
Myrtti!search fix00:00
ubottuFound: aptfix, xorg.conf, fixapt, emerald, adeptcrashfix, adept fix, fixres, ttyerror, exploit, questions-#ubuntu-classroom-chat00:00
Seeker`no floodbots?00:02
ubottunightrid3r called the ops in #ubuntu (sdfahlsdjkfh)00:05
bazhangalready banned by floodbot, and quit00:06
Seeker`why didn't the floodbots catch the earlier DCCs?00:07
bazhangtalk about lag..00:07
Seeker`i'm on a laggy net connection00:07
Seeker`there is about 2 seconds between me hitting a key and it appearing in irssi00:07
Seeker`so any typos are because I can't see what i am typing00:07
Seeker`and I have often finished typing the sentenace and hit enter before the text appears on the screen00:07
bazhangthat is serious lag00:08
bazhang* [Shockrates] (n=Shockrat@ purple  trolling and #megworld seem to often collide00:39
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (Shockrates)00:40
ikoniabazhang: #megworld is one of the sebsebseb run channels00:40
bazhangikonia, aha00:40
bazhangshockrates was k'd, then returned for more00:40
ikoniaI'll check this out a little more know00:40
ikoniawell well, it also has mr_bo_jangles in there00:41
ikoniaand floryn00:41
ikoniaso another troll pit00:41
ikoniayup http://paste.ubuntu.com/179154/00:50
ikoniatroll pit00:50
ikoniasebsebseb and his mates play stupid little games00:51
bazhangholy cow!00:51
ikoniait's not that bad, it's just stupid kids playing stupid games00:51
ikoniathey have just been kicked out of ##windows00:51
bazhangdidnt think sebsebseb would go that low00:52
ikonia00:51 < Shockrates> classic prank00:52
ikonia00:52 < Shockrates> i pulled it on ubuntu guys00:52
bazhang'who's a pron expert here' or something to that effect when he entered the channel00:53
ikoniakeep an out, he's kit #gentoo #skype #fedora ##windows (banned from a few) stating he'll be back under a different IP/nick shortly01:03
ikoniahe's still online but in no channels01:03
ikonia@ is his current ip from @
ikoniaTELLAS Telecommunication Services S.A.01:03
ikoniaonline as LabYrintH01:04
ikoniajust changed nick01:04
bazhangdont know how you do that :)01:05
ikoniawhat ?01:05
ikonianow viol1nist01:05
Seeker`ikonia: you are in the channe?01:07
ikoniayes, I joined after seeing all the usual suspects in it01:08
Seeker`can someone have a look at harri_ in #u? lastlog looks a bit weird to me01:36
mindrapepici - and that ban was for... ?02:11
mindrapelet me guess... requested by elky?02:11
Picimindrape: No?02:12
Picimindrape: It was in regards to the ban set on the 17th that was not lifted.02:12
mindrapeand what was that ban for?02:12
Picimindrape: That was the one originally set for your choice of nick.02:12
mindrapeand how on earth did I get back in if it wasn't lifted?02:12
Seeker`you got a cloak02:12
Picimindrape: Because you were not sporting this cloak when you were banned.02:13
Seeker`the ban was set on your hostmask02:13
mindrapeI've had this cloak for ages.02:13
PiciThen you werent identified when you were banned.02:13
mindrapeah, so it was elky... imagine that.02:13
Seeker`no, it wasn't elky02:13
PiciI'm not sure why you think that...02:13
mindrapeyes, yes it was.02:13
mindrapeit's obvious... but I'll let you be lame about it anyhow.  I've discussed this in detail and plenty of other ops felt this wasnt an issue.02:14
mindrapeI have my complaint in... hopefully somebody sets you all straight and gets some level-headed people in here soon.02:14
mindrapein the meantime...02:14
LjLban evasion aside - he was banned for having "mindrape" as a nick?02:25
PiciYes. Its been brought up to the IRCC for appeals.02:25
LjLyou better not make it go to the CC, by my reckoning.02:25
Seeker`I dont have a particular problem with him being there under a different nick02:28
LjLi don't have a particular problem with him being there under his nick02:28
Seeker`other ops have expressed a dislie for the nickname02:29
LjLyeah, i don't particularly like many people nicknames either, sometimes they're just long, other times the initial clash with nicks i tab complete often02:30
LjLhell sometimes they even started with "lj" or "ljl", which gets so horribly much on my nerves02:30
elkyLjL, he gets banned because when asked to change his nick, he calls the op pathetic or some other insult and requests to be banned.02:32
