20
system404Pegon: once u find one u wana try just search for it in synaptic walla18:21
DasEihemanth: for a halfaway secure share I don't think so; else can set up a webserver where users can log in (too much for just a file!) but more convient for the client18:21
whatvnHoldenC: I did, and it is < and > :)18:21
hemanthDasEi: ok :) thanks18:21
HoldenCwhatvn and doesn't it work?18:22
whatvnHoldenC: oh. no. <> not work too18:22
DasEihemanth: there are still protocolls like vsftp or ftp,but they are hassle or unsecure then, morethen ssh18:22
Holden99caHi! I'm doing a "clean install" of jaunty to overwrite an existing ext3 partition. can anyone tell me what I put for the mount point?18:22
Pie`mcphail, if they are downloaded automatically, why is the package returning a 404 error when I try to download it? :(18:22
sebsebsebHolden99ca: depends how your installing18:22
mcphailPie`: maybe the nvidia servers are down just now18:23
HoldenCwhatvn what command are you using?18:23
sebsebsebHolden99ca: your in partition editor or manual install or what?18:23
hemanthDasEi: had tried dyndns18:23
Pie`W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/nvidia-glx-new_169.12+  404 Not Found18:23
Holden99caoff live cd--manually selecting the partitions.18:23
hoymkotI want to setup a new print, but the program can't start, I type system-config-printer in the terminal, it says it is missing dbus.py, what should i do?18:23
Bashiiigaveen: xmms2 have any sort of a gui?18:23
whatvnHoldenC: haha, just hit enter and forward to next song18:23
BashiiiOr is it possible to get a gui on it?18:23
sebsebsebHolden99ca: what I would do is just set it up in  partition editor first the partitions,  so get rid of your Ext3 yeah18:23
sebsebsebHolden99ca: after any data is backed up of course18:24
DasEihemanth: and succeeded, as I found18:24
sebsebsebHolden99ca: make your new partition,  then  go to manual install and  format, and  decide what they are going to be used for there18:24
HoldenCwhatvn perfect18:24
mcphailPie`: nvidia-glx-new isn't in jaunty. Are you using an old version of ubuntu?18:24
sebsebsebHoldenC:  if you do it like this, you don't need to put a mountpoint in  partition editor18:24
gaveenBashiii, it can have different GUI fontends as well as a web-ui. Works in client-server configuration18:24
hemanthDasEi: was unable to do port fwdg18:24
Pie`uh, 8.0418:24
sebsebsebHoldenC: and the partitions don't need labels either18:25
BashiiiHave to read up a bit, but thansk :)18:25
DasEihemanth: do you host your website yourself ?18:25
Holden99cayeah I think I'm at that point now but I think it's asking for the ext3 mount point and I don't know what do select.18:25
mcphail!info nvidia-glx-new hardy18:25
ubottunvidia-glx-new (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.12+ (hardy), package size 5127 kB, installed size 15260 kB18:25
gaveenBashiii, http://wiki.xmms2.xmms.se/wiki/Main_Page18:25
sebsebsebHolden99ca: in which manual install?18:25
hemanthDasEi: yes18:25
mib_9sokeuFirefox refuses to save because my "tmp" is full. I had a space problem, but now there should be 7GB left again. Should I just restart or is there a simple solution for that?18:25
Pici!es | usuario_18:26
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:26
hemanthDasEi: www.h3manth.com18:26
mcphailPie`: yes - still in hardy. Maybe the mirror you are using is down?18:26
DasEihemanth: so can easily fit a d/l in there, have a restricted folder with login18:26
Holden99caNot sure if I understand your question but in the install off live CD you can select the option to manually select the partitions. it's that one.18:26
mib_9sokeuPici the Bot tamer :918:26
Pici!caps | CokSukr18:26
ubottuCokSukr: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:26
usuario_eee dasei18:26
arandCokSukr: and do please change your name...18:26
mib_9sokeuCokSukr: stop trollin', just leave18:27
=== CokSukr is now known as changedname
lindenleWhy does modprobe pciehp give me "-1 Invalid module format"18:27
changednamei love ubuntu18:27
lindenleand "kernel: [ 3399.234803] pciehp: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module"18:27
changednameit makes me wanna dance all night outside a campfire18:27
changednamelike in africa18:27
DasEi!ot | changedname18:27
ubottuchangedname: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:27
mib_9sokeuchangedname: good thing, yea. hope yyou got wifi near the fire18:28
sebsebseb!ops | changedname18:28
ubottuchangedname: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:28
hemanthDasEi: I'm using this from google domains got it from godady , now have redirected my blog there18:28
changednamemib actually i just managed to make my wifi work on slackware18:28
Picisebsebseb: ?18:28
hemanthDasEi:  restricted folder with loginsetup is new for me :(18:28
lindenlenever mind they are monolithic in this kernel version18:28
sebsebsebPici: see above,  the trolling and all that18:28
changednamemib it was hell to get RALINK drivers to work18:28
sebsebsebPici: or did I just over reacte a little?18:29
changednamebut im here chatting from mcdonalds hotspot18:29
changednameon slackware18:29
Picisebsebseb: He was asked to cease the offtopic once, I don't see a need for an ops call.18:29
mib_9sokeusebsebseb: i think I got it wrong and he was just joking, a bit fun should be allowed18:29
Picichangedname: Please stop.18:29
StevenWhat programs allow me to create things with Perl in Ubuntu?18:29
MeXTuxI have a WUSB54G wireless card and when I type lsusb -v this is what I got: "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 13b1:000d Linksys". Which driver do I have to install? I'm really confused :( I have read that there are some drivers like rt73-k2wrlz-3.0.3.tar.bz2, rt2570-k2wrlz-1.6.3.tar.bz2, rt73-cvs-daily.tar.gz, rt2570-cvs-daily.tar.gz, etc. But don't know which is the right driver for my card18:29
sebsebsebMez: :)18:30
StevenWhat programs allow me to create things with Perl in Ubuntu?18:30
patrikHi, I'm gonna buy a low power fit-pc2 that will act as a data server. My idea is to attach two external USB hard drives and mirror them with RAID 1. Is this a bad idea? The speed of the raid array isn't that important but reliability is.18:31
mib_9sokeuFirefox refuses to save because my "tmp" is full. I had a space problem, but now there should be 7GB left again. Should I just restart or is there a simple solution for that?18:31
jribSteven: editor18:31
Steveneditor? What editor?18:31
jribSteven: your favorite text editor to be more precise18:31
changednamemib you use ubuntu?18:31
StevenHow do I compile it or whatever then?18:31
mib_9sokeupatrik: I don't know much about raid, but watch the HD cases, could get really warm.18:31
Severity1hi! does anyone have troubles with their usb wifi? especially realtek?????18:31
mcphailSteven: perl is installed by default18:32
Severity1i made mine work18:32
hawkSteven: Perl is an interpreted language... you just run the script using the perl commmand18:32
StevenWhich is?18:32
arandSteven: perl18:32
=== mib_9sokeu is now known as Qgarden
StevenI wish they'd make a big program for this18:32
Stevenah well18:32
patrikmib_9sokeu, the load on the drives is going to be pretty low since it's mostly source code I'm backing up, but stacking them on top of each other is never a good idea.18:33
hawkSteven: "perl thescript.pl", or using the normal "shebang" mechanism if you just want to run the script itself.18:33
DasEiSteven:that goes about scripting, you need a texteditor,correct syntax,save with correct suffic,have interpreter installed (default) , run it18:33
Severity1is perl easy to learn?18:34
Ryunixi am going to be moving alot of ext3 files to an ext4 partition with extents. Is there anyway for those files to have extents enabled? if i copy not move the files over will the files be re-written to ext4 with extents?18:34
PiciSeverity1: Try askin in #perl18:34
Holden99cahi again sebseb. I think I mislead you. I already have an install of jaunty on the hd but it's messed up and I'm trying to do a clean re-install on my dual-boot. I'm installing from live cd and I'm figuring I need to specify the partitions manually but it's not allowing my to move forward with the install unless I specify the mount points.18:34
jribSeverity1: personally, I'd look at perl, python, ruby, and haskell and choose the one that you like the best18:34
StevenAlright, use text editor, save with .pl extension18:34
Severity1i like python^^18:34
danskuhow to run programs like bitchx on background? then come back to use it??18:35
Gneaperl is cake18:35
whatvn_HoldenC: try it?18:35
Pici!screen | dansku18:35
ubottudansku: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen18:35
mcphaildansku: screen is the greatest program available in ubuntu18:35
aranddansku: could look at fg and bg commands18:35
HoldenCwhatvn_ try what?18:36
sebsebsebHolden99ca: the mounts point in manual install?18:36
GneaSteven: it depends on how well you know basic programming and how well you understand the documentation18:36
danskuwell, im not on ubuntu =)18:36
whatvn_HoldenC: Mplayer and terminal?18:36
HoldenCwhatvn_ i'm on my mobile now :) i can't18:36
Holden99cawell if by manual install you mean specifying the partitions manually, yes.18:37
lightbrickoIs there an application that performs a full system test to check "all" the hardware? (I just purchased a used Core I7 PC)18:37
Gneadansku: well, we only support ubuntu here. what are you on?18:37
sebsebsebHolden99ca: yes you have to do mount points there18:37
Liquidhello all18:37
DasEiRyunix:sure,like any other fs-changing copy, too18:37
whatvn_HoldenC: oh, ok. so goodbye everyone. go sleep, too late!18:37
Holden99cayes exactly, but I don't know what to select. I'm just trying to get a clean install of ubuntu with the usual GRUB at boot.18:38
HoldenCwhatvn_ night18:38
LiquidCould somebody point me to the place where I can edit my sources for aptitude to get other programs ( cant remember what its called)18:38
sebsebsebHoldenC: you got a swap and a big partition for Ubuntu?18:38
danskuGnea donno, using ssh of my server, want to keep bitchx connected on the backgrund18:38
RyunixDasEi: but since ext4 is backward compatible iwth ext3 wouldnt it just copy them over as ext3 files?18:38
DasEiLiquid: /etc/apt/sources.list18:38
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/18:38
LiquidDasEi: Where can I get the sites to add?18:39
sebsebsebHoldenC: you need a / for Ubuntu18:39
Holden99casorry there are several holden's here but if you speaking to me yes I already have a large ext/3 parition and swap.18:39
DasEi!repos | Liquid18:39
ubottuLiquid: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:39
mcphaildansku: use screen18:39
LiquidThank you18:39
Holden99caok beautiful. / I thought it might be that but I wasn't sure.18:39
=== enosis_ is now known as enosis
=== john is now known as Severity1
Holden99cathank you!18:40
arandLiquid: if you only want the standard repos, that are in ubuntu, you can use software sources in the admin menu.18:40
=== HoldenC is now known as holdenC
sebsebsebHolden99ca: ok no problem18:40
DasEiLiquid: many apps/projects offer their own repos to make it up-dateable18:40
Gneadansku: well, if your server is not ubuntu, then you should find out what it is and get screen installed18:40
Liquidarand: Thank you18:40
danskucant i use something like db ctrl+z18:41
mattgyverIm using ffmpeg to convert flv or other audio to mp3.  The mp3s work on my computer, but on my mobile phone they dont play and show a 0:00 length, does anyone know what params i need to pass ffmpeg to fix this?18:41
salmonhey! having some trouble setting my default sound card. running 8.10 and i used sudo asoundconf set-default-card.... rebooted and nothing, anyone have any other ideas?18:41
Gneadansku: no, because it freezes the program, it doesn't keep running18:41
Gneadansku: try it - bg it and come back in 5 minutes and you're disconnected18:41
Pie`how do i kill a process18:41
Pie`say i wanted to kill rhythbox, how could i?18:41
mcphaildansku: dansku if you background something and log off you'll lose it18:42
sebsebsebPie`: you could try killall  rythombox or just do xkill and click on it18:42
linuxRocksUanybody familiar with sqlalchemy and sql server?18:42
GneaPie`: killall rhythmbox18:42
DasEi Ryunix: the ext4 offers features ext 3 hasn't, you could use them after copying to ext4, you'll loose it backwards again, sure, like can't have linux-filerights after migrating to ntfs, but hte other way around18:42
Severity1anyone having problems with their usb wifi?18:42
Gneadansku: screen provides the ability to not only keep the irc process connected to the server, but if you get disconnected from your shell for whatever reason, you can simply ssh in again and recover it without any loss18:43
cllaudyuhello, synaptic is crashing too many times when i want to open its giving Segmentation fault it's annoying can someone help me18:43
RyunixDasEi: thanx18:44
salmonso... im having trouble setting my default sound card, running ibex, tried all the asoundonf stuff, no dice, anyone know what i need to do18:44
mattgyverSevrity, connection problems?18:44
paulo39whatvn, the dhclient.conf have no mtu-interfaces prhase. i post my /etc/network/interfaces here: http://pastebin.com/d402e0b01      my dhclient.conf here: http://pastebin.com/d2b4a79d8       and my ifconfig here: http://pastebin.com/d67f499aa18:45
Severity1yep im willing to help with usb wifis18:45
krylhi, does anybody use dinovo edge keyboard with 9.04 here ? My keyboard run well since boot, but when ubuntu is fully loaded I need to unplug the USB key and reinsert this one again to make the keyboard running good. ???18:45
Severity1i just configured one to work18:45
StevenWhat do I need to use C# in Ubuntu?18:45
mattgyversteven, gedit ;l18:45
paulo39and i tried live session of 9.04 ubuntu and the net works well. so, just 8.04 is acting weird18:46
StevenI can make everything in a text-editor???18:46
LiquidIs anybody using the netbook remix??18:46
th0rSteven: gcc...install build-essentials18:46
mattgyverpretty much :)18:46
Severity1guys i just found out something18:46
DasEiSteven:mainly same like perl, but now a c++ compiler18:46
Severity1if after anupgrade your wifi starts to act weird18:46
StevenBut I can still make the code in a text editor like gedit correct?18:46
StevenI just need the compiler to compile it I am guesing18:47
Severity1install linux-backports-modules-generic18:47
th0rSteven: right18:47
zekin ubuntu what are the port addresses for usb devices?  (the equivalent of /dev/ttyS0 for serial)18:47
Severity1do an lsusb18:47
DasEizek : lsusb18:47
=== dansku is now known as dansku2
rabideejitHello.  Having a bit of problem with my middle mouse.  I can't do a drag.  Say I try to drag within xev, I get a simultanious press and release when I release the button, but nothing when I click it --- the expected behaviour would be that I would get a press when I click, and a release when I release.18:47
salmonhaving trouble setting default sound, running 8.10 and i tried sudo asoundconf set-default-card... rebooted, didn't work, anyone know what im missing here?18:47
Severity1did it used to work?18:48
rabideejitMe?  Nope.18:48
Severity1is your ubuntu recently upgraded?18:48
ultratekhow do i install flash player for firefox on jaunty 64????????????18:48
DasEi!flash | ultratek18:48
ubottuultratek: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:48
Futurity_Hi everyone, should I stick with openSuse or jump to Ubuntu? If jump, which version should I go for?  Too many to choose from18:48
Severity1have you installed any flash packages yet?18:48
mcphailultratek: i can recommend the 64-bit alpha18:49
zekDasEi:  i did that,  the thing i want is bus 005 device 002 but how do i convert that to a device address18:49
Severity1ultratek yoohoo18:49
ultratekflashplayer-installer through synaptic but i havent noticed any changes18:49
NvidiaUserIs the Ubuntu Firewall good if I configure it? Or should I look for a third part one like lokkit or GuardDog?18:49
Severity1uninstall that!!!! nonfree18:49
zekDasEi: its probably a really stupid question, so sorry in advance18:49
DasEizek : mount18:49
Severity1uninstall all flash packages you installed18:49
ultrateki didnt install the nonfree18:49
zekDasEi: even though its a usb to serial port?18:50
GimpedNvidiaUser: linux has a base firewall called iptables...all the GUI programs are just that GUI to control ip table configs18:50
ultrateknow what?18:50
NvidiaUserGimped so Lokkit etc controls ubuntu firewall letting you configure it with a gui?18:50
dansku2u do you mean leave it running in background after you exit shell18:50
DasEizek: what a device is it ? connected to usb on pc-back ?18:50
dansku2wrong text18:50
dansku2is there a way to create .torrent files from the terminal?18:50
FloodBot1dansku2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:50
arandultratek: I would second installing the 64bit alpha from adobe labs, for me it mitigates a lot of crashing.18:51
Dr_Who_can anyone help me?18:51
rabideejitNvidiaUser: TCPwrappers I believe is a user level alternative to IPtables18:51
Severity1ultratek: install the .deb package from here http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/18:51
ultratekarand where do i get it?18:51
th0rzek: you should be able to see the device definition by watching while you plug the thing in the usb port. Open a terminal, type 'tail -f /var/log/messages', then plug in the usb device and see if that helps18:51
GimpedNvidiaUser: most likely...unless you feel adventerous enough to explore iptables on your own =D18:51
mneptok!anyone > Dr_Who_18:51
ubottuDr_Who_, please see my private message18:51
Severity1ultratek: install the .deb package from here http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/18:51
mneptok!ask > Dr_Who_18:51
Severity1ultratek: install the .deb package from here http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ this worked for me18:51
zekDasEi: its a radioshack serial converter attached to a a Pioneer robot18:51
SetiAmonI am trying to install graphic drivers for my graphics card,it says i have to exit x-windows and run the install from the shell,how do i shutdown x to get into the non-gui linux<I haven't done this in ages18:51
NvidiaUserGimped: Thanks ;)18:51
ultratekseverity that doesnt support jaunty 6418:51
hdondo i need to define any CPP macros other than __USE_GNU in order to get memrchr() from string.h ???18:51
DasEi!firestarter | NvidiaUser18:51
ubottuNvidiaUser: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist18:51
ultratekit says when i install the deb18:51
Severity1have you tried it?18:51
Dr_Who_i am trying to install C# in my computer18:51
NvidiaUserubottu Okay18:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Okay18:52
mcphailultratek: honestly, use the 64-bit alpha18:52
arandultratek: ultratek http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html18:52
DasEizek : ummh18:52
ultratekhow where?18:52
Severity1well thats the only installer that everworked for me18:52
SetiAmonso what is it again  stopx,exitx whats the command in terminal to shuck the gui?18:52
Severity1did you choose the .deb package from there?18:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about stopx18:53
DasEizek :and the serial conv. is plugged into usb jack of pc ?18:53
zekDasEi: yeah18:53
rabideejitDr_who_: Mono has a free c# compiler18:53
arandultratek: uninstall all other flash packages and plase that single file in /home/username/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so18:53
ncfi1013anybody know why some of my dial;og windows open within the area of my screen and some do not?18:54
SetiAmonSeverity,it says no command found18:54
Uatechi there18:54
mcphailncfi1013: cranky window manager18:54
DasEizek : I have no experience with such a device, but if lsusb found it, mount will show any mountpoints (=devicepaths)  done18:54
Severity1/etc/init.d/gdm start /etc/init.d/gdm restart /etc/init.d/gdm stop18:54
SetiAmonSo !stopx and stopx isn't shutting down the gui18:55
rabideejitDr_Who: surely apt-get install mono-mcs18:55
SetiAmoncan anyone help me here?18:55
zekDasEi: ok thanks, i think i got it18:55
DasEiSetiAmon: which app you want to stop ?18:55
ubuntuviruzhello. I am a supoernoob with no knowledge on how to use this system, but I have managed to install it, run it, and install various programs and stuff with the synaptics manager. now! I have entered a password in the 'network keyring' thingie when it asked for a default one to access my windows network, and then it would not work, so Im trying to find that keyring again to change it, but I cant seem to find this setting anywhere... I have looked in18:55
ubuntuviruzEncryption and keyrings under software, but cant find it... help anyone? :)18:55
Uatecthe screen brightness buttons that come built in to my laptop are really slow at responding, they increase the brightness by such a tiny amount it takes ages to make the screen bright enough to see18:55
Severity1"/etc/init.d/gdm start" "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" " /etc/init.d/gdm stop" SetiAmon do this18:55
paulo39is there anyone who can help me? my internet connection  failed i dont know why. It just dont work. the weird thing is that this just happened after i install win7 in the same pc (dual boot) and now i have net on win 7 but i dont have it on ubuntu. i have here the copies of the output of ifconfig, /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf18:55
SetiAmonDasEi:I want to stop X-windows as nvidia drivers says i have to18:55
Uatecis there  a tool that will let me control the screen brightness using my mouse or something, the same way there is for the volume?18:55
rabideejitubuntuviruz: use `seahorse`18:55
Severity1thats all the commands to stop start and restart x18:55
DasEiSetiAmon: alt-ctrl F118:56
ubuntuviruzrabideejit: thank you very much, I will look in to that18:56
Severity1SetiAmon: "/etc/init.d/gdm start" "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" " /etc/init.d/gdm stop"18:56
paulo39i tried the live session with installation cd and it didnt work too. but when i tried with 9.04 cd live session, it worked18:56
mcphailUatec: what graphics card do you have?18:56
SetiAmonGoing to try.thanks btw,I would of thought there would be a easier way or even a option18:56
rabideejitSo, anyone else had a non-mouse dragging problem?18:57
SetiAmonit says stoped gnome but still in X18:57
SetiAmonWhats the deal18:57
Uatecan intel 915gm18:57
ubuntuviruzoh man, I found it, Im so sorry, it was under programs..18:57
DasEiSetiAmon: or third,just log off > go ter4minal seesion,also x-less18:57
arandUatec: You could use the screen brightness panel applet, which can be interacted with using the mouse, similarly to a volume control...18:57
Uatecarand, how do i turn that on?18:57
rabideejitubuntuviruz: It's cool.  I think network-manager is pretty buggy though - it used to forget my network keys.18:57
ncfi1013mcphail: how do i find out what is wrong with it? how do fix what is wrong with it?18:58
arandUatec: right click panel -- add to panel -- brighness applet.18:58
SetiAmoni'll  tr loging out18:58
desertm4xI have the following problem: There are two computers, both using a wireless mouse (same model). The problem is that one mouse controls the other computer and the other way round. Using Windows, there is a way to restrict the base station to some frequences, so the wireless mouses do not interfer. Is there a way to achieve something similar using Ubuntu?18:58
DasEiSetiAmon: then change session to trml18:58
Uatecw00t, awesome, thanks arand18:58
enthused_does anyone know a command to find what package is requesting a dependency? ie, how do i find which package a certain dependency?18:58
ubuntuviruzrabideejit: well. hm. I only found the network key that I saved with the atuosave-tick feature when accessing my network, but not the 'keyring default' Im looking for, Im gonna googgle seahorse now to learn more, thanks for your helåp18:59
DasEienthused_: apt-cache showpkg18:59
mcphailncfi1013: Choosing a window manager is a bit of a religious debate. The default GNOME window manager is metacity which is failry robust, but most people switch to compiz because you can use all the fancy effects.18:59
enthused_DasEi: thanks18:59
Iceman_B2SSHGAH, again with the spooky connection19:00
ncfi1013kde for me. not in gnome19:00
mcphailncfi1013: no idea what kde uses, i'm afraid19:00
Iceman_B2SSHhow long do pingouts take on freenode?19:00
ncfi1013who does?19:00
aranddesertm4x: That I think woulve be tricky, since i guess it's done through the driver software of the mouse, which often does not have an equivalent on linux... since the manufacturers don't bother to create them...19:00
ultratekarand i dont have that dir so i made it19:01
ultratekand i cant tell if it is working19:01
mcphailncfi1013: you could try #kubuntu19:01
Iceman_B2SSHthis is dumb, I'll reinstall irssi19:01
TMLIf I have heavily modified my keymap, what's the proper/best way to get those changes to automatically persist across boots?19:02
arandutlratek: go to "about : plugins" (no quotes or space) in firefox and see if it is listed as Shockwave Flash 10.0 r2219:02
SetiAmonThat was lame.going to login,i tried options and it gave me a few options,the closest thing to the raw terminal was failsafe terminal which was just emulation and it said stop xserver19:02
desertm4xarand: That's actually what I expected. I just thought someone maybe knows some driver options or documentation where this could be mentioned. Though I think there is not a standard way to achieve this... :-(19:02
iLogic_what is THE best flash player plugin for ubuntu?19:02
LjL!flash > iLogic_    (iLogic_, see the private message from ubottu)19:02
LjL!best > iLogic_    (iLogic_, see the private message from ubottu)19:03
SetiAmonso how do i drop X so i can get back to the DOS19:03
LjLSetiAmon: err, Ubuntu doesn't include DOS19:03
progre55hey people! what is the best linux uml diagram editing (creating) application?19:03
LjL!best | progre5519:03
ubottuprogre55: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:03
