
lex79we can merge kmplayer-base and kmplayer-konq-plugin in kmplayer00:01
JontheEchidnayeah, we should probably do that. I can't think of any reason not to00:01
lex79JontheEchidna: add transitional packages for kmplayer-base and kmplayer-konq-plugin ?00:03
JontheEchidnaone for kmplayer-base should be sufficient since kmplayer-konq-plugins depends on kmplayer-base00:04
* ScottK taps his fingers and waits for a|wen to show up...01:06
ScottKThe difference between arm and armel in a merge he did is why all of Qt/KDE FTBFS on armel in Karmic.01:06
JontheEchidnaScottK: would you mind sponsoring bug 37876501:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378765 in konversation "Merge konversation 1.2~alpha1-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37876501:08
ScottKJontheEchidna: How close do I have to check it?01:09
JontheEchidnaI pbuilt01:09
JontheEchidnadunno if you'll want to check it again To Be Safe (tm)01:10
ScottKWell the bug doesn't have a debdiff against the Debian package that I see, so let's get that first.01:10
JontheEchidnaoh, right. I forgot that01:11
JontheEchidnaScottK: attached01:13
* ScottK deigns to look01:13
JontheEchidnaah, #debian/aboutdata_add_debian_version.diff in debian/patches/series needs to be removed entirely01:14
ScottKJontheEchidna: Why?  It doesn't hurt anything.01:20
JontheEchidnadebian removed it entirely, though I suppose it's not that big of a delta01:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: Uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu01:42
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
lex79JontheEchidna: around?03:28
lex79there are two versions of qt-creator:03:42
lex79in Karmic03:42
ScottKlex79: We need to get sync'ed with Debian on what to call it.03:42
ScottKIs there any reason not to just use Debian's and have ours removed?03:43
lex79ScottK: I'm looking, I think we can remove our package03:45
lex79qt-creator and keep qtcreator03:45
daskreech\o/ Identi.ca rants03:46
daskreechhi hunger_t03:46
ScottKlex79: It'll need a transitonal package added for Karmic to move people over to qt-creator.03:47
daskreechhow goes decibel?03:47
lex79ScottK: and where we have add the transitional package? in qtcreator, right?03:50
ScottKlex79: Yes, a dummy qt-creator package that depends on qtcreator03:50
lex79before that there is a new version to sync with debian http://packages.qa.debian.org/q/qtcreator.html03:50
lex79ok Scott03:50
ScottKlex79: Have it already: qtcreator |    1.1.0-1 | karmic/universe | source, amd64, i38603:51
lex79oh right, sorry03:51
lex79so , I will do a transitional package :)03:52
ScottKlex79: Then a removal bug for the qt-creator source03:52
ScottKkde4libs is the shlibdeps stage on hppa, I'm a little nervous.03:53
lex79I'm not expert, but I think hppa, armel etc -> nervous :)03:56
ScottKThere was a problem in our boost1.35 package for armel, I fixed that and so it seems to be going OK now.04:01
lex79ScottK: I have also to add conflicts/replaces in qtcreator?04:08
rgreeninghey ScottK04:09
rgreeningIm so peeved with American Idol results.04:09
rgreeningstupid public popularity contests elect less talented individuals04:10
rgreeningjust like they elect presidents :)04:10
daskreechWell Presidential elections are not a judement of skill or abilty04:12
daskreechthey are purely a judgement of popularity04:12
ScottKlex79: conflict qtcreator less than 1.1.0-1ubuntu104:12
ScottKdaskreech: Except they aren't even that as you don't need to get the most votes from people to win.04:12
daskreechJust more than the other guys :)04:13
ScottKIt's actually a reflection of popularity is the relative handful of states that are well balanced between Republicans and Democrats.04:13
ScottKdaskreech: No, you can lose the popular vote, but win the electoral vote and be president.  It's happened several times.04:14
daskreechOh in the American system04:14
daskreechwell then you are the most popular in the electoral04:14
* vorian stays out of this conversation04:14
* daskreech ropes vorian in 04:14
ScottKRight, but not having the most people voting for you.04:15
ScottKFor example, i live in Maryland.  It is a heavily democratic state.04:15
daskreechYou have an opinion on spaces in qtcreator. Outwith it!!04:15
vorianScottK: has anyone started work on your ealier paste?04:15
ScottKAFAIK, no Presidental candidate ever came to visit the state because everyone knew how it would work out.04:15
ScottKvorian: Not AFAIK.04:16
daskreechwell I never made that claim :) Just that it's heavily more a judgement of popularity than skill talent or ability04:16
ScottKdaskreech: Sure, but then this is where the wisdom of Winston Churchill comes in.04:16
daskreechSee I just pulled that quote with someone else not 15 minutes ago04:17
ScottKHe said something along the lines of (I'm paraphrasing): "Demcracy is a horrible form of government, it's just better than all the others we've come up with".04:17
daskreechBut in application to Slovakia04:18
daskreechDemocracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time04:18
daskreech(attributed) :-)04:18
ScottKThat's it.04:19
* ScottK notes that ScottK as king of the world has not been proven to be worse.04:20