LjLthat's fair enough, not a good attitude. i don't really believe he should be asked to change his nickname for a start, though.02:35
elkyand he's waging a personal war against me currently because i banned him under similar circumstances in 2007, and sent him a solitary un-responded-to message that it would be distressing to victims.02:35
bazhangits a disturbing nick to say the very least. repugnant even. perhaps falls under coc02:36
elkyLjL, i once knew a victim who had panic attacks through flashbacks whenever she read of it.02:36
elkyso to trivialise it is really not a smart thing.02:37
bazhangthe fact that he refuses to bend at all, in sensitivity to others seems to be the sticking point02:38
LjLyes well i might have panic attacks when i see the word "apple" because i was raped by someone who was eating an apple but that doesn't make it an unjustifiable nick, you can check merriam-webster for the "archaic", generic definition of "rape" ("to seize and take away by force") which is clearly being used in this compound word02:38
LjLall in all i think if you all stopped dissecting people's nicknames and things like that and actually looked at what happens in #ubuntu instead, the talking-people count wouldn't be going down02:38
elkyLjL, it's not 'clearly' at all.02:38
elkyLjL, we get complaints about the nickname, so it's not *us* dissecting it in the first place. however this guy has been asked to change for years and is completely dismissive and rude about it.02:41
LjLyes, that's silly of him. if i were him, i'd say "what, the ops of this channels are taking requests to change my nickname seriously? meh, i'd better find a channel that makes sense"02:41
elkyhis january ban is especially disturbing and not a picture of the angel he claims to be either.02:42
LjLif you listened to everything some people complain about, i'd probably have to change my nickname too.02:42
bazhangone user had a disturbing nick (cant remember what) and was asked to change to more family friendly, so he /nick'd familyfriendly02:43
LjLthis "mindrape" fellow might easily be the most obnoxious person in the world, i have no real trouble believing that, just taking his nickname as unacceptable is meh.02:44
bazhang#ubuntu is a shared resource; if some are disturbed by his nick then that should be reason enough to change it.02:44
LjLif someone is disturbed by my nick for some reason, i will not change it.02:44
bazhangand he has been asked very politely to do so, only to be met with hostility02:45
bazhangit's a simple request, and does not put him out at all.02:45
elkyLjL, the bottom line is that we are taking due consideration to complaints and forwarding the requests rather than being dismissive. his behaviour in response is what gets him into trouble, not the nick.02:46
LjLyou people have all gone completely overboard over petty things (and *under*board on things that actually matter, only kicking people repeatedly or saying "please don't do that" repeatedly when they're being clear spammers), #ubuntu is losing popularity because of that, and that's only obvious.02:46
elkyLjL, then leave.02:46
bazhangI think its less used because it needs less configuring with better kernels and such.02:46
LjLthank for you making a decent place so sad. i liked it once.02:47
PiciI personally am happy with hearing criticism, but only if its in a constructive fashion.02:47
Seeker`or fix it02:47
elkythese tantrums do us no justice.02:47
* Pici sighs02:47
bazhangirc without drama is not irc02:47
Seeker`s/irc/the internets/02:48
elkyirc should not be where we have to deal with ex-ops who insist on waging the contrarian war against us directly and distracting us from the stuff they accuse us of ignoring.02:49
bazhanghe's more than just ex-op02:49
Flannelelky: Just because he's not an op anymore doesn't mean he doesn't have a point.02:50
bazhangnot sure why sebsebseb should be allowed in #ubuntu anymore with all the #megworld trollpit behaviour02:50
Flannelbazhang: Because #ubuntu has nothing to do with #megworld?02:50
elkyFlannel, he might have a point, but this way of bringing it about is *NOT* helpful at all. nor was your behaviour yesterday.02:50
FlannelOr, I misunderstood that.02:50
