
lex79need ack here:00:00
lex79launchpad bug 37923500:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379235 in qt-creator "Request for removal from archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37923500:00
ScottKlex79: looking00:03
Riddelllex79: done00:03
* ScottK stops looking00:03
Riddellsleep time00:03
lex79night Riddell00:03
ScottKlex79: Don't we just want the source removed?  The binary is still needed as the transitional package.00:04
* ScottK fixors00:05
ScottKActually not, Riddell did the removal.  No problem though, it'll come back with qtcreator.00:05
lex79ScottK: sorry00:06
ScottKIt's not a problem in this case.00:06
lex79luckily :)00:08
ScottKlex79: It doesn't look like your transitional package actually got created though00:08
ScottKActually it was already through New and got probably got removed.00:09
ScottKLet's get it a couple of hours and check.00:09
* ryanakca wonders if there'll be IPv6 at the hotel00:29
vorianScottK: that is great news01:12
* vorian is upgrading now01:21
vorianwhat is the proper command to use force overwrite?01:51
JontheEchidnadpkg -i --force-overwrite01:52
vorianit's no workie01:52
vorianso, lets say it's kdebase-runtime-data which has ben apt-gotten, what say ye then JontheEchidna01:53
Goniumwhy kpackagekit use a gtk gui to get permissions ?01:59
lubyouGonium check if installing policykit-kde changes anything for you02:05
* Gonium looking02:05
JontheEchidnavorian: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /path/to/deb isn't working?02:08
Gonlubyou, thanks, noy shows a qt gui :B02:18
JontheEchidnaRiddell: hehe, funny seeing you in an opensuse shirt ;-)02:24
DaskreechWhy does everyone force overwrite?02:29
DaskreechI normally just remove packages which makes other packages install automatically02:29
ScottKLast test I did I didn't need to over-write, just apt-get -f install02:51
Viper550has anyone heard of Arora?03:05
ScottKViper550: Yes, we have a package of it.03:06
Viper550oh good. I'm told he finally added opensearch support to it03:06
Tonio_Viper550: you should also consider rekonq, which is also based on qtwebkit, but a native kde app :)03:09
Viper550Arora just looks nicer, and has opensearch support now too03:10
Tonio_Viper550: yup03:11
Tonio_I notice we don't have a package for rekonq.... maybe I should consider packaging this one03:11
DaskreechI Aroa is what  qt app?03:13
Viper550Daskreech, Arora is this Qt-based WebKit browser03:13
DaskreechBut not KDE03:14
DaskreechWhat's the virtues of rekonq?03:15
Daskreechor what are the virtues of rekonq ?03:15
Viper550looks like it links with KDE better03:17
DaskreechI didn't mean over Arora :) I just meant what would make me choose it as a browser03:19
lex79Tonio_: are you around?04:17
Tonio_lex79: quickly :)04:18
lex79Tonio_: launchpad bug 37818504:18
lex79launchpad bug 37818504:18
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/378185/+text)04:18
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/378185/+text)04:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 378185 in kmplayer "Merge from debian unstable kmplayer 0.11.1a" [Undecided,New]04:19
lex79I had subscribed to you04:19
lex79to avoid your upload but did not work, 04:23
lex79you have done the same04:23
ScottKAnyone else working on fixing over-write problems?04:24
voriani don't have a desktop :(04:25
lex79ScottK: over-write problems? in kde beta release?04:25
voriani have applications, a pannel, but the desktop is gone and the plasma thingy in the top right corner04:25
ScottKlex79: Yes04:25
ScottKThere's a few left04:26
lex79I'm not working on that04:26
lex79Tonio_: I think you have to looking launchpad (or your subscribe bugs, or your email) before upload your packages, 4 times (4 my packages) is too many04:30
lex79and also, in kmplayer there are some changes to merge from debian, missing in your package04:31
Tonio_lex79: ouch....04:32
Tonio_lex79: you're right.... that's the problem of working on ubuntu at 5h30 am...04:33
ScottKTonio_: I was looking at merging kdebindings.  Feel free to steal that one from me.04:35
Tonio_lex79: the thing is that I really dislike to watch at launchpad for every new little update...04:35
Tonio_ScottK shouldn't we try to improve this a little bit ?04:35
Tonio_ScottK when non members are working on packages, the whole dev cycle ends up in being like a feature freeze04:36
