
womboJust wondering if someone can help me with my tuner problem?04:01
womboI have been away for month or so working, I can but and ran an update and **pow** it doesnt get a lock anymore04:02
womboThey are 2 Dvico Dual Digital 4's04:02
womboI have downloaded and complied the latest V4L tree and now it is just spamming the following over and over04:03
womboDVB-USB: bulk message failed: -11004:03
womboCXUSB: i2c read failed04:03
womboany ideas?04:03
stevecamim trying to figure out why MythTV wont scan or import any channels, but VLC will view them just fine06:05
blzIs it safe to upgrade from Mythbuntu 8.10 to Mythbuntu 9.04?06:10
MythbuntuGuest10I'm new to Linux on a whole, and I just started looking at MythTV. I'm wondering if I can use it to connect to a Windows Home Server to watch XVid movies and listen to music. I would like to only use the frontend of MythTV.07:09
hadsThere's not a lot of point. The main feature of mythtv is it's recording backend.07:11
hadsBut yes, using mythvideo you can watch videos.07:11
MythbuntuGuest10since I'm not really interested in recording currently (I already have 4 other DVR's in my house) is there another program that would be a better fit07:12
hadsI don't know what it is though.07:13
MythbuntuGuest10ok, is there a howto for just using the frontend ?07:14
blzDoes anybody know the system requirements for minimyth?07:26
MythbuntuGuest10I'm trying to use the LiveCD of Mythbuntu and it does not want to start, I think it has something to do with not using the backend. Is there anyway to get around using the backend ???07:35
MythbuntuGuest10Blz, here's a web site to tell u the requirements...http://www.minimyth.org/document-hardware.html07:37
blzMythbuntuGuest10:  If you don't use the backend, you can't record livetv and do a bunch of other things07:37
blzAlso, the liveCD s houldn't be dependent on the backend07:38
blzunless you're trying to run a frontend machine from a livecd, which is some serious lolwut07:38
MythbuntuGuest10I only really want to watch video's and listen to music on my own server. I just like the interface07:38
=== stevecam is now known as Guest39721
=== Guest39721 is now known as stevecam
williammandaI can not watch live tv.....16:48
williammandait worked after the install but for some reason it quit functioning16:48
williammandaI egt this error from the frontend log....16:49
williammandaGetEntryAt(-1) failed.16:49
tgm4883!logs | williammanda16:49
williammandaEntryToProgram(0@Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969) failed to get pginfo16:49
Zinnwilliammanda: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.16:49
tgm4883williammanda, sorry, don't know much about that error.  I was actually looking for your backend logs to see if they indicated something different16:53
williammandawell I got it to work by deleting the tuners16:53
williammandait worked ok for an hour then it started again16:54
williammandaI will post backend log16:54
williammandafile was too large17:02
williammandafor pastebin17:02
williammandafrom what I read on ubuntu forums....17:11
williammandait could be alot of things17:11
williammandapermissions, onwer, backend not connected, etc....17:11
williammandaI use comcast....they don't supply much channel info....17:12
williammandaI have a 3 hour deal to load the channel info each time I install17:12
stevecamis there a common proble  with mythtv that it has problems scanning and importing channels17:15
stevecami can generate a channels.conf and open with VLC just fine17:15
williammandathat's not a problem for me17:15
williammandahow do you generate the channels.conf?17:16
williammandacomcast gives very little channel info17:18
stevecamscan /usr/share/dvb/dvb-t/au-Melbourne >> channels.conf17:18
stevecamam i doing it right?17:20
williammandanot sure...I'm not up on vlc17:20
stevecamhow did you get your channels in MythTV, using the EIT scanner?17:21
williammandatgm4883, any luck with the backend info?17:21
williammandaI'm not sure if I use the EIT scanner.....17:22
stevecami wish my MythTV would work :-(17:23
williammandamythtv scans basic cable for me.....17:23
williammandascans transponders for channels17:23
williammandatgm4883, is there a way to output the existing scanned channel on myth to a channels.conf file?17:39
* stevecam increased the timeout17:45
tgm4883williammanda, sorry stepped out for a bit19:31
tgm4883is that the tail end of your backend log file?19:31
williammandayes...just posted after the last restart19:32
tgm4883backend logs (well all logs) can be rather large19:32
tgm4883thats why we made the log grabber utility19:32
tgm4883unfortunatly I don't see any errors though19:32
williammandafyi this log is from the master backend with pchdtv 5000 & dvico hdtv gold pcie19:33
williammandathe slave backend works fine19:33
williammandaI loaded 9.04 and started entering data in the frontend for channels...19:34
williammandaexited nythtv....entered mythtv again....could watch libe tv19:34