bazhangits his channel, and they stage all the raids from there02:50
Flannelbazhang: ah02:50
Flannelelky: If you really care so much, I'll wait for people to leave before telling you that you're "being a dick".  Not that there aren't logs or anything.02:51
elkyFlannel, your behaviour yesterday led a certain someone to accuse me of banning him.02:51
Flannelelky: No, he was doing that beforehand.02:51
elkyFlannel, well how nice of you to clarify that, rather than 'stick it to me' in front of him.02:52
Flannelelky: The fact that he was here had nothing to do with anything.  There was a problem, I thought it needed to be dealt with.  Just because someone is an op, doesn't mean they aren't held to the same standards our users are.02:53
elkyi banned him once 2 years ago, and sent one un-responded-to pm to him yesterday. suddenly i am the evil one.02:53
elkyFlannel, you allowed him to go overboard. then helped him along by insulting me.02:53
Flannelelky: Erm, I imagine the "evil one" notion came from the conversation yesterday, not anything to do with me.02:53
elkyFlannel, no, i apparently 'repeatedly ban' him.02:53
Flannel*I* allowed him to go overboard?02:54
Flannelhow on earth would I allow him to go overboard?02:54
elkywell you certainly didnt do anything to stop him.02:54
FlannelStop him from doing what?  Having a conversation where he discussed his point of view?02:54
elkyyou didnt stop him comparing 'dogmeat' to 'rape'02:55
Seeker`Pici: do you have a problem with me removing mindrapes cloak ban and changing it to nick-only?02:55
FlannelI'm sorry, but if not agreeing 100% with the partyline is so much of a crime, then yes, I'm a criminal.02:55
PiciSeeker`: As long as you include a wildcard at the end in case of mindrape___ ,etc02:55
Seeker`/mode #ubuntu mindrape*!*@* ?02:56
PiciSeeker`: yes02:57
Flannelelky: He was making a valid argument.  Regardless of what I think about the matter, he has the right to make said argument.02:57
Pici+b though02:57
Seeker`yeah, sory02:57
Seeker`it is 3am :)02:57
elkyFlannel, he had no right to do it in the way he did it. especially not starting out in a manner that dismisses all previous conversations as 'unintelligent'02:57
PiciMay I ask where this conversation took place? I don't seem to have it in my logs.02:58
elkyPici, this channel.02:58
Picielky: hm... okay02:58
elkyPici, in response to being asked to change his nick, mindrape joined here and declared all previous communications 'unintelligent' and proceeded to dismiss how a victim of rape may perceive his name, then proceeded to list other nicks such as dogmeat as being on par with the effect of rape.02:59
elkyall the while flannel agreed with him and even at one point called me childish. and i'm supposed to sit back and *like* the spanking.03:00
FlannelPici: just read the logs03:00
Flannelelky: You and I are operators.  We have an obligation to remain civil and mindful during our activities.  Personal vendettas don't accomplish anything.03:02
elkyi was called childish because i mused that my butcher sells 'dog meat'03:02
elkyFlannel, what personal vendetta?!03:02
elkyFlannel, it's not personal at all.03:03
elkyit's about the nick and the repulsive disregard for other people's concerns03:04
elkyno wonder he thinks it's personal if you said it was in front of him.03:04
FlannelWhen did I say it was personal in front of him?03:05
FlannelHeck, when did I say this one was personal?03:05
PiciFlannel: You just did a few moments ago, and while mindrape was parted from the channel the other day.03:06
FlannelPici: When?  The vendetta comment?  That was a general statement.03:07
PiciI think we should all calm down a little bit and talk constructively here.  Its okay if we disagree, but the tensions here are really high.03:07
FlannelPici: If mindrape was parted, it wasn't in front of him, yes?  Or am I confused03:07
Pici <Flannel> elky: You need to ditch the personal crusades.  You're trivializing all of the work the operators do.03:07
elkyFlannel, he reads the logs03:07
Flannelelky: so what does it matter if its infront of him or not re: last night?03:08
PiciFlannel: You're right, it wasn't.  But we're all stressed out by this so she may have been mistaken.03:08