Tonio_then looking at debian/revu/launchpad/mailing lists just to guess who is working on what, at the moment and then working on the package....04:36
ScottKThat or just discuss what you're working on here.04:36
Tonio_it's messy, since I for example have very limited time right now...04:37
Tonio_lex79: first you have to become a motu, that'll help you a lot :)04:37
lex79maybe I need sponsor like you04:38
Tonio_lex79: yup04:38
Tonio_lex79: the thing is that I receive so many emails than I barelly look at launchpad bugs before working a package04:38
Tonio_lex79: then for debian, well I generally look, but indeed I didn't for kmplayer :)04:39
lex79you can upload this:04:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 379193 in lemonpos "New upstream release lemonpos 0.8" [Undecided,New]04:39
lex79muahahah :)04:39
Tonio_lex79: we just seem to naturally work on the same packages, which never happened to me before :)04:39
Tonio_lex79: and sure I appreciate this, hehe04:40
Tonio_lex79: so maybe we can try this : email me directly instead of writting new bugs04:40
lex79okey Frenchman :)04:41
Tonio_lex79: that especially is unproductive since most people won't look at the bugs during the normal dev cycle, as this is out of the process04:41
Tonio_lex79: so here is the proposal, when you have a package, either ping here or email me, uploading the source package somewhere I can dget it04:41
lex79understand, ok04:41
Tonio_lex79: and I'm sure it'll be a lot better for both of us :)04:41
lex79sure, thanks04:42
Tonio_and really I'm happy not to be lonely on what I used to work on for 4 years now, hehe :)04:42
Tonio_lex79: the problem in being alone is that I developped a very egotistic and selfish way to work, as you noticed :)04:44
Tonio_lex79: but despite being this and the fact I'm french, I'm a nice guy :)04:45
Tonio_ScottK, lex79: I'm wondering if microblogging would be a nice way to know quickly who is working on what at the moment04:46
Tonio_twitter or something...04:46
ScottKTonio_: I'm not going to twitter.04:47
lex79Tonio_: maybe is a good way04:47
Tonio_ScottK -> or something :)04:47
ScottKI often mention what I'm working on here.04:47
Tonio_ScottK sure, but when I want to package something, how can I know easilly if there is someone already doing this ?04:47
Tonio_before it was easy, since we were a small team, and I was pretty alone on what I package...04:47
Tonio_with the team growing, this has become (for good reasons) pretty complicated...04:48
Tonio_ScottK have a problem with twitter ? :)04:48
lex79Tonio_: I think is complicated only for update from kde-apps04:48
lex79and other little updates04:49
ScottKTonio_: Never used it.04:49
Tonio_lex79: sure, I'm anly talking about the concept behind this04:49
Tonio_we have to many packages/info sources04:49
Tonio_I'm complaining this at work, so I do here :)04:49
Tonio_well lex79 at the moment, lett's try to work together to avoid duplication, and I'll be very hapy to sponsor you :)04:50
Tonio_and help you become a motu so that you can be independant from me :)04:50
lex79ahahah :)04:50
lex79ok thanks Tonio_04:51
Tonio_lex79: you're welcome :)04:51
Tonio_last php updates broken lighttpd on hardy..... thanks to the QA....04:51
Tonio_(mod_fastcgi.c.1029) the fastcgi-backend /usr/bin/php-cgi -c /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini failed to start:04:52
Tonio_that's REALLY bad... we have lots of hardy servers in production at work using lighttpd04:52
Tonio_nice day in perspective :)04:52
lex79Tonio_: time to sleep in our countries :) night04:53
Tonio_lex79: night :)04:53
Tonio_lex79: lemonpos uploaded05:07
ScottKWow.  python-qt4 even built on hppa.05:14
ScottKJontheEchidna: I encourage you to compare -workspace in the PPA and Karmic.  I think there are some changes that both need from the other, but I'm not messing with it beyond the changes i did.05:20
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'd also have the same thought for -runtime.  There's differences between the two packages (PPA/Karmic) that i think shouldn't be there, but you're closer to it than me.05:57
ScottKOK.  Fixes uploaded for PPA and Karmic for all the conflicts errors I hit last time i tested.05:59
LureRiddell: nice openSuse shirt06:21
