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ubuntugeekHello everyone, welcome to the FC meeting.23:00
* jacob waves23:01
Rocket2DMngood evening23:01
ubuntugeekAlright, lets get started23:02
ubuntugeekIs linuxisevolution here?23:02
ubuntugeekAgenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncilAgenda23:02
ubuntugeekOK we an come back to that item,23:03
forumsmatthewFYI, I retract my item as it was birthed out of someone else's desire who is not here. We've had it up for a couple of meetings. If he wants it back, we can re-add it another time.23:03
ubuntugeekBrucevdk, lets discuss your topics since you are here.23:03
Brucevdkubuntugeek: alright23:04
ubuntugeekmatthew +123:04
ubuntugeekChanging the default subscription mode when starting a new thread (e.g. posting a question) in the Main Support forums (at the very least the General Help forum) to "Instant email notification" by default.23:04
ubuntugeekI can see where this would be handy, but I can also see that 90% of the people posting there wouldn't want this option by default.23:06
forumsmatthewI like how the proposal is written out so clearly. Thanks for that23:06
BrucevdkWell, you'll have to realize that I already made the distinction between posting to threads and starting new threads. The notification is only set to email when starting a new thread.23:06
forumsmatthewI'm not sure we want to gain the reputation as "the forum that spams"23:06
forumsmatthewI do set my account this way, but I'm not sure it would be the desired default for the majority of users23:07
forumsmatthewhas there been any attempt to measure interest?23:07
BrucevdkIt's not really all that spammy, because the notification is basically sent once.... not per reply to a thread (untill you visit the thread23:07
ubuntugeekBruce, this isn't actually a configurable option on a "per" forum basis at this time. It is however a "per" user option that affects users globally.23:07
jacobidea: maybe add a link to the appropriate option in the welcome email for those that would want it?23:08
Brucevdkforumsmatthew: I haven't polled interest23:08
Brucevdkubuntugeek: I know, that's why I described actually modifying VBulletin to supportp er forum functionality23:08
TechnovikingI agree with matthew, I would prefer maybe a forum howto telling people how to switch the option on their account themselves23:08
forumsmatthewI know that, and you know that, but a new UF user might come in, ask a question, then get angry at email in his inbox...I only say that because I have seen people get frustrated over far less23:08
forumsmatthewTechnoviking, that's not a bad idea23:08
ubuntugeekTechnoviking: A post or a FAQ you mean?23:09
BrucevdkThe problem is, the audience I'm targetting will never voluntarily set a _global_ option for email notification23:09
Technovikingubuntugeek: either23:09
Brucevdkso global option is out of the question, even in a forum howto23:09
Technovikingwhatever would get the most eyes23:09
ubuntugeekTechnoviking: Seems fair enough, perhaps a post in the general area with details how to do it.23:09
BrucevdkThe only other reasonable option if you do not want to implement this idea for the reasons mentioned is to have a sticky thread telling users to turn on the option when starting a thread23:09
Brucevdkubuntugeek: ^^23:10
BrucevdkWhich will most likely still be ignored by the target audience23:10
ubuntugeekPerhaps, but remember 90% of the audience isn't going to want to get spammed either.23:11
Brucevdkubuntugeek: perhaps add some nice, clear text around the notification dropdown?23:11
ubuntugeek-1 the idea, but I will +1 a post on how to enable it.23:11
Brucevdksomething like: "Please set this to instant email notification to keep track of any responses"23:11
Technoviking-1 the idea, but I will +1 a post on how to enable it also23:12
forumsmatthewI'm going to have to -1 the overall idea of changing the default, but I'll +1 a post with instructions for how to enable and a little explanation of why that would be useful.23:12
BrucevdkWhat about the idea I just brought up though? Instead of a post an actual hint around the notification dropdown?23:12
ubuntugeekThats fair enough and simple to add.23:13
ubuntugeekBut my guess is more people will read a sticky, they are used to that23:13
forumsmatthewI'm inclined to agree23:14
Brucevdkalright, I'd be willing to abonden my idea in favor of a sticky _and_ the little text around the dropdown :-)23:14
Technovikingfine with me23:14
ubuntugeekOk, next item23:14
ubuntugeekAllow people to change their vote on polls, an example of where this is needed would be this thread.23:14
Brucevdk(now... that poll doesn't have any votes yet, but it's still a good example of where I think it would be useful)23:15
