
Slick666Hello all, I've opened up a bug a couple days ago and I was wondering if There is anything more I need to add before it can be triaged01:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 379055 in evolution "Evolution Exchange Proxy miss-match with system" [Undecided,New]01:34
screamI don't see the builds at03:24
screamfor example03:24
Hobbseescream: they probably don't exist anymore03:31
Hobbseeor never existed.  either way03:34
Hobbseeno, they must have existed.  how strange.03:36
screamI want to test and report bugs.03:37
Hobbseescream: I think those are on a cron-job, and dailies get deleted every friday, or something03:37
screamCan you point me in the right direction. :)03:37
=== scream is now known as JonCharge
Hobbseehttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/ always points to the latest server installation03:37
Hobbseebut, may not actually install03:37
Hobbseethe other option is to install a fresh copy of jaunty and dist-upgrade, or to install alpha 1 of karmic,and upgrade from there03:38
JonChargeSo that is the desired iso for testing and reporting?03:39
Hobbseeif it works, sure03:39
JonChargeAre there specific things that need to be tested (perhaps another web page I need to read)?03:39
Hobbseethe most sensible option is to use the latest alpha, and upgrade off that03:39
Hobbseeseeing as that's actually been tested03:40
Hobbseeor at least, bits of it have03:40
Hobbseewhich are at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/alpha-1/03:40
Hobbseetest anything and everything, i think03:41
JonChargebug 379879 does not look like a bug, seems already installed from the dmesg upload, double check me before I invalidate it?04:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 379879 in ubuntu "package ltrace failed to install or upgrade" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37987904:01
HobbseeJonCharge: i'd ask mvo about that - dpkg shouldn't throw up it's hands for random reasons like that04:15
micahgI'm not sure about this: bug 37439805:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 374398 in firefox "Glitches around checkboxes in Firefox" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37439805:13
micahgGraphics card issue or compiz?05:13
micahg1Hew: can you mark something triaged for me?06:31
Hewmicahg1: Depends what it is. If you are not in ubuntu-bugcontrol usually marking as confirmed is good enough.06:32
micahg1bug 13506606:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 135066 in thunderbird "Thunderbird doesn't use Ubuntu icon theme" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13506606:33
micahg1I thought the goal was to have stuff set as traiged that no longer needs attention unless someone will start working on it06:33
micahg1are you in bug-control?06:35
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
HewIdeally yes, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status . Yes I am in bug-control. With this particular bug it is quite old, I would set it to incomplete and ask the reporter if they still consider this a bug with the latest release. Personally I don't consider that one a bug.06:38
micahgit's a wishlist06:38
Hewyes I know06:38
Hewthey seem to be suggesting to change all email program icons to envelopes06:38
Hewjust as firefox has the firefox logo, it seems appropriate that thunderbird has the thunderbird logo06:38
Hewthis is my opinion of the report06:39
Hobbseei doubt mozilla would let us even use a different logo, and distrubute it as 'thunderbird'06:40
HewHobbsee: very true!06:40
micahgit's not for the logo Hew, Hobbsee06:40
micahgIt's about the mail icons06:40
* Hobbsee waits for the bug to load06:40
micahgthe mail icons do not have the TB logo06:40
micahgbut there are themes available06:40
micahgthis user just thinks that an ubuntu icon theme should be an option06:41
Hewah ok, my mistake06:41
micahgwhich seems like more of an integration request06:41
Hobbseeagain, i doubt mozilla would allow us that in our stock theme.  However, i think other themes do have a more fitting icon06:42
Hobbseemaybe i'm reading the bug wrong06:42
micahgbut we could offer a package that would change the theme to an ubuntu icon theme06:42
Hobbseethis is true06:43
Hobbseethe question would hten be if it's worth it, or if it's more worthwhile to fix higher user effecting bugs06:45
Hobbseei think06:45
micahgof course06:46
micahgbut that's up to whoever wants to do it06:47
micahgthat's why I think wishlist->triaged makes sense06:47
