
TheFunkbombWill my ban on #ubuntu-offtopic be lifted today?00:07
TheFunkbombanyone home?00:08
Seeker`one sec00:08
Seeker`its ikonia's ban, you'll need to speak to him00:08
TheFunkbombWe're no longer on speaking terms.  He did say if someone wants to lift it, they can00:09
TheFunkbombokay then.  bye00:10
FlannelOh, ban in -ot00:37
Flannelsigh, what on earth is Mack's problem?00:46
FlannelAnyone awake with ops here?  I'd like to invite him00:46
PiciFlannel: eh? who?00:46
FlannelMaybe it's nothing.  Just review the past... however long with Mack* in #u00:47
FlannelI'm not really sure what Mack|Logger is all about.00:47
Seeker`that is a bit odd00:54
mneptokand now Mack|Logger00:58
* mneptok twitches00:58
LjLthere's always the good ol' method of "could you please join #ubuntu-ops for a minute"00:58
mneptoksomeone give me a reason not to ban him00:58
LjLwhich usually works better anyway since invites end up in status windows that people don't see00:58
LjLmneptok: he hasn't done anything special?00:59
mneptokhe was asked to not change nicks when away, and decided chaning nicks when away would be a good response00:59
Flannelmneptok: He hasn't changed nicks yet, just... joined with another client.  Which, while odd, isn't changing nicks.00:59
mneptokah, roght01:00
LjLyou could kick him for cloning if you want a reason.01:00
FlannelI'd rather just resolve the issue than kick/ban/whatever.01:00
LjLi'd agree.01:00
Flannelmneptok: If/when he replies, invite him here for that conversation.  It's not really #ubuntu fodder01:01
LjLmy bet is he wants the channel logged, but doing that with his normal client would result in away nicks01:01
FlannelLjL: His away nick was set by him personally01:01
FlannelHe'd do /away and then /nick01:01
FlannelWhich was the source of his original "Nuh Uh!" when I asked him to turn off his client's away nick change thing.01:01
LjLannoying fellow, anyway.01:03
LjLby the way, i believe Thons was spamming01:04
FlannelIndeed, I missed it entirely.01:05
jribis it okay if I maintain 1000 clones in #ubuntu and answer "yes" with all of them when someone asks "does anyone use X?"?02:31
PiciOnly if they also respond to 'is anyone here?'02:32
FlannelAlthough, I say make it 47 instead of 1000.02:36
jribFlannel: any particular reason for 47 over 46?02:39
Flanneljrib: 47 is prime.02:40
jribat least go with 57 :)02:41
Flannel57 isn't prime02:42
jribgrothendieck prime02:42
FlannelWhat on earth?02:42
FlannelWe could go with 59, is that acceptable?02:43
FlannelAh, I thought you had something caught in your throat.02:43
LjLjrib: floodbots would stop them :(02:45
jribwell i was just going to pm02:45
FlannelLjL: not if we program it into the floodbots!02:48
LjLi like pm02:48
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Classic said: ubottu, which is lts03:08
* genii slides bazhang a coffee06:45
bazhangthanks genii :)  better stick to tea though 06:45
geniibazhang: I'll remember tea next time for you. :)06:46
geniiWell, 1:45 AM-ish, so I'm out for sleep. Gnite06:47
Myrttiirssi-proxy <3 07:29
Myrttimakes IRC a bit less painful on dialup07:30
elkyMyrtti, dialup? eww07:41
topyliphoneirc <307:41
Myrttielky: I'm at my mums, she doesn't have zee interwebs07:42
elkyi thought you kids had funky wireless broadband and stuff07:42
Myrttielky: sure - but if I'm doing apt-file update at the same time, ssh connection gets a bit less priority and is damn flaky07:43
Myrttielky: I'm paying only for the lowest 3G speed07:43
elkyah, they limit you by speed rather than quota?07:44
Myrttielky: http://saunalahti.fi/gsm/mobiililaajakaista.php07:45
elkyi see numbers, but i lack context.07:46
topyliyeah i have the same deal iirc, 10€/m unlmited but capped at 384kpbs07:46
Myrttielky: those are the only relevant numbers07:46
topyliit's Just Fast Enough(TM)07:46
Myrttino monthly quota, no subscription fee, no quota capping07:46
MyrttiI had 512 when I worked from here a year ago07:47