* Lure is waitig for suse guy in kubuntu shirt06:21
Lureand great to see freeflying in canonical team06:21
jussi01Riddell: when is that gwenview crasher bug fix going to be uploaded? I want my gwenview back! :D06:39
nixternalLure: that is the same exact openSUSE shirt I have! /me goes and checks his closet to see if Riddell snagged it when I wasn't looking07:06
nixternalNovell gave out some killer t-shirts yesterday when I was visiting them07:06
nixternaland a really nice laptop bag, a nice hat, some groovy software...wanted to win their custom netbook, but I didn't :(07:06
Lurenixternal: are you moving to opensuse? ;-)07:18
nixternalI will say though, Novell has some rockin' stuff...I was at their IT in Action Tour all day yesterday07:19
Lurenixternal: opensuse is cool, I just hate rpm/zyper & stuff07:19
Mamaroknixternal: that might be the reason why Riddell wears an OpenSuse shirt in Barcelona then... ;)09:04
=== olujicz_ is now known as olujicz
Nightrosefinal tagging for amarok 2.1 is planned for next friday - is anyone working on a backport for jaunty of beta 2? I would love me some more testing12:35
RiddellNightrose: I am a bit but it's quite tricky, the qtscript generator package is hard to backport13:08
Riddellseems to be compiling now though13:08
Nightrosethx Riddell :)13:08
Nightrosei thougt there was a package for the generator already13:09
Riddellnot for jaunty13:10
Riddelland the one in karmic needs newer debhelper and quilts13:11
Riddellhmm, I crashed gmail again13:13
=== bdefreese2 is now known as bddebian
sebasAnyone else with no sound from Flash, but Qt apps are OK?13:22
sebasI've removed pulseaudio stuff already, that usually fixed the sound problems for me13:23
nixternalmine usually works13:23
sebasmine doesn't, on two machines13:24
sebasAnd I've no idea where to control the flash sound13:25
sebasaudio under Linux is still an awful mess, and pulseaudio has only made it worse for me13:25
* sebas officially declares sound worse than graphics13:26
sebas(which is sad)13:26
Mamarokis there a timeline for getting the kdebase-dev files in KDE 4.3 ?13:28
MamarokI would love to be able to compile again on this machine...13:29
Mamarokactually, the ideal would be to have the kde-devel metapackage again...13:30
Mamaroksebas: check the alsa-script made by tchen, solved it for me here13:31
Mamarokyou probably have still some .*rc files in your home that prevent also from working correctly13:31
sebasany reference?13:31
sebasWhat kind of *rc files?13:32
Mamarok.asoundrc for example13:32
sebas(a lot of apps name their files *rc)13:32
JontheEchidnaScottK: bzr should be good now for -workspace13:32
Mamaroknot in .kde, but directly in your folder13:32
* sebas doesn't have that13:32
Mamarokmade  by pulse13:32
sebasYeah, pulse is not on my system13:33
Mamaroksebas: you removed it, right?13:33
sebasIn order to get anything to play, removing pulse* is the best bet I know of13:33
Mamaroksebas: but it's likely there still are some leftovers made by pulse in your system, go check with find, you would be astonished13:34
sebasI wouldn't know where and what to look for13:34
sebasAnd I never used pulse, first thing to get sound is, as I said, ditch pulse13:34
Mamaroksomebody should burry pulseaudio beneath the Chernobyl reactor sarcophagus, deep, deep inside13:34
sebasAnd other sound works, I'm just struggling to find out where fash sends its sound13:34
sebasskype, kscd and stuff all is fine13:35
Mamaroksebas: but it was installed and hijacked your sound and modified your settings, welcome to Ubuntu...13:35
sebas*where* would it do that?13:35
JontheEchidnaScottK: ...once I push it, that is13:35
sebasThe only asound* I have is in /etc/ld.so.conf13:36
nixternalheh, I just read an interview with the fedora guy who is working on their audio, and he praised Pulse Audio13:37
nixternalI thought PA was handed down from the Gods :p13:37
ScottKWrong direction.13:38
Mamaroknixternal: it works, but only on Gnome and with gstreamer13:38
sebasThat's a transscript from an interview with Lennart13:38
Mamarokforget it with xine13:38
sebashe wrote pulse and thinks it's the best since sliced bread13:38
Mamaroksebas: check here for the test script: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page13:38
nixternalit crashes like crazy in gnome, for me...but i have read of people crying because of it :)13:38