Uatecarand, that's a stupid widget, it's reallly hard to ccontrol19:03
SetiAmonI mean the disk operating system.not the gui19:03
ultratekarand where is about?19:03
iLogic_LjL: thanks.. which one do you use then?19:03
th0rSetiAmon: you could google 'kill x in linux'19:03
Decepticontest failed!19:03
TMLLjL: What's the difference between "!key > user" and "!key | user"? :)19:03
arandultratek: just type it into the adress bar19:03
SetiAmonWas just doing that thor19:03
LjLiLogic_: umbrello, the few times i have had to use one.19:04
LjL!bot > TML    (TML, see the private message from ubottu)19:04
mib_rw1ouacan somebody help me make my atheros wireless work19:04
th0rmib_rw1oua: I got mine to work using ndiswrapper19:05
mcphailSetiAmon: press "ctrl-alt-f2", login and type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"19:05
ultratekarand that page doesnt come up19:05
kliNikalhey fellas19:05
kliNikalanyone with kernel building knowledge?19:06
ultratekwait its tyhere19:06
ultratekbut my last fm is not working when i play my library19:06
paladinplease can someone tell me what is your echo $PYTHONHOME?19:06
tonesdoes anydoy know where the madwifi drivers have gone? every site i tried gives a 404.19:07
kliNikalath5k has replaced it19:07
arandpaladin: blank, but then again I don't use python...19:08
toneskliNikal: is that a driver?19:08
toneskliNikal: ok thanks19:08
kliNikali need someone who has experienced forging there own kernel19:08
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:08
erUSULkliNikal: i run vanilla kernels19:09
kliNikalits a specific question19:09
progre55hey people! is there any linux uml diagram editing (creating) applications?19:09
erUSULprogre55: dia ¿19:09
erUSUL!info dia19:09
ubottudia (source: dia): Diagram editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96.1-7.1 (jaunty), package size 187 kB, installed size 548 kB19:09
progre55erUSUL, thanks man19:09
arandkliNikal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile << is that what you are looking for?19:09
yaris123456789hey guys what does it mean if MySQL server has gone away ?19:10
kliNikalwhat is needed by vbox for the drv to install, i was using sickboy kernel on my aspireone , so i got the config and selected Virtulization aswell but it still doesnt work19:10
kliNikali've already compiled fine, just got get vbox support19:10
ultrateki cannot copy the file to that folder arand19:10
DasEikliNikal: if you took the vbox of the website, all that usb - and so on should be fine19:11
mcphailmib_rw1oua: please don't pm. Ask in channel19:11
erUSULkliNikal: that i dunno i do not use vbox... but the docs of vb should say what kernel versions versions are supported and what config options need to be enabled19:11
arandultratek: huh, why not? error messages?19:11
kliNikalok fellas i'll do abit more digging19:11
ultratekguess i dont have the permission19:11
neolineguys need help updating from alternate cd!19:11
erUSULkliNikal: also out of tree modules usually need the build directory and corresonding sources to be around19:11
ultrateksays ommiting dir19:12
arandultratek: did you use sudo to create it (you shouldn't)19:12
neolinemounting iso and updating is not working for me.19:12
erUSULneoline: error mesaages ?19:12
=== baudsmoke is now known as creativeminds
arandultratek: oh and are you substituting uesrname with _your_ useraneme?19:13
dimitreeHow can i make a desktop shortcut ? The application runs ok when i start it in the folder, i tryed to use the "make link" but when i place the "link" on the desktop and open it, nothing happends ? Any ideas ?19:13
ultratekyes...for what?19:13
neolineerusul: Seems like the update manager just doesnt find the cd..though it is mounted correctly..19:13
neolineit tries  to connect to internet and download..19:14
erUSULneoline: you have to use the script that comes in the cd itself19:14
arandultratek: /home/something/.... where "something" is you username.19:14
ultratek i did it right19:14
ultratekit just says permission denied19:14
ultratekeven does it when i switch to root19:14
neolineerusul: yup, that script fired up update manager, but as i said, it didnt recognize the cd.. it just went on with network upgrade19:14
mcphailultratek: if you are trying to copy a whole directory from the command line you need to use "cp -R"19:14
ultrateki am using cp filename19:15
mikebeechamhi guys...I have a shared smb folder, which wont let me access the content, unless I sudo nautilus...I'm assuming that it's a permissions issue...how can I change the permissions of my login so that I can access the contents of this shared folder?19:15
erUSULneoline: it should have asked if you want to use network or not ...19:15
neolineerusul:the image is correct. checked the md519:15
neolineerusul: It indeed did erusul! But that continued for about 50 packages fetching.. after that it hung!19:16
neolineerusul: i dont wanna waste a cd! :|19:16
arandultratek: look in nautilus if the folders are in order.19:16
neolineerusul:i mean it did ask me, and i refused when it asked for using net19:16
ultratekwell it needs to go here:/usr/lib64/firefox-3.0.10/plugins19:17
Dulakmikebeecham: you have an smb share mounted?19:17
erUSULneoline: althought it uses network it uses packages from the iso when it can19:17
psychicziroday u here?19:17
arandultratek: does "touch ~/.mozilla/plugins/testfile.blank give you permission denied as well?19:17
wrektjethi all. what is the plugion needed to burn cd's? is it in the restricted-extras already?19:18
wrektjeti should say audio cds19:18
ultratekno such file or dir19:18
psychicanyone know about background image tech probs?19:18
arandultratek: you dont need to install it globablly in usr, you can just put it in your home folder...19:18
axisysanyone knows of a tool to download the zonefiles of a domain ?19:18
grzesieki dont understud19:18
ultratekto where?19:18
Dulakaxisys: dig will give you the info, don't think it'll give you the full zone files19:18
Demonicdatathat was weird19:19
Demonicdataso anyhow19:19
=== Demonicdata is now known as SetiAmon
axisysDulak: hmm ..19:19
Dulakmikebeecham: if you're just worried about one user, you should set it to mount that smb share as your user, not as root19:19
axisysDulak: thnx19:19
Pie`how come its rhythmbox isn't giving me the option to input my last.fm details?19:19
DasEi wrektjet:I use k3b for it, though no plugin, but a app,other possibs : brasero , evil nero..19:19
mikebeechamDulak: I can see it, but when I click on the link, I am told that I dont have permissions to view the folder. However, if I sudo nautilus and then click the link, I can access the contents.  This leads me to think it's permissions19:19
neolineerusul: but then it hung up! :|19:19
Pie`It just says "Handshake failed"19:19
ultratekwell i made that plugin dir in .mozilla and put it there and it is showing up in the plugins panel in firefox but is not working19:19
mikebeechamDulak: I'm the only one using the machine19:19
arandultratek: that would imply that you do not have that dirrectory, look in nautilus that ~/.mozilla/plugins exist, you could just copy the file to this direcory using nautilus..19:19
DasEi!burn | wrektjet19:19
ubottuwrektjet: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto19:19
mjm521hey can anyone help me with gparted???19:20
SetiAmonI installed the nvidia drivers,it tried to connect online but i didn't know how to start wifi connection in the shell.And further more it said 32bit open_gl interpreter,not x64 like i wanted.anyone know whats what?19:20
mjm521it's in the middle of an apply operation on /dev/sdb119:20
DasEimjm521: go ahead19:20
arandultratek: oh ,sorry disregard that last thing thne..19:20
mjm521how long does this take????19:20
erUSULneoline: i've done the upgrade with that method at least twice (other versions) and never failed... plan to use it again to go to 9.0419:20
=== mj is now known as Guest48752
mcphailmikebeecham: _never_ use "sudo nautilus"19:20
wrektjetDasEi, i tried using brasero but it said the plugins were missing19:20
mjm521shrinking from 223 GB to 123 GB19:20
DasEimjm521: more details19:20
ultratekwell i have firefox several times on my sys19:20
mjm521i'm just wondering if it's supposed to take more than a half hour to do this, or if something went wrong19:21
mjm521i didn't back up my data...19:21
mikebeechammcphail: point taken...however, it does bolster my thought that the issue is permissions related19:21
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arandultratek: I don't know what is wrong then, if youtube vids et al is working then it may be that it doesn't support last.fm properly...19:21
ultratekand /usr/lib64/firefox-3.0.10/ is where i run it from19:21
mcphailmjm521: shrinking a partition will take forever19:21
hatter243mjm521, I remember my resizing operation taking like an hour and a half19:21
mjm521my hard drive light is a solid orange... which tells me it might be doing something19:21
erUSULmjm521: it can take several ours depending on the data moving around19:21
mjm521oh ok...19:21
erUSULmjm521: it can take several hours depending on the data moving around19:21
mjm521that re-assures me19:21
neolineok erusul, tell me the steps briefly please..mount the iso, run the update manager thats it? cant i just copy all the *.deb files to /var/apt/cahe and try upgrading?19:22
mjm521the thing that worried me is it doesn't sound as if the HD is working too hard.19:22
Dulakmikebeecham: you have that smb mount listed in /etc/fstab?19:22
mjm521i would hear it spinning no?19:22
pqangelhi :)19:22
pqangeli have a question regarding NTFS support on ubuntu 8.1019:22
erUSULneoline: .mount the iso, run the update manager <<< yes that's it19:22
imaginivity!ask > pqangel19:22
ubottupqangel, please see my private message19:22
mikebeechamDulak: yessir19:22
paulo39 is there anyone who can help me? my internet connection  failed i dont know why. It just dont work. the weird thing is that thisjusthappened after i install win7 in the same pc (dual boot) and now i have net on win 7 but i dont have it on ubuntu. i have here the copies of the outputof ifconfig, /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf19:22
mjm521pqangel what's ur q?19:22
psychicis there a program i can use to find duplicate music files?19:22
neolineerusul: and copying to cahe wont help?19:23
paulo39i tried the live session with installation cd and it didnt work too. but when i tried with 9.04 cd live session, it worked19:23
erUSULneoline: never tried19:23
imaginivityHi, I have Ubuntu Studio but nobody's responding in #ubuntustudio so I thought I'd ask here; on trying to install the restricted extras package, it complains that it needs to remove libavcodec52 and libavutil4919:23
SetiAmonhey folks19:23
mjm521u behind a router, paulo?19:23
imaginivityWhat can I do?19:23
paulo39here is the interfaces doc: http://pastebin.com/d402e0b01     here is dhclient.conf: http://pastebin.com/d2b4a79d8     and here the ifconfig: http://pastebin.com/d67f499aa19:23
she_dyedno mjm521 iirc its slow and steady19:23
paulo39a modem19:23
mikebeechamDulak: the folder is mounted ok...it's just that I cant access the contents when not accessing as root19:23
pqangelmjm521 ii need to format an external hard drive from FAT 32 to NTFS and then write on it on ubuntu19:23
safruhanii couldn't use keypad, dropbox, audacious after upgrading from 8.10 to 9.4, has anyone face to the same problems also?19:23
erUSULneoline: but i doubt it there other steps the update manager does (like changing sources and other stuff )19:23
mcphailimaginivity: don't think that's a problem. I think other packages provide the same functions19:23
pqangeldoes ubuntu has NTFS write support from default?19:24
SetiAmonthis graphical user interface is ugly,it is a friggin clone of XP,i don't like.anyone recommend a better windows manager and would it be a pain to move to a diff windows manager?19:24
mjm521pqangel: do u need to preserve the FAT32 data?19:24
erUSULpqangel: yep it does19:24
neolineerusul: okay thanks anyway.. :) oh btw, after mounting, the update manager never opened automatically.. can we fix this?19:24
mjm521pqangel: yes it does19:24
Dulakmikebeecham: yeah I'm looking for the solution, been a while since I solved this, you can tell it to mount as your user instead of root so you own everything19:24
pqangeland how can i format in NTFS  ??19:24
psychicanyone know of a program to locate duplicate audio files?19:24
mjm521pqangel: i don't remember the first version that implemented that but 8.10 definitely does it fine19:24
erUSULneoline: make a bug report/wish :)19:24
neolineerusul:oh yes! It must be manipulating the sources as well..quite right..19:24
erUSUL!bugs | neoline19:24
mikebeechamDulak: is that via the 'user' command19:24
ubottuneoline: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:24
mjm521if you don't want to use fdisk and/or mkfs.ntfs (which is in ntfsprogs) use gparted19:25
mjm521if gparted doesn't give you the option you need ntfsprogs19:25
ultratekhow do i create a dir19:25
mjm521sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs19:25
Dulakmikebeecham: the user option just allows normal users to mount it, it will still set root to the owner19:25
pqangelis gparted already installed in ubuntu??19:25
imaginivitymcphail: Yeah, I just had a look. Apparently it just wants to install the unstripped versions of the two conflicting packages, I don't think there's any worry :)19:25
DasEiwrektjet: jaunty ?19:25
mjm521(or ntfs-progs)19:25
hatter243ultratek, mkdir19:25
mjm521not sure about the hyphen19:25
erUSULultratek: in terminal ? mkdir folder_name19:25
erUSUL!cli | ultratek19:25
ubottuultratek: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:25
mikebeechamDulak: which is what I'm seeing, yes19:25
mcphailimaginivity: installed the ubuntustudio packages last night. very nice19:26
wrektjetDasEi, yes indeed. im looking all over the web for the right plugin19:26
neolineerusul:ubottu: okay guys. I'll try it again, and if its still the same, will report a bug.. :)19:26
DasEiwrektjet: try installing gstreamer0.10-plugins-good or try k3b19:26
mjm521pqangel: might not be try sudo apt-get install gparted from a terminal, or use the Add/Remove icon in your app menu19:26
erUSULneoline: ubottu is a bot :P19:26
wrektjetlookin at k3b atm19:26
Dulakmikebeecham: the option you want is uid=19:26
[`HektoR`]guys , please anyone give me a good sources.list ....19:26
pqangelthe thing is i have to instruct someone from the phone to do it, so the easier the better19:26
imaginivitymcphail: :D I know, it's sweet. I'm going to install the mac4lin project on it, then make a livecd out of it and show other Mac users how Ubuntu's oh so much better :)19:26
neolineerusul: :p :p19:26
erUSUL!sources | [`HektoR`]19:26
ubottu[`HektoR`]: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:26
mjm521yea, use gparted then19:26
Dulakmikebeecham, add that to your mount option, put your actual user id there19:26
DasEiwrektjet: I also didn't came far with brasero19:27
Dulakmikebeecham: example user,uid=100119:27
neolineerusul: Personification is nice sometimes.. :D19:27
pqangelno need for other libraries to run the GUI or anything right???19:27
mcphailimaginivity: just wish the realtime kernel was a bit more up to date19:27
mikebeechamhow can I find my UID #19:27
mjm521nope, dependencies will get looked up and installed, no worries.19:27
erUSULneoline: indeed :-)19:27
Picimjm521: id19:27
Dulakmikebeecham: id19:27
Piciubuntuviruz: please don't do that19:27
Dulakmikebeecham: just type "id" as your user19:27
imaginivitymcphail: not too bothered about that, really.19:27
neolineerusul: can't you login remotely to my laptop and fix this thing? :p19:27
pqangelok, thanks :) gonna install it threw SSH and BRB with info ;)19:27
wrektjetseems that package is already installed. i also tried rhythmbox burner and failed. i guess on to k3b19:28
imaginivitymcphail: but a real-time kernel is absolutely win.19:28
mcphailimaginivity: absolutely. ,issed it badly on the last release19:28
mjm521sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs gparted19:28
mjm521that line should do all you need19:28
ultratekhow do i copy /home/ultratek/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so to /.mozilla/plugins19:28
erUSULneoline: i doubt it :)19:28
mikebeechamDulak: added user,UID=1000 into fstab...but no change!19:28
Dulakmikebeecham: it's lowercase, uid=19:29
neolineerusul: :p thanks.. :) Tc!19:29
Dulakmikebeecham: you'll have to remount it after the change19:29
mcphailmikebeecham: have you remounted the share?19:29
marko-_--ultratek, cp /home/ultratek/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so /.mozzila/plugins19:29
ultratekit says omitting dir if i do that19:29
mikebeechamDulak: mcphail I've umounted and remounted via sudo umount -a, sudo mount -a....no change19:29
ubuntistasi upgraded to openoffice 3.1 and openoffice.org database doesn't work any clue?19:29
she_dyedmarko-_--, would that work even on a symlink19:30
Dulakmikebeecham: you using smbfs as the type in fstab?19:30
pqangeli have installed gparted so it should now appear on my menu right??19:30
psychicis there a program to find duplicate files?19:30
marko-_--she_dyed, to make a symlink you have to use the -s parameter19:30
pqangelmaybe under de tools section??19:30
* mcphail could be driven insane by samba19:30
mjm521you might have to log out and log back in, but if you don't want to do that just hit alt-F2 and type gparted19:31
pqangelalt+F2 brings out the console?19:31
Dulakmikebeecham: umount it, and make sure your user owns the mount point19:31
ubuntistasi upgraded to openoffice 3.1 and openoffice.org database doesn't work any clue?19:31
Dulakmikebeecham: for example if you mount it to /mnt/windows, umount it, and make sure your user owns the /mnt/windows dir19:31
mjm521brings up the "Run" dialog19:31
pqangellol, great then :)19:32
erUSUL!info fslint | psychic19:32
ubottupsychic: fslint (source: fslint): A utility to fix problems with filesystems' data, like duplicate files. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26-2 (jaunty), package size 103 kB, installed size 784 kB19:32
mjm521pq: did it work?19:32
psychic thanks19:32
she_dyedultratek, naybe its a symlink, do an ls -l on it to see19:32
ultratekthe libflashplayer.so is loaded in my firefox but not working and it is enabled.............19:32
pqangelwell, i have installed gparted and ntfsprogs (without th hyphen ;) ) i hope when i call my friend he knows how to do it19:32
ultrateki got it copied19:32
mikebeechamDulak: brb19:33
mjm521so it's him that has to format the drive or you?19:33
she_dyedultratek, the one thing that's not copied do an ls -l on it19:33
pqangeli have to instruct him from afar on the cell phone :s19:33
ultratekon what part exactly19:33
mjm521it's not hard19:33
mjm521unless he's a total n00b :19:33
pqangel.... he is :\19:33
pqangelhe's used MAC OS his whole life...19:34
she_dyedultratek, the one you were asking how to copy19:34
mjm521the resize on my ext3 filesystem19:34
mjm521took 59 minutes19:34
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:34
mjm521well he's not a total n00b then19:34
ultratek-rwxr-xr-x 1 ultratek ultratek 9543400 2009-02-02 23:03 /home/ultratek/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so19:34
mjm521k sorry19:34
JMarley1117who might be able to help with mounting filesystems and samba?19:34
DasEimjm521: 120 gig- smaller pc ?19:34
mjm521nope just a bunch of partitions19:35
Severity1hello all19:35
mjm521making a shared ntfs partition for share b/w ubuntu and windows 719:35
pqangelwell.... he kinda is... he is fifty something and he only knows how to use protools and a whole bunch of synth, EQs and sound tools (he is a sound engineer)19:35
scunizisudo blkid show a device at /dev/sdd with a LABEL="my_user_name" UUID="<number>" TYPE="vfat" .. I'm at a loss to know what that is espicially with a my user name as a label. Any ideas? or ideas on how to find out?19:35
mjm521cool beans19:35
Pie`why wont flash install to firefox :(19:35
Pie`I went to youtube and installed the flash player like ti told me to19:36
she_dyedultratek, please put our nicks on your replies19:36
Pie`ran it throguh dpkg, restarted firefox but it still doesnt work :(19:36
Severity1uninstall all yuor flash packages19:36
mjm521Pie: did you use the file off the adobe site or ubuntu's Software package?19:36
ultratekshedyed..what do i do to get the plugin to work since it is loaded but not running?19:36
Pie`mjm521: the flask site19:36
mjm521yea don't do that19:36
Severity1have you tried restarting mozilla19:36
Severity1kill it19:36
kumadamany1 know where can i fing dictionary files?19:37
ultratekseverity, how?19:37
Pie`mjm521: how would I isntall the ubuntu package?19:37
pqangelthe thing is i have to migrate his PC to windows, i was installing a server but too many things went wrong, i couldn't configure the mail server, sharing in the network with MAC OS wasn't communicating, HFS+ write support could not be enabled...19:37
ultratekkillall ?19:37
mjm521^ pg19:37
=== hell_ is now known as hellues
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:37
mjm521you can look up flash in the synaptic package manager19:37
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:37
pqangelanyways, thanks for the help, i hope it works :)19:37
ultrateknot in pdgin ubottu19:38
pqangelsee ya around19:38
mjm521cya dude19:38
Severity1do a top and find the PID of the process you wanna kill19:38
DasEi scunizi:you want to add the drive to fstab ?19:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:38
mjm521usuually firefox will ask u automatically19:38
Piciultratek: ubottu is a bot. what do you mean not in pdgin?19:38
marko-_--ultratek, use killall firefox19:38
ultrateknm that19:38
ultratekmarko, firefox is not running19:38
Severity1then kill <PID>19:38
scuniziDasEi: no.. just trying to figure out what it is.. It's not listed in fstab or in fdisk -l..19:39
mjm521Pie: you find it?19:39
marko-_--ultratek, did you copied the .so file in the mozilla folder succesfuly ?19:39
DasEi scunizi:usb/sd ?19:39
ultratekmarko, yes19:39
_RustYHi, my wireless internet dosnt work, can somebody help me?19:39
ultratekmarko firefox shows it loaded and enabled but it does nothing for me19:40
Severity1_RustY: did it used to work?19:40
scuniziDasEi: that was my first thought but I don't have a memory stick plugged in at this point.. just a usb printer, usb modem (for faxing) and a couple of hubs19:40
marko-_--!tab > ultratek19:40
mjm521Pie: ??19:40
ubottuultratek, please see my private message19:40
marko-_--ultratek, i don't know then19:40
mcphailultratek: have you cleared the firefox cache?19:40
_RustYI judt installed crunchbang, which is a derivative of ubuntu 8.1019:40
ultratekmcphail, how do i do that19:41
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
Pici_RustY: And we do not support unofficial deriviatives of Ubuntu here, sorry.19:41
SetiAmonanything like device manager were i can see what drivers are installed for what apps?19:41
Dr_Willis_RustY:  you may want to stick the the regular ubuntus  - it will be easier to troublshoot.19:41
DasEi scunizi:lsusb   any hint ? or mount ?19:41
=== Nb is now known as Guest87186
she_dyedultratek, let's see the cp command that gave you that message 'dir being ignored or something'19:42
scuniziDasEi: I'll check19:42
ultratekshedyed, this one worked:cp /home/ultratek/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so /.mozilla/plugins19:43
zekhave any of you guys used player or stage ?19:43
SetiAmonOK here is one for you,in the shell(linux without the gui,xwindows) how do you start up wifi?19:43
marko-_-ultratek, type "she+tab" without the " and +19:44
marko-_-the tab key is above caps lock19:44
ultratekshe test19:44
marko-_-ultratek, the tab key completes commands in the terminal and other stuff... in xchat it completes nicknames so you don't have to type it manually19:45
ultratekwhat other directories can i put that file in to get it owrking in firefox19:45
Severity1_Rusty, they are right, if it was ubuntu i would have suggested to edit /etc/rc.local then add iwconfig wlan0 rate 5.5M fixed before exit 0, then download ndiswrapper wifi-radar and linux-backports-modules-generic then restart19:45
scuniziDasEi: nothing out of the ordinary.. shows the us robotics, cam, hubs, printer, card reader, wacom tablet, and that's it.19:45
Dr_WillisSetiAmon:  thats normally called the 'terminal' or 'console' :) and it can be done.. i just dont know the proper commands under ubuntu.19:46
dimitreewhere is the kde4-devel package ? o-o19:46
ultratekmar - k19:46
marko-_-and on a big channel like this it's important to always use the nickname to higlight the user to see19:46
yadiraholas amigos19:46
marko-_-ultratek, type mar then press the tab key19:46
yadirayo habolo español19:46
=== ohir_ is now known as ohir
ultratekdid this marcos_ marfusha_ markl_ marko-_- marlun Martinp2319:46
DasEi scunizi:try to mount it and cd there ?19:46
marko-_-ultratek, yea there are more users that start with mar19:46
marko-_-try with mark + tab and then press the tab key again to select my nick19:47
she_dyedhe's almost there, our little baby ultratek walking his first steps19:47
scuniziDasEi: ok.. but it also doesn't show in gparted.. I'll give it a shot19:47
ultratekmar k19:47
ultratekshe i am tring19:47
Guest87186installing postgresql in ubuntu 9:04?19:47
Severity1ultratek, still no flash?19:47
ultratekSeveri nope19:48
marko-_-ultratek, type she then press tab19:48
Severity1have you tried installing restricted-extras?19:48
marko-_-you will see it autocomplete the nick19:48
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga19:48
scuniziDasEi: nope.. won't mount.. can't find <user name> in fstab or mtab19:48
ultratekit telss me she_dyed shelluser19:48
scuniziDasEi: ah.. let me try to mount with /dev/sdd19:48
SetiAmonI'm surprised how fast i am picking this up,now i got my multimedia keyboard audio controls to work19:48
DasEi scunizi:sudo mkdir /media/unknown19:48
dimitreeHow can i install kde4-devel packages ? I can't find them19:49
ultratekmaybe i should reboot?19:49