tgm4883so there is 4 hours of backend logs there, and the problem occured durinng that time?19:34
tgm4883williammanda, wait so it works now?19:35
williammandanot on the master backend19:35
williammandasorry typo couldn't19:36
williammandalet me get the error now and post both back & frontend logs19:36
williammandahold on19:36
tgm4883ok, so let me see if I have this setup correct.  You have a master backend and a slave backend.  You can watch shows from the slave but not the master19:36
tgm4883where is the frontend in this situation?19:37
tgm4883is it on one of those machines?  or is it for all frontends that it doesn't work?19:37
williammandaboth frontends are local to the backends19:37
tgm4883ok, and you can't watch video from the master backend on either frontend?19:38
williammandamaster backend & frontend - watch live tv - not working19:38
williammandaslave backend & frontend - watch live tv - working19:38
tgm4883ok, what happens if you go to the master backend & frontend and try to watch video from the slave backend?19:39
tgm4883or if you go to the slave frontend & backend and try to watch video from the master backend?19:39
williammandait won't let me on live tv to switch inputs19:39
williammandasorry wait19:39
williammandahold on...I will test19:40
williammandafrom the slave backend & front end...19:42
williammandaI can use both tuners on the master backend19:43
williammandawatching live tv19:43
tgm4883williammanda, ok, what about using the slave tuners from the master backend/frontend?19:45
williammandaI can watch live tv from the master backend19:45
williammanda & frontend19:46
williammandaI can't19:46
tgm4883so it does seem like a problem with the frontend on the master backend/frontend then19:46
tgm4883what versions of mythtv are you using on your master and slave systems?19:47
williammanda9.04 muthbuntu19:47
tgm4883sorry, do a "dpkg -l mythtv-frontend"19:48
tgm4883looking for something like "0.21.0+fixes20455"19:48
tgm4883do it for mythtv-backend too19:48
tgm48832 things.  1) can you widen your terminal so I can see the full version number19:50
tgm48832)  can you do that for both master and slave systems19:50
tgm4883williammanda, is that your master or slave system?19:54
tgm4883ok, can you do it on your slave toO?19:55
williammandahttp://pastebin.com/m30bdb458           slave backend20:01
tgm4883hmm, welll that looks fine20:03
tgm4883can you get it to error out again and give the logs again20:03
williammandafyi...this how I installed....20:04
williammandaload ubuntu 9.04 then add mythbuntu control center.....this is why20:05
williammandawhen I loaded mythbuntu cd and changed desktops to gnome....20:05
williammandait black out the remote desktop setup in preferences20:06
williammandaI will re-create the error and send logs20:07
williammandahttp://pastebin.com/m3a42c515   frontend log20:09
williammandahttp://pastebin.com/m6423a554    backend log20:09
williammandathe error at the end of the backend log...20:12
williammandais from me removing some videos from the master backend recordings folder....20:13
williammandaI was just about to re-install.....but I thought I would give you a try first20:14
tgm4883i'm not finding a whole lot of concrete info about this error20:16
tgm4883what is your source for tv?  cable, satellite, antenna?20:16
williammandacomcast cable20:17
williammandaI have never had this problem before ....during the last 3 yrs20:17
tgm4883and is it just live tv that doesn't work, or is it also recorded content?20:18
williammandajust live tv.....recorded tv and videos work20:18
williammandaLike I said earlier...20:20
williammandawhen this happened the first time.....after much research I decided to del all the tuners...20:20
williammandacreated news ones and every frontend worked with live tv....20:21
williammandawithin an hour the problem came back on the master front/back end20:21
tgm4883and nothing else changed in that hour?20:21
williammandashould I do this again?20:22
tgm4883how old is the DB?20:22
williammandadb = database?20:22
williammanda12 hours maybe20:23
williammandasince I installed the new tuners20:23
williammandainitial os install was 24 hr ago20:23
tgm4883how old total?20:23
tgm4883and how old is the system?20:23
tgm4883is it a new DB or did you restore it from an older time?20:24
williammandacomputer is a core 2 quad 9300...1 year old20:24
williammandaclean install20:24
tgm4883williammanda, ok, just to verify, you CAN use your slave frontend to watch live TV using the tuners from your MASTER backend?20:28
tgm4883how do you get your program guide data?20:30
williammandaschedules direct20:32
tgm4883do your recording schedules that use tuners from your master backend still work?20:33
williammandaone is recording now20:34
tgm4883and the show is viewable?20:34
tgm4883ie, it's not just a black recording or a recording with a size of 020:35
williammandait is viewable through watch recorded shows....20:35
