
Jazzvanhandler: changelog version is still 0.1-0ubuntu1. I suppose it should be 0.4.1-...01:18
Jazzvanhandler: please fix "mozilla" to "Mozilla" in description field01:19
Jazzvanhandler: and now running a test-{build,drive}01:20
Jazzvanhandler: and I think that's it. It's working here. A really helpful extension :)01:23
Jazzvanhandler: thanks for packaging it01:24
nhandlerJazzva: Thanks for looking it over. I'm not used to having to manually edit the version in debian/changelog, I'll have to remember to do that. As for 'mozilla', I'm only changing it in the long description. The one in the short description should be lower case04:45
micahgdoes anyone know if the mozilla-thunderbird bin symlink is permanent?05:49
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
stefanlsdasac: had any time off work to have a look gears libpng and libjpeg?10:46
askandWhat debug packages do I need to get debugsymbols to trace a segfault for firefox?13:49
=== asac_ is now known as asac
BUGabundoguud day15:25
nhandlerHello BUGabundo15:37
BUGabundohe nhandler15:39
nhandlerAre you attending UDS BUGabundo ?15:43
asaci can go online again ;)16:37
micahghi asac16:37
BUGabundoheeey asac16:37
BUGabundowow to you too16:37
BUGabundoslow network, still??16:37
asaca bit better now16:37
asaci couldnt get online yesterdy at all16:37
micahgCan I replace mozilla crash backtrace reporting with apport?16:37
micahgon the wiki?16:38
BUGabundomicahg: humm better not replace16:38
asacright. extend16:38
BUGabundojust enfatize that the user can use apport instead16:38
BUGabundoleave the _manual_ process around16:38
micahgHow about this section?16:38
asaci thought we already said that preferred way is to use apport for crashes16:39
micahgObtain a backtrace from an apport crash report (using gdb)16:39
BUGabundosomeone without a working apport may need it16:39
micahgIs this necessary anymore?16:39
asacmicahg: well, often apport retracers fail and you can still get a good backtrace16:39
asacimo we should add a section for: how to attach crashes using apport to existing bugs16:40
micahgsee BUGabundo, that's why I wanted to ask asac16:40
micahgI'd like to know that myself16:40
asacalso users might not want to attach a crash report to bugs16:40
BUGabundomicahg: that's what I Said!!16:40
asacbecause of privacy concefrns16:40
micahgok, so if I were to update the crash page for FF3, what version should I use16:41
micahgor should I make it generic for all versions?16:41
asacat best we would have 4 types of instrtuctions:16:41
asaca) report crashes using apport16:41
asacb) attach crash data to open bugs using apport16:42
asacc) use gdb to get backtraces from .crash files locally16:42
asacd) run mozilla apps in a debugger16:42
asac(e.g. firefox -g)16:42
micahgDoes that work in FF3 as well?16:42
micahgpart d?16:42
asacmicahg: does that answer your question (i dont think i understood the question about versions)16:42
micahgUbuntu versions16:43
asacmicahg: yes. d) has the same prerequisites as c)16:43
asac(e.g. you need all the dbg symbol packages before you do that)16:43
asacall mozilla apps usually can be started with -g16:43
micahgon the wiki, it show ff2 with -g16:44
BUGabundoI didn't know option d)16:44
micahgand ff3 using gdb16:44
micahgso, can I clean that up?16:44
asacyes, definitly16:45
* gnomefreak hasnt gotten around to updating wiki, i was hoping to have -dbgsym for tbird before i did it, but being short on time until fall its unlikely ill get to it16:45
gnomefreakwould be nice to have a script that installed all debug packages16:46
BUGabundojohn +116:47
gnomefreakmaybe a hook in apt to do it16:47
BUGabundosomething like apt-get firefox-debugpackages16:47
BUGabundoand have that a metapackage with ALL it needs16:47
gnomefreakmeta package wont work since im not just talking firefox16:48
micahgFor apport submits, should I just link to the other wiki page that describes it?16:48
gnomefreakalthough apport should do this for you but only on crashes16:48
asacbut i think apport already has such a script16:49
stefanlsdasac: have you had any time off work to have a look gears libpng and libjpeg?16:50
gnomefreakasac: to just grab -dbg* packages so you can run a debug session yourself16:50
asacstefanlsd: no.16:52