SetiAmonlinux sure has gone a long way,last time i ran it I never even used X19:49
DasEi scunizi:sudo mount /dev/sdd  /media/unknown19:49
she_dyedultratek, so you type one more letter to single out my name19:49
DasEi scunizi:cd  /media/unknown19:49
ultratekshe_dyed: ohh19:49
DasEi scunizi:ls19:49
ultratekshe_dyed:  kool19:49
scuniziDasEi: yep tried.. mount returns.. "mount: special device /dev/sdd does not exist"19:49
yadirawhat your name?19:49
DetroitLibertyPewhat is the command from terminal to determine the version of ubuntu,19:49
DetroitLibertyPeSYSTEM ->aBOUT UBUNTU isn't working19:49
marko-_-ultratek, you have to learn how to use the tab key because it's very useful if you have some long file names... it will autocomplete them in terminal :)19:49
she_dyedultratek yeah so if you only typew s then tab it will show all names beginning with s19:50
schambersanyone that is using xfce4-terminal, is there a way to set transparency passing a command line option?19:50
yadiraplis you19:50
Severity1tab is the bestest invention19:50
ultratekgot you guys19:50
she_dyedultratek you can reboot to totally kill ff easier than looking for PID?19:50
ultratekshe_dyed: pid?19:50
Severity1process id19:50
hiemanshuDetroitLibertyPe, what is the output of uname -r?19:50
ultratekhow do i find this?19:51
Severity1have you guys tried installing restricted-extras? flash is supposed to be included there19:51
yadirai am yady19:51
Severity1ultratek, to get PID run pstree -p the numbers beside the processess is the PID19:52
DasEi scunizi:did you try to remove all that usb stuff and run blkid again ?19:52
Pie`Does ubuntu 8.04 have some issues with SATA hard drives?19:52
yadirano ingis19:52
Pie`beacuse twice today ubuntu has jsut completly frozen on me19:52
Severity1then kill the pID you want to die19:52
Pie`and it has done this before on an old install19:52
yadirayou igles19:52
Pie`many many times19:52
Severity1how old is your machine?19:53
scuniziDasEi: no.. I was hoping to avoid that.. but that might be the next step19:53
she_dyedyadira espanol?19:53
ThJHas anyone got problems installing Ubuntu on a MacBook Air? I am getting an early kernel panic, right after the BIOS data check.19:53
Severity1poquito hablas espanyol19:53
Guest87186alguem ai fala portugues????19:53
she_dyed!es | yadira19:54
ed0n0nhow can I get the last stable version of programs such GIMP with apt-get? I have 2.4.5 and there is a 2.6.6 stable version available. Can I force apt or need to change repository? Can someone explain?19:54
ubottuyadira: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:54
DanaGodd... speeding up my boot by profioing it... actually slowed down my login.19:54
FrankQCCan anyone clarify the following? : For some reason I have ClamAV on my laptop for an antivirus... Is it safe to remove it? And also, I checked my services and I have 3 mySQL services, is it safe disabling though? (I never use mySQL (not that I'm aware of))19:54
Severity1ed0n0n, i think if you go to the gimp site they have a .deb package of the latest version19:54
ThJMy kernel is 2.6.28. I have tried passing "nosmp" as a kernel parameter but no success.19:54
yadirashe died es tu nomber19:54
Pie`DanaG: probably because some processes stopped commencing at boot time and started at login, so ubuntu has more to do :D19:55
ed0n0nSeverity1: Will that update the existing one or will I have two parallel versions?19:55
ultratekhow do i get my mic to stay unmuted under record options?19:55
yadirabayyyyyyyyyyyyyy  babys19:55
DanaGIt's a net loss, though.19:55
Severity1but you can uninstall your old version via synaptics19:55
DanaGMakes the whole thing take LONGER.19:55
Severity1or do sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename19:56
JPZHello everyone, I got an ubuntu8.10 desktop that responds to ping requests and VNC sessions, but wont load the actual desktop. SSH no longer responds( opened sessions stopped responding), and if I connect a monitor to the box, the desktop doesn't respond either. Any ideas on how I can get control back or at least stop this from happening again ?19:56
homyHi, is a usb thumb drive well suited as a backup medium?19:56
hatter243homy, not really, they're easily lost/destroyed19:56
gumpishAnyone used mail-notification in Jaunty?19:56
silici0nehi there, how do i change kde themes under gnome? i cant install kcontrol, its says its maybe obsolte19:57
mcphailhomy: i have had a few fail for no real reason19:57
homywhat backup media would you use then (not for professional use)?19:57
ultratekhow do i get my mic to stay unmuted under record options?19:57
ed0n0nSeverity1: Thank you :)19:57
Severity1ed0n0n, no prob19:57
hatter243silici0ne, why would you use KDE themes in Gnome? Why not use Gnome themes in gnome?19:57
Severity1ed0n0n, so are there .deb packages in gimp's site?19:57
silici0nehatter243:  because i use some kde software...19:57
ed0n0nSeverity1: just tar.bz?19:58
J_PIs possible Real time linux with the new ubuntu 9.04?19:58
Severity1oh so you still hafta compile from source19:58
silici0nehatter243: and its just looks ugly, wanna change the theme, but i dont the software19:58
Severity1well there are 3 things to remember ./compile, make and make install19:58
JPZanyone have an idea of whats going on with the question I posted a few mins ago ?19:59
ThJThe exception is: PANIC: early exception 0e rip 10:ffffffff80226a93 error 0 cr2 ffffffffff5fc0f019:59
ed0n0nSeverity1: Is compiling the same as if I would install a .deb package?19:59
Severity1probably an x issue?19:59
AleranI am experiencing this weird issue where when I resume a screen session it automatically resizes my terminal (every time). Anyone know what might be causing this?19:59
Severity1but just much harder19:59
Severity1is there a new version of inkscape??20:00
pqangelhi :)20:00
ed0n0nSeverity1: Done it sometimes, but I guess I should --purge package before20:00
pqangeli need to run gparted on ubuntu 8.10 but when i input gparted at the run window it says i have no admin privileges20:01
Severity1ed0n0n, yeah but hold on20:01
pqangelhow can i do it??20:01
Severity1ed0n0n, what version of gimp is currently installed?20:01
ed0n0nSeverity: 2.4.520:01
VolkodavI am having xmodmap problem in xfce - certain keys do not respond I manually put them in  ~/.Xmodmap and doing  xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap helps for a bit but then it is losing config again20:02
Severity1what version is your ubuntu?20:02
Volkodavanybody has the sale problems - google or forums did not help much20:02
rayluVolkodav: rename .Xmodmap to .xmodmaprc20:02
DanaGoh, and usplash screws up my consoles.20:02
silici0ne systemsettings from kde opens blank, wanna change the kde theme, anyone ?20:03
Severity1ed0n0n, what version is your ubuntu?20:03
yaris123456789anyway to output the full tag and everything inside this tag using getElementsByTagName("tagname")20:03
ed0n0nSeverity1: Ubuntu 8.04 'Hardy Heron' but I have same dislike in Debian 5.0 Lenny (2.4.7)20:04
Volkodavraylu also I put the xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap in autostart but it will not work - where is the file for autostart so I can do it manually ?20:04
rayluSeverity1, ed0n0n: compiling is not the same as installing a deb. debs get updated from the repos and can be easily removed with dpkg/apt later20:04
DanaGusplash seems to completely trash efifb.20:04
rayluVolkodav: in xfce? not sure. is the autostart script +x?20:04
raylu!startup | Volkodav20:04
ubottuVolkodav: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot20:04
ed0n0nraylu: so will leave this for Gentoo users20:04
raylued0n0n: er.. no20:05
raylued0n0n: in gentoo, compiling is just a part of the package manager :D20:05
raylued0n0n: it's not in debian-based systems. you can still roll your own deb from source20:05
lesshasteI am trying to reboot into single user mode but telinit 1 brings up the XUBUNTU booting screen and hangs20:05
lesshasteit looks like a framebuffer problem maybe??20:05
Volkodavraylu they have the gui thing in xfce for autostart but for this particular cvommand it does not work for some reason20:05
raylued0n0n: but a lot of Makefiles have uninstall targets20:05
Volkodavothers do though20:05
ed0n0nraylu: that would be nice one :D20:05
lesshastecan anyone get ubuntu to boot in single user mode?20:06
she_dyedlesshaste, add the word single20:06
ohirlesshaste: ctrl-alt-f1 will give you text console20:06
erUSULlesshaste: recovery mode in the grub menu is exactly that20:06
SetiAmonCool now i have x64 flash player20:07
ohirlesshaste: then sudo -i, kill xdm20:07
Severity1ed0n0n, do sudo apt-get -v gimp20:08
lesshasteohir: that's not runlevel 120:08
Severity1ed0n0n, tell me what it says20:08
pegonI had a question when I bring up WINEcfg or any other wine program it brings it up but it hows part of the desktop from behind through it so cuts off part of the program and I can't see it..any ideas?20:08
ed0n0nSeverity1: the whole of it?20:08
Severity1raylu, yes i already told him the three steps in compiling20:09
Severity1./configure, make and make install20:09
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!20:09
ohirlesshaste: so use recovery mode20:09
Severity1ed0n0n, just the first two lines20:09
dinastyhiya guys.. i have some problems with grub.. someone mind to help me abit ? :)20:09
ed0n0nSeverity1: http://pastebin.com/m76c0c7ce20:09
erUSUL!ask | dinasty20:09
ubottudinasty: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:09
dinastyokay then ^^20:10
=== miceeeee is now known as mizor_mice
lesshasteshe_dyed: I am trying that again now20:10
SetiAmonNow i'm freaking out,what do you do all day if you don't need to defrag and run anti-virus?20:10
schamberswhat terminal can I use to have a transparent terminal on my desktop with no borders, toolbars etc...20:10
dinastythis is the deal.. i have a dualboot with grub one is ubuntu and one is win.. the problem is that win cant boot, however it boots perfectly with a supergrub disc20:10
SetiAmonI am so used to my antivirus running in the background,what do you do with idle processors?20:10
Severity1ed0n0n, okay have you tried installing gimp via sudo apt-get install gimp?20:10
lesshasteshe_dyed: If you add single it thinks I want recovery mode20:10
Severity1it should install the latest package20:11
homyIs there something like a "versioned backup" that is well integrated into ubuntu (nautilus) like the new windows 7 feature, i.e. that I can access old versions of files?20:11
wilfriedhey all, i have a problem here. i just update 8.04 to i think 8.10 but now kdm does not start anymore. i type this in irssi20:11
ed0n0nSeverity1: Yes. And it says it is the latest available stable version20:11
raylulesshaste: which is runlevel 1... or 2, i don't remember20:11
she_dyedalso known as single user mode lesshaste20:11
Severity1ed0n0n, and did it install the latest version?20:11
wilfriedhow do i get my kdm back and running20:11
dinastywhen i try to boot windows it just says " cant find ntldr "20:11
Severity1ed0n0n, when did you do this?20:11
dinastybut with supergrub it works like a charm20:12
ed0n0nSeverity1: no, it says it is already installed20:12
lesshasteshe_dyed: ok :) I was just surprised by the menu that came up.. must be a ubuntu feature20:12
erUSULlesshaste: recovery mode == runlevel 1 === single20:12
Severity1okay so we need to sudo apt-get remove --purge gimp first20:12
Severity1have you done that one?20:12
lesshasteerUSUL: right but ubuntu has a special recovery menu that appears in single user mode20:12
ed0n0nSeverity1: No. Not yet, doing now?20:13
lesshasteanyone know the minimum RAM ubuntu will boot in?20:13
Severity1hold on20:13
jimcooncathomy: rsnapshot is what I use20:13
erUSULlesshaste: just choose the root console20:13
Severity1ed0n0n, hold it!20:13
lesshasteerUSUL: done, thanks20:13
wilfriedI updated kubuntu 8.04 and now it does not start x kdm anymore. can anyone help me?20:13
ed0n0nSeverity1: Ok20:13
Severity1ed0n0n, stop! do you have any brushes or textures you need to backup?20:13
jimcooncathomy: there's also rdiff-backup, better on disk space, more cumbersome to get back old versions20:14
ed0n0nSeverity1: Backuped allready20:14
GameFreakschambers: I accomplished that with gnome-terminal using Compiz's window plugins, so that is an option if you are using compiz.20:14
Severity1okay good20:14
schambersok i am20:14
Severity1ed0n0n, then continue with the purging20:14
sebsebseblesshaste: 256MB RAM  the Live CD should boot,  128MB  only if  a 512MB or so swap partition is  already on the hard disk20:14
mcphailhomy: i use rsnapshot. It's brilliant20:14
zhuraihmm... question: how do I find out if I have any restricted drivers?20:15
lesshastesebsebseb: I'll try 64 then :)20:15
homyjimcooncat, mcphail: oh, it doesn't seem to have a gui integrated with nautilus (like e.g. a new tab in file properties "old versions" where you can open/restore older versions)20:15
noonif syslog.conf has cron commented out (#cron.*) are no cron operations being logged?20:15
mcphailhomy: you don't need integration. You just navigate into the archive directories20:15
Severity1i really cant believe jaunty is running fine on a pentium 3 256mb ram machine20:15
erUSULzhurai: System<Preferences>hardware drivers20:15
sebsebseblesshaste: 64MB RAM and Ubuntu does not sound good20:15
schambersGameFreak: what option was it under compiz?20:15
zhuraiah, k20:15
phoenixzIf I were to install ubuntu on a SUN T2000 server, would I have all the same packages available as on the i386 platform?20:15
Dr_WillisSeverity1:  well..  its slugish here on my Pent 3 machine20:15
lesshastesebsebseb: no X remember20:15
Dr_WillisSeverity1:  it does run :)20:15
jimcooncathomy: I'm on an older version of Ubuntu, there are probably some kind of add-ons that would help20:16
homymcphail: but it makes more sense with that integration because then you can also access multiple older versions directly from the current version of the file20:16
ed0n0nSeverity1: Done it. It has deleted some other packages like  gimp* gimp-gnomevfs* gimp-python* ubuntu-desktop*20:16
outofthemadnesshey kids. I 've got a rather interesting problem. Seems I've accidentally overwritten python 2.6(I'm using jaunty) with stackless python. This overwrote my sys.path, and synaptic seems to think this version of python is the same as the one in the repos. Anyone know how I can get the version that's in the repos on my computer note that "sudo apt-get install --reinstall python" doesn't work20:16
sebsebseblesshaste: no I didn't read  anything about no X20:16
zhurai...only alternate Atheros madwifi driver O_o20:16
Severity1Dr_Willis, yeah!20:16
lesshastesebsebseb: single user mode20:16
lesshaste64M boots!20:16
lesshastehooray :)20:16
GameFreakShould be Window Rules under Window Management.20:16
Severity1well since your still here i guess nothing bad happened20:16
ed0n0nFunny! That is what it said!20:16
mcphailhomy: depends on what you need.20:16
Kalmilesshaste, xubuntu can run with only 128 mb of ram... but it is strongly recommended to have at least 256 MB RAM20:16
schambersthats strange20:17
schambersi dont have Window Rules20:17
nickkontoshey! can anyone tell me if there is a horoscope program-server for ubuntu?20:17
lesshasteKalmi: it boots in 64MB20:17
schambersunder Window Management20:17
Severity1okay now do a sudo apt-get install gimp20:17
noonif syslog.conf has cron commented out (#cron.*) are no cron operations being logged?20:17
ed0n0nSeverity1: should I update first??20:17
Kalmilesshaste, http://www.xubuntu.org/get and see "Minimum system requirements"20:17
VolkodavI noticed HDTV sources take way more CPU then in windows - I tried mplayer vlc and xine - are there any ways to lower the cycles ?20:17
Severity1ed0n0n, oh! yeah you should20:17
GameFreakDo you have the compiz-plugins package installed?20:18
lesshasteKalmi: that doesn't really answer the question.. But I am OK with 64MB thanks20:18
Kalmilesshaste, RAM is cheap nowadays... :S20:18
lesshasteKalmi: I am running a benchmark that's all20:18
ed0n0nSeverity1: Have updated, and It is installing same 2.4.5 version :(20:19
Kalmilesshaste, ok20:19
Severity1Dr_Willis, well atleast i can browse do word processing and watch online20:19
wilfriedI updated k 8.04 to 8.10 and now it does not start X KDM anymore. Does anyone know how to fix this?20:19
rayluwilfried: invoke-rc.d kdm status20:20
petsoundshello, can someone write me a command line to uninstalling google earth from 9. 04. thanks b420:20
ed0n0ncan I run apt-get install gimp from:http://www.gimp.org/stable/last-version.deb ?20:20
Severity1i guess you have no choice but to install via source20:20
Severity1ed0n0n, i guess you have no choice but to install via source20:20
schambersGameFreak: yes20:20
=== ohir_ is now known as ohir
yaccWhat's the best way to report a crash with the nvidia-glx driver? (the Xorg server goes 100% CPU, does not respond to anything, kill -9 takes a bit [but that may be the loadavg], and trying to restart the X server does not work. reboot hangs.)20:20
schambersi found it20:21
schambersi had compiz-core20:21
schambersbut not compiz20:21
FloodBot1schambers: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:21
yaccpetsounds, synaptics?20:21
homyversions backup: I mean something like this: http://www.blogsdna.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/restore-previous-versions-windows-7.png20:21
ed0n0nSeverity: OK. Will do.20:22
phoenixzIf I were to install ubuntu on a SUN T2000 server, would I have all the same packages available as on the i386 platform?20:22
GameFreakThat's pretty strange. Well that should be installed.20:22
jsmidtpetsounds, I don't know what the exact package name is for google earth, but in general you type: sudo apt-get remove packagename20:22
petsoundsyacc : but i'm not installing via synaptics20:22
petsoundsjsmidt : no luck, sorry20:22
Severity1ed0n0n, or you can check out this site http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gimp-261-on-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html20:23
jsmidtpetsounds, no luck in that you don't know the packagename or that the command didn't work?20:23
IndyGunFreakpetsounds: just add the medibuntu repository and apt-get install googleearth   the .bin file constantly crashes (at least it does for me)20:23
homymcphail, jimcooncat: I mean something like this: http://www.blogsdna.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/restore-previous-versions-windows-7.png20:23
petsoundsi didn't know the package name20:23
IndyGunFreakpetsounds: if you have the medibuntu repository, its googleearth20:23
ed0n0nSeverity: OK, so I change repositories20:23
petsoundsIndyGunFreak : can you please be more detail20:24
jsmidtpetsounds, look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth20:24
Severity1lets hope that repo is still laive20:24
mcphailhomy: rsnapshot is for backup to a separate disk (i.e. real backup). Version based backup is available on some filesystems such as zfs (???ext4). Not much use if your disk melts.20:24
jsmidtpetsounds, try:  sudo apt-get remove googleearth20:24
IndyGunFreakpetsounds: i don't really know how much more detailed i can be.. add the medibuntu repository, then after that, sudo apt-get install googleearth20:24
homymcphail: yes, I wouldn't versioned "backups" as real backups, they're just handy if I accidentially edit a file or replace it by something else, ...20:25
mcphailhomy: yes. Don't think we're there in linux yet. zfs can do it (i think) but isn't available in linux20:25
petsoundshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth (solved)20:25
petsoundsthank you guys :)20:26
ed0n0nSeverity1: Repo not alive or not responding...20:26
homymcphail: ah, ok. win 7 will have this feature.20:26
SetiAmonI saw that there is a defrag tool for linux,will such a tool give any real performance gain?20:26
ed0n0nShould I update Ubuntu?20:26
mcphailhomy: i think ntfs can accomodate that20:27
jimcooncathomy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeVault20:27
erUSUL!defrag | SetiAmon20:27
ubottuSetiAmon: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.20:27
dominikghi, what would be the correct way to get information about a package maintainer ( the maintainer of the ubuntu eclipse package in particular) and/or how can one request to remove or update the totally outdated eclipse 3.2 package?20:27
digitallogikanyone have a lot of experience working with udev?20:27
IlanaMy email software evolution does not download all my emails20:27
rayludominikg: aptitude show eclipse20:27
ikoniadigitallogik: what's up?20:27
phoenixzIf I were to install ubuntu on a SUN T2000 server, would I have all the same packages available as on the i386 platform?20:27
raylu!launchpad | dominikg20:27
ubottudominikg: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/20:27
SetiAmonerusul:I hear you can't be mounted to defrag20:28
rayludominikg: and finally, packages.ubuntu.com may be of hepl20:28
rayludominikg: oh, #ubuntu-devel20:28
Severity1ed0n0n, too bad how about this? http://phorolinux.com/how-to-install-gimp-26-on-linux.html20:28
digitallogikill messag eyou20:28
arazrielcan anybody help me to reset my harddrive options??20:28
phoenixzI just isntalled ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and in this version, every now and then firefox start mangling up fonts. certain characters suddenly become garbage.. Is there anything known about this?20:28
erUSULSetiAmon: probably true20:28
chetnickhi, i have one ntfs partition that i want to change to ext3. Do i just run mke2fs /dev/sdaX or i have to do something before that?20:29
rayluchetnick: nope. but if you don't know what you're doing (like me), i'd recommend letting gparted do the work for you20:29
pqangelhi, could someone please tell me how to run a program as root from the run window??20:29
dajhornphoenixz: Packages in the main repo will be there, but a lot of the user interface goodies will be broken or missing.  Lot's of things in restricted, like codecs, will be unavailable on SPARC.20:29
xemacs4321Chetic, mkfs.ext3 partition20:29
erUSULchetnick: if the parition is empty you do not need any extra steps20:30
homyjimcooncat: timevault is still in beta.20:30
guntbertchetnick: assuming you don't need the data :)20:30
mcphailhomy: http://www.ext3cow.com/FAQ.html -- haven't used this, but might be worth a look20:30
jimcooncathomy: yes20:30
digitallogikikonia: you still there?20:30
guntbert!sudo | pqangel20:30
ubottupqangel: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:30
ed0n0nSeverity1: Good. Forgot about the great getdeb site. Should have looked there before, now I wonder how to do the same in Lenny, anyway that is off-topic20:30
chetnickerUSUL: that partition is not empty, but i dont need any data from it. That is why i ask, should i delete partition first, and than mke2fs or just do mke2fs.20:30
ed0n0nSeverity1: Thanks for your help20:30
homymcphail: oh, I wouldn't really want a different file system, only this backup thing...20:30
arazrielis here anybody pro in ubuntu??20:31
Severity1no prob20:31
ikoniadigitallogik: yes, sorry, was justl ooking at a different screen20:31
erUSULchetnick: you can do mkfs directly20:31
Severity1i dont know anything about lenny tho20:31
pqangeli'm trying to run gparted and i tried sudo gparted but nothing happens20:31
chetnickok thanks everybody20:31
phoenixzdajhorn: codecs like for audio and video? thats no problem, its a server.. but stuff like.. say, svk, php, mysql, etc should be there?20:31
rayluchetnick: paritioning and formatting are separte operations20:31
erUSUL!gksudo | pqangel20:31
digitallogikikonia: I basically wrote a udev rule, which I believe is matching but its not creating the device node20:31
ubottupqangel: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:31
dajhornphoenixz: Yes, all the basics are there and working.20:31
ed0n0nSeverity1: Good as a server, maybe not best for using GIMP20:31
ikoniadigitallogik: ok, want to share the rule ?20:31
arazrielplease help somebody!!!20:32
pqangelok, thats great, thank you ;)20:32
digitallogikikonia: sure, one moment20:32
chetnickraylu: ?20:32
ikoniaarazriel: ask a question then20:32
phoenixzdajhorn: Any bugs / twiches / problems I need to know of before I would start this undertaking?20:32
mcphailhomy: versioning backup is a filesystem feature. You can't do it with standard default ext320:32
pqangelanother question (if possible) i need to format a HD to NTFS will i have any problem with writting permissions after i've formatted?20:32
homymcphail: oh.20:32
ikonia!ntfs3g > pqangel20:33
ubottupqangel, please see my private message20:33
dajhornphoenixz: *heh*  Just try it.20:33
rayluchetnick: if you actually deleted the partition, you wouldn't be able to format... it20:33
digitallogikikonia: KERNEL=="spi10.0",NAME="touchscreen",SYMLINK="interfaces/touchscreen"20:33
arazrielikonia: ii think i have typed a wrong command to a wrong place and since then i cant see my partition20:33
ikoniaarazriel: what command did you do20:33
ikoniadigitallogik: looking20:33
dajhornphoenixz: I had partitioning problems with Jaunty, so do your trial on a test box.  Don't expect to keep the disk intact.20:33
Severity1ed0n0n, oooooh! im learning ebox for network service management20:33
phoenixzdajhorn: that sounds encouraging :)20:33
pqangelikonia, i already have NTFS write support, my only problem is about permissions (if any..)20:33
user1_how i see the net trafic bytes downloaded ?20:33
vaulPeople, is there any reason for gnome to refuse to send to print djvu file?20:33
ikoniapqangel: yes, so check the link20:34
pqangelok, thank you :)20:34
=== danopia` is now known as danopia
chetnickraylu: correct, but i was confued about the steps. What i meant is, should i delete, create new, and then format, or just directly format on top of the NTFS.20:34
ed0n0nwill have a look at it. going for dinner now20:34
phoenixzdajhorn: If the disk is not intact, could that cause the server to become inoperable?20:34
rayluchetnick: just directly format, as others have stated. i still recommend you let gparted take care of this20:34
erUSULchetnick: again you can format on top20:34
