
Sarvatttormod: thats one hell of a changelog huh, need to review alot of patches https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/xorg-testing/+sourcepub/636249/+listing-archive-extra13:10
Sarvattoh shoot he isnt in here, sorry13:11
hyperairhmm this is interesting. looks like i've got the usual GEM leak, but the symptoms -- unfreeable cache doesn't seem to be there.18:22
hyperairat least, not a huge amount of unfreeable cache18:22
hyperairuptime ~ 6h.18:23
hyperairlet's see how long this stays. =D18:23
tjaaltonbryce_: yeah I got the upstream bug report, and it'll be in karmic before too long. running EXA for now19:45
tjaaltonbryce_: also, I merged intel 2.7.1 and wacom-tools today, only ~7 packages to go19:45
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps

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