elkyFlannel, because the irc council got a mail today, claiming that i repeately ban him and have a personal vendetta on him.03:08
PiciAnd yes, the email did say that. I have no idea where it came from.03:09
elkyPici, my point was 'no wonder, if'03:09
PiciI mean I know where the email came from, but I don't know where this idea of a vendetta.03:09
Picielky: ah.  I missed the 'if'03:09
elkyFlannel, his behaviour is not exemplary either, if the part message you banned him for in january is anything to go by03:10
PiciBut regardless of whatever we're talking about, we should just take a few deep breaths, and talk like adults.03:10
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:10
Picibanlist full?03:11
Piciwrong mode :/03:11
elkyunless the mibbits are back...03:13
bazhangswooley makes bacta look sane03:13
elkybacta is not sane, trust me on this one.03:14
bazhangexactly my point03:14
Picivorian: thanks03:16
vorianit's a friggin blitzkreig03:16
bazhangmmmiiikkkke in #kubuntu is likely traveler6 from -ot fame03:17
elkyfor crying out loud, now what is ljl doing? please tell me he's not going down the 'your offense offends me' path03:22
bazhanghow to change chans in quassel03:23
Flannelbazhang: right click server, Join Channel, enter name03:24
bazhangFlannel, thanks, he figured it out :)03:24
Picielky: I think he may have just realized that not everyone is going to agree on this.03:25
elkyit looks awfully like someone is 'sticking it to' a complainant.03:25
PiciIts obviously a touchy subject.03:25
elky* DarkNight2 (n=kavita@ has left #ubuntu-offtopic03:50
elkylets guess who.03:51
elkyvorian, still around?03:53
elkyalso * #ubuntu-offtopic n=kavita irc.freenode.net DarkNight1 G :0 purple03:54
vorianelky: yes'm03:56
elkyvorian, was asus-tek/hynix/etc klined, can you remember?03:58
elkyand if so. how long ago did it expire03:58
voriannot familiar with that one03:58
ubottuAnd the magical fairies came in and stole the crown from underneath the apple tree...05:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:10
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Please discuss these rules themselves only in #ubuntu-ops. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)05:12
Flannelot isn't in -ot apparently05:12
FlannelOh, but...05:12
ubottuot-#ubuntu-ops has no aliases - added by Mez on 2008-06-11 14:45:5405:13
ubottuot is <alias> offtopic - added by LjL on 2007-02-14 17:11:0405:13
FlannelAliases are done before channel redirectionish stuff05:13
Flannelso, !ot aliases "offtopic" which redirects to !offtopic-#ubuntu-offtopic05:13
elkywe have duplication though, as !o4o != !offtopic05:20
Flannelyeah, that's odd.05:21
Flannellooks like the root factoid for offtopic is offtopic4offtopic05:23
Flanneland then o4o is the other05:24
rwwSo... I was doing my daily "find obscure factoids for fun and profit" activity, when I noticed that there's apparently a !ツ-#ubuntu-offtopic, but I can't seem to get it to trigger. Any idea what it is?06:07
rww!search ツ06:08
ubottuFound: ツ-#ubuntu-offtopic, seveas06:08
elkyhow odd...06:09
rwwYeah, doesn't work in -offtopic, either06:09
elkyi think i see why...06:10
elkyrww, does that # look non-normal to you?06:11
elkyit does to me. it looks kind of 'italic' to me06:12
rwwnothing happens when I do /msg ubottu !-ツ-#ubuntu-offtopic either. Generally with non-existant factoids, it'll throw an error.06:12
rwwthey normally look italic to me =/06:12
rwwI suspect ubottu wasn't coded with unicode factoid triggers in mind.06:13
elkyit wasnt06:13
elkysupybot support for unicode sucks.06:13
rwwaha! I grabbed the raw .db and opened it in a text editor (>.>): "the katakana character 'tsu' - often abused as smiley by Seveas and a truckload of other copycats ッ"06:18
rwwinteresting. I guess whoever added it was being particularly tricky that day.06:24
rwwanyway, by the look of -ot, you might need this room for stuff soon, so I'll get going. 06:24
mneptokoh good, some privacy.06:37
* mneptok pees in the corner06:37
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !google is <reply> Telling people to "google it" instead of answering their problem is rude; many users aren't proficient with google, or want help from a person. For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux06:42