Myrttibut now, for occasional SIP call, general mobile webpage surfing...07:47
Myrtti384 is enough07:47
topyli"fast enough" meaning you can do internet radio and sip calls are tolerable07:47
elkymaaaan. i can only dream of that. here i pay $20/mth for 1gb that gets somewhere between 40kbs and if i'm on the harbour bridge, 2mb/s07:47
Myrttiit's the speed that kills the internets, not the amount of data used ;-)07:48
Myrttiif you trickle your data with 40kbs, it doesn't matter how much of it you transfer07:48
elkyif i had deals like that here, i'd probably not bother with wired intarwebs07:48
Myrttithere's some people that are unsubscribing their wired nets07:49
Myrttiphone companies are rolling in their copper in the outskirts07:49
elkyMyrtti, are you finding that t61 sometimes makes you play a 3 min song a second time to get the required 'minute' for hearting?07:49
Myrttiyou're either using mobile broadband, or pay €€€€€€€ for copper07:50
Myrttielky: there's some issues there that t61 isn't good with07:50
MyrttiI can't get the Night Owl done no matter what time I listen to it07:51
Myrttiand by magic did the Evangelist quest, it's a bit buggy07:51
topyliright now the fastest mobile broadband is around 5Mbps (theoretical maximum). no iptv and such would work07:51
MyrttiI've got friends that have like 7 accepted invitations, but they show up as 4/5 in the quest07:51
elkytopyli, which doesnt worry me since i dont watch tv07:52
topylioh ok :)07:52
Myrttithat was a weird experience07:53
Myrttitried to install a theme to irssi and it went unresponsive for a while07:55
jussi01elky: could you tell me the most expensive jewellry stores in Sydney?07:58
elkyjussi01, i have no idea.07:59
* Myrtti wears the most exquisite necklace made of recycled plastic bags and soda cans08:03
Myrtti(which is brilliant since I hate yellow gold and can't wear silver)08:04
Myrttibut yeah - the fact that even the lowest bandwidth of 3G broadband can carry a sip phone call is quite <3 08:10
ikonia_gents did something happen during the night ?08:36
ikonia_my screen session for ikonia has totally hung ?08:36
ikonia_(I can't see the logs obviously)08:36
Seeker`what is the last time you can see?08:37
ikonia_nothing, can't re-attatch to that screen session08:37
ikonia_all my others are fine08:37
ikonia_if there is nothing obvious, thats fine08:38
ikonia_ooh bad lage too 186 seconds to sync #ubuntu-ops08:38
ikonia_lage ? lag08:38
Seeker`nothing in here, apart from TheFunkBomb looking for you08:38
ikonia_how odd08:38
Seeker`or rather, thefunkbomb looking to be unbanned08:39
ikonia_guys I'll kill my old session and re-join08:39
ikonia_how annoying08:39
ikonia_oooh 08:41
ikonia_it looks like it's working now, it had just hung08:41
ikoniaahh yes08:41
ikoniamuch better08:42
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.08:47
Myrttioh btw08:49
Myrttishould the fixdccexploit have a paragraph about quassel?08:49
Myrttijussi01: ^08:49
Flannelsomeone with -ot is likely going to have to remove gregoryj in not too long.09:42
ikoniaFlannel: has he been warned ?09:43
jussi01ikonia: pm09:43
ikoniaokey dokey09:44
Flannelikonia: well, he was just told to join -offtopic from #u, where he was doing the same thing I imagine he'll be doing in -ot09:44
Flannelbut, no, I don't think he's been warned.09:44
FlannelHe claims genuine interest, we'll see.09:44
ikoniashout if you want 09:45
elkyFlannel, you're still not on the -ot list?09:45
Flannelelky: Nay09:45
elkyyou do now.09:45
elkyi'm sick of waiting 6 months to get people on that ops list.09:46
FlannelI won't tell anyone!09:46
Flanneloh wait, we're logged.09:46
Flannelquick, help! ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^^HH^^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HH^H^H^^HH^^HH^^H09:46
FlannelOh, it's not working.09:47
elkyand i have sinus headache and i have no patience tonight09:47
ikoniaelky: green anadin - it's the future09:53