nixternalI guess it works well on broken platforms :p13:39
sebasWhile he's a cavalier guy hating KDE and ignoring all the problems pulse brings13:39
Mamarokwhy would one need pulse when alsa can handle nearly everything?13:39
Mamaroksebas: Lennart, you mean the jdub buddy? ...13:40
sebasMamarok: does that have anything to do with flash?13:40
sebasMy sound works in general ...13:40
sebasI'm not looking for general sound stuff, that's fine already13:40
Mamaroksebas: shouldn, flash works fine here now, once dtchen helped me debug the sound and get rid of the modifications made by pulse13:40
sebasI need to know what flash does with its sound, and how I get it to use "normal alsa"13:40
Mamarokbut before that it hijaked the sound systematically13:41
sebasDo you have anything more precise than "the alsa wiki"?13:41
Mamarokand the second video you try to play only gives you hacked noise13:41
* sebas has *no sound* *at all* from flash, on two machines13:42
Mamaroksebas: there's a link for a test script, moment...13:42
Mamaroksebas: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh13:42
* Quintasan wonders who else he should poke about "fixing" rsibreak13:44
* Mamarok has to go, bbl13:45
ScottKQuintasan: What's broken with it?13:46
sebasSo that script doesn't find any pulse stuff at all13:46
sebasNow, does anybody know what flashs does with its sound?13:46
QuintasanScottK: nothing, just changed the build-deps, I was supposed to send rgreening a debdiff but he is not here13:46
ScottKI see.13:46
ScottKHe should be around later.13:47
QuintasanI guess I will work on mailody13:48
ScottKJontheEchidna: It looks like somehow you reverted that last two -workspace uploads from bzr.  Would you please double check your changes.13:54
jussi01Riddell: ping13:59
ScottKsebas: Since dtchen is in the channel, the best bet is just wait for him to react.14:00
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ScottKWho has tried the KDE4 version of webdev?  Is it reasonable except lacking Quanta?14:24
jussi01ScottK: are you with Riddell in spain yet?14:30
ScottKjussi01: No.  Only Canonical people are there this week.  I fly tomorrow.14:31
Quintasanrgreening: ping14:31
jussi01ScottK: are you aware of the fix to the gwenview crasherbug Riddell mentions in his blog?14:31
ScottKjussi01: I'm not, but it could probably be fished out of the KDE svn if someone were motivated enough.14:32
Quintasanrgreening: http://pastebin.com/f51cadf8c <-- rsibreak debdiff14:33
jussi01ScottK: hrm, What does that take? Im a bit weak with this so not much I can do, just have to hope JontheEchidna is motivated to do it.14:33
Quintasanrgreening: http://pastebin.com/f2178516c <-- mailody-kde4 debdiff14:33
jussi01or someone else around here...14:34
ScottKQuintasan: For rsibreak we also need to drop the build-dep on libplasma-dev.14:35
Quintasanscomar: I did that too :)14:36
QuintasanScottK: ^14:36
ScottKOK.  Good.14:36
* Quintasan is going to do more but watching comes first today14:36
nixternalScottK: webdev in trunk has quanta14:38
nixternalbeen messing with it14:38
ScottKHow is it?14:38
nixternalthus far it works...I know they are planning on doing more once they have rocked out kdevplatform14:39
rgreeningQuintasan: ty. I'll work on them shortly.14:41
Quintasanrgreening: np :)14:42
ScottKOK.  New transition wiki page:  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ScottKitterman/Libplasma-Dev14:45
ScottKQuintasan: Feel free to take credit for rsibreak.14:45
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Alpha 1 out! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs | Sync/Merges: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/kubuntu-desktop.html | Be careful whilst packaging | Transitions: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/rgreening/KarmicPhononPackages and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ScottKitterman/Libplasma-Dev
nixternalhow come you goofballs can't do === Wiki Headings === correctly? :P14:51
ScottKnixternal: Because you need something to do.14:52
davmor2nixternal: I can :P14:52
ScottKAnyone feel free to fixor.  wiki is not my strong suit.14:54
knroHi, is Johnathon here?15:10