* daskreech predicts it being just as worse :)04:26
ScottKFor you, probably04:27
ScottKOK.  kde4libs built on all archs ....04:34
vorianyay, time to crack out olde sparky04:37
ScottKEven though I'm pretty certain no one will run KDE4 on (for example) hppa, I think it's good software QA to get it built on all archs.  Usually the things that cause problems are real bugs.04:39
lex79launchpad bug 37891004:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378910 in qtcreator "qtcreator needs a transitonal package " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37891004:50
lex79uhm, transitonal :)04:51
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cbrwhen watching a video with mplayerplug-in, kwin with composite always goes 80% cpu and stays that way10:46
cbrreally annoying10:46
cbrswitching compositing off and on again helps10:47
* Riddell tries amarok for the fourth time and hopes the build-deps are right12:38
Riddellnew plasma-widget-network-manager is in jaunty-proposed, please test12:44
Riddellbug 334052 and bug 330811 and probably others12:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334052 in plasma-widget-network-manager "Network Manager Plasmoid won't connect to "WPA Enterprise" AP's in Jaunty" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33405212:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330811 in plasma-widget-network-manager "Can't connect to a hidden network" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33081112:44
Mamarokjust tried to upgrade kstars and get the following:12:49
Mamarokdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libindi0_0.6-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/indiserver', which is also in package indi12:49
rgreeningbug #46657 - still occurs for me13:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 46657 in kdenetwork "Kopete gives error when you're on your own contact list" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4665713:34
JontheEchidnaoh, rgreening:13:35
JontheEchidna[07:49:31] <Mamarok> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libindi0_0.6-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/indiserver', which is also in package indi13:35
JontheEchidnawhen she tried to update kstars13:36
vorianthat would be from debian, because we changed that in 4.2 beta13:36
JontheEchidnathis whole indi/libindi crap is confusing13:36
rgreening"we meet again dr. jones"13:39
rgreeningJontheEchidna: I opened a pbuilder last night and installed every kde meta package from 4.2.2 and did an upgrade to 4.2.85... I'll review that today and come up with a list of things we need to fix. If a couple of us can chip in, we should be able to fix in short order.13:41
rgreeningJontheEchidna, vorian: here's a short list I have found so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/177177/13:43
JontheEchidnathere are some I just don't get, like the kdebase-runtime-data conflicting on a file that isnt' in kde-icons-oxygen at all13:43
JontheEchidnaand it properly replacing the version that had it last13:43
ScottKI had that same thing in my test from yesterday.13:44
rgreeningone thing I noticed was that I did the update, and when it failed, I did an install -f and it worked. No force-overwrite required.13:45
rgreeningalso, I did a dist-upgrade rather than a upgrade right from the beginning.13:46
ScottKMine from yesterday was a dist-upgrade from Jaunty13:51
rgreeningScottK: and did you have to force override?13:52
ScottKI didn't try.13:52
rgreeningI think install -f may have worked there13:52
ScottKI probably should have.13:52
rgreeningJontheEchidna: the oxygen file conflict is in the old oxygen icons13:53
rgreeningI just checked13:53
JontheEchidnabut it replaces the old oxygen icons :(13:53
rgreeningI think we need to conflict old oxy icons with new kdebase-runtime-data13:54
ScottKI'm re-running the test.13:59
* rgreening isn't that great with conflicts/replaces targeting14:15
Nightrosetentative schedule for amarok 2.1 final tagging is next friday14:18
* Nightrose would love to get some more lubuntu testers14:19
* tvakah is running karmic14:29
cbroh crap, what the hell14:31
cbrthe calendar app in 4.3 shows national holidays14:31
ScottKrgreening: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/177210/ is the only problem that apt-get -f install didn't fix.14:33
ScottKi think the problem is that if there is a cross conflict between packages, apt can't really resolve it.14:34
cbrdpkg -i --force-all fixes all14:34
ScottKcbr: Our goal it to avoid the need for that.14:34
ScottKThat's a work around, not a solution14:35
cbryes, obviously :p14:35
tvakahhmm, no core kde package depends on kde-base-icons yet14:36
tvakahonly envyng-qt and quassel-data14:36
tvakahso if you don't have either of those, and upgrade to karmic, all your icons mysteriously go away until you go poking through apt14:36
tvakahdepends on kde-icon-oxygen*14:36
tvakahnot kde-base-icons which doesn't exist14:36
ScottKWe'll add it to kubuntu-desktop if nothing else.14:39
ScottKIn fact I'm adding it right now.14:45
tvakahshouldn't soemthing a little farther down pull it in rather than kubuntu-desktop?14:46