topyli@mark IndyGunFreak still has political propaganda in quit message. has been asked to change via memoserv09:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:55
ikoniatopyli: just forward him here if he's not picking up the memo09:55
FlannelHave you verified he's gotten it via... nevermind09:55
topyliFlannel: i just sent it now :)09:56
elkyi took a codral night, just waiting for it to kick in... (psudoephedrine hydrochloride, triprolidine hydrochloride, paracetamol) figured it was worth the paracetamol hangover tomorrow.09:56
Flannelspeak of the devil!09:56
elkywhich one?09:57
Flannelwhich one would you like?09:57
Mamarokparacetamol hangover? that's more likely to to be a pseudoephedrin hangover then...10:01
elkyMamarok, i'm sensitive to paracetamol. more than 1 a day has me feeling badly hungover the next day. if i take them while i'm nauseas, i throw them up.10:08
Mamarokwow, that's rare10:08
elkyhence nobody realised when i was growing up. i didnt realise until a few years ago... then mum chimed in with 'oh, so that's why you always threw up baby panadol...'10:09
elkyi know someone who reacts badly to it too10:10
Mamarokelky: can be a missing liver enzyme10:11
Mamarokmost likely actually10:11
Myrttiand I am yet to find a painkiller as effective as ketoprofen10:11
MamarokMyrtti: yes, but beware your stomach then...10:11
MyrttiMamarok: doctors refuse to give me it without stomach protection meds nowadays after I've told them how much I've used it in the past10:12
MamarokMyrtti: and they do well, as ketoprofen is not exactly stomach friendly10:13
Myrttithat's why I'm searching for a painkiller as good as it is - I could eat ibuprofein like bread and the end result would be the same as eating bread as painkiller10:14
MamarokMyrtti: did you try piroxicam?10:16
MyrttiMamarok: I'm not sure they have that in Finland10:20
MamarokMyrtti: would be astonishing if not, it's very commonly prescribed for rheumatic diseases10:20
Myrttiseem to be available as gel10:21
Mamaroknot exactly what we are looking for10:22
Myrttianyway, it could work, thanks for heads up10:23
MyrttiI hate eating pills anyway10:23
* Mamarok fears that this channel looks like a pharmaceutical consultation because of her now10:23
Myrttiyou can imagine what it was like year and a half ago when my back was in worse condition as it is now10:24
MamarokMyrtti: yeah, I can, markey's back is a recurrent problem here at home10:24
elkygrr... i hate it when i have no appetite but my stomach acts otherwise.10:27
elky(sinus headache tends to kill my appetite)10:28
elkythe pseudo paracetamol combination is kicking in though10:32
Myrttiwhat the hell is wrong with the people of offtopic these days10:33
jussi01Mamarok: what channel is he looking for?10:34
Mamarokthe !de message does not list the kubuntu-de channel, it's available since ages10:35
Mamarokhe is in there now10:35
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:35
jussi01Mamarok: yes it does...10:35
Mamarokoh, right, didn't se that one :)10:35
jussi01took me a second to notice also10:36
IndyGunFreakis there a list of ops?10:50
Myrttiwhich channel?10:50
Myrttioh for gods sake10:50
jpdsno, he has nothing to do with it.10:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about at10:52
elkyMamarok, care to help with ^^10:52
Mamarokelky: where?10:53
Mamarokat is austria I guess, tell him !de10:53
elkyMamarok, i mean something for the factoid about it being for loco stuff?10:54
Mamarokright, I think he is looking for an Austrian channel or so, but they speak German and !de will be fine10:55
elkyMamarok, my point is that the distinction that -at is for loco stuff and -de is for 'everyone who speaks german' is lacking.10:56
Mamarokelky: sry, just busy in #kubuntu-de, brb10:57
Mamarokelky: back11:01
Mamarokhow do I set a factoid again?11:02
* Mamarok checks what Austrian loco teams there are...11:02
jussi01Mamarok: is there one already?11:03
Mamarokjussi01: yes, #ubuntu-at11:04