* Hobbsee would be willing to hedge a bet that no one ever will, by the time they have to make the package, then get it thru REVU and into the archive, but whatever ;)06:47
Hobbseefor anyone who *is* wanting the icon to be different, i'd expect them to hack in and change the icon, tbh06:48
micahgHobbsee: you're probably right, but it's not up to bug control whether an issue is taken care of or not, just to make sure there is enough info06:48
Hobbseemicahg: oh right.  so this is a hint for a developer to come and close it?06:49
Hobbseei can smack it down if you like06:49
micahgI'd rather just have it mark triaged06:49
Hobbseebut i think bugsquad can judge feasibility of things, ifthey're able to06:50
micahgunder won't fix, it says: controversial, not targeted for this version, feature developer won't implement06:51
micahgI don't think it falls into any of them06:51
Hobbseeprobably the latter on there06:52
* Hobbsee prods the bug06:53
micahgit's not an unreasonable request to have an app blend in, is it?06:53
Hobbseethis is a good question06:54
micahgRequests are exactly that, they don't have to be fulfilled06:55
HobbseeRight, so this is then the debate of "do we leave bugtracker full of any and every request, or do we close stuff which we think won't get implemented, and have a saner bugtracker as a result"06:56
micahgwell, if it's set to wishlist, then the devleopers can decide what to implement06:56
micahgthey can sort by importance, can't they?06:56
* Hobbsee wore her developer hat to modify that bug, fwiw06:57
Hobbseei don't think I was initially clear on that, sorry06:57
Hobbseeand even things like sorting by importance get difficult when there are more than a couple of hundred bugs on a package06:57
micahgsorry Hobbsee, I don't see that as being a problem as they allow theming06:57
Hobbseeoh, do they?06:58
micahgI know, I'm trying to clear out the bug tracker for the old thunderbird package06:58
micahgyes, mozilla, allows theming for FF and TB06:58
micahgand I was suggesting it be a package for ubuntu purists06:59
micahgnot even the default06:59
Hobbseeah.  feel free to reopen it then06:59
Hobbseehrm, gnomefreak's not here.  He could answer as part of the mozilla team06:59
micahgYeah, I can check with him later07:00
micahgI added it to my ask file07:01
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xteejxafternoon guys12:16
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xteejxtell me about sane12:34
skullhacksIn how many chats am I?13:30
askandWhat debug packages do I need to get debugsymbols to trace a segfault for firefox?14:07
xteejx!search firefox14:33
ubot4Found: ff3, ftp, firefox, kde firefox, autoscroll, fffc, thunderbird, ff@firefox, flash64bit, firefox-kde@kde firefox14:33
xteejxaskand, firefox-3.5-dbg14:33
=== asac_ is now known as asac
yofelaskand: for ffx-3.5 beta use the package xteejx said, for the stable firefox (3.0) add the repository from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash and install firefox-3.0-dbgsym14:47
xteejx!search qt415:17
ubot4Found: qt15:17
xteejx!info qt15:17
ubot4xteejx: Package qt does not exist in jaunty15:17
ubot4Qt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports15:17
BUGabundoguud day15:25
askandyofel: I still get (no debugging symbols found)15:34
askandafter installing firefox-3.0-dbgsym15:35
BUGabundoaskand: please pastebin a trace15:36
BUGabundofrom the lines where it lacks gdb15:36
BUGabundoyou can dpgk -S /path/to/that/lib15:36
BUGabundoand install the proper debug libs15:36
* BUGabundo has more gdbsym libs then regular packages installed15:37
xteejxlol i'm not surprised bugabundo15:38
xteejxhow is everyone today anyway?15:38
askandBUGabundo: http://pastebin.com/m3c98986d15:39
BUGabundoxteejx: going fine15:39
xteejxBUGabundo, good good :)15:39
BUGabundoaskand: what's this? bt full'[K15:40
BUGabundoThis GDB was configured as  "i486-linux-gnu"...15:40
BUGabundovery strange!!!15:40
BUGabundowhy do you have it set for 486?15:41
askandBUGabundo: I have no idea :O but I wrote bt full15:42
BUGabundoaskand: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Triage/Responses15:43
BUGabundoapt-get install firefox-dbg15:43
BUGabundoapt-get install libgtk2.0-0-dbg libnss3-0d-dbg libnspr4-0d-dbg libpango1.0-0-dbg libc6-dbg15:43
BUGabundoaskand: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/  too15:43
askandBUGabundo: Hm, i've got no libnss3-0d-dbg15:44
BUGabundoand all the others15:44
askandI have the others but libnss is not in my repos15:45