BrucevdkI'm not aware if VBulletin already has this functionality23:15
ubuntugeekI hate to say this, but it's not possible with vbulletin (that i am aware of). Once a vote is cast, it is cast.23:16
Brucevdkubuntugeek: well, if people like the idea, I'd be willing to put implementing support for it on my todo list23:16
ubuntugeekI can't remember a single time in the last 4+ years someone asked me to change their vote..23:16
Technovikingme either23:16
forumsmatthewI've seen maybe two23:16
Brucevdkubuntugeek: doens't mean it's not useful though :-) Maybe they don't realize the potential23:16
forumsmatthewbut they noted it in the thread, so...23:17
ubuntugeekMatthew: right thats the idea :)23:17
BrucevdkThe example example has to do with "if a device works for you", once your problem is solved, the device does work for you and the poll would not make sense anymore23:17
TechnovikingI like the idea, but I would like the option to do that be part vBB and not an add-on that would put a strain on the DB23:17
Technovikingubuntugeek: any changes to polls in vB 4, that you heard of?23:18
forumsmatthewI don't know, it's not a terrible idea, but it's kind of a complex solution to a simple problem: just post a note about it in the thread23:18
ubuntugeekSince its not something we can do currently with vbulletin and we are not adding any 3rd party code to the forums I am -1 this idea unless it gets official built into vb423:19
Technoviking-1 for now, maybe a re-look in vb423:20
ubuntugeekNext up is DougieRichardson here?23:21
forumsmatthewit doesn't seem so...23:22
ubuntugeekOk we'll keep it on the agenda.23:23
ubuntugeekIn general I like the idea Dougie is suggesting.23:24
forumsmatthewI think it has great potential. Hopefully he can make the next meeting23:24
ubuntugeekI don't think Jacob was going to make it unless he snuck in.. Jacob?23:24
jacobubuntugeek: right here23:25
jacobwe're not leaving for another 45 or so23:25
ubuntugeekThe floor is yours..23:25
jacobanyway, this isn't a concrete discussion item, but I'd like to see what the FC thinks regarding a few ideas brought up in the staff thread23:26
jacobwhich is.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1131429&page=223:26
jacobthe main point I think I see from it is having some forum/area or another way to discuss submitted tutorials23:27
ubuntugeekGotcha, would this be open or a private forum for the mod's?23:27
jacobbapoumba brought this up here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7220505&postcount=2123:27
jacobubuntugeek: that's something worth discussing I should think: we have a few people on staff ready to help out, though should it be open for other members?23:28
ubuntugeekother members on a T&T team or just general members?23:29
ubuntugeekJust thinking of permission issues/structure23:29
jacobon a T&T team; I don't think everyone should be able to view submitted tutorials/comments right away23:29
forumsmatthewI would give all staff and any T&T team members access and restrict all others23:29
jacobif a T&T team were to be made, they should have access to the mod queue and this forum23:30
ubuntugeekThats something we can do23:30
ubuntugeekSo this forum would be for discussion on how to handle new T&T's correct?23:30
jacobubuntugeek: yep, correct.23:30
frodonit would be even better if a thread could be automatically created in this sub-forum for each item in the queue23:31
jacobas for the team itself, members could be found from BT, UA, and others (as bodhi mentioned I think)23:31
ubuntugeekI dont have a problem setting up a team and then making a forum for it. I think it would probably be created in the http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=348 forum23:32
jacobfrodon: that would be pretty cool, don't know if entirely possible? we as staff could use the copy thread function for that to do it manually23:32
jacobubuntugeek: that would work23:32
ubuntugeekJacob: I think it would have to be done manually. I would have to double check23:33
jacobubuntugeek: does vb have signals/actions? it's been ages since I've touched an installation - if it does, an action to copy a thread could be attached to a create thread signal thing (if I could be any more abstract :P)23:33
frodonok, if it's possible it has an interest i think, otherwise doing it manually will do the job23:34
ubuntugeekI'd have to check, I cant remember and it doesn't ring a bell. I will let you know23:34
ubuntugeekOk so lets vote to setup a T&T team and create a forum for them. +123:34
ubuntugeekSettles that :)23:35
jacobeasy enough :D23:35
frodongreat :)23:35
forumsmatthewIs ryan here to discuss the final item?23:36