micahgare the dbg packages in main now?16:53
BUGabundognomefreak: not sure if apport is ready for that16:53
asacstefanlsd: maybe i can look for 1h a bit laer today16:53
asacgnomefreak: i think you can say to apport to isntall all required dbg symbols16:54
stefanlsdasac: oki :)  np. i suspect stuff will really only start happening again after uds.  is it worthwhile working on a debian gears package without mozilla-devscripts, or is it expected soon in debian?16:54
stefanlsdasac: if you could, that would be great.  if not, np :)16:54
asacstefanlsd: we can upload mozilla-devscripts this week for sure16:54
thunderstrucki guess it wasnt lavabit having issues16:55
stefanlsdasac: kk. great. will wait then :) thanks16:55
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakwhat are the chances that xserver-common xserver-xorg-core woll fix X16:56
micahgI added apport to the crash page, but I'll have to fix the debug stuff later16:59
micahggnomefreak: should bug 52667 be changed to in progress and moved to the thunderbird package?17:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 52667 in thunderbird "Thunderbird doesn't support RFC-2369 based Reply-To-List" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5266717:01
micahgah it ok17:01
micahgI meant the Ubuntu part of the bugs17:01
asacmicahg: thx17:05
micahgasac: for what?17:05
gnomefreakno shouldnt be set to inprogree17:05
asacfor wiki work ;)17:05
gnomefreakits not in progress17:05
micahgis incomplete the correct setting?17:05
micahgok, I thought I saw you working on it17:06
micahgI would think then wishlist->triaged17:06
micahgasac: did you have a chance to talk to bug control people about me?17:07
* BUGabundo micahg is asking for favours .... lol17:07
micahgnot asking, reminding...17:08
gnomefreakmicahg: it should be confirmed. did i already set that bug to what i wanted it.17:09
micahggnomefreak: it's set to incomplete17:09
gnomefreakmicahg: bug number please17:09
micahgoh, I also wanted to ask about confirmed vs triaged for mozilla bugs17:09
micahgbug 5266717:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 52667 in thunderbird "Thunderbird doesn't support RFC-2369 based Reply-To-List" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5266717:09
micahgI was told if there's enough info for a developer or if it's reported upstream it should be marked triaged17:10
micahgis that not the case for mozilla bugs?17:10
gnomefreakmicahg: most of time yes17:10
micahggnomefreak: which one?17:11
* micahg hasn't had caffeine yet, needs things spelled out...17:11
gnomefreaki forgot to do a few things with the bug17:11
micahgok, but in general, they should be set to triaged then if there's an upstream bug?17:12
gnomefreakmicahg: yes17:13
micahgBTW, I'm moving bug 52667 to thunderbird from mozilla-thunderbird in ubuntu17:13
gnomefreakmicahg: upstream status set to confirmed yes our bug to triaged17:13
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/52667/+text)17:13
gnomefreakasac: can you decline the nominations from bug 5266717:13
micahgoh, gnomefreak, we have to wait for upstream to confirm before setting to triaged?17:13
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/52667/+text)17:14
gnomefreakmicahg: im on the bug dont worry about package atm17:14
micahgI was trying to clean up mozilla-thunderbird last night17:14
asacgnomefreak: done17:14
gnomefreakasac: thanks17:14
micahgI was assuming that crash reports for 1.5 won't help debug 2.0 problems17:15
micahgis that correct?17:15
gnomefreakmicahg: ok ill take care of this bug but yes mozilla-thunderbird if happening on 2.0 should be moved to thunderbird.17:15
gnomefreakalthough mozilla-thunderbird is a transitional package17:15
gnomefreakso really doesnt matter since it will install 2.017:16
micahgyes, but it will go away at some point17:16
gnomefreakbut LP sources is using it for 1.517:16
gnomefreakmicahg: not likely for a while17:16
gnomefreaksince LTS still has it we wont remove it may cause upgrade problems17:17
micahgbug 31273817:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312738 in thunderbird "mozilla-thunderbird missing symlink prevents other apps from sending mail" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31273817:17
micahgdid I do that right?17:17