arazrielikonia: in the setting, or the info in the right click on a drive there is a place: drive and volume...20:35
sutiburxhey all, I've ran sudo nvidia-settings in order for my external screen being permanently used, and now my window borders (metacity) are gone. When i run metacity --replace in a terminal they're back, but once i close the terminal they dissapear again. Anyone know how i can fix this?20:35
ikoniadigitallogik: that rule doesn't look write, (checking the synatx20:35
dajhornphoenixz: It won't damage the hardware.  Just reinstall Solaris if Ubuntu doesn't run the way you want it to.20:35
homysutiburx: press alt-f2 and enter "metacity --replace" in that window20:35
ikoniaarazriel: what command did you do to break it20:35
digitallogikikonia: I've used a similar rule for my ipod, this is for a custom touchscreen spi device20:35
TJ1111suitburx: alt+f2 and type `metacity --replace`20:35
TJ1111beaten :|20:35
arazrielikonia: somewhere i wrote things and rebooted my machine a litle after and then i cant open the drive20:35
phoenixzIs there anything known about firefox totally messing up page rendering (specially text gets mangled) of all web pages? its like okay for one hour.. then little by little pages sstart to degrade.. first a few letters.. then entire words, and 30 mins later all web pages have become unreadable..20:36
ikoniaarazriel: tell me what you wrote20:36
digitallogikikonia: I can create a node using mknod I'm just trying to get udev to handle it instead20:36
phoenixzdajhorn: and once installed, it should behave like normal linux.. right?20:36
sutiburxTJ1111: will this stay when i reboot the machine?20:36
dajhornphoenixz: It will be nearly identical.20:37
homyso I guess I'll just have to wait until ext5 or something else that doesn't need a different file system supports these versioned "backups". Thanks anyway!20:37
ikoniadigitallogik: what exactly are you expecting that rule to do ?20:37
chiquesIs there any way to run Mplayer in debug mode?20:37
phoenixzdajhorn: thanks! Since its either this server or .. well, nothing, I'll give it a try :)20:37
arazrielikonia: I think in the voulme tab i wrote the - not exact - name of the partition, into the connection point or whatevei it is in english, (i'm using hungarian version..)20:37
digitallogikikonia: rename the device and put it in dev20:38
ikoniaarazriel: the connection point is only for remote devices20:38
rayluchiques: man mplayer20:38
unkocan someone please help me with Songbird music player? it won't launch....20:38
ikoniadigitallogik: nah, that rule is creating s symlink but to nothing20:38
rayluchiques: mplayer -msglevel all=920:38
yaccpetsounds, ?20:38
ikoniadigitallogik: take a step back, what is the existing device node you want to rename ?20:38
arazrielikonia: well it is a mobile racked winchester, but i tought..20:38
petsoundsyacc : yes ?20:38
yaccpetsounds, how did you install it then?20:38
chiquesthanks raylu20:38
ikoniaarazriel: portable disk ?20:38
arazrielikonia: anyway can i disable it?20:39
ikoniaarazriel: disable what, I thought you wanted mount it20:39
petsoundsyacc : i am installing from .bin20:39
digitallogikikonia: I have to use mknod to create it so it doesnt have a name unless I give it one. Which im trying to get away from doing. I have the DEVPATH though20:39
arazrielikonia: sort of, i never take it out, but it is a separate winchester, just to protect data on it..20:39
ikoniadigitallogik: ok - so if it doesn't have a device node, there is nothing to rename20:40
arazrielikonia, yes i do want to mount the device, i just want to disable the crap i made to it20:40
ikoniaarazriel: I don't understand what you're asking20:40
=== MrObvious2 is now known as MrObvious
ikoniaarazriel: you want to mount and disable it?20:40
digitallogikikonia: correct, but there is a UEVENT created that I believe I should be able to use to create the node20:40
ikoniaarazriel: open a terminal and do an "sudo fdisk -l" and put it in a pastebin please20:40
ikoniadigitallogik: but in your rule there is no uevent20:41
arazrielikonia: i want to mount my winchester again20:41
digitallogikikonia: I can see the UEVENT if I use udevadm monitor20:41
androiddevI have a really stupid question... I'm building a server room (closet really) in my house, and i really don't want cables all over the floor and such20:41
ikoniadigitallogik: hang on - but your rule doesn't tell it to create a node20:41
androiddevthe question is does anyone know a place i can order bulk cable, wall plates, etc?20:41
* G69 Good Night / Boa Noite!20:41
chiquesraylu, I tried the command you suggested and I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/176650/ any suggestions?20:41
ikoniadigitallogik: hence why I'm stuggling to understand what you're expecting that rule to do20:41
guntbert!ot | androiddev20:41
ubottuandroiddev: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:41
sleepi got a problem20:42
rayluchiques: you spelled mplayer wrong in the man line :P but let me see20:42
androiddevoh, i'm sorry i thought i was in the off topic channel!! :( my bad.. thanks20:42
digitallogikikonia: well, ill step back further then. is there another way to do what I want, which is. Create a device node based on a UEVENT info20:42
sleepcan someone tell me whats wrong with this i been trying to fix it the past 3 days20:42
sutiburxHow do i make alt-f2 : metacity --replace  work permanently?20:43
rayluchiques: er, nothing seems wrong. does playing things not work?20:43
ikoniadigitallogik: totally - sure, can you pastebin all the info you've got and we can work it out20:43
sleepwhen i sudo tar -xvzf myeclipse-7.1.1-linux-gtk-x86.tgz20:43
ikoniasutiburx: it's enabled by default20:43
raylusutiburx: system > prefs > apperance > effects20:43
digitallogikikonia: sure thing one moment20:43
Travis-42How do you use aptitude or synaptic to get the source for a file when you've added the deb-src to the repository list?20:43
sleepi get err gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error20:43
arazrielikonia: how to put it in a pastebin?20:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:43
guntbert!enter | sleep20:43
ubottusleep: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:43
faruk111Enter text here...20:43
sleepanyone have an idea of how to fix20:43
sutiburxraylu: and then? i tried changing it between normal and none, but it didn't work20:43
arazriel!pastebin /dev/sda lemez: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bájt20:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:43
arazriel255 fej, 63 szektor, 60801 cilinder20:43
arazrielEgység: cilinderek 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bájt20:43
arazrielLemezazonosító: 0x0000000120:43
arazriel  Eszköz Indítás   Eleje         Vége      Blokkok  Az  Rendszer20:43
arazriel/dev/sda1               1       60801   488384001    7  HPFS/NTFS20:43
FloodBot1arazriel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
faruk111BEN TURKEY20:43
FloodBot1faruk111: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
j^j^anyone knows why ipv6 autoconfiguration is broken in ubuntu 9.04 and how to fix it?20:43
raylusutiburx: none is metacity20:44
faruk111BANA YAZAN VARMI20:44
androiddevon a side note, anyone have any luck getting the adb application to work with ubuntu 9.04?20:44
chiquesraylu, I play the video but it requests a plug in (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1165266)20:44
Seeker`faruk111: please stop20:44
sleepanyone know how i can fix this  sudo tar -xvzf myeclipse-7.1.1-linux-gtk-x86.tgz gives err gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error20:44
arazrielikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/176651/20:45
pdtpatricksleep: are you trying to compress or uncompress it?20:45
ikoniaarazriel: ok - so the disk is still there20:45
sleeppdtpatrick: uncompress it20:45
raylusleep: why are you using sudo?20:45
arazrielikonia: yes it is20:45
ikoniaarazriel: in a terminal do "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" see if it mounts20:46
faruk111 LO20:46
arazrielikonia i writes me an error msg20:46
rayluikonia: why are we mounting things to /mnt?20:46
ikoniaraylu: why not ?20:46
guntbertsleep: my first guess: your downloaded file is corrupt, did you md5sum it?20:46
ikoniaarazriel: ok, what's the error ?20:46
rayluikonia: isn't it better to mount to /mnt/something?20:46
ikoniaraylu: it doesn't matter20:46
system404hey guys i wanna give my ubuntu top bar a more smooth edged look as oppsed to its squarness any tips on doing this20:46
pdtpatricksleep: did you get that ? I think like guntbert said, your download is corrupted, verify the checksum and redownload again20:46
erUSULsleep: the archive seems corrupt... redownload20:46
Pie`How do I set up dual displays? I'm looking at this topic on the ubuntu forum which tells me to run "gksudo nvidia-settings" but that doesnt seem to do anyhintg20:47
sleepguntbert: i downloaded it 5 or so times ill check the md5 though thanks20:47
erUSUL!caps | Seeker`20:47
ubottuSeeker`: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:47
arazrielikonia: it just gone20:47
digitallogikikonia: http://pastebin.com/d6492f1fa20:47
ikoniaarazriel: re-do the command and get the error back20:47
system404hey guys i wanna give my ubuntu top bar a more smooth edged look as oppsed to its squarness any tips on doing this20:47
sleepraylu: its the same error without sudo as well20:48
arazrielikonia: "fuse: mount failed"20:48
pqangelhi again, i'm having a problem with gparted20:48
raylusleep: not surprising; i was just wondering why you were using sudo at all20:48
ikoniadigitallogik: interesting20:48
sleepraylu: habit20:48
pqangeli have a partition wich i can't delete20:48
raylusleep: "file *.tgz"20:48
raylusleep: and also "tar tf *.tgz"20:48
ikoniaarazriel: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt20:49
raylusleep: and that's a bad habit20:49
guntbertsleep: bad habit :-)20:49
pqangeli'm working with gparted and when i select the partition it won't let me delete it, should i unmount it?20:49
guntbertraylu: :)20:49
outofthemadnessI 've got a rather interesting problem. Seems I've accidentally overwritten python 2.6(I'm using jaunty) with stackless python. This overwrote my sys.path, and synaptic seems to think this version of python is the same as the one in the repos. Anyone know how I can get the version that's in the repos? this version is causing all sorts of problems for me.( note that "sudo apt-get install --reinstall python" doesn't work)20:49
raylupqangel: absolutely20:49
digitallogikikonia: I can create the device using the mknod command "mknod /dev/touchscreen c 252 0"d "20:49
sleepguntbert: thx ill work on it20:49
arazrielikonia: "fuse: mount failed:"20:49
ikoniadigitallogik: yeah, thats fine20:49
raylupqangel: no need to delete, just right-click > format as20:49
ikoniaarazriel: with what command ?20:49
pqangelthat way i could delete it, right??20:49
mattgyverdoes anyone know what package is required to mount -t cifs?20:49
raylupqangel: but you should definitely unmount first20:49
arazrielikonia: "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt"20:49
system404hey guys i wanna give my ubuntu top bar a more smooth edged look as oppsed to its squarness any tips on doing this20:50
pdtpatrickgunbert: why is it a bad habit to use sudo?20:50
pqangeli need it to be NTFS20:50
pqangelcould that be done that way??20:50
ikoniaarazriel: that's nothing to do with fuse so you shouldn't get that erryr20:50
faruk111BAYAN AKDA015e VARMI20:50
raylupqangel: i believe so20:50
ikoniadigitallogik: and what device do you want it to get ?20:50
faruk111BAYAN ARKADA015e VARMI20:50
ikoniafaruk111: please stop that20:50
=== j^j^ is now known as j^
sleepraylu: file myeclipse-7.1.1-linux-gtk-x86.tgz20:51
sleepmyeclipse-7.1.1-linux-gtk-x86.tgz: gzip compressed data, from FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT)20:51
pqangelok gonna try, BRB20:51
digitallogikikonia: its a spi touchscreen device20:51
arazrielikonia: now i can't see the winchester, what should i do?20:51
ikoniadigitallogik: yes, but what device do you want it to create20:51
system404anyway to download moe themes for ubuntu instead of the preinstalled ones there crap20:51
raylusleep: and tar tf? also consider trying gunzip20:51
guntbertpdtpatrick: you should use sudo/gksu/gksudo *only* when its really needed and not regularly for every command20:51
ikoniaarazriel: your system seems messed up  in other ways if ntfs wants/needs fuse20:51
raylusystem404: gnome-look.org20:51
digitallogikikonia: I want it to make a device node named touchscreen20:52
system404can they not be downloaded from synaptics raylu20:52
erUSULikonia: ntfs3g needs/wants fuse...20:52
pqangelerrr... where was the format as option??20:52
arazrielikonia: what is that? will i loose my data on the winchester?20:52
pqangelright click doesn't brings it20:52
ikoniaerUSUL: he;'s not using ntfs3g20:52
raylusystem404: not that i know of. but i haven't really tried, since my environment is set up without window borders20:52
erUSULikonia: ok20:52
ikoniapqangel: I don't know - I don't trust your overall system health20:52
ikoniaerUSUL: ntfs is the read only native kernel module20:52
pdtpatrickgunbert: did u get my PM ?20:53
pqangelis a fresh ubuntu 8.10 install20:53
pqangelonly virtualbox and gparted has been installed20:53
ikoniapqangel: sorry - that wasn't for you20:53
ikoniapqangel: that was meant for arazriel20:53
pqangelk, no worries :)20:53
Pie`How do I set up dual displays? I'm looking at this topic on the ubuntu forum which tells me to run "gksudo nvidia-settings" but that doesnt seem to do anyhintg20:53
Ahleeanybody know off hand how to remove the suggestions for installing a package if it isn't installed?20:53
guntbert!pm | pdtpatrick (and my nick is guntbert ( a t in the middle :-))20:53
ubottupdtpatrick (and my nick is guntbert ( a t in the middle :-)): Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:53
pdtpatrickPie: You have to make sure you have installed the restricted drivers first and are running that20:53
arazrielikonia: it's a dualboot system, shoud i reinstall ubuntu?20:54
Pie`pdtpatrick: I am20:54
ikoniaarazriel: I don't know20:54
Pie`I'm using 2 guides on the ubuntu forums(They link together)20:54
Ahleeso if i type a command name i don't have installed, it just errors saying command not found, not <search for app>, you should isntall X20:54
Pie`and its the last step20:54
guntbertpdtpatrick: I don't find it rude though :-))20:54
ikoniadigitallogik: and just to be clear are any /dev/spi devices created already (not you manually)20:54
Pie`pdtpatrick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177358420:54
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SlartAhlee: i think the function is called something.. like.. command-not-found.. or something along those lines20:55
system404Rylu once ive downloaded these themes how do i install them20:55
digitallogikikonia: give me a moment to look alittle further... I dont create any manually except that one using mknod20:55
raylusystem404: system > prefs > appearance, first tab20:55
Paulo39hi, imagine that i have a tar file file1.tar with many directories inside. if i just want to extract some of that directories, how do i do that?20:55
schambersanyone using compiz? i have regex plugin enabled and Windows Rules, but they arent taking effect20:56
nmvictorPaulo39: check out man tar,it'll help20:56
pqangeli tried deleting the partition in gparted and it gives an error and sends me here : http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/tips/save_details.html but the page is 40420:56
schambersie. im setting non minimizable to title=something20:56
schambersbut it doesn't work20:56
rayluPaulo39: you can just use the gui, i suppose.20:56
Slart!info command-not-found | Ahlee20:56
ubottuAhlee: command-not-found (source: command-not-found): Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions. In component main, is standard. Version 0.2.34ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 9 kB, installed size 104 kB20:56
arazrielikonia: is there a way to go back to a previous stage, i mean like in windows (a day back)20:57
Paulo39but i need to to it with admni previligies20:57
pdtpatrickPie: did you get my messages?20:57
sexcopterIn evince I can complete pdf forms, but saving them does not work for me. Any ideas how I can do this?20:57
rayluPaulo39: gksu nautilus20:57
drdany idea how to reset to default appearance preferences in ubuntu netbook remix? i upgraded from a stock dell mini 9 and the settings are almost like the live cd but not quite20:57
pqangelmmm.... it says (in the error details) that the system is read only20:57
ikoniadigitallogik: you should be able to just add "SUBSYSTEM=="spi", KERNEL=="tsharc_xxsc" RUN=+="/sbin/modprobe tsharc_xxsc" to get the module auto loaed on detection20:57
pqangelhow could this be?20:57
Paulo39i type that on terminal?20:57
Slartsexcopter: can you do that in Adobe? you couldn't a year or so ago20:57
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pqangelany help anyone?? :D20:57
Paulo39and then i have root previligies?20:57
guntbertpdtpatrick: is your question about sudo answered?20:57
sexcopterSlart: I don't think so, but I know you can in foxit in windows.20:58
Guest86749hey, anyone know how i can change the kopetes popup position?20:58
Pie`pdtpatrick: No?20:58
nmvictorpqangel: whats  the prob?20:58
AhleeSlart: Thanks!20:58
pqangeli'm trying to format a pendrive with gparted20:58
Ahleegod that's better already.20:58
arazrielikonia: is there a way to go back to a previous stage, i mean like in windows (a day back)20:58
ikoniadigitallogik: back in 520:59
ikoniaarazriel: no20:59
Slartsexcopter: hmm.. foxit was nice.. well.. there are several pdf-readers in the repos.. if you don't find someone that knows I guess you'll have to try them20:59
JK3mplike system restore ? no...20:59
pqangelto change the partition from FAT32 to NTFS but when i click apply it says onable to open read only file system20:59
sexcopterSlart: hehe, ok. Should be fun!20:59
ikoniapqangel: you can't change file systems20:59
ikoniapqangel: it must "format" and blank the data20:59
Slartsexcopter: if you do find out, please let us/me know.. it's a good featyre20:59
pqangeljust by deleting it??20:59
sexcopterSlart: will do.21:00
JK3mpikonia: i believe theres a program that can capture the current setting and basically create a restore image, but you have to set it to do it every day or w/e21:00
pdtpatrick Pie`: now did u get that one ?21:00
nmvictorpqangel: are you doing this from a live CD?you cant edit a partition table you are mounted on21:00
JK3mpikonia: and im not sure what its called... google. :)21:00
ikoniaJK3mp: he's not using it - to the answer is "no"21:00
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pqangelnmvictor: no i'm doing it from a ubuntu copy installed on my HD21:00
raylu!prefix | Paulo3921:01
ubottuPaulo39: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:01
rayluPaulo39: yes. or alt+f221:01
JK3mpikonia: lol, ok21:01
pqangelnmvictor: when i right click and say format as NTFS it gives me the same error arguing the file system is read only as it has been opened as read only21:01
shayahow does one disable ipv6 in ubuntu?21:01
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv421:02
nmvictorpqangel: anything to do with editing you partition table is done on live CD,but they are exceptions to this statement which im sure doesnt apply in your case21:02
system404i must say there arent many great themes for ubuntu21:02
system404all kinda bland and crappy tbh21:02
nmvictorpqangel: so get  yourself a live CD and try again.21:02
Pie`system404: sudo apt-get install kde21:03
Pie`that'll open up some choices? :D21:03
system404i can install kde atm21:03
Slartis anyone else playing around with postscript files, dvi files and such.. displaying them in evince is very buggy.. but I tried it on my intrepid laptop.. and there it works flawlessly..21:03
pqangelnmvictor: is that the only option??21:03
pqangelnmvictor: can't i do it via fstab??21:03
nmvictorpqangel: im afraid yes21:03
chetnickyesterday i started having high CPU usage from mount.ntfs. Does anyboyd knows what is the problem?21:03
pdtpatrickPie: just run sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings and after which you can run nvidia-settings from terminal by typing nvidia-settings or gksudo nvidia-settings21:03
pqangelnmvictor: and how should i run gparted from a livecd??21:04
pdtpatrickPie: In here you can easily setup dual screen as you had originally wanted21:04
cronohi all21:04
digitallogikikonia: no spi device nodes are created, Ill try your suggestion real quick21:04
scunizisystem404: there are tons.. gnomelook.org21:04
nmvictorfstab is just a file that is read while system boots to mount partitions like root(/).s you cant do  much with it,gparted is available in live CD21:04
system404im still running ubuntu on my test partition until i am happy i know enough about it to make it my mane os so for now 100 gig windows and 5 ubuntu 50 backup and 5 system once im happy i know enough about ubuntu to dive right in ill make ubuntu 85  and windows 2021:05
system404so no kde for now21:05
RLahow do i test sound card in ubuntu?21:05
nmvictorpqangel: fstab is just a file that is read while system boots to mount partitions like root(/).s you cant do  much with it,gparted is available in live CD21:05
proteus`does anybody know where i can look to find the license information for the ubuntu human theme? :)  odd question i know21:05
cronohi guys: can i ask help to you?21:05
RLa5gigs might be too low for system21:05
Slartproteus`: it isn't available in synaptic?21:05
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pqangelnmvictor: and wich is the admin PWD for a live cd21:05
setuidWhere is the place where I specify modules which must get unloaded at suspend/hibernation time, and reloaded when coming out of suspend/hibernation?21:05
setuidI have to make sure ath_pci and sierra get unloaded before I go down, and reloaded when I come back up21:05
system4045 gig is wat im using for ubuntu ryt now and it runs perfectly fine21:06
system404its just till i test it out if i like ti enough ill make it my mane os21:06
nmvictorpqangel: just type sudo,no passwd their,in-fact no password with gparted21:06
arazrielikonia: thank you for the help i'll figure it out..21:06
cronosetuid: how can i keep alive network-manager after suspend21:06
rabideejitHello.  Bit of a strange problem.  I have Emulate3Buttons in my Xorg.conf and it works for a couple of minutes - but then stops working.21:06
pqangelok, thanks for the advice i hope it works21:07
proteus`Slart, i dont see the license information in synaptic :-/21:07
system404how big is kde install21:07
Volkodavraylu I renamed the file ran xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc and in about 30 mintutes mapping is wrong again21:07
pqangelnmvictor: ok, thanks for the advice i hope it works21:07
rayluVolkodav: oh...21:07
rayluVolkodav: i thought the problem was that it didn't map it on login21:07
cronoi have a big problem:21:07
nmvictorpqangel: live CD has no defined user,but some commands can only run with the sudo previlages,no problem good luck21:07
Volkodavit has been driving me nuts for last week or so21:07
system404how big is kde install21:08
cronomy server is running freenxserver21:08
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raylusystem404: aptitude -s install kubuntu-desktop21:08
rabideejitSo, what would cause Xorg to forget its settings?  Should I file a bug for Xorg in ubuntu launchpad, or file a bug upstream?21:08
Volkodavraylu map it on login will be the least of concerns if I get it to hold on to the changes I made21:08
raylusystem404: will tell you the size21:08
rayluVolkodav: what does your file look like?21:08
cronoi connect from  anoher client in lan to freenxserver21:08
Slartproteus`: checking the file list for that package.. the file /usr/share/doc/human-theme/copyright looks like it might be useful21:08
Volkodavraylu can I paste in pm ? it is about 8 lines21:09
lstarnes!pastebin | Volkodav21:09
ubottuVolkodav: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:09
system404681mb is that about ryt thats unpacked21:09
cronowhen i disconnect from server from client NO machine nx all software are still alive also Amule21:09
setuidNobody has any idea? Nobody uses a laptop with Ubuntu?21:09
cronobut network manager and all tcp connection go down???21:09
system404i use laptop with ubuntu setuid21:09
rabideejitI do, setuid21:09
rabideejitWhat was the problem, again?21:10
Slartsetuid: I do.. but I don't have a problem with suspend/hibernate21:10
proteus`Slart, thank you very much21:10
nmvictorsetuid:no idea to what issue?21:10
qazavulcan someone help me im new to ubuntu21:10
Slartqazavul: sure, what do you need help with?21:10
rayluVolkodav: sure21:10
rabideejitI think I'll file a bug for ubuntu first, and then see if the developers redirect me elsewhere.21:10
Volkodavraylu http://paste.ubuntu.com/176670/21:10
nmvictorqazavul: just say the prob,someone will always respond if they can help21:10
qazavulim trying to instal adobe flash player but i cant21:10
romoutHi, I've got one of these - oh gosh, why is he asking that simple thing? questions21:10
setuidnmvictor, How do I rmmod/modprobe -r modules at suspend time, so they're removed BEFORE suspending?21:11
phlookedownload the ubuntu version of adobe21:11
phlookeit auto installs21:11
Volkodavand it does work for some time and then stops21:11
RLahow to get sound working without having to type alsa reload at boot manually?21:11
qazavuli did21:11
Volkodavreally weird21:11
mc_scRAThi all. i got grub4dos on my usb flash drive. and i want to make it chainload isolinux to boot Jaunty installer. is it possible??21:11
setuidnmvictor, And then when the machine comes OUT of suspend, insmod/modprobe them again21:11
Volkodavit's like something reverts it to the wrong mapping21:11
qazavulit said something about a sudo synpatic21:11
rayluVolkodav: do you know what xmodmap -pke looks like before, after applying, and after it stops working?21:11