BUGabundodo you have te debug repo ?15:45
BUGabundosome need to be updated to the correct verions15:45
BUGabundothe wiki is outdate15:46
BUGabundoa good job for a new bug triager15:46
BUGabundoisn't micahg around '15:46
micahgBUGabundo: I'm here15:47
micahgwhat's up?15:47
BUGabundoanother guy that never sleeps15:47
BUGabundomicahg: wanna help update the mozillateam wiki page?15:48
micahgIt's 9:45AM in Chicago :)15:48
BUGabundoits very outdated15:48
BUGabundoSun May 24 15:48:15 WEST 200915:48
micahgYeah, I already was going to do some of that15:48
micahgbut mainly regarding flash15:48
BUGabundo https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/  and15:48
BUGabundo https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Triage/Responses15:48
BUGabundomost debug libs and nss ave wrong version15:48
micahgThis is the latest updated mozilla page15:49
BUGabundono sure we should go with JJ or KK15:49
BUGabundohaa nice15:49
BUGabundotime to bookmark it15:49
BUGabundoall other should refer to that then15:49
micahgbut  the other ones need updates as well15:49
xteejx!search update-notifier15:49
ubot4None found15:49
BUGabundoohh it's a poor page15:49
ubot4For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:49
micahgxteejx: what are you looking for?15:50
BUGabundomicahg: xteejx is looking to flood us15:50
xteejxtrying to debug why update-notifier never kicks in when there are updates15:50
xteejxi dont flood :)15:50
BUGabundoxteejx: that would be bug 33294515:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 332945 in null "[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294515:50
xteejxBUGabundo, bug 126775 - problem since Feisty15:51
* BUGabundo loves the "null" project15:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 126775 in update-notifier "Update Notifier does not work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12677515:51
BUGabundobrb... need to go to a wind machine to update my GPS maps15:51
micahgBUGabundo: I'll have to update it when asac is around, so maybe next week15:51
BUGabundowhy do you need him?15:52
BUGabundoits just a case of looking for updated lib versions15:52
BUGabundoand change the text15:52
micahgwell, I don't think that it's even necessary anymore15:52
micahgI think apport might take care of it15:52
micahgbut I have to check15:52
BUGabundomicahg: apport doesn't generate backtracks on call15:53
BUGabundojust for crashes15:53
micahgbut there's a whole section on crashes that might be able to be removed and replaced with a one line command15:54
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micahgaskand: libnss3-1d-dbg in Jaunty15:59
askandmicahg: yes thanks, i have that installed but still get no debugging symbols found16:00
BUGabundomicahg: I would agree ... using apport is a good solution!!!16:00
micahgaskand: is it a crash?16:00
BUGabundobut *remember* apport is only for II and latter16:00
askandmicahg: yes16:00
BUGabundoyou still support GG16:00
BUGabundoII = interpid16:00
micahgno, we don't support GG16:00
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micahgHH on16:00
micahgand apport is in HH16:00
micahgaskand: what Ubuntu version?16:01
askandim on jaunty16:01
* BUGabundo starts to mess actively supported versions16:01
micahgaskand: sudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport restart16:02
micahgthen crash firefox16:02
BUGabundothat's one way16:03
BUGabundobut how easy is it to crashe FF?16:03
BUGabundoohh nevermind! stupid Q16:03
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xteejxguys, is there a russian ubuntu irc room?19:38
xteejxmicahg, just done /list , either theres no room or nno-one in it19:39
ubot4Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:41
kklimondaso, channel exists..19:41
xteejxi'm not russian, neither do i speak it lol19:41
xteejxit wasn't in /list, just joined it anyway and its there no worries19:41
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=== yoasif is now known as yoasif_
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
ubot4Factoid 'date' not found20:17
BUGabundoSun May 24 20:18:34 WEST 200920:18
* BUGabundo as usual, BUGabundo acts like a bot20:18
xteejxwrong window :)20:19
BUGabundohey ogra20:19
BUGabundolong time no see20:19
bcurtiswxBUGabundo: i reinstalled ubuntu on my computer.. how to I take the GPG key stored on launchpad and put it on my current computer?20:22
BUGabundoyou can't!20:22
bcurtiswxoh boo20:23
BUGabundoyou should have made BACKUPS20:23
BUGabundonever never delete your GPG private key20:23