gnomefreakloooks good17:18
nhandlergnomefreak: or asac: Do one of you want to update the ~mozilla-extensions-dev to include long-url-please ?17:18
gnomefreakbackport will not happen17:19
asacmicahg: not sure. did i forget to close that bug when aqdding that symlink?17:19
asacotherwise it is a dupe17:19
asacmicahg: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird17:19
asac... fix LP: #145716 - panel launcher breaks on upgrade; we provide a17:19
asacso its a dupe of that bug17:20
asacbut well ... it doesnt matter much anyway ;)17:20
* gnomefreak really wish people would stop adding nominations since we never backport or update a stable release with new feature 17:20
asacbut folks that want to seee that backported should rather nominate that bug than the other17:20
micahgwell, I know I didn't understand what it was for until recently17:20
asacso duping would make sense17:20
micahgasac: done17:21
micahgsorry, I forgot to check the changelog for jaunty17:21
gnomefreaknhandler: can we get links, to want you want done17:21
nhandlergnomefreak: Add https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/long-url-please to the description on https://launchpad.net/~mozilla-extensions-dev17:22
asacmicahg: no problem at all :)17:23
asacyou do amazing work.17:23
micahgWill a crash report for 1.5 help for debugging 2.0 or can it be closed?17:23
gnomefreakasac: you got it?17:23
micahgthanks asac17:23
asacgnomefreak: i think we can add him to extensions dev team ... if thats what you ask17:24
gnomefreakasac: i will17:24
gnomefreakhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/long-url-please get supdated when package is pushed IIRC17:25
gnomefreakok what was i doing17:25
gnomefreakwe dont list all extensions on that link, it would cause lag when opening if we listed all of them17:26
gnomefreaknhandler: can i have your LP home page please17:26
nhandlergnomefreak: https://edge.launchpad.net/~nhandler17:27
gnomefreaknhandler: i may need to apply but im looking at it atm17:27
nhandlergnomefreak: If we don't list them on the LP page (which I think we should) can we try to get the List wiki page up-to-date?17:27
gnomefreaknhandler: yes we should update the wiuki we have already for extensions17:27
gnomefreaknhandler: thanks you have been added to extension team17:29
nhandlerAwesome! Thanks gnomefreak17:30
gnomefreaknhandler: np17:31
gnomefreakmicahg: i killed one of you bugs that you just commented on :)17:33
gnomefreakmicahg: iits was likely caused by not restarting after update17:34
micahgI guess I"ll probably get the e-mail soom17:34
asacgnomefreak: the long-url-please link you posted looks just like a package ölink in launchpad17:35
asacnot sure i understand your question17:35
gnomefreakasac: it was one he posted17:36
gnomefreak.:12:22:47:. >>        nhandler << gnomefreak: Add17:36
gnomefreakhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/long-url-please to the description on  https://launchpad.net/~mozilla-extensions-dev17:36
gnomefreaki just opened it :)17:36
asacgnomefreak: i think we can add all packages that are maintained by the ext-dev team there , yes17:38
gnomefreakasac: that is a long list and LP is slow most of time anyway17:39
asacgnomefreak: right. i think its more important that extensions maintained by us, get the Extension Team in the Maintainer: field17:39
asac, but either we add all extensions there or we dont add any17:40
nhandlerI personally would prefer to see all extensions there17:41
gnomefreakasac: i have to update mine, im hoping in time to get them in KK but we really need to decide on ice* package extensions. once this is done we can clean up the extensions since we dont package ice* for ubuntu.17:41
gnomefreaknhandler: we will work something out. First i need a list of every extension in repos before i can do that17:42
gnomefreakoops you did apply. sorry i didnt get that far in email but either way you have been added17:44
micahggnomefreak: I just found out that the partner acroread package apparently has a mozilla extension in it17:44
gnomefreakit does?17:45
micahgthat what the maintainer told me17:45
gnomefreakwe wont package that anyway as a firefox extension17:46
micahgit used to be a separate pageckage17:46
gnomefreakat least mozilla team wont17:46
