
kwwii_MMA_: dude!00:36
_MMA_yo yo00:36
kwwiigood to see you again00:36
kwwiiI am in barcelona at the all-hands canonical meeting before UDS00:37
_MMA_I'm always connected, just not in channel. ;)00:37
kwwiilast night, weekend off here tomorrow and totally drunk00:37
_MMA_kwwii: Ahh...00:37
kwwiirolling one now, and then going to bed00:37
kwwiiwill you be online over the weekend?00:38
_MMA_Yep. Not much planned beyond getting the Breathe updates done and setting up things for release.00:38
kwwiicool, I will taking a tour of the city with ted gould and neil patel on saturday but Neil and I will be working through on sunday getting UNR things starte00:39
_MMA_kwwii: Fun. Luke there?00:39
kwwiiyeah, we had the jam session for allhands tonight and he played basically everything00:40
_MMA_Killer. Tell him I said hi.00:40
Viper550I was working on a wallpaper for that Ark Linux KDE 400:40
kwwiiwill do00:40
kwwiiwe all got chumby's tonight as a gift00:41
kwwiipretty cool00:41
_MMA_Viper550: Your previous Ubuntu work is better.00:42
Viper550I never actually did Kubuntu work...00:42
Viper550but anyway...like the wallpaper? made it myself00:42
kwwiilooks pretty cool00:43
kwwiianyway, time for sleep now00:43
_MMA_Night man.00:43
kwwiisee you all on the weekend00:43
kwwii_MMA_: hope to see you soon00:43
* _MMA_ will be lurking.00:43
kwwiione last thing, I assume everyone heard that we got android apps running on ubuntu UNR right?00:47
kwwiiand plasma as well00:47
kwwiianyway...time again for sleep00:48
kwwiinight all00:48
knomenight kwwii00:52
kn100hi, im interested in helping,10:29
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
kn100is anyone here23:15
SiDi19 persons including you23:16
* SiDi hides23:16
kn100i mean23:16
kn100the last time i was here there were 21 people online but bobdy said hi23:17
kn100i am interested in helping you guys with artwork23:17
kn100i don't know where to start :)23:19
SiDithat last time was this afternoon right ? :P23:19
kn100i cant remember23:19
SiDiWell, just post what you've done in the past on the mailing list, with a short introduction about yourself ?23:19
kn100what like past projects?23:20
SiDiAnd if you have ideas for karmic wallpapers/themes, just go on and post mockups on the wiki23:20
kn100thats cool23:20
kn100what colours are you guys looking for in karmic?23:20
SiDinoone knows yet what colors will be used in karmic23:20
SiDijust work with what you think to be great :)23:21
kn100im just begging its not going to be *ugh* brown23:21
kn100well i will make a wallpaper and post it on the wiki23:21
SiDiDon't know :p Xubuntu is likely to be blue though :D23:21
SiDifor wallpapers, try to work either in svg, or in png with 2560x1600 screen res23:21
SiDiif i'm not wrong that should be the biggest ratio/resolution aimed23:22
kn100i cant do SVG's23:22
kn100i can do PNG's at that resolution though23:23
SiDii cant do anything above 1000x1000, which is already hardly challenging me :)23:23
SiDii just gave up on wallpapers23:23
kn100i use fireworks for all my deskign work23:23
SiDihm, i think some people might be unhappy if you dont use open source software :)23:24
kn100how would they know :p23:24
SiDibecause open source software should be promoted with open source tools23:24
SiDithey'll know :P23:24
kn100plus imho gimp sucks23:24
SiDiits interface sucks, as far as im concerned23:24
kn100and come on, its a wallpaper23:24
kn100fireworks to the rescue23:25
SiDibut honnestly, if i prefer firefox to it, i consider fireworks much more limited ;) and i used it ;)23:25
SiDiphotoshop, not firefox23:25
SiDi /tired23:25
kn100i love fireworks23:25
kn100i been using fireworks for years23:25
kn100for all my design work23:25
kn100great software23:26
kn100plus it runs great in wine23:26
kn100how does green sound for ubuntu karmic23:29
SiDiGo for it23:29
SiDiCommunity stuff doesnt have to stick to Canonical's colour choices anyways :)23:29
kn100canonical are mad arent they23:30
SiDino, theyre not23:30
SiDiits actually a lovely color for a desktop :)23:30
SiDimost neutral you'll find23:30
kn100horrible IMHO23:31
kn100my desktop is either black or green23:31
kn100as you can see by me desktop http://i40.tinypic.com/2lx4wg.png23:36
kn100thats the second time today the screenshotter has ignored my dock and panels23:36
kn100http://i44.tinypic.com/29nuiqh.png that is my desktop :)23:36
SiDispotify \o/23:37
kn100spotify rocks23:37
kn100http://open.spotify.com/user/kn100/playlist/6WKIIE9GHb4mlD7wXKPebT my collab playlist :)23:38
SiDiMine's sexier :p but it's "The pretiest of all *buntus" ™23:38
kn100lets see23:38
SiDii dont even know how to open someone else's playlist :O23:39
kn100click it, copy the address that comes up into the search field23:39
kn100one caveat of running it in wine23:39
kn100firefox wont interact with it and i cant figure out how to make it23:39
kn100very nice23:41
kn100i like mine though :P23:41
kn100do you make artwork for ubuntu?23:41
SiDiNope :)23:41
SiDiI just port some metacity themes to xfce when i find time for it23:42
SiDiand i watch xubuntu artwork (making sure our art guy works fine, isnt it knome ? :D)23:42
kn100im wondering whether i should put a koala in my desktop bg23:44

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