
Jihui_Choihello, all01:31
Jihui_ChoiI'm trying to remaster ubuntu 9.04 live iso using uck.01:32
Jihui_ChoiI modified the value of "XKBLAYOUT" in /etc/default/console-setup as XKBLAYOUT="kr"01:33
Jihui_ChoiBut it's not applied. I think it is a bug of Ubiquity. Or do I miss something?01:34
elhamdoulillahhello, does anyone know how to fix sound in skype?16:55
charlie-tcaI would ask in #ubuntu, maybe17:02
charlie-tcaor in #ubuntu-audio-help17:03
xivulondavmor2 hi, any progress?17:20
davmor2xivulon: hello sorry been racing around like a mad man.  If I get chance I'll look at getting some verbose logs tonight17:43
davmor2xivulon: Right I'm re-installing to ensure I get the same issue.  Then running Ubuntu's portion in verbose correct?19:29
davmor2xivulon: I've noticed that on the windows side wubi takes a really long time creating the virtual disks19:46
davmor2in comparison to on ntfs19:47
davmor2xivulon: logs look the same I'll get the one from the windows end and see if that ties up to.  http://davmor2.dyndns.org/sysfat119:52
davmor2xivulon: sorry http://davmor2.dyndns.org/syslogfat1 even19:54
davmor2xivulon: wubi log is at http://davmor2.dyndns.org/Wubi.log20:01
davmor2I need to sod off again now if there is anything else drop me a mail and I'll have a look if I get time tomorrow20:03

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