
charlie-tcaOnly a few hours left to get in on the Firefox 3.0 HugDay today! see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2009052100:36
micahghug those bugs00:41
Ryan52is there something like tagpending but for LP bugs?02:53
Ryan52could somebody at least tell me if there's a tool to list the closed bugs, or the regexp? something like this would be nice: dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Closes | cut -d ' ' -f 2-02:58
charlie-tcawhy tagpending?03:00
charlie-tcaI don't know any specific tags for LP bugs.03:00
Ryan52to change the status to "fix committed"03:01
Ryan52why not change it to that?03:01
charlie-tcaIf it meets the criteria, it can be set to fix committed03:02
Ryan52from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status03:03
Ryan52Fix Committed:03:03
Ryan52For an Ubuntu package: the changes are pending and to be uploaded soon (it's what PENDINGUPLOAD was in Bugzilla)03:03
Ryan52if I have "(LP: 123456)" in my changelog, I want to tag that bug as "fix committed".03:04
Ryan52maybe this is a better question for #launchpad? it's pretty ubuntu specific, tho..03:05
charlie-tcaMaybe I don't understand. If I want the status set to fix committed, I open the bug and change the status. I don't use a tag.03:05
Ryan52I'm not talking about a tag at all.03:06
Ryan52I'm talking about that I want a tool like tagpending but looking for LP bugs being closed and setting the status to "fix committed".03:06
charlie-tcaIf the bug is closed, there should not be a fix pending.03:06
Ryan52that seems irrelevant..03:07
charlie-tcaThat is very relevant for fix-committed. The closed bugs can not have a fix pending, which is what fix committed is.03:08
Ryan52I'm not saying that I want to change closed bugs to fix committed.03:08
Ryan52I'm saying that I want a tool to look at my changelog03:08
Ryan52and if a bug is closed in it, set it's status to fix committed.03:08
Ryan52I'm talking about open bugs.03:09
Ryan52am I still making no sense?03:10
charlie-tcaI don't understand.03:10
Ryan52ok, so when working on a package.03:10
Ryan52I sit down, "git clone myrepo"03:11
Ryan52go to launchpad, find a bug to fix03:11
Ryan52fix it, "dch 'fix bug (LP: 12345)'"03:11
charlie-tcaI think ask on launchpad, maybe.03:11
Ryan52"debcommit -a"03:11
Ryan52ok, so now I have this change in my git repo, that fixes an ubuntu bug.03:11
charlie-tcaI don't do that. I just triage existing bugs03:12
Ryan52according to the wiki, I should update the bug status to "Fix Committed" (this is how it's related to triaging bugs)03:12
Ryan52I want a tool that will do that for me.03:12
PiciRyan52: The folks in #ubuntu-motu probably know03:12
* Ryan52 asks in #ubuntu-devel03:14
micahgcan someone mark bug 205779 as Wishlist->Low05:52
ubot4`Launchpad bug 205779 in firefox-3.0 "file:// does not remember sorting choices" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20577905:52
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micahgkwall: thanks for helping with the hugday06:19
kwallmicahg: glad to help06:19
kwallDon't know that I helped much, but I managed to pester a few users for more information.06:20
micahgthat's help :)06:20
YoBoYgood morning06:24
micahgmorning YoBoY06:24
kwallevenin' YoBoY06:33
YoBoY^^ i have to find another greeting for my mornings :p06:34
kwallI use "moin" regardless of the time of day06:34
kwallI s'pose it's always morning somewhere :)06:35
Kangaroooits morning now in latvia 8:35 but now im only going to sleep06:36
Kangarooobye till eem evening.. :)06:36
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BUGabundoguud morning, FLOSS world!09:20
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brunogirinHi, has anybody got Kubuntu Intrepid as well as a Gmail account to try to reproduce bug 373580? I can't reproduce on Ubuntu Jaunty11:11
ubot4`Launchpad bug 373580 in firefox-3.0 "Contact list displays incorrectly in Gmail" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37358011:11
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BUGabundobrunogirin: checking11:14
brunogirinthanks BUGabundo11:14
BUGabundobrunogirin: that's not a FF bug11:16