Mamarokwhich is referred to in !de already11:04
jussi01Mamarok: !foo is <reply>bar11:04
jussi01or if the factoid exists:11:04
jussi01Mamarok:  !no, foo is <reply>bar11:04
Mamarokwhat does the bar part do?11:05
jussi01its what ubottu says when you call foo11:05
jussi01see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:05
Myrttiseparate issue if mamarok has editor rights on ubottu11:06
jussi01!no, jussi01 is <reply>Chomp!11:06
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0111:06
jussi01Myrtti: we sorted that already...11:06
jussi01!no, jussi01 is <reply>Carefull!!11:08
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0111:08
Mamarok!at <replay> Das österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.11:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about at <replay11:10
Mamarok!at <reply> Das österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.11:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about at <reply11:10
Mamarokstrange, does my keyboard not work?11:10
Mamarok!at <reply>Das österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.11:10
MyrttiMamarok: !at is <reply> ...11:11
Mamarok!at is <reply>Das österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie auch in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.11:11
ubottuI'll remember that, Mamarok11:11
Mamarokright :)11:11
ubottuDas österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie auch in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.11:11
Flannelisn't it \join?11:12
Flannelor am I going crazy11:12
FlannelI'm going crazy.11:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch11:13
Mamarokanother one to set...11:13
Flannelelky: s/  / /11:14
elkyFlannel, i parse spaces in irc like in html.11:15
Mamarok!ch is <reply>Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.11:16
ubottuI'll remember that, Mamarok11:16
Flannelinteresting.  So, if the official switzerland team's channel is english, why is the factoid in german?11:20
FlannelI'm... entirely just curious, I don't think it's wrong, or whatnot.11:20
FlannelAnd, I suppose, half devils advocate.11:20
MamarokFlannel: 80% speak german, but we also have 3 other languages. We got aware that if we allow German, the Channel will end up in German and some epople there do not speak or understand it at all11:22
Mamarokand it's a team channel, not a support one, except maybe for the Swiss keyboard11:22
FlannelI see.  I wasn't aware of the percentages (my enxt question would've been, why not the factoid in fr or it?)11:22
Mamarokyes, working on that :)11:22
elkyno harm tacking 'english please' on in -fr and -it11:23
Mamarokbut the French and Italian teams already know about us and send people there for regional stuff11:23
FlannelMakes sense.11:23
Mamarokthe Romansh almost all speak and write German, except maybe for some very old people11:23
FlannelI've never even heard of it before.11:24
Mamarokand there are only about 200.000 speaking romash, well, 5 different dialects actually11:24
Mamarokit's a latin-like language, a bit colse to Italian, but in the same time very different11:24
Mamarokit's spoken also in northern Italy and Croatia, but very sparse11:25
Mamarokit's only an official language in Switzerland, but not a mandatory one, e.g. the authorities do not have to translate into it, but only in de, fr and it11:26
MamarokSwitzerland is veeery special sometimes...11:26
Mamarokif you want to know about the Swiss, read "Dürrenmatt's letter to Vaclav Havel", very realistic11:27
Mamarokhttp://www.litart.ch/fd/fdrede.htm, I should translate that...11:29
elkyMamarok, so you're not actually a -de, but a -ch?11:30
Mamarokexactly :)11:38
Mamarokand I have two mothertongues, de and fr11:38
elkyMamarok, i always thought you were a -de for some reason.11:41
* Mamarok wonders why...11:41
Mamarokmaybe because I know Nightrose who is from de11:42
Myrttihello NCommander, did you fix your client?11:42