micahgright, but should it be a separate package or do we not get involved with partner stuff at all17:47
gnomefreakuntil it get a free license we wont package it17:47
gnomefreaki would stay out of partner IMHO but as i recall same devs for that and our core devws17:47
micahgok, I just requested that description say it has the mozilla extension as well17:48
gnomefreakworks for me17:48
micahgit used to provide separate packages for each piece17:48
gnomefreakarcobat works in default gnome17:49
gnomefreakforgive my spelling but evince works fine out of box17:49
micahgI know17:50
micahgit had to do with a bug submitted to firefox package I think17:51
micahgI prefer evince myself17:52
micahgAdobe's had too many security flaws lately17:52
micahggnomefreak: I didn't feel comfortable closing that upgrade bug, not enough experience for me yet17:53
gnomefreakmicahg: np17:54
micahggnomefreak: should bug 135066 be set to triaged?18:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 135066 in thunderbird "Thunderbird doesn't use Ubuntu icon theme" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13506618:09
micahggnomefreak: also, is bug 379894 a bug?   It happens to me too, but is it the expected behavoiur?18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379894 in mozilla-thunderbird ""Thunderbird is already running" but this is not shown as a process by the system. Restart does not help." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37989418:19
gnomefreakmicahg: that i commented on already but i may not have sent it yet 279094 as for the above im on that one already18:19
gnomefreaklet me see if i sent it yet18:21
gnomefreakyep everything should be updated onboth those bugs18:21
micahgshould I move the package?18:23
gnomefreakclosed it18:24
micahgok :)18:24
micahggnomefreak: can we chat about bug 13506618:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 135066 in thunderbird "Thunderbird doesn't use Ubuntu icon theme" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13506618:24
gnomefreakmicahg: what about it? it has nothing to do with icon itself18:25
micahgI thought that Ubuntu could provide a theme package in addition to the standard TB icons18:25
micahgas a wishlist thing18:25
micahgTB ahs themes18:25
micahgso why not a GTK theme?18:25
asacmicahg: tbird 2 is similar to ffox 3 which wasnt able to use the gtk theme for icons18:26
gnomefreakwe can provide themes for it however we _have_ to use defualt theme when using official branding18:26
micahgof course18:26
asactbird 3 should be able to though ... but i am not sure what upstream plans18:26
micahgbut it could be a separate package though, no?18:26
asacmicahg: yes... it could be a tbird theme18:26
gnomefreakbug 126354 is most likely a setting18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 126354 in mozilla-thunderbird "thunderbird doesn't place -- before signature sometimes" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12635418:27
micahgasac: that was the bug I was arguing for 45 min in teh bugs channel last night18:27
asacmicahg: is it rreproducible in tbird 3 ?18:27
micahgasac: not that one18:27
micahgsorry the one above the one gnomefreak just posted18:28
gnomefreakmakiung a tbird-2 theme package is not likley but for tbird 3 i like the idea only we have to wait and see how it handles themes likel firefox-2 -> 3 was a big change as i recall18:28
micahggnomefreak: you confirmed it worked in TB2 and the user was unresponsive18:28
micahgso I closed18:28
micahgwas that wrong?18:28
gnomefreakwhat bug?18:28
gnomefreaktoo many bugs floating around to keep track18:28
micahgbug 126354 gnomefreak18:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 126354 in mozilla-thunderbird "thunderbird doesn't place -- before signature sometimes" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12635418:29
gnomefreakyou closed it that is good. i never confirmed it however18:29
micahgyou wrote: This works here and has in 8.10.18:29
gnomefreakplus too old without comment anyway closed is perfect18:29
asaci think its ok to have it closed if its not reproducible18:29
gnomefreakmicahg: works not that it happens18:29
micahgright, that's what I meant18:30
micahgsorry :)18:30
gnomefreakanything before jan1 can be closed if all info is not provided18:31