BUGabundoits a X one11:16
BUGabundoalso it's a dupe11:16
BUGabundoI bet he has an nvidia11:16
brunogirinok, I'll ask the question; what other bug is it a dupe of?11:17
BUGabundoI already did11:18
BUGabundobrunogirin: not on my laptop... no list of bugs!11:18
BUGabundobut it's a pretty big one11:18
BUGabundowhere QT apps fail to refresh the screen on nvidia cards11:18
BUGabundospecially on compiz and some KWIN implentations11:19
brunogirinok thanks, I'll do a search see if I can find it11:19
BUGabundomaybe hggdh knows it ?11:20
brunogirinhas anybody got a mouse with a paste button and can confirm bug 371151 please?11:46
ubot4`Launchpad bug 371151 in firefox-3.0 "Cannot paste URL into canvas to show web page" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37115111:46
BUGabundobrunogirin: no reply yet on the FF bug11:47
brunogirinBUGabundo: nope11:48
BUGabundobrunogirin: that new bug I think he mean mouse scroll11:49
BUGabundoit may require a plugin (tabmixplust)11:49
BUGabundocan't be sure11:49
BUGabundowhat he means is that scroll clicking on the tab bar opens a new tab with URL in the mem buffer11:49
BUGabundoI can't test it right now (wind machine) !11:50
BUGabundobrunogirin: can you ?11:50
brunogirinBUGabundo: no, I'm on a laptop with no mouse11:51
BUGabundopress both right and left touchpad11:52
brunogirinBUGabundo: 3 button behaviour doesn't seem to be enabled on my trackpad: any idea where I can set that up?12:05
BUGabundobrunogirin: maybe a hal or xorg input bug12:07
BUGabundo"should work" brunogirin12:07
maxbHmm, compiz seems to have forgotten to load the gnomecompat plugin for me on Karmic12:26
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xteejxGuys, if someone reported an Ubuntu bug, and its no longer a problem in Jaunty, but its in Fedora, do we invalidate it?15:10
BUGabundoxteejx: close it as fixreleased15:11
BUGabundofor the ubuntu package task15:11
xteejxok, thanks BUGabundo :)15:11
BUGabundoand leave the fedora open15:11
BUGabundothen LP should close it once fedora closes it too15:11
BUGabundoBUT... make sure LP is working15:11
BUGabundosometimes it gets lost... ehehe15:11
BUGabundoand looses the correct status from the other BTS xteejx15:12
xteejxahh ok :) thanks15:12
hggdhBUGabundo, morning15:43
BUGabundohey hggdh16:00
hggdhyo BUGabundo17:13
BUGabundohggdh: ola de nobo17:13
bencrisford1BUGabundo: Hey17:26
BUGabundohey bencrisford117:27
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brunogirinHi, can someone have a look at bug 379203 and tell me whether it's been triaged properly please?17:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 379203 in linux "touchpad tap-to-click doesn't works after update to karmic from jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37920317:45
BUGabundobrunogirin: looking17:47
maxbIt's not against the right package17:49
brunogirinok, what's the correct package for that type of bugs?17:51
BUGabundobrunogirin: maxb is correct17:51
BUGabundoxserver-xorg-input something17:51
BUGabundoand ask for apport-collect17:52
maxbIt relates to both xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and gnome-control-center17:52
maxbNo need, I'm fairly sure I know the cause17:52
* BUGabundo wonders why G-C-C has to do with anything and everything17:52
maxbIt was documented in the debian/NEWS file of xserver-xorg-input-synaptics17:52
brunogirinthanks maxb, I'll change the package17:53
maxbg-c-c because gnome-mouse-properties isn't frobbing the thing it needs to from17:53
BUGabundohey pedro_17:55
pedro_BUGabundo: what's up!17:55
BUGabundonothing much17:55
BUGabundohow is the meeting going?17:55
BUGabundoenjoyed your present?17:55
brunogirinmaxb: does it look better now?17:56
pedro_BUGabundo: everything is going fine, thanks for asking17:56
maxbbrunogirin: I just added a comment noting probable cause - the next thing to do would be to explicitly ask the tester to try the commands given in what I posted and report whether they do indeed fix the issue for him17:59
brunogirinmaxb: I can do that, I've got that same bug on my laptop18:00