Mamarokand am quite often in de too11:42
NCommanderMyrtti, I'm on port 800111:42
NCommanderMyrtti, still affected. 11:42
* NCommander isn't home, hence why its an issue :-/11:42
NCommanderMyrtti, why am I oped in #ubuntu-read-topic?11:43
Myrttibecause you're ubuntu member11:44
elkyMamarok, i think it's because i know you from #u-w with nightrose, yeah11:44
NCommanderMyrtti, I'm kinda surprised that works like that ...11:45
elkyNCommander, well it's for use in all ubuntu channels really11:45
elkyit just almost never is.11:45
NCommanderelky, ?11:45
elkyNCommander, we assume that most channels will have at least 1 member who can rescue someone from -read-topic if need be11:46
elkyNCommander, however, it's really not worth worrying about the why.11:46
NCommanderelky, rescue? (sorry, I'm somewhat new to read-topic, since its the first time I got banished there :-))11:46
elkyjust dont worry about why.11:47
NCommanderelky, np11:47
MyrttiNCommander: it's assumed that ubuntu members can read the wikipage and assist non-members with less "clue" to get themselves fixed11:47
MyrttiNCommander: anyway, are you using a bouncer or an irssi proxy to connect to freenode?12:01
Myrtti<3 mirggi12:30
NCommanderMyrtti, crappy ISP12:54
ubottuIn #ubuntu, friendishan_ said: ubottu how is pici stuck hope u understand13:15
Myrttioh dear god13:16
PiciI... don't even have any words to respond to that with.13:21
MyrttiI can only guess what kind of private conversations poor ubottu has13:21
* ikonia unstick's pici13:23
elkyso, as predicted, the awakeness of the pseudo has worn off and i'm quite sleepy. g'nite14:00
Piciokay, goodnight14:00
* genii follows his nose over to the coffee urn14:08
geniiWork, /away (5-10 mins)14:27
* genii makes more coffee16:23
ubottuIn #ubuntu, iTomb said: Ubottu: no, XP is on my main drive.  I installed Ubuntu on a dedicated 2nd drive.  Now getting error 17.  Not finding any docs on it thus far.16:32
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:45
tsimpsonsomeone needs to sort the bots out18:19
Priceytsimpson: which ones, what's up?18:25
tsimpsonPricey: the floodbots18:25
Priceywhy are there 4? :/18:26
PiciOne of nalioth's quit and then two came back18:27
Priceylets see if that's better18:27
PriceyThings look good?18:28
tsimpsonlooks like it18:28
naliothi'm aware18:30
naliothplease stand by18:30
* Pici stands by18:30
* Myrtti point at -offtopic's latest new attendees hostname18:31
naliothworking with the failsafe (crontab entry)18:31
* nalioth hates crontabs18:31
Myrttidown_ [i=down@suck.me.i.will.give.u.m0ney.org]18:32
* ikonia could use the money19:17
ikoniaget a number19:17
* jussi01 prods ikonia19:31
* tsimpson wonders what jussi01 is going to ask ikonia...19:32
Myrttitsimpson: !!!19:32
tsimpsonI said nothing, anything you infer is in your mind19:33
Myrtti@bansearch ubuntumacintosh 20:06
ubottuNo matches found for ubuntumacintosh!n=grnhlk@ip24-56-31-25.ph.ph.cox.net in any channel20:06
Tm_Thmmmmm, what's best irc channel for quick review of ubuntu logo similarities in case of possible violation?20:51
TheFunkbombgood day21:06
TheFunkbombno one around?21:08
Seeker`i am around21:09
Tm_Tor not just watching21:09
TheFunkbombwondering if I can get my ban lifted today21:10
Seeker`I'm not familiar enough with the situation21:14
TheFunkbombI can explain very quickly.  It was a misunderstanding that went too far.  I apologized for my actions.  That should be the end of it.21:15
Seeker`like i said, I'm not familiar enough with the situation21:16
TheFunkbombwell thanks anyway21:16
TheFunkbombI'll try back tomorrow21:17
MyrttiTm_T: #ubuntu-ianal21:37
Tm_Tglad I always forget what this "ianal" could mean21:38
LjLone of the most "uh" internet acronyms innit22:02
Seeker`@bansearch mathyboy23:26
ubottuNo matches found for mathyboy!n=mathyboy@pool-96-255-207-138.washdc.fios.verizon.net in any channel23:26

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