
nhandlerHi owner01:20
ownerhow you view blacvklist?01:25
gnomefreakremind me why i choose to use nvidia graphics card :(09:58
gnomefreaklol i opened the first bug on firefox-notify im suprised noone has filed one yet11:04
* gnomefreak really doesnt feel like working on it but we will see11:06
gnomefreakfirefox-notify is fixed already luca doesnt screw around :)12:34
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
=== asac_ is now known as asac
BUGabundohey fta asac and rest of the gang14:49
BUGabundofta: wth .... a new FF update14:55
BUGabundojust fixed one of my bugs... and its is still installing14:55
BUGabundodidn't even restart FF14:55
BUGabundoI have to test this better14:55
BUGabundobut kinda strage14:55
BUGabundofta: ZOOM setting were lost once you changed tabs14:56
BUGabundonow, just after while running Update Manager14:56
BUGabundoI opened a new FF windows and it used the vaule for that site14:57
BUGabundowhat ? no "???" now?14:58
BUGabundoare you mono silabic today ? :)14:58
BUGabundoor just busy packing for the trip ?14:59
ftanot yet14:59
ftai should14:59
BUGabundohope this is a permanent and real fix15:00
BUGabundonot a fluke or something to get dropped in the next build15:01
BUGabundoso happy to have my zoom controls back15:01
ftahttps://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/62386  :(15:14
BUGabundolet me guess: denied?15:19
ftawell, not exactly15:19
BUGabundohumm just read it15:20
BUGabundothey may increase it, but needs changes15:20
LaPingvinoasac, langpacks updated? how are you?15:34
BUGabundofljohn: hi16:14
fljohnIt has been very trying16:14
fljohnnew to ubuntu.  loaded it on my new bare bones16:15
fljohn9.04 is not working right for me and I can not get Hulu to work or my buzzen.com chatrooms16:15
fljohnI am going to go back to 8.04 AMD 64 to see if it will work right16:16
BUGabundofljohn: this is not a channel for Ubuntu support16:16
fljohnBUGabundo: this is a mozilla channel.  Is that not my problem?16:17
BUGabundofljohn: for help with the codecs that you need, please visit #ubuntu irc channel or the ubuntu forums16:17
fljohnso what do you do here?16:17
BUGabundofljohn: I do not believe so...16:17
BUGabundoI'm inclined to say it's a codec problem16:17
BUGabundosee medibuntu wiki16:17
fljohnok thanks16:18
BUGabundo !medibuntu | fljohn16:18
ubottufljohn: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:18
fljohnthank you for your time16:18
BUGabundoagain, for future inquiries please ask on #ubuntu16:18
BUGabundook ?16:18
* BUGabundo hates to do Formal talks.... but sometimes its sounds better.....16:18
BUGabundohope I didn't scare him too much16:19
BUGabundoo mbana16:28
mbanahttp://img7.imageshack.us/img7/7663/fontsc.png ... here's the new screenshot.16:29
mbanasorry that's quite bad one sec16:30
BUGabundouau that's a big screen16:32
mbana3.5 is using a different config.16:32
BUGabundoand those fonts look strange16:32
mbanathe FF on the left is doing the right thing, the one of the right is insisting on using slight hinting, i believe16:33
mbanathat's the default16:33
mbanasorry, i should clarify, in gnome appearance i set it to hint full16:34
mbanaFF 3.5 isn't using listening, if you will16:34
mbanalook at the gnome taskbar and the FF 3.5 menu16:35
mbanauau?  what does that mean?16:36
BUGabundombana: asac is at barcelona and fta will leave tomorrow16:37
BUGabundobetter file a bug on LP and ping back after UFS16:37
mbanaok i'll keep the screenshot saved16:37
BUGabundofile a bug and upload it16:37
BUGabundoso it doest get lost16:37
BUGabundombana: $ ubuntu-bug firefox-3.516:38
BUGabundobut I'm not sure its just a FF bug or fontconfig one16:38
mbanadamn that's cool16:39
LaPingvinoclarification: uau = wow16:49
LaPingvinoI am quite a polyglot so I can know :)16:50
BUGabundoLaPingvino: in PT its uau too eheh16:53
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: fala português?16:53
LaPingvinoaonde habita?16:54
LaPingvinomy portuguese is really poor, only a month or so, so please tell me if you don't understand and help me a bit to learn it better ;)16:54
