
boscop_how can I change the language of tortoisebzr?03:32
PacoBuntuHello, can someone help me please i just installed bazaar to download some sourcecode from launchpad, but i don't know where it download it to?03:41
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johnfWhat is the best way to work out if my parent branch has new revisions?08:37
johnfbzr missing looks like what I need08:40
johnfdoes anyone else think it's a bug that bzr missing returns 1 if there are missing revisions?08:40
bob2I think it's deliberate08:47
abliHi! how can I set up an lp-style repository shortcut for some other repository? I.e. to allow checkout /branch with "bzr checkout myprefix:branchname"?09:47
NEBAP|workis it possible to ignore a folder in bazaar?10:40
NEBAP|workI´ve ignored some binary files which are created in a folder called "bin". Bazaar ignores those files correctly, but always stores the empty "bin" order which I won´t have in the repository ...10:42
jpdsbzr ignore bin10:44
NEBAP|workah ok cool :)10:44
NEBAP|workdoes it ignore all "bin" folders then?10:45
NEBAP|workor just the bin folder in the root?10:45
jpdsJust ./bin I think.10:45
NEBAP|workthank you10:46
jpdsNEBAP|work: You can check by doing: bzr ignored.10:48
NEBAP|workah ok, cool :) thanks10:48
Mezis there any easy way that I can setup my system so we have a local bzr repo that mirror's itself out to a remote host automagically.11:07
NEBAP|workMez: afaik it´s possible if you use "bzr checkout" to get the remote host11:09
NEBAP|workafter that each "bzr commit" will commit remote and after success to local repo ..11:10
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MezNEBAP|work: that didn't answer my question. We currently checkout from remote. We want to checkout from local, but have that push up to remote automagically.11:19
NEBAP|workMez: afaik you can bind a branch to a remote brunch. For that I think it´s necessary to make "bzr push" to the remote location and then a "bzr bind" to the remote location. If a branch is bound to another one (like after using checkout) it will always first commit to the remote location and after success to the local location11:21
NEBAP|workhope this will help ..11:22
NEBAP|worksadly I´m just a bazaar beginner ...11:23
MezNEBAP|work: I'm not11:23
NEBAP|workis "bzr bind" what you looking for?11:23
Mezprobably nor.11:24
Meznot *11:24
MezI want to bind to a branch and have that bound to something else, if that makes sense11:24
NEBAP|workah ok11:24
NEBAP|workno idea if that will work ..11:25
Mezthat's what testing is for11:25
NEBAP|workyeah :)11:25
Mezapparently not :(11:27
joschanSorry I am really blind or making some stupiod mistake. What is wrong about "bzr mv .\*.txt .\newdir"?11:27
Mezjoschan: windows?11:28
joschankeeps telling me *.txt is not versioned but there are many *.txt files11:28
joschanwindwos yes11:28
Mezjoschan: you need to add the txt files11:28
Mezbzr add *.txt11:28
joschanMez I add them again?11:29
Mezjoschan: if it's saying they're not versioned, then you need to add them11:29
Mezor do a checkin before you move them I think11:29
joschanlet me try11:29
joschanThe issue here seems to be that the wildcard does not seem to work when mving. When I move the files single without wildcards it does not complain. They are all checked in and commited.11:31
joschanthere is only a short info on http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#mv - where is the full doc of mv?11:38
joschanI removed the .bzr dir and started a new archive with the correct file locations for now. Thank you!11:50
joschan(if you have any suggestion I am still in the room but it is no longer urgent)11:51
bob2joschan: what's with the back slashes?12:49
abliHi! how can I set up an lp-style repository shortcut for some other repository? I.e. to allow checkout /branch with "bzr checkout myprefix:branchname"?12:52
luksif you don't mind "bzr checkout bm:myprefix/branchname" you can use the bzr-bookmarks plugin12:53
LarstiQif you do, you could write a directory service provider for myprefix:12:54
LarstiQluks: could the bookmarks plugin maybe support that?12:55
Peng_The lp: directory service is provided by a built-in plugin, in bzrlib/plugins/launchpad/.12:55
Peng_You could write your own plugin if you wanted to.12:55
luksLarstiQ: maybe, but I don't like that, so I'm not going to implement that :)12:55