micahgDo you have a backup of your home directory?20:23
BUGabundowithout backups20:23
BUGabundonow u need a new one20:23
bcurtiswxmicahg, yes :D20:23
BUGabundoohh then you are safe20:23
micahgrestore the files in .gnupg20:24
bcurtiswxbut, in case.. wheres a good tutorial on creating a new one20:24
micahgwhere your key is listed are the instructions for creating a new one20:24
BUGabundobcurtiswx: use seahorse!20:25
BUGabundoits the easiest way with GUI20:25
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=== wallace is now known as kerdekel
BUGabundoor the LP help via CLI for *fast*20:26
bcurtiswxseems the ubuntu keyservers a little slow today20:32
bcurtiswxyou guys use jabber a lot?20:42
BUGabundobcurtiswx: somewhat20:42
BUGabundodepends on who I want to talk to20:42
bcurtiswxits it the main Im client for Ubuntu members20:43
BUGabundobut I have many conctacts there! I even use several MUC20:43
BUGabundobcurtiswx: ahah?? Ubuntu Members what?20:43
bcurtiswxwell launchpad has a jabber id section for my profile.. makes me think that to contact other launchpad people they use jabber a lot20:44
bcurtiswxconsidering i've never heard of it until joining the ubuntu community20:44
BUGabundoits just a contact... like email20:45
BUGabundosurelly in the near future it will have µblog section20:45
* BUGabundo thinks of filing a wishbug20:45
BUGabundoI really do20:46
BUGabundoof course it will be closed won't fix, since we can add it to the profile page20:46
bcurtiswxit seems jabber and its VV support is good with empathy20:46
kklimondaI can't get notifications to work with empathy :/20:56
BUGabundoI think a recent update mess them up20:57
kklimondado you have a bug?20:57
BUGabundoelena09: hi. long time no see21:13
BUGabundowhat's you ?21:13
elena09you fired me...21:13
BUGabundohey andresmujica21:14
andresmujicahey Bugabundo!!! where are u?21:14
BUGabundoon the sofa21:14
BUGabundoat home21:14
elena09dropbox doesn't start when I choose applications-Internet-Dropbox21:14
BUGabundoelena09: new version? if so, $ dropbox status21:15
BUGabundoand let me know21:15
BUGabundobut this is WAY off topic for this room21:15
BUGabundopvt me please21:15
kklimondayou people still use dropbox? is so yesterday ;}21:15
kklimondait's* ;)21:15
BUGabundodon't want to get anyone angry at us21:15
BUGabundokklimonda: ehehe I use both DB and U121:15
BUGabundoand that is DropBox and UbuntuOne21:15
BUGabundoin case you don't know that those acronims are :))21:16
andresmujicawhich one is best for u?21:16
elena09hmmmm it says "idle" but the icon of Dropbox doesn't appear anymore in the upper right21:16
kklimondaBUGabundo: I've moved all my files from DB to U1 (and now it doesn't work :D)21:16
BUGabundoandresmujica: up until now DB by a lot21:17
BUGabundoelena09: $ dropbox stop21:17
BUGabundoand then21:17
BUGabundoelena09: $ dropbox start21:17
BUGabundokklimonda: LOL21:17
elena09I did it and it says "dropbox already running"21:17
BUGabundoandresmujica: maybe when all the new features dobey (can't public) say there will be21:18
elena09the icon is missing from the upper right21:18
BUGabundocome out, it will be better, but until then DB is better21:18
BUGabundofaster, share (that works), versoning, photo gallery, multi OS, mobile21:18
BUGabundoelena09: $ dropbox stop21:19
elena09Dropbox daemon stopped.21:19
elena09ok it works now21:21
elena09I started it again and it works. Thank you a lot.21:21
BUGabundoglad I could help21:23
elena09good night21:23
* BUGabundo being *everywhere* has its advantages lol21:23
xteejxanyone have a RAID setup??21:29
xteejxRef bug 129012, need some help.21:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 129012 in debian-installer "when setting up RAID, the installer appears to stall at a blue screen for 10 minutes. Suggest "watch cat /proc/mdstat"" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12901221:29
xteejxBug 129012 - can someone have a look at this for me please?21:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 129012 in debian-installer "when setting up RAID, the installer appears to stall at a blue screen for 10 minutes. Suggest "watch cat /proc/mdstat"" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12901221:32
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=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
Notch-1hi all, please check this out: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/loop-aes-source/+bug/34290221:53