maxbThe other thing to do is to explicitly mention in a comment that the gnome-control-center task exists to represent the need to assess whether gnome-mouse-properties needs changes to integrate nicely with the synaptics change18:00
maxbOh, and I'd probably have filed the gnome-control-center task against the package in Ubuntu, rather than the upstream project18:03
brunogirinmaxb: thanks, I'll update the gnome-control-center task and will add the note; the commands you provided work on my laptop18:05
brunogirinmaxb: how do I assign the gnome-control-center task against the package in Ubuntu? When I click on "also affects project", it only shows me the upstream one18:08
maxbbrunogirin: "Also affects distribution"18:09
BUGabundobrunogirin: you need to change back to ubuntu18:09
BUGabundoand then set the package18:09
BUGabundobrunogirin: do you understand the difference between ubuntu packages/bugs and Upstream tasks on LP ?18:10
brunogirinBUGabundo: yes I understand the difference between ubuntu packages and upstream tasks, I just didn't understand the difference between what the "Also affects project" and "also affects distribution" links did. I do now, thanks :-)18:12
maxbMany parts of Launchpad's interface are utterly inscrutable until you've used them once :-)18:13
BUGabundomaxb: +118:13
BUGabundofor several times I was totally lost with the arrow keys18:25
BUGabundoI just pressed on the name18:25
bcurtiswx-miniarrow keys for what?18:47
BUGabundobcurtiswx hey! the little arrows on LP but interface18:51
kklimondahey, I'm looking for somebody who uses 9.04 on powerpc desktop to test transmission bug.19:34
screamConfirmed means EITHER I was able to confirm the bug on my system OR there is enough information for a dev to begin wor,.20:01
hggdhscream, yes -- either you could replicate, or there is enough (and correct) data to identify. Replication is preferred20:10
hggdhscream, with enough data also required20:10
kklimondahggdh: wouldn't it be triaged if there is enough data to start working on a bug?20:17
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
micahghggdh: ping21:46
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hggdhmicahg, pong21:58
micahgcan you mark some bugs for me ?21:58
hggdhkklimonda, if the data available is enough to identify the issue, yes21:58
hggdhmicahg, yes21:59
micahgbug 205779 Wishlist->Triaged21:59
micahgbug 200601 Triaged21:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 205779 in firefox-3.0 "file:// does not remember sorting choices" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20577921:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 200601 in firefox-3.0 "Scrolling the mouse wheel over the tabs does not switch tabs" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20060121:59
hggdhmicahg, done, thank you22:00
xteejxAnyone use a non English Jaunty?22:24
BUGabundoeheh xteejx22:25
BUGabundoI have on right here22:25
xteejxok kool22:25
xteejxBUGabundo, would you mind confirming bug 121878 or me please?22:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 121878 in synaptic "synaptic package description translation" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12187822:26
BUGabundofresh install22:27
BUGabundorunning UM now22:27
BUGabundoyou will have to wait a few minutes22:27
BUGabundoUpdate Manager22:27
xteejxsure no probs22:27
BUGabundohumm they say non updated list22:28
xteejxnon updated its in english, when they update it goes to the correct ranslated version22:28
BUGabundothe list *has just* been updated22:29
xteejxI'm reinstalling Jaunty anyway, so I'll be back on in a bit22:32
MTecknologyCan somebody check to see that bug 370173 is assigned to the right package/team?23:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 370173 in linux "Ubuntu 9.04 laptop overheat and shutdown" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37017323:12
BUGabundoMTecknology: checking23:13
MTecknologyBUGabundo: I'm not involved in the bug itself - just a question related to it23:13
MTecknologyBUGabundo: they were wondering why it says23:13
BUGabundoMTecknology: didn't even knew that team23:13
MTecknology"is not in Ubuntu" in the title bar23:14
BUGabundobetter ask ogasawara23:14