rabideejitromount: just ask :)21:11
system404command to install kde gna give it a go21:11
romoutI'm running 9.04 on AMD64 and got my nice compiz desktop. Now when I click on the bottom right to switch desktops, both bars (top and bottom) disappear and I can't find a way to get them back.21:12
crono[problem] after nxclient disconnect from freenxserver Amule on suspended freenxserver session stop working....21:12
guntbertrabideejit: about your xorg settings - did you by chance use sudo to invoke a GUI program?21:12
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qazavulam i able to play windows games with ubuntu21:13
babameloneHi, I have recently installed Ubuntu 9.04, but there are some issues annoying me21:13
pegonromout, ummm gnome or xfce or kde?21:13
rabideejitguntbert: Nope - I just ran blender and xev -- and neither are setuid21:13
babameloneI cannot restart X via ctrl alt backspace21:13
romoutIt's gnome21:13
pegon!ask | babamelone21:13
ubottubabamelone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:13
lstarnes!dontzap | babamelone21:13
ubottubabamelone: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.21:13
nmvictorqazavul: get the .deb file,install it then check in /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/  for the file libflashplayer.so  and copy it to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins   hope that works21:14
rabideejitguntbert: The problem occured while using blender.21:14
cronoany help?21:14
Volkodavraylu I am getting this info trying to compare - do you mean just to apply the changes in the original file in xmodmap ? But there are tons of them us us_intern and I really do not know which one is it using21:14
babameloneHow can I activate touchpad scrolling21:14
nmvictorsetuid:sorry i have no idea about that,hop someone gets you through it21:14
guntbertrabideejit: I didn't mean setuid anyway..., no idea about blender here...21:14
raindoes anyone know any program that can remove html tags from html files?21:14
qazavuli need help installing flash player21:14
system404how to install kde21:15
phlookefirefox does it automatically21:15
setuidI suspect it's something in /etc/pm/sleep.d/ or /usr/lib/pm/sleep.d/, but googling doesn't provide many useful pointers21:15
phlookeinstall ubuntu stoner edition21:15
babamelonesome gui says it is vertically enabled, but i cannot use it21:15
pegonHas anyone by some chance got CounterStrike to work on Ubuntu?21:15
qazavulit wont unpackage it21:15
phlookeyep ")21:15
phlookei play cs on ubuntu21:15
rainI used httrack and i have multitude of html files21:15
crono[problem] after i disconnect from freenxserver on suspend freenxserver session amule stop working.... i need help..?21:15
system404how to install kde21:15
qazavulcan i play mabi ob ubuntu21:15
nmvictorqazavul: what,the package?is it ok if we go the PM way on this?21:16
pegonsystem404, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop21:16
rainnow I need program to remove html tags from all these files21:16
qazavulhow i pm21:16
rabideejitguntbert: I wouldn't think a non-root process could screw up Xorg, which is why I mentioned the executables weren't setuid root.  However, perhaps the problem is being caused by GDM, or something similar.21:16
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romout(reasking) I'm running 9.04 on AMD64 and got my nice compiz desktop. Now when I click on the bottom right to switch desktops, both bars (top and bottom) disappear and I can't find a way to get them back.21:16
rainanyone know program for this?21:16
pegonromout, what de?21:16
joftcan anyone help me get my sound working-- i just installed linux mint and have no sound21:17
romoutpegon: Already mentioned: gnome21:17
nmvictorpegon:maybe the kubuntu package you are trying to install is not supported anymore,their is probably a later release21:17
rayluVolkodav: tons of what?21:17
pegonnmvictor, oh I wasn't sayin that for me someone asked how to install kde lol21:17
deadhorsehi ppl21:17
crono[problem] after i disconnect from freenxserver on suspend freenxserver session amule stop download.... i need help..? how to keep network-manager alive? while suspended?21:17
rabideejitrain:  You probably want a script which parses the files as xml, and then just returns the cdata, if that's what you mean?21:17
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AotearoaGho5tjemand da der mir helfen kann?21:17
babameloneIm using a touchpad as mouse, but i cannot scroll vertically although some ubuntu settings gui says it is enabled21:17
babameloneany ideas21:18
AotearoaGho5tanyone here that can help me?21:18
guntbert!de | AotearoaGho5t21:18
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ubottuAotearoaGho5t: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:18
agajaniaI'm trying to install the 9.04 Netbook Remix.  I wrote the img file to a USB drive using the dd command.  When I boot from the USB drive and use the Check disc for defects option, the progress indicator for the check gets all the way through but then says "Check finished.  Errors found in 1 files."21:18
deadhorsea small question ,i've instaled postfix ,and i know that i've recieved a mail ,how can i read it ? :$21:18
pegonromout, sorry about that I didn't see that...ummm did you try removing the switcher applet and then adding it to the panel again? and what happens if you switch with the keyboard shortcuts from one workspace to the next does it do the same thing?21:18
rainrabideejit: yes21:18
qazavulit says something bout a sudo thing21:18
Volkodavfiles Imean xmodmap.us xmodmap.us_int not mentioning other languages21:18
rabideejitdeadhorse: I thought mutt detects local mail servers21:18
deadhorsekk ,ty21:18
romoutpegon: Using the keyboard after having clicked on another desktop does not bring back the bars.21:19
agajaniais that error message a real indication that there is a problem with the install image on the USB drive?21:19
cronono help :(21:19
pqangelnmvictor: hi i'm back with the same error and running from live CD :\21:19
romoutpegon: I've not yet tried to use the keys _before_ the bars are gone21:19
setuidnmvictor, This seems almost perfectly relevant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pm-utils/+bug/19118521:19
jyg_I've just switched from fedora9 and I'm noticing that my fullscreen video is a lot slower, using mplayer on both accounts.  Is there a way I can check for which video drivers I am using? what else should I look into?21:19
cronocan someone read me ?21:19
setuidGoing to test it now21:19
rainrabideejit:  These html files are C++ include files so script must not damage C++ code21:19
setuidProblem is that there's too many places to affect this... /etc/pm/config.d/, /etc/pm/sleep.d/, /etc/acpi/acpi-support, /usr/lib/pm/default, and so on21:19
jr_how do i add installed programs to my applications menu21:19
cronooh fine21:19
jr_for instance i used synaptic to install gifsicle but it's not in the menu?21:20
babamelonemy friend has the same problem, he cant use his touchpad too under ubuntu, I used to use mandriva and there it worked, is this some confgi issue and if so, how can i solve it?21:20
jyg_setuid, what's the issue you're having?21:20
romoutpegon: How do I restart my X-Session? CTRL+ALT+Backspace does not seem to work21:20
pegonromout, do you have dontzap installed?21:20
setuidjyg_, I need to modprobe -r/rmmod ath_pci and sierra when I suspend, and insmod/modprobe them when I resume.21:20
cronohow can i keep network-manager alive also on suspend mode21:20
jyg_jr, using synaptic doesn't add things to the menu, its the package that's installed that adds things to the menu21:20
romoutpegon: second, checking21:20
pegonromout, that is probably why ctrl alt backspace doesn't work21:20
guntbert!dontzap | romout21:20
babamelonecrono; impossible.21:21
ubotturomout: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.21:21
jr_jyg_, is there a way to add it to the menu than21:21
nmvictor pqangel:what are you trying to do,lets start at that,PM me if you want,it'll be alot easier21:21
jr_it's in /us/bin21:21
pegonguntbert, thanks lol21:21
cronoyes but it's not a "real" xsession21:21
jyg_jr_, yes you can edit the menus21:21
cronoit's freenxserver running a xsession21:21
cronoi disconnect from client21:21
jyg_setuid, you think your network is keeping suspend from working right?21:21
jr_jyg_, how do i do that?21:21
arazrielikonia: are you here?21:21
setuidThis seems close too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules/+bug/27569221:21
rainanyone know script that can remove html tags21:21
setuidjyg_, No, my network is fine... the atheros module doesn't resume well.21:22
setuidNor does sierra.21:22
jyg_jr, system->prefs->main menu21:22
romoutubottu: installed dontzap right now, going to reenable the key-combination21:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:22
CarlFK2display is very dim when I un-suspend.  running nvidia binary.  is this a #nvidia thing?21:22
rabideejitrain: So you used httrack to copy a bunch of C++ from a website?  I mean, you could parse the xml and go through the tree printing out the bits you want, but surely there would be a nicer way to download the code in the first place.  In the first case, you'd probably be better asking in #perl, #haskell or #ruby or something like that.21:22
jyg_setuid, isn't atheros a wifi chipset?21:22
deadhorserabideejit: when i recieve some mail it goes directly to /var/mail/$username ?21:22
babameloneubotto: ORLY?21:22
eurythmiaso, I managed to bork my MBR by installing grub (when I had accidentally installed lilo at installation time), and I tried following the post here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html (using the grub console), but I don't have a /boot/grub/stage1 or a /grub/stage1 ... I'm currently running a liveCD and need help installing GRUB properly so that I can get back at *my* system. Any help would be much appreciated.21:22
cronosomeone can help? someone knows how freenxserver work?21:23
jr_jyg_, thanks21:23
babameloneanyone an idea how to enable touchpad scrolling under ubuntu21:23
jyg_jr, yw21:23
eurythmiababamelone: ORLY? I hardly even know her!21:23
rainrabideejit: http://www.cppdoc.com/example/mfc/classdoc/MFC/21:23
setuidjyg_, Yes, sure is21:23
jr_jyg_, when i add the /usr/bin/gifsicle link to the menu i click it and nothing happens21:23
jyg_baba, prolly depends on your touchpad model.  mine works fine.21:23
Pie`I can't get nvidia-settings to recognise BOTH my monitors21:24
iLogic_is there a nice way of running ie7 on ubuntu?21:24
Jhodasevening Ubuntu21:24
arazrielcan anyone help me??21:24
Pie`iLogic_: why would you wan't to? ;)21:24
babamelonejyg_:well, mine used to work under mandriva21:24
Pie`want *21:24
cronosomeone can help? someone knows how freenxserver work? how to keep amule running after client nx disconnect?21:24
iLogic_Pie`: site testing, of course :)21:24
jyg_jr, not sure what you're doing wrong.  that works for me.  did you add the path to the executable properly? and all necessary option for the program?21:24
NvidiaUseriLogic Have you tried: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page21:24
babamelonebut since ive installed ubuntu it doesnt work anymore21:24
Pie`:P if you install WINE, as I recall it comes with a version of IE21:24
iLogic_NvidiaUser: yup, only ie6, 5.5 and 521:24
jyg_baba, mandriva prolly has a different customized kernel :)21:25
babamelonealthough it is enabled in some settings gui from ubuntu21:25
iLogic_Pie`: I don't think so.. even if it did, probably would be ie621:25
cronosomeone can help? someone knows how freenxserver work? how to keep amule running on freenxserver session after client nx disconnect?21:25
rabideejitrain: Um, maybe better to ask where to get the MFC source in a windows - related channel21:25
arazrielplease help me with mounting issues...!!!21:25
Pie`iLogic_: it does contain a copy of IE, just not sure which21:25
iLogic_I guess it's virtualbox then..21:25
guntbert!repeat | crono21:25
* jyg_ notes that issues with ubuntu are mounting, heh21:25
ubottucrono: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:25
jr_jyg_, i installed through synaptic went to the main menu and then clicked add put in a name and then for command i put /usr/bin/gifsicle but if that's the command shouldn't there be a run command or something of that sort in front of it?21:26
bcjWhat is the best way to generate png image files from LaTeX code?21:26
romoutpegon: How can I terminate my session as dontzap requires x-restart to work?21:26
jyg_jr, what in front of what?21:26
guineain an encrypted set up, how does grub know which encrypted partition to open?21:26
pegonromout, i would say best idea is just manually power off then start back up21:27
jr_jyg_, for the command it just says /usr/bin/gifsicle should there be anything other than just that within the command box?21:27
Pie`Has anyone here ever set up dual monitors on ubuntu ?21:27
guineaI have two linux installs, each in an encrypted partition. One of them, I can't get to start through grub21:27
arazrielcan anyone help me with drive mounting issues??21:27
romoutpegon: okay, so I'll be back in a few minutes to test keyboard behavior on my issue21:27
romoutpegon: thanks for now21:27
rainrabideejit: All I could invent is autoit script for windows that does automated clicks in FireFox , waits for page to load and press ctrl + a and then press ctrl + c But It will take lots of time unill scrpt clicks all these files, So i wanna know if there is program to phrase html21:28
arazrielhelp needed... please..21:28
scunizi!mount | arazriel21:29
ubottuarazriel: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap21:29
SetiAmonhmm it says my processor is running at 2.6 ghz,the bios came with a option to overclock to 3.2which i did,so i guess ubuntu has reset that somehow?21:29
babamelonewhat do i have to do to get touchpad scrolling work, compile a new kernel? surely not, is it a xorg.conf issue21:29
moz44guys hi, i want to know how to set up GNOME chess application for a network game...21:29
etbanyone knows of a sd card data recovery program?21:30
SetiAmonHmm this is odd21:30
jygetb, dd21:30
SetiAmonIT says ubuntu only see's 3.8 gigs of my ram,I know they deduct the video ram from the total ram but doesn't running a x64 os supposed to take off that 4 gig limitation?21:30
arazrielNot a new install partition, i messed up an existing, but not system partition...21:31
moz44does anybody knows how to set up the Gnome chess program for a network game21:31
sizzlenutsHi all,  when I do apt-get install oidentd on my vps, it replied with Package oidentd may be obsoleted , oidentd has no installation candidate21:31
sizzlenutswhat should I do?21:31
benc3what does it means that a daemon run as a system service?21:31
Mack_its always running21:32
Dr_Willissizzlenuts:  try a different idented server?21:32
xemacs4321gtk-capture my desk top complains about depreciated python usage ? where / how do i file bug report ?21:32
benc3Mack_: but I can start/stop/restart it21:32
arazrielcan anyone help me with drive issues???21:32
romoutokay, that's odd. dontzap works like a charm but now, for some reason being completely misterious, I can't reproduce the error behaviour.21:33
arazrieli need a real pro for ubuntu21:33
sizzlenutswell oidentd should work, i dont understand why theres no package for it21:33
Mack_yeah, but it runs in the backround benbloom21:33
Mack_benc3: *21:33
romoutI'll get back to you as soon as I've got it pin-pointed.21:33
guineaif there are two encrypted partitions on a hard drive, how does grub decide which one to unlock?21:33
SetiAmonIT says ubuntu only see's 3.8 gigs of my ram,I know they deduct the video ram from the total ram but doesn't running a x64 os supposed to take off that 4 gig limitation?21:33
benc3Mack_: as opposed to being attached to a terminal?21:34
mzzSetiAmon: how much total does it have, and how are you measuring?21:34
jygops, is there an ubuntu channel for folks who are not new to unix/linux?21:34
Mack_benc3: thats wut i would assume, as i've seen it used that way21:34
Mack_but its not 100% same over every program21:34
arazrielcan anyone help me????21:34
LjLjyg: no, there is only one support channel21:34
jygLjL, not necessarily looking for support21:35
benc3Mack_: I think I get the idea. thanks21:35
LjLjyg: then there is plenty of channels, #ubuntu-offtopic for a start21:35
gordonjcp!ask | arazriel21:35
Slartjyg: try the offtopic channel?21:35
ubottuarazriel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:35
LjL!channels > jyg    (jyg, see the private message from ubottu)21:35
jyghmm no privmsg from ubottu21:35
arazrielubottu: "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.UnknownError"21:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:36
arazrielwhat to do with that?21:36
prappl93Is there a way to install my Intel Wifi card drivers? Its running on the system default settings, but instead of being labeled as Wifi0 its Eth121:36
sizzlenutsHow do I get the oidentd package in ubuntu ?21:36
sizzlenutsIt works on my other VPS21:36
LjL!channels | jyg21:36
ubottujyg: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:36
phoenixzI had (k)ubuntu since 7.04, and always upgraded to 7.10, 8.04, 8.10, and then 9.04. the last upgrade was horrible, filled with problems, so I decided to do a complete reinstall which I finished yesterday.. but now, my pidgin won't work, it won't connect to google talk network anymore.. Is there anything known about this?21:37
arazrielgordonjcp: whet i want to mount my drive i got this: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.UnknownError hiba.21:37
pvvniAnyone pro at screen?21:37
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:37
phoenixzpvvni: what ubottu says...21:37
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:37
pvvniubottu: true enough21:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about true enough21:38
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:38
pvvniI need some help with my screenrc21:38
pvvniI'm trying to create a new tab which opens in a specific directory21:38
gordonjcparazriel: screwy format?21:38
SetiAmonah i see the kernel allocates a certain portion of the ram and gives you whats leftover,so thats wer my missing ram is21:38
pvvnihowever everytime I specify a cd command, it says it cant find the dir21:38
arazrielubottu: when i'm triing to mount my drive it says: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.UnknownError hiba.21:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:39
Volkodavraylu which exact file should I check for change in xmodmap ?21:39
moz44anyone here is familiar with gnome chess?21:39
phoenixzpvvni: using relative or absolute paths?21:39
Dr_Willispvvni:  use the full path to the directory and rember linux is case senesetive21:39
Slartpvvni: are you typing the dir properly? MyFolder and myfolder isn't the same in linux21:39
pvvniDr_Willis / phoenixz / Slart : Using the full path, it's the correct command, and the case is correct21:40
Dr_Willispvvni:  spaces in the path/dir name?21:40
pvvniI'm just trying to get it to go to /etc right now so I can make sure it works21:40
arazrielplease help me: i messed up my drive with a wrong command, and i get an error message : "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.UnknownError" what to do with it? Can i repair it?21:40
pvvniDr_Willis: nope21:40
Slartpvvni: can you paste the command here?21:40
pvvnisure deal21:40
ultratekhow do i get my mic to stay unmuted under record options?21:41
pvvniscreen -t vim   0       cd /etc; vim21:41
pvvnithat's the entry in the screenrc21:41
rashed2020If I run something in screen, does it keep running for as long as the computer is on?21:41
prappl93My Wi-fi card is being identified as eth1 instead of wifi0, do I have to change something or should this be okay? I would also like to know if I have to install my Intel web drivers for it21:42
arazriel please help me: i messed up my drive with a wrong command, and i get an error message : "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.UnknownError" what to do with it?21:42
pvvnirashed2020: as long as you detach the screen yes.21:42
rashed2020pvvni: So I can use it to run a makeshit bot?21:42
pvvnirashed2020: yup21:42
Slartpvvni: it's probably a screen thingy.. the command   cd etc; vim  looks ok to me.. and works on my system21:42
SetiAmonprapper:you checked the wifi tabs?left click o nthe litle connection icon in the tray on the top right,i didn't relize it but it saw the network the whole time.blah21:43
arazrieli can't mount my drive, can anyone help wth that?21:43
pvvniSlart: yea the command works fine, it's just screen doesnt seem to be able to change directories21:43
tck2i have a line of text in a file with a bunch of spaces before a number like this "                  55.4" how can i get the 55.4 into an integer variable with bash?21:43
kazagista1how do the "web server packages" in Ubuntu (like drupal.deb and bugzilla.deb) work? I install them, but I can't find where it installed to and how to get to it via web browser...21:43
ultratekhow do i get my mic to stay un muted?21:43
mzzpvvni: actually you don't have to explicitly detach the screen, at least not here. I've regularly had some commands in a screen session survive a network connection drop or X crash.21:43
pvvnirashed2020: just run the command you want, then do ctrl+a d to detach the screen21:43
prappl93SetiAmon: It is working, I was just wondering if I should try and install the official card21:43
prappl93The Wifi isn't set as wifi0 though, but eth1 and I was wondering if that would pose any problems21:44
pvvnimzz: true it'll autodetach in most cases21:44
NvidiaUserHas anyone ever used PlayOnLinux?21:44
pvvnimzz: which is very nice for blotchy ssh connections21:44
arazriel i can't mount my drive, can anyone help wth that?21:44
Dr_Willispvvni:  check out http://sunsite.ualberta.ca/Documentation/Gnu/screen-3.9.4/html_chapter/screen_toc.html#TOC1121:45
arazriel i can't mount my drive, can anyone help wth that?21:46
etbdd: reading `/dev/mmcblk0p1': Input/output error21:46
etb any suggestions?21:46
prappl93arazriel: posting the same thing over and over again isn't going to help faster21:46
mzzpvvni: I'm going to regret saying this in here, but I also use gentoo, and it's really nice for long-running compiles to survive their term emulator going away21:46
Dr_Willispvvni:  chdir /etc21:47
Dr_Willisscreen -t vim21:47
elementsup guys21:47
ultratekmic anyone?21:47
KilocompI am trying to install libdumbnet-dev using apt-get, when ever I run it, it wants to configure DECnet, which is part of libdnet, not what I want.  Anyone else seeing that (i.e. is this a bug with the package)?21:47
Dr_Willispvvni:  in the .screenrc works here :) puts vim in /etc21:47
=== element is now known as Guest35835
arazrielprappi93: but if i dont who will se it??? tell me? it scrolls 50 line per minute i count..21:47
Guest35835check this disco using our ubuntu version :) :   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQbYhaVx4uw21:47
Guest35835a disco using ubuntu nice video :)21:48
guntbert!ot | Guest3583521:48
ubottuGuest35835: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:48
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:48
ultratekActionParsnip can you help me get my mic to stay unmuted under record options21:48
Klunkevening, has anyone tried installing weblogic 10 or jboss as4 on Jaunty 64 bit server?21:48
diddlycan someone tell me how to point gdb to a -debug package?  it is not finding libqt4-debug's symbols21:49
=== Mack_ is now known as Mack|away
arazriel i can't mount my drive, can anyone help wth that?21:49
ActionParsnipultratek: what makes it mute?21:49
diddlyarazriel: hard disk? usb disk?21:49
ActionParsniparazriel: if the partition (you don't mount drives) shows up in n  sudo fdisk -l   you can mount it21:49
ultratekActionParsnip it is a pink jack mic plugs into front of my pc and the record otion keeps the red x over  the mic icon21:50
Guest35835dues check this ubuntu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQbYhaVx4uw21:50
arazrieldiddly: hard: mobile racked but never moved.. (i think i messed up it earlier with a wrong command)21:50
Slart!ot | Guest3583521:50
ubottuGuest35835: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:50
hackelHow do I change the size of the notify-osd popups?  It doesn't seem like it respects my DPI setting--I can barely read it!21:50
goal_laxI have some file created during customization of live distro, which I could not delete now. how to force to delete?21:50
ActionParsnipultratek: maybe the module for your soundcard needs more options when its modprobed21:50
ultratekActionParsnip i have a dell xps420 so whatever comes with that21:51
Klunknobody installed a j2ee container on jaunty?21:51
KlunkI tried installing jboss and the install works but I find no jboss anywhere and it does not start21:51
ultratekActionParsnip what exactly do you mean21:52
ActionParsnipultratek: sudo lshw -C sound will show you what it is21:52
nixothi all21:52
nixotI have a question21:52
arazrielActionParsnip: i get this message: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.UnknownError21:52
ActionParsnipultratek: the make and model doesnt mean anything in linux21:52
diddlynixot: just ask21:52
nixotOK diddly21:52
[ucb]kevinperhaps someone can help me with the following: windows are opening in such an initial position that the title bare is hidden behind my main ubuntu "apps place system etc.." bar -- how can I fix this?21:52
nixotI am running eeebuntu on 9.0421:52
soulfreshnerI bought a new machine and installed ubuntu on it and in runs great out the box21:52
nixotAnd I was wondering...21:52
ActionParsniparazriel: does the partition show up in the fdisk output?21:53
nixotis there a list of repositories that I can add?21:53
guntbert!enter | nixot21:53
ubottunixot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:53
soulfreshnerbut I too my old ide drive from my old machine and ubuntu can't see it...21:53