BUGabundoLaPingvino: claro q entendi. sou do Porto. e tu?16:56
LaPingvinoeu sou da holanda16:57
LaPingvinofalo 9 idiomas16:57
LaPingvinofalo um pouco de português por minha namorada, ela é do brasil16:57
BUGabundopelos 9 idiomas ta claro ;)))16:59
LaPingvinosim :P16:59
LaPingvinoportuguês esta meu último idioma oq aprendo17:00
LaPingvinofalo NL, EO, EN, TP, fr, de, io, es, pt17:01
BUGabundove se q n tens mais nada q fazer :)17:02
LaPingvinopenso q não sabe de 3 dos idiomas...17:02
LaPingvinohehe :P feito tá muito facil se falo muito em todos os dias ;)17:03
LaPingvinoEO é Esperanto, é muito legal esse idioma ;) sem isso não faleria nada17:04
BUGabundoconheço o nome17:07
LaPingvinosó isso? :P17:08
ftac'est pas un peu fini de parler dans une langue que je ne comprends pas ? ;)17:08
BUGabundofta: time to learn.. its something that resembles Portuguese17:09
BUGabundofta: LaPingvino does talk it quiet good, but lacks the semantics...17:09
LaPingvinofta: ah bien, je peux parler un peu de francais aussi :P17:10
BUGabundobut for someone who just learned it 1 month ago via a gf, I'm amazed17:10
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: I don't have the practice :P17:10
BUGabundoI can read french17:10
BUGabundobut haven't used it in EONS17:10
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: Yeah, you're a polyglot or you're not, eh ;)17:10
LaPingvinohehe :D17:10
BUGabundoso don't expect me to talk it or even write it17:10
LaPingvinoc'est possible d'essayer un peu :P17:11
BUGabundoLaPingvino: I can understand written and spoken IT, FR, and talk ENG, ES and of course PT-PT and PT-BR17:11
LaPingvinodammit, don't write italian ;)17:12
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: how old are you?17:12
BUGabundoeheh check my wiki page17:13
BUGabundodon't want to spam it all about17:13
LaPingvinofta: tu habite oú?17:13
LaPingvinoah sorry :)17:13
LaPingvinoyour name means "a lot of bugs" or something like that? :P17:14
BUGabundoLaPingvino: not exactly17:14
ftahm, my karma is still growing fast17:14
LaPingvinoabundo means a bucketload in esperanto17:15
LaPingvinofta: ah, paris?17:15
* BUGabundo envies fta karma points... all gotten from auto build bots :)17:15
BUGabundoLaPingvino: more like Vagabundo17:16
LaPingvinoah, je ne vais jamais parler comme les parisiens :(17:16
LaPingvinoah like that :P17:16
BUGabundosome one who goes around any where17:16
LaPingvinoyeah I can see the idea :)17:16
BUGabundothe nick per si was no special meaning , but of course, you can attribute one to it.17:16
ftaBUGabundo, well, feel free to fix the dailies for me17:16
LaPingvinoyou have to chose something :)17:16
LaPingvinois asac awake?17:17
BUGabundoLaPingvino: please prefix the messages, or we won't know to whom you are talking too17:17
LaPingvinoor gone for now?17:17
BUGabundogone for now17:17
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: sorry, I'm a bit lazy in prefixing :(17:17
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: not accustomed really17:18
LaPingvinowhich timezone does asac live actually?17:22
LaPingvinoand which times he's normally here?17:22
ftagermany, look at ~asac17:23
LaPingvinoah sure, same as me :)17:23
LaPingvinoI'm from holland17:24
LaPingvinothe netherlands17:24
LaPingvinothe country where most of the people assert to speak english ;)17:24
BUGabundoohh it is not ? :)17:30
LaPingvinowell I'm often embarrased by the english of my fellow countrymen, mine included ;)17:31
LaPingvinoespecially in public in major positions...17:31
LaPingvinobut in fact, most get by really nicely17:31
LaPingvinoas far as it resembles dutch or the things they see on television17:32
LaPingvinodutch and english are quite close languages, you see :)17:32
LaPingvinoI'm still surprised I do actually get by in english by now :P17:33
LaPingvinoas in any language actually17:33
LaPingvinoit's just a miracle when people do understand you :P17:33
LaPingvinonothing less17:33
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: the bad semantics in language I have in all languages, including my mother tongue ;)17:34
