
MTecknologyThere should be a BIG message on answers.lp.net/lp that says that they should only ask lp questions here, not about issues w/ their computer....00:07
pulaskihello I'm trying to paste up my signed Ubuntu code of conduct and I get the error (7.2 'Bad signature').  I've gone through the steps to create the UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt.asc file more than once.  Can anyone offer any suggestions?01:32
jmarsdenpulaski: Verify your signature with    gpg --verify UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt.asc    perhaps?01:41
pulaskijmarsden: Thanks for responding.  I'll try it01:42
pulaskijmarsden: Does the command need an argument?  I'm not getting a response to it.01:44
pulaskioh, let me try again01:44
pulaskijmarsden: good signature thanks01:46
jmarsdenThe parameter is the filename to be verified... the .asc file.    You could also check that your signature is uploaded to the keyserver.ubuntu.com keyserver already?01:46
jmarsdenMake that "check that your public key is uploaded..." :)01:46
pulaskiyes I was able to issue the command "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys" and it immediately returned a prompt.01:53
jmarsdenAnd can you now receive the key concerned back from it OK?  gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 01234567  # if 0123457 is your key id01:54
pulaskiOh, no I just received a plan prompt from the command01:56
Ampelbeinpulaski: can you give the key-id?01:57
pulaskiAmpelbein: here and now? yes01:58
Ampelbeinpulaski: you can /msg it to me if you don't want it to be public. ;-)01:58
jmarsdenpulaski: Then we can see if *we* can receive that key from the keyserver... what is it?01:58
pulaskihold on please I need to scroll back for it.02:00
jmarsdenWhen you uploaded it, you did put your key id at the end of the gpg --send-keys command, right?02:00
jmarsdenBTW, gpg --list-keys will list key ids of all keys on your keyring, which should include your own...02:01
Ampelbeinpulaski: you can just use seahorse to look it up or use 'gpg --list-secret-keys'02:01
pulaskiI believe this is my key DA52F09C02:04
pulaskilet me issue the send-key command with the key as an argument02:04
jmarsdenIt's there.02:04
jmarsdenYou are Mike Ring... :)02:04
pulaskiyeah thats me02:05
jmarsdenSo then there must be something odd about the paste operation you were using?  Lack of final end of line, maybe?02:05
jmarsdenOr it wrapped badly somehow when you pasted it?02:05
pulaskiI've pasted it a couple of times. i took the .asc file and opened it in emacs and copied it from there.  let me try one more time please.02:07
pulaskiBingo it took it this time thanks for your help02:09
jmarsden:) No problem.02:10
pulaskiI'm trying to grabe the blueman package.  I'm going to push on.  You guys have been a great help.  I'll return with any more questions.02:10
jmarsdenOK.  You shouldn't absolutely need to be a Ubuntero to download software, though... is it in a bzr repository on LaunchPad?02:11
pulaskihere's my sources.list entry line 1 :deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/blueman/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main and line 2: deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/blueman/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main02:14
pulaskiThe instructions are a bit involved, can you guys post a link to a blueman binary?02:15
pulaskisudo apt-get install blueman doesn't work,  it doesn't recognize the package.02:18
pulaskimakes me wonder about the repository02:19
wgrantThe repository is fine. Did you follow the instructions linked from https://launchpad.net/~blueman/+archive/ppa?02:19
pulaskithanks I have so many launchpad window open.  I'll try that one.02:20
wgrantpulaski: Also, as jmarsden pointed out, you only need to sign the Code of Conduct in order to *upload* to a PPA.02:25
pulaskiwgrant: thanks, I'm not skilled enough yet to do any coding or uploading I'm just trying to find a deb binary package.  I'd rather not try and build from source02:30
jmarsdenpulaski: If you really need a link to the .deb, try https://launchpad.net/~blueman/+archive/ppa/+files/blueman_1.10-1~ppa3j_i386.deb02:30
jmarsdenNut you should be able to add those two lines to your sources.list and do  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install blueman02:31