knroOk, at any rate, there is a bug with the way KStars is packaged, rendering telescope support useless. I asked Johnathon that I'd like to maintain KStars, in addition to INDI and associated packages since I happen to be the upstream developer and will also insure that they work fine. I just joined the MOTU and I'm familiar with packaging for Ubuntu/Debian. What's the next step? Should I download KStars source package maintained by John and "update" it?15:13
tsimpsonthe best thing would probably be to file a bug against the package, if it doesn't exist, and assign to yourself. then put up a debdiff15:14
nixternalit does exist, that I know15:16
knrotsimpson: Ok, will do that. Is there way to be the active maintainer for the package?15:16
nixternalknro: it is just change indi build dep to libindi right?15:16
knronixternal: yes, and INDI v0.5 should no longer be built at all.15:17
tsimpsonthe maintainer will be "Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>"15:17
tsimpsonrather than an individual person15:17
nixternalknro: right, we discussed that just recently as well, I know I brought it up just a few weeks ago15:17
knroOk, great.15:17
knronixternal: has this issue been fixed?15:18
nixternalI do not believe so, but don't quote me on that...I know it is still broken in Jaunty15:18
knroThat I can confirm from the list of complaints I received, and just tried it today myself.15:19
tsimpson!info indi jaunty15:19
tsimpson!info indi karmic15:19
ubottuindi (source: indi): INDI, instrument neutral distributed interface. In component main, is optional. Version 5:0.5-0ubuntu6 (jaunty), package size 625 kB, installed size 1600 kB15:19
ubottuindi (source: indi): INDI, instrument neutral distributed interface. In component main, is optional. Version 5:0.5-0ubuntu6 (karmic), package size 625 kB, installed size 1600 kB15:19
knrosee, INDI is obsolete.15:19
knroit was replaced by libindi15:19
knrothe problem is that KStars was not built against libindi, that's all.15:20
knroboth indi and libindi are in the repository, two conflicting packages. INDI v0.5 must be removed.15:20
tsimpsonthere is 0.6-0ubuntu1 in both jaunty and karmic15:20
knroyes, that's the right one.15:21
tsimpsonperhaps libindi0 should conflict/replace indi too15:22
knroyes, it should replace it.15:23
knrothe question is, how do I ask for that? file a bug report??15:23
tsimpsonyeah, file a bug and fix it :)15:24
knrohehe ok, will do that then.15:24
knroah well, been fixed already :)15:27
Quintasanhmmm kadu has no build-depend on libphonon-dev, or I'm blind15:27
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve
ScottKThe problem (with Indi) in Jaunty is that the correct one is in Universe, so we can't build kdeedu against it.15:29
nixternaloh right, and we (Riddell) did fix that in Karmic by running the magic script to push it into Main15:31
tsimpsonQuintasan: looks like it doesn't use phonon15:32
Quintasantsimpson: thanks, I thought it's just me :P15:33
ScottKrgreening: Trying to fix the current bindings to build didn't work either.  it needs a guru (i.e. not me)15:35
knroScottK: Universe is the primary repository for the stable Jaunty?15:37
ScottKknro: No.  Each release is divided up into Main/Universe (and some others for non-free stuff).15:40
ScottKMain is the stuff that has official support (e.g. security fixes) from Canonical.15:40
knroScottK: Have to read a bit about that, been using SUSE since 99.15:40
ScottKStuff in Main can't build depend on stuff in Universe.15:40
knroSo KStars in Main, but libindi in Universe?15:41
tsimpsonin jaunty, yes15:42
vishalraodo i dare do an aptitude safe-upgrade on my kubuntu karmic VM ? :)15:43
ScottKvishalrao: It's got safe in the name, so what could go wrong?15:45
RiddellNightrose: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/tmp/amarok/  uterly untested15:46
nixternalScottK: how current of bindings?15:47
ScottKnixternal: Bindings didn't release with the beta.  Neither our current (4.2.2 - didn't try 4.2.3) nor svn trunk will build.15:47
nixternalbindings have been broke for over a week now and it is still being worked on15:47
ScottKRight, so it'd be decent to at least have what's in the repo now ~working15:48
nixternalhrmm, I had bindings building just find from trunk for the past few months15:48
nixternaljust recently they went to hell due to changes with the kssl cert manager15:48