naliothright.  JFGI is rude, so we'll just tack it on to the end of the factoid, anyway  :|06:44
mneptok"lol" as punctuation is becoming really, REALLY tiresome07:16
elkymneptok, "becoming"?07:16
mneptokugh, i canna take no more.07:20
mneptokmaybe i'll go to bed so woo and i can tootle around in the new vehicles tomorrow.07:20
mneptokalthough i think a massive laundry mission is in order.07:20
mneptokit will be interesting when these teenagers are in their middle age, and professionals.07:22
mneptok"Your son has an inoperable malignant tumor. I'd say the best prognosis gives him six weeks to live lol."07:22
mneptok"My fellow Americans, we have commenced unrestricted nuclear warfare with China lol."07:23
elkyyou're assuming they'll spend enough time studying to achieve the skills to become a doctor or president.07:25
elky(the ones on irc, anyway)07:25
elkyand besides, it'd be "My fellow Americans, we have commenced unrestricted nuclear pwnage of China lol."07:26
mneptoktwo words. "Bush Jr"07:31
mneptokweep for the future.07:31
elkywe did make it through that without nucular war.07:32
mneptokprobably because he couldn't find the button labelled "PWN"07:32
topylijust the other day i witnessed "lol" on a mailing list for activity theorists, well read and educated people07:54
zeromodI would like to complain a bit if that's fine by you.08:02
Hobbseego ahead08:03
zeromodI feel it could be best relayed by my post on the forums. It includes the relevant log files if I can link that?08:03
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, AtomicSpark said: !docky is one of the many themes for Gnome-Do. http://do.davebsd.com/wiki/index.php?title=Docky08:03
elkyzeromod, you could do your case a lot of justice by using basic formatting and grammar.08:06
zeromodI'm not much of a typer.08:06
zeromodI can type rather fast, but my format is horrid. Sorry.08:06
elkyalso, as mneptok was a support person for Canonical for many years, his advice is as good as it gets.08:07
zeromodHe offered no "advice"08:08
elkyhe advised you to not encourage flippant use of chmod.08:08
zeromodhe simply refused to read the advice I provided. Rather simple advice really, I told the gent to read a man page on chmod 08:08
zeromodand If you would read the text you would see I was doing the exact opposite of that.08:08
zeromodthe only reason i mentioned chmod is because he was gearing to run a local web server08:08
elkythat is still bad advice.08:09
zeromodI clearly stated to sudo gedit the php file, and to read chmod and that it was indeed a risky thing to go crazy with.08:09
zeromodbad advice to read a man page?08:09
elkyno, to encourage the use of chmod for web servers.08:10
zeromodNothing was encouraged other than reading a man page. And you will certainly have to change permissions on files on a web server I have numerous domains myself and the first thing you have to do with any commercial or non script is usally to modify permissions of certain files. especially in social networking apps to allow templates to be uploaded by end users etc.08:11
elkyreading further, you then proceeded to try mock and ridicule mneptok.08:11
zeromodI told him quite simply to sudo edit the file and in the meantime to read up on chmod because it will be something he will need to know if he is going to running php scripts.08:11
zeromodYes after he clearly baited me to do so.08:11
zeromodSimilarly you immediately strike my grammatical prowess in my complaint.08:12
zeromodYes I was upset but if you say you wouldn't have been, it would be silly.08:12
elkyi certainly would not be disrespectful and rude, like you were.08:13
elkyand from what i see, that's what you got removed for.08:13
elkyalso, the implication that we as ops are not allowed to assist or counter bad advice is plain wrong.08:14
zeromodRespect is earned, long time member or not it was unfounded to speak to me like that. How would you like it, if you were in front of peers helping someone to the best of your ability and then I were to say. You can't help them that way Clear!?08:14
zeromodYou also read wrong, I never implied that you couldn't counter bad advice that's ridiculous.08:14
elkyzeromod, you're not making sense.08:14