williammandabasically I can do everything but view live tv20:37
williammandaon the master back/front end20:37
tgm4883what storage groups do you have setup?20:37
williammandastandard....used default20:38
tgm4883do you have a live tv storage group?20:38
williammandano....I don't edit that ....just use the default20:39
tgm4883do you have guide data for all your channels?20:40
williammandaexcept for 2 -3 channels20:40
williammandathe tuners are set to a good channel....initial channel20:41
tgm4883sorry, i'm stumped then.20:42
williammandame too.....20:42
williammandaI don't want to re-install and get the same problem...20:42
williammandathe channel data is a killer20:42
williammandais there anything in the db that we could loo at?20:43
tgm4883it's strange, cause you say it can record from those tuners just fine, just not watch live tv20:43
williammandacould you tell me how to safely look at the db?20:44
tgm4883and live tv VS recorded content isn't really that different20:44
williammandayes I agree20:44
tgm4883you could use phpmyadmin to browse through the db20:44
williammandais that loaded?20:44
tgm4883and there really isn't any reason that it would work for a while then just stop working20:44
tgm4883and if you redo the tuners, it works for a while again20:45
williammandaI just loaded php.....web server to reconfigure auto? 2 options ...apache2 ....lighttpd? which?20:46
williammandacommand to start php?20:49
tgm4883in a web browser, go to http://backendip/phpmyadmin20:50
williammandausername and password?20:51
tgm4883root, and whatever you set for your root password for mysql20:53
tgm4883IIRC, default is blank20:53
williammandaI didn't set a password fro mysql20:53
tgm4883if I recall correctly20:54
williammandaaccess denied20:54
williammandausing root & no password20:55
tgm4883well then you must have set a password during install?20:55
williammandaI never do...I select enter not toduring setup20:56
williammandahow can I find out?20:56
tgm4883I suppose try your mythtv password20:57
tgm4883you can find that in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt20:57
tgm4883if that password doesn't work20:57
tgm4883!mysql | williammanda20:57
Zinnwilliammanda: If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common20:57
williammandaok....mythtv & mythtv password worked20:58
williammandaok logically....if del the tuners fixed sonething....wouldn't that be the first area to look at?21:00
williammandachannels, input card?21:01
williammandasomething strange....21:03
williammandalooking at cardinput....21:04
williammandaI have 3 tunes each setup with 3 channels....21:04
williammandaso 9 inputs total21:05
tgm4883are you using multirec?21:05
williammandathe first tuner's startchan is 434 434 433....21:06
williammanda3rd tuner's startchan is 432 432 43421:06
williammandasecond tuner is startchan 434 434 43421:06
williammandayes record up 3 channels?21:07
williammandawhy is the start channel not the same across the tuner?21:07
tgm4883it should only be a single channel21:09
tgm4883not 321:09
williammandahow can I send this to you?21:10
tgm4883just do a screenshot and put it on imagebin21:11
tgm4883thats not the starting channels21:16
williammandasorry....sent 2nd photo 1st21:16
tgm4883ok, and i'll assume that you do have unencrypted channels up around 43421:18
williammandayes these are hdtv ...cbs, nbc, etc...21:19
williammandacan I change this?21:20
tgm4883no it's fine21:21
tgm4883ok try this21:22
tgm4883is anything recording at the moment?21:22
tgm4883ok, and you have channel data for 432, 433, and 434?21:24
tgm4883ok, try the live tv and see if it bugs out21:24
williammandamaster frontend?21:25
williammanday it does21:25
tgm4883it bugs out, ok21:25
tgm4883how did you determine which channels you have?  Did you do a scan, or did you import from Schedules direct?21:26
williammandamythtv scan.....viewed on master backend with frontend edit and entered channel data21:27
tgm4883everything appears to be fine, I guess try removing the tuners again, note which channel they are set to by default.  If it happens again we can retry to set the starting channel21:29
williammandacan't we chabge the start chan now?21:30
tgm4883you can, but i'd like a known working channel21:30
tgm4883doesn't hurt to try first though I guess21:30
williammandachange it in myth or db?21:30
tgm4883i'd change it in myth21:31
williammandak hold on21:31
tgm4883maybe it doesn't like quicktune either21:31
williammandadidn't help21:37
tgm4883yea you have quicktune turned on for your tuners21:38
tgm4883you can set that to 0 or turn it off in mythtv-setup21:38
williammandashould I?21:39
tgm4883worth a shot21:39
williammandano change21:41
tgm4883alright I suggest removing them and reinstalling then21:41
williammandaok here's what happened....21:49
williammandaremoved all tuners....21:49
williammandainstalled both tuners on MB/FE21:49
williammandatested and they worked21:49
williammandainstalled tuner on SB/FE and tested MB/FE tuners worked OK21:50