ScottKnixternal: Perhaps you can step back to a snapshot that works and we can have goodness again.15:48
nixternalas long as you have the proper deps, the default cmake file should do the trick...it is when we start getting a goofy ass rules file that all hell breaks loose15:49
rgreeningthat would be awesome.15:49
rgreeningakonadi changes in trunk still break bindings15:50
rgreeningnot compatible with akonadi 1.1.8515:50
nixternalthe akonadi stuff built fine in trunk just now, kssl and soprano are broken15:51
nixternalthey are adding a bunch of new fixes, which being a freeze I didn't think would happen...they are treating bindings like they are in in non-freeze trunk mode constantly15:51
ScottKLooks like we have a portability issue in -runtime.  Perhaps someone with some C++ foo could have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/4:4.2.85-0ubuntu5/+build/1039488/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.kdebase-runtime_4:4.2.85-0ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:52
nixternalI think bindings needs to be moved out of KDE/ and put in playground15:52
rgreeningakonadi in karmic == 1.1.85 <> whats being used by trunk. they made api breaking changes15:52
rgreeningI had to patch kdepim due to akonadi breakage15:53
ScottKpimlibs and libs-experimental now built on ALL archs.15:53
nixternalthat arm crap15:54
ScottKnixternal: no that "people making unwarranted assumptions about how portable code should be written" crap.15:55
nixternalifdef's ftw!!! :p15:55
ScottKnixternal: Go for it, since you, like, code and stuff.15:59
=== k4v is now known as m4v
nixternalnope, thanks though for offering :)15:59
vishalraomaybe remove the "const" in line 309 of -runtime/drkonqi/backtraceparser.cpp ?16:00
vishalrao*** line 30816:00
lubyouany idea why date/time settings in system settings never seems to remember that it is supposed to sync the time from ntp servers?16:02
vishalraolubyou: i wonder if it has anything to do with recent comments that system settings doesnt ask for sudo password, so you need to run it via kdesudo?16:03
lubyouwell when i click it, it shows the kdesudo dialog, syncs the time. then i exit the panel, go back and the checkbox for syncing is unchecked again16:04
lubyoubut yeh, maybe its because it doesnt have permanent root permissions16:04
NightroseRiddell: \o/   I'll download them in a sec and test16:09
seeleArtemis_Fowl: *waves*16:15
* Artemis_Fowl waves back to seele :)16:15
Artemis_Fowlit's been a long time :)16:16
seeleare you on holiday from school now?16:18
Artemis_Fowlkind of16:19
Artemis_Fowlwe have exams16:19
Quintasanrgreening: http://pastebin.com/f5b60715f <-- kgrab debdiff16:19
Quintasanhi Artemis_Fowl16:19
Artemis_FowlQuintasan: heya16:20
NightroseRiddell: crashes on startup like JontheEchidna's package before :( backtrace is of no use as i can't install the dbg package http://pastebin.com/m4abc1931 http://pastebin.com/m77ce855516:21
Artemis_Fowlseele: I'm back to developing for a while. won't be more than a couple of months though16:21
* ScottK larts rgreening for bad build-deps in kdegraphics.16:22
Quintasanapachelogger, JontheEchidna: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-widget-pgame16:22
seeleArtemis_Fowl: cool.. i think there are some bugs open for KGRUBConfig ;)16:22
Artemis_FowlI had no time to prepare kgrubeditor for jaunty :( but for karmic I think it will be fine16:22
Artemis_Fowlseele: I am almost finished with the main concern for kgrub: automagic16:23
seelewith grub2 is automagic still an issue?16:23
Artemis_Fowlseele: maybe you'll have to review a couple of things in the next days16:23
seeleArtemis_Fowl: sure, just send me screenshots or link to a jaunty package16:24
Artemis_Fowlseele: in theory no. but I haven't ever tried grub216:24
knroI can't use debuild -S -sa since the debian/control maintainer for the package is MOTU and gpg can't find the key obviously. What do I need to do?16:40
ScottKknro: The key gets picked up from the most recent debian/changelog entry, not the maintainer.16:41
knroScottK: you're right, still can't key though.. lemme try to find out what's wrong.16:43
ScottKknro: Both the email address and the name have to match exactly.16:43
ScottKknro: There is an option (-k) to work around this, but better to figure it out.16:43