elkyzeromod, you termed it 'picking fights'. i term it 'countering bad advice'08:15
zeromodApparently you have read into my comments that I am implying that you cannot counter bad advice correct? I'm saying thats wrong.08:15
zeromodSo then the rule is, to be clear that "bad advice" such as reading a man page. Is what is not the as mneptok put it so well "the preferred method"?08:16
elky(02:07:53 AM) zeromod: hshan1 that would be safer that chmod 0777 something that sounds like it's going to be on a web server <-- sounds plainly like you missed 'you' between 'that' and 'chmod'08:16
elkyand i would have taken an issue with that too.08:16
zeromodthe inquiring party read my statements before and after which made it quite clear that I was in no way telling him to chmod the file, not to mention mneptok was telling him as well. 08:17
Hobbseeaieee, there's advocation aboutmaking things world readable on a web server?08:18
elkyi'm struggling to find the other statements with the absence of formatting.08:18
elkyHobbsee, calm down.08:18
zeromodI see, I'll end this then. I'm in no mood to be jumped here. Goodbye.08:18
* Hobbsee goes back to coding08:18
elkyi'm seriously struggling to follow that conversation...08:19
elkymneptok, shame on you for not realising that the 'oh but you could also just' counteracted any and mentions of chmod.08:21
elkys/any and/any and all/08:22
elkydinner time08:26
ikoniaan interesting thing to note in that log that zeromod posted http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7336369#post733636911:01
ikonia(02:03:13 AM) ravelon [n=adminski@254-162-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] entered the room11:01
ikoniawho is klined11:01
elkyspouting crap?11:03
ikonianope silent11:03
ikoniasame client, same ISP, same ident, same channels (some of them) as vertix11:04
ikoniaput a forward on here11:04
ikoniaanother non-registered nick11:04
ikoniaonly started appearing in #ubuntu / ##linux / #css (vertix channels too) day after vertix was klined11:05
ikoniathink that's a reasonable reason to talk to him about it ?11:05
ikoniasorry, I should say "I think"11:05
ikonianow what the devil has been going on in here last night, looks very heated11:06
ikoniaupdate 07:03 -!- ravelon [n=adminski@254-162-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] is the exact ip of vertix11:21
ikonianot just same iprange, same actual ip+ident+channel list, I'll leave the forward in place11:21
mopzhi could i please get unbanned from #ubuntu?14:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:32
ubottuError: You are not identified14:32
Tm_Tmopz: I believe you need to talk with Pici about this14:36
Tm_Tmopz: but, you know why you were banned? and you have learned from this?14:37
mopzi promise i won't do it again14:37
Seeker`stgraber_: how can we help you?16:50
stgraber_hey there, I'm looking for someone who could increase my channel limit on freenode as I recently reached it and now have to use two irssi to be in all my channels.16:50
Seeker`try #freenode16:50
Mamarokhuhu stgraber_ :)16:50
stgraber_hi Mamarok16:50
stgraber_Seeker`: hobbsee sent me there but yeah I'll try again on #freenode, thanks16:51
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Seeker`stgraber_: if there is nothing else you need, can I ask you to leave this channel please16:56
* mneptok reads scrool17:16
mneptokoh *yay* :/17:16
* jussi01 bites mneptok17:32
* mneptok tastes like chicken!17:39
jussi01!away > The_Toxic_Mite20:20
Seeker`nalioth: can you prod the logs please?21:11
* nalioth prods Seeker` with a log21:25
Seeker`nalioth: thankyou kind sir21:26
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Tanner3 said: !smack is ouch22:49
Seeker`Tanner3: how can we help you?:22:51
Tanner3oops, no, just exploring22:51
Seeker`Unless you have an issue we can help with, I would ask you not to idle in this channel22:52
Tanner3now, i have a question about the bot22:53
Tanner3do you mind if i use one of the factoids for Mozilla bots?22:53
Seeker`you mean copying the text of the factoids?22:54
Seeker`I dont think it would be a problem, although I don't runt he bots22:54
Tanner3They aren't copyrighted(sp?), are they?22:55
Seeker`I dont know22:57

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