LarstiQluks: ok :)12:55
luksbut I'm not going to stop anybody else :)12:56
abliThanks, guys!12:56
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joschanbob2: I tried both slashes   /   and \ both the same13:23
joschando you think it needs escaping?13:23
bob2joschan: it needs to not be escaped13:24
joschanbut slashes and wildcards work when I "add"13:24
joschanbut not when i move13:24
joschani just tried adding something with wildcards and slahes and it works13:24
joschanmaybe my python and bzr is too old - i will just wait until i upgrade this machine the next time13:25
joschanbzr uses the python installed on this windows machine, does it?13:25
Peng_joschan: Depends on how you installed it.13:26
bob2are they really dot files?13:26
bob2I would be unsurprised if windows puked on that13:26
Peng_joschan: "bzr version" will explain.13:26
joschanPeng_ ok it uses it's own python 2.5.2 and bzr is 1.1213:26
joschanbob2 I will try again and use dotfiles13:27
joschanbob2: i made another add with a dotfile, with wildcard and slash and it works13:28
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boscop_how do I setup bazaar on my server so that I have a private repo?16:02
Peng_boscop_: Set the file permissions so it's not world-readable?16:02
Peng_boscop_: If you mean the smart server (bzr://, etc.), it does no auth itself; it leaves that to sshd, the web server, etc.16:03
boscop_Peng_, can I have different users that have passwords, etc?16:03
xnoxI've screwed up a rebase (it did everything correct but it's not what I wanted) how do I get back where I started?16:03
SamBxnox: it didn't tell you what the old commit was ?16:10
SamBwell ... "bzr heads" could be helpful16:12
SamB(from the bzrtools plugin)16:12
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LarstiQverterok: have you seen http://javierder.wordpress.com/2009/05/19/bzreclipse-unofficial-release/ ?20:48
Pegasus_RPGWe're using BZR on Launchpad and have created a release branch from our vcs-imports/trunk branch21:25
Pegasus_RPGnow we've merged vcs-imports with the main lp trunk branch21:25
LarstiQthey share ancestry?21:26
Pegasus_RPGwe'd now like to merge the changes from the release branch to the now-current trunk but keep the release branch for future bug fixes21:26
Pegasus_RPGLarstiQ: ultimately, yes21:26
LarstiQPegasus_RPG: ok21:26
Pegasus_RPGthough bzr info doesn't suggest it21:26
Pegasus_RPGthough looking at the histories, it appears that the release branch was branched from vcs-imports21:31
Pegasus_RPGthough the revision numbers are off of course21:31
Pegasus_RPGso how do we go about merging the changes from the release branch to trunk without removing or changing the release branch?21:32
Pegasus_RPG(This might be a LP question as well...)21:32
LarstiQcd trunk; bzr merge release; bzr ci21:36
Pegasus_RPGdoes that assume I have local branches of both, because I currently don't.21:37
Pegasus_RPG(I have a checkout of the release and nothing for the trunk yet)21:37
LarstiQPegasus_RPG: you need a working tree to perform a merge, but release need not be local21:38
LarstiQPegasus_RPG: so yeah, you'll need to get a local trunk to work with21:38
Pegasus_RPGso for the "bzr merge release" command, "release" could just be the URL to the server directly as well as the local dir (regardless of whether that's a checkout or a branch?)21:39
LarstiQPegasus_RPG: yes21:39
Pegasus_RPGok...what's bzr ci?21:40
LarstiQPegasus_RPG: shorthand for commit21:40
Pegasus_RPGso that will leave the branch unaffected?21:40
Pegasus_RPGer the release branch/21:40
LarstiQit will only read from release, yes21:40
Pegasus_RPGthank you21:40
LarstiQnp :)21:40
Pegasus_RPG(My only question now is if LP will see that I merged the changes and mark bug statuses accordingly)21:41
Pegasus_RPG(And not mark the release branch merged. :) )21:41
LarstiQthat is LP knowledge, which I don't have, sorry :)21:42
LarstiQ(or well, no knowledge of that specific part in current LP)21:42
Pegasus_RPGright...thanks though! :)21:42
Pegasus_RPGoh one other question, LarstiQ21:45
Pegasus_RPGI want to use kdiff3 if there are any conflicts but bzr extmerge complains of an unknown command21:45
Pegasus_RPGI'm on Debian testing21:45
LarstiQ`bzr diff --using=something-with-kdiff`?21:46
Pegasus_RPGsection 4.4.521:48