ubuntugeekjacob: will you be the team leader?23:36
jacobubuntugeek: sure23:36
ubuntugeekjust need to know when I setup the usergroup for the team who will be the leader23:36
ubuntugeekOk, last item.. Talk about Launchpad/forum login integration that we will be testing soon.23:36
ubuntugeekCanonical developers wrote a plugin that will allow forum users to bind their forum account to a launchpad account. It also add a link to your profile page showing your LP account if it is bound. We'll be setting up a test vbulletin instance to run through some scenario's.23:38
ubuntugeekWhen I say23:38
ubuntugeekbind to their account, it will allow the forums to use the luanchpad login/password/openid system instead of the forums.23:39
Rocket2DMnWhat happens with users who already have both?23:39
ubuntugeekThey can still bind them23:40
ubuntugeekIt just won't change your username on the forums23:40
Rocket2DMnInteresting, I like it23:40
Rocket2DMn+1 for closer integration with other parts of the community23:40
Technovikingwill karma be given to forum users for posts?23:40
jacobubuntugeek: will users be able to sign in with LP without having a forum account and be able to instantly create one without going through the whole registration process?23:41
ubuntugeekIf the user has a LP account and they use it to login on the forums it will create a forum account (i think) if memory serves me correct23:41
ubuntugeekif the user doesn't have a forum account23:41
Joeb454i think that would be something that needs to be tested23:42
Rocket2DMnWould it just default to their LP login?23:42
jacobubuntugeek: what happens if someone registers a LP account as "jacobmp92" (how dare they :P) and tries to sign in?23:42
ubuntugeekIf the user has a forum account and its bound to LP it won't modify their forum account at all. Except put a link in their profile.23:42
jacob(fyi: i'm jpeddicord on launchpad, not jacobmp92, which is why I ask)23:43
ubuntugeekIf the user doesn't have a forum account but has a LP account it will create a forum account (i think)23:43
ubuntugeekjacob, it wont let them that feature is going to be turned off.23:43
ubuntugeekSo when I get a demo site up we'll have to have a constructive testing phase.23:44
ubuntugeekbefore putting it live :)23:44
Joeb454that may involve resident troll getting an LP account23:44
Joeb454i would assume anyway23:44
forumsmatthewJoeb454, I'll tell him when he gets back from vacation23:44
ubuntugeekSo I just wanted to let everyone know that is coming down the pipe soon :)23:44
Joeb454thanks forumsmatthew23:45
Rocket2DMnAwesome, I look forward to seeing it23:45
ubuntugeekThat's all I got, anyone else?23:45
Technovikingubuntugeek: Will forum posting add to LP karma?23:45
jacobubuntugeek: actually, one thing about the T&T group if you don't mind23:46
forumsmatthewa link to LP karma would be excellent23:46
ubuntugeekOh sorry Mike, no not at this time its strictly a login mechanism .23:46
forumsmatthewit's a start23:46
jacobkarma would be cool23:46
Joeb454it would be nice definitely23:46
nhandlerWould it be possible to use this LP integration to avoid Ubuntu Members/Developers needing to request a badge on the forums?23:46
forumsmatthewsorry, all. I have to run23:46
jacobbye forumsmatthew23:46
ubuntugeekSee ya matthew23:46
Technovikingnhandler: that would be a good feature also23:46
ubuntugeeknhandler, not at this time23:47
Brucevdkif anybody still needs me just use my name in a sentence, meanwhile I'm going back to work23:47
Technovikingubuntugeek, that for the info. I'm off also23:47
ubuntugeekOk see ya all23:47
ubuntugeek-- end meeting23:47
ubuntugeekThanks everyone23:48
* Joeb454 begins to read logs23:48
ubuntugeekWe'll make a post on the forums when we are ready to test23:48
jacobubuntugeek: re: T&T group, is it possible to have more than 1 team leader there? don't want to leave out other interested staff23:48
ubuntugeekjacob: let me check23:48
ubuntugeekYes we can add more then 1 leader to a group23:49
jacobubuntugeek: ok, thanks. i'll revive that other thread in staff if anyone else wants to join in on that, just curious for now23:49
ubuntugeekgreat. I will get the T&T stuff setup this weekend for you. Maybe tonight even, but I have to run now my wife is waiting to eat :)23:50
ubuntugeekThanks everyone, have a great weekend23:50
Rocket2DMnfood sounds like an excellent idea23:50
jacobubuntugeek: no rush, i'm off to a grad party ;)23:50
Rocket2DMnyou too ubuntugeek23:50
Rocket2DMnjacob, congrats :)23:51
jacobRocket2DMn: not for me, but thanks (mine is in two weeks :P)23:51
Joeb454jacob: can I just ask something re T & T team?23:56

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