
MTecknologyWhen someone is trying to do 'bzr lp-login' they're getting "No Launchpad user ID configured." How can they fix this?00:16
Hellow*sigh* no one has looked at my project group request posted almost two days ago -.-02:02
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
meoblast001did i by any chance happen to be the lucky one to be pushing during a server reset again?03:07
meoblast001 /      0kB @    0kB/s03:08
meoblast001ok nevermind.. it was just going really slow on pushing just a few source changes03:09
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
PacoBuntuhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~simom/pidgin-webkit/trunk/files <-- i am getting this:            Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.                             Try reloading this page in a minute or two.           If the problem persists, let us know in           the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.03:33
PacoBuntuCan someone help me plz03:33
PacoBuntui can't get on the page :/03:34
meoblast001PacoBuntu: neither can i03:35
meoblast001probably a server shutdown for maintanance03:35
PacoBuntuYou have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to03:36
PacoBuntuwrite to Launchpad or access private data.  <-- Uhm how do i fix this?03:36
PacoBuntudo i need to register perse?03:37
PacoBuntui just want to download some sourcecode03:37
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
Kangarooohello somone come to pidgin.. lets make pidgin to start using launchapad.. come to #pidgin and help or correct me with informing about launchpad posibilities can pidgin and its users gain..04:18
HellowCould a LP admin take a look at my project group request: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7173804:55
PacoBuntuhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~simom/pidgin-webkit/trunk <-- how long before this is working again>04:57
KangaroooHi :) I don't know :) I also shocked that one link one working :)04:57
HellowI cant access it either, its a server problem04:57
Kangarooothis is workin https://launchpad.net/pidgin-webkit05:03
PacoBuntuKangarooo: i cant download the sourcecode from that webpage05:55
Kangaroooyes well I don't know anything about this.. just checked some ways to see if some other way respelled it would work :)05:56
PacoBuntuwell then dont say it is working because it isnt kthnx05:57
=== jmarsden_ is now known as jmarsden
macvrhi all... is the bazaar launchpad server down?07:12
mwhudsonmacvr: not that i know07:14
mwhudsonmacvr: seems to work for me07:15
macvrmwhudson: i'v been trying to download from bazaar but it keeps saying that server is having problems connecting and it asks me to contact here07:15
mwhudsonwhat command are you running?07:15
macvrhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~breathe-dev/breathe-icon-set/trunk/download/head:/breathe_icon_templat-20080905042226-bvdzo9fb8th94dyh-3/Breathe_Icon_Template.svg?file_id=template-20080905042226-bvdzo9fb8th94dyh-2 << try this link07:15
mwhudsonwell, getting that file via bzr would be easier07:16
mwhudson(bzr cat lp:~breathe-dev/breathe-icon-set/trunk/Breathe_Icon_Template.svg > Breathe_Icon_Template.svg)07:16
macvrhow do i do that? i got this link from the brethe icon wiki07:16
PacoBuntuhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~simom/pidgin-webkit/trunk <-- how long before this is working again>07:16
macvrmwhudson: do i run that from terminal?07:17
macvrmwhudson: ok.. its installing bzr package07:18
macvrfor now07:18
macvrmwhudson: by the way , did the link work for u?07:18
mwhudsonmacvr: no, the server is having problems07:19
mwhudsonPacoBuntu: soon, i hope!07:19
macvrmwhudson: ok... thanx how do i get the "bzr cat lp:~ " link for any other stuff i want?07:20
mwhudsonPacoBuntu: working now07:23
jmarsdenmacvr: Won't bzr get lp:~username/projectname/branchname   # grab you all of the files in that branch?07:23
mwhudsonjmarsden: yes, that's why i didn't say 'get'07:23
mwhudsonoh right07:23
mwhudsonwell yes, if that's what you want07:23
jmarsdenif you want more files... :)07:23
* mwhudson goes to have breakfast07:23
macvrjmarsden: i want desktop backgrounds from..07:24
macvrjmarsden: never mind... the links started working :)07:25
jmarsdenOK :)07:25
macvrjmarsden: actually i was trying to download stuff from gnome-look, which probably was loaded in bzr... was trying since 2 hrs but just now links started working again :)07:26
MaWaLemornin' all07:41
MaWaLewhere can i hav a po template and a pot template07:41
MaWaLei want to start a translation for a trunk of one of our LoCo projects07:41
MaWaLewho is intended to review the imported queue of an uploaded translation files?08:05
mdkeMaWaLe: I think this answers your first question - https://help.launchpad.net/TranslationsImportPolicy08:08
mdkeMaWaLe: have a look also at https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject which is very informative08:10
MaWaLethx mdke for the reply08:10
MaWaLebut i read it08:10
MaWaLei asked for : where to have or how to make a po and pot template for a spécific project08:11
MaWaLethat is owned by our LoCo08:11
mdkeoh, you want to know how to make a piece of software translatable?08:11
MaWaLenext i asked for "who is intended to review .po and .pot uploaded files08:11