NvidiaUser[ucb]kevin I'm no9t sure how to change their initial position but you can right click the bar at an empty spot and make it autohide so you can pull down the windows.21:53
mzz[ucb]kevin: running compiz? iirc there's some plugin you have to enable in ccsm if that happens21:53
ultratekActionParsnip pci syssf21:53
nixotI want to install many applications using apt-get and such... and I hate when it just comes up with couldn't find package ...eagw4421:53
gamepocketsi have a question about adding themes and icons for xubuntu jaunty (newb quest.)21:54
ActionParsnipultratek: wait a little21:54
arazrielActionParsnip: i get a paste package, just tell me what is the command.. for the pastepack21:54
soulfreshnerif I plug in an ide drive and start up the machine, I should be able to fdisk it, right?21:54
ActionParsniparazriel: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit21:54
nixotand so is there like a list of repossitories I can add to the package manager21:54
soulfreshnerthere's no special trick I need to do or anything?21:54
Slartsoulfreshner: I think so.. haven't tried it though.. don't have any IDE drives21:55
[ucb]kevinmzz,  yes I'm running compiz21:55
[ucb]kevinNvidiaUser, yea, thats more of a band-aide/temp soln. but thanks.21:55
guntbert!repos | nixot21:55
ubottunixot: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:55
arazrielActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m1baa2e8d21:55
gamepocketsnew install, added to .themes but nothing shows up...21:55
Slartnixot: yes, there are repos you can add21:55
soulfreshnerta Slart21:55
[ucb]kevinmzz, do you know of a setting in compiz that might have triggered this?21:55
nixotsorry... my internet went bust21:55
nixotI see21:56
guntbert!repos | nixot21:56
ActionParsniparazriel: ok so i'm guessing the 500Gb partition is windows of some sort21:56
nixotchacking out those links, ubottu21:56
nixotguntbert: what do you mean?21:56
ActionParsniparazriel: which partition are you wanting to mount?21:56
arazrielActionParsnip: the 500 gig one, and no it's not windows, just storage21:57
=== JasonParks is now known as jp73036
ActionParsnip!ntfs | arazriel21:57
ubottuarazriel: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:57
guntbertnixot: I thought you didn't see the first one ubottu sent you (because your connection broke...) and wanted to send it again :-)21:57
arazrielActionParsnip: taking a peek, stay tuned21:58
ActionParsniparazriel: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g; sudo mkdir /media/storage; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/storage -t ntfs-3g -o uid=1000,rw,user21:58
nixotbut what do you mean when you say !repos | nixot ?21:59
arazrielActionParsnip: whoa, what was that?21:59
ActionParsniparazriel: that one may work, ntfs has weird permissions so the uid stuff can help21:59
nixotubottu, I know all this, but what I was looking for was what repositories to add.21:59
arazrielActionParsnip: what should i do whit thos commands?21:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:00
ActionParsniparazriel: its a mount command, install ntfs-3g, create mount point, mount22:00
ActionParsniparazriel: run it in terminal22:00
arazrielActionParsnip: u just saved meesa22:01
customeri installed kubuntu desktop them to check out and it changed my splash screen to kubuntu how do i change back to ubuntu22:01
arazrielActionParsnip: please give me an e mail, so i can bother u a s much as i need...22:01
arazrielActionParsnip: :)22:01
guineaWhere can I learn about how the boot process works and what each file in /boot does?22:01
ActionParsniparazriel: much better to ask in here22:02
Slartguinea: there's probably some information over at tldp.org22:02
arazrielActionParsnip: how can i prevent a same thing?22:02
=== JPSman_ is now known as JPSman
Slartguinea: it might be hard to find though.... there's a lot of documentation over there22:02
nmvictor guinea: man boot get you started on that22:02
FlightlessDuckDoes anyone know about teathering for blackberrys?22:02
Volkodavanybody else has this xmodmap weird behavior when half the keybord buttons work wrong ?22:02
guineanmvictor: thanks22:02
Fallenoui'm intersted in installing Ubuntu jaunty Netbook version via PXE network boot22:02
JPSmanwhat channel do i goto regarding FSF and opensource issues?22:03
wimshey, if i git fetch something, can i copy the gittree to another computer, or do i have to download the whole shebang again from that computer?22:03
Fallenouwhere can i find the files to do PXE ?22:03
guineait's hard when you want to rtfm but don't know where they are22:03
nmvictorguinea:at the terminal ofcourse, no problem  alway my pleasure22:03
Fallenoui found them for jaunty amd64 and jaunty i38622:03
Fallenoubut not for netbook version22:03
arazrielActionParsnip: u knew that command from instant?22:03
apostlein my panel when I click system , the computer freees22:03
arazrielActionParsnip: u wrote it?22:03
Fallenouhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ < i'm searching for this, but with netbook version22:03
guntbert!ot | wims22:03
ActionParsniparazriel: i dont use automount so its second nature to me22:03
ubottuwims: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:03
arazrielActionParsnip: what is automount?22:04
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>22:04
arazrielActionParsnip: can i prevent something like this?22:04
nmvictor!info grub22:04
ubottugrub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu53 (jaunty), package size 394 kB, installed size 924 kB22:04
FlightlessDuckdoes anyone know bout tethering for blackberrys?22:04
babameloneHi, I still dont get scrolling via touchpad working. I installed gsynaptics and that program says, that touchpad scrolling is enabled, I edited the xorg.conf file and changed the driver to syaptics but I wont get it work anyway. Is there really nobody experiencing the same or knowing how to solve this? Im using jaunty btw.22:05
FlightlessDuckDoes using my blackberry as a modem work with jaunty?22:05
jeancalvinhow can i open 2 instances of Document Viewer (PDF Viewer)?22:05
nA1828KcFz9qHello, I obtain an "error: Success" message from aumix when I run startx as a non-root user. What is the problem?22:05
jeancalvinI want to view 2 pdfs at once22:06
ActionParsniparazriel: you can rearrange the command and add it to /etc/fstab and it will automount at bootup22:06
FlightlessDuckJust google pdf reader 4 ubuntu22:06
JhodasFlightlessDuck, evince22:06
Slartjeancalvin: evince doesn't do that?22:06
guinea`man boot was useful to read, just for the high level overview.22:06
gato_need help with compiz engine22:06
guinea`How does ubuntu generate is /boot/initrd files?22:07
nmvictorjeancalvin: adobe is also available for ubuntu plus evince is installed by default,  ALT+F2  then evince22:07
jeancalvinSlart: no. when I dbl click on a 2nd pdf, evince will use the already-open evince window for the 2nd pdf, thus removing the 1st pdf22:07
ultratekActionParsnip: any ideas?22:07
guntbertbabamelone: on my Lenovo T60 touchpad work (incl scrolling) without any entries in xorg.conf (all have been removed by the upgrade to jaunty)22:07
guinea`or are the prepaackaged?22:07
jeancalvinnmvictor:  see my message to slart. thanks22:07
FlightlessDuckuse evince. That's what I use22:07
jeancalvinFlightlessDuck: i use evince, too. but it does'nt do what i'm asking about.22:08
Slartjeancalvin: it doesn't do that for me22:08
erUSULguinea`: update-initrd ? mkinitramfs ? and similar tools22:08
jeancalvinSlart: oh, i see now. i want to open 1 PDF in 2 windows22:08
ActionParsnipultratek: once you know your soundcardf model, check to see if their are any quirks, dell are well documented with linux and there may be even a nice guide for your particular model to make everything nice22:08
FlightlessDuckOkay, nervermind22:08
jeancalvinso i can do easy cross-checking22:08
Yankefish? how do i install ubuntu on a partation i created with vista22:08
Slartjeancalvin: please tell me you've found the menu choice.. open a copy?22:09
nmvictor jeancalvin: i see,but in my case it open another pdf in a knew window22:09
ultratekActionParsnip: what was that cmd to look that up again?22:09
jeancalvinSlart:  that's it. thanks!!!!22:09
ActionParsnipultratek: sudo lshw -C sound22:09
guinea`erUSUL: thanks. I'm reading the man pages now22:09
jeancalvinnmvictor: slart showed me "File/Open A Copy". Thanks for helping a newbie. 8-)22:09
ultratekActionParsnip: is it possible to look up my mb model?22:10
Yankefishcan someone help me, i have created a partation using vista how do i install ubuntu on the partation i have just created22:10
FlightlessDuckI have a broadcom wirelesscard on my other laptop, it seems ubuntu dosent have drivers for it, how do I get it working?22:10
nmvictor jeancalvin: no problem,why not tell me more on what slart said,looks like i dont know it22:10
Slartnmvictor: in evince click on file, Open a copy... tadaaaa. the same pdf in two evince windows22:11
ActionParsnipultratek: the motherboard model doesnt mean anything22:12
nmvictorYankefish: the ubuntu installer guides you,select manual at the partition options then press forward an choose the partition you want to install ubuntu and mount it to root22:12
ActionParsnipultratek: you are driving the components on the board, not the board itself22:12
gr00berHI folks! testing a voice-bot on Ubuntu machine... could as many as possible join me at #newos and just type !voice, to see if moderation works?22:12
nmvictorSlart: got it,thankls22:12
gordonjcp!ops gr00ber22:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops gr00ber22:13
gordonjcp!ops |gr00ber22:13
ubottugr00ber: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:13
ultratekActionParsnip: yea i was wondering though i want to put win7 on my bros pc but i believe i need to update his bios22:13
frank_bI just lost my network connection after upgrading ubuntu (I can't even access my modem-router). anyone here knows what happened in ubuntu updates?22:14
zambai'm trying to set up a firefox profile that is to be copied to a set of machines.. this worked just beautiful on the firefox version running on ubuntu intrepid, but after upgrading to jaunty (and firefox 3.0.9) this has stopped working.. firefox starts, but freezes after a couple of seconds.. in the process list it's listed as defunc..22:15
zambawhat has changed or what is the problem here?22:15
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grzegorz129hi! i try to find download menager like flashget for linux with webgui (like rtorrent with rtGui).  any suggestion?22:15
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SBK|d00mzcan anyone recommend a good hard disk mirroring program that can capture both my windows and ubuntu partitions?22:17
ActionParsnipultratek: i'd boot to the bios and read the model there22:18
ohirSBK|d00mz: man dd22:18
SBK|d00mzohir:  man dd?  what is that?22:18
ohirSBK|d00mz: should be in base install on all flavors uf l/unices22:18
phreestyle-workhey everyone, I was looking at the forums for a way to clear our residual config files left over from removed packages. I found a thread that tells you to use Synaptic, but is there any way to do this from the command line?22:18
ohirdd is a utility that can help you copy whole partition22:19
SBK|d00mzohir, will that copy my windows partition as well?22:19
ohirman is command for getting help on Linux, like F1 on win22:19
SBK|d00mzohir, understand on 'man' command.22:20
ohirSBK|d00mz: will copy bit-by-bit any partition. But read carefuly documentation, its not easy to use for beginners22:20
cleptoanyone know what programs i need to install to utilize my treo 750 as a modem?22:21
SBK|d00mzohir, ok, thanks.  My laptop harddrive is making odd noises, and I thought it might be a good time to get an accurate mirror for my programs/apps22:21
MF_Debiandoes anyone here use a wireless card that uses the ath5k module? If so I'd like to compare something with you22:22
DBOMF_Debian, i do22:22
DBOwhats up?22:22
guinea`I just figured out one of the things that was confusing me. The grub command root (hd0,0) and the kernel option root=/dev/hda5 refer to different meanings of "root"22:23
Dr_Willisguinea`:  yes they do... :P22:23
Dr_Willisguinea`:  then ya got the root of the hard drive/filesystem, and the root user.. and the root direcctory thats not the same as  'root /' :)22:23
MF_DebianDBO, do you get a ton of these messages in your logs - May 21 07:54:06 nena NetworkManager: <debug> [1242849246.000388] periodic_update(): Roamed from BSSID (none) ((none)) to 00:13:A3:D5:CE:00 (stolypin)22:23
guinea`Oftentimes they point to the same partition, but if you're using encrypted partitions, you have to get it right22:23
guinea`root (hd0,0) has to point to the place with your kernel and initrd22:24
guinea`while the root= points to the filesystem to be mounted at /22:24
guinea`did i get that right?22:24
* Yankefish is running —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 3.1 (December '08) with Advanced File Serving features by cRYOa on mIRC v6.35 32bit obtained from #Invision on irc.irchighway.net and http://www.i-n-v-i-s-i-o-n.com22:25
DBOMF_Debian, its done it 70 times in the past 12 hours22:25
mzzguinea`: that's pretty much correct22:25
auliguinea`: yes22:25
DBOMF_Debian, so about once every 10 minutes22:25
DBOMF_Debian, though there are some large suspended times in there, so more frequently than that even22:26
DBOMF_Debian, are you at school maybe?22:26
mzzguinea`: grub doesn't care about the partition your / is on, it just needs to find itself, find the kernel and initrd images, and run them. Vice versa once the kernel is loaded by grub you no longer need those images (the system will run mostly fine with /boot unmounted)22:26
axisysanyone what happend to upstart ?22:26
Jenny26Hi everyone -- I have 2 laptops, one running 9.04 and the other running Vista Home Premium.  I've shared some files via Vista but am unable to see them on my Ubuntu laptop.  Is there a walkthrough someone could point me to about how to setup ubuntu-win sharing?22:26
axisysi dont see it with which or man22:27
auliaxisys: you mean uptime?22:27
MF_Debiandbo, i just wonder what it means, i see a few bug reports regarding this, but no one ever elaborates, oh and if I was at school, it would have to be one of those movies where an old guy goes back, heh22:28
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DBOMF_Debian, it looks like somehow the driver is roaming to nothing then roaming back22:29
DBOMF_Debian, how often do you get it?22:29
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axisysauli: no upstart22:29
auliaxisys: i've never used it.. can't say22:30
toodorHi, I need help22:30
toodorA makefile for my 2200 wireless driver won't run.22:30
Classictoodor, how do you run it?22:31
auliaxisys: see http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/125977 -- it has list of packages you might need22:31
toodorI have all the packages.22:31
toodorActually, let me double check22:31
MF_DebianDBO, sometimes once an hour, sometimes every few minutes, it may be just a harmless debug message, but my wireless connection seems a bit flaky, so I'm suspicious22:31
Ash-FoxHi, is there a way I can shut down a system as root without physical access to it without the halt, poweroff, reboot, init, runlevel, shutdown? Why am I asking? Because the server I'm in is suffering numerous drive issues and I can't shut it down via those commands, but many others are workign currently22:31
DBOMF_Debian, its not harmless, when it does it your connection drops for 20 or 30 seconds22:31
DBOMF_Debian, what laptop do you have?22:32
toodortar -xkf ipw2200-1.2.2|cd ./ipw2200-1.2.2 ./config22:32
auliaxisys: from synaptic, i see package upstart installs /sbin/{start,stop,status}, /sbin/{initinitctl}22:32
five-eighths-ru1Hey, everyone. My install of 9.04 failed because the installer couldn't create the first partition. It's probably a problem with the HD (had some trouble with my previous Hardy install), what's the best option for a disk recovery utility?22:32
prjktdtntis there any way to tell the liveCD not to load a specific driver22:32
prjktdtnterr module22:32
toodorconfig tries to declare a function on line 1722:33
Jenny26Hi everyone -- I have 2 laptops, one running 9.04 and the other running Vista Home Premium.  I've shared some files via Vista but am unable to see them on my Ubuntu laptop.  Is there a walkthrough someone could point me to about how to setup ubuntu-win sharing?22:33
toodorwith null input "()22:33
blublobluJenny26, look up samba22:33
toodorFor some reason bash doesn't "expect" it.22:33
Classictoodor, maybe try to simplify and do one step at a time?22:33
Jenny26Thank you blubloblu ! :)22:33
MF_DebianDBO, on a desktop, card is a dlink pci, it uses the ath5k_pci module22:33
Classictoodor, do you have build-essential installed?22:33
DBOMF_Debian, you may wish to try using the madwifi modules instead22:34
toodorlet me check synaptic22:34
matisseIs it working to set up 2 dhcp servers in 1 network?22:34
toodoryes, they're installed22:34
MF_Debiandbo - yeah thats a thought22:34
DBOMF_Debian, do you need help with that one or can ya handle it? =)22:35
matisseor will they disturb each other?22:35
fresh_princehello, i am trying to compile a opencv that requires cmake but do not have admin priviliges to install cmake, can i install it on my local space in order to be able to compile opencv ?22:35
Classictoodor, hm... there has to be a readme or an installation guide from the website22:35
aulifresh_prince: yes22:35
MF_DebianDBO, I think i can manage, heh, thanks anyway22:36
MF_Debiandbo - so you get the message too though, how's the quality of your wifi link?>22:36
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DBOwell I am sitting in a large campus, so it roams back and forth between too good access points22:37
DBOyou are roaming to none which is why it gets flaky22:37
fresh_princeauli: i am quite a newbie, will i have to change the install path from the configure file or something like that, and would i have to define the system variables ?22:37
toodorSo I tried make without config, and it told me that I need to install ieee80211.  80211 has no config, and it's makefile returns an error as well.22:37
benchow can I find errors with a boot script?22:37
DBOMF_Debian, if you fix the BSSID in the connection editor it should be fixed22:38
Classictoodor, no idea, where is the guide?22:38
aulifresh_prince: i've never build cmake before, but if it uses a configure script, simply configure it this way - ./configure --prefix=/home/user/build/cmake22:38
aulifresh_prince: that is what I do22:38
Jenny26blubloblu: When I click on the Windows Network in the Network file browser on my ubuntu laptop, it gives me the error message "Unable to mount location" -- does this mean i need samba?22:38
toodorI suppose the closest thing to a guide I'm following is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623&highlight=ipw220022:39
Classictoodor, where did u get the driver?22:39
portacoonhelp!!!!!!!!! is there a way to do an ubuntu system restore22:39
aulifresh_prince: then do make, make install22:39
bencI'm using update-rc.d to add a script to run on boot but the deamon is not running. How can I check for errors?22:39
bencIt's a source package cocuhdb22:40
bencusing Jaunty22:40
aulifresh_prince: and when you build opencv, put /home/user/build/cmake/bin in your path first22:40
Classicdriver name and ubuntu version?22:40
portacoonim running ubuntu-mac 6.0622:40
portacooni have the disk in if that helps, but it goes to a black screen with warnings and aparently wont mount a bunch of things, and the target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init22:41
Classictoodor, whats your driver name and ubuntu version?22:42
Classicsorry portacoon dont know anything about macs22:42
toodorhow do I check the kernel version?22:42
portacoonwouldnt it basically be the same? its running ubuntu.22:42
toodorthe driver is ipw2200=1.2.222:42
Classici ment jaunty, or intrepid..22:42
Silicium_hi there22:43
Classicbut uname -r to check kernel22:43
MF_DebianDBO, all the bug reports are from late 2008, so I guess it's just not a priority, good  to know its not just me22:43
Silicium_iam searching for a solution to do a "virtual" Dist Upgrade22:43
xyzzymazegreetings to all .. what's the best video card to run for jaunty?22:43
Silicium_for checking what it would done22:43
Silicium_and which packages it updated22:43
Silicium_or removed22:43
sponzoranyone knows how to get password in gmail? like somebody sends me mail and i nead to see sender ip is that posiblle from gmail?22:43
regeyahow is password formed22:44
Classicportacoon, it can be the same, depending on the problem.. but the installation is a bit different, since macs require some packages that normal pcs have installed by default, ie: sensors for fans and trackpad22:44
Volkodavcan I transfer contacts from one account to another ?22:45
Dr_Willissponzor:  you could view the email 'headers' but your use of the term 'password' is confusing...22:45
FlightlessDuckoh hai!22:45
Classictoodor, ok22:45
portacoonokay, well im going to try the thread i just found for repairing an installating22:46
portacoonthank you for your help, i will stay connected here just in case22:46
schambers2I have xubuntu installed on my laptop with a removable sata drive. When i plug it in, it doesn't show up under devices or anything. How can I get it to show up. I also looked in gparted and the device doesn't show up there22:46
guinea`How come my sound drivers are not initialized when I boot up until I start gdm?22:47
guinea`What's the ubuntu way of triggering sound start up if I don't like gdm?22:47
ekimmargniI've discovered a highly reproducible bug which (I think) freezes X. How would I find relevant debug/log information?22:47
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sponzordamn i asked wrong sory... i nead an ip from sender in gmail :P22:47
FlightlessDuckHi guys!22:47
=== CXM|Away is now known as CXM
SetiAmonsomething called nullmailer keeps popping up to be configured what is it?something I may have installed on accident when going threw add/remove programs22:48
system404codec required text/html but ubuntu cant find it im trying to listen to online streaming podcasts how do i get this codec22:48
pegonsystem404, what stream? more specific please flash/mp3/ogg?22:49
toodorAnd does anyone know how to turn "bash -v" off?22:49
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system404it just says text/html i think the streams are mp3 but i have my mp3 codecs and flass etc etc22:49
DBOMF_Debian, i have a fix22:49
pegonsystem404, can I ask at what site or the stream link I can try it on my end see if it works or not22:50
DBOMF_Debian, are you on jaunty?22:50
system4042 secs ill get it22:50
psywipedhow do i search on commandline for a directory?22:50
Dreamglideranyone got the vice emulator to work in ubuntu 8.10 ?22:50
pegon!find | psywiped22:51
ubottupsywiped is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner22:51
ubottupsywiped: Search for a package or a file: !find <term/file>22:51
Classictoodor, to be honest i cant help you22:51
pegonlol that didn't work22:51
paladincan anyone tell me if there is a file such as /usr/lib/python2.5/encodings/__init__.py ?22:51
toodorthanks anyway22:51
Classictoodor, good luck22:51
toodorI'm hating this wireless bs. >:(22:51
Guest47930paladin: python -c "import encodings; print encodings.__file__"22:52
Classicmine worked out of the box22:52
arrrggggghis there a changelog for all ubuntu packages?22:52
Classictoodor, if you go to SYSTEM>ADMIISTRATION>HARDWARE DRIVERS, is there any recommended driver for you?22:52
system404the damn site undergoing upgrades22:52
DBOMF_Debian, you know you make it reaaaally hard to try to fix your problem =P here I am sitting on a magic deb...22:53
system404will post the link when it cums bak on22:53
pegonwhat site?22:53
arrrggggghI've been running Jaunty for a few weeks now, and after updating my system this morning, grub started giving me an Error 222:53
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pegonwhich podcast?22:53
guinea`Did intrepid do something weird to sound permissions? I just realized that I can run alsamixer as root but not as user, except in as a user in the gdm session.22:53
toodoris there a cmd line option to check that?22:54
Classicdo you have no gui?22:54
system404there funny listenin to all the mad shit ppl fink is goin on22:54
Jamedguinea`: try sudo gpasswd -a USERNAME audio22:54
MF_DebianDBO, sorry dude , was daydreaming actually22:54
toodorI do, but it's a little messy22:54
MF_DebianDBO, lay the magic on me22:54
Pixelsis Firestarter  just a GUI frontend for the ubuntu firewall, iptables?22:55
Jamedyou have to be in group audio to run alsamixer22:55
Classicnot sure how to from terminal22:55
pegonsystem404, maybe thats why its giving you errors right now cause there upgrading22:55
MF_DebianDBO, yeah i'm on jaunty22:55
system404no it was last nyt22:55
deserteaglehello all22:55
DBOMF_Debian, 64 bit... please say 64bit...22:55
Pixelsdoes Ubuntu have a firewall built into the kernel?  Is it called iptables?22:55
system404i didnt get the upgrading bit i click listen it says i need codec22:55
DBObecause I dont have a 32bit chroot set up to make 32 packages22:55
system404but ubuntu cant find it22:55
deserteaglewhy is my USB flash drive not showing up in the "Places" menu all of the sudden?22:55
pegonAhhh okay well right now its not letting listen at all22:56
phoenixzTo install ubuntu on a SUN T2000 machine, I can just use the standard Ubuntu Server 64 bits CD?22:56
pegonsystem404, when it comes back up I will try to get it to work..see if maybe that works22:56
system404pegon ill give u a buzz when its workin again so u can see the codec its askin for22:56
system404cheers pegon22:56
pegonsystem404, sounds like  a plan22:56
guinea`Works. Thanks!22:56
Jamedguinea`: np22:56
toodorClassic, It's currently using agpgart-intel22:56
eeany bugzilla users know where the package off the repo puts the checkinstall program?22:56
MF_DebianDBO, I have a 64 bit chip, heh, but no, i'm running a 32 bit os22:57