williammandaneeded to restart MB so SB tuner would work and21:50
williammandaI tried MB/FE and the problem is back21:51
williammandaI remember now...this is the same steps I took but I didn't try the MB/FE until an hour later21:53
williammandathe second test21:53
williammandaso maybe I need to just remove all tuners and only install the MB/FE and see if it works after restarting the MB/FE21:54
williammandaremoved all tuners....22:02
williammandainstalled both tuners on MB/FE22:03
williammandatested and they worked 5 times.....opened and closed myhtv and selected both tuners22:03
williammandarestarted MB/FE...22:04
williammandatested MB/FE tuners and the are still working22:04
williammandaso at this point...MB/FE is working OK so far22:05
williammandanow I will go and install SB/FE tuner and test MB/FE tuner before restarting MB/FE22:05
robrideI hope somebody can help me with getting the tv card to work, the ivtv drivers say they are loaded and the test.mpg works but no front end will pick up the tv card.  I have a pvr150mce.  also I am pretty new to linux so bear with me, TIA22:07
williammandaOK solved....22:14
williammandaI changed one thing.....22:14
williammandathe SB/FE....in the BE setup.....local backend ip address was
williammandaI changed it to the ip address and the MB/FE works fine now22:15
williammandathanks tgm488322:16
tgm4883williammanda, so it all works now?22:16
williammandarobride please provide more info on your system22:16
williammandayes tgm488322:16
tgm4883williammanda, thats great, I hope it stays that way22:16
williammandawhy would that fix it?22:17
robridesuch as22:17
williammandayour os, what equipment you22:17
tgm4883robride, how did you set the card up in mythtv-setup?22:17
williammandaversion, etc....22:17
tgm4883williammanda, well the ip should be the actual one, not the localhost one22:18
tgm4883i'm not sure why that worked without it22:18
robridetried to set up22:18
williammandatgm4883, when yo get a chance...one more problem...intel video22:20
williammandaxorg.conf setup issue22:22
TechnophilHi guys, does anyone know how we can stream to mplayer from the DVB-T HDHomerun?22:29
TechnophilI can't get udp://@:1234 to work22:32
dgs_i've got a phillip's Full HD TV that I've been running at 1280x720 and it the gui looks pretty nice (in terms of fonts etc). I've just been playing with pushing the video up to 1920x1080 which the tv seems to handle fine, however the fonts become noticeably jagged. movies etc look fine - it's just the myth gui that affected. anyone know what could cause this?22:52
williammandadgs_, is this the native resolution of the tv?23:16
dgs_williammanda, native res should be 1920x1080 i assume.23:16
williammandalook at your Xorg. log file and see what is going on...resolution and dpi setting23:17
williammandaare yo using nvidia driver?23:17
dgs_yup nvidia23:17
dgs_hmm. maybe it's not running at 1920: 88 (WW) NVIDIA(0): The EDID for Philips 1080p TV (3) (DFP-0) contradicts itself:23:18
dgs_  389 (WW) NVIDIA(0):     mode "1920x1080" is specified in the EDID; however, the23:18
dgs_  390 (WW) NVIDIA(0):     EDID's valid HorizSync range (31.000-80.000 kHz) would23:18
dgs_  391 (WW) NVIDIA(0):     exclude this mode's HorizSync (28.1 kHz); ignoring23:18
williammandafind out what the dpi is set to23:19
dgs_oh, (II) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes:23:19
dgs_  500 (II) NVIDIA(0):     "1920x1080+0+0"23:19
dgs_  501 (**) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size configured to be 1920 x 120023:19
dgs_that 1920x1200 would be messing things up right?23:19
williammandaopen nvidia setting or look at the xorg file23:19
williammandayou want the native resolution...best23:20
dgs_yeah, odd that - not sure where it would have come from23:21
dgs_i'll drop it back to 1080 and see what sort of difference it makes23:21
williammandawhat os are you running?23:21
williammandasystem-admin-nvidia server settings....23:22
williammandaselect x screen....what is the dpi?23:22
williammandayou can also chnage the resolution here too23:22
dgs_dgs@mythbox:~$ system-admin-nvidia server settings23:23
dgs_-bash: system-admin-nvidia: command not found23:23
dgs_nvidia-settings is working, but doesn't seem to contain much23:23
williammandaver of mythbuntu?23:24
dgs_9.04 in theory23:24
dgs_just ran a dist-upgrade a few days ago23:24
williammandathat wasn't a command....it was directions to select nvidia from the menu23:24
dgs_which seems to have worked, but seems just like the version i had before =P23:24
dgs_oh :p23:24
williammandaare you running xfce?23:25
dgs_right, i'm gonna have to have to that at the pc (rather that via x forwarding)23:25
dgs_yup, xfce23:25
williammandanvidia is at the botoom of the menu then23:26
dgs_which will need to wait til the tv is not being used - I'll have a play and see if changing that 1200 -> 1080 helps23:26
dgs_cheers for your help =)23:26

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