
ftahm, our xulrunner-1.9.2-dev is now broken, no more .a :(01:07
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
BUGabundohey hey hey Fat Albert is in the house09:59
BUGabundohey asac10:14
BUGabundohow's the heather in beautiful barça?10:14
BUGabundoits sunny here, today10:14
asacin fact we are not in barcelona yet10:18
asaclike 50km outside10:18
BUGabundospain is that big10:18
asacsaturday we will move here ;)10:18
BUGabundoasac: whose "we"?10:21
asacwell ... canonical is here ... and the folks that go to UDS (mostly ubuntu, but also oem and other key folks) will move to the UDS hotel on sat10:32
asacfta: celso said he fixed your soyuz bug last night10:35
asacfta: so no need for tweakage10:36
stefanlsdhow many does canonical have there?10:39
asacall :)10:39
BUGabundohow many is *all* ?10:41
asacok moving somewhere else ... bbl10:43
BUGabundo300??? damn that's plenty10:43
ftaasac, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26995840/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.firefox-3.6_3.6~a1~hg20090520r28667%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd2~intrepid_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:40
ftaasac, most probably due to https://bug488175.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=37565512:40
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaasac, mozilla 49417217:49
ubottuMozilla bug 494172 in Build Config "static libs (.a) are no longer shipped in the xul sdk" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49417217:49
BUGabundogym time see you latter18:58
ftastevel, what is the latest sb tag?19:05
micahgfta: do you know the policies for traige for mozilla bugs?19:07
micahgI'm wondering about labelling stuff with the xulrunner package/xulrunner upstream vs FF3/FF upstream19:08
ftamicahg, i'm not much into bugs, you should ask asac19:09
micahgis he around?19:09
ftamicahg, he's in spain right now so i'm not sure. probably dinner time19:09
micahgshould I send E-Mail or just flag him in here?19:10
ftawell, here should be fine, if you're patient enough.19:11
ftahe usually answers19:12
micahgok, do I need to restate or just wait?19:12
micahgI've got time :)19:12
ftano need, he has logs (as long as you see him in the channel)19:14
micahgI'll wait then :)19:14
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
stevelfta: Songbird1.1.220:33
stevelfta: we've cut the 1.2 branch as we're entering QA, but 1.2 won't be final for a few weeks yet20:33
ftastevel, do you mean i should not package it just now?20:35
ftastevel, do you have a beta tag or something?20:35
stevelfta: yeah - i wouldn't package 1.1.2 since 1.2 is ~3 weeks away20:35
stevelwe don't have beta tags :( you can checkout the Songbird1.2 branch if you want to try building a test package20:36
ftastevel, i ask that because i see some people forked my package, like https://edge.launchpad.net/~matthaeus123/+archive/ppa?field.name_filter=songbird&field.status_filter=any&field.series_filter=any20:37
ftaa lot of red so he's not very successful20:37
ftaand versions are strange20:38
stevellooks like he's tried building both 1.2, and trunk (which has now moved up to 1.3a)20:38
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
ftaBUGabundo, ~30 dents a day average! I call that spam ;)23:40
BUGabundo1only 30??23:41
BUGabundo1I must be calmer23:41
BUGabundo1it was 58 fta23:41
fta9410 since 4 Jul 200823:41
ftabut that's just identi.ca23:41
micahgwhat is this form?23:42
BUGabundo1micahg: identica usage/stats23:42
BUGabundo1fta: are you following me anywhere else?23:42
ftanope, i'm just using identi.ca23:43
BUGabundo1according to that its ~5023:44
BUGabundo1no 3023:44
ftaseems bogus to me: "Based on last 599 dents posted in the last 13 days daily average is 46.08 but excluding days without dents, the average is 42.79"23:44
ftathe excluding number should be higher than 46.0823:45
ftalike mine: "Based on last 378 dents posted in the last 103 days daily average is 3.67 but excluding days without dents, the average is 4.85"23:45
ftaBUGabundo, "Absolute average: 9411 dents since 2008-07-04 (322 days): 29.23  dents/day", that's 30, not 5023:46
BUGabundo1you can get the code from macno23:46
BUGabundo1and check the alg23:46
BUGabundo1ahh miss read that23:46
BUGabundo1I was quieter in the beginning23:47
BUGabundo1fta: my advice still stands: feel free to unsub23:49
BUGabundo1I never forced anyone to follow me23:49
BUGabundo1if you/they do, is because I (sometimes) dent intessing stuff23:49
BUGabundo1but there are tags and groups to track specific topics23:50
ftai'm not complaining23:50
ftai just wish notifications could stay under movies and games23:51
BUGabundo1after UDS we expect it to get better23:52
BUGabundo1its on the blueprint23:52
BUGabundo1fta: not compaining? it's the second time you mention it.... either you like stats as much as me, or you have a prob with all my dents23:53
ftai like stats23:53
BUGabundo1oh ok :)23:53
ftawhy do you think i keep posting popcon stats and all23:54
BUGabundo1yeah right23:54
BUGabundo1forgot that23:54
BUGabundo1midnight is not a good time for my head23:54
ftayou never dented at 3pm?23:56
BUGabundo1sure I do23:58
BUGabundo1on my timezone23:58
ftanot on your grpah23:58
BUGabundo1you OTOH sleep from 6 to 11h23:58
ftaalmost true23:59
BUGabundo1on mine there are a few at 3 and 4am23:59

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