tvakahsince kde-anything really assums to have a default icon theme whether you're gettingit as part of kubuntu or not14:46
voriani need to find a sponsor please :)14:47
JontheEchidnakdelibs for KDE3 depended on the crystal icon theme14:50
JontheEchidnasince kde-oxygen-icons is no longer part of kdebase-runtime, perhaps kdelibs5 should depend on it14:50
vorianJontheEchidna: can you sponsor that for me please?  <314:50
JontheEchidnavorian: machine-crusade is failing to load here14:51
ScottKJontheEchidna: Maybe.  In the meantime, kubuntu-desktop14:51
JontheEchidnavorian: that's not working either :(14:52
ScottKSame here (for machine crusade)14:53
vorianok then14:53
Riddellamarok packages14:54
Riddellplease test from https://edge.launchpad.net/~jr/+archive/ppa14:54
RiddellI've no idea if they'll work, they did for me but only after a second install14:54
RiddellNightrose: ^^14:54
NightroseRiddell: great - i'll test in a sec14:55
* ScottK waves to Riddell.14:55
RiddellScottK: hola chico14:55
* ScottK thinks Riddell sounds somewhat Spanish today.14:55
Riddellmuchos buenos14:56
NightroseRiddell: doesn't it need a special mysql package as well?14:56
RiddellNightrose: shouldn't do, it's all statically compiled14:57
* Nightrose downloads14:57
RiddellNightrose: are you on karic?14:58
Nightrosemeh - nope :D14:58
Riddellok we need a karmic tester before I do the backport thing14:58
ScottKRiddell: I'm updating kubuntu-meta.  I assume "Removed openoffice.org-kde from desktop-recommends" is something we want (for now)?14:59
RiddellI need to run off now, team building14:59
RiddellScottK: there is no oo.o-kde for now so we didn't have a choice14:59
Riddellanything else is a discussion for UDS14:59
ScottKRiddell: OK.15:00
* JontheEchidna tells pbuilder to go faster15:01
JontheEchidnavorian: ftbfs15:04
JontheEchidnaPatch multi_filename_fix.diff does not apply (enforce with -f)15:04
voriani pasted the wrong debdiff15:04
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think actually building is optional in this new freewheeling modern era.15:04
vorianScottK: wha?15:05
ScottKNevermind me, just feeling sarcastic this morning.15:05
vorianyay, fun ScottK is back!15:05
ScottKtvakah: kde-icons-oxygen is now part of kubuntu-desktop so that's at least a temporary solution (this is in Karmic)15:06
ScottKAnyone looking for a "Fun" job to do?15:10
ScottKOne of the questions for UDS is "What boost version in Main for Karmic".15:10
ScottKI know it's not 1.35 (where we are now) as that's been removed from Debian and we'll want to kill it too.15:11
ScottKThe options are 1.37 or 1.38 (in the archive as of earlier today).15:11
ScottKSo the question is, does our stuff build against either or both of those releases?15:12
JontheEchidnathe job would be testing if it does?15:12
ScottKmake some new ppa and build our stack against them15:13
ScottKmake some new three or four PPA probably15:13
ScottKKDE and OOo are the major boost users in Main15:13
ScottKOOo already moved to 1.3715:13
ScottKDebian is aiming at 1.38 for Squeeze, so that would be a reasonable target15:14
vorianok, fixored15:27
JontheEchidnavorian: looking15:37
JontheEchidnavorian: uploaded, thanks for your contribution to Ubuntu15:46
vorianJontheEchidna: ya, ya, ya :P15:46
vorianthanks for the upload15:46
JontheEchidnafeels a bit... weird, but I suppose I owe ya some ;-)15:47
vorianyou don't owe me anything :)15:49
ScottKUDS presentation done and mailed ....15:54
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
blueyedIs somebody working on the amarok beta2 packaging?16:19
ScottKblueyed: On Karmic by chance?16:21
ScottKblueyed: If so https://edge.launchpad.net/~jr/+archive/ppa - testers wanted16:21
blueyedme? yes.16:21
ScottKSo the answer to your actual question is: Yes.16:22
ScottKJontheEchidna: I just noticed you've got a stack of un-uploaded -workspace changes in bzr.  Are those still good?16:27
JontheEchidnaScottK: yup, must have forgotten to ask for sponsorship16:28
ScottKOK.  That seems to cover a bunch of the remaining issues.16:28
ScottKI got something to add, so I'll do it.16:29
ScottKrgreening and vorian: I'm sponsoring some of JontheEchidna's fixes that got overlooked on the weekend.  That may solve a chunk of the remaining problems.16:36
ScottKJontheEchidna: Uploaded.16:40
ScottKDoes python-qt4 need to be updated for the phonon change?16:45
rgreeningScottK: cool. I'll re-test after they build17:06
rgreeningScottK: do you know if they got uploaded to PPA? JontheEchidna?17:06
ScottKNo idea17:06
rgreeningas I am testing a pure Jaunty upgrade17:06
rgreeningnot karmic17:06
ScottKI've been logging into my jaunty pbuilder and then doing a dist-upgrade to karmic17:07
JontheEchidnaI pushed all my fixes to jaunty in tandem with bzr17:07
rgreeningok, then we still have some issues...17:08
ScottKrgreening or JontheEchidna: Have you done any of the phonon patching?17:08
rgreeningScottK: in karmic? yes17:08
rgreeningPhonon/Global needs to be replaced wherever it exists17:09
ScottKrgreening: Would you look at python-qt4 and see if it needs some love in that area.17:09
rgreeningSosure. I don't expect it does.17:10
rgreeningsure... i mean17:10
rgreeninggrep -R Phonon * | grep Global returns nothing17:11