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: that could be because of my autism... I'm just doing something... I don't feel myself overly competent in languages, I just dare to speak them :P17:35
LaPingvinoI can get by anywhere and don't speak any language right :P17:39
BUGabundoso your autism allowed you to develop a set of Language habitabilitys making it possible for you to learn all of those 9 langs17:39
LaPingvinoyeah, that and the confidence of being able to learn esperanto to the bones17:40
LaPingvinoand that I am so crazy to learn languages noone speaks ;)17:40
LaPingvinomy autism gives me a healthy amount of craziness that in fact only gives me advantages :P17:41
LaPingvinoit's really quite usefull to be able to speak and understand a lot of languages17:41
LaPingvinodon't ask me for translation work but for Esperanto, but getting by... sure I do :P17:41
BUGabundoho man I can't understand a thing on that last sentence!17:42
BUGabundocalm down, take a bread, and try again! :)17:42
* BUGabundo offers a chocolate cookie to LaPingvino17:44
LaPingvinonão me pregunta de traducir algo, em vez que com Esperanto, mas falar ao menos um pouco, sim17:44
* LaPingvino thanks a lot :)17:44
LaPingvinoGuess my portugues contains more mistakes here than my english, but well :P17:45
LaPingvinoit's for me almost impossible to do a trustable translation, or a translation a native can be proud of, even in my own language17:47
LaPingvinobut I can do translations in Esperanto17:47
LaPingvinothat's about what I tried to say17:47
ftaBUGabundo, fan of star trek?17:52
BUGabundowho isn't?17:52
* BUGabundo spock initiation is on screen now17:53
BUGabundostill wondering if I should get all 11 and do a marathon or just 1->1117:53
ftai watched all classic, tng, ds9 & voyager17:54
BUGabundobut this is the *first* movie17:55
BUGabundofrom 197817:55
LaPingvinoI have never seen even one episode...17:59
LaPingvinoI really should...17:59
LaPingvinobut where to begin?17:59
LaPingvinowith the movie I guess?18:00
ftachronologically is always better18:00
ftanot the order of the story, but the order in which they were released18:01
LaPingvinoah sure18:01
ftait's true for series, movies, even books18:01
LaPingvinothat's an awfull lot of stuff18:01
BUGabundoonly 11 movies18:01
BUGabundoand what? 4 tv shows?18:01
LaPingvinoof how long?18:01
BUGabundosince the 70ies18:02
LaPingvinoI guess I can be watching for some days then :P18:02
fta716 episodes ;)18:02
LaPingvinoI guess I should just watch the movie first ;)18:03
LaPingvinoto get a feeling whether I will like it18:03
LaPingvinoIt will sure get me18:04
LaPingvinobut well... don't know whether my girl will like that :P18:04
BUGabundoI liked more the TV Shows18:05
LaPingvinohehe :)18:05
BUGabundothe movies don't bring the same involvment18:05
ftame too, it's very different18:05
LaPingvinocan you see it all online?18:05
* BUGabundo "yah yah Scotty"18:05
BUGabundoLaPingvino: that wasn't meant for you18:06
BUGabundobut I bet youtube has a few18:06
LaPingvinoaha :)18:06
BUGabundobut you can easily get them from torrents18:06
BUGabundoeven movie 1 has many seeds18:06
LaPingvinoyeah I'm sure :)18:08
* LaPingvino has some unhaveable habits in communication he isn't aware of a lot :( like entering about any conversation he likes...18:10
* LaPingvino is often too honest as well18:12
* LaPingvino has to eat about now, byebye18:13
=== wikz_ is now known as wikz
ftaRejected: PPA exceeded its size limit (23196.00 of 20480.00 MiB)18:33
BUGabundofta: ping20:53
BUGabundofta: where can I find Chromium 2.0 stable?20:53
ftanowhere, there's no such thing20:53
BUGabundosince  as you said, now we have trunk with 3.0 ?20:53
* BUGabundo is confused20:53
BUGabundoso why 3.0?20:53
BUGabundowhere is the "older" version?20:54
BUGabundoI have a loco user asking for Chromium20:54
ftachromium jumped from to
ftathe major version means nothing20:55
BUGabundooh ok20:55
BUGabundoso all we have is the PPA ?20:55
ftathey bumped it because on the windows side, they released chrome, based on chromium trunk20:55
