
kaelesok, I tried copying my lts.conf to the /var/lib/tftpboot/i386 to keep it from overwritting my fstab, but its still overwritten to the default every boot, do I need to add the mounts to the image and rebuild or whats the best way to go about getting my nfs mounts to stay in the fstab?00:31
hadsI have [default]\nCONFIGURE_FSTAB=false in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf00:36
kaelesme too00:37
kaelesI don00:37
kaelest think the [default is there]00:37
kaeles[default] is there even ^00:37
kaelesthanks :P00:38
kaelesill try and see00:38
kaelesnope, still overwrites on reboot00:41
hadsI don't know a lot about LTSP but that works for me.00:42
kaelesdid you have to reboot the server?00:43
hadsNaw, it's not Windows :)00:47
kaelesI meant the tftp server or didn't know if there was a specific ltsp server deal00:48
kaelesI erased everything from the file BUT the [default] and the configure_fstab=false and it works00:49
kaelesI wanna hug you right now, I haven't been able to figure this out for like 2 months00:49
hadshaha, cool.00:50
hadsI have other stuff in mine00:50
kaelesits annoying to have to remount everything everytime someone decides to turn the tv off00:50
kaelesyea, I dunno why it didn't work, I did reboot the tftp and myth-backend, dunno if it helped, but I don'00:50
kaelest really care :)00:50
hadsActually, come to think of it, I've needed to mount -a on one of my boxes the last couple of reboots. D'oh00:50
kaelesthanks again man00:51
hadsNo worries00:51
kaelesoh, one other quesiton, in the fstab, if I'm mounting a cifs share, I can just put the user="",pass="" with the defaults option?00:52
kaelesI don't usually use cifs/smb but my roomy has 2 tb drives in his desktop shared, and would liek to be able to mount them :P00:52
hadsNot sure, I don't use CIFS at all so don't know much about it00:53
hadsI sure you can somehow though00:53
kaelesI'll just try it, and if it blows up I'll figure it out :P00:53
NavY-Sealhi to all i am planing to turn my ubuntu box in to a dvr for my cable service any one can sugest me a tested and good hd capture card for this purpouse ?01:12
kaelesthe happauge series are all pretty well tested insofar as I know.01:21
NavY-Sealdo i need a pvr or an hvr card ?01:32
Xel-Hey all02:18
Xel-I'm having an issue where I'm hearing echoing.  The Wiki said to make sure that the Line In (which I'm using for capture) is muted for output, and it is muted, but I'm still getting that echo.02:18
Xel-Any ideas?02:19
Xel-This is an SBLive 5.102:19
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kaelesOn the diskless server, its mounting the directory off the backend nbd server, so when I'm ripping a dvd, is it saving the file back to the backend in the mythdvd/temp folder/08:20
kaelesIf so, I'm gonna have to move everything to gigabit :P08:21
Essobikaeles: I think you answered your own question...14:01
MythbuntuGuest48i have a problem, maybe somebody can help me (sry for bad english)14:46
MythbuntuGuest48i use mythbuntu (jaunty) with a elo touchscreen14:47
MythbuntuGuest48and in music player window i cannot select buttons, music, etc14:48
MythbuntuGuest48i`ve tryed with the mouse - same problem14:48
MythbuntuGuest48only keyboard work14:48
MythbuntuGuest48there is some solution for this?14:48
MythbuntuGuest48i really need to use touchscreen for select and playing songs14:49
MythbuntuGuest48nobody? :(15:01
rhpot1991forums | MythbuntuGuest4815:02
rhpot1991!forums | MythbuntuGuest4815:02
ZinnMythbuntuGuest48: The Mythbuntu forums are located at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=301.  If you aren't getting a timely response here, there are lots of very active individuals there that may be able to help.15:02
MythbuntuGuest48allready searched the forum15:02
MythbuntuGuest48no answer to my problem15:02
rhpot1991prob a better place to ask there, I don't use mythmusic so I can't help much15:02
rhpot1991make a new post and wait, someone should answer15:02
MythbuntuGuest48ok, thanks15:02
=== p is now known as Guest75757
Guest75757hi guys ... another stupid question ... in order to conect the capture card with a time warner cable service digital what card should i look at any sugestion23:47
kaelesWell, I was really trying to make sure that the mythdvd/temp directory really IS on the shared drive of the backend server.23:54
kaelesI'm just gonna do it all gigabit anyhow now though, its so cheap, I might as well.23:54
kaelesThanks anyways Essbi.23:54

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