rgreeningScottK: ^17:11
rgreeningScottK: it should only be KDE packages requiring this (I expect). JontheEchidna, thoughts?17:11
ScottKWell I was looking at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-qt4/4.4.4-2ubuntu6/+build/942747/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-hppa.python-qt4_4.4.4-2ubuntu6_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz and it seemed to be complaining about phonon something (this was still Jaunty), so I thought it might17:12
ScottKIt build-deps on libphonon-dev (>= 4:4.2.0-2)17:13
rgreeningScottK: in Jaunty we use the KDE phonon17:13
rgreeninglibphonon is kde17:13
ScottKRight, but that's why I thought we needed to change it for Karmic17:13
ScottKIt's still libphonon-dev in Karmic17:13
rgreeningScottK: oh... maybe17:13
rgreeninglet me look again17:13
ScottKrgreening: It even builds python-qt4-phonon17:14
rgreeningScottK: is there a way to find all references to libphonon in karmic debian dirs?17:14
ScottKpbuilder login and then use the reverse-build-depends script on libphonon-dev17:15
ScottKThat answers the 'what packages need changing' question.17:16
rgreeningScottK: that's what I need... I can start looking at that.17:16
rgreeningScottK: how do you run that script?17:17
ScottKIt's in ubuntu-dev-tools and so install that and then (IIRC) reverse-build-depends libphonon-dev17:17
ScottKI'll look at python-qt417:18
rgreeningK. ScottK replace libphonon-dev with libqt4-phonon-dev (>= 4.5.1)17:19
ScottKOK.  Thanks.17:20
rgreeningsimple edit :)17:20
ScottKrgreening: The one in kde4libs is unversioned, FYI.  You may want to fix that then.17:20
rgreeningScottK: in a pbuilder session, is there an easy way to tell what dist its working from?17:23
ScottKrgreening: Look in /etc/apt/sources.list17:23
rgreeningtrue... my brain is on overload.17:23
rgreeningand just though of cat /etc/issue17:23
rgreeningScottK: vim.tiny doesn't appear to be in karmic? makes pbuilder sessions a real bummer17:29
ScottKapt-get install vim17:29
rgreeningScottK: yeah, thats the full package. vim.tiny was a minimal one17:29
rgreeningless deps17:30
rgreeningScottK: doh. nm. my mistake17:30
rgreeningI typed it wrong.17:30
rgreeningoh, this is going to be a bad day....17:30
ScottKrgreening: Join the club.  I just discovered something I thought I uploaded hours ago didn't uploaded because I typed dupt instead of dput and didn't stick around to see that it actually uploaded.17:33
rgreeningdupt: n, slang for duped.17:34
ScottKSeen in an email sig line: "It's never too late to stop a bad idea."17:37
Riddellblueyed: did you try amarok?17:42
blueyedRiddell: yes, works fine.17:42
Riddellblueyed: so no crash on startup?17:43
blueyedno.. it rescanned the whole collection, but that is probably intended.17:43
Riddellgroovy, thanks blueyed17:44
RiddellI'll upload to ubuntu17:44
blueyedgreat. Thanks.17:45
christophe_Riddell: short question. how do I get the multihead option in 4.3 working? Got intel chip. xorg.conf?17:53
rgreeningScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/rgreening/KarmicPhononPackages17:54
ScottKrgreening: Perhaps a mail to kubuntu-devel17:55
rgreeningsure, also, you can update python-qt4 on that site :)17:55
ScottKAlready done17:56
Riddellchristophe_: no idea I'm afraid, I only have one monitor17:56
christophe_Riddell: ok. i'll ask around in #kubuntu17:56
rgreeningScottK: message sent to kubuntu-devel.18:02
rgreeningScottK: kdegames - bzr had changes, but uploaded version did not. I updated changelog and bumped release in bzr. Just needs upload.18:16
ScottKrgreening: looking18:16
rgreening1 sec. forgot to commit..18:16
ScottKrgreening: Did you test build it?18:17
rgreeningpushed. yes, when we originally were building for 4.2.85, but the last change never got uploaded.18:18
rgreeningI can build again... if you like\18:18
ScottKI'd appreciate it.18:21
ScottKStuff's changed since then and my laptop is currently bogged down with python-qt418:22
rgreeningsure.. will do18:22
rgreeningScottK: kdegraphics updated in bzr. testbuilding.18:33
ScottKOK.  Let me know when it's done18:34
=== siekaczx is now known as siekacz
tsdgeosanyone can give me a pointer to the rosetta page to translate kdepim?18:48
rgreeningScottK: kdegames build successful from bzr.18:54
ScottKrgreening: Thanks.18:54
EagleScreenkonqueror usually open .deb files as in a navigator page as text in place of download them or open with gdebi18:57
ScottKrgreening: You didn't mention the ksnake.install changes.18:59
tsdgeosJust if someone is interested19:01
ubottuKDE bug 191283 in general "In summary-->Next Events-->the message put: day,date in %n days" [Normal,Resolved: downstream]19:01
tsdgeosshows how much rosetta helps19:01
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
Quintasanrgreening: ping19:14
EagleScreen.deb shoud be open with gdebi-kde and not with inmature kpackagekit19:22
* ScottK prefers them to open with ark.19:22
ScottKrgreening: I fixored the changelog and uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.19:27
rgreeningty ScottK. Missed it in original changelog...19:44
rgreeningQuintasan: pong19:44
rgreeningScottK: kdegraphics built successful19:45