MaWaLeinfact : we want to implement a translation for a trunk wich will have a documentation content and a source code also08:12
MaWaLeso the first step is to translate the documentation part which is intended to provide specs08:13
mdkeok. well, making software translatable is rather beyond the scope of this channel, Launchpad is only suitable for projects which are already translatable08:13
MaWaLenext we'll also implement translation for the project08:13
mdkebut for software, the most popular technology is gettext, I think - http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html08:13
mdkefor documentation, it depends on the format08:13
mdkeif you use xml for your documentation, you can use poxml or xml2po08:14
MaWaLemdke: and how to let people tranlsate documentation with LP08:14
MaWaLeit's a text file :(08:14
mdkeMaWaLe: once you have your po template, you can upload it to Launchpad using the instructions I provided08:14
MaWaLeand how to make a po and pot files from the original text file?08:15
mdkeI'm not familiar with translating text files, but google has revealed this utility, which might help: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/txt2po08:15
mdkegood luck!08:15
MaWaLethx mdke08:16
MaWaLemdke: one last question if you don't mind08:17
MaWaLewho is intended to reviex the ulploaded po and pot files?08:17
mdkethe Launchpad translations team will review the upload initially, I think. After that, each upload can be done without review by the project maintainers08:18
ka4linhow long does it take a ppa archive to become active?10:57
nbjaymeGreetings all!  how do I allow others to have commit access to my trunk / project (in launchpad)?11:01
nbjaymeOk. Got my answer from docs.  Need to create a team. :)11:11
vadi2this link doesn't seem to be working:13:05
jpdsvadi2: Works for me.13:43
vadi2Just started working again, yes. but slow13:43
knielsenhm, I see no subscription email notifications for this push to lp:maria: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/5.1/revision/2704 (after ~30 minutes). Any way I can check if something is wrong, or if it is just delayed due to load or whatever?14:26
vadi2I think there's some load. I've had delays too today14:27
=== RowanKerr is now known as rkerr
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johnfhas anyone had an issue where packages get built but not published?14:57
johnfIt has only been about 5 minutes but normally I've always seen that step happen immediately14:57
tsimpsonit happens every 20 mins14:58
tsimpsonhh:00, hh:20 and hh:4014:58
johnftsimpson: oh maybe I've always just been lucky :)14:58
tsimpsonyeah, it can be easy not to realise14:59
LarstiQhey johnf15:03
johnfLarstiQ: howdy15:04
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
ftawhy is there both jaunty and karmic on this page? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/cairo/+builds16:52
ftaand why is one build still pending?16:52
* knielsen wonders if Launchpad branch notification emails are broken, still no mail ~3 hours after pushing to lp:maria16:56
maxbfta: The score of 4 suggests that that's a rebuild-test17:40
maxbI think it's listing jaunty builds there because the version published in karmic is one that was built in jaunty17:43
=== soeb1 is now known as soeb
maxbOh, and I think the pending build relates to rebuild archive which was aborted17:45
maxbThis is probably something to discuss with cprov when he's around17:46
ftaok, thx17:49
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
Pegasus_RPGWe're using BZR on Launchpad and have created a release branch from our vcs-imports/trunk branch21:34
Pegasus_RPGnow we've merged vcs-imports with the main lp trunk branch21:34
Pegasus_RPGwe'd now like to merge the changes from the release branch to the now-current trunk but keep the release branch for future bug fixes21:34
Pegasus_RPGhow do we go about doing that? (And have LP copy the "fix committed" statuses from the series-marked bugs to the mainline status?)21:35
Pegasus_RPGsee https://code.launchpad.net/mixxx21:44
zu22i am signed into my launchpad.net account22:01
zu22how do i create my own project?22:01
zu22i don't see how i do that22:01
zu22i want to create a project and upload coad22:01
tsimpsonsee the "Create a new project" link on the front page22:02
zu22tsimpson: ah! i see it now. i was on my profile page22:03
zu22tsimpson: there is another meta-project i wish my project to be linked to, can i do that myself or i need permission of the meta-project owner?22:04
tsimpsonzu22: I'm not sure, I've never done that22:04
zu22ok i will search the docs22:05
zu22tsimpson: what is difference between a project and a team? a team can also have code in it or just a project?22:06
tsimpsonzu22: a team is a "group" of people, it can have code too22:06
zu22tsimpson: ok so a project is only 1 person22:07
tsimpsona project is not a person, it's a project ;)22:07
zu22tsimpson: heh ya22:08
tsimpsonteams/people can be associated/work on any number of projects22:08
zu22oh cool22:08
tsimpsonno problem :)22:09
JonSnowhello, is there a keyserver that runs on port 80?  I would like to launchpad PPA's key, but the default port (11371) is blocked by a firewall.23:16

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