ftayes, there's only the ppa, no tag or tarball allowing us to create a release.20:56
BUGabundoand what's the story with 64bits?20:57
ftalook at the ppa header20:57
BUGabundoI'm doing it now20:58
ftagood enough?21:03
BUGabundofor now21:07
BUGabundocan't open Google Reader21:07
BUGabundoapport just fired twice21:07
BUGabundowant the bugs?21:07
BUGabundo"Our multi-process model negates the benefit of a 64-bit address  space.  A 32-bit address space should always be sufficient." Last Famous Words?21:10
BUGabundofta: im not wrong ... *we* are still on 30221:54
BUGabundoits still not built21:55
ftait is: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gwibber-daily/+archive/ppa21:55
BUGabundotime to upgrade21:56
ftatoo early21:56
ftaEstimated repository size: 2.1 MiB (0.21%) of 1.0 GiB  :)21:56
BUGabundostill not there21:57
BUGabundosome have so much others so few21:57
BUGabundothere we go....22:06
BUGabundopython depencies22:06
BUGabundofta: gwibber22:07
BUGabundotrmanco is having trouble with 30322:08
BUGabundoobvious solution!22:12
BUGabundowhy don't the team communicate this changes of depencies?22:12
ftathis was a 126KB commit :(22:13
ftahm, still broken here22:14
BUGabundolet me try22:14
BUGabundo$ sudo aptitude install python-mako22:17
BUGabundothis is an heavy package for just 500k22:18
BUGabundobut at least gwibber now works fta22:18
ftayes but does it work?22:18
ftait doesn't for me, white page22:18
BUGabundoyeah me too22:18
BUGabundono theme22:18
BUGabundosomething missing22:19
ftagot it22:20
BUGabundolots of CLI errors22:20
BUGabundo304 ?22:20
BUGabundo  Ryan Paul 2009-05-23 22:16:3622:22
BUGabundobad time to upgrade22:22
BUGabundos/  url="http://cixar.com/~segphault", 13   /   url="http://launchpad.net/gwibber/",22:22
BUGabundofta: gonna respin the bot?22:24
BUGabundogonna $ sudo apt-get build-dep gwibber22:26
BUGabundoand get bzr trunk22:26
BUGabundofta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/179082/22:27
BUGabundodoes this make any sense to you ?22:27
ftajust reinstall https://edge.launchpad.net/~gwibber-daily/+archive/ppa/+files/gwibber_1.0.2~bzr302-0ubuntu1~daily1_all.deb22:29
ftai know the problem, and the fix, but i'd prefer segphault to fix trunk instead of me doing a patch in the packaging that will fail tomorrow22:30
ftadamn, i should pack my stuff for tomorrow22:31
nhandlerfta: When is your flight?22:32
BUGabundoI'm starting to believe you will miss the flight22:32
BUGabundonhandler: I think he is expected to get to spain at 2pm22:32
* LaPingvino wants to say a quick salute before going out here to get his sleep22:34
BUGabundoLaPingvino: sleep?? who sleeps?22:34
LaPingvinodutch christian esperantist autists like me? ;)22:34
LaPingvinoI sure have forgotten some qualifiers...22:35
LaPingvinobut yeah, at least me22:35
LaPingvinogf is off to a party now, can't talk with her further, so guess I should prepare myself for early church tomorrow by now22:38
LaPingvinowell, good luck everyone, and fta for his flight22:39
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
nhandlerWould someone be willing to look at lp:~nhandler/firefox-extensions/long-url-please.ubuntu ?23:23
nhandlerJazzva: ^^^23:23
Jazzvanhandler: ok, i'll check it soon, after I finish something here...23:24
nhandlerJazzva: No problem. I'm running to dinner, so take your time23:24
Jazzvanhandler: k, have a nice dinner23:25
ftagrr, another 157KB patch for gwibber23:31
BUGabundofta: leave it23:34
BUGabundoget the packs ready for the travel23:34
ftanot sure about what i should bring23:37
ftawhat's the weather there?23:37
BUGabundohumm hot during the week23:38
BUGabundorainy at weekends23:38
BUGabundono beach for us23:38
BUGabundoits 23h and its very hot here tonight23:39
BUGabundojust turned the AC on to FAN a bit23:39
ftahttp://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/08181.html  :(23:41
BUGabundoyou will be inside, so it doesn't make a diff23:42
BUGabundowoot retweeting on bzr 30523:43

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