Quintasanrgreening: should I send you a debdiff when I finish?19:48
Quintasanrgreening: I'm working on rsibreak, and I'm planning to go mailody-kde4.19:48
rgreeningQuintasan: sure19:48
rgreeningQuintasan: ty19:48
Quintasanrgreening: np, I like doing this (dunno if I should) :D19:49
rgreeningQuintasan: sure you should :)19:49
rgreeningwe always need more people to help with fixing, packaging, etc... there never seem to be enough hands to go around19:49
QuintasanI've tried fixing wrong permissions on pykdeui4.py (still no +x) but it has hueg and it failed on top of that @_@19:50
rgreeningQuintasan: lol19:51
rgreeningScottK: kdeedu built and updatred in bzr. needs upload19:51
ScottKOK.  rgreening for bindings we ought to wait until after python-qt4 is fixed.19:52
rgreeningScottK: I just marked bindings with '--' to not do it. It currently FTBFS anyway... akonadi + sip issues.19:53
ScottKrgreening: Even with the old bindings?19:53
rgreeningScottK: never looked at the old, was trying to get new for upload. I guess we can update the old ones...19:54
rgreeningbut leave it till last...19:54
ScottKLet's try that first.  The newish one is known not good, so don't worry until beta219:54
Quintasanhmm, guys, you are running karmic installed on a separate partition or using a VM?19:55
rgreeningQuintasan: using pbuilder to test/build19:57
Quintasanrgreening: ah, I wanted to test KDE 4.3 without borking mah working system20:00
* Quintasan broked his VM three times today20:00
ScottKrgreening: kdegraphics uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.20:01
rgreeningvm is best20:01
rgreeningyw ScottK20:01
Quintasanhmm, can I limit apt's downloading speed?20:02
smarterQuintasan: yep20:08
smarterlet me find that for you20:08
smarterQuintasan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5996302&postcount=720:09
Quintasansmarter: oh, I found it seconds ago :P20:11
Quintasansmarter: but still, thanks :D20:12
* Quintasan hopes his sis will stop complaining20:12
ScottKrgreening: Could you look into W: kdeedu source: patch-system-but-direct-changes-in-diff marble/src/bindings/python/sip/GeoDataFeature.sip in edu?20:15
QuintasanI wonder how KDE 4 is going to work under VM with 512mb ram20:18
rgreeningScottK: thats weird...20:20
rgreeningScottK: where did that occur?20:21
rgreeningScottK: it isn't in my build log20:21
ScottKrgreening: lintian run on the new source packages20:22
rgreeningScottK: I don't understand that error, or where it could have come from. What command did you run? just lintian <package>20:23
ScottKlt was the lintian run that comes with debuild, but you can lintian package.dsc too20:24
rgreeningScottK: trying it now20:24
rgreeningScottK: I know Riddell patched something with bindings in kdeedu. maybe he didn't get it 100%.20:25
rgreeninglintian kdeedu_4.2.85-0ubuntu2.dsc20:25
rgreeningW: kdeedu source: dbg-package-missing-depends kdeedu-dbg20:25
rgreeningthats all I see here ScottK.20:25
ScottKrgreening, vorian, JontheEchidna: I tried my upgrade test again after the last -workspace upload and it's better:  http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/177401/ - after the failure, apt-get -f install allowed it to finish.  No force-overwrite needed.20:25
ScottKSo progress.20:25
ScottKrgreening: It's possible i started with a contaminated source.  Let me do it again.20:26
rgreeningScottK: possibly20:26
Quintasanhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-widget-pgame <-- anyone can check this?20:26
rgreeningheres hoping20:26
ScottKrgreening: What does lintian -V tell you?20:32
rgreeningone sec20:32
rgreeningLintian v2.2.5ubuntu120:33
rgreeningin my Jaunty20:33
rgreeningare you doing that from karmic or jaunty?20:33
ScottKSame here.20:34
ScottKFrom Jaunty20:34
rgreeningyou still getting the error?20:34
ScottKYep, but it's the same in 1ubuntu1.  It's not new20:35
ScottKpython-marble is turned off, so I'm going to ignore it20:35
rgreeningI figured that. where did you get the src20:35
ScottKapt-get source20:36
ScottKUploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu20:36
rgreeningstrange indeed.20:36
ScottKWe just need to be careful not to carry it forward into Beta 220:37
rgreeningScottK: I wonder if its a bad src upload20:37
ScottKWe'll worry about it later...20:38
rgreeningScottK: I checked my tar and the one from lp, no differences.20:42
rgreeningnn Quintasan20:49
DaskreechHow useful is a package manager is working tray icon ?21:01
lex79:( sometimes dh_install has problems with pkg-kde-tools21:10
lex79ScottK: qtcreator uploaded21:21
ScottKlex79: Great21:37
seeleScottK: when do you leave?21:38
ScottKseele: Saturday, early afternoon21:39
ryanakcaDaskreech: -meta ... if a support question goes answered in an Ubuntu channel for five minutes it gets posted there21:40
Daskreechryanakca: That's only useful if someone is there I would suspect21:40
DaskreechWhich .. itsn21:40
rgreeningScottK: when do you arrive?21:40
Daskreechit's not quite getting right21:41
ScottKrgreening: Sunday PM21:41
ryanakcaDaskreech: *nod*, nobody around21:41
ryanakcaScottK: Where are you? Taking a transfer? I leave on Saturday night and get there Sunday AM...21:41