Notch-1this CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y new setting is a huge problem for somebody, are there any chances to get back to CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=m ?21:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 342902 in loop-aes-source "Build error: ‘struct bio’ has no member named ‘bi_hw_front_size’" [Undecided,New]21:54
bcurtiswxdoes debian have an online bug submission form?22:13
bcurtiswxi see things for e-mail submission22:14
kklimondabcurtiswx: it has a reportbug terminal tool22:14
bcurtiswxkklimonda: is that the main way I should push bugs upstream with debian?22:15
kklimondabcurtiswx: that's the way I use.22:16
kklimondabcurtiswx: beats writing email :)22:17
BUGabundobcurtiswx: and it beats the hell of our tools22:17
kklimondaBUGabundo: why?22:17
kklimondawell, true - we could use similar tool..22:17
BUGabundoits that great22:17
BUGabundoisn't it ?22:17
kklimondahmm, maybe i'll write something like that..22:17
bcurtiswxapport is our "tool"22:17
BUGabundoyou have... its called LP22:17
kklimondabcurtiswx: it uses browser22:17
bcurtiswxso here in ubuntu i type reportbug ?22:18
kklimondareportbus i great because it's completely text based and fast..22:18
BUGabundokklimonda: lp works on e-lynks!22:18
BUGabundoI filed a bug once with it22:18
BUGabundoFF wasn't opening22:18
BUGabundoGeek points for me22:18
kklimondabcurtiswx: if you want to report bug to debian you use reportbug, if to ubuntu use ubuntu-bug22:18
bcurtiswxbcurtis@Weather:~$ reportbug22:20
bcurtiswx*** ERROR: "Ubuntu" BTS is currently unsupported.22:20
micahg1kklimonda: reportbug only works on a debian os22:20
kklimondabcurtiswx: you have to add -B debian22:20
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kklimondamicahg: I've used reportbug few times so it works just fine.22:21
micahgkklimonda: yeah, but don;t they get upset that you're reporting about a debian package based on the ubuntu version?22:21
micahgmaybe the debian version doesn't have the issue22:22
kklimondamicahg: Well, I report only bugs that are present in debian (mostly packaging issues)22:22
BUGabundomicahg: we have no idea what bcurtiswx is trying to repport22:22
kklimondamicahg: sure - it doesn't make any sense to report bugs with ubuntu system to debian bts.22:22
bcurtiswxhaha, im pushing bug #351369 upstream22:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 351369 in update-notifier "Preferences should allow for custom "check for updates" frequency" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35136922:22
BUGabundobcurtiswx: is debian the upstream project?22:23
bcurtiswxi looked in gnome.. nope22:23
bcurtiswxgoogled it22:23
bcurtiswxonly thing came up was debian22:23
kklimondabcurtiswx: nope - it's ubuntu22:24
BUGabundoits upstream is resgitered  as a LP project22:24
BUGabundoto MVO22:24
BUGabundobcurtiswx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/351369/+choose-affected-product22:24
bcurtiswxwhere can i find this _valuable_ information22:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 351369 in update-notifier "Preferences should allow for custom "check for updates" frequency" [Wishlist,New]22:24
BUGabundoso don't bother22:24
kklimondabcurtiswx: apt-cache show update-notifier22:25
BUGabundomvo will be notified of the bug anyway22:25
kklimondabcurtiswx: check Maintainer field and package version22:25
bcurtiswxahhh, ok22:25
bcurtiswxmuch thanks all!22:25
kklimondabcurtiswx: Ubuntu packages has Maintainer who use @ubuntu.com email and don't have Original-Maintainer:22:25
BUGabundowho the heck wants to check hourly for updates?22:26
BUGabundoits going to hammer the server for nothing22:26
BUGabundosmells to me like wontfix22:26
BUGabundothere was this little apt-cron to do that btw22:27
BUGabundo !package cron-apt22:27
ubot4BUGabundo: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:27
BUGabundo !info cron-apt22:27
* BUGabundo kicks the bot22:28
BUGabundo!info cron-apt22:28
ubot4BUGabundo: cron-apt (source: cron-apt): automatic update of packages using apt-get. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7 (jaunty), package size 24 kB, installed size 220 kB22:28
BUGabundonothing like a little kick22:28
bcurtiswxdid the space fool it ?22:28
kklimondaBUGabundo: is it just me or there are no X drivers for virtualbox guest in repository?22:28
BUGabundobcurtiswx: I'm closing it22:28
BUGabundoohhh I can't set it wontfix!22:29
BUGabundohggdh: can you ?22:29
bcurtiswxBUGabundo: i think the idea was just to have a custom time for users to choose22:29