pulaskijmarsden: that's the problem I didn't update yet02:31
jmarsdenOK :)02:32
pulaskijmarsden: sudo apt-get update returned: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn'tbe verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6B15AB91951DC1E202:34
jmarsdenYou can either follow the instructions at the link wgrant gave to fix that, or decide you don't need to verify that key02:35
pulaskijmarsden: I'll try the deb link above02:35
jmarsden:)  You should find that sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 6B15AB91951DC1E202:37
jmarsdenWill fix the PPA key issue02:37
pulaskiok, refrained from installing the deb because the sudo apt-get install blueman seemed to work.02:42
pulaskiNow I can proceed and try to connect to my T-mobile G1 phone using bluetooth.02:42
pulaskijmarsden: I'm having trouble locating and running the bluetooth manager.  Nothing in /usr/bin/blueman, nothing in utilites.  Do you have a suggestion?02:59
jmarsdenpulaski: dpkg -L blueman   will list all the files in the package so you can see where it installed them to.03:00
pulaskijmarsden: thanks I found the bluetooth manager.  It's not showing my device.  I'm going to try and get more help elsewhere.  You have been very helpdul.  Thanks03:07
jmarsdenNo problem.  I'm not a bluetooth expert at all, so yes, getting help elsewhere is a good idea for that :)03:07
zu22hi i wish to upload my code to my launchpad project04:12
zu22it is currently in no version control system04:12
zu22how do i get it into launchpad?04:12
wgrantzu22: https://help.launchpad.net/Code is probably a good introduction.04:14
wgranthttps://help.launchpad.net/Projects too.04:14
zu22wgrant: ok thanks04:15
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rippsMan the shipova ppa build server is ungodly slow, it's taken four hours, and it's still building a package. I know it hasn't frozen because i've checked on it periodcally and it's been working, just slow as shit.06:33
rippspardon my language06:33
dlynchIs a launchpad team a good way of setting up a mailing list for end users? Or does experience show that the step to become a member of LP and then a team member will turn off people who are not already involved in LP?06:45
DemophobieHey! Danilo istn here?12:07
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AskHLGood day.  TLE and I are trying to set up a launchpad bzr repository where we can both check in code using e.g. bzr push.  This does not work for me, as it complains about "readonly transport".  I have set up an ssh key, and my local branch is identified with my launchpad account (askhl).  Can anyone help with this?15:17
maxbAskHL: One of you should create a team, add the other person, and assign the bzr repository to be owned by the team15:18
TLEmaxb: that has already been done, I created the team and added ask to it and assigned the team as the project owner15:20
LarstiQok, so how is AskHL accessing the branc?15:20
AskHLHmmm, wait.  I'm checking this again now, and I don't think the branch ownership is quite correct15:20
AskHLWait a moment, we'll (maybe) sort it out15:21
TLEit works now, my fault, sorry15:28
AskHLGreat.  Thank you for the help15:29
LarstiQok :)15:29
LarstiQAskHL, TLE: have fun and succes!15:29
* LarstiQ returns to his laundry and shopping15:29
AskHLLarstiQ, thanks!15:31
TLEthank you good sir15:32
MTecknologyHow do I go back one revision with bzr?16:35
MTecknologyI don't want to go back to a specific revision, but back one from where I'm at16:35
savvasbzr revert I thinl16:41
savvasor was it bzr uncommit ?16:41
andrea-bs`revert` reverts all uncommitted changes done; `uncommit` removes a revision16:55
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mithroany launchpad developers around? I'm still trying to get help with https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6946019:16
aneptunHello everybody! Can someone help me to install virtualbox-ose 2.0.4 in ubuntu hardy 8.04?private me.thank you!21:04
LaPingvinotake a look at #ubuntu21:19
rockstaraneptun, #launchpad is for Launchpad questions.  You want #ubuntu, or maybe a vbox specific channel.21:20
broonieHow can I get myself removed as the bug contact for a package?21:21
geserthe same way you added yourself to it?21:39
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