Daskreechryanakca: So currnently the point of having it is to say that it is to be had?21:41
ScottKActually I was wrong21:42
ScottKArrive: BARCELONA,SPAIN  8:35 AM21:42
rgreeningScottK: wow... long trip :) I get in 8:55 AM21:42
ScottKrgreening: Read again21:42
rgreeninghey, we should meet up21:42
ScottKI'll depend on your Spanish fluency to get us to the hotel21:42
ryanakcaDaskreech: *nod*, it should probably be advertisted to the main ``helpers'', if LjL doesn't mind...21:42
rgreeninglol. I can speak some portuguese... that'll have to do :)21:43
Daskreechryanakca: Have any list of niggling points in Kubuntu ?21:43
ryanakcaDaskreech: niggling points?21:43
ScottKrgreening: I was in Barcelona ~17 years ago and it seemed to go OK.21:43
Daskreechryanakca: Small stuff that should be fixed but ... just isn't21:43
ryanakcaDaskreech: Aye, konqueror, the menu bar often seems to go wierd... but gets fixed on mouse over.21:46
ScottKryanakca: Intel video?21:47
ryanakcaScottK: Yes21:48
ScottKryanakca: Did you try MigrationHeuristic "Greedy" in xorg.conf (details in the release notes)21:48
ryanakcaScottK: *tries*21:50
Daskreechryanakca: You mean the words go funny?21:50
ryanakcaDaskreech: I'll get a screenshot21:50
DaskreechVideo card issue?21:51
ryanakcaDaskreech: http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/konqueror.png21:52
Daskreechryanakca: Wow. Umm ok21:54
ryanakcaShould I try UXA?21:55
Daskreechseems the whole toolbar system is out21:55
DaskreechYou can get this to happen reliably ?21:55
jussi01ryanakca: I have a sorta similar stuff on my netbook21:55
ScottKryanakca: UXA might be the answer.  It was crashy for me.  Everyone seems to get different results.21:55
Daskreechjussi01: Screenshot?21:55
jussi01Daskreech: Im not on the netbook currently, but if you care to wait till the morning... ~ 10 hours... :/21:56
ryanakcaYes. But the work around is simple. Mouse over, and if that doesn't work, Maximize/Restore.21:56
DaskreechI'll just use this one I think21:56
ryanakcaDaskreech: I can get more if you want21:57
jussi01ryanakca: irs almost like a redraw issue, no?21:57
Daskreechryanakca: I'm posting things for the 100 cuts so this would fit in21:57
ryanakcajussi01: *nod*21:57
jussi01ryanakca: Im prettty sure I have it in quassel on the netbook21:57
ryanakcaDaskreech: Ah, in that case, I can search for a few more small things that annoy me but aren't massive issues.21:57
jussi01wait, maybe I have the netbook here...21:57
Daskreechryanakca: please do21:58
* jussi01 looks21:58
jussi01Daskreech: you looking for annoying stuff with jaunty? or just intel stuff?21:58
Daskreechjussi01: annoying thigns with Kubuntu21:58
Daskreechas long as they can be showcased in Kubuntu and are annoying21:58
ryanakcaDaskreech: When opening up kmenu (or whatever it's called in KDE4), it's black for half a second before showing what it should. Might just be my hardware, but ideally, it would just show it directly instead of taking half a second/second to draw21:59
ScottKryanakca: Intrepid or Jaunty?21:59
Daskreechryanakca: No static? Just black?21:59
ryanakcaJaunty... static?21:59
jussi01Daskreech: no default audio cd player? ie. you are given a choice of dolphin or k3b to open audio cds?21:59
Daskreechjussi01: :-) I think that's probably a good one but I'll keep that out of 100 cuts22:00
DaskreechAnyone using the new Amarok betas?22:00
ryanakcaWhy not just have amarok play the CD? Or has the functionality not been added to Amarok 2 yet?22:00
smarter_ryanakca: nop22:01
Daskreechnew Amarok beta has no CD support?22:01
smarter_not sure22:01
jussi01Daskreech: lack of triple head support? /me hates that one...22:01
Daskreechjussi01: Well I've herad lack of Dualhead support22:02
Tonio_hum, I was really impressed with the latest kaffeine...22:02
Daskreechand extending one screen across multiple displays22:02
Tonio_we probably should consider replacing dragon player with it22:02
jussi01Daskreech: Ive got that happening here no issues22:02
Tonio_any opinion on that ?22:02
DaskreechTonio_: Is it viable for Koala ?22:02
ryanakcaDaskreech: I'm not sure if it's intended or not, but when I open KMenu, and then click on the Favorites/star folder, it would be really nice if KMenu closed and got out of my way. Probably isn't an easy way to link the two together though...22:02
DaskreechAh I know that KDE bug with extenders22:03
jussi01Tonio_: latest kaffeine rocks! ++++22:03
Tonio_Daskreech: I think so really22:03
Tonio_and it has a lot more functions than dragon player22:03
Tonio_aka, subtitle support, dvb and so on22:03
jussi01Tonio_: Ive been using it for a while, very. very nice compared to dragon22:03
DaskreechTonio_: CD?22:03
jussi01Daskreech: yes, plays audio cds22:04
Tonio_Daskreech: plays audio cd yes whitch amarok can't do22:04
ryanakcaDaskreech: Just listing them off here, maybe add a description to that star folder too? Putting the mouse on the KMenu icon gives you a bubble with ``Kickoff application launcher ....''... Maybe something of the sort for the folder?22:04
Tonio_well I'll be with Riddell in a couple of days, so we can discuss this22:04
rgreeningScottK: kdepim almost ready for ya22:05
jussi01Tonio_: I cant say how much I recomend doing it, kaffeine has been rock stable here - even TV works for me :)22:05