micahgwell, the bugday should help in the TB pacakge18:31
gnomefreakmaybe even feb1 but lets stick with jan 1 as a general rule18:31
gnomefreakdont count on it18:31
micahgmaybe not that much..18:32
gnomefreakbe back i have to eat18:32
micahgprobably get 20-30 isssues looked at by others18:32
asactbird bugday?18:32
micahgyep, this thursday18:33
gnomefreaklooked at does not mean helpful there ar e afew people in the past that just ade more work18:33
micahggnomefreak: true18:33
gnomefreakclose all tbird bugs without backtrace/crash report18:34
micahgthat's bold, isn't it?18:34
gnomefreakmicahg: nothing we can do with them18:34
micahgfind upstream issue if open?18:34
gnomefreakmicahg: you need a backtrace/crash report to do that18:35
gnomefreakactions do not define a crash18:35
micahgIt's not always a crash18:35
gnomefreakmozilla needs same info to look into it18:35
gnomefreakthats why i said close crash reports without the info18:35
micahgyes, but if there are steps to reproduce the bug, then that should be enough, no?18:35
asacyes. if there are instructions that have been acked by someone keep it open18:36
asaceven forward upstream18:36
gnomefreakif you can get a crash report sure. the problem is same steps can cause different crashes18:36
micahgyes, but sometimes it's not a crash, but an unintended result18:36
gnomefreaknow IMAp needs alot of work18:36
gnomefreakmicahg: that is not a crash than :)18:37
micahgI know, but they should still be valid issues to be fwd upstream, no?18:37
gnomefreakclosing unexpectedly can be calle da crash18:37
micahgbut it 1 hot key is assigned to 2 functions, that's still an issue18:38
gnomefreakmicahg: if it is reproducible leave it open with asking for steps and trying yourself18:38
micahggnomefreak: I think I know what you're saying18:38
gnomefreakmicahg: that is keyboard layout IMHO18:38
gnomefreakcrash when checking email is not helpful bug at all :)18:39
micahgbasically, if it's not a useful bug, close it out18:39
gnomefreakif there is enough info to send upstream go for it18:39
gnomefreakalot of older bugs there was no debug packages/symbols for18:40
micahgI opened LP upstream requests for 2 bugs that I couldn't find the upstream for and was too tired to look/create18:40
micahgbut I could confirm the behaviour18:40
gnomefreak<2.0 and i think in begining for 2.0 we didnt18:40
gnomefreakmozilla is having an all out bug war atm, in the sense of how traging goes mainly for seamonkey. not sure how dupilicates are working but not everyone can mark them as such and normally i suggest than they get marked18:42
gnomefreakthey are trying to determine how to handle unconfirmed bugs atm (at least from the mailing lists)18:42
gnomefreaki dont have duplicate powers upstream yet. not real sure how to get them either18:43
micahgis confirming something I can do for our bugs?18:43
* gnomefreak smoke18:43
micahgDo I have to mark a setting or jsut comment?18:43
micahgDo I need special privs?18:43
gnomefreakyou are able to do both18:44
micahgok, should I mark confirmed if our users confirm on LP or only if I can confirm myself?18:44
gnomefreakmake sure its not an extension issue first. most firefox bugs are extensions or propfile bugs18:44
micahgthat's what I usually do18:45
asacmicahg: its important that real issues get eventually filed upstream18:46
asacthats basically one of the exit states we in ubuntu have for bugs18:46
asacso either file upstream, invalidate or fix on our own18:46
asacbut adding upstream target without bug is good way to indicate that a bug should be upstreamed18:46
asacso you did the right thing when you were tired ;)18:46
micahgis there a policy on bugs in alpha/beta Ubuntu releases that users don't respond to and aren't percevied to be an issue?18:48
micahglike bug 34008618:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340086 in mozilla-thunderbird "Jaunty Alpha 5: Thunderbird does not start" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34008618:48
micahggnomefreak responded 2 months ago and user has not responded18:49
gnomefreakthat is a local bug18:49
gnomefreakclose it18:49
gnomefreakfor non responsive18:49
asacmicahg: if users didnt response and there is not enough info to process it its just invalid18:49