BUGabundolet me check the reporter23:15
BUGabundohe has a lot of karma for someone so new23:16
BUGabundoat LP23:16
BUGabundogrr miss read23:16
kklimondaBUGabundo: do you use transmission?23:16
BUGabundo2007 not 200923:16
BUGabundokklimonda: from time to time23:16
BUGabundousing vuze now23:16
MTecknologyBUGabundo: you think that's a lot of karma?23:17
BUGabundonew azureus23:17
BUGabundoMTecknology: since LP droped everyone, yes23:17
BUGabundohe has around the same amount I do23:17
BUGabundoI know23:18
BUGabundoI saw it last time23:18
BUGabundoI have no idea how you kept so much23:18
BUGabundoI had that before LP dropped it23:18
MTecknologywell... I had over 70,000 before the drop23:19
BUGabundoI know23:19
BUGabundoI rememer23:19
BUGabundowe talked about it, when I applied for membership23:19
MTecknologyoh ya23:19
MTecknologyIt's the blueprints that dropped my score so much - I'm happy it did though - it felt wrong for me to have that much23:20
kklimondaBUGabundo: how much karma did you have?23:20
BUGabundoit was growing at 1k per 2 days23:20
BUGabundoit was going crazu23:20
BUGabundofrom 9k to 21k in just 3 weeks23:21
BUGabundoI single bug comment added 400 karma poins23:21
BUGabundonow its stuck23:21
BUGabundoI guess it means im not filling all that many bugs23:22
MTecknologyI don't like bugs23:22
kklimondaBUGabundo: it's time to do some package maintenance ;)23:22
MTecknologythere's so so many23:22
BUGabundoMTecknology: bugs or packages? eheh23:23
kklimondaheh, I think I've finished my odyssey with transmission 1.61 merge at last..23:23
MTecknologyThe most I've been able to do recently aside from my code work is to assign things where they go23:24
kklimondanow I need ack from core devs.. ;)23:24
BUGabundokklimonda: some day i'lll have to learn how to properlly package23:24
BUGabundoand update the packages I care23:24
BUGabundowe are so being upstream on so manyyyyy23:24
kklimondaI've prepared 8 debdiffs for transmission.. yawn..23:25
kklimondaBUGabundo: updating is easy23:25
* BUGabundo is going crazy with KDEPIM. kubuntu ninjas left for UDS and kmail can't *reply* to mailinglists .... :(((23:26
BUGabundowhat kind of email client doesn't reply !?!?!?!?23:26
MTecknologyYou guys should help me finish some code for ubuntu-drupal I've been doing23:26
kklimondaMTecknology: it's PHP, I still have nightmares where it's chasing me ;)23:27
MTecknologykklimonda: I love PHP, and MySQL23:28
BUGabundoI want to file the bug on kdepim23:28
BUGabundobut can't find _anyone_ using karmic version23:28
kklimondaMTecknology: well.. what can I say.. I prefer Python :)23:29
* BUGabundo prefers pillow talk23:29
MTecknologypeople are using 9.10 already?23:30
MTecknologyare there any changes aside from unstable merges?23:30
kklimondasome ubuntu specific bugs ;)23:30
BUGabundoMTecknology: I'm just that crazy... I run pre alpha on baremetal23:32
BUGabundoon my main laptop23:33
MTecknologyBUGabundo: It'll be about another 2mo before I consider running it on my laptop - I only have one system23:37
MTecknologyand I'm in school23:37
MTecknologyand... I trim down my system a LOT - it's a smaller install than debian23:37
BUGabundoso now I can't use my email client and have no sound23:40
BUGabundoit aind that bad for A123:40
BUGabundokklimonda: can you see the svn version here https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/kdepim/4:4.2.85-0ubuntu6 ?23:45
BUGabundoupstream is requesting it23:45
BUGabundobut I can't tell23:45
BUGabundobad kubuntu ninjas23:49
nixternalBUGabundo: that is KDE 4.3 Beta 123:50
nixternalit isn't an svn snapshot23:50
BUGabundonot acording to upstream23:51
nixternalthat is beta 1, I am upstream23:51
nixternal4.2.85 == KDE 4.3 Beta 123:51
BUGabundo#kontact asked me for the proper version23:51
nixternal4.2.86 will be the next release, and it will be Beta 223:51
nixternaltell them 4.3 Beta 123:51
BUGabundo(11:35:53 PM) thiago_home: well, the revision number is the important thing23:51
MTecknologykde - ewe23:52
MTecknologykklimonda: ({)23:59
MTecknologykklimonda: sorry, meant to be in bitlbee23:59

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