Daskreechryanakca: how many folders does that affect ?22:05
ScottKOh you get the easy ones.22:05
Tonio_jussi01 I know that :)22:05
ScottKTonio_: Can you sponsor rgreening?22:05
* ScottK needs to go pick up kids from school soon22:05
Tonio_ScottK, rgreening sure22:05
Tonio_rgreening: dsc file url please ?22:06
rgreeningScottK: oh, theres no rush...22:06
ryanakcaDaskreech: What do you mean? See the folder on the bar at the bottom of the screen, next to the kmenu icon? Put a mouseover tooltip type thing on it like for KMenu22:06
rgreeningTonio_: it'll be ready in a little bit...22:06
rgreeningit's just finishing test build22:06
Tonio_rgreening: so just ping me :)22:06
Tonio_on the other side, what should we do with konversation once released ?22:06
Daskreechryanakca: Oh the Quick launch22:06
rgreeningTonio_: I'll be seeing you at UDS, qui?22:06
DaskreechTonio_: Probably make a choice22:06
Tonio_I really like it compared to quassel, which I also love, but still prefer konversation for several reasons22:07
jussi01Daskreech: http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/20090522-000658-snapshot1.png22:07
Tonio_shortcuts support, a lot faster, easier to check the logs, fulky kde integrated, and UI makes a better usage of the available space22:07
Daskreechryanakca: That is static ^^^^22:07
Daskreechjussi01: what is this filed under ?22:07
Tonio_on the other hand, quassel is client server, but that, for everage joe, is pretty useless (although I use it myself...)22:08
JontheEchidnaThe konversation 1.2 alpha is pretty sweet22:08
jussi01Daskreech: err??22:08
Tonio_JontheEchidna: yup22:08
ryanakcaDaskreech: for the artistic type, http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/battery.png , see that ugly line above the lightning bolt? Why not get rid of it?22:08
Tonio_JontheEchidna: way better on a netbook for example22:08
JontheEchidnabackported packages in kubuntu-experimental, btw22:08
Tonio_and the lack of shortcuts support for quassel is really a problem for me...22:08
Tonio_hard to make a decision I must say22:08
jussi01Tonio_: have you mentioned that lack to the quassel devs, recently?22:09
ryanakcanixternal: Hi, how's h.k.o? Think we'll be able to work on it some time at UDS?22:10
Tonio_jussi01 yup, I know it's on their long term plans22:10
* Daskreech pokes nixternal22:10
Daskreechryanakca: is that in KDE 4.3 ?22:10
jussi01Tonio_: its good to give them a deadline to have it done by for karmic ;)22:11
Daskreechjussi01: You want quassel addressed or the static?22:11
jussi01Daskreech: the static.22:12
Daskreechjussi01: how prevalent is it?22:12
jussi01Daskreech: nearly every time I switch to quassel...22:12
ryanakcaDaskreech: on a brand new install, open up Amarok for the first time, it tells you you should install some packages for extra functionality. Agree, then hit Show Details, Hide Details. The window doesn't resize to the original size. http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/amarokinstall.png22:12
ryanakcaDaskreech: brand spanking new Jaunty install, so 4.2.222:12
Daskreechjussi01: So it's only in Quassel ?22:13
jussi01Daskreech: its a brand new netbook, so not sure if its happens in other apps yet22:13
Tonio_well whatever is the default on the long term, anyone is free to switch22:14
Daskreechryanakca: Also I think it doesn't tell you what package to install22:14
jussi01Daskreech: its an LG x110 netbook, with kubuntu jaunty lpia22:14
Tonio_I really appreciate quassel, and konversation, hard to make a choice... maybe keep quassel is relevant, I don't know... we should consider vote during a meeting evetually22:14
ryanakcaDaskreech: It installs them for you, but you can see which packages are being installed by looking at the kdesudo window22:14
* jussi01 wonders if Sput or EgS is about22:15
Daskreechryanakca: Just to confirm this doesn't happen with kpackagekit? Just that scenario ?22:15
Daskreechjussi01: Intel card?22:16
jussi01Daskreech: yea22:16
ryanakcaDaskreech: in the logout dialog, the moon looks kinda squished.22:17
DaskreechIt is squished but a good one22:17
ryanakcaDaskreech: Haven't tried with kpackagekit22:17
ryanakcaHmmm... UXA isn't going to work :/22:17
jussi01Daskreech: Ive got another one for you. ark wond make zip files in jaunty.22:18
Daskreechjussi01: By default or at all?22:18
jussi01Daskreech: at all - I have zip installed...22:18
* jussi01 should go and report tht one...22:19
DaskreechI'm going to try and vet these against KDE 4.3 to see how many have been fixed there22:19
Daskreechnixternal: Do you have any niggling issues with kubuntu ?22:21
ScottKDaskreech: I think nixternal's main issue is the documentation sucks22:21
Daskreechjussi01: Triple head support falls where in the stack?22:22
jussi01Daskreech: in importance?22:22
DaskreechNo Why doesn't it work? is it config in KDE or not supported in Drivers or fudged over with guldge in X ?22:24
jussi01Daskreech: Im not exactly certain.22:24
Tonio_another konversation good point we noticed with rgreening is that it supports DCC, which can't quassel atm22:25
DaskreechEver tried triple head in Gnome ?22:25