* BUGabundo needs to apply for bug control22:29
BUGabundobcurtiswx: there's already a tool for that22:29
bcurtiswxi can set to wont fix22:30
bcurtiswxwhats the tool for that?22:30
BUGabundobcurtiswx: I just commented on it22:31
bcurtiswxi don't think thats what he was looking for though22:32
bcurtiswxi think he wanted it to be built into the program update-notifier and its settings22:32
BUGabundoits built into it, sort tha22:32
BUGabundoonce it gets updates, and freshens the DB cache22:33
BUGabundoUN should fire up like usual22:33
BUGabundoat least it did for me on older version22:33
BUGabundobut with all this changes to UM who knows22:33
BUGabundothen again... AppCenter22:33
BUGabundoohh how wonderful! an all new world of Bugs to be filled22:34
bcurtiswxi don't think won't fix is the right way to go though.  I'm going to set it back as triaged22:34
bcurtiswxno, its a valid wishlist bug.  I think at this point MVO should take over. if he sees it triaged hes going to act on it.. if we keep changing the status, hes going to ignore it longer22:36
BUGabundojust got to catch him online and ask22:36
BUGabundobut he hasn't been coming in for a while22:36
micahgwho is mvo?22:37
bcurtiswxyup, i will do that too.  marking as triaged tho22:37
BUGabundohope everything is okay22:37
BUGabundomicahg: Michael Vogh22:37
bcurtiswxMichael Vogt (maintainer for update-notifier)22:37
micahgah ok, still learning who all the players are here22:37
BUGabundobcurtiswx: UM, synaptic, compiz, etc22:37
BUGabundomicahg: eheh22:37
bcurtiswxmicahg: you will be for life :P22:37
BUGabundomicahg: checking devs LP page helps22:37
bcurtiswxBUGabundo: yeah. thx22:37
BUGabundoyou can see what bug mail they get and what packages they upload22:38
* micahg is pretty much sticking with Mozilla stuff for now22:38
bcurtiswxhi ogasawara22:40
BUGabundohey ogasawara torkiano22:41
kklimondawhy are virtualbox additions closed source? :/22:41
torkianohello BUGabundo22:41
kklimondathat's sad..22:41
BUGabundokklimonda: OSE or Suns closed one?22:42
hggdhwhat is it I should do?22:42
kklimondaBUGabundo: dunno - i've installed virtualbox-ose and chosed Install Guest Additions from menu..22:42
bcurtiswxhggdh: nothing22:43
hggdhah, OK ;-)22:43
BUGabundohggdh: sorry to bother.. fixed22:43
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
micahgDebian planet just posted about debian bug #53000022:55
ubot4Debian bug 530000 in dbus "upgrading dbus and hal at the same time can break hal's init script" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/53000022:55
micahgand that it takes them about 2 months for 10k bugs22:55
micahgwe do that many in less than a month22:55
micahgso I"m wondering, when will LP bug # overtake Debian bug #s22:55
yoasifmicahg: soon?22:55
BUGabundoyep we do22:56
BUGabundobut micahg don't mistake LP bugs for Ubuntu bugs22:56
BUGabundothere are _many_ other projs there too22:56
micahgwell, Ubuntu is at like 286k22:58
micahgLP's at close to 380k22:59
BUGabundohow do you know?22:59
BUGabundothose specific for ubuntu I mean23:00
kklimondaAll bugs ever reported   28388323:01
micahgthat's weird, last week we only added 1500 bugs23:02
micahgaccording to the newletter23:02
BUGabundowe are still lagging behing debian by a lot23:03
micahgwell, as the user base expands, so will the bug reports23:03
micahgkklimonda: in 2 minutes, 20 bugs were reported :)23:04
micahgAll bugs ever reported       reported                 28390323:04
BUGabundodamn... and none mine23:09
BUGabundoI find this very strange23:18
BUGabundoapport-crash                  1529523:18
BUGabundoapport-bug                  743323:18
BUGabundoapport-package                  537523:18
BUGabundoneeds-packaging                  167523:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 7433 in rsync "rsync: directory traversal in daemon mode" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/743323:18
BUGabundoand what the heck is this arch cft-2.6.27                  1405 ?23:20
BUGabundowow dapper has more tagged bugs then JJ23:22
micahgBUGabundo: why does that surprise you?23:22
micahgdapper's been out for 3 years and JJ for 1 month23:23
BUGabundowell some one said the other day tat most bugs was from apport crash and I had an hard time beliving it23:23
BUGabundobut seems true23:23
BUGabundobut those 1765 needs packaging is A LOT23:23
micahgwell, there are new software projects all the time and debian doesn't include all of them23:27

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