knroScottK: ok, the problem is that I had a comment filed in my key. Is there a way to  remove that?? or it's too late?16:46
ScottKI'm not sure.  If that's the actual problem, then I'd just use -k<emailaddress>16:47
knroOk, it's can't be undone. Guess I'll stick with it, not a big deal.16:48
JontheEchidnayou can make a new sub-identity for the key that can go in debian/changelog16:49
JontheEchidnaThat should be fairly easy to do from an application like kgpg16:50
knroI just used -k and that works out fine.16:54
knroThough I had multiple keys uploaded to public servers from a couple of years ago... need to figure out how to delete those.16:54
knroerr can't16:55
smarteryou can if you still have the pass from the key and the key itself and generate a revocation certificate16:57
knrothe private keys lost for the old ones.17:01
tvakahwhence plasma... latest karmic upgrade seems to have lost it17:12
nixternalis the air theme in 4.3 beta 1?17:18
smarternixternal: nop17:20
nixternalare they waiting for the final release and not putting it in any of the betas I take it17:20
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neversfeldesomeone around, who would like to sponsor bug 379514 ?21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379514 in choqok "new upstream version available (0.6)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37951421:11
nixternalI can do that for you neversfelde21:13
neversfeldenixternal: thank you21:13
neversfeldechoqok seems to be more feature complete now, I think I should write a backport request21:14
Tm_Tneversfelde: in svn?21:21
nixternalyes, backport it, or provide me a jaunty package :)21:21
neversfeldenixternal: I pushed one to my ppa21:21
neversfeldeTm_T: 0.6 was released a few hours ago21:21
nixternaljust not built yet I guess21:23
Tm_Tneversfelde: it's containing 2006.10 < CIA-63> momeny * r971543 choqok/trunk/extragear/network/choqok/src/statuswidget.cpp: Fix on Url regexp ?21:24
Tm_T(that's three hours ago btw)21:24
Tm_Tneversfelde: hmm, apparently not, don't know if it matters though21:27
Tm_Tapparently yes, then it's good thing21:28
nixternalneversfelde: shouldn't choqok have a watch file?21:28
neversfeldenixternal: oh yes, but I am not shure how to create one cause the path is ../0.*/choqok.-<version>21:29
nixternalk, I can do that21:29
neversfeldek, I'll have a look at it21:30
neversfeldewatch files are a mistery for me :)21:32
nixternalya, no watch file for choqok, they (ospdev) has that sillyness like kde-apps does21:37
nixternalneversfelde: uploaded :)21:39
neversfeldenixternal: thank you21:39
neversfeldechoqok backport request: bug 37956623:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379566 in jaunty-backports "Please backport choqok-0.6 to jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37956623:35
neversfeldeI do not know if it is ok, so if a backporter is around :)23:35
BUGabundoany one here working tonight?23:50
BUGabundotrying to get svn version for karmic trunk of kdepim https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/kdepim/4:4.2.85-0ubuntu623:50
BUGabundoto allow upstream to help me debug a bug on kmail (doesn't reply to mailinglists)23:50
JontheEchidnayou want to know what version karmic has?23:52
nixternalJontheEchidna: taking care of that in #kontact23:54
nixternalhey, is there a reason why kdepim/kmail doesn't dept on oxygen-icons?23:54
nixternali don't know if they do or not for sure without dl'n the source and I am to lazy, figured you might know ;p23:54
JontheEchidnanothing does at the moment23:54
nixternaloh, groovy23:55
nixternalBUGabundo: ^^23:55
JontheEchidnaexcept the kubuntu-desktop seed23:55
BUGabundoI read it23:55
nixternaltis what you get for running our broken packages in jaunty anyways23:55
nixternalerr, ya karmic I meant23:55
nixternalin jaunty it is love :D23:55
nixternalin trunk it is even more love23:55
nixternalwith 2 extra hugs thrown in23:55
BUGabundoany of you guys has _any_ idea on how to debug why my kmail won't let me reply to mailinglist?23:56
BUGabundosingle emails works23:56
BUGabundoI rebuild indexs23:56
BUGabundoI changed accounts23:56
BUGabundoI change folder settings and ml management23:57
BUGabundonothing I do, shows the Reply option23:57
BUGabundocome one guys... throw me bone here!23:58

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