Classictoodor, does it say recommended next to it?22:57
robert-_-does anyone know where PlayOnLinux installs games by default? I need to find the directory but its not in .wine22:57
DBOMF_Debian, apply this patch to the network manager package22:57
DBOMF_Debian, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25829754/dif.txt22:57
Classicrobert-_-, whats the game name?22:57
ibuclawee, run in a terminal:   which checkinstall22:57
NvidiaUserrobert: /home/YourUsername/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/22:57
DBOMF_Debian, it disables the scanning when you are connected, so you wont get updated networks unless you disconnect, but it will let you stay connected22:58
sourcemakeris there a console based download manager available?22:58
phoenixzTo install ubuntu on a SUN T2000 machine, I can just use the standard Ubuntu Server 64 bits CD?22:58
toodorClassic, I don't have a system>admin>drivers tab22:58
ibuclawee, that will tell you where it is, if it exists.22:58
eeibuclaw: no output, i had found it the other night but im totally spaced on where to find it now22:58
coz_robert-_-,   open a terminal    locate  playonlinux22:58
Classictoodor, hardware drivers?22:58
robert-_-Classic, Starcraft22:58
toodorthe kdecontrol module states Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG22:58
MF_DebianDBO, choice, i'll give it a go22:58
toodor"Kernel driver in use: ipw2200"22:59
Classicrobert-_-, maybe locate starcraft will help22:59
ibuclawee, did you install it through the apt package manager?22:59
ibuclawsudo apt-get install checkinstall22:59
eeibuclaw: yes but it's part of the bugzilla package, not a package in itself, it only amounts to a perl script i believe23:00
Classictoodor, go to applications > arr/remove23:00
katakaioHey gang, I've got a Jaunty boot issue23:00
Pixelswhats diff between  firewall builder and ufw?23:01
katakaioI just successfully installed the 64-bit 9.04 to my nForce 4 desktop IDE drive, but I cannot boot to it23:01
ibuclawee, ah. you could run:  sudo updatedb23:01
ibuclawee, the run:  locate checkinstall23:01
livingdaylighthow can i get my laptop and Desktop to speak to each other?23:02
ibuclawif you've misplaced the script on your filesystem, that will find it swiftly23:02
katakaioI've read about the Jaunty bug with Intel D945 chipsets, but I definitely don't have that chipset23:02
ibuclawelse, you'll probably have to download/get it again.23:02
robert-_-coz_, Classic, thanks guys you pointed me in the right direction :)23:02
mzzlivingdaylight: what kind of conversation do you want them to have?23:02
Classiclivingdaylight, via samba if its ubuntu to windows23:02
Classicrobert-_-, youre welcome23:02
livingdaylightClassic: its Ubuntu to Ubuntu23:02
eeibuclaw tried that and all the normal ways of finding something, not a clue, it's on here somwhere i know it ^^23:02
RehanWhen I try to access a Win Vista shared folder from my Ubuntu install it gives me the error "Unable to mount location -- failed to retrieve share list from server" -- I have Samba installed on Ubuntu and def have the folder shared on vista -- any suggestions?23:02
mzzlivingdaylight: if they can see each other networking-wise using ssh may be an option.23:02
katakaioHas anyone else had trouble booting to their fresh 9.04 install?23:03
livingdaylightmzz: i don't know if they can or not23:03
system404its up now click the big play button it asks for codec23:03
ibuclawee, if locate can't find it, nothing probably will ;)23:03
Classiclivingdaylight, http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/06/08/share-files-between-2-ubuntu-computers/23:03
mzzlivingdaylight: should they be able to see each other hardware-wise?23:03
mzzlivingdaylight: (what is your networking setup like hardware-wise?)23:03
livingdaylightClassic: thx23:03
Classictoodor, you are in kde?23:03
phoenixzTo install ubuntu on a SUN T2000 machine, I can just use the standard Ubuntu Server 8.04 64 bits CD?23:03
livingdaylightmzz: router23:04
Rafael_anybody with experience on backing data23:04
Classiclivingdaylight, no problem, google helps 90 %23:04
sharponeHello all, i'm not sure if this is the proper channel for this question: what is the status of ATI drivers for the mobility FireGL V5725 (linux sees it as Radeon Mobility HD 3670) in ubuntu 9.04 64bit?23:04
toodorKDE 323:04
livingdaylightmzz: wireless router23:04
Classictoodor, ah... im in gnome23:04
livingdaylightClassic: what did you google?23:04
Classicshare files between ubuntu23:04
livingdaylightClassic: i'm not so good at asking google questions23:04
livingdaylightshare files between ubuntu ic23:05
mzzlivingdaylight: so the desktop has a wireless network card, or the router has a wired hub too? Then what Classic said should just work.23:05
eea lead, where does ubuntu place cgi-bin out of curiosity?23:05
Classicyea, they both have to be in same network, livingdaylight23:05
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paladincan i use apt to see whether some file has been deleted from an installed package?23:05
livingdaylightmzz: the wireless router is connected to cable modem. The Desktop is connected to wireless router via network cable. Laptop is connected wirelessly23:06
Classictoodor, in kde, i believe theres a tab in K says system settings or something like that23:06
mzzlivingdaylight: yeah, that should just work (I have a similar setup here)23:06
toodorwell I've been playing around with the 80211 driver23:06
ibuclawee, that would depend on the service.23:06
ibuclawee, again:  locate cgi-bin23:06
eeibuclaw: oh my, haha23:06
thecougarjust installed 9.04 and its only giving me two resolutions no higher than 800x600 how do i get higher resolutions out of the system? (monitor and graphics (onboard) support higher resolutions)23:07
livingdaylightmzz: just work, how.... i'm gonna check the link Classic gave me23:07
toodorthe make file says "error: 'proc_net' undeclared"23:07
Pixelsdoes a default install of Ubuntu have a FIREWALL ON?23:07
Classictoodor, and still no go?23:07
jenifferHi. I want ubuntu to boot faster....is that possible? I only need the base system....23:07
mrwesPixels, no -- install ufw and gufw23:07
tel0sjeniffer: try a netinstall23:07
toodorI don't have wireless on the computer I'm fixing anyways23:07
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist23:07
mzzlivingdaylight: you just need to check what ip addresses the two systems have (running "ifconfig" on the commandline will tell you, but I think the networkmanager applet also has this information) and adjust those in what Classic linked you to where necessary.23:08
toodorI have the most recent drivers.  I'm trying to compile them.23:08
tel0sjeniffer: install a base system using a netinstall disk and just put a basic DE on top23:08
phoenixzTo install ubuntu on a SUN T2000 machine, I can just use the standard Ubuntu Server 8.04 64 bits CD?23:08
Demonicdataubottu:so i didn't need to install Firestarter from add/remove programs just now?23:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:08
Pixelsmrwes: are you telling me that a default install Ubuntu has NO FIREWALL PROTECTION???23:08
jeniffertel0s what is a basic De?23:08
ibuclawPixels, no, but by default, no services are running, so you're computer is "stealthed".23:08
mrwesPixels, well..iptables is install, but not configured23:08
tel0sjeniffer: a basic desktop environment. google openbox or fluxbox23:09
ibuclawPixels, are you behind a router?23:09
Classictoodor, is it tar.gz ? or just gz?23:09
paladincan i use apt to see whether some file has been deleted from an installed package?23:09
mzzPixels, ibuclaw: not really "stealthed" according to most definitions of that term I know (ports show up as closed) but that's definitely secure enough unless you shoot yourself in the foot23:09
mrwesPixels, if you are behind a router and not forwarding any ports, you don't  have any issues23:09
jeniffertel0s I have tried to do a netinstall, but it always begins to download thousans of packages i dont need23:09
tel0sjeniffer: are you doing it from the mini iso?23:10
ejvthecougar: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup23:10
Demonicdatait doesn't matter if your behind a router anyhow right<I mean the 'shields up"test shows the same with no firewall,software firewall is just handy for outbound right?23:10
ejvthecougar: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:10
mrwesPixels, you an always check out Shields Up! for security23:10
Pixelsmzz: so a default install of Ubuntu DOES HAVE a firewall protection?23:10
jeniffertel0s... well i did that a time ago, I think I did...now i cant remeber23:10
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist23:10
ibuclawDemonicdata, yes, and forwarding, but ufw only deals with INBOUND23:10
mzzPixels: what kind of "protection" do you want? There are no services listening on non-localhost by default, so there's nothing for a firewall to protect.23:10
ejvthecougar: then restart X, by doing CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE, then restart GDM by doing: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start23:10
rayluPixels: as it says above, yes23:10
jeniffertel0s but i think it was the mini iso23:10
ejvthecougar: goodluck ;)23:11
tel0sjeniffer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:11
rayluPixels: but firewalls are sort of band-aids, not a real solution. see whta mzz said23:11
clarezoehi, anyone tell me how to create a firewire connection23:11
mrwes!firewall | Pixels23:11
ubottuPixels: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist23:11
toodorjust tgz23:11
jeniffertel0s thank a lot!23:11
tel0sjeniffer: and then install xorg openbox obconf23:11
Classicunzip it to any directory23:11
mrwesPixels, what do you think you need a firewall for?23:11
jeniffertel0s all right!!! thanks again!23:11
tel0sjeniffer: if you need a walktrhough, I can help over msn or some other client. dont want to spam the channel23:11
Classiccd into that directory from konsole23:12
toodorI've already done tar -xkf|cd ./whatever| make23:12
raylutel0s: for the protection of the users receiving help, we ask that you keep it in here23:12
toodorAlready done23:12
Classictoodor, did you do ./configure?23:12
Demonicdataother then the files on add/remove are there any great places to get software for ubuntu/linux23:12
ejvlol cuz IRC is sooooooo safe23:12
jeniffertel0s perfect! how can i contact you over msn?23:12
tel0sraylu: fair enough. you'll need xorg obconf openbox hal thunar23:12
mzzDemonicdata: I strongly recommend you stick to add/remove programs or synaptics if at all possible, and add extra repos instead of installing by hand if something is not available in there yet23:13
famax8hi there need some help with 2 things...23:13
toodor./config returns "syntax error: '(' unexpected"23:13
Classicconfig or configure?23:13
famax8couldnt find proper workin solutions online:(23:13
mzztoodor: what are you trying to ./configure? It's possible it doesn't like the "dash" shell.23:13
Classicwell, try ./configure23:13
mzztoodor: and yes, it's usually ./configure, not ./config :)23:13
toodoripw2200 drivers23:13
clarezoeplease help!23:13
toodorin this case it's config23:13
mzztoodor: are you 100% positively absolutely sure you need to build those by hand (there's no ppa or the like)?23:14
ibuclawDemonicdata, getdeb.net is usually regarded as a good source of packages (mostly games for hardy). But don't expect any support for them if it breaks your system.23:14
DemonicdataWhat does symnapetic have that add/remove doesn't?why have it23:14
mrwestoodor, isn't that wireless module already in Ubuntu?23:14
Classictoodor, there should be no errors at all after ./configure, otherwise you have to satisfy some dependancies i believe23:14
raylumzz, toodor: you don't need to build ipw2200 drivers...23:14
toodorNo, I'm not.  Unfortunately I can't get wireless with the preconfigured stuff.23:14
mzzDemonicdata: still, getting rid of something installed from a .deb is generally more reliably possible than getting rid of something installed by hand23:14
mrwestoodor, I'm using that module now: ieee80211              38344  1 ipw220023:15
toodorIntel didn't write this script very well.  For some reason when ./config tries to declare the function "bit" it spits back a syntax error.23:15
ibuclawDemonicdata, more verbosity ... with add/remove, you are only shown software. With synaptic you are shown software, data packages, libraries, development packages, etc,etc.23:15
mzzDemonicdata: add/remove programs only shows programs that can be started from the gui, afaik. synaptic shows all packages, which includes non-gui programs and non-programs (things depended on by some programs)23:15
Demonicdatamzz:well sure,i imagine so.btw i just installed ubuntu last night,first time since suse 4.2 i'v ran linux23:15
mrwestoodor, FWIW, that card is support out of the box23:16
ClassicDemonicdata, Id say add/remove provides some graphical way of installing things without knowing their module names23:16
Classicor package names23:16
Demonicdatathat reminds me i had a issue earlier,let me see if i can find it23:16
toodorIt isn't working, unfortunately.23:16
rayluDemonicdata: congrats on escaping rpms23:16
toodorThe hardware switch is broken or something23:16
Classicmrwes, thats what i was thinkin23:16
raylutoodor: sudo iwconfig eth1 power on23:16
mzzDemonicdata: there's a bit of a culture shock here especially for people coming from windows, who are used to getting software and drivers directly from the manufacturer, while in ubuntu trying the repos first usually gives a better experience23:16
toodoriwconfig with the current config/drivers returns23:17
raylutoodor: sudo iwconfig eth1 txpower auto23:17
mzzDemonicdata: s/in ubuntu/in most linux distros/23:17
toodorI was getting to that.  It returns "SET failed on device eth1 ; Device or resource busy"23:17
toodoror "Set Power Management" (8B2C) : . . . "Input/Output error"23:17
ePaxIs it possible to save all mails from Mozilla Thunderbird? And when reinstalled system to add them in same maps?23:17
mzzePax: I'd just back up all of ~/.mozilla to do that23:18
famax8cant mount my partiton, says no privilege.. anyone for help?23:18
DarkRavini need help setting up my filezilla so ppl can up load to me can someone help me23:18
ePaxmzz: Thnx23:18
raylutoodor: i have that on my gentoo machine too. but nonetheless, it works23:18
mrwestoodor, is the card turned on with say Fn + F223:18
system404u guys suck23:18
raylutoodor: try iwlist sc after that error23:18
mzzePax: (disclaimer: I don't actually use thunderbird, but I'm pretty sure it'll still work since it shares the profile system with firefox)23:18
toodorThat cmd doesn't work at all23:18
toodorlet me try it outside of x23:18
mzzePax: (so please do check if that actually got the folders)23:18
raylu!patience | system40423:18
ubottusystem404: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:18
famax8DarkRavin: is easy you have to set it up in options all codes and adresses23:19
toodorhardware switch doesn't always work, and I've never seen fn+f2 work23:19
system404i wasnt talkin about patience just meant in general23:19
JamedePax: the folder you need to backup is called .mozilla-thunderbird, or something lke that23:19
mzzJamed: ah, thanks for correcting me23:19
ePaxmzz: I have that folder and other folders that i have saved my mail into. Seweral ones. I just want to reinstall system and just upload all folders and mails into mozilla again.23:19
toodorI figured recompiling the drivers would help23:19
thecougarejv: control alt backspace didn't work so i rebooted the system. this is seriously the easiest way to get more display settings out of the system?23:19
portacooni get errors when i boot my live cd, it like doesnt let nautalis and gnome applet start23:20
Classicsystem404, type /quit, that will fix your problem23:20
mzz!dontzap | thecougar23:20
ubottuthecougar: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.23:20
mrwestoodor, hrmm...works on my Dell D60023:20
system404so im gna install kde shortly should be downloaded in bout 10 minutes23:20
gbear14275there a way to undelete files?23:20
raylusystem404: read the output of the patience command.23:20
system404Classic: behave i was messin around23:20
NvidiaUserI have Need For Speed Pro Street working with Wine\PlayOnLinux Kinda. Races freeze so I think I'll try cedega...23:20
mzzthecougar: ctrl+alt+f1 does still work by default. Afaik the idea is you can use that, log in and then kill the server23:20
raylu!undelete | gbear1427523:20
ubottugbear14275: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel23:20
toodormy leg is completely asleep.  this sucks.23:20
ePaxNu kommer den stora frågan. Ubuntu 9.04 eller openSUSE 11.1? Vad tycker ni?23:20
ePaxsorry wrong channel23:21
=== dn4_ is now known as dn4
nightrid3r!no | ePax23:21
ubottuePax: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!23:21
=== dn4 is now known as DN
toodorOkay, so power management on my device fails for some random reason.  What should I do about it?23:21
Seti-AmonSo whats the deal with Gnome?23:21
K-Richanyone know a reliable tutorial on getting gnome shell running in jaunty?23:21
raylutoodor: it's highly unlikely that recompiling your drivers will help turn your device on...23:21
DarkRavini have no options just settings23:21
ePaxnightrid3r: Its swedish. I just typed in wrong channel :D23:21
Seti-Amonit looks like a xp clone,is there a better windows manager then gnomee23:21
=== DN is now known as DN4
NvidiaUsereh... Cedega is not free. Back to work on Wine...23:22
rayluSeti-Amon: only a ton.23:22
toodorIt doesn't appear to be a hardware problem, though.23:22
supersashohi.. i've installed through synaptic linuxdcpp but i've got problem that it freezes allways when i start it.. warnings from console http://pastebin.com/m6e48a147 .. i know this isnt the right place, but maybe someone had the same problem like me and solved it :)23:22
rayluSeti-Amon: xmonad here. also try awesome, enlightenment23:22
ClassicSeti-Amon, i can send you a pic of my gnome desktop, i guarantee, xp can do none of that23:22
thecougarmzz: ah ok. i rebooted anyways. issue is still there23:22
sburwoodIs it normal that my EEEPC boots on a 8.10 kernel, although when I look at Sysinfo, it tells me that I'm in 9.0423:22
Seti-Amonsure classic23:22
Seti-AmonSend it over23:22
famax8dark Ravin: yes sorry settings you enter all your adresses details or the one of your uploader you give him a code and all or a free access to anyone(easier)23:22
K-RichSeti-Amon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_X_Window_System_desktop_environments23:23
mzzthecougar: resolution issue? Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?23:23
DarkRavinfamax8,where in settinds because i cant find it23:24
thecougarmzz: not really i'm not online with that system yet except for basic stuff23:24
K-RichSeti-Amon: that has the major players currently, there are A LOT more23:24
mzzthecougar: sorry, no time to debug then23:24
Seti-AmonTell me when you send the picture because I am new of course23:24
ClassicSeti-Amon, right now23:24
famax8DarkRavin: sorry i do by memory but should be like access option or settings or ul list settings23:24
rayluSeti-Amon: http://i43.tinypic.com/2iub8uv.jpg23:25
Seti-AmonI clicked accept.i dunno why dcc doesn't work23:25
famax8then you must give a name and a code for each or a free access23:25
system404so just wat improvments will kde give me23:25
thecougarmzz: its no prob. i thought there was a GUI option and i just hadn't found it. im not actually willing to go through any work doing command line stuff23:25
raylusystem404: it's a totally different desktop environment... either read up on it yourself or try it out yourself23:26
famax8system404: more work on cmd lines..... a better memory... and thats it :/23:26
dfgas_how do i get the computer to stop locking itself after it wakes up from sleep. i want it to come out of sleep and be at the desktop.23:26
mzzthecougar: there may very well be, I'm just better at figuring out what the problem is based on Xorg.0.log than based on having you click through a bunch of gui tools23:26
dlihow do I disable /etc/motd from default ubuntu, I want it be empty23:26
ClassicSeti-Amon, anyways, its all up to you how you configure your desktop. As you learn linux, you can pretty much configure anything you want, which windows gui doesnt allow23:26
dli/etc/motd is set by bootlogs.sh23:26
Seti-AmonI wonder why f-spot view is taking so long,it seems to be struggling to view a simple picture23:26
system404raylu: was only lookin for a few of its best features calm yourself im in the process of trying it its downloading as we speak23:26
thecougarmzz: hehe i didn't really realize there was a problem. i just thought it locked you to low resolutions till you enabled them or something.23:27
famax8@ Dfgas: in your power options and then screen options23:27
Seti-Amonlast time i used linux i never used X,just stayed in the console23:27
DarkRavinfamax8,would it be ftp proxy23:27
raylusystem404: the nicest feature imo is how all qt apps have a universal way of configuring keyboard shortcuts and notifications23:27
mzzthecougar: shouldn't, more likely it's not using the right driver for some reason. My radeon card actually started out using a higher resolution than I like (silly crt monitors with weird specs and/or edid data)23:27
eethe best part of X is easily displaying 50 terminals :D23:27
famax8DarkRavin: not quiet sure alrite but was settings something23:28
system404and wat about the look and feel of the enviroment23:28
mzzeven though the thing technically runs at 1600x1200 at a usable refresh rate that's not actually usable on a 17" crt :)23:28
dfgas_famax8, where? i don't see any screen options in power23:28
K-RichSo what do you all think of Mr. Shuttle worths QT based Gnome idea?23:28
mzzee: meh, screen23:28
ClassicSeti-Amon, well, i like gnome with compiz. That allows me to create many desktops simultaneously, very cool effects and window management options and thats because it enables 3D acceleration on your desktop23:28
raylusystem404: uh...23:28
raylusystem404: it looks and feels like kde...?23:29
ibuclawee, the best part of ssh is logging into UNIX@home from Windows@work23:29
Seti-Amoncompiz?i downloaded something from add/remove called compiz23:29
DarkRavinfamax8,that is in settinds and the only place i can find there23:29
eemzz: i prefer icewm or flux, just for the ease of moving my terminals, i never got into screen23:29
system404i mean as opposed to normal ubuntu does it look better23:29
Seti-Amonthe only thing i really regret messing with add/remove is something called nullmailer keeps poping up once in awhile23:29
rayluee: the best part of bash is that you only need 1 terminal23:29
Classicseti, well, now you have to set it up23:30
famax8DarkRavin: then that must be23:30
Seti-Amonif i recall in the shell you alt F-1 to f12 to spawn consoles and i forget the rest23:30
ibuclawraylu, don't you mean "screen"23:30
DarkRavinfamax8,tks for the help23:30
ClassicSeti-Amon, thats not compiz, thats yout virtual consoles23:30
Seti-AmonAre there themes out there for gnome?and is enlightenment etc any better23:30
rayluibuclaw: no, i mean jobs, fg, bg, ^Z, pushcd, popcd23:30
rayluibuclaw: but yeah, screen is nice too :D23:30
ClassicSeti-Amon, you can modify anything u want, many themes and all23:31
eeraylu: it's certainly nice to tsee some things side by side, like multiple ssh sessions23:31
ibuclawSeti-Amon, gnome-look.org23:31
ibuclawand enlightenment can be annoying23:31
ibuclawgreat to flash effects off to your friends though (a bit like compiz)23:31
famax8DarkRavin: should see a all list of setup is it? like speed limits access liimits and all rite?23:31
mzzI use ratpoison, emacs, urxvt, all with the borders and menus etc off, and firefox. Makes for a somewhat intimidating environment for people coming from windows :)23:31
Seti-AmonClassic awesome23:32
system404so wats best gnome or kde23:32
ubottusystem404: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:32
system404mzz stop that23:32
raylumzz: i'd use ratpoison, but the keybindings are too much like emacs :P23:32
dfgas_hmmmm, found something let me try now23:32
thecougarI hate emacs23:32
system404ill rephrase in everones oppinion which do you all prefer gnome or kde23:32
lukaviahi, i use radeon xpress 200M on laptop, i can't get 3D to work, neither with Envy, neither with ati drivers from the site, HELP PLS23:32
ClassicSeti-Amon, go watch this vid to give you an idea about compiz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxfSwzhSn1c23:32
famax8Dfgas: sorry is screensaver preferences23:33
mzzsystem404: sorry! I'm lazy like that23:33
Chr|ssystem404: not the place to ask23:33
raylumzz: i wish i knew how to configure rxvt, though23:33
Classicsystem404, me gnome23:33
GoldlineGuys the check disc integrity check showed errors in 6 files on the ubuntu-desktop disc. can i ocntinue ?23:33
Chr|ssystem404: try #ubuntu-bots23:33
famax8in system preferences scrennsavers23:33
thecougarI can't be bothered to remember my birthday every year let alone keybindings / commands23:33
phoenixzI need to install Linux on a SUN T2000 server, can I use Ubuntu Server 8.04 64bits for that purpose?23:33
system404chris why not place to ask this is ubuntu23:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:33
eemzz: i use emacs, urxvt, borderless flux, and for normal browsing elinks23:33
Chr|ssystem404: no its not :)23:33
GoldlineGuys the check disc integrity check showed errors in 6 files on the ubuntu-desktop disc. can i continue ?23:33
livingdaylightmzz: can both computers be mounted at the same time?23:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sun23:33
ubottuHave a look here for Docs http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ KnownIssues and TODO are on the wiki.23:33
LjL!poll | system404t23:33
ubottusystem404t: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:33
mzzraylu: I'd throw you my .Xresources, but you probably wouldn't like it anyway, and it's a bit of a mess.23:33
phoenixzubuntu: Bad bot, that page does not exist!23:34