DaskreechKonversation is quite a bit more mature than Quassel22:25
DaskreechIf it was ready when we were ready there would be no discussion on konversation vs Quassel22:25
DaskreechI think that it's helped them a lot however22:25
jussi01Daskreech: no.22:26
DaskreechWell that nicely upped mu bug count from 2 to 1322:29
DaskreechLets see how small I can make it again :)22:29
rgreeningIf anyone is looking for something to do, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/rgreening/KarmicPhononPackages22:30
rgreeningWe need to update a bunch of packages for the libqt4-phonon-dev change in karmic22:31
rgreeningTonio_: ^ :)22:31
jussi01Daskreech: lets scratch that triple head for now - at least on my card.22:31
* jussi01 just found this: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13113722:32
Daskreechsee decreasing already22:33
rgreeningryanakca: if you are looking for something to do.. see my note above :)22:34
Daskreechnixternal: What about the documentation ?22:35
ScottKDaskreech: It was a joke, nixternal does the documentation.22:35
DaskreechI know that :) but if there is polish associated with how documenatation is dealt with it would fit here22:36
ryanakcaHmm... lovely, someone decided to send me a flame style email, a) broken wireless, b) his intel graphics card using 30% CPU, c) we should stop giving KDE a bad name. Anything in here I should ask the guy to file bugs about? Or should I let it blow by?22:36
DaskreechFor example can we have a system like the codecs prompt to get more docs if not installed ?22:36
Daskreechryanakca: Wait he hasn't filed ANY bugs?22:37
ryanakcargreening: Gah, thanks for reminding me. I have waaay too much homework to be hanging around in here. However, if it still hasn't been done in a few hours, I'll try to tackle it22:37
rgreeningryanakca: awesome. feel free to ping one of the devs to upload for you... I have to take off now. thanks.22:38
ryanakcaDaskreech: His name isn't anywhere in LP, so I assume not. Ignore it?22:38
Daskreechryanakca: assume some level of ignorance and make an attempt on how to be a good citizen for FOSS22:41
Daskreechryanakca: An attempt at education sorry22:45
ScottKAny python-qt4 is still compiling ....23:18
Riddellcrank it faster23:22
Tonio_how annoying debian packaging transitions...23:28
Tonio_in some cases you can't even create karmic packages on jaunty.....23:28
Tonio_is there anyone using karmic here ?23:28
ScottKTonio_: Yep.  So then pbuilder login ....23:28
Tonio_ScottK yeah but I don't have my gpg key inside a pbuilder chroot :)23:28
ScottKTonio_: Yep, you have to copy the build result out of the chroot.23:29
ScottKI've had to do this a time or two.23:29
Tonio_ScottK I know how to do this, but I mean this pretty sucks at some points...23:29
ScottKTonio_: Agreed.23:29
Tonio_ScottK all of this to use this stupid quilt, that we are forced to use23:30
* Tonio_ thought free software was a matter of choice23:30
Tonio_and I am force to stop using the very well working simple-patchsys...23:30
ScottKTonio_: Maybe a topic for kubuntu packaging spec @ UDS23:30
Tonio_ScottK yup, I agree... I love debian, but really the recent decisions in changing everything is driving me nuts...23:31
RiddellI expect we can find a way to support simple-patchsys in debian-qt-kde.mk if people want it, we already added a conditional for quilt23:32
Tonio_Riddell: that would be nice23:32
Tonio_Riddell: I never was able to figure out how to properly edit a patch with quilt23:32
RiddellI just use diff -u and addit manually23:33
Tonio_Riddell: this is way to complicated to do (I refuse to type in 6 commands to edit a 2 lines patch)23:33
Tonio_Riddell: it'll never be as simple as a cdbs-edit-patch (or even dpatch)23:33
Tonio_Riddell: I don't mind what is done with other packages, but being forced to use quilt on my own packages is somehow painfull...23:34
Tonio_Riddell: we can discuss this next week23:34
Tonio_atm I'm fixing universe apps with libphonon-dev build-dep23:34
Riddelllibphonon-dev should still work as a build dep no?23:35
Riddellit's a dummy package which brings in libqt4-phonon-dev23:35
Tonio_Riddell: certainly, but rgrenning wrote a wiki page with the list of packages to fix and asked for help, then I did :)23:36
ScottKRiddell: For the moment, but it should go away if we aren't going to use it.23:36
Tonio_Riddell: it's always better not to build-dep transitional packages right ? :)23:37
RiddellScottK: mm, maybe, depends on what debian does23:39
ScottKRiddell: I thought you talked to them and they were going to switch?23:43
Riddellyes they switched to phonon in qt23:45
Riddelldon't know if they'll keep the dummy packages or not, I guess not in the longer term23:45
Riddellso yes, switching is good, carry on :)23:46
Riddell"On a different topic, we just installed Kubuntu 9.04 on primary control23:46
Riddellserver for Kuwait National Radio Observatory, and it will be used for23:46
Riddellcontrol & data acquisition."23:46
Riddellkick arse23:46
ScottKRiddell: Cool.23:46
Riddellhi Viper55023:50
ScottKOK.  It built.  \o/23:56
Viper550anyway, for this other distro, I'm plotting out artwork for a KDE 4 switch23:58

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