Pegasus_RPGsounds good but I don't know where or how to get that plugin21:48
Pegasus_RPGoh wait I found it21:49
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Pegasus_RPGI'm doing a merge from a release branch back to trunk (bug fixes) and there's a file in the branch that isn't in trunk that I want to put there. What command would I use?22:57
bob2if it was added in the branch, it will be merged into trunk by merge22:57
Pegasus_RPGit isn't22:58
bob2was it added in the branch?22:58
Pegasus_RPGit just says <trunk path>/<filename> does not exist22:59
Pegasus_RPGI think so22:59
bob2what says that?22:59
Pegasus_RPGoh crap, no22:59
Pegasus_RPGI see Mixxx.nsi.BASE    Mixxx.nsi.OTHER in the trunk22:59
Pegasus_RPGand Mixxx.nsi in the branch22:59
bob2sounds like it existed in both, and bzr tried to merge23:00
Pegasus_RPGyeah I think a new copy was written to the branch23:00
Pegasus_RPGSo I just want that version23:00
Pegasus_RPGer no23:00
Pegasus_RPGthere were some changes made to the trunk version as well IIRC23:01
Pegasus_RPGso how do I resolve this without messing up the accounting of the file?23:01
bob2how do you want to resolve it?23:01
Pegasus_RPGusing kdiff323:02
bob2well, go for it23:02
Pegasus_RPGBut I mean, will bzr see it as a new file if I just drop it in trunk?23:02
Pegasus_RPGand lose the history?23:02
bob2when foo.bar is how you want it, 'bzr resolve foo.bar', 'bzr status' to make sure the merge looks ok, then commit23:02
Pegasus_RPGlike, right now, trunk doesn't have the file at all, just the .BASE and .OTHER ones23:03
bob2to resolve a conflict, put whatever you want the resolution to be in 'foo.bar', then 'bzr resolve foo.bar'23:03
Pegasus_RPGthat'll keep the commit history from the branch?23:03
Pegasus_RPG(I don't need to do like a bzr copy or something?)23:03
bob2yes, no23:04
Pegasus_RPGok cool. thanks23:04
bob2just make sure it all looks ok with 'bzr status' before committing23:04
cyberixaeI merged a branch which removes directories.23:06
cyberixaeI had some binaries from builds left in those directories.23:06
cyberixaeand I got a conflict because the directories weren't empty after removing the revisioned files23:06
cyberixaeNo matter what I do bzr tells me that the directories cannot be moved because they aren't empty23:08
cyberixaeeven, if I remove them or empty them23:08
cyberixaeand say "bzr resolve" after that23:08
bob2delete them, 'bzr resolve', check 'bzr status'23:08
cyberixaeI deleted the directory23:10
cyberixaecyberix@eval:/tmp/winehack/src$ bzr resolve23:10
cyberixae0 conflict(s) auto-resolved.23:10
cyberixaeRemaining conflicts:23:10
cyberixaeConflict: can't delete src/Listener because it is not empty.  Not deleting.23:10
cyberixaeText conflict in src/lib/Sample.c23:10
cyberixaeEven, when the directory Listener does not exist23:11
bob2bzr resolve src/Listener?23:11
g_s_g_shi all, newb question. In SVN, for personal software development I've used a "trunkless" development model, i.e. branches 1.0 -> 1.1 -> 1.2 etc with no need to use a trunk. Does this map onto bzr without problems?23:14
bob2(few systems care what you call your branches)23:15
g_s_g_sok, I'll give it a try23:16
g_s_g_shave just tried out Hg and have found the Eclipse plugin very immature so am looking at Bzr23:17
bob2don't know what bzr's eclipse integration is like these days23:17
g_s_g_sI checked the bug list and it didn't look too bad in comparison23:18
g_s_g_sthough still a fair way to go to reach svn levels23:19
g_s_g_shttp://bitbucket.org/mercurialeclipse/main/issues/ vs https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-eclipse/+bugs23:20
cyberixaebob2: Thanks. That solved it.23:23
bob2ah, cool23:23
bob2it is a pain/bug that 'bzr resolve' didn't23:23
zand3rg_s_g_s: I'd be interested to know how you think it compares when you've tried the Bzr Eclipse plugin as that's something I'm going to be looking at imminently.23:28
g_s_g_swell the Hg/Eclipse is unusable for me coz it takes 30 secs to start http://bitbucket.org/mercurialeclipse/main/issue/156/eclipse-startup-error-checking-if-mercurial-is-correctly23:29
g_s_g_sso anything is better than that23:30
g_s_g_showever that problem I suspect may be due to an interaction between plugins, so as everyone has a differing set of plugins YMMV23:32

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