mzzlivingdaylight: you mean mount one on the other and at the same time the other on the first? Sure.23:34
phoenixzubottu:  Bad bot, that page does not exist!23:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:34
dfgas_famax8, thats for screen saver, i want to stop if when coming out of standby23:34
raylumzz: rxvt is the one with the terminal daemon client thing for quick launching, right? all i want is inconsolata (a ttf font) and fake transparency (draw my desktop background behind my text)23:34
eeraylu: I have a hacked up one as well, for transparency and nice spacing23:34
system404well im askin here and i respect the users here who have helped me the last 2 days setting up my ubuntu so i hold there oppinion higher than other channels and thus i would like the oppinion of the ppl i feel i can trust as they have helped me allready23:34
Goldline6 errors continue or not with the installation ?23:34
phoenixzI need to install Linux on a SUN T2000 server, can I use Ubuntu Server 8.04 64bits for that purpose?23:34
famax8Dfgas: yes you can setup the lock in this, i did meself23:35
Chr|ssystem404: yes, but this isn't the channel for that, sorry.23:35
mzzraylu: remember urxvt (rxvt-unicode) is a bit different from original rxvt. urxvt does have urxvtd and urxvtc, which I think are what you're after.23:35
raylumzz: sounds right23:35
Goldline6 errors continue or not with the installation ?23:35
livingdaylightmzz: its odd then, coz the Desktop can see the laptop but i cant configure, that is when i configure, and hit connect its not accepting password23:35
raylumzz, ee: can i see your .Xresources, then?23:35
dfgas_famax8, from stopping doing it when out of standby?23:35
mzzraylu: "man 7 urxvt" explains your various options for transparency (various kinds of fake as well as compositing-manager-based actual transparency)23:35
system404im a total linux noob and the users on this channel have helped me with everything and so chris if u dnt want to give me ur advice thats fine but to everyone else whos opinions i regard highly please gnome or kde23:35
system404P.S. classic fanks for ur opinion23:36
raylusystem404: for the last time, we won't answer that here23:36
mzzraylu: the .ttf font will probably work, although I have no idea how it'll perform. http://rafb.net/p/C3aMnj30.html is my .Xresources.23:36
Goldline6 errors continue or not with the installation ?23:36
famax8yeah was asking the code now i'm grand but i have to chk the manip as my ubuntu is in multi lingual and this particular option is in damn french23:36
system404raylu u dnt wana answer then dnt but i would respect anyone elses opinion please23:36
raylu!nl | Goldline23:36
ubottuGoldline: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl23:37
mzzlivingdaylight: can you tail the logs (I forgot which is the right one, but try /var/log/messages) on the laptop while you're trying to log in from the desktop (or vice versa)?23:37
Classicmost people who use ubuntu use gnome, if you want kde use kubuntu, if you want something else your best bet is to install from scratch23:37
Seti-AmonSo any idea why in ubuntu resets my overclock down?23:37
ClassicSeti-Amon, cpu?23:37
Seti-Amonit only see's my processors at 2.6 were bios option sets it at 3.223:37
raylusystem404: it's not that i won't answer, read the messages we've been telling you. we ask that you do _not_ poll here, only support questions23:37
system404thanks classic23:37
tomalanyone help with blue screen no desktop xbuntu new install23:37
Seti-Amona quad core qx6700.the bios has teh option of overclockign set in which i set and used in windows23:37
system404im not polling im seeking advice as to which me as a new user should use23:37
famax8raylu: i asked support still no answer i give more than i receive...23:38
jimlovell777Can anyone identify this line from the output of ps aux? /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7                            Is that normal? Anyone else have that line?23:38
ibuclawsystem404, your mileage may vary23:38
ClassicSeti-Amon, click on your right panel, go to add to panel23:38
ClassicSeti-Amon, add cpu frequency scaling monitor and press add23:38
mzzjimlovell777: that sounds mostly reasonable for an X server launched by gdm, although I'm a little surprised it's using /usr/X11R6/bin/X instead of just /usr/bin/X23:38
famax8DarkRavin: let me know the outcome pls23:39
raylufamax8: how are you trying to mount?23:39
ibuclawsystem404, different people have different opinions, you can't really recommend without being biased. best advice is for you to try them out yourself and let you decide. ISOs are free, to you aren't loosing anything.23:39
famax8raylu: by the basic way as it's my linux dd23:39
mzzjimlovell777: (that's not a problem though, it'll be a symlink if it works at all, which it does)23:39
jimlovell777mzz: My main concern was to find out if it's malicious.23:39
famax8the partition was ok this morning23:39
raylufamax8: i meant show me the actual mount command you're using23:39
famax8not command so far23:40
jimlovell777mzz: Thanks for the info23:40
mzzjimlovell777: I doubt it, although I guess you could kill it and see if your gui session restarts (don't actually do that :)23:40
gartralhow can i convert a wav into an spx from terminal?23:40
Seti-Amonclassic:I will do that,in add/remove?so will it obey the bios?i don't want to personally mess with overclocking as I don't want to risk hardware damage,this computer came with overclocking up to 3.2 enabled in the bios23:40
famax8raylu: got a bunch of datas dont wanna mess with it23:40
ClassicSeti-Amon, not in add/remove23:40
raylufamax8: you said that you couldn't mount... if you haven't tried mounting, what's the problem?23:40
* mzz sort of hoped someone would trigger the !danger factoid for his previous suggestion23:40
TuxMeister_hey guys23:41
U-b-u-n-t-udoes konverter still work with ubuntu because I don't see it in the synaptic manager?23:41
cxvxbI know this is supposed to be simple, but for some reason I can't find where I can change the icon size and the horizontal spacing between icons. Where is it?23:41
user__please help me stop flickering of  intel 950 graphics23:41
ClassicSeti-Amon, move ur mouse over a panel on top or on the bottom of ur screen, right click it, then press add to panel, then find cpu frequecy scaling monitor, and click add23:41
famax8raylu: i tried through my desktop right click and through the 'places' still not possible says no privileges but was fine few hours ago23:41
jimlovell777mzz: lol no worries, I'm not going to attempt it. Even if I did there's no open work I would loose. Good looking out though ;)23:41
jimi_hendrixuhh gnome terminal wont work! wont start my zsh inside it...i just get an error about it failing to make a new process23:41
ibuclawU-b-u-n-t-u, I see soundkonverter23:41
ejvthecougar: this is linux, you shouldn't ever have to restart to make changes to your desktop manager, did you get it to work?23:41
U-b-u-n-t-uibuclaw, I am looking23:41
ClassicSeti-Amon, been using this feature for a year no consequences, just longer battary life when needed23:41
gartralhow can i convert a wav into an spx from terminal?23:42
livingdaylightmzz: i don't follow23:42
mzzjimlovell777: for further confirmation find something that prints a process tree ("ps -feH" for example) and confirm the process you're talking about was started by gdm23:42
Seti-AmonSays not supported,that motherboard maybe misconfigured?23:42
TuxMeister_guys, has anybody looked into getting ubuntu arm into the Smart Q7?23:42
raylufamax8: ls /media23:42
ejvthecougar: if that doesn't work, i would google "ubuntu xorg.conf <your resolution>" and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf DIRECTLY, hope that helps you, this is actually very easy once you do a few ubuntu installs ;)23:42
ClassicSeti-Amon, no idea then23:42
user__please any one help me to fix intel graphic performance of ubuntu 9.0423:42
famax8raylu: ok i got the answer for the usb dd i need to find a windows -- shall i try this command?23:42
ibuclaw!pastebin | famax8,23:42
ubottufamax8,: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:42
gartralhow can i convert a wav into an spx from terminal?23:42
U-b-u-n-t-uibuclaw, perfect thanks!23:42
Chr|s!repeat | user__23:42
ubottuuser__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:42
sebsebsebuser__: there are some issues for Intel graphics mentioned in the release notes23:43
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes23:43
mzzlivingdaylight: there are some reasons (like too wide permissions on ~/.ssh) for ssh to reject logins. Often those get logged on the "server" (the system you're trying to log in to) but not on the client (the one you're connecting from)23:43
livingdaylightmzz: Desktop sees laptop. Laptop doesn't connect to Desktop, so i went into /var/log/   and found lots of messages23:43
raylufamax8: yes23:43
user__sebsebseb, i know but is there a work around23:43
Seti-Amonbtw i meant that in ubuntu it says my clockspeed is 2.6 yet in the bios i have it set to 3.2 like ubuntu has downclocked my settings23:43
Gigantic_miniHi... I am not new to Linux, and I am having big time problems booting Ubuntu after the install, I was getting err 15 17 18 22! So I went and installed another Lin to set my grub by myself... but I can't get it to boot anything!23:43
sebsebsebuser__: if the release notes mentions one23:43
mzzlivingdaylight: so for any kind of authentication issue I'd check the logs on the server ("tailf /var/log/messages" while attempting to log in)23:43
mugencan someone help me install my video drivers for my T43?23:43
famax8pastebin what????23:43
user__sebsebseb, can you help me ?23:43
livingdaylightmzz: right, hence i went into /var/log of the Desktop (where i can't access to from laptop) but what am i looking for23:43
tomalis there an xubuntu channel?23:44
famax8who are you people??23:44
mugenI downloaded the latest drivers from the intel site and need help installing this "install.sh" file23:44
raylu!xubuntu | tomal23:44
ubottutomal: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:44
mzzlivingdaylight: just tail -f (or tailf) the log on the system you can't log in to, then attempt to log in and see if anything gets added to the log23:44
famax8what are you doing in my house??? Leave or i call the police!! :P23:44
raylufamax8: ...23:44
sebsebsebuser__: nah  and I tend to avoide trying to help people with such issues, because they are a pain in the arse,  to try and configure and stuff23:44
famax8raylu: in root i guess23:44
gartralhow can i convert a wav into an spx from terminal?23:44
jimlovell777mzz: Never run those options before but if I understand what I saw properly then yes /usr/sbin/gdm started the process I posted a moment ago.23:44
Gigantic_miniuhm, Idon' think I'll get help in here...23:44
Chr|smugen: you have to cd do the directory it is in and sh filename.sh23:44
sebsebsebuser__: what's your acstaul issue?  I just came back here23:44
mzzjimlovell777: that sounds healthy then23:45
jimlovell777mzz: yay! thanks.23:45
user__sebsebseb, video flickering23:45
cxvxbfamax8, signal to noise ratio is bad enough here take it to #ubuntu-offtopic23:45
livingdaylightmzz: i just type tail -f ?23:45
sebsebsebuser__: look in the release notes, there may be a solution, and  if it matters so much  well 8.10 will be better with Intel graphics cards23:45
famax8cxvxb: sorry didnt get it?23:45
mzzlivingdaylight: tail -f /var/log/messages (or you might even try tail -f /var/log/*, although that may make a bit of a mess of your terminal by attempting to tail binary files)23:45
tomalcheers ubottu23:45
cxvxb!offtopic famax823:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopic famax823:46
Chr|suser__: check the ubuntu wiki too, that could shed some light on your issue as well23:46
mzz(if anyone can tell me what file best to follow here other than "messages" for sshd issues that'd be nice)23:46
tomaland raylu23:46
famax8raylu: ok it gives me different otions23:46
famax8cxvxb: what you mean by offtopic?23:46
mzz!offtopic | famax823:47
ubottufamax8: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:47
mzzfamax8: that, presumably23:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel23:47
livingdaylightmzz: tail -f /var/log/messages gives me output May 20 23:47:29 hod -- MARK --23:47
raylufamax8: er, what does ls /media say?23:47
mugencan someone help me upgrade my video drivers for my T43?23:47
mzzlivingdaylight: yep. Now try to log in and see if anything gets printed by that tail command23:47
Seti-AmonDamn I changed something now all my effects are disabled.i go to change background and change effects back to extra,there is "custome there" and it now says my hardware not supported23:47
ibuclaw!ati | sebsebseb23:47
ubottusebsebseb: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:47
famax8raylu: gimme all names of my devices23:47
Seti-Amoni mesed up something somewhere23:47
sebsebsebbotabuse | ibuclaw23:48
raylufamax8: can you paste the output?23:48
sebsebseb!botabuse | ibuclaw23:48
ubottuibuclaw: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:48
Link23Hi, my computer froze and I had to restart my computer but when I tried to run firefox it just asked to restore the session and didn't come up.  I tried to completely remove it but that didn't work.  Can somebody help?23:48
notvcjackhey maco23:48
mzzLink23: define "completely remove it"23:48
famax8raylu: cdrom  cdrom0  KINGSTON sdb1 VIDEO win     and win is in green23:48
raylufamax8: what partition are you trying to mount?23:48
notvcjackI got my wireless to work after being able to connect using wired conn23:49
maconotvcjack, busy doing damage control. gmail just lost labels and inbox status on > 8000 emails23:49
famax8raylu: sdb1 i'd say23:49
lvddhi guys - I need your help23:49
gartralhow can i convert a wav into an spx from terminal?23:49
lvddI am looking for an application23:49
raylufamax8: "sudo fdisk -l" may help you23:49
sebsebseb!details | lvdd23:49
ubottulvdd: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:49
GreenDelta2is there any possibility to make linux not to show any mounted volumes on my desktop? i'd really like to have a totaly clean desk ... :P23:49
Link23mzz: I hit completely remove under synaptic manager.  Got rid of ubufox, firefox, firefox 3.0 and firefox branding.23:49
raylu!icons | GreenDelta223:49
ubottuGreenDelta2: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)23:49
* LadyNikon shakes her head23:49
Gus_Mireleshello guys, i have a bunch of questions, i have a windows xp, i would like to install ubuntu,23:49
lvddit has been released a few weeks or months ago23:49
raylufamax8: anyway, is sdb1 empty? ls /media/sdb123:49
mzzLink23: ah. I'm assuming you reinstalled them since then?23:49
LadyNikonGus_Mireles: ask your questions.23:50
=== Gus_Mireles is now known as i2go
Link23mzz: yes a couple of times.23:50
lvddit gives some actions on the panel23:50
famax8raylu: no is damn full or i would force it with no pity lol23:50
raylufamax8: ... then it's already mounted23:50
LadyNikoni2go: in here its just to pust post your questions.. most other stuff like hi, and i have a question will get lost.23:50
i2gohow can i install ubuntu into an xp ?23:50
billybigrigger_anyone here familiar with MX records? or run a mail server?23:50
sebsebseblvdd: what are you after some kind of application?23:50
mzzLink23: can you confirm firefox is not currently running, run "firefox -P" in a terminal window (or through alt+f2), create a new profile, and confirm that works?23:50
lvddfor rxample it can be configured to make md5sums on fikes23:50
LadyNikoni2go: download the ubuntu cd.. there is a windows install23:51
sebsebsebi2go: XP as host hummm no thanks23:51
mzzLink23: (this is a debugging step, I'll try to repair the original profile once we've confirmed a new one works)23:51
lvddit was not gnome-do but something similar23:51
P4R41i2go: google wubi itll take care of everything for you completely23:51
livingdaylightmzz: still permission denied after 3rd attempt23:51
sebsebsebLadyNikon:  me as well as other experiended Ubuntu users, woudn't normalley recommend Wubi for various reasons23:51
famax8raylu: ok it shows me all devices and seems fine i think issue is somwhere else23:51
i2gonow how about drivers23:51
LadyNikoni2go: you dont typically install it *into* XP since its an operating system.23:51
notvcjackmaco: just wanted to say thanks for your help last night23:51
mzzlivingdaylight: and does anything appear in the log on the system you're trying to log into?23:51
LadyNikonsebsebseb: it worked fine for me.23:51
FlightlessDuckyeah, I don't like wubi, just partition...23:51
raylufamax8: indeed. i'm neither familiar with nor do i use the fuse automounting stuff23:51
maconotvcjack, oh, no problem23:51
FlightlessDuckit has no hibernation23:52
livingdaylightmzz: no, and i don't know how to get my prompt back either23:52
sebsebsebLadyNikon: even some of the Ubuntu o p s are against Wubi23:52
FlightlessDuckand its prone to crashing23:52
mzzlivingdaylight: ctrl+c23:52
system404installing kde got this error23:52
ibuclawsebsebseb, experienced Ubuntu users is the key phrase there.23:52
system404s for man-db ...23:52
system404dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:23:52
system404 unable to flush /var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i after padding: No space left on device23:52
system404E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)23:52
FloodBot2system404: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:52
LadyNikonsebsebseb: then it shouldnt be on the cd.23:52
livingdaylightk, thx23:52
ibuclaw!pastebin | system40423:52
ubottusystem404: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:52
Mackisn't it kinda weird that u can chose w/e email u want in from?23:52
sebsebsebibuclaw: it's not that good for newbies either.  it's always best to partition a hard disk for real :)23:52
LadyNikonsebsebseb: why did you say ops separate?23:52
Macklike is it just me?23:52
sebsebsebLadyNikon: in case that calls them23:52
famax8now mzz and cxvxb and ubottu as i seems to be a burden for you... i hope you will fix this: my wifi state 1ms speed cant get better23:52
i2gocan i install ubuntu via usb drive?23:52
LadyNikonsebsebseb: no the trigger calls them23:52
thecougarejv: i didn't get it to work. i'm playing around with ubuntu to see if it is closer to what i'm normally using for ease of configuartion. i do everything currently graphically and have no plans to go backwards to editing system files directly. so back to other things:)23:52
Macki think being able to send from admin@gmail.com makes me feel a bit more insecure towards hackers23:52
raylui2go: indeed23:53
sebsebsebLadyNikon: I think  the  letters like that might as well, after the other day23:53
famax8now if you don't fix this then ...23:53
five-eighths-rulAnybody got any advice for fixing hard drive errors? I tried to install 9.04, but it couldn't make the first ext3 partition23:53
Link23mzz: well it showed up for a second then it disappeared23:53
rayluMack: but the headers show where it actually came from. also, gpg23:53
ibuclawsebsebseb, I agree, but the risk, especially with the inexperienced partitioner is still too high.23:53
Demonicdataok i messed it up already23:53
Mackraylu: no, they dont23:53
DemonicdataSo check this out23:53
Mackit doesn't say "signed by gmail"23:53
ni_ogv problem: i upgraded to jaunty and my ogv files do not play anymore, both totem and vlc crash while trying to play them. can't find anything on forums on this. any clue?23:53
mzzlivingdaylight: ok, let's try something else. Can you run "ssh -vvv yourusername@" (adjust ip to match reality) from the (not working) laptop? This should be really noisy and fail. Pastebin the output, assuming it does indeed fail.23:53
Mackbut there is NOTHING about me in it23:53
rayluMack: really? send me an e-mail. lurayl@gmail.com23:53
FlightlessDuckMy broadcom wireless card won't work in 9.04 any suggestions?23:53
sebsebsebibuclaw: inexperiended partioner what?  guided install tends to do a pretty good job,   of course us more experiended users set up the partitions ourselves, but anyway23:54
rayluMack: i've tried it myself and i saw the headers from my machine23:54
RainbowWunder gnome, my dual-head setup works well, and the desktop stretches across both screens. under kde, i can only get them to mirror. what's the magic pixie dust for setting up dual head under kde?23:54
Demonicdataat some point i must of done something because now I have no effects,before i had 'extra effects" enabled but now tere is a "custom and its set to nothing,it says "unable to enable desktop effects" when earlier i had it running just fine.anyone know whats wrong?23:54
mzzLink23: hmm, that's odd. Can you run "strace -f firefox 2>/tmp/stracelog", then pastebin /tmp/stracelog (you may have to apt-get install strace first)?23:54
=== Demonicdata is now known as SetiAmon
i2gofedora vs ubuntu? which is easier to use? which is best?23:54
famax8ubottu: so?? any idea??23:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about so?? any idea??23:54
mzzLink23: (the log file will be huge, pastebin just the last few 100 lines if it won't fit)23:54
sebsebsebraylu: congratulations you gave out your email address in a publically logged channel, expect spam, altough Gmail's spam filter is pretty good, but still23:54
Mackraylu: the gmail webmail doesn't show it23:54
ibuclawi2go, decide for yourself, the ISOs are free >:)23:54
raylumzz: wouldn't it be better to remove .mozilla first?23:55
gartralI have two problems... one... I want to convert a few wavs to speex format.. and the other, more serious one is X will freeze, ussually when im working in firefox/galeon with a lot of photos on a page..23:55
i2goi'd like an opinion, i have use windows all my life23:55
ibuclawi2go, if you don't have CDs, you can try them out in VirtualBox23:55
mzzraylu: rarely helps if the profile manager fails.23:55
rayluMack: ah. i use mutt. but i think there's a "show full headers" thing23:55
famax8ubottu: what you mean no idea?23:55
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:55
EagleScreeni2go: I think a deb-based as distro As Ubuntu is better23:55
raylu!best | i2go23:55
ubottui2go: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:55
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursula
sebsebsebraylu: a bit usless for that one since if he asks the bot:   what is the best operating system23:56
Mackraylu: check, and see what the headers of my currently sent message say23:56
sebsebsebraylu: it will say Ubuntu23:56
raylui2go: see problem #2 at http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm23:56
gymophettIs there a way to upgrade Gnome?23:56
Mackand at the same time, tell me how sendmail is working, in terms of if u got it allready23:56
sebsebsebraylu: ,but sure you did it for the other message23:56
ni_hi all, i have ogv problem: i upgraded to jaunty and my ogv files do not play anymore, both totem and vlc crash while trying to play them. can't find anything on forums on this. any clue?23:56
mzzfamax8: sorry! missed your message earlier.23:56
mzzfamax8: I suck at wireless, you're almost certainly better off asking the channel than just me.23:57
ibuclawBodsda, o/23:57
Link23mzz: firefox showed for a second then it went to a new line on the terminal.  I tried typing apt-get install strace and I got a bit of text.23:57
sebsebseb!usb | i2go23:57
FloodBot2gymophett: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:57
ubottui2go: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:57
mzzfamax8: (and I rarely complain about offtopicness, or I would've had to kick myself off various channels repeatedly by now)23:57
famax8mzz: just good to throw me out :P23:57
sebsebseb!install | i2go23:57
ubottui2go: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate23:57
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
mzzfamax8: (I was just fixing up the broken offtopic reference someone else fed the bot)23:57
gartralI have two problems... one... I want to convert a few wavs to speex format.. and the other, more serious one is X will freeze, ussually when im working in firefox/galeon with a lot of photos on a page..23:57
i2gothanks alot ubottu23:58
gymophettSomeone shoot me.23:58
livingdaylightmzz: from the laptop the username and ip address are that of the Desktop?23:58
sebsebsebi2go: no thank me for triggering those two23:58
mzzLink23: did a file called /tmp/stracelog get created?23:58
FloodBot2gymophett: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:58
famax8mzz: i will remember... til .. next joint :P23:58
mzzlivingdaylight: correct, the same ones you're entering into that connect dialog that didn't work23:58
ibuclaw!shoot > gymophett23:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shoot23:58
i2gothank you too sebsebseb23:58
Link23mzz: something about access denied23:58
Mackraylu: u get it?23:58
gymophettSo you guys can hear me?23:58
gymophettor read my text?23:58
mzzLink23: ahh, my bad. I meant "sudo apt-get install strace".23:58
sebsebsebi2go: if you want Windows,  and your computer has enough RAM, and you don't want to 3D Windows game or some such, you can run it inside Ubuntu23:58
RainbowWgymophett: sadly, yes.23:59
famax8anyone can help with a wifi issue???23:59
mzzgymophett: certainly.23:59
ibuclawyes, the ban is only temporary gymophett23:59
sebsebseb!wireless | famax823:59
ubottufamax8: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:59
livingdaylightmzz: is it right that from laptop i have and the Desktop gives me ?23:59
gymophettrainboww: oh, I probably just made a fool of myself.23:59
mzzlivingdaylight: the numbers should definitely differ, but I cannot tell you what they are.23:59
famax8sebsebseb: pardon?23:59
gymophettI thought my connection was messed up :(23:59
mzzlivingdaylight: (both starting with the same three numbers, only differing in the 4th, is a good sign)23:59
Link23mzz: It says I already have the latest version23:59
livingdaylightmzz: that is what they are. They differ by 100 and 10123:59

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