micahgI'm just adding a note that if they are still having issues, to reopen18:49
gnomefreakall bugs should have steps to reproduce actual and expected resluts with that you should beable to reproduce if not its nomrally addon/system state ect... those are valid bugs depending on what it is18:50
gnomefreakmicahg: thats perfect18:50
gnomefreakcan not start thunderbird isnt a bug in thunderbird unless others have same issue but in a pre-release ubuntu version its hard to say18:51
gnomefreakasac: while you are here, we need to add thunderbird->help->file a bug  like we do with firefox, this should give us info on if its user set up or tbirds18:52
gnomefreakaddons for tbird are becoming popular with users18:52
gnomefreakyou have got to be kidding, how the hell are you going to be able to use an "undo close feature" if the undo button is in firefox you would have to start it to use it :(18:59
gnomefreakmicahg: looking to see if he ment tabs18:59
gnomefreak Bug 394759 -  Add undo close window feature18:59
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 394759 could not be found18:59
micahggnomefreak: is that a mozilla bug?19:01
gnomefreakim confused they talk about restore dialog but that already lets you choose what closed or start new. btw that feature is bullshit. if a sote caused you to lockup and crash why would you want to reopen it19:02
gnomefreakmicahg: yes mozilla 39475919:02
ubottuMozilla bug 394759 in Session Restore "Add undo close window feature" [Enhancement,Verified: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39475919:02
micahgah, it seems like it means tabs19:03
gnomefreakas in undo tabs from the restore dialog so you can drop the tab that caused crash and leave rest to open?19:08
gnomefreakat least that is what i was thinking the further i read it19:09
micahgI thought it was saying someone closed a tab too quickly and have an option to restore it19:09
micahgbut that's just from the initial summary19:09
gnomefreakthat is what my sencond thought was but since its in histroy why would you need it. hint see recently closed tabs19:10
micahgwell, tabs have their own history19:10
micahgso maybe to restore all that19:10
gnomefreakill be back in a bit.19:11
gnomefreakanyone use firefox?19:26
gnomefreakno not a trick question19:27
gnomefreaki need someont to test firefox-notify on firefox not abrowser19:28
micahgwhich version?19:30
micahgI'm running the latest 3.5 daily and 3.0.1019:30
gnomefreakmicahg: any version. its top level <<3.6 but when you install firefox-notify in ubufox you should see disable and preferences are either greyed out?19:35
gnomefreakthat was my fault i really should have added 3.6 in there but ask for 3.5 as top version19:35
gnomefreakeasy to fix when needed19:36
micahghow do you install firefox-notify in ubufox?19:37
gnomefreakmicahg: apt-get install19:37
micahgubufox doesn't work in 3.5+ yet afaik19:37
gnomefreakit will open ubufox once installed19:37
micahgI can't find the package19:38
gnomefreaki jaunty19:38
gnomefreak!info firefox-notify19:39
ubottuPackage firefox-notify does not exist in jaunty19:39
gnomefreak!info firefox-notify karmic19:39
ubottufirefox-notify (source: firefoxnotify): integrate Firefox download messages with desktop notifications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.2-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 6 kB, installed size 112 kB19:39
gnomefreakah not in jaunty19:39
gnomefreakok re phrase: anyone on Karmic that runs firefox-3.0 3.5 test firefox-notify and let me know if you can enter preferences using ubufox19:40
gnomefreakwe really need to look at .desktop file for deja-dup19:41
gnomefreakbut thats least of my worries19:41
gnomefreakit should be moved hmmm19:42
gnomefreaki how it compresses final data not just per volume *.gz's19:44
gnomefreakok im gone maybe be back tuesday since tomorrow is a holiday19:45
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
BUGabundofta_nano: hi23:26
fta_nanobouh, django error in the uds schedule23:29
fta_nanohm, no more click when i double tap my touchpad23:41
fta_nanoi should use laptops more often23:44
BUGabundoyou don't?23:44
fta_nanoi'm mostly a desktop user23:44

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